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A33251 The Protestant school-master containing, plain and easie directions for spelling and reading English, with all necessary rules for the true reading of the English tongue : together with a brief and true account of the bloody persecutions, massacres, plots, treasons, and most inhumane tortures committed by the papists upon Protestants, for near six hundred years past, to this very time, in all countries where they have usurped authority to exercise their cruelties ...: with a description of the variety of their tortures, curiously engraven upon copper plates ... / by Edw. Clark. Clark, Edw. (Edward) 1680 (1680) Wing C4437; ESTC R39367 111,345 217

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by the Proofs they have heard that there now is and for divers years last past hath been an horrid and Treasonable Plot and Conspiracy contrived and carried on by those of the Popish Religion for the Murdering of his Majesties Sacred Person and for subverting the Ptotestant Religion and the Ancient and Established Government of this Kingdom John Brown Cleric Perliam Let us conclude all with the Thanksgiving of the Church of England set forth by Authority upon the Discovery of the Gunpowder Treason in 1605. NOt unto us O Lord not unto us but to thy Name be ascribed all honour and glory in all Churches of the Saints throughout all Generations for thou Lord hast discovered the Snares of Death thou hast broken them and we are delivered be thou still our mighty Protector and scatter our Cruel Enemies which delight in Blood Infatuate their Counsel and root out that Babilonish and Antichristian Sect which say of Jerusalem Down with it down with it even to the Ground and to this end strengthen the hands of our Gracious King the Nobles and Magistrates of the Land with Judgment and Justice to cut off these workers of Iniquity whose Religion is Rebellion whose Faith is Faction whose Practice is Murthering of Souls and Bodies and to root them out of the Confines and Limits of this Kingdom that they may never prevail against us and Triumph in the ruin of thy Church And give us grace by true and serious Repentance to avert these and the like Judgments from us This Lord we earnestly crave at thy mercifull hands together with the continuance of thy powerfull Protection over our Dread Soveraign the whole Church and these Realms and the speedy confusion of our Implacable Enemies and that for thy dear Sons sake our only Mediator and Advocate Amen PSALM 91. WHo makes th' Almighty his retreat Shall rest beneath his Shady Wings Free from th' Oppression of the Great The Rage of War or Wrath of Kings Free from the Cunning Fowlers Train The Tainted Air 's Infectious Breath His Truth in Perils shall sustain And Shield thee from the stroke of Death No terrors shall thy sleeps affright Nor deadly flying Arrows slay Nor Pestilence devour by night Or slaughter Massacre by day Words and Proper Names of two three and four Sylables both whole and divided into Sylables ABuse A-buse Adam Ad-am Affected Af-fect-ed Abigail A-bi-gail Activity Ac-ti-vi-ty Amasia A-ma-si-a Ahasuerus A-ha-su-e-rus Banquet Ban-quet Barak Ba-rak Backslider Back-sli-der Belshazzer Bel-shaz-zer Bountifully Boun-ti-ful-ly Barzillai Bar-zil-la-i Beatificial Be-a-ti-si-cal Beeliada Be-e-li-a-da Cleansed Clean-sed Carmel Car-mel Chastening Chast-en-ing Chorazin Cho-ra-zin Calamity Ca-la-mi-ty Cyrenius Cy-re-ni-us Cogitation Co-gi-ta-ti-on Daughter Daugh-ter Dathan Da-than Destroyed De-stroy-ed Dalilah Da-li-lah Difficulty Dif-fi-cul-ty Dalmatia Dal-ma-ti-a Estrang Est-rang Esther Est-her Effected Ef-fect-ed Ephraim E-phra-im Election E-lec-ti-on Ebenezer E-ben-e-zer Frustrate Frus-trate Francis Fran-cis Forreigner For-reign-er Familiar Fa-mi-li-ar Favonia Fa-vo-ni-a Grudging Grudg-ing Ginath Gi-nath Garnishing Gar-nish-ing Gomorrah Go-mor-rah Gloriously Glo-ri-ous-ly Gethsemane Geth-se-ma-ne Genealogy Ge-ne-a-lo-gy Haughty Haugh-ty Huzoth Huz-oth Heretick He-re-tick Habakkuk Hab-ak-kuk Hallelujah Hal-le-lu-jah Hymeneus Hy-me-ne-us Habitation Ha-bi-ta-tion Heliopolis He-li-o-po-lis Judgment Judg-ment Jephtha Jeph-tha Journeying Jour-ney-ing Issachar Is-sa-char Ignominy Ig-no-mi-ny Illyria Il-ly-ri-a Jerusalem Je-ru-sa-lem Infidelity In-fi-de-li-ty Kinsfolk Kins-folk Kahath Ka-hath Kindnesses Kind-nes-ses Keturah Ke-turah Laughter Laugh-ter London Lon-don Languishing Lan-guish-ing Lazarus La-za-rus Lascivious Las-ci-vi-ous Leviathan Le-vi-a-than Liberality Li-be-ra-li-ty Merchant Mer-chant Mesheck Me-sheck Magistrate Ma-gis-trate Manasseh Ma-nas-seh Malefactor Ma-le-fac-tor Neighbour Neigh-bour Nadab Na-dab Nakedness Na-ked-ness Naphtali Naph-ta-li Negligently Neg-li-gent-ly Nathanael Na-tha-na-el Offspring Off-spring Ophri O-phri Offering Of-fer-ing Oppressing Op-pres sing Othniel Oth-ni-el Overseer O-ver-se-er Ohemoed O-he-mo-ed Operation O-pe-ra-tion Preaching Preach-ing Phicol Phi-col Possessor Pos-ses-sor Phinebas Phi-ne-bas Pal stina Pa-les-ti-na Quenching Quench-ing Quinzay Quin-zay Quartering Quar-ter-ing Qualified Qua-li-fied Quaternion Qua-ter-ni-on Roughly Rough-ly Rehum Re-hum Ravished Ra-vish ed Rabshakeh Rab sha keh Religion Re li-gi-on Rehoboam Re-ho-bo-am Slaughter Slaugh-ter Shushan Shu-shan Schismatick Schis-ma-tick Synagogue Sy-na-gogue Shelhazzer Shel-haz-zer Softhenes Soft-he-nes Sanctuary Sanc-tu-a-ry Taphath Ta-phath Trespasses Tres-pas-ses Thaddeus Thad-de-us Testimony Tes-ti-mo-ny Trogyllium Tro-gy-lli-um Viewing View-ing Vkrain V-krain Victory Vic-to-ry Vpharsin V-phar-sin Vnadvised Vn-ad-vi-sed Vespasian Ves-pa-si-an Witchcraft Witch-craft Wrongfully Wrong-ful-ly Wolfgangus Wolf-gan-gus Warsovia War-so-vi-a Xerxes Xer-xes Younger Younger Youthfully Youth-ful-ly Zealous Zeal-ous Zopheth Zo-pheth Zealously Zeal-ous-ly Zipporah Zip-po-rah Zeboim Ze-bo-im Zerobabel Ze-ro-ba-bel Zurishadda Zu-ri-shad-da Words and proper Names of five six and seven Syllables Allegorical Al-le-go-ri-cal Alsufficiency All-suf-fi-ci-en-cy Adramytium A-dra-my-ti-um Beatification Be-a-ti-fi-ca-ti-on Baalathbeor Ba-a-lath-be-or Bothbaalmeon Beth-ba-al-me-on Consubstantiation Con-sub-stan-ti-a-ti-on