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A20740 A treatise concerning Antichrist divided into two bookes, the former, proving that the Pope is Antichrist, the latter, maintaining the same assertion, against all the obiections of Robert Bellarmine, Iesuit and cardinall of the church of Rome / by George Douuname ... Downame, George, d. 1634. 1603 (1603) STC 7120; ESTC S779 287,192 358

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this interpretatiō is signified by Apostasie doth not signifie one man but the whole body and company of those that doe reuolt that is the whole body and kingdome of Antichrist which we haue prooued to be the Apostaticall Church of Rome And so Augustine whom Bellarmine alledgeth in the very same place which he citeth reading in the concrete nisi venerit refuga primum vnlesse the Apostate first come and expounding what is meant by De ciuit Dei lib. 20. cap. 19. the temple not the temple at Ierusalem but rather the Church of God because the Apostle would not call the temple of the diuell the temple of God propoundeth the opinion of some which hee doth not mislike Vnde nonnulli non ipsum principem c. Whereupon some vnderstand in this place not the Prince himselfe but his whole body as it were that is the company of men pertaining vnto him together with their Prince to be Antichrist and they thinke that it might more rightly be said in Latine as it is in the Greeke that he sitteth non in templo dei sed in templum dei not in the Temple of God but as the Temple of God as though he were the Temple of God which is the Church Which as hath beene shewed notably sitteth the Pope and Church of Rome And here we are by the way to note whereas Bellarmine saith that Antichrist shall be such a notable Apostate as that he may be called the Apostasie it selfe that seeing none can be an Apostate which hath not beene a Christian by this assertion therefore of Bellarmine Antichrist shall not be a Iew but a backslyding and reuolted Christian 16. Secondly he saith by Apostasie we may vnderstand a reuolt from the Romane Empire as many of the Latin fathers doe expound To omit the dissension of the fathers which prooueth that their exposition can be no good rule of interpreting the Scriptures we doe confesse that before the manifest reuelation of Antichrist there was to go no●… onely a defection from the faith but also a reuolt from the Romane Empire But as the reuolting from earthly kingdomes is neuer in the Scriptures termed Apostasie so is it not here signified but as the word elsewhere is vsed and by the most and best writers here is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 expounded 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth a falling away from God a defection or departure from the true faith as heretofore I haue shewed Augustme saith quem refugam vocat vtique a domino Deo whom he calleth a Lib. 20. cap. 19. §. 2. runnagate namely from the Lord God Neither can it be denied but that this Apostasie is that which afterward the Apostle calleth the mystery of iniquity which was working in and by the heretiques of those times whom also Bellarmine calleth the forerunners of Antichrist because they peruerted the faith and therefore the defection caused by Antichrist is an Apostasie from the faith according to the prophesies of the Apostle that in these latter times diuers should make an Apostasie 1. Tim. 4. 1. 2. Tim. 4. 4. from the faith and should turne away their hearing from the truth and shal be turned vnto fables 17. Thirdly although we should grant saith he that by Apostasie is to be vnderstood a defection or reuolt from the true faith and religion of Christ yet it is not necessary that it should be an Apostasie of many yeares For it may be that the Apostle speaketh of one great Apostasie which shal be onely in that most short time of Antichrists raigne that is of three yeares and a halfe But this bare ghesse of Bellarmine ought not to be of so great waight with vs as the plaine speech of the Apostle compared with the euent And therefore it is but vaine to tell vs what might be seeing we haue seene the contrary to be which the Apostle foretold should be For as the Apostle tolde vs that there should be an Apostasie so he saith that the mysterie of iniquity whereby many were seduced did worke already euen in his time and insinuateth that it should worke vntill the full reuelation of Antichrist And the euent hath shewed how by degrees this Apostasie hath bin wrought euen from the primitiue Church vntill it came to that height wherein it continued vntill Antichrist began to be acknowledged And surely as this generall Apostasie could not grow at once but by degrees so can it not be abolished at once but by degrees and therefore was not like to be an Apostasie of three yeares and an halfe onely Neither is it credible that by one man the greatest part not onely of Christians but also of the Iewes should be seduced in three yeares and an halfe seeing Christ in the like space of time could not as he was a man and minister of the circumcision conuert many of the Iewes notwithstanding that his doctrine was more effectuall and his miracles more admirable then those of Antichrist can be yea the Apostlès some other of the disciples who for so long time scarce went out of Iewry were able to preuaile but with a few of the Iewes in coparison of those which reiected their doctrine And shall wee thinke that Antichrist who as the Papists hold shal be but one man shall in three yeers an halfe seduce the remnant of the Iewes and al the visible Church of God dispersed into so many parts of the world And wheras he alledgeth Augustine as a fauourer of this ghesse therein he abuseth the authority of that learned father to seduce the ignorāt who onely deliuereth the Iudgement of others concerning the mysterie of iniquity that to this effect That the mystery of iniquity worketh in De ciuit Dei lib. 20. cap. 19. euill men in the Church and counterseit Christians when as they reuolt from the truth and that vnto this mystery belongeth the reuolting of those of whom S. Iohn speaketh They went out from vs but 1. Ioh. 2. 19 were not of vs c. And that this mystery should stil worke that is that vnsound men in the Church should more and more reuolt vntill they make a sufficient number for Antichrist But there is neuer a word of this defection caused either by one man or in so short a time but rather the contrary as hath beene shewed 18. Fourthly he answereth that although it should be granted that this Apostasie is of many ages which he saith cannot well be denied seeing th'apostle saith it began to worke in his time yet it is not necessary that it should appertaine to one body vnder one head neither that it appertaineth to the kingdome of Antichrist but rather is a disposition thereunto happening in diuers dominions vpon undry occasions c. But this fourth answer is ouerthrowne by the first wherein this Apostasie was made so proper to Antichrist as that by it Bellarmine thought we might most fitly vnderstand Antichrist himselfe or rather as we shewed the whole body
