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A69089 An excellent and godly sermon most needefull for this time, wherein we liue in all securitie and sinne, to the great dishonour of God, and contempt of his holy word. Preached at Paules Crosse the xxvi. daye of October, an. 1578 by Laurence Chaderton Batcheler of Diuinitie. Chaderton, Laurence, 1536?-1640. 1578 (1578) STC 4924; ESTC S117846 46,847 118

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wil. To doe the Fathers will is in faith hope loue and feare with all maner of carefull watching and perseuerance to worke those things which be commaunded in the Lawe and worde that GOD thereby may be glorified for to doe the thing commaunded and faile in the maner of doing is an halfe and maymed yea rather no seruice of God at all to faile in both is Atheisme to fayle in the worke and yet to boast of the affection of the minde and to be perswaded to haue the right maner of doing is carnall libertie and licentious presumption Contrarilie to haue and delight in both is sound godlynesse pure and vndefiled Religion euen before God the Father And therefore our sauiour Christ in the sixte of Matthewe giuing vnto his Disciples a right and a lawful fourme of praying commandeth them and in their persons all the faithfull to desire God to giue them grace not onely to doe the thinges commaunded but also to obserue this right maner of doing in this peticion Thy vvill be done in earth as it is in heauen meaning by doing of the Fathers will the things he hath commanded being agreeable to his will and by saying In earth as it is in heauen the right maner of doing whereby appeareth the necessitie of both these pointes whereof we haue spoken For he saith not Let that be done in earth which is in heauē or let those things be done in earth which God hath decreed but Let them be done so and in such maner as they be in heauen that is to say purely readily willingly zealously reuerently and continually to the glorie of God and the comfort of his people For the will of GOD at all tymes in heauen and in earth yea and in hell also is alwayes done and fully accomplished neyther can there come any thing to passe but that onely which the Lorde hath decreed In consideration whereof our Sauiour chargeth vs in the petition as wee haue heard both to doe the Fathers will which is necessarie and also to doe it so as it is done in heauen the which onely maketh our ministerie and seruice acceptable vnto him Nowe that we see the trueth and necessitie of this doctrine concerning the doing of Gods will let vs more particularly applie it vnto our selues that we maye the better knowe whether we be the doers of the worde and not onely hearers which can haue no hope and assurance of saluation And to let passe all those that swarue from the sounde doctrine of trueth and godlynesse as Atheistes and infidels which haue neither workes nor any grace of regeneration and Iewes which are voyde of true faith in the crucified Messias let vs examine by the rule of this trueth all those that seeme to embrace Christe Iesus and his true Religion as Libertines Catholickes and carnall Protestantes The Libertine and carnall Protestant are by it most iustly condemned because they haue no workes at all neither any soundnesse of faith or Religion but onely a false perswasion and vaine shadowe of both as the Apostle Iames teacheth in the whole treatie of his Epistle The Catholicks though they haue many outwarde and glorious woorkes to alledge for them selues yet they faile altogether in the maner of doing for not onely their iudgement by false doctrine is corrupted in that they teache that workes in parte doe iustifie that they are accepted the better for the vertue and intercession of Sainctes departed that the sacrifice of Christe his oblation onely washeth awaye sinnes committed before Baptisme Lastly that a temporall punishment heere and in Purgatorie can satisfie and sufficiently recompence that transgression whereby the perfecte Lawe and infinite Iustice of God is broken but also they fayle in all those poyntes which we haue taught to appertaine to the right maner of doing the Fathers will. Touching faith they teache and beleeue that it is a poynt of humilitie contrary to presumption to wauer and doubt of our saluation And therefore calling vpon God in this maner they shall neuer receiue any thing at his hand Touching a stedfast hope which onely looketh vnto Iesus Christe the Author and finisher of our saluation and that glorie which he hath purchased for vs in the presence of his Father they can neuer haue it both because their faith is wauering from whence this hope must proceede and also because they holde and teach that there be other places then heauen for the soules of men to rest in after this life Touching loue and charitie which principallye respect the saluation and profite of our brethren doe they not most vncharitably and flatly against the edification of the Church of GOD which in all publike actions vnder paine of damnation must be regarded teach and beleeue that ignoraunce of Gods religion is the mother of deuotion doe they not reade the word pray and giue thankes in a strange language and vnknowen tongue doe they giue which is not theirs to giue absolution from sinnes of meere loue and not for money Finally doe they vexe grieue torment persecute and burne the bodyes of Gods Saintes after two or three light conferences and disordered examinations