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A62103 A vindication of King Charles: or, A loyal subjects duty Manifested in vindicating his soveraigne from those aspersions cast upon him by certaine persons, in a scandalous libel, entituled, The Kings cabinet opened: and published (as they say) by authority of Parliament. Whereunto is added, a true parallel betwixt the sufferings of our Saviour and our soveraign, in divers particulars, &c. By Edw: Symmons, a minister, not of the late confused new, but of the ancient, orderly, and true Church of England. Symmons, Edward.; Symmons, Edward. True parallel betwixt the sufferings of our Saviour and our Soveraign, in divers particulars. 1648 (1648) Wing S6350A; ESTC R204509 281,464 363

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nihil Regis quam quod genere Regio ortus erat In striking Henry of Burbon his intention was not to kill the King howbeit he called himselfe King sithence he had nothing left but the appearance of a King being of the bloud Royall Our Anabaptisticall Crew have their Chambers of Meditation too or their Conventicles where they meet with their disciples to whom they suggest as also they do in their Pamphlets and Sermons that the King is no true member of the Church because he dissents from them but a persecutor of it and is no longer to be obeyed or held for King then the Parliament or representive Body of the Kingdome in whom the Supreame power is inherent shall allow him so to be and therefore being now deciared by them to be an enemy to the Kingdome and one that seeks the peoples ruine he is to be accounted but as another man and hath but the bare Name or Title of a King as being borne of that family and stocke which formerly swayed the Scepter Now my Argument from all this stands thus who ever maintains that the Pope or Parliament may at pleasure alter Kingdomes exempt people from their Oath of Allegeance and arm them against their Prince do maintain that people in such a case may kill their King But this as appeares by their doctrine and practice is the Tenent of these men as well as of the Jesuites Ergo these men also by their Tenents hold it lawfull to kill the King The minor is proved already and the major is evident to sense and reason for no man wil doubt but a King from whom offer is made to take away his Kingdome will take Armes to maintaine his right and will labour to reduce them to Loyalty that stand armed against him and in so doing 't is impossible but he must run the hazard of his life since in defending himself he is resolute as in Conscience he is bound to be not to lose his Kingdome which God hath committed to his care without the loss of his life it self But perhaps some wil say that in some of their books and Sermons they disclaim killing the King yea though he were an Heretick or a Tyrant I answer the Romish Jesuites their Brethren in some of their books also have condemned not onely the murdering of Princes but also Rebellion against them though Hereticks and Tyrants but they meane sine permissu superiorum it is not lawful for a private man to do it say they of his own head untill he be permitted by his superiours but having leave and countenance from them if sentence and judgement be once passed that the King is a Tyrant or an Heretick or not capable to govern then obedience to the said judgement is to be given as to the voice of Christ So these when they speak against King-killing and Rebellion are to be understood until the King be declared by Parliament to be an Enemy to the Kingdome and to seek the ruine of it but when this is done then men may not onely arm themselves against him but kill him if possibly they can and by so doing they do but the Command of God and helpe the Lord against the mighty These be the nicetyes of Romish Jesuites and English Pharisees by which they inchant men they protest Solemnly that they allow not the murdering of Kings No not they but herein lies the craft they acknowledge none for Kings but whom themselves please to allow and maintain that to kill a King whose Government they cannot brook is not to kill a King but a man as they say masked under a Regall Title But indeed some of their faction have been more plain in their expressions and disclaiming this jugling distinction have declared their Tenents in down right English even as Parry of old affirmed that because Elizabeth stood excommunicated by the Pope he might lawfully kill her And as Catesby stood to it openly that because the Pope had not allowed the Catholiks to receive James for King the Powder-Treason was a work of Piety And as Raviliak affirmed that He had reason to kill Henry of Burbon because he would make warre against the Pope and so by consequent saies he against God for the Pope was God even so in this plain downright fashion we have had some of our Parliamentarians express their judgements and intentions that because the Parliament hath declared against the King 't is no sin to kill him yea they have professed that themselves would do it if they could reach him so long as he is in this condition not received or allowed