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A27119 An arrow shot against Babylon out of Josephs bow which grew up from the stem of Jesse ... and this is a visitation and warning (once more) from God unto all such rulers, teachers, and people in England who are, or may be persecutors about religion and worship that they may yet flee out of Babylon ... the great whore (which hath set upon nations and reigned over the kings of the earth) that they may partake no longer of her sins ... and this may serve as a glass for all false Christendom to behold themselves ... / by William Bayly. Bayly, William, d. 1675. 1663 (1663) Wing B1518; ESTC R25910 22,002 29

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you judge of us we have no other end in all our meetings together but to wait upon our God that we might know his Will and be guided and directed into all truth by his Spirit which he hath sent into our hearts and in it to worship and serve him all the days of our life and here we find the narrow way and strair Gate which leads into the Paradice of God even to the eternal life but broad is the way and wide is the Gate that leads to destruction according to the words of our dear elder Brother Christ Jesus for we having but turned our faces from the Earth toward the Garden of God our true resting-place but immediately our Brethren the first-born of Adam in transgression like Cain do rise up in wrath to smite us by whom we are greatly abused imprisoned and oppressed who will not go in this narrow passage themselves nor suffer them that would and in as much as in them lieth they strive to hide the key of true knowledge from their Brethren and would not have them seek that City which hath foundations whose Builder and Maker is God in which only is the eternal salvation peace and quietness of the souls of the children of men Heb. 11.10 Surely this must needs be of the old Serpent the beguiler oppressor and destroyer of Mankind and of the great Whore the Mother of Harlots even the same which beguiled and deceived tempted and led them out of the Paradice of God's counsel and presence in which is joy and peace for evermore even the Murtherer from the beginning which killed the just and let the mind into the Earth and its delights pleasures and vanities which comes to an end Therefore the Cross must be taken up which the second Adam taught us daily to the earthly affections things of this World in which the Prince of darkness ruleth for it is but a Cross not of Wood Stone Gold or Silver but the pure Power of God by which the World and the things thereof are become dead and crucified unto us and we unto them even such a Cross that the earthly minded are enemies to who can set up and wear the Cross of Wood Silver and Gold which is of the Earth like them that make them and wear them but this crucifies the World and all that is in the World is the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life and the whole World lies in wickedness so this crucifies the wickedness slays the enmity which your Crosses of Wood and Stone never did but you have been in enmity about them and such things and yet are in the lust and pride enmity and wickedness stumbling at the Cross in which the Saints glory is for by this are the Kings bound in Chains and the nobles in fetters of iron even Lord Esau and all the Princes of Ishmael and Dukes of Edom Esau's stock and the Devil is King over all the Children of Pride Read this and tremble all you whose state this is for it is not your talk of God and Christ and of his Cross that will at all avail you while you stick fast in the driven-out-state in which you are separated from the enjoyment of his life and presence and not returning to the Rock from whence we were hewen the tryed everlasting foundation which is laid in Sion by which every mans Works Words Professions and Religions must be tryed and made manifest of vvhat sort it is For by this Line of true Judgement he that says he vvorships God or loves God and yet hates his Brother is found a lyar and vve knovv that all lyars are shut out of his Heavenly Kingdom and must have their portion in the Luke that burneth vvith the heavy displeasure of God Rev. 21 8. Therefore I pray you brethren be you novv vvell advised in vvhat you do act or speak and consider the end of these things your ovvn state as to God-vvard for as for us vve are but strangers in the Earth as our Fathers vvere now vve are avvake the glory of it is but like a dream vvithout substance or satisfaction to the immortal soul vve novv perceive what the captivity of Babylon is and the Whore vvhich hath sate and reigned over all Nations and Kings of the Earth and vvhat that night and sleep vvas in vvhich the Enemy came and sovved tares among the good Seed in the field for vve being returned toward the Land of the living following the Light of Israel the promises of our heavenly Father are fulfilling unto us where he said They shall return and discern between the precious and the vile between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not between him that sweareth and him that feareth an Oath c. and I will return unto them a pure Language and they shall worship me with one consent This the Lord is fulfilling among us whom he hath gathered out of the many unclean Languages and false Worships and vain Religions the Whores Dommions to worship him in the Spirit and in the Truth for such only he seeketh and they are the true Worshippers John 4.23 24. Now I question not but you have heard how Cain offered sacrifie and yet smote and slew his brother Abel whose blood cryed from the ground against him for vengeance may you not read this somewhat near consider it and God had no respect to his offering who slew his brother but unto his offering who was the sufferer God had respect as he hath at this day who saith To this man will I look who is poor and of a contrite Spirit and trembleth at my word These things and the ground of them you might perceive if you were but truly awakened from the deep sleep of sin and death and the pleasures thereof which are but for a season however the Trump of God is sounding which shall ere long awaken you to judgement then shall you see how you have striven against the love and mercies of God and slighted the day of your visitation from on high and have fought against God's Witness and Witnesses to keep them in the perpetual Babylonish captivity and Egyptian bondage and darkness Be not deceived any longer neither flatter with your selves for we are not blind nor mad or in ignorance and error as you have supposed believed and reported through which you have reproached and greatly abused us and strengthened the hands of evil-doers and cruelty against us without cause but we are truly awakened by the voice of the Son of God who hath opened our ears and understandings and that eye which the Serpent the god of the World had blinded and now we see and know that if any man love the World or the things of the World the Love of the Father is not in him let him profess what he will The Scribes and Pharisees could say much could say We have one Father even God and we are Abraham's Seed
