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A01736 A short treatise against the Donatists of England, whome we call Brownists Wherein, by the answeres vnto certayne writings of theyrs, diuers of their heresies are noted, with sundry fantasticall opinions. By George Giffard, Minister of Gods holy Word in Maldon. Gifford, George, d. 1620. 1590 (1590) STC 11869; ESTC S114289 90,151 124

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wherevpon it followeth that the vniuersall Church cannot rightly cut off and vtterly abandon anye particular assemblies vnlesse it be for errors abuses which ouerthrow the faith destroy true Christianity The precept of S. Paul in that whervnto we are come let vs procéed by one rule to be like minded Phi. 3. is héer to take place I will now procéed more particularly The church of England euen as it generally standeth in the publike assemblies among al godly Churches which know the faith which she dooth openly professe and maintaine hath the place dignity of a sister They all giue vnto her the right hand of fellowship acknowledging her for a mother in Israel in as much as she hath not béene barren but hath brought foorth many deare children to God and not a few of them crowned with martyrdome Behold then the inordinate dealing and arrogant presumption of you Brownists Yea behold euen the top of your pride against God and man which professing to set vp discipline and glorying that you suffer for it do breake and vtterly abolish the rules thereof giuen by Christ by your vtter forsaking and abandoning all the assemblies in England for let it bee confessed that the errors the sinnes the imperfections the spots and deformities of our Church be many so that she is not in her generall estate so faire as the fairest of her sisters yet hath she héeretofore had and now hath many noble children richlye adorned with heauenly iewels and pretious gifts of learning knowledge faith and godlinesse And howsoeuer the Papists one way and the Brownists another way do aggrauate her crimes with pestilent slaunders yet shall they neuer prooue that either in doctrine or manners she is guilty of any fundamentall crime which separateth from Christ and destroyeth the life and being of a true Church yet you Brownists not obseruing the rule giuen by Christ doo vtterly abandon and cast foorth from their dignitie all our assemblies in England For ye haue condemned al of wilful obstinacy euē to particular members who hath giuen you this authoritie to thrust them out of Gods familie which the whole vniuersall Church cannot rightly doo Who could euer imagine that vnder the pretence of setting vp discipline the diuell should breath such pride into rotten flesh as vtterly to ouerthrow the whole substance of it for whereas all the Churches of Christ in these parts of the world doo know the estate of our Church and be able to discerne the gréeuousnesse of our errors yet doo they all acknowledge and reuerence our assemblies as holye sisters And you Brownists men voide of knowledge and discretion without authoritie without any calling or warrant euen vpon a frantike brauerie and without obseruing any rule giuen by Christ Iesus take vpon ye most presumptuously contrary to the iudgement of the Churches to cast foorth and vtterly to abandon the same What Pope hath dealt more proudly in violating the discipline If there were but this one thing against you it were sufficient to declare your cursed dealing but your furies are many first in your slaunderous accusations which now we come vnto The first principall crime obiected by the Brownists Transgres 1 The Brownists THey worship the true God after a false manner their worship being made of the inuention of man euen of the man of sinne erronious imposed vpon them To this I did answer that our worship is the imbracing of the holy Bible by the doctrine thereof we séeke to beléeue in God to call vpon him and to doo all good workes c. The Brow The first transgression we charge your assemblies with is that you worship God after a false manner your worship being made of the inuention of man euen of the man of sinne erronious and imposed vpon you You answer your worship is the imbracing of the holy Bible Thus begging the question you neither prooue your worship by the Bible nor answer one of the foure apparant reasons which we bring in our article where it is false and contrary to the Bible c. G. G. To the intent that mine answer and your accusation may stand the cléerer to be séene into and the better to be iudged of I draw your words into a syllogisme thus Whatsoeuer assemblies worship the true God after a false manner their worship being made of the inuention of man euen of the