on by the Parliament yea Raviliack-like they have affirmed that He wars against the Parliament and so by Consequent against God and therefore it would be a work not onely lawfull but also pious for to kill him such expressions have often fallen from the lips of many severall persons among them who might be named if we did Belligerare Hominibus magis quam vitiis And thus the people do now see how those who pretend to keep them from Popery do lead them into the deepest ditch and most Hellish puddle thereof themselves call the Jesuites the worst of Papists and yet hold with them in their worst of Tenents onely the difference is this the Jesuites place power and infallibility in the Pope and these place it in the Parliament for though these our Subtile Brethren will not like Romanists make a Pope of the King yet they will make one of the Parliament whose members are as perfect in their Seats as Pontifex is in Cathedra But I remember a distinction which the Secretary of Charles the 5. used to some English Ambassadours who upon his complaint of Pope Julius the 3. his foul play with the Emperour demanded of him how he being a Papist could excuse this unkindnesse of the Pope towards his Master He answered that the Pope was an honest man but Julius the 3. was an Arrant Knave so saving the Honours of the Right worshipfull as they are Members peradventure as they are men they may be subject to errours and be esteemed of according to their merits SECT V. 1. The falsity and injustice of the said Charge against the King manifested in all the particulars 2. Who they are that sit in the Scorners Chair 3. The Enemies reasons and ends of Charging the King with their own Conditions BUt we having now seen the Nature of their Charge we will consider also the Verity of it or the falsity rather for we apprehend it as false as foul as injurious as High were it all true yet according to Christian Religion and the doctrine of the Bible it were a great sin in them thus to object it For is it fit to say to a King thou art wicked or to Princes ye are ungodly When Saint Paul understood Ananias to be the Ruler he confessed he had done ill in calling him whited wall though indeed he was no better But
they And thus may we say of them they were once a true Parliament at their first constitution and meeting but now they swarm so much in evils are guilty of acting and authorizing so much wickednesse that they have plainly un-Parliamented themselves and are become no true Parliament but even the Throne and Synagogue of Satan Besides a true and compleat Parliament as every one knows consists of Head and Members of King and People and as a man without an Head is no true man so a Parliament without the King is no true Parliament Indeed if the King should come to Westminster and sit amongst them and they behave themselves towards him yet at last as becometh Christians and Members of that Honourable Court I know no reason but they may by the Kings mercy and favour recover again that truly honourable Name and Title Though some affirm when both the Speakers fled from them in regard of these late tumults that according to Law the Parliament was dissolved The true Parliament they say ran away and that which now remaineth is an Adulterous Parliament a very Junto and there must of necessity be a new Writ from the King to the making of a true Parliament But I leave that to be argued by the Lawyers My observation only shall be of Gods Hand in that businesse First that themselves were driven away from the Houses in the same manner as by their procurement the King and His friends were formerly Secondly that the Almighty by his permissive Providence hath exposed them who thought and called themselves a perpetuall Parliament to be denied to be any Parliament at all by their own Adorers and to become a publick scorn and derision by the means or assistance of those that had so many years together paid their devotions to them Let all the world admire Gods wisdom And let all that fear the Lord praise his holy Name And thus all may see whither I have brought these men or rather more properly whither they have brought themselves by this their impertinent and peremptory question How can the King deny us the name of a Parliament They are proved to be no true Parliament by the witnesse of Jesus Christ who is Truth it self by the testimony of S. Paul in a like case by the judgment of all Reformed Churches in Christendome and by the evidence of their own dear selves and faction in their way of opposition unto other parties Wherefore stil may His Majesty in truth and with a good Conscience say as He did at first We again in the presence of Almighty God Our Maker and Redeemer assure the world We have no more thought of making War against Our Parliament then against Our own Children And He may desire stil no longer to enjoy the Protection of Almighty God upon Himself and His Posterity then He and They shal solemnly observe the Laws in defence of Parliaments for as yet He hath done nothing against His high Court of Parliament nor ever wil He for according to His owne acknowledgment He and