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A15422 Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations: deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors. Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1592 (1592) STC 25696; ESTC S119956 618,512 654

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effectuall power to euery parte Ephes. 4.15.16 2 It is false that the ciuill magistracie onely concerneth the outward and temporall commoditie onely for vnto Princes also is committed the chiefe care of religion and the worship of God They are to see true religion aduaunced yea to watch ouer Ecclesiasticall ministers and to charge them to looke to their offices the Prince is Gods minister for the wealth both of the soules and bodies of his subiects And therefore Saint Paul exhorteth to pray for Kings and gouernours that wee may liue not onely a peaceable life but in all godlines and honestie 1. Timoth. 2.2 Ergo it is parte of the magistrates office as to procure the peace of the people so to haue a care of their godlie life Wherefore it is false as the Iesuite supposeth that the chiefe ende of the ciuill gouernement is onely outward and temporall Ergo his argument is nothing worth 2 Azariah the high Priest droue Vzziah the King out of the temple when hee would haue burned incense and caused him to goe out of the citie and dwell apart 2. Chron. 26. Iehoiada likewise deposed Athalia 2. King 11. Ergo the Pope may depose wicked and vngodly Princes Bellarmine cap. 8. Answere First wee denie that there is now or ought to bee any such high Priest in the Church of God to haue the chiefe authoritie in spirituall matters as there was in the lawe for hee was the type and figure of Christ who is our high Priest and chiefe Bishop Secondly these examples doe not excuse the Popes tyrannie who hath deposed rightfull Kinges and Emperors and better then himselfe as Pope Zacharie deposed Childericus the French King and set vp Pipinus Gregorie the seuenth set vp Rodolphus against Henricus the fourth the Emperor Pope Paschalis set vp the sonne of the saide Henricus against his father But we will answere more particularly to these examples To the first First it was not the sole act of Azariah the high Priest but there were 80. Priests that ioyned with him beside and they all spake to the King this example therefore maketh nothing for the sole authoritie of the Pope who saith that he may depose the Emperor himselfe without any Councell Innocent 4. Secondly they did not depose Vzziah they onely withstoode him according to the lawe of God because hee vsurped the priests office so ought faithfull Bishops and pastors euen to reproue the greatest Magistrates for the manifest contempt and open breach of Gods lawe Neither did they constraine the King to goe forth before they saw the iudgement of God vpon him for the text saith they compelled him to go forth because the Lord had smitten him they saw the leprosie to rise vp in his face vers 20. This therefore was the extraordinarie iudgement of God and not of the high priest Thirdly he was not deposed from the Kingdome though he dwelt alone his son did execute the office only for him and raigned after him for being a leper by the law he was to dwell apart Leuit. 13.46 Here was nothing done we see by the sole authoritie of the high Priest but they had the manifest and direct lawe of God vnto the which their Kings also were subiect To the second example we answere First Athaliah was a tyrant and an vsurper and ought not to raigne and therefore was iustly deposed Secondly Iehoiada did it not by his owne power but assembled the Fathers and Princes of the land 2. Chron. 22.2 He shewed them the young King and they made a couenant with him Iehoiada onely gaue directions the King being now knowen vnto them vnto the Captaines and gouernours Thirdly they had the flat word of God for that action The Kings sonne must raigne as the Lord hath saide concerning the sonnes of Dauid ver 3. So when the Pope hath any such warrant from God he may doe as Iehoiada did The Protestants THat the Pope or any other person Ecclesiasticall hath no manner of temporall iurisdiction either directly or indirectly ouer Kings Princes Emperors but ought of right to bee subiect to them and their lawes it is thus proued 1 By the same reason whereby the Iesuite proueth that the Pope directlie hath no temporall iurisdiction we will conclude that neither indirectlie can he haue any and so none at all Christ while he liued vpon earth tooke vpon him no temporall iurisdiction either directly or indirectly he refused to bee a King Iohn 6. Nay hee would not bee a Iudge in ciuill matters as in deuiding the inheritance being thereto required Luke 12.13 Hee payed poll money Matth. 17. hee did submit himselfe to the iudgement of Pilate an heathen Iudge therefore seeing Christe vsed no such temporall iurisdiction neither can any Minister of Christe for the seruant is not aboue the Master Onely Antichrist dare presume beyond the example of Christ. 2 The Fathers of Basile doe vrge that place of Saint Peter 1. Epist. 5.2 against Panormitane who had vnaduisedly sayd that the Pope was Lorde of the Church But the Apostle saith Feede the flocke of Christ not by constraint but willinglie not as Lordes ouer the Lordes inheritance verse 3. But the Pope contrariwise vseth all forceable constraining and tyrannicall meanes killing slaying imprisoning deposing those that will not obey him who calleth himselfe chiefe Lorde and Magistrate of the whole Worlde Surely this is Antichrist and not the Minister of Christ or successor of Saint Peter whose counsaile he refuseth to followe and obey 3 Let but the stories of former times bee searched there wee shall finde how wickedly and insolently the Popes behaued themselues towards Kings and Emperors Pope Alexander caused Henry the second to doe penance for Beckets death and to bee displed of the Monkes Innocent the third caused King Iohn to kisse the feet of the Bishop of Canturburie his own subiect Alexander the third did tread vpon Emperor Frederick his neck Pope Innocent spoyled Frederick the second of his Empire caused him to bee poysoned and his sonne Conradus to be beheaded and these Emperors were deposed by the Popes in order Henricus 4. Henricus 5. Frederick 1. Philippus Otho the 4. Frederick 2. and Conradus his sonne It is not good they say to put a sword into a mad mans hand and thinke you not that these Popes vsed the temporal sword very discreetely which they thus vsurped making fooles and slaues of Emperors as Pope Adriane did that rebuked Frederick the first because he held his stirrup on the wrong side and did excommunicate him for setting his name before the Popes in writing Th● very insolent diuellish and Antichristian practise of this their temporal power sheweth from what originall it commeth euen from the father of pride Lastly Augustine saith writing vpon those words Rom. 13. Let euery soule be subiect to the higher powers Si quis putat quia Christanus est non sibi esse vectigal reddendum aut tributum aut non esse exhibendum honorem debitum
