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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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shew ourselues feareful souldiours as it is manifestly declared in the Reuelaciō of S. Iohn where it is written Apo. 2. that the fearefull shall haue their part wyth the vnbeleuing and abhominable in the lake that burneth wyth fire and brimstone which is the seconde death Apoc. 3 Againe it is written in the same booke for our warnyng because thou art betwixt both and neyther cold nor whote I wyll spewe the out of my mouth Now therfore good christians these true testimonies of gods liuely worde depely considered and wayed lette vs chiefly stand in awe of hys most terrible iudgementes Esay 8. Prouer. 3. and be not as they that presumptuously tempt hym Let him alway be our feare dread He now chasteneth he nowe nurtereth vs for our profite delightyng in vs euen as a louyng father in hys beloued childe Heb. 12 1. Cor. 11 2. Reg. 7. to make vs perfect and to haue vs to be pertakers of his holynes He now iudgeth vs not vtterly takyng away hys euerlastyng loue and mercy from vs as he dothe from the malignaunt and wycked that we should not be condemned wyth the wycked world but if we now refuse hys most louing chastising followe the world we must nedes haue our portiō wyth the world Wyde is the gate broad is the way which leadeth to destructiō Math. 7 and many there be which go in therat But straite is the gate narrow is the way that leadeth vnto life and few there be that fynde it Oh how much better is it to go thys narrow way wyth the people of god then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a tyme. In consideration whereof let vs wythout anye more slackyng and further delayes in thys great warnyng by gods louyng visitation submit our selues betime vnder hys myghty hand 1. pet 5 that he maye exalte vs when the tyme is come And thus I wholy committe you to hym and to the worde of his grace which is able to build further beseching you most hartely to pray for me that I may be strong through the power of hys might and stande perfect in all thynges beyng alwais prepared and redy lokyng for the mercye of our lord vnto eternal rest and I will pray for you as I am most bound So I trust he wil graciously heare vs for hys promise sake made vnto all faithfull in his dearely beloued sonne Christ our alone Sauiour whose grace be with your spirit most deare Christians for euer So be it By your Christian brother Iohn Hullyer a prisoner of the Lorde ¶ Iohn Hullyer beyng of longe tyme prysoner and now openly iudged to dye for the testimony of the lord Iesus wysheth hartely to the whole congregation of God the strength of hys holy spirite to theyr euerlasting health both of body and soule I Now most dere christians hauyng the swete comforte of gods sauing health and beyng confirmed wyth hys free spirit be he only praysed therefore am constrayned in my conscience thinkyng it my very duety to admonish you as ye tender the saluation of your soules by al maner of meanes to separate your selues from the companye of the Popes hirelinges consideryng what is said in the reuelation of S. Iohn Apo. 14. by the Aungel of god touching al men The words be these If any man worship the beast and hys image and receyue hys marke in his forehead or in hys hand the same shall drynke the wyne of the wrath of God which is poured into the cup of his wrath and he shall be punished with fyre and brimstone before the holy aungels and before the lambe and the smoke of theyr tormēt ascendeth vp euermore Marke well here good christians who is this beast and worshippers that shal be pertakers of that vnspeakable torment This beast is none other but the carnall and fleshly kingdome of Antichrist the Pope wyth hys rable of false Prophetes and ministers as it is most manifest the which to maintayn their high titles worldly promotions and dignities do with much crueltye daily more and more set forth and establish their owne traditions decrees and decretals contrary to gods holy ordinaunces statutes lawes and commaundements and wholy repugnant to hys syncere pure religion and true worshippyng Nowe what doe they elles but worshippe thys beast and hys image which after they had once already escaped from the fylthines of the world 2. peter 2. through the knowlege of the lord and Sauioure Iesus Christe are yet again tāgled therin and ouercome vsing dissimulation vnfaithfully for feare of their displeasure doing one thyng outwardlye and thinkyng inwardlye an other so hauing them in reuerence vnder a cloke and colour to whom they ought not so much as to say god spede Iohn 3. adioining themselues to the malignaūt congregatiō which they ought to abhorre as a dēne of theues murtherers Iohn 10 EZe 16 as the brothel house of most blasphemous fornicators whose voices being contrary to christes voice if they were of his flocke they would not know but wold fly frō thē as he himself being the good shepehard of our soules doth ful wel in his holy gospel testify Iohn 10. Agayn what do they els I pray you but receiue the beastes marke in their foreheades in their hands which do beare a faire face and coūtenance outwardly in supporting them as other do being ashamed openly to confesse christ and his holy gospel But this fainednes dissimulatiō Mar. 18. christ and hys gospel wil in no wise allow of whō it is said whosoeuer shal be ashamed of me my words in this adulterous and synful generation Luke 9. of him also shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he shal come in the glory of his father with his holy angels Therfore sayth almighty god by his prophet Malachy Mala. 1. Heb. 6 cursed be the dissēblers Ye wer once syghtned and tasted of the heauenly gift were become partakers of the holy ghost tasted of the word of god and of the power of the world to come Luk. 6. 2. Iohn 2. And our Sauiour Christ sayth no man that putteth his hand to the plough and loketh backe is apt for the kingdom of god Therfore S. Iohn the Apostle vseth this for a manifest token that the backesliding frō the true teachers of gods word declareth euidētly that they be not of the nūber of them For sayth he they went out frō vs but they were not of vs for if they had bene of vs no dout they would haue cōtinued wyth vs. Surely so long as we vse dissimulatiō to play on both handes we are not in the light For whatsoeuer is manifest Ephe. 4 the same is light as the elect vessel of god S. Paul witnesseth Wherfore good christiās for gods most dere loue deceiue not your selues through your own wisdō through the wisdō of the world which is folishnes before god but certify
perceaue that you were deceaued and then your hyghnes may vse the matter as god shal put in your heart Furthermore I am kept here from company of learned mē from bookes from councel from penne and yncke sauyng at thys tyme to wryte to your Maiesty which all were necessary for a man in my case Wherfore I besech your maiesty that I may haue such of these as may stande wyth your maiesties pleasure And as for mine appearaunce at Rome if your Maiestie wyl geue me leaue I wyl appeare there I trust that god shall put in my mouth to defend his truth there aswell as here but I referre it wholly to your Maiesties pleasure Your poore oratour T. C. To the Lordes of the Counsaile IN most humble wise sueth vnto your ryght honourable Lordships Thomas Cranmer late Archbishop of Caūterbury beseching the same to be a meanes for me vnto the quenes hyghnes for her mercy and pardon Some of you know by what means I was brought trayned vnto the will of our late soueraigne lord king Edward the vi what I spake against the same wherin I refer me to the reportes of your honors Furthermore this is to sygnifye vnto your lordships that vpon Mūday Tuesday Wednisday last past were open disputations here in Oxford against me They put to him thre questions but they suffred him not to aunswere fully in one maister Ridley M. Latymer in three matters concernyng the Sacrament First of the real presence secondly of transubstantiation thyrdly concerning the sacrifice of the masse How the other two were vsed I cannot tell for we were separated so that none of vs knewe what the other sayde nor how they were ordered But as concernyng my selfe I can report that I neuer knew nor heard of a more cōfused disputation in al my life For albeit ther was one apointed to dispute against me yet euery mā spake hys mynd and broughte forth what him lyked with out ordre and such hast was made that no aunswer could be suffered to be geuen fully to anye argument and in such weighty and large matters there was no remedy but the disputations must nedes be ended in one day whyche can scantlye well be ended in three monethes And when we had aunswered them then they would not appoynt vs one day to bryng forth our profes that they mighte aunswere vs agayn beyng required of me therunto whereas I my selfe haue more to saye then canne be well discussed in .xx. dayes The meanes to resolue the truth had bene to haue suffered vs to aunswere fully to all that they could say and then they againe to aunswere to all that we could say But why they would not aunswere vs what other cause canne ther be but that either they feared that matter that they were not able to aunswere vs or els as by their hast might wel appeare they came not to speake the truthe Beholde Sathan slepeth not Theyr cruel desire to reuenge colde abide no delaye but to condemne vs in post hast before the truth might be thorowly tryed and heard for in all hast we were al thre condemned of heresy vpon fryday This much I thought good to signify vnto your Lordships that you may know the indifferent hādling of matters leauing the iudgemēt therof vnto your wisdomes and I besech your Lordships to remēber me a poore prisoner vnto the Quenes maiestye and I shall pray as I do dayly to god for the long preseruation of your good Lordships in al godlines and felicity ¶ A letter wherin he reproueth and condemneth the false and sclaunderous reportes of the papistes which said that he had set vp masse again at Canterburye AS the Deuel Christes auncient aduersary ●s a liar and the father of lyinge Euen so hath he sturred vp hys seruauntes and membres to persecute Christe and hys true woorde and Religion wyth lyinge whych he ceasseth not to doe moste earnestly at this present For wheras the prince of famous memory king Henry the viij seing the great abuses of the latin masse reformed some thing therin in his time also our late soueraign lord king Edwarde the vi toke the same whole away for the manifold errors abuses therof restored in the place therof Christes holy supper according to christs own institutiō and as the apostles in the primatiue church vsed the same the deuil goeth about by lying to ouerthrow the lords holy supper to restore his latin satisfactory masse a thing of his own inuētiō deuise and to bring the same more easely to passe some haue abused the name of me Thomas Archb. of Canterbury bruting abroade that I haue set vp the masse at Canterb. that I offred to say masse at the burial of our late soueraigne prince king Edward the .6 also that I offred to say masse before the Quenes highnes at Paules church and I wote not where And although I haue bene well exercised these xx yeres to suffer beare euill reportes lyes haue bene much greued thereat but haue borne al thinges quietly yet whē vn true reports lies turne to the hinderāce of gods truth they be in no wise to be suffred Wherfore these be to signify vnto the world that it was a false flattering lying and dissēbling mōke which caused masse to be set vp there without This was D. Thornton afterward a cruell murderer of gods sainctes of whose horrible ende reade in the boke of martirs Fol. 1706. mine aduise or counsel Reddat illi dominus in die illo And as for offring my self to say masse before the quenes highnes or in any other place I neuer did it as her grace wel knoweth But if her grace giue me leaue I shal be ready to proue against al that wil say the cōtrary that al that is said in the holy cōmuniō set out by the most Innocēt godly prince king Edward the vi in his high court of parliamēt is conformable to the order which our soueraigne Christe did both obserue cōmaunded to be obserued which his apostles primatiue church vsed many yeres where as the masse in many things not only hath no foūdatiō of Christ his apostels nor the primatiue church but is manifestly cōtrary to the same cōtaineth many horrible abuses in it And although many vnlearned malitioꝰ do report the maister Peter Mattyr is vnlearned yet if the Quenes highnes wil graūte therunto I with the sayd mayster Peter Martyr other iiij or v. which I shal chose wil by gods grace take vpō vs to defend not only the cōmon praiers of the church the ministration of the sacramēts other rites ceremonies but also al the doctrine religion set out by our soueraigne lord king Edward the 6. to be more pure according to gods word than any other that hath bene vsed in Englād this M yeres so that gods word may be the iudge that the reasōs profes vpō