and kingdome of Antichrist And further we haue shewed heretofore that the whole body of Apostates and heretiques professing the name of Christ is Antichrist and after a more speciall maner the head of this body Apostasie And therfore it followeth that all of this Apostasie professing the name of Christ belong to this body and kingdome of Antichrist And whereas hee saith that this Apostasie is onelie a disposition so the kingdome of Antichrist c. I answere that all the degrees of this Apostasie going before the reuelation of Antichrist were a disposition not to the being but to the reuealing of Antichrist For in the Apostasie Antichrist was as Iohn plainely sheweth neither could he be reuealed vnlesse first he were Wherupon Theodoret saith Defectionem appellat Antichristi praesentiam he calleth Apostasie the presence or comming of Antichrist But is it not very likely thinke you that there hath bene a disposition or preparation already of more then 1500. yeares in most parts of the world for the raigne of one man three yeres and an halfe 19. Fiftly and lastly although we should grant saith he that a generall Apostasie from the faith hauing now continued many yeares is the kingdome of Antichrist yet it would not follow that therefore the Pope is Antichrist For it is not yet decided who haue made this defection they or we And i●… were more easie to proou●… that they haue made this defection for they haue reuolted from that Church and religion whereof their forefathers were which we haue not done c. In the foure former answers Bellarmine turned backe vpon vs hoping therby to repell the force of our argument but those being spent in this he turneth his backe vpon vs betaketh himselfe to his feete and leauing the defence of the question in hand runneth to his chiefe hold For whereas we proue that Antichrist is not one man contrary to their assertion by this argument among others because that generall Apostacie of the visible Church continuing for many ages whereof Antichrist is the head cannot be the worke of one man or of a few yeares Bellarmine answereth thus in effect that although your argument be very good to prooue that Antichrist is not one man yet notwithstanding here of it followeth not that the Pope is Antichrist Why neuer any of vs vsed this argument Antichrist is not one man therefore the Pope is Antichrist But in this assertion of ours we answere your chiefe demonstration whereby you would prooue that the Pope is not Antichrist and where in especially you please your selues reasoning as hath beene hard after this manner Antichrist is but one man therefore the Pope is not Antichrist And after you haue prooued this by many worshipfull demonstrations and stoutly denied our contrary arguments now in the end you make this cowardes bragge Although this should be granted which you say to prooue that Antichrist is not one man yet it doth not follow that the Pope is Antichrist 20. But let vs pursue the Iesuite in his flight Although this should be granted saith he c. Yet it followeth not that therfore the Pope is Antichrist For the question yet is who hath made this Apostasie we or you Well then let vs ioyne in this issue If the Apostasie be on our side let vs be thought to belong to Antichrist if this Apostasie be in the Church of Rome whereof the Pope is head then let it be acknowledged that the Pope is the head of this Apostasie and consequently Antichrist But you saith the Iesuite haue reuoltd from the Church and religion of your forefathers that is from the Church of Rome and Latin religion And therefore when you read vnlesse there come areuolt c. it is a wonder that you doe not apply that prophesie to your selues The Apostasie whereof the Apostle speaketh is not a separation from the Church of Rome that now is nor a forsaking of Romish or Popish religion but a reuolting from God a departure from the true faith and religion of Christ vnto Antichristianisme and idolatry We in forsaking the Church of Rome haue come out of Babylon Apoc. 18. 4. according to Gods commaundement and in reuolting from the Pope haue returned to God and therefore this Apostasie toucheth not vs. But you say I to the Papists haue reuolted from the true faith and religion of Christ vnto Antichristianisme and Idolatry as besides the infinite particulars wherein your Apostasie doeth consist may briefely appeare by these notes First the Apostle speaking of the same Apostasie in another place hath these words The spirit speaketh plaincly that in the latter times some shall make an Apostasie from the faith attending to erroneous spirits and doctrines of 1. Tim. 4. 1. diuels speaking lyes in hypocrisie and hauing their owne conscience seared Now who these are that make this Apostasie the Apostle further describeth by specifying two of those doctrines of diuels as certaine notes whereby to know them Forbidding to marry and commaunding to abstain●… from meates which God hath created to be receiued with thankesgiuing c. But as I haue shewed heretofore these notes touch not vs and properly agree to the Papists therefore Lib. 1. Chap. 4. 3. this Apostasie is among them Secondlie this Apostasie is among those who are fallen from the true religion and worship of God into idolatry and superstition For the Apostaticall Church is the Idolatrous Church signified by the whore of Babylon the mother of fornications But the Church of Roome is strangelie addicted to idolatry and superstition and for the same deserueth to be called the whore of Babylon where as we through the mercie of God are free from idolatry and therefore the Apostásie is with them and not with vs. For the Apostasie is of them that are made drunke with the cuppe of the whore of Babylous fornications as the Papists are and wee are not who haue come out of Babylon Thirdlie the Apostasie is of those that receiue the name and marke of the beast as the Papists doe and not of those that refuse it as wee doe The fourth note or touchstone as it were to trie who haue made this Apostasie i●… the word of God For that is the true faith and the true religion which is contayned and prescribed in the written word of God Now our desire is that the Scriptures may be acknowledged the onelie rule of faith and manners vnto the Scriptures we appeale in all controuersies and desire to be iudged by them vnto the reading of the Scriptúres we exhort our people that they may be further edified and confirmed in that trueth which we doe teach and prosesse The Papists contrarywise not daring to stand to the Scriptures slie to their vnwritten verities traditions decretals doctrines and authorities of men both besides and against the Scriptures and in a word that the prophecie of the Apostle foretelling this Apostasie might be verified in them they haue asserted their hearing from the
which they esteeme as a note of the true church they contemne and despise all other churches which doe not vaunt of miracles as they do 2. And yet notwithstanding al their miracles are nothing worth First because they serue to confirme vntruths as shal be shewed therefore are not to be regarded Secondly because the vaine brag of manifold miracles amōg those that professe the name of Christ in these later times wherein miracles need not for the confirmatiō of Gods truth which heretofore hath bin sufficiētly cōfirmed is so farre frō being a note of the true church as that rather it is a plaine signe of false teachers an euident marke of the Synagogue of Antichrist For their owne deuises indeed doctrines of men do stil need signes wonders to cōfirme thē But the truth of the gospell which we professe hath bin sufficiently confirmed by the miracles of our Sauiour Christ of his Apostles and Disciples Whosoeuer therfore will not beleeue this doctrine thus cōfirmed neither will he beleeue though one should rise frō the dead to preach vnto Luke 16. him Againe miracles are graunted not for the beleeuers but for thē that liue in infidelity And as Augustine saith Quisquis Tharasius in cōcil Nicen. 