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A42555 Wisdom justified of her children, or, Two sermons sometime preached in Cockshutt Chappel, in the county of Salop, and lately at Brightling in Sussex, on Matth. XI. XIX. and now at the request of friends enlarged, and published / by William Gearing ... Gearing, William. 1668 (1668) Wing G439; ESTC R16127 41,501 72

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every tittle of truth is to God they foresee the dangerous effects upon such as start aside from the way of truth Religion and heavenly wisdom this keepeth and engageth their hearts to follow God and to hold to his truth and to justifie his ways Why are men so fearful in a good cause for a good God It is because the truths of God are not so deeply rooted in their hearts they are not soundly principled in these things If cloth be not well wrought in the Loom at first though it shew fair in the Loom it will shrink much when it cometh to the wetting The cause why many shrink in the wetting in time of suffering is because their hearts were not well wrought at first not fully possessed with the excellency of true Religion and heavenly wisdom 2. Because there is nothing in wisdom in true Religion but what is justifiable Therefore let us see what Religion is Religion is that form and rule by which God hath taught us how to know him and serve him 1. How to know him Religion is the knowledge of God and in this knowledge of God eternal life doth consist saith our Saviour John 17.3 Indeed we can never serve him rightly If we do not know him rightly service is a fruit of love S. Augustine saith Sciri aliquid aut credi potest tamen non diligi Diligi autem quod neque scitur neque creditur non potest We may know or believe a thing yet not love it but we cannot love that thing which is neither known nor believed by us 2. As Religion teacheth us to know God so likewise how to serve him And this same service that it teacheth partly it concerns his own worship in duties of piety partly of conversation with men in duties of equity and mercy Gods worship is a main duty that Religion teacheth it teacheth both whom to worship and how to worship it sheweth us both the true God and the true way how to serve him Some worship the false god for the true S. Paul saith of the Gentiles that instead of the Creatour they gave glory to the Creature Rom. 1.25 Many that worship the true God worship him in a false manner for they follow not his rules but their own inventions we must not only verum Deum colere sed vero cultu colere worship the true God but also worship him in a right manner If otherwise it may either be said of us as our Saviour to the Sycharitish woman you worship you know not what or as to the Scribes and Pharisees you worship you know not how teaching for Doctrines mens Traditions Religion teacheth both whom to worship and how to worship Again as it is a Rule for Gods worship in duties of piety so for our conversation among men in duties of justice and mercy Religion were no Religion if it taught not this too if it taught not justice as well as holiness Charity as well as devotion Diliges Deum Thou shalt love the Lord that is the first the greatest precept that it giveth but yet diliges proximum too Thou shalt love thy neighbour this second saith our Saviour is like unto the former for the precepts must needs be like because the objects be alike Man was made in the likeness of God therefore the precept we have to love man must needs be like the precept we have to love God they be so like saith S. John as the one of them cannot consist without the other 1 John 4.20 Gregory saith well Sicut per amorem Dei amor proximi gignitur sic per amorem proximi amor Dei nutritur As the love of God begets the love of our Neighbour so also by the love of our Neighbour is the love of God nourished Religion teaching all this it must needs be an Art worth the Learning an Art indeed So Du Plessis calleth it Morney Ars salvum faciendi hominem the Art of saving mens souls All the Arts in the world are not able to teach this There hath been a strife among the Artists as there was sometime among the Disciples which should be the greatest among them to which of them priority and preheminence should be given Lactantius saith it was so among the Philosophers and Oratours of Greece but the Philosophers got the preheminence because they were generally reputed Animalia sapientiae wisdom's creatures Oratours only taught artem bene dicendi the art of speaking well Philosophers artem bene vivendi the art of living well and this must needs be more excellent than the other quoniam bene dicere ad paucos pertinet bene vivere ad omnes because to speak well belongeth to a few to live well pertaineth to all and that was it Philosophy professed But what Philosophy falsly vendicated Religion may justly challenge for Religion is indeed that Art that teacheth to live well He liveth well that liveth ever and that Religion teacheth it teacheth such a way of living here as will afterward bring us to live for ever the way to everlasting salvation is taught and troden out to us in the precepts of Religion seeing none of all the other Arts can teach this this is more excellent and more worth learning than all Moreover Religion do●h not only teach us to live thus but tye us to live thus And so much the very Notation of the word will give it is called Religio à religando saith Lactantius which signifieth to bind again quod hominem sibi Deus ligaverit quasi pietate constrinxerit because by Religion as by a bond God doth as it were bind and tye us to himself Religion then you see is of a binding nature it doth not only teach but tye tyes us to do by practice what it teacheth us to do by precept Now Gods Religion is an holy pure and undefiled