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A69038 The theatre of Catolique and Protestant religion diuided into twelue bookes. Wherein the zealous Catholike may plainelie see, the manifest truth, perspicuitie, euident foundations and demonstrations of the Catholique religion; together with the motiues and causes, why he should perseuer therin. ... Written by I.C. student in diuinitie. I. C., student in divinity.; Copinger, John, b. 1571 or 2, attributed name.; Colleton, John, 1548-1635, attributed name. 1620 (1620) STC 4284; ESTC S115632 314,600 666

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against me alone calling S. Augustine S. Hierom and S. Gregorie the Iustices af the Papisticall kingdome Thus also did that proud Beza charge Origines with blasphemie adding that neither S. Chrysostome nor any of the Greeke fathers did euer declare the trueth simply charged Saint Hierom with shamles errors as inuocation of Saincts and the practise of chastitie or virginitie in the Church Musculus also said that S. Hierom did deserue rather hell then heauen Brentius did charge the first Councell of Nice with foule errors Caluine called the fathers thereof Lunatick and francticke people Musculus saith they were instigated and led by the diuill and that all Councells were pernitiouslie fallen into errors Vrbanus Regius said that in the best tymes of the Church Sathan ouerruled all Bushoppes Peter Martyr called the aunciente Fathers pratlers but no diuines Illiricus reiected the said Fathers Peter Martyr also said that as longe as men relie vpon the Fathers they must be deluded with errors Doctour Humfrie at Oxford said that Iuell gaue a great scope vnto the Papists and did himselfe greate wronge in alleadginge the Fathers for himselfe for what haue we to doe with fleash and bloud The same also Caluine and Peter Martyr wrote Whitakers also vnto Doctour Sanders answered sayinge We care not for your histories Doctour Toby Mathewe said to Father Campion If he should beleue the Fathers he could not be a protestante Beza cried out against Athanasius and the Fathers of the Councell of Nice for that saith the Athanasius found out this Tripartite god he meant the blessed Trinte He said also that he Fathers of that Councell were blinde sophists the ministers of the the beast the bond-slaues of Antechrist 4. The third cause of this mine auersion was because protestantes are hard to be reclaimed for that amoūgest all the sects that euer were none were more inconstant or variable in their Doctrine then the Protestants For neither birdes or beastes as Plinie saith doe watche to breake other birdes egges or destroie others of-springe Plin. natural hist lib. 10. c. 74 as these Protestantes watche to destroye and abrogat the Doctrine which was hatched before them so as whatsoeuer the first gospeller doth settle the whelpe that comes from him doth destroye it as in steede of many examples the confession of Augusta may serue for one so called for that in that citty Colloq altenbar f. 4 39. Colloq altenb fol. 464. the Lutheranes did exhibit to Charles the 5. a booke wherein were written all the articles of their Doctrine which was 50. times chaunged and mangled as they themselues affirme in all which the last is nothinge like the first and soe they call it Cothurnum c. A dislikinge vnto all the rest notwithstandinge Luther said it to be Fundamentum quod hactenus papistis opposuimus The fundation which hitherto we opposed against the Papists the grounde of our religion according to the word of god and the onlie rule of the peace and establishinge of trāquillitie in Germany saith he but in very trueth was the cause of all the warres and troubles thereof and which was abolished out of Germany yea out of Augusta it selfe and within fewe yeares became zuinglians Zuingfeldians and is in noe place accepte in Saxonie For other sectes with which that miserable Country doe abounde being in nūber 20. as Stanislaus Rescius describeth carrienge with thē all the sway did steppe in amoungest them and so at the last Luthers Doctrine was vtterly reiected Count Palatines Country can beare witnes of this mutabilitie which from Zuinglianisme turned to Lutheranisme againe from Lutheranisme to zuinglianisme Smidlerus in vita Bullen f. 15. As also vpper Germany when one Prince or great superintendent dies the people after their death doe change their religion 5. England alsoe cannot denye this to be true which a certaine Pope many hundred yeares prophesied of them saying English men of all nat●ons are most inconstant and waueringe in their faith the time shall come saith he that when Christendom shall haue most neede of them they shall suarwe from their faith and fall into sectes and heresies For in our daies it changed her religion 4. times within 30. yeares vnder kinge Henry the 8. kinge Edward his sonne Queene Marie and Elizabeth And as Fox saith kinge Edward beinge a childe after his fathers funerall by the instigation and settinge on of his Vncle the Duke of Somersett did abolish the religion which his Father had by lawe ordained viz. The six articles containing 1. The trueth of the Reale presence 2. That both kindes for all persons are not necessarie 3. That marriage of Priests is prohibited by the lawe of God 4. That Vowes and votaries are confirmed by the lawe of God 5. That the Masse is agreable to Christes inst●tution 6. That Auricular confession is warranted by the word of God This kinge sett foorth two bookes of reformation afterwards a third These articles of our faith were made at one parlemente by the said kinge Henry the 8. and were abrogated as superstitious inuentions by another Parleamēt Anunas menstruas fides as Hillarie and S. Basil say of the Arrians euery newe yeare and moneth a newe faith And what I pray you can be amoungst Christians more disgracefull then this For ought not our Religiō euery article thereof to be as the same S. Basil saith eadem heri hodie in saecula to admitt noe change but to continewe his vigor aswell yesterdaye to daye as alsoe for euer According whereunto our Sauiour alsoe saith that heauen and earthe shal passe but my wordes shal not passe nor any iott nor sillable thereof till al be fulfilled Is there any Christian to be found who dares be so bould to say that our Parlament exceedeth the power of God But god by his absolute power as Aristotle and all diuines and Philosophers affirme cannot make two contradictories or contraries to be trewe because of the implication therein for if the one be trewe the other must be false and truly noe more can these opposite and contradictorie Parleaments be possiblie true 6. The 4. cause was that Protestantes make but a mockery of all religion for that they follow Nicholas Machauailes precepts holding that the Catholike religion is a hinderance to state and that Princes shoulde followe that religion though the groundes thereof be neuer soe false which doth aduance their present estate but contrarie to this S. Thomas saith that wisdome and power are companions of trewe religion which when it faileth the power of state alsoe faileth non veniat anima mea saith S. Bernard in Concilium eorum qui dicunt c. my soule shall not follow their Councells who say that the exaltation and and peace of the Empire will hunder the peace of the Church If Iustice be a vertue to giue euerie man his owne to giue to Cesar his owne and to God his owne how doth the Prince
which blessed name none disdayned none were called Gospellers Lutherans Caluinists Zuinglians Protestantes or Puritans Anabaptistes Trinitarians or any other sect with innumerable others which the Protestant religion hath sett abroach and inuented men were simple and honest in their dealinges faithfull of their promisses charitable in their workes zealous in their beleefe obediente vnto their Prelates and Pastors This is soe euident a trueth as that all bookes recordes generall and prouinciall councells all parleamentes of kingdomes all vnctions and inuestinge of Emperours and Kinges all consecration of Bishoppes all holy orders of Priestes all churches monasteries and chappels in the worlde all the gates of townes and cyttyes all monuments and recordes both spirituall and temporall all vniuersities and doctours of Christendome both comon and ciuill lawes of all countries yea Protestantes themselues doe plainly witnesse 3. But that Protestant religion is new is a thing most certeine for there are men yet liuinge at this day more auncient then it and can remember when it first came into England and Irelande Wee can shewe you the first inuentours and authors therof The place the time and the occasion by which it crepte in and infected these miserable nor then countries Who haue opposed themselues against it What garboyles callamities came into those countryes that nourished the same What rebellion and insurrectiō of subiects against their princes for defending the same What were the motiues of such as inuented yt and occasions