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A44231 A brief relation of some part of the sufferings of the true Christians, the people of God, in scorn called Quakers, in Ireland, for these last eleaven years, viz, from 1660 until 1671 with an occasional treatise of their principles and practices briefly stated, whereby the innocency of their cause, for which they so suffer, is not only plainly demonstrated, but also from all false asperations and causeless pretences sufficiently vindicated / collected by T.H. and A.F. Holme, Thomas, d. 1695.; Fuller, Abraham, d. 1694. 1672 (1672) Wing H2514; ESTC R7372 56,059 82

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indeed they and he too ought he made two Calves of Gold and set up one at Betbel the other at Dan and falsly called them the Godds which brought Israel out of Egypt and it became a great Sin for the people worshipped them and went not to the Temple as they were commanded of God And he made an House of High-Places and Priests of the lowest of the people such as he knew being raised so by him would serve his Ends and call the dead Images Godds and his invented ways and worships the True Worship that were not of the Sons of Levi and therefore false Priests and not of God's appointing or making And he ordained Feasts Offerings Sacrifices Altars c. in some resemblance of the Worship at Jerusalem thereby to please the People and feed their Fancies with a doing something in imitation of the Worship at Jerusalem and by offering upon the Altar there Burnt-incense c. and feasting the people that it became a great Snare and Sin of Idolatry and turned away their Hearts from serving the Living God to serve Godds or rather more properly no Gods of Gold and the Works of mens hands and this very much provoked the Lord insomuch that whilst Jeroboam the King and the People were at their invented Worship at the Altar at Bethel there came a Man of God a Prophet out of Judah and cryed against the Altar the false Worship and the King put forth his Hand and said Lay hold on him as many do in our dayes and his Hand withered or dryed which by the Prayer of the Man of God was healed and restored again 1 King 13. 1 to 10. Neither did Jeroboam set up this his Worship as judging it in his Conscience to be the true Worship of God for he knew it was his own invented Worship and devised Way as is plain in 1 King 12. 27 33. but rather politickly prescribing a Way and Worship like in some things to that at Jerusalem to keep the People from the true Worship and to busie their minds in an active way of Worship by Priests of his own making who would say or do any thing he would have them their Places and Maintenance depending on him and also to strengthen himself in his Kingdom rather seeking his own Greatness and Preservation then the Honour and Glory of God that had bestowed such a Kingdom and Dignity unexpectedly on him and as the Author● of so fair and gilded a Way of Worship thereby wholy to allure and engage them to him and his Idolatrous Worship who having so sinned against God knew no other safety or strength then the good will and number of the People and several of the Kings of Judah and Israel were false Worshippers and against them and their said false Worships several Prophets of the Lord bore Testimony and reproved them as did Zechariah Michaiah Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Malachi and several other Servants of the Lord which kept the Law of God then as we do now the Gospel and served the Lord in their Generations and knew him whom they served and could not forsake him and his Laws to joyn with the Idolaters and false Worshippers that knew not the Living God and for bearing Testimony against the false Worshippers and reproving them for their will-Will-worship Idolatry Sin and Wickedness were Persecuted imprisoned and some of them put to Death And it is to be well observed That not in all the time under the Law when Sacrifices Offerings temple-Temple-worship c. as Types and Figures were set up by the Command of God none were lyable or compelled as we read of to worship there but the Jews and them that were of their Religion So that the true Worshippers were never Persecutors in any Age but false Worshippers have ever persecuted them that truly serve and worship God in sincerity of Heart therefore let not Persecutors think or look on themselves to be true Worshippers true Christians whilst they are in that Nature and let them but seriously examine their Hearts in the Light and Spirit of Christ Jesus and they will know that they find not acceptance with God in their own Services nor Peace of Conscience and true Satisfaction of Soul in their Worshippings and that 's the very Cause why they malign others and Caiu like envy and persecute sometimes to Death them that are more Innocent and that find Peace with God and Acceptance in their worshipping Thirdly The Lord having been thus worshipped before and under the Law and having a further and another Way of Worship in and by manifesting of the promised Seed to be clothed with Flesh John 1. 