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A01920 Enōtikon or A sermon of the vnion of Great Brittannie, in antiquitie of language, name, religion, and kingdome: preached by Iohn Gordoun Deane of Sarum, the 28 day of October 1604, in presence of the the Kings Maiestie at Whitehall Gordon, John, 1544-1619. 1604 (1604) STC 12059; ESTC S103340 32,572 56

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preach the Euangell of Christ in Brittannie that is the new couenant betwixt God and man at which time this said Iland of great Britannie did beare the same name of Gods couenant as it doth now All Historiographers and Chronologists of whatsoeuer profession doe beare witnesse that about 80. yeares after Christ Britanni omnium gentium primi publicè fidem Christi receperunt The Britaine 's before all nations first publikely receaued the Faith of Christ I must confesse there was Faith and Religion before receaued in Ierusalem in Asia in Rome France Spaine but it was not so publikely embraced in any place by Kings and superior Magistrates as it was then receaued by Lucius King of Britannie and by all his people Tertulian also who liued 200. yeeres after Christ in his writings against the Iewes alleadgeth to them that the whole world had receaued Christ his Faith yea and amongst the rest speaking of the Britaines he saith Britannorum loca Romanis inaccessa Christo sese subdiderunt Origen who liued about the same time doth witnesse the same Also this prophesie that is contained mysticallie in the name of Britannie hath thrice come to passe in this Iland First as is said it was accomplished in the preaching of Christs Apostles and their Disciples Secondly in the time of Constantinus Magnus by the vnion of the kingdome of the whole world with Christs kingdome Thirdly this prophesie is accomplished in our daies as we shall heare more amply hereafter in vs and our posteritie For before our daies the couenant of God hath beene broken and violated in this Iland by the operation of Satan who transforming himselfe into an Angell of light in taking vpon him the pretext of Christs true religion did change the worship of Christ into the worship of Christs images made by the handes of man of gold and siluer which he made to be worshipped as Christ himselfe As Thomas Aquinas and the rest of that sort do teach Quòd Christus imago Christi eadem adoratione adorari debeant That Christ and his image should be worshipped with one and the selfe same adoration Moreouer that old enemie of mankind Satan did make our predecessors to breake Gods couenant by seducing them to worship erect a strange God in this earth which was a new created God made of a wafer cake by transsubstantiating the substance thereof into the substance of the humane nature of Christ pretending Christ God and man reallie to be contained vnder the outward forme thereof which they called by the name of God Creator and adored him as the true God both contrary to the Scriptures and the auncient doctrine of the Trinitie by the which no thing is to be adored extra 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 consubstantialitatē Patris that is not vnited in consubstantialitie with God the father which vnion cannot be performed in the Imaginarie transsubstantiation of this wafer cake neither yet can it be vnited with the deitie of Christ as Cardinall Bellarminus doth confesse so that ye see how the couenant of God was broken in this Iland by the worshipping of a strange and new God who was not incarnate or borne of the blessed Virgin Marie not vnited with the deitie in the Virgins wombe Of all these we note that God hauing restored againe in this Iland the true worship of the only vncreated God excluding from this true worship all false adoration of visible and created things and restoring againe in this Iland the true couenant of God of this we note that seeing the couenant of God is restored in this Iland the name also of great Britannie which doth signifie the couenant of God both by the law of God and the law of man should be restored in the same as it was before Therefore I take the restitution of this auncient name of great Britannie by the Kings most excellent Maiestie to haue come by the very motion and instigation of Gods holy spirit to this end that it may be a perpetuall memoriall and testimonie that God hath restored his true couenant of eternall life which he hath promised to all those that do worship him faithfully and truely Let euerie one of vs blesse and praise God for the restoring of the same Let all the subiects of this Iland thinke that it is a great glory to them to be called Britannes that is to say the people of Gods couenant which after the name of Christian is the most glorious and honorable name that any man in the world may enioy I thinke I should not discharge my duety if in this place I did forget to shew you the King his Maiesties great and laudable modestie which he hath obserued in restoring of this auncient name in so much that laying a side all priuiledges and prerogatiues due to other Kings in such like