man of sinne c. the same are not the true Churches of God But the assemblies as they generally stand in England doo worship the true God after a false manner their worship being made of the inuention of man c. Therefore the assemblies in England be not the true churches of God I did not nor doo not deny the first part of this argument the proposition so that we vnderstand by false maner of worship and the same made of the inuention of man such a false manner as dooth ouerthrow the very ground and foundation of faith and make an vtter seperation from the Lord Iesus Christ Such as the worship is in popery where they teach and doo many things contrary to the principles of faith placing holinesse and the worship of God in their owne inuentions and séeking remission of sinnes and the merite of eternall life in euery beggerly supersticious obseruation and ceremony But if by false manner of worship yée vnderstand euery error fault corruption in matters of religion which though they be euill and to be condemned yet ouerthrow not the faith nor the very essence of Gods true worship but be in circumstances or in parts that may be maimed and yet the life remaine then I deny the proposition as most erronious false and hereticall For king Dauid with the princes the Préests the Leuites and people erred and that grosly contrary to the expresse law of God Numb 7. vers 9. when they carried the Arke vpon a Cart yet were they euen then the true Church of God It was a great offence that in the dayes of some good Kings of Iuda the people sacrificed in the high places but only to the Lord 2. Kings 11. 14. 15. They should by Gods appointment haue doone it at Ierusalem onely yet were they neuerthelesse Gods people The Passouer was a principall part of Gods worship but they kept it not so precisely according to the law of a long time as they did in the 18. yeare of Iosias 2. King 23. 2. Chron. 35. The Preachers at Corinth did very euill in building Timber Straw and Hay vpon the foundation and so did the people which sorted themselues as it were by seuerall companies to follow them But yet because they held Christ the foundation in the true doctrine S. Paul saith their workes should burne they should suffer losse neuerthelesse they themselues should be saued as it were by fier 1. Cor. 3. Now to come vnto the second part of your argument the assumption which is that the Church of England dooth worship the true God after a
blasphemous collects which we vse in the Sacrament and all the hereticall collects of the booke doo trouble yée very sore and weary yée to repeat But if it pleased God I would ye were as weary of lying and slaundering as ye should be in séeking in all the collects of the booke if yée were bound to séeke and to finde I will not say some faultes séeing all things framed by the best men may haue imperfections and faults but some blasphemies or heresies If yée haue any regard at all what ye say gather your wits together consider what is blasphemie and what is heresie and then note the collect where it is and what it is There shall neuer any man be able to prooue that the Church of England dooth tollerate much lesse defend either blasphemie or heresie Yet you as if your words were true as the Gospell clap your wings and crowe saying but this candle may not be lighted least the people should sée into the abhominabl● ingredients which you their Antichristian ministers doo giue them or rather sell them in the whore of Babilons cuppe All this is but your foule toong which is no way so eloquent as in rowling out slaunderous accusation of blasphemies heresies and abhominations with such like Moreouer whereas the case standeth thus in the church of England that there is controuersie about the Booke and that one part dooth approoue all things in the same as good and alowable or at least as tollerable the other condemne certaine things as corruptions and such as néede reformation I would know how ye could abandon all the assemblyes to this ye make a double answer first that vsing a part they do homage to the whole This is a foolish answer void of all reason for can we not praise the good things in a man but we shall allowe his faultes and imperfections Your second answer is this Neither can the cunningest of ye all make the best part of it other then a péece of Swines flesh an abhomination to the Lord. Who could imagin that such a frensie might take hold of any that in mad furie they should not spare after a sort to strike at God and to blaspheme that which is most holy for ye knowe right well that there is in the booke of Common Prayer much of the sacred Canonicall Scripture there is the Lords prayer the tenne Commaundements with many