Chederlaomer Che-der-la-o-mer Dedication De-di-ca-ti-on Deuteronomy Deu-te-ro-no-my Dissimulation Dis-si-mu-la-ti-on Extortioner Ex-tor-ti-o-ner Excommunication Ex-com-mu-ni-ca-ti-on Elihoenai E-li-ho-e-na-i Familiarity Fa mi li-a-ri-ty Fortification For-ti-ca-ti-on Gederothaim Gede-ro-tha-im Glorification Glo-ri-fi-ca-tion Habitation Ha-bi-ta-ti-on Hypocritically Hy-po-cri-ti-cal-ly Helarazaruus He-la-ra-za-ru-us Helcathhazurim Hel-cath-ha-zu-rim Jehovashallom Je-ho-va-shal-lom Jurisdiction Ju-ris-dic-ti-on Incomprehensible In-com-pre-hen-si-ble Jebereheah Je-be-re-he-ah Kiriathaim Ki-ri-a-tha-im Kireathebaal Ki-re-a-the-ba-al Languishing Lan-guish-ing Lamentation La-men-ta-ti-on Lusitania Lu-si-ta-ni-a Meditation Me-di-ta-ti-on Manifestation Ma-ni-fes-ta-tion Melchizedeck Mel-chi-ze-deck Mesherabeel Me-she-ra-be-el Mathematician Ma-the-ma-ti-ci-an Mesopotamia Me-so-po-ta-mi-a Multiplication Mul-ti-pli-ca-ti-on Nonconformity Non-con-for-mi-ty Naturalization Na-tu-ra-li-za-ti-on Nebuchadnezzer Ne-bu-chad-nezar Onisephorus O-ne-se-pho-rus Predestinate Pre des-ti-nate Presbiterian Pres-bi-te-ri-an Purification Pu-ri-fi-ca-tion Philosophically Phi-lo-so-phi-cal-ly Propitiation Pro pi-ti a-ti on Qualification Qua li fi ca ti on Renunciation Re nun ci a ti on Resurrection Re-sur-rec ti on Reconciliation Re-con ci li a-ti on Representation Re-pre-sen-ta-ti-on Satisfaction Satis-fac-ti-on Superiority Su pe ri o-ri ty Sanctification Sanc-ti-fi-ca-ti on Temporality Tem-po ra li ty Taanathshiloth Ta-a-nath shi loth Thessalonica Thes sa lo-ni ca Transubstantiation Tran sub stan ti a-ti on Vexatiously Vex-a ti ous ly Vniversality V-ni-ver-sal li ty Vnreconcilable Vn-re con cil a ble Gods Judgments upon Popish Persecutors discovered in some eminent Examples 1. FRom the First plantation of the Christian Religion in this Nation under King Lucius there was never any King or Queen of England in whose reign so much Christian blood was spilt as in four years space during the Reign of Queen Mary But as she was prodigal of the Lives of the best of her subjects and a Persecutor of the Gospel so it pleased God to follow her with Plagues and Judgments all her life for nothing prospered which she took in hand of which we shall give some few Instances The fairest and greatest Ship she had called the Great Harry was burnt by Lightning from Heaven the Christian world at that time not affording such another Then she would needs marry Phillip King of Spain thereby Subjecting England to Strangers yet with her utmost endeavour she could never set the English Crown on his head Then did she attempt the Restitution of Abby Lands and had all the assistance that
were murdered without distinction of Age Sex or Quality neither Old Bed-rid nor the diseased in Hospitals being spared In Masion the bloody Papists apprehended an honest Godly Minister whom they carryed along the Streets with a Thousand Scoffs and Scorns and beating and abusing him and then they made Proclamation That whosoever would hear this Holy man Preach should come to the Slaughter House At which place they abused him two hours together He then desired that before his death they would permit him to pray to God upon which a Villain stept to him and cut off half his Nose and one of his ears saying Now pray as long as thou wilt and then we will send thee to all the Devils And then this holy man kneeling down prayed with such zeal and fervency of Spirit as drew sighs from some of the Murderers and afterwards speaking to him that had cut off his Nose he said Friend I am now ready to suffer what thou hast to inflict upon me but I intreat you and your Companions to consider seriously of the Mischiefs and Outrages committed by you against this poor City for there is a God in Heaven before whose Tribunal you must shortly give an Account of these your Cruelties Just then a Captain passing by cryed send that wretched man to the Devil which one of them hearing took him by the hand pretending to lead him to the River to wash off his blood but when he came thither he threw him into the water and then battered him with Stones till he was drowned In the year 1571. after the end of the third Civil VVar in France great means were used to draw the chief of the Protestants to Paris under the pretence of a Marriage that was between the King of Navar who was a Protestant and the Lady Margaret Sister to the French King but in the mean time several Protestants were murdered in the City of Roan as they came from a Sermon which seemed very much to displease the King and divers were Executed for the Mutiny then were the Articles of Marriage agreed upon at Paris the Admiral Coligni was invited to the VVedding and those that belonged to the Family of the Duke of Guise were forbid the Court which was very acceptable to the Protestants as judging it an assured pledg of the Kings fidelity since he declared much satisfaction in the Marriage saying That it was not so much for the Wedding as that it was a strong knot of Peace and would be for the good of the whole Nation The Admiral for his security was allowed to bring with him fifty Gentlemen armed and being come to Paris he was honourably received of the King who called him Father and protested that in his whole life he had not been better pleased as judging this day would end all his troubles and settle firm peace and quietness in his Kingdom Notwithstanding this the Admiral had several Intimations of some Treachery intended against him but though very wise yet he took little notice of it The Queen Mother likewise entertained him with great favour and the King sent him One Hundred Thousand Franks out of his Treasury for the loss which he had received in the VVars And the King to delude the People spake publickly That he did not give his Sister in Marriage to the King of Navar only but as it were to the whole Church of the Protestants to joyn with them in an indissoluble union and as a tye to their peace and safety The Seventeenth of August the King of Navar and the Lady Margaret were married with great Solemnity before the great Church of Paris on a Scaffold in the sight of all the People by the Cardinal of Bourbon the King of Navars Unkle and the