for I doe dailye twyse at the least in thys sorte remember you And I do not doubt deare wyfe but that bothe I and you as we be writen in the boke of lyfe so we shal together enioy the same euerlastingly through the grace mercy of god our deare father in his sonne our Christ And for thys present life let vs wholy apoynte our selues to the wil of our good god to glorify him either by life or by death and euen that same mercyfull Lord make vs worthye to honour hym eyther way as pleaseth him Amen I am mery I thanke my god and my Christ in whome and through whome I shall I knowe be hable to fyght a good fighte and fynyshe a good course then receyue the crowne which is layde vp in store for me and all the true souldiours of Christ 1. Timo. 4. Wherfore wyfe let vs in the name of our God fyght lustely to ouercome the flesh the deuyll and the world What our harnesse and weapons be in thys kynd of fyght looke the vi vnto the Ephesians and pray praye praye I would that you make no sute for me in any wyse Thanke you knowe whom for her moste swete and comfortable puttyng me in remembraunce of my iourney whether I am passyng God send vs al good spede and a ioyfull meetyng I haue to fewe suche frendes to further me in that iorney which is in dede the greatest frendeship The blessyng of god be wyth you all Amen A prisoner in the Lord. Laurence Saunders ¶ To hys VVyfe GRace mercye and peace c. Deare wyfe euen that our mercifull God and moste louyng father whom we call vpon daily and of whose mercies we daily taste ●nd who wyl be a most tender father vnto all thē which hartely turne vnto hym beleue in hym and cast theyr care vpon hym that our good god I say euen for hys sonne our swete Christs sake be your helper and keper Amen Amen And nowe you see hys goodnes towardes you by manye wayes prouokyng you to embrace him as your only god only comfort He is more redy mercifully to receiue you thē you can be readye to runne vnto hym for helpe He saith by hys prophet I wyll fauour them euen as a father doth fauour hys chyld that offendeth Esay 49. And in an other place is it possible that a mother can forget her childe which she hathe borne If she be forgetfull yet wyl not I forget thee Thus sayth he vnto al such as vnfaynedly seke hym You be in the Lordes bondes and in his blessed tuition I do not doubte Commend your selfe and that which he hath geuen you vnto his mercyfull and blessed wyll and so do I and shall doe by hys goodnes Exercise your selfe in the comfortable remembraunce of gods manyfold mercifull promises Put hym in remembraunce of the same by often prayer and put your whole trust in him who for hys names sake hys promyse sake and for hys Christes sake wyl do that is best for you Commend me to all the godly there Send me word in any wyfe if you lacke Take hede that you be no more chargeable vnto them at whose house you be then you shal fully content them in any wise God kepe you A letter wrytten to Steuen Gardiner Byshop of VVynchester and then Lord Chauncellour as an aunswer to some thyngs wherwith he had before charged hym TOuching the cause of myne imprisonment I doubt whether I haue broken any law either proclamatiō In my doctrine I did not forasmuch as at the time it was permitted by the proclamatiō to vse accordyng vnto our cōsciēces such seruice as was thē established My doctrine was thē agreable vnto my consciēce and the seruice then vsed He meaneth the publike preaching of gods word in hys owne paryshe This proclamatiō was to inhibite the preaching of gods holy word The acte which I dyd was such as beyng indifferently weighed sounded to no breaking of the proclamation or at leaste to no wylful breakyng of it for as muche as I caused no bell to bee ronge neyther occupied I any place in the pulpit after the order of Sermons or lectures But be it that I dyd breake the proclamation thys long tyme of continuance in prysō may be thought to be more then sufficient punishmente for such a faulte Touchyng the chargyng of me with my religion I say wyth S. Paule Confiteor hoc quod iuxta viani quā vocāt haeresim Actes 24 sic colo patriū deū credens omnibus quae in lege et prophetis scripta sunt spem habēs in deū c. Quin in hoc et ipse studeo sine offendiculo conscientiam habere erga deum et erga homines semper That is to saye this I confesse that after the waye whiche they call heresy so worshyp I the God of my forefathers beleuyng all thynges whyche are written in the law and prophets and haue hope towardes God c. And herein I endeuoure my selfe to haue alwaye a cleare conscience towardes God and towardes men So that GOD I call to witnes I haue a conscience And this my conscience is not grounded vppon vayne fantasye but vppon the infallible veritye of Gods woorde with the witnessyng of hys chosen churche agreable vnto the same It is an easye thynge for them whiche take Christe for their true pastour to discerne the voyce of their true shepeheard from the voyce of wolues hirelynges and straungers forasmuch as Christ saith Iohn 10 Oues meae vocem meam audiunt That is my shepe heare my voyce Yea and therby they shall haue the gifte to know the ryght voyce of the true shepehard and so to follow hym and to auoide the contrary as he also sayth Oues pastorem sequuntur quia nouerunt vocem eius altenum vero non sequuntur sed aufugiunt ab eo quia non noueruut vocem alienorum That is the shepe follow the shepeheard for they know hys voyce a straunger wyl they not follow but fly from him for they know not the voyce of a straūger Such inward inspiratiō doth the holy ghost put into the children of God beyng in deede taught of god but otherwyse vnhable to vnderstād the true way of theyr saluation And albeit that the wolfe as Christe sayth commeth in shepes clothyng yet he sayth ex fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos That is by their fruites ye shall know them For there be certaine fruites wherby the wolfe is bewraied notwithstandyng that otherwise in sundry sortes of deuout holines in outward shew he semeth neuer so simple a shepe That the Romish religion is rauenyng and woluishe it is apparant in three pryncipal pointes Fyrst it robbeth god of his due and only honour Secondly it taketh away the true comfort of consciēce in obscuring or rather burieng of Christ his office of saluation Thirdly it spoyleth god of hys true worship seruice in spirit truth apointed in his prescript cōmaundemēts
corruption And let vs consider these thinges so that we wholy may bende our selues to put away all the oldenes of our flesh whence in dede corruption and death doth come and that we may prouoke our selues to the newnes of the spirite and the lyfe of Christe wherin is all incorruption and the true taste of the resurrection for to thys ende the holy ghost dyd wryte this by the Apostle That therfore this spirit might lead vs hereunto let vs pray then we shall vnderstand this place of Paule wyth profit If perchaunce it wyll moue you that the Apostle speaketh not of thys delyueraunce of the creature from corruption in anye other place but here neither anye other holye wryter I would you would thynke that the misery of the restauration of Israel also of Antichrist is not expounded but in the Apostels writyngs and that but in one place yea the manner of our resurrection is not written but in .ij. places We oughte to knowe that they are the wordes of the Lorde what soeuer the Apostle hathe lefte to vs written Again the simplicity of this place Rom. 8 is plaine And thus my dearely beloued I haue written to you so muche as I thynke is sufficient about thys mater and therfore nede not to tary herein any longer or to spende anye more tyme about the answeryng of that which is but curiositye God our father geue vs nowe hys holye spirite to leade vs into thys and all other necessary truth in such sort that we may haue a liuely feelyng of eternall lyfe begonne in vs that we may become first new and so loke for new heauen and earthe wherin ryghteousnes dwelleth which God impute to vs and begynne in vs for hys Christes sake Amen Amen Your owne for euer in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ❧ Certayne letters of mayster Thomas Whyttel a godlye and a faythefull Minyster and preacher of gods worde who after he had relented by the tyrannye and cruel dealyng of Bonner returned agayne wyth greate constancye and stoode to the defence of the truthe vnto the fyre The .12 of Ianuary In the yeare of our Lorde 1556. To my beloued frende and faythfull Brother in Christe Iohn Careles prysoner in the Kynges Benche THe peace of god in Christ be wyth you continually dearely beloued brother in Christe with the assistaunce of gods grace and holye spirite to the workyng and performyng of those thynges which may comforte and edifye hys churche as ye daily do to the glorye of hys name and the increase of your ioy and comforte of soule in thys lyfe and also your rewarde in heauen wyth Christ our captayn whose faythful souldiour you are in the lyfe to come Amen I haue greatly reioyced my deare hart with thankes to god for you synce I haue heard of your fayth and loue towards god and hys saintes wyth a most godly ardent zeale to the verity of Christes doctrine and religiō which I haue heard by the reporte of many but specially by the declaryng of that valiaunt captaine in Christes church that stout chāpion in gods cause that spectacle to the world I meane our good brother Philpot who now lyeth vnder the aultare swetely enioyeth the promysed rewarde And speciallye I my condemned fellowes geue thankes to God for your louyng and comfortable letter in the depenes of our trouble after the fleshe sente vnto vs to the consolation of vs al but most specially to me most sinfull myser on mine owne behalfe but happy I hope through godslouing kindnes in Christ shewed vnto me who suffred me to fainte and fayle through humayne infirmity by the workyng of the Archenemye in hys sworne souldiours the byshops and priestes In whome so liuely appeareth the verye visage and shape of Satan that a man if it wer not preiudice to gods word might wel affirme them to be Deuils incarnate as I by experiēce do speake Wherfore who so shal for consciēce matters come into their hands had nede of the wilines of the Serpent to saue hys head though it be with the woundyng of his body and to take diligent hede how he consenteth to theyr wycked writyngs or setteth hys hand to their couenaūtes Sore dyd they assault me and craftelye tempte me to theyr wycked wayes or at least to a denegation of my faythe and true opinions