because they loue their bodyes and the saluation of their soules No verely these thinges rather doe manifestly declare not onely that they are destitute of charitie towards men but also of pure loue towards god For he that sayeth he loueth God and hateth his brother he is a liar for how can he that loueth not his brother whome he hath seene loue GOD whome hee hath not seene As for the true feare of God howe can it be in them seeyng that they holde that Gods eternall wrath against our sinnes eyther past or to come can iustly and sufficiently be appeased by tryfling pardons and bulles giuen of mortall men and to be short considering that they teach that all sinnes following baptisme must be purged not by the blood of Christ but be counteruailed and so remoued by good workes as they falselye terme them or pardons and absolutions of sinfull men or equall punishment here in earth or in purgatorie the LORD forgiue them they know not where Lastly for carefull watchefulnesse to retaine all the foresayde graces howe can it be in them seeyng they are voyde and destitute of these gracious giftes of GOD If therefore they haue anye as in deede they haue much it is not neither can bee for these thinges but to maintayne and increase their vsurped power and aucthoritie of both the swordes And therefore knowing euerye man to be by the instinct of nature giuen to acknowledge GOD and with some kinde of watchefulnesse to serue him they haue out of the follye and vanitye of their owne braynes drawne out a kinde of seruice which standeth onely in outwarde ceremonies and bodily exercises wherein they haue bene and are very watchefull as in saying certeyne number of masses prayers diriges and such like in doyng of penaunce goyng on pilgrimage vsing of holy water
vnlawfull the which though they miscall preferments yet in deede they be so waightie charges that the wysest and strongest of all is altogether insufficient for an acceptable discharge thereof As concerning discipline practized in our Church by Chancelors Cōmissaries and Officials because euery one seeing all things for the most part begunne continued and ended for money in those courts doth iustly complaine as I pray vnto God dayly for the reformation hereof so I doubt not but the Lorde in due and conuenient time for the great loue he beareth towards his Church will stirre vp and arme with power wisdome and zeale as well those Magistrates which he in mercie hath alredie giuen vs as all those also with whome in time to come he shall vouchsafe to blesse vs to refourme these and all other the blemishes of his Church according to his worde These things being thus considered howe iust cause haue we to say with S. Paul whose time in comparison of ours was most free from corruption All men seeke their ovvne and not that vvhich is Iesus Christes The Lorde for his mercie sake graunt vs true repentance Thus much for the Ecclesiasticall estate And as for the conuersation of all other people in the lande of what condicion so euer I knowe not what to saye or howe to speake where to beginne or howe to make an ende I coulde wishe with all my hearte that in steade of reproouing all the sinnes in this lande and Citie my head conteyned a flood of water that I might powre out plentifull riuers of teares for all our damnable iniquities For doubtlesse the saying of the Prophet Oseas is verified in this our age by our vngodly life and conuersation There is saith he no trueth nor mercie nor knovvledge of GOD in the land By svvearing and lying and killing and stealing and vvhoring they breake out and blood toucheth blood Our liues doe testifie this to our faces euery man doeth see it and acknowledge it in his heart We and the Catholickes for so they loue to be called doe most iustly complaine of it we with sorowe and griefe of heart desiring the speedie reformation hereof they with gladnesse of minde reioycing to haue so good an occasion to discredit the trueth of our religion And surely to speake the trueth it is our shamelesse conuersation that terrifieth both the ignorant and wauering Catholickes and the simpler sort of the common people beyng ready to imbrace any religion as appeareth by these which haue receyued imbraced the erroneous doctrine of H. N. and his familie falsely termed the familie of loue from the true profession of the Gospell of Iesus Christ Nay they not onely forsake vs but they reioyce and triumphe ouer vs in the matter of workes For the Papistes they alwayes cast in our teeth the great and famous hospitalitie of their nobilitie and clergie the buylding of Abbies Monasteries and Nunneries Cathedrall churches colledges with many other outward works which in deede are such as do stoppe our mouthes and put vs protestāts to silence But to let them passe with these great and costly workes wherein we must confesse they do exceede vs and to come to our selues and such works as are required of euery one in his seueral calling Where be those parentes and masters which doe teache in their families vnto their children and seruantes the lawe and feare of God walking them selues in the myddest of their houses in vpryghtnesse of heart Where be those gouernours that defende the fatherlesse and widowe that receyue no brybe to corrupt Iustice that prolong not sentence for lucre sake that respect no persons in iudgement that are ready also without regarde of feare or fauour of men to cut of the workers of iniquitie from the Citie of the Lorde and