cases For when the whole kingdomes of the Orient were vnited to the Assyrians they tooke their names from their soueraigne King And when the Monarchie was translated to the Persians that second Monarchie receaued the name of the Persians and likewise in the third and fourth Monarchie the people embraced the name and title of those that were their Kings and Princes So that by the Kings M. prerogatiue and priuiledge seeing that the South part is fallen to his royall person both by the lawe of God and nature the name of the former kingdome might haue beene imposed to this kingdome which is last fallen in his power We see also that the name of Scoti is insert by Epiphanius in the Catologue of those countries that were distributed to the posteritie of Iaphet whereof we may note the antiquitie thereof So that all men may see that looke with an indifferent eye the great modestie the good consideration and louing kindnes that hath accompanied his Maiestie in this great worke insomuch that he hath not vsed his owne prerogatiue in bringing in a new name in this kingdome of the South But he hath onely restored the ancient name of great Britannie both to the South and the North. To the end that he might extirpat the very seede of diuision which hath beene these many yeeres deeply rooted amongst vs But now God be praised by the embracing of this godly Vnion both in the head in the members and in name all matters of diuision and contention are to be buried in the graue of obliuion For by this name of Britannie which is as much as Gods couenant we are vnited both in the corporall and spirituall kingdom But let vs returne backe to the diuision of Countries And first let vs make our profit of the diuision of countries and lands amongst Noahs posteritie The cause of this diuision was for that the space of a hundred yeers or thereabout after Noah the whole race of mankinde did dwell together as in one countrey without any diuision But Satan who watcheth day and night to establish his kingdome by diuision of countries amongst men did ingender a
desire of vaine glory in their harts that they were about to build a tower which should reach to heauen all this was attempted by them vt acquirerent sibi nomen That thereby they might purchase themselues a name But God did punish this their vaine glory by the diuision and confusion of their tongues being all before vnius labij of one lippe and of one language This diuision of tongues was the cause that the heads and gouernors of families that were of one language did separate and diuide the whole earth amongst them as we said before where by the way we haue to obserue that diuision of languages was sent vpon mankind as one of Gods curses for there is nothing more forceable to maintaine Vnion and peace amongst men then conformitie in language as on the other part we see diuersitie of tongues doth ingender hatred and enuy amongst the nations of the whole world This being considered it followeth that diuision of lands in sundry countries is a rod and punishment of God which being conioyned with the diuision of tongues hath begotten sundry fearefull and cruell warres betwixt countrey and countrey nation and nation Therefore seeing diuision of languages is a curse of God it followeth necessarily that the Vnion of diuers Kingdomes in one language and one Kingdome is a speciall blessing of God Wherefore briefly we intend to bring in for all your instructions some examples out of the foure Monarchies where we shall see as in a glasse how these two doe follow the one vpon the other In the first Monarchie of the Assyrians the Assyrian language was then a common language vsed in the whole Monarchie and from thence came to the Iewes by the captiuitie of Babylon and to this day all the Christians of Asia doe vse it in their diuine seruice And it is euidently knowen that the Monarchie of the Greekes did spread the Greeke tongue throughout all Asia and Egypt yea and it did remaine in the beginning of the Romane Monarchie when all men studied to the vnderstanding of the Greeke language and the Romanes hauing obtained the vniuersall Empire did establish therein their owne language Euen so when Christ came into the world to establish his kingdome by the preaching of the Gospell he sent downe vpon his Disciples the knowledge of all tongues which was a spirituall Vnion of them And therefore God conuerted the curse that came by the diuersitie of language into a great blessing by giuing his Apostles the gift of the vnderstanding of all tongues So God did begin the Vnion of this Iland by the Vnion of one language in both these nations which came to passe by a conquest Yet God would not performe this Vnion of these two kingdomes by conquest which is a kind of violent Vnion but in the time appointed by his incomprehensible wisdome hath vnited vs not by a violent but a free and voluntary Vnion So that long after the Vnion of the language of the South and the North he did vnite vs in the couenant of God which is signified by our generall name Brit-an-iah and afterward vnited vs vnder one