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A04528 The Catholique iudge: or A moderator of the Catholique moderator Where in forme or manner of a plea or suite at law, the differences betweene those of the Reformed Church, and them of the Romish Church are decided; and without partialitie is shewed which is the true religion and catholique Church, for the instruction of either partie. Together with eight strong arguments or reasons, why the Popes cannot be competent iudges in these controversies. Written in the Dutch and French tongue, by Iohn of the Crosse, a Catholique gentleman. Translated out of French into English, by the right worshipfull and learned Knight Sir A.A. John of the Crosse, a Catholique gentleman.; A. A., Sir. 1623 (1623) STC 14651; ESTC S107831 50,836 96

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Marcion and refuted and convinced the Heretique Eutyches The Reformed protest Con. Chal. that they will most willingly allow of the foure Creeds and Confessions of Faith ordayned by those foure Generall Councels as faithfull expositions of Christian religion for so much as they be grounded vpon the word of God But in the 500 yeers ensuing The second period of 500. yeeres falshood so strugled and encountered with the truth that so soon as man began by little and little to decline from the true and right rule of holy Scripture there did forthwith spring vp diverse plants of false doctrine and of hurtfull ceremonies which more and more encreased for albeit indeede in the fift Generall Councell called by the Emperour Iustinian in Constantinople 5. Con. Gen. all they were refuted which maintained that the bodie of our Lord Iesus Christ was of immortall and incorruptible nature Also howbeit that at the sixt generall Councell which was celebrated and held in the same place by the authority of Constantine the fifth the Heretiques Monotholites were convinced and condemned So it is that afterwards and almost all the Councels ensuing propounded and agreed vpon things altogether vnprofitable or for the most repugnant to the expresse word of God For in the seventh generall Councell which was first assembled by the Empresse of Constantinople and from thence removed to Nice it was held good and decreed that Images should be honoured and adored the which was not delt in or determined by the authority of the word of God but rather by the force of a mightie army for that purpose procured and called from Thracia The eight generall Councell was held in Constantinople vnder the raigne of the Emperor Basilius where Pope Adrian by his Legates commanded to acknowledge the Church of Rome for the head of all other Churches and that all lay and secular persons should be excluded from all election of Clerkes or persons Ecclesiastical so that thereupon so great debate and contention did arise betweene the Greeke and Latin Churches concerning the primacy or chiefe so that the controversie is not at this day altogether determined and pacified The 3. period of 500. yeeres The other fiue hundred yeeres next following such Councels and Synodes were held as decreed almost nothing which was good but rather pernicious doctrine was therein confirmed and established For proofe whereof say the Reformed no more needs to bee done but only to produce one Counsell of euery age before mentioned In the Councell or Synod of Maience 1049. at which both the Emperour and the Pope were present together with an hundreth and thirtie Bishops the point touching the forbidding of marriage to Priests was discussed In the Councell of Brixia which was assembled by the Emperour Henry Gregory the seuenth was deposed from the papall seate 1080. by reason of his blasphemies and villanies aboue mentioned In the Councell of Pauiaohen when the Emp. Fredericke would haue had the election of the Popes reformed a debate or strife of 20. 1160. yeeres continuance was stirred vp kindled which endured vntill the Pope had troden on the necke of the Emperour in the Citie of Venice In the Councell of Lions 1243. Innocent the fourth made a decree against the Emperour Henry the second and granted to the Cardinals power and leaue to weare red hats and to ride on horsebacke In the Synode of Vienna in France 1311. Clement the fift solemnely pronounced his Clementines and albeit that afterwards lying on his death-bed he commanded they should be burned because he wel perceiued them to confirme diuers errors apt to entrappe or ensnare mens consciences This notwithstanding his successor Iohn the twentie three 1414. did againe appeare and ratifie the sayd Clementines The Emperour Sigismund caused a generall Councell to be summoned at Constance wherein Pope Iohn the twentie three was dismissed of the papall seate and Iohn Husse Hierome of Prage were condemned burned because they had embraced and followed the doctrine of Iohn Wicliffe an Englishman who among diuers other points of good doctrine taught that the Supper of the Lord ought to be distributed to the people vnder both kinds without the imagination and dreame of Transubstantiation In the time of the said Sigismund there was also a Councell held at Basil where it was decreed that Popes should be subiect to Councels and because this decree did greatly displease Pope Eugenius he caused the said Councell to be remoued to Bolona and from thence to Ferrara and from thence againe to Florence Finally Iulius the second assembled called the Councell of Laterane and Pope Paul the third the Councell of Trent but for so much as the proceedings in those Councels were not according to the rules prescribed in the word of God The Reformed mainetaine that they are not any way obliged or tied to their decrees So by that which is before alledged it manifestly appeareth say the Reformed what kind of Councells and Sinods haue beene held in those last ages by them of the Romane Church Now concerning the diuersitie of repugnances of Councells it is also easily to be discouered Repugnances of Councells For the Councell of Chalcedon condemned Eutiches but the Councell of Ephesus did absolue and acquite him The Councell of Nice condemned Arrius but the Councells of