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religion_n faith_n true_a truth_n 4,594 5 5.5207 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A41823 The prisoners vindication with a sober expostulation and reprehension of persecutors / by John Gratton. Gratton, John, 1641-1712. 1683 (1683) Wing G1585B; ESTC R28044 20,540 36

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us Cheats Hereticks false Prophets and what not this is and hath been our entertainment amongst you and is mine at this day in Prison because I cannot dare not play Hypocrite and go contrary to my Faith But you will say may be That my Faith is not true Faith but I believe an Error I answer you cannot prove your Charges against us from clear Scripture which saith That it is not only given unto us to believe but also to suffer for his sake we believe in But it no where saith it s given us also to make others suffer that do not believe And suppose I did want a right understanding and true Faith I say again do you think that a Prison will help me Can a Prison give Faith Can Prison Walls rectifie mens Understandings Lay aside these Carnal Crutches and bring Spiritual Weapons Truth is sufficient to plead its own cause and Faith is the gift of God It s only base Cain's salfe Worship that forceth He that will not worship the Beast or receive his mark in his Forehead or in his Hand must be killed or no man must Buy or Sell with him at least So Error and Enmity Envy and Cruelty alwayes go together but the Truth is received for its own worth and it s the manner and nature of true Faith to work by Love pure Religion and true is loving God above all and our Neighbours as our selves and in this love we should visit the Fatherless and Widdows and not make Widdows and Fatherless in a sence by casting the Father and Husband in Prison this is not to keep unspotted from the World For it s said the World should hate us who are true followers of Christ and persecute us and excommunicate us out of their Synagogues and say all manner of Evil falsly against us yea our Saviour tells us They shall bring us before Kings and Rulers for a Testimony against them But Christ Jesus no where bids his Disciples excommunicate those out of their places of Worship that would not believe nor bring them before Kings and Rulers or cry to Rulers for to put them in Prison Fine them and spoil their Goods Its true he bids them shake the Dust off their Feet for a testimony against them that would not receive their Testimonies but when they would have had Fire from Heaven to have destroyed those that did not receive him Christ rebuked them and said Ye know not what manner of Spirit you are of the Son of man is not come to destroy mens Lives but to save them It s true he tells them The Rulers of the Gentiles exercise Lordship over them and their great Ones exercise authority upon them But saith Christ it shall not be so amongst you c. Remember what he compared the angry Scribes and Pharisees to who took offence at both Iohn Baptist and himself and indeed almost all that God sent amongst them saith he They are like unto Children sitting in the Market-place and calling one to another and saying We have Piped unto you and you have not Dan●ed we have Mourned unto you and you have not Lamented c. And is not this like you who are still so Childish to be angry with us because we do not Dance after your Pipe nor Lament after your Mourning Why will you not do as you would be done by You would not take it well to be forc'd to Conform to us would you Then I ask you why will you not be Merciful as Christ commands you As your Father saith he is Merciful who is kind saith he to the Vnthankful and to the Evil Let your Fruits declare you to be Branches of the true Vine and Children of God Have you forgot what 's said of the man that fell among Thieves as he went from Ierusalem to Iericho the Thieves stripped him and wounded him and left him half dead now the Priest passed by and the Levite looked on him also passed by and left him but the good Samaritan took pity on him when he came by and bound up his Wounds poured in Oyl and Wine and set him on his own Beast and brought him to an Inn and took care of him And saith Christ go thou and do likewise Alack how many lie wounded in Sin and Iniquity and naked of all that 's good And must none take pity of them What! though it be a man of another City or Society if he hath Oyl and Wine and will lend a Hand of Help and do good to the Wounded and help the Naked to a Garment why should you be offended It was ill in the Priest and Levite that would not help him themselves and shewed a churlish idle easeful selfish Spirit in them that care not what comes of men so they can eat the Fat and clothe themselves with the Fleece and live at ease But it would have been much worse in them if they would neither a help'd him themselves nor suffer another to help him but if he did take him and cast him in Prison spoil his Goods or put him to Death And Christ saith Wo unto you Scribes Pharisees and Hypocrites for ye shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men for you neither go in your selves neither suffer ye them that are entring to go in Wo unto you Scribes Pharisees Hypocrites for ye devour Widdows Houses yes in our dayes leaves her not a Cow to give her Milk nor a Bed to lie on And for a pretence saith he make long Prayers therefore you shall receive the greater Condemnation Wo unto you blind Guides who lay heavy Burdens and grievous to born upon men but will not touch them with one of your Fingers But saith Christ they walk in long Robes love the uppermost Rooms at Feasts and the chief places in the Synagogues and Greetings in the Markets and to be called of men Rabbi Master But saith he to his Disciples be not ye called Master for one is your Master even Christ and all you are Brethren But perhaps you may say We are not your Brethren Well suppose we were not you ought to love us if we were your Enemies But if we be not your Brethren why do you take Tythes from us For it was never known that the Children of Israel took Tythes of any but only their Brethren see Heb. 7. 5. However you ought to do all things in Charity for the Wrath of man worketh not the Righteousness of God It s said Mercy rejoyceth against Iudgment for he shall have Iudgment without Mercy that hath shewed no Mercy for if ye have bitter Envying Strife in your hearts glory not you are no better than Vnbelievers therefore Lye not against the Truth For saith the Apostle this Wisdom descendeth not from above but is earthly sensual devilish For where Envy and Strife is there is Confusion and every evil work but the Wisdom that is from above is pure peaceable gentle and easie to be intreated full of Mercy and good Fruits without