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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68809 Scrutamini scripturas the exhortation of a Spanish conuerted monke: collected out of the Spanishe authours themselues, to reade and peruse the holy scriptures; contrary to the prohibition of the Pope and Church of Rome, whose tyranny in this point plainely appeares to euery mans view. With other occurrences of no small importance. Tejeda, Fernando de, fl. 1623. 1624 (1624) STC 23922; ESTC S106037 49,742 76

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sacred Scripture the onely meanes to know vnderstand and distinguish which is the true and which the false Religion what kinde of worship and manner of seruice and honour hee enioyneth and approoues of and what hee inhibiteth and detesteth but Sathan the father of lies and author of darkenes perceiuing that by this way alone his fraud is disanulled his darkenesse dissipated and the vanity on which his kingdome is grounded luculently detected whence results his eminent ruine Finding by the long experience of his losses that such miserable men as he hath captiuated vnto death and bound with the chaines of ignorance and blindnesse being irradiated with this heauenly light doe escape out of his prison and are transported into the liberty of the sonnes of God Hence it comes to passe that though by the quality of his peruerse and cursed disposition he abominates and persecuteth all the means that ten● to the good and saluation of mankinde yet with more singular diligence and extraordinary violence he hath euer opposed will neuer intermit to resist vntil God altogether bridle him vp the bookes of sacred Writ Now amongst all the persecutions and wars which he hath stirred vp against it that which the Church of Rome by the interuention of his trusty Agents the Pope of Rome and the Inquisitors of Spaine doth at this day prosecute against it is without all comparison most transcendent and cruell For to omit those other infamous aspersions they cast vpon it there being allowed in those countreys where the Inquisition reigneth an infinite number of bookes repleate with a thousand blasphemies superstitions delusions lyes dishonesties and turpitudes to the great preiudice and destruction of numberlesse soules they prohibite the reading of holy Scripture vnto the common people quite exiling it from them and most shamefully calumning it to bee the cause and occasion of errours and the instigatrix to vice It is true that Pius the fourth gaue order to the Bishops and Inquisitors that with the consent of the Parson or Confessor they should licence the reading of Scripture in the vulgar tongue to such as could reade it with fruit Hereby intimating and that not obscurely that his meaning was not that they should reade it who were incited thereunto by a desire of knowing and inquiring into the trueth but onely such as by auricular confession their course of life and behauiour had giuen sufficient testimony that they were most obstinate Papists and such as had sworne vnto the Popes words But let the beneuolent Reader obserue that all that was granted by Pius were it much or little yet so much as hee permitted hath been all abrogated and annihilated by a Bull of the most vngentle Clement the eighth of infamous memory as may bee seene in Castigatione indicis librorum prohibitorum conformably whereunto are interdicted all the holy Scriptures in the vulgar tongue in the Catalogue of prohibited bookes made by the Cardinall Quirogua in his sixt rule as also in that recent one compiled by the order of Cardinal Bernardo de Rojas and Sandoual in the fourth Rule and yet not thus content the said ministers of Sathan send into all parts their familiars which are other incarnate deuils of inferiour authoritie to them but of no lesse cruelty and sagacitie who night and day goe from house to house and from company to company pretending themselues to bee friends and familiars withall being in trueth enemies and familiar deuils And by this meanes they knowe and discouer if there bee any that flying the contagion of dissolute bookes betake themselues to the Sanctuary of the holy Scriptures labouring to reade them in the vulgar tongue because they vnderstand not the other languages in which they are composed if they take a Lay-man that 's skill'd onely in the Spanish with this Diuine booke in his hands it were better for him they had surprized him coyning false money or machinating some notable treason against his Prince or naturall Countrey for that his offence and rebellion should be lesse cruelly chastened then the reading of holy Writte in the mother tongue is wont to bee This great truculency and vnheard Tyranny of the Pope and Inquisitors the deplorable blindnesse and the lamentable seruitude of those that are subiect vnto them especially of those of my Nation haue caused me to take vp my penne to doe that in my owne language which many graue and religious Doctors haue happily accomplished in other tongues to the wonderous and plentifull benefit of the faithfull to wit to euince and point out as with the finger the precise necessitie and obligation that all sorts and conditions both of men and women haue to reade and meditate on the holy Scriptures whether they be rich or poore learned or vnlearned small or great ones and that not onely if the Prelats permit it but also though they should all inhibite it The reasons and arguments which I will alleadge for this purpose are either drawne word for word or collected by necessary consequence out of Spanish bookes two or three Latine bookes excepted all which are imprinted in Spaine with priuiledge and as you may see in the Frontispice of all of them haue been examined and approoued not by one but by man Doctors and not by the lesse but by the most learned men and not by those that were the least but the greatest Papists so that euery good Catholique Romane especially if he bee a Spaniard may reade and peruse this my booke without any scruple of conscience and cannot chuse but giue credit to what he readeth in it My intendement herein hath been to gratifie my Nation as also that forreine nations which professe the true Religion and faith and particularly the Noble English Nation in which it flourisheth more then in all the rest and to which I stand more obliged then to all others may see that the strength of the truth we maintaine is so forcible that maugre all the power of Hell Pope and Inquisitors it is manifested diuulged by the mouth of it's enemies And this will be more perspicuous in those other Tractates which if God vouchsafe me his Diuine grace and my necessitie and pouertie affoord me time place and tranquilitie I will bring to light In which I will prooue by authorities I haue already gathered out of Spanish Authors and Bookes the principall points of our English Religion against the Romane God grant it may all be to the honour of his holy Name and edifying of his Church which shall be the maine remuneration and guerdon I most desired of the labour I bestowed in this Worke and the residue I purpose to imprint hereafter which how great it hath been iudicium sit penès doctos That all the faithfull whatsoeuer be their profession and condition are precisely obliged to Reade and Meditate the Diuine Scripture THis Trueth first appeareth in that God would haue it so and commands it as the ensuing authorities out of Scripture it selfe auerre the
