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A09998 Master Bezaes sermons vpon the three chapters of the canticle of canticles wherein are handled the chiefest points of religion controversed and debated betweene vs and the aduersarie at this day, especially touching the true Iesus Christ and the true Church, and the certaine & infallible marks both of the one and of the other. Translated out of French into English by Iohn Harmar ...; Sermons sur les trois premiers chapitres du Cantique des cantiques. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; Harmar, John, 1555?-1613. 1587 (1587) STC 2025; ESTC S101752 345,082 450

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the order of the three bookes of Salomon 8 An enhortation for euery one to make his profit by the exposition of this Canticle THIS booke albeit it hath bin as well in the auncient church of the Israelites as also in the Christian church by one common consent not only reckned amongst the number of those which the holy Ghost hath spoken and vttered to the pen and which ought to be the rule and canon of our fayth but also held for one of the most excellent and spirituall of all the rest yet hath it not bin handled or red in the church as euery of the other but reserued to be proposed vnto them who were farther aduaunced and growne vp in the knowledge of God and were of a more stable and constant iudgement The causes whereof were first because the stile and phrase thereof is altogether allegoricall and enigmatical that is to say deliuereth to our vnderstāding thinges heauenly and spirituall by a similitude and figure of things naturall and corporall which euery man neyther of himselfe can nor by the help of an other is able so to conceiue and vnderstand as thereby throughly to be profited and instructed Secondly because this allegory is wholy grounded vpon the coniunction and coupling of man and wife in marriadge in the which being humanely and carnally considered we shall finde euen from the beginning thereof vnto the end many great wantes and imperfections on mens behalfes which defaultes as they haue bene euer rife since the entrance of sinne into the world so we know how they haue bin dayly encreased sithence men haue for so long a time giuen themselues ouer to all this vncleannes and wantonnes which is no other thing then a polluting and defiling of the honest and chast caresses dilections and embrasementes in marriadge The which notwithstanding it hath in it many defectes and blemishes which the Lord of his great goodnes must support and couer hindereth not but that according to the saying of the Apostle Heb. 15.4 Marriadge is honorable amongst all and the bed thereof vndefiled And thus you see how some considering the mischieuous maners of this world and be cause there are in this Canticle many kinds of speaches according to the simplicity of that time in which this booke was writtē which the world might easily abuse haue bene hardly induced to interprete it in the church fearing least it should bring more harme thereunto then profit and edification Others there haue bene which haue gone farther and haue beene so bold and hardy or rather so ouerweening and headdy as to go about to rase this booke out of the canonicall scriptures as being a writing altogeather profane and compiled by Solomon in the middest of his wanton and licencious dissolutiōs As touching the first sort of these men they are herein to bee greatly commended that they thinke it not good that euery one should rashly vnaduisedly be carried or led to the hādling of this booke according vnto the saying of the Apostle 1. Cor. 3.2 that we must begin with milke so proceed come to hard solid meate Which thing hath bin carefully diligently obserued both in this church and in others by the faythfull pastors and ministers But as for those which presume to condemne this booke they are no more to be harkened vnto or regarded then those who desperatly and arrogantly addresse and oppose themselues agaynst the spirit of God For besides that the old and newe church hath from all times iudged the contrary this booke being diligently expounded by the auncient Doctors both greeke and latin yea euen in monasteries amongst the monkes vsed and handled as a booke altogeather contemplatiue more then any besides albeit they then made solemne profession of being farre from all thought of women and marriage this very allegory of marriadge is very amplie to the same end and purpose prosecuted in other bookes which by a perpetual and common consent haue bin alwayes held for holy diuine as in the Psalme 45 which is as it were a summe and abridgement of this whole Canticle and in Esay 62.1.6 Ierem. 3. Ezech. 16. and 23. Oseas 1.2 Math. 25. Ioh. 3.29 Rom. 7.1.2 Cor. 11.2 and especially Ephe. 5. where the Apostle vseth the very same words which Adam vsed in the first institution of marriadge to wit that the church is made flesh of the flesh of Iesus Christ and bone of his bones which is saith he a great secret and mystery to be short the holy Ghost in the Apocal. 17. is the expounder and interpreter of the beginning of this booke Neyther is that to be regarded which some bring for an argument why this booke is not Canonicall because that no place of it is alleaged in the newe testament For first beside that which I haue sayd of the 45. Psalme that it is an abridgment of this booke the similitudes which are taken from marriage in Saynt Paul and in the last chapter of the Apocalyps are drawen from hence and by the same reason we may condemne other bookes of the old testament which are receiued without contradiction or gainsaying 2 We must therfore vse obserue a mean in the exposition of this booke handling it then and in such wise as it appertaineth in the church of God For God will not that any thing which he teacheth vs by his Prophets and Apostles should be hidden or kept secret in such sort as to content our selues to haue it enregistred onely in his word without farther regarding and considering what it is as the Paynimes were woont to deal in their false religions worships who feared their abuses should be discouered if their mysteries were knowen or as we yet to this day see it practised in the false church where the reading of the scriptures in the vulgar and common tong is forbidden whereas the Apostles and Prophets since the beginning haue spoken and written in a common and intelligible language to the end they might be vnderstoode of all men And yet is it very true that the holy Ghost hath not vsed throughout the same stile and manner of writing but hath spoken somtimes very plainly sometimes obscurely in such sort notwithstanding that as one of the auncient fathers hath heretofore well obserued obscurity and darknes is tempered and mixed with plainnes and clearnes to the end to sharpen and quicken our desire to search after that which we vnderstoode not at the first and to cause vs to esteeme more higher of the secrets of his wisdom after that he hath bestowed on vs the gift of knowledge and vnderstanding of them vpon our carefull diligence of reading and conferring together the places of scripture And this is that which we hope to doe by Gods good assistaunce obtayned by your prayers in the expounding of this booke seing it is now about fifty years that God hath set vp as it were anew his holy Iubile amongst vs causing the holy light of his gospell to shine