SYNOPSIS PAPISMI THAT IS A GENERALL VIEWE OF PAPISTRY wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie and summe of Antichristian doctrine is set downe which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome against the Church of Christ together with An Antithesis of the true Christian faith and an Antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations Deuided into three bookes or Centuries that is so many hundreds of Popish heresies and errors 1. COR. 11.9 There must be heresies that they which are approued amongst you might be known TITVS 3.10 A man that is an heretike after the first and second admonition auoyde AVG. DE VERA RELIG CAP. 6. Ecclesia Catholica vtitur gentibus ad materiam operationis suae haereticis ad probationem doctrinae suae schismaticis ad documentum stabilitatis suae alios inuitat alios excludit alios relinquit omnibus tamen gratiae Dei participandae dat potestatem siue illi informandi adhuc siue reformandi siue recolligendi sunt The true Catholike Church doth vse the Gentiles as matter to worke vpon heretikes for the trial of their doctrine schismatikes to proue their constancie the first she inuiteth the second she excludeth the third she leaueth yet to them all she offereth the grace of God in instructing the Gentiles reforming of heretikes and bringing home againe schismatikes Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity AT LONDON ●●●nted by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Man dwelling in Pater noster row at the signe of the Talbot 1592. TO THE RIGHT VERTVOVS MOST EXCELLENT AND NOBLE PRINCESSE QVEENE ELIZABETH OVR DREAD LADY BY THE GRACE OF GOD Queene of England France and Ireland defender of the faith c. WHen we call to minde most gracious and dread Soueraigne the manifold blessings which the Lord by your Highnes hand hath reached forth to this Realme Church of England the long flourishing peace which the land vnder your prosperous gouernmēt hath these many yeares enioyed the like whereof neither our forefathers haue seene nor other countries knowne The notable reformatiō also of the church purging of the house of God which daies the holy Martyrs and seruants of God long sighed for and desired to see but saw them not When we doe consider these things we nothing doubt to say that the prophecie of Esay is fulfilled in these our daies who saith concerning the Church Kings shall be thy nursing fathers and Queenes thy nursing mothers as it is also prophecied in the Psalmes In stead of thy fathers thou shalt haue children whom thou mayest make Princes in all lands For now who seeeth not that many Christian Princes in the worlde are become the children of the Church Your Maiesties renowmed father king Henry the eight and your Highnesse brother of blessed memory king Edward the sixt did but begin the foundation of the Temple and lay the plot and with Dauid prepared gold siluer brasse iron and all thinges needfull for the building but it was his good pleasure that you with peaceable Salomon should finish the building and with Zorobabel should prosper with the stone of tinne in your hand The Lord hath made you a wall and a hedge to his vineyard to keepe out the wilde boare a goodly tree to giue shade to the beasts of the field succour to the ●oules of the aire a nurse to the people of God to carry them in your bosome as the nurse beareth the sucking child The Lord Christ would once againe hang vpon the breasts of a Virgin God hath raised you vp a Deborah to iudge Israel an Esther to deliuer the Church the Lord hath made you as that vertuous matrone that doth cloath her family with double rayment your Realme flourisheth with true religion and abundance of peace this is our double apparell Now seuen women shal no more take hold of one man saying Come let vs be called by thy name but thousands of men make sute to one woman as all Israel went vp to be iudged of Deborah What though the Papists fret and storme and cut your Maiestie very short saying that the Prince ought neither to giue voice in coūsell for matters of religion nor make Ecclesiastical lawes and would as Zedechiah his eyes were put out Adonibesech his fingers cut off so both take away the eye of your iudgement and your right hand of power in Ecclesiasticall matters What though another foule mouthed Iesuite doth most impudently slaunder your Maiestie saying in great contempt I am reipsa Caluinistis in Anglia mulier quaedam summus Pontifex est As for them let them wander and run vp and down in the Citie barking and snarling like hungrie dogges seeking meat and shall not be satisfied as the Psalme saith yet shal the building prosper vnder your hand the people of God doe cry out with shoutings Grace grace vnto it the whole Church of God from all partes of the world saluteth you saying We haue blessed you out of the house of God do encourage you to go forward gird thy sword to thy thigh prosper thou with thine honor ride on because of the word of truth God hath giuen into your hand a two edged sword with one edge i● defendeth the Church from false religion with the other the cōmon wealth from oppression as an anciēt father saith Tunc iustitia dicitu● gladius ex vtraque parte acutus quia hominis defendit corpus ab exterioribus iniurijs animā à spiritualibus molestijs To Kings Princes it is especially said Thou shalt walke vpon the Lyon and Aspe the young Lyon and Dragon thou shalt tread vnder thy feete The Lyon is the open enemy the Aspe dragon is the close hypocrite that peruerteth religion The good lawes of Princes are as the pitch of Noahs arke it was pitched within and without so good Princes are to prouide both for the safetie of the land from forraine enemies abroad and to preserue the soundnes of religion from corruption of heresie at home How lawfull your Maiesties gouernement is and how well pleasing before God the sequele and effect doth abundantly shew Salomon asked wisedome and he receiued both riches and honor withall none of all these hath God denyed to you the Lord loueth you his left hand is vnder your head his right hand doth embrace you as the wiseman saith At his right hand is length of daies at his left riches honor all these hath the Lord graunted vnto you and thus the Lord honoreth those that honor him And as your Maiestie doth proceede and continue in aduauncing the Lords honour so he is able yet to do greater things for you Now then seeing your Highnes is our Zorobabel the chiefe builder of Gods house and the rest of your faithfull subiects are the helpers and workemen some as labourers vnder you I your humble and meanest subiect
episcoporum grauiorem authoritatem per concilia licere reprehendi si in eis à veritate deuiatum sit That the decrees of all Bishops whatsoeuer not excluding Popes may be corrected either by the sentence of wiser men in that poynt wherein they erred or by the better aduised sentence of other Bishops or by Councels may be reuersed where they doe erre Ergo it is possible for Popes by his iudgement to erre A PART OR APPENDIX OF THIS QVEstion whether the Church of Rome may erre or not The Papists THey doe not onely affirme that the Pope cannot erre but that the Church error 48 of Rome also cānot be deceiued in matters of faith so long as the Apostolike See remayneth there which they say is like there to remaine to the ende of the world Bellarm. lib. 3. de pontif cap. 4. Hereupon Panormitane doubteth not to say that he would preferre the iudgement of the Cardinals of Rome before the iudgement of the whole world this he sayd standing vp in the Councel of Basile Fox pag. 669. ex Aenea Syluio 1. The Rhemists vpon those words of Saint Paul Rom. 1.5 your fayth is published through the whole world doe thus inferre See say they the great prouidence of God in the preseruation of the Romane common faith In times past the Romane fayth and Catholike all one Ergo that See cannot erre in faith We answere they must proue their Romish faith and popish religion to be the same which was praysed and commended by the Apostle or els they gayne nothing but that shall they neuer doe 2. So long as the Apostolike See remayneth at Rome it shall be preserued from error but that is like there to remaine till the worlds end for it onely remayneth when all other Apostolique