to establyshe the seate of the faithfull And to be shorte where is that Protestant that feedeth the hungrie clotheth the naked visiteth the prysoner and him that is sycke that lodgeth the harbourlesse without ceasing or beyng wearie of well doyng I speake not this to iustifie the Papistes or to condemne all Protestantes but to shewe howe rare the woorkes of mercie are amongest those that seeme to put all their ioye and felicitie in the mercies of God reuealed in Christ For I am not ignorant of diuers who as they haue receyued grace and mercie to beleeue and hope so they are full of the fruites of loue and charitie according to the measure of the Grace receyued The least whereof I dare be bolde to preferre before all the workes that euer haue bene done with an opinion to merite deserue or with desire of prayse of the posteritie As for H. N. and his family because they condemne all workes of men which are not perfect and voyde of sinne which onely are to be founde in Christ our ryghteousnes wisedome and sanctification I leaue them to the iust iudgement of God who shall rewarde them according to their deserts For it grieueth me to cōsider how ignorant they are of this doctrine concerning the goodnesse and necessitie of works Well howsoeuer men do please and flatter themselues with a generall knowledge of the trueth with a light vnsetled opinion of saluation with an external shew of Christian religion as sure as the Lorde lyueth if they can not by their workes iustifie this knowledge faith profession they shal neuer do the Fathers will nor enter into the kingdom of heauen For though they be in the church yet are they not of it though they seeme heires of life yet they are inheriters of death Be not deceiued deere brethren for this is a true saying by al means to be receiued He that soweth to his fleshe shall of the fleshe reape corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting Nowe then seeyng the very floods of hypocrysie haue ouerflowen al estates and degrees are a nomber of Protestantes any better then cloudes without water carryed about with euery blast of errour and vngodlines then corrupt trees without fruite then spots and blots in the Christian assemblies of their brethren yea then raging waues of the sea foming out their owne shame confusion Therfore I beseeche you all in the name of Christ for the mercies of God to cast of these damnable clokes of religion and vanishing shadowes of true beleefe imbracing and practising all the woorkes of sounde doctrine and true godlynesse I haue stoode the longer in this treatie to prooue the necessitie of woorkes because our Gospell which we haue receyued of Christ and his Apostles is falsely charged as you doe see to be a doctrine of libertie and licenciousnesse of lyfe as also for that the most parte of Protestantes are altogether secure and carelesse touching the obedience of faith rather presuming in the pryde of their hearts of the mercies of God for their saluation then by humble and trembling heartes to worke ratifie and confirme vnto their owne consciences
the certaintie of their election Therefore to stoppe the slaunderous mouth of the aduersarie and to terrifie the secure and presumptuous professor we conclude that woorkes are necessarily required not onely for doyng of the Fathers will but also for the declaration of our faith for the confirmation of our hope for the separating of vs from all infidels and hypocrites for the example of those which are without and within the Church for the relieuing and succouring of all especially of those which are of the houshoulde of fayth for to iustifie our religion to be pure and vndefiled before God the Father for to testifie our obedience and thankefulnesse to God the author thereof finally to prayse and magnifie the great power Iustice and mercie of God the Father his Sonne and the holie Ghost one God and three persons in the whole and perfect worke of our redemption Hitherto of the necessitie of woorkes now followeth the maner of doyng which is no lesse necessarie to the fulfylling of Gods will then workes themselues because it is the cause why all our workes are acceptable to god For albeit we doe continually cal vpon God with our lippes and heare his worde with our outwarde eares and bryng foorth all other apparent workes of godlines and ryghteousnes yet if we pray not in spirit heare not with vnderstanding and beleeue and woorke by loue according to God his wyll we do not the Fathers will but our owne we walke not according to the Spirit but according to the fleshe and therefore must reape of the fleshe corruption But let vs see what this ryght maner of doyng is whereof our sauiour Christ speaketh in this place whence it is whereof it is made and to what end it must be directed the knowledge of which causes wyll breede in vs a perfect knowledge of this vpryght maner of working whether it be inwarde in minde or outwarde in maners There is but one onely author and gyuer hereof euen the Spirite of God and Christ from whome proceede and come all good counselles pure desires and godly purposes For although it bee left in our power in asmuch as the Lorde hath made vs reasonable creatures in some sorte to resemble his Image to wyll this or that thing to reason vpon this or that question to thinke vpon this or that matter to speake this or that sentence and to doe this or that woorke yet to wyll to reason to thynke to speake and to doe all these so as our mercifull