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A09823 The seditious and blasphemous oration of Cardinal Pole both against god [and] his cou[n]try which he directid to themperour in his booke intytuled the defence of the eclesiastical vnitye, mouing the emperour therin to seke the destruction of England and all those whiche had professid the gospele translated into englysh by Fabyane Wythers.; Pro ecclesiasticae unitatis defensione. English. Selections Pole, Reginald, 1500-1558.; Withers, Fabian.; Atanagi, Dionigi, ca. 1504-1573. aut 1560 (1560) STC 20087; ESTC S114887 19,235 80

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as you se so many thousands of christians opressed with y e most vile hard seruitude bondage of the turkes you do thinke yt a worthy notable act to deliuer them and to restore theim vnto liberti the whiche in dede is no lesse thē prayse worthy but yf you coūt this so laudable a thyng how much more glorioꝰ praise worthy wer yt to redeme releas so many thousāds of soules beyng euen in present perill and danger beyng also violētly rapt and taken away out of the lappe or bosome of the church and euē now brought into great doubt danger of saluation and to restore y e same again vnto y e church fayth of Chryst such is y e perill whiche is iminent and hangyng ouer our heades y e enemy also whiche goethe about and hath brought a great part of the same to passe is suche a one as thou canst not excuse thy selfe o Cesar but to vnderstand and know the same The which thyng as it is most laudable so dothe it also apere most necessari fyrst to prouide and seke remedy for this myschief whiche is now spronge growyng vpon vs before thou prouyde or seke for the lyberty of the body verely yt is so much the more necessary that except you imediatly resiste and with stand this myschief all that you now go about is but in vayn although you shuld subdew all asai expulsing the turkes frome thence you shuld retourne a conquerer I pray you what shal you then haue profited whē in place of them whome you haue expulsid out of asia new turkes be rysen and sprong vp amongst vs at home for what other thing ar the turkes then a certain secte of christians which in tyme paste haue shrounk and gone a way from the catholyke church Nether do thee turkes hate or abhorre the name of Christ or reiect his gospell but as the arrianes dyd in times past thei take awai that dignity from Christ that he shulde bee thee sonne of God with many other thinges which they haue taken of the arrianes how beit thy affirme christ to be a great prophet and also owe no small reuerence vnto his mother mary The orygynall and begynyng of the turkes relygion is all one withe all other heresyes They wer the first which wēt away frō y e church forsaking and denienge him to be the hed whiche was ordeined and left by Christ and so by lytle lytle they vterly declined swarued from the doctrine of Christ what shuld I say more do you you not see how largley aboūdantly this turkish sede is spred and sowen amōgest vs. I wold to god yt wer so small that you could not perceaue yt But you haue sene that which is greatly to be sorouid euen in your owen cōtry of germany but as yet ther is not y e playn turkish sede because it is not yet sowen or sprede nether by publyque auctority nether yet by commaundement of any one which hath rule or power ouer others to compell them vnto yt and ther fore it is not vterly to be despaired but that y e trewe germā church of the germanes hauīg oppressid this adulterous noughty sede may florish and spring again and bring forthe y e trew aboūdant fruits of the catholike fayth So likewise in Englād wher as in tyme past trew religiō did also florish now is this sede so sowen and strengthened by thāctorytuy of one man that it can starsly be discernid frō the turkish sede and to thin tēt that that which is alredi sowē shuld haue the better encrese it is defended withe the sword and with the sword they answer all that is obiectid against yt and this is the very turkyshe maner thꝰ their sect doth in crese and grow But in this point it doth differ from the turkes for so much as the turks sect doth compell no man vnto ther opiniō for he that doth not impugne there religion although he be of a clene cōtrary opinion he maye liue in safety amongst them and they do also much reuerence and honor good men although thei be of cōtrary religion The which thing the greke monkes which inhabyte the mont Athusdo wytnes to be trew whom the turkysh emperour him self doth much sette by in so much that he doth often send such as haue offendyd vnto them that they shulde praye for them and comend them in ther prayers vnto almyghty God vnto whome he beleuyth y e ar most dearlye beloued and in Fauour No man truly vnder all his hole emprye or dominiō and of what secte soeuer he bee yf he kepe his tonge is in any maner of peril or daunger But wher as this new and pestiferous sede is now ther is no lesse punyshement or dāger for them that