his eies Ps 96 97. and in others following Whereunto belongeth that also which the Lorde himselfe saith of Abraham that seeing the daie of the Lorde hee reioyced Ioh. 8.56 But whereas the fathers saw him not but afar off in the promises and shadowes of the Lawe Heb. 11.13 it is no maruaile if they desired some thing more for which Simeon giueth God thanks in his song seeing the Saints at this daie since his first comming insteede of beeing satisfied therewith desire yet more feruentlie his returne as witnesseth that demaund of ours euerie daie in our praier That his kingdome come or else wishing to bee dislodged quickly from below as the Apostle crieth out Rom. 7.24 and Phil. 1.23 which is nothing else but to bee drawen vnto him leauing here below the old cast garment of this bodie vntill it be chaunged taken againe in incorruption 2. Cor. 5.5 Now the spouse hauing ended her former speech by the which shee was raised as it were aboue the cloudes by the winges of faith and hope shee entereth here now into another as hauing cast her eies both vpon her companie and traine and vpon hir selfe and others which beheld hir And this hath Salomon here set downe not without great reason as shal appeare by the handling of this matter For it cannot bee but such considerations wil often arise in the mindes and thoughts of such as are most perfect for which cause it is more then necessarie we prouide before hand that wee be nothing shaken by them as manie in our daies are This Queene therefore hauing bosted her selfe that if shee were drawen by the king her beloued shee would come running vnto him with a goodlie and triumphant companie and hereupon beginning to consider what this troupe and traine of hers could be in comparison of them whom shee calleth here Daughters of Ierusalem and of those of whom shee afterwards complaineth she becommeth at the first as it were ashamed But afterwards considering the quality and not the quantity thereof shee pronounceth cheerefully these wordes The vpright loue thee as if she should haue said wee are indeede a small companie but fayre and good for I bring thee nothing which is not entire and vpright and which beareth thee not a true and sincere affection And a little and good is better then a great deale and naught 2 This is the comfort consolation which hath been yet is most necessary vnto the church according to these words of the Lord Luk. 12.32 Feare not litle flock for it is your fathers pleasure to bestow on you a kingdome There are then no greater deceiuers to terme them in most courteous manner then they who to discerne the true church to the which wee must of necessity ioyne our selues if we wilbe saued from the false from which we must of necessity separat our selues if we wil not perish stand wholy vpon a multitude For first of al euery one is constrained to confesse that euen in the affaires dealings of this world there are alwayes to be found more fools then wise men How is it then when the point concerneth supernaturall wisdome and goodnes If wee will not beleeue that which the Lord himselfe hath saide in expresse termes speaking of the broade gate which leadeth to destruction through which many doe passe and of the streit and narow gate leading vnto life and which fewe doe finde Mat. 7.13 let vs at least beleeue that perpetual experience which wee haue hereof For what was I praie you the number and multitude of the true children of God when the deluge came vpon the world in the which only eight persons were spared which perished not by the waters And afterward what was Abrahams house in respect of the Cananits onely Yea what was the whole people of Israell to comprise therein the hipocrites and false Israelites in comparison of all the nations of the world shut out of the couenant of saluation Eph. 2.12 Yea and then especially when the Bridegroome came into the earth in person to gather and to visite his church who reiected him but the builders who cried away with him away with him crucifie him crucifie him but the multitude what multitude was that first number of sixscore persons by which the the Christian church began in Ierusalem To bee short when our aduersaries at this day who oppose their great number to our small companie shall haue wel counted what are they all together in comparisō of the rest of the world which acknowledge not Iesus Christ The multitude therefore is so far from beeing a true marke of the Church of God that on the contrarie side the greatest number ought rather to bee suspected of vs. 3 Notwithstanding we say not that euery small companie ought alwaies to be followed but it must be withall qualified with this name which is here giuen vnto it to wit the name of vpright which wee ought well to waigh to know not onlie where the true church is but also those which are the true mēbers thereof The true church therefore is that where the vpright and true veritie of God touching our saluation is purely taught and they are indeede of the church who embrace it in their minde and hart and by effect do declare the same And what is this vprightnes but the will of our God witnessed in all perfection by the writings of his prophets Apostles I mean in his law in respect of our applying our selues to perfourme it according to the measure of his grace and in his gospell in respect of that our beleeuing vnto saluation Euery assemblie therefore be it great or litle which holdeth not it selfe to this vprightnes cannot bee the church of God nor he a member of the true church who beleeueth or doth otherwise 4 And we must note wel that this tru vprightnes the loue of God are things altogether ioyned each to other inseparable whēce it foloweth that what doctrine soeuer withdraweth vs neuer so litle from the loue of God as all false religions haue this in cōmon that they stay men either on thēselues or vpon other creatures in whole or in part cannot be the true right way wherof mētion is here made likewise that whosoeuer witnesseth not by his life that he loueth feareth god is no true vpright man nor a Christian though he haue all the knowledge of truth in his head And because the loue of God is declared by the loue of our neighbour whosoeuer loueth not his neighbour is a lyar if he saie that he loueth God Ioh. 13.35 and 1. Ioh. 4.20 5 There follow now after this the words of the spouse turning her selfe to the daughters of Ierusalem which wee must by name discerne distinguish as wel from those which shee called the vpright to wit the ladies of her traine as from them of whom she complaineth afterward and calleth the sonnes of her mother Seeing then that wee vnderstand by this spouse the
must be serued in euery place with lifting vp of pure handes 1. Tim. 2.8 but this is to teach men to set all thinges whatsoeuer without exception after the dewty which they owe vnto the Lorde whose promise is most liberall bountifull vnto them who forsake for his sake houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands possessions howe euer the worlde take and account them for fooles and franticke 7 Neither serueth this lesson to teach vs onely that it is enough to depart out of those places where superstitiō or some what worse then that is For it is to little purpose to chaunge our place if we chaunge not our old skinne and if being come to another place to serue God better and with more freedome then before we shew it not indeede and effect when wee are come thither Which falleth not so truly out in al as I must say it to my great griefe beeing but too too manie found who in steede of changing themselues and their manners or profiting themselues better when they are come hither amongst vs become worse then before so that being nothing else but an offence and stumbling block vnto others it were better both for vs and them they had either neuer come here or had returned strait way thither againe from whence they came 8 And as this doctrine serueth not to this purpose so neyther tendeth it to the fauoring of these hypocriticall Moonkes who boast and brag they haue forsaken the woorlde because they would faine be reckned among the number of them who haue left and forsaken al things for Christs sake which thing I shall then confesse to bee true when they shal haue proued Iesus Christ to be the patron and founder of their order and that to enter into a monasterie there to liue at the cost and charges of another and some of them to bee chaunged into wild asses others to get them fat paunches others to grow vppe to miters and cardinals hattes others to be the props and arch-pillers of falshoode and error such as these of the latter crue are who cal themselues Capuchins Iesuits false vsurpers of the name of Iesus others to be sauiours and meriters for themselues and for others who hire them for their imaginarie workes in such sort as to heare them speake it should seeme that God oweth them somewhat vpon a reckning when they haue past a clear account with him when I say they shal haue shewed that this doctrine is Propheticall and Apostolicall I wil then confesse their saying to be true and not before no displeasure to one of the ancient fathers a man otherwise endued with most excellent gifts who neuer heard of such not monks but monkeis as they afterward became to bee but so bewitched notwithstanding with the