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A47167 A refutation of three opposers of truth by plain evidence of the holy Scripture, viz. I. Of Pardon Tillinghast, who pleadeth for water-baptism, its being a Gospel-precept, and opposeth Christ within, as a false Christ. To which is added, something concerning the Supper, &c. II. Of B. Keech, in his book called, A tutor for children, where he disputeth against the sufficiency of the light within, in order of salvation; and calleth Christ in the heart, a false Christ in the secret chamber. II. Of Cotton Mather, who in his appendix to his book, called, Memorable providences, relating to witchcrafts, &c. doth so weakly defend his father Increase Mather from being justly chargeable with abusing the honest people called Quakers, that he doth the more lay open his fathers nakedness; and beside the abuses and injuries that his father had cast upon that people, C. Mather, the son, addeth new abuses of his own. And a few words of a letter to John Cotton, called a minister, at Plymouth in New England. By George Keith. Keith, George, 1639?-1716. 1690 (1690) Wing K199; ESTC W21703 49,228 77

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of evil Spirits may befall one of your Communion What then the Possession does not move any to be of that Communion we see the contrary But the stories recorded by thy Father thou sayst plainly enough demonstrate that Diabolical Possession was the thing which did dispose and incline men unto Quakerism Also thou sayst their Quakerism was the proper effect of their Possession and not an unconcerned consequence Answ. This is most wretchedly alledged but no wise proved for none of these Instances prove in the least that Diabolical Possession did dispose and incline any man to be really of our fellowship or Society tho' it may well enough be granted that the Devil may dispose and incline men to think or imagine themselves to be true Christians but it doth not therefore follow that he doth dispose or incline them to be really such And let Cotton Mather answer me this Question Whether he thinks it not possible that some Diabolical Possession may incline or dispose a man to pretend to be in outward Profession a Presbyterian or Independent This he cannot deny for there is no outward Profession of Godliness but the Devil may incline men unto while in the mean time he have the Government of them he careth not what they profess yea he may incline them to the highest Profession so as even to confess to Christ to his true Servants as is most clear in the case of those Devils that did Bodily possess some who did confess to Christ Mat. 8.29 and also to his true Servants Acts 16.17 These men are the Servants of the most high God which shew unto us the way of Salvation Now what sayst thou Cotton Mather to this doth it not here plainly appear that the Devil in this possessed Damsel did acknowledge Paul and Silas to be the Servants of the living God and consequently that the Religion they professed was the true Religion Doth it therefore follow that Diabolical Possession in this Damsel did incline her to be of Pauls Religion Doth not both thy Fathers weakness and thine also manifestly appear in this Charge for if either thou or thy Father had lived at that time when the Devil gave that Testimony to Christ and to Paul and to Silas by your Argument the Christian Faith and Religion was not true Thou and thy Father also are very ignorant of the Devils devices if ye know not that he can transform himself as an Angel of Light and incline or dispose men to any outward form or profession whatsoever and also to confess to the Truth it self but not to live and walk in the Truth But however seeing by this instance of Rob. Churchman brought by thy Father thou grantest That thy Fathers design was to show that Diabolical Possession was the thing that did incline men unto Quakerism By this thou quite over turnest what thou saidst formerly That thy Father made a distinction betwixt Quakers Mad and Bodily possessed with the Devil and other Quakers for now thou plainly confessest That thy Father brought these Stories to prove that Diabolical Possession did dispose and incline men unto Quakerism And that our Religion called in scorn by thee Quakerism was the effect of Diabolical Possession without making any distinction It seems thou didst not mind that true saying A Lyar should have a good Memory Is this thy Vindication of thy Father as if he had made a distinction betwixt Mad Quakers and Others and presently again to say They are all one It is rather Ham-like to uncover thy Father Nakedness as I leave to every impartial Reader to judge And whereas I said in my Book That I. M. hath shewed his rashness and folly in some other passages of his Life if not Malice that hath occasioned him for some time past to abscond c. In answer to this thou art so far from covering thy Fathers Nakedness that thou layest it open in the face of the world telling a long story How thy Father did declare in a Letter to a certain Person that several shrowd things would make him suspect a Person he nameth the Author of a Letter that was a most villanous Forgery filled with Treason and Madness whereupon that Person sued him in an Action of Defamation Now doth not Increase Mather's Folly and Rashness plainly appear to charge a man with a Crime he could no wise sufficiently prove