kepe sylence thē for suche as moste in pugne and striue against them behold Thomas Moore who alone in vertue Learnyng dyd chieflye excel he was put to death for his silence monkes in lykwyse themore holy relygeous thei seim me to be the more thei ar in daunger so that fynally all mens tonges ar stoppid by feare of the swear what wold you desire more o Cesar whan thes goodly begynyngs this violence and cruelti whiche is exercised against holy men doth sufficntly shew what peryll and danger is rysen to the church by denieng and refusing the heade of the church Ye the turkes them selues against whome thou doest prepare warres may be an exāple for the the which hauing this path or way opened vnto them haue attemptid to oppresse and ouerthorw the church of christ when as they reiectid and cast of thauctoryty of the superme head in stede ther of haue brought in the force and rigour of the. Swerd thorow the which they haue so long a tyme defendid thē selues y t it is to late for the church to seke for or call home hir children again whiche haue alredy forgotten ther mother Yf the turkysh sect do not sufficientlye declare vnto you the greatnes hougenes of the perill which I haue spoken of before Germany it felfe doth shew it aboundantly if thou doest consider wyth thy selfe how quiet how peaceable and religious a prounce it hath bene in tymes paste and finallye howe plentifull and aboundant it was in all thinges so long as it contynwed in the vnytye of y e church Contrarywyse yf you do marke these late dais or times in y e which it is vexed and troubled with intestine and cyuyle warres after y t it had refused reiectid y e head of y e church it is so tossed troubled that all hope of recouery or end of there myschiefs is vtterly past except as god graūt they may they do retorne again to thee vnity of ther head and church Verely this acknowleging of one hed or Gouernour hath alwais benethe moste sure and strong fort and defence of y e church This y e herytikes aboue all
force Do you demand the cause whye for so muche as thambytion and couetousnes of this your head was thonli cause of all those discordes and warres out of the whiche this great myschief sprange and burst out Further more we affirme that the popes them selues sitting vnder that shadow and colour in the church of God and exalting them selues as it wer aboue all gods to be more hurtfulle and noysome vnto the trew doctrine and faith of Christ then Mahohomet hym self which is an opē enemy ther vnto wherfore it is not for y e to go about to driu this dreame into mens heads that y e refusall of this most euill and naughty hed hath bred and brought in somani mischiefs into the cristian religiō but we rather thinke that thoze mischiefes which ar alredy roted can by no meanes be taken away excepte that your false head be fyrst abolished as the Rote and spring of all myschief wheras you do strait annexe that Germani was quiet and peasable and aboundant in all thinges So longe as it continwed vnder thobediens of your popes and that since thei haue reiectid and cast of that yoke of obediens all thinges to be torned into a worse estate thorder of the glose doth not suffer vs to answer in mani wordes whiche we will do els where now we wil briefli shew that you popes you cardinalles and you byshoppes which cānot beare nor suffer the lyght of the gospell to be sheuyd or prechid but rather desyre to haue yt vtterly extincte and hiden you I say both haue bene and at this present ar thonly authours and styrrers vp of all sedition dyscorde and mischiefes wherfore lay the faute on your owne neckes and not vpon the doctrine of christ I prai you tel me wher as you rede often in the gospel and actes of apostels y t cytis wer mouid to sedition that ther was great Vprores tumultes amongst the people who wer thauctors or mouers of y e same was Christ or his apostles or the infideles and enemies of the truth Suerly the misbeleuers and not Chryst nor his apostles wherfore you maye be ashamid once to make mention or speke of those warres and myschieffes which you your selues thorough your owne endeuour haue purposeli wrought and causid Further more wher as you say that germani is vexid with many inconueniences and euiles bycause yt hath denied your hedwe answer that hungarye is much more tormentid the whiche natwithstandīg neuer denied or refused your pope but do you not know that thorow the afflictiōs which happen both to the godly and vngodli we can iudge whether we be in the fauour of God or no. Do you not know that the wyckid idolatres in Ieremye dyd vtter euen the lyke wordes that you now do whē as they said since that we haue left of to offer incence and burnt offringes vnto thengine of heauen we haue had nede scartytie of al thīges ar consumid with theswerd honger all these thinges you know well ynough and yett you striue against the plain and euidēt truthe obiectinge those thinges which you now lai befor the people only to diffame and slander the doctrine of