VVedding was solemniz'd with Banquets Dancing and Masques with a strange mixture of Protestants and Papists together after which the Bride was led into the Church to hear Mass with great solemnity but the King of Navar her Bridegroom the Prince of Conde and other Protestant Noblemen walked without the Church door till her return as misliking their Religion and Ceremonies In the mean time the Queen Mother and her bloody Councellors together with the Duke of Anjou and Guise contrive the Murder of the Admiral and the dividing the Protestants The Admiral after the Marriage moved the King for his departure home but the continual complaints of the Protestants still detained him at Court and going some days after th ther in his return home while he was reading a Petition with divers Noblemen and Gentlemen about him He was shot by a Harquebuzie the Bullet taking off the fore-finger of his right-hand and hurting him in the left Arm he feeling himself shot said without alteration of Countenance It came through yonder Window what kind of Treachery is this The door of the House being broke open they understood that he which shot presently mounted upon a Spanish Jennet at a back door and made his escape leaving his Gun behind him and upon Examination it was found that the Harquebuz was brought to the house the day before by one Chally Steward of the Kings House and an acquaintance of the Duke of Guise The King having notice of this Villany seemed to be extreamely concerned causing all the Gates of Paris to be presently shut and swore to the Admirals Friends that those that had committed this horrid Fact should not escape the Queen Mother likewise seemed much discontented at it The King went to visit the Admiral assuring him of his love and care over him However the King of Navar Prince of Conde and other Protestants had private advice to depart speedily out of Paris and to look upon this but as the beginning of the Tragedy which was to follow but they trusting to the Kings word would not go The Dukes of Guise and Anjou imployed some to go to every house and bring them a Catalogue of all the Protestants and the King set a Guard of Fifty Harquebuzies at the Admirals Gate and abundance of Arms were sent into the Kings Pallace of the Louvre and in the Evening of the same day all the Papists were in Arms the Protestants observing all this many of then assembled at the admirals Lodgings where it was advised that the Admiral should be Immediately conveyed out of Paris and the rest should change their Lodgings but this was again refused they still relying upon the Kings word who promised them Justice In the Evening divers Protestant Gentlemen offered to watch with the Admiral but he refused it and the same night the Duke of Guise sent for the Captain of the Switzers and shewed him his Commission to kill the Admiral and the rest of the Protestants and exhorted him and his Souldiers to be couragious in shedding their blood At midnight the Provost Sheriffs and Captains of every Ward had the same Orders given them with assurance that the like should be Executed upon the Protestants through the whole Kingdom of
Nicholas Belerrian a Minister in Shrop-shire John Adams a Taylor and John Lacels a Gentleman belonging to King Henry the Eighth these beholding the Invincible Constancy and patience of Mistriss Askew were thereby much incouraged in their Sufferings About the same time Sir John Blage of the Kings Privy Chamber was falsly accused to have spoken against the Mass upon which he was condemned to be burnt in Smithfield whereupon the Earl of Bedford begged his pardon of the King who Commanded it to be drawn immediately After his release Sir George coming to the King Ah my Pig said he for so he usually called him Yea said Blage if your Majesty had not been better to me than your Bishops were your Pig had been roasted before this time Presently after Gardiner Bishop of Winchester and his Confederates set forth a Cruel Proclamation in the Kings Name for abolishing the Scriptures and all other English Books that discovered the truth to the people and having obtained this they very much rejoyced therein hoping that they had now for ever suppressed the Gospel so that it should never rise again and to strike the greater terror into mens minds they made a diligent search after the Professors of the Truth of whom they took the Names of some drove away others and hereby doubted not but to attain their ends But it pleased God that in the midst of these subtil Contrivances for the destruction of his Gospel and Servants to take away King Henry the Eighth within four Months after the Proclamation and thereby all their hopes and projects were utterly disappointed King Henry the Eighth being dead his only Son Prince Edward our English Josiah ascended the Throne under whom the Protestant Religion was established and Popery and Superstition abolished for he caused all Images to be demolished and as Idolatrous to be taken out of all Churches within his Dominions the Learned men of his time he encouraged and commanded them to open and expound the Scriptures he abolished the Mass and ordered the Service to be read in the English Tongue and the Sacrament of the Lords Supper to be administred in both kinds to the People But it pleased God in a short time to take him to himself for in the Seventh Year of his Reign and the seventeenth Year of his age he was taken with a lingring sickness during which time a Marriage was concluded between the Lord Guilford Dudley eldest Son to the Duke of Northumbereand and the Lady Jane the Daughter of the Duke of Suffolk whose mother being then alive was Daughter to Marry King Henry the Eighth's second Sister The Marriage being finisht and the King every day more sick than other so that he seemed past Recovery the Duke of Northumberland being ambitious to advance his Family perswaded the King that the Church and the True Religion would be in great danger if he did not chuse a pious Successor and that it was the part of a good Prince to set aside all other respects when the Glory of God and the good of his Subjects were concerned The King partly for his great desire to have the Protestant Religion confirmed