17. For the Law was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ who was the Substance of the Law of all the Offerings Sacrifices Altar and Temple-Worship which could not make perfect as pertaining to the Conscience all which he ended by his Coming and being offered up a Body being prepared him to do the Will of the Father and then Sacrifices of Righteousness and worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth ordained of God and declared by Christ for when Christ came he did not joyn with the publick Worship but reproved them that drew nigh with their Tongues and honoured God with their Lips and their Hearts far from him Mat. 15. 8 9. as many do now adayes and told them In vain they worshipped that taught for Doctrine the Commandments of Men and called them Blind Leaders John 7. 28. 4. 23. and he often went into the Temple the publick Place of Worship for the Jews and reproved them and set up the true Worship of God over all false worships in the Spirit and in the Truth which differed from the National Worships and as many as came to the Gospel Worship to worship God in Spirit were separated from the Jews and Gentiles Publick and National Worships and did often testifie against them in their publick Places and reproved them in the Streets and other Places for which they were persecuted by Unbelievers and false Worshippers that knew not God And Christ Jesus being come of whom Moses prophesied and said Acts 3. 22. He must be heard in all things and he being Head of his Church it s his Prerogative alone to establish the Worship and Order thereof and he only hath Power in all Spiritual Matters over his Body his Church and People who are oblieged in point of Duty to obey and observe his Commands and Institutions and not the Prescriptions of any other for God never was is or will be worshipped acceptably any otherwayes then in his own Will and Way And Christ Jesus for publishing the Everlasting Gospel and setting up his Father's Worship in Spirit and in Truth by ending the Law with its Ordinances and Temple-worship c. and for testifying against Sin and Wickedness the works of the Devil and for all other his good Words and Works he was persecuted and put to Death by the chief Priests Elders Scribes and
Pharisees John 8. 59. a great professing people even by such as professed the Messiah to come Thus was the Just and Holy One the Messiah Christ Jesus the Seed the Son of God and Saviour of the World put to Death by Wicked and Ungodly Men who are of the Line of Cain's spirit the seed of the Serpent the Devil Peter and John went into the Temple Acts 3. 4. 1. the place of Worship at the time of Prayer and preached Christ which the Temple-Worshippers could not bear but laid hands on them whipt them and put them in Prison strictly charging them To Preach no more in the Name of Jesus the Priests being the chief Instruments as also at the killing of Christ Stephen a true Worshipper of God Acts 6. was accused of many Falshoods by men subborned and false Witnesses and brought before the Council of the Jews false Worshippers and he being full of Faith and Power preached Christ unto them and withal told them Acts 7. That God dwelled not in Temples made with hands further charging them and their Fathers with persecuting the Prophets and murdering of Jesus for which he was stoned and put to Death by the National Worshippers Paul preached Christ in the Synagogues Acts 9. 20 23. for which the Jews took Counsel against him waiting and watching at the Gate day and night so great was their Envy to kill him And he and Barnabas preached in the Jews Synagogues at Cyprus Antioch c. and the Jews persecuted them and Banished them their Coasts Acts 13. as many of God's Servants are served in these dayes And at Iconium they were also persecuted and Paul stoned near unto Death by the professing Jews and false Worshippers for going into their Synagogues and preaching Christ Acts 14. And at Thessalonica Paul as his manner was went into the Synagogues on the Sabboth dayes and reasoned with them out of the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ c. Acts 17. and the Unbelievers and base people set the City on an Uproar against them as such do now against God's Servants for preaching the same Christ accusing them with turning the World upside down and doing contrary to the Decrees of Caesar and troubled the City and the Rulers even as the Priests and worst of People in our Age do concerning us whom the Lord hath redeemed from their Mouthes And when Paul came to Athens he did not joyn to the publick Worship