of others that imbraced it The successe of the one and the other and by whome and how the same was condemned I pray you what can be more euident signes and tokens of noueltie for noueltie in all common wealthes but especially in matters of religion as S. Nazianzenus saith is to be auoided yea the Emperour of the Turckes did aduise the Queene of Transiluania to beware of the noueltie of hereticall sectes and that shee should neuer suffer the same to creepe into her countrie It is well knowen also that the name of protestāt religion was neuer heard of before the yeare of our Lord 1529. in the towne of Spira in Germany where the Lutheranes beinge as it were combined against the Emperour Charles the 5. did vse a kinde of protestation wherupon afterwardes they were called Protestantes 4. If thou say that it lay lurkinge and hidden in the worlde I aske where or in what place of the world in what kingdomes and townes or who were the defenders therof Truly no writer or historiographer did or could euer make mētion of any such nor euer before that time any mention was made of them nor was it euer heard that any hereticall secte was so closelie hidden in the worlde but it might be knowen at least when Luther himselfe taught the same they should then haue manifested themselues and yet we can finde none such for such as followed Luther they were before Catholickes Ex nobis prodierunt saith Saint Iohn sed non erant ex nobis Ioan. 2. They went foorth frō vs but they were not of vs for if they had bin of vs they had remayned with vs it is cleare therfore they were not good Christians who forsakinge the narrowe way of saluation runne headlonge into the broade way of perdition and licentious doctrine of newe sectaries Whereas the religion of Christ is a religion moste auncient sacred immutable impregnable inuiolable alwaies the selfe same holdinge and continuinge his vigor and force vnto the worldes ende it is the soule and life of the Church For euen as by the soule fleash is vnited vnto the liuinge man soe by religion mākinde is ioyned vnto the church of Christe beinge his spirituall kingdome and all that euer were saued either before Iustinus mart orat ad Anto. Aug. l 10 confess ca. 43. or after Christe oughte to be called Christians as Iustinus martyr and other holy Doctors doe say for that they embraced Christian religion and as saint Augustine saith Ipse vnigenitus Dei silius homo propter nos factus est c. The only begotten Sonne of God became man for vs that he should become the head of his whole Church against which the gates of hell shall not preuaile Matt. 16. vnto whome Christe promised to remaine withall vnto the consumation of the worlde Matt. vlt. So that the religion by which this church is vpheld and Christe professed did and shall allwaies continue 5. It is well knowen that the name of hugonots began in France an 1562. as themselues of their assēblies made in the nighte at a gate in Tours in France called Hugon confesse to haue taken their denomination went out of the Catholique churche and did embrace the impiety of Caluine In Scotland they fell alsoe from the Catholique Church into Caluinisme anno Domini 1560. In Flanders the Geuses reuolted from the said church ouerwhelmed in the pit of soe manny heresies anno 1566. In England they chaunged religion anno 1535. and first fell vnto Lutheranisme afterwardes to Zuinglianisme afterwardes the bodye of the realme fell from Zuinglianisme to puritanisme the next degree vnto Anabaptisme and since what numbers are fallen to the familie of loue And what swarmes of Athistes are sprunge vpp in euerie shire as Whittguifte noteth against Cartwrith 6. Are not the first Authours of the protestancy also knowen as Luther Carolastadius Oecolampadius in Germanie Pharell in France Thomas Crammer in England Iohn knox and Paule Methen a baker in Scotland George Browne in Irlād In the Apologie of the church of England pag. 142 it is said that Luther and Zuinglius came first to the knowledge of the truth Luth. tom 7. f. 307. and preaching of the ghospell Luther said that God reuealed vnto him the knowledge of his Sōne that he at lenghte might euangelize it to others and that the Gospell was first preached by him D Kellyson reply to Surcliffe fol. 149. But we knowe that they cannot alleadge the author of our religion neither can they nominate vs from any particuler man nor can they chardge the Catholique church with any priuate opinion or faith that is not vniuersally allowed embraced of all Catholiques neither can they nominate the time that shee fayled of her faith Neither can they obiect that our church hath separated herselfe from the greater church or that such as did adhere to the Pope were in number lesse then any Church For it is written in S. Gregories Epistles to the Bishoppes of the Easte that Affrique Spaine France Italie and all the worlde did communicat with him This verie argument other Doctours did vse against other heretiques as Tertullian Tertull. lib. de praescrip Qui estis vos inquit c. What are yee saith he from whence and when came you where did you lie hidden all this while alsoe Optatus mileuita lib. 2. contra Parmenand Vestrae inquit Cathedrae originem ostendite c. Shew the beginninge of your Chaire you who challenge vnto your selues the churche
for a man as meate drinke or sleepe and said moreouer that if a married woman would not render the coniugall debpte of matrimonie Lib. ae vita coniug serm de matrimonio that the husband should not spare his maide The like filthie lust but farre more detestable was the occesion of Caluine his heresie For it is well knowē as may appeare by the iudiciall actes and recordes of Nouodiū Bolsecus in vita Calu. cap. 5. Iul. Brig pag. 59. that he was condemned of the filthie sinne of the flesh against nature had it not beene for the intreatie of the bishop there which obtayned that his punishmente should be turned vnto a hoate burninge iron on his backe he should haue bene altogether burnt Iohn Witcliffe for that he was depriued of his personnage in Oxforde for his vitious misdemenor began his heresie Arrius because Alexander was preferred to the Archbishopricke of Alexandria before him Nicep de pen. l. 5. c. gaue occasion of the Arrian heresie against the deitie of Christe Mōtanus for that he was denyed the primacy of Asia which he soughte verie earnestlie troubled the Church with newe heresies as Nicephorus wyttnesseth de penitentia l●b 5. cap. 15. Aerius alsoe for beinge denyed of a Bishopricke fell into Arianisme and afterwardes inuented himselfe a newe heresie which was that wee ought not pray for the dead 2. Henry the eighte as Iohn Foxe a greate puritan in England doth wyttnes Fox in historia pa. 512. edit 1 all the world knoweth to be true for his diuorce made from Queene Catherine his wyfe was by the Bishoppe of Rome excommunicated who beinge sore exasperated therby assembled a parlamente by which he brought to passe that he banished the Popes authoritie out of England made himselfe head of the Church thus far Iohn Foxes owne wordes Hollin in descrip Brita l. 1● cap. 7. For it is certainly knowen that from the conuersion of England by S. Augustine duringe soe many hundred yeares vnto Kinge Henry the 8. as all English historiographers and ministers themselues doe acknowledge the Catholicke or papisticall religion as it pleaseth them to tearme it did florish in England that the cheefe pointe thereof was that the Pope was iudge moderatour and cheefe Pastor aswell of the English Church as of all other Churches of the Christians in Ecclesiasticall matters which Catholicke faith the said Kinge Henry defended the space of xx yeares as longe as he liued with his lawfull married wife aswell against domesticall heretickes that were his subiects by all penall statutes and exquisit torments at alsoe against forraine hereticks by a most learned booke in the defense of the 7. Sacraments which booke I haue in myne owne custodie for which he was ennobled and honored by Pope Leo the tenth with the title of defēder of the Catholicke faith which was neuer giuen to any kinge in the worlde before which he receaued as Foxe saies with great ioy for when it came to the kinge beinge then at Greene wich he went to his chapel accompanied with manny nobles Ambassadors Cardinall Wolsey said Masse the Earle of Essex brought the basen of water the duke of Suffolke gaue the assay the duke of Norfolke held the towell the Heraldes with their company began their accustomed cryes prononcinge Fox anno 1528. fol. 441. Henricus Dei gratia Angliae Franciae defensor Fidei Dominus Hiberniae And amongest his other magnificent titles he lefte to this day this title to his posterity as is well knowen to the world Neyther only with bookes but alsoe with his victorious and inuincible armes did he defende the Catholike Romane faith and the dignitie thereof for the which he foughte againste sundrie princes and their confederates as againste Lodowicke the 12. kinge