soueraigne head and King The which Vnion of one language one Religion and one King maketh the Vnion of the two countries ipso iure naturali For as we haue prooued that the first diuision of lands did come from the diuersitie of languages as also the diuersitie of chusing Kings to gouerne sundry people according to the diuersitie of their languages Euen so by the generall rule deficiente causa deficit effectus the cause of the diuision of kingdomes being taken away the effect and diuision of them should be taken away ipso iure ipso facto For so they returne to be one nation one people and one land as they were before the diuision By this it is most euidently shewed to vs that our great Britaine being in our daies vnited in one language in one religion and vnder one head one King and supreame gouernour we cannot by any law be any more two nations or two kingdomes but only one The second example of the Vnion of sundry Countries Kingdomes and Lands being before diuided is manifest in the posteritie of Abraham For the Land that was promised by God to the Israelites which since was called Palestina was diuided into diuers Kings and Kingdomes as the historie of the Bible doth teach vs all these diuided Kings and kingdomes were vnited by God in one kingdome of the Israelites in the person of Dauid and Salomon in the time of which Vnion was the most happy estate of any kingdome we read of before that age So that we may gather seeing the cause of this Vnion of many kingdomes was the vnitie and singularitie of the head euen so the like Vnion and singularitie of the head in our great Britaine doth vnite ipso iure ipso facto the kingdomes that were seuerall and separated before Therefore let no man imagine that we are two kingdomes or two nations but vnus grex vnum ouile sub vno pastore ac vno Rege as Homer did call the King 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Pastour and Sheapheard of the people In this blessed Vnion of many kingdomes in the person of Dauid and of his sonne Salomon was established the kingdome of God in earth which was ioyned with the vnited estate of the temporall and worldly kingdome For the temple of Ierusalem was builded for the exercise of the true worship of God But Satan continuing in his accustomed malicious practises did cast in the seede of diuision first by diuision of Religion and of the spirituall kingdome and then by the diuisions of earthly and temporall kingdomes by the which diuisions in the space of 300. yeeres or thereabout the whole kingdome of the Israelites was brought to a lamentable desolation according to the doctrine of Christ Iesus in our Text. Satan to establish his kingdome in the middle of the people of God did deceaue the wise Salomon by the filthie loue and desire of forraine women afterward he seduced him to erect Idols and false Gods in the high places of that holy Land retaining neuerthelesse the temple of Ierusalem the true Sacrifice worship and adoration of God by the which maintenance of true Religion on the one part and false Religion on the other there did proceede a diuision so odious vnto God that for this cause he did poure foorth his curses and maledictions vpon the posteritie of Salomon and rent away the ten Tribes and parts of the kingdome of the holy land from Roboam his sonne which he gaue to Ieroboam his seruant leauing onely to Roboam the two Tribes which did remaine By this we learne how displeasant this diuision of Religion made by Salomon was to God and what a miserable desolation it did bring by succession of time vpon his posteritie Let this punishment which was laid by God on Salomon be an example to all
the Kings and Princes of our daies by whom God hath builded his Temple in the spirituall Ierusalem that is to say the preaching of the true worship and adoration of the increated God that they be not by any meanes seduced by the desire and couetousnesse of the riches of that false God which is made of a wafer cake to be erected set vp and maintained in high places houses and castels which do pertaine to men of high places in the Countreies and kingdomes where they dwell For vndoubtedly as God in euery place and in all ages is like vnto himselfe euen so shall he be to the end of the world to all the Monarches Kings Princes soueraigne gouernours and to all Republicks that doe commit such an offence as Salomon did which came to passe by a diuision of false and true religion that was suffered by Salomon I pray the eternall God to extermine and abolish all the remnants reliques of Idolatrie which as yet are excercised tolerated in the high places of this Iland and let vs all call to God in the contrition humilitie of our harts that that same good God who moued his Maiesties heart to renew all these lawes that serue to extinguish all Idolatrie which his Maiestie doth detest as much as any man liuing would also mooue and touch the hearts of all his subiects who are in the high places of the land that they may follow the godly example of their Soueraigne Prince and King and that they may put in effect the saying of the Poet