whether the Dragon that would devour it be not the Devil that rules in the hearts of the children of disobedience the false Christians stirring them up to persecute murther about Religion Worship seeing Cain that did so was of the wicked one the Murtherer from the beginning the blood of all the Prophets Saints is found in the Mother of all abominations which is carryed or upheld by a Scarlet coloured Beast Mark that Rev. 17.3 9. And whether the spirit of this Beast which carrieth this great Whore do not go downward to the Earth and feed upon the earth and the things of the Earth and minds the earth its pleasures pride covetousness and ambition and is pushing with its horns like the false Prophets Ezek. 34. ruling with oppression and cruelty and persecuting and afflicting about Religion and Worship minding honor below storming and raging for fear of losing the Devils Kingdom his works which the Son of God the true Womans Seed is come to destroy in whom is known the Spirit of a Man which goes upward but dust is the Serpents meat and upon his belly he goes all the days of his life and no higher there he feeds and out of his dark holes he creeps spitting forth his poyson and venome against that which is always caught up to God out of his reach though he cast out his fiery-like Floods after the Woman and her Child and makes war with the remnant of her Seed which are this day in being which keep the Commandments and have the Testimony of Jesus Mark the Child whose Life the Dragon Beast Whore and false Prophet seek to destroy is caught up to God out of their reach and ever was and ever will be And this is the Word of the Lord God unto all persecutors and Earth both Teachers and Rulers about Religion Sacrifice and Worship you tread the outward Court the Serpent bruiseth the heel mark that and not the Head the Head is in the holy City where the dogs the biters whoremongers and murtherers cannot come but beware how you sport with the Vessels of the Lord for they are holy that bear them left the hand-writing on the Wall appear against you and you be smitten with a final destruction Dan. 5. throughout and fear before the God of Daniel who is persecuted for worshipping his God at this day among his Brethren for he was a trembler at God's Word Dan. 10.11 So remember you are once more warned as God's Witnesse shall answer on your death-bed if you go on in Cains way you shall have Cains portion banished from God's peace and rest with greater punishments then you wil be able to bear and if you are in the Whores way in which the Pharisees was professing of Religion and making long prayers and yet persecuting about it you must partake of their woes judgements and if you are in the Beasts Dragon and false Prophets way and Balaams way minding earthly things greedy of filthy lucre casting into prisons for your bellies pride covetousnesse and Earthly Honors sake the innocent followers of the Lamb the true Womans Seed that keeps Christs commands you must be cast into the Lake of fire in Gods wrath and vengeance to be tormented for ever and ever as it is written Rev. 19.19 20. 20.10 14.19 20. c. Therefore try your selves of what birth you are whether you are of Cain or Abel of God or the Devil of the true woman or Church of Christ in deed and in truth walking in his steps in the self-denial bearing witness for the truth led from prison to judgement for the Testimony which you hold and for the word of patience for this declares his generation Isa 53.8 Or whether you are the Seed of the Adulterers and the Whore which Isaiah speaks of chap. 57.3 and John in the Revelations which drunk the blood of the Saints Read your state and see who is your Father and Mother for there is no daubing in God's sight with untempered morter you must be of the one or the other of Jerusalem the holy City or of Babylon the great VVhore the false Church or the true you are of therefore let no man deceive you with flatteries smooth things for this Testimony wil stand before God Angels and men and J am thus far clear of all your blood and you will be left without excuse whether you hear or forbear W. B. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer Behold the Devil shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tryed and ye shall have tribulation ten days But be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life Rev. 2.10 Have respect unto the Covenant for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty Psal 74.20 Matt. 7.15 16. Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheeps clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves ye shall know them by their fruits Do not rich men oppress you and draw you before the judgement-seat c. Jam. 2.6 7. He that loveth his brother abideth in the Light and there is none occasion of stumbling in him but he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth because that darkness hath blinded his eyes 1. John 2.11 For this is the Message that ye heard from the beginning that we should love one another not as Cain who was of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew he him because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous Marvel not my brethren if the world hate you we know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren He that loveth not his brother abideth in death Whosoever hateth his brother is a Murtherer and ye know that no murtherer hath eternal life c. 1 Joh. 3.11 12 13 14 15. THE END