Sees are gone and it is very probable that if this See could haue been ouerthrowen it should haue been done by the incursion and inuasion of the Gothes Vandals Turkes the emulation of Princes diuisions and schismes of Popes themselues yet for all this it standeth still and hath so continued almost 1600. yeres and shall so continue still Ergo the Romane Church can not erre Bellarmin lib. 2. cap. 4. Rhemist annot in Thessal 2. sect 7. We answere First it is a great vntruth that all other Apostolike Sees are gone for there is a succession at Antioch Alexandria Constantinople Ephesus euen at this day Secondly it is false that the See of Rome hath continued in that religion it now professeth which indeed is no religion but superstition and heresie these 1600. yeres for first till Gregories time which was 600. yeeres after Christ none of the popes would be called vniuersall Bishops and it was more then 300. yeeres from Gregorie the 1. to Siluester the 2. when sathan is thought fully to be let loose for he by the diuel was aduanced to the papacie All these yeeres therefore you must strike off in your account Thirdly that the See of Rome which is the seate of Antichrist hath continued many yeeres we graunt for it is the iust iudgement of God vpon the world because they loued not the trueth that they should be deluded a long time and deceiued by Antichrist and beleeue lies so did Saint Paul prophesie 2. Thessalonians 2.10 11. And wee grant also that that Antichristian See shall in some sorte remayne till the comming of Christ whom hee shall destroie with the brightnes of his appearing as Saint Paul sayth You haue gayned therefore nothing by this but that Rome is the seate of Antichrist Fulk annotat in 2. Thessalonians 2. sect 7. The Prot●●tants IT is euident and plaine and neede not much proofe that the Romane Church as also any particular visible Church maie not onely erre in faith but fall cleane away into heresie and Idolatrie as we see it come to passe in the Church of Rome 1. The Church of Rome hath no better assurance of their continuance then the Church of the Iewes had before Christ no nor yet so great for they were a peculiar and chosen nation But Iudah fell and transgressed and committed Idolatrie in the raigne of Ahaz and therefore the Prophet Esay complayneth and sayth From the sole of the foote to the head there is nothing sound cap. 1. ver 6. Neither are they better then the Church of Ephesus was in Saint Iohns time who was as able I think to keepe that Church from error as the Pope is to keepe Rome yet the Lord threatneth to remoue his candlestick frō amongst them vnles they did amend Reue. 2.5 Ergo the Church of Rome may erre 2. The Pope may erre as we haue before shewed Ergo the Church of Rome for the Apostolike See as they say is the cause that no error can approch or come neere them Therefore me thinketh the Iesuite committeth a foule absurditie in saying the Church of Rome cannot so much as erre personally and yet they grant that the Pope may erre personally So by this reason the body shuld haue a greater priuiledge then the head the Church of Rome should bee freer from error then the Pope who should preserue it from error this sure is a great absurditie in Popish diuinitie Bellarmin cap. 4. 3. It is confessed by our aduersaries themselues that the Church of Rome may erre as the Councel at Rome vnder Adriane the second erred sayth the Iesuite in determining Honorius to bee an heretick one of his predecessors cap. 11. The Councel of the Italian Bishops at Brixia erred in condemning Gregory the seuenth who was if you will beleeue Harding a vertuous and an holy man Nay Paulus Iouius a popish Bishop confesseth that Adrianus 6. was made Pope mira pudenda Senatorum factiosorum suffragatione through the strange and shamefull suffrages of factious Cardinals because they preferred a stranger before their owne order But our aduersaries haue a trick to shift off all this that hath been saide They erred in a matter of fact not in any poynt of fayth Yet they cannot so closely conuey the matter away for Panormitane euen in such questions also preferreth the iudgement of the Cardinals before the whole world speaking in the defence of Eugenius who was challenged in the Councel of Basile for the dissolution of the Councel which he did saith Panormitane with the aduice of the Cardinals whose iudgement he so much esteemeth in this matter which concerned not faith namely for the dissoluing of the Councel THE SEVENTH QVESTION OF THE spirituall iurisdiction and power of the Bishop of Rome THis question hath two partes the first whether the Bishop of Rome haue a coactiue and constrayning power to make lawes to binde the conscience and to punish the transgressors Secondly whether other Pastors and Bishops haue their iurisdiction immediatly from God or from the Pope Other questions also there are which belong to this matter as whether the Pope be the chiefe iudge in controuersies of fayth which we haue already handled entreating of
world part 8. Which cannot agree to the Pope Ergo he is not Antichrist Answere To these eight arguments we haue before answered seuerally shewing how fabulous ridiculous and impossible our aduersaries assertions are without ground of scripture shewe of reason or colour of argument Wherefore we will not trouble the reader with needlesse repetitions desiring him to haue recourse to that which hath been alreadie sayd The Protestants THat the Pope of Rome is very Antichrist and that all the qualities and properties which the scripture describeth Antichrist by doe fitly agree vnto his person and that we are not therefore to expect or looke for any other Antichrist Thus by testimonie of scripture and sufficient reasons deduced out of the same we trust it shall appeare to all men 1 The first place of scripture is Daniel 11. where many notes and markes are declared proper to Antichrist yet especiallie set foorth to describe Antiochus Epiphanes who might be very well a type and figure of Antichrist who was then to come 1 vers 36. It is sayd He shall doe what him listeth This is most true of the Pope his will must stande for reason Distinct. 96. cap. satis If the Pope should drawe infinite soules to hell no man is to say vnto him Sir why doe you so Distinct. 40 Heere Bellarmine hath but this poore shift to say that it is meant onely of publike iudgement that no man is by authoritie to call the Pope to account but yet a brotherly admonition may bee vsed But who seeth not that the words are generall Nemo debet ei dicere No man ought to say vnto him neither Iudge nor other 2 Hee shall magnifie himselfe agaynst GOD and speake blasphemous things agaynst GOD hath not the Pope done so Of him it is sayd that GOD and the Pope haue but one Consistorie I am able to doe almost all that GOD can doe Fox pag. 785. articl 192. I am aboue all and in all Hostiens Nay that Dominion and Lordship which Christ had in earth but habitu in habite the Pope hath actu in act and in deede Agayne as we reade the earth is the Lordes and the fulnesse thereof and as Christ sayth all power is giuen mee in heauen and in earth so is it to bee affirmed that the Vicar of Christ hath power on things celestiall terrestriall infernall apud Fox pag. 791. col 1. Now let the discreet reader iudge whether this fellowe doe not magnifie himselfe and speake blasphemously agaynst God 3 Hee shall prosper till the wrath bee accomplished So hath the Pope had but too good successe hee hath subdued Emperours and made them his seruants trode vpon their neckes made them serue at his table crowned them with his feete made them hold his stirrup and leade his horse by the bridle But wee doe hope