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A31234 A reply to the ansvver of the Catholiqve apology, or, A cleere vindication of the Catholiques of England from all matter of fact charg'd against them by their enemyes Castlemaine, Roger Palmer, Earl of, 1634-1705.; Pugh, Robert, 1609-1679. 1668 (1668) Wing C1246; ESTC R38734 114,407 289

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Calvin Earthly Princes do hereave themselves of Authority when they erect themselves against God yea they are unworthy to be accounted in the number of men therefore we must rather spit in their faces then obey them Passing by what Beza did in France Davila often mentions He writ a Book of the Power of Magistrates which Mr. Sutcliffe confesses armed Subjects against their Prince Sundry Englishmen writ wholly of this Argument That the Councellors and rather then fail the very people were bound to reform Religion whether the Queen would or no though it were by putting her to death I shall trouble you Reader with no more Citations of which our Books are full for I content my self with naming these of the greatest eminency and certainly the opinions of these Doctors may be more justly charged upon Protestants in general then the opinions of private Catholicks upon us because Luther Zwinglius Calvin and Beza were the first Reformers and if the Spirit of God taught them so much truth as they are said to preach why should this be more questionable then the rest Therefore the Pope being Pharaoh and Popery Egypt as Ministers daily affirm in their Pulpits we may well say These are thy Gods O Israel which brought thee out of the land of Egypt These Apostles rested not in the Theory but fell to the Practice also for whereas the Popes since the first rise of the Reformation never gave away evenby word but two Crowns viz. England and France the Reformed have actually deposed the absolute Princes of Scotland Denmark Swedeland and Geneva have ravisht also from their lawful Governours the Low-Countreys Transylvania and many Towns which are now called Free And for Rebellion and Tumults they have been eminent in Poland Boheme Hungary France Germany and in short in all places where this Gospel has been preacht This every Historian can tell you nay blind Mr. Heylin plainly saw it therefore did all he could when these Countries in his Geography were to be handled to purge the Reformed from the Rebellion truly laid to their charge but finding that washing a Blackmore was labour in vain he was forced with his Brother Sleidan to fly for shelter to this abominable and prodigious Argument viz. That Christ foretold that Fathers should be against their sons and brothers against brothers for his sake and that we find not in any Story the true Religion was induc'd or corrupt about to be amended without War and Bloodshed It is true the lawful Protestant Church of England teaches no such Doctrine but this I do not much wonder at for why should men the King being so absolute in Spirituals run the risk to be undone for venting such notions when as their Monarchs have been so strict Professors of their Religion The test of this would be if the Prince and people were different or like to be so in Faith and Worship 〈◊〉 what the English have done herein wh●● this has happened I will shew you 〈◊〉 said by and by For my part I look upon the English to be the most well-meaning and most Religious people in the World and it is that which makes them all so violent in what their Conscience tells them is true This made Papists so earnest for their Religion which had governed England so long in glory This made Protestants fierce to root out what they thought Idolatry This made Presbyterians desire to have Prelatick Superstition reformed and this made Independents and their brood cry down every thing standing stiffly as they imagined for the Kingdom of Iesus Christ I say this great sincerity and zeal makes all our Countrymen so violent which good intention wicked people taking advantage of have caused so many disturbances among us nor can Sectaries ever be quiet till they are convinc'd that some Church or other is infallible Thus Reader have I answered to this strange Calumny against us That our Principles are inconsistent with Govenment by shewing that deposing of Kings is no part of the Catholick Faith which Catholique Princes do very well know and also that in Doctrine and Practice the Reformed have been wheresoever they came far more faulty then we SECT VII APOLOGY My Lords and Gentlemen Had this been a new Sect not known before something perchance might have been doubted but to lay this at their doors that have governed the civilized World is the Miracle of Miracles to us ANSWER VII Here he says that they that have read most and have had the most experience can best cure ●s of the wonder and that K. Iames who had reason to know us said in the Parliament That there were some that might be honest of the Party being ignorātly seduced but they that truly knew our Doctrines could never be good Subjects Then he asks when it was that we governed the civilized World For he says the Eastern and Southern Churches never were under our Government nor the Western neither but when ignorant and barbarous REPLY VII Now I plainly see the design of this Minister is to the end his flock may believe every thing answered to say something to each Paragragh let it be never so frivolous Who is it Reader that having read History is ignorant of the great power the Bishop of Rome had over the East as the Greek Fathers tell us for wee read in Eusebius that Pope Victor about anno 200. Excomunicated the Eastern Church for not keeping Easter the Roman way and this Grimston also has in his account of Popes Or who knows not of the Appeals from Africk when matters of moment arose even in the most acknowledged Primitive times But I ask your pardon for asserting this because in the Primitive times they say the Popes themselves were Protestants Yet though this were so I wonder the Minister should be so forgetful of the Great Antichrist Boniface the III who is baited by every Shoolboy This arrant Pope lived above 1000. years aago and not only called himself Universal Bishop but was owned so too by Phocas the Universal Emperor as all Protestants declare Might not then a man modestly say that Popery governed the civilized World when it governed the whole World But I d of willingly forgive a man this that has the confidence to say that we did not govern the Western World till it grew ignorant and barbarous It may be he means that those Parts have been so ever since Christs time otherwise till this late Reformation there was never any Government on this side Greece that denied the Popes Jurisdiction and Greece it self owned it in the Councel of Lateran and in Hen. 3. time also as Protestant Sir Richard Baker testifies Ever since Rome made het self Mistress of all Arts and Sciences the West took the name of the only civilized place Therefore had he understood civility he would not have made so simple a cavil and I dare say he is the first Protestāt Writer though they have been as
because the English have a reluctancy at first to the thoughts of a stranger Nay some Members of Parliament after his admission said openly in the House Th●t no people endued with Natural desire of Preservation would admit a Prince of a beggerly Nation to Reign over them how just soever his claim were for fear of loosing their propriety as dear as life it self and as vigorously to be defended By this therefore Reader may be seen the rancour of the Reformed against the Kings coming in since they durst say such things even after his reception and had not the last Earl of Pembrook wisely pocketted up Ramsey's switching at Newmarket when the people cried Let us break-fast with the Scots here and dine with the rest at London 't was feared that day would have been as fatal to the King as the fifth of November might have proved Papists therefore it seems were not his only Enemies Concerning Huntly's Rebellion I am sure the man is doubly mad in mentioning it for first according to Cambden whom he cites The rising was to help the Spaniards against Queen Elizabeth who had put to death their Queen nor was there ever a formed insurrectiō so gently punisht by a King which argues they had no malice against him Nay his Majesty is pleased to say in his Basilicon Doron That the Puritans had put out many Libellous Invectives against all Christian Princes and that no body answered them but the Papists by which he said the scandal was doubled for they were the Reformed who calumniated and the Catholiques were the only Vindicators Secondly If the Rebellion suppose it as bad as may be of these Lords of another Country of another age must touch us the present Catholicks of England what a blow would this be to the Reformed Religion should I repeat the Scots unparallel'd actions against their Queen The protecting of Bothwel who would have destroy'd King James by the English And lastly omitting the continual slavery he was in the downright Conspiracie of the Gowries against his life Having thus gone through the Paragraph I must come to the nicest Question of all and nice I may call it because it is conjectural only The proposal by the Minister is this Whether if the Queen of Scots had been a Protestant we should have stickled for her and if Queen Elizabeth had not been thought illegitimate whether nevertheless we had not rebelled against her To the first I say viz. We had sided with the Q. of Scots had she been Protestant To the second No That the Papists would not have opposed Queen Elizabeth had they thought her legitimate and of the Ministers own assertions I will make this plainly appear For if according to him the Papists would have set up two Protestants the Lords Darby and Essex who in reality had no right then I say 't is certain they would willingly have embraced the Title of the Stuarts that carried so fair a shew To the second I answer That they would never have opposed Queen Elizabeth had she been thought Legitimate For if as the Minister urged in the beginning they obeyed her whom they thought an Usurper for ten years though she had utterly destroyed their Religion 't is then more then probable had her Title been good in their opinion they had submitted let her Faith have been what it would These doubts being thus resolved by the very Gentleman that proposed them who cares not if he can wound us for the present into what contradictions at last he runs himself I may I hope since he hath shewed me the example propose a Query also and I shall thank him if out of my Reply he gives the Solution I will not urge my Question so far as to suppose the Queen of Scots had been a Protestant but my demand shall be singly this Whether the Reformed in those days would have quietly obeyed Queen Elizabeth had she stood up for the Catholick Religion Reader because the Parson is not ready to give his determination I will tell you my opinion which is that I think they would not and doubtless this cōjecture is not rash when we consider what has been done here and recorded by our Protestant Historians themselves Have we not seen that for the safety of Religion Edward the Sixth gave away by the advice of his Councel the Kingdom to Jane Gray and what Bees could be so busie as Cranmer and Ridley with many thousands more to set up against their lawful Queen Mary that poor Lady who had not right enough by blood and much less if she depended wholly upon the Will for that was void from the beginning according to the known Laws of the Land How many treasonable Books were written against this Queen after she came to the Crown by Mr. Goodman and others asserting That she ought to be put to death as a Tyrant Monster and cruel Beast Will Thomas also conspired to murther her and when he was to be hanged for his Treason he said he died for his Countrey By all which may be gathered the Duke of Suffolke also with many more protestants being ready and Wiat actually in an open and dangerous rebellion how dangerous it was then in England for a Prince to be a Papist though to that day there had never sat but one through Protestant upon the Throne and he a Child about sixteen when he died But now I must descend to a far more tragical example even to the death of the so often mentioned Qu. of Scots who lost her life barely upon the account of her Religion 'T is true Queen Elizabeth considered her own safety but the fury of the Nobility and people without whose incitement she durst not have been beheaded was purely for fear she might have survived Queen Elizabeth and being then the undoubted Successour might have changed Religion as the former Queen Mary had done before If I should urge this barely upon my own word I might be mistrusted therefore what I say shall be out of Cambden who was not only a Protestant but the acknowledged true Annalist of those times He will tell you that after Babingtons Conspiracy in the consultation what should be done with the Royal Prisoner some were for holding her in safe custody but others out of care of Religion would have her tried and exexecuted In pursuance then of this advice she was condemned and the next Parliament the House petitioned for the execution of her Sentence The first reason in their supplicate was for the preservation of the true Religion of Christ and after they had told Queen Elizabeth also of her own danger they harpt again upō the former string desiring her to remēber Gods fearful judgments upon Saul and Ahab for their sparing Benhadad and Agag two wicked and profane Idolaters In fine when the fatal day came though they were so very severe as to deny her being a Guest and a free Princess what all Embassadours
