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A10318 A directorie teaching the way to the truth in a briefe and plaine discourse against the heresies of this time Whereunto is added, a short treatise against adiaphorists, neuters, and such as say they may be saued in any sect or religion, and would make of many diuers sects one Church. Radford, John, 1561-1630. 1605 (1605) STC 20602; ESTC S115540 239,684 640

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grace the sweet li●our of his holie Sacraments without this Church of Christ no saluatiō can be found this Church is worthily called the ship of S. Peter out of which whosoeuer at death shall be found shal bee ouerwhelmed without all doubt in those flouds of eternall damnation For as at Noes floud none were saued but those only that were in the Arke eight persons euen so we cannot pas through the Sea of this troublesome world nor arriue to the sure hauē of rest with god in his kingdome vnlesse we saile in Noe and Saint Peters ship Christs holy Church which church is nothing else but a congregation of al faithfull people liuing in one faith or vnity of beleif vnder Christ their head his Vicar the cheif Pastor of our souls Saint Peters successor heare in earth keeping that faith and beliefe that Christ and his Apostles taught and hath beene euer openlie preached in Christs Church without intermission euen from Christs Assention vnto this day shal be so without faile euen to the end of the worlde For against his Mat. 16 Church Christ promised The gates of hel that is the Diuel and al his power that is al Infidels Turkes Iewes Heret●kes Schismatikes should neuer preuaile but the true Catholike church hath more manifestly shall haue in the end the vpper hand though for a time for our sins in this and other countries it hath beene sore persecuted and oppressed yet can it neuer be vanquished or suppressed because Christes worde shall neuer faile who promised to be with it and assist it with his holy spirit to the end of the world Nay the more it is persecuted the more in the end it will florish as the vine that is pruned afterward bringeth out branches more perfectly and more plentifull fruit This ship of Saint Peter hath bin sore tossed with stormes of persecution frō time to time but yet by the good guiding of Christ her head neuer ouerwhelmed How sore was it shaken when Nero that bloudy tirant and persecuting Emperour slew the chief Captaines therof Saint Peter and Saint Paul at Rome in which city now Christs Religion by his special grace and by the merits praiers of these Apostles most florisheth What bloudy battailes afterward made Domitian Diocletian and rhe rest of those persecuting Kings and Emperours against the same Church slaying by thousands of Christiās in one day The Arrian Heritickes aboue a thousand yeares agoe that denied the Son of God to be of the same substance with his father as the Heretickes of our time now deny him though not altogither alike but in another manner and in another article of our beliefe according to his worde to be heare with vs in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar Those that were true Christian Catholickes especially Bishopps Preists were for the truth by them persecuted with fire and sword both by Sea and land Yet by the valiant death and constancie of Martirs and worthy Confessours who were robbed spoiled of goods landes liberties and liues by long imprisonment death as many in this countrie for the same cause now be they in the end obtayned ouer the enimies of the truth the victorie that euen in those very places where greatest persecution bloodshed was for the truth there afterward was of all sorts of people greatest confession of the truth Churches and houses of prayer being raised in those very places where many Martirs were hanged shed their blood the bloody persecutor dying and being buried in hell in eternal obliuion The glorious Martir now triumpheth and reioyceth with God in Heauen with perpetuall praise and memory of his name here on earth When the ghospel in this country was first preached a blessed man harboured Amphibo l●s by Saint Albon nere to Christs time that blessed Martir for his receipt of Christs messenger and for becoming a Christian shed his bloud and yet in that very place was afterward a goodly Abbey built where Christ was serued both day and night and the towne of Saint Albons as of whome it tooke the name for many hundred yeares honoured God in him in that place who before as a traitor and enimie to the Realme and state they put to death Afterward about a thousand years agoe when Saint Augustine the Moncke was sent by Saint Gregorie then Pope of Rome to restore preach christs faith and religion here amongst English men then a mongst the Britons in some sort partly decaied for sinne as now in a great part of the whole Isle it is if not worse in manie mens hartes though God bee thanked a Church though litle poore and afflicted wee haue still manye mockes buffets and blowes that holy Moncke with the rest of his fellowes had before they could recall this Country to the right way of saluation The storme against them was sharp for a time But afterwardes with long patience Christ bad the winde cease and there became a great calme The Church of England hauing great tranquility flourishing after in religion virtue almost a thousand years togither till wicked Luther a many of his fellowes runagate Friers and forsakers of their order and religion for the desire they had to liue as they lust in al liberty pleasures of the flesh broched a new gospel I would say raised vp a mōstrous storme of heresy infidelity troubling the peace of the christian world quite ouerthrowing the cōmon state of Religiō here in our Country till it please God to bid the raging storme cease which no doubt hewil do whē it semeth best to his good wil pleasure who after a storme sendeth faire weather when he hath beaten his children wel knoweth to cast the rod into the fire in the meane time in this perilous storme it behoueth vs to bee well armed least we be ouerwhelmed with al vertues but first cheifly with true faith and religion Chap. II Of the first certaine note of the true Church WHerfore because heretiks the enimies of truth deceiue simple soules vnder the shewe of truth glory of the Church as though they only were true mēbers of the same which notwithstāding they oppugn pul down Therfore the first note wherby you may knowe the true church of Christ frō the Church of Satan is this that the Church of God is called Catholike which word Catholike is deriued frō the Greeke and in Latine is asmuch as vniuersalis that is vniuersall and generall common as it were to al true beleuers of all nations so that the true Church of Christ is commonly called the Catholike church or at least knowne The proper etimologie of this word Catholik is vniuersall or generall of all sorts so to be called as we are taught in our Creed to beleue the holy Catholike Church so that true Christiā beleuing men are commonly called catholikes those that be deuided from this knowne common faith and Church of Christ in
writer but al so therin nov a●d then haue vsed some oshisowne speeches whose name though very memorable yet for the present vpon inst reasons I doe conceale trusting only to my slender weake memorye of that I haue heretofore reade or in schooles heard of my masters if I say in touching of so high misteries so many and waighty matters I in any sorte haue fayled or gone one iotte astray from the common receaued faith of the true Catholike and Apostolike Romane Churche as by GODS gratious assistance I trust I haue not yet if there be any of my learned Catholike Brethren that can synde any iust faulte or error herein I will not obstinatly defende yet as Heret●ks doe but humbly thanke him that will friendlie charitable either correct it him selfe or warne me of it that I may correct it my s●lfe amend it For I as a fra●le mā may easily e● Yet ●●l I boldlie say with that learned * Father I w●●●euer be an heretike by GODS grace as alwaies submitting my lelfe ●nd all my sayings and doings to the censure judgment and correction of the holy Catholike Churche that I knowe cannot erre Neither haue I heare written any large discourse of any thing but only touched as it weare the toppes of things with what breuitie l mighte makinge the vnlearned to vnderstand But this I beseech you if at any tyme you perce●●e me to enueigh sh●rply against heretiks or their falie d●alings abuses that you woulde not take yt that I doe it for any wante of Charitie towards them or for hatred against their persons but only in respect of their vices and damnable sects heresies wherby they hurt thēselues and others and slaunder the trueth For it is the zeale of GODS cause and the Catholike trueth that some tyme more vehemently causeth me to speake for it is not the most malitious heretike in this lande nor all the heretiks though neuer so malitiouslie they seeke our bloude but GOD is my witnes I am so farre from wishing them harme though olde infestred diseases must be cured with sharpe medicines sometymes for the patients good that I woulde lay my hands vnder their feete and kisse the very grounde they tread one to doe them good and winne their soules to GOD which though with the losle of my lise it were donne yet I trust in GOD I shoulde thinke it well * Aug. bestowed But if my laboures can doe such no good yet I hope GOD will accept my good will and desire And if that I may herewith doe any well disposed person good Then I beseech him whosoeuer that I a sinnful wretch may be pertaker of his good prayers which is all I desire for these smal paines Fare you well 10. Aprilis Anno 1594. Written by him who desireth the good of his Countrye and saluation of all I. R. CHAP. I. OF THE TRVE WAT to saluation GOod Sir touching the truth of those matters you desire to know First assure your selfe for certaine there is but one truth from which whosoeuer obstinatly swarueth must needes be a lyar so not of God but of the Diuell the father of lies Secondly to knowe the truth you can enquire of none more certaine thē of him who is truth himselfe who calleth himselfe via veritas vita the way truth life A way by grace truth by infallible direction life by fruition of his glory that is Christ him if you follow the true way you shall not walke a-stray him the light and fountaine of truth if you chiefly respect you shall not erre nor be ouer-whelmed in darknesse and so neither here want the life of grace without which the soule cannot liue nor so consequently of Gods glory without which the soule liueth in euerlasting death without which life of grace here glory there better it had bin neuer to haue enioyed this mortal transitory life For what profiteth it a man saith that euerlasting truth if he winne the wholeworld and loose his owne soule The beauty of which soule of man created by God whilst it remayneth in state of grace is so great as framed to the likenesse of almighty God the dignity so excellent as being fellow and coheire with Christ and the price of such value as redeemed with his pretious bloud which beauty of mans soule is soiled blotted quite lost yea become like vnto the olde and crooked most vglie serpent the Diuell by sin ignorance forgetfulnesse to be briefe for want of knowledge and following of the truth which is Christ who said he that followeth me walketh not in darknesse but shal haue the light of life Assure your selfe then my good Sir that it is the sweete motion of Gods holy spirit that in clineth your desire to know the truth which is of such inuinsible force that it stayeth it selfe in God only I meane as the finall and chiefe end of truth For wine may be strong women faire Princes mighty Sed omnia vincit veritas But truth ouercommeth all thinges Enquire then of Christ the infallible truth of those thinges you stand in doubt and you shall be sure neuer to misse the way so that you so enquire that you follow him with perseuerance to the end which is obteyned by Gods grace in perfect humility without security presumption or trust in our selues as of our selues but working with Gods grace our owne saluation chiefly reposing and staying our selues in the helpe and mercies of God and so in matters of faith yea and good workes also a man I meane may be in sure hope and cōfidence neuer to misse the way I haue you will saye enquired thus of Christ but I finde diuers professors of Christ quite differing a sunder in most weighty matters of high misteries of Faith Religion Sacraments Ceremonies and of euerlasting Saluation and yet all parties glorie of the truth How may I then an vnlerned man discerne the light of the truth from amongst so many monstrous cloudes of darknes Hear therefore what Christ saith the truth that cānot fail wel consider I say the rule he setteth downe to know the truth from the dissembled cloake of trueth which is pernitious falsehood and deceitfull flattery These be his words Many shal come in my name say I am Christ shall deceiue many Mat. 4 and againe shall saye Beholde here is Christ Beholde him there as one sorte of people who at this day glory of christ The worde of the Lord and the Gospel say beholde you shall finde Christ in a parte corner of Germanie in Saxony in Wittenberge in Denmarke as the Lutherans who affirme that man hath no free will and that God is the author of euell aswell of the treason of Iudas as of the election of Saint Paul An other Sect as of Anabaptists that oftentimes abuse Baptisme and confound all good ciuill and politicke gouernment to the extirpation of Christian Princes and all gouernors saye you shall finde Christ
the truth onely with them Another sort of men called Caluinists and Protestants who raigne at Geneua here especially in England affirme Christ and the truth of the gospel to be only with them these men say only faith iustifieth leadeth to Saluation they deny Christes Blessed Body and Blood to be really substantially truly present in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar These men deny prayer for the Faithfull departed inuocation of Saintes and the like An other sort be called the Family of loue who after their prayer preaching of Christ and the gospel as they terme it doe worke as it appeareth by their ill fruits the workes of darknes things inconuenient to be named An other Secte called Puritans would pul down Churches also confound ciuil gouernmēt It were too long to reckon vp al far differing in opinions condemners of one another and yet all professours of Christ the truth and the Gospell and yet as I said before as there is one very God so but one truth On● God one Faith one Baptisme and yet Ephes. 4 euery one of these wil not stick to say beholde heere is Christ and the truth with vs in this corner of the world and another as stiflye againe beholde hee is there in another place Is Christ deuided No but marke Christs rule who forwarneth vs all of such that wee goe no● ou● after them out of the vnity of faith and the holy Catholicke Churche that is with out which no true Saluation can bee sound to followe them If they say vnto t●ee saith Christ belioulde In deserto est Mat. 24. ecce in penitralibus He is in the desert and secret parlours Noli●e exire nolit● cr●d●●e Goe not out after them that be● so deuided amongst themselues Doe not beleeue them And yet hee giueth vs a more certain marke how better to know Ibidem them Many false prophets saith Christ shall arise deceiue many they shall come in she●pes cloathing But inwardly they bee rauening Wolues And then lo he giueth vs a note to discern them by saying You shall knowe them by their fruites For a good tree cannot bring forth ill fruites nor a bad tree good fruits Let vs then see the fruites of these Sect-Masters and newe Gospellers that giue vs such gaye words promises Christ by his word example commaundeth teacheth vs to pray much fast often which his true followers haue euer duly obserued these men pray little fast lesse He biddeth enter into life euerlasting by the straight way of penance They preach libertie as they say of the Gospell but by experience wee see it tendeth to that end that euery one may with out controulment liue as he lust in loose liberty of the flesh God sometimes in this Country for a thousand years togither welnere was in religious houses with continuall prayer of our forefathers serued night day these men account such continuall prayr lip labour pull downe godly houses Churches but raise fewe to be briefe amongest them iniquity aboundeth but Charity waxeth cold wherein our godly predecessours so greatly excelled As in building vs so many Churches chappels houses of prayer and religion to honor God in so many hospitalls to nourishe maintaine the poore needie orphanes and widowes so many colledges in our Vniuersities to traine vp youth in virtue and learning now greatly decayed as wanting the auncient orders wonted disipline therin appointed by the Founders Where is that humility that modestie that obedience to parents and superiours as of olde Where is that feare of God that fidelitie true dealing amongst men that was wont to be Be either now seruants more trustie and obedient to their Maisters Wiues to their Husbands Subiects to their Princes Is now iustice better executed then a foretime that the poore oppressed haue no cause to cōplaine Doe those that enioy liuings giuen by our forefathers to the Church keepe better houses then their forefathers that liued without such liuings doe Ministers nowe bestowe the goods of the Church more liberally vpon the poore then Priests before time doe they liue nowe in any sort chastlie with wiues as many married christians of olde howe farre then be they from the chastity of most reverend continent Priests of all ages nay rather are not almes-deedes decayed charity abandoned chastity fled away be these the fruits of Protestants that make vs such gay promises of the pure sincere profession of the gospell If then you beleeue Christes words to be true that the tree must be knowne by the fruites these brochers then of the fifth gospell that bring forth such cockle darnell bad fruit note and knowe them most assuredly not for true but false Prophets Ministers of the Diuel the father of lies Antichristians not lambes but wolues in sheepes clothing not Ministers of the word of God but of their owne phātasies and foolish proud conceites deuourers of your souls whom you ought to flye as from the face of the serpent for with their sweet wordes and speeches they deceiue the hartes of the innocent they confesse themselues in wordes to professe and know God but deny him in deedes you shall know them by their fruits But you will say perhappes there haue euer beene vices amongst men I graunt you but not so common and generall as now they be and then Vertue of olde was holden for Vertue and Vice for Vice But now quite contrary that which is sinne is tearmed by the name of vertue and that which is vertue is termed vice So that in place wher● vertue was exercised now sinne and vice is exalted raigneth Againe these New men that brag to be reformers of the worlde and bringers in of light ought to haue taught vs better manners then these had whome they tooke in hand to reforme which when they doe not nay bee themselues and make the worlde worse It is a sure token they be not sent by God to reforme men but by the Diuell to deceiue men Which foule wilye serpent as witnesseth Saint Paule ofte trans-formeth himselfe into an Angell of light fly then such lying Masters For their Church and congregation is not the flock of Christ but the very Sinagogue of Satan And that you may better know the true church of god from the false Church of Antichrist I will se● downe three or foure notes proper to no Church but onlie the true Church of Christ which if you marke well they shall teach you in these perilous times how to know the Church of God and so the true and only way to saluation For hee that wil be saued before all things must keepe true faith and religion and be a member of the church of God For vnto this Church as Christs only deere spouse for which hee shed his precious blood all good guiftes be giuen all heauenly promises be made in this Church as in his elect vineyeard is only found the deaw of his heauēly