that his date is out and that hee shall prosper no longer 4 vers 37. He shall not care for the God of his fathers No more doth the Pope for he hath inuented and erected a newe breaden god which he worshippeth hangeth vp in Churches carrieth about in procession being but a peece of bread This breaden god a might his forefathers neuer knew 5 Hee shall not care for the desires of women So hee prohibiteth lawfull marriage permitteth adulteries and the vnnaturall lust of Sodomites Bellarmine first denyeth the text which is faithfully translated according to the Hebrew Secondly he sayth the place is meant literally and properly of Antiochus who was giuen to the pleasures of women Answere First if it be meant literallie of Antiochus then can it not be meant literallie of your Antichrist If Antiochus be but a type of Antichrist then can you not necessarilie conclude out of this place for types prooue not vnlesse they be diuine that is appoynted of God to be types which you can not shewe for this place see then the best arguments that you haue for your Antichrist out of the prophecies of Daniel and Ezechiel are proued nothing worth Secondly as Antiochus was giuen to vnlawfull desires of women so is the Pope yet might he be an enemie to chast and holy marriage and so is the Pope And by the way let it bee noted that the Iesuite picketh quarrels with scripture and maketh it false for the text sayth He that is Antiochus shall not care for the desires of women Yes sayth the Iesuite he shall be giuen to the pleasures of women cleane contrarie to the text Bellarm. cap. 21. 6 vers 38. He shall honor his god Mauzzim that is a god of power and riches with gold siluer precious stones Both of these are most true of the popish religion for their god hath brought them great riches lands treasure possession by their idolatrous Masses they haue greatly enriched themselues wherein their breaden god playeth the chiefe part and therefore they doe worship him agayne with gold siluer precious stones what rich Corporals and Altar-clothes Copes Vestiments of veluet silke wrought with gold are seene in their Churches what gilding of Roodes and Roodlofts garnishing of Idols what rich Crucifixes of siluer of gold beset with pearle and precious stones This description therefore of Daniel as you see doth in euery respect agree with the conditions and properties of Antichrist of Rome Argument Illyrici Secondly Saint Paules description in euery poynt also is verified in the Pope First He shall exalt himselfe aboue God and all that is called God 2. Thess. 2.4 So the Pope challengeth the full authoritie of Christ as wee haue shewed before and exalteth himselfe aboue Emperours which are called gods vpon earth yea they haue taken the iust proportion of inequalitie betweene the Pope and Emperour for the Pope is 47. degrees aboue the Emperour as the Sunne is 47. degrees bigger then the Moone Innocent 3. in decretalib 2 He shall sit in the temple that is in the Church so the Pope nameth himselfe head of the Church and hath the keyes as he braggeth both of heauen and hell Therefore the Turke cannot bee that Antichrist because he is out of the Church and so in truth is the Pope but yet he challengeth to him and his the name of the Church 3 The mysterie wrought in Paules time and afterward encreased so not long after the Apostles time the Bishops of Rome began to lift vp their heads aboue other Churches as Zozimus falsified the Councel of Nice and sent to the 6. Councel of Carthage to haue it there confirmed that it might be lawfull to send vp appeales to Rome 4 Antichrist shall come with lying signes So hath the Pope done as experience proueth and we haue shewed before 5 vers 11. God shall send strong delusions that they shall beleeue lyes And in time of Poperie men indeede were so strongly deluded that the father persecuted the sonne the sonnes set fire to their father yea the husband was made a witnesse agaynst the wife the wife agaynst her husband and seruants accused their masters These things are
and Church officers their dueties and may in their owne persons execute the one that is spirituall duties that they may as well intermeddle in the other But these two offices of Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall gouernment are distinguished and must not be confounded The Prince though he haue authoritie to command Ecclesiasticall persons yet being a ciuill Magistrate is not to deale with the execution of spirituall dueties Bishops pastors likewise haue a spiritual charge ouer kings princes to shew thē their duties out of Gods word yet because they are persons Ecclesiastical they ought not to meddle with meer Ciuill dueties The Prince hath the soueraigntie of externall gouernement in all causes ouer all persons yet not alike for Ciuill offices he may both command and execute Ecclesiasticall duties he commandeth onely Bishops and pastors haue also a spirituall charge ouer all prescribing out of Gods word as well the duetie of Magistrates as of Ministers but not alike for the one they may fully execute so may they not the other The head in the naturall bodie resembleth the Prince in the commonwealth in some sense the head giueth mouing to the whole bodie and all the parts thereof but to the principall parts in the head the eyes tongue eares it giueth beside the facultie of mouing the sense also of seeing tasting hearing So in the common-wealth by the Princes authoritie all persons are kept in order and vrged to looke to their charge both ciuill officers and spirituall as al the parts of the bodie receiue mouing from the head But the ciuill officers receiue power and authoritie beside and their very offices of the King as the parts in the head receiue sense from their fountaine but Ecclesiasticall Ministers receiue not their offices from the Prince or any mortall man but they haue their calling according to the order of the Church of God Argum. 2. For the space of 300. yeeres the Church after Christ had no Christian gouernours but all Heathen and Idoll worshippers yet then the Church was established and preuailed Ergo Ciuill Magistrates ought not to deale in Ecclesiasticall affayres Bellarmine Ans. 1. Euen then also the Heathen Emperours had authoritie in Church matters and if they had commanded any thing agreeable to true religion they should haue been obeyed as Cyrus in the law which he made for building the temple Ezra 1. Darius the Median for worshipping the true God Dan. 6. Fulk Rom. 13. sect 3. The heathen Emperours then had the same power but they knewe not how to vse it Christian Princes doe succeede them in the same office but are better taught by the word of God how to exercise the sword Secondly we denie not but that in the time of persecution all things necessarie for the spirituall building thereof may be had without the Magistrate as a Vineyard may bring forth fruite without an hedge but it cannot enioy peace nor be in a perfect estate in respect of the externall gouernement but vnder good Magistrates as the Vineyard may soone be spoyled the wild bore and the beasts of the field may breake in vpon it hauing no hedge The child being in the womb though it haue as yet small vse of the head but is fed by the nauell which is in steed of the mouth hath in it selfe the lineaments and proportion of a humane bodie yet it wanteth the perfect beautie till it be borne and come forth and the head receiue his office So may the Church haue a being in persecution and the want of the ciuill head may be otherwise supplied but it is not beautifull till the head be set vp and the sword put into the Christian Magistrates hand Argum. 