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A14107 The figure of Antichrist with the tokens of the end of the world, most plainly disciphered by a Catholike and diuine exposition of the seconde epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, collected out of the best and most approued diuines, both olde and new, very profitable for all men in this age to reade: published by Thomas Tymme, minister. Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1586 (1586) STC 24417; ESTC S102039 69,608 190

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merits for the giftes of the holy Ghost are giuen vnto vs through the free grace of God only of the which we speake the more often that no man might proudly boast him selfe of the merits of his righteousnesse Cor. 4.7 For what hast thou saith Paul which thou hast not receiued Moreouer the Apostle hath very artificially comprehended the whole sūme of the Gospell in this verse namely that God hath loued mankinde and hath giuen euerlasting consolation vnto him Iesus Christ who is our hope and that he hath giuen it him through his grace and not for our merit that we liue for euer But what is the Apostles petition it followeth 17. Comfort your heartes and stablishe you in euery worde and good worke He prayeth for the Thessalonians that God so gentle and louing a father would sustaine and comfort their heartes with his consolation against all stumbling blocks and offences by which they might be brought into doubt and dispaire For it belongeth vnto him to comforte and strengthen the heartes of his faithfull seruantes that they might not faint through carefulnesse or distrust And stablish you in euery worde Then he prayeth that God would confirme them in holsome doctrine For this is the worde whereof he speaketh and not of any common worde that it may agree with that which went before And good worke This parteyneth to the whole course of a good and holy life wherein the faithfull ought to perseuere Wherefore all the duties of a Christian man are comprehended in these two partes namely that they doe abide as well in holesome doctrine as in good manners of life The which they cannot performe without the grace and helpe of our Lord Iesus Christ Who saith Iohn 15.5 Without me ye can doe nothing That is to say without my power and strength working in you And in another place it is said that we are framed by Iesus Christ vnto good workes Ephe. 2.10 which God hath prepared that we should walke in them These therefore are those good fruites which doe spring from a sanctified brest through the holy Ghost and a true faith Heb. 11.6 without the which it is not possible to please God Finally Saint Paul hath so tempered this his prayer that withall he hath prescribed what becommeth the Thessalonians namely that they giue themselues continually to all good words and good works that they doe perseuere in euery good worke but especially that they do acknowledge Christ to be the onely hope and euerlasting consolation of all the faithfull for euer CHAPTER III. 1 FVrthermore brethren pray for vs that the word of the Lord may haue free passage and be glorified euen as it is with you This is the last part of this Epistle which comprehendeth foure exhortations of the which one is the supplication of the Church the which is very necessarie and profitable For although the Lord was mightily present with the Apostle and that he did exceed al others in the feruencie of prayer yet neuerthelesse he doth not neglect the prayer of the faithfull with the which the Lorde will haue vs holpen We in like manner after his example ought alwayes to require this helpe and to stirre vp the faithfull to pray for vs. For there is nothing more auaileable with God then faithfull prayer That the worde of the Lord may haue free passage For two causes the prayer of the Church is here required of the Apostle The first is for the happie successe of the Gospel that the same being preached to other nations might be no lesse estemed then it was of the Thessalonians Therfore by these wordes Paul sheweth that he hath not so much care and consideration of him selfe as he hath of the whole Church For why doth he desire to be commended to the prayer of the Thessalonians That the doctrine of the Gospel might haue his course Therefore he would haue them to haue respect not so much to him alone as to the glorie of Christ and the common saluation of the Church And the worde of the Lord is said to haue free passage when in preaching and in doctrine it hath no let but happie successe insomuch that many beleeue it and beleeuing it doe glorifie God and are saued And be glorified He desireth that the worde of God may haue his force and efficacie to reforme men into the Image of God Therfore holines of life and integrity in christians is the beauty of the Gospell euen as they doe bring infamie and slaunder to the Gospell professing it with their mouth and liuing neuerthelesse filthylie and wickedlie Mat. 5.15 To this ende partaine the exhortations of our sauiour Christ of Peter and of others 1. Pet. 2.12 in the new Testament Euen as it is with you That is to say after the same manner forme and happie successe For this ought to be a great incouragement to the Godly that they may see all other men like to them selues in godlinesse Therefore they which are already entered into the kingdome of God are commaunded to pray daily that the same kingdome may come so farre off they ought to be from enuie when they do heare that others are come to the knowledge of the truth 2 And that we may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men for all men haue not faith This is the latter cause why the Apostle requireth the prayers of the faithfull The truth indeed was preached but in the meane time there sprange vp diuers scismes among them also which would seeme to be the embracers of true religion And the publike enimies of religion did both banish the truth and did also most cruelly persecute them which were maintainers of the truth neither did there want certaine hypocrites and false brethren which were worse far more pestilent thē they vnto true godlinesse For it is truly said that a counterfeit frend is much more hurtfull then an open enimie Wherefore Paul desireth to be deliuered from such For by vnreasonable and euill mē he meaneth those which vnder the name of christians lurked in the Church or else the Iewes which through a mad zeale of the law furiously persecuted the gospel For he knew how great harme was like to come by them both And this saying of the Apostle may be extended to all manner of perils For then Paul was going to Hierusalem and did write being in the middest of his iorney But it was already told him from aboue that bondes and persecutions wayted for him there Act. 20.23 From the which he doth desire to be so deliuered that he may ouercome whether it be by death or by life But now at this day the ministers of the word haue the Pope and Papistes for their principall aduersaries which are in dede vnreasonable and euill men which doe hinder the course of the doctrine of the Gospell with their accusations and doe destroy so much as lieth in them the fruit glorie of the word of God preached