opinion be properly termed Heretikes Now lett vs see to which Church this marke Catholike is proper and agreeth and you shall find it to belong to no other but only to that church which Heretikes call the Popish or papistical church but she it is which they so scornefully miscall which is in deed the true Catholike church For our church and true Catholike faith and religion which they terme Papistry is common to all countries wheresoeuer heretikes be but yet Protestants or to speake more plainly heretikes be not in euery place where catholikes be as ●or example heretikes as Lutherans Caluinists or Protestants Puritans Anabaptists and the like sectaries deuided from the Catholike church be here openly in England Scotland Ireland Denmarke Switzerland Iseland partlie in Bohemeland yea in some corners of France Polony Hungary and in some prouinces free states rebells to their lawfull Princes in the inferior and higher Germany For in very few places else in all Europe saue these by me reckoned shall you find any hereticall estate To omitt then that all these countries many hundred years togither before they euer hard of these new heresies were al catholike yet at this day be they neuer so heretical you shall finde amongst thē some opē church of the catholiks such as stick not to profes their faith with losse of liberty goods liues as here in England though Gods church be opressed by heretiks with taxes impri sonments death more then any christians be in the world yea worse thā vnder that open professed enimie of Christ the Turke who permiteth Christians to liue with liberty of cōsciēce to haue their churches Masse opēly wheras you see how Catholiks here for their faith lose al their goods two partes of their lands cannot enioy that quietly neither but pilledwith euery apparitor purseuant cast in prison restrained of their liberty and susteining the like notable iniu stices disgraces knowne vnto you already to long to speake yet notwithstanding be they neuer so sore opressed beggered or consumed yet they liue after their death new arise in their places so that you wante not at euerye assises and sessions in euery shiere towne in England Catholikes that there be openly called vpon and ready to professe their faith besides many hundreds that lye this day in prison as in Yorke Hull Norwitch Wisbitch where be aboue thirty priests together most learned and reuerend men whereof some haue beene prisoners thirty yeares and aboue an hundred Priests or there-abouts haue beene within the same time hanged drawen quartered for the same cause though it is giuē out to the people it is for treason wherof they be most innocent as may appear by their milde death where they euer pray for conuersion of the Queene and Realme for recouery only whereof to the Catholike Faith Religion they be trained vp in virtue and learning in other countries and sent hither backe againe besides many lay men and weomen yong and olde of all degrees most noble personages and of interiour sort and condition haue and doe suffer to the open testimony of the world imprisonment and death for the Catholike cause So that you see here for example in England though neuer so poore and persecuted yet by Gods gratious mercy and prouidence be Catholikes and an open professant Catholike congregation The like might be saied of Scotland Ireland Germany and other countries that looke wheresoeuer heretikes be yet Catholikes be amongst them openly I say knowne to the world But yet the church of Christ is in farre more large noble worthy countries wher no heretike dare openly shew his head no nor at all or rarely be found as in the greatest countries of Europe the corpes of Christendome as in those most noble Countries In france god he blessed though the state publike be Catholicke yet both publikly and priuatly I graunt heretikes chiefly Italy Spaine Sicily and for the most part in the chiefe and famous cities of Fraunce Portugall and the like prouinces Kingdomes and dominions adioyning by North and South of those Countries where God be blessed the Catholike faith and Church hath free liberty vse for preaching Sacraments and ceremonies but very few heretikes or none to account in respect in the most of those mighty Regions that dare opēly avouch their absurd monstrous heresies which they deceaue the simple souls with al here in Englād other obscure corners of the world like lurking theeus that be ashamed to shew their faces before men In somuch that at the last generall councel of Christendome holden at Trent where the most of all the learned Bishopps and Doctors of Chistendome were gathered together to dispute and appease controuersies in religion the heretikes of this country and of all others in the world being sommoned to appeare and hauing free liberty giuen them to say what they could for themselues with sufficient securitie of their saufe conduct to and fro they like men of cancred and guilty consciences knowing the naughtines of their own cause durst not appeare nor shew their faces before the lawfull Iudge graue Senate and councell of Christendome but like subtill foxes in their dens kept thēselus at home so by the consent of all christendome were iustly condemned for obstinate Heretikes Ouer and besides al these coūtries abouenamed where you see by Gods grace the Catholike church is openly persecuted or free and in peace there be other countries in the world neuer heard of but of later yeares which now be of late with wonderfull :: For miracles vid● Osoriū d● Lusitanorū gestis Itē Maffeū maxi●e Epistolas Indicas Iaponicas ver bi gratia The Reu● rende Father Franc. Z●uier his body was found vncorrupte sweet and of an odoriferous sauour some months after his death I omit the report how he raysed a dead mā This holy Zauier first in our age preached Christ in Iaponia The Iaponians though they be as fa●re or rather farther distant from the Ro●anes thē the An●ipodes yet they be not properly Antipodes but in ●ome sort Antiesi or quasi Antiesi for that part of the world which is directly opposit●●o Rome is partly it seemeth Sea partly terra incognita miracles conuerted to Christs faith religion both in the East and West Indians insomuch as about 9. yeares past in the latter end of the time of Gregory the thirteene of blessed memory I my self saw there three young Princes come to Rome that came from the vttermost coasts of the earth out of a Country called Iaponia who bee Antipodes to the Romanes that is their feete contrary to theirs they were 3. yeares in comming and all to visit the bodies of the Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul to acknowledge their dutifull obedience to the Apostolike Sea and to worship Christ his Vicar here on earth they were as worthy receaued with great applause of all Christian states and Princes in Christendome
sent backe againe with great honour and gifts and the like triumph and reioycing to my knowledge was neuer in Rome before since our Country was first conuerted vnto Christ in Gregory the greats time our holy Apostle that sent S. August●ne to preach the Gospell amōgst vs English men These coūtries new y conuerted in the Indians be conuerted by Iesuites Monkes and Friers so honourab●e once in our Country but now odious yea their very names They in those mighty Countries citties far greater then the rest of all Christendom● do raise vp houses of religion as fast as we pull the downe they know or beleeue no other faith but only the Catho Romane faith Church praysed ●om 1. 8. with the Apost●es mouth to be preached through the whole worlde Heretickes here you see in corners of Christendome rent and teare in peeces like rau●ning Wolues the flocke of Christ but they plant it in no place amongst I●fidelles where Christ was neuer heard of before as our Priests and religious men doe which they so rai●e against in their pulpits amongst ignorant people But no maruell for our Sauiour describeth such Wolues vnder the name of hirelings or rather no Pas●ors but theeues and robbers that come in by the window not by the doore that feede themselues and not the flocke of Christ but be like to those whereof the Prophet speaketh De Psal 52. 5 uorant plebem meā vt cibum panis deuouro my poore people a● meate of bread It is the property o● the heretike vt furetur mactet perdat to steale murder destroy but not as a good shepheard to feed the flock of Christ and raise vp and build the walles of Ierusalem the holy Church Thus you see how the Church of Christ is no priuate conuenticle or tied to one or two Countries or Nations but it is common to the whole world A mari vsque ad mare a flumine vsque ad terminos orbis terrarum a visible Church to be seene as hee promised by the holye Prophet it should bee that all Nations might haue recourse thereunto Againe Ps 112. 3. he promised by his Prophet it shoulde be from the rising of the Sunnet to the setting of the same againe Et aperienter portaetuae Isa 60. 11 iugiter die ac nocte non claudenter vt afferatur ad te fortitudo gentium reges earum adducantur That her gates should neuer be shut that is that shee should be common to all Nations of the world both Iew and Gentile but this is proper to no sort of Heretickes in the world which be enclosed you see in a few corners of the same as England and Germany But our common knowne faith Church and religion is Catholicke that is vniuersall generall and common not only to these countries but to all the countries of the worlde where Christ was euer preached or heard of Euen from the rising of the Sunne to the setting of the same againe therefore no other Church the true Church but ours only that is the common knowne Catholicke and Apostolicke Romane Church First then you see what Church hath the first true marke which wee be taught in our Creede to beleeue that is our Romane Church no other because ours and no other you see can properly be called Catholicke that is common to all Nations Chap. III Of the second certaine note of the true Church SEcondly this Catholike Roman church is of greatest antiquity which is a sure note or marke of the true Church proper to no Church but onely to our church that is the true catholike church For this catholike faith religion which at this day for example is preached at Rome in the Indians in al the coasts of the world is no new fangled vpstart opiniō sect as lutherans protestants be whose first rising is yet in our fathers memory but most ancient that is both euer continued one and the same Faith and church for almost these 1600. yeers from Christes Ascention euen vnto this day whereas the Protestants can neither shew church chappel nor congregation of their faith religion through the whole world till only within these 80. yeres till Luther his fellows licentious Lollards first arose if their were anie of more anciēt years as Wicliff Hus Ierom of Prague and the like yet with their opinions they held other damnable heresies which the Protestants mislike as-well as Catholikes so that only our Catholike Church is that which hath continued not for fourescore yeers but fifteene hundred fourescore which marke so auncient of Antiquity because heretikes want therfore they cannot be members of Christs Catholike Church against which our Sauiour promised The diuell and all his power should neuer preuaile but that it shoulde continue from his Ascention into Heauen to his comming againe to Iudgement euē to the end of the world when by his iust Iudgemēt he shal seuer the good corne and chaffe a-sunder make himselfe a glorious triumphant Church in Heauen without spotte or wrinckle Nowe then either it must followe that Christ failed of his promise which to thinke or saye is extreame blasphemie or else that our Church the Catholike Romane Church and no other is only the true church because no other Church but ours only hath beene seene and openly continewed and preuailed against the deuil and all his members from Christes time to this day For their church if not you yet your father knew when it sprong vp that of what ground and occasion it rose that was of Couetousnes Pride and whordome but our Catholike Church hath continued by most of there owne confessions for a thousand yeares yea some of them giue vs thirtene hundred yeares but wee will take to vs and are able to proue by all auntient authority and the invincible truth sixteene-hundred yeres nowe well drawing on that is euen frō Christs time to this day Wherefore our Church being the only church that hath euer visibly beene seene and florished in many Though the church hath euer beene visible yet I meane she hath especially florished since times according to the promise of our Sauiour his Church shoulde doe Therefore it must needes followe that noe Church but onely our Catholyke Romane Church is the true Church as being by farre most antient euen from Christes time But the heretike hath another shift for this he granteth with vs that the Church of Christ shall euer continew but he would haue it an inuisible congregation secrett in mennes hearts a congregation knowne to God alone to no mortall crea●ure saue only to such as be of the same whereupon he woulde haue the Church to consist of the onely Elect saued soules that there be not of both sorts good and bad in the holie true Catholike Church which wily shift of the heretikes we easily shift off reproue plainly by Gods word his gospel which compareth his church Vnto
a Mat. 20. Mar. 12. Luc. 20. citty set vpon a hill to a tabernacle set in the sunne that cannot be hid Againe he biddeth vs if we cānot amend our brother by brotherly correctiō Totel the Church which if he will not heare account him as a Heathen and Publicane saith christ But how should we tell that Church or howe should a man hear that church that can neither be seene nor heard but is inuisible as the heretiks would haue it Wherefore you see how slender a shifte this is of them who like theues that hate the light would haue the Church inuisible contrary to Gods word his holy Gospell which biddeth vs to haue recourse vnto it in time of neede as the sure foundation and piller of truth so euident and plaine that it may and might euer and shal be seene to the worldes end euen frō the rising of the sunne to the setting of the same againe as was foretolde by the Prophets Hereupon the Apostles write their epistles to such and such Churches and to the whole Catholike Church as in particular to the Romanes the Cor. the Ephes c. as visible that may be seene that is This position of theirs heretiks I meane denying the Church to be visible is so false that before Christs time whē things were but in shaddowe and figure yet was there euer an opē visible Church of God whereunto men might haue recourse in all doubtes especially since Moyses as appeared in Elias time whē it was so sore persecuted that he cried out Relictus sum ego solus I good Lord thy seruant am lefte 3. Reg. 19. alone and yet aunswere was giuen him by God that he had left 7000. in Israell besides the wel known citty of Ierusalem Cath. Iuda that neuer bowed knee to Baal Loe a visible cōpany at al times yet in the visible church we be taught by Scriptures there be both good bad as appeareth by that parable of the gospell the Kingdome of Heauen that is the Church of God which in holy scriptures is sometimes called the Kingdome of heauen is compared to a field where Mat. 13. good corne cockle and weed grow together which our Sauiour the good man of the house his Church bad let grow both to gether least in weeding out the cockle the good corne also should bee bruised and plucked vp but in the end of the world then will he by his Anglles gather his good corne his elect people and bind the weed that is the wicked in bundles to be burnt with vnquenchable fire For God suffereth wicked men as saith Saint Augustine to liue amongst the iust that either they may be conuerted by their example or else good mens patience by them may be the better exercised In an other place the church is Mat. 13. compared to a net cast into the Sea gathering good bad fishes so likewise to the threshng place wherein is both corne chaffe So that you see how false the heretiksb e how contrary vnto the Gospell whereof before the simple and vnlearned eares they so brag that would haue the church inuisible that no man might see their wily deceits and would haue therin none but good wheras in their Church can be none but bad but we that by gods grace be catholikes doe according to Gods word affirme that in his holy Church be many good none good but onely those of Gods Church yet amongst those good be some euel til the last day of paiment when the goats and lambes shal be shed or seperated by the good sheapheard a sunder so that Gods Church is visible that is open to the whole world to be seene and knowne and shall so continew euen til the end of the world take then this for the second most certaine marke of the true Church of God that our Catholike and visible church is of the greatest Antiquity and longest cōtinuance Wherfore none but our church is the true spouse of Christ Chap. IIII Of the third certaine note of the true Church The third most certaine note of the true church is vnity and consent in all matters of Religion For as there is on God as I sayed in the beginning so one onlie truth proceedeth from him hee is not the author of dissention but of peace as therefore there is one God so is there but on Church his only spouse For thus hee saieth in his Canticles Vna est Columba mea c. My doue is Cont. c. 6. one as shee is one so is shee not nor cannot possiblye bee deuided into diuers sectes factions and opinions in faith and Religion forso shee shoulde not bee one but manye and so not of God which is one and hath chosen her for his onely spouse and euer according to his promise guideth her with his holye spirite saying Her● Heb. 13. 8 hodie ipse in secula who is one and the same yesterday to day and for euer heereupon it commeth that by the guiding of Christes holye spirite euer resident and directing his Church that therein is not preached one faith this daye another that nowe this yeare one thing an other yeare an other as Heretikes doe that can neuer agree among themselues in opinions but the same faith that was taught in the beginning by christ his Apostles in matters of Faith Religion the Church of God euer most soundly keepeth pure vndesiled as we be able to proue by authority of Gods wordes and all auncient Fathers and the same Faith that we Catholikes holde here in England the same they holde in Fraunce Scotlande Irelande Germany Poland Dalmatia Italy Spaine the East and West Indians and so to the vttermost coastes of the worlde not differing a iotte in points of religion and due administration of the Sacraments But if you see howe finely heretikes accord you shall see them like Samsons foxes with sire tyed in their Iud. 15. tayles together readye and of one accord to burne vppe the good corne of Christ but their heads quite contrarye from each one another readye to bite one another in peeces neuer agreing in opinyons but sharpely vvriting against one another condemning one another to the bottomelesse pitte of Hell For Luther that was their sirst father and broke downe the walles and so was fallen with pronde Lucifer from the kingdome of heauen frō Gods holye Church did hee long continue thinke you in one opinion with himselfe No for besides that in one and the same matter in some one booke he is contrary to him self he changed his opinions dayly to worse and that diuerse times For first of pride and couetousnes he founde fault at the manner of dispensing of pardons and in the ende denied the Pope pardons and all what said I Pardones Saints Sacraments to espeacially priuate Masse as he termed it and the most pure and vnbloudy Sacrifice of the Altar propitiatory both for the quicke and the dead and