other partes and sentences there be the articles of the Christian faith are all these become Swines flesh an abhomination to the Lorde Let not simple men wonder that ye are bold to proclaime all the Ministers of the Gospell within this land to be the marked seruants of Antichrist when ye dare presume to set your stincking brand of pitch vpon the most holy things of God Ye will héere cry out of iniurie and say that ye estéeme all those parcels of the sacred Canonicall Scriptures in thēselues to be holy and pure What is it then which turneth them into Swines flesh and maketh them an abhomination to the Lord is it because they be bound together and make one booke with the hereticall Collects then take you héede least being in prison and fettred with heretikes ye be turned also into Heretikes If ye say it is our abuse which turneth so holy things into Swines flesh I aunswere that the abuse of holy things is abhominable but the things themselues remaine vndefiled and ye must remember that we deale touching the partes of the booke but abuse is no part thereof When ye say the best part thereof is no other then a péece of Swines flesh it can not be transferred from the partes vnto the abuses If it were graunted vnto ye which yet is to be denied as most fantasticall that all read prayer offred vp vnto God as a sacrifice is Idolatrie neuerthelesse your saying is wicked and blasphemous seeing that the reading is not any part of the booke neither doth it peruert or defile the things themselues which are read Thus your first accusation that we worship the true God after a false manner is with false sclaunder and furious outrage of spéech crying out of Idolatrie blasphemies and abhominations when as ye can shewe no one ground of the holy Religion and worship of God which is not holden sound and entire among vs only ye rippe vp corruptions and spots in Ceremonies orders and circumstances which touch not the foundation but are such as men may erre in and yet be Gods déere children and true woorshippers The Brow Iohn 4. 23. 24. God is a Spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and truth The reasons why wee disalow of read prayer in stead of spirituall prayers that though they may be read for meditation as any other mens writs yet is it Idolatry to offer vp to God such manner of sacrifices eyther priuately or in publique assemblyes 1 No apocripha must be brought into the publique assemblyes for there only the liuely voyce of Gods owne graces of the word and the spirit must be heard in the publique assemblyes And more lawfull is it to vse Homelyes then reade prayers vnto God 2 To do any thing in the worship of God without the testimonie of his word is sinne but there is no ground in the Scripture for such manner of praying as hauing no witnesse of the word whether God be pleased with them or no. 3 Admitte that it were a thing indifferent as we call it for the forme of prayer which is but a mockery to call reading in stead of spirituall calling on God to be but altering the forme or chaunging the manner whereas in deede it is changing the worke of the Spirit into an Image or Idoll Yet is it a bondage and breaking of that libertie which Christ hath purchased for vs and therefore most detestable 4 Because true prayer must be of faith and knowledge vttered with the hart and liuely voyce vnto God I am perswaded it is presumptuous ignorance to bring a booke to speake for vs such things as we could not otherwise vtter in Gods sight 5 To worship the true God after another manner then he hath taught is Idolatry but he hath commaunded vs to come vnto him being heauy loden with contrite hearts yea to cry out vnto him in the griefe of our soule yea and as S. Paule sayth The Spirit helpeth our infirmities with groning and sighing that can not be expressed and how dare we then being a dead tree vnto God to stand reading of the same in stead of faithfull petitions quenching the Spirit 6 We must striue in prayer with continuing with feruency without wauering which we can not doo vppon a booke 7 We must call vppon God in prayer at all times as the necessities of the time requireth not making a babling of many things whereof we haue not any present necessitie but stinted seruice cannot be so applyed so it is but a babling of vaine repetitions 8 All the deuises of Antichrist though it were otherwise lawfull not