God requireth of his children and so as they may bee acceptablie receyued in Christ as syncere obedience vnto God it proceedeth not from fleshe and blood neyther from the wyll of man neyther from any other creature in heauen or in earth but onely from the moste comfortable Spirit of our regeneration whose peculiar office is to begynne continue and finishe in vs his holie vesselles this gracious maner of doyng the which our heauenly Father in the multitude of his mercies hath vouchsafed vs and his Sonne our only sauiour by his death and resurrection hath most perfectly deserued and purchased for vs So the blessed Apostle Paule teacheth in the second to the Philippians who after he had charged them to woorke their saluation with feare and trembling addeth immediately in the verse following For it is God that vvorketh in you both the vvill deede euen of his good pleasure Which is a most strong and forcible reason to stryke into their heartes a reuerent feare and trembling vnder the myghtie hande of God because that although they had power to wyll and worke yet the chaunging of our wyll and drawing it vnto good the power to doe that which is vnfaynedly good and acceptable in the sight of God doe proceede onely from the spirit of regeneration Agayne the same Apostle in the eyght to the Romanes witnesseth that we knowe not what to praye as we ought but the spirit helpeth our infirmitie and maketh request for vs with syghes that cannot be expressed according to the wyll of god Wherein as he remooueth from vs this poynt of wisedome to knowe both what to praye and howe or after what maner so contrarilie he ascribeth it vnto the spirite of Adoption the onely worker thereof For it is he that moueth and stirreth vp in our heartes sighes vnspeakeable and not onely helpeth our infirmities but also teacheth vs to pray in such maner that our worke prayer may be according to the wil of god So it is in al other workes which are acceptable vnto God for those only are his children which are in the maner of doing working the wil of God led and guided by his spirit Wherefore it is said that we haue not receyued the spirit of bondage to liue and worke in a slauish and seruile feare but the spirit of Adoption which sealeth and printeth in our heartes a full assurance of faith and hope whereby at all times and in all extremities we may boldly cry Abba Father So that it is manifest and plaine hereby that all those works are carnall earthly and d●uelish which are done after any other maner then this and contrarily that those onely be good works which are done after this heauenly maner which Gods spirit doeth teach by the word who therefore is called the spirit of trueth and sanctification because he onely leadeth vs into all trueth and holynes Many mo places might here be alledged for the proofe of this doctrine but because the matter is plain cannot be gainsaid with any soundnes of reason I will omit them onely aduertising the Reader of the difference betweene vs the Catholicks in the doctrine of freewill We teach and beleeue that although we haue a natural abilitie power to wil desire speake worke yet the whole maner of vsing these gifts according to the will of God proceedeth onely from the holy Ghost as we haue taught They holde and teach the contrary if not let them declare plainely wherein they differ from vs or els ioyne with vs at the least in the vnitie of this doctrine which ascribeth the whole glory of our new birth to God alone Thus then we know the author of this worthy maner of doing now let vs further cōsider whereof it ariseth wherin it doth consist that we may stand stedfast vnmoueable in the hope of our inheritance both in regard of our works also in respect of the maner of doing It is certeine that it ariseth of diuers and manifold graces of the holy Spirit which are proper and peculiar to his vessels neither can be at any time in the wicked reprobate what pretence soeuer they make of religion godlines But the time will not suffer me to speake of all I will briefly speake of the chiefest most principal gifts wherunto also al the other almost may be referred The first and chiefest of all is true faith rooted and established in our
and holy bread offeringes carnall fastinges crossinges anointinges with infinite moe of the same sorte All which inuentions of men are directly contrary to that worship which our Sauiour Christ witnesseth to consist in Spirit and trueth and therefore iustly condemned For if bodily exercises which may be well vsed are neither profitable of them selues neither anye parte of the worshippe of God doe we not iustlye abhorre and detest the traditions which are after the commaundements and doctrines of men And nowe as it is certaine that they fayle in these thinges so also in the ende whereby all our actions must be measured and esteemed For in that they ascribe righteousnesse in parte to their workes which they haue done they may with as good reason challenge a part of the glory of their redemption whereby the Lord of necessitie must be robbed of his honour to whome belongeth all glory and dominion Thus much I haue spoken only of skilful malicious and obstinate Papists not of the poore ignorant ones which neither haue knowen the trueth neither haue their conscience set fixed in heresie Albeit I dare affirme that neither these neither any other obstinate and wilfull heretike or ignorant person doeth or can doe the Fathers will Because as heresie is