and partly for the intire love which he bore to his Cousin the Lady Jane signed Letters Patents under the Broad Seal to appoint the Lady Jane to succeed him in the Kingdom although her Title were excluded by the Lady Mary who was alwaies a zealous Papist and the Lady Elizabeth This was afterwards confirmed by the Nobility and Chief Lawyers of the Kingdom and was subscribed to by all the Kings Council the Lord Maior and Aldermen of Lndon who upon the Death of King Edward which happened in a short time after proclaimed the Lady Jane Queen in London and Westminster The Lady Mary being in Hartford-shire and hearing of it presently sent to the Lords of the Council commanding and requiring them to Proclaim her Queen which if they refused to do she threatned to recover her Right by force of Arms. The Lords returned answer That the Lady Jane was invested and possessed of the Crown by just Right and Title both by the Ancient Laws of the Land and by Letters Patents signed and sealed by the late King before his death and therefore they declared they would adhere to her and to none other requesting the Lady Mary that she would not upon any pretence endeavour to disturb the peace of the Kingdom promising her that if she would carry her self as a dutifull Subject they would be ready to do her any service The Lady Mary having received this answer withdrew further from the City and the Council being sensible of her stout and unquiet disposition they raised an Army which was commanded by the Duke of Northumberland The Lady Mary went into Suffolk and Norfolk gathering such aid of the Commons as she could and kept her self in Framingham Castle to whom the Suffolk men first resorted who being alwayes forward in promoting the Gospel promised her their aid and assistance provided she would make no alteration of the Protestant Religion as it was established by her Brother King Edward To this she readily agreed and confirmed it with such Vows and Ptotestations that none could suspect her whereupon they joined with her and thus by the help of the Protestants she vanquished the Duke of Northumberland and his Army and was settled in the Kingdom but she soon forgot her promises for these very Suffolk men observing that Popery would be re-established they Petitioned to her to perform her word to them at which she was extreamly displeased and told them Forasmuch as you who are Members desire to rule your Head you shall one day find that Members must obey not se k to rule Yea one of the chief of these men Mr. Dob by name she caused for the Terror of others to be set in the Pillory several times and divers others that presented Supplications to her not to set up Popery she caused to be sent to prison Queen Mary being settled in the Kingdom the Lady Jane her Father the Duke of Northumberland and her Husband the Lord Guilford Dudley were soon after Beheaded and the Queen soon discovered her disaffection to the Protestant Religion by displacing all the Orthodox Bishops as Poinet Ridley Scorie Hooper Coverdale and by releasing out of the Tower Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester whom she made Lord Chancellor of England and Bonner who was made Bishop of London Then the Queen publisht a Proclamation that she was resolved to observe and maintain the Catholick Religion wherein she was bred up requiring all her Subjects quietly to embrace the same A while after this Bonner and Gardiner begun a cruel and bloody persecution upon the Protestants and made them fall in heaps For Mr. Hooper Mr. Rogers Mr. Taylor Mr. Bradford Mr. Saunders all famous men were condemned and burned for Heresie In the year 1555. Thomas Tomkins whose hand B. Bonner burnt in prison to try his constancy was afterward burnt in Smithfield
the Pope could give her therein yet she was utterly crost also in that Design Then she lost Calice in France which had been in the possession of the English during the Reign of eleven Kings that is from the Reign of King Edward the third with which loss she was so afflicted that she told some of her Courtiers If they opened her body when she was dead they would find Calice written in her heart She was reported to be with Child but it came to nothing Her beloved Husband left her in whom she placed her greatest felicity and content So that now she could neither enjoy him nor marry another About the same time the Land was grieviously afflicted with horrible Tempests Famines Plagues mortal Diseases and burning Agues so that between October and December there dyed seven Aldermen in London that had been Lord Maiors and the mortality was so great that much Corn was lost in the Fields for want of men to gather it whereby great scarcity ensued and many poor people lived upon Acorns And lastly she was struck with a lingring and pining sickness whereof she dyed having only reigned Five years and Five months a shorter time than any of the Kings of England enjoyed since the Conquest Richard the Third only excepted 2. In the next place let us consider Gods Judgments upon some other Instruments of Cruelty and among the rest Stephen Gardiner who was a most Cruel Persecutor of the Protestants In King Henry the Eighths time he was a great stickler for the divorce from the Lady Katherine of Spain and was therefore made Bishop of Winchester In King Edward the sixths time he seemed a Friend to the Gospel and preached it up but in Queen Marys days he was the greatest and most inveterate enemy against it and the professors thereof and continued so to his dying day For the same day that Bishop Ridley and Bishop Latimer were burnt at Oxford the old Duke of Norfolk came to dine with Gardiner The Bishop deferred his dinner till about four a Clock in the Afternoon at which time came one of his Servants posting to tell him that fire was put to these Servants of God which when he was certified of he came out rejoyceing to the Duke and said Now let us go to dinner The Table was presently set and the Bishop began to eat merrily but as soon as he had eaten a few bits he was on a sudden struck very sick and being carryed from the Table to bed he there continued in such intolerable Anguish and Torment that he could void nothing either by