Saricea Smernia and Millan maintained vpheld him Dist 32. Con. praeter host The Councell of Numidia where Saint Cyprian was president would haue all those rebaptized which were baptized by Heretikes which the Councell of Carthage did absolutely forbid Dist 4. de Cons. con Non. host The Councell of Ephesus which was held in the time of Pope Celestine did permit to communicate vnder both kinds Dist 15. de Cons but that of Constance in the time of Iohn the twenty three and that of Lateran did rigorously forbid it The Councell of Chalaus did ratifie offerings for the dead that of Carthage reiected them The Councell of Ancyra of Nice of Gangrae of Coletan and of Elibere did all consent to the marriage of Priests and other Ecclesiasticall persons but the Councells of Nercesaria and of Chalcedon and of Agatha and diuers other Councels did secretly forbid the same The Councell of Toletua allowed Priests to keepe Concubines but the Councell of Carthage and that of Basill in the time of Eugenius the fourth did sharply forbid it The Councell of Pope Alexander did forbid to heare Masse by a Priest that kept a Concubine which Lucius the third did permit The Councell of Gangrets condemned all them that ordained or commanded new traditions to the people the which that of Constantinople did allow Dist 34. The Councell of Tolete con 2. and of Libere con 36. did reiect Images but that of Nice the second and diuers others did admit them What would yee more The Councell of Arminium denied the primacie of the Pope of Rome but that of Chalcedon the sixt and
should not lift it selfe vp aboue Christ Aug. con Crosc cap. 2. because hee iudged alwaies truely and rightfully but Ecclesiasticall Iudges often faile and fall into error Amb. lib 2. de Offi. cap. 18. Saint Ambrose saith that religion and divine service requires neither gold nor silver and also that by gold we haue not the fruition of those things which cannot be bought for gold Spirdion saith that hee did freely eate flesh vpon such dayes as others did abstaine from it because he was a Christian Aug. super meno reap 17. Epiphanius Austine writeth that Monkes shuld not liue on other mens goods although they were continually occupied in speculations or contemplations in praying studying Epiphanius saith that it is a shamefull and vile thing to see in the Churches of Christians any Images painted or resemblance of Christ or any other he or shee Saint Now then forsomuch as the Church of Rome it selfe transgresseth and passeth ouer such and like sentences and maximes of the ancient fathers and doctors I pray you with what right say the Reformed can it prescribe to others to obserue fullie and wholie that which it selfe leaues vndone and vnregarded And since that neither Popes nor Councells nor fathers can in any sort decide this controuersie and difference in religion That traditions cannot be Iudges in religion to whose Iudgment then must wee referre and yeelde our selues Must we relie vpon Traditions By Traditions must be necessarilie vnderstood either Ritus the rites the ordinarie vsages or Customes of the Church Euseb lib. 3. hist cap. 4. lib. 5 cap. 8. Irenaeus lib. 3. cap. 14. lib. 1. cap. 13.12 Tertull in praescript ad haeres or else Christian doctrine it selfe Concerning vsages or customes Ecclesiasticall how ancient soeuer they may be notwithstanding so far forth as they are either hurtfull or improfitable or repugnant to the word of God or haue beene heretofore abrogated or disanulled they should by no meanes bee tolerated much lesse entertained or obserued in the Christian Church For the Lord expresly forbiddeth to serue or honour him with a doctrine forged or deuised out of mans braine or fancie Tertull in prae fat heres And concerning Traditions which concerne doctrine they must necessarily containe either the written word of God or the words and expositions of the faith against Heretikes which by consequence are drawne and fetched from the foundation of the holy Scripture or else Traditions of doctrine comprehend and containe things either added or diminished and taken away from the written word of God be it apparently done or couertly When by Traditions the written word of God is vnderstood or the Creede and Orthodoxe expositions of Christian faith who would not most readily and willingly embrace allow such Traditions But if by traditions be meant things inuented and deuised beside and against the word God who would not set light by and reiect them that is desirous to keepe a good and sound conscience before God Moreouer what vertue and authoritie Traditions can haue to suppresse or appease the debate and differences about Religion auncient Histories doe sufficiently certifie Aug. ad Lasulam Epist 8. For whereas in times past a great contention did arise in the Church about the feast of Easter and that such a stirre and contention that almost all the world was there with disquieted Both betooke themselues for their refuge to the Traditions which are called Apostolicall which are neither written nor contained in any certaine booke and whereas either partie maintained that they obserued the feast of Easter at the same verie time which was ordained and set downe by the Apostles at length the matter came to this point Irenaeus Epist vit Epist Rom. Aug lib de vera religo that in such the like indifferent things the Christian Churches should be left to their libertie So that by this example it manifestly appeareth how weake humane traditions are to remoue and determine differences in religion Shall they then be miracles which must giue vs to vnderstand who follow the better partie That miracles cannot be true workes of religion and which is the true Catholike Church It is impossible say the Reformed because the end or purpose and gift it selfe of miracles now ceaseth For in these dayes no new Gospell or strange doctrine is Preached in the Christian Church which hath neede to be confirmed by miracles but the same doctrine is taught which our Lord Iesus Christ and his Apostles haue long since sufficiently confirmed and seated by their miracles Moreouer we doe not reade that all such as haue heretofore reformed Religion and diuine seruice haue done miracles In which ranke and number wee may reckon and place Iohn Baptist vnder the new Testament and vnder the old testament Asaph Ethan Iedithem Iliman Core 1 Chron. 