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A00428 The conuiction of noueltie, and defense of antiquitie. Or demonstratiue arguments of the falsitie of the newe religion of England: and trueth of the Catholike Roman faith Deliuered in twelve principal sylogismes, and directed to the more scholasticall wits of the realme of great Britanie, especially to the ingenious students of the two most renowned vniuersities of Oxford & Cambrige [sic]. Author R.B. Roman Catholike, and one of the English clergie and mission. Broughton, Richard.; Broughton, Richard, attributed name.; Lascelles, Richard, attributed name. 1632 (1632) STC 1056; ESTC S116769 74,624 170

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greater force for iustification of the ordination of our English pretensiue reformed clergie then the writings of an vsurarie contract iustifie an vsurer in his recept of money in that vnlawfull manner which they declare And so I conclude both for this the reasons aboue alledged particularly for their most apparent defect of vocation mission that their case is verie considerable yea lamentable both in respect of themselues in regarde of those whose soules are by their owne misfortune cōmitted to their charge gouernement And this may now suffice for the declaration confirmation of this my fift cheefe generall argument which concludeth the faith of England to be an erroneous false Religion THE SIXT PRINCIPAL ARGVMENT MY sixt principall argument is this That Religion is false which hath no true adoration or worship of God proper to him onely But the English Religion hath no adoratiō nor worship of God proper to him onely Ergo the Religiō of Englād is a false religiō The Maior must of necessitie be graunted by the professors of the English Reignō least otherwise they destroye amhilate the verie life of all Religion which is the worship or adoration of one onely God with such honor as is proper due vnto him as both diuine faith leight of nature doe teach yea doutlesse the trueth of this proposition is contained in the first commaundement which doth not onely exclude the pluralitie of Gods their adoration but also includeth that worship which is due proper to one onely God not to anie creature or oother entitie whatsoeuer And for this cause God himself in other places cōmaundes Dominum Deum tuum adorabis illi soli seruies Thou shalt adore thy Lord thy God serue him onely And honorē meū alteri non dabo I will not giue my honor to another wher God calles it his owne honor because ther is a kinde of honor due proper vnto him onely not common to others And now this precept being grounded in the lawe of nature the naturall instinct of reason doth likewise suggest the same so that no rationall creature can denie it Nowe the Minor of my silogisme in which all or the greatest parte of the difficultie consists I proue it by an other silogisme in this manner That Religion hath no true adoration or worship of God which hath no exercise of a true proper sacrifice or oblation But the Religion of England hath no exercise of a true proper sacrifice or oblation Ergo the Religion of England hath no true adoration or worship of God The Maior of the latter silogisme in case it should be denied by our aduersaries proue first by scripture then by testimonies of ancient Fathers to wit that true Religion cannot stand without true proper worship of God by frequent vse or exercise of a true proper sacrifice And altho' this might be sufficiently proued by a generall induction drawne not onely from the practice of the vniuersall world in all ages as well in the professors of the true God of which the old Testament giueth euidence as also from the false religion of all sortes of Idolaters Gentils Paganes Yet because I knowe the Nouelists out of their presumption impudencie will not stick to denie the consequence I will omit to persecute this manner of argumēt onely insist in those authorities of Scripture doctors of the Church which immediatly conuince the same to be true also in our Christian Religion of the new Testament My first proofe of scripture I take out of some certaine places of the Prophets which notobstanding they seeme to belong to the old testament yet in realitie they appertaine to the newe as being predictions of the state of Religion in the same To which purpose the Prophesie of Malachie is most plaine for the future practice of a proper generall sacrifice in the new Testament affirming That the Lord of Hostes saith this I haue no will in you meaning the Preists of the old Testament nor will I receiue an offering at your handes for from therising of the sunne to the setting my name is great among the Gentils in euerieplace is ther Sacrificed offered vnto my name a cleane oblation because my name is great among nations Thus farre the Prophet Now the wordes circumstāces of this place so plainely demonstrate that the Prophet Malachie speakes of some kinde of sacrifice which was not thē or euer before vsed in anie time or place but was to be vsed in the new testament that our aduersaries least they should be conuinced of error in their Religion for that it hath no externall oblation to God at all they finde no other refuge then to feigne that the Prophet speaketh onely of the metaphoricall sacrifice of prayer good workes Which interpretation of theirs altho' it were neuer so true as it is most clearely false yet is it little sutable to other positions practice at least of Caluinists Vid. Dan. Cham. as that good works are sinnes in themselues yea damnable if God did not mercifully perdon them that they are not pleasing to God Nay prayer good workes are so litle couldly practiced among them all that if ther were no other sacrifice in the world doubtlesse God almightie should by them especially be verie couldly serued How be it that cleare it is out of the related text that Malachie treates not of anie vnpropersacrifice First because it is euident that he prophesied of such a future sacrifice as should be more proper pleasing to God then thesacrifices offered in the time of the old lawe which neuerthelesse being properly and truely sacrifices altho' in other respects defectiue that which should succeed vnto them could not in comparison of them be esteemed more proper pleasing sacrifice to God then they were if truely and properly it had not ben a sacrifice Secondly The Hebrewe text with the cleane oblation ioyneth incense which coniunction of both those rites togither doth manifestly shewe the Prophesie to be of an externall rite oblation to God consequently a proper sacrifice Thirdly It is plaine by the wordes of the text that the Prophet speaketh of such an externall ritie as mayntaines the greatnes of Gods name euen among Gentiles infidels which prayer good workes onely cannot effecte by reason they ar neither so apparent knowne among thē nor so publike a testimonie of the maiestie of God as sacrifice is without which his diuine renowne magnificence soueraintie would be extinguished in people in processe of time Fourthly true proper sacrifice is an essentiall parte of a true proper Religion a maine distinctiue signe from vn proper false Religions of such a one the Prophet treates as is both different from the sacrifice of the Gentiles yea of the Iewes them selues now prayer workes ar common to euerie
THE CONVICTION OF NOVELTIE AND DEfense of antiquitie OR DEMONSTRATIVE ARGVMENTS of the falsitie of the newe Religion of England And trueth of the Catholike Roman faith DELIVERED IN TWELVE PRINCIPAL Sylogismes and directed to the more scholasticall wits of the Realme of great Britanie especially to the ingenious students of the two most renowned vniuersities of Oxford Cambrige AVTHOR R. B. Roman Catholike and one of the English Clergie and Mission GRATIAS AGO 〈◊〉 MEO PERIESVM CHRIstum pro omnibus 〈…〉 vestra annuntiatur in vniuersa 〈◊〉 Rom. 1.6 QVISQVIS ES ASSERTOR NOVORVM Dogmatum quaeso te vt parcas Romanis auribus parcas fidei quae ab Apostolico ore laudata est S. Hier. op ad ●amachium Oceanum CATVAPOLI Apud viduam MARCI WYONIS Anno M.DC.XXXII THE PREFACE AND DEDICATION of the worke ONe none of the smalest differences betwixt trueth falsitie is that trueth is able to defend it selfe onely by trueth neither doth it euer appeare so decent either in publique or priuate as in it owne naturall habit wheras on the contrarie falsitie as being of an imperfect base qualitie can not possible subsiste maintaine it selfe except it be apparelled with the furtiue robes of trueth And therfore our diuine Sauiour knowing preuiding how easilie his seruants might be deceiued by taking the one for the other that is false doctrine for true as a most prudent circumspect louing master he giues vs a speciall warning to beware of those who come vnto vs in the garments of sheepe insinuating herby that it is the common practice of teachers preachers of false doctrine to vse false colors Attendite à falsis Prophetis qui 〈◊〉 ad ●●s in ve s●ementis ●uium intriniecus autem sant lup● rapaces Matth. 