opinion of a monastical and solitarie life as that he sticked not to giue one this counsell to runne ouer the verie belly of his owne father to enter into a monasterie so blinde was the world euen in those daies 9 In a word therefore the first point of returning vnto the Church of God is a resolution of quitting and forsaking the false Church without any either chaffering and merchandizing or looking behinde vs as we are warned Luke 9.62 Phil. 3.13 as this spouse also is expresly warned to forget her owne people and her fathers house before the King can take pleasure in her beautie Psal 45.11 And this is a point which they aboue all others ought well to thinke vpon who at this day when this point is handled and debated among vs mince out their way on both sides thinking to agree fire and water together calling them transformers of the Church who would reforme it exactly according vnto the paterne of the woorde of God men a great deale more daungerous then those who declare themselues vtter enimies of the truth 10 But because to goe out of a bad way to enter into an other as bad or els worse doth litle better the case of him who is wandred therefore the spouse is here warned in going out of the ill way to followe the tracke of the flocke that is to saie of this true flock of sheep with whom they are to ioyne themselues For the vnderstanding and practise of which lesson we are to note that there is a difference betweene the opening of a new way and the acknowledging of a way made long since but for lacke of vsing and frequenting growen wast and desolate The question being therefore in this place not of taking or making a newe way as if the Church had then tooke her beginning but of finding againe the true way laid in some sort wast desert for this cause the spouse is sent backe as it were to finde the trackes and footings of the olde way And this is it which the Prophets themselues haue preached amidst the desolations of the Church in their times sending backe such as are wandered and gone astray vnto the Law and vnto the testimonie Esai 8.20 and elsewhere as Abraham also speaketh Luk. 16.29 They haue saith hee Moses and the Prophets let them heare them whereunto agreeth that of Saint Peter 2. Pet. 1.20 not forgetting the woordes of his maister who directed those which were blind knew him not vnto the Scriptures Sound ye saith he and search the Scriptures for they are they which speak of me Ioh. 5.39 yea although then when the Lord spake thus the track and footing of the true sheepe of the former time was so cleane put foorth amongest those who called themselues the people of God that there needed miracles and other extraordinary meanes to make it knowen vnto the seely wandering sheepe Mat. 9.36 11 Therefore when our aduersaries would serue their turn with this place to teach vs that without al distinctiō or exception we must keep vs vnto the way of the fathers we must put them in mind of this word of Flock namely of the true flocke of the true sheep For there are two sorts of fathers The one seducers seduced of whom the lord complaining in Ieremy they haue forsakē saith he my law which I set before thē haue not hearkened vnto my voice neither walked thereafter but haue followed their own harts lust the Baalims which their fathers taught them Ier. 9.13 and 14 and in Ezechiel 20.24 their eyes are gone after the moulten gods of their fathers Such are the fathers from which wee must turne that wee perish not with them not deseruing the name of auncetors that is to saie of such sheepe as hear and folow the voice of their sheepheard Ioh. 10.27 But as for true fathers that is to saie true auncetours those are they indeede whose track and footing we must know that we turne not therefrom neither to the right hand nor to the left As for example There are in our time a great number of false sects religions which al saie they are
seeing him not in the bed where shee slept was not therefore cleane out of hart but getting her selfe vp sheweth that because she found him not her desire of seeking after him was so much the more augmēted And indeed as we said the last daie this is the means by which the Lorde not suffering himselfe to bee alwaies found at the first sharpeneth the faith and hope and fortifieth the patience of his as we see it by infinit many of examples of the holy Scripture So the people serued as a straunger foure hundred yeares in the land of Chanaan and of Aegypt and fortie yeares in the desert and seuenty yeares in Babylon So did Ioseph endure much in prison and Dauid during his flight saying in the 40. Psal I waited and waited for the Lord and he heard me According therefore vnto these examples if in diuerse difficulties and distresses touching our conscience either in perils or aduersities it seemeth that the Lorde as I maie so saie flieth from vs let vs runne couragiouslie after him vntill hee suffer himselfe to bee taken of vs. But who shall continue vnto vs this vigor and courage He who for the loue which he beareth vs first formeth in vs the loue whereby wee loue him reciprocally as the spouse doth thrise heere reiterate it that is to saie not fainedly as hypocrits do nor so so as they who are neither hot nor cold nor seething but luke-warme and therefore are by and by vomited vp Apoc. 3.16 whereas they who are violent and importune catch the kingdome of heauen away by an holy importunity Matth. 11.12 Luke 18.2 2 But wee must especially consider that which the spouse saith in this place namely that she diligētly sought after her Bridegroome by the open places and went round about the Cittie and found him not For contrariwise in the parable of the banquet Luk. 14.21 the seruantes are commanded vpon the refusall which the greater sort and the rich made to go vnto the open places streets of the City to bring together those which were poore impotent lame and blind But this similitude tendeth to another purpose then this of the spouse to wit to shew vs that they are no members of the Church or if they were before leaue to bee who make more reckoning of their woorldly ease and other their commodities and affaires of this world then they doe of their conscience in whose places God doth often chuse the poore and contemptible of the world as it is saide in the Canticle of the blessed virgin Luk. 1.52.53 We read also Pro. 1.20 that Wisedom maketh her voice to ring in the streets and open places but it is not said that she was harkned vnto or receiued there yea cōtrariwise Wisedome lamenteth and bewaileth the disorders which doe there raigne There is likewise speach in the parable of the sower of seed which fel in the waie which because it pearced not into and entred the earth it was incontinently eaten vp by the birds These two places maie serue vs for the interpretation of this in which we vnderstand by the open places and the circuite of the Citty that which is cōmonly receiued beareth sway among men And to saie al in one word it is that mask which is called at this daie by the name of the Catholique Church not that Catholique Church which wee mention in our Creede but that monster which the efficacie of errour hath engendred by her who hath bewitched the kinges and nations of the earth as it hath beene before prophecied and foretold 3 To answere therefore this matter which is the last refuge of our aduersaries what is that the spouse here saith beeing so affrighted hared for that her Bridegrome is departed from her while she was asleep in her bed It is this which I say repeate againe that she thought that he whom she sought and so consequently the truth and her saluation were to be found in the religion which was commonly receiued among the people And what induced her to think so The promises made vnto that people and to no other before the comming of the Bridegroome in flesh Act. 3.25 as at this daie the Church say they cannot erre hereupon to ground al their errours Wherein then did this spouse deceiue her self Euen with that which was aunswered Ier. 18.18 and presupposing as they woulde gladly make vs to beleeue at this daie of Saint Peters steeple at Rome that religion was nayled as it were with a tennepenie naile vnto Abrahams race without distinguishing the true Israelites from the false as Saint Iohn Baptist reproched them in his time shee iudged of true religion according vnto that which was brought in