stool or urine His Tongue was black and swoln so big that his mouth could not contain it and his body violently Inflamed In this sad condition he lay fifteen days and then ended his miserable life In the beginning of his sickness Dr. Day Bishop of Chichester coming to see him began to speak to him about the merciful Promises of God and free Justification by the blood of Christ To whom he answered What my Lord will you open that gap now then farewell all together Open this window to the People and farewell all together And being by another Person put in mind of St. Peters denying his Master and that he ought not to despair He answered I have denied Christ with Peter but I never repented with Peter 3. Bloody Bonner though he dyed in his bed yet lay under the Spiritual Judgment of Impenitency and as he had been a Persecutor of the Light and a Child of Darkness so in darkness and at midnight his Carkass was tumbled into the Earth And as himself had been a Murderer so was he layd among Thieves and Murderers a place by Gods Judgment fitly appointed for him 4. Dr. Whittington Chancellor having condemned a Godly Religous woman to be Burnt at Chipping Sadbury a multitude of People came to see her Suffer and among the rest Whittington himself At the same time there was a Butcher in another place of the Town killing a Bull who was fast bound with a Rope ready to be knockt on the head the Butcher missing his stroke the Bull broke loose just as the people were coming from the Execution of this Holy Martyr the people seeing him coming severed themselves and made a Lane for him the Bull passed through them without hurting man woman or child till he came to the place where Whittington was against whom he ran very furiously and thrusting his Horns into his belly ran him quite through and tearing out his Guts with his horns he trayl'd them about the streets to the great astonishment of those that saw his wretched end 5. One Burton Bayliff of Crowland in Lincolnshire seemed in King Edward the Sixths days to be a zealous Protestant but as soon as Queen Mary came to the Crown he turned Papist and being forward to set up the Mass he went to Church and the Curate being then reading the English Service he went to him and said Sirrah will you not say Mass buckle your self to it you knave or by Gods Blood I 'le sheath my dagger in your shoulder The poor Curate being affrighted betook himself to the Mass Shortly after this Burton and a neighbour riding together a Crow flew over his head and voided her Excrements upon his Nose which ran down his beard and yielded such an horrible stink that it caused him to vomit in a most violent manner whereupon he got home to bed but could eat nothing the stink and vomiting still continuing which made him with dreadful Oaths and Execrations curse the Crow that had poisoned him and so he continued in extream pain till he dyed A Prayer of King Edward the Sixth a while before his Death LOrd God deliver me out of this miserable and wretched life and take me among thy chosen howbeit not my Will but thy Will be done Lord I commit my Spirit to thee O Lord thou knowest how happy it were for me to be with thee yet for thy chosens sake send me that in Life or Death I may serve thee O my Lord God Bless thy People and save thine Inheritance O Lord God save thy chosen People of England O my Lord God defend this Land from Papistry and maintain the True Religion that I and my People may Praise thy Holy name for thy Son Jesus Christ his sake A Speech of Queen Elizabeth to her Army at Tilbury Camp in the time of the Spanish Invasion in the year 1588 MY Loving People we have been perswaded by some that are carefull of our safety to take heed how we commit our selves to armed Multitudes for fear of Treachery but I assure you I do not desire to live to distrust my faithfull and loving People Let Tyrants fear I have alwayes so behaved my self that under God I have alwayes placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the Loyal Hearts and good will of my Subjects and therefore I am come amongst you as you see at this time not for my Recreation
and Princes have been forced to kneel and kiss their Toes nay they asserted that all Kings were Slaves and in subjection to them and that all must be judged by the Pope but he by no man Psalm 88. LOrd sit not still as deaf unto our Cries For lo Our Enemies in Tumults rise Even those who thy Omnipotence deny And hate thy Name advance their Priests on High Dark Councils take and secretly contrive Our slaughter whom thy mercy keeps alive Come say they let us with incessant strokes Hew down this Nation like a Grove of Oaks Till they no longer be and Israel dye Both in his Race and Ruin'd Memory They all in one Confederacy have made A solemn League supply d with forreign Aid Hence Idumeans who in Gomades stray And Shaggy Ishmaelites that live by prey Th' incestuous race that bred are on the Lake Of salt Asphaltes savage Thieves who take Their Name from servile Hagar they who dwell In Geba Ammonites who peace expel Oh! say they let 's these Israelites destroy And all the Cities of their God enjoy O! let them like a Wheel be worried round Like chaff which whirlwinds ravisht from the Ground As Woods grown dry with Age imbrac'd with Fire Whose Flames above the singed Hills aspire So in the Tempest of thy wrath pursue And with thy Storms thy troubling Foes subdue O fill their Hearts with Grief their Looks with shame Till they invoke thy late blaphemed Name Confound them with eternal Infamy That they through anguish of their Souls may dye That Men Jehovah's wonders may rehearse The Great Commander of the Universe Mens Brains fryed eaten Children torn in Peices Infants thrown to the dogs swine Woemen Carried on Piks Rosted alive Some tyed and slain Hang'd by the Privitie Burnt in a barn A Brief and True Account of the Cruelties and Persecutions Committed by the Papists upon the Waldenses and Albingenses and other Protestants in Piedmont Savoy and the Valtoline from the Year 1160 To the Year 1656. VVHen by the just Judgment of the Almighty All the World wondred after the Beast and the Kings and Princes of Christendom established the Authority of the Pope and Church