3. Princes haue no cure nor charge of soules Ergo they are not to meddle with Ecclesiasticall lawes Rhemist annot 1. Corinth 14. sect 16. Ans. Parents haue charge ouer the soules of their childrē for they are charged to bring them vp in the instruction and information of the Lord Ephes. 6.4 Therefore Princes also haue directly charge of the soules of their subiects according to their place and calling by prouiding and making good Ecclesiasticall lawes and compelling them to the true seruice of God As the Ecclesiasticall Ministers in another kind and more properly are said to haue the cure of soules in feeding and instructing the people Fulk ibid. The Protestants THe ciuill Magistrate by the word of God hath power to make and constitute Ecclesiasticall lawes and to establish true religion and see that all persons vnder their gouernment doe faithfully execute their charge To say therefore that the Church officers are to deuise lawes concerning religion and the Prince onely to execute them is to make the Prince their seruant and doth derogate too much from the princely authoritie Neither doe we giue vnto the Prince absolute power to make Ecclesiasticall lawes for first the Prince is not to prescribe what lawes he listeth to the Church but such as onely may require the true worship of God Secondly that it is expedient and meete according to the commendable custome of this land that the godly learned of the Clergie should be consulted withall in establishing of Ecclesiastical ordinances vnlesse it be in such a corrupt time when the Church gouernours are enemies to religion for then the Prince not staying vpon their iudgement ought to reforme religion according to the word of God as we see it was lawfully and godly practised by King Henrie the 8. Thirdly we doe make exception of all such Ecclesiasticall canons and ordinances the making whereof doth properly belong to the office of Bishops and gouernours of the Church for our meaning is not that it is not lawful for Ecclesiastical Ministers to make Ecclesiastical decrees which do properly concerne their office as concerning the censures of the Church excommunication suspension absoluing binding loosing and such like which things are incident to their pastorall office and yet we grant that the Prince hath euen in these cases an ouerruling hand to see that none abuse their pastoral office But that any lawes ought to be made without the authoritie of the prince which the prince is bound to execute we vtterly denie And so we conclude that the ciuill Magistrate hath power ouer all persons and in all causes both temporall and ecclesiasticall in such manner as we haue sayd 1 S. Paul willeth that praiers should be made for Kings and Princes that vnder them we may leade a peaceable life in all godlines and honestie 1. Tim. 2.2 Ergo it is their duetie as well to procure religion by their authoritie as ciuill honestie Againe He beareth not the sword for nought Rom. 13.4 He hath power to punish al euill doers therfore also to correct euill ministers to make Ecclesiastical lawes for otherwise he should haue no ful power to correct the transgressors thereof 2 We reade that Iosua Dauid Salomon Iosia did deale in ecclesiasticall matters which concerned religion and the worship of God
Bellarm. They did it by an extraordinarie authoritie not as Kings but as Prophets Nay it was an ordinarie power for all the good kings of Iuda beside as Iehosaphat Hezekiah and others did take care of religion this was so properly annexed to the kingly office that idolatrous kings also tooke vpon them to command false religion as Ieroboam set vp two golden calues and Ahaz king of Iudah cōmanded Vriah the high Priest to make an Altar according to the patterne which he sent from Damascus 2. King 16.11 This power also was afterward exercised by Christian Kings and Emperours as Constantinus Theodosius Martianus made lawes for the Church Fulk annot 1. Cor. 14. sect 16. Iustinianus the Emperour decreed many things concerning Church affayres as how excommunication should be vsed how Bishops and Priests should be ordained concerning the order and manner of funerals that the holy mysteries should not be done in priuate houses Carolus magnus decreed that onely the Canonical bookes of scripture should be read in the Church he chargeth all Bishops and priests to preach the word Lodouicus Pius his sonne and Emperour after him ordained that no entrie should bee made into the Church by Simonie that Bishops should bee chosen by the free election of the Clergie and the people All these Emperours did lawfully exercise their princely authoritie in Ecclesiastical matters Ergo other princes may doe the same still 3 Augustine saith Epistol 50. Quis mente sobrius c Who in his right wits would say to the King It pertaineth not to you who in your kingdome is religious or sacrilegious to whom it cannot be said let it not pertaine vnto you who in your kingdome will be chast or vnchast And in another place Ad fratres in erem serm 14. Tunc iustitia dicitur gladius ex vtraque parte acutus quia hominis defendit corpus ab exterioribus iniurijs animam à spiritualibus molestijs Then iustice is rightly called a sword with a double edge because it doth both defend the bodie from externall and corporall wrongs and the soule from spirituall vexation That is the sword of the Magistrate serueth as well to prune the Church and to cut off all errors and heresies in religion as to destroy the vices and corruptions in manners AN APPENDIX OR FOVRTH PART OF THE QVEstion whether the Prince in any good sense may be called the head of his kingdome and consequently of the Church in his kingdome The Papists THey do appropriate this title to be called heads of the vniuersall Church to error 101 the Pope of Rome most blasphemouslie for there can be no head of the vniuersal bodie but Christ But for Princes to be called the head that is chiefe gouernours of the Churches in their kingdomes they do abhorre it Whereupon Bellarmine is so saucie as to checke and controule King Henrie the 8. because he was called the head of the English Church 1 The heathen Emperours were not heads of the Church being not so much as members thereof therefore neither Christian Magistrates which doe succeede them in that authoritie Rhemist annot 1. Pet. 2. sect 6. Ans. 1. The argument followeth not they were no true mēbers of the Church therefore could not be heads that is haue the soueraigntie of the externall gouernment for wicked kings and princes doe keepe their magistracie gouernment still who though they be not true members of the Catholike Church yet ought to be obeied as princes 2. Though the metaphorical name of head agreed not vnto them yet were they by Gods ordinance appointed to be heads gouernours of his people protectors of his Church should haue been if they had not abused their authoritie 3. Christian princes though they haue the same authoritie which they had yet now exercising the sword according to Gods law and being Nurses of the Church may vse and retaine those princely titles in deed to be called Patrones and defenders of the faith head that is chiefe gouernours and protectors of the Church which by right had been due vnto the other if they had vsed their authoritie as they should 2 Christian princes are members of the Church Ergo not heads for if they were heads how could the Church stand without them as it did in the time of persecution Ans. First as though the head is not a member and part of the bodie though a principall one so the Prince is a member of the Church but a principall and chiefe member not of the inuisible Church for so Christ is onely head but of a particular visible Church Secondly we denie not but that the inuisible and spiritual