when she was asleepe of a long time receiued of great smal whereas shee should haue sought after that which was proposed and commanded for a rule vnto the people that is to saie in the lawe and in the testimony as it is said Esa 8.20 For seeing that the true Church iudgeth not the the controuersies of religion but so farre as to referre her selfe wholy vnto that which the Bridegroome hath thereof determined by the mouth of his Prophets Apostles it followeth that it is neither vnto that which is commonly receiued and maintained nor vnto the greater number that wee are to refer our selues to be resolued seeing that euen in the affairs of this world there bee more fooles then wisemen and more wicked men then good but we must refer our selues vnto the Bridegrome himself who is iudge both of the one and of the other Yea but where shall a man finde him Wee must not say saith the Apostle after Moses wee will ascend vp into heauen to finde him there or passe the Sea to seeke him But the woorde is in thy mouth and in thy heart that is to saie this word of faith which wee preach Rom. 10.8 And this is it by which we must discerne the true Catholick Church from the false 4 What is then you will say this Catholicke Church in the which no where else Iesus Christ is found out of which there is no saluation It is the assembly of all the true elect and faithfull gathered out of al people and nations in vnitie of the Propheticall and Apostolicall doctrine considered in her generality in which assemblie truely the light of the trueth can neuer be put out albeit in the parts and members of the bodie distinctly seuerally considered there may be some defects doubts ignorances as the history of all times declareth the same To this Church thus vniuersally considered is opposed the generality of all companies besides which are also called Christian and which keepe the marcke of Baptisme but haue forged vnto themselues a religion according vnto their owne lust and fancy whether they couer themselues with the name writings of the Prophets Apostles il interpreted or whether they inuent a doctrine altogether newe according vnto their own pleasure for which cause
the aboue named scriptures and writings of the Prophets and Apostles vnto whom wee are no lesse forbidden to adde then to change and diminish seeing they containe the whole Counsell of God touching our saluation Ioh. 15.15 and Act. 20.27 And to the end no man reply that al was not written which the Apostles taught let vs answere this lie first with that which is said 2. Tim. 2.17 where Saint Paul requireth nothing besides the scripture to make the man of God perfect complete Secondly let these goodly vnwritten doctrines and verities forsooth be compared with the scriptures and the day wil condemne this darckenesse Thirdly alwaies and as often as there are diuerse interpretations found of one and the same place let vs know that this commeth to passe partly because euerie one hath not one and the same measure of vnderstanding and partly because the scripture is so plentifull in all trueth that of one and from one only place a man may drawe diuerse expositions which may be al of them notwithstanding conformable vnto the trueth of edification euerie of which may as occasiō serueth be profitable But whē the interpretations are so repugnant that it must needs be that one or more of them be false then if we conferre other places therewith so expound Scripture by Scripture as Iesus Christ teacheth vs by his own example Mat. 4.6.7 as the ancient Councels haue doone hauing by this only most true and most assured means conuinced al sorts of false allegations of heretickes if withal we refer the whole vnto the correspondencie of the articles of our faith which we call our Creede the summary abridgement of euery fundamentall point of Christian doctrine religion there is no man can bee deceiued no not the simplest Idiots of all except they will needs deceiue themselues I mean if so be they bring with them a docible and teacheable mind and a desire to bee taught in all humility according vnto that which is said of the writtē word of God Ps 119.8 Esa 55.1 And thus you see how folowing the exāple of the true Spouse that is searching Iesus Christ in his owne home we shal find him neuer be deceiued 4 But what is it to find him if a man seaze not on him And what is it to seaze on him if a man hold him not fast to enioie him Verily no more to purpose then if a mā should find good meat and not touch it or put it in his mouth and not swallow it or swallow it and not digest it And alas howe many such guestes are there in the woorlde For to let passe those who vouchsafe not to come vnto this banquet and those also who not only enter not them selues into it but hinder also others from entering in and that by all manner not onlie craftines but violence also letting I say these goe who are without let vs speake of them who enter in who see heare him who is both the banquet and the banquet maker I mean our Lord Iesus Christ yet notwithstanding do neither sit downe nor vouchsafe to eat nay not so much as to open their mouthes to chew the morsels already cut prouided for thē How manie contēners mockers are there How many that swallow the meate downe but are fedde neuer a whit with it therefore grow nothing at al in this inward mā shewing by the course of their whole life that they as yet haue not any sense or feeling of the spirit of him in whō all true Christians do liue as he also liueth in them Ga. 2.20 Behold the ruine of Israel Iuda which we yet see to continu before our eies behold what hath caused the Candlestickes of the Churches of Asia to be remoued according vnto the threatning contained in the Apocalyps and which in the end brought in the deluge of Mahomet of his cōpanion vpon the foure ends quarters of the world We see it with our eies who taketh it to hart Who thinketh on that which the Apostle foretelleth of the fulnesse of vs the Gentils Ro. 11.15 in such sort that it wil happē vnto vs as in the daies of Noe Mat. 24.37 Let vs look vnto our selues my brethren that we be not found asleepe Lu. 12.37 much-lesse cast out of the banquet into outwarde darkenesse Matth. 21.22 finally cast forth of the temple of God as filth and doung 5 But wee must yet better examine all the woordes of this so true and faithfull a spouse I found him saith shee whom my soule loueth yea because he made himselfe to be found and for that the true loue of the Bridegroome serued for a guide to direct this spouse whom himselfe loued first 6 I seazed or laid hold on him And with what arm Verily with that of faith for this is the only vessell to receiue him in this is the onely hande to take hold of him Rom. 9.30 But this faith must be firme stedfast to holde him without letting of him goe otherwise this is not that true faith which is the gift of god properly belonging vnto the elect irreuocable Rom. 12.29 but an opinion which vanisheth away with the first wind that bloweth which maketh vs in some sort to tast the good gift of god not to swallow it down digest it Heb. 6.5 Mat. 13.21 7 And howe is this faith and by it Iesus Christ continued mantained in vs The spouse declareth vs in one word whē she saith that she brought this Bridegrome into the house nay into the secret chamber of her mother which conceiued her Now to vnderstād this matter the better we must note that the Church is diuersly considered somteimes as being ioined vnited together making one mystical body with her head so that sometimes it is called Iesus christ himself altogether whole entire 1. Cor. 12.12 as if without her he should be an head without a body Ephes 1.23 and in this sense she hath no Mother but one heauenly father alone Somtimes she is also considered in her generality without any respect of times or places notwithstanding distinguished from Iesus Christ in which consideration she hath also no Mother but one heauenly Father alone together with a brother Bridegrome sometimes also she is considered with distinction diuersity of time for which respect S. Paul saith he hath begotten the Church of the Galathians calleth himself the father of the Corinthians in regard of his ministery Gal. 4.19 1. Cor. 4.15 In which sense a man may say that the Church of Ierusalē not that of Rome hath brought forth al the churches the word of god which is the incorruptible seed 1. Pet. 1.23 proceeding and comming from her Esa 2.3 According vnto this sense also is it that this spouse which is but one perpetual in her generality is according as the one engendreth the other vnto the Lord distinguished into an ancient church vnder