Religion as the Apostle saith of the Law the Law is holy just and good So Religion hath nothing in it but what is good even for us and what is holy and just in every precept of Religion there is equity and goodness The ways of wisdom are pleasantness and all her paths are peace godliness is profitable in this life and in the life to come it is Religion makes a people happy and flourishing why then should we be ashamed of it What ashamed of holiness of goodness of truth of blessedness What have men to shew for heaven but his truth What treasure doth God betrust his Church withal but his truth which he esteemeth dearer than heaven and earth What is the way to heaven but holiness Now shall we expect that Gods ways should be mercy and truth if his truth be not embraced and his holiness not followed after What doth the Lord require of man but to do justly and to give to God and men their due This the Children of Wisdom behold in Wisdom and therefore will justifie it I know not through what Spectacles the world looketh upon
repented at John's preaching believed Christ and his Doctrine so that the several ways that God taketh to bring men to Christ is meant by wisdom in this place SECT II. II. We are to enquire what is meant by justifying Wisdom is justified c. 1. Justification is taken sometimes for Commendation Wisdom is justified 1 It is highly admired commended praised Godly men do highly commend and praise God in this way of Salvation through faith in Christ the Saints do admire God's Wisdom in contriving such an effectual way of saving mankind in contriving a means to satisfie offended justice by an infinite and plenary sarisfaction and yet manifest his Free-grace Love and Mercy Marvellous in the eyes of Saints is Gods Wisdom Love goodness Justice Mercy in Christ The Phasees slighted this Wisdom of God called it Heresie and the Greeks called it foolishness but believers cry out O the depth of God's Wisdom in the Gospel 2. Others understand the word justified thus it is received by the godly and approved as the only safe way to salvation No other Jacob's ladder to climb up into the third heaven by nor door to truth life and righteousness but Jesus Christ set forth in the Gospel Believers do with joy dance after Christs piping and lament when John mourneth though the wicked Pharisees reject Christs righteousness and the preaching of the Gospel as things unable to salvation 3. To be justified is to be cleered from all false imputations what blasphemous imputations did the malicious Pharisees lay and fasten upon Christ A Wine-bibber a Glutton a Friend of Publicans and sinners a Samaritane a Devil an ignorant Carpenters son So Chrysostome and others do interpret the words thus seeing the Wisdom of God trieth all ways and neglecteth no means conducing to the conversion of sinners he trieth by mourning trieth by dancing he trieth by preaching terrour he trieth by preaching free grace and mercy he trieth by love he trieth by severity he trieth by promises by threatenings by denouncing woes and curses and yet men remain obstinate and impenitent Rebels against the Counsel of God the wisdom of God is now justified 1 Is absolved is altogether excusable and free from their detractions and false imputations their eternal perishing is from their own stubbornness So to this very day how do profane men lay upon Religion and the holiness of Christ shining in the conversations of the godly false bitter and scandalous crimes and imputations yet true believers do free Christ Religion and Holiness from these calumniations Though they account Religion to be a Moopish and Foolish thing and call holiness preciseness indiscretion overmuch strictness yet the godly will justifie Religion to be an excellent thing and say that Wisdom is the principal thing Prov. 4.7 Though the Pharisees disgrace Christ and call him the Carpenters son yet Peter will justifie him to be the Son of the living God They call him Glutton Wine-bibber Devil but the Saints will justifie him to be the holy One of God the Lamb of God without spot to be undefiled separate from sinners to be the God of Gods and King of Kings 4. To justifie in our common phrase is to maintain what a man speaks or doth A man useth to say I will justifie my words and actions so godly men will plead for wisdom stand to Christ and his ways and will maintain Religion against all oppositions and contradictions SECT III. 3. Who are meant by the children of wisdom It is an Hebraism by children of wisdom are meant wise men godly men As in Scripture by children of disobedience are meant disobedient persons wicked and ungodly men so by children of wisdom thosse that are truly wise every godly man every man in Christ will justifie the wisdom of God in Christ justifie Religion justifie God in his ordinances truth and holiness This point may be strongly proved from Scripture See with what an undaunted courage Peter and John did justifie Christ before all the Jews both Rulers and people who had charged them not to mention the name of Christ Act. 4.10 11 12. Be it known unto you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom ye Crucified whom God raised from the dead even by him doth this man stand before you whole This is the stone which was set at nought by you builders which is become the head of the Corner Neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved and vers 20. We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard We are Resolved to do it we cannot but do it The profession of Christ and his Gospel was accounted Heresie and believers were accounted factious and schismatical yet S. Paul would justifie it to be the only way and worship of God for thus saith he to Felix Act. 24.14 after the way which they call Heresie worship I the God of my Fathers What