and fearing the event of the Tryal being sued in an Action of Defamation did abscond and so privately escaped to England all which C. Mather cannot deny only he telleth the World That his Father intended a Voyage to England to endeavour the service of his afflicted Country But whether it was so or not doth not clear him of great Rashness and Folly to charge a man with what he could not prove and for his Success of Affairs in England whatever Cotton his Son boasteth of it it doth not yet appear It had been more becoming Increase Mather if he had been a true Minister of Christ not to meddle so much in worldly Affairs as to have left them he calleth his Flock now for some years without returning to look after them And it had been better for New-England that the men called their Ministers had not meddled so much with their outward Affairs and Concerns which hath proved to their great damage in many respects I can truly say I bear a good will to the People of all sorts in New-England and do heartily desire their well-fare in all respects but am very sorry to see them so mis-led by their blind Guides to their great danger both as to their Eternal and Temporal state O that the Lord may open their Eyes so as no more to follow these blind Leaders of the blind which I hope in due time he will do to many As to these scurrilous and most indecent Expressions and Words he useth against some lately in outward Authority I need say no more but that he showeth thereby the meanness of his Spirit and ill breeding He quarrelleth against my Book because some of the Copies were bound up in Ozenburgs Linnin which he calleth Canvas and thereupon maketh a silly jest as if like one of the Witnesses I would prophesie in Sack-cloth But that some of my Books were bound up in Ozenburgs was only that the Printer could not have Leather to bind them all up in the condition of the Country at present after so new and late settling not affording largeness of Leather nor is this manner of binding up Books in Ozenburgs unusual in some more antient Plantations than this And must this Cotton Mather turn this into a Jest Hath he forgot how the first settlers in New-England not very long ago were reduced to a few grains of Indian Corn many of them and had no other Bread But now Iesurun like many of them through plenty are waxed fat kick He professeth as seemingly to be against the Magistrates inflicting any punishment upon any supposed Heretick But how shall
and others in antient times who upbraided the sincere Christians yea and the Christian Religion it self with all the vile and gross Heresies wicked Practices of some Apostates and other vile and lewd Persons who called themselves Christians and were not We have better learn'd Christ and Christianity than to judge any to be of our Religion or Society because of any outward Name whatsoever But if thou hadst any common discretion thou wouldst have spared these words to upbraid the People call'd Quakers with falling out among themselves and that their so falling out is but a natural consequence of their Tempers and Errors for through the great love and mercy of God the honest and sincere People call'd Quakers the which Name of Quakers is but a Nick-name raised upon them by Scoffers like Cotton Mather even as the Name Round-head and Puritan were Nick names raised upon sober People fifty years ago and upwards have been preserved as to the main in great Unity both of Perswasion and Love beyond any People that have appeared pretending to a Reformation in these latter Ages But for any Presbyterian or Independent who reckon themselves one in matters of Religion to upbraid any other People with falling out when they have had so great Contentions and Fallings out among themselves not only with one another but with these call'd the Episcopal and Church of England whom they deny not to be their Protestant Brethren and one with them in the main doth evidence not only great Partiality but Hypocrisie and Indiscretion For who have had greater Quarrels and Fa●ings out one with another than them who have professed one and the same Protestant Religion not only to hard Speeches one against another but great Persecution one of another and all this on the pretence of Religion And even in New-England it self Cotton Mather cannot be ignorant what Quarrels Disputes and Fallings out have been among these call'd Ministers and Teachers in New-England There are divers yet alive who were both eye and ear Witnesses to the hot Contentions and Fallings out among some call'd Preachers and Ministers in New-England of the Congregational way and particularly that great Opposition and Falling out that was betwixt old Iohn Cotton of New England of whom this Cotton Mather is descended and some of his Brethren the said old Iohn Cotton being accused severely by his pretended Brethren of the Ministry for false Doctrine though that Doctrine for which he was accused was not false but true and agreeable both to the Scriptures Testimony and to what the honest People call'd Quakers are raised up to witness unto as namely That not only the Graces and Operations of God of Christ and of the holy Spirit are in all true Saints and Believers but that God and Christ and the holy Spirit together with these Graces and Operations are really present and in-dwelling in the hearts of all true Saints and Believers And Iohn Owen hath asserted in