the articles also of our Creede called the Apostles Creede because it is the summarie abridgement of the whole doctrine taught by the Apostles it followeth that we must draw all this truth from the mouth of the Lord himself who hauing spoken vnto the fathers in a certain measure Heb. 1.1 hath finally declared vnto the whole world whatsoeuer is requisite vnto our saluatiō Ioh. 15.15 First by the preaching of his Apostles who were most faithfully perfectly taught yea extraordinarily who haue with like faithfulnes executed their charge not onely in speaking but also in writing in such sort that it is a mere phreasy to imagin that they haue omitted to preach by mouth or to set down in writing any one point of the doctrin of saluation Our aduersaries reply at this day hereupon say that though happily the Apostles haue taught al yet haue they not written all But when we demaund them what the pointes then are of doctrine which they haue omitted in their writings they stick fast as a man would say in the glue-pot For either nothing of that which they alleage appertaineth vnto doctrin the articles of faith or els it is such as maybe proued to haue been forged by this man or by that man being a thing easie to quote the inuenters thereof the beginning or els it shalbe found to agree no better with the articles of our faith which are the extract of the whole essentiall doctrine of the Apostles then light with darknes falshood with truth I know they are too wise to confesse thus much But besides that these thinges haue beene so often disputed and clearly proued that we may say with saint Paul 2. Cor. 4.3 that if they be obscure and hidden it is vnto them who will not heare them spoken of or whose eies the prince of this worlde hath blinded we haue alwaies offered and doe still offer to shewe and proue them to the eie before a true and Christian councell 3 I say the same touching the whole estate of the house of the bridegrome namely that by these same Apostles he hath fully set vp appointed both the vocations charges thereto belonging as also the exercise of them in that which concerneth the substaunce of the gouernement of his family in such sort that it is more lawfull to change diminish or ad any thing in these vocations then in the doctrine the application execution onely of the saide charges and vocations being onely left free according vnto the circumstaunce of places times persons which cānot be ordered alwaies after one fashiō because of the necessary diuersity of them So did Moses order himself as a faithfull seruant in the house of God hauing done nothing but according to the patterne which he had seene in the mount Heb. 3.2 8.5 In which afterward nothing was chaunged or taken away by the true Prophets but when it pleased god to erect his tēple to set vp the whole building ordering of the ecclesiasticall charges thereof which was ordained by the Lord by the mouth of Dauid effected by Salomon yet this estate was not to endure but vntill the cōming of the Lord master of the house Heb. 3.6 who afterward by his holy spirit ledde his Apostles into al truth Ioh. 16.7 who withhold hid nothing thereof but haue declared and opened all the counsell of God Act. 20.27 yea left in writing to continew vnto the end and consummation of the world Whereupon it followeth that that which is customarily and commonly alleadged to wit that the master holdeth it for done which is done by his workemen cannot haue any place in this matter I meane neither in the doctrine nor in the generall and fundamentall estate of the house of God to attribute thereby vnto the successors of the Apostles any power and aucthoritie of chaunging adding vnto or diminishing any thing either in the one or in the other The reason is because the Apostles haue left nothing to be set vp by their successours but haue themselues taught and established all things hauing left nothing to the Pastors Doctors Elders Deacons but to gouerne them-selues and their flockes according vnto this rule and foundation 1. Cor. 3.11 without adding to any new thing or clipping therefrom or changing ought the Coche God be thanked of this bridegrome being of an other building then is saint Peters Church at Rome a true figure of false religion in which there is alwaies some thing to be amended added or chaunged And therefore they who began first not to content themselues with such ordinaunces as were truely Apostolicall witnessed by their writings what end thereof so euer they had and what occasion so euer they pretended opened the gap to all that confusion desolation whereunto the Church of God was by little little most pitifully brought So thē to cōclude this point it is the bridegrome himself our only true Salomon who hath diuised built this Coch by his trusty faithful Cochwrights Carpenters 4 But why is this house which is so strong and stable that it preuaileth against hel-gates it selfe Math. 16.18 compared here vnto a Coche which is made to go frō place to place We haue already yeelded the reason therof to which ye shall adde this which I will farther tell you It is to shewe vs how shamefully and wittingly they abuse them-selues who dreame that God hath tied his truth vnto one sole place or See which men in our time haue perswaded thēselues to be the See of Rome in so much that some are become so blockish blind as to think that the Catholicke Apostolicke Church the Romane Church is all one adding this word vnto the Apostles Nicene Creed a thing as improper absurd what reply soeuer be made to the cōtrarie as if a mā should say that the head of a mā a mā were al one though we should grant thē that the See of Rome such as it is at this day were not only the true Church but which is more the head of al particular Churches Let vs therefore note that this true Coche is there found where this Bridegroome is purely preached both in respect of his person and in regard of his office without matching him or ouer-matching him with a companion either superior as they do who pray the virgine Mary to command her sonne or collateral as they doe who cal the same virgine their aide and their hope or else inferiour as they doe who call vpon the Saintes absent or vpon the deade But some man will say Is there then no certaine visible place on which the Christians ought to depend stay themselues to say we must beleeue and do that which is taught and commaunded in such a place Iesus Christ beeing asked the same question answereth not that it is Rome or any other place But saith he where the dead body is there the eagles gather themselues
if our clothes did hinder vs. Euery man foldeth wrappeth him selfe in the cares and thoughts of this woorld insteede of meditating and putting that in vre which retireth and plucketh vs from the world that we perish not with it Euery mā is cold insteede of beeing hote and feruent in zeale of knowledge To be short euerie man fatteth himselfe so grosse that it wilbe impossible hereafter to passe through the strait gate a thing lamentable and whereof I warne you in the name of God while hee yet saith Come vnto me and whiles the dore is yet open or at the least onlie halfe shut If we wil not God wil shew vs to our cost and we are verie blinde if wee perceiue not that he doth alreadie prepare himselfe thereunto that if we thinke not on it he wil think on it and when wee shall crie it shall be aunswered vs as it was them which were inuited to the banquet Matth. 