22.30 Ierom. 10.35 8.16 and certaine Prophets And if the gift of doing miracles be not referred to the onely and wise gouernement and guiding of God miracles cannot confirme any doctrine It being verie certaine that euen the miracles of Iesus Christ as excellent and full of efficacie as they were Luk. 11.19 did not helpe forward the obstinate Iewes towards Christian faith and true pietie Ioh. 12.26 2 Thes 2. Deut. 13. Finally how say the Reformed shuld miracles in themselues and of themselues be necessarie markes or tokens of true religion seeing it is most euident that Antichrist himselfe and the false Prophets haue shewed and done many signes and miracles and so may doe in time to come Wherefore the Reformed affirme that all such as at these dayes require miracles should be themselues esteemed maruilous men and strange monsters seeing that they relie so much vpon miracles after that the gift of them haue long agoe ceased Howbeit for all that we cannot but account it a kind of miracle that true Religion Christian doctrine should be Preached and aduanced or set vp without miracles among such resistances and furious endeuours of Antichrist That the personall succession of Popes Bishops cannot be Iudges of true Religion Shall it be then the continuall succession of the Bishop of Rome that must distinguish the true Religion from the false No man surely can denie but that there is a succession of true doctrine and a succession personall of persons only and therefore the Reformed maintaine that when succession of persons is accompanied with the succession of true doctrine Prophetical and Apostolicall that then without all doubt such a succession is of great efficacie And in this sense and meaning it is that heretofore all the Orthodoxe doctors of the Christian Church opposed their successions against heretikes For he that maketh profession of a doctrine those are the words of Nazianzen is also pertaker of the the same Throne Chaire or State but he that embraceth contrary doctrines such an one shall not be accounted as a true successor And this second hath the name
and title but the first hath true effect of succession without which succession is but a bare following of one thing after another when the disease is said to succeed or follow after health darknes after light tempests after calme folly and rashnesse after wisedome and prudence lees or dregs after wine or beere Hitherto continue the words of Nazianzen Also as we say that Nero succeeded Augustus and Cambyses Cyrus Considering then that the succession of the Propheticall and Apostolicall doctrine hath long since ceased in the Church of Rome the Reformed conclude that the ordinarie succession of the Popes of Rome and of the Bishops of the Romane Church is not sufficient to establish true religion When the succession of doctrine ceased in the Romane Church nor in any sort thereof to determine But it may be they of the Romane Church will demand of the Reformed Christians at what time and vnder what Pope the succession of true doctrine was interrupted changed and altered To which the Reformed answer that the Popes and Bishops of Rome must be distinguished and divided into three ranks or sorts For first all the Reformed deny not The first ranke of Romane Bishops but that from Linus to Melchiades the first Bishoppes of Rome being thirty and one in number were faithfull Pastors of the Church of Christ who laboured in the vineyard and harvest of the Lord even vnto death and therefore they may rightly be called starres remayning in the right hand of our Lord Iesus Christ but from Sylvester the first The second sort of Popes to Sabian the Thuscan thirty three in number they say the Reformed were but Bishops with Miters which albeit they were not the worst did notwithstanding by their traditions and decrees prepare the state and throne for the great Antichrist All the other Popes from him vnto the Pope at this present The third sort of Popes are called and held by the Reformed for Antichrists in such sort notwithstanding as that the first of those Popes vnto twenty and nine after Boniface the fift and Leo the fourth are accounted to be in the kingdome of the great Beast the other thirty and one Popes ensuing from Iohn the eight vnto Iohn the seuenteenth are registred and recounted in the kingdome of the great Whore Apoc. 17. and the other nine and thirty Popes succeding vnto Celestine the fourth Apoc. 17. Apoc. 20. Apoc 9. belong to the kingdome of the great Dragon and all the last Popes from Innocent the fourth vnto the present Pope which exceedeth the number of fiftie are enrowled or numbred in the kingdome of Grashoppers according to the ancient prophesie which the Lord hath vouchsafed to reveale vnto vs concerning the kingdome of Antichrist Beholde how plainely it appeareth say the Reformed that the personall succession of Bishops is of very smal importance and authority to decide the difference of religion The consent and accord in the outward service cannot be a marke of true religion But yet say they of the Roman Church cannot the vnion good agreement and consent in publique doctrine and outward service demonstrate which is the true Catholique Church To which the Reformed reply that if bare consent and accord in outward service could performe so much that then neither the Iewes nor the Turkes nor any other Heretiques Pagans and Infidels could bee excluded from the Catholique Church for as much as experience in all times doth sufficiently proue them marvelously to agree and to be of one iudgement and consent in their perverse heresies and false errors whereas contrariwise wee see often-times great and excellent Orthodoxe Doctors Dissention of diverse excellent Doctors Act. 15. to haue had sharpe and bitter dissention and contention one with the other Betweene Paul and Barnabas such strife was stirred and kindled that one departed from the other euen so Peter Alexandrine and Melitus did striue and