in pointes of Saluation nor lead her children amisse Here vppon it commeth that the Catholike Romane Church the house of Christ dispersed through out the whole worlde is not diuers but one as Christ her head is one who is Sauiour of his body This church you shall finde to preach teach vse one vniformity of Sacraments yea and for the most part of ceremonies through out the whole worlde the same order and time of Fasting of Praier one and the same beliefe of al points of religion in euery coast in the earth not nowe one Faith and to morrow another but the same that was planted by Christ his Apostles that which with perpetuall peace consent vnity and concord shee kepeth vndefiled shal keep euen vnto the end of the world Here upon it commeth that when as heresie heretiks in the beginning seeme plausible and be greedily receiued yet for that they be not grounded in Christ the truth in the end become loathsome hateful to al mē being deuided destroy one another Cōtrary the Catholike Church being founded on christ the head corner stone and fast lincked together in vnity concorde and charity in all hir members euer encreaseth as she is more persecuted and is Tanquam acies bene ordinata As the forefront of a most strong armie well sett in battaile array terrible to the diuell and al his power and euer increaseth I say the more shee is afflicted for besides the herytikes haue stirred many vp that before were a-sleepe to search out the truth yea and many to shedde their bloode in the Catholike cause we haue not lost so many Christians by heresies in these parts of the world but God hath stirred vp others that hane raised many moe in other parts of the worlde which if this heresie had not troubled our quietnesse here perhaps some of those Apostolike men had not so speedely sought to haue planted the Faith in other Countries Wherein you see so good and mightye is God which woulde neuer permit euil but that he knoweth to gather good of it to turne their euill to our good and encrease of his Church who by vnitye and concord thus obtaineth the victory as that Babilonicall strumpet heresie is euer the ruine of her selfe To be briefe you see by this little that is saide that none can haue the spirit of God and the truth but those only that haue amongst themselues the spirite of peace vnity concorde which when it is euer hath beeue wanting amongest Protestantes and other heretikes of this time therefore it must nedes folow their sect and congregaton is not the true church of Christ because none els saue Catholike Christians which they call Papists doe consent and agree in all poyntes of Faith and religion liuing Tanquam vnanimes in domo As brethren all of one minde together in one house Therefore we may most certainlye conclude that none other sauing only the catholike Romane Church which euer hath doth liue in vnity consent of Faith Religion in all pointes is the true Church of Christ Chap. V Of the fourth certaine note of the true Church THe fourth and last most certaine marke of the true Church is the lawful succession of Apostolike Priestes Bishoppes in the Catholike Church which succession of Bishoppes as it was a stay to S. Augustine against the Donatists and other heretikes of his time to keepe him within the vnity of Godes Church so is it likewise a sure pillar for vs Many things there be saieth he that keepe me most iustly within the bosome of the Church the vniforme consent of people and nations the authority cōfirmed with miracles norished with hope increased with charity finally the succession of Bishopps in Peters seat to this day to whome our Lord committed the charge of his fllock to be fed keepeth me herein This lawful succession of Bishoppes loe that ledd Saint Augustine to the knowledge of the true Church and conserued him in the lappe thereoff is and iustlye may bee no lesse a guide and staye to vs in the same which lawfull succession of Bishoppes because the heretikes want therefore they bee not sent by God For two kindes of vocations there bee the one is ordinary the-other extraordinarye by miracle both which because the Heretikes want they cannot bee of God for as touching the first that they want ordinary vocation by succession it is plaine as for example who sent Luther Caluin and the rest If they say God so claime an extraordinarye vocation where then be their miracles that testifie they bee sent from God They haue none you see to proue their extraordinary vocation and yet the sonne of God himselfe would not be beleued without miracles saying Si Ioh. opera non fecissem in eis que nemo alius c If I had not wrought such workes amongst them as no other man did they should not haue sinned and must wee beleeue Caluin and his fellowoes for their bare wordes no their fruites be not so good you see it is vnfit As for their ordinarie vocation by succession that euery man seeth they want For before Luthers time there was neyther Patriarchall nor Bispopps seate nor yet euer any honest persons chaire of his Gospell to bee found throughout the worlde as all men may most easilye knowe but to make the matter more plaine by an example at home aske now the superintēdent of Yorke or Canterbury whome they succeed perhappes they can name you two or three predecessors of their hereticall crew hut appose thē a little more and they can goe no farther wheras he that was last lawfull and true Archbishoppe of Canterburye Cardinall Poole for exāple could haue shewed his lawfull succession from his next lawfull predecessor to an other many hundred yeares together euen to Saint Augustines time who was sent by Saint Gregorie the great then Pope Saint Gregory succeeded Pelagius Pelagius his predecessour Benedictus and so lineally euery of those Bishopps in that seat could shew theyr predecessor from whose handes by lawfull ordinary succession and vocation they receiued their faith and apostolike authority euen to Saint Peter who was sent by Christ as by all ancient writers we can proue Then as I sayd when as protestantes and all other heretikes of this time want both these vocations first ordinary not called of god as Aaron was and much lesse extraordinary by miracle for though meruailes they shew many yet miracles none no not asmuch as the healing of any lame creature therefore it followeth they be none of Godes messengers but such as of whome hee complaineth by his word Ipse currebant ego non mittebam eos They ranne and I sent them not that is bee intruders of themselues not true messengers of Christ not pastors but robbers not simple true teachers but wily foxes not raisers vp of Gods house entring in by the dore but breakers down of the wal deuouring the flocke Now how euidently
hath offēded deadly yet the holy Church commaundeth once a yeare to recieue before which Confession in lay-men but much more in Preists if they finde their consciences guilty is commonly presupposed which vnlesse euery one obserue vnlesse he haue some iust impediment he grieuously sinneth and though a man cannot finde himselfe guilty of deadly sinne yet of some smal sinnes wherein we daily al offend and without which this life can hardlye be led the best maye accuse themselues may very well confesse them and ordinarely good men some euerye w●eke do confesse such small sinnes as light thoughts vaine wordes and the like which be commonly called veniall sinnes and whereof Christ saieth we shal make account at the daye of iudgement if wee first iudge not our selues here which though not of necessity because other-waies they maye bee forgiuen yet they may be matters of confession But a deadly sinne if one after due discussion of his conscience can remēber it come to a lawful Priest euery one vnder paine of damnation is bound to confesse to a lawfull Preist a deadlye sinne I say that is the transgression or breach of Godes Commaundement it is called deadlye because it draweth to euerlasting death vnlesse wee confesse it in the holy Sacrament of Penance if in any sort we can come to the Priest Deadly sinnes be many but especially these following bee called capitall and principall sinnes whereof all other sinnes proceede Pride Couetousnes Leachery Gluttony Wrath Yet these sins some of them especially be not alwaies mortall but in some deepe or high degres Enuy Slouth Moreouer false beleife infidelity heresie these three be most grieuous deadly sins likewise witches or those that goe or send to witches or such you call wisemen coniurers those offend deadly Likwise those that speake euil of God our Lady or his holy Saints or against the Pope Christs vicar heer in earth or against the holy Sacraments especially the B. Sacrifice of the Masse those be all or some of them sacrilegious blasphemous sinners excōmunicate cannot be forgiuen without Confession at least in will when a Preist cānot be had for those sinnes be most deadly against the first Cōmandement of God that cōmaundeth no God but one to be worshiped as for Images or Pictures of Christ his holy saints they be no more forbidden vs therein than to carry the Image of our Queene in our mony or the like God forbad all Idolatry worshiping of false Gods vncleane false Idoles Images not true Images that be liuely memories of our Redemption vertuous personages therefore be called Lay-mens books as holy Fathers tearme them Nay God himselfe as you shal reade in holy Scripture commaunded Images to be made of Angels which were set vpp in Salomons Temple 3. Reg. 6. wherefore Christians right worthily set in their temples the Images of Christ his Saints For many a simple vnlearned man knoweth not how Christ died vpon the Crosse but only by seing his picture vpon the Crosse therfore heretikes that haue pulled it out of Churches doe that which lieth in them to put Christs Passion out of mans mind bragge they neuer so much in wordes of the same We then offend not against the first commaundement of God that religiouslye keepe and set vp holy pictures to imprint Christes memory in our hartes but they that breake and pull them down be impious heretikes who therefore in general Councels many hundred yeares before by the consent of all Christendome haue beene condemned Who in deed bee worse then olde Idolators as worshipers of their owne opinions an Idolatry far worse then that of the gentils Againe great swearers and forswearers offend deadlye and ought to confesse for an oathe ought not to be vsed but in Iustice and Iudgement whereby God is called to witnesse Likewise those that breake their vowes as of chastity and the like Let Schismatike Preistes that after their vowes haue taken whoores to their concubines which they tearme their wiues looke to this as for Ministers they haue no damnation for mariage which Preistes with their so tearmed wiues haue because they neuer made vow of chastity for they good men thinke it impossible to bee chast whereas * Cor. 7. 7. Ministers I meane so that they would forsake their hereticall ministerie and become Catholikes should not sin in taking vppon them honest mariage or in being maried Saint Paul wisheth all men to be so as himselfe that was chast As for vnlawful oathes when where before whomsoeuer they be taken they ought not to be kept for they doe euill in taking them but worse in keeping them if the matter be of importance and vniust As when Herod swore his daughter should haue what she asked and she like an enuious caytiffe by her mothers suggestion asked Saint Iohns head Herode did euill in swearing rashly but he offended worse in keeping his oath deliberatly * Mar. 6. Chap. XVII Of the rest of the Commaundements and of some sins against them to be confessed to the Preist LIkewise whē one goeth as oftas he goeth to the heretiks Church to heare or bee present with them at seruice it is a deadly sinne and Schisme and a deniall of Christ which is the truthe and much more grieuous a sinne it is in recieuing that wicked and most blasphemous communion of theirs which is haynous Idolatry for that a man taketh a peece of bread reposing therein his saluation contrary to Christes holy ordinance that left vs his body and blood in the holye Sacrament to bee receiued which they like traitors to God and his Church haue abolished and deceiue with a peece of bakers breade the simple people giuing it them in steede of that bread of life that came downe from heauen whereby we all doe liue So that this communion of theirs being quite contrarye to Christes ordinance to receiue it is most horrible and deadly sinne And as by a worthye receiueing the blessed Sacrament a man is made one body with christ so to recieue their cōmunion it maketh a man one body with Antechrist the diuel wherfore I cannot find or cā hardly find a greater sin than to go to the heretiks Church receaue with them For receiuing the cōmunion as the Diabolicall Samaritanes the ministers therof do raise vp an Altar as it were against the true Altar of God which God euer so abhorred terribly punished so the receauers of that communiō I say make a publike professiō of the deniall of the B. Body Blood of Iesus in the holy Eucharist of the catholike Faith Religion yea take a signe seale of the same incorporating theselues therby to the synagogue of Antechrist the diuell as the worthy receauers of the B. Sacramēt be incoporate knit or made one body with Christ Likewise not to come to Masse euery Sonday Holy-day if a man can conueniently is deadly Sinne. So
no difference betweene the Catholicke Seruice and their hereticall ministerly prating prayers betweene the olde religion and the newe the olde seruice and the newe as they tearme it but if you marke well which I haue said you may see there is as much difference as betweene heauen and hel truth and falshood For the heretickes either deny or with their foule handes defile almost euery article of the christian faith and religion and yet forsooth they bragge Oh nowe you haue the light in that forsooth they haue the Bible and yet dismembred and very much corrupted translated into the english tongue and that they haue the Lords prayer seruice in the english tongue O haue you so but I will proue by your light as you tearme it you bring in all darknesse and in making a shewe of the truth you be very imposters or juglers Haue you not heard of some A Similitude jugling companion that could vvith his familiar Diuell cast such a mist in some Parlour before mens eyes that ships there as in the Sea should seeme to be sayling men rowing the Sunne glistering vpon the waues and yet neither Sea ship man nor Sunne in deed but only by knauery their sences deluded But a worse jugling of heretickes is this in deede by how much the worthinesse of mans soule exceedeth the body For juglers deceaue and blinde the eyes of the body but these imposters heretickes blinde and deceaue the eyes of mans soule and true vnderstanding whereby they be depriued frō the sight of God light of grace and saluation For whereas the holy Catholike Church instructed and taught by her Master and her Pastor S. Peter doth acknowledge 2. Pet. 3. 16. as he saith that there bee some thinges in holy Scripture heard to be vnderstood which the vnlearned and vnstable doe depraue as the rest of the Scriptures to their owne damnation therefore nowe she as a tender Mother ouer her children knowing hard meat not fit for all but that some as infants are to be fed as it were with milke and other such light meats more easie to be digested knowing also that too much light dazeleth mans eye but a competent light is comfortable therfore she I say as a prudent Mother letteth her childrē see no more light of the Scriptures then their weak sences vnaccustomed to such high misteries can well cōceaue or beare nor giueth their soules no harder places to fee●e vpon then their infirme conceipts and ●●oma●kes be well able to digest as the holy Apostle did when he said As to 1. Cor. 3. 2. little ones in Christ I gaue you milke not strong meat euē so the holy Church guided euer by the wisdome of God seing the infirmity of her children knowing the Scriptures to be good yet not fit for euery mans reach giueth to euery one thereof in measure according to their capacities Wherefore shee most commonly hath reserued and kept it vncorrupt from other writings in the three most auncient and sacred tongues as in the Hebrew Greeke and Latin appointing learned men alwaies to instruct the simple out of that learned booke with such histories holy lessons as might be most fit to edefie and helpe them esteeming it sufficient for them to know there euer was is and shall bee one God in Trinity that made and woulde saue them that kept his lawe and Commandements and that Christ the sonne of God was borne of a Virgin dyed on the Crosse rose againe and that they receaue his very body in the B. Sacrament for the health and food of their soules So the Church thought it sufficient for ignorant men to know and beleeue the articles of the Creede to know they were bound to keep the Commandements of God vnder paine of deadly sinne and damnation to confesse and bee sorry when they fell with full purpose of amendment to say their Pater noster Aue and Creede and to leaue other high misteries to learned Diuines But nowe these newe iuglers set the Scriptures to be read heard and iudged vpon of young olde learned and vnlearned of all sorts and so they say they haue brought in the lighte but appose the ignorante when they haue read and heard them what they then conceaue of such and such parables of the Gospell such places of holy Scripture you shall finde them so variab●e among them-selues to haue such foolish phantasticall and fleshly yea childish conceits thereof that whereas they bragge of the light alas simple soules you shall finde nothing in their mindes but ignorance errour and darknesse they thinke they see a ship and it is but a phantasticall shape they enter in deed into a whole Sea of the depth of Godes inscrutable misteries but alas they know not how to rowe therein and so be drowned and ouerwhelmed with the floodes thereof they thinke they see men in steed of trees they imagine they see the light of the sunne and they imbrace darknes Heereof commeth such innumerable opinions such proud and blind arrogancy such monstrous heresies such horrible sinnes vices for that euery simple soole would bee a tamperer with Gods booke which they vnderstand not but by mistaking of the text goe about to defend what they list yea what humor they bee most giuē to Vppon these many moe weighty considerations the holy Church keepeth the scriptures in the latin tōgue for the most part so likewise vppon the like consideratiōs that euery saucy presumptuous fellow should not deride the misteries he vnderstandéth not if they were spokē in the playn vulgar english termes therfore the church vseth at masse in her prayers publike seruice the latin tōgue that I say the holy Sacraments should not grow into cōtempt being made cōmon to euery base rogne to descāt vpō thinking that it is sufficient the ignorant sort take the fruit thereof though they know not the mistery yet the Church doth not disalow any to pray any godly Catholick prayer what hee will yea the Pater noster Aue Creede in the english tongue so he do it not in dispight of the Church cōdemning others that they do not well that pray in the latyn tōgue yea though they vnderstād it not For often times it may bee that the poore plough mā that saieth his pater noster not vnder stāding the wordes may pray with more deuotion please God better then the greatest doctor that can make a sermō of euery petition of the same for God in prayer doth not so much attēd to mans word but to his wil affectiō lifting vp of mans hart to God which is properly prayer Nay what doctor is so learned when he readeth the Psalmes though he can english them neuer so well that vnderstandeth them to the depth yea of some verse or sentēce perhaps he knoweth noe one perfect sence yet though hee vnderstand them not perfectly hee prayeth of them neuertheles knowing God vnderstandeth them his deuout meaning therein as