that are like Hypocrates twins they wil live and die together And let them not die but live O Lord our God Let the King live that Parliaments may not die save thou Him that this Kingdome may still be blessed with them and in thy pitty to this poor Nation break thou in pieces this confederacy of rebellious men who do so earnestly endevour the destruction of both Put thou a period to this false Parliament which they resolve shal be perpetual in despight of Thee O God and of thine Anointed that we may have the benefit of a true one for the mending up of those great breaches which have been made by these Conspirators upon our Religion our Laws and natural Liberties yea and upon our high Court of Parliament it self This grant O thou mighty Majesty of Heaven an Earth for thine own Honour and Justice sake and for the sake of Christ our Saviour Amen A TRUE PARALLEL BETWIXT The Sufferings of our SAVIOUR and our SOVERAIGN in divers particulars TOGETHER WITH 1. A Brotherly Discourse to the Seduced and Oppressed Commons 2. A Ministeriall Admonition to the Troublers of our Israel 3. A Consolatory Speech to the Truly Loyall-Hearted And A Post-script to the Reader There is also prefixed in this Edition a Preface unto the Parallel to give satisfaction to those who took some offence at it By the Author Printed in the Yeere 1648. TO THE READERS Readers I Thought it requisite in this new Edition to prefix a few words to this following Parallel because I understand that some few persons through inadvertencie have taken offence thereat and affirmed of me that out of my zeale to flatter the King I had blasphemed Christ in comparing them thus together Yea some of them upon their bare view of those words in the Title A Parallel between the sufferings of our Saviour and our Soveraigne have presently shot their bolt as men byassed with ignorance and prejudice use to doe and rejected the whole Book as unworthy their further inspection Now though the ready and friendly acceptance which the same hath found with the Church and people of God doth speake me cleare in the opinions of most so that I need not say any thing to vindicate my selfe from the inconsiderate censure of these few yet because Soules are precious things and I am forbidden as a Brother to suffer sin to rest upon any and commanded as a Minister to instruct with meeknesse them that oppose or are contrary minded therefore I must not slightly and with contempt of them passe by their errour as they doe my Booke but will speak somewhat for their satisfaction or better information in the thing which they take offence at The two crimes which at one breath I am charged withall are Blasphemy and Flattery Concerning the first may my Accusers please to know That I understand not the word Parallel as Mathematicians doe though perhaps if I did I should not in the judgement of learned me● transgresse much for with them a Parallel is a Parallel be it at as great a distance as betwixt Heaven and Earth but I intend it not in so exact and strict a sense I take it onely in its ordinary acceptance as t is commonly used amongst us viz. for a similitude a likenesse or a resemblance May they also please to consider that the persons betwixt whom the Parallel is made are Christus Dominus Christus Domini our Saviour and our Soveraigne T is true as they object the one is the Eternall Son of GOD and the other a Mortall man yet Christ was Man too and as Man He suffered He was in all Miseries like unto us and therefore sure He cannot Blaspheme that sayes another may in miseries be like to Him Nay every true Christian must hold Parallel with Him the Captaine of our Salvation in such things and be conformable to Him in some measure and degree 't is
in regard of their abuses of him I may say then they can beleeve him to be It was the saying of a good Subject since these wars begun O that the people of England did but know their King they would love him they would beleeve him they would not abuse him But we must not wonder to see a good King in Gods condition We proceed therefore to their next particular where they Charge the King to have settled himself in the seat of the Scornful and we will see their truth in that The Psalmist informes us that those onely that are at ease have leasure to take up a sitting in that place and not those that are in an afflicted condition Did the King live the life of the men of Westminster and had all the wealth and pleasures of this Kingdome at his command and were he withall of their disposition indued with their spirits to act their parts there might be some probability of truth in this particular but it being cleane contrary with them there is no likelyhood at all in it 1. Had He been a Subject and by good fortune chosen Burgesse of some Corporation or Knight of some Shire and sate in the House of Commons amongst them at this present and had concurred first in pretending to settle Religion to make a glorious Church to advance Christ and then afterward in consulting how to take away the Churches maintenance to slight the places of Gods Worship that they might be of no more esteem then