of France and Iames the 4. kinge of Scottes though married to his sister Who beinge vanquished and his great armie ouerthrowen by the Earle of Surrie in England and the said kinge himselfe being slaine in the battle for that he was excommunicated was not suffred to be buried in any Christian graue Also he sent his Armie by sea to ioyne with the Spaniardes againste the kinge of France to assaulte France in the frontiers of Spaine by the powerfull force of the English Iohn Albertus the kinge of Nauare was driuen altogether out of the kingdome beinge excomunicated by the Pope which Spaine doth possesse at this daye Did not the said kinge within fewe yeares after send an Armie into Italie against the Emperor Charles the first in the defence of Clement the 7. then Pope And notwithstanding he was his great frinde and his Nephewe for that Queene Cathrine was his Aunte yet through the filthie concupiscence by which he was besotted and blinded to marrye Anna Bul●ene and soe to be diuorced from his lawfull marryed wife he turned all thinges topsie turuie reiected the Popes authoritie which he before aswell by Gods lawes the holy scriptures as by the fathers and Councells of the Church defended and soe by a parlament of one Realme or kingdome he disanulled and abrogated that which was established by soe manny generall parleaments and generall Councells of all Christendome yea by Christe himselfe and by all such as trulye beleeued in him And for not yealding vnto his desire herein manny religious and constant Martyrs offred their liues and their bloode amoungest whome was the lighte of England that most sacred Martyr and learned diuine Iohn Fisher Bishopp of Rochester Sr. Thomas More Lord Chancelor of England of these sorte of people our Sauiour wished vs to beware Act. 20 the Apostle alsoe saith woulues shall enter after my departure and shall not spare the flocke Rom. 16. Therfore in another place he requested vs to marke and knowe what people they be that raise dissentions and scandalls in the Churche and doe teach otherwise then wee haue alreadye receaued and to fly from them Heb. 4. Iohn 4. He alsoe exhorted vs that wee should not be lead away with mutable and strange doctrine S. Iohn alsoe wished vs not to beleeue euerie spiritt but that wee should trye whether they be of God 3. But the doctrine of Luther cannot by any triall be founde true so that as Christ saith Iohn 7. my doctrine is not myne but my fathers which did send me soe Luther may say his doctrine is not his but his fathers the diuell that did send him Luth. lib. de Missa Ang. to G lenens Ger 10. 7. wittēb 1. Cor. 13. 1. Cor. 14. whom he boasted to haue suggested vnto him arguments to ouerthrowe priest-hoode and sacrifice that by that meanes he should ouerthrowe and confounde the true worshipp of the true God for God as the Apostle saith is the God of peace and charitie not of dissention For whosoeuer procures sectes and diuision betwixt brethren saith the prophett is a diuell When therfore by Luthers meanes wee see so manny sectes against Godds Churche wee must
the lesse feelinge hath he to preuenent the dangerous ruyne and dismall lott of the same and a man once being ingulfed in the filthie puddle of beastlie concupiscence which euer doth insult ouer the spiritt the lesse feeling hath he of godes inspiration and the lesse swaie beareth the interior man which in carnall and beastlie people is altogether restrained from his operation by their insatiable and inextingible appetites of their fleshlie inclination and disposition to these vilde and corruptible thinges 2. When the greatest and mightiest Monarches and Potentates of this world are in this case especially if they be wantonlie trained vpp in voluptuousnes and enticed with lasciuous and wanton exercises they forgett and forgoe all spirituall motions to make themselues as it were dull and insensible to all celestiall influence and illustrations forgetfull of God obliuious of his comaundementes negligent of their charge carlesse and vnprouident of the end and marke for the which they are exalted and aduaunced to the regall scepter which is the peace and tranquillitie of the comon wealth But they not respectinge either comon good or the peaceable estate of their kingdomes abusing their powerfull force and dignitie with wanton lusts and other execrable vices and wickednes of whome it is spoken by the holy ghoast Psal 134. Gaudium hipocritae instar puncti their ioye and allacritie shall quickly be ended and they likewise eyther themselues or their posteritie shal be plunged an perplexed with the vsual troubles continuall calamities and fatall reuolutions which commonly are incident vnto such princes of whome it is said Virum iniustum mala capient in interitu The euils and mischeefe of an vniust and wicked man shall intrappe and compasse him euen vnto his destruction and vtter decaye They may for a smale tyme raigne ouer wicked natiōs for whose dreadfull and abhominable trespasses and wickednes God suffreth or rather stirreth vpp Tyrants to vexe punish and ouercharg their miserable subiects with grieuous and intollerable oppressions tyrannicall extortions impositions and irreparable callamities who euer maketh choice of wicked officers and ministers which frame and conforme themselues to please their wicked humors and are skilful architects to putt in execution their detestable plottes and purposes staues of their bellies enemies of Christs crosse captiues and seruants of the diuill whose chiefest reward and promotion for performing their dreadfull and bloudie tragedies is the gouernment of such prouinces and citties to whome they haue comitted them 3. And although Ferdinande King of Castile and Arragon father to the good Queene Katherin of England was as vertuous and iust a prince as liued in all Europe in his daies yet whē he was dienge he gaue a mournefull sigh and said he had rather ther all the kingdomes in the worlde that he were a poore lay brother in some religious order seruing in a monasterie then said he my cōscience shoulde be disburdened of the heauie and dreadfull terror of my dangerous accomptes for the heauie burden of soe manny kingdomes states Prouinces for the which I miserable wretch must aunswere being scarse able to satisfie or yelde accompt for my owne secrett and peculiar offenses much lesse for the gouernmente of all those regions committed by God to my charge and ouersight Zonarus tomo 3. After that the Empire Anno 800. was translated by Leo the 3. Pope into the West and Charles the great King of Fraunce being made Emperor some of the Emperors that succeeded him forsaking the Empire became religious as Lotharius who beinge fifteene yeares Emperor and liued a most vertuous Christian remembringe the speech that his father Lodouicke vsed in the time of his death of the vanitie of the worlde and of the miserable estate of such as are the slaues therof became a Mounck anno 865. 4. Hugo the Emperor after many victories that he had against his enemies became a Mouncke Rachisius kinge of Italie resigninge his kingdome to his Brother Astulpus became religious in the Monasterie of Mount Cassius of the which he was as it is thought Abott anno 741. Pipine kinge also of the Romanes and eldest sonne of Charles the great followed that blessed example who became a mouncke in a monasterie that he builded himselfe at Verona anno 805. In Spaine Bamba very prosperous and fortunate both at home and a broade amoungest his other victorious exploites defeated and discomfited 200. shippes of Moores that were Pyratts tooke also Paule kinge of Fraunce prisoner that came to inuade Spayne at lenght beinge moued by diuine inspiration became a mouncke anno 674. whose blessed example Verenundus kinge of Castile followed Ramiris kinge of Arragon first became a mouncke in his fathers life time who beinge dead without yssue of other Children was compelled to returne to the worlde and marrie and hauinge yssue which was a daughter returned to his monasterie againe 5. But of all kingdomes of the world England was most famous for the number and sanctitie of their religous kinges as Sigibertus kinge of Nothumberland who forsakinge the worlde tooke a religious habitt vpon him Anno 640. Ethelred kinge of the Merceans anno 704. who gouerning his kingdome with great pietie and religion resigned the same ouer to his sonne beinge but a childe and erected a monasterie of which he was made Abott But when the childe came to riper yeares he followed his fathers steppes went to Rome and receaued the habitt of Constantine the first then Pope and spent there the remainder of his dayes with great sanctitie and hollines his name was Chenredus in whose companie went Offa kinge of the East Saxons who in the prime of his youth settinge at naught the vanities of all worldlie prosperitie contemninge his opulent and rich kingdome tooke vpon him a voluntary death which was to betake himselfe to a perpetual silence banishing from his vowed and inuincible chastitie all fleshlie enticementes and prouocations Not longe after him Inas kings of the said Saxons a man of of an incomparable pietie and deuotion made his whole kingdome tributaire to the sea Apostolique went to Rome forsakinge his kingdome and became religious The same Geolfus did vnto whome Venerable Beda dedicated his historie who beinge kinge of Northumberland and considering the dangerous estate of kinges fled vnto a monasterie there to serue God with greater securitie of his saluation and resigned his kingdome to Egebert his Vncle who after that he had raigned 20. yeares followed also his Nephewe to the monasterie and died therin in that religious vocation 6. In Germanie the example of Charlemaine was famous beinge sonne to Charles Martell and beinge kinge of Austria and and Suethland came to Rome in a poore mans attire and vnknowen to any where he receaued holie orders of Zacharias the Pope and afterwards entred the monasterie in mount Zoracte which he himselfe builded but beinge disturbed by the frequēt visitation of those of his frindes retired himselfe to Mount Cassen a place more remote was there receaued with