holy resolution had the three noble children in the cause of God's worship A stately Idol is advanced by Nebuchadnezzar and All are commanded to worship this dead stock solemn Proclamation is made to this purpose hereupon come in a company of Informers such as are ready on all occasions to do the Devil service they come and accuse the Jews vers 9. They come in a flattering way O King live for ever and vers 12. There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs of the Province of Babylon Shadrach Meshech and Abednego These men O King have not regarded thee they serve not thy Gods nor worship the golden Image which thou hast set up As who should say under correction your Majesty is mistaken in setting these men in such an eminent place and they are very unthankful for this preferment These men O King regard not thee nor worship thy Gods Hereupon they are called to examination and the King himself takes cognizance of the cause vers 13. Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury which is no fit qualification for a Judge or Ruler calleth for them to be brought before him and then puts them to interrogatories vers 14. Is it true O Shadrach Meshech and Abednego Do ye not serve my Gods c. Now if ye be ready that at what time ye hear the sound of the Cornet Lute Harp c. ye fall down and worship the Image that I have made well but if ye worship not ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a fiery furnace and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hand Martial Law He speaks thus in effect Have you any God greater than my Gods and seemeth to rely more upon his own strength than upon the strength of his Gods therefore he saith who shall deliver you out of my hand he was puffed up with his many great victories that he is forgetful both of God and man But see their
and derided at him The Jews made him a King but it was in mockery when they put upon him a purple robe and a reed into his hand neither would they throw down their righteousness before him thinking Christ not worthy of their tribute So unto this day all impenitent sinners do rebel against the Crown and Dignity of Jesus Christ they will not Subject themselves to Christ's Scepter and the Government of his Spirit according to his word they will be lawless and live as they list they will not vouchsafe to throw down the weapons of Sin Pride Drunkenness Uncleanness c. and their stubborn wills and unruly affections Jesus Christ in the judgement of an ungodly world is not worthy of these things so all ungodly men do deny to justifie Christ the King of Kings The Centurions Servants justifie and acknowledged him their Lord by their willing obedience to his quick commands when he said come they come go they go do this and they do it So the Children of wisdom do justifie Christ in yielding cheerful obed●ence to him in all his commands when he saith do this or that duty they do it when he saith Abstain from this or that sin no temptation can easily withdraw them Thus the Spirit of Christ is the intelligentia movens as Aristotle speaks of Angels whirling about the Sphere of their daily conversation When we obey Christ we put a Kingly Crown upon his head in suffering him to rule us to subdue our hearts unto him and do not cherish any contrary motions to his Spirit when we will not go against his Spirit and his Word as Balaam said to Balak Though he would give me his house full of silver and gold I cannot go beyond the Commandment of my God to do less or more CHAP. V. II. Let us consider Wisd●m in another acception understanding there●y Holiness Religion the truths and Ordinances of Christ and so the Children of Wisdom do justisie Wisdom 1 WHen their love to Religion Truth and Holiness brings them out of love with the world when their embracement of these things divorceth their hearts from all outward things for Christ and for his Truth and Religion sake By our Self-denial we justifie wisdom to be the principal thing to be more worth than all the world to be better than Riches Honours the Favours of great Persons Pleasures and all worldly preferments that Christ is the only gain accounting all these things below to be but dross and dung When the Children of Wisdom can willingly suffer the loss of Riches Liberty Preserment Life and all they have for Religion for Christ for a good cause and a good conscience then do they justifie to all the world that these things are dearer to them than their own sives our sufferings for Religion is our Magnifying of it to be condemned for righteousness sake is to justifie righteousness suffering Christians are the Honour of Religion and the glory of Christ Thus Moses justified wisdom he parted with the best things that Egypt could give and contented himself with the worst condition of the Israelites this sheweth that he justified Christ to be better yea the sufferings and reproaches of Christ to be better than all the treasures of Egypt The Pharisees would not thus justifie Christ self-denial and their popular outward Pharisaical holiness could not stand together it is said of them that they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God and so would not be Disciples of Christ as if it had been dishonourable for them as Salvian in his time complained long agone Siquis ex nobilitate converti ad deum coeperit statim honorem nobilitatis amitteret Religion makes men ignoble and base in the worlds eye So again it is spoken of the Pharisees that they durst not openly to profess Christ lest they were cast out of the Synagogue they durst not justifie Christ So still in all generations too many earthly men do justifie and have applauded the world above Religion and Holiness but yet still wisdom ha●h been justified of all her Children 2. When we stick to Religion to the Worship