then Wife to the Dauphin This Hostility and the private designs of Spain hindred all intrigues of the Queen of Scots friends to secure the Succession Things being in this condition our Queen dies nor did the Dauphin make any present claim which together with the natural coolness of Englishmen to all strangers especially the French moved Archbishop Heath to what he did About some six months after this the Dauphin takes upon him the Title and Armes of England and immediately also by the death of his Father the Crown of France fell to him which gave him the name of Francis the Second But by that time Q. Elizabeth was too well setled to be deposed without blows and before things could be ordered for such an enterprize the Hugonots lay so heavy on his shoulders that he was necessitated to the Treaty at Edenburgh by which he was to relinquish his former pretences in relation to England yet before these Articles were sealed the King himself died and so all things stood as they were before The Q. of Scots being now a widow returns with much ado to Scotland which was all in a flame by the seditious preaching of the new Reformists Assoon as she arrived there Q. Elizabeth having often sent to her to ratifie the Treaty with her Husband she after consideration returned answer That she was content to do so upon condition she were by Parliament declared her Heir This Proposition seemed not strange to her English well-willers because our Histories could tell them That Maud the Empress was necessitated to the like by King Stephen But Queen Elizabeth would not harken to those terms whereupon presently Margaret Niece to Henry the Eighth the Earl of Lenox her husband Arthur Pool and his Brother Grandchildren to George Duke of Clarence Fortescue and others were apprehended for intending to set up the Queen of Scots interest The fact they confest but as all malefactors find something to extenuate their crimet hey pitcht upon the weakest excuse that ever was heard of viz That they intended not to depose Queen Elizabeth but to be beforehand in Arms because Conjurers had told them she would dy that year After this the vigilancy of Q. Elizab. was such and the disasters of Scotland so great that the Catholiques were forc'd to sit quiet for a while Instead of Peace with the Rebels the Queen of Scots was necessitated to seek for shelter in England where had she been used as the Honour of the Nation required she would have concluded an inviolable agreement between the Queen and those Catholiques that stood for her Title But when this Royal Guest had once trusted her self among her Enemies she was both denied access to the Court and also refused the liberty of retiring into another Kingdom This inhumanity was quickly noised about the World whereupon Pius V. sent Ridulph a Florentine to consult with the Catholiques about the Interest of their Queen All Arguments were used which could possibly be thought of to persuade her Enemies to let her go and when no fair means would do the Rising in the North happened 'T is true the Declaration of those great Lords that were up mentioned no other motive but Religion because this could not shock either the Queen or People so much as the name of the Queen of Scots would have done for that implied ipso facto the altering both of Religion and Government also Who is ignorant that that Great man our General whose memory all ages shall for ever honor concealed at first what he had long determined well knowing that the once naming of the King would ruine that design which his wit so well laid and his conduct so happily executed Besides this Reader you must know before this Rebellion broke out Leonard Dacres second Son to the Lord Dacres of Gylsland undertook the delivery of the Queen being then in Darbyshire in my Lord Shrewsburie's custody Of this design my Lord Northumberland was complotter therefore 't was plain he being Chief in the Northern Insurrection intended her Title though there was nothing of it in his Delaration Consider therefore how notoriously false this Minister is there having been Claims Plots and endeavours by the greatest of the Land before the rising in the North and when it happened that also was on the Queen of Scots account 'T were tedious Reader to tell you how many attempts followed this Insurrection for there scarce passed a day till the death of the Queen of Scots but something was contrived to prevent the machinations of her unkind Kinswoman By all this you may see that while Queen Elizabeth used her distressed Guest with any kindness the piety of that Princess which moved her rather to be contented with the Succession then put England in a perpetual broyl caused her to command the English Catholiques to lie still whom according to the Ministers own confession the prohibition of their Religion forten years had not exasperated to Commotions But assoon as their Queen was imprisoned without hopes of liberty and they left to the dictates of their own Loyal inclinations they never ceased either at home or abroad to sollicite the destruction of their Enemies Consider also I beseech you the carriage of the Popes who used all fatherly and gentle means imaginable because they saw the Queen of Scots whose right they deemed it was of her self inclining like another Maud to expect till the death of her Cozen should put an end to all pretences These Popes were sufficiently urged by the Duke of Guise and others yet upon the former considerations being desirous of peace they never had practices against Queen Elizabeth till Mary Stuart was in prison nor ever publisht the Excomcommunication till the Queen absolutely refused her liberty even after the intercession of the French and Spanish Embassadours But the Minister says the Popes owned Queen Elizabeths Title and therefore Papists ought not to have disputed it 'T is true he says so and yet confesses that Paul the IV. who governed the Church when she came first to the Crown would not acknowledge her Legitimate But how comes the Gentleman to say that the other cause of his Holiness's not acknowledging her was because she audaciously assumed the Crown without his leave Does he find any such record in our Histories Did Queen Mary ask his consent Did any Pope send in this manner to Edward the Sixth Or lastly which of all our Kings used to entreat his favour to be Crowned Reader this is a pretty capricchio of the Parson as it had been unusuall if the Pope had made such a claim Pius the Fourth succeeding the said Paul for the reasons aforesaid shewed as much prudence and good nature as ever man did in hope to compose things without effusion of blood and certainly after his death as much had been spilt as ever was in any Reign had not Queen Elizabeth been the wisest woman that ever swayed Scepter Pius V.
draw them as we see by a hundred years experience into perpetual confusion and discord SECT XXXXI APOLOGY Yet this is a mis fortune we now plainly feel that the longer the late transgressors live the more forgotten are their crimes whilst distance in time calls the faults of our Fathers to remembrance and buries our own allegeance in eternal Oblivion and forgetfulness ANSWER XXXXI We can now allow you to complain and commend your selves without measure having proved already that you do it without cause SECT XXXXII. APOLOGY My Lords and Gentlemen Consider we beseech you the sad condition of the Irish Souldiers now in England the worst of which Nation could be but intentionallie so wicked as the acted villanie of many English whom your admired Clemencie pardoned Remember how they left the Spanish service when they heard their King was in France and kow they forsook the emploiment of that unnatural Prince after he had committed that never to be forgotten act of banishing his distressed Kinsman out of his Dominions These poor men left all again to bring their Monarch to his home and shall they then be forgotten by You Or shall my Lord Douglas and his brave Scots be left to their shifts who scorn'd to receive Wages of those that have declared War against England ANSWER XXXXII. He says That to swell our Bill of Merits I take in the Irish and Scotish Souldiers as if they were a part of English Catholicks and as if I were the first that thought of them God forbid he says they should not be considered and he is neither good Christian no nor good Subject that would not contribute his proportion to it But he says I have a drift in mentioning the Irish for I mingle them with the worst of that Nation namely with those infamous Butchers that cut the throats of at least an hundred thousand Protestants It was so black an action that I knew not how to mention it in its proper place viz. after the French massacre because I had not wherewith to colour it but being still conscious it was a blot on our cause I thought fit to place it here that these brave men might mend the hue of the action He says further I deal as ill with the English Royallists by affirming they pardoned many English whose acted villanies were so wicked that the worst of the Irish could be but intentionally so wicked REPLY to ANSW XXXXII. Pray Reader consider the wicked folly of this man for here he denies us a part in the good actions of the Irish and yet all along he has laid their ill actions at our door nay in this very Paragraph he twits us with it when he says I was conscious it was a blot on our cause but I will pass by this as usual and go on Truly Reader the case of the Irish in Arms toucht me as neer as my own concerns and pray see the strange Hypocrisie also of this Minister that says God forbid these poor Souldiers should not be considered and that he is neither good Christian nor Subject that would not contribute to it and yet in the same exhortation endeavours all he can to have the Laws executed which must needs force these forlorn men either to beg or steal By this we may find what his contribution is and therefore God deliver all honest men from such a merciless creature and was ever man so abominable knowing many of the Kings Judges were pardoned to reproach my assertion that the worst of this Nation be but intentionally so wicked as the acted villany of many English whom the clemencie of the Parliament pardoned Is not this in plain terms to say that the business of Ireland was greater then the Rebellion of England and horrid Murther of our Gratious King which has drawn an eternal disgrace upon the whole Nation in general If this man who uses the word US at every turn ranking himself thereby among the Royallists be a Royallist then I 'll hereafter say that Bradshaw was one also SECT XXXXIII APOLOGY How commonly is it said That the Oath of renouncing their Religion is intended for these which will needs bring this loss to the King and you that either you will force all of our Faith to lay down their Arms though by experience of great integrity and worth or else if some few you retain they are such whom Necessity has made to swear against Conscience and therefore will certainly betray you when a greater advantage shall be offered By this test then you can have none but whom with caution you ought to shun and thus must you drive away those that truly would serve you for had they the least thought of being false they would gladly take the advantage of gain and pay to deceive you ANSWER XLIII He asks me who are said to intend this Oath if it be those that have no Authority 't is frivolous if such as have Authority 't is false and he farther says that he verily believes 't was never said thought nor wisht by any one that loved either the King or Peace of the Nation REP. to ANS XLIII The Minister is here just as he uses to be for many were upon this account disbanded before he put out his Answer and since all the rest of the Catholiques have been cashiered as 't was expected by every body when he writ SECT XLIV APOLOGY We know your wisdom and generosity and therefore cannot imagine such a thing Nor do we doubt when you shew favour to these but you will use mercy to us who are both fellow-Subjects and your own flesh and blood also If you forsake us we must say the world decays and its final transmutation must needs quickly follow ANSWER XLIV Here you imagine for the Souldiers and imagine for your self and as if you really thought your self in danger you begg for mercy of the Royallists in such words as your Predecessor the first Moderator used to the Rebels Only for the last strain we do not know that any one hit upon it before nor do believe that any one will ever use it again SECT XLV APOLOGY Little do you think the insolencies we shall suffer by Committee-men c. whom chance and lot has put into petty power Nor will it chuse but grieve you to see them abused whom formerly you loved even by the Common Enemy of us both ANSWER XLV It seems Committee-men are intrusted with his Majesties Authority or none must use it against Papists for fear of being accounted Committee-men It is time to have done when we are come to the dregs of your Rhetorick SECT XLVI APOLOGY When they punish how will they triumph and say Take this poor Romanists for your love to Kingship and again this For your long doating on the Royal Party all which you shall receive from us Commissioned by your dearest friends and under this Cloak we will glady vent our private spleen and malice ANSWER XXXXVI Sir though you set your self to