not only of England but of all the world against the decree of all the generall counsells therof against all sacred doctors against common sense and honestie against all lawes both ciuill and cannon not only against catholiques but against protestants in all other countries yea against the puritans of England against these constant confessors and blessed martyrs aboue recited which acknowledged no such supremacy in spirituall or ecclesiasticall matters to any king or prince whatsoeuer that did putt them to death whose blessed blood was patiently shed for the defence of Catholique religion and lastly against the practise of all former ages and antiquitie For from Donaldus the first Christian king of the Scots according to saint Victor Anno 197. there were 84. Christian kinges from Ethelbert being made Christian according to saint Aug. an 600. vnto Edward the confessor 1006. there were 80. kings Christian in Englād after the cōquest ther were 20. vnto king Henry the 8. so as none were euer called head of the church before king Henry after him Edward Elizabeth and king Iames. What shall I say of other holy and valiant martyrs that suffered in these later persecutions raysed vpp by Luther and Caluins heresie and by the Princes that embraced the same How many thousandes suffred confiscation of their goodes and landes effusion of their blood confusion of the world desolation and destruction of their wiues children woe and wreake and dissolution of all things such a masse of miserie and callamitie wherin their miserable and forlorne life was plunged withall as no man can rehearse without greefe nor none can see without teares How many thousand did rot● in vgly prisons die in banishments suffred patiently the crewelest tormentes and yrc●somest death that could be imagined rather then they would preferr the vaine fauor of man before the fauor of God antiquitie before noueltie to forgoe their auncient Catholique religion to become of the new to forgoe the firme Rocke of Christs church to build their faith vpon them that haue neither grownd or foundation of any supernaturall or theologicall faith at al no certitude in their doctrine no deuotion in their religion no honestie in the profession therof no vertue in their liues no pietie in their schooles or synagoges no charitie in their woorckes no mortification in their members or passions and consequentlie no conscience in their doings THE CONCLVSION 1. I Haue gentle reader exposed to thy vew the Theater of catholique and protestant religion where thou maist plainly behould and see the of-spring beginning growndes foundation practise mischeefe and inconuenience of the one and the excellency of the other Liu. 13. Math. 13. by which thou maist perceaue that the catholique religion ought to be compared to the wise husbandman which did sow the good side in his grownd or farme the protestant to resemble the enimie which sowed the badd cockle and darnell the one ought to be called positiue the other negatiue the one ecclesia malignantium the other militantium the one plantation of religion and deuotion the other supplantation or rooting vp of the same 2. The first subiect of corruptible and materiall things which the philosophers doe call Materia prima which neuer holdeth her selfe setled or contented in any certaine course of any forme or composition but is eue● more mutable and changeable by a certaine naturall reuolution from one forme and fashion to another for that shee being disgusted with the one euer more seeketh another is not so vncertaine and vnconstant as protestancy which by a certaine fatall reuolution and babilonicall confusion groweth from one errour to another from one mischeefe to another from one sect to another as appeareth by so many sectes forged and coined by this new religion within these 80. yeers which are 240. in number all in differrence and variance amongest themseluees not in ceremonies or things indifferent but in the cheefest articles and substance of their religion as many of themselues do auerre the one detesting condemning and pronouncing their cursed sentence of Anathema against the other as you may read aboue in the ●● booke cap. 1. The same may be confirmed by a certaine Prince of Germany who being demaunded of what religion his bordering neighbours were he answered he could describe of what religion they were the last yeere but this yeere he could not well tell their religion in respect of the mutabilitie and in constancy therof see the preface and cap 1. lib 2. 3. But the catholique religion is alwaies one and the selfe same alwaise retaineth and holdeth the same continwance and vigour of trueth not in diuersitie of sectes but in simplicitie and vnitie of beleefe and profession without duplicitie or disparitie or contradiction of doctrine or without absurditie or dishonestie in her maners and customes because she hath the holy ghoast to assist and direct her in all trueth and to protect and to defend her from all errors misbeleefe and infidelitie For not only this new religion is changeable and variable in profession and doctrine but also in condition custome and behauiour for alteration in faith and religion procureth also a great alteration and inconstancy in mindes and affections in life and maners as wee may knowe by such nations who when they were catholiques were mercifull chast sober liberall temperat children were obedient to their parentes and people faithfull of their promisse But when they were turned protestantes as they selues do affirme they became most crwell bloody insolent lecherous riotuous couetuous barbarous luxurious and intemperat 4. For when protestancy laboreth to stoope and intercept all the channells and fountaines of Gods grace the enfluence of Christs passion all the inspiration of the holy ghoast from the soules of christians by which they should be inwardly and formally iustified to whome ought to be applied that which was spoken of the Iewes that they resisted the holy ghoast when it an ●ulleth all the excellencies vertues operations effectes of the blessed Sacramentes all the applications of the merites of Christes passion the vallour and vertue of his blood which the eternall and euerlasting father would haue to be religiously and deuoutly applied by religious meanes and our owne proper endeuours to our owne sanctificatiō when it destroieth reiecteth all the woorkes and merites of the iust as proceeding and hauing their force worth and valloure from that blessed passion and death of Christ and all the blessed rewardes correspondent and proportionable vnto those merites by vertue of the foresaid passion and blood which they deny to be of that force to abolish and blot out our sinnes wickednesse and punishmentes due vnto the same and so reiecting the force and vertue of Christs passion and transferring and building the same vppon another fundation which they call imputatiue iustice of Christ saying that Christ imputeth not vnto vs our offences and as it were couers them by that iustice by which he is iust himselfe nott by which he maketh vs iust when vppon a kind of an arrogant faith and presumptuous predestination without any relation or referrence to his owne endeuoures so as he beleue that Christ suffred for him or that he is predestinated to be saued he must be such When I say protestancy is blinded and nusled in this peruerse doctrine it being the only and cheefe article of their beleefe which is against scripture good life comon reason sense the definition of the catholique church honestie of a christian and the pietie of a catholique yea against operation of grace or instinct of nature it must run headlong vnto all desperat blasphemies and damnable mischeefe their vnbrideled concupiscence and crwell dispositions impelling them therunto For when the transgression of