afflicted flock the Church which he shall neuer forsake Chap. LXXVI How the Diuell and Antechrist be compared to that monstrous serpentine tayled Dragon drawing numbers with them into euerlasting perdition and that one certaine man Antechrist is yet to come though hee hath many fore-runners LET any man of learning reade but only S. Gregory vpon Iob and he shall finde all this and much more then I can say vpon Antechrist comparing that great monstious serpent and dragon Behemoth which streatcheth out his tayle as the Cedar tree vnto the Diuell and Antechrist his vessell that as saith S. Iohn with his taile draweth Apoc. 12. the third part of the starres of heauen that is men in great account and authority in the sight of the world for learning and other qualities he by promises gifts and threatnings shall drawe downe with him out of Gods Church to destruction and damnation as his forerunners heretikes and Infidels doe you see a number that for feare of losse of life gaine pleasures and commodities forsake Christ the truth and their saluation so that many Antechrists no doubt as Ioh. 1. 4. saith S. Iohn be now in the world denyers of truth aduersaries of the same but yet one man of perdition properly called Antechrist is yet to come as wee by Scriptures and authorities of holy Fathers and Doctors be taught of which wicked man heretickes of these times as I haue oft said be no doubt Prophets fore-runners affirming that darknes is light and light darknes that is that the Pope which as by sufficient authority I haue already proued is the chiefe seruant and member of Christ is Antechrist so that when hee commeth faith being decayed Antechrist indeede may rule and take place without controlement or gainesaying but yet Christ will haue his Church and faithfull Apoc. 11. flocke euen in the heat of Antechrists time that shall boldly gainesay him and with their bloude testefie the trueth which shal neuer decay From which perilous times which seme now to approach our Lord deliuer vs For truly of all heretikes that euer were since Christ these heretiks aproach the nerest to Antechrist and seeme to be his very forerunners For Antichrist at his coming shall deny Christ God and all as heretiks haue by tymes since Christ denied some lesse articles of the Christian faith some more for of some heretiks we read of old that denied the cōsubstantiality of the sonne of God with his father as the Arrians some the grace of God other free wil as in Saint Augustine time Some denyed Pelagius Iouin an vigilātius Eu●ches inuocation of Saints derided their sacred reliques and scoffed at pilgrimage gate or deuout visitation of their holy Sepulchers as in Saint Ieromes tyme one denyed the resurrection of the body in Saint Gregories time Others beganne to bark against the blessed Sacrament before and in Saint Bernards time and so from time false heresies haue start vp against the Church of God for her better triall and exercise of wisedome of minde as by bloody persecutions of pagans and infidelles shee before was exercised in body But these protestants with their fellow puritans and other of their bretherē heretiks of this time deny almost or corrupt all articles of our faith and religion their faith standeth all of negatiues and therefore like and most like Antichrist which shall deny all goodnes God and all As for example the heretiks of our tyme deny the true Church deny free will deny all the Sacraments saue Baptisme and that I told you how they abuse also they deny purgatory prayer to the Saints of GOD deny pardon Pope pilgrimage fasting prayer yea haue some most erronious and badde conceipts of Hell Heauen Christ God and all be not these Appollionists Apoc. cap. 9. Abbadonists those destoryers whereof Saint Iohn speaketh the very messengers of the denill and forerunners of Antichrist that thus raise vp all old heresies from hell thus by heaping a fardell of them al sinne mischief to geather make an open gappe to an vniuersall defectiō general Apostacy the very high way to erect an ydol to adore Antichrist insteed of Christ our only Sauiour true God wherfore hold them for certaine to be very forerunners percursors members of Antichrist which we iustly feare will shortly follow Chap. LXXVII In a sewe words touching the chiefe matters that haue bene spoken in this treatise and how the vnlearned especially in matters of religion ought to leaue disputes and simply to beleeue the truth founding themselues in Christ and in the Catholike Church THus good Sir according to your desire I haue declared vnto you the truth of those matters you desire to bee enformed of I haue set you downe by what certaine markes and notes you may know the true Church from the false Synagogue of Satan I haue likewise more in particular briefly declared vnto you the truth of the seauen Sacramentes how they bee grounded of Christs holy word instituted by him by the Scriptures haue discouered to you the falsehood of our aduersaries the hereticks I haue also briefly touched almost euery thing at this day in controuersy as iustification freewill prayer for the dead prayers to Saints pardons Pope fasting prayer pilgrimage with other like These points articles that euery Catholik is bound vnder paine of damnation to beleeue I haue not only proued vnto you by the Scriptures but also by the churches authority that euery Christian is boūd to beleeue for whē you haue once foūd out the true church which by those notes I set downe you may easely do though wee haue authority sufficient for euery thing the holy Catholike Church vseth and teacheth yet it is not meete especially for vnlearned folkes to stand to reason or dispute with whies and howe 's but to stay them on that sure rock foundation and piller of truth the holy Catholik Church that so they may not bee wauering as the reede nor borne away with euery blast of new doctrine as circumuented with error and blindnes in the craftines and subtility of men alwaies learning and neuer comming to the perfection of true knowledge which indeede can neuer be had but in captiuating the vnderstanding in obsequium fidei into the obedience of the true Christian Catholick faith working by charity for wee see by too lamentable experence how vnfitte it is for the common people deceauing themselues that know not neither what they speak nor whereof they affirme to iangle and dispute of Scripture matters which as saith Saint Peter the vnlearned and vnstable do depraue to 2. Pet. ● cap. vlt● their owne destruction wherfore it behooueth the simple people especially that being thus forewarned by the chiefe Pastor of their soules vnder Christ Saint Peter they be carefull neuer to fall or decline from their proper sure stability in Christ his deare spouse the holy Catho●icke Church but say in al doubts when the hereticks
asketh you what reason you haue for this or what Scripture for that or what beleeue you of this or of that Say you no more but I beleeue the holy Catholicke Church as shee belieueth in al things so do I if he aske you againe and againe how shee beleeueth answer the heretick euen as I beleeue I beleeue as the Catholick Churche beleeueth and so stay quietre your self and so first beginne to beleeue then after to vnderstand For as God saide by his holy Prophet vnlesse you beleeue you shall not vnderstand yea it is sufficient to saluation if your life be according though you cannot vnderstand the chiefe highest misteries nor bring Scripture for euerie thing so you beleeue as the Catholicke Church doth grounding your self therein who is able to direct and guide you from and out of all errors incombrances and darknes of this world into a most sure and stable light For to the holy Catholick Church Christ promised to send his spirite the holy Ghost after his departure to bee with her and guid her in all truth euen to the end of the world I haue many thinges to say to you saieth our Sauiour to his Disciples but you cannot beare them away now but when I shall goe I wil Ioan. 16. send you the holy ghost the comforter he shal teach you all truth Lo you se by Christ promise his holy Spirite shall guide his church in al truth that it neuer faile erre nor be deceiued that is as I haue proued before at large only the true Catholicke Apostolick Romaine church no other in this Church what simple man so euer containeth him-selfe and truly followeth the same hee cannot goe astray and out of this Church if hee were the greatest Philosopher or learned man in the worlde as there bee some Falsi nemmis scientiam sibi promittentes Yet most certainely hee shall erre bee deceaued To this Church then without which is no Saluation ioyne your selfe her obay her follow her beleeue in al things you cannot erre my soule for yours nor goe astray to damnation this Church if you forsake as I said before if you had all the wisdome of men or al the learning of Aristotle and the wisest Philosophers that bee or haue beene you should without al doubt erre walke in darknes and perrish for euer Chap. LXXVIII Against schisme that it is altogether vnlawfull and forbidden vnder paine of damnation to goe to the churches of hereticks or schismaticks to their prayers sermons Sacramentes spirituall exercises or in any sort directly or indirectly to communicate participate yeeld consent or assent to the s●me also a precaution is giuen to beware of dissembling Catholikes which indeede are schismaticks BVT when you bee thus once established in the one only truth of Christ and his ●oly Church though this be the foundatiō first to beginne to beleeue well yet you must then do according to true faith beleeue els you can not be saued for saith as I said before out of S. Iames without good workes is dead Epist Iacobi cap. 2. take heede then when you be once well groūded in true faith religiō that you not only flee sinne and seeke to exercise good works true vertue but withal beware of dissembling Catholiks that flatter thēselues to be Catholiks be none indeede they cōsesse thēselues to knowe Christ in words and yet deny him in deedes These men bee as daingerous as heretikes them selues in some respects worse and will vnder pretence of religion more easely deceaue the simple and those wee call Schismatiks not only lay persones but suche as bee and were preists of olde and yet for feare of loosing their liuings will teach you as thee tearme it to beare a little with the time till a better world come and in the meane time vnlooked for death cometh For thus they will come vnto you and say O Sir you keepe a good house you might badly bee spared amongst your neighbours infaith this world will not last alwalyes and then he will with Iudas whisper in your eare tell you how you shal heare newes erre it be long then will say vnto you Cānot you goe to church in the meane time and keepe your conscience to your selfe by God there is neuer a knaue of them all shall take aduantage of mee and yet God knoweth my mind Lo this dissembling Schismatike with these and others foolish perswasions which come of loue of his flesh and want of loue and feare of God he deceaueth him selfe and others For the truth is whatsoeuer you beleeue yet if you doe contrary to your beliefe you damne your owne soule doing contrary to your conscience For we may not dissemle with God For he that denieth mee before men saith Christ I will denie him before my father which is in heauē For God hath not only made mans hart and soule to beleeue in him but hath giuen him a body And mouth to confesse Rom. 10. him which wee must doe to bee saued For wee beleeue in heart to righteousnesse as saith Saint Paul and confesse in mouth to Saluation Now to goe to the heretiks church is to deny Christ for Christ is the truth Who as hee is God in all and all in all so is he wholy in euery parte of the truth and therefore hee that denieth any article of his faith denieth the trueth and so denieth Christ yea but you wil say I say nothing there but sitte downe and say my praiers yea but your very being there your very action or deede is an allowing of their euill doings or sayings for Christ and his holy Sacraments be there abused and blaspheamed so be his blessed mother and his Saints and therefore if I be present in such a company ioyning my selfe with them by my presence I alowe of them whatsoeuer I thinke to the contrary you see if one be drawne in amongst theeues perhaps partly against his will to be at a robbery as to hold the horses he shal be hanged for his paines The Church indeed was built by our forefathers for Gods seruice and good purposes and was dedicated to God consecrated or hallowed but now is defiled with vncleane birds become worse then a denne of theeues as haunted by the Diuels and ministers that daily blaspheame Christs truth holy Sacraments Wherefore if you will not be damned with them she such dānable company if you were in company where your Lord Master were euill spoken of you should giue them courage by your presence and silence do you think your Master would not plucke his coat oft from your backe thrust you out so God wil deale with dissemblers cast them out of his kingdome and seruice that see him heare him dishonoured and dissemble it besides many dangers ghostly that follow by going to heretiks prayers and Churches so that if you will be a Catholicke Christian and knowe the truth to
your saluation you must leaue going to heretikes Church and Seruice For if you goe to their Church yea but once a yeare you can be no more a member of Christs Catholicke Church as long as you continue in that state and minde it casteth you out from it yea once at any time going to their prayer and seruice sermons or Sacraments Nay the Pope himselfe cannot dispence with any to goe to the heretiks Church to be present or heare their seruice because it is by Gods lawe forbidden Moreouer wee gather out of Saint Paul he that consenteth to sinne is guilty of the same sinne he in any sort consenteth tot The Protestants of this time then be cōdemned for heretikes by all Christendome and be indeede most detestable heretickes and their seruice contrary to Gods ordinance and sacrilegious sinne but to goe to the Church is by my action and deede a consenting to sinne in that I alowe of them by my presence and otherwise wherein I sinne damnably therefore to goe to heretickes seruice and prayer is a damnable sinne yea schisme and vnlawfull and cannot be dispensed with First then it is against Gods holy eter nall lawe to goe to heretiks Churches to fitte or be with them in their Church at their prayers or seruice whereof said the holy Prophet Odiui Ecclesiam malignantiam cum impiis non sedebo I hated the Church of the malignannt and will not sitte with the vvicked Yea you shall finde in all the vvhole course of the holy Scriptures in the olde Testament how God seperated his people from forraigne Nations and people of a contrary religion so farre from praying or marrying with them that they shoulde not eate drinke nor conuerse with them Thus for example God speaketh of marrying or conuersing of his people vvith women of a false religion Certissime enim auertent corda vestra a domino vestro beware of strange and forraigne women because most certainly they will auert or turne your harts from your Lord God See here how carnall conuersion is forbidden to Gods people with idolatrous herericall or ill persons how much more ought we not to commerce or meddle with them in spirituall or diuine matters for then certo certius without all doubt they will peruert our soules who by gay painting words and sweet speaches doe reduce the harts of the innocent the Diuell vsing the mouth of heretiks to seduce the simple as he did the body and whispering of the serpent to deceiue our first mother Eue insomuch that for feare of this inconuenience of being seduced and chiefly for not to break the law of God which forbiddeth to pray and goe to heretikes Churches the perfect beleeuers of olde of the tribe of Iuda did not pray nor vse in many other respects to conuerse with the Samaritans as appeareth in S. Iohn which Ioh. 4. Samaritans were Schismatiks fallē into Schisme and Idolatry from the true Chtholicke Iuda and Hierusalem the Citie of God And although Peter Iohn and others of the Apostles went to the Temple of the Iewes after Christs Ascention they did that lawfully because she lawe of Christ then being not so manifestly knowne nor his faith and Gospell spread through the worlde the lawe of Moyses was by degrees to be buried with honour yea and the Apostles went chiefly thither by their preaching doctrine and miracles to confound the obstinate Iewes and plant Christ the truth in their harts in which case a learned Doctor of the Catholike Church that is to make a Catholike sermon or to conuert or confound an hereticall preacher might goe to Church yea some holde that for some meere temporal respect as for example to beare the Princes sword or his cushen or the like one might so waite of his Lord and Master to Church so it be knowne to all men that that temporall action or office is only the cause of his so doing and so one neither pray nor shew any reuerence to their seruice and so he presently returne when hee hath done his temporall office this was the case as some suppose of Naaman the Syrian who asked leaue of the holy Prophet to wait of his king to the idolatrous temple to do his tēporall busines to be briefe God is iealous Zelotes euen as the mā may not abide his louing spouse to be familiar or conuerse with another but wil cast her out rather so God will not haue the soule for his spouse that is double in hart or goeth two waies perdi disti omnes qui fornicantur abs te thou hast destroyed all that cōmit fornication frō thee O Lord. No man can serue two Masters but must either pleaseone or displease the other we cannot serue God Māmon Christ Baliall God our true father will not haue his childe deuided but will rather leaue it in the euill womans keeping But what shall I say of some monstrous mindes drawing euery thing to their owne humors as that forsooth a mā may go to heretiks church so he pray not with thē because the 3. childrē of Israel were amōgst those that ado Nabucadonosers statua or idol yet worshipped it not wheras these three childrē in that they there openly cōfessed their faith suffering thēselues to be east into the hot fierie furnace rather then they would dissemble the true faith one iott in worshipping a false god or yeelding to an vntrue religion do condemne all schismatiks most euidently that dissemble all thinges in taking othes goeing to Church kneeling vncouering the head hearing blasphemy and keeping silence yea for feare saying ofte as they say but suppose they but only bee present at Church yea though it were with a protestation of a contrary religion to heresie either vnder the colour of obedience or the like Yet it is vnlawfull because such a protestation declareth that hee cōmeth to do a thing that of it selfe is intrins●ce malum very naught and euill of it self as I proued before so this protestatiō aggrauateth the sinne as those do that more publikely sinne and yet excuse defend or rather glory in it The like may be said of that obedience of theirs to an vniust law which intendeth thereby that a man shoulde allow and conforme himself to heresi iniustice in which case wee are neither to obay Master Mistris Parents Husbande Magistrate nor the greatest Prince in the world but we must boldly say with Saint Peter wee must abey God Act. cap. 4. rather then men as for the presence of these three children before the people adored to say therefore one may bee amongst heretikes at their seruice is very childish foolish for either these three holy men when they came thither knew not of any such worshippe there to bee done but that it was some other spectacle or els as being principall persons they came as magistrates for some tēporal seruice to the King ouer the people or els they came by the very instinct of the holy