and Service of God then do we justifie wisdom when we resolve to serve God in his own way let all commands and threats affront us yet then will we stick to Gods testimonies and to the pure worship of God Thus Daniel stuck to Gods Service against the decree of the King that contained a moneths Atheism in it Dan. 6.7 He had rather be torn asunder with a whole Den of Lions than be drawn to worship a man in stead of God he would pray three times in a day to his God though the King whose Favourite he was would cast him out of favour and all the Princes and Presidents soug●● thereby to ensnare him Though the wicked mock such as hear the word pray and perform all the parts of Gods worship more frequently than themselves yet the Children of wisdom will justifie ●t rejoycing as the Psalmist speaks of the Sun to run their course daily of Gods Service the children of wisdom are not like some Seamen that boast they can sail with all winds they can do nothing against the truth they like wisdom best though it doth not always se●ve their own ends and occasions they hold on in the way of Religion as a Traveller riding in earnest business that must go on in his way whether fair or foul in company or alone go they must yea run whom Christ draweth and in that way they fear no Lions nor to be slain in the Streets because they hold it needful that they go not needful that they live and when the Children of this world are resolved to be nothing but what they are ready not to be that they may be fitter for those in high places whose persons they have in admiration for advantage sake the Children of wisdom do abhor all inconstancy in Religion or any thing which may argue the least unfaithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ the Prince and Captain of their Salvation Religion is as a garment which covereth them and for a girdle wherewith they are girded continually To the Children of the world Religion is as the Philacteries upon the skirts of their garments but far from their heart but to the Children of Wisdom it is as the Corinthians to Paul In the heart to live and die together 3. We justifie wisdom when as the Children of Wisdom do just fie one another by loving one another for their graces and holiness by standing for them when the wicked by opposition or disgrace do labour to beat them down when we make much of them when the world trampleth upon them and looketh upon them as the filth and off-scouring of the world we justifie wisdom they are beloved of us because they are beloved of Christ we honour them because they honour God we stick to them because they stick to God we rejoyce in them because of the graces of God in their
hearts and lives This is to justifie God his image his holiness to justifie Christ in his members in owning them we own Christ as it was said of Lot in entertaining of strangers he entertained Angels into his house so in loving honouring delighting in Gods people for holiness sake we do it to Christ himself When men are ashamed of Paul the Prisoner of Christ when men regard not holiness nor esteem of men for their spiritual worth but deal with them as the malitious Pharisees with Christs Disciples cast them out of their Synagogues for believing in Christ this is not to justifie but to condemn and deny Christ in his members Scaliger tells us of a tree unto which when a man cometh ramos constringit it closeth her leaves and branches but when he departeth ramos pandit then it ope●eth her leaves and branches Many men are like this tree when godly men who have the reproach of Christ upon them come neer them and do desire their favour and help and their conditions be made known to them they shrink up themselves and are inwardly vexed counting it a disgrace to have such come neer them but when they are gone they begin to be pleasant This is an adulterous generation that are afraid to justisie Christ in his members so would they do even to Christ himself 4. We justifie wisdom when we live according to the Power and Putity of that Religion we Profess when our lives are a Grace or Ornament to Religion when we live according to those things we believe and make open profession to the world we do believe them we profess our selves to be the members of Christ let us justifie Christ our Head by our obedience to him we profess our selves the Spouse of Christ let our conversations justifie Christ our Husband we profess our selves the Sons of God let us justifie him to be our Father in all Holiness and Purity his Image in us must justifie it We profess Religion let us justifie Religion by expressing the Power of it in our lives and conversations that we may cleer Religion from the false imputations and slanders which the enemies of Religion and godliness cast upon it You know how apt the world is to blame Religion they are ready to say and do say none are worse than Professours of Religion their Religion is nothing but words and shews and empty forms we had rather deal with Papists or with any other than with these men they are so unconsc●onable the world is full of those slanders let us justifie our Religion by walking as becometh the Gospel It is not our duties that do so much justifie Religion but it is our holy just pure unblameable and fruitful conversation this justifies our Religion and Christ by it this makes men to Justifie us and say God is in them of a truth it makes the Christian Religion lovely and beautiful even in the eyes of the profane If our Religion be only in words in duties in outward forms we condemn Religion and condemn Christ and Justifie the slanders which the wicked Rabble do cast upon the profession of Christianity 5. We justifie wisdom in justifying God in all his Divine-truths in his commands by pure and entire obedience to all as well as to any one command we