but be cloathed with humility walk in love for he that loveth not knoweth not God For the Apostles of Christ's sending were harmless We seek not yours but you I have coveted no man's Gold or Silver or Apparel and we have the Spirit of Love and of a sound mind then not an earthly but redeemed from it unto God as Kings and Priests to reign over it so if you be not found in this inwardly as wel as talk of these good things with the mouth and tongue outwardly we shall judge you in the infallible judgement of Christ that you are not sent of him but are the contrary against him of Antichrist the grievers the thorns the raveners of the stock of Cain and linage of the great Whore Mysterie Babylon the false Prophets by your fruits you are and shall be manifested So consider these things ye Rulers and Teachers of England and tremble and quake before the Lord God and put your mouths in the dust and be silent for your covering are too narrow and your bed too short and God is stretching the line of true Judgement over you which shall dash you as with an iron Rod if you wil not be humbled and confess you have sinned in all these things and repent speedily and do so no more And this is the Word of the Lord unto you which wil shortly be fulfilled Here followeth some Questions to be answered by the Persecutors about Religion and Worship who are usurping Authority over mens Consciences in such things which only belongs to God and are neglecting their own duty and place in not relieving the oppressed and doing Justice and ex cuting true and righteous Judgement between man and man but are making it their work to ensnare the righteous and oppress the innocent and to strengthen the hands of the wicked encourage the evil-doers for which things sake God will rebuke them Psal 82 83. Qu 1. PErsecutor What is the Devil of whom the Scripture speaks that he is a Murtherer from the beginning John 8.44 And where is he now And how was he a Murtherer from the beginning And about what did he murther from the beginning And how doth he work in the hearts of the children of disobedience And what are his works and where are they which are manifest which the Son of God was manifested to destroy Eph. 2.2 1 John 3.8 2. What was Cain of which the Scripture speaks that he was of the wicked one 1 Joh. 3.12 And what was the wicked one of which Cain was if it be not the Devil And how was Cain of the wicked one or the Devil if it were not because he persecuted and slew his Brother about Sacrifice and Worship Gen. 4.3 4 5 6 7 8. 3. What is the great Whore which is called Mysterie Babylon of which the Scripture declares that she hath reigned over Nations Kindreds Peoples Tongues and Languages and Kings of the Earth seeing she is called the Mother or original of all Abominations of the Earth and that in her is found the blood of the Prophets and Saints and of all that were slain on the Earth What is the Mother of all abominations if not that Spirit that led out from God and persecuted killed and murthered about Religion and Worship Whether all abominations did not proceed from this Spirit And whether the Legions be not in that Vessel where this Murtherer dwells who is King over all the children of pride Read Rev. 17. and 18. chap. Job 41.34 Isa 27.1 4. Whether the Devil was not Cain's Father and the great Whore his Mother seeing the Scripture saith he was of the wicked one and the Pharisees who persecuted to death about Worship and Sacrifice were of their Father the Devil John 8.44 And in the Whore Mysterie Babylon was found the blood of all the Prophets and Saints c. and if all the blood of the Saints was found in her then whether any can be found out of her when dilgent inquisition is made by the Spirit of the righteous God but if none of the righteous blood be found out of her but all found in her then vvhether Cain and the Devil vvere not of and in this Mysterie Babylon the great Whore vvho vvere Murtherers from the beginning about Sacrifice and Worship by vvhom righteous Abel vvas killed from the beginning Gen. 4. 5. What is Cains Mark and Cains vvay of which it is written in the Scripture God set a Mark upon Cain or takes notice of him by something by which he may be known and wo unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain c. Now what is Cains Mark and his Way canst thou answer me if it be not persecution and murthering about Religion and Sacrifice in the wrath and envy seeing the Scripture saith his countenance fell and he was wrath and slew his brother and wherefore slew he him because his own Works were evil and his brothers righteous * Mark ye that swear and compel to swear and imprison the harmless for not swearing your works are evil for ye transgress the commands of Christ Jesus whom all are to hear and obey who saith Swear not at all and they that obey him their works are righteous and God doth and will put a difference between them and you about these things as it is written even as between Cain and Abel Mark the occasion of persecution and who are the persecuted and of whom are the persecutors seeing Cain was of that wicked one who slew his brother about Sacrifice a matter of Conscience towards God 6. What is the Beast and his mark or image which carrieth the great Whore which all the World hath wondered after and worshipped or bowed down to seeing the Scripture saith the Whore sate upon many Waters the Waters were Nations Tongues Peoples Multitudes and Languages and she reigneth over the Kings of the Earth who were made drunk with the Cup of her Fornications and her Merchants were the great men of the Earth c. Rev. 18. 7. And whether this Beast be not the great red Dragon which carrieth the great Whore which stands ready to devour the Man-child of the true Woman which was fled into the Wilderness for a time times and a half into a place appointed And whether this Child which the Dragon would devour be not that Seed of the Woman which was promised should bruise the Serpents head And whether this Dragon be not the old Serpent the Devil and Satan which rules in the hearts of the children of disobedience whose Head must be bruised by the Womans seed And whether the Devil do not know he hath but a short time when this seed comes forth to reign whose right it is Rev. 12.12 13 14 15 16 17. 8. Whether this Seed or Child of the Woman which must bruise the Serpents head be not Christ or the appearance of God manifest in flesh among and in his despised and afflicted people in all ages And