vnto others What maketh this for priuate men Doubtlesse ye haue no patterne in the Scriptures which you follow but of Corah Dathan and Abyram with their company who cried Are not all the Lordes people holye euen as you Brownists with the Anabaptists crye out Are not all the Lordes people frée Yee hane no commission from GOD it is the Deuill that hath thrust yee forwarde and will yée in such vile and wretched manner pretend the examples of the Primitiue Churches But your reason dependeth much vpon this that the Primitiue Churches stayed not the pleasures of Princes If this were granted that princes are not to be stayed for yet dooth it not follow there vpon that priuate men are to establish Church gouernement but there must bee some to doo it which are called and furnished with authority from God Yet the question dooth remaine touching Princes whether they be to be stayed for Browne maketh many arguments to prooue that they are not to be stayed for nor yet haue to do by publike power to establish religion which opinion of his is with such abridging the sacred power of Princes and with such horrible iniurie to the Church contrarye to the manifest worde of God that if there were nothing else it is enough to make him an odious and detestable heretike vntill he shew repentance You follow him héere and alledge some reasons which are to be considered But first the question which is generall must be restrained vnto the speciall We must distinguish for there be Heathen and Idolatrous Kings and there be Christian Princes Those are against Christ and these are for Christ When the holye Apostles were sent foorth to Preach the Gospell in the whole world the Kings were all Heathen and bent their power against them To what end should they hauing commission from Christ to establish discipline sue vnto the Courts and Parliaments of such Princes or attend their pleasure The case is all one where the kings professe Christ in name and be idolaters As in France the Ministers whom God hath raised vp and sent to publish the Gospell in former yeares attended not the pleasure of those their idolatrous Kings for the setting vp of discipline for they might aswell at their inhibition haue ceased from preaching But where there is a Christian Prince the sacred power of the sword is with Christ and for his Church and héere the case is cleane changed For this Magistrate King or Quéene sitting vpon the royall Throne and holding the Scepter is the chiefs and principall member of the Church This Magistrate béeing Gods minister and bearing the Sword to take vengeance vppon all euill dooers Rom. 13. and to mayntayne peace with all godlinesse and honestie Timoth. 2. hath the charge and burthen not only to prouide for the bodyes of the Subiects and theyr outward ciuill estate but also by good ciuill Lawes to procure the establishing of Gods true Religion and worship among them for the comfort of theyr Soules for how shall he punish all euill and mayntayne all Godlynesse by the Sword but by establishing Christes holie Religion Therefore this Magistrate is to assemble all the learned the wise the graue and experienced that he may conueniently and to haue it discussed by the Word of God which is the true and pure Doctrine and which be the rules and orders that Christ hath giuen for the gouernment preseruation of his Church Then are Lawes to bée made for Kings can not rule but by Lawes to destroy and abolish all false Religion Superstition Idolatrie and Heresies and to compell all states and degrées of persons within the Kingdome to receyue the holie doctrine and rules of Christ and to walke in the same This dyd the Kings of Iuda as the holie Scriptures doo playnely declare Nowe if this Christian Prince doo erre in some matters of Doctrine or touching the rules of discipline yet holding and mayntayning all the fundamentall poynts of the Christian faith so that there be abuses and corruptions in the Churche euerie priuate godlie man is to kéepe a good conscience not breaking the vnitie and peace of the faithfull but not to take publike authoritie to reforme Then yée demaund If they should tarrie Princes leysures where were the persecution wee speake of Héere ye vtter a most beastlie spéeche Saint Paule willeth to make earnest prayers and supplications for Princes that wee may liue in peace with all godlinesse 1. Timoth. 