condemn God in disobeying but one command in his promises by cleaving to God even then when to present sense Gods Providences seem to cross his promises we justifie Gods faithfulness and truth in his word in his thre tenings when we tremble at his word we justifie Gods justice in truths concerning hell when we leave such courses as hurry men thither we justifie God in truths concerning heaven by setting our faces hearts and courses upon and toward heaven in his truth concerning the day of judgement by loving and looking for the appearing of Christ when in all these we live as men that do believe there is an heaven and hell death and judgement to come but the children of disobedience do belye God in these things CHAP. VI. MOreover the Children of wisdom do justifie wisdom in the worst of times the children of this world take Religion to farm they will be tenants at their own will not at their Lord's they will hold it no longer than themselves please and throw up all in a bad year and when they think their bargain too hard they lay the key under the door go their way and leave their Lord to go look his rent when persecution ariseth because of the word by and by they are offended and in time of such temptation they fall away Matth. 13.21 But to the children of wisdom Religion is their Free-hold their Fee-simple a purchase bought even of Christ himself who hath a good title and will not deceive the purchaser but though in the opinion of a worldling he sells dear yet such a peny worth as he that knows the worth of it will part with all that he hath for it rather than go without it When Christ and Religion are in a triumphing posture then will worldly professours take branches of Palm-trees and go forth to meet Christ and with the multitude cry Hosanna to the son of David Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest but if once they find Christ to be apprehended and led away to the High-priests Palace and there to be spit on in his face and buffetted they will with Peter deny him and say we know not the man and if this be not enough they will bind it with an oath that the world may be satisfied they are none o● his company but the children of wisdom do receive the Gospel with much affliction If the Gospel be in a suffering condition they will be partakers of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of God 2 Tim. 1.8 when they took up Religion they were resolved that some trouble would meet them in that way and will now stick to it though they lose all that they have for it The Religion of worldlings is as the dew which is but sudor terrae the earths cold sweat that is soon licked up the Religion of the true Christian is as rain from heaven that sticks by the earth the one wets not a fleece the other watereth the ground the one serveth only for frogs snails and Grashoppers the other soketh the root and maketh it to bring forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed and receiveth a blessing from God Heb. 6.7 CHAP. VII The Reasons of the point 1 TAking wisdom for Gods way of Salvation in and through Christ there is great wisdom to justifie this Reas 1. Because the only wise God hath thought this to be the only way and means of Salvation The way of God is of all ways the most justifiable in the wisdom of God there is not the least shadow of folly Gods wisdom yea the whole glory of God cannot appear in any way more than in
Religion and holiness that they so slightly esteem it as unpleasant and unprofitable If there were folly in Wisdom if any thing unworthy a mans praise imitation love and liking there were some shew of Shrinking from it but who can charge the wisdom of God with folly who can espy spots or darkness in the Sun who can espy blame in Gods holiness or errour in his most glorious truth The Ephesians could stand for their Diana the Philistines for Baal zebub the God of Ekron wicked men can stand for their Lusts Worldlings for Mammon Hereticks can stand for their Errours and shall God have none in all the world to stand for him and justifie heavenly Wisdom CHAP. IX Use 1 THe first use of this point may be for terrour to all Pharisaical and other profane persons who condemn the wisdom of God himself preferring their own folly their lusts and ways above the wisdom of the only wise God their own righteousness above the righteousness of Christ himself Was there ever such an impiety heard of that men should sit like Judges and condemn God the the just Judge of all the world Christ the merciful Saviour the Holiness and Religion of Christ Innocence it self Here I will shew how moral and profane men do condemn wisdom 1. When men justifie themselves by their good works their civility their legal righteousness The Scribes and Pharisees were the Peevish Children that would neither dance nor mourn after John and Christ these did and all Moral men do condemn the wisdom of God in saving man by the righteousness of Jesus Christ this is to depose Christ and to set the Crown of Salvation upon their heads making themselves their own Saviours their menstruous clothes more glorious than the Robe of Christs righteousness their fig-leaves more than the garments of salvation which God hath made for them and put Christ out of his Office making a Christ of themselves what blaspemy is it of the Papists who place the Virgin Mary above Christ and most blasphemously pray to her to command her Son to do this or that for them Thou Mother of God command thy Son to hear me There is the like blasphemy found in the hearts of all civil moral men they do place their righteousness above Christs righteousness as if that should command God to open the gates of righteousness that they may enter in thereat O vain men be proud of your own folly and wrap your selves up in your rags and build as high