Regis ad exemplum totus componitur orbis that following the example of their King in louing the true religion and hating false worship and Idolatrie euery one of them according to their place and estate may be carefull to purge and clense this whole Iland from the spirituall plague and pestilence of Idolatrie that doth to much increase in many places of this Kingdome so that if God put not to his helping hand it is to be feared and there is to great appearance that this foule infection of Idolatry shall extend it selfe vniuersally through the whole countrey that it will not be contented with the high and secret places but wil come to the valleies townes cities and Churches which without all doubt if it be suffered will bring that miserable and fearefull desolation whereof Christ doth speake in our text Satan by the diuision of the earthly Kingdome betwixt Roboam and Ieroboam did practise a lamentable diuision in the spirituall Kingdome of God whereby he did establish his kingdome of abhominable Idolatrie Againe we see that the old serpent hath alwaies taken occasion to establish his Kingdome in the which is exercised false religion by the diuision of the earthlie Kingdome as he did in the first world by the diuision of the house and posteritie of Adam and as he did in the age following by the diuision of languages lands Countreies and kingdomes as yee haue heard before And for this effect Satan did seduce Ieroboams heart that he might shew himselfe ingrate to God who had beene so beneficiall vnto him in making him King of the greatest part of his Maisters kingdome and to moue him to such a falling away from God did cast in his heart this worldly consideration to witte that if he should suffer his people to remaine vnited with the two Tribes of Iudah and Beniamin which did appertaine to Roboam and so to continue in the exercise of true religion in the temple of Ierusalem would be the cause to reunite them as they were before in one Kingdome This wicked minde of Ieroboam did distract him from God and tooke away that true confidence which he should haue had in him which was this That as God did foretell by his Prophets that he was to giue him these ten Tribes euen so he was to conserue them to him and his posteritie vpon this condition that he would remaine constant in God his true worship and Religion out of this all Monarches Kings haue their lesson who haue receaued from God this their high preferment that they should take heede least such vngodly cogitations enter into their harts as did into Ieroboams which the diuell infused into his hart by lying and false imaginations The onely true meanes of keeping maintaining and preseruing of a Kings royall estate is to be constant in defending the true worship of God Who as Daniel doth teach vs dat regnum cui voluerit transfert regnum à quo voluerit giueth a kingdome to whom it pleaseth him and doth transferre and take away kingdomes as pleaseth him Satan in drawing men from the true Religion in diuiding and separating them from the kingdome of God vnto the kingdome of darknesse doth proceede and worke by degrees For first he drew away Ieroboam the King from God by his deceitfull counsell next he seduced the people of the ten Tribes by worldly and earthly commodities to ioyne with their King in this apostasie and falling away from God perswading them that it was a great vexation of body and chargeable expences and consumption of their goods to goe so farre as vp to Ierusalem to offer their sacrifices and so to auoide such a tedious trauell to their persons and such a great wast and spending of their goods he perswaded them that it was better to build Temples and Altars and institute sacrifices at home in their owne countries neere their owne Cities and houses In this respect and regard of worldly commodities there came a lamentable diuision in Religion amongst the Elect people of God which made the greatest part of them to be Idolaters by worshipping of two golden calues which were erected by their new King the one being set vp in Bethel the other in Dan in the which places they did build temples as Ioseph doth write frō whence we learne that the diuision of the earthly kingdome was the meane by the which Satan did practise the diuision of the kingdome of God by separating the greatest part of this people from the true Church of God After this diuision of the kingdome in the Elect people of God within the space of 240. yeeres there did fall out a miserable desolation vpon the Israelites according to the doctrine of Christ in our Text. For God raised vp cruell warres against the Israelites and in the end they were all caried away into a miserable captiuitie in the countrey of the Assyrians and another people of the said countrey called Cuthians were planted in their Cities houses and lands That this example may serue for our instruction First let vs be thankful to God who hath vnited the people of this Iland in the true Religion and worship of the onely God Creator of all things excluding the false adoration of things inferiour to God or created by God Secondly let vs be thankfull to God that he hath vnited vs vnder one head and King taking away from