2. Whereby it appeareth that the defence of the Christian Magistrate is a singular blessing vnto the Church And you take it the Crosse of Christ is abolished vnlesse the Magistrate be prouoked and doo persecute The faithfull doo beare the Crosse of reproches and afflictions vnder the most Godly Kings who yet in dutie are vppon knowledge to redresse it Do yée thincke the Godly did not beare the Crosse vnder King Dauid who was not frée himselfe Or would yée haue no peace by Christian Kings If your meaning be not such why doo yée vtter so wicked spéech Then yée say we make Christ attend vpon Princes I answere that Christ hath ordinarie Ministers if these be slacke when he will haue hys woorke doone he can and hath raysed vp extraordinarie workemen If his Kingdome lye waite doth that warrant priuate men to steppe foorth and to reforme or establishe Or shall Christ bée brought to stoupe vnto Princes if euerie Schismatike intrude not himselfe to runne when GOD hath not sente him There be certayne Answers which go vnder the name of Henry Barowe where béeing demaunded whether the Quéene may make Lawes for the Church which are not contrarie to the Word of God The Answere is this I thincke no Prince neyther the whole world nor the Church it selfe can make any Lawes for the Church other then Christ hath left in his Word This séemeth vnto simple men a verie sound Answere drawne from two firme principles the one that there is but one Law-giuer which is God the other that he hath by Iesus Christ giuen full and perfect Lawes for hys Church The deceypt lyeth hid in this that men doo not consider there be generall lawes or rules giuen by Christ for matters of circumstance that bée indifferent and variable in the particulars and so to be altered and abolished as the peace and edification of the Churche shall requyre And therefore that Princes with the Church are to ordeine and to establish such orders by those generall rules as may afterward for iust cause be altered Wherefore it is manifest that the answer of Barow dooth cut off a great part of the Discipline and shorten the power of the Prince And moreouer it is not considered that the Prince being to punishe all euill by the doctrine of Sainte Paul and to maintaine all godlinesse cannot doo it but by lawes and so is to establishe by lawes the whole Christian religion Where vpon this Anabaptisticall answere of Barow I thinke it the dutie of euerye Christian and principally of the Prince
to enquire out and to reuew the lawes of GOD and stirre vppe all the Subiects vnto more diligent and carefull kéeping of the same goeth also verye currant among manye Whereas indéede it denieth a great parte of that power which GOD hath giuen to Princes For shall not the Christian Magistrate driue the negligent to heare the worde Preached shall hee not punish the wicked despisers blasphemers Heretikes Schismatikes Idolators and such like And howe can this bee doone but by lawes made and established Yet Browne the roote of this heresie who hath by his writings seduced the rest dooth make verye great shewe in this matter The kingdome of Christe is spirituall and not set vp by the arme of flesh and blood but by the Holy-ghost The Subiects of Christe come willinglye of theyr owne accorde and not by compulsion None of all the godlye Kinges durst compell any to the worship of God And that all the Kings of Iuda which did reforme religion did it by a spirituall power as being figures of Christ Indéed the kingdome of God is spirituall all the power of Kings in the world cannot conuert one soule vnto Christe that is doone by the Holy-ghoste through the liuelye worde of faithe Neuerthelesse the ciuill power is an outwarde meane to driue men to heare the Gospell preached and to obey the discipline Christes subiects are franke and willing so farre as his holye spirite and word haue wrought and haue power in them to subdue and bring vnder euery high thing which exalteth it selfe against God but before men bee conuerted compulsion euen with penalties is a meane to bring them to that whereby this regeneration is wrought after conuersion to God there remaineth still a great lumpe of corruption which is to be kept in and bridled with some force I will make the matter cléere by the chastisment which the Scripture willeth Parents to vse to their children A father hath a sonne which is dissolute and proud whom he cannot reclaime by anye instruction or exhortation He correcteth him with stripes and forceth him to heare the word of God diligentlye being preached It pleaseth God so to blesse this indeuour of the Father that his Sonne is conuerted and dooth become a right godlye man Shall we saye he is none of Christes subiects because at the first he came not willingly The King is the Father of all his Subiects and by fatherly correction laboureth to bring them to goodnesse And where Browne saith that none of the Kings of Iuda durst compell their Subiects to the worship of God it is most false For beside the punishment of death mentioned in the dayes of Asa It is said statlye that Iosias compelled them to worship the Lorde God of their Fathers 2. Chron. 