day in which Carlos Gifford Whitgrave and the Pendrels should be punished by your desires for that Religion which obliged them to save their forlorn Prince and a stigmatized man for his offences against King and Church a chief promoter of it Nay less did we imagine that by your Votes Hudlestone might be hanged who again secured our Soveraign and others free in their fat possessions that sat as Judges and sealed the Execution of that great Prince of happy Memory We confess we are unfortunate you just Judges whom with our lives we will ever maintain to be so nor are we ignorant the necessity of affairs made the King and you do things which formerly you could not so much as fancy yet give us leave to say we are still Loyal nay to desire you to believe so and to remember how synonymous under the late Rebellion was the word Papist and Cavalier for there was no Papist that was not deemed a Caualier nor no Caualier that was not call'd a Papist or at least thought to be Popishly affected We know though we differ something in Religion the truth of which let the last day judge yet none can agree with your inclinations or are fitter for your converse then we for as we have as much birth among us as England can boast of so our breeding leans your way both in Court and Camp And therefore had not our late Sufferings united us in that firm tie yet our like humors must needs have joyned our hearts If we erre pity our condition and remember what your great Ancestors were and make some difference between us that have twice converted England from Paganism and those other Sects that can challenge nothing but intrusion for their imposed Authority But 't is generally said That Papists cannot live without persecuting all other Religions within their reach We confess where the name of Protestant is unknown the Catholick Magistrates believing it erronious do use all endeavours to keep it out Yet in those Countreys where Liberty is given they have far more Priviledges then we under any Reformed Government whatsoever To be short we will only instance France for all where they have publick Churches where they can make what Proselytes they please and where 't is not against Law to be in any Charge or Imployment Now Holland which permits every thing gives us 't is true our Lives and Estates but takes away alle Trust and Rule and leaves us also in danger of the Scout whensoever he pleases to molest our Meetings Because we have named France the Massacre will perchance be urged against us But the World must know that was a Cabinet-Plot condemned as wicked by Catholick Writers there and of other Countries also Besides it cannot be thought they were murthered for being Protestants since 't was their powerful Rebellion let their Faith have been what it would that drew them into that ill-machinated destruction May it not as well be said in the next Catholick Kings Reign that the Duke of Guise ande Cardinal Heads of the League were killed for their Religion also Now no body is ignorant that 't was their factious Authority which made that jealous Prince design their deaths though by unwarrantable means If it were for Doctrine that the Hugonots suffered in France this haughty Monaroh would soon destroy them now having neither Force nor Towns to resist his Might and Puissance They yet live free enough being even Members of Parliament and may convert the Kings Brother too if he thinks fit to be so Thus you may see how well Protestants live in a Popish Country under a Popish King Nor was Charlemaign more Catholick then this for though he contends sometimes with the Pope 't is not of Faith but about Gallicane Priviledges which perchance he may very lawfully do Judge then Worthy Patriots who are the best used and consider our hardship here in England where 't is not only a Fine for hearing Mass but death to the Master for having a Priest in his house and so far we are from preferment that by Law we cannot come within ten miles of London all which we know your great Mercy will never permit you to exact It has been often urged that our misdemeanours in Queen Elizabeths and King James's time were the cause of our punishment We earnestly wish that the Party had had more patience under that Princess But pray consider though we excuse not their faults whether it was not a Question harder then that of York and Lancaster the cause of a War of such length and death of so many Princes who had most right Queen Elizabeth or Mary Stuart For since the whole Kingdom had crowned and sworn Allegeance to Queen Mary they owned her as the legitimate daughter to Henry the Eighth and therefore 't was thought necessarily to follow by many that if Mary was the true Child Elizabeth was the Natural which must needs give way to the thrice noble Queen of Scots 'T was for the Royal House of Scotland that they suffered in those days and 't is for the same illustrious Family we are ready to hazard all on any occasion Nor can the consequence of the former procedure be but ill if a Henry the Eighth whom Sir W. Rawleigh and my Lord Cherbury two famous Protestants have so homely characterized should after twenty years co-habitation turn away his wife and this out of scruple of Conscience as he said when as History declares that he never spared woman in his lust nor man his fury Now for the fifth of Novēber with hāds lifted up to Heaven we abominate and detest and from the bottō of our hearts say may they fall into irrecoverable perdition who propagate that faith by the blood of Kings which is to be planted in truth and meekness only But let it not displease Men Brethren and Fathers if we ask whether Ulysses be no better known or who has forgot the Plots of Cromwel framed in his Closet not only to destroy many faithful Cavaliers but also to put a lustre upon his Intelligence as if nothing could be done without his knowledge Even so did the then great Minister who drew some few ambitious men into this conjuration and then discovered it by a Miracle This will easily appear viz. how little the Catholique Party understood the design seeing there were not a score of guilty found though all imaginable industry was used by the Commons Lords and Privy Councel too But suppose my Lords and Gentlemen which never can be granted that all the Papists of that age were consenting Will you be so severe then to still punish the Children for their Fathers faults Nay such Children that so unanimously joyned with you in that glorious Quarrel wherein you and we underwent such sufferings that needs we must have all sunk had not our mutual love assisted What have we done that we should now deserve your Anger Has the Indiscretion of some few incenst you 'T is true that is
the thing Objected Do not you know an Enemy may easily mistake a Mass-Bell for that which calls to Dinner or a Sequestrator glad to be affronted being Constable when 't was the hatred to his person and not present Office which perchance egg'd a rash man to folly We dare with submission say let a publick Invitation be put up against any Party whatsoever nay against the Reverend Bishops themselves and some malicious Informer or other will alledge that which may be far better to conceal Yet all mankind by a Manifesto on the House-door are encouraged to accuse us Nor are they upon Oath though your Enemies and ours take all for granted and true It cannot be imagined where there are so many men of heat and youth overjoy'd with the happy Restauration of their Prince and remembring the Insolencies of the former Grandees that they should all at all times prudently carry themselves for this would be more then men And truly we esteem it as a particular blessing that God has not suffer'd many through vanitie or frailty to fall into greater faults ther are yet as we understand laid to our charge Can we chuse but be dismay'd when all things fail that extravagant Crimes are fathered on us It is we that must be the Authors some say of firing the Citie even we that have lost so vastly by it Yet truly in this our ingenuity is great since we think it no Plot though our Enemie an Hugonot Protestant acknowledged the fact and was iustly executed for his vain Confession Again if a Merchant of the Church of England buy Knives for the business of his Trade this also presently is a Popish contriuance to destroy the well-affected We must a little complain finding it by experience that by reason you discontenance us the people rage and again because they rage we are the more forsaken by you Assured we are that our Conversation is affable and our Houses so many hospitable receipts to our Neighbours Our acquaintance therefore we fear at no time but it is the stranger we dread that taking all on hear say zealously wounds and then examines the business when 't is too late or is perchance confirmed by another that knows no more of us then he himself 'T is to you we must make our applications beseeching you as Subjects tender of our King to intercede for us in the execution and weigh the Dilemma which doubtless he is in either to deny so good a Parliament their request or else run counter to his Royal inclinations when he punishes the weak and harmless Why may not we Noble Country-men hope for favour from you as well as the French Protestants find from theirs A greater duty then ours none could express we are sure Or why should the United Provinces and other Magistrates that are harsh both in mind and manners refrain from violence against our Religion and your tender breasts seem not to harbour the least compassion or pity These neighboring people sequestrer none for their Faith but for transgression against the State Nor is the whole party involved in the crime of a few but every man suffers for his own and proper fault Do you then the like and he that offends let him die without mercy And think always we beseech you of Cromwels injustice who for the actions of some against his pretended Laws drew thousands into Decimation even ignorant of the thing after they had vastlie paid for their securitie and quiet We have no studie but the Glory of our Soveraign and just libertie of the Subjects nor was it a mean argument of our dutie when every Catholique Lord gave his voice for the Restoration of Bishops by which we could pretend no other advantage but that 26. Votes subsisting wholly by the Crown were added to the defence of Kingship and consequently a check to all Anarchy and confusion 'T is morally impossible but that we who approve of Monarhy in the Church must ever be fond of it in the State also Yet this is a misfortune we now plainly feel that the longer the late transgressors live the more forgotten are their crimes whilst distance in time calls the faults of our Fathers to remembrance and buries our own Allegeance in eternal Oblivion and forgetfulness My Lords and Gentlemen Consider we beseech you the sad condition of the Irish Souldiers now in England the worst of which Nation could be but intentionallie so wicked as the acted villanie of many English whom your admired Clemencie pardoned Remember how they left the Spanish service when they heard their King was in France and how they forsook the emploiment of that unnatural Prince after he had committed that never to be forgotten act of banishing his distressed Kinsman out of his Dominions These poor men left all again to bring their Monarch to his home and shall they then he forgotten by You Or shall my Lord Douglas and his brave Scots be left to their shifts who scorn'd to receive Wages of those that have declared War against England How commonly is it said That the Oath of renouncing their Religion is intended for these which will needs bring this loss to the King and you that either you will force all of our Faith to lay down their Arms though by experience of great integrity and worth or else if some few you retain they are such whom Necessity has made to swear against Conscience and who therefore will certainly betray you when a greater advantage shall be offered By this test then you can have none but whom with caution you ought to shun and thus must you drive away those that truly would serve you for had they the least thought of being false they would gladly take the advantage of gain and pay to deceive you We know your wisdom and generosity and therefore cannot imagine such a thing Nor do we doubt when you shew favour to these but you will use mercy to us who are both fellow-Subjects and your owen flesh and blood also If you forsake us we must say the world decays and its final transmutation must needs quickly follow Little do you think the insolencies we shall suffer by Committee-men c. whom chance and lot has put in to petty power Nor will it chuse but grieve you to see them abused whom formerly you loved even by the Common Enemy of us both When they punish how will they triumph and say Take this poor Romanists for your love to King ship and again this for your long doating on the Royal Party all which you shall receive from us Commissioned by your dearest friends and under this cloak we will gladly vent our private spleen and malice We know My Lords and Gentlemen that from your hearts you do deplore our condition yet permit us to tell you your bravery must extend thus far as not to sit still with pity only but each is to labour for the distressed as far as in reality his ablity will reach some