of Rome appointing to slaughter and destruction such as denied the horrid Blasphemies and Errors maintained by them It occasioned many good Christians to detest their Superstitions as unknown to the Apostles and the Primitive Church And the first we read of was one Berengarius who boldly and faithfully published the True Religion contained in the Scripture and discovered the falseness of the Romish He lived about the time of William the Conqueror his coming into England about which time his Followers being taken notice of as dissenting from many of the Common received Opinions of those times they were branded with the odious Name of Hereticks About Twenty years after this one Peter Bruis was a famous Preacher among them who taught them publickly a long time at Tholouse in Savoy In a short time after they were grown to so great a multitude that the Popes of Rome were resolved if possible by any means to extirpate and destroy them To which end they at first incited several of the most learned of their Party to write against them and warned divers Princes to have a care of them and to banish them out of their Territories The first then that flung away the Spiritual Keys and began valiantly to brandish the bloody Sword of Persecution against them was Pope Alexander the third who began therewith to hack hew and murder the poor Waldenses so named from Peter Waldo or Waldo of Lyons in France who appeared very couragious in opposing the many Corruptions of the Romish Church as Holy Oyl Consecrated Images Popes Indulgences Candles Merits Auricular Confession the Supremacy of the Pope false Miracles Purgatory Praying for the Dead Prayers to Saints extream Unction and many other Fopperies of the Popish Communion This Persecution of Waldo and his Followers who were encreased to a very great number began in France in the Year 1060. Waldo being compell'd to fly into the Mountains of France among the Savage Inhabitants to whom he taught his Doctrine others fled into Picardy from whence they were called Picards several into Flanders and Alsatia and thereby for the safety of their Lives they spread their Doctrine into all places King Philip of France being incited by the Ecclesiasticks raised Arms against them and destroyed Three Hundred Gentlemens Houses and likewise several Walled Towns And those that fled into Flanders escaped little better for they were persued and many of them for their Religion put to Death And the Bishops of Mayence and Strasburgh raised great persecutions against those which fled thither there being Five and Thirty Citizens of Mayence burned in one Fire and Eighteen in another who suffered Death with very great constancy and at Strasburgh at the instance of the Bishop Fourscore were likewise burnt for professing the same Truth and yet by the exhortations constancy and patience of these Martyrs there were such multitudes who entertained their Doctrines that in a few Years after in the County of Passau and in Bohemia there were above Fourscore thousand persons that made profession of the same Faith Some of them likewise fled into England for shelter but were more barbarously and cruelly put to death at Oxford by the Papists there than ever any Christians were before that time for matters of Religion and Three years after Pope Alexander the Third made a Decree in the Council of Tours in France that these Gospellers and all their Favourers should be Excommunicated and that none of them should buy or sell according as it was foretold in Revel 13.17 At Colen in Germany Four Men and Two young Women were discovered hid in a Barn and the Papists not being able to diswade them from the Truth The Men were all tyed to the Stake to be burnt but the Romanists pretending to pity the young Women perswaded them to recant but they perceiving their design got out of the hands of those that held them and voluntarily leapt into the Fire where they were burned with them about this time a Proclamation was published in Aragon whereby it was made Treason to relieve these poor Christians or to suffer them to live in that Country and liberty was given to all people to abuse them at pleasure without being punished for the same But these people still encreasing the Pope was resolved to suppress them by all means possible and therefore about the Year 1201. He set up the Bloody Inquisition which with its Racks Tortures Fire and all manner of Cruelty hath destroyed an innumerable company of Good and Holy Men. And in the same Year a noble Knight called Eunandus and one of the Waldenses was burnt at Paris and the persecution still continuing the people of Daulphine flying from their barbarous Enemies sheltred themselves in the Caves upon the Mountains but their cruel Adversaries having notice thereof persued
Redman and six others grievously persecuted In the Year 1417. the Lord Cobham was Burnt in St. Giles Fields John Purey and Will. White and Richard White were burnt Peter Clark a Divine of Oxford for maintaining publickly the Doctrine of Wicklif was forced to fly but was taken beyond Sea his Tongue cut out then hanged and afterwards burnt Roger Ovely was hanged and Quartered In the Year 1447. Humfery Duke of Glocester was murdered by the Papists for being a favourer of Wicklif and other Preachers of the Truth and divers others were many ways persecuted for the sake of Religion before the rising of Luther God having in all Ages raised up some to Testifie to the Truth and to maintain the purity of the Gospel And besides these Divines Learned and great men there were several other good men of a meaner quality who openly owned the Truth and suffered for the same and as the number of the professors grew greater who now began to be called Lollards so Persecution grew hotter and the Rage and Malice of the Papists increased In the Reign of King Henry the fifth 1413. Sir Roger Acton John Brown John Beverly and Thirty six more were all put to Death in St. Giles Fields and John Claydon and Richard Turning Benedict Vlman and several others were burnt and many Imprisoned In the Reign of King Henry the sixt William Tailor one of Wickliffs followers was burnt in Smithfield Henry Web and Henry Florence were Cruelly whipt and