but his Spirit was stirred in him seeing them given to Idolatry he disputed in the Synagogues with the Jews and in the Market daily with them that met with him there certain Philosophers of the Epicureans and Stoicks encountred him some calling him a Babbler others a Setter forth of strange Godds because he preached Jesus and the Resurrection and yet they themselves knew not the Living God Thus Peter and several of the Apostles Disciples the true Worshippers for bearing the like Testimony were also persecuted and some to Death Many more Examples might be mentioned of the true Worshippers of the Lord even through Ages and Generations recorded in the Scriptures who knew God whom they worshipped and could not joyn with the false Worshippers yea if National Worshippers in their day that knew not the Lord but reasoned with them and testified against them in their publick places and else-where as the Lord required them and they were alwayes persecuted by the false birth of Religion the false Worshippers and seed of Evil-doers that knew not God according to the Saying of the Apostle Gal. 4. 29. He that is born of the Flesh persecutes him that is born of the Spirit And also It may be seen in Histories and Books of Martyrs that many have suffered Martyrdom because they could not joyn to and with the National and established Worships then set up by men and so forsake the Spiritual Worship set up by Jesus Christ And as in former times so in these dayes the true Worshippers who worshipped God in Spirit and in Truth Jo. 4. 23 24. which is the Gospel-Worship set up by Christ Jesus cannot joyn contrary to their Consciences and Understandings with the National publick Worship for which there is neither Command nor Example in the Scriptures of Truth for their Practice Discipline Manner of Worship and Worship it self And seeing it is of necessity to know God before he can be worshipped aright and that none know the Father but the Son and him to whom the Son will reveal him Mat. 11. 27. if none then know God but by the Revelation of Christ Jesus and that the national Worshippers say Revelation which it seems is the only way to know God is ceased then by their Doctrine it follows That the Knowledge of God is ceased and then in vain do men worship for they worship they know not what How then can we joyn with them in such a Worship whilst they deny Revelation so worship an Unknown Godd But we come to know God by the Revelation of Jesus Christ 1 John 4. 13 14 15 16. and therefore we worship him and fear his holy Name and for thus worshipping we ought not to be persecuted especially not by those that profess Christianity Fifthly Concerning our not Swearing not taking off our Hats and for Working on dayes by some called Holy-days we have also good Ground and Scripture Authority First AND first for our refusing to Swear we have plain and undeniable Scripture Proofs 1st from Christ Jesus the Son of God in whom we believe Joh. 14. 1. who in his Sermon to his Disciples preached and opened the glorious Work and Worth of the Gospel above the Law though he came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it You have heard said he that it hath been said by them of old time Thou shalt not Forswear thy self but shalt perform unto the Lord thine Oaths but I say unto you Swear not at all neither by Heaven c. but let your Communication be Yea yea Nay nay for whatsoever is more then these cometh of Evil Mat. 5. 17 33 35 36 37. And if men were not wilfully bind and hardned against Truth how could a Mouth be opened much less a Hand lifted up against us by the Professors of Christianity for our Principles herein seeing Christ the Gospel-Law giver bids us not Swear at all and him we are to hear and obey And as they under the Law were to Swear truly so we under the Gospel are to speak truly for true Christians are as far to exceed the Jews as the Gospel doth the Law because of that Noble and Just Principle in them which is to lead them and guide them into all Truth John 16. 13. to speak and act truly altogether at all times and in all places and then a Testimony to speak the Truth answereth unto and is in the Ground as valid as Swearing truly that which might be sworn unto in the time of the Law is now only to be confirmed by Confession Yea