contend each against other as also Epiphanius and Saint Crysostome Soz. l. 1 c. 16. Socr. l. 4. c. 32. Orig. con Cels lib. 7. Srom. 7. Saint Ierome and Saint Augustine and Ruffin likewise Ciril Iohn of Antioch and Theodoret. Yea pagan Infidels haue often vpbraided and reproched Christians for their disagreement and disunion Whence it appeareth more cleere then the Sun at noone-day say the Reformed that as externall agreement or the onely vnion and consent in the outward service of God cannot decide or determine of the truth of religion so on the contrary part also every kinde of dissenting and partaking is not by and by a token or marke of false religion Yet with this proviso or caution that the foundation of the truth be not subverted by the debate and difference in the dissention That the most ancient custom is not a marke of the true Church Shall it be then the cōmon publike custom of diverse ages that can shew vs where we must seeke and find the true Church The Reformed answer that as the eternall God hath expresly forbidden the faithfull to permit and suffer his eternal and divine truth in any sort to be impayred defaced or diminished either because of time or proscription of many yeeres or by any custome bee it never so ancient● or by any conspiring and generall assent whatsoever yea although it were of the whole world So that wee see that the good Patriarch Noe with all his familie Gen. 7. Heb. 11. although hee saw all men to conspire and consent together in impiety and dissolute life it being growne to a custome in certaine ages afore-going hee notwithstanding did rather embrace with those of his familie divine doctrine then consent with all other to the impiety and prophanation of the whole world Must it then bee the Church that ought to suppresse and compound all these grear controversies in religion The Reformed say that first and foremost we must learne well to distinguish the true Church from the false Synagogue and the assembly of the vngodly That the only written Word of God should be Iudge of religion which cannot be effected by any other meanes then by the only written Word of God Must then the holy Scripture be full and sole or competent Iudge of the difference and state depending betweene these disagreeing and divided inheritors The Reformed Christians are altogether of this opinion and thereupon are fully resolved For indeed they maintaine and certainely shew with S. Austine S. Ciprian and diuers other very ancient fathers and Orthodox doctors that the things which are necessarie to the saluation of the faithfull and children of God Luk. 16. Io. 4. Io. 6. Io. 15. Act. 28. Pro. 30. 2 Tim. 3. Esa 8. are all exactly contained in the written word of God which is commonly called the holy Scripture For Saint Austine verie well saith Aug. tract in Iohan. ca. 11. Chrysost hom 41. c. 22. in Ioh. It is only to the bookes of holy Scripture now called Canonicall that wee must
was so subdued and opposed by falshood that she could in a manner no where shew or manifest her selfe All this notwithstanding hence it followes not That the Church of Iesus Christ was never wanting that the Church either hath been at sometime abolished or extinguished and quite smoothered or that the Reformed doe contend and striue against the true Church For the Church of Christ hath ever subsisted beene and continued and shall endure so long time as the Lord Iesus Christ shall raigne vnder the sure protection and safegard of whom it is secured and defended howbeit notwithstanding the outward forme is not alwayes alike visible and apparent So that the Reformed maintaine that they impugne or go not against the true Church in any sort but together with the same they call vpon adore with perfect vnion one selfesame God belieue in one alone Iesus Christ who hath bin in all times called vpon worshipped by all the faithfull children of God But the Reformed Christians protest on the other side that they are separated from that Synagogue or Assembly which hath not retained or preserued true faith and religion but aduanced humane traditions aboue divine Oracles which would lay vpon mens consciences burdens insupportable which hath attempted imperiously to beare sway ouer their faith forbidden and hindered the pure preaching of the Word of God and the due and rightfull administration of the Sacraments which is accustomed yeerely to excommunicate them together with all the Christian Churches of Africke Egypt Syria Asia and Greece which persecuteth religious people and such as feare God which will not admit or allow of any reformation which corrupteth and blemisheth things necessary in the Christian Church which hath made necessary things indifferent and corrupted Lawes which hath tyed the Catholique or vniversall Church to one City Orbem in Vrbe briefly which is stained and defiled with all kinde of sinnes and iniquities By reason whereof the Reformed againe protest that they haue beene inforced to forsake this Assembly to obey the commandement of God and that they ought not to pollute nor charge their consciences with the false Romish doctrine lest they be made partakers of the iust and fearfull punishments of God which may befall the same They of the Romane Church for a finall conclusion demande hereupon Where the true Church hath beene so long hidden where the Church hath beene so long hidden For if the Church of Rome say they hath not beene the true Catholique Church must wee not necessarily condemne all those which hitherto haue lived vnder the Popedome The Reformed make answere that there haue been found in all times Christians as well in the Eastern Christian Churches as also in the Westerne vnder the Popes iurisdiction which Christians haue reiected those Popish abuses and corruptions and which is more hath sometimes encountred them both with liuely voyce and word of mouth In Regist lib. 4. cap. 82. Ad Iohan. Ep. Constan Epist 35. ad Maurit Impera Greg. Mag. and by their bookes and writings for not to speake of the ancient Fathers and of the Primitiue Church which the Reformed declare to haue beene wholly of one accord and consent with them in all the Articles of the