must beseech our Gracious Soveraign for us others must again undeceive the Good though deluded Multitude Therefore all are to remember who are the prime raisers of the Storm and how through our sides they would wound both the KING and You for though their hatred to our selves is great yet the enmity out of all measure encreases because we have been yours and so shall continue even in the fiery day of trial Protect us we entreat you then upon all your former Promises or if that be not sufficient for the sakes of those that lost their Estates with you many of which are now fallen a sleep But if this be still too weak we must conjure you by the sight of this Bloody Catalogue which contains the Names of your murthered Friends and Relations who in the heat of Battail perchance saved many of your Lives even with the joyful loss of their own The Catalogue of Names is at the end of the Book A material Advertisement to the Reader both concerning the Answerer of the Apology and the Method of this Reply READER ABout the middle of Novem. 1666. when the known Enemies of the Kingdom had enflamed the minds of several honest and well-meaning people I put out this sincere Apology The Reasons therein having nothing but truth and reallity in them satisfied many for every body of themselves saw there was no ground and most confest they were disordered because they saw others so 'T was after Christmas before I left London and truly I suppos'd that if any body could be so malitiously impertinent as by an Answer to cavil at so innocent a thing he would have done it in two moneths it being but a sheet of Paper against which he was to write and then being neer at hand I should have been as quick in my Reply Though the worthy Answerer took much more time for his solid Piece yet in the interval mine was egregiously confuted Nor was ever Gonvil's plain Testament so tore and repiec'd as this Pamphlet by the wise and numerous Assailants One said that the whole thing was harmless and reasonable but that Magna Charta seemed to be struck at His fellow answered that Magna Charta was Magna Farta and of it self Popish and that all was well had not Queen Elizabeth been abused To this a third answered that Q. Elizabeth was now no more to them then William Rufus and all that was said was out of Protestant History but the only thing he blamed was that the fifth of Nov. which was still a Festival was defamed and consequently they themselves jeer'd at in their Annual observation At him another presently laugh'd and askt whether any people ever reverenc'd a Solemnity against themselves for his own part he cared not whether the Papists were guilty or not let them look to that therefore he was sufficiently satisfied with the Apology had the Catalogue been omitted of those that died in the War for by it it seemed as if the whole Royal Army were Papists because so many Popish Officers and men of great Condition were killed in that Service To this a Neighbour said that he knew many more of the Party then were mentioned that thus fell for their Allegiance and that it was hard that so cheap recompence should be denied men for their lives but the sole thing which he stumbled at was the timing publication of it Against whom the whole Company concluded that if ever the time was fit 't was then when the flame appeared and that 't would have been ridiculous to Apologize when there was no stir or clamour Thus have I been vindicated by my Reprehenders and thus have I both read and seen in matters of Religion where the several Antagonists have solved the Popish difficulties themselves After Christmas Reader as I said before I not only went out of Town but have ever since been many score of miles distant from it which is the cause I saw not this Answer so soon as otherwise I should have done at last it was sent me by a Protestant Gentleman who had seen the Apology before it was printed When I had read it I began to admire not only at the malice of the thing but also at the weakness of the man that thus needlesly took up the Cudgels Who the Author is to this day I know not nor can any man desire his Acquaintance unless it be to say they have seen the Eighth Wise man I do not say that he may not be a man of Wit but nevertheless I am sure he is neither of Judgment nor Principles For had he been a Royallist he would have had more Gratitude and good Nature then to have forgotten faithful friends in a storm and added as he hoped fuel to the flame when we were underhand bespattred by Enemies to us both Nor was there any drift in the Apology but to settle a Distemper raised without either cause or reason A Presbyterian I can never think him because they being men of depth and prudence know that the effects of their crying against Papists in 1640. are too fresh in memory nor can it be an advantage for them to harass mens Consciences while their own are within reach of Law I can also as little fancy that an Independant or any real member of that many-headed and uncompacted Body could soberly by writing wish a Persecution for Religion being them selves obnoxious upon all accounts and if severity should universally fall they cannot imagine but that men of Birth men of Breeding men of Loyalty must needs at all times find more friends then they Who he is God knows a man of Principles as I said I am sure he is not nor do I doubt but his officiousness will at last find its reward and since he has called me Turk and worse as you shall see by and by I suppose he will not take it amiss if I speak my thoughts viz. that though he carps in a Ministers Dialect yet doubtless he is a Jew of the Dukes Place Reader When I received this Answer both by my Letters and Friends neer me I was perswaded not to reply because it had no force in it self nor had any applause at London I could not upon this information but assent but now lately I have been awak'd by a new occasion I had some days ago sent me a Pamphlet called A Discourse of the Religion of England a simpler thing was never yet writ I am sure and take this for a proof for he says among many hundred of his silly things that Holland Scotland and Geneva brought in the Reformed Religion without Rebellion He has been well whipt by a Protestant but deserves much more For Scroop was excepted out of the Act of Oblivion and hanged for excusing to Sir Richard Brown after mercy instead of being contrite for his crime yet this man that owns himself a Presbyterian which I believe as much as that my Minister was a Cavalier says The Non-conformists were only
Apology believing there could not be found a man so inhumane that would charge a thing upon us which for 26 years together we were all acknowledged to be clear of though the late Enemies of the Kingdom had made strict inquisition about it and every body knows they wanted not will had there been probability to make us Partizans in all detestable and odious contrivances 'T was evident the English Catholicks abhorred it that several fought against the Rebels that we all decried their proceedings nor did I ever hear any of our Party in the least excuse the fact though to my knowledge Protestants have often done it My Lord Macquire who being a prime Actor knew the whole Conspiracy at his Execution at Tyborn was conjured as a dying man to declare if the English Papists had any knowledge or hand in the Design He took it on his death that not a man in England knew of it but one and he was an Irishman and a Protestant also But who is ignorant unless wilfully opinionated that that which produced this wickedness was both a National animosity and a particular hatred of the Conquered to the Conqueror Nor would less have been done had any English Catholique King been their Governour Religion is no tie between Nations when great hatreds arise or great advantages for freedom as they term it offer themselves as we experimentally find by the Sicilian Vespers abroad and at home by the total Massacre in one night of the Danes by the English The Protestant Irishman you see also was so willing to have the English out of Ireland that he never discovered the Plot though he knew what was intended against his own Religion For his Criticism about the word infinitie 't is as ridiculous as his poor quibble about Purgatory and for Queen Maries days I shal by and by speak of them at large in a more proper place SECT 2. APOLOGY We had spoken much sooner had we not been silent through consternation to see you so inflam'd whom with reverence we Honour and also to shew our submissive patience which used no slights or tricks to divert the debates of Parliament For no body can imagine where so many of the great Nobility and Gentry are concern'd but some thing might have been done when as in all ages we see things of Publick advantage by the managers dexterity nipt in the bud even in the very Houses themselves Far be it from Catholicks to perplex Parliaments who have been the Founders of their Priviledges and all Antient Laws Nay Magna Charta it self had its rise from us Which we do the less boast of since it was not at first obtained in so submiss and humble a manner ANSWER II. That men of the Popish Religion were the Founders of our good Laws and Priviledges of Parliament the Minister cannot allow for those of our Ancestors that stood for the Nation were he says of his Religion as much as ours but those particularly ours that sided with the Pope REPLY II. Judge whether this man be not madde then Fox for Fox never thought any fit for Kalendar-Saints and Martyrs but those that denied Popery as Roger Only ali● Bullingbroke whom Fox hath Canonized though condemned as Stow says to di● for Necromancy Sir Roger Acton also hanged for Rebellion and many score of the like Gang. Now the Minister by his Argument will have Protestant all the Parliaments that made Magna Charta and ou● other Priviledges all people that acknowledged them and all Officers that from time to time have executed these ancient Laws Yet these transactions were in the darkest times of Popery nor did the Waldenses Albigenses Wi●kliffians Lollards c. look on the Government then as Protestant as you may seè in Mr. Fox hi● voluminous Story And since I have named this famous Author who is call'd a sound new writer in the much celebrated Practice of piety in the eight reason for the morality of the Sabbath Mr. Heylin also rank's him as the prime modern Ecclesiasticall Writer I say since I have nam'd this once famous Mr Fox I cannot but condole his misfortune that instead of having his Book in Churches as formerly it was wont 't is now thought fit onely to cramp sleepers according to Mrs. Abigails Practice And truly a like fate attends all the first Champions of Reformation for in tract of time their Principles being found by theyr followers impossible to be maintained new ones sometimes opposite to the former are therefore invented which hereafter will also fail as the others did before them SECT III. APOLOGY We sung our Nunc. Dimittis when we saw our Master in his Throne and you in your deserved Authority and Rule ANSWER III. If we sang our Dimittis at the present Kings return he says some of us rejoyc'd and sang an Exultemus at the beheading of the former REPLY III. Who would now think that a man could be so abominable as to lay such a thing to our charge without any proof at all Reader this Godly Minister has done it and that he might show his utmost malice he cites only in the Margent the Answerer of Philanax as if we were undoubtedly found guilty of the fact But because my Minister durst not for shame set dowd Du Moulins words I will here present you with his Accusation verbatim nor will Christ himself be innocent if such evidence as this be sufficient When the business of the late bad times are once ripe for an History and time the bringer forth of truth hath discovered the mysteries of Iniquity and the depths of Satan which have wrought so much crime and mischief it will be found that the late Rebellion was raised and fostered by the arts of the Court of Rome That Jesuits profest themselves Independents as not depending on the Church of England and Fifth-Monarchy-men that they might pull down the English Monarchy and that in the Committees for the King and Church they had their Spies and their Agents The Roman Priest and Confessour is known who when he saw the fatal stroke given to our Holy King and Martyr flourished with his Sword and said Now the greatest Enemy we have in the World is gone Now Reader let me ask you when will the business of our times be ripe for History or what discoveries can there be made against us if in six and twenty years after the beginning of the War if in twenty years after the end of it and perpetration of that most accursed Murther we have not only been owned as Loyal Subjects but still embrac'd by the Protestant Cavaliers as true Partizans with them in all their glorious Sufferings I am sure the Press was free both in the Rumps and Olivers Tyranny and if it were possible to suppose those times had been unseasonable why have not the grave Historians since the Kings restauration made our late perfidiousness appear I am sure Protestants both Lay and Clergy for