7.15 to carie the badge of trueth tho' they haue no trueth in them or at the least none but such as is mingled with much falsitie deceipt for the same cause he addeth of such false Prophets that inwardly they ar rauenous wolues that is what soeuer out warde shew they make how soeuer they colore the matter they are not true Pastors Perdere volebant mactare oc●idere Videamus illos si for●e ipsi intrant per ostium in ouile qui ipsius Christi nomine gloriantur Innumerabiles enim sunt qui se videntes non solum iactant sed à Christo illuminator videri volūt Sunt aute haretici tract 45. in Ioā they come not truely to feed the flock of Christs but as S. Augustin saith of the gentilicall Philosophers heretiks they come to kill destroye Iuste in this manner doth it passe with the teachers establishers of the new Religion in England They veste themselues with sheeps skins in that they make profession of reformers of the Church but vnder the specious pleasant color of reformation they deforme all true Religion faith virtue King Henry the 8. altho' he was not of this Religion which is at this present professed practiced in England yet was hee the first that opened the way vnto it this vnder the color of reformation an yet what monster was euer more deformed then hee he was vniformiter deformiter deformis deformed I meane both with in without both in bodie soule What a rauenous wolfe was hee Howe manie religious conuents monsteries did he deforme deface destroye What a number of religious persons did he turne to the wyde world to lead an irreligious life exposing them to the breach of their solemne vowes to God Finally what a generall libertye did he introduce both in faith manners in all sortes of people he him selfe being the master of misrule ringleader to all licentiousnes And according to this begining his sonne successor did continue who altho' his tender yeares weaknes of bodie did not permit him to imitate the vices of his Father yet had he tutors protectors that were not farre behynde their old master neither in corruption of faith nor manners Whoe seeking for new Euangelists in forraine countries foūde Bucer Martir others whoe 's fingers tickled to be working in the newe haruest who coming in to the countrye finding the people generally inclined to libertie easily made their entrance into change of Religion so in a shorte tyme vnder the plausible title of reforming abuses in the Church they introduced a forme of Religion neuer heard of in England as neither in the rest of the Christian world in all particulars thus promissing Christian libertie they intruded an vnchristian corruption both in doctrine lyfe making by that meanes of an ill begining in the Father a worse continuation in the sonne Which ill begining continuatiō excepting that religious interruption of Queene Maries tyme had a yet more vnchristian progresse in the Reigne of Queene Elisabeth who not content with the proceedings eithers of her Father or brother in that nature but adding euill to euill for politique ends as not houlding her selfe Crowne safe except she did first extinguish the ancient Religion of the Realme by reason of the knowne flawe of her title she inacted those seuere lawes against both Catholike Clergie laytie which haue ben still executed by her successors iltho ' throu ' the naturall clemencie of our present soueraine not in that sanguinarie manner that then they were put in practice execution And thus I haue signified in breefe the origine continuation progresse of the new professed faith in England which notobstanding it carieth with it neuer so glorious a resemblance of reformation yet is it but a new fashion framed mierly for the profit conueniencie of the inuentors to please phantasticall curious itching wits myndes inclined to libertie And so daylie altering as newe fashions in apparell vse to alter by diuine prouidence it will at leingth vanish away turne to the old fashion againe I meane to the ancient Religion most vniuersally euer professed both ther in the rest of the Christian world For the furtherance adnauncement of which that which here I intende to proue is that the Religion whose begining successe I haue nowe compendiously declared as publiquely commonly professed at this day in England is no true Religiō but a false erroneous doctrine practice deceitfully masked disquised with the apparell of trueth on the contrarie that the present Roman faith is the onely true Religion as with Gods assistance by my arguments against the one in fauor of the other it will appeare to the learned louers of trueth to whome cheefely I consecrate these my labors as to the most ingenious ingenuous myndes A breefe prelocution to the readers PEraduenture at the first sight of this treatise you will expect an other Campian coming to chalenge you to disputation It is true I professe I am a Campion in Religion but not a Champion to prouoke
is certaine for that if it were the same it would be founde conformable subordinate to the spirit of the greater parte of the Christian Churches the Religion of England would be agreable to the Religion of the same Churches both in doctrine practice gouernement which neuer thelesse we see to be contrarie repugnant vnto them Thirdly the spirit of the maintainers of the present Religion of England is not conformable to the spirit of their antecessors for aboue nine hūdreth yeares together at the least therfore it is not vniuersall That the spirit of the maintainers of the present Religion of England is not conformable to the spirit of thir ancestors I proue by the authoritie of all historiographers wirters euen the pretended reformers them selues who haue either expressely testified or at the least not denyed but that in all this space of tyme euen vntill the dayes of King Edward the Sixt which is not yet a hundreth yeares the Masse reall presence was generally approued the communion vnder one Kynde practiced Altars pictures vsed in Churches with honor reuerence Purgatorie prayer to saints taught allowed finally all the points of doctrine manners betweene the Romanists Anglicans now controuersed were publikly professed all which neuerthelesse is at this time condemned quite renounced abandoned by the professors of the present English faith Of which both they we are eye witnesses at this day Which two things can not possible be done by one the same spirit of God in regarde they ar quite apposite cōtradictorie in them selues consequently the spirit of those who professe to tepugne to that same doctrine which they know acknowled their predecessors to haue imbraced as sound pious conformable to the worlde of God so manie former ages successiuely cannot be conceiued to be an vniuersall spirit but priuate proper to them selues Fourtly the spirit of the preachers teachers of the English Religion is quite different from the spirit of the doctors writers that haue adhered abeyed the Roman Church in euerie seuerall age as is manifest to those who read them compare their workes with the writings of the pretensiue reforming doctors of our tymes the doctrine of those that haue writ euen from the first Centurie of yeares imediately following the Apostles being sprinckled with pietie deuotion towardes the saints in heauen especially the virgin Marie as their sermons Homilies vpon their feasts other their workes doe testifie of which matter good store is to be founde especially in S. Basil Cyprian Chrysostome Hierome Ambrose Augustin Gregorie Damacene Bernard the rest of the Romā diuines which haue writ euer since euen till this present tyme in whome also ther is frequent mention comendation of miracles operated by the saints their reliques none of which particulars appeare in anie of the Writings of the professors of the English Religion but rather in their bookes ordinarie sermons they indeuore most ernestly to persuade the people that they ought not to hearken after anie such matters but hould them either for false superstitious or at the least for idle superfluous impertinent so we clearely see by this that the spirit of the English professors is contrarie to the spirit of the whole torrent of the most learned renowned men of all ages past euen to this present day consequently it can not be generall common or vniuersall nor a true spirit except the owners of it will condemne the contrarie spirit of the most learned iudicious pious men of all ages since the tyme of Christ his Apostles to haue ben false erroneous theirs onely the reight spirit of God Which is the highest degree of temeritie that can be imagined Lastely In practice of virtue exercise of good life the spirit of the preachers teachers of the English Religion now professed is disagreeable to the practice exercise of virtue of the doctors pastors of the Roman Church in all succeding tymes since the first foundation of the same a great parte of whose writings ar replenished with rules driections for prayer contemplation mortification of the bodie inordinate passions of the soule by fasting vse of hereclothes disciplines prostrations acts of obedience resignation of their willes to the commaunde of superiors vowes of obedience chastitie pouertie monasticall institutions solitarie life of monkes Anachorites Ermites other Religious conuentuall men women finally with all other meames which possible could be imagined as either necessarie or conuenient for the exercise of a religious virtuous course of life None of all which or at the least verie little is to be founde in the bookes of the teachers of the English Religion or heard in their publike sermons or priuate exhortations And altho' it is true that some of them as it seemes moued with emulation of the Romanists who euen in this present age labore much in that kinde as our aduersaries cannot denie haue published some thing in the nature of prayer or deuotion yet is it in such a manner as they reduce the exercise of a Christian life either to the exercise of faith onely or cheefly excluding or at the least not inducing to externall workes of Pennance and mortification of the bodie Or els they proceed in such a newe fashion as being onely sutable to their owne newe Principles of faith manners as neuer was heard in anie age of the world before the dayes of Luther That which doth particularly appeare in a certaine newe worke lately published intitled The handmaid of pietie which neuerthelesse hath not one dramme of true pietie or one sparke of that spirit which hath reigned in the visible Church since the the first plantation of Christian Religion which booke not obstansting it hath the name of a Mannuall yet is it not conforme either to the Mannuall of S. Augustin or anie other euer vsed hitherto among Christian people but forged in the anthors owne proper braine consisting of such froathie spitle as fell beside the pulpit when he made his preach●ngs full of pedantik termes affectation as the worde supparte others as the verie first words of the title plainely testifie which are in Latin to make it more admired dedicated to a falsely supposed Patronesse of his religion whome altho' the world did winne for a smale time yet it neuer peruerted her noble constant iudgement whoe now hath returned to her ancient home with farre greater glorie vnto it then it lost by her absence And that which is more vntolerable the profane minister with his feruor deuotion he now then mingleth a lye or a paradox As page 617. where speaking of the fast of lent he affirmes That those of his profession place not Religion or the substance of Gods worship in fasting or feasting as saith she the Papist doe And