common Houses Alehouses Barns and Stables in persecuting banishing and imprisoning the Fathers of the Church and Ministers of Jesus those in special who have been the greatest opposers of Antichristianity and Popery and in giving liberty to all Sects and Religions save only to the true one which commands Humility Loyalty and Obedience had he I say been such a man and thus imployed then he might justly indeed have been said to sit in the Chaire of the scornfull and to have exercised his scoffes and scorns against God himselfe Or 2. had he been one of those that under pretence of advancing the Liberty and Happinesse of the Subject should vote away the Subjects right to his own goods sometimes a twentieth part sometime a fifth part sometime all under a pretence of taking away Monopolies and Illegall payments should bring in such new toles and taxations as the Nation was never acquainted with excize upon bread beere butter cheese flesh and all Commodities that are used for the life of man under pretence of being one of the good Patriots and preservers of their country should raise Wars cause desolations burne houses hire strange Nations with their Countries money to come to kill their Country-men under pretence of keeping tender Consciences from unnecessary matters should force upon them unlawfull Oathes ungodly Covenants even to the taking up of Armes against their Soveraigne to whom they have sworne Allegeance to the damnation of their souls for ever without deep Humiliation and Repentance Had the King I say beene one of these men and done thus He might deservedly have been said to have sate in the Scorners Chaire and to have laughed to scorne a whole Nation Or 3. had He been one of that number who talke of making the King a glorious Monarchie and yet take from Him all His Power Authority not suffer Him to have so much as the choice of His own Servants the Rule of His own Family the disposall of His own Children the society of His own Wife That promise to make Him the richest Prince in Christendome yet rob Him of all His Goods and Revenews and not allow Him so much if they can help it as shall buy Him bread to eat or cloathes to wear that call themselves His most Humble and obedient Subjects yet obey Him in nothing but study to vex and crosse Him in every thing hire fellowes to hunt Him to shoot at Him and if they can to kill Him that avouch great love and affection to Him desires to advance His Honour and yet Authorize Libells and base Bookes to defame slander and reproach Him If the King were one of this Generation and should concurre in such Actions He might be said to sit in the seat of the Scornfull indeed and to bestow His Scornes before all the world upon His Soveraigne Or lastly were He one of them that partly by fraud partly by violence having stripp'd their Soveraigne of all His Weapons Castles Ships and Townes and of the Hearts of many of His People and scarce left Him a place to hide His Head in in three Kingdomes should maintaine a cursed villaine to proclaime up and down the world that He is runne away very Majestically to set up a new Monarchy in the I le of Anglesey this indeed were to sit in and to fill up the Seat of the Scornfull for this is right Hail King of the Jewes which was plaine scorning in the Hall at Jerusalem according to Scripture and so doubtlesse if Scripture might be Judge it is in the Hall at Westminster We doe confesse and beleeve that were the King in this sort qualified conditioned and exercised then that imputation of theirs might be laid upon him But it being with him as it is we see no reason above-board why they should entitle him to the scorners Chaire unlesse his Magnanimity and Christian Courage bearing his burden of affliction be taken to be a contemning and scorning at their malice But yet they have a reason doubtlesse and ends too for this their charging the King though they think it fit for to conceale them I am one appointed of God to detect the devices of Satan and to unkennell the thoughts of the wicked and I dare be bolder with them then they for their own Credit sake dare be with themselves and therefore I shall discover them First their Reason I apprehead is this they know themselves worthy to be both abhorred and scorned of all men and doe beleeve they are so in the Hearts of all the wise for their most abominable and grosse hypocrisie yea they know in their Consciences that God scornes at them they being exercised as those are whom Scripture affirmeth God holdeth in derision and therefore they speake of the Kings scorne at them from the guilt of their own merits and deservings Then their Ends I conceive are these first to make His Majesty appeare abhominable unto the world which is the main scope of all their endeavours for t is said the Scorner is an abhomination unto men And secondly that the blinde and seduced vulgar might not think them to be guilty of that sinne which with so much boldnesse and bitternesse they doe first of all charge upon the King It is the knowne policy of a wicked harlot to call her honest neighbour whore first and of a pick-purse pursued to cry stop the Theef that himself might not be suspected to be the man You take too much
