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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A53386 The opinions of certaine reverend and learned divines concerning the fundamentall points of the true Protestant religion, and the right government of reformed churches Wherein is declared the plaine path-way to a godly and religious life. Published by authoritie.; Good counsells for the peace of reformed churches. T. I.; Davenant, John, ca. 1572-1641.; Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.; Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659.; Ussher, James, 1581-1656. 1643 (1643) Wing O356; ESTC R216583 49,936 153

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THE OPINIONS OF CERTAINE REVErend and Learned Divines concerning the Fundamentall Points of the true Protestant Religion and the Right Government of Reformed Churches Wherein is declared the plaine Path-way to a Godly and Religious Life EPHES. 4. 15. Speake the truth in love Published by Authoritie Printed for Ch. Downes 1643. To The godly and Christian Readers Grace and Peace AS there is nothing more pleasing to God than to be truly zealous for his glorie so no way better to attaine that zeale than to read and meditate upon Gods Commandements and strive to live in love and charitie with all men which that you may the better performe I beseech you peruse these ensuing Discourses and the Lord give you understanding in all things T. I. Psal. 120. WHen I was in trouble I called upon the Lord he heard me Deliver my soule O Lord from lying lips from a deceitfull tongue What reward shall bee given or done unto thee thou false tongue even mightie and sharp arrowes with hot burning coles Wo is me that I am constrained to dwell with Mesech and to have mine habitation among the tents of Kedar My soule hath long dwelt among them that be enemies unto peace I labour for peace but when I speak unto them thereof they make them ready to battell THE OPINION OF THE RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN GOD IOHN DAV●NANT Bishop of Sarisbury To his learned and worthy friend Mr IOHN DURY T IS well worthy the consideration of all pious Divines which God speakes by his Prophet Zachary love the Truth and Peace With which that of the Apostle also suite's well {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} speake the truth in love Wee may not so hotly pursue after Trueth as that in the mean time we wholly neglect Peace nor may we desire such a Peace as will not consist with the Trueth Those Divines therefore who quarrell and contend so much for the Faith and Religion they may talke what they list but hee that love's not both Trueth and Peace love's indeed neither nor hath he any true affection or desire to either of them who desire 's them not both For if it be true which Philosophers tell us that each naturall body doth no lesse desire it's unitie than it 's being I see no reason why the spirituall and mysticall body the Church Catholique should not with as great a zeale study to preserve her unitie seeing if that be once dissolved and lost shee is so farre from being a Church that she cannot so much as be imagined one Let us then on God's name be as earnest and eager in desiring defending the Trueth as the best but withall let us not forget that of Saint Paul that if it be possible and as much as in us lie's we live peaceably with all men J say with all men in an externall and civill but with all Christian men in a spirituall and Ecclesiasticall peace This is the earnest desire of our Saviour Christ and 't is the joynt wish prayer of his whol Church that all they who professe themselves beleivers in Christ might be united and knit together into one body that they might be all of one heart and of one soule This being so surely those pious and peacemaking Divines are highly to bee commended who of late have imployed themselves and their endeavours about the reeonciling of the Reformed Churches For my owne part I would to God I were able to contribute any thing that might further and promote so good and godly a worke What I can I shall willingly at your request Sir doe it and shall impart unto you what my thoughts were when J lately meditated with my selfe hereupon In the first place therefore it would bee considered whether or no it be possible to establish such an union amongst all the Reformed Churches so as that they shall account of one another not as friends only but as Brethren and exhibit mutually each to other the signes fruites and effects not onely of an outward and generall freindship but of a more intimate spirituall amity and communion For if this fraternall spirituall union we so much desire cannot be had we may then desist things impossible doe not binde us to the having or seeking of them but if it may possibly be procured 't were a great pitty and a shame that so good a worke and so well-pleasing to God as this is should be either opposed or delayed Now when I say that it would first be considered whether or no this Union we treate of be possible my meaning is whether or no such an Union may stand with a diversity of Opinions amongst private Doctors in these severall Churches touching those much-controverted points which have of