34. The Hebrew worde is Iagnabed which is he bound them or made them serue And finallye where Browne faith the Kings of Iuda did reforme religion by a spirituall power as figures of Christ it is absurd and false First séeing they did that which Christ himselfe did not for hee neuer reformed the state of religion Had they a spirituall power to reforme and to establish religion because they were figures and so did breake downe and roote out false worship and Christ himselfe who then should haue had all the power did not meddle that way Was not the high Préest as worthy to bee deposed as he whome Solomon did depose Were there not horrible abuses among the Préestes the Scribes and Pharisies which hee did but Preach against Againe will Browne be so foolish as to imagine that the kings of Iuda set bodily penalties by a spirituall power It is as cléere as may bee that they reformed by that ciuill Kinglye power which God gaue them Cyrus the King of Persia who made the Decrée for the building of the Temple in Ierusalem Ezra 1. was no figure of Christ Iehu King of Israel who destroyed the Temple the Idols and the Priestes of Baal 2. Kings 10. was no figure of Christ I conclude therefore that the wickednesse of Browne and of Brownists is great in thys poynt when they in thys manner abridge the power of Princes spoyle the Churche of her comfortable ayde and protection and thrust forward priuate men to take vppon them that which God hath not called them vnto And I doo intreate all Godly Christians and warne them in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ that they looke to these holie rules of Gods Word First with all humilitie modestie subiection and lowlinesse of mynde to kéepe themselues within the boundes and limits of theyr calling studying to be quiet and to doo theyr owne businesse 1. Thess 4. vers 11. Then that they turne not the holie Religion of GOD or the profession thereof into questions bitter disputations wrath contentions and vayne-glorious boasting but that in practise they followe after Righteousnesse Faith Loue and Peace with those that call vppon the Lord out of a pure heart 2. Timoth. 2. vers 22. Finally not in rigour and presumption to iudge to condemne and to treaddowne But with mercie with pittye and compassion to supporte the weake Gal. 6. This is the plaine straight paued and holye waye of GOD and whosoeuer maketh account of saluation let them take héede they bee not drawne out of it into crooked by wayes and into myrie flowes by presumptuous Heretikes and Schismatikes FINIS Faultes escaped Page 18. line 16. for being a dead trée reade bring a dead letter Page 25. line 13. for Béez reade Bréez Page 72. line 35. for prebyterie reade presbyterie Page 75. line 5. for man reade men Page 86. line 11. for bend reade bond AT LONDON Printed by Iohn VVindet for Toby Cooke and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Tygers head 1590. 1. Timoth. 〈…〉 ath 4. 〈…〉 al. 51. 〈…〉 ath 3. 〈…〉 s. 17. ●●gum 1. G. G. G. G. G. G. G. G. G. G.
being necessary ought to be abhorred of true Christians especially such reliques as maintaine superstition but to reade other mens bookes to God in stead of true prayers and stinted seruice were deuised by Antichrist and maintaine superstition and an Idoll Ministerie therefore ought to be disallowed The prayers and worship of such Ministers and people as stand vnder a false gouerment are not acceptable nor haue any promise in Gods sight not only because they aske amisse but because they keepe not his commaundements G. G. Read prayer is one chiefe thing for which yee condemne our worship as Idolatrous and most detestable and for that cause to be annexed vnto this first accusation God is a Spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth The Brow THE Scripture doth most briefely and pithily seuer all fantasticall deuises of man from the pure and sincere worship of God prescribed in his Word For seeing all flesh is grasse and the wisedome thereof foolishnes with God it must needes follow that mē earthly minded should please themselues in such pretended religion as agreeth nothing with the diuine nature of God It is needfull then in the worship of God that we thus alwayes consider with our selues we haue to do with God himselfe and not with men who is so farre differing from vs that those things which are most easy and pleasing vnto vs is a wearisomnes and abhominable sacrifice in his sight and although God dwelleth in the heauens in his diuinitie incomprehensible yet haue we a perfect rule whereby we know what is agreeing to his will namely his written word for that we may be heere taught 1. That all hipocrisy in such things as hee hath commaunded be carefully auoyded 2. That wee attempt not to do any thing in his worship whereof we haue not speciall warrant from his word of which sort we take all manner of stinted prayers offered vp as a worshipping of God disagreeing from the nature of God which