faith they despise whose good manners they so little followe and regard and whose very bodies and ashes they so racke teare and ransacke here ōn earth If we can of chalke make cheese make the Aethiopian white or firmely conjoyne brasse and earth togither then perhaps wee may joyne Catholikes and Protestants in one Church and make them beautifull and acceptable in Gods sight and not before no no these two as farre differ in Gods sight in his grace and fauour as the other things doe in nature and much more Heretikes that deuide their loue from the whole Church of God deuide their liues deuide their faith and religion can be no more acceptable of God the naturall head and spouse of his one only Church then it could be pleasing to the natural mother by Salomōs motiō to haue the child deuided who chose rather to leaue it in the euill womans keeping euen so God our true father will haue vs one as he is one in vnity of true faith and religion in his Church or else we cannot be true children with him in his house which is one and not deuided Hereupon my first ground 1. is this that neither Lutherans Protestants Puritanes nor any other secte whatsoeuer in the worlde dissenting from the common knowne Catholicke and Apostolike Romane Church can bee members of the true Church of GOD nor canpossibly bee saued because as God is one so his true Catholicke spouse the Church as one wife of one husband is one one in faith and religion and that in euery point and article tuam vnus Dominus vna fides vnum Baptisma and without true faith it is impossible to please God which is only the one Catholicke faith and Church vvithout vvhich vvhosoedyeth shall most certainly perish euerlastingly as all did bodely out of Noes Arke testemonies hereof bee abundant the Prophettes Saint Paul and all the whole course of Scriptures and Fathers so expounding them namely holy Athanasius vvhose Creede is receiued of the vniuersall Church of God which Church is rightly called vna Columba mea amica mea of Christ her spouse viz my only doue my darling one chosen out from amongst a thousand all heretickes then dissenting thus from Catholickes and amongst themselues can neuer be members of Gods Church as long as they remayne in this state deuided from that one and only Catholicke Church Secondly if wee looke inwardly into the most essentiall parts of our Catholike faith and religion you shall finde them chiefly to differ from vs therein for if they were but incertaine indifferent matters left for learned men to vse their opinions and judgment in and not articles of faith defined out of holy Scripture by the Church of God the true keeper and expositor of Scripture wherein they differ from vs they vvere tollerable but they differ from vs not only in lesse articles but in many and the chiefest substantiall intrinsicall parts and articles of faith the least vvhereof euery one vnder paine of damnation is bounde to keepe pure and vndefiled Nowe Buny in his Pacification pag. an hundred and eight following some of his fellowes Bullinger Musculus and the like vvho finding themselues miserably intangled vvith this question of the Church deuised certaine principles and foundations of faith wherein vvhosoeuer agreed they should be accounted all members of one church these Buny imitating of his bounty is so liberall towards vs poore Papists insomuch that more then once hee affirmeth that in substance of religion wee and they agree and therefore that wee bee all one members of one Catholicke and Apostolicke Church and blameth his fellowe Ministers that very rashly and inconsideratly they reject Papists from the communion of the true church For saith he vnlesse we confes the papistical Church to be the true Catholike and Apostolicke Church whereof wee are members no lesse then the Papists wee cast our selues into a great difficulty to finde any other Carholicke and Apostolicke Church which being planted first of the Apostles hath alwaies continued to our time wherein wee as members may be ingraffed which if wee cannot finde or performe then are vvee constrayned to confesse our Church to be more new and later then the Romane Church thus farre Buny whereby you may see what shifts heretikes are driuen to that woulde make the vvorlde to beleeue wee differ in small or no substantiall partes of teligion that so by seeming to creepe into one Church vvith vs though vvanting altogither the vertue and for the most part the true faith of members of the Church yet at leastwise they may couer themselues vnder the bare title of the true Church the more to couer their badde dealinges and to deceaue the simple But what frontlesse brazen faces of Protestants bee these to affirme that their sects agree with the CATHOLICKE CHVRCH not only of all former times and of all Nations in the vvorlde but also that they bee not contrary to the vniuersall Church at this day Let vs then briefly consider all the essentiall or substantiall parts of the Church of ancient time and of this age vvhich is all one and let vs see in vvhat one principall point of faith or gouernment Heretickes agree vvith vs. First they haue instituted another regiment or politique gouernment of the Church quite contrary to that of the true CATHOLICKE CHVRCH for in steede of the Bishoppe of Rome generall and only chiefe Pastor of the vvhole Church they haue made temporall Princes heads of the Church whereby as for example here in England making first a Man then a Boy and nowe a Woman heade of the Church they chaunge religion as oft as Princes vvhether the Prince bee Lutheran Adiaphorist halfe Catholicke as King Henry was Zwinglian as his daughter is said to be trinitary Arrian as another may be or Turke as perhaps the other may be if to bee supreame head of the Church bee so annexed to the Crowne as a matter of inheritaunce as our English Diuines nowe of late haue made it yea and that by Gods lawe wee bee bounde to obey them in spirituall matters then by this diuinity euery new King may coyne a newe religion quite contrary to his predecessor and all good and holy Whereas to Pster and his successors Christs Vicar by Christs ordinance made head of his Church to keepe vniformity of faith to the worldes end in the same is certainly promised to the confusion of all heretickes in the vvorlde that his faith euer one shall not faile which promise Christ hath hitherto kept with his Church and generall Pastor and shall doe to the worlds end let me see now vvhether any hereticke in the vvorlde can or dare auouch so much for his sect whereas vvee dare boldlye affirme that CHIST his prayer to his father for our true Church is heard Ego rogaui pro te Petre vt non deficiat fides tua Well this ordinance of CHRIST of such importaunce for the gouernment of the Church heretickes haue altered and
repens sicut fere omnia hodie cōtrouersa breuiter ●tsi promiscue cum adhortatiunculis ad sanam fidem mores emendandos summatim docet praecipue de ijsdem inde pertractat ita indoctorum simplissimorum ingenijs dimissus siue subjectus ijsdem sese facillime accommodat quod quidem opus ex quorundam instantijs qui rationem quantulamcunque de omnibus modernis fidei controuersijs in vno libello sibi reddi vehementer postularunt efflagitauerunt a me iampridem compositum est Sed cum essem partim serijs quibusdam negotijs impeditus varijsque curis implicatus partim a falsis fratribus proditus elusus ingrauescente persecutione nullo diu loco quiete stare perpessus sed a communi hoste ad mortē fere quaesitus Hijs inquam alijsque impedimentis rebusque cum essem distentus iste libellus non editus sed quibusdam meis ami●●s notus ab eis desideratus situ obductus iacebat interim nonnulli vt promissis starem eum in lucem emitterem expetierunt quibus cum amplius refragari non possem non diutius eos differendos putaui sed ut eorum pijs desiderijs satisfacerem me accinxi vt hoc perficerem quamuis adhuc in medio tribulationum positus quantum in me est feci Itaque Autographum apud metenens hunc libellum nonnullis in locis locupletatum transcribendum charitati tuae mittendum curaui vnde confido in Domino feci quod meum est ne paruulis petentibus panem non sit qui frangeret eis tuum erit facere aut vt hoc opusculum tanquam horridum abortiuum reijciatur conspuatur aut vti opus pernecessarium vtile vtcunque sero emissum postliminio receptum a bonis omnibus obuijs vt aiunt vlnis amplectatur quod opto ad vtilitatem Ecclesiae laudem nominis sui qui est benedictus in secula Amen Christus Dominus ad pacem bonorum Ecclesiae Anglicanae ornamentum egregium te mei memorem diutissime vbique incolumem conseruet vir eximie admodum Reuerende pater 27. Martii 1599. Reuerentiae vestrae filius obseruantissimus particeps in tr●bulatione in Christo conseruus I. R. THE PREFACE TO THE READER VNderstādinge by a freinde of myne not longe agoe that one of familiar and olde acquaintance of his was desirous to knowe the trueth in matters of religion and to haue the trueth set downe in writing for his better memorie stay in this greate diuersity of mens mindes and sundry opinions at this day I was loath at first to enterprise the matter for that I knewe that there be written books most ample and learned of all matters of controuersie at this present farre beyonde my learning and skyll wherin the Heretiks of our tyme be moste euidently confuted and the trueth moste plainly open sett downe and declared able to satisfie any man in consciēce whosoeuer that with lowly spirit and desire of trueth will consideratly and throughly read them Yet considering many men in this troublesome tyme there be that be desirōs to knowe the trueth either cannot attayne those books or be not of ability to buy them or if they be yet not at leasure to read them or not of learning and capacity sufficient well to conceauē of them fearing likewise lest if any at my handes shoulde desire to knowe GODS trueth and I hiding it from them for want of discharge of my duety might highly displease GOD to whom I am to make an account that I might iustly be reckoned amongst those whom God by his holie Prophet complaineth of Paruuli petierunt panem My little ou●s that is poore simple soules desirons of the trueth their saluation haue desired bread the foode of GODS worde and the Sacraments there was not that woulde breake it vnto them Though there be many others of my Brethren that doe and can doe it farre better I being the least ●nd vnworthyest of all Yet for these and diuerse other considerations especially for discharge of my duty at this present I haue breiflie and plai●ly for the simple sorte set downe my mynde touching the cheifest matters of controuersies in religion in this tyme wherby an vnlearned man may easilie by him self or another finde out sufficient authoritie to satisfie his minde touching the trueth of the most matters of religion in question at this day wherein be not afraide good countryman but be bolde I warrant thee by such authority as I haue set downe to presse and charge the greatest Heretike in the worlde For he may wrangle wrest and seeke many narrow shifts but in the ende he will bewraye his owne weaknes For this vndoubted and infallible Catholike Church and trueth may for a tyme in some sorte be oppressed but neuer suppressed nor hidde it may be gainsaid but in the ende cānot be with stoode no more then that Idoll Dagon could stand but in presence of the Arke of the liuing GOD was throwne downe burst a sunder not for that in me any such exquisite matter may be founde but because I leane of such sure grownds authority that possiblie cannot faile For euē as at the noone day the light of the sunne cannot be denyed so there is a certaine truth so plaine that by no guylefull falsehoode in wordes nor deceitefull coloured speeches can in any wise be darkned or ouerthrowne which trueth to speake and teach if man shoulde cease the very rockes and stones might crie out But for that I write this little treatise to informe especially an ignorant and vnlearned man therefore I haue acco●modated my selfe as much as I could to his vnderstanding vsing plaine wordes and now then ofte repetition of things that to the learned be not needfull and may seeme ●edyous Wherefore if this writing chaunce to fal into the handes of the learned they may looke for no ●yne phrases or rhetoricall termes at my handes neither in writing hastely haue I obserued that order and methode which otherwise were requisite Only let him remember to whom I write for whose sake especially I haue written this which if not so sufficiently as I would wish yet at least wise it may be an occasion to some other that cā doe it better to make a more large and profitable discourse In the meane tyme if this my poore labour and indeauoures may doe any good be an instrument or meane to con●erte to GOD or strengthen Yea but the leaste or weakest soule in the worlde I thinke my paines well bestowed and attribute thou nothing to me but giue the praise thanks wholly to GOD. But if vppon iust occasion in writing so in haste and that I aslure you with out any help of bookes * Excepte that partelic in 2. or 3. chapters onlie of the B. Sacramit of the Altare I hau● not onlie alleadged some authorityes of the holy Fathers gathered by a learned and late
the Catholike Romaine Church hath this ordinary succession confirmed with miracles it partly appeareth by that is allready sayd when as then the very Iewes from Aaron to Christ could shewe their lawfull succession of Bishoppes euen to Christ the true law-giuer that state of olde being but a very figure of ours and whereas by the Apostles doctrine none ought to take vpō them the office of bishops no neither king nor prince much lesse to make bishops but hee only that therto is by ordinary vocatiō called as Aaron was by God annoynted inuested by Moises who first himselfe by extarordinary vocation or miracle vvas chosen and called by God and whereas by very drift of reason the Church cannot visibly continew as Christ promised it should doe without pastors and heades to guide it and succeede one another in the same The Catholike Roman Churh only therfore and no other being that which can shew this ordinary and lawfull succession of Bishops in the Apostolike Sea of Saint Peter whose faith in them Christ promised should neuer faile must of necessity be the true Church of Christ and other flockes and sortes of heretikes as Protestants Puritanes who soeuer must needs be bragge they neuer so much of christ and the Gospel the very Sinagogue of Satan Antichrist For the Protestantes and other Heretikes of our time that would be accounted gospellers of christ to haue with them ōly the true Church besides the new vpstarts bee very blasphemous in so saying as going about in effect to proue vntruth in christ as though he failed in his promis who saied his church shold neuer decay besids this I say they be very obsurd ridiculous foolish in their opiniō for example would you not thinke him a folish painter and very vnskilful in his art that hired by some noble gentleman to draw his picture after he had drawn the head would leaue out body legs armes sett only the feet where the necke should stand to his head Spectatum admissi risum teneatis Euerye one thinke you that looked theron would they not laughe him to scorne yes truly Like vnto this foolish painter be the gaye deceitfull painted heretikes of our time they brag Yea heretikes I mean be farre beneth the feete as for want of succession being no members of Christs misticall body the church a● a● of the lord christ the head of the church they say they teach the doctrine the Apostles did forsooth that they be al one with those B. Fathers of the Primitiue church one body in christ his church but enquire of thē by what sinewes and ioynts they be tied to the Apostles primitiue church of what lawful Bishops by succession they haue receiued their faith they can shew you none For 1500. yeares together they brag of the head yet be in steed of the feet wher is the body You see it is wanting wherefore you see for want of succession they haue no true possession in Godes house Wherfore those that will come into his kingdome must flie their company Fugite de medio Babilonis flie out of Babilon the corps of sin and Satan and her confusion hereticall congregations that you be not inuolued in her ruine and perpetuall destruction Chap. VI. Of some other signes and tokens of the true catholike church c. how without it none can be saued BY these foure notes then of vniuersality antiquity consent and lawful succession if you marke them well you may euer know the true Church from all other false sects and conuenticles of infidells and miscreant heretikes because they be proper to no other church but only the Catholike Church But besides these there be many other notes of the true Church that I cannot stand to reckon For what faith sauing only the catholike Romane faith hath bene in euery age when it hath beene planted in any Countrie first confirmed with so many miracles as in raising the dead giuing sight to the blind making the lame to walke and the dumb to speake but our Church and Catholike faith So that our church only I say is it and no other that hath had so many blessed and learned fathers and Doctors of all ages from Christs time to this day as appeareth by so many learned treatises and boks yea whole volums of theirs writtē in defence of our faith and religion As to begin with S. Dionise S. Paules scholler he writeth most learnedly of the Hierarchies of Angells of their aide succour we receaue by them of holie rites and ceremonies vsed euen at Masse this daye contrarie to the heretikes of this time yea we haue the very Liturgies that is the formes and orders of sacrifices as much to say of saying Masse which the Apostles namelye Saint Iames vsed in their dayes as they were taught by Christ at his last supper what shall I say of Policarp holy Ignatius in or nere the Apostles time the one scholler to S. Iohn view their writings you shal find the catholike faith confirmed how oft deuoutly do S. Athanasius S. Gregory Nazianzene S. Basil to praye our Lady the mother of God to assist and helpe them with her prayers S. Chrisostome how reuerentlye doth he speake of the most holy blessed Sacrament of the Aulter no lesse doth Saint Ambrose most plainly writing vvhole bookes of the same In so much that learned Saint Hierome is ours S. Augustine is ours S. Gregory the Pope S. Bede S. Anselme S. Bernard and as many as euer were writers or holye doctors in Gods Church bee most euident for vs hee that will but reade their bookes and beleeue them needeth no more nor new writers for confirmation of his faith If I would lye yet their bookes beyng extant to be sould almost in euerye stationers or booke-binders shoope in London can testifie the truth If thou desire thy saluation good brother perhappes discredite my words yet take but the pains to peruse the books of those Blessed fathers by me named thou shalt find my wordes true These Fathers many moe to long for me to reck on were most vertuous most wise most graue most learned of the greatest authority amongst al sorts of the best mē in their daies since so studious of holy Scriptures that they consumed therin nightes and dayes yea their whole liues and withal most skilfull in all other liberal sciences They would not attempt as heretikes do now a daies new come from the grammer schooles thinking thēselus great men when they can speake a little latine greeke yea some of them perhappes scarce good grammer schollers to take vpon them prophanely to handle the sacred booke of God and expounde rashly the holy scriptures that booke I say sealed with seauen seales open to none but to the humble in harte and to such as vse ordinary wayes and meanes as much fasting continual praier adioyned with good life especially humility lowlines of spirit a virtue