and that Catholicks were never put to death in England for Religion but for Treason REPLY IV. Is not this pretty that no body died in England for Religion but for Treason and yet many hundred of Priests have been executed for no other crime but being Priests Nay Lay-men have been hanged for being converted and others for letting a Priest say Mass in their houses when as to hear Mass on Festivals every Catholique is in Conscience obliged if he can Besides have not many Catholiques also suffered for believing the Pope to be Head of the Church By this Argument then if the Parliament should make it Treason as who knows but they may to hold Episcopal Ordination only valid or that the King cannot give Orders it might then be as well said that they that are executed in pursuance of that Law died for Treason and not for their Religion But lest the Minister that has the boldness in almost every Paragraph to deny apparently known things might to deceive his Acquaintance still say I have not proved what I assert Not to trouble my Reader with many citations take this one example out of John Stow that downright plain Historian He tells us That fourteen Papists were at a clap executed six only for being made Priests beyond Sea and remaining here four Lay-men only for being reconciled and four more only for abetting or relieving the others Now if that be sufficient for the justice of the procedure to say there are Laws to this purpose enacted then most certain it is that the Primitive Christians were all Traytors being banisht by the lawful Magistrate from several places where they taught and knowing also many particular Injunctions against their Preaching and seducing the Emperors Subjects as the Ethnicks were pleased to call it Nay the Great St. Alban our famous Proto-Martyr was executed as may be seen in the Martyrology for being contrary to Dioclesians Laws converted to the Faith and abetting or entertaining in his House the Priest Amphibalus which Priest was his Spiritual Instructor according to Mr. Cambden in his famous Treatise of Brittain SECT IV. APOLOGY These are they that by beginning with us Murthered their Prince and wounded you And shall the same method continue by your approbation We are sure you mean well though their Design be wicked But let it never be recorded in Story that you forgot your often Vows to us in joyning with them that have been the cause of so great calamity to the Nation ANSWER V. He urges that by saying the Kings Murtherers began with us Catholicks we take liberty of bestowing Characters on whom we please so that no body must act against us lest they be thought to continue the Method of the Kings Murtherers For Vows he says we Catholicks are more sure of those of Protestants to us then they of ours to them because they want a Pope to dispence with them REPLY V. Pray Reader upon mature consideration tell me now whether they were not the Kings Murtherers that pursued Papists in the beginning of the War Their design afterward I am sure plainly appeared and pray God those were not of the same Tribe who first promoted our late troubles Let me ask also whether you find not us at home and abroad as strict to our promises as any other you converse with But since this Minister upbraids us with our dispensing with Vows be pleased to consider who has been most busy the Romish or Protestant Pope herein The Papists have from the beninning refused the Oath of Allegeance as 't is now worded but the Reformed took it in all the degrees of preferment viz. when graduated in the Universities when admitted into Orders when Justices of Peace when Parlimament-men and in short when any Dignity either in Church or State is conferred Yet for all the often repetition of it half the Kingdom were in Rebellion against the King even directly contrary to what they had sworn Now on the other side there was no Papist that declared not for the King though all the Party as I said refused the Oath and for this refusal severely suffered both in their Estates and Persons Besides if it were a Doctrine amongst us as the Protestants state it that the Pope can when he pleases absolve us from our Oaths why should we then do you think refuse the taking of this Doubtless a Dispensation if it could be granted might be procured at less charge then two thirds of our Estates omitting all corporal punishments Oaths by our Tenets are not in themselves unlawful nor can it be out of want of zeal for our Prince that we refuse them since 't is plain that we all like one man stood by him in his great affliction and misery You must know Reader this Oath was framed by one Perkins an Apostate Jesuite who knowing what we could take and what not purposely mingled certain truths with uncertain speculative points to make us fall within the Law of refusal T would be tedious to shew all the real exceptions we have to it nor do any of them truly relate to our obedience to the King for as to the Allegeance I would be bound to word an Oath which no Papist shall scruple at and yet it shall be more strong then this But Reader to give you my opinion of Oaths though nevertheless I am not for taking away that laudable Custome of swearing Subjects I think them really useless where without them as in Allegeance we are naturally bound for honest men will be punctual in duty though they never swore when as the wicked can at no time be obliged let the Bond be never so Sacred SECT 6. APOLOGY Of all Calumnies against Catholicks we have admired at none so much as that their Principles are said to be inconsistent with Government and they themselves thought ever prone to Rebellion ANSWER VI. On this short Paragraph he makes a wonderful long Discourse saying That 't is a calumny of ours to call that a calumny which is true for first our Councels secondly our Decretals thirdly our Divines teach that the Pope has Power to depose Kings and to discharge Subjects of their Allegeance which Doctrines are inconsistent with Government But every Papist is bound to beleive their Councels Decretals and Divines Ergo we may well be thought prone to Rebellion REPLY 6. To answer to these things perspicuously I shall treat of them singly Object 1. That our General Councels decree this he proves by the Lateran Councel under Innocent the III. which expresly ordains he says That in case any Prince be a favourer of Hereticks after admonition given the Pope shall discharge his Subjects from their Allegeance and shall give away the Kingdome to some Catholique that may root out these Heretiques I grant that the sense of the words is in the Councel and that in determinations of Faith Councels are infallible But as for other matters we say not that Councels are infallible in every point
says the King of France will believe what he pleases For his Majesty well knows the Pope gave away France formerly fomented War against Hen. 4. and would do the same against him were it not for his Power and Religion REPLY IX I shewed you before in the sixth Reply that though the Reformed have actually taken away from their lawful Governours so many Dominions yet the Pope never gave away but England and France which nevertheless are still under their proper Soveraigns Consider then whether since the light of the Gospel appeared the Protestant or Popish manner of dealing has been most destructive to Princes and judge if this be an Answer to my demand which was Whether France acknowledging the Pope be not as absolute as Sweden or Denmark that are Protestants If so it follows then that Popery does not enslave a King We are beholden to the Minister for confessing the King of France is of the same Religion with the Pope for I have heard some in England say he was a Protestant Thanks be to God there is no danger of a breach between Rome and France in matters of Faith for as the very Gazets told us An. 1664 when the French Army was in Italy The King having owned the condemnation of Jansenius even then sent to the Pope to prosecute the Jansenists in France Henry the Eighth will be a warning to his Neighbours for revolting hereafter from the Church for instead of a little Ecclesiastical dependence on the Sea of Rome he has embroiled England in perpetual confusion about Religion millions of Sects daily dividing and subdividing each of which pretend they are in the right and each quote Scripture for their Opinions And by the way Reader be pleased to remember that had not this King of ours destroyed Religious Houses all the truly devout Sectaries at present would have voluntarily been cloister'd there who now distract both the Kingdom themselves for having no quiet place to vent that zeal which boyls within they become a prey to a few wicked men that blow up their well-meaning Piety into disorders and sedition Nay many of the discontented Factious themselves who now lie open to the sway and hurry of their own passions would have been glad of such a retreat honorable to all even from the Monarch to the Pesant Therefore I see now why Speed a Protestant when he made an end of his Catalogue of the destroyed Abbies spoke in this manner We have laid to your view a great part of King Henry's ill the waste of so much of Gods revenue however abused But Cambden is yet more tart for he says That many Religious places Monuments of our Forefathers Piety and Devotion to the honour of God and Propagation of Christian faith c. were in a moment prophaned and the Riches disperst which had been consecrated to God since the English Nation first profest Christianity SECT X. APOLOGY Nor will ever the House of Austria abjure the Pope to secure themselves of the fidelity of their Subjects ANSWER X. To this he says the Austrian Family being so linckt to the Pope by possessing Naples Sicily and Navar by his Gift and theire Subjects also being Papists it were a mad way to secure themselves by changing Religion But what is that says he to England where since the extrusion of that trash we call the Catholick Faith the King and people are no more Papists and having been often troubled by us have reason by experience to fear our designs REPLY V 10. To this I reply That the Spaniard being now in actual possession can as well defend these places were he a Protestant as Millan Flanders c. which are not the Popes gift or as well as other Reformed Princes have done their Countries And for the Subjects being Papists that is nothing For all subjects before Luthers time were Papists also The Minister therefore grants me here all that from the first I desired For if our former Kings were considerable abroad and as safe at home as since the change of Religion If the King of France be as absolute as Denmarck or Sweden and if the House of Austria cannot better secure the fidelity of their Subjects by becoming Protestants then by continuing Papists I say it must necessarily follow That Kings and Kingdoms by being Papists are not less absolute then if Reformed and by the same Consequence their Subjects not one whit faithfuller to their Lords by being Protestants then if they were Papists Tell me then where is the Temporal advantage of Reformation and whether our Answerer has not bauld long in vain since he now by this grants me that Kings may be absolute and Subjects faithful under Popery and yet lately he affirmed That Popery is inconsistent with Government by reason of Princes dependence on the Pope in Ecclesiastical matters and that all Papists are prone to Rebellion by the Determination of our Councels Bulls and Divines But the Minister says What is all this to England where Prince and people are Protestants I answer 't is thus much to England That now it is plain 't is an errour that Popery is inconsistent with Government and it also shews that Princes get no power in the long-run by reforming but on the contrary perpetual disorders follow How dangerous we have been to our Protestant Princes shall be discust in the Reflexion on the Popish misdemeanours in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James But how faithful and serviceable we were to King Charles the First and Second all Europe has sufficiently declared in our behalves SECT XI APOLOGY We shall always acknowledge to the whole World that there have been as many brave English in this last Century as in any other place whatsoever Yet since the exclusion of the Catholick Faith there has been that committed by those who would be fain called Protestants that the wickedest Papist at no time dreamt of ANSWER XI Here he asks what may that be for four or five of our Kings of our own Religion have been murthered by Papists that lately Hen. 4. of France was killed by Ravillac and. Hen. 3. by Frier Clement And besides this we have killed by whole Townships in England Ireland France and Piedmont REPLY 11. What a Volume might there be here writ if every matter mentioned were to be fully discust But these are the artifices of the Brethren that when they know not what to say run to another thing in hopes to puzzle an ordinary Reader who cannot imagine hearing so great a buzze but that there must be something at least of real My assertion in the Apology was That our former English Papists never did such villanies as have been committed since the Reformation To this he answers nothing but impertinently runs to the private Murthers of some of our Kings Is this proportionable Good Reader Who knows not that the Murtherers of Ed. 2. Ric. 2. and Hen. 6. were so conscious of their wickedness that