strong to cōdemne so ignorance is blinde and causeth vs to fall into the pit of condēnation Seeyng therefore that this doctrine of our Sauiour Christe condemneth Atheists Infidels Iewes Libertines Papists and al other sects of heretikes ignorant persons euery one that is not of the true Church of God we had neede with all care and studye to trie and examine the very bottome of our heartes and rippe vp all the inwarde and secret corners of our consciences least we also be iustly reprooued and condemned by the same For assuredly we must all in the day of iudgement be tried and made knowen to the worlde by the practise of this doctrine to the glory of God the comfort of our owne hearts whether we haue truelye tasted of the gifte of God in Christ or no but if we do content our selues with the shadowes of inwarde godlynesse as with the outwarde vse of Baptisme and the Supper of the Lorde with lippe seruice and such externall kinde of profession denying the power thereof in our heartes and workes wee deceyue our owne heartes we depriue our soules of the ioyfull fruition of Gods presence and walke as fast as can be towards the place of darkenesse and endelesse destruction For this is the doctrine of the Sonne of God Not euerye one that sayeth vnto me Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my heauenly Father which is in heauen Goe to then you carnall and worldely Protestants that saye Lorde Lorde God be praysed and God be thanked for all his giftes c. I demaunde this of you in the person of Christ whose seruant I am though most vnworthie shewe me this your fayth and professed religion by your workes and iustifie it before me the Church of god For was not Abraham our father iustified through woorkes when he offered Isaac his sonne vpon the altar Was not Rahab the harlot iustified through woorkes when she had receyued the messengers and sent them out another way Knowe therefore for a certeintie all you that professe the feare of God that fayth professed without woorkes is dead Yea as the bodie without breath so fayth without woorkes is cleane dead and therefore but a shadowe of the true fayth which woorketh by loue But ye wyll say We knowe and beleeue that Christ is the Sonne of god What then the deuils beleeue also tremble yea and confesse IESVS wee knowe and Paul wee knowe but who are yee Yea but wee by Baptisme and the Sacrament of thankesgiuing are become the professours of Christ Was not Iudas a professour also yea a preacher and a worker of miracles But wee are no enemies and persecutors of Christ as he was No more were those dispersed Christians to whome Iames wrytte nay they suffered manye troubles for the outwarde profession of the trueth whome notwithstanding he condemneth for want of workes These thinges therefore are but clokes of hypocrisie and wordes of lyes whereby Satan carryeth away manye from the wayes of godlinesse and life into the paths of wickednesse and destruction It is not then the outwarde shewe of Christianitye in countenaunce worde and worke that auayleth any thing but onely a newe creature in Christ In consideration whereof I heartily desire and beseeche you all from the hyghest vnto the lowest both to flye this damnable corruption of worldly and carnall men and to giue all diligence to keepe and obserue this heauenly maner of doing the Fathers will. Take vnto you aboue all thinges fayth ioyne vnto faith hope vnto hope loue and brotherly kindenesse vnto brotherly kindenesse reuerent feare of the Maiestie of GOD vnto a reuerent feare a continuall and ●●cefull watchfulnesse in all good workes For if these be amongest you and abound more and more according to the measure of the gift of Christe they will make you that ye neyther shall bee idle nor vnfruitefull in the profession of Christ and his Gospell But he that hath not these thinges what face and countenance so euer he carrieth of religion wisedome learning and vertue he is blinde and can not see farre into the mysterie of godlinesse or els hath through ingratitude altogether forgotten that he was purged from his olde synnes Seeyng then by this meanes not onely an entring shall be ministred vnto you into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lorde and Sauiour IESVS Christ but also your effectuall calling and eternall election shall be fully ratified vnto your owne heartes and consciences so as you maye knowe perfectly that nothing can separate you from the loue of GOD if there be any consolation in Christ if any comfort of loue if anye fellowshippe of the Spirit if anye compassion and mercie thinke on those thinges which you haue now heard fulfill these things and you shal neuer fall but the God of peace shal be alwayes with you neither shall the comforter euer depart from you But peraduenture some will say O Lorde who is able for these things In deed in respect of man it is vnpossible but with God as all other things so this is possible and hath bene by his power wrought in man For doeth not the holy Ghost witnes of Dauid that he was a man according to Gods own heart of Hezechia that he did vprightly in the sight of the Lord according to al that Dauid his father had done of Iosia that he turned to the Lorde with all his heart and with all his soule and with all his might according to all the lawe of Moses of Zacharie and Elizabeth his wife that they were iust before God and walked in all the ordinances of the Lord without reproofe of Nathanael that he was an Israelite