vs the dangers that diuersitie of Kings ordinarily doth bring foorth to wit diuision of Religion and aduancing of Idolatrie All these considerations should instigate vs to put to our helping hands to the performance of the Vnion of the members of this Iland that is the South and the North and for this effect let vs beware that the pretext of worldly commodities doe not make any separation or diuision amongst vs as we see Satan did amongst the people of Israel which only fell out for worldly respects Let not the people of the South challenge to thēselues the great riches fertility of their country to be a colour whereby they should not ioyn in vnion with the people of the North because their riches are not so great or their soile so fertill Let not their riches be a meane whereby they should pretend any preheminence aboue them either in offices or preferments temporall or spirituall or in dignities of honour On the other part let not the subiects of the North desire or hunt after any preheminence in honour dignitie offices or preferments either temporall or Ecclesiasticall because that the King his Maiestie our common head was borne and bred and had his beginning in the North or because the Nobilitie of the North may claime to haue some preheminence by the antiquitie of their houses aboue the South But let vs all thinke with our selues that as our head and Soueraigne Lord is made of a blessed commixtion of the bloud royall of the South and the North Euen so let all the subiects of the South the North thinke themselues mingled together and vnited in their head and King So that all men of worth and merit be equally participant of the honours dignities preferments and offices of great Britannie according to their talents places and merits laying aside the place of their birth whether it be South or North. This equalitie is the only meane to establish this blessed worke of the Vnion in the members as God hath established the same already in the head which will take away from amongst vs all seede of discord The order of this matter which we haue in hand doth lead vs to set before your eyes that the vnited estate of Kingdomes hath beene alwaies the most blessed and happy estate amongst men and that as well in respect of worldly commodities as in regard of the propagation and maintenance of true Religion which we may easily gather by the Vnion of the kingdomes of the world vnder the foure Monarchies as on the other part we may see the miserable and fearefull estate of all men that are subiect to diuision in the diuision of the Monarchies in sundry kingdomes as it did fall out whereby the true worship of God and Religion was troubled and oppressed and the false worship of Idolatrie augmented and maintained by the diuision of kingdomes before vnited After that the kingdome of Iudah was ouerthrowen by Nabuchadnetzar King of the Assyrians the Temple of God destroyed the whole people led into captiuitie to Babylon God did begin to establish his Kingdome in that captiuitie and the calling of the Gentils which was a figure and a type of the eternall kingdome of God that he was to establish by his eternall sonne ouer all the nations and people of the world Of which kingdome Daniel did speake in the interpretation of the Vision of that great Image which did appeare to Nabuchadnetzar which was a representation of the mutation of all Monarchies and Kingdomes to the end of the world of the which kingdomes we shall speake according to the order of their establishment We reade in Daniel how Nabuchadnetzar was called to the true Religion from the Idolatrie of the Gentils by the miracles which were wrought by Daniel but Belthazar his sonne for falling away from the true Religion to the prophanation of the golden and siluer vessels that were dedicated to God his seruice in the first Temple of Ierusalem was depriued of the Monarchie For it was translated from him to the Medes and Persians We reade in Esdras and Nehemias how Darius and Syrus were conuerted to the true Religion and adoration of the only increated God how they did restore the people of God to their owne countrey and how they gaue great wealth and riches to build the second Temple which was a figure of the establishing of Christ his kingdom In like manner when God did translate the Monarchie from the Persians to Alexander and his successors we doe learne by the historie of Flauius Iosephus that Alexander himselfe did maintaine the Priesthoode and Temple of Ierusalem being in his voyage to war against Darius by the way besieging Tyrus he gaue a command to the high Priest Senate of Ierusalem that they should furnish his army with all things necessary for their siege But being refused by them after the winning of Tyrus he went to Ierusalem with an intention to destroy the same but when he did see the high Priest and his brethren clothed with their clothes dedicated to the Sacrifice of the true God who came to receaue him in a peaceable manner he did