a tower of duties as you can and lay stone upon stone duty upon duty good work upon good work the day is coming when God will justifie this wisdom and tumble you headlong O ye self-justitiaries with all your righteousness into hell your Tower of duties will be but a Babel of eternal confusion and not one stone not one duty shall be left upon another that shall not be a very abomination of desolation 2. We condemn wisdom when we backslide from our professed Religion abjure Christ in his truth set up errour instead of truth or follow profaness and embrace the world in stead of holiness and embracing Christ Is not this a justifying of profaness a justifying of errour and of the world and a condemning of Christ's Religion truth and holiness Now consider 1. This is an upbraiding of Christ as if he were not bountiful enough to engage the hearts of men to follow him as if Great Diana of the Ephesians were far more excellent than the Lord or the Jews Queen of Heaven were better than the blessed God of Heaven 2. It is an upbraiding of his truth as if the traditions of Scribes and Pharisees the vain janglings and disputes and errours of corrupt minds were better than the Oracles of God and the Counsels of God displayed in his word in justifying the errours and traditions of men what do we but condemn the Wisdom of God for foolishness it self yea my Brethren Backsliders do the greatest mischief in the world they do not only condemn Christ and Religion themselves but as the Scribes and Pharisees did suborn false witnesses to accuse him So backsliders do suborn others to condemn Christ and Religion they harden their hearts against Christ and his ways There are many in hell perhaps O Thou backslider that curse thee for their condemnation they had not spoken evil of Religion nor condemned godliness as they did had it not been for thy Apostacy 3. We condemn Christ when we will not suffer him to rule and reign over us as King and Lord when we draw away our neck from the yoke of his holy and righteous Law We put a Kingly Crown upon the head of Christ when we obey him and suffer our whole man to be ruled by his Spirit according to his word but disobedience is a deposing of Christ a depriving him of his Kingly Crown VVe will have no King but Caesar said the wicked Jews when Pilate condemned Christ to die and profane men cry we will have no King but our Lusts or the Devil rather our Lusts are his Law our fulfilling them is subjection and obedience to him Oh how many are there that perform one part of obedience to God and think that enough If they have some shew of godliness it is without justice and honesty they have no care of their word and promise if they have honesty it is without piety they make no conscience of prayer in their closet nor in their family they can dispence with it a week a month or two perhaps together if they have any good desires and purposes they come to nothing Whence that saying There are more good purposes in Hell than in heaven not as framed there but as carried thither for want of being effected upon earth Are there not many that are superficially good but really evil Abel and Cain both Sacrificed and both to the same God the Publican and the Pharisee both did the same Act they prayed and in the same place the Temple and to the same Lord yet was Cain rejected and the Pharisee not justified because though they performed the same act yet not with the same heart and will 4. A scandalous profession of Religion is a condemning of wisdom a scandalous conversation gives not only a lie to our profession but also it justifieth the foul aspersions which wicked men cast in the face of Religion and the Professours of it Strictness of Religion is termed by profane men hypocrisie It is said of Davids gross sins that he caused the enemies of God to blaspheme thus doth every loose professour he causeth the way of God to be evil spoken of Religion is ill reported of for his sake Chrysostom hath a comparison If an Oratour make an ill speech or an Artificer a bad piece of work Men will not condemn Rhetorick for his Duncery nor Art for the Workmans want of skill But it is otherwise in Religion if professours live ill then men presently blame religion as if that were
Father Father I know them not Christ will neither know them nor any of their religious Acts nor acknowledge any thing they have done for him As the Psalmist speaks of dead men They are forgotten and out of mind and their place shall be known no more so it is with such as shall condemn wisdom and deny Christ when they shall cry Lord Lord have we not done this He will be ashamed of such as call him Lord before his Father Chrysostome on that place I know you not said he had rather be stricken through with a thousand thunderbolts than to hear Christ say I know you not Christ will not own any good work or good duty of theirs who have condemned or denied him and his ways all their prayers shall be forgotten as if they had never prayed yea all their duties shall but aggravate their torment he will say to his Father Give double torment to those that have condemned wisdom and yet prayed to Thee in my name 5. Christ will accuse them before his Father These are the persons that would not feed me when I was hungry that when I was thirsty would give me no drink that being a stranger took me not in that when I was naked Matt. 25.40 41. cloathed me not that when I was sick and in prison visited me not these are the men that did basely condemn my ways and shamefully deny me before such and such men This is Judas that betrayed me into the hands of the Jews These are the persons that by their cowardise or covetousness betrayed my truth my worship my religion into the hands of sinners Brethren I know you abhor Judas his fact and would not for a world stand