true Faith and Christian Religion they can also plainely shew that there haue beene many in these last ages which haue consented to the reformation of Religion For albeit that Gregorie the Great maintained some errours yet heerein hee held a good and sound opinion that hee is Antichrist who suffereth himselfe to bee called soveraigne or vniversall Bishop Everardus Salisburg Everard Bishop of Salisberch proved in an eloquent Oration which hee made at the Councell of Regensberch that the Popes were Antichrists and that Pope Hildebrand layde the foundation of this domination or soveraignty of Antichrist Ioachim Calaber Francis Petr. more then 800. yeares agoe Ioachim Calaber at the same time did often call the Popes Antichrist Francis Petrarch in his writings especially in his twentith Epistle hath very sharply enveighed against the Popes Arnulphus Arnulph Bishop of Orleance openly at the Coūcell of Rhemes called the Popes Antichrist Bernardus Saint Bernard in the yeere M. did challenge encounter the Popes as servants of Antichrist At the same time Michael Centenas affirmed the Popes to be Antichrist Ierome Sauanorola borne in Ferrara Hieronymus Sauanorola preached throughout all Italy that the Popes were Antichrists also that their doctrine were prophane for which he was burned at Florence by the commandement of Pope Alexander the sixt Thomas Reiden did absolutely contemne and reiect the Popedome Thomas Reiden and was therefore also burned vnder Pope Eugenius the fourth Laurentius Valla about an hundred yeeres past Laurentius Val. called Rome Babylon and the Pope Antichrist hee further said that the donation of Constantine was forged by the Popes themselues in such sort that hee opposed himselfe earnestly against the Popes by reason whereof being exciled he was very honourably receiued by the King of Naples Iohn Wickliffe did stoutly and worthily impugne and resist the Popedome in England Iohann Wickilf who was shortly after seconded by Iohn Hus Iohannes Hus. Hieron Prague and Ierome of Prague both which were imprisoned at the Councell of Constance and there were also burned for the profession of true religion So that finally an hundred yeeres after followed Martin Luther who more plainely expounded and layd open the true religion and openly encountred with the Popedome Now the principall Potentates of Christendome haue endeavoured in diverse sorts and manners to hinder and restraine the great multitude of them that haue imbraced or followed this doctrine Diuers examinations of Luthers doctrine For the Emperour Maximilian at Ausbureg in the yeere 1518. and Charles the fifth and Ferdinand with divers other Kings and Princes first of all the yeere 1520. at Wormes next the yeere 1523. at Noremberch afterwards the yeere 1529. at Spires after that the yeere 1530. at Auspurge againe and finally the yeere 1532. at Regensburge and the yeere 1540. at Hagenau All these Potentates aforesayd say the Reformed at these sundry times haue in part thēselues heard the remonstrance declaration of Luther made with his owne mouth in part caused his doctrine to bee examined by their owne Doctors But afterwards when they perceived that by all their banishment imprisonments and by all the fire and gibbets they could bring nothing to passe They were at length constrained to follow the counsell of Gamaliel The counsell of Gamaliel Act 5. who advised the Iewes to permit the Apostles to preach For if their worke were of men it would quickly come to naught but if it were of Goa they could not ouerthrow it Let every man then in like manner conclude or resolue of the religion of the Reformed Church In the meane while yee Kings Princes and all yee Inhabitants of the earth who desire to obtaine eternall salvation bee wise and well advised Serue the Lord with feare and reioyce in him with trembling Kisse the Sonne lest hee be angry and yee perish from the way When his wrath is kindled but a little blessed are all they that put their trust in him FINIS
the Popes seate crying Come wretched creature to the Iudgement of God So that the next day the Pope was found dead vpon his bed all his body being blacke and blew as if he had beene beaten and brused with blowes of a cudgell Nicholas the third died suddenly being stroken with an Apoplexie Leo the tenth died laughing and drinking roundly Clement the eight hauing conspired with Francis king of France against the Emperour Charles the fift was afterwards imprisoned by the Captaines of the Emperour and derided after a strange fashion and after they had pilled or sacked the Citie of Rome he was restored to his pontificall authoritie but finally was stifled or smothered with certaine Cardinals by the smoke of certaine Torches and waxen lights Hitherto haue we vnderstood the courses reasons wherfore the Reformed Christians will not accept the Popes for there Iudges in matter of religion For they say in the first place that it is repugnant to all lawes and rights both deuine and humane that in this cause or sute Popes should be both accusers and Iudges And that which is more according to the common Iudgment and opinion of the Canonists the Pope alone cannot pronounce sentence vpon an heresie but must therein be Iudged also by others Adding farther herevnto so many wicked acts of the Popes whereof albeit they were not conuicted and condemned but onely accused yet so it is that they not only cannot be Iudges in religion but are also incapable of accusing the meanest person before they haue sufficiently purged and excused themselues of all the before mentioned enormities Finally for so much as this is agreeable to all naturall right and reason that is to say that in all affaires and consultations of importance euery thing be resolued vpon and concluded according to the opinion and sentence of the greater and principall part especially when the greater part is esteemed or considered not onely according to the number of persons but cheifly according to the nature worthines and importance of the whole affaire or matter and goodnesse of the cause And Considering that all the Realmes and nations heretofore mentioned which accuse the Popes doe largly