no lawe or the attempt and consummation of no acte though neuer so exorbitant or so abhominable is punished nor the good woorkes or merites or any execution or exercise of vertue or mortification of any their passions is not regarded for that as they say the merites of Christ his passion doe abrogat them nay such worckes or mortifications are iniurious to the same and doe as they say derogat from them Wee must thincke them to be no otherwise then they are taxe● with the imputation of all those cruell and vnchristian like Epithethes by their owne gospellers and when their religion is nothinge els then a path way to all dissolute libertie and licentiousnesse their liues and maners must be such for the corruption of the one engendreth the dissolution of the other 5. Finallie this is the cause that wee see many lawes decrees and dishonest plottes daylie deuised with their rigorous and cruell executions nott against transgressors of godes lawes the lawe of nature but against honest and vertuous people so as the reputation of an honest conscionable and well disposed person cannot be without the imputation of a dangerous traitour whose life goodes and landes must waite and lye open as a pray and bootie for euerie miscreant who as he exceedeth others in villanie and wickednesse must excell them also in promotion and authoritie cuius maledictione os plenum est amaritudine dolo sub lingua eius labor dolor Psal 9. whose tonge is full of malediction bitternesse and deceit Idem so as the decay and downefall of the good must be the raising vpp and aduancement of the badde Exurge Domine non confortetur homo Psal 9. iudicentur gentes in conspectu tuo Constitue Domine legislatorem super eos vt sciant gentes quoniam homines sunt Arise Lord let not man be strengthned let the Gentiles be iudged in thy sight Appoint Lord a law-giuer ouer them that the Gentiles may know that they be men FINIS
other places was kild by an Englishe dogge that himselfe brought vpp 4. The Bastard of Scotland The Earle of Moray his death Iames Earle of Moray that troubled Scotland with the same heresie in his greatest triumphe beinge accompanied with 500. horsemen at Lith was shott by a gunn by which he was slaine the author therof escapinge harmles notwithstanding he was admonished the night before that there was such a plot laid for his destruction yet he did not shunn it Iames Duglas Earle of Morton a great defender of Caluinisme and persecutor of the Catholiques was beheaded at Edenborough for treason against his maiesties Father 5. The first that broughte it to Denmarque was Christiernus king of that Countrie who was depriued of his kingdome and banished by his subiectes and beinge by the intreatie of Charles the fifte and Henry the 8. his kinsmen retourned home was apprehended of his subiectes and caste into a filthie caue where he ended his life most miserablie The first who preached protestancy in Ireland 6. The first that euer preached protestancie in Ireland was George Browne who in kinge Harries daies was made Archbishoppe of Dublin the capital cittie of the kingdome of Ireland and the first sunday he preached the protestant religion at Dublin he made a Catholique sermon at Christs Churche and desired his audience neuer to beleue him if through frailtie of the flesh feare of the Prince or loue to temporall interesse he should preache the contrarie and the verie next sonday ymediatly followinge he preached protestant religion which was nothinge els then a deniall of that which he preached the sonday before Vnto whom some of the Aldermen of that Cittie said My ●o doe you not remember that yow wished vs not to beleue you if happilie yow should preach the contrarie of that yow preached the sonday before To whom he answered sainge I must needes haue done soe or else haue lost my liuing This man when Queene Marie came in vpon his recantation was restored to his liuinge the night that his Bul came ouer he was found dead in the morninge Some said he died for verie great ioy about mid-night when vppon the suddaine he receaued newes that he was restored to his Archbishoprique 7. Norfolks his death The Duke of Norfolke which gaue his verditt for the supplantinge of Catholique religion and for the aduancinge of the protestancye with Queene Elizabeth in her first parleament assembled for that purpose beinge therunto solicited by his Brother in lawe the Earle of Arundell vnder pretence to marrie the said Queene vnto whome shee made a promisse of mariadge Sanderus de schismate Angliae if the said Earle with his faction would helpe her for the alteringe of religion was arraigned condemned of highe treason and was beheaded for the same which a certaine ●atrone meeting him goinge from the pleament prophesied tellinge him that he should neuer haue a better ende or rewarde of them for whome he gaue his voyce and suffrage against the Catholique religion And the said Earle beinge frustrated of his purpose and deceaud of his hope died soone after for verie greefe and without issue and perhapps if he should haue liued longer he should haue tasted that Cuppe for his labour that his brother in lawe had done before him The said Duke his eldest sonne called Philip Howarde and Earle of Arundell was arraigned condemned of highe treason and died in the Tower of London 8. Sr. Iohn Perott when he was Lord presidente of the Prouince of Mounster in Irelande was the first that caused the parish priests and other incombents of porte Townes in that Prouince to ymbrace the English seruice which when they tould him they could not vnderstand the English his aunsweare was that they should chatter like Geese He putt to death a prieste called Sr. Thomas Coursie vicar of Kinsale by marshall lawe for that he went to perswade Sr. Iames fitz-Morice to restore the praye which he had taken frō Kinsale This man in the middest of his greatest honor beinge lorde deputie of Ireland and one of the preuie Councell of England was apprehended arraigned and condemned of high treason and died verie miserably in the tower his landes and goodes beinge all confiscated Deut. 31. 9. Laudate gentes populum eius quia sanguinem seruorum suorum vlciscetur vindictam retribuet in hostes eorum Let the gentiles praise gods people because he shall reuenge the blood of his seruants and will pay home their enemies with a reuenge as may appeare by the horrible and dreadfull punishment of all other persecutors and heretiques As of Pharao the first persecutor of Gods Churche Exod 14. Of Dathan and Abiron the first Scismatiques Numeri 16. of Iezabell 4. Reg. 9. of Antiochus 2. Machab. 9. Of Pilat who killed himselfe as Euseb writes lib. 2. c. 7. declares the destruction of the Iewes which Iosephus setts downe lib. de bello Iudaico Of Herod Ascolonita who was eaten by woormes after he had slaine his wyfe and Children and went about to slay himselfe as Iosephus declareth lib 17 antiquita cap. 9. Of Herod the Tetrach who lost his kingdome liued in perpetuall banishment accordinge to the said Ioseph lib. 18 cap. 14. of the daughter of Herodiades read Nicheporus lib. 1. caput 20. of Herod Agrippa read Act. 12. Nero Domitian and other wicked Emperors who persecuted the Church eyther slewe themselues or else were slaine by others as all histories doe wyttnes Dioclesian for that he could not destroie the Church for verie greefe gaue ouer his Empire the Emperor Maximianus and Maximine were chasticed with such a horrible disease that the Pagan Phisitians said it was the plague of God as Eusebius wrieth in Chronico lib. 8. hist cap. vlt. lib. 9. cap. vlt. 10. As touchinge old heretiques they tasted the like dreadfull death Simon Magus when he would flye by the praiers of S. Peter he fell headlonge downe and was kilde Egesippus lib. 3. caput 1. de excidio Also Arnobius l. 2. con gentes Manicheus the heretique was flaid aliue by the kinge of Persea because intendinge to cure his daughter he kild her Epiph. heres 66. Montaine Theodotus their prophets hanged themselues Euseb lib. 5. hist cap. 19. The Donatistes that cast the Eucharist vnto dogges were torne in peeces by the said doggs Optat. lib. 1. Parmenianum Arius goinge to Church went to purge nature when together which his excrementes he did cast fourth all his intralles and presentlie died as S. Athanasius wittnesseth oratione cont Arrianos Ruff. lib. 10. hist cap. 13. And although there may be some hereticall Princes or Common wealthes that haue not felt as yett any of these calamities and perhappes they bragge and boast of their great pleasures and prosperitie noe otherwise then the woman doth in the Apocalipes sedeo regina vidua non sum luctum non videbo I sitt as a Queene I am not a widdowe and