though it were but by colour and dissimulation and alas somethyng they dyd preuayle Not that I any thyng at all lyked their opinions and false papisticall religion or els doubted of the truth wherin I stand but only the infirmity of the flesh begyled me desiryng lyberty by an vnlawfull meanes God lay it not to my charge at that day so I desire you hartely to pray How be it vncertain I am whether more profite or disprofite came therby profit to me in that god suffred Satan to buffit me by his foresayd ministers of myschiefe shewyng me mine infirmitye that I should not boste nor reioyce in my selfe but only in the Lord. Who when he had led me to hel in my conscience through the respect of hys fearefull iudgementes agaynste me for my fearefulnes mistrust and crafty clokyng in suche spirituall and weighty matters in the whiche myne agony distresse I found thys old verse true Non patitur ludum fama fides oculus yet he left me not there but brought me from thence againe to the magnifieng of hys name suspectyng of fleshe and bloud and cōsolation of myne own soule also that I myght fele the disprofite in offending the congregatiō of god which peraduenture will rather adiudge my fal to come of doutfulnes in my doctrine religion thē of humain imbecillity Wel of the importune burdē of a troubled consciēce for denying or dissembling the knowē verity I by experience could saye very much more which perhaps I wil declare by writyng to the warnyng of other if god graunt time for now am I my fellowes redy to go hēce euen for Christes cause Gods name be praysed who hathe hetherto called vs. Pray I pray you that we may end our course wyth ioy and at your appointed tyme you shal come after But as the Lord hath kepte you so wyll he preserue your lyfe styll to the intent you should labour as you do to appease and conuince these vngodly contentions and controuersies which now do to muche raigne brauwlyng about termes to no edification GOD is dishonoured the church disquieted and occasion to speake euyll of the Gospel ministred to our aduersaries But such is the subtilty of Sathan that whom he cannot wynne with grosse idolatrye in open religion them he seketh to corrupt and deceyue in opinions in a priuate profession But here I wyl abrutply leaue least wyth my rudenes and symplicity I shuld be tedious to you desiring you my louyng brother if it shal not seme greuous vnto you to wryte vnto me and my fellowes yet once agayne if you may haue leasure and we tyme to the same and sende me worde
PRO REGE MEO PROSPERIS ET ADVERSIS William Hopkinson Certain most godly fruitful and comfortable letters of such true Saintes and holy Martyrs of God as in the late bloodye persecution here within this Realme gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of theyr affliction and cruell imprysonment Though they suffer payne amonge men yet is their hopefull of immortalitie Sap. 3. Jmprinted at London by Iohn Day dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath Saint Martines 1564. Cum gratia priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis For thy sake are we put to death euery day Psal 44. And are coūted as shepe appoynted to be slayne Roma 8. How long O Lorde Psalm 13. Behold I come shortlye Apoc. 22. Oh come Lorde Iesu Apoc. 22. He will come and nottary Abac. 2. Myles Couerdale vnto the Christian Reader moste hartelye wysheth the continuall encrease of heauenlye taste and spirituall swetnesse in the same assured saluation which commeth onely through Iesus Christ THe more nigh that mens wordes workes approch vnto the most wholesome sayinges fruitful doings of the old auncient Saincts chosē childrē of god which loued not only to heare his word but also to liue therafter the more worthy are they to be estemed embraced followed And therfore as we heare read of many godly both mē wemen whose cōuersatiō in old time was beautifyed with syngular giftes of the holy ghost according as the Apostle describeth thē in the .xi. chap. to the Hebrues so haue we iust cause to reioyce that we haue bene familiar acquainted with some of those which walked in the trade of their fotesteppes For the which cause it doth vs good to read and heare not the lying legendes of fayned false counterfayted and popish canonized saincts neither the triflyng toyes forged fables of corrupted writers but such true holy approued histories monuments orations epistles letters as do set forth vnto vs the blessed behauiour of gods deare seruaūtes It doth vs good I say by such comfortable remēbraunce conceaued by their notable writinges to be conuersaunt with them at the least in spirite S. Hierome writing to one Nitia and hauyng occasion to speake of letters or epystles maketh mention of a certayne Authour named Turpilius whose woordes sayeth he are these a letter or epistle is the thyng alone that maketh men present which are absent For among those that are absent what is so presente as to heare and talke with those whom thou louest Also that noble Clarke Erasmus Roterodame cōmendyng the booke of the Epistles or letters which S. Augustine dyd write sayeth thus by some of Augustines bokes we may perceaue what maner of man he was being an infant in Christ By other some we may knowe what maner a one he was being a young man and what he was being an olde man But by thys onely booke meaning the booke of the Epistles or letters thou shalt knowe whole Augustyne altogether And why doth S. Hierome or Erasmus saye thus No doubt euen because that in such writynges as in a cleare glasse we maye see and beholde not onely what plentifull furniture and store of heauenly grace wisedome knowledge vnderstanding fayth loue hope zeale pacience mekenes obedience with the worthy fruites thereof almighty god had bestowed vpon the same his most deare children but also what a fatherlye care he euer hadde vnto them how his mightye hand defended them howe hys prouidence kept watch and warde ouer them howe hys louyng eye loked vnto them howe hys gracious eare heard their prayers how he was alwaye myndfull of them neuer forgat them neither fayled them nor forsoke them how the armes of his mercye were streytched oute to embrace them when soeuer they faythfullye tourned vnto hym howe valiaunte also and stronge in spirite howe ioyfull vnder the crosse howe quyet and cheerefull in trouble he made them what victorye of their enemyes what deliueraunce oute of bondes and captiuitie what health from sicknes what recouerye from plagues what plentye from scarcenesse to bee shorte what helpe at all nede and necessity he gaue and bestowed vpon them By such lyke mounmentes also and writynges it is manifest and playne how the same deare children of God in their time behaued themselues aswel towards hym as also towardes their frendes and foes yea what the verye thoughts of their hartes were when they prayed as their maner was incessantlye to doe when they confessed their sinnes complained vnto god when they gaue thankes when they were persecuted and troubled when they were by the hand of god visited when they felte not onelye the horrour of death the griefe of synne the burthen of gods displeasure by reason of the same but also the swete tast of hys great mercy eternal comfort through Iesus Christ in theyr conscience Of the which thinges lyke as we may euidently perceiue rich and plentiful experience in the heauēly treasurie of that most excellēt boke which we cōmonly cal Dauids Psalter so hath not god nowe in our days left hymselfe without witnesses yea no more then he dyd in other ages before vs but of his aboundante goodnes euen when the late persecutiō was most cruel and the enemies rage most extreme he hath raised vp such zelous men women as by the wonderful operation of hys holy spirit of weake were made so valeant strong in him aswel against all idolatry superstitiō false doctrine and corrupted religion as against their own old blemishes sinnes that they haue turned to flight and cōfounded the whole rable of suche malicious papists as were the persecutors and murtherers of them Wherby they that list not stil to be blind may plainlye behold and see not onely the terrible iudgementes of God ouer against the wicked but also his wonderful doinges mixt wit mercy in and towardes hys chosen vnto whom as vnto them that loue him he causeth al things to worke for the best So that with him by the heauēly light of stedfast faith they see lyfe euen in death with him euen in heauines sorrow they faile not of ioy comfort wyth hym euen in pouerty affliction and trouble they neither perish nor are forsaken How els could they be so patiēt so quiet of minde so cherefull and merye in aduersitie and straite captiuitie some beyng throwne into dungeons vgsome holes darke lothesome and stinking corners other some lying in fetters and chaynes and loaded wyth so many irons that they could scarcely styrre some tied in the stocks wyth their heeles vpwarde some hauyng their legges in the stockes their neckes chayned to the walle wyth gorgets of iron some both handes and legges in the stockes at once sometimes both hands in and both legges out sometimes the right hand with the left leg or the left hand with the right legge fastened in the stockes wyth manicles and fetters hauyng neither stoole nor stone to sitte on to ease their wofull bodies withall
hands but to serue God and to do you good hearken what I saye I say vnto you Gala. 3 as S. Paule sayth to the Galathians I wōder my Lordes what hath bewitched you that ye so sodenly are fallen from Christ vnto Antichrist from Christes gospel vnto mens tradicions from the Lord that bought you vnto the bishop now of Rome I warne you of youre perill be not deceyued except you will be found willingly consenters vnto your owne death For if ye thinke thus we are lay mē this is a matter of religion we follow as we are taught and led if our teachers and gouernors teache vs and leade vs amysse the faulte is in them they shall beare the blame my Lordes this is true I graunte you that both the false teacher the corrupt gouernour shal be punished for the death of theyr subiect whome they haue falsely taught and corruptly led yea his blood shall be required at theyr handes but yet neuerthelesse shal that subiect dye the death himself also Ezech. 