some of his Books printed in Old England to wit That the holy Ghost doth really dwell in Believers together with his Graces and Virtues The which Doctrine both of old Iohn Cotton and Iohn Owen an Independent Preacher in Old England hath been judged by others of their Brethren not only Heresie but Blasphemy and is the main Article of Blasphemy that the Presbyterian and Independent Priests and Professors charge upon the People call'd Quakers And thus it doth appear what little Wit Discretion or common Prudence this Cotton Mather hath to charge the Quakers with falling out among themselves which in the case mentioned by him is altogether false when they themselves and his Brethren have been so deeply chargeable in that matter besides that of late there have been very unhappy Differences among these of your Church in New-England the which how agreeable to true Christian Religion or Civil Authority Truth in due time will discover Nor is he any more pertinent to say of a Woman that God moved as she declared to come with her face made black for a sign of some Iudgment ready to come upon many People of New-England That she dressed her self like a Devil and frighted some of her Sex almost out of their Lives in one of their biggest Assemblies for the Judgment she was moved to come as a sign to warn you of did soon after come to pass by a very sore and dreadful Visitation of that called by some The Black Pock that cut off many both Young and Old among you as I noticed in my late Book But if Cotton Mather were not full of a scornful light and airy spirit he would not make so light of a matter of so great weight so to sport and make merry with these whom God moved to warn of his approaching Judgments that come to pass accordingly thereby it was made apparent her Message was true But why should the colour of black be judged by Cotton Mather so much to resemble the Devil How many Negro's are there in New-England whom People daily see and converse with some of which may come to your Assemblies and none are affrighted thereby But if the colour of Black so much resemble the Devil as C. M. alledgeth then what saith he to his Brethren the men call'd Ministers in New-England who generally are Black in Habit from the Crown of the head to the foot like the Black-coats or C●●marims of old must they also by Cotton Mathers Authority be like unto the Devil So that in all his discourse C. M. showeth himself a meer silly Triffler but no sollid Disputer nor Defender either of his Father or himself Another thing I think fit to acquaint the Reader with That he need not think strange to find Cotton Mather so falsifying and wresting my words and abusing the honest People called Quakers when down-right and in plain words he falsifieth the holy Scripture and alledgeth a down-right falshood upon Christ himself who is the Truth for in his thing call'd a Sermon upon 1 Pet. 5.8 pag. 9. he saith We are told in Mat. 12.26 Sathan is NOT divided against himself Now let the Reader view the place and he shall find no such words nor indeed any where in all the Scripture for the words are Mat. 12.26 And if Sathan cast out Sathan he is divided against himself how shall then his Kingdom stand And here every one that hath a right though ordinary understanding of things and who see even but a very little may see that Christ doth not so much as imply That Sathan is not divided against Sathan but only argueth the case with them against themselves by an Argument that is commonly called Argumentum ad hominem as doth plainly appear by the following Verse v. 27. And if I by Belzebub cast out Devils by whom do your Children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges for Christ had this manifest advantage against them that they could no more alledge that he did cast out Devils by the Prince of Devils
than that it might be alledged that any of their Children did cast them out for their Children did believe they did cast out Devils by the Power of God and Christ had far greater cause to say the same to wit that he did cast out Devils by the Power of God Nor doth the manner of Expression If Sathan cast out Sathan argue or imply in the least that Sathan is not divided against himself or that his Kingdom is not divided for the Particle if is not always to be understood to imply a negative but frequently an affirmative as in v. 28. said Christ But If I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God c. the sense is not Negative And hereby it doth plainly appear that Cotton Mather is a Falsifier and Wrester of Christs words who would bring Christs Authority to prove That Sathan is is not divided against Sathan which is utterly false for Sathan is divided manifestly oft times against Sathan and his Kingdom is divided also and therefore it cannot stand but must needs fall and great will be the Fall thereof for there is no true nor real Unity betwixt the Devils nor can there be because they are not in unity with God nor Truth which is the alone foundation ground of all true Unity and tho' Devils may seem to agree and the parts of his Kingdom to be in Union yet that is no real unity and therefore they oft fall at variance as their wicked Actions and Work in wicked men plainly demonstrate that are most commonly divided and discordant And as for thy Book of Witchcraft though I believe there is such a thing that is too frequent as real Witchcraft and