extend and amount to the two principal parts of Christendome consequently there remayning for the Romane Catholikes but one of the principall parts of Christendome The Reformed conclude that they may with all right reason reiect the Popes as incompetent and vnlawfull Iudges wherefore say the Reformed Let the Popes of Rome first and foremost purge themselues of all the aforesaid abhominable acts and hainous villanies whereof they are accused or else if they cannot doe it let them forbeare to intrude themselues in quality or title of Iudges touching the differences of Religion Otherwise the Reformed say that they shal haue iust occasion to make that answere to Popes which was heretofore addressed or returned to Pope Iohn Bishop by the Greeke Churches the which Churches the Pope had written vnto then that he alone was the head of all the Churches and the onely and proper Vicar of Iesus Christ they answered him breefly in these termes The letter of 7. Churches to the Pope We firmely beleeue thy great authoritie ouer them that are subiect vnto thee wee cannot endure thy great pride and ambition wee cannot iustifie thy great couetousnes The diuel be with thee for God is with vs. The Reformed come now to declare wherefore and how farre forth they will not acknowledge the Councells nor admit them for their Iudge For they refuse them as they say Why the Coūcels are refused to be iudges in religion for diuers and sundrie weightie reasons And first of all they affirme that there are diuers Councels which haue grosly erred not onely in discipline and outward order but also in that which concerneth the honour of our Saviour Iesus Christ The 1. reason of refusall whence it hath come to passe that oftentimes Provinciall Synodes haue beene corrected and controuled by Generall Councels and Generall Councels by provinciall Secondly The 2. reason of refusall the principall and best Councels haue not alwayes treated of all the points and articles of Chrstian Faith but onely of certaine differences which were then most questioned Moreover it appeareth by Histories that even in the best golden ages the pride and ambition or the curiosity or impudence and indiscretion or else the dissolutenesse or evill carriage of certaine Bishops and Pastors hath beene such as it seemes that oft-times in the Councels and Synodes the Spirit of God did not governe but rather the vncleane spirit who then prevailed got the vpper hand In briefe we reade that in these last ages such Councels haue beene held as haue brought in and confirmed false doctrine and vnprofitable frivolous and hurtfull ceremonies and that not by arguments or reasons or by the authority of the Word of God but rather by strong force by way of Armes And to the end no man may think all this to be devised as a false and malicious accusation the Reformed affirme that they can plainely proue it by a briefe rehearsall and register of the Councels for who shall diligently search into ancient and moderne Histories shall finde this to bee true that even as following the ancient tradition of the house of Elias all the time of the continuance of this world is divided into thrise three thousand yeeres In like manner all the time from the first comming of Iesus Christ vntill his last comming at the day of iudgement may bee fitly distributed into three periods or parts in which also all Realmes and Principalities haue felt some alteration and change We finde also that in those three periodes Three periods or partitions of Time of the new Testament or partitions of time true Christian religion and the vniversall Church hath increased and decreased like the moone For vntill about 500. yeeres after the birth of Christ although that during the sayd time certaine differences or controversies did arise touching the person of the Sonne of God and other very important points of religion against Ebion Cerinthus and diverse other Heretiques yet the truth hath alwayes obtained the vpper hand And during those first fiue hundred yeeres the Church of Christ flourished being as it were in full moone For in this first period were held the Apostolicall Councels and afterwards all the foure Oecumenicall Councels that is to say vniuersall of the Primitiue Church And indeed the first of all those Oecumenicall and Generall was assembled or called at Nice by the Emperour Constantine the Great Con. Nice which confuted and condemned the wicked Heretique Arrius The second was assembled or held at Constantinople by the Emperour Theodosius Con. Const which disprooued and convinced the Macedonian Heretiques The third was assembled in Ephesus Con. Ephes by the Emperour Theodosius the second sonne of Arcadius which condemned the Heretique Nestorius The fourth was called and held in Chalcedon by
attribute and giue this honour and reuerence firmely to beleeue that none of their authors haue tripped or erred in their writings But concerning other writers and authors we reade them in such manner that although they haue beene verie holy and Godly and of much knowledge yet so it is that wee hold not what they haue written for true only because they taught this or that but because they haue beene able to perswade and to make vs vnderstand it so to be either by those Canonicall writings or by some other reasons which in substance agree with the truth and word of God So that wee owe this onely to the Canonicall Bookes as Saint Austine saith elswhere that is to submit our selues to them without any contradiction Lib. de na gra cap. 6. Con. Faust lib. cap. 5. ad Oros cap. 11. ad Pan. ad Fortu. lib. 2. Con. Moreouer it may be lawfull to refuse any other writtings and to varie from them in opinion but all persons must yeeld consent to the Canonicall writings be he Laicke be he Priest be he King be he Emperour let him giue heede and attention to the holy Scripture for in the whole world nothing can be found so holy and so necessarie as the holy Scripture Crescon gram cap. 32. Ad Vnam Don Epst 4.8 What I pray you can be found or met with all more cleare and euident then all those excellent testimonies and sentences of Saint Austine And in truth say the Reformed if we could