2. adhuc prodigia vt credat inquirit magnum est ipse prodigium qui mundo credeme nō credit Whosoeuer yet seeketh after wonders that hee may beleeue is himselfe a great wonder who when De ciuit Dei lib. 22. c. 8. the worlde beleeueth doth not beleeue And therfore in another place he saith Contra istos mirabiliarios cautum me fecit Deus meus c. Against these miraclemongers my God hath made Tract 13. in Ioan. me wary saying There shall arise in the last daies false prophets working signes wonders that they might bring into errour if it were possible the very elect Likewise Chrysostome or whosoeuer Chrysost homil 49. in Matth. was the authour of those learned Homilies vpon Matthew in the 49. Homily where hee proueth that the true Church of Christ cannot now bee knowne or discerned by signes or other meanes but onely by the Scriptures hee saith that now the working of signes and wonders is altogether taken away namely among the true professours and and the working of counterfeit miracles is more found among false Christians And that Peter in the history of Clement declareth that vnto Antichrist shal be graunted the power of working full that is to say profitable signes So that now wee cannot knowe the ministers of Christ by this that they worke profitable signes but because they worke no signes at all And the Papists themselues confesse yea Bellarmine would seeme to set it downe as one of his grounds that to Antichrist and his followers shal be graunted the power of working many and great signes and wonders And therefore vnlesse the Pope and his followers did vaūt of their miracles we should want one good argument to proue the Pope Antichrist And thus it appeareth that the first point concerning the miracles of Antichrist doth fitte the Pope and so fit him as that from hence he may be proued Antichrist For vnto whomsoeuer in these latter times this properly and onely belongeth to boast of their myracles they are Antichrist and the synagogue of Antichrist For the scriptures haue foretold that by Antichrist and his adherents many signes and wonders should bee wrought in these latter times But to the Pope church of Rome in these latter times this properly and onely belongeth to vaunt of their manifold and great myracles For the Iewes want them the Turkes disclaime thē professing that their religion must be propagated not by miracles but by force armes All other Christians which already beleeue the trueth seeke not signes which they know among true beleeuers to be superfluous and in others to be badges of Antichrist therefore the Pope is Antichrist and the Church of Rome the Synagogue of Antichrist 3. The second thing which the Scripture noteth is what maner of myracles they are which Antichrist was to worke This the Apostle saith Bellarmine declareth in one worde when hee calleth them Lying wonders or as the wordes are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signes and wonders of lying that is most lying 2. Thess. 2. 9. signes and wonders Now they are called lying wonders either in respect of the end which is to seduce men by confirming vntrueths or in regarde of their substaunce which is counterfeit And thus Chrysostome expoundeth the words of th'apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and he In 2. Thess. 2. saith lying wonders that is either false and counterfeit or else leading into falshood Augustine likewise reciteth these two expositions that they are called lying signes and wonders because De ciuit Dei lib. 20. c. 19. he shall deceiue the senses of mortall men by counterfeite shewes and appearances that he may seeme to doe that which hee doth not or else because howsoeuer they shall bee true wonders they shall drawe vnto lyes such as shall beleeue that they could not be done but by the power of God not knowing the power of the diuell c. First I say they are called lying signes in respect of the ende which is to seduce men Mat. 24. 24. to make them beleeue lyes and to deceiue them 2. Thess. 2. 10. 11. Apoc. 13. 14. For this is the end whereunto the signes and wonders not onely of Antichrist but of all false prophets are referred Deut. 13. 1. 2. Out of which places of scripture we are to obserue that the Lord many times suffereth false prophets and Antichrists to worke strange signes and wonders for the triall of the faithfull and seducing of those that will not beleeue the truth that they might be saued If there arise among you saith the Lord a prophet or dreamer of dreames and giue thee a signe Deut. 13. 1. 2. 3 wonder and the signe wonder which he hath told thee come to passe saying let vs goe after other Gods which thou hast not knowne and let vs serue them thou shalt not hearken vnto the words of the prophet or vnto that dreamer of dreames For the Lord your God proueth you to know whether you loue the Lord your God with all your soule and with all your heart c. Our Sauiour Christ also hath forewarned vs that in these latter times Mat. 24. 24. there shall arise false Christs and false prophets which shall shew great signes and wonders so that if it were possible they should deceiue euen the very elect In like sort the Apostle 2. Thess. 2. noteth that the comming of Antichrist shall be according to the 2. Thess. 2. 9. 10. efficacie of Satan in all power and lying signes and wonders and in all deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse in them that perish c. on whome God shall sende the efficacie of deceipt that they may beleeue lyes Likewise Iohn the diuine prophecieth
testimony is 2. Thess. 2. 10 11. Because they receiued not the loue of the truth that they might be saued therfore God shall send them the efficacie of errour that they may beleeue lyes c. Which words he vnderstandeth of the Iewes who because they receiued not Christ shal therefore be seduced by Antichrist But the place is plaine inough to them that wil vnderstand The Apostle immediately before these words saith that Antichrist shall preuaile with thē that perish because they receiued not the loue of the truth that they might be saued And immediately after these words Therfore God shall send them the efficacie of error that they may beleeue lyes he addeth that all might be iudged or condemned that haue not beleeued the truth but haue taken pleasure in vnrighteousnesse In which words the Apostle doth not goe about to define of what Nation or people Antichrist shal be receiued but hauing described Antichrist as by other arguments so in the last place by this effect of seducing now he describeth the followers of Antichrist who shall be seduced of him not by their nation but by their condition before God And withall cleareth the iustice of God in giuing them ouer to be seduced to their destruction The followers of Antichrist are described by their conditiō before God that they are reprobates or such as perish according to that Math. 24. 