AN ARROVV SHOT AGAINST BABYLON OUT OF Josephs Bow Which grew up from the stem of Jesse the Root and Off-spring of David and was bent by the Archer of Israel which hath struck at Cains mark from Paradice into the Land of Nod and hath lighted in the skirts of the great Whore to the discovering the Mother or original of Harlots and all Abominations of the Earth tracing her in her footsteps with all her Companions and Merchants the Beast Dragon and false Prophet by the blood of the Prophets and Saints and of all that were slain upon the Earth And also pursuing her from her birth or the Serpents hole out of which she came to her latter end which is the bottomless pit or Lake of Fire into which she must return And this is a Visitation and Warning once more from God unto all such Rulers Teachers and people in England who are or may be persecutors about Religion and VVorship that they may yet flee out of Babylon mystery Babylon the great VVhore which hath set upon Nations and reigned over the King of the earth that they may partake no longer of her sins lest they partake of her perpetual plagues which cometh swiftly upon her in one day With a few questions concerning the Devil and Cain and the Whore and the Dragon and the Beast and false Prophet whence they came and where they are and how they may be known and whither they must all go together in the end And this may serve as a Glass for all false Christendom to behold themselves and try their ways and see what Spirit and Church they are of and whose children they are if ye were Abrahams children ye would do the works of Abraham By WILLIAM BAYLY Put your selves in array against Babylon round about all ye that bend the Bow shoot at her spare no arrows for she hath sinned against the Lord Jer 50.14 For thy Merchants were the great men of the earth for by thy sorceries were all Nations deceived in her was found the blood of the Prophets of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth Rev. 18.23 24. LONDON Printed in the Year 1663. An Arrow shot against Babylon c. IN the beginning before transgression man was in Paradice the Garden of God made in his own image and likeness and was in unity and peace with him in the innocent meek tender holy upright life in which he was formed in which state he stood with God as a Child with a Father or as a Wife with a Husband without variance distance or enmity between them and God's blessings was upon them in this their innocent lowly obedient state till at length another spirit got an entrance by desiring or letting the desire go out after the eye to be more knowing and wise in the mysteries of the outward Creation and visible things c. which soon captivated the tender simple upright mind and beguiled it from its own proper life and being in which it was made a living soul for they did not only taste but eat and that brought the death over them as it is written Gen. 2.17 for they entred into a secret false joy of what they had attained to and a satisfaction they got in the sensual wisdom and knowledge of things and so grew conceited that they were as Gods knowing good and evil c. And so through this aspiring spirit or motion which began to spring up in their minds a secret strife or enmity began to arise between the innocent life and it for there was a contrariety between them but they eat of the Tree of Knowledge which beguil'd them from the Tree of Life in the midst of the Paradice of God This was Adam's fall going outward with his mind from the guidance rule and dominion of the innocent upright Life by which he was made a living soul feeding in the aspectings and viewings of the visible things the mysterie and secrets of which was hid from him in that Life from which he was departed and he only could retain but strong imaginations of them which pust him up so now he became a griever and an oppressor of God's good Spirit and it became a reprover and troubler of him by reason of his disobedience against it and departure from it and he was now afraid of God's voice having done that which was contrary to him and then to get peace he sewed fig-leaves to make themselves coverings but all would not do while the Tree of knowledge is fed upon which was good in its place but forbidden to feed upon because it beguiled from the Tree of Life being pleasant to the eye and desirable to make one wise c. and the World by Wisdom knows not God so by it they lost the knowledge and unity and peace of God and were driven into the Earth and shut out of the Paradice of God and became vailed in the enmity pride and pleasures of the Earthly or sensual part which followed that aspiring motion of the subtil Serpent or Adulterer that led out from God like the Harlot Solomon speaks of that was subtil of heart whom the young man followed as an Ox to the slaughter and as a fool to the correction of the Stocks and knew not that it was for his life and that her paths led to the Chambers of death and her steps take hold of Hell this is the thing Adam was very young and the Harlot subtil so was deceived for the one enticed and the other consented and followed not knowing it was for his life though God had said he should surely dye but this Tempter led out the mind from the sence of the good man of the House with her Bed of pleasures and delights and with enticing vvords she forced him but the end was bitter as Wormwood as hath been known by woful experience for here was the first carrying away captive into Babylon the Mysterie of which the outward vvas but a figure and the first draught of the Whores Cup of Fornication was novv drunk by vvhich the just innocent life suffered as one might say even in the Womb and in Cain and Abel the tvvo Seeds or Spirits were clearly manifest the one in pride fury enmity murther drinking his brothers blood and the other the sufferer by him in the patience vvhose blood had a voice that cryed unto God from the ground and yet it 's said of Babylon that in her is found the blood of the Martyrs and Prophets and of all the Saints that have been slain upon the Earth then Cain was in Babylon which is now called the Great Whore and the controversie between Cain and Abel was about Sacrifice and Worship this hath spread even the Spirit of Whoredoms Enmity and Wickedness over the World and Cains Mark hath been apparent among multitudes peoples tongues and languages killing and persecuting about Religion and Worship This is the great Whore which hath sate upon many Waters reigned over the