about an hundred and twenty men and Women suffered persecution many of them were burnt William White was Martyr'd and at the same time two were burnt at Colchester Richard Hoveden a Citizen of London was Martyr'd for the same cause near the Town and several more severely whipt and terribly handled Thomas Baily and Richard Wiche both Ministers were burnt one in Smithfield and the other on Tower-hill In the Reign of Edward the fourth John Goose was Burnt and in H nry the sevenths Regn one Jean Boughton of Fourscore years old was burnt in Norfolk another person was Burnt in Smithfield several were likewise stigmatized and many did penance William Tilsworth was Burnt in the Town of Anasham where they forced his own Daughter to set fire to Faggots that were to Burn her Father and two Years after Thomas Bernard and John Melton and one Roberts were Burnt in the same County of Buckingham Thomas Chace after many Cruel Usages and hardships was Murthered in Prison Thomas Norris was burnt at Norwich and Lawrence Guest at Salisbury and a Woman at Chipping Sadbury with several other persons in the Reign of King Henry the seventh In the Reign of King Henry the Eighth the Flames increased very much and abundance Suffered in every place In the Year 1511. Willam Sweeting and John B ewster were burnt in Smithfield the same year William Carder Robert Harrison and Agnes Grebel were burnt they forcing the Husband and Daughter of the Woman to come in as Witnesses against her After this one Mr. Style with his Book of the Revelations and twenty five more were Burnt five other Persons were accused for reading an Heretical Book which contained many Damnable Opinions and what should this Book be but only the Evangelists in English In the Year 1514. Richard Hun was murdered in the Lollards Tower and afterwards burnt John Brown John Stileman and Thomas Man were burnt in Smithfield Robert Cousin was Burnt at Buckingham Christopher Shoemaker at Newberry Richard and Robert Bartlet and John Scrivener were likewise burnt and the Children of John Scrivener were forced to set fire to their Father For it was usual with them to compell Children to accuse their Parents and Parents their Children Husbands their Wives and Wives their Husbands Intimate Friends Brothers and Sisters to accuse one another and many Hundreds were likewise forced to recant and abjure against their Consciencies or else be Burnt There were two things about this time that very much increased the professors of the Gospel in England One was the appearance of Martin Luther in the World who boldly owned the Truth and loudly Declaimed against the corruptions of the Romish Church Another thing was the Art of Printing which now began to be common whereby the True Religion was the more easily promulgated and Dispersed through every Countrey and in all Languages This Allarum'd the Pope and his Debauched Clergy who were afraid to have their wicked Doctrines and Practices discovered to the people and thereupon they began to rage and bestir themselves raising Persecution and making destruction and Slaughter in all places throughout the Kingdom against the Lutherans as they were now called In the Year 1519. several Protestans were apprehended at Coventry and imprisoned in filthy and nasty Dungeons six of whom were afterwards burnt Robbert Silkeb and Thomas Harding were burnt shortly after One Sigal Nicholson a Stationer at Cambridge was hung up by the Privy-members for having Luther's Books in his House several likewise abjured and the Body of William Tracy Esq in Glocester-shire because he had left nothing for Masses for his Soul was taken out of the Grave and Burnt two Years after his Death Richard Brafield a Monk of Bury after he had been whipt and most Cruelly handled in Prison and Gagged Beaten and bound and Degraded after a very shamefull manner was Burnt with much Cruelty in London continuing half an Hour alive in the Flames for want of Wood and when his left arm was burnt he rubbed it with his right hand and it fell down in the Fire he continued in Prayer without moving to the last moment several were imprisoned and fed with Bread made of Saw-dust some were set in the Stocks with Horse-leaches on their Legs and their hands so manacled with Irons that the Flesh grew higher than the Irons and with Iron Collars about their Necks and many were Racked till they were Lamed John Tewsbury James Bainham Valentine Sheafe and his Wife John Bent and one Trapnel were all Burnt about the same time three were hanged in Chains for Burning the Image or Rood of Dover Court John Frith Andrew Honor Thomas Bennet William Tindall John Lambert William Leiton and Collins a Lawyer were burnt and Robert Packington Murdered Doctor Barns Thomas Garret William Hieron were burnt in Smithfield John Potter was murthered in Prison Robert Testwood Anthony Parker and Henry Filmer were burnt at Windsor About five hundred persons in and about London either dyed in prison or were burnt in Smithfield In the Year 1541. Damlip Dod Sary were Slain One Henry at Colchester Kerby and Clark at Ipswich and Bury were burnt In the Year 1546. Mistris Ann Askew one of the Ladies belonging to Queen Katherine Parr because she would not confess any other Ladies was put upon the Rack and the Lord Chancellor himself being more Cruel he acted then the Executioner ordered her to be wracked to the utmost she was afterward Burnt in Smithfield and at the same time and place were likewise Burnt