all was done in the dark nor would they ever own otherwise then that they dyed without violence For t was given out that the death of the first of these Princes came by extreame Griefe That the other Starved himselfe and that the last died of a Naturall sicknesse But the execution of the Queen of Scots was bare-fac'd in the sight of the World and which was more under the cloak of Law My Lord of Leicester was sensible of the dishonour that would accrew to the Nation and therefore sent Walsinhham a godly Divine to satisfie his conscience that it was lawful to poyson her but the Minister could no more convince his penitent then the Saints could Harrison about the clandestine Murther of the Grandchild And doubtless the whole intrigue against Q. Mary gave precedent and boldness to our execrable Parricides openly to do their detestable villany in a formal method and manner This procedure against the Queen contrary as 't was imagined to the Law of Nations she being both a Guest and an absolute Princess drew an universal odium upon the Kingdom for the Reproach was entailed on the whole nation by the apparition of a mimicall and Counterfeit justice as Osborne call's it nor did any Englishman either Papist or Protestant ever misse to be upbraided with it abroad till the greatness of the abomination against King Charles made them leave off a little speaking of the first to remember us more piquantly of the last Is it to excuse the two unheard of 〈◊〉 that he tell me of four or five Kings since the Conquest made away by Papists It may be it is that I should again retort that since Hen. 8. Reign there were but b four Protestestant Monarchs and three of them were said to come to violent deaths But what is Ravillac's murther of Hen. 4. to us in England more then to Saxony the poysoning of Edw. 6. by the Lord Robert Dudly for so Sir Richard Baker conceives he hid I know Clement the Frier destroyed Hen 3. so did Judas his Master and yet neither the Disciples nor Christian Religion were ever thought the worse for it For the Murther of the Protestants in Irelād I shew'd you in the beginning how we detested it Cōcerning the Blood spilt in Frāce I shall speak at large in the Paragraph about that Massacre But I wonder the Piemōthusiness should be unged by Royallist for I remēber when Crōwel made a Collectiō for thē in pretence but for himself in reality the Cavaliers ever stiled them Rebels and said the Duke of Savoy was necessitated for his quiet to subdue them thus by Arms. Yet for all their hard usage I wish we had as much freedome as they Now for Queen Maries Reign which this man so often calls the Bloody days I will here speak a little eternally to stop his mouth hereafter First Reformed Historians agree that the Queen her self was a marveillous good woman therefore it was not she but her Bishops that were cruel Again every Englishman knows that no man can be put to death amongst us without Law therefore they were not the Bishops but the Laws that were cruel which Laws still continue and have been made use of since the Reformation by Q. Elez. K. ●ames to burne Hereticks Yet for all these Laws there died of Protestants in the whole but 277. as Baker and other Protestant Writers record Besides were these 277. now alive 200. at least in stead of pity would be thrown into prison and there rot for Non-conformists but all things were called Saints in the dawning of the light even so much as Collins and his dog for Fox in his Act 's and Monuments say's that Collins beeing mad and seeing a Priest hold up the Host to the people tooke a dog and held it up as the Priest did the Host for wch he and the dog were burnt Yet though this Collins be own'd by Fox to be mad never the less he places him as a Martyr on the 10. of Octob. as may be seen in his Calendar In the next place let me know whether a man may be executed for this Tenets in Religion or no If it be lawful why might not Papists put to death men who they thought deserved it as well as Protestants If no man ought to suffer for his Conscience why did Edward 6. and Q. Eliz. condemn so many Hereticks in their time all which were executed but some few that recanted and so saved their lives Or why did K. James put to death Legat and Wightman but because he religiously thought it was unfit they should longer live to blaspheme Over and above these that died for a Religion of their own making I saw a Roll at Doway wherein to the year 1632. there suffered out of that one House 105. Priests since which there died many out of the same Colledge Add to these many out of the Portugal Spanish and Roman Seminaries many of other Orders and many Laymen also who have been executed for owning the Pope in Spirituals or for having a Priest say Mass in their Houses according to the obligation of their Consciences If these were then all numbred I am sure there suffered many more Catholicks omitting the innumerable Confiscations by the Protestant Government then ever there did Protestants by the Catholick Nay if together with Catholicks I should reckon all sorts of people that died for their Conscience though enemyes to Popery which may be found in Fox Stow and others in the Reignes of Hen. 8. Ed. 6. and Queen Elizabeth it is evident there has been more Blood spilt on a Religious account under our Princes that disowned the Pope then by the Papists from St. Augustins Conversion to Luthers time Iudge then if Catholicks be so bloody as they are reported and thought SECT XII APOLOGY 'T was never heard of before that an absolute Queen was condemned by Subjects and those stiled her Peers or that a King was publiquely tried and executed by his own people and servants ANSWER XII Here he says That the Q. of Scots was beheaded under Elizabeth by the same colour of right that Wallis suffered under Edw. 1. whom I call he says a brave Prince namely that of Soveraignty which our Princes challenged over Scotland but that King James and King Charles never imputed this to Q. Elizabeths Religion Concerning King Charles's Murther he says that I would take it ill a Turk should charge the Ministers faults and his Parties upon me but I do worse then a Turk in charging these mens faults upon the Protestants for the Murtherers were neither then nor since of the Ministers Communion He sayes King Charles declared he died for the Protestant Religion and Laws of the Land that also in his Letter to the Prince he says none of the Rebels were Professors or Practicers of the Church of England which gives no such Rules REPLY XII Nay now I have
this man for it was he or some of the like Principles that out of malice against the late King wickedly divulged That his Majesty had underhand caused the Irish Rebellion that he had a mind to bring in Popery and to enslave the Nation had sent for an Outlandish Guard Thus cried the English Rebels against their glorious Prince and thus now invents this Minister Stories to mischief if he can his innocent fellow-Subjects and Country-men And who can be guiltless if assertions without any shadow of proof shall be received against him SECT XIV APOLOGY Little did we think when your Prayers and ours were offered up to beg a blessing on the Kings Affairs ever to see that day in which Carlos Gifford Whitgrave and the Pendrels should be punished by your desires for that Religion which obliged them to save their forlorn Prince and a stigmatized man for his offences against King and Church chief promoter of it Nay less did we imagine that by your Votes Hudlestone might be hanged who again secured our Soveraign and others free in their fat possessions that sat as Juddes and sealed the Execution of that Great Prince of happy Memory ANSWER XIV He says That many of my Church were not of my Party and that if some of them did the King eminent service in the Critical day of danger so did the Protestants too therefore it is not to be ascribed to our Religion Nor is it reasonable to requite particular men by having those Laws abandoned which secure us against as great a danger 'T is barbarity for any Christian but those of our Sect to question his life that exposed it for his Prince or to do this in any age except Queen Maries for then Sir Nich. Throgmorton was so dealt with But the Minister detests such times and such examples and he knows the King will reward deserving persons without trespassing on his Laws Lastly he desires me to be favourable to the stigmatized man whom I do not hate he knows for his offences because the King whom he formerly displeased bears with him for he contributed much against the Phanaticks to his Majesties restauration and would not willingly live to see the Pope turn him out again REPLY XIV What is the meaning of this distinction That many of my Church were not of my Party Have we not been all of the same Party or can there he named a Papist that was not for the King even in te worst of times But Good Mr. Parson have you all this while cut our throats and do you now come with your insignificant flatteries that there were some eminent among us for Loyalty I fear not the worst you can say and for the best I scorn it Did I ever say otherwise then that the Protestants were to be honoured for their wonderful service to the King Was not the Apology directed to them and have I not always declared that his Majesty ows as much to them as ever Prince can owe to Subjects Certainly 't is no lessning of their worth because we did our endeavours and have been fellow-sufferers with them in that Glorious Quarrel I never prest in the Apology to have any particular body exempted We only say there Little did we once think that the necessity of affairs would occasion the Royal Party to advise the punishment of us all and in the crowd those worthy Preservers of the King at Worcester Yet Sir with your permission it were not so unreasonable neither as you would have it for the service of some few to suspend the Laws against a Party You have read I know the Scripture and therefore may remember Mordecay's case who by saving the Kings life not only preserved himself and his Nation from Ruine but obtained also honour and freedom for them all But what do you drive at by Throgmortons usage Will you never leave perverting History or at best betraying your own ignorance First you must know Reader that Throgmorton by none of our Historians is mētioned to have done any service for Queen Mary Yet Hollins head has his trial at large which John Lilburn afterwards copied out to the life where no evasion is omitted and certainly it had been then a fit time to urge merits had he had any But suppose he was as eminent and faithful as Bedin field Jerningham c. Must that excuse a man from being fairly tried for Treason This Sir Nicholas Throgmorton you must know with others was accused as a Conspirator with Wyat for which he had a Tryal and was acquitted by his Jury Why distempered Sir 't is so far from our business that we do earnestly desire in the Apology upon the least offence against the State the Transgressour may die without mercy and this I 'le be bound Col. Carlos and the rest of those brave men shall willingly subscribe But will you worthy Country-man that know his Majesties thoughts so well engage that none of the factious shall murmure at him for rewarding those that have done well Now for the stigmatized I find Mr. Parson you pretend to be very well acquainted with their actions If they have done any thing which God knows is little and not to the hundreth part of their transgression let them thank God for the grace he has given them to do the King at length service but I am sure if they really meant well they would never promote the harassing of a faithful Party till they found them machinating against their Prince I have no particular spleen to any man yet cannot look on those men as either of wit or honesty who needlesly disoblige and who strive with violence to have Christians persecuted for Religion when as they themselves are the first that rail against all mankind if their own Consciences be toucht though it be by the establisht Laws of the Nation SECT XV. APOLOGY We confess we are unfortunate and you just Judges whom with our lives we will ever maintain to be so nor are we ignorant the necessity of affairs made the King and you do things which formerly you could not so much as fancy yet give us leave to say we are still Loyal nay to desire you to believe so and to remember how synonymous under the late Rebellion was the word Papist and Cavalier for there was no Papist that was not deemed a Cavalier nor no Cavalier that was not counted a Papist or at least thought to Popishly affected ANSWER XV. He will pass over our fawning on the Parliament and commending our selves and believes us as we did the Sectaries that called the Cavaliers Papists He wonders why these Royallists should be termed Popishly affected but if the Papists were judged Cavaliers they afterwards were ashamed of it In Ireland whole Armies were up against the King In England some came in voluntarily to serve him but more were hunted into Garrisons it being well known we should bring his Majesty more hatred then service The greatest part of us that