once come to this point that God himselfe might be acknowledged to be Iudge of all differences in Religion and that by his voice which clearely soundeth and vttereth it selfe in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles we would not refuse likewise to accept and allow the Councells Fathers and Miracles and such like for deposed witnesses in this cause or action Prouided alwaies that first of all distinction be discreetly and considerately made between the true Church which is the assembly of Iesus Christ and the Sinagogue and assembly of Sathan betweene the auncient fathers and Orthodoxe doctors worthy of creedit and Heretikes betweene the lawfull Councels and Synods and Tirannicall Councels Sinods betweene the true writings of Orthodoxe men and bastard bookes or suborned writings betweene true miracles and and counterfeit ones betweene rightfull succession of true Doctrine and the disguised succession of persons betweene true consent and holy Vnion and peruerse and obstinate complotting and agreement in opinion Briefly betweene the true Traditions of the Apostles and the false glosses or expositions of men Herevnto replie they of the Romish Church and demand how all this can be effected by the written word of God seeing that in like manner all Heretikes defend arme or strengthen themselues with this written word of God The Reformed answere How the Scripture may be iudge albeit all Heritekes abuse it that Heretikes cannot more conueniently and fitly be confuted and conuinced which abuse this holy Scripture then by the same written word of God the which only and alone can suppresse and determine all controuersies in religion Ad Cresum lib. 2. cap. 31. for as Saint Austine verie well saith we must by no meanes Iudge or controule the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles but we ought rather according to those bookes to Iudge of all other bookes of Religious professors or of Infidels Euen so we see that our Sauiour Iesus Christ confuted and confounded by the holy Scripture Mat. 12. 4. the Scribes Pharises and Sadduces yea Sathan himselfe all which abused the Scriptures So likewise Saint Stephen conuinced the Iewes and Philip conuerted the Eunuch of Queene Candace by the holy Scriptures Act. 6.7 In like manner did the Apostles confirme the doctrine of the Gospell by the writings of the Prophets And the Iewes of Beraea compared the Preaching and doctrine of the Apostle S. Paul with the doctrine of the Prophets by this meanes trying whether it agreed with the writings of the Prophets In summe after the same manner the Councell of Nice condemned the Heretike Arrius that of Constantinople the Heretike Macedonius that of Ephesus Nestorius that of Chalcedon Eutiches that is to say by the onely word of God Even as Saint Augustine also convinced the Heretique Pelagius Aug. de con sen Epist 163. lib 3. Con ca. 6. Sozom. l. 1. c. 3. and Tertullian the Heretique Drapeas Briefly all the other faithfull Doctors haue so resisted that is by the holy Scripture all Heretiques These are the very words of Saint Austen lib 2 cap 32. contr Cresc Wherefore as Saint Augustine very well saith Let no man in disputations presumptuously obiect or oppose against vs the writings of the ancient Fathers or Councels for we hold them not in themselues Canonicall but doe examine them by the Canonicall writings and whatsoever agreeth with the authority and excellency of the holy Scripture wee accept of with commendation but that which accordeth not therewith wee reiect it with their leaue and consent That the Scripture is neither hard nor obscure If they of the Romane Church reply that the holy Scripture is obscure and hard to be vnderstood Saint Augustine answereth them that wee more certainely wade or passe through the holy Scripture then through Traditions For when we will diligently search into it being darkened with some obscure words nothing wil ensue that can breed any difficulty or if there doe arise any difference or doubtfulnesse it must be at length cleared and decided by sundry more plaine testimonies of the same Scripture And indeed as the same ancient Father saith the holy Ghost hath so tempered and composed the Scripture that whatsoever seemeth obscure in one passage is more cleerly expounded in some other Wherefore the Reformed conclude for all the reasons afore-saide that this is the only meanes powerfull to satisfie and appease those two pretending or contending parties that is to say if endeavour be vsed to suppresse and decide by the pure Word of God the controversies aboue mentioned adiudging that alone to bee the true religion and Catholike Church which agreeth fully and wholy with the Word of God rightly expounded and vnderstood according to the same Word of God and the Analogie of the Articles of the Christian Faith The exception of the Church of Rome They of the Romane Church pondering these reasons of the Reformed Christians doe protest that albeit indeed they well perceiue the religion of the Reformed not much to decline from the written Word of God and if it wholly accord with the the same that yet they would not hold and pronounce the same Reformed religion to be good because say they the sayd Reformed religion was first set on foot and published by Heretikes and Doctors that were not sent by God nor had a lawfull calling and who were innovators and new devisors in religion The answer of the Reformed The Reformed Christians doe earnestly entreat