I shall not bewaile trulie at lenght after all their great security they shall haue a sudden fall and let them take example by the dolefull ouerthrowe of others that haue lead their liues in pleasures and haue abused their power againste godes Church and the members thereof let all men knowe that all heresies be fatall ominous and vnfortunate especially to the first professors thereof Vltio sanguinis seruorum tuorum qui effusus est introcat in conspectu tuo gemitus compeditorum Psal 7. Whether there be nothing that the Protestants affirmatiuely beleeue confesse and professe but the Church of Rome doth beleeue the same and cannot be denyed by Catholiques but that they are most auncient and consonant with the word of God CHAPTER I. 1. ALl Heretiques say as Lactantius reportes that their owne religion is verie good and agreable to the word of God Lib. 4 diuinist cap. vlt. and better then others It is naturall to euerie beast according to Pliny to thinke his owne shape more beautifull then the rest Plin. lib. 8. cap. ●4 Plin. ibid. yea such as are most deformed thinkes themselues most beautifull as the Apes doe which though they do counterfeit mens shapes or gestures neuer so much cannot be said to haue the forme of men so these sectaries though they like Apes in imitation haue taken from vs some partes out of the Masse as may appeare and in their spirituall courtes visitations conuocations and excommunications although in deede none ought to excommunicate but he that can absolue they by their owne doctrine cannot absolue therfore they cannot excommunicate yet for all that they cannot be said to haue the trewe forme of Religion or the trewe Church for the ecclesiasticall forme and gouernment of your Protestantes is reiected by the Puritantes contemned by the ministers of Caluine and Beza and other Hugonottes of France as part of the reliques of Antechrist your common praier booke being called by them in contempt the missall of England Yf such as yow yourselues cales protestants do disprooue your Religion to be altogether against the woord of God how much more will the Romish Church say the like who doe differ from yow almost in euerie point 2. In the Booke of dangerous positiōs in the 9. chapter set forth Anno 1593. by Doctor Bancraft of Canterburie it is alleadged that the Puritants do say of the comon booke of publick praiers videlicet that it is full of corruption and that many of the contentes thereof are against the woord of God the sacramentes wickedly mangled and prophaned therin the Lordes supper not eaten but made a pageant and stage play that their publique baptisme is full of childish superstitious toyes so many Puritants did write against it that England will neuer do well vntill that booke be burned 1. admonitio ad Parla pag. 9 41. 43. Also the superintendēt of Rateburge and the cheefest ministers in Germanie hauing read Caluines woorckes printed An. 1592. at Francfort In timore Domini saith he legi relegi dico in Christo Iesu c. Caluinistarum lib. 3. in pref Apost lib. 1. a. 2. fol. 9. I haue read and perused them the space of 23. yeares I auoutch it before IESVS Christ saith he that all the Caluinistes do nourish in their breastes the Aryan Turkish ympietie and that they open windowes and gates for Arianisme and Mahometisme as our bookes publickly set forth do manifest the same and so brought an example of Adam Newser the cheefe Pastor of the Church of Hedelberge Ibid. f. 9. who from a Zuinglian be came an Arian and afterwardes a Turcke which three sectes I meane Caluinisme Arianisme and Mahometisme Iohn Schutz in lib. 50. Causarum causa 48. another protestant Doctor calles them three briches of one cloathe and that fellowe hauinge gone vnto Constantinople Anno 1574. did writt that none became an Arian which first was not a Caluinist and brought example of Seruetus Blandrata Alciatus Franciscus Dauidis Gentilis Gribaldus Siluanus and others 3. There was printed a booke 1586. at Iena in Saxony by a Lutheran minister the Tittle whereof was An admonition from the woord of God that Caluinistes be not Christians but Iewes and baptized Mahometts Also 2. yeares afterwards another was set fourth at Tubinge by Philipp Nicholas minister the tittle whereof was a detection of the Caluinian sect to agree with the Arians and Nestorians in the groundes and foundations of their religion and that no Christian can ioyne with the Caluinistes but that he must defend the Arians and the Nestorians Sleid hist lib. 19. An. 47. Bernardinus Ochinus being the first principall Apostle of England in kinge Edwardes his dayes with Peter Martyr Martyne Buzer Okinus in lib. dialog Zanchius de vno Deo Beza ep 1. par 11. Bal. in pref act Rom Pontific Calu. lib. 1 de scandalis pa. 136 An. 1593. pag. 44. and Paulus Phalangius vnto whose direction both the vniuersities of England were comitted did oppugne the blessed Trinitie the deitie of Christ and of the holy Ghost so as Beza called him the fauorer of the Arian heresie and a scoffer at all Christian religion yet neuerthelesse one Iohn Bale somtimes Bishopp of Ossorie in Ireland calles this Bernardin and Peter Martyr the light of the Ghospell of England and Caluine saith that the said Bernardine was borne for the happines of England It is said also in the suruey of the pretended holy discipline printed at London that the sect of Caluinistes is a cancker and another Thalmud which by their wicked rebellion against their lawfull Princes haue founded their ghospell and Church which by their intollerable arrogancy do oppose themselues against all sacred Doctors against all venerable Councells and against all the florishing Churches that euer were from Christ his tyme vntill our dayes that there is no place of Scripture which they do not wrest from the lawfull sense thereof neuer before knowen by the Church of God and that it had beene good for England that none brought vpp in the filthie schoole of Geneua or Scotland had euer entred into England 4. Conradus a Protestant writeth that Caluine sayeth that the merittes of Christ cannot preuaile against the iudgment of God Also he affirmed Caluine to write that the blood of Christ was of no force to blott out sinnes and that aboue 1500. yeares it was putrified fo 84. 85. 87. Curaeus in spongia fol. 250. Erast pag. 29. Fridericus Borussius pag. 45 Osiander in confess haue written the like impietie with many other blasphemies which yow may read in the Caluini Turcismo lib. 4. c. 22 Other Lutheran writters make bookes of the contradictories and contradictions of Caluine Caluini Theolog. lib. 1. f. 85 Luth. lib. de Sacrament fol. 376. Orthodox Conf. en le Tigurine tract 3. fol. 127. Luth. tom 6. Ienues Germa fol. 257. the tittle whereof is called Laberinthi inextricabiles contradictionum The intricatt Laberinthes of contradictions
Luther saith that the Zuinglian doctrine and ghospell was from the diuill that the diuill made an instrument of him and that by him he did gouerne and raygne In another place he called him Perdiabolatum indiabolatum superdiabolatum sceleratum cor mendax os habebat That he was persathanised insathanized and supersathanized and that he had a wicked harte and a lyinge mouthe So Zuinglius calles Luther a false prophett an incorrigible heretique Zuinglius tomo 2. in exegesi ad Luth. in corresponsione ad Luth. lib. de Sacra Ort. conf eccles Tiguri trac 1. f 3 5. Ibid. fol. 106. foolish arrogant blasphemous and lyinge a diuell a beast a deceauer a seducer an Antechrist Luther also said of him againe I had rather burne then to hold the opinions of Zuinglius and Oecolampadius and all other wicked bedlam companions cales them Archdiuills and so he saith I that am nowe readie for the graue God is my wittnesse and this will be my glory before his tribunall that I haue labored the condemnation of all these hellish people videlicet Carolastadius Ziuinglius Stinckfeld and those that are at Tigur and Geneua yett these are the cheefe pillers of the protestant religion Luther also did diuorce a certaine wooman beinge married to a Zuinglian and bid her to marry whome shee listed for that saith he it is not lawfull for yow to marrie an infidel Againe Colloquiū Altēburg elect 3. resp ad Saxo. Zuingl tomo 1 in exempl ar 18. It is said of Luther and Melancthon that there is asmuch difference betwixt them as betwixt Sumer and Winter Zuinglius said that nothing did greeue him so much as for being called a Lutheran Brentius saith beinge a kind of a Lutheran nos Zuinglianam c. Wee cannot ymbrace with a safe conscience the heresie of Zuinglian and Osiander 1560. Cēturici 4. Elizab. Reg. dedicata Do not the madeburgenses inueigh against the Zuinglians for denyinge the reale presence and doth not Luther saye that the holy scriptures are corrupted of the Zuinglians In the Duchy of wittenbergue where Brentius was superintendent an edict was proclaimed against the Sacramentaries The ministers of Ienua did exhibit a petitiō to the Princes there to haue an assemblie to the end they should condemne the Sacramentaries and the Ziuinglians as aduersaries And in the yeare 1560. in that Towne Hesutius printed a boooke against the Sacramentaries Caluine did also writt a booke against Hesutius William Clebitius did writt against the Lutherans with this tittle The ruyne of the papacie of Saxonie videlicet Lutheranisme Also Iohn Sturmius writt against the Lutheranes Brentius writt against Bullenger The Lutheranes of Saxonie in their Conuenticle did condemne Albert Hardenburg a Zuinglian of heresie In Transiluania Lutheranes are against the Sacramentaries and the Sacramentaries against them The people of Breme in Saxonie after they were in Lutheranisme fell to Caluinisme and banished all Lutheranes 5. Neither can they excuse themselues their debate or strife to be of thinges indifferent or of ceremonies or such like smale and trifling thinges but of the cheefest pointes and articles of our faith For Nicolas Gallus a protestant preacher of Ratisbon doth declare the same saying In suis Thesibus ita scribit Non sunt leues inter nos c. Betwixt vs ghospellers it is not in light thinges wee differ nor our variances are not of thinges of smale moment but concerninge the cheefest articles of Christian religion videlicet of the lawe of the ghospell of iustification of good worcks of the Sacraments of the vse and order of ceremonies which by no meanes can be decided or compounded Wherfore Luther saith wee esteeme seriouslie in good sadnes all Zuinglians heretiques Luther Thes 77. 