22.8 as the workers of iniquity Mat. 7.23 as the foolish Virgins Mat. 25.12 from the nūber of which the Lord keepe vs. In summe therefore the faithfull as straungers and wayfarers in the woorlde doe protest in this place that they labour to come vnto that Cittie whereof God is the maker and builder Heb. 11.10 not onelie to walke thither but also to runne thither with all their forces they haue receiued of him which draweth them thither 8 But we may not forget these woords After thee For it is not enough to run but wee must first run in the right way and secondlie wee must runne right without straying either to the right or to the left hand and thirdlie we must tend go forwarde vnto the mark vnto which we ought to tend if we will not haue our paines to be frustrate and lost Al these things are giuen vs in Iesus Christ solely and alone For first besides that it is of his spirit that we receiue as well the desire of running as the power to runne Phil. 2.13 He is the waie the truth and the life and for to follow him without straying and to obtaine the price at the end of our race he must alwaies run before and we must runne after him They therefore who to goe to eternall life deuise vnto thēselues new waies that is to say any seruing of God according to their owne pleasure or happilie followe the inuentions and deuises of other men whatsoeuer although these waies be neuer so common and frequented and as olde and ancient as a man can wish how euer they replie that these are not other waies but onely certaine pathes which bring them into the high way as those men dreame which make themselues beleeue that the merits of works agree verie well with grace and the inuocation of holy men departed with the office of mediation of Iesus Christ alone and his corporal and essential presence in the masse with the verity and truth of the bodie of Iesus Christ and with the ascension and second comming of him and other such conclusions necessarilie contradictorie yet notwithstanding not holding the right way after him they shal not find him at their iourneyes end and consequentlie they shall haue no other fruit of their trauaile then that which Esay speaketh of 29.13 and the Apostle Colos 2.18 Yee see then al false worshippes and religions condemned in one word of which the Apostle in that place of the Colos 2.18 handling this very matter setteth down three kindes The first is of those which are grounded vpon certaine vaine speculations hauing an appearāce of some great wisdom As whē at this day men ground the Intercessiō of Saints vpon this that men go not to kings princes but by mediators Item that if holy personages haue had credit with God being in this woorld they haue a great deale more beeing receiued with him into paradise Item that we must satisfie God in this woorlde or in the other Item that because the perfection of euerie estate consisteth in vnity there must bee one generall head in the administration and gouernment of the catholique Church or other like conclusions of theirs who forge and deuise a religion after their own fansie taking their humane discourse a very bad rule and squire to rule and squire out their building by The second kind consisteth in grosse superstitions and such as are manifest vnto all except it bee to them which are altogither blinde and so will bee Such haue beene from all time infinite maners of fancied things doings by which men haue dreamed first that their sinnes were thereby done forth and finally that God himselfe was endebted vnto them for them as are at this daie in the Church of Rome holy water holy waxe paternosters or beades going on pilgrimage certaine signes of the crosse certaine kinds of weeds attires other such bables in which there is neither sense nor reason neither with God nor with men The third sort was in the Apostles time of them which yet held and retained the Iudaical ceremonies willing to mingle them with Iesus Christ In the roume of this haue succeeded at this day the traditions of men and an infinit number of deuotions by which not only the commaundements of God are taken away and abolished and Christians brought into a most miserable seruitude and bondage but the grace also of Iesus Christ himselfe is vtterly made voyde and of none effect and there is nether doctrine nor sacramēt remaining vncorrupted Now al this is nothing els but to runne in vaine after straunge Gods although a man giue them not this name but that al this is disguised vnder these faire woords of seruing of God of the authoritie of the Church of Antiquitie and of good Meaning But in lieu of all this we are sent here vnto Iesus Christ alone and consequently to his holy and only woorde preached and wholly put in writing first by the Prophets according to the measure and dispensation of the times finally by his Apostles without being lawfull euen to the Angels themselues to chaunge any thing therein to ad or diminish the Church being founded and grounded vpon this ground-plat foundation and no other whatsoeuer Ephes 2.20 Apoc. 21.14 the whole Scripture also giuing vs most certaine witnes hereof which without this would not be sufficient for the barring and shutting out of all false doctrines and heresies which thing cannot be saide without great blasphemy Ye see then what are our listes what is our race and course and what the price is which is set for vs at the end thereof Neither doth this point concerne only the doctrine which is common to the whole true church but this aduertisemēt must also guide vs in al our particular thoughts deliberations and practises in which wee must alwaies demaund of God the addresse and direction of his holy spirit that we neuer go beyond him but alwaies walk after him hauing him and his commaundements before our eyes as we are taught at large
apt conuenient seeing there is no kind of possession more profitable and fruitfull or which requireth more care and diligence to bee husbanded and trimmed And because that as there is but one god so there is but one faith one Church as also at that time there was but one onely land consecrated and halowed vnto God one onely people comprised in the couenant one onely place established and consecrated in Ierusalem for the outwarde ordinarie seruice of the Lord therefore the spouse speaketh here but of one vineyard in the singular number to the which the straunge vineyards are contrary opposed in the plural number because false worshippes and religions and false Churches are without number 6 Shee complaineth therefore that the sonnes of her mother suffered her not to bee maintained in the possession of her owne vineyard where shee might haue beene well brought vp and preserued vnder couert in her bewty And if a man demaund the question wherefore shee called not rather them of whom shee complaineth sonnes of her father or her bretheren then sonnes of her mother I answere that this was therefore because she meant by this meanes so to spare her mother and her halfe brethren by a modesty verie sitting and beseeming the person vnder which the true Church is here represented vnto vs that notwithstanding shee would not keepe it silent that her mother had forgotten herselfe I mean this very same Church considered as it were in an other person the mother of her which here complaineth to wit in asmuch as she ordered and ruled herselfe well at the beginning but after that shee had brought forth this we here speake of vnto the Lorde shee was turned aside afterwardes after straunge gods in all manner of outragious dissolution as the Prophets so oft and in so manie places vpbraide her She confesseth therfore that those of whō shee complaineth that is to say the wicked gouernours and false pastours are indeede issued and descended from her mother but not in true and lawfull wedlocke as is at large handled by Ezechiel in his 16. Chapter aboue alleadged and vnder the names of two sisters representing the two kingdomes of Israell and of Iuda Chapter 23. and by the other Prophetes This is then as much as if shee called them in plaine termes bastardes as in the Psalme 144.11 but that as I saide before this manner of speaking is more milde and modest which Dauid also in the person of Christ vseth Psalme 69.8 7 And we must note well these woordes That the sonnes of her mother were angrie against this spouse The cause hereof is elswhere declared to be because he which doth euil hateth the light for that his workes are by it reprooued Ioh. 3.19 and because also the Church is not of the worlde the amitie wherof is enmitie with God Iames 4.4 Behold then how the world vseth it selfe which beeing in the middest of the church of God hateth it without cause who is angry also but after an other fashion For the Church is not angry with the persons but with the sinnes of them who seeke their owne destruction whom she also seeketh to drawe thence by all meanes requiting them with good for their euill Besides it is well to bee noted that these bastard brethren vse not onlie mischieuous counsaile against their sister but when it so pleaseth God dispossesse her for a time and enioy the vineyarde themselues vntill the Lord restore againe the heritage to the right owner and possessor Psal 80. and Math. 20. 