in Judas his coat before God at the day of Judgement Let me tell you to betray the truth of Christ to condemn true wisdom will be reputed as great a sin in that day Nay Christ will not only accuse such but he wil cast them out of his presence and destroy them before the blessed presence of his father he will cast them out from the presence and from communion with Angels and Saints into hell torments Depart ye cursed of God and Christ ye that condemned Religion Depart ye cursed of Angels and of your own Consciences into hell torments What is that worm there that never dieth but thy Conscience of denying and condemning Wisdom 6. Consider the hainousness of the fact what a sin it is to condemn Wisdom and Religion In denying Wisdom you deny Christ himself in condemning Religion you condemn him It is his religion his truth his worship his ways which you condemn therefore in condemning these you condemn Christ himself You condemn him whom God the Father hath justified and glorified and witnessed a good confession of him before men This is my well beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased you condemn Christ whom all the Angels adore it is their glory to be his Ministring Spirits in condemning him you condemn the infinite love of God for so God loved the world that he gave his son you deny the Lord of glory the Prince of life the King of Kings the only Saviour You reject the blood of Christ his blood which is more worth than rocks of Pearl than mountains of Gold yea more than if God had given an heaven full of Angels or a world of Creatures for you O what a great sin is it to condemn him who hath bought Thee with his own blood who suffered the wrath of God for us and purchased many glorious priviledges for us To deny or disown a friend that hath been kind and bountiful it is shameful for a Child to deny his Father it is unnatural but for a man to deny or condemn Christ who died for him condemn his redeemer and Saviour it is worse than unnatural if worse can be 7. Look upon the goodness of wisdom A man can have no better than God's truth to maintain and to acknowledge the word of life and salvation no outward means but the Gospel to bring us to Salvation to condemn these we condemn the means of salvation The men of Sodom shall rise up in judgement against the men of Bethsaida the men of Niniveh against the men of Capernaum because they repented at the preaching of Jonas the Bastards of Babylon shall rise up against the daughters of Zion in judgement the Papists shall rise up in judgement against many Protestants for they will not condemn nor betray the Cause of Anti-christ but these men put Christ to open shame and expose the wisdom of God to a world of contempt in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation CHAP. XI An use of exhortation to justifie Wisdom Vse 2 BE exhorted now my Brethren to justifie Wisdom thereby ye shall shew your selves to be the Children of Wisdom stand up in the defence of Christ and religion be not ashamed of him not of his Gospel be ready and willing to suffer any thing for his sake if thou art called thereunto rather die for him a thousand deaths suffer a thousand torments rather than deny him once if ever ye look to have Christ own you to have his Father own you and his holy Angels in all their glory to own you then beware of condemning wisdom plead for his truth justifie wisdom reliove the members of Christ boldly and freely testifie what ye hold and believe in matters of religion constantly affirm this is Christ's Doctrine this is Christ's Religion this and none else is the pure worship of God in Christ Witness a good Confession with your mouths what ye believe in your hearts of Christ and his Doctrine It is not an Arbitrary duty but necessary If an Arian should ask what believest thou concerning Christ Thou must answer I believe him to be very God though all the world were Arian or if a Papist should ask Thee concerning Christ in the Sacrament Thou shouldest answer I believe He is not there bodily Some think it enough if they believe Christ's truth and Religion in their hearts and as for outward affirmation and justification of it in plain words it is rather superfluous at least Arbitrary not necessary No this is not sufficient A man that believeth in his heart his mouth must shew forth his faith If he be perswaded in his heart that this is truth and that is truth he must testifie it in his words As the Apostles they believed in heart that Christ was the Messiah was the Christ and they did confess it with their tongues Thou art Christ the son of the living God This is Jesus the God of glory the Prince of life whom the Jews slew and hanged upon a tree S. Paul did believe the Resurrection and he did justifie the Doctrine of the Resurrection before a whole Council Act. 23.6 Many account it a peice of singular Wisdom either to silence or to dissemble the truth they had rather be accounted Wise and Wicked than Simple and Religious they had