1545. and alliens from the Churche of God Beza calles Lutheranes Eutichiās and Nestorians And Caluinistes doe count Lutheranes no better thē Manychees Marcionistes Monotholites who were oulde heretiques Illiricus saith Caluinistarum liturgia non vno sacrilegio viciata est Illir in confess Ang. 17. The liturgie of Caluinistes is not spotted with one only sacriledge the like censure Conradus giues of the same liturgie Oecolāpadius most bitterly writes against Lutheranes and also in the like bitternes Lutheranes write against him by Brentius Iohanes Pomeranus did also write against Brentius Did not the Duke of Saxonie punish most seuerely Zuinglians by the instigation of Luther Did not the kinge of Denmarcke expell Caluinistes out of Denmarke and did not Caluinistes expell Lutheranes out of Count pallentine his Countrie did not Weastphalus write most bitterly against Caluin and Caluine against him 1557. intituled An admonition vnto Weastphalus which if he shall not obey he shal be counted an heretique and the said Weastphalus hath these woordes no doctrine is more spatiously dispersed none with greater deuises and hipocrisie defended none that seduceth more people with greater errors then the false doctrine of the Sacrament of the Eucharist Oecolampadius saith these woords of Luther and his sect Lutheranes saith he they haue a kind of shewe of the woord of God but the right word of God they haue not and herein they followe other heretiques who relies althogether on the woord of God Did not after that Caluinisme was admitted and ymbraced in Transiluania and Hungarie Arianisme and Sabellianisme take place there En la reformation des fausses suppositions lib. 2 Brent in recognit prophetici Apostolici item in Bull. def tract 3. cap. 6. pag. 278. Bullenger contra Brent c. 1. Doth not Lannoy say that the cheefest point of all these fellowes doctrine is that Christ is not God nor by any meanes begotten of the substance of his Father Did not Brentius say that the doctrine of the Zuinglians and Caluinistes tendeth directly to Athisime Iudisme and Mahometisme Some others say that this sect of Caluine tendes to Ethnisme others to Atheisme as Iohn Whitgifte affirmeth with which saith he England aboundes And Bullenger writeth such is the dissention betwixt Zuinglians and Lutheranes that none hereafter will beleeue ought but what it pleaseth him 6. Doe not Protestantes say that the Englishmen as longe as they be of this religion Admonitio 2. ad parla vide act in Comitijs parla Londini An 1503 f. 10. 11. 12. 13. which they professe that they are not baptized nor ought to be counted Christians the ecclesiasticall regiment therof to be as vnlawfull as that of antechrist and that the Church of England is so prophaned and like Babell gouerned by the power of Sathan and not by the order of Christ that none in which there is any sparcke of Godes grace or any feelinge of conscience can liue in England and that all that liue in England and that goes to their Churches and whosoeuer that heares the sound of their belles ioynes with them in their Churches are conuocated thither by the name of Antechrist and are addicted vnto the slauerie of Babylon and Egipt
be vsed but that and this he did to mantayne his opinion Also when his children kinge Edward and Elizabeth came to the Crowne and held contrarie opinions they caused contrarie translations to be published Fox ibid. Vulgar translations of scriptures profitts nothinge vnlesse wee knowe the true sense of them as for the true sense the protestantes giue vs no rule at all for the same For in England they cannott iudge of the controuersie of religion by the scriptures because they are boūd by their ●awes to beleue according to the will and decree of the parleament howse and of the kinge And in other protestant countries where the parleament or the wil of a prince is not of force there are so many sects and heresies as they cannot be reclaymed euerie one wreasting the scriptures to his owne priuate and fantasticall opinions for the Protestants doe not care for the vulgare translation vnles they may peruert the sense thereof according to their owne turbulent braines 8. Neither is there any people that doe reuerence and honor the scriptures more then those of the Catholick religion Which as S. Paule saith 2. Cor. 4. doth renounce the adulterating of the word of God wicked constructions deceitfull interpretations and sinister application thereof which is common to heretiques as Luther affirmeth that the roote of all heresies hath bene the scriptures yea he added that the scriptures ought to be called the booke of heretiques There is neither iott nor sillable in the scripture but the catholique church doth imbrace allowe the same as written and sett downe by the holie ghoast and although the priuate spiritt of some haue thought some bookes of the sacred scriptures not to be canonicall yet the whole catholique church hath receaued them hath taken awaie that doubte Touchinge the bookes of the old testament videlicet Iudith Tobyas the booke of wisdome Ecclesiastes the two first bookes of the Machabees and of Baruch as alsoe of the newe as the Apocalips the Epistle of S. Paul to the Hebreues the Epistle of S. Iames the 2. of S. Peter the 2. and 3. of S. Iohn and therfore the heretiques of this time doe not allowe those for that some in tymes paste haue doubted thereof Did not S. Tho doubt also of Christs resurrection and therfore ought he or wee doubt thereof still Christ hauing manifested his scarres and his woundes vnto him Euen soe though some learned men haue doubted of those bookes yet by the vniuersall consent of the church these bookes were made knowen to be Canonical scripture As concerninge the booke of Iudith the councell of Carthage vnder Aurelius Bishopp thereof Innocentius the first Ge●asius with 70. Bishoppes the councell of Florence vnder Eugenius the 4. haue pronounced it to be canonicall as also of the booke of Tobie Ecclesiastes and wisdome As for the two bookes of Machabes the Canons of the Apostles the author whereof is said to be S. Clemēt in the ende thereof the two bookes of the Machabees are inserted as Canonicall those two bookes are confirmed by Innocentius the first and by the councell of Carthage and confirmed by the 6. Generall councell in such like manner the said 2. bookes are cōfirmed both by the two generall councells of Florence Aug. li. 18 de ciuit Dei c. 16. con Gaud. epist lib. 2. cap. 23. and Trentt and as S. Augustine saith that the Churche and not the Iewes doth allowe the Machabees for canonicall and not onlie S. Augustine doth produce wittnesse out of them but also Ireneus Tertul. Cyprian Chrysost and others soe as to doubte of these bookes is rather the infidelitie of the Iewes then the faith of the Christians especially when the Church hath once decreede the same and soe are all the rest of the said bookes made Canonicall by the Church and by her determination which is of greater force to allowe or disalowe of them as also of the true interpretation of them then all the priuate spirittes in the world vnto whome all priuate mens iudgment ought to submit themselues Basill the greate and S. Gregorie Naz. being the cheefest diuines amoungest the Grecians and hauinge cast awaie all other bookes they recollected themselues to studie the holie scriptures the true meaninge and interpretation thereof as Ruffinus testifieth Ruff. lib 2. cap 9. in Eccl hist they gathered out of the authoritie and comentaries of their predecessors not of their owne priuate presumption or proper imagination Gal 2. Aug. lib. 28 in Faust c. 4. 