8 This place therefore containeth a most excellent doctrine and such as is of all other most necessarie for vs in these daies to bee a warning vnto them who in our time think it so strange a point of doctrine which we teach and which is most cleare and euident namely that the desolation of the christian church is proceeded from those wicked vinekeepers who haue laide it so wast that scarcely there remained any appearance of the vineyarde within these seuenty years This seemeth I say so strange a matter vnto them that this is at this day the point whereon many doe especially stand and will not themselues acknowledge or abide that others should confesse the poore church was euer so blacke burnt which recouereth notwithstanding by litle and litle her bewtifull hew and desireth to be repossessed in her vineyard which is not at this day one onely region and countrie or one only city but the whole vniuersall worlde which ought to acknowledge his Lorde and redeemer the sonne of God of all which countrie shee hath been by litle litle dispossessed by those two Sees opposed to that of Iesus Christ the one in the East the other in the West Wee see howe the same happened so oft in the church of the Iewes that it may be said that amongst al those which ruled gouerned it we shall hardly find a douzen which were not rather destroyers then builders as the sacred histories can witnesse that being in the later times accomplished especially against the proper person of the Lorde which was foretolde Psal 118.22 Esay 28.6 Matth. 23.33 the city of Hierusalem being specially called the murdering citie Matth. 23.37 They must therefore now bring vs forth some prophesie or pomise by which the priuilege may appear which they say is granted vnto the city and See of Rome to be not only the mother city of the vniuersall Church as shee was of the auncient Romane empire but also to haue this prerogatiue that shee can neuer erre But so far she is from being such that contrarywise she is pointed out as it were by the finger to be the See of Apostasie both by Saint Paul 2. Thes 2.3 and by Saint Iohn in the Apocalyps and by many auncient fathers both Greeke and Latin although they in their time sawe not that which was alreadie before their eies Neither is this come to passe onely in this See which is the Image of the beast namely of the Romane Empire which it succeeded but also in other Churches of all the foure corners and quarters of the worlde being a thing easie to be shewen that according to that which S. Paul foretold Act. 20.30 there is scant any heresie risen in the church since the time of the Apostles which was not either first forged or afterward set forwarde and coloured by false Bishops Priests or Monckes And yet in our time beholde those which hinder the work of the Lord and will not suffer that the vineyarde which they haue so vnhappily and pittifully handeled and as much as lay in them vtterly destroied and laid wast be restablished in the handes of faithful pastours which notwithstanding the Lorde of the vineyarde will doe in his good time hauing heard the sighes and lamentations of his poore desolate spouse as it hath pleased him alreadie to beginne to do in some places of his great grace and mercy Amen According to this doctrine c. THE EIGHTH SERMON Our helpe be
the true Church Behold on one side the Iewes on another side the Turkes who vaunt themselues that they haue the true religion As for the Turkes their Alcoran beeing newly forged it cannot be the track of this flock The Iewes now and since the destruction of their Temple policy haue some fayrer shewe but it is on a false title they vaunt themselues to haue on their side the God which Moses and the Prophets taught seing they acknowlege not but blaspheme him whom the Law and the Prophets lead vs vnto 12 Wee see on the other side howe they of the Romish Church do at this daie vaunt themselues make great crakes of their antiquity and succession of Bishoppes and of the Scriptures themselues the booke of the one and the other couenant Vnto whom we aunswere that the foundation of their hierarchie being in part forged vpon an humane inuention which finally degenerated into an open tyranny and their doctrine beeing directly and diametrally repugnant vnto the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles this cannot be the way trodden out by the auncient Church Apostolique what continuance of years soeuer and names of successours they alleadge Asmuch is to bee said concerning the Anabaptists and Libertines placing in steede of the Scripture their reuelations and dreames as also all both old and new or renued hereticks haue this in common that they hold not themselues within the limites and bounds of the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets perfectly comprised in the holy and canonicall Scriptures which ought to serue for the text and commentary of his wil. 13 And this is the cause why the Bridegrome addeth that the spouse to finde the tracke of the true sheep after which she is sent must seeke after the cabbins or tents of the sheepheards meaning by these woordes the true Pastours of the Church whom we must discerne from the false by their woordes and writings and by their cabbins and tentes that is to say the retyring and resting place of this true flocke For indeede there is but one catholickeflocke that is vniuersally considered bee it great or litle But there are so many cabbins for the retyring vnto and pasturing of it as there are places in the which the voice of these true sheepheards Prophets and Apostles do resound and shall resound vnto the end of the woorlde by the mouthes of their faithfull successors to gather together and to conduct vnto the onely Pastour and sheepheard which is this Bridegrome the whole number and multitude of the sheepe 14 And it may also be that Salomon had a particular respect to Abraham Isaacke and Iacob who were indeed sheepheards as the most part of the ancient Patriarckes yea Moses himselfe among the Madianites and Dauid Psal 77.20 78.72 to the doctrine and family of whom the spouse in this place is sent backe being a thing without all doubt that they were indeed true Pastours sheepheards their doctrine the true doctrine their house excepting such as behaued themselues vnworthily and which were rather in the house then of the house as Ismael and Esaw the true Church of God And we may not forget that here is expresse mentiō made of cabbins of sheepheards according vnto the purport of the history it selfe namely that these Patriarckes did indeed dwell in tents as wayfarers in this worlde Heb. 11.9 We are therefore giuen to vnderstand by this word that we may not seeke after the Church in the outward shining of Towers Steepls nor other pomps and braueries of the worlde the Church of God being rather composed of the smal contemptible things of the world Luk. 14.21 and 1. Cor 1.26 as the head also thereof would bee borne in a stable and liue poorely and slenderly If on the contrarie side any man obiect the rich ornamentes of the tabernacle the magnificence of the temple of Salomon and the riches both of it as also of the people during his kingdome in whose raigne it is said that men made no more reckoning of siluer then of stones in Ierusalem 2. Chron. 