our Lorde Iesu Christ as most pestylent and the Rote of all myschief but beleue me thou shalt receue thy reuard for god him self will not suffer this great offence whiche thou hast ministred vnto all Europe to be vnreuēgid few men Iudgid in the that thou haddest such a rancour or madnes in thy mynde as now thow haste vttrid thy selfe to haue by thy fourebokes whiche thou hast set furth for y e defēce of the pope do you not remēber that chryst doth call and say that who soeuer doth offend but one of these litle ones it wer good for him to haue a mylstone hanged about his neck and to be throuen into the bottome of the see we wyll in no wyse suffer our selues to drawē or plucked awai from Christ but ar most fyrmely contentid with this only doctrine and hym to be our onli head and gouernour entending to cleue and styck vnto thee same although you shuld styrre vp a thosād tymes greater warres and myschiefes then you haue hyther to raysed yea although all thee world shulde swarue and fall away we wold wyllyngly beare the crosse with Christ Wher as thou deniest any other king then yours to haue refused this hedd thou art deceauid for I haue alredy remēbrid too other which haue done the lyke euen the most holy and vertuous kinges of denmarke gothia whome thou doest also call turkes I pray you when you dyd write these thinges dyd you not cast in your mynd that there myght happen some man to come forth which might tripe you with a lye wherbi your name and estimatiō myght be grealty hurt but this is verely the work of God that he might destroye the wysdome of the wyse Again thou reprehēdest the turk for shaking his teriblesword vnto all such as dare ones dissentt from him the which suerly you do very well repete renwing in our memory and also reprehending that which your own pope doth euen with much more cruelty and oftener then the turk Here thou blowest thy trumpet saing vnto Cesar conuert thy nauy put on thy armor and transuereat into brytayne and destroi that kingdome with fyer and sword shed the bloode of the king and his people yea and be most seuerely reuengid vpon them for thei haue for saken the pope to be their head Is this acomely saing of so sober holy man as you ar haue you learned this out of the gospell of y e charitie and loue of god which you say is so aboundantly grafted in your mynde wher as christ comandid peter when he drew his sword to put it vp into the sheath agaiē Thou contrary wyse callest vppō Cesar which hath his sword closed in his sheath draw thy sword kill and slea But wotte you what you haue brought to pas by this your oration wyll you that I shall tell you verely that almen may iustli think and Iudge in the that in this embassade whiche thou now art in vnto themperour that vnder the pretence of intreating of peace thow soundest none other thing in his eares then those wordes which I haue before mētioned that thou doest study and go about nothing els but only to moue him and styrr him vp against vs. So that yf it happen warres to be moued at this seasō agaīst vs we will impute all y e calamity and miseri vnto the alone and this eternall praise and glorye thou shall receaue therby O Immortall God how darest thou bee so bold to call that the pure and sincere religion in the which you haue most horribly prophanate and defyled the word of God and the sacramēts whiche wer ordeined by Christ verely you could haue vsid no word which myght worse haue agreed to that your romyshe seat and relygion But
contrary wyse we may truly call that a sincere and pure religion which we professe which is the very same that the prophetes and Iesus Christe him self and the Apostles haue taught from this we go about with all our pouer and endeuour to purge away the leuen fylthy dregges with the which it was conntamyants defyled of your popes their adherēts But I pray you tel me ar you that call this your relygion sincere and pure thee same Cardinall Poole whiche made that boke entituled the counsell for the amendemēt of the church the which also didest write that exhortation whiche was had in the counsel of the fathers at tridentum it is euen so thou art thauctor of them both And in them both thou doest wysely affirme that you haue forsaken the springes of the water of lyfe which is the true doctrine of Iesus Christ and haue digged vnto your selfes Cesternes and pittes not able to hold any water that is to sai you haue broūght in mens fainid traditions morouer thou saist in the same place that the popes hath gotten vnto themselues masters which do tikle them in theares of whome truly thei learne how to invert and contamynat all good and holy thinges I demaūd of the then whether thou canst truly call thys asincere and pure relligion or no woo be vnto the Cardinall pole woo be vnto the for that whiche nowght is thou call est good and contrary wyse the good naught Thou sayest most truly that the grace of the holy ghost is more aboundant in these days then it hath ben sence the tyme of the apostles