24. that it is impossible that the elect should finally be seduced by him which is set downe not so much to be a note wherby to discern Antichrist as to signifie the estate of those that follow him whom before hee had described that they are such as perish and that worthily For as I said in the next words he cleareth the iustice of God after this manner On such as haue not receiued the loue of the truth that they might be saued nor beleeued the same but haue delighted in vnrighteousnesse the Lord sendeth iustly the efficacy of errour that they may beleeue lyes that they may all bee condemned But the followers of Antichrist are such as haue not receiued the loue of the truth that they might be saued nor beleeued the same but haue delighted in vnrighteousnes therfore the Lord iustly sendeth vpon them strong illusions that they may beleeue lyes that all such as beleeue not the truth but delight in vnrighteousnesse may be condemned This is the discourse of the Apostle cōcerning the followers of Antichrist which cannot with any shewe of reason be restrained to the Iewes vnlesse it may be said that they alone are such as perish that they alone haue not receiued the loue of the truth that they might be saued that they alone haue not beleeued the truth c. for he saith that all might be condemned c. For it is certaine that as Antichrist which in this chapter is described is not the head of the Iewes but of counterfeit Christians so the Iewes as they are Iewes are not the followers of Antichrist here described Antichrist is the head of the apostasie or reuolt from Christ and consequently the head of Apostate Christians 1. Tim. 4. 1. Antichrist shall sit in the Temple of God that is shall rule and raigne ouer the Church of Christ. Antichrist was to sit in Babylon that is Rome and therein was to succeed the Emperours who whiles they ruled in Rome hindered the reuelation and dominion of Antichrist All which points as they do fit the Pope so they do proue that the Papists be the followers of Antichrist and haue receiued the name and marke of the beast And hereof there can be no doubt if this description also agree vnto them as most euidently it doth For seeing they are the Apostate Christians described 1. Tim. 4 1. 3. certaine it is that they haue not receiued the loue of the truth that they may be saued That strong illusion is sent vpon them that they might beleeue lyes c. it appeareth plainly in their written vanities which they call vnwritten verities in their legends portuises and festiuals fraught full of incredible lyes in their ridiculous dotages deuout superstitions wherin they plainely shewe themselues to be besotted and made drunke with the whore of Babilons cuppe of fornications and to be giuen ouer to beleeue vntruthes That they will not beleeue the truth appeareth by their manifolde grosse errors frō which they wil not be reclaimed And that they delight in iniquitie appeareth by their doting vpon the doctrine religion of Antichrist which as there it is opposed to the truth so before is called the mystery of iniquitie This descriptiō therfore of the followers of Antichrist ought to be an admonitiō for all Ver. 12. Ver. 7. Papists to renounce that religiō of Rome if they would not be in the number of thē that perish a caueat for all Christians who professing y ● true religiō haue no true loue therof but are ready to accept embrace the religiō of Rome least this heauy iudgement of the Lord fal vpō thē that because they haue not receiued the loue of y e truth to their saluatiō the Lord send vpō thē strong illusiō that they beleeue lies vnto their destruction 7. Yea but saith he this place cannot be vnderstood of Christians but of the Iewes for he saith that Antichrist shal be sent to them who would not receiue Christ which is true of the Iewes but vntrue of Christians The Apostle speaketh of those that receiue not the loue of the truth that they might be saued which may be verified of vnsound Christians as the Rhemists themselues on this place do graunt that is of all those who content themselues with a bare profession of the faith hauing neither a true faith nor yet a sound loue of the truth A sound Christian doth not only professe the name of Christ but also hath some good vnderstanding knowledge of the truth and withall an assent thereto in which two namely knowledge assent consisteth the historicall or dogmatical faith not only a knowledge assent for so much the diuels haue but also a loue liking of the truth not onely that for euen hypocrites temporary beleeuers may attaine to a loue liking of the truth for some temporary respects but also a speciall application of the promises of the Gospell vnto himselfe particular apprehension of Christ his merits whereby he is receiued of the beleeuer to iustification saluation Now the Papists are such as professe Christ but indeed receiue him not nor yet the loue of his truth that they might be saued And therfore this place is verified of them For doth any man I beseech you receiue Christ or beleeue in him who doth not beleeue that Christ is his Redeemer Sauiour But if thou be a Papist thou must not beleeue that Christ is thy Redeemer Sauiour thou must sing Magnificat but thou maist not say with Mary that thy soule reioyceth in God thy Sauiour nor with
in numeratiō For seeing we know what the beast it self is we might wel take that name which fitteth this nūber any of these ways Irenaeus whose master Policarpus beene Saint Iohns disciple reporteth that those who had seen Iohn face to face did teache that the number of the name of Lib. 5. the beast according to the computation of the Greeks by the letters which be in it shall containe 666. Hee therefore setteth downe three names in greeke letters contayning that number in two whereof there is no shew of reason that either of them should be this name seeing neither of them I meane 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the name of the beast The third name is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whereof hee writeth thus Sed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nomen sexcentorum sexaginta sex numerum valde verisimile est Quoniam verissunum regnum hoc habet vocabulum Latini enim sunt qui nunc regnant But the name Lateinos also containeth the number 666. and it is verse likelie because the most true kingdome hath this name For they are Latines which now raigne Which in effect is as much as if hee had saide the name Latine is very likelie because it hath the number 666. and is the name of the beaste which figureth verissimum regnum the most true kingdome that is the Latin or Romane state The name of the beast Apoc. 13. 7. therefore in greek contayning the number is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say Latine 3. In Hebrew the beasts name comprehending that number is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Romane For the beastes name beeing a nowne or name collectiue may indifferently according to the maner of the Hebrewes be vttered either in the Masculine or Foeminine gender And the Foeminine termination doth better fitte the prophecy not onely because it rendreth the iust number but also because the beast as it is subiect to Antichrist beeing the adulterous Romane state is elsewhere in the foeminine called the whore of Babylon and the mother of fornications The most vsuall name of the beast in it owne language that is the Latine tongue is Romanus which in Hebrewe characters is as Master Foxe supposeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the knowledge whereof as himselfe reporteth hee attained by earnest prayer And that the name Latine or Romane in the learned tongues is the name whereof the holy ghost speaketh it appeareth because euery thing here spoken of the name agreeth fitly and properly thereunto For first it is the name of the beast Secondly is containeth the number 666 as may appeare by this supp●…ion Thirdly it is such a name as he to whom all other notes of Antichrist doe agree I meane the Pope enforceth men to take vpon them as shal be shewed Fourthly because the name Latinus or Romanus is also the name of a man For Latinus was one of the auncient Kings of Italy and Romanus was one of the Popes Wherefore