Church may consist without the Magistrate but a visible flourishing and wel-gouerned Church cannot want a head or chiefe gouernour that is as a wall or hedge vnto it The Protestants TO bee head of the vniuersall Church is proper onely to Christ and in that sense is not communicable to any creature for he is to his Church as the head to the naturall bodie giuing vnto it influence of grace spirit and life he is therefore the onely mysticall head of the vniuersal Church But in another sense the Prince may be said to be the head and chiefe gouernour of his kingdome of that particular visible Church where he is king We make him neither the mysticall head which is only Christ farre be that blasphemie from vs nor a ministerial head as they make the Pope to be as Christs Vicegerent in the Church but a politicall head to keepe and preserue the peace of the Church and to see that euery member doe his office and duetie But this name we confesse is vnproperly giuen to the Prince neither were we the first inuentors of it for the papists first gaue it to Henry the 8. And there are other titles which doe sufficiently expresse the office of the Prince and may bee more safely vsed If any man thinke it too high a name for any mortall man and so not to be giuen to any we will not greatly contend about it But if any denye it to the Prince as thereby to abridge her of her power in Ecclesiastical matters we doe stand stiffely for it and are bold to affirme that with much better right is this title attributed to the ciuill Magistrate then it was to the Pope yea and that it hath been of old giuen in a modest and sober sense to Kings and Princes and may with a fauourable exposition be still and Princes also may receiue this honour and title at their subiects hands with protestation of their Christian meaning herein 1 This phrase for the King to be called the head is not vnusuall in scripture 1. Sam. 15.17 Saul is sayd to be the head of the tribes Psal. 18.43 Dauid the head of the nations Isay. 9.15 The Prince or honourable man the head of the people yea Princes are called Gods Psal. 82.2 which is a name of greater Soueraigntie then to be called heads
them selues to looke into the heart as into a glasse but by reuealing such thinges when the Lord seeth it expedient Neither had the prophets an inherent gift and dwelling in them to know secrets but the worde of God was inspired into them at times as they had neede as we see in Nathan 2. Sam. 7.3.4 in Elisha 2. King 2.15 in Isaiah 2. Kin. 20.4 And though Paul was taken vp into heauen and sawe many secrets yet he knew not all for thus he saith of him selfe If I knew all secretes 1. Corinth 13.2 Ergo no man euer receiued this gift to search the heart but it is proper vnto God who will not giue his honour to another 2. Augustine saith Nescire mortuos quid hic agatur dum hic agitur that the dead know not what is done here while it is in doing But they vnderstand either by relation of those that departe this worlde or els by the Angels Non quidem omnia sed quae sinuntur indicare sicut Prophetae nec hic omnia cognoscebant sed quae illis essereuelanda dei prouidentia iudicarat de cura pro mortuis cap. 15. Neither do they know all things but what God suffereth to be knowen as neither did the Prophets knowe al things while they liued but what God in his diuine prouidence thought good to reueale vnto them I note out of this saying of Augustine three thinges FIRST What great vncertaintie of opinion heere is Howe the dead should come by the knowledge of humane affaires the Papists think they haue it by Gods gift otherwhile they say they see all thinges in God as in a cleare glasse Augustine sayeth they knowe them by the Angelles or by men newly departed this lyfe so that it appeareth to bee but a meer conceit and imagination that they haue any such knowledge whereof there is no surer ground Secondly Augustine saith they know not things presently done but afterward contrarie to the Papists Thirdly they know not all things as the Prophets also did not but what the Lord reuealeth vnto them wherein also he is contrarie to our aduersaries THE THIRD QVESTION CONCERNING THE worship of Angels first in generall then in particular of inuocation The Papists THey say that the diuine honour and adoration due vnto God alone is not to be giuen to Angels But there is a religious reuerence honour and adoration which is not to be denyed to Angels and Saints Rhemist annot Apocalyps 19. sect 4. 1 Iosua fell downe before the Angel and worshipped Iosua 5. Rhemist Ans. He worshipped not an Angel but the Lord Christ himselfe the captaine of the Lords armie for it was a diuine worship He is bid to put off his shooes as Moses was when God appeared out of the fierie bush Exod. 3. But a diuine worship by your owne confession is due onely to God Fulk annot Coloss. 2.3 2. 1. Timoth. 2.21 I charge thee before God and the Lord Iesus Christ and his elect Angels that thou obserue these things Ergo Angels may be adored and reuerenced Rhemist Ans. Saint Paul maketh here the Angels witnesses of his waightie charge so Moses calleth heauen and earth to witnesse Deut. 30.19 may we therefore conclude that he yeelded any religious worship to heauen and earth Fulk ibid. The Protestants AS for due reuerence which is of loue not of any seruice there is no question but we ought to yeeld it vnto the Angels But all religious seruice or worship is due onely to God and whosoeuer man or Angel requireth or receiueth any religious worship or seruice vsurpeth that which is due vnto God Fulk Apocal. 19. sect 4. 1 Apocal. 19.10 and 22.9 Iohn fell downe to worship the Angel but the Angel suffered him not See thou doe it not saith he for I am thy fellowe seruant and of thy brethren worship God Ergo Angels are not to be adored with any religious worship Rhemist First he forbiddeth him onely to worship him with diuine adoration Ans. The words are generall he sayth not worship God with this kind of seruice but worship God Rhemist Secondly you say that Iohn so worthie an Apostle was not ignorant of that poynt that Angels were not to be worshipped as God we may replye also that if Iohn had knowne that this other kind of seruice was vnlawfull he would not haue done it Ans. Iohn sinned not of ignorance but of forgetfulnes in this extasie of his mind while he beheld the glorie of the Angel as likewise through his frailenes and forgetfulnes he committeth the like againe cap. 22. which Iohn would not haue done being once before admonished had he not presently forgotten himselfe But the other error of worshipping the creature for the Creator was too grosse an error for the Apostle Rhemist Thirdly he was deceiued in the person taking the Angel for Christ and therefore was not culpable at all in this fact in giuing diuine honour to the Angel for he sinned onely materially not formally Ans. First Iohn was not ignorant that he was an Angel and not Christ for he sayth he was one of the seuen Angels that had the seuen vials Secondly though he sinned of ignorance yet was it a sinne for the Prophet which beleeued the olde Prophet sinned grieuously as it appeared by his punishment though he did it ignorantly 1. King 13. Wherefore it is a grosse error of your Schoolemen that say a man sinneth not if he worship the diuell in the shape of an Angel ignorantly Rhemist Fourthly the Angel would not receiue this worship at Iohns hand whom he knew to be in great fauour with God and greater then some Angel Ans. First though hereafter the childrē of God shal be made equall to the Angels in glorie yet in this mortall life they must needes be inferiour seeing Christ himself in respect of his passion was inferiour to the Angels Heb. 2.9 Secondly the Angel would not haue taken this homage at any other mans hands beside Iohn for he giueth a reason that he is not only his fellow seruant but also of his brethren So for al their shifts and cauils we strongly conclude by this example that no religious honour ought to be giuen to Angels 2 Honoramus Angelos charitate non seruitute sayth Augustine nec eis templa construimus We honour Angels with the duetie of loue not of seruice neither doe we build temples vnto them Quod ergo colit summus Angelus id colendum etiam est ab homine vltimo That therefore which is worshipped of the highest Angel the man of lowest degree ought also to worship De vera religion cap. 55. Ergo no worship due vnto Angels but all vnto God THE SECOND PART OF THE INVOcation of Angels The Papists THey hold that it is lawfull to direct our praiers vnto Angels Rhemist Coloss 2. sect 3. Yea and because they pray for vs and deale with God to procure mercie for vs they may iustly be called our aduocates Angels are deputed for our protection
Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serue 1. Tim. 1.17 To God only wise immortall inuisible be all honour and glory Ergo all religious worship is onely due vnto God Bellarmine answereth that these places are to be vnderstoode of a certaine kinde of religious worship which is onely proper to God Ans. All religious worship is forbidden in these places to be giuen to any but vnto God for Sathan did not tempt Christ to worship him as God but only to fall downe and worship him he asked onely of him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a certaine inclination of the body which Christ denieth as being onely proper to God Caluini argum Argum. 2. When Cornelius fell downe at Peters feete and would haue worshipped him he was forbidden by Peter Act. 10.25 So the Angell would not suffer Iohn to worship him Apocal. 22. Paul and Barnabas stayed the people that would haue offered sacrifice vnto them Act. 14.14 Bellarm. answereth to the first that Peter of modestie refused the homage of Cornelius Ans. Peter giueth this reason why he would not haue Cornelius so to do I also am a man saith he thereby letting him to vnderstand that such kind of worship ought not to be giuen to any man The same reason is rendered Acts. 14. by Paul Barnabas why they refused sacrifice We also say they are men If Peter did of modesty refuse Cornelius worship then Paul and Barnabas did for modesty sake onely likewise refuse to be sacrificed vnto which I am sure they will not graunt Bellarm. to the second saith that Iohn did well in worshipping the Angel and the Angell did well in refusing to be worshipped for though the Angels of right are to be worshipped yet they do well to refuse it for reuerence to the humanitie and manhoode of Christ. Ans. first let it be noted that Bellarmin shapeth a cleane contrary answer to our Rhemist as appeareth before cont 8. quaest 3. part 1. For they say that Iohn was deceiued in the person of the Angel taking him for Christ is forbidden by the Angel to worship him as God but Bellarmine altogether freeth Iohn from all error and commendeth his dooing whereas it is certaine that Iohn knew well enough that he was an Angell but being carried away in the ecstasie of his minde did for the present time forget himselfe And that the Angell did not of modestie refuse to be worshipped but absolutely and simply it is made manifest by his answer to Iohn Worship thou God He would not haue the Apostle to worship him but God Bellarmine to the third saith that the Apostles did well in refusing to be sacrificed vnto because to offer sacrifice is an external act of worship to be performed onely to God cap. 14. Ans. 1. What reason haue they to burne incense vnto saints and their images rather then to offer sacrifice For it appeareth in the law that the burning of incense was more precious a more high point of the Leuitical seruice then was the offering of sacrifice 1. The Altar of incense was more curiously made being ouerlayed with fine golde and was called the golden altar the other for burnt offerings the brasen Altar Exod. 40.26 2. The altar of incense was placed in the Tabernacle neare vnto the most holy place the other altar stood at the doore without Exod. 40.26.29 3. The ministers were diuerse the priests offered sacrifice in their courses but Aaron onely and his successours the high priests burned incense Exod. 30.7 4. Vpon the brasen altar incense was offered with other sacrifices Leuit. 2. But vpon the golden altar no burnt sacrifice or any oblation but onely incense was offered vnto God 5. Of all offrings oblations it most liuely prefigureth the sacrifice of atonement wrought by Christ vpon the crosse who therefore is called by the Apostle A sacrifice of sweete smelling sauour vnto God Ephe. 5.2 Seeing then that the offering of incense was a more soueraigne thing in the Lawe then was the oblation of sacrifices there is small reason for it that our aduersaries should reserue the lesse that is the offering of sacrifices for the Lord and participate the greater more worthie seruice that is censing of odors perfumes vnto saintes as Bellarm. doth cap. 13. Ans. 2. If sacrifice were not then to be offered to saints much lesse are prayers to be made now vnto them for to cal vpon God is a greater thing thē to offer sacrifice Psal. 50. ver 8.14 If saints can not chalenge the lesse that is to haue sacrifices they haue no right to the greater namely to bee called vpon and prayed vnto Lastly Augustine sayeth Non sit nobis Religio cultus hominum mortuorum quia si piè vixerunt non sic habentur vt tales quaerant honores sed illum a nobis coli volunt quo illuminante laetantur meriti sui nos esse consortes honorandi ergo sunt propter imitationem non adorandi propter religionē Let vs not make it any part of Religion to worshippe men that are dead for if they liued well they are now in that state that they need not neither do require any honour at our handes but they would haue vs to worship God by whose illumination or reuelation they may vnderstand and do reioyce that we are partakers and fellowes in the same faith They are then to be honored for imitation not to be adored for Religion Haec August de vera Religion cap. 55. AN APPENDIX TO THIS FIRST part concerning vowes and othes made to or by Saintes The Papistes FIrst vowes may be made to Saints say they properly as vnto God though not altogether in the same manner Prayer may be made to saintes therefore error 75 vowes also A vow in the Greeke toung is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 votum prayer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or al●o As they differ not in name so neither in deede are they to bee seuered Bellarm. lib. 3. de sanct cap. Ans. 1. He taketh that for graunted which is chiefely in question for it is idolatry to pray vnto any other but vnto God Call vpon me in the day of trouble Psalme 50.15 It is not lawfull to pray vnto saintes therefore not to vow 2. To make vowes is a more strict and binding act of religion then prayer is for in euery vow there is a prayer we pray God to giue vs grace to performe the thing vowed and there is beside a full purpose of the heart with a solemne promise whereby we bind our selues to the perfourming Again we may make petition request vnto mortal men but vowes we can make none vnto them It would not therefore follow though saints might be prayed vnto that they are also capable of our vowes Secondly it is also lawfull they say to sweare by the name of Saintes because all is referred to the honour of God as hee that sweareth by the temple sweareth also by him that dwelleth therein Rhemist Mathew 21.