Prophet shall be cast into the Lake and be tormented day and night for ever and ever and the Lamb and the Saints shall rejoice over her with songs of triumph and Halelujahs for evermore Amen Rev. 19.2 3. So now you may read and see that the seed of evil-doers the birth of the flesh or spirit of Whoredoms did always persecute the birth that was born of the Spirit after Gods Image in all ages And here is now no new thing happened under the Sun but the same controversie as was between Cain and Abel though greater shall the Work be then ever in these last days But this is Cains and the Whores Mark in all ages and the Beasts that God and man takes notice of or knows them by Persecution about Religion Worship and Sacrifice c. as Christ said of the false prophets By their fruits ye shall know them Do men gather grapes of Thorns prickers or figs of thistles Read these things in the fear of the Lord God for they will add to the weight of the Milstone when Babylon sinks which day hastens as a Woman in travel and the wo must come upon all you who are found in Cains way and Balaams way and the Whores way as you may read Jude 11. ver But what will ye now do O ye sons and first-born of Adam in transgression God is raising a thousand Abels and Enoch is born again and Moses and Elias is come and the hearts of the children are turned towards their Father and the hearts of the Father toward the children and many are leaving the World and the Earth and travelling toward Paradice the garden of God again where Mount Sion is known and the King sitting upon his holy Hill Therefore let not the Heathen rage nor the people imagine a vain thing for it is so God is gathering his Seed from the four corners and quarters of the earth and his sheep from off all the barren Mountains where they have been scattered in the dark and cloudy day without a shepherd and he will feed them himself and the false shepherds shall no more make a prey upon them who have fed themselves and cloathed with the wool and eat the fat and pusht with shoulder and horns till they have scattered and not strengthened the diseased Read Ezek. 34. And who shall disannul his Decree or make void his promise and purpose The dry bones must be raised and become an exceeding great Army and Babylon must full and this is now doing with great noise and shaking Read Ezek. 37 7 8 9 10. And by the lightning the Earth with the power and glory of God Rev. 18.1 2. Which day is come and more and more approaching though you see it not who are in the night it comes like a thief upon you and will overtake you as a snare for so is the day of the Lord come upon all them that dwell in the Earth 1 Thess 5.2 3 4. Therefore in vain do you strive against God O ye Rulers and Teachers of the Earth who are in Cains way and Balaams way for his marvellous Work and Wonder must be brought to pass prosper and be perfected through the whole Earth in these last dayes It is not your Prisons Courts killings banishments or Inquisitions shall hinder or make void God's Eternal Decree which is established in the very Heavens Don't you remember how the grave could not hold him under whom your Fathers crucified and had from Prison to Judgment in the days past who is now again risen among us and is in the midst of us who gather together in his Name And this is the Word of the Lord unto you he is risen among us called Quakers and is come and coming in ten thousands of his Saints to convince the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds and hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him and to execute his Judgements upon them Read Jude throughout and this the whole Earth shall know in the day at hand for our God is risen to deliver his people and to lay low the haughtiness of the terrible ones and to scatter the proud in their imaginations and to make the Whore nake and desolate as a Widow without children and to exalt Truth and Righteousness Justice and true Judgement in the Earth that Judgment and mercy may meet together and Righteousness and Peace may kiss each other this is God doing this hath been wanting mercy and justice have not been found in the Judgement-seats but false judgement respect of persons injustice and oppression hath met together there pride rage cruelty vanity wantonness hypocrisie hath kissed each other there the poor hath been oppressed of his Neighbour and the rich hath had many friends this the evils under the sun hath prospered and spread like a bay-tree and equity hath been the low tree and unrighteousness the high tree exalted over all the great Whore hath reigned with the Beast and false Prophet the true Woman hath been in sorrow the Lamb and the Saints in great tribulations in all ages but now she is coming up out of the Wilderness leaning upon her beloved and not her own understanding and the Lamb and the Saints must get the victory and all coverings and veils will God rent off from the face of all people and there shall be no place of darkness nor shadow of death wherein the worker of iniquity shall hide himself but death and hell must be naked and give up the slain that is in them the Dragon must be chained and the Beast Whore and false Prophet must be taken and cast alive into the Pit or Lake that burns for ever and ever This will be a woful day for you persecutors false worshippers idolaters whoremongers hypocrites unbelievers fearful and abominable Merchants of Babylon and all you Seamen of Babylon who hath strengthened her Mast and spread her Sayle and traded with her when she shall lie as a wrack in the midst of the Sea and sink like a Milstone and be found no more at all you that have gone so often aboard her in the boat of deceit and drank the Wine of her Fornications in the mysterious sealed Cabines of her VVhoredoms which she hath set cht from the Land of Witchcrafts and gathered from the Vine of Sodom and prest in the Fat of Confusion and held forth in the Cup of Hypocrisie howling and lamentation will come upon you fears and amazements will possess you when you behold the smoak of her torment Alas alas standing aloof off for fear will be your song vvhen you shall see this great City in one hour brought to nought No fig-leaves will hide in this day no sheeps clothing will cover the false Prophet but you must all appear in your own likeness and image before him that seeth in secret and be ript up and seen as you are before God Angels and Men no vizard of Profession shall excuse you from receiving a just recompence of reward according