9.27 I answere as touching the ornaments of the Leuiticall Priesthoode and the riches of the Temple that al this was a figure of the spiritual riches of the true Temple of God namely of our lord Iesus Christ vnder the paedagogie and A. B. C. of the Lawe which is now ceased togither with al that which depended thereon and as for the other riches I denie not but that the Lord honoured his people when it so pleased him with the blessinges and commodities of this life Godlines hauing the promises both of the present life and of the life to come 1. Tim. 4.8 I deny not also but that God hath called vnto his Church both rich and poore such and so many as it pleaseth him as the example of Abraham who was rich in whose Bosome poore Lazarus was may declare and witnes Luk. 16.23 but I saie that in al times the hall where the banquet is kept whereof mention is made in Luk. 14.13 hath alwaies beene filled rather with impotent folcke lame and blind taken out of the midst of the street then with the rich and pompous which are in kings houses Mat. 11.8 I saie farther that albeit neither riches nor pouerty are proper and essential marks of the Church yet so is it notwithstanding that smalnes basenesse of condition according vnto the woorld yea the crosse it selfe not the crosse of golde or siluer transformed into a most detestable Idol but the crosse which burdeneth the shoulders which is an enemie vnto the flesh is the ordinarie companion thereof But I saie also that the riche which were in the church were not of the church in the quality of men rich with worldly corruptible riches but in the quality of poore in asmuch as they vsed their goods so as if they vsed them not at al according vnto the saying of the Apostle 1. Cor. 7.31 and 1. Tim. 6.17 and became leane and thinne to passe thorough the eie of the needle Mat. 19.24 laying up their treasure in heauen Mat. 6.20 according vnto the example of Dauid that good and truly rich king Psal 16.5 Finally I saie that the buildinges and vessels of the Church ought to be agreeable with the doctrine taught in the true Christian Church which condemneth all superfluity and worldlie pompes and applieth the goods of the Church to the liuing stones thereof as the practise was in the Apostles times Act. 4.35 and in those times when the Pastors were of golde and the Churches and the vessels thereof were of wood 15 This then hath been and yet is an enormous fault committed by the auncient fathers since the time of Constantine to suffer and much greater to exhort Kinges and Princes to found and build Churches with such excessiue cost seruing for no other thing but to condemne both the doners and demaunders poynting out as it were with the finger the ambition of the one and the
condemne the Prophets Apostles other martyrs of the lord for madmē senseles But behold how wily satan is to diuide this body in peeces which can neuer bee ioined ynough togither vnited And indeed the end of such goodly priuate christians maketh vs at the last to know their faire domestical exercise they practise at home which wee neede not to maruell at seeing that euen those who are most diligent to frequēt the assemblies congregations where they are reproued admonished comforted taught stirred vp heated euery day leaue not for al that to be cold lazy negligent in their duety Let vs therefore note heere my bretheren in Gods name that the spouse protesteth she came with her Bridegroome not onely into the house but which is more into the Chamber of her Mother What shal we saie then of those who wil not set foote into this house and think to keep themselues without with Iesus Christ But yet it is not enough to bee in the house but we must enter into the priuy Chāber wardrob of this spouse For such a one may be in the house which is not in it and who entred not in but to come foorth straite waies againe But to enter into the chamber of this mother is to bee in the place of her rest and where she causeth her selfe to bee seene and heard nourishing there her children with the bread of life 12 Now sith our good God amiddest so manie tempestes which haue ouerwhelmed and destroied the woorld which haue within these few yeares borne and beaten downe so many goodly Churches the mother and her children beeing so cruelly driuen forth hath vouchsafed vs so great and singular a benefite to preserue vnto vs this little cabbin assaulted with so many wild cruel beasts shal we alwaies contemn so great a grace and blessing and so long a patience of his God forbid my bretheren but let vs beseech him hee woulde rather heate such as are a cold thrust forward those who recoile hasten the slow fortifie the weake and in generall giue vs the grace that his woorde may dwell plentifully among vs according vnto the exhortation of the Apostle Coloss 3.26 and that wee maie be faire and fruitfull trees in his courtes to depart from this house heere belowe vnto that euerlasting pallace where wee shall raigne eternallie with him wherein hauing hitherunto so notablie fayled let vs craue his grace and mercie as followeth Almighty God c. THE XXVI SERMON Our help be in the name of God c. It is written as followeth in the third Chapter of the Canticle of Canticles the 5.6.7 and 8. verses 5 I charge you ye daughters of Ierusalem by the Roes by the Hinds of the field if you wake waken not my Loue vntil he please 6 Who is shee that mounteth vp out of the desert like palmes of smoke perfumed with mirrh incēse with euery sort of perfume 7 Behold his bed which is Salomons about the which are threescore valiaunt men of the prowes of Israel 8 They all handle the sword are expert in warre euery one hauing his sworde vpon his thigh for the frights by night 1 The spouse is so authorized by her Bridegroome that none euer sette on her who had not the worst 2 This authoritie pertaineth nothing at al vnto the false Church 3 Wherefore this spouse is compared vnto a cloude resembling an high and a strait piller 4 What the desert or wildernesse is from which this piller commeth 5 We must come forth out of this desert not fal out of one desert into another 6 The deserts of the auncient monkes compared with the pallaces of these goodly fathers and false religions of our time 7 Wherefore the spouse is compared vnto a palme or date tree 8 What the excellent perfumes of this spouse are and whence they come 9 The spouse insteed of resting on the praises which are attributed vnto her how tru soeuer they be imploieth her self the rather to praise the Bridegrome to make him knowen vnto euerie one 10 What this bed was of Salomon the figure of this true Salomon who is full of peace 11 Howe safe this bed is where the true repose and rest is found 14 Wherefore Salomon speaketh here of threescore men of gard about his bed 13 Who are the true gard and defenders of the saluation of the faithful especiallie against all inuisible enemies 14 A conclusion touching the vse of this doctrine THE spouse trauelling painefullie to find her Bridegroome and hauing at the length found him seazed on him and brought him home to her Mother reioiceth nowe and is exceeding merrie and gladde of this happie estate and condition of hers charging those about her not to waken her Bridegroome not that hee sleepeth for hee that keepeth Israel doth neuer slumber nor sleepe Psalm 121.4 But because his rest is the rest of his spouse holding and keeping him in the priuie Chamber of her hart Rom. 5.1 and therefore knowing that this rest quiet is neuer without such as enuy it for whom they need seek no farther then in the midst of Ierusalem that is to say of them thēselues who wil brag vaūt that they are the principal members of the Church shee chargeth them here vnder the name of daughters of Ierusalem that with menaces threates that they presume not to trouble this rest of her Bridegrome with her as if she shuld say that she is able to make thē repent it if they be so bold as to do it But touching this rest this maner of charge we haue spokē aboue at large Chap. 2. vers 7. where the Bridegrome giueth the like charge that they trouble not the repose rest of his spouse therefore wee will refer our selues vnto that which hath bin said thereof but there is notwithstanding a particular consideration offered in this place For it seemeth the spouse speaketh very boldly such a charge beseeming rather the Bridegroom who hath al autority thē the spouse who ought to refer her whole garding and safe keeping vnto the Bridegrome I confesse indeede that the spouse speaketh here very loftily gallantly And why should she not For seeing she hath for her with her yea within her this great mighty king what is he that standeth against her whom she may not and ought not to defy We haue hereof infinit examples and those also ioyned with their effects Iosua commaundeth the Sunne to stand still and hee obeyeth Iosu 10.13 And wee know what the Lord promiseth vnto his Mat. 17.20 not to establish thereby the gift of dooing of miracles as perpetual in the Church but to shew that this spouse threatneth the perturbers of this peace which the Bridegrome giueth her seeing she hath in her hand his autority power can say that her Bridegrome is hers and therefore by consequent she may boast of the effects of this fellowship and society with