3 Luke 6 that is he shal also be dampned for his own sinne for if the blind leade the blind Chryst sayth not the leader only but he sayth both shall fall in the ditche Shall the Sinagoge and the Senate of the Iewes trow ye which forsooke Christe and consēted to his death therfore be excused bicause Annas Cayphas with the Scribes and Phareseis and theyr clergy did teach them amisse yea also Pilat theyr gouernour and the Emperours Lieuetenāt by his tirāny did without cause put him to death Forsoth no my lords no. For notwithstanding that corrupt doctrine or Pilates washinge of hys hands neither of both shal excuse either that Sinagoge Seigniorye or Pilate but at the Lordes hand for the effusion of that innocentes bloud on the latter day all shall drinke of the deadly whyp ye are witty and vnderstand what I meane Therfore I will passe ouer thys and returne to tell you howe ye ar● fallen frō Christ to hys aduersary the byshop of Rome And least my Lords ye may peraduenture think thus barely to cal the byshop of Rome Christs aduersary or to speake it in playne termes to call hym Antichrist that it is done in mine anguish and that I do but rage and as a desperate mā do not care what I say or vpon whom I do rayle therfore that your Lordships may perceiue my mynd and therby vnderstand that I speake the wordes of truth and of sobrietye as S. Paule sayd vnto Festus be it known vnto your Lord shyps all that as concerning the byshop of Rome Actes 26. I nether hate the person nor the place For I ensure your Lordships the liuing lord beareth me witnesse before whom I speake I do thinke many a good holy manne manye martyrs and Saynts of god haue sitte taught in that place Christs gospel truly which therfore iustly may be called Apostolici that is true disciples of thapostles also that church cōgregatiō of Christians Apostolike church yea that certayn hundreth yeares after the same was fyrst erected and builded vpon Christe by the true Apostolicall doctrine taughte by the mouthes of the Apostles them selues If ye wil know how long that was and how many hundreth of yeres to be curious in poyntinge the precise number of yeres I will not be to bold but thus I say so long so many hundreth yeres as that Sea did truly teach and preach that gospel that religiō exercised that power ordered euery thyng by those lawes and rules whiche that Sea receyued of the Apostles and as Tertullian sayth the Apostles of Christ and Christ of God so long I saye that Sea myght wel haue bene called Peter Paules chair and Sea or rather Christs chair the bishop therof Apostolicus or a true disciple successoure of the Apostles a minister of Christ But synce the time that that Sea hath degenerated from the trade of truth and true religion the which it receyued of the Apostles at the begynnyng and hath preached a nother Gospel hath set vp an other religiō hath excercised an other power and hath taken vpon it to ordre and rule the church of Christe by other straunge lawes Cannons and rules then euer it receiued of the Apostles or the Apostles of Christ which thinges it doth at this daye hath continued so doynge alas alas of to to long a time Synce the time I say that the state condition of that Sea hath thus bene chaunged in truthe it oughte of duty and of ryght to haue the names chaūged both of the Sea of the sitter therein For vnderstande my Lordes it was neyther for the priuilege of the place or person therof that that Sea and bishop therof were called Apostolike but for the true trade of Christes Religion which was taught and mainteyned in that Sea at the fyrste and of those godly men And therfore as truly iustly as that Sea thē for that true trade of religion consanguinity of doctrine with the religion docrtne of Christes Apostles was called Apostolike so as truly and as iustly for the contrariety of religiō diuersity of doctrine frō Christ and his Apostles that Sea and the byshop therof at this day both ought to be called and are in dede Antichristian The Sea is the seate of Sathan and the bishoppe of the same that maynteineth the abhominations thereof is Antichriste himselfe in deede And for the same causes this Sea at thys daye is the same whiche Saynte Iohn calleth in his reuelacion Apoc. 17 Apo. 11. Babilon or the whore of Babilon and spirituully Sodoma and Egyptus the mother of fornications and of the abhominations vppon the earthe And with thys whore doth spiritually mell and lieth with her and cōmitteth most stinking and abhominable adultry before god all those kinges and Princes yea all nations of the earth which do consent to her abhominations vse or practise the the same that is of the innumerable multitude of them to reherse some for example sake her dispensations her pardons and Pilgrimages her inuocation of sayntes her worshipping of images her false counterfayte religion in her monkerye and frerage and her traditions whereby Goddes lawes are defiled as her massing false ministring of Gods word and the sacrementes of Christ cleane cōtrary to christs word and the Apostles doctrine whereof in particularity I haue touched somthing before in my talk had with the Sea of Lōdon in other treatises more at large wherein if it shal please god to bring the same to light it shal appeare I trust by gods grace plainly to the man of god and to hym whose rule in iudgemēt of religion is gods word that that religiō that rule and order that doctrine faith whiche this whore of Babilon and the beast whereupon she doth syt mayntaineth at thys day withal violence of fyre sword Apo. 17. Daniel 7. with spoile and banishment according
be lose and free Be myndefull of all duety due vnto the Lord aboue Be thankefull for his benefites the pledges of his loue Consyder with your selues I say to sanctifye the Lord In euery place continually by thought dede and by word L. Saunders ❧ Letters of that hartie and zelous man of God Maister Iohn Philpot Archdeacō of Winchester who besides the great tyrannye and tormentes whiche he suffered in Boners blynde colehouse and other hys paynfull imprisonments was also most cruelly martyred for the testimony of the Lord Iesus The .18 daye of December in the yeare of our Lorde .1557 ¶ A letter which he sent to the Christian congregation exhortyng them to refrayne themselues from the Idolatrous seruice of the papistes and to serue god wyth a pure and vndefiled conscience after hys worde IT is a lamentable thing to behold at this present in England the faithles departyng both of men and women from the true knowledge and vse of christes syncere religion whiche so plentifully they haue ben taught do know their own consciences bearyng witnes to the verity therof Hebr. 6. If that earth be cursed of god which eftsoues receiuing moysture and pleasaunt dewes from heauen doth not bryng forth fruit accordyngly how much more greuous iudgement shall such persons receiue which hauyng receiued from the father of heauen the perfitte knowledge of hys worde by the mynistery therof do not shew forth gods worshippe after the same If the lord will requyre in the daye of iudgemente a godly vsury of all manner of talentes whiche he lendeth vnto men and women Math. 25. howe much more wyll he requyre the same of hys pure religion reueled vnto vs which is of all other talentes the chiefest and most perteynyng to our exercise in thys lyfe if we hydde the same in a napkyn and set it not forth to the vsurie of gods glory and edifieng of his church by true confession God hath kindled the bryght lyght of his gospell whyche in tymes paste was suppressed and hyd vnder the vyle ashes of mans traditiōs and hath caused the bryghtnes therof to shine in our harts to th ende that the same myght shyne before men to the honour of hys name It is not only geuen vs to beleue Math 5. Rom. x Math. 12. Luke 12. Math. 7 but also to confesse and declare what we beleue in our outwarde conuersation For as S. Paule wryteth to the Romaynes the belief of the hart iustifyeth to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe It is all one before god not to beleue at al and not to shew forth the lyuely workes of our beliefe For Christ saith either make the tree good and hys fruites good or els make the tree euill and the fruites euil because a good tree bryngeth forthe good fruites so that the person which knoweth hys maisters wyll and doth it not shall be beaten wyth many strypes And not all they which say lord lord shall enter into the kyngdom of God but he that doth the wyll of the father Luke 9 And whosoeuer in the tyme of tryall is ashamed of me saith Christ and of my words of him the sonne of man will be ashamed before hys father After that we haue built our selues in to the true church of god it hath pleased hym by geuyng vs ouer into the handes of the wicked Sinagoges to proue our buildyng Math. 7. to haue it known aswell to the world as to our selues that we haue ben wise builders into the true church of god vpon the rock and not on the sande and therfore now the tempest is risen and the stormes do mightely blow agaynste vs that we might notwythstandyng stand vpryghte and bee firme in the Lorde to hys honoure and glorye and to oure eternall felicitye There is no newe thynge happened vnto vs for wyth suche tempestes and daungerous weathers the churche of GOD hathe continuallye bene exercised Nowe once agayne as the Prophete Aggey telleth vs the Lorde shaketh the earthe Aggeus 2. that those myghte abyde for euer whyche be not ouerthrowne Therfore my dearely beloued bee stable and immoueable in the worde of god and in the faithfull obseruation therof and let no man deceiue you with vayne words saying that you may kepe your faith to your selues and dissēble with Antichriste and so liue at rest quietnes in the world as moste men do yeldyng to necessitie This is the wisedome of the flesh Rom. 8 1 Cor. 6. Math. 16. but the wisedome of the flesh is death and enmitye to god as our sauiour for ensample aptely did declare in Peter who exhorted christ not to go to Ierusalem to celebrate the passeouer and there to be slayne but councelled hym to loke better to himselfe Likewise the world would not haue vs to forsake him neither to associate oure selues to the true church which is the body of Christe whereof we are liuely members and to vse the sacraments after gods word with the daunger of our lyues But we must learne to aunswer the world as Christ dyd Peter and say go behynd me Satā thou sauourest not the thyngs of god Heb. 11. Psa 116. Shal I not drynke of the cup which the father geueth me For it is better to be afflicted to be slayn in the church of god then to be counted the sonne of the king in the Sinagoge of false religiō Death for righteousnes is not to be abhorred but rather to be desired which assuredly bringeth with it the crown of euerlasting glory These bloodye executioners doe not persecute Christes Martyrs but crowne them with euerlastyng felicitye We were borne into this world to be witnesses vnto the truth both learned vnlearned Nowe since the time is come that we must shew our faithe declare whether we wil be gods seruauntes in righteousnes and holines as we haue bene taught and are bound to follow or els with hypocrisy serue vnrighteousnes let vs take good heede that we bee founde faythful in the lordes couenaunt and true members of hys church in the which through knowledge we are ingraffed from the which if we fall by transgression wyth the commē sort of people it will more straightly be required of vs thā many yet do make accompt therof We cānot serue two maisters Luke 18. 3. Reg. 18 Apoc. 3. we may not halte on both sides and thynke to please god we must be feruent in gods cause or els he wyll cast vs out from hym For by the first commaundement we are cōmaunded to loue God wyth all our harte with al our mynde with all our power and strength but they are manifest trāsgressours of this commaundement which with theyr hart mynd or bodely power doe communicate with a straunge religion contrary to the worde of god in the papistical Synagoge which calleth it self the church and is not As greatly do they offend god now whiche so doe as the Israelites dyd in tymes past by forsakyng