to your deeds done in your bodies And this dreadful day is hastening upon all flesh which hath corrupted its way before the Lord for his own Name sake and for his Elect seed sake wil he cut it short in righteousness which hath long groaned and cryed unto him under the heavy burdens and cruel oppressions of the ungodly to be delivered from the bondage of corruption which hath long overspread the whole Earth and to be set free in the Paradice of God in the glorious liberty which is at his right hand where is joy and pleasures for evermore yea durable riches and righteousness from whence Adam was driven into the Earth by disobedience and so into darkness ignorance and confusion having eaten that which was forbidden and drank of the flattering Harlots Cup which hath since become a great Whore and made all Nations drunk and sate upon them and reigned over them even Kings of the Earth multitudes tongues and languages and the Garden of the Sluggard or sloathful wicked drunken servant hath been all grown over with thorns and thistles and Nettles have covered the face thereof and the best have been as a briar and the most upright as a thorn hedge pricking stinging tearing killing and warring against the Lilly and the Apple-tree as it sprung up in all Ages as it is written They all have lain in wait for blood they hunt every man his brother with a net Thus it was in Micahs days * Read Mic. 7.1 2 3 4. and the Sacrament of the Altar in the Martyrs days the Oath of Allegiance in these days see if the net be not found the mischievous desire wrapt up now among the bryars and thorns whose end is burning which caused sorrow to come upon him in the consideration and sence thereof and in Jeremiah's days Jer. 5.26 c. And thus it hath been from Cain unto this day persecuting about Religion Worship and Sacrifice but for the Elect sake as I said before these days shall be shortned and this is the Word of the Lord unto you all Mat. 24.22 Therefore hearken diligently and hear all ye Rulers Governors and People of the Earth who are the sons of Adam in transgression the fall and consider well in what state you now are and what knowledge of God your Creator you have and see whether you are not shut out of the Paradice of God in which man was made a living soul and whether you are not drove into the Earth even as Adam in transgression afraid of God and hiding your selves from his presence in which state you have no true rest but are separated from the enjoyment of the Life and Unity with the Eternal God in whose presence no worker of iniquity can endure therefore doth God in his eternal love call unto you to come out of Babylon and he hath appointed a day of visitation unto the children of men in all ages that in it they should seek and meet him by returning every one from his evil ways and look unto him from whom they have gone a whoring who is the alone salvation and Saviour of all them that repent and turn to him with their whole heart and that is the sacrifice which he requireth of all that make mention of his Name for it is not a talk or profession of Christianity and godliness that will stand in stead in the day of death or in this day in which the great deeps of the mysterie root and ground of all things which have been since the foundation of the World are manifest even unto Babes in Christ Jesus who is the Wisdom of God and the Power of God which none of the Princes of this World knew I say the secrets of the Most High are with them that fear him whose dwelling is in him that hath given them a measure of that pure discerning Life in which Adam gave Names unto Creatures and Things according to their natures while he was in Paradice before transgression was even in this Life through this Life is the living God bringing many sons daughters to that glory which was with him before the World began and is drawing with the Cords of his Love which is stronger then death many followers after him who cannot be satisfied in the Earth into which they were driven by transgression and polution which is not their true resting-place as it is written Micah 2.10 Therefore we being awakened are returning toward our Native Countrey in which we were created in Adam before transgression or separation was and we have given up our hearts minds and spirits bodies and souls to wait upon our God to receive from him strength and power to be translated into his own image and likeness wherein our salvation is wrought out with fear and trembling Therefore ye Rulers and people of the Earth do you ponderously weigh and deeply consider what you are doing by endeavouring to hinder us in the narrow way of our passage to the Heavenly Holy-Land or Paradice of God's rest which he hath prepared for the poor in spirit and tremblers at his Word who are not satisfied with an outward profession or name to live whilst not enjoying the eternal inheritance and possession of the Life and Substance which is at the right hand of God for evermore In which passage we resist no man or fight with carnal Weapons for our Warfare is spiritual but are calling to those who are our Brethren in Adam to turn their minds and affections with us to seek after our Native Countrey where our Father is again found and known and his voice heard that so the Spirit of enmity which came of the Serpent and the Whore might no longer remain in God's Creation from whence the strife and contentions wars and fightings comes but be cast into the Lake for ever Why should you thus abuse your Brethren or what reason can you shew to hinder us in the way of our passage to our own Native rest of our weary souls seeing we have no other end or aim in our eye but the price of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus who is gone before us into Paradice from whence we were driven by transgression the cloud of separation Read Isa 59 throughout And though you should yet more grievously oppress us and smite us and even put heavier yokes upon our tender necks or cause us to make brick without straw as our brethren did yet we cannot but sigh and groan and cry to our God whom we delight to worship though it be in the Wilderness under the grievous burdens of our oppressors For we being awakened and quickned from the deep sleep of sin and death which hath covered mankind cannot but look to the Rock from whence we were hewn and press forward in the patient sufferings through the strait gate and the daily Cross into the Heavenly Kingdom and Dominion of the holy God into which no worker of iniquity or unclean thing can enter So whatever