too many that are real Witches yet I find little or indeed nothing in all thy book th●t doth effectually prove th●t any of these Children were really bewitched the most it proveth is that some Whimsies and Fancies together with some sits of Madness or Melancholy Distractions did seize upon them or suppose a Diabolical Possession all this doth not prove they were bewitched nor do I find any effectual proof that it was a Bodily Possession of the Devil But whether it was so or not I am little concerned to enquire further than to take notice that C. Mather will needs have it to be so not only to bespatter and abuse the People called Quakers because a whimsical Boy became well when his going to the Quakers Meeting was but mentioned which might be used rather for than against them but really is of no force either for or against but to make simple and too credulous People believe That some of his Brethrens or his own Prayers did conjure the Devil and cast him out And all this to prove the great worth and excellency of the Presbyterian or Independent Religion But I have both read heard as great or rather greater instances of evil Spirits and Devils being cast out of some by Popish Priests which doth no more prove either the truth or worth of Pope or Papacy than this pretended or supposed Ejection and casting out or perhaps the going out of the Devil without any force but on his crafty design to make Cotton Mather imagin it to be so and others of the like silly credulity doth prove the truth or worth of your Religion for C. Mather should remember his own words in that thing call'd his Sermon on Witchcraft p. 36. Sometimes saith he the Devil will use a digression he will seem to give over his intent in one thing but make sure of his intent in another such a Stratagem he ●seth as what Joshua took Ai withal he retires and so he con●uors I say then what doth Cotton Mather know or how can he prove to the contrary but that the Devil used this Stratagem in retiring or going out without being conjured by the force of his and his Brethrens Prayers And though the great worth and power of true Prayer I most willingly acknowledge which is only performed by the Inspiration and Revelation of the holy Spirit yet seeing Cotton Mather and his Brethren generally mock at any at this day laying claim to divine Inspiration and Revelation I cannot own their Prayers to be true they are liker to Charms and Spells of superstitious Persons all such Prayers that are performed without divine Inspiration and true internal divine Revelation Nor doth it content or satisfie Cotton Mather to accuse and speak evil of the honest People called Quakers and to belye CHRIST himself and the Scripture as I have above sufficiently proved but he also falleth foul upon his own Native Country and the People in it saying expresly of the Country of New-England A COUNTRY FULL OF LYES pag. 28. in his discourse of Witchcraft How may the People of New-England relish this a People generally all over few excepted your Church Members and yet by Cotton Mathers Authority full of Lyes Also he doth plainly accuse not a few of them for using and practising manifold Sorceries and Charms Had the People called Quakers so accused them of New-England it would have been judged great impiety But what saith the People of New-England now to Cotton Mather who doth so accuse them let them see to it and if they be not guilty of his Charge whether is he not severely to be reprehended And what say his Brethren the men called Ministers in Boston who have so highly praised his Book have they no Garment to cast over their Naked Brother Here follow a few words of a Letter to Iohn Cotton called a Minister at Plymouth in New-England John Cotton HAving seeen a few Lines from thy hand attested by thee and other two Witnesses wherein thou and they declare That in the Town of Plymouth in New-England last Summer save one ye heard me affirm That the Scriptures are the Word of God My Answer to thee and them is That ye have not dealt fairly nor as becoming true Witnesses in this case for every Witness should declare all the Truth and conceal nothing of the Truth which they heard Now this ye have not done but diminished from my words as your Consciences may bear witness if your Memory be not bad for I very well remember my words at that time which were these That I did acknowledge the true Sense of the Scripture to be the Word of God and that in the same I was not singular in my Perswasion from the People called Quakers for Samuell Fisher in his Book called Rusticus ad Academicos that hath been in print upwards of twenty five Years hath affirmed the same to wit That the true Sense of the Scripture is the Word of God And at that time I further said That not every one who had the Letter of the Scripture had the Word of God to speak properly because they had not the true sense of Scripture which none have but such to whom it is given by the Spirit of God I also did further affirm That the Letter or words of Scripture may be called the Word in a figurative sense as the Map or Card of England is called England and that the Greek word is used in Scripture in divers acceptations All this and more to the same purpose I spoke to thee at that time G. K. The substance of this I have more largely asserted in my late Book printed called The Presbyterian and Independent visible Churches c. cap. 1. THE END