a long time to the great greife of all good men much troubled the Germane Churches For although it were to be wished that Divines would fairely and fully agree amongst themselves about all those Controversies yet for so many different mindes to concurre all in the same Opinion is as I conceave a thing scarce to be hoped for much lesse to be effected in one age But that these said Churches notwithstanding such disputes as hang undecided may neverthelesse entertaine amongst themselves a Christian Charitie and correspondence is apparent from hence that as often as Divines of both sides have set themselves seriously about this work they still prevailed in it as much as they desired and they might no doubt have prevailed further if they themselves had not wilfully stood in their own way Witnesse Luther himselfe and the Helvetians betwixt whom though they differed in their opinions about the presence of Christs body a freindly agreement notwithstanding was made at Marpurge Luther there professing that he would not by any meanes permit the adverse party that honour to outstrip him in their desires of amitie and peace Which peace after that it had by I know not what mischeivous devices been somewhat disturbed and diminished was againe renewed confirmed by them whereat Luther himselfe rejoyced and upon a strict examination of the Helveticke confession held it very requisite that they should lovingly joyne hearts and hands together But here if any one think that this was no such entire and perfect Union as that which now I affirm to be possible I will grant him this but then I must adde withall that it was not any impossibility in the thing it selfe but rather the wilfull opposition of some amongst them possest with some jealousies and suspitions which was the cause why that godly and good worke was not brought to full perfection For as for Bucer and some other eminent Divines of the same opinion with him they did not only sue for an absolute and perfect agreement but besides they offered to make it appeare that it was very fit such an Union should be concluded neither did they omit any thing that might make for the furthering of it Moreover
foundation of our Christian faith what is it else but to revolt from Christ the rocke on which the Church is founded built Of this last Obstacle because it is of speciall use and moment I shall treate somewhat more at large In the first place therefore I conceive that to be a Fundamentall point which by the ordination of God revealing such a truth is of such necessity unto salvation to be knowne and assented unto as that a bare Ignorance much more a wilfull Opposition of it carries with it a certaine perill of exclusion from the kingdome of heaven Divines now-adaies have no Commission to invent or coine any new Articles of this nature and obtrude them on Gods Church that which was not fundamentall in the Apostolicall and Primitive times all our assertions and altercations and Anathema's will never bee able to make it such These first and fundamentall Trueths collected out of the whole body of the Scriptures put together in the Apostles Creed make up that Rule of Faith which S. Austin terme's pusillis magnisque communem a common Rule for all men both great small and which is by him accounted necessary to bee beleived constantly by all Concerning the which that speech of Hilary also is much to the same effect 't is our safest and best course to hold fast that first onely-Evangelicall Faith which we made confession of at our Baptisme And to these fundamentall Trueths the Apostle I beleive had an eye when he stiled Titus his owne sonne {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} after the common Faith This common Faith laid downe in the Apostles Creed proposeth to all Christians to be beleived by them the wonderfull Production of all creatures out of nothing the unsearchable mysterie of the glorious Trinitie the fruit benefit that redound's to miserable sinners from the Incarnation Passion Resurrection and Glorification of Christ what follow's thereupon the Redemption of mankind the Sanctification of the Elect the Communion of Saints the Remission of sins the Resurrection of mens bodies and the Glorifying of the Faithfull He that beleive's all which wee have here comprised in this short Creed and endeavour's to lead his life according to the Commandements and Precepts of our Saviour Christ cannot justly be denied the title of a Christian nor expelled the fellowship and communion of any Christian Church whatsoever On the other side He that shall deny or oppose any one of the said Articles although he arrogate to himselfe the name of a Christian yet is he to be excluded and banished the society of all orthodoxe and sound Christians Besides these there are I confesse many other Trueths contained in the Scriptures and deducible from thence by good and solid consequence which are very profitable to be knowne and of singular use to further us in the knowledge of Divinity but they are then only and not otherwise necessary to be beleived under paine of forfeiture of our salvation or communion with the Church when 't is clearely evidenced unto us that they are contained in Gods word or may necessarily be inferred