William Hunter was cruelly handled and then burnt Mr. Higbed and Mr. Causton were burnt in Essex William Piggot Stephen Knight and John Lawrence were examined before Bishop Bonner and then burnt at several places in Essex Dr. Farrar Rishop of St. Davids was burnt there and Rawlins White was burnt at Cardiff George Marsh at Chester William Flower at Westminster John Cardmaker a godly Minister in Smithfield and with him John Warn About this time came a Letter from King Philip and Queen Mary to Bishop Bonner that Hereticks were not prosecuted with such severity as they ought to be which easily prevailed with Bonner who was ready enough for Cruelty and thereupon condemned John Symson and John Ardeley of Essex who were burnt there Thomas Hawks Thomas Watts Thomas Osmund William Bamford Thomas Osburn all of Cogshall in Essex being sent up to Bonner for not receiving the Sacrament at Easter they were condemned and burnt in several places in Essex John Bland Nicholas Shetterden Humfry Middleton John Frankesh were al burnt And a few days after Nicholas Hall Christopher Wade John Harpole and Margery Boley were burnt in Kent Dirick Carver John Launder Thomas Iveson James Abbes John Denley John Newman Patrick Packingham Richard Hook and John Newman were likewise burnt for Hereticks The Prisons were now full in every place and six men were condemned and burnt at Canterbury and nothing but Cruelty and Oppression was to be seen through the whole Land Whereupon the Queens Commissioners for the more quick dispatch took out ten of the Prisoners whom they sent to B. Bonner and being examined by him about the Sacrament they constantly adhering to the Truth were condemned and burnt in several places Robert Samuel a Minister suffered Martyrdome at Norwich two others at Ipswich five more in the Diocess of Canterbury the famous Ridley and Latimer at Oxford and Mr. Philpot in Smithfield In the year 1556. their wicked and bloody rage still continued the Land was all in a Flame and Blood and Cruelty reigned in every place For there were seven burnt in Smithfield in one fire four more in Canterbury and Dr. Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury was burnt in Oxford And to conclude though the Reign of Queen Mary was the shortest of any Prince since the Conquest except King Richard the Third yet in her days there was more Christian blood spilt for Religion than in any Kings Reign whatsoever since Lucius the first Christian King established Christianity in this Land for in the five years of her Reign there perished in the consuming Flames for the Profession of the Protestant Religion no less than two Hundred seventy seven Persons of all Ages and both Sexes there suffered five Bishops and Archbishops twenty one Divines eight Gentlemen four Tradesmen an hundred Husbandmen Servants and Labourers twenty six Wives twenty Widows and Virgins two Boys and two Infants one in the Isle of Guernsey who springing out of his Mothers Womb as she was burning at the Stake was most inhumanely thrown in again and burnt for a young Heretick And besides these there were sixty four persecuted for their Religion whereof seven were whipt sixteen perished in Prison twelve were buried in Dunghills and many more lay condemned but were saved by the Death of Queen Mary The Succession of Queen Elizabeth put some stop to the cruel rage of the Papists for the Power and Authority of the Pope vanished and Peace Rest and Liberty for all the good People of the Nation ensied But the Papists out of their extream Loyalty to the Pope thought it a sin to live peaceably under an Heretical Prince Especially when two Popes had thundred out Excommunications against her cursing her and freeing her Subjects from their Allegiance towards her and threatning them under danger of the Wrath of God not to assist her but to imploy all their Power to bring her to condign punishment and promising rewards to all persons who should lay hands upon this proscribed Woman which was to be payd out of the Treasury of the Church together with a full pardon of all their sins who should engage against her But when the Pope and his Accomplices saw that all this would not effect their desires the Queens Subjects being too faithfull to engage in any such villanous designs they then proceed to secret Plots and Attempts against her As that wherein the Duke of Norfolk and Robert Biddulph were engaged in the year 1566. and for which Northumberland Suffered at York and after that Leonard Davis designed mischiefs against her with the like ill success In the year 1578. the Invasion of Ireland at the great charges of the Pope was happily prevented The next year James Fitz-morris is sent into Ireland with Saunders who carryed consecrated Banners to them The next year after San Joseph was likewise sent thither with seven hundred Spanish and Italian Souldiers and the Popes promise of ten hundred thousand Crowns to carry on the work of Rebellion and to them joined the Earl of Desmond and his Brothers but they were all happily defeated But these projects likewise failing they conspire the death of the Queen and make several Attempts to murther her first by one Somervile and Hall Priests and one of them being condemned was found secretly murdered for fear he should discover others After this followed the practices of Mendoza the Spanish Ambassador here with Throgmorton and Parry who had Letters of plenary Indulgence Pardon and remission of all their sins sent them by the Pope for killing the Queen And the same year Savage made the like Vow to murder the Queen being instigated thereto by Gifford and Hodgson two Popish Priests A while after Babington upon the same principles engaged to commit the like wicked act by the procurement of one Ballard a Jesuit but being happily discovered divers of them were condemned and justly executed for the same and were registered for Saints and Martyrs in the Romish Calender Yet by the means of the French Ambassador out Stafford and Moody were dealt withal to commit the like Villany Moody proposing to lay a bag of Gun-powder under the Queens Bed-Chamber But this like the rest being happily prevented the Pope stirs up his Dear Son Philip the Second King of Spain openly to invade England which he did in the year 1588. who though in Queen Marys time he pretended great kindness to the Queen yet now in hopes of gaining England and Ireland which the Pope had bestowed upon him he comes to take possession thereof with a vast and as the Pope Christened it Invincible Armada consisting of an hundred and thirty tall Ships extraordinary well furnished and containing fifty seven Thousand eight hundred and eight Tun wherein were Eight Thousand six hundred Seamen Twenty Thousand Souldiers two Thousand Gally Slaves besides Gentlemen and Voluntiers in abundance so that there was scarce a Family in Spain who had not either a Son Brother or Cozen in the Fleet. There were likewise aboard them two thousand