Ierusalem the true church of God 3. Reg 13. and by goyng to Bethell to serue God in a congregation of their owne settyng vp and after theyr owne imaginations and traditions for the whych doyng god vtterly destroide all Israell as all the prophets almost doe testifye This happened vnto thē for our ensāple that we might beware to haue any felowship with any lyke congregation to our destruction God hath one catholike church dispersed throughout the world and therfore we are taughte in our crede to beleue one catholike church and to haue communion therwith which catholike church is grounded vpon the foundation of the prophets and of the apostles and vppon none other as S. Paule witnesseth to the Ephesians Ephe. 2. Therfore where so euer we perceiue anye people to worship god truly after that word there we may be certain the church of christ to be vnto the which we oughte to associate our selues and to desyre wyth the Prophet Dauyd Psal 2. to prayse god in the middest of this church But if we behold through the iniquity of tyme segregations to be made wyth coūterfayt religion otherwyse then the word of god doth teach we ought than yf we be requyred to be companions therof Psal 26 Apoc. 2 to say agayne wyth Dauyd I haue hated the Sinagoge of the malignant and wyll not sitte with the wicked In the Apocalips the church of Ephesus is hyghly commended bycause she tried such as saide they were apostles and were not in dede and therfore would not abyde the company of them Further god commaunded his people that they should not seke Bethell neyther enter into Balgala where idolatry was vsed by the mouth of his prophet Amos. Also we muste conside Amos. 5 1. Cor. 3. that our bodies be the temple of god and whosoeuer as S. Paule teacheth doth prophane the temple of God hym the Lorde will destroy may we than take the temple of Christ and make it the member of an herlotte Al straunge religion and idolatry is counted whoredome with the prophets and that more detestable in the syght of God thē the aduoutrous abuse of the body Therfore the prynces of the earthe in the reuelation of sainct Iohn Apo. 17 be sayd to goe a whorynge when they are in lone with false religion follow the same How then by any meanes may a christian man thinke it tolerable to be present at the popyshe priuate masse whiche is the very prophanation of the sacrament of the body blood of Christ and at other Idolatrous worshiypynges rites which be not after the worde of god but rather the derogation therof in settyng mannes traditions aboue gods preceptes synce god by his worde iudgeth all straunge religiō whiche is not accordyng to hys institution for whoredome and aduoutry Some fondely thynke that the presence of the bodye is not materiall so that the hearte doe not consente to their wycked doyngs But such persons little consider what S. Paule writeth to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 6. commaundyng them to glorify God as well in body as in soule Moreouer we can do no greater iniurye to the true churche of Christe then to seeme to haue forsaken her or disalowe her by cleaning to her aduersarye whereby it appeareth to others whiche be weake that we allow the same and so cōtrary to the word do geue a greet offence to the churche of God and doe outwardly slaunder as much as men may the truth of Christ But wo be vnto him by whom any such offence commeth Better it were for hym to haue a mylstone tyed aboute hys neck and to be cast into the bottome of the sea Such be traitours to the truthe lyke vnto Iudas who with a kysse betrayed Christ Our God is a gelous god and cannot be content that we should be of any other bodye then of that vnspotted church whereof he is the head onely and wherin he hath planted vs by baptisme This gelousy which god hath towardes vs wil cry for vengeaūce in the day of vengeāce against al such as now haue so large consciences to doe that which is cōtrary to gods glory the syncerity of his word except they do in time repent and cleaue vnseparably to the gospel of Christ Mar. 8. how much soeuer at this present both men and women otherwyse in their owne corrupte iudgement do flatter themselues God wylleth vs to iudge vprightly to allow and follow that which is holye and acceptoble in hys sight and to abstayne from all maner of euyl and therfore Christ cōmaundeth vs in the gospel to beware of the leauen of the Phariseis which is hypocrisy Heb. 10 S. Paule to the Hebrewes saithe that if any person withdrawe hymselfe from fayth he shall not be approued in hys iudgement and therfore he sayth also that we are none such as do withdraw our selues vnto perdition but we belong vnto fayth for the attaynemēt of lyfe Apoc. 13 S. Iohn in the Apocalips telleth vs plainly that none of those who are writen in the booke of lyfe do receyue the marke of the beast Ephe. 5. phil 2 which is of the papystical Synagoge either in their foreheades or els in their hands that is apparauntly or obediently S. Paule to the Philippians affyrmeth that we may not haue any fellowship with the workes of darkenes but in the myddest of this wycked and froward generation 2. Cor. 6. we ought to shyne lyke lightes vp holdyng the worde of truth Further he sayth that we may not touch any vncleane thyng which sygnifyeth that oure outwarde conuersation in forreyne thynges oughte to bee pure vndefiled as well as the inward that wyth a cleane spirite and rectifyed body we myght serue god iustly in holynes and rightuousnes all the dayes of our lyfe Apoc. 18 Finallye in the 18. of the Apocalips god byddeth vs plainly to depart from this Babilonical Synagoge Thess 3 and not to be pertakers of her trespasse S. Paule to the Thessaloniās commaūdeth vs in the name of the Lorde Iesus Christe to wythdrawe ourselues frō euery brother that walketh inordinatelye not accordyng to the institution which he hath receyued of him Ponder therefore wel good brethern and systers these Scriptures which be written for your erudition and reformation wherof one iote is not written in vayne whych be vtterlye againste all counterfaite collusion to be vsed of vs wyth the papistes in theyr phantasticall religion and be aduersaries to al them that haue so light consciences in so doyng and if they do not agree wyth thys aduersary I meane the worde of God whiche is contrary to theyr attemptes Math. 5 he wyll as it is signified in the gospell delyuer them to the iudge which is Christe and the iudge wyll delyuer them to the executioner that is the deuil and the deuil shall commit thē to the horrible prison of hel fyre Math. 24. where is the porcion of all hypocrites
in the lyke cause as s Iames sayth Take my brethren sayth he the Prophets for an ensāple of suffering aduersitie and of long pacience which spake vnto you in the name of the Lord behold we count thē happy which endure Y e haue heard of the paciēce of Iob haue knowen what end the lord made with hym for the lord is very pitiful merciful Also the lord trieth vs to let vs see our own harts thoughts that no hypocrisy nor ambitiō deceaue vs that the stronge in Christ may pray that he fal not but endure to the end that those that fal through fearful infirmitie might spedely repent ryse agayn wyth Peter also that the weake ones myght bewayle theyr weakenes cry with Dauid haue mercy vpō me O lord Psalme 6. for I am weake O lorde heale me for all my bones are vexed Of thys opening of the hart by persecutiō spake holy Simeō to Marye Christes Mother when he sayde Luke 2. the sworde that is the crosse of persecution shall pearse thy soule that the thoughtes of manye hartes maye be opened For like as a King that shoulde goe to battell is compelled to looke in hys cofers what treasure he hath and also what number and puisaunce of men and weapons so that if he see hymselfe vnreadye and vnarmed to bycker wyth hys ennemye he surceaseth and taketh truce for a tyme euen so we by persecutions haue oure hartes opened that we maye looke therein to see what faythe in Christe we haue and what strengthe to wythstande the enemyes and to beare the crosse that if we bee ryche in these treasures we myghte reioyce and valiauntlye goe to battell or if we wante these thinges with all speede to call and crye vppon him whiche geueth all good giftes to those that aske them Item the crosse trieth the good people from the badde the faithfull frō the worldlings hypocrites also clēseth scoureth the faythful hartes from al corruption filthynesse both of the flesh the spirit And euē as an yron except it be oftē scoured wil sone waxe rustye so except our sinfull hartes flesh be often scoured with the whetstone of the crosse they wil sone corrupt ouergrow with the rust of al filthynesse and sinne And therfore it is mete good for vs as the wismā sayth that as gold siluer are tryed in the fyre Sirach 2. so shoulde the hartes of acceptable men be tryed in the fornace of aduersitie Abide the tryal dere frends that ye may obtayne the crowne of life Fyght manfully in thys the Lords cause that ye may obteyne a gloryous victory here and receaue a great reward in heauen hereafter As ye are called Christians and would be angrye to be called Iewes or Turkes so declare your christianitye by followyng the steppes of Christe whose name ye beare suffer with hym and for hys Gospelles sake rather then to denye hym or to defyle youre fayth and conscience wyth false worshippyng or Romyshe religion Take vppe your crosse my deare hartes nowe when it is offered you and goe vppe wyth Christe to Ierusalem amongest the Byshoppes Priestes and rulers yf GOD call you thereto and they wyl anone send you to Caluarye from whence dying in the cause of the Gospell wherin oure good preachers and brethren haue geuen their lyues your soules I warrant you through Christe Iesu Eccle. 12. shall ascende to GOD that gaue them and the bodye shall come after at the laste daye and so shall ye dwell wyth the Lorde for euer in vnspeakeable ioye and blysse O blessed are they that suffer persecution for ryghteousnesse sake as Christes people in thys Iewyshe Englande now doth for theirs is the kyngdome of heauen O my beloued sette your myndes on this kyngdome where Christe our heade and Kyng is consideryng that as the brute beaste looketh downewardes wyth the face towardes the earth so is man made contrarye wise wyth hys face looking vpwardes towardes the heauens because hys conuersation shoulde be in heauen and heauenly thyngs and not vppon the earth and earthlye chynges Col. 3 as Sainct Paule sayth set your myndes on thynges which are are aboue where Christe is And agayne he sayeth phil 3. our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for oure Sauiour who wyll chaunge oure vyle bodyes and make them like to his glorious body Oh the glorious estate that we bee called vnto the Lorde preserue vs blamelesse to hys eternall kyngdome throughe Christe Iesus oure Lorde Amen The seconde thyng that I note in the foresayde wordes of Peter is that he calleth persecution no straunge thynge And truth it is for whiche of the Prophettes were not persecuted wyth Christe and hys Apostles and some of them in the ende cruellye kylled for the truthes sake Caine kylled Abell Isaac was persecuted of Ismaell 3. Regum 4. Regum Iacob was hated of Esau Iosephe was prysoned and sette in the stockes The Prophette Esaye was cutte in two wyth a sawe Ieremye was stoned Micheas was buffeted and fedde wyth breade and water Helias was sore persecuted Eleazer and the woman with her seuen sonnes were cruellye kylled 2. mac 6.7 What Christe and the Apostles suffered it is well knowen so that by manye tribulations as Paule sayeth we muste enter into the kyngdome of heauen Act. 14 All the holy Prophettes Christe and hys Apostles suffered suche afflictions not for euel doing but for preachinge Gods woord for rebukyng the worlde of synne and for their fayth in Iesus Christe Thys is the ordinaunce of GOD my frends this is the hygh way to heauen by corporal death to eternal lyfe Iohn 5. as Christ sayth he that heareth my words beleueth in hym that sent me hath eternal life shal not come into iudgemēt but is escaped from death to lyfe Let vs neuer feare death which is kylled by christ but beleue in him liue for euer Roman 8. as Paul sayth there is no damnation to them that are in christ Iesu which walke not after the fleshe but after the spirit 1. Corin. 15. And agayne Paule sayth Death where is thy sting Hel where is thy victory Thankes be to god whiche hath geuen vs victory through Iesu Christ Besides this ye haue sene dayly do see the blood of your good preachers brethren which hath bene shed in the gospels cause in thys sinful Sodome thys bloody Ierusalē this vnhappie citie of Londō Let not their blood be forgottē nor the blood of your good byshop Ridley who like a good shepeherd to your cōfort exāple hath geuē hys lyfe for his shepe S. Paul saith remember them that haue spokē to you the word of god Iohn 10. Heb. 13 loke vpon the end of their conuersation and folow their faith The deuil euer stirreth vp false teachers as he hath done now ouer al England 2. peter 2. 1. Timot 4. 2. Timo. 3.