doctrine or saying of the Iewes Now this being so it is plainely certaine that our aduersaries of all the anciēt Fathers haue not as much as one S. Hierome vndoubtedly in fauor of their Canon but onely the authoritie of the Iewes Secōdly our aduersaries cānot haue recourse to the spirit for the approbatiō of the Canō of the old Testament first because if they relie vpon this they ought to proue it before to be the true spirit of God which moueth them to beleeue their Canon to be of infallible authoritie that either by some other Canonicall scripture or by some other conuincent reason or motiue as by miracles sanctitie or by other externall testimonie otherwise they them selues can neither safely relie vpon it nor we can iustely giue credit vnto it for that it is manifestly declared in the authenticall scriptures them selues that ther be euill spirits as well as good by which men ar moued yea that same spirit which seemes good is often tymes discouered knowne to be the spirit of the common animie who the more easily coulerably to deceiue delude doth transforme him selfe in to an Angell of leight notobstanding he is darkenes it selfe Finally that spirit by which the defenders of the Iudaicall canō for so our aduersaries suppose theirs to bee proue the authoritie of it is contrarie as well in other points of faith as in this to the spirit of the most visible florishing Church in all ages neither is it common generall conformable to the greater parte of Christians but extrauagant singular priuate particular to them selues as I haue shewed in my precedent argument consequently it can not be the spirit of God but an ill spirit a familiar a bee in a box to which who soeuer doth obey followe will doubtlesse be led at the length in to a laberinth of errors wher he will perish without redemption More ouer for as much as concerneth the Canon of the new Testament for our aduersaries to say they haue it from vs is a verie pore shift considering the want of authoritie which they hould to be in our Church as being in their opinion of no credit in other matters of faith yea plainely erroneous Antichristian it doth thence manifestly follow vpon their Principles that their Canon can not possible haue infallible certainetie in regarde that the whole grounde on which such certaintie depende this supposed to be the authoritie of our Church which they neuerthesse peremptorily auerre not onely to besubiect to error but also to haue alreadie erred in diuers points of faith Frome whence from the rest which hath ben inculcated in the proofe of the minor of my second silogisme the consequence both of it my first silogisme doth inauoydably followe to wit that the Religion of England is plainely false as not hauing anie certaine infallible rule wherby to know the true Canonicall scriptures of the old new Testament THE THIRD PRINGIPAL ARGVMENT MY third principall argument against the English Religiō I frame in this manner That Religion is false which hath not the true interpretation sense of scriptures But the English Religion hath not the true interpretation fense of scriptures Ergo the English Religion is a false Religion The maior can not be denyed by our aduersaries The minor in which onely the question consisteth I proue first on t of their translations of the Bible in to the English tongue of which that most famous defender of the new English faith King Iames of great Britanie in the publike assembly had by his authoritie as Hampton Courte the yeare 1604. sitting as President Cathedratically pronoūced that he had neuer yet seene anie Bible qnid adhuc egemus testibus reightly translated into the English tongue And altho' the same King Iames for that reasō caused an other newe translation to be made in which some thing which were in the former editions are amended corrected yet I find by one of them which I haue my selfe printed at london the yeare 1608. that it containeth still diuers of the same errors which were in the first trāslations of which the King himself did cōplaine as appeareth by the second chapter of the Acts. Vers 27. Wher for the wordes non relinques animam meam in inferno that is in plaine English thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell the foresaid Bible hath thou will not leaue my soule in graue vsing also the verie same translation vpon the wordes of the 16. psalme out of which they ar cited by the author of the Acts of the Apostles That which is done by the professors of the English Religion for no other end then that those who please may freely defend their negatiue positiō of the reall discent of Christ in to hell as Beza ingenuonsly confesseth in his annotation vpon this place the affirmatiue of which neuerthelesse the Apostolicall Creed doth expressely teach vs. In which passage our aduersaries shewe both extreame great partiallitie great impudencie in regarde that in the Greeke text which they them selues most superstitiously professe to follow hath the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in this place which by the septuagint is put commonly for the worde sheol in Hebrew as it is also by them selues translated in other places of scripture as S. Hierome doth in like manner turne the same worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in to infernus in Latin in English hell throu ' the whole Bible And altho' Daniell Chamier in his booke vpon Christs descent in to hell not daring to deme this manner of translatiō to haue ben made by the septuagint S. Hierome Tom. 2. Pantrat l. 5. cap 5. doth somat● murmure grumble at them for the same as if they did often times detorte the Greeke Latin wordes to the sense of the Hebrew with neglect of the propertie of the language yet this is but one Doctors opinion if he had more to alledge of his owne sect it were no great matter for that by the common iudgement of the whole Christian world those twoe sacred Translaters farre surpasse in knowledge of the scriptures all the Doctors that euer were or will be of his faction tho' they esteeme thēselues neuer so wise learned And suppose the Septuagint S. Hierome doe in deed frequently followe the sense rather then the propertie of the Hebrewe words what offence commit they in that Nay then what commendation doe they not rather deserue in respect it is a generally knowne rule of the best Trāslators not to tye themselues to the wordes but to the sense As on the contrarie what reprehēsion is not due to thē whose cheefe studie is with neglect of that sense which those anciēt expositors who haue gone before them both in time virtue learning to inuent violently drawe newe interpretations of Scripture out of the Etymologies first imposition of wordes according to the verbal sounde
they being so plaine pregnant that a cheefe aduersarie was forced to confesse that ther is frequent mention in the ancient writers treaking of the Eucharist of the wordes sacrifice oblation hoaste victim to which may be added that the same Fathers in like manner vse the wordes altar Preist verie commonly all which ar so fit for the purpose of signifiing a true proper sacrifice that no writer either diuine or profane could euer inuent other more significant apte as it vndoubtedly appeares for that their writings manifest that they neuer vsed anie other wordes or phrases when they treated of the nature vse of a proper sacrifice since this I say is so apparently true I ernestly request of my reader to consider how voyde not onely of reason but also of common sense the sectaries of this our present age may iustely be iudged how shamelesly obstinate they be who denie that to be a true proper sacrifice which is as plainely affirmed to be such both by scripture it selfe the true Interpreters ther of as in wordes phrases they possible could declare to humane sense vnderstanding And with this I conclude the proofe of the maior of my sixt last argument framed directly against the English Relion hence I passe to the second parte of my treatise in which I will positiuely demonstrate by six other affirmatiue arguments the truth of the Roman faith nowe professed in the greater parte of the Christian world framing compounding my silogismes of the contradictorie propositions to those which I haue vsed before for the confutation of the English faith in this insuing manner THE SECOND PARTE OF THE CONVICTION CONtaining the defensiue arguments Adhuc excellentiorem viam vobis demonstro 1. Cor. 12.31 ALTHO ' in realitie rigor of truth especially for the more learned sorte of people ther is no necessitie of other proofe of the truth of the Roman Catholike faith then the disproofe which I haue alreadie made of the English Religion in regarde that ther being onely their Religion ours here in question theirs being false as I haue plainely demonstrated ours must by vnauoy dable consequence be true supposing two contradictories cannot be both true in one and the same matter or subiect neuerthelesse for greater satisfaction of the reader more cleare conuincement of the truth I will breefely proceed by positiue affirmatiue arguments in defence of the Roman faith Religion THE HRST PRINCIPAL ARGVMENT I Propounde my first sylogisme in this forme manner That onely Religion is true which is truely Catholike But the Roman Religion onely is truly Catholike Therefore the Roman Religion is the onely true Religion The Maior needs no proofe as being graunted by our aduersaries being once admitted with the Minor the other doth thence necessarily follow according to the rules of Logike which teaches that the premisses being true truely disposed the consequence cannot faile The Minor which our Antagonists denye I prone because the Roman Religion onely hath all the conditions required to true Catho●●●●●●e that is it hath vniuersalitie of matter or obiect of faith