A Brief Relation Of some part of the SUFFERINGS Of the True Christians The People of God in Scorn called Quakers in IRELAND For these last Eleaven Years viz. from 1660. until 1671. With an Occasional Treatise of their Principles and Practices briefly stated whereby the Innocency of their Cause for which they so suffer is not only plainly Demonstrated but also from all false Aspersions and causless Pretences sufficiently Vindicated Collected by T. H. and A. F. Heb. 10. 23 25. Not forsaking the Assembling of our selves together as the manner of some is Heb. 7. 12. The Priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a Change also of the Law Acts 13. 15 If ye have any Word of Exhortation for the People say on Mat. 5. 34. But I say unto you Swear not at all Jam. 2. 9. If ye have Respect to Persons ye commit Sin Exod. 20 9. Six days shalt thou labour Printed in the Year 1673. THE PREFACE READER THere having been a great Defection from true Christianity in the long Night of Apostacy whereby gross Darkness hath overspread the Nations foretold by the Apostles That Antichrist Deceivers grievous Wolves false Teachers Core-like false Worshippers should ensue these ushered in the Apostacy which began in the Apostles dayes and grew so great that they became Persecutors of the True Christians as indeed false Worship and Persecution are inseparable Companions For John by the Revelation of God to him saw the Beast which the Dragon had given his Power unto after he had persecuted the Woman which fled into and was fed in the Wilderness 1260. dayes and the Man-Child caught up to God set up his Worship and compelling thereto and the false Prophet deceiving them that had worshipped the Image of the Beast And he also saw the great Whore sitting upon the Beast which was to be worshipped forty two Moneths having a Golden Cup in her hand wherewith she deceived and by her Sorceries enticed the Nations to commit Fornication with her and so corrupted the Earth and made her self drunk with the Blood of the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus c. Hereby John saw in the Spirit the great and long Sufferings of the true Christians the Church and People of God in the time of the Apostacy by the false Christians the false Worshippers who having lost the Power and Spirit by which the Apostles and primitive Christians were led and guided how to worship God in Spirit and in Truth set up fair and gilded Forms of Worship Jeroboam-like of their own making and inventing and at length lost not only the Power but the very Form of Truth and true worship and then being in the Enmity did compel to their Worship and Cain-like persecuted to Death the true Worshippers the true Church and people of God witness several Histories of the Papal Persecution of the true Christians in all Kingdoms and Countries where the Power of Rome extended it self and so continues in many places to this Day And how can we do less then charge the rise of Christians so called persecuting for Religion to proceed thence For they were the first Authors of Force and Vioience in matters of Faith and Opinion in Religion amongst Christians the Inquisition being chiefly entrusted to the Order of Dominick who first preached this Force and by whose means many true Christians were put to Death for not abjuring their Principles and true Faith in Religion and this was the first Example of putting Erring Persons to Death in the Church of Rome for Christianity doth not punish Corporally people for erring Spiritually but indeed Popery doth And of the same mind were divers ancient and modern Writes who said That people must be enformed to embrace Religion with Reason and not compelled by Violence for nothing violent or injurious can be Religious because Reason and not Force ought to convince That God never loves to plant his Church by Violence and Blood the Condition of Christians being rather to be persecuted then to persecute What Cruelty among Christians is acted under the colour of Religion as if we could not be Christians unless we crucifie one another And by Compulsion no man can make a a Hypocrite to be a true Believer but on the contrary many may be made Hypocrites For people in the Matters of Religion and Worship of God should rather be drawn by the Spirit of the Lord in God's Authority then driven by the Terrors of Magistrates or forced by the Penalties and Punishments of outward Laws of Men And how can that Service and Worship be acceptable to God which for its Authority hath only the Force and Fear of Man without the Faith and Fear of God John also saw the Whore the Mother of Harlots judged and the downfall of her Pride and the Merchants of the Earth that were enriched by Trading and Trafficking with her lamenting her Fall and the Man-Child come to rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron smiting them with the Sword of his Mouth and the holy City new Jerusalem the Mother of us all discending out of Heaven from God prepared as a Bride for her Husband and in this Holy City there was no Temple the Lord God and the Lamb being the Temple of it and the Lamb the Light thereof and the Nations of them that are saved shall walk in the Light of it c. Here John the Divine had a Sight of the restoring of the true Church to its primitive Purity and Institution in Faith Worship Discipline and all Gospel-Order And now the Day of God's great