humble himselfe in all reuerence before the Priest gaue him all the externall adoration which was ordinarie due to Kings Priests Prophets being asked of his chiefe Captaines why he did so he answered that before his expedition in warre there was a God that did appeare to him clothed after the fashion of this high Priest who did call him to the kingdome of all Asia and did promise the same to him This was the cause that mooued Alexander to enter into the Temple of Ierusalem and Sacrifice to the true God of Israel which was a preparatiue of the establishing the Vniuersall kingdome of Christ by calling all nations in the world to the true Religion and worship of the onely true God from gentilisme Idolatry and worship of a multitude of false Gods After his death the Monarchy was diuided into foure parts during the which diuision of kingdomes before vnited the Church of God did suffer great troubles Yet God did maintaine hir for a time by Ptolomaeus one of Alexanders successors who did much good to the Israelites and was the Author of translating the Bible into the Greeke language which was a meane to instruct the Gentiles in the true knowledge of God and of his religion which as I haue said already was a preparatiue to the establishing of Christ his kingdom amongst all the nations of the world The diuision of the Monarchie and kingdome of the Greekes brought by succession of time a miserable desolation according to the doctrine of our Text which was a preparing before hand of the translation of the Grecian Monarchie to the Romanes The Romane Monarchie did grow to her perfection in the person of Augustus Caesar and did indure partly in perfection partly in her decaying age for the space of seauen
hundreth yeeres or there about But in her declining age great diuisions did fall out by ciuill warres which did bring foorth a great desolation and dissolution of the which there did rise a multitude of other Kings and kingdomes according to the prophecie of Daniel during the perfection of this Monarchie Christ did establish his eternall kingdome which was the calling of all the nations of the Gentiles from their Idolatrie foretold by the Prophet Christ amongst all estates of the world did make choise of this vnited estate of all kingdomes vnder one King Monarche to begin his spirituall kingdom here amongst men Whereby we are taught that the onely son of God did loue the condition of the Vnion of many kings in one as being an Image of his heauenly kingdome aboue all other estates For the choise of Christs birth Incarnation vnder the estate of Vnion was a prophesie of the Vnion of Christs vniuersal kingdome which was to be ioyned with the earthly Monarchie The beginning of the foundation of Christs kingdome was in the age of a generall peace established by Augustus who as we learne by the Romane histories Toto arbe pacato Ianum clusit did close the Temple of Ianus the whole world being at peace We will lay before your eyes briefly the estate and progresse of this blessed vnion of the worldly Monarchie with the spirituall kingdome of God and shew you also what a great benefit God hath powred foorth vpon this Iland of great Brittannie in choosing it to be the holy place wherein this admirable vnion of God and man is conioined in the person of a Britaine King vniting the temporall and spirituall Monarchie in one We are taught by Ecclesiasticall histories and others that Christ Iesus the eternall son of his eternall father after his crucifying and ascension by sending of his Apostles through the world did propagate the true religion and adoration of the increated God in the whole Romane Monarchie for the space of fiftie yeares But Satan who was and as yet is a vigilant watchman a carefull searcher and a busie Bishop did not forget his diuellish attempts For knowing that the preaching of the Euangell would destroy his Temple which was full of Gentilique Idolatrie he did raise vp Nero many of his successors to excercise many bloody and cruell persecutions against Christs owne Apostles and Disciples for the space of three hundred yeares or therabout Hoping by such cruell murdering of Gods holy Saints to abolish the true adoration and religion of Christ and to maintaine the temples of his Idols and false Gods But that is true which antiquitie doth say Sanguis Martyrum est semen Euangelij The blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Gospell So that in this case Satan was frustrated of his wicked expectation that he had to destroy the true religion by the shedding of the pretious blood euen as he was deceiued when he seduced the people of the Iewes to crucify the Lord of glory For if Satan had knowen that the crucifying of Christ Iesus and the shedding of the bloud of that immaculat Lambe should tend to the saluation of mankind and of his revnion with God he would not then haue instigated the Iewes to crucifie the Lord of glory and if he had knowen that the bloudshed of so manie holie Martyrs which were killed for the space of three hundred yeeres after Christ by the Romane Emperors and their lieutenants