Iude. 1. as Peter Paul Iude prophecyed it shold be to poison kil our soules wyth false doctrine And where he fayleth hys purpose that way then moueth he hys members to persecute the sely carcases of the Saints because they wyl not denye nor dissemble theyr pure fayth in our liuyng Christ confesse a dead bready christ and honour the same as Christ god man Exod 20. 1. Iohn 5. 2. Corin. 10 contrary to gods cōmaundements Thys is the working of Sathā who knowing hys own iust dāpnation would al mankynd to be pertakers wyth him of the same such a mortal hatred beareth he agaynst god his people Matth. 4. And therfore when thys wicked tempter could not kyll Christ with suttel temtation to fal down worship him thē he stirred vp hys seruantes the byshops Pharisees to kil hys body wherby notwithstanding the deuyl lost hys title enterest which he had to mans soule and mā by his precious passion and death was raunsomed frō the deuil death hel to immortalitie lyfe euerlasting and so when Sathan thought to haue wonne all in kylling of Christ he lost all and so shall he do in vs if we abyde constant and strong in the fayth of our lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ vnto the end God graunt it for his mercyes sake in Christ blessed are al they that put their trust in hym Amen Wherfore my hartely beloued brethrē sisters be of good cōfort through Iesus Christ for he that is in vs is strōger thē he that is in the world Therfore draw ye nere to god Iames. 2 he wil draw nere to you Resist the deuil he wil as Iames saith flee frō you Beware of the leuē of the Pharisees Math. 16. Touch not pitche least ye be defiled therewith Eate no swynes fleshe for it is against the lawe I meane defyle not your selues neither inwardly nor outwardly with thys false wicked religion of Antichrist for it is nothing els but pitch Apo. 13.14 Apo. 18 2. Cor. 6. swynes flesh Beware of the beastes marke lest ye drinke of the cup of gods wrath If god haue geuē you knowlege fayth dissēble not therwith Deny not the knowen verity before men lest Christ denie you before hys father Come away frō Babilon as Iohn biddeth you touch no vncleane thing but seperate your selues from the companye of the vngodly as Paul commaundeth you What soeuer ye haue done amysse heretofore now repent and amend psal 129. for with the lord there is mercye and plenteous redemption The third thing note which I gather out of the foresayd words of Peter is this that he sayth reioyce because ye are pertakers of Christs passiōs Our sufferings my welbeloued are christs sufferings and that iniury that is done to vs for his sake he rekoneth it to be done to himself as he said to Paul Act. 9. Saule Saule why persecutest thou me Col. 1. Therfore we ought to reioyce in our sufferings as Paul writeth which we suffer with Christ one with an other as Peter sayth so to fulfyll that which is behinde of the passions of Christ in our flesh which Christ hath by hys passion fully redemed saued vs in hys own person howbeit hys elect must suffer with him for him vnto the worldes end Mat. 5. that he may be glorifyed in thē and they therby corrected clensed frō sinne in thys world be made more mete temples for the holy ghost and also obtain a great reward in heauē for their suffering for righteousnes sake according to his promise And therfore I say my brethrē reioyce in the lord alwayes agayne I say reioice Let vs reioyce in the crosse of our lord Iesus Christ Phil 3. Galat. 6. wherby the word is crucifyed to vs we to it And why shoulde we so greatly reioyce in the crosse of Christ which we now suffer Because saith Peter when his glory appeareth we may be mery glad And this is the fourth note that I gather out of his words aboue writē Wherin is set out the reward of suffering not to be had in this world but at his coming to iudgement when we shal be raysed agayn and then shall they that haue sowen in teares reape in ioy as christ sayth blessed are they that wepe here for they shal laughe Blessed are ye when mē hate you thrust you out of their company rayling on you abhorring your name as an euel thīge for the sonne of mās sake Luke 6 reioyce ye in that day and be glad for your rewarde is great in heauen Wherfore my dearly beloued through hope of thys heauenly ioye reward 1. Cor. 2. Heb. 12 which he that cā not lie hath promised which ioy is so great that no eare hath heard no eie hath sene nor the hart cā thinke where we shal dwel for euer in the heauenly citie the celestiall Ierusalē in the presence of God the father Iesus Christ our mediatour as Paul sayeth and in the cōpany of innumerable Angels and with the spirits soules of al faythful iust men reioyce be glad seīg ye be called to so great glory 2 pet i. see that ye make your election vocation sure by good workes specially by suffering aduersitie for the Gospels sake Phil. 1. for it is geuen vs of god saith Paul not only to beleue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake Continue in prayer pray for me that I may end my course with ioye Haue brotherly loue amongest your selues Iohn 14 which is a tokē that ye be Christs distiples Edifie cōfort one an other in the word of the lord the god of peace loue be with you alwaies Amē For your liberalitie kindnesse shewed vpō the prisoners afflicted people of god in this time of persecutiō the lord wil reward you whē he cometh to reward euery mā according to their dedes and wil not leaue a cup of cold water bestowed vpon his faythfull people vnrewarded God make you rich in al grace Matth. 10. 2. Cor. 8. that ye alwayes hauing sufficient may be ryche vnto al manner of good workes The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of god and the felowship of the holy ghost be with you alwayes Amen Your brother nowe in bondes for the gospell Thomas Whittell To my louyng and faythfull brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the Kynges Benche THe same faith for the which Abrahā was accompted iuste and Mary blessed wherby also al iust men liue the lorde god our louing father encrease and stablyshe in you and me to the obteining of eternal life in our alone and swete Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen I cā not worthely sufficiently prayse god my hartely be loued brother for the consolation ioye that I receaued by reasō of your louing letters repēting me much that
I being so long so nere you did not enterpryse to stirre vp familiaritie comunicatiō betwene vs by writing to our mutual cōsolation in Christe For what is there vpon earth wherin to reioyce where al things are transitory vaine yea mā him self respecting this life but as Dauid saith Psal 16 the Saints that dwel vpon the earth such as excel in vertue But here now I consider that if the felowship loue ioy of faythful men and children of god being as we now be in double bondage the body within clay walles the soule wtin these frayle earthly bodies be so great and comfortable howe vnspeakeable wil those ioyes be when we shal be deliuered frō al corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of god Where we shal be present together continually in our glorified bodies beholding the face of our father presently whō now we see but in the glasse of fayth with his dere sonne christ our redemer brother and the blessed companye of Angels al faithful saued soules Oh the incomparable good things and heauenly treasures layd vp for vs in heauen by christ Iesu For the obteyning wherof we ought to set light by al tēporal grefes and transitory afflictions so much the more in that our good God is faythful wil not suffer vs to be tēpted aboue oure strength that namely in the end of our life Eccle. 11. whē the tree where it falleth lieth stil as the preacher sayeth when euerye one causa sua dormit causa sua resurget for els before the end he suffereth hys somtime to fal but not finally to perysh as Peter sincked vpon the sea but yet was not drowned and synned greuously vpon the lande throughe infirmitie denying his Maister but yet found mercye for the ryghteous falleth oftentymes And Christs holy Apostles are taught to say remitte nobis debita nostra Yea thoughe the righteous fall saieth Dauid he shal not be cast away for the Lord vpholdeth hym wyth hys hande Oh the bottomlesse mercy of God toward vs miserable sinners He vouchsafe to plante in my harte true repentance and fayth to the obteyning of remission of al my synnes in the mercyes of God and merites of Christe hys sonne and therto I pray you say Amen Oh my hartely beloued it greueth me to see the spoyle hauocke the Saule maketh with the congregation of Christe but what remedye This is gods wil ordinance that his people shal here both be punished in the flesh tried in their fayth as it is writtē many are the troubles of the righteous but the lord deliuereth thē out of al for by a strait path narowe dore must we enter Whether Into the ioyful kingdome of heauē Therfore blessed are you other that suffer persecutiō for christs sake for the possessing of the same Pray for me my felowes good brother that we may fyght a good fyght that we may kepe the fayth and end our course with ioyful gladnes for now the tyme of our deliuerāce is at hand The lord guide defēd and kepe vs you al his people in our iourney that we may safely through a short death passe to that long lasting life Farewel my dere and louing brother fellow souldiour in Christ farewel I say in him who receaue our soules in peace when they shal depart frō these tabernacles and he graunt vs a ioyfull resurrection and a mery metyng at the last day and continuall dwelling together in hys eternall and heauenly kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Yours with my poore prayer other pleasure can I do you none Thomas Whittell minister To my deare brethren M. Filles and Cutbert MY dere and welbeloued brethren in Christ M. Filles and Cutbert I wish you al welfare of soule body Welfare to the soule is repentance of synne faythful affiance in christ Iesus a godly life Welfare to the body is the health of the same with al necessary things for this bodely life The soule of mā is immortal therfore ought to be wel kept lest immortalitie to ioy should turne to immortalitie of sorow As for the body be it neuer so wel kept much made of yet shortly by nature wil it perysh decay But those that are engraffed and incorporated into Christ by true fayth feeling the motion of Gods holy spirite as a pledge of their electition and enheritaunce excityng and stirring them not onelye to seke heauenly thyngs but also to hate vyce embrace vertue wyll not onely do those things but also if neede requyre wyll gladlye take vppe theyr crosse and followe theyr Captayne Mat. 26. Mar. 14 theyr Kynge and theyr Sauioure Iesus Christe as hys poore afflicted Churche of Englande nowe doth agaynste that false and Antichristian doctrine religiō nowe vsed and specially that blasphemous masse wherein christes supper and holy ordinaūce is altogether peruerted and abused contrary to his institution Luke 22. 2. Cor. 1● and to Paules procedinges so that that whiche they haue in their Masse is neyther sacramēt of christ nor yet sacrifice for sinne as the priestes falsely pretende It is a sacrament that is as S. Augustine saith a visible signe of inuisible grace when it is ministred to the communicantes accordyng to christes example and as it was of late yeares in thys realme And as for sacrifice there is none to be made now for sinne Heb. 9.10 for Chryste with one sacrifice hath perfited for euer those that are sāctified Beware of false religion and mens vaine traditiōs and serue god wyth reuerence and godly feare accordyng to the doctryne of hys Gospel Luke i1 whereto cleane ye that ye maye be blessed though of wycked men ye be hated accursed Rather drinke of the cup of Christ wyth his church Apo. 18. then of the cup of that rose coloured whore of Babylon which is ful of abhominatiōs Rather striue ye to go to heauē by that path which is strayte to fleshe and bloud wyth the little flocke then to go the wyde way followyng the enticements of the worlde and the flesh which leadeth to damnation Lyke as Christ suffered in the flesh saith S. Peter pet 4.3 so arme ye yourselues with the same minde for Christe suffered for vs leauyng vs example to follow hys footesteppes Blessed are they that suffer for hys sake great is their reward in heauē He that ouercommeth saith S. Iohn shal eate of the tree of lyfe he shal haue a crowne of life Apoca. 2.3 and not be hurt of the second death he shall be clothed with white aray not be put out of the booke of life yea I wil confesse hys name sayth Christ before my father and before hys aungels he shal be a piller in the house of God and sit with me on my seate And thus I bydde you farewel mine owne bretherne and deare fellowes in Christ whose grace and peace be alwaye