the Popes Supreamacy but retained many Points of his Religion so perhaps will they doe these be our thoughts sometimes But then againe we fear it may be the Turkish Religion which they mean to advance when we consider what correspondency they have with the Turkes in diverse things viz. How they have sold and made money of Christian men which none in Europe save onely Turkes are wont to doe How it hath been propounded among some of them to send to Argier and to sell for slaves the Messengers of JESUS CHRIST together with others of their Country-men of better Condition then themselves whom for their Religion and Conscience sake they have imprisoned How themselves are turned to be robbers and Pirats like those of Argier making all their own which by rapine and violence they can get from Christians How they have suffered those theeves their Brethren to steale away Christian Children from these our Coasts while themselves possessing our means of defence have stood still looking on or else were busie in the interim in taking away our goods when we consider of these things and also how they have chosen for the Propagation and maintenance of their new Religion to walke rather in the way of Mahomet then of Christ we conceive that they intend rather to be his Servants For Mahomet did set up his Religion by fraud and force of Armes by the sword and shedding of Bloud and so doe these endeavour to set up theirs Mahomet layed to perpetuate and continue his Religion by introducing of ignorance by deposition of Schooles and Universities by banishing of Learning which is the very method of these men whereas the way of Jesus Christ whom the Christians worship and obey was clean contrary And the Turkes have judged of their cause and Religion by their military success they thinke and plead it to be the best because the most prosperous so these men conclude by the same rule that their cause is the better because at the present t is the most successefull These be our thoughts and the grounds of our fears at other times concerning the Religion which these new Religion makers doe intend to set up and maintain But what ever Religion it be which they shall chance upon we conceive t is resolved amongst them it shall not be the Christian Protestant Religion what ever their outward pretences be for this is that which they labour only to destroy as appeares by many particulars 1. By their persecuting and abusing the King who is the chiefest Prince in the World that publikely professeth himselfe the Defender of the Protestant Faith and who hath maintained it in the greatest tranquility and glory that ever it enjoyed since Christs time to whose Bosome all Christian Protestants in Europe have had recourse for relief comfort in dayes of darkness and Affliction This Prince this Man of Gods right Hand this Sun and Shield of distressed Christians have these men laboured to obscure and darken by lyes slanders and reproaches to weaken and disable by taking away his Authority Wealth and Power to depose and murder by hunting of him shooting at him and Rebelling against him to the end he might never more be a nurcing Father to the persecuted Flock of Jesus That the Sheep of the Lord when worryed by Wolves in other Nations might flye no more unto him for refuge that the Lambes of Christ which this Church under his Command hath brought forth may no longer enjoy pasture under so safe and so indulgent a Keeper 2. By their discountenancing Banishing Imprisoning and Murdering the Fathers and Doctors of the Protestant Christian Church those in speciall who have been the chiefest pillers and upholders of its glory and strongest Champions against Antichristianity in their Generations whose Workes and labours are Famous through the Christian world and whose Names after-Ages will not mention without Admiration of which number are the these most Reverend Grave and Learned Prelates and Doctors Doctor Laud Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and Primate of England Doctor Usher Arch-Bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland Doctor Davenaunt Bishop of Salisbury Doctor Morton Bishop of Durham Doctor Westfeeld Bishop of Bristoll Doctor Hall Bishop of Norwich Doctor Ward Professour of Divinity at Cambridge Dr. Featly Dr. Holdsworth and many more of high worth and learning some of whom are already murdered and forced out of Gods vineyard into their Graves by the Cruelties Oppressions and unkindnesses of these men Others of them are now in persecution and banishment and others in Bondage and Prison for the Gospell of Jesus all of them in such a low and disgracefull Condition that unlesse by their patience and example in sufferings they can do the Saviour of the world no more service 3. By their exposing to contempt and beggery all that were in the Office of the Ministry those onely excepted who to satisfie their lusts were willing to make shipwrack of a good Conscience and to Apostatize from the Faith received to renounce the meek and peaceable Doctrine of the Gospell which