Love and rich Mercy to Mankind is dawned again after the long Night of Apostacy since the Apostles dayes and the Everlasting Gospel is preached again and he that made Heaven and Earth is to be Worshipped again in Spirit and in Truth and many are turned from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan and the Dragon's worship unto God and the Church is returning out of the Wilderness and making her self ready for the Marriage of the Lamb an Invitation to the Supper is proclaimed and the Way to the Holy City discovered And it having pleased God to bring us forth in this Blessed Day and Happy Age wherein the true Light hath appeared in which we have believed and are turned thereto by which we are come to see the first day's Work of God's new Creation Light separated from Darkness and to see over and beyond this long and thick dark Night to God's Day the Light that manifests Sin the Deeds of Darkness the Works of the Devil and hereby we are come to the Foundation Principle again of many Generations and to the true Religion to see and know the true Worship of the primitive Christians again so to be led out of all By-wayes Will-worship Rudiments Traditions and Presciptions of men to Worship God aright which is in the Spirit and in the Truth which Christ Jesus set up above 1600 years ago for we are of and for the
same Faith Worship Church and Gospel-Order of the antient true Christians for which we are now persecuted as they were in former dayes And indeed it hath been our Portion to suffer ever since the Lord God first raised us up to bear Testimony to his Everlasting Truth the Light Christ Jesus that lighteth every Man that cometh into the World that through it they might believe and to own his true and living Worship which is in Spirit and in Truth and to endure not only Reproaches bitter Taunts Mockings and Revilings but also Cruel and Vnchristian-like Vsages by Halings Tearings Beatings Whippings Woundings long Imprisonments great Fines excessive Loss and Havock of our Goods and sometimes Loss of Life occasioned mostly by the Priests whose Merchandize we can no longer buy and their incensing the Magistrates against us falsly accusing us as the Jews did Paul to Faelix to be Movers of Sedition and raising new Sects so that as it was accounted a Crime then with the Jews to be called a Christian a Follower of Jesus of Nazareth even so now is made matter enough against us by some sometimes to be called a Quaker a tearm given us in Derision first by an Independant Justice at Derby about 20 years ago and for no other cause have several suffer'd Neither have we in this Realm suffered for these last 11 Years only but before even in the former Powers time the which hath been already published and we have found that the most and worst of our Sufferings since the King's Restauration have bin by such of the Professing Priests and Magistrates that were in Favour or at leastwise made use of in Oliver and his Son Richard's dayes and are now wheeled about and for Profit or Honour have cringed and conformed to these Times though we cannot but own and acknowledge that upon Applications and Addresses made by us to the chief Rulers of this Land in behalf of our suffering Friends they have divers times been pleased to grant us Remedy and Redress And seeing we hold or maintain no Principle of Religion or Practice of Worship or Doctrine of the Gospel but what is according to the Scriptures of Truth why will any professing Christianity persecute us And we can truly appeal to God the Searcher of all Hearts that according to our Principles so our Practises have alwayes been even to seek Peace and ensue it and to follow after the Knowledge of God and to desire the Good and Welfare of all Where have we wronged any mans Person or Possession or been found in Plots or guilty of Sedition or Have we made Resistance when men yea unreasonable men with Clubs Swords and Staves and other illegal wayes have wronged beat cut and abused us which was no Honour to Manhood to exercise such severity and Cruelty upon such an Innocent and Harmless People that will not lift up a hand against them and wherein we could not actively obey for Conscience sake in matters relating to Religion and our Principles there we have passively suffered and patiently born it Have we not all along been a Suffering People and yet not for any Cause of Evil doing that could justly be laid to our charge but for things pertaining to our Principles and the Worship of God and in Obedience to his Requirings of us for which Cause we can more freely give up our Bodies a Sacrifice then to disobey the Lord God of Heaven and Earth who having kept us Innocent will plead for us against our Causless Persecutors who have no more against us then was against Daniel Hath not long Experience of us under several Governments