rather be esteemed as Neutral between Christ and Anti-christ than openly to confess and justifie him veritas s●lummodo abscondi erubescit truth only is ashamed to be hid If you believe that Religion which you profess you must be ready to justifie it before all the world Be ready to speak for Christ upon all occasions to plead for his Gospel and Worship in all places Our Saviour wheresoever he came would in all companies in all places upon all occasions testifie himself to the people All Paul's preaching and writings were nothing else but a confession and testification of Christ S. Bernard reckoneth the name Jesus to be found five hundred times in Paul's Epistles as who could not speak of Christ sufficiently his Tongue his Pen the Pulpit the Prison the Bar the Judgement hall preached Christ CHAP. XII Of the special seasons when we ought to justifie Wisdom NOw let us consider the special times when we ought to justifie Wisdom 1. When men shall attempt to draw us off from Christ and his Religion then must we justifie wisdom Had we Balak to offer as much to us as to Balaam an house full of Silver and Gold or as the Devil did to Christ all the glory and riches of the world if he would but fall down and worship him so to us if we will fall from Christ our profession his truth and holiness if then we answer from the heart Crucified to these things as Balaam did from the tongue his heart longing after the proffer we will not go beyond the word of the Lord for an house full of Silver and Gold this wonderfully justifies wisdom Such as justifie Christ and Religion do look upon these outward things with contempt and scorn when as men that condemn wisdom look upon them with admiration and affection judging themselves men if they can get these things below When the Emperour Valens offered Basil great preferments telling him what a man he might be Basil answered offer these things to children not to Christians they are but bables in a Christian's esteem So when some bade stop Luther's mouth with preferment one of his Adversaries answered Germana illa Bestia non curat aurum That German Beast careth not for Gold his Spirit was too Divine and Heavenly to be tempted with Gold Earthly hearts would soon have been taken with such offers 2. When wisdom is vilified and Religion is in disgrace contempt or trouble then for a man to stand for Christ and Religion this is a time to justifie wisdom when the more disgrace is cast upon Religion we burn with greater Zeal and love to Christ Shimei and Mephibosheth were both tried in Davids troubles while David was in his prosperity both honored him but when Absalom rebelled and David was fain to flee for safety yet then Mephibosheth sticks close to David and Shimei shewed his false heart railing upon him So long as Christ was working miracles feeding the people miraculously with loaves he was followed and justified by them to be a Prophet or Elias or the Messiah but when Christ was vilified before Pilate and misused then they condemned Christ and cried out Away with him Crucifie him Crucifie him When Religion is at the lowest ebbe clad with disgrace trouble and contempt this is a time for a Christian to justifie wisdom 3. When the truth 's of God are overborn with errors and Adversaries then to stand for the truth o● God is to justifie wisdom When we stand resolutely for the least truth of Christ as the Godly Bishops and other holy Martyr's did in Queen Mary's days Quisquiliae veritatis sunt pretiosae that died many of them for truth's of a lesser size so dear was truth unto them Herein the Children of Wisdom do resemble God who prizeth the least tittle of his word as dearer than heaven and earth It was a noble resolution of Skammah he would not suffer the Philistines to have so much as one piece of ground in the land of Israel 2 Sam. 23.11 A resolute Christian that loveth truth will not suffer the enemies of truth to get the least ground of truth uno absurdo dato mille sequuntur Let but one absurdity be granted a thousand will follow The children of wisdom know but one Lord one Faith one Gospel in truth and indeed if any other be obtruded they reject it as spurious Gold cannot endure the least quantity of Latten to be mixed with it nor Silver of Tin No more will truth endure the least mixture with any adulterous wares nor will the children of wisdom take Alchymy for currant Coyn although it bear the Stamp of the King's Image and Superscription If once they discover this Stratagem of Saran or any of his Ministers they will not give place by Subjection or admixtion no not for an hour that the truth may abide with them In this case it was that S. Paul Gal. 2.5 withstood not only those of the Circumcision but even the holy Apostle Peter and that to his face who though free from errour in Doctrine yet gave offence by his practice in favour of the Jewish Ceremonies and went not with a right foot according to the truth of the Gospel but admitted those obsolete Rites to approach too near it A little chink in a ship may let in water enough to sink a Ship of a thousand Tun so if heresie get in never so little within the Ship of the Church it may soon sink it into the Sea of Errour If Charles Martel and Pipin his Son be admitted to steer with the Kings of France they want but the Popes title or a New coyn'd distinction to get an absolute Soveraignty so the unsound Christian knows if he can but introduce a companion that will prove a Rival that in the end will thrust truth out of doors 4. When Christ and Religion is forsaken by the greater multitude in the world yea within the verge of the Church then is a time to justifie wisdom Religion in its purity is condemned by the most as humorous factious as a singular way Now for a man to Swim against the strong stream of the multitude to walk in the way of Religion though he walk alone without Company this is a time to justifie wisdom Thus one Elijah justified God and his worship against a whole Kingdom of Idolaters one Micajah against four hundred false Prophets Christ and his Apostles withstood the whole Jewish Synagogue VVhen the multitude go against Christ he looketh that his Disciples should go against them If the multitude be profane they must be strict and not live according to the course of the world If the multitude of the Jews follow the traditions of the Elders the Apostles must follow the Rule of God's word VVe are not to follow the multitude but to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth the multitude leads to hell Shall we follow them It is for beasts to follow the herd for an Hog to follow the herd of Swine for