it hath vniuersallitie of time place persons that professe it also it hath vniuersallitie of the rule or reason which directs the professors in the confession exercise of their faith with all it hath vnitie in the same And first that the Roman Religion hath vniuersallitie in matter it is most manifest for that the aduersaries them selues can not denye but that it conprehendeth by faith beleeueth not onely all that is contained in the scriptures but also what soeuer els is proposed by their Church as matter of faith comprehended either in the written worde of God or diuine traditions which are the vnwritten worde of God which is the most large compleit vniuersallitie of faith that can be imagined to the latitude of which the obiect or matter of the English faith comes not neare as being by them limited to the bare scriptures onely As likewise because they denie points which the Roman Church maintaines for matters of faith As ar Purgatorie prayer to saincts c. Secondly That the Roman Religion hath vniuersallitie in the rule or reason which guideth the professors of it in their true beleefe it is also euident in regarde they neither beleeue nor refuse ●o beleeue anie thing as matter of faith for anie other immediate motiue or cause then for that it is proposed vnto them by the infallible authoritie of their Church to be beleeued or not to be beleeued as the worde of God which is the prime formall obiect of their faith which generallitie or vniuersalitie of rule is so great solid that it is inpossible to imagin anie more ample perfect in that nature Thirdly This most constant vnuariable vniuersallitie of the totall rule of faith as it is but one onely in it selfe so doth one onely agreeable vniforme consent of faith necessarily flowe issue out of it as frome a most cleare fountaine which is vnitie in the same faith among all euerie one of the professors of it supposing that according to true Philosophie where the formall obiect is one the actions tho' neuerso manie must of necessitie be of one the same species or nature that which in supernaturall faith is yet more certaine apparent by reason the obiect of it is exceedingly more vniforme vnuariable then anie naturall obiect is Fourthly Vniuersallitie of tyme place persons is so manifestly founde in the Roman Religion that the aduersaries them selues confesse that ther hath ben euer a visible Roman Religion in the world from the tyme of the Apostles euen to this present day which yet if they were so impudent as to denie all histories all writings all acts monuncents euen the verie stones them selues in manie places would quite conuince confounde them Onely one exception or euasion they haue to wit by alledgeing that altho' the Roman Church for the space of the fiue hundreth first yeares was a true Church yea the mother Church of all the rest of the particular Christian Churches Praesatmon as great King Iames doth ingenuously confesse yet say they hath it since fayled in faith of the Church of Christ is turned in to the seat of Antichrist viz when Phocas the Emperour gaue vnto Boniface the third Pope of that name the title of vniuersall Bishop This therefore is our aduersaries common allegation for proofe of the supposed defection of the Roman Church in matters of faith but so feeble friuolous false that both they themselues if they were not verie bleareyed all others might as it were in a miroir or perspectiue glasse clearely discouer this by the viewe of the successe of times to be but false colors painting whereby to limme their owne inexcusable defection from that faith which they founde vniuersallie established in the Christian world when their first
you neither doe I intend to persuade you in a Rhetoricall manner but onely to propose vnto your ingenuous myndes mature iudgements pure trueth pure falsitie in their owne seuerall natiue habits colors as good an euill to the end that by your free election you may stretch your handes to the one leaue the other according as you shall finde your selues moued by diuineinspiration force of reason Yet not so remissely but that if anie one should require further satisfaction let him but obtaine me a safe conduct graunted by competent authoritie I will not refuse to decipher the Gyrogliffe of my name as euer most readie according to Apostolicall aduise to render reason of the faith I professe And althou ' perhaps it will be iudged more sutable to my manner of proceeding deliuerie of my doctrine to haue put it in the latin tongue yet because I cōsidered ther are in our countrye manie pregnant actiue wits which neuerthelesse haue smale knowledge in that language I resolued rather to publish it in the vulgar tongue to the end that all those who ar studious of trueth may be free from impediments in their search of reason Neither is it intended for euerie pedanticall bibleist but for such as in some sorte are instructed in scholastical discipline qui potest caperecapiat And if by the grace assistance of God my arguments shall but make so much impression in the readers as onely to reduce some passionate partiall myndes in matters of Religion to such a point of temper as they shall come to iudge it a thing repugnant to reason conscience that those who haue so much reason so forcible arguments for their cause should be esteemed worthy of contumelie persecution for their profession defence of the same I shall neuer accounte my paines tyme ill employed And thus I comit commende you to the grace protection of Christ our Sauior THE FIRST PARTE OF THE CONVICTION CONTAINING THE IMPVGNATIVE ARGVMENTS THE FIRST PRINCIPAL ARGVMENT AND for confutation of the English Religion which I assume for the firste parte of my disputation beginning with the name Catholike I argue in this manner All Religions which are not Catholike are false Religions But the Religion now publiklie professed in England is not Catholike Ergo the religion nowe publiklie professed in England is a false Religion In the Maior conclusion of this Sylogisme there is no difficultie neither can the aduersa●ies denie them The minor onelie is in controuersie it I proue with another Sylogisme in the manner following All Religions which are not vniuersall ge●erall or common are not Catholike But the Religion now professed in England is not vniuersall generall or common Ergo the Religion now professed in England is not Catholike That the Religion is not Catholike which ●s not vniuersall generall or common is clea●elie demonstrated by the signification of the worde Catholike which importeth vniuersallitie or generallitie according to the vse which euen our aduersaries themselues make of it Who in their Bibles for the Latin wordes ●pistola Catholica translate put in English the generall epistle of Iames Iude c. Not to stand vpon the ancient authoritie of sainct Augustin other Fathers Councels who when they speake of the true Church or faith ●se the name Catholike in that same sēse as after shall appeare And by this the maior propo●ition of the second Sylogisme is sufficientlie ●roued to be true Now touching the minor ●o wit that the Religion publiklie professed in England is not generall vniuersall or common 〈◊〉 likewise proue by distinguishing all the diuers kindes of vniuersallitie which according either to Philosophie or moral doctrine can be imagined by conuincing that none of them agree to the Religion of England which I prosecute in this manner All vniuersallitie in Religion is either in the matter or material obiect of faith or in the time place persons that professe it or els in the rule or reason which directs them in the faith profession of it For proofe declaration of all which particulars that none of them be founde in the Religion of England it is to be supposed as certaine that the worde vniuersall signifieth not onelie generallitie but also vnitie so that the thing which is vniuersall must be one in itselfe as well as common to others that which not onelie the vsuall acception of the worde doth shewe which by Aristotle the rest of the Philosophers both ancient moderne is commonly taken for vnum in multis that is one thing in manie or one common to manie but also the verie etymologie sounde of the same word doth plainely declare Yea the ancient Fathers also affirme the same in those places where speaking of the vniuersallitie of the Church in place they say the Church is one and yet dispersed ouer the whole world Lib. 2. c 2. As doth S● Augustin against the epistle of Gaudentius Where vsing the testimonie of sainct Cyprian among ●other words of his he relates these Vnum ca●ut est origo vna vnamater foecundis successibus copiosa She meaning the Church ●s one head one origen Maieres n●stri Catholicam nominarnus vt ex ipso nomine ●stenderent quia per t●tum est De vnit Eccl. cap. 2. one mother replemished with frutefull successes And in the second chapter of his booke of the vnitie of the Church he saith that our ancetors called the Church Catholike to the end they might shewe by the name it selfe that she is in whole In like manner Vincentius Lyrinensis in the third ch of his booke to the vniuersallity of the Church ioyneth consent or vnion And Venerable Bede vpon the 6. chap. of the Canticles affirmes that the Church is called Catholike quia per omnes mundi partes in vnapace in vno Domini timore aedificatur That is because it is planted or built in all partes of the world in one peace one feare of God And thus it plainely appeares that the worde Catholike or vniuersall whatsoeuer els it includes yet it must of necessitie haue vnitie in that generallitie which it signifies This being supposed as a trueth which euen our aduersaries cannot resist I proue against them first that there is no vniuersallitie in the matter or obiect of their Religion with this argumentation following All religions which are not one the same in matter or obiect which Christ his Apostles preached wāte vniuersallity in obiect or matter But the Religion professed in England at this present is not one the same in obiect or matter which Christ his Apostles preached Ergo the Religion professed in England at this present wantes vniuersalitie in obiect or matter The maior of this Sylogisme is iucluded in the supposition before declared at the least in parte graunted euen by our aduersaries as I suppose it being nothing else in sense but