euen ▪ as Caiphas truly prophesied y t it was meete that one man shuld dy for thee people but as he spake that to his owen destrucion euen so doest thou he vnderstode not that christ shuld dy for him but caused him crueli to be crucified Thou like wyse dost not a knowledg the grace of the holy ghost aboundantly poured vpon vs but callest thē heritike and new turkes in whome thou doest see it most to florishe and shine wherfore woo be vnto to the Cardinall Poole woo be vnto the. A fore you called your papisticall hypocrisy sincere and pure and now thow goest stoutly forward in thy purpose calling the true worshippers of religion ypocrites adding also y t they haue bowed ther kne vnto Baall the whiche do worshippe God and Christ withe the holy ghost in spiryte and truth But we truly know that you papists ar the fals worshipers of religion the which do not only prophanate and defile the merites of our Lord Iesus Christ but often times do vterly extinguysh and put them out of syght more ouer we knowe that you euē you I say do bow your knees vnto Baall when as you worshipp your antycrist your idoles and images most folyshlye callinge them sometyme God him self sometime saints and the bones reliques of your owen dead mē and fynally your sweate breads Geue diligent eare and hear what our Cardinal Pole which will seme so holy a man dothe think as conserning taking of vengeance he affirmyth plainli all such to be of a fylthy cowardly mynd and stomack which by all meanes possible wyll not seke to reuenge an iniury or sham done vnto them wherfore his mind is that all such ought to be reuengid with sword and death the which haue offēdid vs ether by word or deede and that we ought by no meanes to fauour or spare them excepte we wold be thought men of cowardly stomacks But we contrary wyse haue learnid of Christ that all suche ar of a godly mynd or disposiciō in whome Christ doth truly inhabite or dwell whiche patiently beare and suffer all in iuryes and wronges done vnto them nether do once think vpon taking of vengeance but remytt and forgiue thee same yea and loue their enemyes and persecutors and pray for them whiche doctrine then semith most trew The papistes sect which bi their bokes goo about to enflame the harts of men vnto vengeance or wors which do teach all men patiently to beare and suffer iniuries done vnto them Again hepryckyth forward that iniuries ought by no meās to be suffred cryeng out that the honour and glory of Spayne to be therby obscurid and hurt and that it shuld be a very great ignomyny and reproch to them for to suffer such acontumelious iniurye vnreuengid what other wordes or intisements then euē the very same doth the dyuell hīself vse when he goeth about to styrre vpp kinges and princes to warrs and sheding of bloode This most quiet and peasible Cardinal desirid of Ceasar y t he myght haue licence to speake vnto his spanishe souldiars the which if he had obtained I suppose he wold haue spokē in this sorte I know well ynough that you which ar soldiars do not forsake your owne countrey of spain to go on warfare not only for glorye or renowne but also to gett spoill and ryches wherfore harken vnto me and I will shew you now amean and occasion wherby you may obtain and get great riches together with great renowne and glorye Behold the kingdome of my Countrey of England is now offered vnto you the which is very Rich thys now entre and inuade with me spoyl it yea and destroy it with Fyer and swerd and especially kyll the king my kynsman and all those heryticques which haue shronk gone awai from the pope for I my self may do much there both thorough mi estimation and auctoryty wherfore I will be present with you and betray and deliuer that my contrey into your hands And as sone as we haue fynyshid those warres and therby encrese our powers we will in lyke maner sett vpō and destroy the princes of Germany and those Free cyties-This shuld haue be Cardinal pole his oration vnto the Spanishe souldiars yf he had bene licencid by themperour to speke vnto them Thou folowyng thexample of the old prayseis doest cal the light of the gospel which is now sprong vp a new secte how beit thow arte worthy greater punyshment thē they for thou knowest that this is the treth for y e which we do contend and striue with you they knew yt nott wherfore I will still vse my acoustomed verse wo he bee vnto y t Cardinal Pole wo be vnto the. Here he that before was ignorant mai vnderstand and know what is y e state of this most worthy cause of religion whiche in these our days is in controuersi we vereli teache that we ought to obserue and kepe tholde and ancyent faith of the churche so that it is not lafuull to swarue from yt not the bredth of a nayll when we speke of old and anciēt faith we vnderstand and euen the very same which the prophets did fore shew vnto vs y e same which Iesus Christ brought tou of the bosonne of his father And that which thapostles thorough his Cōaundements haue preched and taught vnto