that they of the Romane Church would not accuse them of such faults that is to say of heresie vnlawfull calling and innovation or bringing in of novelties but rather perceiving their religion to consent and accord with the truth of God contained in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles that they would imbrace the Reformed religion For first of all the Reformed Christians complaine very much of the wrong that is offered them in acvsing their religion of heresie Lib. 2. cap. de Har. 2. Man Ioan. Auent lib. 3. Annal. because they can proue that such are not Heretiques as in some points dissent from the opinion of the Romane Church neither they which maintain that there are Antipodes Antipodes are they which tread against our feet Glos dist 10. ca. Mul. dist 2. Euseb l. 5 c 26. Lib. confes fol. 274. 6. 4. Ar. Flor. hist par 3. cap. 13. as Pope Zacharie did thinke nor all they which will not obey all the commandements and ordinances of the Pope as the Canonists haue determined nor they which giue not consent to the celebrating of Easter as Pope Victor appointed neither they which beleeue not all the traditions which are instituted observed as good and godly by the Romane Church For then all such should be heretiques as beleeue not that Dominick wrought more miracles then our Lord Iesus Christ and all the Apostles Also that the said Dominick is greater then Ioh. Baptist Moreover that we must firmely beleeue all the Legends of Saint Francis Bernardine and other such like vnder paine and penaltie of being damned excommunicated and burned as Heretiques To conclude all those must not bee reputed Heretiques which beleeue not that all Emperours Kings and Magistrates and consequently all humane creatures are subiect to the power and to the outward sword of the Popes But the Reformed Christians esteeme them to be Heretiques Who ought to be held for Heretiques First of all which bring into the Church of Christ such a doctrine as is repugnant to the Analogie and rule of Faith briefly contained in the Apostles Creede Secondly such as turne aside from the true Catholique Church that is to say vniversall which retaines the pure doctrine of God And finally such as beeing often and seriously admonished doe notwithstanding absolutely persevere in their errors for which they haue beene many times reprehended and condemned The protestation of the Reformed Church The Reformed now protest that they haue not declined or gone astray one whit from the Analogie and rule of Christian Faith and confession of the faithfull nor from the foure most ancient generall Councels that is to say of Nice of Constantinople of Ephesus and of Chalcedon nor from the Creed of Saint Athanasius nor finally from any part of the Word of God They further protest that they were never lawfully cited in due and rightfull forme and manner or condemned by competent Iudges nor convinced of any errors but rather that they alwayes either rendred a reason and made confession of their Faith or have appealed publiquely to a generall free Councell of all Christendome For touching the Councell of Trent That the Coūcell of Trent was not free that it was not free or open they can as they say cleerly proue by Histories in which it appeareth manifestly that Cervinus Polus and diuerse other Cardinals were excluded from this Councell as also Iaques Nacluaist Bishop of Clodiafossa Dominicke Withelme of Venice Paul Verger Bishop of Iustinopolis with certaine others and that onely because they were suspected somewhat to incline to the Reformed religion and for certaine reasons and speeches which they deliuered or vttered against the Popes Concerning the sending and calling of the Reformed Doctors which first did repugne or resist the Sea of Rome the Reformed affirme that they were called in part immediately that is to say they were called by God without any outward means and that God disposed their hearts enflaming them with a true zeale for the advancement of his glory and of the kingdome of his Sonne Iesus Christ In part also mediatly that is to say by outward meanes that is by the approving enccouragement and forwarding of Christian Princes Lords and Magistrates stirred vp by God for this purpose as also diverse Nations which with humble prayers praise the Lord for so great a grace and singular benefit of Reformation And this is not onely lawfull for Christian Princes and Magistrates to doe but they are bound and tyed vnto it by the duty of their Calling at all times when the outward and visible state of the Church requireth any reformation of errors which may haue crept into the Church by the malice or bad dealing and ignorance of the Pastors That is manifestly perceived say the Reformed as well by the expresse commandement of God in so many places of his Word as by all the notable examples of Ezekias Iosaphat Iosias and diuerse other religious Kings that feared God who in their time caused the service of God to be reformed which was corrupted with Idolatry and superstition as the holy History at large doth testifie Finally whereas they of the Romane Church accuse the Reformed religion of nouelty The doctrine of the Reformed is not new The Reformed Christians therevpon complaine that thereby great wrong is done vnto Gods truth because the Reformed plainely shew that they neither acknowledge nor make profession of any other doctrine then that by which Adam Seth Noe Abraham and all the other Patriarches and faithfull men haue beene saued and the which our Sauiour Iesus Christ his Apostles and the first six Counsels and the most ancient Fathers and Orthodoxe Doctors haue deliuered and set forth So that finally the diuel whilest the workmen did sleep hath filled the Lords field with so much darnell that the good corne can scarcely be discerned and perceaued For albeit our Lord God hath alwayes firmly decreed to maintain continue his Church yet his will is not that his Church should be alwaies a like flourishing and prosperous but like the moon he suffers it sometime to encrease sometimes to be in the waine or decrease Gen. 7. 1 King 19. Mat. 2. euen so we see that in the time of Noe there were but eight persons saued in the Arke from the waters of the flood It is also sayd that in the time of the Prophet Elias there were 7000. which embraced the true doctrine Likewise when the comming of Iesus Christ was expected the Church was so obscure and concealed that scarce one faithfull person seemed to be remaining How true doctrine was by little falsified In like manner after the happie birth of our Sauiour the Christian Church began to decline by little and little for the space of 1500 yeeres For in the first 500. yeeres falshood began to oppose and resist the truth In the other 500. yeeres ensuing truth began to giue place to falshood and at the length in the last 500. yeeres truth