and never were in bondage c. and kept strict the Sabbath and fasted and made long prayers and paid tythe and gave Alms and read Moses and the Prophets words very exactly c. and yet the love of God was not in them as you may read John 8.33 37 39 44. but they were of their Father the Devil because his Works they did notwithstanding their fair covering and what was that they persecuted and kill'd about Religion and Worship as may be read at large in the Scriptures of truth of the proceedings in that age of the Rulers chief Priests Elders and great Professors c. Therefore take heed to your selves and to your own standing and do not so hastily judge amiss of us nor thus speak evil of us nor abuse and persecute us nor so grievously and cruelly afflict and oppress us any more about these things or because we are not altogether like or conformable unto you in your ways and traditions for God will plead with you about it but rather judge your selves that you are not hastening with us as Lot out of Sodom because of the wrath and vengeance which is swiftly coming upon the World of the ungodly which they shall not escape for I tell you and that from the mouth of the living God That a terrible storm dreadful hour is at hand except you run our race toward Zoar you will be taken and destroyed being found in spiritual Sodom and Egypt and in the Babylonish Market-place of confusion ungodliness ignorance and unrighteousness out of which the Lord of the Harvest hath called and gathered us into his Vinyard where after our faithful labour therein we receive enjoy and rest in the joy of our Lord And if you are found smiting your fellow-servants or brethren like Cain about these things and eat and drink with the drunken who are drunk with the Whores Cup and say in your hearts The Lord delayeth his coming he wil come unawares upon you and in an hour when you look not for him and will cut you assunder and give you your portion with unbelievers abominable ungodly and hypocrites who shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth for evermore Therefore remember to do as you would be done unto for that is the Law and the Prophets and as for Christ and his followers they are not come to destroy mens lives but to save them and let us alone in our journey or passage toward the City or Paradice of the living God who hath called and awakened us and raised up our affections and desires which cannot be satisfied with dreams husks painted things likenesses or vain shews for the Spirit of a man we are now come to know which goeth upward and are leaving the Beastial Spirit that descends downward into the Earth and now we also know that none can learn our song but they whose minds through the patient sufferings are redeemed from the Earth for it 's the song of the Lamband of Moses which chused rather to suffer affliction then to embrace the Treasures of Egypt or the pleasures of sin which are but for a season against whose brethren generation seed and off-spring the Beast the Whore and the Dragon the false Prophet Death and Hell the powers of darkness and ungodliness make War who shall be cast into the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone even under the sence and feeling of the Eternal Vengeance of the Almighty God there to be tormented day and night for ever and ever But blessed are they who follovv the Lamb in vvhose mouth is found no guile vvhithersoever he goeth or leadeth through the patient sufferings in the love unfeigned they shal rest in the Land of the Paradice of the Fountain of pleasures at the right hand of God for evermore Amen Halelujah And novv hear O ye Rulers and Teachers by vvhat flattering title soever you are called in this Land of England your nakedness is seen as in the day in vvhich you vvere born and your hypocrisie and deceit God hath found out and discovered therefore be ashamed and blush and stand guilty before him and repent if there be yet a minute or place left you and do not strive any longer against God and to cover your selves any more vvith the Name of Christianity vvhile you are in the nature of Heathens and in the vvay of Cain persecuting and imprisoning about Religion and Worship for it is Cain's mark in all ages and the Heathens that knovvs not God as it is written and you may read it Why do the Heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing and its in vain for you to strive against the Decree and Work of God which he is bringing to pass Mark the Ragers are the Heathen that know not God and these are the persecutors in all ages these are in Cains way as it is written Wo unto them for they have gore in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the error of Balaam mark wo is their portion and is not this your state ye Rulers and Teachers of England consider it in the cool of the day and let God's Witness in your Consciences answer For I tell you from God and proclaim it this day amongst you that wo misery wil be your end if ye proceed in these things which is already stealing upon you and will overtake you as an armed man and as a woman in travel and you shal not escape For do you think to prosper or set up your selves by striving against God and his marvellous Work and Will which is to be done in Earth as it is done in Heaven Do you imagine that your Laws or Decrees shall hinder or frustrate God's eternal and unchangeable Decree and Purpose which is to finish transgression destroy the Works of the Devil and make an end of sin and exalt truth and righteousness the Mountain of his own House and Holiness and to establish it a top of all Hills and over all Mountains which was before the Mountains and Hills were brought forth over which it must be established and to fulfil his promise made to Abraham and to his Seed which must be as the stars of Heaven and as the sands by the sea-shore for multitude And will you yet strive to hinder the encrease of God's decreed number or will you limit his Seed that it might not spread and replenish the Earth whose right it is to inherit the uttermost part thereof and a multitude of the sea shall be converted unto him Must not this be done which was spoken of by holy men of God as they were moved by the Holy Ghost Shall the wicked which are like the chaff and makes a mock at the movings of the Holy Ghost or Spirit disannul God's determinate Counsel Can you hinder the course of the Stars or cause them to withdraw their shining or number the sands by the sea-shore or stop the ebbings or flowing of the Ocean Or can you stop the rain or cause it