temptations of our enemies doe send vs to holy Scripture thence to take weapons wherewith to fortifie vs and withstand them because it is the armour of the Christian warrefare that to it all the faithfull should repaire because all are obnoxious to temptations and that if the Pope dispoile the common people of these diuine weapons it is that he may warre against them and sell them at his pleasure whereof I will elsewhere discourse In confirmation of the precedent Argument I thought good to prooue more at large the sufficiencie of the sacred Scripture in all things necessary to our saluation that it may appeare the better that its worthy to be frequently conuersed in by all seeing it compriseth all that is necessary to all The holy Scripture containeth all things whatsoeuer is necessary for Saluation DOctor Aluarado clearely teacheth this truth Aluarado tomo primero delarie de bien Viuir fol. 454. who when hee affirmed that God had constituted in the Church the necessary and fit meanes to obtaine the same and these meanes are reduced to seuen speciall heads hee sets them downe in order saying The first is true faith and the knowledge of the true God and our Mediatour and Redeemer Iesus Christ The second meanes is his holy Law which comprehends all the commandements of things requisite and necessary to enter into eternall life and all the instructions which may assist vs to attaine vnto it with security and perfection The third is Religion and the sincere worship of God with such externall rites and ceremonies as are belonging to God The fourth meane are the Sacraments The fift are seuen rare and excellent vertues faith hope charity prudence iustice fortitude and temperance together with seuen speciall gifts and endowments of the holy Ghost The fixt is internall doctrine and the light of inspiration and illustration from the holy Ghost and for the exterior it must proceed from learned Masters and Doctors who both by example and doctrine teach whatsoeuer is expedient to bee knowen or vnderstood for to rayse soules vp to heauen The seuenth meane is the diuine and sacred Scriptures wherein are reuealed all things by vs formerly mentioned Whatsoeuer hath beene deliuered comes from this Authour who though he were a blacke Monke by Order and profession yet heerein he hit the white of Christian verity and truth and of the sufficiencie and validity of the holy Scriptures As also Father Torres Teetino which is a lesuite deliuered this trueth I te atino which in Spanish signifies as much as I embrace this trueth when he said that S. Paul referred Timothie to the Scriptures wherein he might learne whatsoeuer was fit and conuenient for him the which if the Pope would preach and teach to his disciples and followers all those traditions which hee sels vnto vs for necessary faith and are not to be found in the Scripture would be superfluous and of no moment at all For if in the Scriptures wee meete with all things necessary there is nothing out of them that can be esteemed necessary As a philosophicall Axiom plainely prooues which sayes qui totum dicit nihil excludit Brauo en la Vigilia magna fol. 78. Doctor Brauo manifestly acknowledgeth the former truth propounded in these words The holy Scripture is a glasse wherein a man may clearly perspicuously discerne whatsoeuer is requisite in an humane life for the true seruice and worship of God But beyond all these Authors Father Puente is admirable vpon this subiect as in other arguments Puente toro 3. de la terfecion fol. 711. so in this more especially against the Church of Rome for not in one but in many places he auers and prooues this veritie with words very significant and most preualent reasons I meane not here to set downe all that I haue read and obserued throughout his bookes about this particular point in that I would not willingly be prolix as also because I conceiue that what I shall hereunder mention will be more then sufficient And in the New Testament he first saith that all the Law Euangelicall was fully declared Whereupon it must needes of necessitie ensue that in the New Testament is comprehended whatsoeuer is necessary for saluation For of this there is no doubt to be made but that the Law of the Gospel is sufficient in it selfe to saluation This Author in another place saies Idem en la guia espiritual fol. 291. The sacred Scripture is the clearest glasse where we may best see and behold those countenances which we haue set downe that is to say the glorious countenance of God that of our Sauiour Iesus Christ then our owne Because in the same are reuealed all those vertues which appertaine to the perfect knowledge of these three things Moreouer it prescribes vs remedies against vices armes against temptations aduice and resolution in doubts consolation in sorrow ease and relaxation from labours and troubles and due Meanes whereby to attaine to the perfection of all vertues For as S. Dionysius saith that is the table which diuine wisedome placed in the Church plentifully furnished with Bread and Wine For on the same is set the bread of life and of vnderstanding which are the solid and firme truthes from whence the vertues take their life and essence and the knowledge of things eternall as also there is the wine of ardent and zealous affections mingled with the water of wholsome knowledge to giue saluation vigor and ioy vnto the heart It is the Pantry of the King of Heauen and the Cellar of his most precious wines whereinto hee brings his elect and there he quencheth the hunger and thirst they haue of Righteousnesse It is an open shoppe full of medicines for all maner of spirituall infirmities and a tower like that of Dauid replenished with all manner of armes against euery kinde of temptation For in that it is a table full of delicates Psal 22. it is placed as Dauid speakes to defend vs against those that vex and persecute vs. For which cause S. Paul said that all Scripture inspired from God 2. Tim. cap. 3. is profitable to instruct to conuince correct and inable to euery good worke that euery man of God may be perfect and well instructed in euery good worke as if hee had said It is very effectually to teach vs necessary trueth for our saluation and to conuince such enemies who with false and colourable reasons pretend and seeke to deceiue vs and to correct our vices and exorbitances and to fortifie vs in the exercise of vertue and good works that so we may attaine to that perfection whereunto wee are called and to the end thereof which is eternall life which is said to bee found in the holy Scriptures which manifest him who is our eternall life and the meanes left vnto vs to purchase him All this aboue mentioned is set downe by Father Puente the which though in it selfe it be much yet is