seeth in secret and so agreeth with our fleshly nature that we can not pray as we ought so we seeke to help our selues with such a broken staffe wearying our selues with our owne deuises without any promise to receyue blessing thereby And therefore where you affirme that a man may pray in spirit and truth with sighes and grones proceeding from faith when prayer is read that is not true for if their sighes came from faith it would minister matter and prayer without a booke yea no doubt a troubled mind is the penne of a readie writer and to worship God in spirit is when the inward faith of the heart bringeth forth true inuocation and it is then in truth when simply it agreeth with Gods word But you would teach men in stead of powring forth their harts to help themselues vpon a booke yea to fetch their cause of sorrowing sighing from an other mans writing euen in the time of their begging at Gods hand We graunt that prayers conceaued without faith ar not acceptable yet may the same be called spirituall because it is the gift of the Spirit though not sanctified in him that so hipocritically mocketh with God But what maketh this to our question of stinted read prayers in Gods worship But say you to make read prayers only to serue for meditation is false doctrine wherein me thinke you offer great iniurie for we affyrmed that it had such vse as other of mēs writings haue But it seemeth you make little cōscience to slander vs and heere you fall into an error your selfe affirming and going about to proue that reading of prayers is not for meditation at all the proofe you bring is that Christ said not to his disciples whē ye meditate say thus Our Father but when you pray say thus c. Where beside that you make no difference between your owne Liturgies the holy word of God which is not of any priuate interpretation Besides this I say you seeme to proue that the Lords prayer all other prayers in the Canonicall Scripture serue not at all for meditation Well you haue hereby made the matter apparant that read prayers vpon a booke are as acceptable as faithfull prayers conceiued by the spirit vttered with vnderstanding You say that prayers read or conceiued being void of faith is but vaine babling we say the same but what of this forsooth you cannot see by what censure it can be called Idolatry If false worship cannot be called Idolatry let the first and second Commaundements be witnesses so that it is not our pennes but the penne of Gods own finger that hath iudged all deuises of man hipocriticall worship of Idolatry And although all the breaches of the first Table were not Idolatry yet you know that to worship our own deuises is Idolatry Is not prayer a speciall part of the first Commaundement and our Sauiour Christ comprehendeth all the foure first Commandements in this that we loue God aboue all the transferring of any part whereof from God must needs be idolatry But say you if we do thus hold withall that no idolator can be saued thē surely are all lost c. This is countrey diuinity if the Salt haue lost his sauour what should be sesoned therwith we hold that no idolator cā be saued without true repentance renouncing their sinne so far as God shall shew it thē yea craue with Dauid for pardon for their hidden secret sins And doo you thinke any man liuing is void of idolatry either inwardly or outwardly so long as we liue or that we can keep any one cōmandement in perfection The Lord therfore giue vs repentance for in some things we sin all Methinks this should not be M. Giffords language to be so ignorant in the principles of religion if you haue waighed our arguments no better then your preface it shall be greeuous to me to make any aunswer To condemne and ouerthrow read prayer yée bring as the ground or foundation of all your matter this sentence God is a spirit and to be worshipped in spirit Iohn 5. This scripture indéed is cléere and strong to cut downe all carnall worship as disagréeing from the nature of God And if any doo maintaine that the very bodily action of reading prayer is the worship of God it may fitly be alledged against them But to apply it in that manner which you doo against red praier is friuolous vnlesse as I say yée could prooue that a man cannot pray by the spirit of God with sighes and grones procéeding from faith when the praier is read vpō the booke or vttered after a prescript forme To this you reply with diuers arguments The first is that if the sighes and grones were of faith it would minister matter of praier without a booke This reason by a connection is drawne from and dependeth wholy vpon the force and effect of faith to minister matter of prayer It is to be framed thus If the prayer with sighes