euer wāting in heretikes in cleane pure cōsciences in which vertues worthy qualities these B. Fathers most excelled liuing in such abstinēce cōtinēcy watching meditatiō of the law of god both night day praier with thē wēt euer before study study was ioyned with prayer they did not expound harde places and hygh misteries of Scriptures after their owne brayn phantastical conceipt but by the teachig of their masters holy forefathers of whō they had receiued the Scriptures especially therein following the rule cōmon consent of Christs holy Catholike Church that is euer guided with Christ her spouse head the holy spirit euer assisting the same church which was the cause there was not such iarres amongst thē as now be amongst heretiks Farre vnlike be our newe gospellers to these holy Fathers how more securely may we well committe our selues to God with them than hazard our saluation with these companions who with belly cheare little learning lesse honesty embracing of weomen care of children loue of the worlde and care of their owne carcases beeing most carnall men yet take vpon them to reueale his mysteries of the Spirite to open Gods word which commonly is open to none indeed but to those that be pure in hart and minde and with humility submitte their iudgementes vnder the obedience of the holy Catholike Church whereunto all heretikes be traitours and rebelles whether I say is it more like if we had no more certaine a marke of the true church and teachers that these lewde companions haue the trueth on their sides or those holy Fathers by me aboue named who excelled asmuch in vertue as these newe Gospellers bee drowned in vice which Fathers be of such authority that though indeed they be alwaies against heretikes yet the heretike is gladde if he can but get a scrappe or peece of a sentence euer wrested euill vnderstood out of these holy Doctours that maye seeme to make for his purpose though rightly vnderstood in the samesentence often-times they bee most confounded These holye Fathers were not eloquent in affection and inckehorne termes as Protestants be all wordes but no true or sounde matter but wisedome in those fathers by force ioyned vnto their words incomparable eloquence See S. Chrysostom S. Leo S. Ierome Lactantius but aboue all that Blessed martyr S. Ciprian who as many other of our holy doctors Catholike writers did sealed his writings with his blood if any of these holy Fathers as men at any time did of infirmity erre they did not malitiously obstinatly defend it as proud heretikes do but were alwayes ready to submit their doings to the cēsure of the Cath. church saing with S. Augustine Errare possiim hereticus esse nolo I may erre as a man yet wil I not be an heretike that is obstinately defending anye opinion the Church gain-sayeth This Faith then and Religion Catholike Romane Church thus groūded on Christ her head thus plainly knowne by such distinct notes of Vniuersallity Antiquity Succession Consent thus adorned and florishing with writings of so many and so holy auncient Fathers and Doctors thus confirmed with miracles thus watered and sealed with the blood of most constant and valiant Martyrs especially in the beginnig of the Church whilest the blood of Christ was yet warme in mens hearts yea of later yeares too as there want not in England and other places euen to this day Is there any so blinde if he obserue these notes well but he may both knowe this to bee the onely true Church and true way of Saluation or so carelesse of his saluation that dare aduenture his soule in any other congregation saue only the true Church of Christ thus strengthned with so many sure bulwarkes and strong pillars Assure your selfe good sir ignorance cannot excuse you For this is the citty set vpon a hill that cannot be hid so euident and so plaine that the words of the holy Prophet Esay may be applyed vnto her Hec Isa 35. erit vobis directa via ita vt stulti non errent per eam This shall be your direct way so that idiots or very simple soules maye not misse the same Where it is written to this effecte that great and lesse shall knowe God that is if they will seeke his waies diligently and in due time As also in Ieremie the thirty one Omnes cognoscent me a minimo eorum vsque ad maximum All shall knowe me from the least of them to the greatest And againe Adducam eos c in via recta I will bring them or leade them in the right way Non impinguent in ea and they shall not hit or stumble in it Seeke therefore to walke good sir in this way the Church of Christ if you will attaine the port of saluation for as long as you be out of this waye you shall alwaies be worse entangled with brambles bryers of sinne and blinde error and euer further frō your iourneys end the kingdome of God As youse when a man loseth his way in the night he is allwayes in greater incumbraunces and further from the marke till he returne by good guide to his way againe so it is in the blinde way of this life if we leaue Christ the way of life and his deare spouse the church the only way of truth we be euer in greater danger till we returne backe againe Come home the night draweth neare the day of payment hieth fast on take heed if you come short of the mariadge of Christ with his spouse the dore be not closed vp and you shutte out Heare what St. Augustine saith whatsoeuer saith he a mā be or whosoeuer he is he cannot be saued if he be not in the Catholike Church and in another place to Peter the Deacō he hath these fearful sayings Though a man giue neuer so much almes yea shedde his bloud for Christ if he be not a member of Christs Catholike Church he cannot be saued Firmissime tene saith he this holde stedfastly doubt in no wise not only al Pagans and Iewes but also heretikes and Schismatikes that die without the vnity of Christs Catholike Church shall goe into euerlasting fire prepared for the diuell and his Augells Neither doth this holy father St. Angustine speake these wordes of his owne priuate opinion but founded in Gods owne worde as in the holy Apostle St. Paule who saith If I giue al my goods to the poore and body to be burnt and want charity it profiteth me nothing now vnity be twixt God participatiuely I meane our owne soules and neighboures is that which maketh charity in vs by Gods grace which vnitye none can possibly haue that is not vnited to Christ being a member of his body the holy Catholike Church for otherwise he is deuided so that beeing out of this vnity he is not in charity so beingout of Gods Catholike Church he is out of state of Saluation therefore
Sacraments in generall BVt because perhaps you desire Vnderstand here that in course of diuinity many thinges besides the Trinity and Incarnation be taught before the Sacraments though in matters of controuersie to speake of them nowe next seemeth fittest for my purpose I call the Sacraments conduits wel-springs because they being ordained by Christ ishuing proceding from that open bloody side of his on the Crosse conuey and conferre grace to our soules as vessels of mercy though God himselfe as the fountaine of life is the chiefe original and principall cause of al grace to bee informed of some moe thinges in particular to knowe howe this true Catholike Church teacheth vs to beleeue touching the high mysteries of our faith especially the holy Sacrameuts First then it is to be vnderstood that next after the mistery of the blessed Trinity thre● persons of one substance eternity equall power and authority and one god from whome all good thinges proceede to whome all good things be referred and without whome all thinges be nothing next vnto this high and vnspeakable mistery as also the mistery of the second person in god-head Christs incarnation which both most deepe and profound articles or pointes I suppose you already beleeue we be also taught that God the author of all grace and goodnes hath of his infinite wisedome ordained the wayes and meanes whereby we may be pertakers of his grace and that chiefely by meanes of his Sacramentes conduits and wel-springs of grace which in number be seauen Which in these wordes of holy scripture in som sort were foretould or insinuated vnto vs. Sapientia edificauit sibi domum excidit columnas septem that wisedome increate that is the sonne of god the second person in trinity the eternall wisedome of his father who disposeth all things in weight number and measure and in vnspeakeable wisedome but espeacially in ordinance gouernment of his holy Church hath cut out Cut out that is hath ordained or made out of himself that is by his grace Note that this place of holy scripture may signifie many other gu●fts and graces of God besides the Sacraments for such is the Maiesty of holy scripture that it oft admitteth many sen●es in one place al according to the spirit of God seauen pillars seauen Sacraments fountains wel-springs of grace out of him selfe that is the liuely fountain of grace the sure rocke corner-stone which Daniell in spirit fore-savve that without handes was cutt out and fell from the mountaine that filled the whole worlde These Sacramentes then I saye Christ ordained as vessels of his grace and they take vertue from that fruite of the tree of the Crosse from and of his precious bloode and passion For euen as of our first Father Adam of a ribbe of his side Eue was formed wherby the world vvas multiplyed euen so of the second Adam Christ our Sauiour a sleepe by death vppon the Crosse whereby we rise againe of that water blood plentifully running out of his side and blessed body the holy Sacramentes of the church proceeded as taking force virtue theroff Whereby wee all bee regenerate and borne newe men againe in Christ whereby wee be repaired fostered and fedd in soule and whereby wee receiue here a token of Godes grace to appeare with him in his glory Chap. VIII What a Sacrament is of the effectes of the Sacraments and why they were ordained A Sacrament then is a visible signe of an inuisible grace not onely signifiyng grace as the heretikes would haue them like Iewes to be but only bare figures but these Sacraments doe contein in them and confer grace to the worthy receiuer Though Christ is the author of his Sacraments neither is God so bound to his sacraments but he can bestow his grace without them yet because hee ordained that by meanes of his sacraments wee a●e to obteyne his grace wee neither with contempt of them nor without will and affection vvhen necessitie offereth it selfe and iust opportunity is gyuen to receyue them can be partakers of his grace neither is man to expostulate or argue with God why he vseth sacraments as instruments of his grace when as without them hee can bestow it For God that hath created man knoweth in his diuine wisedome the fittest meanes for his reparatiō yet some reason or conuenience of Gods dispotion herein may be assigned First because a man consisteth not onlye of spirit but of body therefore he doth no● only invisiblelye powre in vs his grace immediatlye f●om him-selfe but vseth these visible and corporall signes of his invisible grace and that by such meanes and in such matters as be most fitt to signifie the effect of his grace in vs by them inwardly wrought as sor example in baptisme the matter of the Sacrament is water which as it outwardly washeth the body so the word with the intent of the lawfull minister ioyned thereunto vvhich thinges bee required in euery Sacrament the soule therby is Eccept Matrimony in some sort wher in the consent of the parties is chiefly necessarie wherunto only signs tokens of the parties pr●sent maye suffice in persons that be mute c inwardly with Gods grace giuē therin purged and washed from al sinne Moreouer it is the iust iudgment of God we be tied to visible Sacraments to obtaine his grace therby to exercise our humility bring vs in more subiection For whereas we not only in the fall of our first parents wherein we al fell frō God but also dayly of our selues in transgressing his commādementes haue and doe therein preferre our selues mortall creatures yea and the thinges here that be earthly before God himselfe and the thinges that be spirituall heauenly therfore it is his iustice iudgement and yet most of sweet disposition that we now contrary wise for our greater humility obedience be tied to receiue these Sacraments vnder corporal formes whereby we may be partakers of spiritual invisible graces To be briefe the Sacraments depend not touching their dignity of the worthines or vnworthines of the Preist but of god eue● good the author of the same And they bee ordained first to the honor glory of God and increase of grace and as present remedies and medicines against sinne in persons well disposed and also as certaine effectuall signes and tokens yea and in struements of Gods good will grace and mercy towardes vs moouing as well both the outward and inward man Lastly When tho Sacraments moue the outward man I meane that is but sometimes accidentaliter they be badges os true Christian men whereby they be not only knitte together in Religion and vniformity of Gods seruice but also be discerned and knowne from Infidels and mis-beleeuers farre more excellent than the Sacramentes of the Lawe of Moyses by howe much the trueth exceedeth the shadowe or figure As for the laudable Ceremonies the holy Church vseth in administration of the
it seeme bread to vs it changed by vnspeakable operation because we are weake and abhorre to eate raw flesh specially the flesh of man ther fore it seemeth bread but in deede it is flesh If these wordes can be glosed with a figure thē I know not what shal escape the hands of these figure makers They In apol 2. that acknowledge a change of the substance of bread into Christs body must needes meane a reall presence of that body whereinto the chainge is made When Iustinus the Martyr denieth vs to take the things consecrated as common bread and drinke shewing also that we haue learned them to bee not onely sanctified in quality but to bee the flesh and bloud of Christ which is another substance hee doth vs to vnderstand that he meaneth them not to bee after consecration the substance of common bread and wine but to bee the substance which Christ toke of his mother when the worde was made flesh S. Cyprian sheweth the bread which Cena Domini our Lorde gaue to the Disciples to bee changed not in shape but in nature ther fore the substance is changed S. Ambrose It is not that which nature De iis qui initiat cap. 9. formed but that which the blessing hath consecrated if nature formed the substance of common bread the words of blessing pronounced be This is my body it is not afterwarde any more the substance of bread but of Christs body grace is affirmed with the deniall of nature This argument is in manner at large and that of the reall presence but who so listeth to see more therein let him reade Gregorius Nissenus in oratione catechetica Cyrillus Hierosolymitanus in catechesi mistagogica 4. Eusebius Emissenus in orat 5 in pasch Hysichius in Cap. 6. Leuit. Theophilact Euthymius in Euangelia Damasce● lib. 4. Cap 14. All that affirnie the externall sacrifice of Christes body and bloud must needes teach the reall presence thereof sith that thing which is absent cannot externally be sacrifised S. Dionisius Areopagita De Eccl. hierar cap. 3. Luc. 22. Dial. 3. saith The Bishoppe excuseth himselfe for that he offereth a Sacrifice aboue his worthinesse or power crying out decently thou O Lorde saidst make this thing for remembrance of me Heretickes admit no Eucharist or offerings saith S. Ignatius in Theodorete because they doe not confesse the Eucharist to be the flesh of the Sauiour A mā would haue thought this had bin in our time against the Sacramentaries it agreeth with olde heretickes so much Eusebius Pamphili We offer a sacrifice Lib. 1. demonst E●ang cap. 10. Can. 18. Lib. 4. C. 32. Lib. 2. ep 3. ful of God dreadful most holy we sacrifice after a new manner according to the new Testament a cleane sacrisice or host Concil Nicenum Lett vs vnderstand by faith the Lambe of God who taketh away the sinnes of the world being situated in that holy table to be offered vp bloudely of the Preists and that wee take indeede his pretious Body and Bloud And againe neither rule or custom hath deliuered that they who haue no power to offer sacrifice should deliuer the Body of Christ to them who offer Hereof S. Ireneus S. Ciprian S. Augustine De ciuit dei lib. 17. cap. 20. and all the rest may be reade for it is a known mater hādled of the fathers most frequently What shall Isay that the fathers teach that the Sacrament ought to be adored with godly honor as I shewed before That they teach that euil mē doe receiue and touch the body bloud of Christ and thereby be guilty of them as Iudas was That they teach our bodies to bee nourished with Christs flesh and bloud which cannot be nourished with a thing absent That they teach vs to be naturally vntied to Christ whilst he dwelleth Chrysost hom 24. in 1. Cor. Cypr. de cena do● co●porallye in vs That they affirme Christs body to be vpon the Altar vpon the holy table in the handes in the mouthes and the bloud to be in the cup That they giue it such names as onely may agree to the substance of Christ calling it Saluation Light Life Lorde Christ an Offering wholy burnt a Sacrament which quickneth maketh vs liue for euer That they teach euery man to receiue the same substance one measure equall proportion which is true neither of spirituall nor of corporall guifts but only of the flesh of Christ reallye present vnder the forme of bread That they vse Cyp. de ce na dom Hier in 26. Mat. 6 Aug de ci●i li. 10 cap. 5. in psal 39. Chry hom de prodi● Iude. in sheweing howe it is sanctified the verbes creating making working consecrating representing or making present such like which are not verefied of a matter only spirituall or absēt in sub stāce That they speak of it couertly saying Nornnt fideles The faithfull knowe because if they should plainly declare the truth therof then Infidles would mocke at it as now the heretickes doe for it is a misterye aboue all reason of man Which scoffing were not to bee feared Angli confes 9. ca. 13. Cypr. li. 1. ep 9. Aug de ciu li 17. ca 20. if it were but a mere figure for al kinds of religion haue ceremonies and figures That they applied it to the helping of soules departed as being the very selfe same substāce which ransaked hell That they haue taught it to bee truthe which hath succeeded in place of olde figures That they haue vsed by the knowne truthe thereof to proue that Christ had true f●eash and true blood in a visible maner and two natures in one person against the olde heretickes That they Ieren li. 4. ca. 34. Theodore in dial 20. Ciril Catech mistag 4. Act. 5. haue so far preferred it before Baptisme and the other Sacramentes that no crumme mighte bee suffered to fall downe or to bee lost which was not so in the water of Baptisme for men were Baptized in the running water of the flood That the Catecumeni who were admitted to the preaching of the Gospell which is an excellente signe of Christes flesh and blood yet might not Disonise in Eccles. hierarch cap. 3. see the Euchariste because it was also the truthe it selfe vnder a signe that no man might eat it vnlesse he were first baptized and kept the commandements and yet the Cathecumeni had a sanctified bread also giuen to them which was a signe of Christ as S. August doth witnes Lib. 2. cap. 26. de pecc mor et remis Lett now the discreet reader weighe vprightly this doctrine so grounded in holy scriptures and ancient fathers and hee shall perceaue that whatsoeuer our adversaries bring for the other side it may proue the Sacrament to be a figure which we deny not but it cannot disproue the reall presence of Christs bodie and blood vnder that figure which is the thing that we stand