fought for him when his fortunes stood fell off when he declined Then he asks us where we were from that time forward in all those weak efforts of gasping Loyalty We were flattering he says and giving sugered words to the Rebels as now we do to the Royallists for we addrest our Petitions To the Supream Authority of the Nation the Commonwealth of England that we had generally taken and punctually kept the engagement We promist if we might enjoy our Religion we would be most faithful and useful Subjects of England We proved it in these words The Papists of England would be bound by their interest to live peacefully and thankfully in the exercise of their Conscience and becoming gainers by such compassions they could not so easily be distrusted as the Prelatick Party that were loosers Moreover the Minister on his own word says we farther proved all this by real testimonies which not to shame us toe much he will pass by in silence Now if after all this we were deemed Cavaliers we were much wronged REPLY 15. Good Mr. Parson speak truth and you will shame no body but your self have you bespattered us all this while with falsities and will you now do it farther by your Pedantick Rhetorick Pray Reader to speak moderately is not this man the archest wrangler that ever was for if he dares disown a thing which all men know how will he then cavil do you think at what is known but only to the Wise was ever any thing so evident as that the Rebels deemed all Papists Cavaliers and all Cavaliers Papists I do not infer that therefore all Cavaliers were Papists only I say they were generally so called nor is any body ignorant that the reason was to make them more hated by the people as this Minister by his false glosses would at this instant serve us Concerning our frankness to serve the King it is so fully treated in the Preface that no truth was ever more plainly made manifest But what made this mad man ask where we were in all those weak efforts of gaspink Loyalty Were not we where the rest of the Royal party were Some of us were in London some with the King some about dispatches some in the Tower some sold to the Islands and in fine was there any Plot but the Catholicks were as numerous in it proportionably as any other Subjects Was ever man so impudent as to deny this Yes the Minister does it and farther says we were flattering the Rebels wich Addresses and owning them the Supream Power of the Nation Reader lest this should be a stumbling-block to the weak I wille give you some account of the matter After the Rebels had trampled down Monarchy and enslaved the whole Nation by force it happened that a Lay-Gentleman with whom I have no manner of acquaintance but have heard him ever esteemed of much wit and integrity seeing the then ruling Grandees pretend by their Principles to be against all Persecution for Conscience thought it would not disoblige the Catholiques or any body else if he stickled a little for a private Toleration The Protestant Cavaliers had many daily Congregations at London which the constancy and courage of Dr. Wild Dr. Gunning Dr. Thriscross c. with some sweet words also forc'd the Rebels to a kind of connivence at but the Papists could not follow the same Method For whereas the Protestant Ministers if the Governement had on a sudden fell to severity knew they should be but carried to the White Hart or at most imprisoned for a day or two a Popish Priest was sure to be hanged and all his Auditory fineable also by the known Laws of the Land This Gentleman therefore to try the pulse of the Rebels that juggled in all their Professions writ two Books called the First and Second Moderators the thing in it self could not be discommended but for the wording he I mean the Author is to answer for it The Books I have not by me but you may be sure the Minister has quoted the worst things in them and I question not a little whether all be true he mentions having already found him false as you see in many particulars I need not vindicate the Gentleman for he can do it himself to the purpose My business at present only is to admire the folly of my Adversary who hand over head lays as a crime the indiscretion which is the most that can be said of it of a private man to all his Party Would not this Logick then make the whole Church of England guilty of Phanatick Principles because Dr. Taylor writ for liberty of Prophesie And if our Gentleman may be thought to have shewed his Papers to some Catholiques before they were published 't is every jot as probable the Dr. made Protestants acquainted with his Book before it was sent to the Press It is very severe doubtless if the inconsiderateness of one should not only be fathered on us all but urged against us equal to the Treason of the late Transgressors No people on Earth can be safe at this rate nay all the Protestant Cavaliers themselves those great patterns of Loyalty would be involved if such consequences were allowed Every body knows that some Great men got out of Decimation by favour and that many Gentlemen it may be out of prudence knowing the end of Plots refused to receive Letters much less Commissions from the King How many Souldiers also were there that served Cromwel at Jamaica and other Places neither failed there a compliance in Poets too as in Cowly and Cleveland themselves and for Lawyers there was no want of them in Westminster-Hall wsensoever a Cavalier had need The Ministry also of the Nation had some among them that were not able to resist Temptation for there were not a few that took the Covenant and Dr. Martin in his printed Letters taxes a great One for complying with the Presbyterians abroad But why does my Minister lay the taking of the Engagement as a crime against us seeing it was generally taken through the whole Kingdom no body being capable of Law that had not done it Nor did any body fail of calling the Parliament the Supream Authority of the Nation if they had Law-suits Petitions or any thing else of that Nature Is this a blemish to the Cavaliers in general No 't is so far from it that even the most of these I mention when occasion served were ever forward in the Kings concerns But all things perchance are lawful to all men so they be not Catholicks SECT XVI APOLOGY We know though we differ something in Religion the truth of which let the last day judge yet none can agree with your inclination or are fitter for your converse then we for as we have as much birth among us as England can boast of so our breeding leans your way both in Court and Camp And therefore had not our late Sufferings united us in that firm tie yet our
like humors must needs have joyned our hearts If we erre pity our condition and remember what your great Ancestors were and make some difference between us that have twice converted England from Paganism and those other Sects that can challenge nothing but intrusion for their imposed Authority ANSWER XVI He says he aggrees with me in all that is truly Catholick and differs only in what we have innovated he respects our breeding but suspects whatever leans to forreign jurisdiction 'T is a flam that we have twice converted England and that sure we mean it has been twice converted by persons sent from Rome which we will never perswade any one to believe that has tasted Church-History without our Fathers chewing it for him But supposing this true he asks whether we wouldt infer that because they received good from the Primitive Christians of that place they must lay themselves open to receive any ill that my happen to them from their dangerous Successours REPLY XVI Concerning his saying that he agrees with me in all that is truly Catholick I kiss his hands for so said Jacob Behmen and so I dare say will Mr. Woodcock this being the old Song of all Hereticks I have proved before that forreign Jurisdiction in Spirituals may well agree in all Governments and no Kingdoms have been more happy at home or glorious abroad then when the Pope was their Spiritual Pastor But methinks my Gentleman might have acknowledged tha the last Conversion at least was Popish it being performed Ann. 596. in the time of Pope Gregory whom Fox calls the basest of all his Predecessours and it was done also by Austin a Monck which very name is enough to tell a Protestant the Missioner was Popishly perswaded Moreover this Austin survived his Master Gregory and consequently was according to Fox who dreames that he lived in England 16. yeares not only obedient to Boniface the 3. the Great Antichrist but made his Companion Lawrence his Successour who had the like veneration for Popes though they then stiled themselves Universal Bishops as all Protestants affirme nor did ever Canterbury deny the Roman Sea till Cranmer in the time of Hen. 8. If any man yet shall not think Austin Papist enough let him read St. Bedes History or rather some Protestants about it among which let J. Bale an Apostate Frier be one who will tell you That Austin was sent to convert the Saxons to a Popish Faith and that he taught false Doctrine and minded more the getting oblations for Masses then the Preaching of the Gospel Yet Fox though he call St. Austin Pharisaical says nevertheless that those Missioners did Miracles before King Ethelbert For the Conversion under King Lucius all Reformed Historians confess that Pope Eleutherius sent Damianus and Fugatius two Ministers forsooth as Heylin calls them who preacht Christ to the Britains No man can doubt then if these were sent from Rome but that they taught the Faith of Rome Now when Austin whom you see the Protestants already confess Popish came to convert the Saxons he had conference with Dinoth the Abbot and several of the Monks at Bangor who still preserved Christian Religion among the British In all their Dispute we finde no debate but about the Customes of the Church nor did Austin demand of them any more then the alteration in keeping of Easter and some Ceremonies in Baptism but had there been any difference in Faith and doctrine as Speed sayes positwely there was none Historians would not have failed to remember that seeing they take notice of things of l●ss moment and besides every body knows how scrupulous the Church was in Doctrine having condemned the Arrians Eutychians Nestorians and the like for some things which to ordinary and humane capacities seemed but meer niceties This then proves plainly that Austin the Popish Monck who also according to Hollingshead infected us with the poyson of Romish Errours preacht no other Doctrine then what the British had received afore but the the British according to Fox and others of our Protestant Authors were the uncorrupt preservers of Gods word having received from their King Lucius who lived about 180. years after Christ Let any man therefore judge who are most Primative whether he that has the face to deny that Papists twice converted England would not also deny our Saviour were it as much for his advantage as we see this to be SECT XVII APOLOGY But it is generally said That Papists cannot live without persecuting all other Religions within their reach We confess where the name of Protestant is unknown the Catholick Magistrates believing it erronious do use all endeavours to keep it out Yet in those Countreys where Liberty is given they have far more Priviledges then we under any Reformed Government whatsoever To be short we will only instance France for all where they have publick Churches where they can make what Proselytes they please and where it is not against Law to be in any charge or Imployment Now Holland which permits every thing gives us 't is true our Lives and Estates but takes away all Trust and Rule and leaves us also in danger of the Scout whensoever he pleases to molest our Meetings ANSWER XVII He says That what is generally said of Popish persecutions is also generally believed and that I answer deceitfully in mentioning those Countreys only where the name of Protestant is unknown and no liberty given them but omit those where it is known and no liberty given as in Flanders now and in England when it was Catholick I instance he says in France because I could find no other place but I should have considered how the Edicts of the Protestants liberty were obtained and how they are observed But if the Edicts were observed he says it is no argument that because a Liberty not against the Law is allowed them it should be granted us against the Law The Papists in Holland he says lent the chief help to fling of the Spanish yoak and therefore deserve more then we who would have brought it on our Country again REPLY XVII I could not imagine the Minister would have discover'd so great a Truth for now Reader you see that he confesses that whatsoever is said of Papists is generally believed How are Papists traduced What Stories are told of Popes How many things of the whole body of Papists and all taken for Gospel as the adversary himself acknowledges Thus people are possest with a horrour of Qu. Mary's days as if all were really true and yet as I have treated before there has been more bloud Judicially spilt about Religion by those that have excluded the Pope then has been by Papists from the Conversion of the Nation to its fall What does the Minister mean by Protestants known and no liberty given Italy and Spain know Protestants nay the Turk himself knows them and is obliged to the disturbances made by Luther and his