est vt ieiunium Sabbati horribilius haberetur By the which sayth he it came to passe that the fast of the Sabboth was more abhorred Augustin ibid. But this reason now bindeth not vs because the name and heresie of the Manichees is now worne out and therefore there is no feare of any scandale to arise that way Thirdly we grant that the Lords day is not the fittest time for publique fasts first because it is a day of reioycing so we reade that the people in Nehemiah his time were forbidden to mourne and weepe after the lawe was read vnto them by Ezra because it was a day of ioy and mirth Nehem. 8.11 Secondly the day of solemne and publique fasting ought to be set a part from other dayes and to be proclaimed solemnely and to be spent wholly in spirituall exercises euen as the Sabboth with vacation and rest from other bodily labours as we may reade 2. Chronicl 20.3 Nehem. 9.1 And therefore any day is more fit then the Sabboth because that is a holy day alreadie vnto the Lord but when we will humble our selues before the Lord by fasting and prayer some day would onely for that purpose bee consecrate vnto GOD that may be as a voluntarie sacrifice whereas wee are bound of necessitie to keepe the Lords day But concerning priuate and particular fasts when men by themselues haue occasion to giue themselues to prayer whereof S. Paul speaketh 1. Corinth 7.5 Such priuate exercises may be better performed vpon the Sabboth because of the ordinarie exercises of the word which are notable meanes to kindle and stirre vp true deuotion in him which at that time will humble himselfe yea and publike fasts though not ordinarily yet whē there is iust occasion may be kept vpon the Sabboth as we reade Act. 20.7 how that Paul continued his preaching till midnight whereof Augustine writeth thus Necessarius sermo resiciendi corporis causa interrumpendus esse non visus est profecturo Apostolo The necessary preaching of the Apostle he thought not good for the refreshing of their bodies to breake off being readie to depart We conclude therefore that it is lawfull to fast vpon the Lords day though it be not alwaies expedient And Augustine very well determineth this matter Ego in Euangelicis Apostolicis literis video praeceptum esse ieiunium quibus autem diebu●●non oporteat ieiunare quibus oporteat praecepto domini vel Apostolorum non inuen●o de finitum I finde both in the Euangelicall and Apostolicall writings that fasting is commanded but vpon what dayes we ought to fast vpon what we ought not I doe not finde it defined Epistol 86. Wherefore to fast or not to fast vpon the Lords day or vpon any other being not determined in scripture is left as a thing indifferent to the Church of God The Papists error 67 8. THe name Sunday is an heathenish calling as al other weeke-daies in our language some imposed after the names of Planets as in the Romanes time some by the name of certaine Idols which the Saxons did worship which names the Church vseth not but hath appoynted to call the first day the Dominike after the Apostle Apocal. 1.10 the other by the name Feries vntill the last of the weeke which she calleth by the old name Sabboth because that was of God not by imposition of the heathen Rhemist annot Apocal. 1. sect 6. The Protestants Ans. FIrst as the name of Sunday and the rest is of the heathenish beginning and therefore were better to be otherwise termed as the first second or third from the Lords day as the Iewes called their daies from the Sabboth so your terme of feries is no lesse heathenish deriued from the word feria or feriae which were so called a feriendis victimis of striking the heathenish sacrifices as Sextus Pompeius sayth Fulk ibid. 2. We haue other names also that might bee reformed as of our moneths as March is so called of Mars Iune of Iuno Ianuary of Ianus which were heathen goddes Iuly and August doe beare the names of men yea and if wee might bee inuentors of newe names the termes of Christmas Michaelmas Candlemas should not stand in force nor any more be vsed which are as offensiue as the rest for as for the names of heathen Idols the most part are ignorant of them but the vulgar terme of Masse is to too well known too much loued of many of our countrey men Now for the name Sunday which is so great a mote in your eye if there were no more but that Augustine sheweth how it might be fauourably expounded Dies magni solis celebramus illius solis de quo dicit scriptura orietur vobis sol iustitiae We doe keepe Sunday holy namely of that great Sunne whereof the scripture speaketh the Sunne of righteousnesse shall arise 3. We wish that all these termes might be layd downe as Augustine sayth Nolumus vt dicant vtinam corrigantur vt non dicant We would not haue men so to speake and I wish they were reformed But seeing by continuall custome mens tongues are inured to such termes let them knowe that they are vsed onely as ciuill names to call things by not for any religion or mysterie in them contained or signified THE THIRD PART OF THE FESTIVAL daies of Christ and the holy Ghost The Papists THE feasts of Easter and Whitsontide and other solemnities of Christ were error 68 prescribed they say by the Apostles Rhemist Matth. 15. sect 2. to be kept vpon certaine dayes and that Peter did appoint that Easter should not be kept the 14. day of the first Moone as the Iewes obserued it but the Lordes day after And of the feast of Pentecost mention is made 1. Corinth 16.8 Ergo these feasts were instituted of the Apostles Bellarm. cap. 12.13 The Protestants Ans. FIrst wee graunt that it is expedient for the Church to keepe the memoriall of the Natiuitie Passion Resurrection Ascension of Christ and of the comming of the holy Ghost and the dayes instituted for the remembrance thereof no doubt ought to be had in greater account then any other holy dayes instituted by the Church Secondly it cannot be proued that they were prescribed by the Apostles or if they were but as indifferent ceremonies which are subiect to alteration and in the which the religion or worship of God dooth not consist Certaine it is that before the time of Constantine the great there were not many festiuall dayes kept in so much that the feasts of the Natiuitie of Christ Easter Pentecost were not vniformally obserued for many yeares after as appeareth by diuerse Councels And before Constantines time there was great contention betweene the Bishop of Rome and the Bishops of the East about the celebration of Easter they alleadging the constitution of Saint Iohn the other of Saint Peter wherefore it is like that the Apostles appointed no such certaine dayes for then the Church would