malecontent went his way This minister you see in his action declared what their communion bread is nothing but bare bakers bread in deede speake they neuer so gloriouslye of it to deceaue the simple and so bad that it is not worth the taking vp vvheras I haue proued to you before by most sure authority that the Blessed Sacrament that Christ left vs is no more bread but his very body and bloud in deed But they say you must receiue it in faith spirit how in faith spirit they speak a thing that neither they themselus nor any man els vnderstādeth for to say the truth there Communion is such a minion that they know not what to define or make of it or what to affirme such is the blindnes of heretikes when they haue once lost the high way for was there euer any that hard how a mā could eat Christ in a peece of bread nothing but breade or may we thinke them so strong in faith and spirit that with S. Paul they bee alwaies rauished when they come to their comuniō to the third heauen that so they may ●ate Christ at his fathers right hande but these slender ●uasiōs be shifts for simple babes ouer childishe sauing that they wante not malice to bee answered Truthe it is the holye Catholicke Church teacheth two kinds of receauing the one is Sacramentall that is whē we receiue the body bloud of Christ not with hart only earnest desire but also really truly and substantially in the B. Sacrament Christ god mā which euery christiā is bound to do at due times when he can come to it Another manner of receiuing is with spirit feruent desire whē a man cānot or is not prepared sacramentally to receiue of this kind of receiuing S. Aust saith Crede manducasti beleiue thou hast eaten Now heretikes cōfound both these māners of receiuing sacramental spirituall together so that when the holy Fathers speake of spirituall receiuing by Christiā charitable faith desire which euery good christiā mā as oft as he think eth of this B. Sacrament or is present at it ought to haue that so more mor● he may be fast lincked vnited and incorporate with Christ then do they either ignorantlye or maliciouslye vnderstand and peruert the holye Fathers as though they speake of Sacramentall receiuing and so in brabling of receiuing Christ by faith alone would exclude him out of the holy Sacrament contrary to his institution and so in that Sacrament by denying of Christ wherein our faith is cheifly excercised they lost both Christ therein yea faith deuotion religion and all But the holy Fathers which heretikes seldome reade or if they doe little vnderstand or not beleiue them when these blessed men I say spake of spirituall receauing as oft they doe they not onlye teach vs the great and stedfast faith earnest desire we ought to haue to this blessed Sacrament but the due preparation we ought to make worthely to receiue the same which is by innocent life and pure conscience remaining in Christ by feruent loue charity which is spiritually to receiue Christ that so he may remaine in vs we in him with this preparation if a man could not come to receiue sacramētally the blessed Sacrament al the dayes of his life yet no doubt he should be saued for that thus spiritually he eateth Christ In like maner the holy Doctors namely Saint Augustine tearme this B Sacrament a signe or figure which we deny not for euery Sacrament is a figure of signe otherwise it could not be a Sacrament but in that the heretikes call it a bare signe as it were or an only figure and signe that by the holy Fathers doctrine we vtterlie denye and by Gods worde proue the contrary For the Sacrament of the Altar is both a signe or figure and yet the thing it selfe also which it signifieth or figureth as for example you see a loafe of bread stand before the bakers shopp to be sould it is both a signe that bread is there to be sould and yet very bread it selfe so the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is a signe of Christes body and yet his very body it selfe How a signe of Christs body will you say Marry a figure and signe of Christes body dead broken crucified in an other quality then we receiue him in the blessed Sacrament For in the blessed Sacrament wee receiue Christes bodye though a very true and naturall bodye yet not subiect to those alterations and qualities our bodies bee and therfore wee receiue him with al if I might so tearme it which is verelie naturall a supernaturall bodye an impassible bodye a glorified body though in very deede before his Passion also hee gaue to his Disciples the very same bodye we nowe in the same Sacrament receiue giuing his owne body in his owne handes to his Disciples by his mighty diuine power vnited to that body to which power nothing is impossible So that as saith a late famous writer wee verely teach beleene the figure and the truth to stand together the supper of our Lord to bee the signe of Christs body and to bee his owne bodye the weaker parte is the signe the greater is the truth but both doth not only stand together in one Sacrament but furthermore the true nature of euery Sacrament of Christ is to haue both that is to say to haue one certaine truth and one certaine signe of the same truth the truth is hidden vnder the signe the signe is witnesse of the truth which once being declared you shall se the vaine doctrine of the Protestants The signes and miracles Christ wrought outwardly were tokens of his Godhead hidden from our eyes likewise the supper of Christ is both a signe of his body also his true body a signe outwardly and the true bodye inwardly a signe by the sound of words when it is first made and a truth by the inwarde working of the holy Ghost by consecration So that Christ intending to leaue certaine holy misteries vn to his Church thereby to conuey vnto her the fruit of his Passion and death as well for regard of his owne self in whose person two natures were vnited as for regard of vs who consist of bodye and soule made the said holy Sacraments to bee of a double sorte and nature so that the one parte thereof might appeare to the sences the other should lye priuye and onlie bee seene by faith Saint Chrisostome in an Homely of the treason of Iudas saith Sacerdotis ore c. that is The wordes are spoken with the Priestes mouth and by the vertue and grace of God the thinges set before our eyes are consecrated This is saith he my Body by this worde the thinges proposed be consecrated It is to be noted that how many Fathers soeuer call the Sacrament a Figure yet none of them all teacheth these words This is my Body and This is my
in such like daunger of death nor to such as are presently to be executed but only to the sicke in whome is oft a great fault that they neuer send for the Priest til others doe for them till they be at the last gasp so that thē they can neither receaue this holy Sacrament with such deuotion nor fruit as being in perfect reason they might The sick then ought to desire this Sacrament which manie fondly do not thinking if then they do they can liue no longer not cōsidering one fruit effect thereof which is that if God see it expediēt it is a meane they may the more spedely recouer their former health The second and chiefe fruit and effecte thereof is that it forgiueth all such sinnes we could not remember in Confessiō as appeareth by the words likwise of Saint Iames who saith If the sick be in sinne it shal be forgiuen him Lesser sinnes then and defects yea greater too if we could not remember thē bee herein forgiuen VVherefore our good Lorde Iesus is euer to bee blessed that by this Sacrament thus maketh perfect the worke of our Saluation For by meanes hereof in that last hovver of death whē tentations commonly be diuers most great dangerous the Diuell most busy to get his pray then lo I say by this Sacrament our tentations be infeebled made lesse our souls more strengthned and comforted that we be not dasled with temptations nor ouercome but may ioyfully in God passe this life For as in the olde time Champiōs before the combat had wont with oyle to annoint their naked bodies that theyr aduersaries might take lesse hold so by meanes of this Sacramēt the outward matter whereof is oyle the soule being inwardly annointed by the grace of the holye Ghost that subtill aduersarie the Diuell canne take lesse holde of it that so it may passe out of the troublesome warfarre of this life to that enlesse glory where it shall receaue a crowne of endlesse reward for euer This Sacrament is ministred vpon those outward sences wherby we most vsually offend and vvhereby sinne is drawne into our soules as by our eyes handes and the like The forme of the holy words vsed is By this holy anointing and his most pittifull mercy our Lord pardon and forgiue thee vvhat thou hast sinned by the eyes mouth and so forth is said of the rest of the members that maye vvith decency be named VVhereby you see hovv fitlye and accordinge to the Apostles Doctrine this Sacramēt is ordeyned ministred First instituted by Christ both prayer and the holy matter concurring togither yet this holy Sacrament though none vnder paine of damnation may despise it but euery one in time ought to desire it yea often times if the party fall sicke and recouer againe it may be giuen yet I fay it is not of such necessity if a man cannot with desire and sufficient meanes made haue it but he may be saued without it by the speciall mercy and grace of God Author and Institutor of all these seauen Sacraments and giuer of all grace to whome be all honour and glory Chap. XXXIX Touching briefly by the way the matter of Iustification and by whome and howe we be iustified THus you see good Sir I haue touched briefly all the Sacraments which that good Samaritane curing the sicke and wounded by pow●ing in wine and oyle that is Iesus Christ full of mercy and justice ordeyned as vesselles of grace and committed to Priests and Pastors of his Church to be dispenced and bestowed by them on his people for their saluation These seauen Sacraments I say haue I briefly touched and the grounds thereof prouing euery one by the very and expresse worde of God tradition and generall consent of the whole Church which may suffice any simple or vnlearned mā desirous to know the truth for in behalfe of such like especially I haue taken these paines with as much plainenesse and simple stile as possibly I might in so high matters neither was it my intent to giue any full doctrine of these matters but only to touch the principall groundes If any desire morefull and large discourse I referre him to the bookes of the learned wherein he shall finde many treatises in all tongues of some one Sacrament or other and of euery matter almost or altogither at large by me here briefly touched and so passed ouer But because the Sacraments be for the most part the principall points of our religion next to the B. Trinity Incarnation and Passion those briefly for your sake because you desire to know the truth for your saluation I thought good to touch For as God almighty by Christ Iesus our meritorious Sauiour is the chiefe efficient cause of our justification So his Sacraments be the ordinary meanes and instrumentall causes whereby a man in receauing thē if he be well disposed by the grace of God and put no let of his part of a sinner and childe of the Diuell is made a iust man and the childe of God renewed and raysed vp againe in Baptisme especially from Orjginall sin by Christ the second Adam as he was vitiated and fell from originall iustice by Adam our first father And though God worketh commonly his grace in matter disposed yet he it is that so preuenteth disposeth and freely giueth the grace first to dispose a mans selfe So that when man first receaueth Gods grace whereby ex impio fit iustus that is of a wicked man and vessell of perdition hee is made a iust man which is called justification and the first grace preuenting a man that I say by grace of God is wrought of his meere loue and goodnesse vvithout any worke meritte or desert of man for otherwise grace should not be grace which is first giuen without any desert or merit of our part wherby wee bee so made iust And hereof the holy Scripture saith as from Gods ovvne mouth Quia dilexite ideo attraxite miserans Ier. 31. 3. because I loued the therefore said God to man I haue drawen thee vnto mee hauing mercy and pity vpon thee by the which loue of his he chose man before all worldes But vnderstand me well I pray you when a man hath first of gods goodnes thus receaued his first grace the true foundation and meritte of all our good workes then lo by mans true faith hope charity good workes and endeuours being thus first preuented and after holpen by God hee may and must if euer hee will bee saued not only conserue that first grace of God wrought in him by his goodues by fleeing sinneand imbracing vertue but also in so doing greatly increase Gods grace in him once receaued whereby hee is rightly said to meritte and deserue his saluation and in this respect it is said Qui iuscus est iustisicetur Apocalip 22. 11. adhuc hee that is iust let him yet be more iust VVee once then by Christ our Sauiours grace
you see howe it prooueth vvith them Quot capita tot fides tot senten tiae Secondly they haue quite taken away Priesthood and Sacrifice and haue induced a newe ministery altogither vvhich is a matter of so greate importance that it altereth the whole lawe Thirdly of seauen Sacraments they haue taken away quite six is this a small point thinke you which in effecte taketh from vs the chiefe effects of CHRISTS Passion and Redemption insomuch that a true Catholicke rather ought ro suffer death then deny the least Sacrament but Buny and such like can swallowe vppe any thing Fourthly they haue quite abolished certaine articles out of the very Apostles Creede as for example vvhereas according to the Scriptures we are taught to beleeue how CHRIST dsscended into hell if the Apostles creede bee not substantiall parts of our religion wherein wee are taught chiefly what to beleeue vvhereas this vnity of the faith Apostolicke is one chiefe foundation of christian religion then nothing at all is materiall or of substance to bee beleeued Fiftly as I sayde before touching predestination iustification free will rewarde of good workes Protestantes haue coyned such newe opinions besides olde heresies which they holdt about some of them as were neuer heard of before Sixtly they deny authority to many of the canonicall Scripturs Seauenthly as I also touched before of the nature of GOD of the blessed Trinity of three persons and vnity of one substance of the death of Christ and redemption heretiks haue deuised monstrous horrible opinions and blaspheamyes horrible for not only Christians but very Turks to thinke or speake of be these the fellowes that make not a Church a new of their owne but amend the old do they differ from vs I say but in small indifferent matters Fie vppon such palpable lyes fie vppon such impudency that euer men that would be accounted reasonable creatures can haue faces to auouch such absurdities to goe about to huddle vp such grosse inconueniences all in one bowgett and most miserable and weake senceles and vngratious be those men that can beleeue such lying Masters that vnder such pretēce of piety or rather the profession of open impiety bring in such sects of perdition to the subuersion of many seely soules Thirdly as I heere 3. before haue noted in taking away externall priesthood sacrifice they haue quite in a most essentiall point altered the whole law of Christ for according to the Apostles doctrine and Haeb. 7. 