vniuersalitie of ●atter but also perpetuall continuation of time supposing it was vnnecessarie for Christ to haue promised his contiuual assistance to his Apostles except the Religion which he deliuered vnto them had ben necessarily to be perpetuallie preached in all times without interruption euen till the day of Iudgement in which respect it implyes that relation of vni●ersalitie which my former argument con●udes And to this I ioyne Secondlie that the other ●rte of the maintainers of the English faith ●ho enterprise the defence of the visibilitie of there Religion in all ages are yet farther out ●f square then the other In regarde by this ●●eanes they enter in to a taske which as the ●ustration of their tryall in that particular ●ath alreadie giuen experience they will ne●er be able to performe By all which it is euidentlie appeares that the English Religion hath no such relation or respect vnto all future times intrinsecallie included in it obiect or matter or if anie reference it had it was of such temporarie smale continuance that it quite lost it by the way in all that vaste space of time which passed betweene the Popedome of sainct Gregorie the Apostacie of Martin Luther Thirdly I yet farther adde that the defenders of the English faith assume false abuse their hearers when they so commonly affirme that their Religion is the same which was taught preached by Christ his Apostles which I proue because it doth not indeed agree in all particulars with the obiect matter of the faith doctrine which Christ his Apostles published to the world as manifestly appeares by comparing some seuerall points of them both conferring the one with the other For where can the nouelistis finde either in the scripture Fathers or authenticall historie that Christ his Apostles taught that those onely bookes of scripture ar Canonicall which the Church of England holdes for such or that Christians ar iustified by that faith onely by which they beleeue their sinnes are remitted the iustice of Christ applyed vnto them by the faith same that euerie one in particular is bounde so to beleeue that this faith onely is necessarie sufficient to saluation or wher doe they finde that Christ his Apostles preached that the onely written worde is necessarie sufficient to saluation where doe they reade in scripture or Fathers that the visible Church planted by Christ increased by the preaching of the Apostles continuated by a disinterrupted succession of Pastors can erre in faith that ther is no Purgatorie nor place of satisfaction either in this world or the next for lesser sinnes or the paine due to greater or that in the Sacrament of Eucharist the bodie bloud of Christ at not contained receiued other wise then figuratiuely by faith a lone I knowe they can shewe vs none of these seuerall propositions either in scriptures or doctors of the Church or by anie authenticall historie or relation that the same haue ben taught by Christ or his Apostles I am assured that all they can performe in this case is to produce certaine textes of scripture which to the ignorant sorte of people may seeme to haue resemblance with those their positions but none soe plaine that without detortion of either sense or wordes or both or without their owne fallatious illations consequences can possible containe anie such doctrine For example for their solifidian iustification or their iustification by faith onely they alledge diuers passages out of the epistles of S. Paule as that man is not iustified by the workes of the lawe but by faith that faith is reputed to iustice yet none of those shewe that faith onely iustifies much lesse doe they mention or insinuate that peculiar faith of remission of their sinnes by which the professors of the English Religion beleeue they ar iustified that which is euidently convinced by the tenor of the texts then selues in which neither of the partes of the former position is contained but added by the expesitions glosses of those who violently drawe the scripturs to their peruerse purpose And the like practice of the Nouellists may easily be discouered to be vsed in the rest of the seuerall propositions aboue rehearsed in Bellarmin other Catholike Controuertists who professedly confute the newe doctrine of the sectaries of this present age to whom I remit the reader for more exact discussion of the same supposing this place is vncapable of more large proceeding And hence it appeares that the professors of the English faith must needes confesse that according to the premisses here breefely declared confirmed the matter obiect of their Religion doth not agree with that doctrine which Christ his Apostles planted published which is the Minor proposition of my second silogisme aboue propunded the verie same I here intend to conuince And now to the confirmation of the instance I responde I graunt the multitude of beleeuers doth not cause formally constitute vniuersallitie in theobiect of Religion neuerthelesse if comparing one Religion wit an other it is discouered to be apparently certaine that the one hath euer had a greater multitude of professors in all tymes places since the first fondation of the true faith then the other yea that the one hath had a greater number of faithfull persons for manie ages together when as the one had none at all In this case I say it is manifest that the multitude of beleeuers doth euidently argue the Religion so beleeued professed to be no other but that same Religion which was first founded by Christ our Sauior with his promisse of perpetuall visibilitie cantinuation with multiplicitie of faithfull people consequently that it onely hath vniuersallitie in matter obiect that on the contrarie the other Religion which can shew no such multitude of professors but is notoriously defectiue in this particular hath not anie vniuersallitie at all in the seuerall points of doctrine which it teacheth them to beleeue And now this may suffice to demonstrate that ther is no vniuersallitie to be founde in the obiect or matter of the English Religiō The second kinde of vniuersallitie of Religion is in tyme which I proue not to be had in the English Religion in the forme following That Religion wantes true vniuersallitie of tyme which hath not ben visibly extant in all tymes since the true Religion was first founded But the Religion of England hath not ben visibly extant in all tymes since the first foundation of true Religion Therfore the Religion of England wantes true vniuersallitie of time The maior is most certaine maintained by many of the professors of the English faith if not by all Yet because they are not wholely vnited in this point as farre as I can perceiue by their doctrine because of those whoe maintaine the visibilitie of the Church fewe or none of them graunt that the Church
be so curious exact in this nature that ther was neuer anie conuenticle of sectaries so smale or obscure but it hath ben noted related by some of them much lesse could such a Church as our English Nouellists pretend theirs to be haue lurked so closse as that no mention of it should be founde in histories or recordes of former ages before the daies of Luther It is not absolutely impossible to cōceiue that Christ might haue established an inuisible Church in this world at the least for a tyme but that he should haue ordained his church with pertetuitie of visible pastors yet that neither their names seates parishes or any other monument of them either dead or aliue can be produced to make it visibly appeare that they were professors in all points of the same Religion which now is professed in England this I say is aboue all admiration neither can it possible seeme credible to anie sounde vndestanding on mature iudgment Secondly I proue the same minor for that diuers of our English aluersaries hauing of late vsed the vttermost of their power industrie in this particular yet haue they not come neare the performance of their purposes but in lieu of produceing professors of their Religion in the seuerall ages of the Church they cast in to their Catalogue either such as haue ben flatly against them in diuers points in which they differ from the Roman Church or such as haue ben condemned for heretikes in tymes past that partely euen for doctrine cōtrarie to some of the articles of the English faith as appeares for example in wiclef Hus Maledicta ergo doctrina Wiclef quo considere iubet c. Wald. p 3. c. sep seq of which the first defended that more confidence is to be placed in mans owne proper merites then in humble prayer that a preist in mortall sinne cānot validly baptize that for Ecclesiasticall persons to haue possessiones is contrarie to scripture The second neue●idenyed the reall presence nor merit Or els those whom the defēders of the English faith dusigne for members of the same were such as because they speake some thing doubtfully in onely some one point of the Roman doctrine of which rake is Presbiter Bertrame they puti●hem in their list as if they were wholely intyrely theirs Notobstanding they are knowne to be quite apposite vnto them in all the rest of their faith profession The which how pore inconsiderate a shifte it is the iudicious reader will presently perceiue condeme their weake false proceeding Lastely for confirmation of the impossibi●itie of euer prouing the perpetuall visibilitie of ●he Church of England it may be added that King Iames who was the greatest most ●amous defender of the newe Religion that ●uer writ as it seemes considering better this ●oint then others that follow him was so warie 〈◊〉 circumspect that he would neuer cast him●elfe into this most dangerous gulfe as ap●eares by his Monitorie in which altho' his whole drift was to proue his owne Church to ●e the true Church of Christ yet did he make ●o expresse mentiō of the visible Church more ●hen of the inuisible but onely proceedes 〈◊〉 generall termes without distinction as ●oulding it impossible