I doubt not to conclude that the name is Romane or Latins in the learned tongues For howsoeuer many others names may be produced which comprehend the number 666 yet either they are not the name of the beast or are such names as Antichrist was not to impose vpon men But Lib. 2. cap. 10. of this more here after 4. Now let vs see what that marke is whereof the holy Ghost speaketh Chara●…t or Character is as it were a cognizance a note of difference wherby men of any profession or religion are knowne and distinguished from others And it is partly in ward and partly outward The inward is that which is imprinted in the soule the outward is that which is either expressed or receiued outwardly as namely in the forehead or in the right hand In the forehead that is by outward profession and in the right hand that is by operation as the ordinary glose expoundeth As for example the character or marke of a christian or seruant of Christ is subiectiō vnto Christ and acknowledgement of him to be our head Sauiour This inwardly is the grace of a true faith wrought in the soule by the finger of Gods spirit wherby we beleeue in Christ our sauiour For those that truly beleeue are sealed or signed to saluation That which Eph. 1. 13. outwardly is expressed is either by consession of the mouth or operation of the hands In respect whereof profession of the Christiā faith may truely be said to be the outward marke of a Christian as also determinat us modus us viuēdi c. as the scholemen speake the certaine maner of liuing according to the law religiō of Christ. So that he which beleeueth with his hart cōfesseth with his mouth that Iesus is Christ withal frameth his life according to the law doctrine of Christ he may be said to haue the marke of God Apoc. 9. 4. both in the heart by beleeuing in the forehead by profession in the right hād by operation See Rom. 10. 9. 10. 2. Tim. 2. 19. And furthermore the outward markes receiued to testifie our subiectiō vnto Christ our cōmunion with him as also to distinguish vs frō men of other religions are the Sacramēts of Christ as baptisme and the Lords supper And thus you see the marke of a Christian which is but one in substance namely the true acknowledgement of Christ is thus diuersly expessed testified 5. The like may be said of the marke of the beast which is also called the marke of his name The beast as wee haue proued Apoc. 14. 11. is the Romane state the name is Romane or Latine The marke therfore of the beast is that whereby they of the Romish or Latine religion whom we call Papists are distinguished frō others that is their subiection vnto the Pope as their head and acknowledgement of the See of Rome This inwardly in the soule is their implicite faith whereby euery Papist is bound hand ouer head to beleeue whatsoeuer the Pope or Church of Rome beleeueth and the rather because they are to be perswaded that neither of both can erre That which outwardly is expressed is either by confession of the mouth or operation of the hands So that the profession of the Romishe religion and certaine maner of liuing according to the Lawes and customes of the Pope and church of Rome may also be said to be the marke of Antichristians euen as the obseruation of the Heathenish rites is called 2. Macah. 4. 10. the Character of the Graecians Who soeuer therfore in heart beleeueth whatsoeuer the Pope church of Rome do or shall beleeue outwardly professeth the Romish religion frameth his life according to the lawes customes of the church of Rome as for exāple to fal downe before images to adore the Eucharist to frequēt the Masse c. he may be truly said to haue the marke of the beast Moreouer the outward marks
receiued to testifie their cōmunion with the church of Rome are certaine sacraments of their holy mother church which as they say do imprimere characterē indelebilem imprint a character that cannot be done away and therfore are not to be iterated as namely their sacramēts of cōfirmatiō orders In the former wherof which they prefer before baptisme all yoūg ones are anointed in the forehead with oile which they cal Chrisma salutis The Chrisme of saluatiō without which they will haue none to be accōpted christians Nunquā erit Christianus say they in their law nisi cōfirmatione De consecrat dist 5. c. vt iciuni episcopali fuerit Chrismat us In the latter those of their clergy besides their shauing on their heads are anointed also on their heads as Bishops or on their hands as Priests Thus you see also how the Characteristicall note or marke of Antichristians which is one in substance namely subiectiō to the Pope acknowledgmēt of the See of Rome is diuersly expressed testified Whosoeuer therfore since the reuelation of Antichrist is a Romane or Latine in respect of his religiō acknowledging the Popes supremacy professing himselfe a mēber of the church of Rome that is to say in one word euery resolued Papist hath the marke of the beast his name and number of his name 6. Now it remaineth that by application of this prophecy to the Pope I should shewe that hee causeth all both small and great rich and poore free and bonde that hee should giue them a marke in their right hand or in their foreheads And that no man might buy or sell saue hee that had the marke or the name of the beast or the number of his name Whereby thus much is meant that Antichrist by his vsurped dominion and tyranny should make all sortes of men subiect vnto him and to testifie their subiection both by wordes and deed and that hee should suffer none to liue among them or to enioy the benefites of humane society but such as acknowledge the See of Rome professe themselues members of the Romane church and vse the Latine religion and seruice All which doth fully and only agree to the Pope of Rome For he by his diuelish policy vsurped authority lying wōd●…rs al deceiueablenes of vnright●…ousnesse had not onely brought all men both high lowe into subiection but also perswaded thē that vpon necessity of saluation and paine of damnation they were to subiect thēselues vnto him both by word and deed to testifie their subiection Hereunto belōgeth that oracle for so sometimes they cal their their decrees of Boniface 8. Subess●… saith he Roman●… pont●…fici omni humana creaturae declaramus Extr. de Maior obed c. vnā sanctam dicimus definimus pronunciamus omninò esse de necessitate salutis To euery humane creatur●… wee declare affirme define and pronounce that to be sub●…ect to the Pope of Rome it is a matter altogether necessary to saluation Whereupon the glosse saith Quic quid saluatur est sub Romano pontifice Whatsoeuer is saued is subiect to the Pope The same is concluded by Thomas Aquinas and others That to be subiect to the Pope is of the necessitis Lib. de error Graecor c. 72. Antonin sum 3. part tit 22. c. 6. §. 5. An. 884. of saluation Stephanus 5. aliàs 6. decreed that such Canons as were concluded vpon and giuen out by the See of Rome are of necessity vnto saluation to bee obserued Calixtus 2. straitly forbad any to dissent from the Church of Rome for as the Sonne came to doe the will of his Father so Christians must do the will of their mother the church of Rome Ex. 1. Bal. act ponti●… Rom. Capistran fol. 26. For to gain●…say the Church of Rome is Heresie Those which denie the Pope to haue both powers deny the Gospell and they which deny the Pope to haue the primacy of the vniuersall Cuper●… pag. 46. in summar num 9. Church their errour is equall to the errour of the Grecians who deny the holy Ghost to proceed both from the Father and the Cupers pag. 56. num 21. Sonne If therfore thou wilt not be an Heretike this must be thy faith that as there is one God immutable so there is one vicar general of God vpon earth namely the vicar of Rome whose Capistran fol. 32. s●…ip is stable For seing in the triumphant church there is one supreame Clementin lib. 5. de hareticis cap. ad nostrum in Gloss. prince to whose obedience all that church is most perfectly subiect to wit God it followeth necessarily that one supreme prince is pre●…nt ouer the whole militant Church towit the Pope whose 〈◊〉 all are bound to ob●…y And this priuiledge Christ Anton. part 3. tit 22. cap. 6. §. 