from it In these points therefore if any particular Church cannot make the Trueth which she her selfe beleive's so cleare and manifest to other Churches as thereby to winne them over to the same beleife shee must forsake them in their Errours but by no meanes may she because of such errours deny them her charity and Communion I adde further that if it should happen that two Churches should vary about some particular place of holy Writ the one conceiving that it confirme's a fundamentall point of Faith and the other thinking that it doth not so yet is not such a difference as this a sufficient cause why they should fall at odds and separate one from another so long as they agree both of them in the Point it selfe and acknowledge it to have cleare solid foundation in other places of God's word And last of all this may be added yet further that 't is not a thing impossible nor any way contrary to the duety of good Christians to entertaine a communion with those Churches which hold such a doctrine as seemes to us inconsistent with some fundamentall Trueth so that in the meane while they doe expresly beleive professe that fundamentall Trueth it selfe For 't is utterly against all Charity yea and Reason too that a man should be thought meerely for some consequences which he neither apprehend's nor grants to deny and reject a fundamentall point which yet he strongly beleive's , expresly affirme's yea and if need so required would not stick to seale the trueth of it with his dearest blood How much truer and more charitable is that opinion of a grave and moderate Divine We must not saith he so much consider what will follow in the thing it selfe from every assertion as what will follow from it in the apprehension and judgement of those who maintaine any such assertion as seeme's to us repugnant to some fundamentall point of Faith For as he who assent's to the trueth of some Principle cannot therefore be said properly to beleive and understand whatsoever and abler Schollar can by consequences infer from that Principle so neither can he who maintaine's a false Opinion justly bee thought to hold all those absurdities which a nimble head easily observe's to adhere unto or follow upon that erroneous Opinion of his We may indeed urge and presse these consequences upon our Brethren to see if haply wee can by this meanes beat them off their errour but malitiously to fasten them upon them as though they were their profest Opinions this we may not doe How farre this extend's and of what excellent use it is to the setling of a brotherly union amongst the Reformed Churches all wise men and such as unfainedly desire the peace of Gods Church will easily perceive For if it once be granted that a Peace and Union is not impossible that is not unlawfull save onely with such as actually disbeleive some fundamentall point of Faith or maintaine some such Heresy as strike's at the heart of Religion and cut's off the Abettors of it from having any communiō with Christ then will it follow that betwixt a sound and a diseased Church betwixt two Churches whereof one is more the other lesse pure there may be such a brotherly communion as we desire among the Germane Churches Let therefore the Orthodoxe Churches separate themselves from all such as have plaid the Apostates fallen away from fundamentall Faith but let them not separate from those which erre onely in points of lesser moment and such as doe not cut off the maintainers of them from being members of the mysticall body of Christ the sole author and fountaine of our salvation The Apostle command's us to receive not reject such as are weake in the Faith And the same Apostle tel's us how that we which are strong ought to beare the
rule neither overthrowing that which they have builded by superinducing any damnable here●ies thereupon nor otherwise vitiating their holy Faith with a lewd and wicked conversation peace shall be upon them and mercy and upon the Israel of God THE OPINION OF SOME FAMOUS DIVINES OF the FRENCH Church THat which hath been the constant and earnest wish of all good men for these hundred yeares past and which by all wise men hath been esteemed worthy to be purchased at any rate and with any paines though never so great this we heare to the exceeding great joy of our hearts is at this day endeavoured by some worthy servants of Christ with singular zeale and not without good hopes of a happy successe to wit that the Protestant Churches which differ one from another about some Points of Religion laying aside or at least moderating on both sides their over-tenacious adhering to their own Opinions may now at length be united and made up into one body We being much joyed with this welcome newes first of all we render all possible praise and thankesgiving to almighty God the giver of all good things that he hath been pleased to put such good thoughts and intentions into the hearts of his servants and wee most earnestly beseech him that his blessing may goe along with this good designe crowne it with successe next we returne many thanks to those our reverend and worthy Brethren and fellow-Ministers who have put their hands to this worke and we doe highly applaud and admire their faithfulnesse zeale charity and