to maintaine the visibi●●tie of it in all former tymes ages for which ●●ason he prudently declined that contro●ersie And in deed the trueth is that who soeuer he 〈◊〉 that shall vndertake the taske of prouing ●erpetuall visibilitie in anie of the pretensiue ●●formed Churches will be no more able to ●rforme it then an infant were able to rowle ●siphus stone or accomplish the labors of Hercules whence it is consequent that 〈◊〉 aduersaries what soeuer they pretend true● want vniuersalitie of tyme in their Church whether they defend it to be visible or in●●sible which is that same which the maior minor of my second sylogisme aboue proposed doe affirme which may suffice for thi● parte of the discourse I here prosecute Now touching the other twoe Kyndes o● vniuersallitie to wit of place persons they ar so annexed one to the other that they a● morally speaking either all one or at the lease out of the negation of the one is necessarity inferred the nagation of the other For example if it be true that the religion of England neither is nor was in euerie place of the world it thence infallibly falloweth that it neither i● nor was in all persons of the world as in like manner it also followes that if it was not for manie ages together in anie place of the world it is also manifest it was not for the same spac● of tyme in anie person in the world by reason of this connexion betwixt the vniuersallitie of place persons I will treate of the● both vnder the name of place supposing for certaine that whatsoeuer defect of vniuersallitie of place shall be discouered in the English Religion the same defect is found to be i● they muersallitie of persons professors of it And here also I giue the reader notice by th● way that when the Romanists exact of their ●duersaries onely to produce some professors ●f their Religion in euerie seuerall age they ●se no smale fauor towardes them in that man●er of proceeding in regarde that to conuince ●heir Church to haue ben perpetually visible ●roperly speaking they ought not onely to ●nde out some few persons of anie sorte of ●eople what soeuer but they ar obledged in ●eason to shew a perfect order or Ierarchie of ●cclesiasticall persons to haue ben continually 〈◊〉 their Church for that both the visible Church of Christ was so planted in the world ●y him selfe also progated by his Apostles 〈◊〉 more ouer because the Romanists defacto ●an shewe the same to haue ben perpetually in ●●e Church Religion which they professe ●hat is in that Church of which haue euer ben ●eades or Cheefe Pastors the Popes of Rome ●y continuall ininterrupted succession from 〈◊〉 Peter who was the first Bishop Pope of ●hat most famous seat Now this being supposed I proue ther is no ●niuersallitie of place in the Church of En●land by this silogisme following Ther wants vniuersallitie of place in that Religion which in all points of it doctrine nei●her is nor euer hath ben preached or profes●ed in all or most places of the world But the Religion of England in all points of it doctrine neither is nor euer hath be● preached or professed in all or most places 〈◊〉 the world Ergo the Religion of England hath no v●uersallitie of place I proue the Maior first by the etymolog● or prime signification of the word vniuersa● which as I haue alreadie aboue declared importeth one in manie or rather one in all a● appeareth in humane nature abstracted which is not onely one the same in manie b●● also participated in euerie particular or indiuiduall person And altho' it is true that vniuersallitie
in the page following he saith in his owne name in the name of his brother Puritās We hold not fasting to be a worke pleasing to God And yet in his page 609. he grautes that to fast religiously at some time is Gods cōmaundemēt And pag. 611. that lent fast is partely religious ordered by the Church for religious endes bindeth the cōscience mediately which larring positions of this grand Doctor I am not able to recōcile And yet for a parte of twelfe dayes deuotiō he putteth the paymēt of tithes which indeed is a deuotiō far more profitable to himself then pleasing to others All which particulars doe manifestly declare that whatsoeuer apish imitation these fellowes vse in writing some fewe bookes of deuotion prayer yet is their spirit quite contrarie to the common spirit of the vniuersall Church wholely vertigenous extrauagant peculiar to themselues And to this the like may be added of their Church seruice forme of administration of Sacraments as may be seeme in their booke of common prayer which as it manifest to them that read it doth notably differ from all the Lyturgies publike formes of prayers pastorals that euer were vsed in the Church before the preachings of Luther not onely in the manner of administrating the Sacraments and seruice but also in some substantiall points of them both Their being not anie mentiō in the booke of common prayer of either annointing with Chrisme in Baptisme or of extreme vnctiō of the sicke nor of consecrariō of the Eucharist or absolute commaunde to receiue it but onely with condition or rather with expresse order or precept that ther be a whole congregation that is some persons more disposed to communicate with the infirme partie besides himselfe that otherwise he must haue patiēce take his iourney to an other world without his Viaticum Neither is it ther ordained directly that that the Communicants shall vse the homologesis or Sacramēt of Pennance cōsisting of contrition confession satisfaction as a necessarie preparation to the communion except onely in in case they finde their cōsciences troubled with anie weightie matter that when they are at the point of death contenting themselues at all other times of their receiuing the Lords supper with a generall confession onely made either by one of the communicants or by the ministerin the name of the rest The contrarie of all which particulars are neuerthelesse found in all Lythurgies Missals Directories of former times in all places of the Christian world as may be seene in the Ierarchie of Sainct Denis the Roman Order of which euen the newer of the twoe was practiced in the Church at the least 80● yeares agoe But now to conclude hauing passed throu all the seuerall kindes of vniuersalitie that can be imagined with an exact discussion of the nature properties of the same finding none of them in the Religion now publikely professed in England besides this it being certaine both according to the doctrine of the ancient Doctors of the Church moderne diuines that the worde Catholike is the same that vniuersall Lib. 2. c. 38. generall or cōmon as is apparent by S. Augustins responsion to Petilianus wher he saith that the name Caetholicū signifies secundū totum Lib. 2. c. 2. as also against the epistle of Gaudentius Teacing that the Church therfore is called Catholike of the Greeke worde because it is extēded throu ' the whole world This I say being infallibly true it doth by necessarie conclusion follow of the premisses that the English Relilion is not Catholike but a priuate conuenticle or Congregation in which true faith is not founde in which by consequence no saluation can be hoped or expected for such as obstinately seperating themselues from the vnitie and vniuersalitie of the most vniuersally receiued Religion liue and die in it And this may suffice for the declaration confirmation of my first ptincipall argument or demonstration THE SECOND PRINCIPAL ARGVMENT MY second principal argument which proueth the falsitie of the English Religion is this That Religion is false which hath a false or at the least an vncertaine Canon of scripture But the Religion of England hath a false or at the least an vncertaine Canon of scripture Ergo the Religion of England is a false Religion The Maior doubtlesse is graunted by our aduersaries The minor which they denie I proue And for the proofe of it I suppose that the true Canon of scripture can not be knowne but by some externall authoritie or meanes distinct from it selfe whether it be the iudgement of euerie faithfull person assisted by the diuine spirit as manie of our aduersaries affirme or whether it be the declaration of the Church assisted by diuine inspiration of which it shall be disputed in an other place More ouer these meanes or this authoritie must be infallible otherwise it can ingender no such certainetie in the myndes of the beleeuers touching the matter in question but they would remaine still doubtfull of the same And the reasō for which this externall authoritie is thus required to the knowledge of the iuste quantitie of the written worde of God for the distinguishing of the true partes of the same from the Apochrypha doubtfull is because that as the scriptures doe in no places affirme declare them selues either in totallitie 〈◊〉 parte reflectiuely to be the true worde of God deliuered by Christ his Apostles so they much lesse auerre these determinate bookes or partes of the Bible no other to be the onely true authenticall scriptures This being now supposed as certaine on both sides I proue the foresaie minor to wit that the Church of England hath a false or at least an vncertaine Canon of scripture by an other silogisme in this manner That Canon of scripture is false or at the least vncertaine which disagreeth from all other Canons that euer were in anie Christian Church before the dayes of Luther But the Canon of scripture vsed nowe in England is disagreeable to all other Canons that euer were in anie Christian Church before the dayes of Luther Ergo the Canon of scripture vsed nowe in the Church of England is a false or at the least an vncertaine Canon In the Maior of this silogisme ther is no doubt The minor I proue by comparing the Canon of England with those seuerall Canons which according to the diuersitie of opinions in that point among some of the ancient Fathers in former tymes ar founde to be three in number howbeit of those three ther was one which was euer more commonly receiued then the rest to wit that Canon which in the Councels of Florence Trent was defined to be infallible is that same which at this present the Roman Church vseth reiecting all other for Apochryphall inauthenticall Now the first of those three Canons or Orders of diuine volumes consisteth of those bookes of which