5. hath giuē to the church of Rome that al must be obed●…t vnto it a●… vnto Christ. Therfore he susteineth the sentence of condēnatiō Ibid. cap. 5. §. 17. ex Gloss. ordin Papae appli●…ta qui conte●…it f●…i pontificis is obedientiā tanquāsi contemneret Dei 〈◊〉 w●…o 〈◊〉 the Popes obedience a●… if he cōtemned Gods omnipotency And to cōclude as I began with an other oracle or canon of their law Peccatum igitur paganitatis 〈◊〉 quisquis dum Christianum se esse asserit sedi apostolica Dist. 81. c. si qui sunt ob●…dire cont●…it He incurreth therfore the sinne of Pagani●… whosoeuer professing himselfe to be a Christian renounceth obedience to the S●… apostolicke 7 And as he hath made all to subiect themselues vnto him all I meane whose names are not written in the booke of the lambe for this is the vniuersality that the Papists bragge of so he hath caused all both small and great rich and poore c. to testifie their subiection as namely by pinning their faith on his sleeue and binding themselues to beleeue as he beleeueth by professing his Antichristian faith and religion of poperie by obseruing his popish that is to shy superstitious and idolatrous rites and customes as frequenting masses adoring images and reliques worshipping the crosse and Eucharist praying to Saint●… yea to stocks and stones going on pilgrimage praying in latine and that on beades c. by taking his marke both on the forehead in the sacrament of confirmation and on the hand in the sacrament of orders but especially by taking an oath of fidelity and obedience vnto him For therein especiallie they receiue his mark both in the forehead by solemne profession and in the right hand which they lay on the booke This oath not onely graduates priestes Bishoppes but Kings also and Emperours were compelled to take And whereas it is Vid. Meditat. 1. Foxij in 14. cap. Apoc. Decret Gregor libro 2. tit 24. de iureiur c. Ego N. Clementin lib. 2. de iureiur c. Romani said that Antichrist should take order that none might buy or sell vnlesse
Bellarmine would prooue by the authority of Irenaeus as if he should haue said This name was not certainely knowne in Irenaeus his time therefore not in our time I deny the consequence Irenaeus liued before the fulfilling of this prophecie as himselfe professeth as the truth is for he liued aboue 1400. Non ante mul'um temporis pene sub nostro saeculo Iren. Lib. 5. yeeres agoe and as himselfe saith the reuelation was giuen to Iohn but a little before his age For it was giuen in the end of the first Century and he liued in the second and therefore it is more safe saith he to waite for the fulfilling of this prophecie then before hand to determine any thing For if the Lord would haue had this name knowne in Irenaeus his time he would haue made it knowne by Iohn himselfe to whom the reuelation was giuen But as before the fulfilling of this prophecie he saith this name was very obscure so he signifieth that after the fulfilling it should be more plaine And therefore that which he could but ghesse at in his time we may now define time hauing reuealed that trueth which vntill the prophecie was cleared by the euent lay hidde otherwise it shall be lawfull for men to reason from the authority of Irenaeus as Bellarmine doth euen vnto the end of the world But may we then reason thus this name was not knowne in Irenaeus his time therefore it shall neuer be knowne to what end was this prophecie giuen if it shall neuer be vnderstood Whereas therefore he vseth the arguments whereby Irenaeus prooueth that this name could not be knowne in his time to prooue that it cannot be knowne in our time he is ridiculous There are many names saith Irenaeus that haue this number therefore it is heard before hand to tell which is this name Againe if in Irenaeus his time God would haue this knowne he would haue reuealed it by Iohn 3. It is dangerous to define before hand his name for missing of his name we shall not know him when he commeth and therefore shall be in the more danger to be decoiued by him All this we grant But will Bellarmine needs be so ridiculous as to conclude In Irenaeus his time men were not able to tell which of those names that containe the number 666 is the name of the beast therefore 1400. yeeres after none shall be able to tell God would not have it knowne in Irenaeus his time therefore he will not haue it knowne now It was dangerous then before the fulfilling of the prephecie to define what this name should be therefore it is dangerous now when the prophecie is expounded by the euent to apply the one to the other And what doth he inferre hereuppon Therefore no doubt the Protestants who thinke the Pope to be Antichrist shal be deceiued of the true Antichrist when he commeth But blessed be God that hath already reuealed vnto vs the true Antichrist that knowing him we might auoyde him whereas vpon the Papists he hath sent strong illusions that they may beleeue lyes because they loued not the truth that they might be saued 2. Thes. 2. 11. 6. Againe he prooueth this name not to be knowne because there is great controuersie about it what it should be But by the same reason he may conclude that few points of religion are yet knowne because there be few concerning which there is no controuersie Notwithstanding as in other controuersies the trueth is knowne of those which are Orthodoxall howsoeuer others will not acknowledge it so I doubt not but that the trueth in this matter is knowne although some cannot and others will not as yet see it For seeing the hardest matter in this mystery is knowne it is not to be thought that the easier is hid or vnknowne especially seeing the knowledge of the one maketh the other euident The chiefe thing here to be considered is what this beast is For if the beast be knowne it will not be hard to tell what his name is especially if the number of the name be 666. The beast as appeareth by the whole context is as I haue shewed the former beast which without doubt figureth the Romane or Latine state The name of this beast is Romane or Latine If therefore this name in the learned tongues containe the number 666. and be such a name as he to whom all other notes of Antichrist doe agree shall enforce men to take vpon them then without doubt this is the name where of the holy Ghost speaketh but these properties agree to the name Latine or Romane For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Hebrew signifying Romane 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greeke signifying Latine and Romanus in Hebrew Characters doe containe the iust number 666. and are besides such names as Antichrist compelleth all men to take vpon them as hath beene shewed heretofore See Lib. 1. Chap. 8. 7. But let vs see what Bellarmine obiecteth against this truth Of those many reasons which we doe vse Bellarmine maketh choise of two as being the easiest to answer as his maner is and against them he argueth namely the conjecture of Irenaeus and the agreement of the number But besides these we produce three other arguments as you haue heard which together with Lib. 1. c. 