wyth you Amen This worlde I do forsake To Christ I me betake And for hys gospell sake Patiently death I take My body to the dust Now to returne it must My soule I know ful wel With my god it shal dwel Thomas Whittell ❧ Letters of Maister Robert Samuell a godly and learned Minister and preacher of Gods worde burnte at Ipsewiche for the faythfull testimony of the same the 18. of Auguste 1555. of whose straunge tormentes and vnmercifull handlyng c reade in the booke of Martyrs Fol. 1270. An exhortation to the patient sufferyng of afflictions for Christes cause and the verity of hys Gospell Eccle. 9. A Man knoweth not hys tyme but as the fishe is taken wyth the angle and as the byrdes are caught with the snare euen so are men caughte and taken in the perilous time when it commeth vppon them The tyme commeth the daye draweth nere Ezechi 7. Better it were to dye as the preacher sayth Eccl. 4 then to lyue and see the myserable workes which are done vnder the Sunne such so dayne and straunge mutations such wofull hainous and lamentable deuisions so fast approcheth and none or verye fewe thoroughly repenteth Esay 1. Alas for this synful nation a people of great iniquitye and seede of vngraciousnes corruptyng their wayes They haue forsaken the lord they haue prouoked the holy one of Israell to anger and are gone backward Who now liueth not in such security and rest as thoughe al daungers were cleane ouerpast Who nowe blyndeth and buffeteth not christ with seest me and seest me not Yea who liueth not now in such felicity worldly pleasures and ioies wholy seeking the world prouidyng and craftely shyftyng for the earthly clodde and all carnall appetites as thoughe synne were cleane forgotten ouerthrowen and deuoured Lyke hoggyshe gaddernes nowe are we more afrayde and ashamed of Christ our Messias Math. 8 fearyng the losse of our fylthy pygges I meane our transitory goods and disquieting of our synfull and mortall bodies in thys short vncertayn and miserable lyfe thē of a legion of Deuyls seducyng and driuyng vs from hearing reading Marke 5. and beleuing Christ gods eternall sonne and hys holy word the power to saue our soules vnto vanities lyes and fables Rom. 10. and to this bewitchyng world Oh perilous aboundaunce of goodes to much saturity of meates wealth quietnes Genes 19. which destroied wyth so many soules those goodly Cities Sodome and Gomorre Ieroboam so long as he was but a poore man not yet auaunced to hys dignitie liued in the lawes of god without reprehension but brought once to welth and prosperous estate he became a wycked and most shamefull Idolatour And what made the couetous young man so loth to follow Christ Math. 19. when he was bydden to forsake but worldly wealth which he then enioyed Wo be vnto these false elusions of the world baites of perdition hokes of the Deuill which haue so shamefully deceyued and seduced ful many from the ryght pathe vnto the Lord into the high wais of confusion and perpetuall perdition We myght now worthely deare christians lamente and bewaile our heauye state miserable condition and sorowful chaunce yea I say we myght wel accuse our selues and with Iob curse these our troublous wicked Iob. 3. and bloody last days of thys world were it not that we both see and beleue and fynde in gods sacred booke Esay 10 that a remnaūt god hath in al ages reserued I meane the faythfull as many as haue bene from the beginnyng of the world exercised whetted and pullished with diuers afflictions troubles tossings cast and dashed against all perils and daūgers as the very drosse and outcastes of the earth and yet wyll in no wyse halte betwene god and Baal 1. Cor. 4 for God vtterly abhorreth two men in one he cannot away wyth thē that are betwene both but casteth thē away as a filthy vomite Apoca. 3. Christ wil not parte spoile with his mortal enemy the deuil he wil haue all or lose all he wil not permit the Deuil to haue the seruice of the body and he to stand contented with the harte and mynd but he wil be glorified bothe in your bodyes and in your spirites which are hys as S. Paule sayeth 1. Cor. 6 For he hath made all bought all and dearely payde for all As S. Peter saith 1. pet 1. wyth hys owne immaculate body hathe he cleane discharged your bodies from sinne death and hel and wyth hys most precious blood payd your raunsome full pryce once for all and for euer Nowe what harme I pray you or what losse sustayne you by this Why are you O vayne men more afraide of Iesus your gentle Sauiour and his gospel of saluation then of a legion of cruel deuils goyng about wyth false delusions vtterlye to destroye you both bodies and soules Thynke you to be more sure then vnder your captayne Christe Doe you promise your selues to be more quiete in Sathans seruice then in Christes religion Esteme you more these trāsitory and pernicious pleasures then god and all hys heauenly treasures Oh palpable darkenes horrible madnes and wilful blyndnes without comparison to much to be suffred any longer We see wyll not see we know and wyll not knowe yea we smarte wyl not fele that our own conscience wel knoweth Oh miserable and brayneles soules which would for folish pleaiures and slippery wealth lose the royall kyngdome and permanent ioyes of god wyth the euerlastyng glory which he hath prepared for them that truly loue hym and renoūce the worlde 2. Cor. 4 The chyldren of the worlde lyue in pleasure and wealthe and the Deuyll who is theyr GOD and Prynce of thys worlde kepeth theyr wealthe whyche is proper vnto them and letteth them enioye it But let vs whiche bee of Christe Ioh. 12 seeke and enquyre for heauenlye thynges whiche by gods promyse and mercye in Christ shal be peculier vnto vs. Let I say the Cretians epicures and such other beastly Belials and carnall people passe for thynges that be pleasaunt for the body and do appertayne to thys transitory lyfe yet shall they once as the kinglye Prophet sayth runne about the Citye of god to fro howlyng lyke dogges Psalm 58. desiring one scrappe of the ioyes of gods elect Luk. 16 but al to late as the rich glutton Let vs therfore passe for those thynges that do perteyne to the spirit and be celestial Coloss 3 Heb. 13 Iob. 7. We must be here saith Paule not as inhabitours and home dwellers but as straungers not as straungers onely but after the mynde of Iob as paynefull souldiours appoynted of our gouernour to fyght agaynst the gouernour of darknes of this world agaynst spiritual craftines in heauenly thynges The tyme is come we must to it Ephesi 5 1. pet 4 the iudgemēt must begin first at the house of god Began they not first wyth the
them they harken vnto me and to no straungers and I geue them euerlastyng lyfe Iohn 10 for they shall not be loste nor no man shall plucke them out of my handes no nor yet this flatte ryng world wyth al his vayne pleasures nor any Tyranne wyth his great threates and stoute bragges can once moue them out of the way of eternall lyfe What consolation and cōfort may we haue more pleasaunt and effectuous then this God is on our side and fighteth for vs he suffereth he smarteth is afflicted with vs. As the world can do nothing against his might Esay 4 neither in takyng away or diminishing of hys glory nor putting him from his celestial throne so can it not harme nor hurte any one of his chyldren without his good wyll Ephesi 5 for we are members of hys bodye out of his flesh and of his bones and as deare to him as the apple of his eye Let vs therfore with an earnest fayth set fast hold and sure feeling vpon the promises of God in the gospel and let vs not be sundred from the same by any tēptation tribulation or persecution Let vs consider the verity of god to be inuincible inuiolable and immutable promising and geuing vs his faythfull souldiours life eternall It is he onely that hath deserued it for vs it is his only benefite and of his only mere mercy vnto hym only must we render thākes Let not therfore the vayne fantasies and dreames of mē the folish gauds and toyes of the world nor the crafty delusions of the deuil driue separate vs from our hope of the crown of righteousnes that is laid vppe in store for vs against the last day Oh that happy and mery last day I meane to the faythfull when Christ by hys couenaunt shall graunte and geue vnto them that ouercome and kepe hys wordes to the ende that they maye ascende and sit in seate with him as he hath ascended and sitteth on throne wyth hys father The same body and soule that is now wyth Christ afflicted shal then be wyth Christ glorified nowe in the butchers handes as shepe appointed to die 2. Timo. 2. then sitting at gods table wyth Christ in hys kyngdom as gods honourable and dere childerne where we shall haue for earthly pouerty heauenlye riches for hunger and thirst saturitye of the pleasaunt presence of the glory of God Psalm 16. for sorrowes troubles and colde irons celestial ioyes and the company of Aungels and for a bodely death lyfe eternall Oh happy soules oh precious death and euermore blessed righte deare in the eyes of god to you the spring of the Lord shall euer be florishyng Then as sayth Esay the redemed shall returne come againe into Sion praysing the Lord and eternall mercyes shal be ouer their heades they shall obtaine myrthe and solace sorrowe and woe shall be vtterly vanquished yea I am euen he sayeth the Lord that in all things geueth you euerlastyng consolation To whom with the Father and the holy ghost be glory and prayse for euer Amen Robert Samuell An other letter written to the Christian cōgregation called the fayth of Robert Samuell The beliefe of the hart iustifyeth and to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe Rom. 10. Feare not the curse of men be not afrayde of theyr blasphemies and reuilinges for wormes and mothes shall eate them vppe lyke cloth and woll but my ryghteousnesse shall endure for euer and my sauing healthe from generation to generation Esay 51. COnsidering with my self these perillous times 2. Timo. 3. perishing daies the vnconstant and miserable state of man the decay of our fayth the sinister reporte false slaūder of gods most holy word these vrgent causes in coscience do constrayne me to confesse acknowledge my fayth and meanyng in Christes holy religion as S. Peter teacheth me saying 1. pet 3 be readye alwayes to geue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you and that with mekenes feare hauing a good cōscience that whē they backbite you as euill doers they may be ashamed for asmuche as they haue falselye accused your good conuersation in Christe As touching my doctrine for that litle talent that god hath geuen me god I take to recorde mine own conscience mine auditorie knoweth that I neither in doctrine nor maners willinglye taughte any other thing then I receaued of the holy Patriarckes Prophets Christ hys Apostles For it were not only sinne but also the very part of a cursed miscreant to deny to belye or betray the innocēcie of that heauēly doctrine or to be ashamed to cōfesse stād to the defence of the same Mar. 8. seing the christ plāted it with his most precious blood and all good men haue more estemed the true infallible word of god then al this transitorye worlde or their own mortal liues And I beleue this doctrine of the Patriarkes Prophets Christ hys Apostles to be sufficient absolutely perfect to enstruct teach me al the holy church of oure duties towards god the magistrates our neighbours Fyrst principally I do assuredly beleue wtout any douting that there is one deitie or diuine essence infinite substāce which is both called is in dede god euerlasting vnbodely vnpartable vnmeasurable in power wisdome goodnesse the maker preseruer of al things as wel visible as inuisible yet there be three distinct persons al of one godhead or diuine being of al one power coequal cōsubstantial coeternall the father the sonne the holy ghost I beleue in god the father almighty c. As touching god the father of heauē I beleue as much as holy scripture teacheth me to beleue The father is the first person in trinitie Ephesi ● first cause of our saluation which hath blessed vs with al maner of blessings in heauēly things by Christ which hath chosē vs before the foūdations of the worlde were layd that we should be holy without blame before him who hath predestinate vs ordeyned vs to be his childrē of adoption through Christ Iesu Act. 17. Psal 176. In him as it is sayd we liue we moue haue our being he nourisheth feedeth geueth meate to euery creature And in Iesus Christ hys onely sonne oure lord I beleue that the word that is the sonne of god the second person in trinitie did take mans nature in the wombe of the most blessed virgin Mary Heb. 1. So that there be in hym .ii. natures a diuine nature an humaine nature in the vnitie of persō inseperable conioyned knyt in one Christ truly god trulye mā the expresse perfect image of the inuisible god wherin the wil of god the father shineth apparantly wherin mā as it were in a glasse maye behold what he ought to do that maye please god the father Borne of the virgin Mary ●●trulye