if he had imagined that all these things did more establish and confirme Christs Gospell then they did hinder the passage thereof he would haue left of to haue procured so many persecutions against the Christians All these persecutions being ended God did conciliat a marriage betwixt Constantius Chlorus who had to his part of the Romane Monarchie Germanie France Spaine and great Brittaine and Helena daughter to Coilus or Coelus who was King ouer that part of Brittaine that did resist the Romans by the which mariage Constantinus Magnus their sonne was borne in this Iland who after the death of his father that died at Yorke did enter into the full possession of this Iland of great Brittannie and so it was wholy vnited in his person where he did establish the true Christian religion and the true worship of the onely vncreated God From thence he did take his iourney by Fraunce to Rome where he ouerthrew in battell Maxentius that great persecutor of the Christians And hauing established there and in the whole occident the kingdome of Christ he went to the Orient where he did likewise ouerthrow in battel Licinius the which Licinius after he had been long a Christian did returne to gentilisme and became a persecutor And so by all these victories this Britaine King became Emperour King and Monarche of the whole world who did make Lawes for the abolishing of Gentilisme and establishing of Christian Religion We doe learne by this historie how the propheticall signification of the name Britannia was fulfilled in Constantinus daies in whose person both the temporall kingdome of the whole world and the spirituall kingdome of the true Religion of God was vnited Of this we collect that the restoring of this auncient and glorious name of Great Britannie into one kingdome vnder our newe Constantinus is to be embraced by all men with great congratulation and gladnesse Secondly we doe learne of this historie that as God did first procure the blessed Vnion of this Iland by the mariage of Constantius and Helena Euen so that same good God who is euer like himselfe did bring foorth three most happy Vnions within these hundred yeeres or there about by a mariage betwixt King Henry the seauenth and Queene Elizabeth heire of Yorke The first Vnion was of the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke the second Vnion did consist in the vniting of all the people of this Iland in the true Religion and worship of God and abolishing of Gentilisme which was brought in vnder the pretence of Christian Religion the third vnion was the vniting of England and Scotland together in the person of our gratious Soueraigne who is descended Lineally from King Henry the seauenth For it is notoriously knowen that by that happie mariage of King Henry the seuenth heire of Lancaster and Elizabeth heire of Yorke the cruell wars which were for many yeeres betwixt these two houses were extinguished and the Vnion in their royall progeny established out of which mariage came King Henry the eight who did begin to abolish Idolatrie in this Iland King Edward the sixt who did establish true Religion and Queene Elizabeth of happie memory who did embrace all the daies of her life the true auncient Christian Religion vnto whom lineally our Kings Maiestie succeeded in whose Royall person is made the revnion of this Iland in one kingdome as it was before in Constantinus Magnus daies Let vs all then call to memorie three great blessings
which God hath powred foorth vpon vs. The first is a publike embracing of Christian Religion begun by King Lucius and all his people and abolishing of Gentilisme and Idolatrie wherein God did preferre this Iland before all the nations of the world The second blessing is that God raised vp in this Iland Constantinus Magnus a Britaine Emperour in whose raigne God did vnite the earthly kingdome with the spirituall The third blessing is this last admirable Vnion of the South and the North in one kingdome vnder one King and gouernour in the true Religion and worship of God by the which Vnion this Iland is in the most happy estate of all the kingdomes of the world God giue vs all thankefull harts to acknowledge the same I will entreate all the subiects of Great Britaine to lay before their eyes the blessed estate of the Vnion of this Iland in one language one true Religion and in one temporall kingdome And on the other part looke what was the miserable and lamentable estate of this Iland during the space that it was diuided into many earthly kingdomes and holding vnder the spirituall captiuitie of the Idolatrie of spirituall Babylon And for this cause remember the history of the diuision and ciuill warres of the Romane Monarchie how they did draw their souldiers and warriours out of this Iland and marke at that same time what a desolate and miserable estate both the spirituall and temporall kingdome did fall into For the North Britaines did rise vp in warre against the South Britaines who for their aide and helpe had refuge to the Saxons who did professe Gentilisme and Paganisme But the Saxons hauing deliuered