5 12. translate enim sacerdotio necesse est vt legis translatio fiat so that say Bullinger Buny or any other Protestāts in the world what they wil they must goe seeke a new Church from the Catholike Church to maske themselues in for heere possibly can be no hold for them whose priesthood they haue taken away whose sacrifice they haue aboleshed which priesthood sacrifice is one great part of the chiefe forme and substance of the whole law of Christ for heereby we be taught the law of God heereby we be gouerned and conserued in the law of God heereby we chiefely acknowledge god heereby wee bee seuered from false beleeuers and worshippers of GOD and heareby we truly worshippe honour and adore the most high and only God and with such supreme worshippe as is due to no creatuer neither in heauen nor earth so that you see what heretikes hane done in not only altering but leauing no externall priesthood nor Sacrifice at all First they by quite altering the law of Christ haue made them a new Church of their owne to dwell in more then euer GOD made they haue also abrogated all good discipline and orderly gouernment both to learne how to beleeue and how to liue and conserue themselues in the grace of GOD and openly to be knowne for his seruants yea in taking away Sacrifice the chiefe seruice of GOD they frustrate in themselues the comming of Christ the fruits of his Passō and make an open gappe to all sinne infidelity and plaine Atheisme as by lamentable experience wee see at this day whersoeuer Protestāts haue planted their fift Gospell that quite supplanteth thē out of the true Church of Christ into the malignant church of Sathan Fourthly heretiks truly acknowledging now by force the Romaine church for the true Catholik Church iustly cōdemne themselues as beeing iustly censured and condemned for blaspheamous obstinate heretiks of the same which if she be the true Church as they say desiring to bee accounted members of the same then is she not cōtrary to her selfe as being guided with the holy Ghost as Christ promised his true Church euer should be thus you see the Apostles words verefied in heretiks who be damned by their owne iudgmēt saith he therefore biddes vs. Flee them after the first and second correction to such Christ shall iustly say at the last day Ex ore tuo te iudico serue nequam who for their impiety and misbeleeuing beeing openly condemned accursed quite cut of by excōmunication by his spouse frō her who yet beeing vrged they durst not but confesse her to be the true Church yet stil they disobayed her to their owne perdition and of their deceiued followers like to those proude deuils who confessing Christ to be the Sonne of God yet giuen ouer in desperate obstinacy to a reprobate sence still by their sleights tentations draw as many as they can from God blaspheaming his holy name though to their owne paine euer and greater damnation heerevppon it is so hard to heare of a learned chiefe heretike truly conuerted if he haue long continued obstinate because he sinneth of malice and commonly in the beginning especially against his owne conscience and so damned by his owne iudgement in the end is by Gods iust iudgement quite blinde in soule vnderstanding and so being become obdurate or hardened in hart is giuen ouer in reprobum sensum Thus you see how heretiks make an argument against themselues in accounting themselues members of that Church which they rebelliously disobay which by Christs commandement they are commanded to heare follow contrary to whose precept from which they be runnegates plaine Apostates of the same Church be publikly condemned Fiftly it yrketh me to finde any so feeble or weake if they be but once well inclined to the true Catholike Church as once to thinke that the heretiks of our tyme can be in any sort members of the same to yeeld reasons for the disproofe of so manifest an vntruth seemeth to mee as needeles as to proue that the Diuell is alyar or that the Sunne shyneth at the noone day For besides as I touched before the Heretikes of our time one sect or other either quite deny or els damnably erre in the most principall and substantiall articles of Christian faith and religion yea so farre and deepely that Turkes may as well yea and Except that heretiks beare the name of Christians c better though both be
not author Dissentionis fed pacis they would agree togither and with their first masters especially who many of them in the beginning since quite disclaime from our Church as quite decaied and come they now to vs with their foule feete when many of their fautors and all wise and honest men are weary of them Seauenthly such heretiks as can 7. admit any sect in their Church shew themselues to be of no conscience no feruour no faith no religion and bē the most daungerous persons in the world commonly the worst hardest to be reclaimed to good These be the persons God most abhorreth wishing they were either hot or cold Sed quaniam taepidus es because thou art luke warme saith he I wil euen spue thee out of my mouth signifying GOD can digest no such Neuter Nullifrdian sots in figure whereof it was forbidden in the law to haue a garment wouen of linnē wollen signifying that the mixture of contrary sects Christ cannot admit in his garment his spouse the Church which though it was well imbrodered whollie ouer declaring how his Church should be adorned glister with variety of all noble goldē vertues in euery state degree yet should they all tend to charity end in one signified by the same garment whole with out seame which the cruell souldiers yet deuided not then which heretiks be worse that rent teare with barbarous cruelty sundry heresyes asunder the misticall body and garment of Christ his Church and this to doe the better nowe in the latter end of the world and most dangerous dayes by subtilly creeping into her they vvoulde make of her as it vvere a linsey vvolsey medley garment for themselues a while to maske in till they might if it were posible rob spoyle her of al vertues and heauenly treasures of scriptures Saints sacramēts God all such drone bees that seek to their owne ruyne and of others to suck the sweete of other mens labours CHRIST IESVS will euer haue his watchmen to dryue back from his sacred inclosed garden whereinto none shall truly enter but the right in faith nor any enioy the fruits thereof euerlastingly but the righteous in hart for if the Church as I said hath iustly shurt out at all tymes before and since Christs tyme heretiks for lesse heresies then these of our dayes be by many degrees yea if God himself hath not spared iust reuēge of many of them in this life yea sometymes to the terror of others hath inflicted terrible sudden death for lesse sinnes then heresie yea spared not Angells in heauen for that vice proper to all hereticks which is pride then though he be long patient lett no heretik think he shall in the ende scape the heauy hand of God in token of whose heauy wrath and iust indignation for this sinne of heresie all good Christian Emperours Kinges Magistrates haue most seuerely punished it with fire to the terror of the wicked and preseruation of the good Lastly heretiks 8. Heretikes be most fit to bee linked in one Church with the Turk who haue pulled downe that most noble religious order of the Knights of the Rhodes ordayned to defend Christendome against the Turke to whom Protestantes now shewe al homage in most humble letters gift and other tokens of beneuolence yea cōplotting with him to the ruin of Catholick states princes as both by their letters intercepted euident actions ap●eereth that would be of one Church with Catholiks by what ioyntes sinnewes would they be knit to and with them surely they haue lest none for if they run as many of them haue done to the primitiue Church and the Apostles tyme they may indeede falsely and foolishly bragge of the head but then they must absurdly without body and other members ioyne their soule feete to their monstrous Chymerical head of that old dragon but not of Christ whose Church hath euer visibly continued shall do to the end of the world but if they will ioyne themselues with vs now that by Gods grace be Catholiks I see not one bond of faith Hope nor Charity left in them to make this cōnextion betweene vs they that haue rased out or defaced the whole Scriptures which by Gods grace we keepe to our defence they that cōtemne whole general councels where on we stand firmely they that nothing regard all holy Fathers which as watchmen in GODS house teach vs how to gouerne our selues they that take away Sacraments that ●oster and feede vs to life euerlasting they that abolish sacrifice whereby we are to worshippe God only they that blaspheame God the blessed T●inity on whome we are to beleeue they that take away Saints in heauen from praying for vs and the Church of GOD hee●e from all authority to guide and gouerne vs all which articles and diuerse others which they deny we stedfastly beleeue heere is no way left you see to conioyne vs in faith As for hope with vs in GOD they haue none left neither but in themselues only who they make iudges ouer themselues of their owne fancies Knowing without all doubt as they say they shall be saued before CHRIST come to iugement and so they be past hope As for Charity how can they agree with vs so quite contrary to them that can agree in no one point amongst themselues sauing that they in one point cōspire together yea all heretiks in the world that is to raile against and impugne the Pope our chiefe pastor vnder Christ the Bishop of Rome him the Lutherans him the Caluinists him Protestants him Anabaptists him Trinitaries him the family of loue cry out of with one vniforme consent crucifige but in other matters how many men so many opinions cōmonly raigne cursing one another like deuils whome they serue deriding and scoffing ech one another see but only the inuectiues of puritanes against protestants heere in England goe no further note how they be entertayned againe by Whitgift others and it wil giue some tast of the rest how they agree first amōgst themselues goeing about to thrust one another out of temporall possessions yea to cut one anothers throte As for their charity towardes vs it is no other then that of Iulian the Apostate towardes Christians of his tyme who spoyling them of their goods and many of their liues said hee did them a benefite because according to their Master CHRISTS promise they should receaue a hundred fold for thinges lost so heere in this life and after the Kingdome of heauen Such charity heretiks shew to vs that imprison vs spoile vs of goods and liuings consume many with a lingring persecution most terrible dispach others with violent death infame vs slaunder vs make vs odious to the state and Princes where we liue as traytors impouerish our widowes beggar o●r children infeeble corrupt our youth prophane our virgins robbe our churches kil murder our Preists be these in peace
at once but only declareth an infinite and almighty power of God and that diuine honour is due hereunto pag. 226. chap. 26. Of the B. sacrament of the Altar shewing how conueniently it was ordayned for our reparatiō what preparatiō we ought to make to the same p. 262 chap. 27. Of the Manna the paschall Lamb and other figures of the B. sacrament pag. 269. chap. 28. Wherein is touched how this sacrament is also a sacrifice daily vnbloudely offered by Priests propitiatory for the quicke the dead that it is the only saerifice whereby God is chiefly honoured and worshipped pag. 274. chap. 29. Of the great loue and humility of Christ in this B. sacrament of the deuotion of Christians of olde towardes the same pag. 281. chap. 30. Contayning a briefe recapitulation of things touched in the treatif● of this sacrament declaring that lay persons be not d●frauded of the bloud of Christ nor healthfull fruit of the sacramēt in receiuieg vnder one kind p. 288. chap. 31. Of holy Order what it is by whom● it was ordayned and of howe many degrees it consisteth and that no man rashly without due consideration ought to take vpon him the same pag. 305. chap. 32. Of the higher orders and ho●e necessary by Gods ordinance one head is ouer the rest pag 309. chap. 33. Of Gods seuere punishment of d●uers for arrogating to them-selues Priestly office and howe wee are to obay our Pastors pag. 318. chap. 34. Of the goodly order of the Clergy and Monarchy of the Church and of the Anarchy and disorderly confusion of heretikes pag. 325. chap. 35 Wherein is more at large described the Babilonicall confusion of sinne and heresie how God hath blessed this Cou●try of old for honour obedience to the Church Priesthood pag. 330. chap. 36. Of Matrimony and what it is and when it was ordayned of the chiefe good ende effect thereof how Virginity is preferred before it also of vowed chastity annexed to priesthood p. 336 chap. 37. That vowes may be lawfully meritoriously made and ought to be kept and that Matrimony is a bande inseparable during life and wherein it consisteth pag. 342. chap. 38. Of extreame Vnction that it is a Sacrament and ordeyned by Christ taught by S. Iames practised by the Apostles and Apostolike men pag. 345. chap. 39. Touching briefly by the way the matter of Iustification and by whome howe we be iustified pag. 350. chap. 40 Of Predestination and that as no man is saued without Gods grace So no man shall bee damned without his owne fault and that wee m●st not curiously dispute hereof pag. 357. chap. 41. That man hath free will that Gods Commandements are possible to be kept that euery one must work his saluation with feare trembling pag. 361. chap 42. Of Christs descending into Hell of the intollerable blasphemy of heretikes against Christ in this point pag. 365 chap. 4● Of Purgatorie what sort of people be therein punished and for what m●nner of sinnes defects they be there detained and th●t Prayer Sacrifice Almes-deeds and the like bee healthfull for the departed pag. 367. chap. 44. More at large of Purgatory prayer for the dead how heretikes no● only corrupt but deny th● playne scripturs in avouching the contrary pag. 371. ch 45. Of Pardōs what they are wherof they come in what sort they be auaileable both for the liuing the dead p. 376 chap. 46. By what meanes Pardons may be applyed to our soules and that we must iustly doe that which is appointed vs to be pertakers of the same pag. 380. chap. 47. Of Excommunication how dreadfull a thing it is how heretikes being excommunicated in the higbest degree their excommunication of others is ridiculous contemptible pag. 384. chap. 48 Of some abuses about Pardons and of the late reformation of the same and of the couetous humors of English Ministers pag. 385. chap. 49. Exhorting all to doe their Penance meekely heere and not to trust to much to the helpe and praiers of their friendes left behinde pag. 387. chap. 50. Of Pilgrimage proued by examples of Christ his seruants pa. 390. chap. 51. Of the reliques of Saints reuerently to be vsed and kept of miracles wrought by meanes of them pag. 392. chap. 52. Of honour inuocation of Saints and how Saints pray for vs may heare and releeue vs by their prayers as also that our prayers to Saints their intercession for vs is no iniury but glory to Christ ou● Mediator pag. 397. chap. 53. Declaring how God for his holy seruants sakes heareth our prayers and how the holy Fathers of olde prayed to Saints pag. 403. chap. 54. Touching by the way the blessed Virgin our Lady and the iniuries done vnto her pag. 406. chap. 55. Of Images and of the Crosse of Christ and of the reuerende laudable vses of the same pag. 409. chap. 56. Of Seruice in the Latin tongue and how meete conuenient it is that the Scriptures be reserued seruice said in the auncient sacred tongues pag. 413 chap. 57. Wherein the Apostles wordes touching praying and preaching in vnknowne tongues are expounded and of the goodlye order of the Churches seruice pra●ing singing praising God night and day in her cannonicall houres feastes and times of the yeare pag. 421. chap. 58. Of the Beades of the fifteen● misteries of th● R●sary or our Ladies Psalter of the great good spiritual fruit by deuout saying the same pag. 424. chap. 59. Of the Aue Maria how it is a most deuout prayer gratefull to God ioyfull to Angelles terrible to the Diuel most healthfull and comfortable to all mankinde pag. 427. chap. 60. Of diuers holy ornaments and thinges belonging to the Church as of lightes in churches of Insence Dedication of churches and such like godly ceremonies pag. 429. chap. 61. Of Religious persons of their sanctity lea●ning and perfection of life and of the vo ●es of pouerty ch●stity and obedience which make a religio●s man and of the heauy in ●geme●t of God to vowe b●eakers how our Lady vowed virginity pag. 433. chap. 6● Of holy Water and how creatures being blessed by the word of God miracles sometimes by the same be wrough● to the expelling of Diuels and conf●rmation of Christian religion pag. ●40 chap. 63. Of holy Bread giuen the people i● remembrance of that most blessed Sacrament and in s●me sort taught vs by Christ in those l●aues blessed a●● multiplyed by him in the desert pag. 442. chap. 64. Of rece●uing vnder one kinde a●d how the same fr●ite is rea●ed by on● kinde as by both an● that peace vnity and charity is the ende of this blessed Sacrament pag. 444. chap. 65. Of fasting the fruits therof how it hath be●e vsed co●●●nded by Christ his Saints how it is commanded vnder paine ●f sin by the church to ●hat persons how such as disobey the Church in this precept of fasting or any other disobey Christ. pag. 447. chap. 66. Of traditions whereof they c●me what they be of what authority that by tradition and authority of the Church we kno● the Scriptures t● b● the word of G●● which be e●er most reuere●tly prese●ued by Catholickes ●ut euill vnderstood corrupted yea s●me quite razed ●ut by Heretikes pag. 452. chap. 67. Of God that he is one in substance and three in persons and of the horrible blaspheamy of heretikes and Athistes against his diuine Maiestie pag. 457. chap. 68. Of Hell and of the iust punishments therein for sinne without release for euermore pag. 459. chap. 69. Of Heauen which worldlinges contemne how we may obtaine it and of the glorious and most happy estate of the body with the soule for euer after the generall resurrection pag. 462. chap. 70. Of the Pope that he is the Vicar of Christ and lawfull successor of Saint Peter pag. 465. chap. 71. What most admirable vertuous holy zealous and most worthy and charitable men many Popes haue beene of old and of late yeares also euen to this present day pag. 468. chap. 72. Wherefore he weareth his Crowne is borne of mēs shoulders suffereth deuout persons to kisse his foote p. 472 chap. 73. Why heretikes haue euer slaundered the Pope and how God turneth their malice to the benefitte of his elect and how her●tikes be for●runners of Antichrist and of Christs victory ouer his enemies in his Church pag. 475. chap. 74. Of the assistantes of the Pope as first of his Cardinals and why they be so called also of religious men Priests and Godly men of this time that dyed Martirs and of the dying obstinately of heretikes pag. 479. chap. 75. Of Antechrists forerunners of his false lying signes deceits of his intollerable Luciferian pride subtility and short raigne though most violent persecution of his life birth death and ministers pag. 483. chap. 76. How the Diuell Antechrist be compared to that monstrous serpentin● tayled Dragon drawing numbers with them into euerlasting perdition and that one certaine man Antechrist is yet to come though hee hath many fore-runners pag. 486. chap. 77. In a fewewords touching the chiefe matters that haue beene spoken in this treatise how the vnlearned especially in matters of religion ought too leaue disputes and simply to beleeue the truth founding themselues in Christ and in the Catholike Church pag. 490 chap. 78. Against Schisme that it is altogither vnlawfull and forbidden vnder pame of dānatiō to goe to the churches of heretiks or schismatiks to their prayers sermons sacram●ts spirituall exercises or many sort directy or indirectly to cōmunicate participate yeeld consent or assent to the same also a precaution is giuē to beware of dissembling Catholiks which indeede are Schismatiks pag. 495. chap. 79. Admonishing to amendment of life seing the time ●s short and the houre of death vncertaine when as ignorance shall excuse no man pag. 517. chap. 80. How though euery one ought to be prepared to suffer yet none ought rashly to cast themselues into tēptation but if ●e be called thereunto then we ought to be most glad to suffer as beeing Gods ca●se we suffer for pag. 525. A short treatise against Adiaphorists Neuters and such as say they may be saued in any sect or religion and would make of many diuers sects one Church pag. 537. FINIS