to rain by your power Will the ice and the snow melt at your command Will the fierce Winds obey your voice when it issueth forth of its treasury and whirleth up and down the Earth Or do you know whence it cometh or whither it goeth Wil the thunder and lightnings be staid and the noise and brightness thereof cease at your command If these things and the like you can do then will I confess unto you that you may go on and prosper and prevail against the Heritage of the Most High whom he hath blessed with everlasting blessings But if you are not able to do these things then in vain do you strive to set bryars and thorns in battel against a consuming fire For I tell you again in the Name and Authority of the Almighty God the Jehovah of Israel That if you still proceed in persecuting his people and dear children as you have done he wil dash you in pieces like a potters vessel and confound and scatter you with destruction upon destruction till you are become as the chaff of the Summer-threshing-floor and as the ashes of the Dunghil which the Wind driveth away and your place shall be no more found and your remembrance shall be a hissing and abhorring to Nations This is God's Word of Life and Truth unto you Remember Cain the Pharisees Aegyptians and Sodomites whose Works you are doing your Name of Christianity stinks before God and men and is even a proverb of reproach among Nations afar off The Pharisees who were persecutors said they were Abrahams Seed and had one Father even God c. and yet were doing the Works of the Devil vvho was their Father ye hypocrites whose state this is shall not God's dread fall upon you Wil ye not tremble before his pure eye of jealousie which beholds all your doings thoughts and words though never so secret Will you still say is not the Lord among us no evil can come upon us Will you untempered-Morter-daubers promise the Wall shall stand and the daubers thereof be established when God hath said The Wall shall be no more nor them that daub it is there not a lying spirit and deceitful tongue in the mouth of all these Prophets whom the Lord never sent And are they not crying peace to the wicked to whom is no peace from God and preparing war against the just that cannot put into their mouths And are not these the greedy dumb dogs that never have enough and cannot bark to awaken the Witness of God in peoples consciences that they may arise from the dead and stand up that Christ may give them light and life in which they may see the thief and be able to withstand the Robber Did ever Christ Jesus or his Ministers Apostles or Disciples persecute about Religion or Worship or run to the Priests of the Earth to uphold their Ministry Or east men into Prisons for their bellies or went to Law for tythes or took treble damages as you call them and rob people that did refuse to hear them as you have done Mention one example in all the Scripture or else be confounded for ever and your tongues cleave to the roof of your mouths for ever Or were not the Prophets Apostles and Disciples of Christ always sufferers and persecuted and imprisoned for their Testimony and for righteousness sake by the Powers of the Earth chief Priests and Rulers in all ages Were they not haled out of the Synagogues and brought before Rulers Governors and sometimes beaten and stoned whipt and charged to speak no more in the Name of Jesus Was not this their portion from the great men and chief Priests and Counsells And yet did not they learn in all Estates to be content But are not you discontented who cast such into prisons for fear of losing your belly-god And were not they unlearned and ignorant men in the Laws and Languages of the Rulers chief Priests and Doctors c. And had not they Latine Greek and Hebrew that persecuted and crucified the just And did not Christ say to his Apostles or Disciples when he sent them forth to Minister Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of Wolves be ye therefore wise as Serpents and harmless as Doves and take no thought what ye shall eat c and what is set before you eat asking no question c. then not to go to law about the in bellies if not ask a question about such things And did not the Apostle say such were enemies to the Cross who minded earthly things whose God was their belly which caused him even to tel of it weeping among the people and said their and was destruction c. and that grievous Wolves would enter in not sparing the people after his decease and hath it not been so these sixteen hundred years Have not the people been grieved robbed and spoiled by those Wolves that soon got the sheeps clothing the Apostles and Disciples words and turned against the life and the sheep and grieved them and these Christ prophesied of before his departure saying False Prophets shall rise and deceive many and love would wax cold and iniquity abound c. by their fruits ye shall know them they have the sheeps clothing but inwardly ravening Wolves Here is the true character of the false Prophets and false Apostles and by this ye shall know them Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles Can you expect a harmless Life in a grievous Wolf though he have the sheeps cloathing is not his nature greedy and ravening and devouring among the sheep and lambs Do his covering change his nature Hear this O ye Priests and Prelates Bishops and the rest of your Brood and consider and see who are the Thorns and the Wolves and the greedy Dogs that have never enough the biters and devourers tearers and renders of the sheep and look about you and behold your selves and see if you live in the life of what you speak whether your inside agrees with the sheeps covering the Saints words of which you make Merchandize for God is renting off all deceitful coverings and you shall appear as you are to the view of Nations and no hiding-place shall be found for the worker of iniquity though he profess and say Lord Lord yet he is cursed Now if you say you are of Christ's sending let it appear by abiding in his Commands and Doctrine let us see you are sheep indeed by your harmless life and your contentedness in all Estates not seeking the peoples goods and money but the good of their souls and the glory of God by bringing forth good fruits in the sight of men by which your Light so shining they may glorifie the Lord of Heaven and leave grieving the people by minding your bellies what you shall eat and drink and wherewith you shall be cloathed c I say eat of that bread which comes down from Heaven and don 't so much mind the earth