and distinct Powers since we were a People to God fully and to any moderate man sufficiently evidenced our Innocency and that our Deportment notwithstanding the many and great Provocations have been peaceable and harmless in the exercise of our Consciences in Religion and the Worship of God touching which we our selves and none else for us must give an account to God let our Neighbours and the whole Nation bare testimony and the just Witness of God in men judge and Conscience speak whether our Principles have produced any other Practice then as aforesaid or our Practices any other Effects in our Conversation then such as become an in-offensive and well-minded People professing Truth and Honesty Well then What man as a man much more as a good man professing Christianity will have a hand in persecuting the Innocent People of God or who will joyn with cursed Cain the first Persecutor on Earth to persecute his Righteous Brother Abel about Worship Is it not contrary to the Character of a good Christian and against the Royal Law of God to impose upon another in the things of Religion and worship of God contrary to the Faith of the Imposed or would the Imposer be imposed upon contrary to his own Vnderstanding and Conscience in the spiritual concernments of his soul seeing that every man must answer for himself that none can give to God a Ransom for his Brothers soul therefore we warn all in love to take heed what they do herein for its a tender Cause and its the Jurisdiction of the Lord his Sovereignty and proper Dominion and alone belongs to him to rule in the Consciences of people in order to be served and worshipped acceptably And to the end Reader thou mayst be inform'd of the manner of our Sufferings and the cause thereof we have collected some part of what we have suffered for these last 11 years that thou mayst see how where and for what sometimes without and contrary to Law and sometimes under colour of Law much Havock hath bin made of our Goods which we here put to publick view in a plain way and manner for we are a plain people we have no need to use Arguments to perswade thee to credit the truth of this ensuing Relation it being so obvious and generally known in Cities Towns Countries where we are conversant And though some of them may seem small in thine eyes yet we would not have thee too sleightly disesteem thereof in regard the least of them is for matter of Conscience and therefore ought to be tendred by all professing Christianity in Truth and Sincerity of which number we wish thee no worse then to be one and then thou canst not but reckon us two thy Friends Thomas Holme Abraham Fuller THE CONTENTS I. FOr Meeting together to wait upon God in his Fear Service and Worship II. For not paying Tythes and Maintenance to the Priests and their Clarks III. For not paying to the building and repair of the Parish Worship-Houses called Churches IV. For not going to the publick Worship at the Church so called and for Exhorting and Reproving people in the Fear of the Lord in the said publick Houses of Worship Markets and Streets V. For not Swearing not taking off the Hat and working on Holy-dayes so called VI. An Occasional Treatise relating to the aforesaid Sufferings First
Unchristian-like spirit of our Persecutors And forasmuch as there is not only a great Difference betwixt us and the literal Professors of Christianity touching the Worship and Service of the True and Living God but that the greatest part of all our Sufferings is generally for and on the account of our Worship to God for that God was and is to be worshipped is owned by all called Christians but how and by what few do understand and that God had a People that truly worshipped him in all Ages is recorded in the holy Scriptures of Truth and though they differed in Manner and Place yet however all that worshipped acceptably 't was by Faith in the Seed therefore we shall begin with that Branch of our meeting together to wait upon and worship the Lord. First As for our meeting frequently together to seek the Lord by waiting upon him in his holy Fear and to Worship him in the Spirit and in the Truth which is the only acceptable Worship with God we have amongst many more these brief ensuing Grounds and Reasons First BEcause the Lord hath thus prrswaded our Hearts by his good Spirit to meet often together to have our minds exercised in his Fear and Worship to wait upon him for more Light to know and understand more of his Heavenly Will which is revealed by his holy Spirit as well what is our Duty towards him and all men as to know his Will towards us and by the Light or Manifestation of himself by his Spirit we come to know and believe that he is a Spirit and is to be worshipped in his own Nature in the Spirit and in the Truth it being mans Duty to wait upon God in and by that of himself made