wisedome is alledged by ancient S. Denis the same doe Melito in his epistle to Ones sainct Cyprian Lib. cont Iulian. in his booke of the habit of Virgens sainct Cyrill calles it diuine scripture sainct Augustin also calles it Canonicall in his first booke of Predest the 14. chap. Ecclesiasticus is cited by Clement Alexandrine sainct Cyprian Epiphanius Ambrose as diuine Oracles sainct Augustin calles it diuine scripture produceing those wordes Altiorate ne quaesieris In lib. ad Oros contra Priscil The same Fathers with Gregory Nazianzene cite the Machabies as appeareth by sainct Cyprian in his exhortation to Martyrdome the 11. chapter Nazianzene in his oration of the Machabies sainct Ambrose in his second booke of Iob the 10.11 12. chapters sainct Isidore in his sixt booke First cap. sainct Augustin in two seuerall places alowes of these bookes often times citeth them As in his 18. booke of the cittie of God Chapter 36. in his second booke against the epistles of Gaudentius chapter 2.3 All which is a conuincent argument that those bookes out of which the foresaid places are cited in this manner by these ancient graue renowned Doctors are Canonicall of as great authoritie as the rest how beit they might otherwise haue ben vnknowe for such to the Iewes both in regard that as the lawe of Christ is more perfect then the old lawe was so it ought in reason to haue more perfect knowledge of the worde of God as likewise it hath of diuers other misteries of faith then the professors of that lawe had as also for that as in the lawe of Christ there are other matters of faith manners gouernement then were in the time of the old testament so might it be necessary for the greater confirmation of Christs doctrine discipline that some of those bookes which were not knowne to the Iewes should be declared to Christians for Canonicall scripture Thirdly from tradition of the Church the English Canon could not possible receiue authoritie first because the maintainers of it denie the authoritie of the visible Church to be infallible consequentlie it is cleare the Canon of scripture cannot haue sufficient warrant from it Secondlie It is most apparent that the Primatiue Church was not certaine in some of the first ages whether all the bookes of the old Testament which the English Church houldes for Canonicall were in the Canon of the Iewes which vncertaintie still remained vntill the Councell of Carthage celebrated in S. Austins time determined the matter Against which English Canon are also authenticall witnesses Mileto Cham. lib. 〈◊〉 Camone cap. 14. ● 1. S. Athanasius Nazianzene of which at the least the two latter authors to wit Athanasius Nazianzene euen according to the graunt of Daniell Chamier one of our most peremptorie aduersaries doe omit the booke of Hester in the computation of their Canon of the old testament whome altho' Chamier doth reprehend for the same Cham. lib. 5. de Can. c. 14 n. 1. yet is he so impudent vn●nindefull that in another place of the same booke he numbreth both the same Athanasius Nazianzene as defenders of his owne Canon which neuerthelesse includeth Hester as the English Canōdoth Cap. 11. n. 4. So that it remaineth most euident there was no such certaine traditiō in the Primatiue Church as could make the English Canon as they now vse it infallible the whole Church at that time hauing determined nothing iudicially aboute that particular consequentlie it is manifestlie false for the professors of the English Religion to affirme that they haue the tradition of the Church for proofe of their Canon To which may be added that our aduersaries in maintaining their Canon by tradition they should proceed preposterouslie in respect that whereas in all other points of doctrine they relect the authoritie of traditions as insufficient contratie to the worde of God or at the least as vncertaine yet in this particular of the Canonicall scripture which is one of the most important points of all other vpon which all the rest of Christian faith dependes they would offer to relie vpon the same And altho' our aduersaries particularly Daniell Chamier doe labor euē till they sweate in prouing their Canon to be the same with the Canon of the ancient Iewes yet doth not one of the ●●thors that haue writ since the matter was determined by the Councell of Carthage exclude from the Christian Canon those bookes which the Roman Church did receiue for Canonicall euer since that Councell And how beit S. Hierome is he that of all antiquitie doth fauore our aduersaries in this particular point yet besides that he writ before the matter was determined by Pope Innocētius the first the Councell of Carthage neuerthelesse as he doth not soe defend the Canon of the Iewes but that he admitteth of the authoritie of the first Councell of Nyce in receiuing the booke of Hester in to the Canon of the Christian Church so doubtlesse if he had liued in succeeding tymes he would haue done the same touching the rest of the bookes of the old Testament which were afterwardes added by the foresaid Councell of Carthage other since that tyme. To omit that the professors of the pretended reformation neither proceed consequenter to their owne Principles if in establishing of their Canon they follow the authoritie of Fathers whome they make account to be subiect to error deceipt neither doe they deale securely in casting the maine foundation of their faith vpon the authority of one onely man especially considering that S. Hierome out of an inordinate opinion affection he had to Ioseph the Iew not onely in this but also in some other points of doctrinesuffered himselfe to be caried somat ' beyond the limits of reason tho' neuer beyond the limits of the true Catholike faith And yet I here desire the reader to be aduertised that this which I haue vttered touching the agreement of the English Canon of S. Hierome is onely by way of concessiue supposition in fauor of my antagonists with whome I dispute euen vpon termes of this liberall graunt persuading my selfe neuerthelesse that the Canon of the old Testament which S. Hierome rehearseth in his Prologue is not taken by him for the onely true authenticall Canon of the Christian Church but onely his meaning is to relate the number of those bookes of the ancient scripture according to the most common opinion of the Iewes of his tyme. That which is manifestely cōuinced by the authoritie of the same S. Hierome in the like case touching certaine chapters of the Prophet Daniel of which altho' in his preface to that booke he once affirmed them not to be of authenticall authoritie yet afterwardes in his second Apologie against Rufinus he declareth his meaning in the foresaid Prologue was not to signifie his opinion in that particular but onely to relate the
and not according to the common acception of them which yet is the common practice of the Nouelists of these our dayes as is most apparent euen by that particular passage which I haue in hād that is the place aboue cited in the second chapter of the Acts thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell Lib. 5. de descen Christ c. ● n. Aboute which Daniel Chamier hauing turned himselfe euerie way tossed all the dictionaries he could finde for his purpose yet could he not finde one author more ancient then Iohn Caluin his great master and first founder of his Religion whoe teacheth that either in this place or in anie other place of scripture according to the proper ordinarie vse the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie the bodie carcasse or life the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the graue as he his fellow partners will needs haue thē to signifie as they vsually translate them in their Bibles excepting onely Arias Montanus if he be truely cited by Chamier In Idiotismis He● braeis how be it himselfe grauntes that in the cited place of the 16. psalme the Hebrewe wordes in steed of which the Septuagint putteth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doe signifie the soule hell which is all that we can desire For if the Hebrewe text be the foūtaine of all true translations as all the Nouelists will haue it neither can their translation of this place be true nor ours false for that theirs according to our aduersarie Chamiers dissents from the Hebrewe ours agrees Diuers other places of the English Nouelists corrupted translations might be produced as that of the 26. of S. Mathewe wher for Hymno dicto in the Latin hymnizantes in the Greeke they translate when they had sung a psalme In the 28. of the Acts ouerseers for Bishops And in the ninte chapter of the first to the Corinthians Haue we not power to lead about a wife where they put a wife for a woman as if all woman were wiues And in the first chapter of the second epistle of S. Peter they leaue out the wordes by good workes which neuerthelesse are founde in diuers Greeke copies yea Caluin himselfe grauntes that if they be not expressed in the text yet they are subintellected or vnderstood And to this may be added by the way that altho' it is not ill of it selfe to translate the Bible into vulgar languages if it be done truely sincerely by the authoritie of the Church or her cheefe Pastor yet by these few examples we may learne how greately the word of God is abused by false translations how farre the trueth is preiudicated by such partiall proceeding supposing that all the foresaid places as they are by them turned in to the English tongue doe fauore diuers points of their new doctrine wheras on the contrarie they expressely make against it if they be truely trāflated And particularly those wordes of their sixtineth psalme thou wilt not leaue my soule in graue are so absurdely contrarie to sense so extrauagāt in the phrase manner of speech as the like is not to be found in anie translation that euer was extant euer since the scriptures were first published in vulgar tongues euen among the pretended reformers themselues But now this may suffice for examples