they had formerly taught and to preach in the stead thereof Sedition Rebellion War and Bloud stirring up the members of Christ to Kill Slay and Destroy each other according to the tenour of certain bloudy and Antichristian Ordinances but all that held fast to the Testimony of Jesus they have disgraced defamed silenced banished and beggered Yea one of the first things they set about at the beginning of their meeting was to make Gods Prophets the scorn of the World vile and contemptible in peoples eyes that what ever they should preach might not be beleeved which they indeavoured and in part effected by giving publike liberty to all that would to bring in what accusations they pleased against them which were received and beleeved without proof though the informer were the most stinking drunkard and vilest blasphemer in the Countrey and the Ministers some of the most painfull and consciencious yea were it never so evident that malice alone set the Accuser on work to revenge himself upon the Minister for his indeavouring to reclaime him from some sin yet should the said Accuser be openly countenanced and encouraged by some of the shamelesse members and the Messenger of God scorned set at nought his living sequestred his person imprisoned his wife and children turned out of doores and all that he had taken from him and the Honester the man the worse used alwayes for by his known honesty he would doe Christ the more service if let alone and their cause the more dammage and this sufficiently speakes their malice against Christian Religion But 4. It appeares further by the endeavours of some of them to take away all certaine and settled maintenance from the Ministers of Christ for time to come that they might not have hereafter any outward encouragement to set up his Religion againe Judge Cooke in the Bishop of Winchesters case out of Ecclesiasticall story observeth well and these men it seemes have
there is any such Combination opposed by the two Parliaments of England and Scotland as these men mention is more perhaps then the Readers have heard of before or then they do yet beleeve upon the bare affirmation of these Relaters who are but men all men are Subject to Error Indeed we have heard of a most ungodly and unlawfull Association betwixt those whom they call the two Parliaments and certaine other people in England and Scotland The tenour of which is if I rightly apprehend never to lay downe Armes nor to admit of Peace till they have accomplished their owne ends upon the King and his Friends and satisfied their Lusts upon them And to defend and assist with their lives and fortunes all those whoever they be without exception that shall joyne with them against the King his Party So that be they Papists Turkes Jewes Heathens Atheists Arrians Irish Tigres Devills of Hell if they do but joyne with them against their King and those that Honour him as Gods Annointed for this very cause and reason they have bound themselves by Oath they have vowed and protested to defend and maintaine them with their lives and fortunes even till death and never to forsake them If there be a more generall illegall and irreligious Combination then that is which any others have entred into these relaters should have done well to have given the Reader a Copy of the same who otherwise must apprehend them in these their words to be only at their old vomit againe Because they cannot possibly devise more evill and mischiefe to Charge upon others then themselves do practice against others therefore they still impute unto others their own iniquities or else their guilty Consciences makes them fancy that they see their own pictures in other mens faces But we will not omit to observe the ingenuity of these men though it be but a little intimated in those their two words Almost and Some they do not say all the Papists in Europe absolutely all the prelaticall Court faction without any limitation have entred into this fancyed Combination But all the Papists in Europe almost and some of the Prelaticall and Court faction the word almost doth exclude all the Papists that either are or may be under the Parliament Pay and Service and the word Some may excuse those of the Prelaticall or Court Faction that hold intelligence with those at Westminster and are men of like complexion with them dissemblers disobedient unthankfull treacherous heady and high-minded however they carry themselves to outward appearance And truly we beleeve that if these tale-tellers would but speak out when the fit of ingenuity is upon them they would confesse and acknowledge that if any Papists in the world any of the Bloudy Tigers of Ireland will but joyne with those whom they call the two Parliaments against the King and that little flock which for Conscience sake remain Loyall to him they shall be accepted and absolved presently from what is past they shall be reckoned Papists no more Bloudy Tigers of Ireland no more but all good men and true in a moment and have free leave yea and money too to act over againe their bloudy Tragedies here in England Or if any of the Court Faction of what Religion or