manifest in man which only and truly shews him how when where and after what manner God will be worshipped For if God who is invisible be a Spirit and therein to be worshipped then nothing less then of the same Nature will reveal God to man and shew him how to serve and worship God aright and therefore of necessity for all that intend either to know the Mind of God or their Duty to him to be very serious and weighty in their approachings to worship God in order to conduct the mind of man to seek after and know the Will of God it being a weighty Work to worship the Lord God aright and to the end we may perform a Worship which may be acceptable in his sight therefore it is we thus meet together to seek his Face with our minds waiting and stayed in his Light and measure of his Spirit to open our Understandings in the Mysteries of his Heavenly Kingdom that we may know how to live and walk in this Life as becometh true Christians to answer the End for which we were created that is To glorifie God and to keep our selves unspotted of the Word which is pure Religion Ja. 1. 27. And thus by Faith was God worshipp'd before the Law from Adam till Moses for God having made man in his own Image capable to serve and obey him and to enjoy his blessed Presence but man by Transgression lost his Place and happy Estate and so was drove out from God yet not without a Promise of the Seed Christ to bruise the Serpent's head and though thus expelled yet was it his Duty to Serve Fear and Worship the Lord God his Creator as apppears by the practice of Adam's first Sons who worshipped God by offering Sacrifices each of them according to the perswasion of their Hearts and Understandings Gen. 3. 3 4 5. Cain the first Birth offered the Fruit of the Ground Abel the second Birth offered the Firstlings of his Flock and the Fat thereof and he and his Offering or Worship was accepted but unto Cain God had no respect as offering from that which was cursed and he not finding Acceptance with God in his said Service then Envy and Wrath arose in him and he Murthered his Innocent Brother Mark Here is the first Persecution about Religion here are the two Seeds and the two Births of which and from whence springs all the Natures and Lines and Worships of all Men in the World ever since and from hence its easie to know of what Race every Worship is of Persecutors are of and from envious Cain And is it not below a man or at least as a good man to be ranked of the Race of cursed Cain for shame then let all men forbare to persecute about Religion for you see who is the Father and whosoever persecutes it s a manifest token that he finds no Acceptance with God in his own Worship and so seeks to be revenged on his Brother on him that finds Peace with God in his Offering or Worshipping even on Righteous Abel And by Faith in the promised Seed Christ not only Abel but even all the rest of the holy Patriarchs Noah Abraham Isaac and Jacob c. performed their acceptable Services and Worships to God offering and worshipping in divers Places and Manners and yet without Scripture or written Rules and though they had not a written Law or outward Rule to direct them how to worship God yet had they the Everlasting Rule God's Spirit which was before Writings were by which they were surely acted and truly guided how to live and walk towards God and towards man and how to perform a Worship to God that might be acceptable in his sight as the Scriptures testifie And thus by Faith through all these Types Figures and Sacrifices under the Law was God truly worshipped a contrite Heart being more esteemed by God then Burnt-Offerings and Sacrifices Psal 51. 16 17. 1 Sam. 15. 22. Secondly Because it s our Duty so to meet to seek and worship God who is worthy to be sought unto and waited on by all that make Profession of him as tending to the Honour of his holy Name and Advancement of his Blessed Truth and to the Benefit and Comfort of our own Souls as appears by the Practice of the Saints of old who feared the Lord and spake often one to another and the Lord hearkened and heard and a Book of Remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and thought upon his Name And they shall be mine in that day saith the Lord when I make up my Jewels Mal. 3. 16 17. So that in consideration of the Omnipotency of God who as we are his Creatures much more his People that fear him and his Children that believe in him doth expect our continual dependance on him as being ready to hear and answer our breathing Desires and to supply us with every Good Thing needful for us Lam. 3. 25 26. We have good Grounds thus to wait and meet 1st From the Promise of Christ Jesus who said Mat. 18. 20. Where two or three are gathered together in my Name there will I be in the midst of them and we have found him faithful that hath promised read Mat.