9. Did not S. Paule beinge an Apostle before he preached the Ghospell goe vpp to Hierusalem that he might confer with S. Peter Lucc 22. Iames and Iohn and especiallie with Peter touching the preaching and expoundinge of the Ghospell for that our Sauiour did praie particulerlie for S. Peter that he should not faile in his faith vnto whome he promised the assistance of his holie spiritt If this soe great a doctor beinge illuminated by Christe and receauinge his ghospell frō him did neuerthelesse conferr the same with S. Peter the foundation of the ecclesiasticall Hierarchy the Pastor of Christs sheepe the captaine of his armie the sonne that shineth in this hemispher of christendome and heade of the misticall bodie of Christe which is his church how much ought others to doe the like which haue not so much securitie nor soe good a warrant to be fauored and inspired of God as he had Howe can wee thinke or beleeue that heretiques can vnderstand the scriptures who haue not the spiritt of God to instruct them in the knowledge thereof For as no member of the bodie hath the spiritt of the bodie vnlesse it be vnited and ioyned to the bodie soe noe member of the misticall bodie of Christ which is his church hath the spirite thereof that is separated frō the same Wherevpon S. Augustine saith nihil magis debet christianus formidare c. there is nothinge that a christian ought to feare more Aug trac ●7 in Iohn then to be separated from the bodie of Christe for if he be separated and disunited from the bodie of the church he is not a member thereof and if he be not a member of the same he is not quickned by her spiritt and whosoeuer hath not the spiritt of Christe as the Apostle saith he is not his it is the spiritt that quickneth the flesh auaileth nothinge Therfore you beinge not in the Church vnto whome the spiritt of God is promised to direct her in all trueth and to guide her from all errors and heresies wee ought not to beleue that you haue the knowledge of the scriptures or the true vnderstandinge or interpretation thereof for it cannot stande with any reason or rule that this spiritt of trueth can be in turbulent mindes or malicious heades as hetiquees be Esa 66. qui non requiescit nisi super humilem mansuetum trementem sermones suos neuer resteth but vpon the humble and meeke
of the churches and persecuted church men This man beinge feastinge one time with his frindes in his pallace there started vp a gentleman of that maiesticall contenance that he put all the guestes in great feare that were with him and with a terrible voice and dreadfull aspect comaunded the earle to followe him and that with such maiestie that he could not otherwise choose Comming to the gate there was a mightie horsse prepared for him and he was compelled to mounte vpp a horssbacke and presently the horsse did fly vpp into the skies and the miserable earle cryinge most pittifullie vanished away with the horsse Those that were within the pallace durst not to goe foorth but shutt the gates out of which the miserable earle was carried away by the diuill 2. Paulus Emilius a diligent historiographer of the matters of Fraunce doth note the like accident of a certaine Earle called Willian a great persecutor of the church who beinge also at a great feast accompanied with other great earles was comaunded by one that was at the gate to goe foorth and soe risinge from the table went foorth to knowe what he was where he met with one a horssbacke which tooke him away and did neuer appeare any more He added moreouer that in the very same place the Earle of Niuers a great persecutor of the immunities of the church was serued in the like maner The kinge of Aragon called Sanchius through extreame necessity was forced to make vse of the church liuinges of his kingdome in his warres against the Moores and although it was for the defense of Catholique Religion yet he made restitution of all that he had so tooken from the Church Many good authors doe note and obserue that the church liuinges neuer profittes any and that they doe not only succede bad with them that take them but also consume and destroye their temporall possessions withall for like as the mothes the rust or the canker consumes the wood the cloath the iron and the fleashe that ingenders them and euen as the feathers of the Eagle beinge ioyned with the feathers of any other consumes and spills them soe church liuinges wrongfully detayned or violently taken from the church consumes and ouerthrowes the temporal estate vnto which they are vnlawfullye ioyned and annexed 3. This England France and Ireland may testifie for France enioyed but smale quietnes since Clement the 7. annexed vnto the crowne of France by the procuremēt of Francis ' the firste when the said Clement married his Neece called Catherina de Medicis vnto Henry the 2. Daulphine of France at Marcells all the promotions and donations of church liuinges vnder the crowne of France And as for him that sought it or by what meanes it was giuen I leaue that to the French historiographers yet wee knowe that he and all his issue liued and ended most miserably their kingdome and state was most pittifully broken with soe manny bloody garboiles all the nobilitie consumed and exhausted with soe mannie cruell battles ouerthrowes so many rich townes and citties ransaked soe many coūtries and prouinces vtterly destroied soe many churches and monasteries dissolued and cast downe soe many religious people murthered and soe many sacred virgins deflowred and rauished soe as France through heresie which by this donation crept into it was a spectacle of all miserie famine pestilence warres vprores cōbustions to all other nations And although the said Henry the 2. had 6. sonnes whereof 3. of thē were kinges yet all died without yssue and not one of that race is left aliue and soe the lyne of the howse of Valois in whome the crowne of France continewed the space of 260. yeares is altogether extinguished and the crowne came to the howse of Burbon their auncient and implacable enemies and nowe suecedinge them in the crowne and kingdome Henry the 8. not by any grant or indulgence of the Pope but by force and feare of violent lawes made and deuised by him leacherie and couetousnes intisinge him therunto tooke vnto himself a spiritual iurisdiction and besides suppressed cast downe all the monasteries who although he had six wiues and left behinde him one sonne and 2. daughters yet now there is none liuinge nor any of their lyne or race man or woman now extant 4. And as for the nobilitie of England and Irelande which were instruments more ready to serue the kinges humour then to please God they be all for the most parte extinguished of whose discent or race one amoungest 20. is not to be seene this daie to possesse their ancestors liuinges vnto whose patrimonie others crept in and succeeded some perhappes being their mortall enemies The Duke of Norfolque and the earle of Arundell were the cheefest instruments that Queene Elizabeth had in the first parleament shee assembled to putt downe the church and to drawe all spirituall iurisdiction vnto her selfe hopinge that by this seruice the one should be contracted with her in mariage the other should be in extraordinarie fauor with her I would they had taken S. Paules aduise Oportet obedire Deo magis quam hominibus Wee ought to obey God more then men or the prophet his caueat maledictus qui confidit in homine cursed is he that trusteth in man Scisma Angliae This Duke as a certaine graue matrone prophesied and tould him to his face cominge from the parleament that he should lose his head by her whome to please he did displease God and made shipwreaque of his religion was condemned and put to death for highe treason against the Queene at Tower hill in London and h●s eldest sonne the earle of Arundell after beinge condemned and arrayned after much mourninge and longe imprisonment died in the Tower of London And the other Earle of Arundell died without yssue male of his bodie and it is thought if he had liued any longe time he should haue tasted of the same cuppe with the other 5. The Earle of Ormond which was the onlie instrument for Queene Elizabeth in Ireland to strenghten the voices of the parleament for her spirituall supremacie as yet liuinge is depriued of his sight and of his only sonne and the only ioy and felicitie he had in this world and of his end wee knowe not but wee knowe he hath church liuinges and wee are certaine that who hath them vnlawfully shall neuer thriue the better And therfore Charles the 7. kinge of France beinge in great wāt of mony through the warres he had with the English about the dukedome of Normandie of which the quiett state of his kingdome depended would not make vse of the tithes of his kingdome beinge therunto moued by a great prelate for that he knewe they would not succeede well with him Ossorius in the historie of the kinge of Portingall Emanuell writeth that the Pope dispensed with him for the tithes of his country towardes his warres in Affricke and hauinge perceaued that he had not soe good successe as before