conversation soever will but vouchsafe to be more vile and wicked then ever they have been and be hired as Judas was to betray their Master or to render up to his Enemies those places of Defence committed to their Trust and so come off from the King to their Parliament side they shall be welcome and Voted good all upon the suddaine Truly we never heard of any yet that had the Conscience to act the part of a Traitour or of a villaine against God his Prince and Country but hath been accepted by them and as was said we beleeve if our subtile and suspected Brethren would but speake out when the moode of ingenuity is upon them they would confesse as much But the Reason as we conceive why they yoke Papists Irish Tigers and the Court Faction thus together and affirme them to be entred into a Combination is this Because they would that the common people should have an equall odious esteem of each of these three sorts whom they would also should be apprehended to be the onely persons that maintaine and uphold the King and whom the King doth only respect and adhere unto therefore they would that we unto whom they direct their speech should decline him and his Cause and joyne with themselves and their faction against Him that and them In Answer to which I shall only declare in a word what our judgements and opinions are of each of these three sorts of people 1. Concerning Papists we the Persecuted and Loyall Protestants of this Kingdome doe more abjure their Religion then these men do that speak so bitterly against them though we do not think it lawfull to enter into a Combination to root them out of the Earth by shedding of their Bloud no though they should enter into such a one to destroy us for we have no warrant in the Gospell so to doe T is the Word of God that is ordained to suppresse false Religions and not the Sword of Man Fire Sword and Pistolls are the Weapons of Antichrist and not of Christ. And because of their Religion we are heartily sorry that there are any Papists in the Kings Armies for that scandall which ignorant people take by them through the perverse suggestions of the crafty Adversary who from hence take occasion to keep their affections enstranged from their Soveraigne Not that hereby any scandall is justly given by His Majesty for we hold it not only Lawful for him to make use of those of that Religion but also necessary yea it would be a sinne against God if being assaulted by Theeves and Rebells he should not use the meanes for his own Preservation and imploy for his own defence all those whom God hath submitted under his Government for that purpose there is no man if he should be assaulted by Robbers and Murderers but would make use of the aide of a Turke to save his life Yea these very men themselves we see can hire Papists from other Countryes to help them to destroy their Soveraigne and is it not meet and reasonable that the King should permit Papists his owne Subjects to help to preserve him from such their violence Indeed we are ashamed and blush that Papists should out-goe any that beare the name of Protestants in duty and obedience to their King that any whom this Church hath bred should so desert their Soveraign in his danger who hath protected them in theirs as that he should need the help of Papists Sorry we are at the heart that this occasion is given to have any of another Religion to defend the Defender of our Faith against the basenesse and violence of those persons whom he hath defended in the profession
of all those Sects and Heresies to the destruction of Christian Protestation Religion which by their crafty and violent seizing upon the Militia were but only let in to the Church May it please His Sacred Majesty and all His Loyall Subjects to remember when the Pope of Rome these mens Grandsire for however in words they disclaime kindred with Him yet are they wholly like Him in Conditions they tread in His steps observe His method end in all their undertakings when He I say after the fashion of these His Nephews had fraudulently forceably seized upon the Militia of His Soveraign the Emperour then did all Corruption and false Doctrine make entrance into that Church the light grew dim And when the Emperour afterward gave his Consent that the said Pope and his conclave formerly His Subjects should have that His power and Authority which at first indeed he laboured to recover againe unto himselfe settled in their hands then was all that wickednesse formerly but admitted confirmed and established and the faithfull Church became from thenceforth a very Harlot Let Story be observed and it will be found that the fall of the Empire the rise of the Pope-dome above it and the spring of Mahumatisme happened all about one time and the two last might be permitted of God for a punishment of the first For it is no small sinne for the Supream Magistrate to part with that depositum out of his hands which the Almighty hath intrusted solely with him Histories doe sufficiently testifie what extreame molestations the Emperour hath been put unto and what base affronts have been put upon him by his proud Subjects of