these boysterous wyndes that blow The Lord can lay them when he luste And bring the raging waues full lowe But your safegard shall styl remayne In a strong castell of defence God graunt vs well to meete agayne With myrth and ioye in his presence Iohn Careles To the afflicted Christian ☞ Feare not for death passe not for handes Onely in God put thy whole trust For god wil requyre thy blood at their hands And this thou doest know that once die thou must Onely for Christ thy lyfe if thou geue Death is no death but a meane for to lyue A letter of Doctor Taylour of Hadley written to his wife This pac●er is called syr Robert Bracher a false protesstant in Kyng Edwardes dayes afterward a deadlye enemye to that religion whiche he had professed and now is become a protesstante agayne serueth at S. Denys in Lōdon in Fann●-church strete calleth hym self Harry Bradshawe Thys pedler cōmyng to the buryal of hys frende and gods great enemye Walter Clarke of Hadley albeit he came somewhat to late to the market as he sayd yet be●ng desyrous to vtter hys ware opened there his packe ful of most p●stilent poysoned doctrine Thys was one of thē that so vnmerc●fully thrust D. Taylours wife childrē out of the do●es as she h●● 〈◊〉 can testifye whiche we haue here placed as it came to our handes with certayne other letters following DEare wife I pray god be euer with vs through Christ our only Mediatour Amen I thanke you for my cap I am somthing proud of it for it is one steppe frō the cleargy in these dayes I thank god my harte is cleane deuided from their proceedings For I know that no mā can serue .ij. Maisters specially if they agree no better thē Christ Antichrist do I am glad that Hadley can skil of such packing ware as was brought thether the fyrst day of May last past Christes shepe cā discerne christs voice frō the voyce of straungers theues or hyrelings The packe bringer was sory that he came to late to the funeral market of hys faythfull frend But here I wil leaue thē both to Gods iudgement someting touche the matter wherof the packer made mentiō on his opening day At the first he called the scripture as I heare ful of darke sentences but in dede it is called of S. Dauid a candle to our fete a light to our pathes Our Sauiour Christe calleth his word the light which euyll doers do flye frō hate lest their dedes should be reproued therby S. Paul wold haue vs to walke as childrē of light in any wise not to cōtinue in ignorāce or darknes But al we in the world perteyn to .ij. princes eyther to the father of light truth or els to the prince of darknes lyes In these dayes preachers declare euidently of whō they are sent and with what spirit they speake to what prince they belong For they cry out againste Gods lightes sunne moone sterres torches lampes lanternes cressets cādels in gods booke the Bible prouided of gods great goodnes mercy to auoyd al foule darknes cloudes mistes or daungerous doubtful waies in this our iourney to our heauēly father long home mansiō houses derely purchased heritage Esay gods faithfull messenger sayeth woe be vnto thē that call sweete sower good euil light darknes Therfore cōmeth my people into captiuitie because they haue no vnderstādyng Our sauiour Christ pronoūceth errours heresyes to remaine amōg the people so long as ignorance of the scriptures remaineth And hereby it appeareth to al good cōsciences what they meane which defame or accuse gods blessed word being ful of light as though it were ful of darknes These oules wold haue al day lightes scraped out of bokes harts churches Oh lord turne their hartes tonges bowe thē frō the way of darkenes lest they go to the prince of darknes be cast into the paradise of vtter darknes where is weping gnashing of teeth Now touching the packes of wolle packes of cloth I feare they were as al other their wares be transsubstantiate into flockes euē his very finest packing stuffe against only fayth iustifying ▪ for the corporal presence of Christes body in the sacramēt for praying for soules departed for auriculer cōfessiō Abrahams iustification by faith by grace by promise not by workes is plainly setforth both in the Epistle to the Rom. cap. 4 to the Gala Cap 3. And Abrahams works of obedience in offring vp his sonne so long after his iustification must nedes be takē as a fruit of a good tree iustifying before men not of iustificatiō before god for thē had mā to glorye in then did Christ die in vaine And where as the .6 chap. of S. Iohn was alleaged to proue the Christ did geue his body corporally in his supper euē as he had promised in the said 6. chap. it is most vntrue For only he gaue his body sacramentally spiritually effectually in his supper to the faithfull Apostles and corporally he gaue it in a bloody sacrifice for the life of the world vpō the crosse once for al. There in his own persō in his own natural body he bare al our sines by whole stripes we were healed as S. Peter proueth 1. Pet. 2. Esay cap 53. In dede receauing Christs sacramēt accordīgly as it was instituted we receaue Christes body Christs blood euen as I sayd before the Apostles dyd But the popysh Masse is an other matter The Masse as it is now is but one of Antichristes youngest doughters in the which the deuill is rather present receaued then our Sauiour the .2 person in Trinitie god man O Lorde god heauenly father for Christes sake we besech thee to turne againe England to the right way it was in in King Edwardes tyme from thys babilonicall stewyshe spirituall whoredome conspiracye tyranny detestable enormityes false doctrine heresye hardnesse of hart and contempte of thy worde cōmaūdements frō this euident opē Idolatry sacriledge simony blasphemy superstitiō hypocrisy transubstātiate Angel of light day deuil kingdōe of lies foule vain schismes sectes sedition apostasie gaye swete poyson honied and sugered viperous venime wily woluishnes Sathanical subtiltye and abhomination in the sight of God and of all such as put on the true spectakles of holy scripture I am the more plaine now in this matter because I feare greatly the many wil be to much ready to go frō Christ to Antichrist from the Bible true gods seruice religiō to latine lying legendes portases Massebokes superstition They say their church can not erre in any point when in dede they be not of gods church and therefore they can do nothing but erre euen as they do almoste in all cases of true fayth But to come again to the packer rather thē preacher he brīgeth S. Chrisostomes sentence writing ad popu●ū antiochenum
of my fal also deliuered me his name be praised foreuermore Amē Neyther deuil nor cruel Tyrāne can plucke any of christes shepe out of hys hand Of the whych flocke of christes shepe I trust vndoubtedly I am one by meanes of his death bloudshedyng which shal at the last day stand at hys right hand and receyue wyth other his blessed benediction And now beyng condēned to dye my cōscience mind I prayse god is quyet in Christ I by his grace am very wel willyng content to geue ouer thys body to the death for the testimony of hys truth and pure religiō agaynste Antichriste and all hys false religion and doctryne They that reyort otherwyse of me speake not truely And as for Fountayne I saw him not all thys while Thomas Whittle Ministes Another letter of M. Thomas VVhittell written to a cerrayne godly woman OH my deare and louing Sister in Christ bee not dismayd in this storme of persecution for Paul calleth the gospel the word of the crosse because it is neuer truly taught but the crosse and cruell persecution immediatlye and necessarilye doth followe the same and therefore it is a manifeste token of Gods truth that hath bene here and is styl abroade and that is a cause of the rage and crueltye of Sathan agaynste Christ and hys members whiche muste bee corrected for their sinnes in thys worlde their fayth muste bee tryed that after tryall and paciente suffering the faythfull maye receaue the crowne of glorye Feare not therefore my welbeloued but proceede in the knowledge and feare of GOD and he will keepe you from all euill Call vppon hys holy name and he will strengthen you and assiste you in all your wayes and if it please hym to lay his crosse vppon you for his Gospells sake refuse it not neyther shake it of by vnlawfull meanes leste you shoulde as God forbyd fynde a more greuous crosse and tormente of conscience if you shoulde dissemble and denye the knowen veritye then is any persecution or death of bodye Oh howe happye are they that suffer persecution for ryghteousnesse sake Their rewarde is greate in heauen The momentane afflictions of thys lyfe are not worthy of the glorye that shall bee shewed vppon vs. Oh remember the Godly wemen of the olde testamente and newe whiche liued in Gods seruice and feare and therefore are nowe in blisse and cōmended for euer as namely Iudith Hester Abigaell the Mother of the .vij. sonnes Marye Elizabeth Susanna Lidia and Phebe and others Set their examples before your eyes and feare nothing for Sathan is conquered by our Sauiour Christ sinne is putte to flyght and the gate of immortalitie and eternall life is sette wyde open God graunt we may enter therin through the doore Iesus Christe Amen Thomas Whittel Maister Bartlet Grene to certayne of hys frends a litle before his death BEtter is the day of death sayth Salomon then the day of byrth Mā that is borne of woman liueth but a short time and is replenyshed with many miseries but happy are the dead that die in the Lord. Man of woman is borne in trauell to liue in misery Man through Christ doth die in ioye and liue in felicitie He is borne to die and dyeth to liue Strayght as he commeth into the world with cryes he vttereth his miserable estate strayghte as he departeth with songes he prayseth god for euer Scarce yet in hys cradell in deadly enemyes assaultes him after death no aduersarye maye anoye him Whilest he is here he displeaseth god whē he is dead he fulfilleth his will In thys life here he dyeth through sinne in the life to come he liueth in righteousnes Through manye tribulations in earth is he still purged with ioye vnspeakeable in heauen is he made pure for euer Here he dyeth euerye houre there he liueth continualy Here is synne there is righteousnesse Here is tyme there is eternitie Here is hatred there is loue Here is payne there is pleasure Here is myserye there is felicitie Here is corruption there is immortalitie Here we see vanitie there shall we beholde the Maiestie of God with triumphant and vnspeakeable ioye in glorye euerlasting Seeke therfore the thynges that are aboue where Christe sitteth on the ryghte hand of God the father vnto whom with the sonne and the holy ghost be all honour and glorye worlde wythoute end Amen Christe deus sine te spes est mihe nulla salutis Te duce vera sequor te duce falsa nego In Englyshe thus O Christ my God sure hope of health besides thee haue I none That truth I loue and falshode hate thou arte my guyde alone Yours in Christe Bartlet Grene. A letter of Iohn Careles to one Mystres Cotton THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the eternall comfortes of his most pure holy mightye spirit with the encrease of fayth liuely feeling of his swete mercies be with you dere frend faythfull louing Sister good Mystres Cotton to the ful encrease of your ioye in Christe now and euermore Amen As from the very bottome of my poore hart I wish vnto you health both of body soule my deare louing Syster in the Lord so will I neuer cease praying vnto god for the same according vnto my most boūdē duty Howbeit of your body vpō conditiō but of your soule without any conditiō being wel assured that the lord for his deare sonnes sake wil perfectly graūt me the same so farre forth as shal be most for your profite So that if the health of your body wil stand with the wealth of your soule I am sure I shal haue my peticiō graunted for the health of the same But if the sicknes of your body be for the health of your soule as I am sure it is then haue I also my desire graūted because I aske the same no further thē it maye stand with the other But for the euerlasting health of your soule do I hartely pray without the additiō of any conditiō for it is the lords good wil I should so do Therefore I am sure my request is already graunted therin for his sake who hath redemed the same with his most precious blood yea in whō you were elected before the foūdation of the world was layd This is moste true therfore let nothīg perswade you to the contrary Rest vpō this rocke be you sure the gates of hel shal not preuaile agaīst you I know deare hart that you haue done much good to the poore for Iesus Christs sake yet beware you do not put any truste or confidence in your good dedes merits or deseruings but only in Iesus christ which hath geuē you him self wholy to be yours with al his holynes righteousnes iustificatiō redēptiō al that euer he may On the other side he hath takē vpon himself al your sinnes misery infirmitye hath made a full satisfaction for them with the sacrifice of his own