〈◊〉 these make the matter euident It is true indeede that Irenaeus besides Latinus produceth two other names 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and seemeth to prefer the latter of these before 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But we build not vpon Irenaeus his authority but vpon those reasons whereon his conjecture is groūded which are two the one because it is the name of that kingdome which is figured vnder the former beast Apoc. 13. 7. whose authority Antichrist was to vsurpe the other because it containeth 666 his words be these But the name Lateinos also comprehendeth the number 666. et valde verisimile est and it is very likely For it is the name of that which most truely is called the kingdome For they are the Latines that now raigne Which in effect is as much as if he had said this name is very likely because it is a name containing 666. and is the name of the former beast spoken of Apoc. 13. 1. which figureth verissimum regnum that kingdome which most truely is called a kingdome that is the Latine or Roman state Yea but this coniecture saith Bellarmine which in Irenaeus his time was of some force now it is nothing worth for then the Latines bare the sway now they doe not For Antichrist as he shall be Potentissimus Rex 〈◊〉 most mighty king so without doubt he shal seize vpon the most mighty kingdoms Whereas therfore the kingdome of the Latines was in those times most mighty but now otherwise there was some likelyhood then that he might by subduing them be called Latinus but now there is no such probability I answere the name whereof Iohn speaketh
in the primitiue church neither is it altogether misliked of vs although not much vsed among vs because it was so much abused by them But this ceremonie was done without vnction or chrisme for further proofe whereof see D. Fulke his answer to the Rhemists Acts. 8. 17. And therefore notwithstanding that ancient practise of the Church this Chrisme vsed in confirmation may belong to the marke of the beast And the rather because the Papists make their confirmation with Chrisme not onely a sacrament but also a most necessary and Principall sacrament So necessary as that they haue set it downe as a law that no man is to be esteemed a Christian without it Nunquam De consecrat dist 5. C. vt iciuni erit Christianus nisi confirmatione episcopals fuerit Chrismatus He shall neuer be a Christian who is not confirmed with Chrisme by a Bishop So principall as that they preferre it before Baptisme affirming that it is maiore veneratione venerandum with greater veneration to be reuerenced Now if it be a priuiledge De consecrat dist 5. C. de his vero peculiar vnto Christ the author and bestower of grace to ordaine Sacraments of grace then must it needes be accounted a practise Antichristian if any man shall take vpon him to ordaine a Sacrament and not onely to obtrude the same vpon all as necessary to saluation but also to preferre it before that excellent Sacrament of Baptisme ordayned by Christ himselfe Therefore as the ordayning and enforcing of this Sacrament vpon men is a note of Antichrist so those which doe not onely receiue it when they are young but also retaine it when they are olde remayning in the communion of the Church of Rome may be said to haue the marke of the beast 7. Secondly that to adhere to the Romaine Church was a marke of a true Catholicke before the yeere 606. he prooueth by 2. Romanae ecclesie adhaercre the authority of Augustine Ambrose and Victor Vticensis But we speake of the Church of Rome that now is that is the apostaticall Church of Rome he argueth of the ancient Church which was apostolicall Indeed whiles the Church of Rome did cleaue vnto Christ so long might it be a note of a good Christian to cleaue vnto it although these testimonies doe scarce proue it but after that Church became apostaticall and adulterous as appeareth by their fundamentall heresies and horrible Idolatries and consequently of a faithful Church became an harlot and of the Church of Christ the synagogue of Antichrist it hath beene the marke of an Antichristian to liue in the communion of that Church Besides this great difference betwixt the present and the ancient state of the Church of Rome there is also great oddes in the manner of adhering or cleauing thereto Then as other Churches did cleaue to the Church of Rome so did the Church of Rome cleaue to them now it acknowledgeth no Church besides it selfe Then the Church of Rome was accounted but a part of the Catholicke Church and so a man might be a good Christian although he were not of the Church of Rome now the Church of Rome alone must be accounted the Catholicke Church and consequently he that is not a member of that Church must not be taken for a Catholicke or true Christian. For when the Pope got the title of vniuersall Bishop or head of the vniuersall Church then the church whereof he was head was accounted the onely Catholicke and vniuersall Church Hereunto agreeth that Glosse Constat ecclesiam ideo esse vnam quia in vniuersali ecclesia est vnum caput suprem●… Clementin Lib. 5. ad nostrum in gloss cui omnes de ecclesia obedire tenentur seil Papae It is euident that the Church is therefore one because in the vniuersall Church there is one supreame head whom all that are of the Church are bound to obey And agreeably therunto saith a late writer whose bookes were published at Venice in the yeere 1588. Non potest quis se Christianum fateri qui curae Papae dicit se non subesse No man may Rod. Cupers 127. num 29. professe himselfe to be a Christian who doth not confesse himselfe to be subiect to the Popes cure or charge And therfore in the conclusiō of his booke he professeth himselfe to be Mancipium S. R. E. The bond seruant of the holy church of Rome Non ignorans he saith haud possehaberese deum patrem si sanctam vniuersalem Romanam ecclesiam non habuerit matrem knowing that a man cannot haue God to be his father vnlesse he haue the holy vniuersall Church of Rome to be his mother Seeing therfore the Church of Rome is become the whore of Babylon as hath bene prooued and the synagogue of Antichrist seeing the Pope compelleth all men to cleaue to the church of Rome suffering none to buy or sel or to enioy any benefits of humane society which professe not themselues to be members of the Church of Rome it followeth that this cleauing to the Apostaticall Church of Rome or liuing in the communion thereof belongeth to the marke of the beast 8. Thirdly as touching the oth of obedience and fealty 3. Iura●…ium obedientiae made to the Pope of Rome Bellarmine prooueth that it was vsed in the time of Gregory the great and therefore before the yeere 606. as appeareth in the Epistles of Gregorie I answere that although Lib. 10. Epist 31. before the yeere 606. the Bishops of Rome tooke more vpon them then became the ministers of Christ yet Bellarmine is not able out of all antiquity to alleadge one example of such an oath of fealty and allegeance imposed by the Pope vpon forraine Bishops and much lesse vpon Kings and Princes as all Catholicke Bishops as they call them Priests graduates Princes and potentates are compelled to sweare vnto the Pope of Rome That one example which as it seemeth is all that he can alledge of an oath taken not long before the yeere 606. is little to the purpose For it is not an oath of obedience and allegeance to the Pope but of faith and religion towards God conformable to the faith and religion then professed by the Bishop and Church of Rome For it is the oath of a certaine Bishop who sweareth to renounce his former heresies and to professe and maintaine that faith and religion which then the Bishop and Church of Rome did professe which oath in effect is no otherwise to be vndestood then if a minister among vs being reclaimed from Popery or some other heresie should take an oath before a Bishop that whiles he liueth he will professe and maintaine that religion which is now professed and established in the Church of England and other reformed Churches which is not to sweare allegeance to them but the like allegeance with them vnto Christ. 9. Fourthly the annointing of Priests we confesse to be as ancient as the Priesthood of Aaron from