Rome Since he gave his consent that the Militia of that City and Country should be settled in their Hands Himselfe is there now but vox non significativa He hath the Title of Roman Emperour and no more And such must be the condition of our King if he be not warned by the Emperours example He must be content to be only an unsignificant voice too in his own Kingdom yea and to be regulated in his expences if he have leave to live yet he shall be so ordered that he doe not live profusely or have wherewithall to dare to practice ought to their prejudice Yea and he must learne to hold the Stirrup too to kisse the Toe to bow the Knee to the Supremacy or Popes of the Lower House if they shall at any time please to frown upon him or to Vote him a Delinquent Well let but these things be seriously and with judgement thought upon by moderate men and then let reason speak whether it be fit that the King should yeild to this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as they would have him whether it be meet he should suffer the Sword to be carryed before the Gran Concilii rather then still before himselfe and should settle the Militia of the three Kingdomes in their hands which are good onely by their own Testimony But I have been perhaps too tedious in scanning the Reasons of this their second demand we come therefore to advise a little upon the third Proposition which say they concernes the Vindication of the Irish Rebells SECT XV. 1. Of their Vindicating the Irish Rebells How fully they have done it in one sense 2. And how glad should we be if themselves would go and do it in the other Their true intention in that demand opened TO Vindicate in the most vulgar acception is to Justifie and acquit from blame and if they take the word in that sense they have Vindicated them too sufficienly already and much more then hath become men of their Profession For as God by his Prophets tells Jerusalem that she had multiplyed her abominations more then her sisters Sodome and Samaria she had justified them in all which they had done in her going beyond them in wickednesse and that she was a Comfort to them so may it be said of these men they have multiplyed their transgressions more then their Brethren the Rebells of Ireland they have Justified them in what ere they have done they have been a Comfort to them Surely the Irish doings shall not be remembred in the day that the impieties of those of this Nation are reckoned up Did the Irish●ob ●ob kill and roste Christians So have these done did they burn Houses strip Men and Women naked scourge them and expose them to the wide world These have not been behinde in such doings did the Irish Rebell against their Soveraigne These have both overtaken and also gone beyond them in this sin for though nothing should cause men to Rebell yet to say the truth the Irish lived formerly under a more hard bondage which might provoke their corruptions whereas these Jesurun-like rebelled out of meere wantonnesse Nor did those Irish execute their savage Cruelty as was noted before on those of their own nation and Religion as these English have done they did not defile their own Churches nor kill and abuse their own Priests but these have delighted to prophane and destroy those places where themselves had formerly met to worship God and have offered most speciall despight to the Ministers of their own Religion who baptized them and preached Gods truth unto them Besides the Religion which the Irish Rebells professe is not so directly opposite to such barbarous Cruelties which they have committed as is that which these of England pretend unto nor have they been so bold as those to entitle God unto all their outrages they think they need a pardon both from God and the King for their inhumanityes and Rebellions whereas these stand upon their Justification and have often despised the Kings mercy when tendered to them nor have they in Ireland persecuted and pursued the Kings Sacred person they have not reviled nor railed upon him as these have done Never any such reproachfull Libell as this which we oppose doe we read was sent abroad by the Rebells of Ireland against their Soveraign nor yet did we hear that ever those Irish took so solemn a Protestation at the beginning of their Parliament as these English did to maintain the Kings person Honour and Estate In a word Those Irish are not so impudent as these hard-fore-headed English are as to call them Rebells and Traitours who according to their Oath of Allegeance and Protestation do labour to maintain the Kings life and right against them but they yeeld themselves to be or to have been in a Rebellion Wherefore who will not say that the English Rebells have out gone the Irish and by committing evils in a more abominable way have even Justified those their Brethren as Jerusalem did her sisters Sodome and Samaria And yet as if all this were nothing these good men desire to be still Vindicating the Irish Rebells and would have the Militia of the three Kingdomes settled in their own good hands to the same purpose But perhaps by Vindication these mean punishment and revenge