of false translation of the scriptures vsed by our aduersaries for the first proofe of the Minor of my silogisme aboue framed Which I further proue secondly for as much as concerneth the exposition of the scriptures because the manner of interpretation which both our English professors also the rest of the pretensiue reformers vse is scarce in anie thing coformable to the expositiō of the anciēt Fathers Doctors of the precedent ages as it ought to be according to the rule of S. Augustin in his second booke against Iulian where in the begining he faith the Christian people ought rather to adhere to the Fathers then vnto those which teach the contrarie towards the end of the same booke he addeth thus that which they to wit the Fathers found in the church they hold that which they had frō their Fathers they deliuered to their sonnes But our newe interpreters as they are in their positions so are they in their expositions of the worde of God singular full of affected apish imitation of the Iewish glosses neither doe they scarce euer alledge anie other expositions or constructions then those of Rabbi Salomon Rabbi Kimchi Aben Ezra the rest of that rabble Notobstanding they cannot be ignorant but that some of them were either Scribes Phariseis or Saduceis if not all of whome it may be presumed with reason that they frame their expositions more commonly according to their owne false traditions thē according to the true sense meaning of the lawe By which proceeding the reader may consider how impossible it is for our aduersaries to satisfie their consciences in the deliuerie of such doctrine as dependes vpon so vncertaine fayleable groūdes in how miserable a case that flock is which hath his instruction in matters of saluatiō from such Pastors as partely out of the writings of those profane Iewes enimies of Christ partely also by their owne industrie coine new sense out of the old obstruse decayed significations of wordes which they find in pedantik humanists Lexicōs Dictonaries neglecting the commō current acceptions Ecclesiasticall vse of the same By all which the conclusion of my proposed argument doth appeare true sound which is that the Professors of the English faith haue no certaine and infallible interpretation sense of the diuine scriptures consequently their Religion must needs be voyde of trueth THE FOVRTH PRINCIPAL ARGVMENT MY fourth principall argument I propoūd in the forme following That Religion is false which hath a false rule of faith But the English Religion hath a false rule of faith Ergo the English Religiō is a false Religion The maior is not denyed by our aduersaries therefore it needs no proofe And it they should be so refractorie as to denie it It is cōuinced by the verie leight of naturall reason which teacheth that the ruled followes the nature of the rule so that it cannot possible be streighter then the rule it selfe no more then a boton can be round if the moulde be square Now that the English Religion hath a false rule of faith which is the Minor of my silogisme I demonstrate thus by an other silogisme The Religion of England hath for the rule of faith scriptures interpreted expounded by euerie particular member of their Church But the scriptures interpreted expounded by euerie particular member of their Church is a false rule of faith Therefore the Religion of England hath a false rule of faith That the scriptures expounded by euerie particular member of the Church is a false rule of faith I euidently proue because the
true rule of faith is of it owne nature certaine common knowne to all beleeuers not priuate vnknowne certaine to him onely who hath it Otherwise no man can certainely infallibly knowe what it is except himselfe consequētly none but he onely can followe it wheras the true rule of faith is such as euerie one is bounde to knowe imbrace vpon perill of his saluation Secondly I proue that this English rule is false because it is subiect to error the maintainers of themselues confessing that no man can infallibly interpreter the scriptures so that his expositions euen in the greatest matters of faith be vndoubtedly true certaine in such sorte as he can infallibly persuade others that they are according to that sense which the holye Gost intended when he dictated them to the diuine writers For confirmation of which I further adde that our aduersaries commonly teach that not onely euerie particular priuate person may erre in faith but also the whole number of Bishops 〈◊〉 Prelates of their Church assembled in a Synod or Councell Out of which it is infallibly consequent that their rule of faith is not certaine either in it selfe or at the least not to others neither can others lawfully follow it for the same reason that it is vnknowne vnto them subiect to error deceipte Besides altho ' the professors of the English Religion should denie this same 1. Cor. 2. yet is it conuinced concluded by scripture it selfe saying for what man knowes the things of a man but the spirit of man which is in him Thirdly if the English rule of faith were not false to wit scriptures expounded by euerie member of the Church it would thence necessarily followe that ther were no need of prechers teachers in the Church of England to propose declare the worde of God vn the people because euerie particular man woman that can read the Bible can sufficiently vnderstand expounde it them selues at the least for as much as concernes their saluation And for the ignorant sorte which can not read it were also in vaine for them to haue preachers in regarde they can propose vnto them no other rule of faith then scriptures expounded by their owne particular spirit which neuerthelesse euē according to their owne doctrine is fallible subiect to error by consequence obledgeth no man to followe it but rather to auoy de it by all meanes possible Fourthly I proue the same because this rule of our aduersaries serues no mans turne but his owne who hath it that but vnto wardely neither doth it obledge others to beleeue it neither is it one the same but as manie as ther be people in the whole Church of England all which is most absurde repugnant to the nature of true faith which ought to be one in all the Christian world certaine in fallible binding all persons to embrace it by diuine precept commaund which neuerthelesse could not be such if the rule which it followeth were not one without all multipllcation diuision And to this may be ioy ned for conclusion of the proofe of this argument that which I haue deliuered touching our aduersaries false translation erroneous manner of interpretation of diuine scriptures THE FIFT PRINCIPAL ARGVMENT MY fift principall argument in order to proue the falsitie of the English Religion is this That Religion is false which hath not a perpetuall disinterrupted succession of Bishops Preists deriued from the Apostles But the English Religion hath not a perpetuall disinterrupted succession of Bishops Preists deriued from the Apostles Ergo the English Religion is a false Religiō The maior proposition is so certaine and cleare that our aduersaries a the least all or most of those of the Protestant faith can not denie it And if perpaps anie of them or anie other Sectaries should be so frontlesse imprudent as to denie it they ar manifestly conuinced by those places of scripture which proue the perpetuitie of the gouernement of the Church of Christ in generall As in the fourth to the Ephesians where it is affirmed that Christ gaue to his Church Pastors doctors that is Bishops Preists to the consummation of the saints vnto the word of the ministerit that to rule gouerne feed the flock of the Church vntill the cōsummation of the world And the Prophet Dauid in his 47. psalme faith that God founded his citie that is the Church as S. Augustin expoundes it for euer And surely if God established his Church for euer as truely according to this he did it can neuer wāt Bishops Preists for that if it should wāt them then it were no more a true Church according to the saying S. Hierome Wher ther is no Preist ther is no Church In which word sacerdos Preist Contra Luciferianos he includeth also Bishops as being cheefely Preists those without whome no Preists can be made of ordained sainct Cyprian also in the second epistle of his fourth booke towardes the end teaches that the true Church cannot stand without Bishops Preists And sainct Augustin saith plainelie that it is the succession of Preists by Preists he meaneth also Bishops which keepes him in the Church Contra part Donat. And in his epistle 165. vpon the psalme against Donatus he chalengeth his aduersaries the Donatists to number the Preists which haue ben euen from the seat of sainct Peter see who hath succeeded each other in that Order of Fathers in which Order of Fathers meaning the Popes whose names he specifiech in his epistle to Generosus euen from S. Peter to Anastasius who was Pope in his time because he findeth not one Donatist therefore he concludes that their Religion is false not to be followed So that the reader may plainelie perceiue by these authorities of which kinde manie more might be alledged if need were the place did admit anie larger discourse that the ancient Fathers held the want of succession of Bishops Preists for a common infallible argument of the falsitie of that Religion which not obstanding whatsoeuer other colores of truth it might seeme to haue by pretext of scripture or otherwise was destitute of the same That which is sufficient for the proofe of the mator of my Sylogisme in case anie of the defenders of the English Religion should haue the face to denie it Wherefore hence I passe to the minor to wit that the English Religion hath not a continuall disinterrupted succession of Preists Bishops derined from the Apostles which I proue first Because it is certaine by the testimonie of all writers of those ages that frome the time of sainct Gregorie Pope of Rome who sent sainct Augustin the Monke into England to plant the then professed Roman faith ther were no other Preists or Bishops but such as had their authority deriued from the Roman seat such Bishops onelie as were