the South Britaines from the oppression of the North did thrust out the Southerne people out of their possessions lands houses and Countrey so that a great number of them did flie into little Britannie in France and the remnant went to the Westerne part called Wales I might shew you also how that the South was deuided into seauen Kingdomes at what time there were most cruell warres exercised amongst themselues how that afterward they were afflicted by the Danes and how during the diuision of kingdomes in all these ages all learning all true Religion and all pietie was banished yea almost extinguished and by the contrary all barbaritie by violence and bloodshed all Gentilisme and Idolatrie did abound I might shew you how all these things did raigne in this Iland during the deuided estate of this kingdome but time will not suffer me Let the consideration of felicitie which doth flow from Vnion on the one side of misery and calamitie which doth come by diuision on the other side worke mightily in the harts of all these whom God and his Lieutenant hath chosen at this time out of the South and North to entreate of this Vnion whereof I haue now spoken And that they may learne what a dangerous thing it is to leaue any little seede of any former diuision we are to take heede of Satans lying deceptions who is a busie watchman seeking by all meanes to throw in some seede of diuision amongst men to hinder stay the good worke of God as mens particular commodities preferments which are not of such waight or importance in respect of this happie Vnion Therefore Tollantur à nobis nomina diuisionis Let all the names of diuision or discord be taken from amongst vs. Let vs also learne by these histories of the Vnion and diuision of kingdomes a very sure rule as I shewed you a little before that the diuision of countries in diuerse kingdomes doth come from the head Gouernours who by deuiding of one kingdome made many kingdomes as we see in the first diuision of the world and specially in the diuision of the kingdome of the Israelites In the third Monarchie of the Greekes amongst the foure successours of Alexander In the dissolution of the Romane Empire into the Orient and the Occident In the subdiuision of the kingdome of Carolus Magnus in the Occident In the subdiuision of Spaine into many kingdomes In the diuision of this Iland into many kingdomes So that the cause of diuision ceasing by the Vnion of kingdomes the people was vnited ipso iure ipso facto as Fraunce was during the first race of Kings called Meroninges deuided amongst foure brethren into foure Kingdomes but so soone as all those foure fell in one Kings hands they were all vnited ipso facto in one ratione capitis by reason of their head Likewise we haue an example in Spaine and in South Britannie when the seauen kingdomes did fall in one Princes gouernment they were all seauen vnited ipso facto ratione capitis by reason of the head Euen so pari iure the South and North being vnited vnder one King it followeth necessarily that the Kingdomes are vnited amongst themselues so that by the Law of God and man our Great Britannie is no more two kingdomes but one onely He that opposeth himselfe against this holy Vnion doth offend his God make little regard of his Prince and King and hurteth the welfare and happy state of this whole Iland Let all men remember by the foresaid examples that the Vnion of kingdomes hath beene alwaies the furtherance and standing of true Religion but diuision of kingdomes hath beene the ouerthrow of true Religion and aduancing of Idolatrie let all those that loue God perseuerance in true Religion prosperitie of their naturall King and standing of the Common-wealth of this Iland which is the common mother of vs all be carefull of the performance of Gods worke and put to their helping hand for the furtherance thereof And let all reasonable and godly men consider how God on his part hath taken away from vs all the causes of diuision as diuersitie of Language Religion Gouernours and Kings and hath vnited vs in one Language in one Religion and vnder one head and King If we then cast in any lets or impediments on our side or if we inuent any new subiect of diuision betwixt the South and the North we shall be like vnto those that doe diuide teare and cut in peeces their owne bowels deuoure their owne children and put fire in their owne houses Let all men therefore examine their owne harts and minds whether they feele any inward motion within them to further and aduance this good woorke If they doe let them beleeue certainly that such a motion doth come from God and by the contrary if any man find any euill motion in his hart that tendeth to the hinderance of this good worke let him beleeue that this motion commeth by the Diuels suggestion Let vs all pray to God as well in our priuate houses as in our publike assemblies that God would performe this his owne worke wherein doth consist the establishing of his true worship and Religion in this Iland and the extinguishing of all false Idolatrie Let vs auoyde all euill motions inuentions of