Plea of the Transmutation of the property of Tythes from jus divinum to jus humanum will not serve in sound reason nor by Scripture to exact Tythes from true Christians nor yet for them to pay Tythes either to the Clergy or Lay-men And the Apostles continued in Christ's Doctrine and preached the Gospel freely coveting no mans Silver Gold or Apparel but laboured with their hands that neither they nor their Gospel might be chargeable 1 Cor. 9. 18. And Paul layes down in his Epistle 1 Tim. 3. the Quallification of Ministers and Bishops That they must not be Strikers nor Covetous nor greedy of filthy Lucre nor Proud c. and against such as preach for Lucre and make Merchandize of the Word both he and several of the Apostles bore Testimony as may be seen in the Scriptures And there having been so many Volumns published of late by several of our Friends against Tythes enough to satisfie a moderate and rational man against the use of them whether by payment or reception in these our Gospel dayes that we need not enlarge hereon and besides the Understandings of people in our Nations are so enlightened that very few do pay Tythes on the account of Conscience or Scripture Authority but as being constrained thereunto against their Wills for as peoples eyes are opened by believing in and embracing the true Light Christ Jesus they will easily see over the Apostacy unto the primitive true Christians times and so to discern the true Gospel-Ministers and their Allowances by Christ from the now National parochal hired Priests and their Maintenance by Tythes and forced wayes set up by men and that by the Scriptures of Truth Tythes and forced means is not a Maintenance for Gospel Ministers and that he that takes and he that pays Tythes now do both deny Christ come in the Flesh Thirdly Touching our not paying to the repair of the Parish or publick Houses of Worship called Churches we have good Ground First BEcause there is no Example for this from the Antient People of God the Jews either in building or re-edifying and repairing of the Temple of Jerusalem a Place Appointed and expresly Commanded of God to be built For neither did David that prepaired aboundance for the Building of it nor yet Solomen his Son that built it nor yet Zerubbabel and the Jews that Re-built and repaired it would admit of any of the Gentiles or strange Nations to help or assist them therein for when their Adversaries proffered help they refused acceptance saying You have nothing to do with us to build a House unto our God we our selves together will build it unto the Lord God of Israel Ezra 4. 1 2 3. So that the Jews for the love and zeal they bore to God and his Worship denied those that were not of their Religion that joyned not with them in their Worship to help them to rebuild or repair the Temple which was the Place for the Jews to worship at and this is contrary to you that call your selves Christians that compel others not of you to build mend your Places of worship Secondly Because there is no Example from the Primitive true Christians for after Christ came who ended the Temple Worship c. there were many thousands both of the Jews and Gentiles converted to the Faith and met in several Places and Houses to worship God Acts 11. 26. 20. 20. 28. 30. yet we do not read that they either imposed upon one another or compelled the Jews or Gentiles from whom they were turned to build up Places of Worship nor yet that the unconverted Jews and Gentiles compelled the Christians either to build or repair the Jews Synagogues or Diana's Temple Thirdly There is no equity or reason for us to pay to the building or repairing of those now Places of Worship called Churches for God hath so perswaded our hearts that we cannot joyn with them that go to worship there we having good Scripture ground both against the Worship it self the manner of worshipping and the Worshippers and therefore we refuse to go to the Place And can we do less then appeal to the equal Principle of God in men Whether it is not repugnant to right Reason and Equity for the Priests and others to ask much more to assess and compel by taking away our Goods excessively to pay to the building or repair of their Places of Worship called Churches which they themselves and not we make use of for we disown them in their Will-worship 2 Tim. 3. 5. where is taught for Doctrine the Commandments of men Mat. 15. 9. and where Prescriptions and Traditions of men form out a compuisive way of worship for Time Place Manner and Matter as being contrary to Christ's Speech to the Woman of Samaria Neither in this Mountain where the Patriachs worshipped nor yet at Jerusalem the place commanded by God to be built for him once to be worshipped in but the Hour cometh and now is said he that the true Worshippers shall worship God in Spirit and in Truth for such the Father seeks to Worship him and he is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship in the Spirit Joh. 4. 21 22 23 24. And further doth not this manifest that the litteral Professors of Christianity in this Age are grown very cold much below God's ancient People the Jews who for all they had been banished out of their own Country and been Captives in a strange Land in Caldea and Persia 77 Years yet at their return to Judea would not suffer any that were not of their Religion and came not to their Worship to help them to re-edifie repair the Temple commanded of God to be built is not this much unlike this Generation of men that by force make havock of us and out Goods for not helping them to build and repair their now places of Parish-Worship called Churches for which they have no Command from God to build or repair So now this may serve to inform people how innocently and that for Conscience sake we suffer in this thing and that our Persecutors have neither Example of God's Antient People nor of the primitive true Christians nor yet Reason or Equity on their sides for what they have done against us herein Fourthly For not going to the publick Worship and not joyning with them in their Worship at their said places called Churches and for Reproving and Exhorting them to fear God in the said Places and in Streets and Markets as we are commanded of the Lord we have good Ground though we have or may suffer for the same First For it appears by the Scriptures of Truth that in the Infancy of the World even before there was any written Law or outward Rule commanded or prescribed by God that People then offered or worshipped God each of them according to the perswasion of their own hearts and minds as is hinted at in the first Branch For Abel did not joyn with