hereafter As it is meet In these woords Paul sheweth that we are bound to giue thanks vnto God not onely when he doth power on vs good thinges but also when we call to mind his benefits bestowed on our brethren For whersoeuer we do see the goodnes of God to shine we are bound to giue thankes for the same Furthermore the sauing health of our brethren ought to be so deare vnto vs that whatsoeuer is giuen vnto thē we ought to take it as bestowed on our selues Moreouer if we do consider the holy vnitie of the body of Christ such mutuall communion and fellowship shal be among vs that we will reckon the benefite of one member to be the benefite gaine of the whole Church Therefore in praysing the benefites of God we must alwayes haue respect vnto the vniuersalitie of the Church Because that your faith groweth excedingly Here are repeated the principa● pointes of our religion as faith charitie and sufferance but not without cause For because in the former Epistle he had praysed the faith and charitie of the Thessalonians now he speaketh of the increase of them both And in very deede it is conuenient for all the godly to obserue this order that they daily make a triall and examination of themselues how much they haue profited This therefore is the true prayse of the faithfull if they grow and increase dayly more and more in faith and in charitie Moreouer first he gaue thankes vnto God for them now he saith there is cause why he should againe giue thankes for their dayly profiting And when he giueth thankes vnto God for their profiting he doth thereby signifie and declare that as well the increase as the beginning of faith and loue commeth from God For if these sprang from the vertue that is in men the giuing of thankes should be fayned or els for nothing Three causes of thanks giuing There are therfore three causes of thankes giuing of the which the first is the increase of faith For faith in such as are consecrated vnto God how true and perfect soeuer it be doth not sodenly come to her full perfection euen as yong Trees doe not by and by grow to their full bignes but doe first spring then shout vp in talnesse and at the last come to a full groth of a Tree Euen so faith hath her degrees and is not at the first begining fully perfected but seeketh and desireth to increase it selfe daily more and more And that is the meaning of this place of Paul Rom. 1.17 where he saith From faith to faith that is to say that the same in the first beginning do not decay but rather that it be confirmed more and more vntil it come to iust perfection For according to our common māner of speaking Faith of two sortes there are two sortes of faith one imperfect the which being once begunne goeth forward by degrees and increaseth and continueth not alway in weaknes the other is perfect the which being many wayes confirmed doth constātly rest it selfe on the sure knowledge and will of God And the loue of euery one of you toward another aboundeth The Second cause of thankes giuing is the mutuall loue of the Godly which bindeth vnto her euery one whom she findeth in affliction by many benefittes And although according to the common vse of the sacred scriptures he is our neighbour which is ioyned to vs by any maner of way either of dwelling nere vnto vs either of kinred or of frendship or of societie or else of custome yet notwithstanding he also shal be our neighbour which standeth in need of our helpe whatsoeuer although he be not a Citizen with vs a fellow a cosin or any other way ioyned vnto vs Luk. 10.30 euen as that man was which fell into the hands of theeues But this loue differeth from that which we owe vnto God 1. Ioh. 4.10 which loueth him in the highest degre which loued vs first This loue is the pietie and worship which we owe vnto God And as the duties of this loue are gathered out of the first table so the duties of the other are taken out of the second table the which loue in that it springeth from the loue of God as from the fountain it cannot be but very acceptable vnto God Whereupon it commeth to passe that God doth oftē times more vrge and require the loue of our neighbour then the loue of himselfe For as it appeareth by the Prophet he doth preferre the defence and helpe of the widowes the fatherlesse and the oppressed before the sacrifices offered vnto him Esay 1.17 Loue is the handmaid of faith Gal. 5.6 For this loue is the handmaid of faith and doth so necessarily wait vpon her as doth the shadow on the body Because faith which is auailable before God is effectual and working through loue 4 So that we our selues reioyce of you in the Churches of God because of your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye suffer The Apostle could not giue vnto them a greater prayse then when he sayth that he propoundeth them as examples before other Churches to be followed for that is the meaning of these woordes We our selues reioyce of you in the Churches of God And yet Paul doth not ambitiously boast of the faith of the Thessalonians but setteth them foorth as a prouocation to make others the more earnest to imitate them In the Churches of God In that he calleth them not his Churches but the Churches of God it declareth his humilitie faithfulnesse For they are false and vntrustie who whenas they ought to be the seruants of God and the ministers of Churches desire to be called Lordes and doe vsurpe authoritie ouer other mens seruants Because of your patience The third and last cause of giuing thanks is their patience But the Apostle saith not that he doth reioyce because of the faith and loue of the Thessalonians but of their patience and faith Wherupon it followeth that patience is the fruite and testimony of faith Therefore these woordes ought to be resolued thus we reioyce of the patience which commeth of faith and doth testifie the faith excelleth in you Otherwise the text should not agree And in very deed there is nothing that doth hold vs vp more in tribulations then doth faith the which doth hereby euidently enough appeare because so soone as we forget the promises of God we fal flat to the ground Therfore the more that a man doth grow in faith the more he is armed through patience stoutly to indure all things euen as on the contrarie part cowardice and impatiēce in aduersitie doth bewray our Infidelitie especially at such time as we are to suffer persecution for the Gospell the force of faith will shew it selfe Therefore that reioycing of the Apostle Paul was no proud or vaine boasting but godly piety by which he did exalt and aduaunce with condigne prayses