the Iewes doo The Iewes looke for him with ioy as for their Messias but the Christians with feare I answere as true Christians looke not at all for the expected Messias of the Iewes to be Antichrist but acknowledge him that is come so Papists but that they cannot see the wood for trees might in stead of looking for Antichrist looke vppon him 10 The second thing which Bellarmine deliuereth concerning Antichrist for a certaine truth is That Antichrist shall be a Iew both by Nation and Religion that is he shall be a Iew borne hee shall be circumcised hee shall be an obseruer of the Iewes Sabboth and other Iewish ceremonies But how is this certaine truth proued forsooth from the premisses For the Iewes will not receiue one for their Messias that is not a Iew borne nor circumcised Nay it is not to bee doubted but that as the Iewes looke for their Messias out of the family of Dauid so hee will faigne himselfe to be of the Tribe of Dauid although indeed he be of the Tribe of Dan. But this Popish conceit built vpon their owne vaine imaginations needeth no answere For seeing I haue ouerthrowne their former assertion wherevpon this is grounded therefore this building of it selfe falleth to the ground Whosoeuer saith hee shall be receiued of the Iewes for their Messias he shall be a Iew borne and circumcised but Antichrist shall be receiued of the Iewes for their Messias as hath bene proued therefore Antichrist shall be a Iew borne c. The proposition is not altogether true for the Herodians receiued Herod for Epiphan lib. 1. de haeresi Iudaeor 7. their Messias and thence had their name But I will not stand vpon that The assumption I haue alreadie disproued shewing that Antichrist was not to be receiued of the Iewes for their Messias and therefore there is no validitie in this argument In the next place therefore for want either of reason or authoritie of scripture he vnderproppeth this tottering wall with testimonies of Fathers but such as either himselfe before hath reiected or else in this question may by the same reason be little regarded The twelue Fathers saith hee which affirmed that Antichrist shall be of the Tribe of Dan doo therefore holde that hee should be a Iew borne But himselfe hath tolde vs that we are not to beleeue them because their opinion cannot bee prooued out of the scriptures and therefore by the same reason neither they nor the rest are to be beleeued in this point which hath no ground in the word of God And thus his most euident demonstration is come to nothing For although the Iewes receiue not the Pope for their Messias but rather esteeme of him as of an other Pharao and withall apply vnto him all that is spoken either of Antichrist as the Papists say or of the type of Antichrist R. Ieu●… Gerson Antiochus as we say Dan. 7. 11. this hindereth not but that the Pope may bee Antichrist Yea this may bee some inducement to perswade vs that if those thinges which bee spoken of Antichrist or his type may in the iudgement of the Iewes who are no parties be applyed properly to the Pope that then the Pope is that Antichrist that in Daniel is figured and in other places of scripture not vnlike to that figure described Chap. 13. Of the seate or See of Antichrist 1 OVr aduersaries sixt disputatiō is concerning the seat or See of Antichrist concluded in this syllogysme Antichrist shall sit at Ierusalem and not at Rome the Pope sitteth at Rome not at Ierusalem therefore the Pope is not Antichrist The proposition concerning which all the cōtrouersie is is first proued by testimonies of scriptures afterwards defēded against our obiectiōs His 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or proofe standeth on three testimonies of scripture The first Apoc. 11. 8. where Iohn saith that Enoch Elias shal be slaine of Antichrist in Ierusalem And their bodies shal lie in the streets of the great Citie which is called spirituall Sodome or Egypt where our Lord also was crucified But what if Iohn speaketh neither of Antichrist nor of Enoch Elias nor of Ierusalē that hee speaketh not of Antichrist it may bee doubted For verse 7. hee saith that the beast which ascendeth out of the deepe which seemeth to bee the former beast described in the beginning of Chap. 13. shall kill the two witnesses And verse 2. it is said that the court of the Temple should be giuen to the Gentiles and that they should tread vpon the holy Citie 42. moneths which is the time allotted to the persecution of the beast with seuen heads Apoc. 13. 5. Besides the Papists teach that Antichrist shall bee the Prince of the Iewes and counterfeit Christians therefore by their owne doctrine this persecution of the Church by the Gentiles should not be the persecution vnder Antichrist And that Enoch and Elias be not here spoken of it hath bene shewed before thirdly that the holy Ghost doth not meane Ierusalem I haue heretofore proued But suppose that S. Iohn did speake both of Antichrist as it Chap. 6. Lib. 1. ca●… 2. § 17. seemeth he doth not and also of Ierusalem which I am sure hee doth not yet notwithstanding this followeth not that wheresoeuer the witnesses of Christ are put to death by him or by his authoritie that there should be his principall seate Whereas therefore Bellarmine argueth thus Where the two witnesses are put to death there is the seate of Antichrist at Ierusalem the two witnesses are put to death therefore at Ierusalem is the seate of Antichrist I answere first to the proposition that it being generally vnderstood is false if particularly then Bellarmines argumentation is not a syllogisme but a paralogisme And to the assumption I answer negatiuely that answer I haue heretofore made good prouing that not Ierusalem is here meant but ciuitas Romana the Citie and Empire of Rome which euery where in the Apocalyps is called the great Citie wherein and by authoritie wherof our Lord was crucified See the first booke chap. 2. § 16. 17. 2 His second testimonie is Apoc. 7. 16. wherevnto I haue answered before in the second chapter of the first booke § 18. But as from that place hee would proue that Rome is not the seate of Antichrist so by another argument which he addeth he proueth that it is Ierusalem For saith hee If Antichrist be a Iew and professe himselfe to be the Messias and King of the Iewes then no doubt he will sit in Ierusalem but the former of these I haue disproued in the former chapter and therefore further answere needeth not Yea but foure of the Fathers auouch that Antichrist shall sit at Ierusalem Although they did yet Bellarmine hath taught vs that we are not bound to beleeue them vnlesse their assertiō can be proued out of the scriptures And yet of these foure Fathers which he alledgeth Lactantius speaketh not of