singular magnanimity courage herein What a brave and noble spirit does it argue in them that they could once hope for an Unity and Peace of our Churches in these desperate and distracted times Or that they durst venter upon a matter of such difficulty which had so often been attempted heretofore by men of great abilities but could never be brought to passe What the event of this so great and good a designe will be is in the sole power pleasure of almightie God but surely the very endeavouring and intending of so good a worke deserve's no litle commendation for the bare purpose or having in one's heart and thoughts matters of great concernment and such as may make for the good of Christ's Church is a great and good worke never faile's of its reward from our bountifull God although there be good cause to hope that the paines which learned men take hereabout shall even with men too have its fruit effect For now that they have spent their spirits and heat of contention wearied themselves with long strife and variance it is more than probable that they will now at last entertaine those Counsells of Peace which they have hitherto out of spleene and passion rejected and set light by Besides that most sharp plowshare of God's judgement wherewith for almost these foureteene yeares he hath furrowed and plowed up the French and German Churches hath so subdued broken up men's minds on each side that never was there a more fit and seasonable opportunity for sowing and casting in the seeds of Unity and Peace than now Wee cannot chuse therefore but greatly approve commend and admire the purposes and endeavours of those worthy men who have imployed their paines in so necessary a worke but since we understand how that they are desirous to knowe more particularly what our Opinion is of this whole businesse let us proceed to set downe as breifly and plainly as we can our judgement herein Indeed it were much to be wished that they who professe themselves Christ's Disciples and followers would all think and speake alike of matters spirituall and Divine perfectly joyned together in the same minde and in the same judgement as S. Paul exhorts his Corinthians But since there is so much weaknesse in man's understanding and so great difficulty in Points of Divinity that this perfect and absolute agreement betwixt pious men is a thing not to be had or hoped for in this world in the next place it were to be wished that they would agree and be of the same beleife about the maine principall Heads of Religion and for other matters which are of lesse moment and use and such as do not any way make either for holinesse of life or comfort of men's consciences consequently doe not necessarily pertaine to Christ's kingdome which consists in those two things that they would in such wise beleive them as to beare with others who dissent frō them about such Points For as we see in civill saecular matters the best States-men are not alwaies of the same Opinion concerning the affaires of the Commonwealth so likewise in the Church so long as the summe and substance of Religion is agreed upon maintained no matter though in some other Points the judgements of the Faithfull be various and different That this is lawfull both the thing it selfe loudly proclaimes it and S. Paul confirmes it who doe's not only permit but command us more than once to beare with such as differ from us in their Opinions and 't is the common and generall Opinion of all such Divines as have been of any note and esteem in the Church ever since our Saviour Christ's times downe to this present age Yet is not this so to be understood as if all manner of Differences in Religion were to be tolerated for even the same Apostle denounceth an Anathema against such as shall preach any other Gospell than that which he had preached and the most moderate amongst the Fathers of the Christian Church have alwaies constantly held that we are to shunne and avoid the company of Hereticks For there bee some Opinions of those men who differ about Religion which overthrow the very foundation of our Salvation destroy either that Piety or that Charity which wee are commanded by God's word to practise towards God and men such are the erroneous Doctrines of Romanists who will have that religious worship given to creatures which God hath reserved peculiar to himselfe who make our Faith to rely upon the judgement and authority of men who severall waies overthrow the Preistly office of Jesus Christ in a word who have with their own inventions so stained and deformed the whole Christian Religion that they have left no one part in it sound and untainted Such likewise are the Opinions of Socinians who to let passe their other Positions deny our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus to be truely God and if once you take away his Divinity it will necessarily follow that either wee worship a creature or else that we doe not worship the sonne of God both of which are manifestly repugnant to those Trueths which are delivered to us in holy Writ as absolutely necessary to Salvation We conceive therefore that no Peace in way of Religion can be had with these men nor with any others who maintaine any Errours of this nature till they shall