next for the Church of England is no Manna to relish in every palate and some wise men also think that a man may do very well though he has little Disputes with this his holy Mother Why does this Gentleman say we never knew the Laws executed I am sure there have died by these Laws at least 300 Priests besides Laymen and how often we have been rackt in prison and how infinitely our Estates have suffered for our Consciences no body I think is ignorant But I hope the brave people of England will intercede for us to his Majesty that since he the Messiah only expectation of the Nation is come we may not feel in his days what we suffered under Cromwel even by virtue of those Acts which have been formerly made Nor could Osborn a Protestant in his Memoires chuse but confess That against the poor Catholiques nothing in relation to the generality remains upon due proof sufficient to justifie the severity of the Laws daily enacted put in execution against them SECT XXI APOLOGY It has been often urged that our misdemeanours in Queen Elizabeths and King James's time were the cause of our punishment ANSWER XXI Your misdemeanors we cry you mercy if they were no more but that comes next to be argued whether they were misdemeanors or Treasons REPLY XXI Reader This is the subtlest Sophister that I ever met with for before this distinction I never knew but that Treasons were misdemeanors and therefore I think the word misdemeanour is not improper SECT XXII APOLOGY We earnestly wish that the Party had had more patience under that Princess But pray consider though we excuse not their faults whether it was not a harder Question then that of Yorck and Lancaster the cause of a War of such length and death of so many Princes who had most right Queen Elizabeth or Mary Stuart For since the whole Kingdom had crowned and sworn Allegeance to Queen Mary they owned her as the legitimate daughter to Henry the Eighth and therefore it was thought necessarily to follow by many that if Mary was the true Child Elizabeth was the Natural which must needs give way to the thrice-noble Queen of Scots ANSWER XXII He says that I wish the Catholicks had had more patience under Q. Elizabeth but he thinks they needed none for in the first ten years of her Reign though what the Papists had done in Queen Maries time was fresh in memory none of them fuffered death till the Northern Rebellion raised against her meerly upon the account of her Religion 't was she then that was persecuted and had occasion for patience and therefore I should have wisht them more Loyalty But it appears I account Rebellion no fault in saying 't was a hard Question whether the right lay in Queen Elizabeth or the Queen of Scots because many thought Queen Elizabeth illegitimate Here he asks Who thought so Or when the Question arose For says he First Archbishop Heath a Papist said in his Speech no body could doubt the justness of her Title Secondly the Kings of France Spain and the Emperour offered Marriage to her and thereby hoped to get the Crown Thirdly the Queen of Scots and King James acknowledged her and claimed nothing but to be her Heirs and Successours Then he tells that Paul the Fourth was the First that questioned her Title because the Kingdom being a Fee of the Papacy she had audaciously assumed it without his leave and secondly because she was illegitimate But his Successour Pius the Fourth would have owned her if she would have owned him which because she would not the next Pope Pius V. issued out his Bulls and deposed her not for Bastardy but for being a Protestant upon which the Northern-men and others of her Subjects rebelled and were every foot plotting against her 'T is true he says the Queen of Scots Title was pretended but he demands what would we have done if that Queen had not been Catholick or Queen Elizabeth not thought illegitimate He proceeds That Gregory the Thirteenth had occasion to consider this having a Bastard of his own and another of the Emperours to provide for to the first of which he gave Ireland and sent Stukely to win it for him and to the other England with leave to win it for himself But what was this to the Q. of Scots who he says might perhaps have been preferred to marry one of them upon condition her son Iames might have nothing to do with the Succession For when she was dead and her right in King Iames Sixtus V. not only took no notice of him but curst Queen Elizabeth again and gave her Kingdom to Philip the Second of Spain Pope Clement the Eighth seeing he could do no good upon Queen Elizabeth to take care another Heretick should not succeed her sent his Breves both to Clergy and Layity forbidding them to admit any but a Catholique to the Succession though never so neer in blood which was in plain words to exclude King James so that the Popes never stuck at the hard question And now he asks What our Country men did or suffered for it And answers himself that they acted for the Papal interest making use of the House of Scotland only for a cloak while the Title was in Queen Mary but when it was in King James none of them stirred or suffered for it yet they were not idle but as busie as Bees in contriving to hasten Queen Elizabeths death and to put him by the Succession To prove this he urges the Spanish Invasion presently after his Mothers death negotiated and defended by Papists That the Jesuites procured Huntly to rebel in Scotland That they persuaded the Earl of Darby to set up a Title to the Crown of England which he revealing was poysoned soon after as Hesket had threatned him That when their single shot failed F. Parsons gave a broad-side to the Royal House of Scotland in a Book published under the name of Doleman setting up divers Competitors and to provide a sure Enemy he found a Title for the Earl of Essex to whom he dedicated the Book being the most ambitious and popular man in the Nation But the the Book he says prefers the Title of the Infanta before all others Then he concludes from this his Discourse in which he says nothing material can be denied that it appears That this hard Question was not between the Parties themselves in one of whom we confess the right was For the Pope easily resolved it who denied both sides of the Question assuming the right to himself and as concerning the English Catholiques he says they sided with the Pope against Queen Elizabeth and Queen of Scots also and lastly that their misdemeanours were inexcusable Treasons if any Treasons befriended by such an Apologist can be inexcusable REPLY 22. 'T is strange to me that I must be denied the liberty which all people else have No man is forbid to declare their pretensions
have viz. a Preist to assist her at her death she was again recomforted when she knew by the Earl of Kent that she died for her Faith for he told her that her life would be the destruction of their Religion Reader I must now here end and cannot but ask this Question If the Reformed have for defence of their Religion effected the death of their Queen or at least undoubted Heir and if they have set up Jane Gray that had no title because their lawful Prince was Catholick who have been I would fain know in England more faulty in this case they or we Pray what advantage has this Minister got by loading us with crimes of which we are innocent And if as he urges in the beginning we obey'd Q. Elizabeth ten years without stir it then shows that Papists can be obedient to a Prince of another Religion though they doubt their right whenas the former Protestants would do any thing rather then permit a Catholick to govern let the Title be never so just Judge now Reader whether it be not superlative injustice to incense the World against us as if our Religion taught nothing but blood and theirs all gentleness imaginable I must invoke both Angels and Men to consider our wrong who are termed trayterous in our Principles even to this day We in our own persons have shewed all the duty that men can fancy and for our Ancestors you have seen what their Plea is if it be bad they have justly suffred if other wise let them then feel your anger who would deceive you thus with lies and remember that 't is not possible a Religion which governed England with glory so many years can teach a Doctrine destructive to Princes or infuse Maxims that will breed commotions among the people SECT XXIII APOLOGY 'T was for the Royal House of Scotland that they suffered in those days and 't is for the same illustrious Family we are ready to hazard all on any occasion ANSWER XXII Sir We have found you notoriously false in that which you affirm Pray God you prove true in that which you promise SECT XXIV APOLOGY Nor can the consequence of the former procedure be but ill if a Henry the Eighth whom Sir Walter Rawleigh and my Lord Cherbury two famous Protestants have so homely characterized should after twenty years co-habitation turn away his wife and this out of scruple of Conscience as he said when as History declares that he never spared woman in his lust nor man in his fury ANSWER XXIV This Character he says agrees better with some Heads of the Church then with King Henry the Eighth of whom better Historians naming Thuanus say better things but if he were such a Monster 't was for want of a better Religion for he was of ours except in the point of Supremacy and therefore I have no reason to flurt at him except having undertaken to colour Treasons I think 't is something towards it to bespatter Kings I use he says the same Art in the next Paragraph to excuse the Powder-Treason calling it a misdemeanour the fifth of November a Conjuration all soft words but deal hardly with the great Minister of State whom I make the Author of it as if the State had conspired against the Traytors not the Traytors against the State Then he tells the old Story of the Gunpowder-Plot and how discovered by my Lord Mounte●gles Letter and also how the Jesuites Baldwin Hammond Tesmond and Gerrard were named by the Conspirators as privy with them The Narration is in any Book that treats of King James and well known by every body therefore for brevities sake I have omitted it here REP. to ANSW XXIV Reader If the Character do agree better with many heads of our Church then I say in Gods name let it be given them But I much admire how Thuanus comes to be esteemed a better historian in English affairs then Sir Walter Raleigh or my Lord Cherbury whom we poor English-men think very excellent But why do I trouble you wi●● the extravagancies of this strange man w●● when he finds as he fancies a present expedient cares not though he be forc'd to deny it again in the next page What I have said of Henry the Eighth these two famous men have said it and a thousand times worse though they were Protestants and the first of them the great admirer of his Mrs. the daughter of this very Prince Nay omitting the unexpressable foul Language of the Reformed at home and abroad especially of Luther himself the Bishop of Hereford a Member of the Church of England calls him unsatiable glutted with one and out of variety seeking to enjoy another I shall speak no more to this nor any thing separately to the next four Paragraphs for they all concern the Powder-Treason You shall see what he says to each of them and then my Answer shall follow in one intire discourse SECT XXV APOLOGY Now for the fifth of November with hands lifted up to Heaven we abominate and detest ANSWER XXV Here he asks Whether it be the Festival 〈◊〉 the Treason we abominate and detest If the 〈◊〉 he says he will believe us without lifting 〈◊〉 our hands If the Treason he asks why we do not call it so which while we cannot afford to do lifting up our hands will never perswad 〈◊〉 we abominate and detest it SECT XXVI APOLOGY And from the bottom of our hearts say that may they fall into irrecoverable perdition who propagate that faith by the blood of Kings which is to be planted in truth and meekness only ANSWER XXVI He says I should be cautious of throwing such Curses for fear of hitting our Father the Pope as the Philosopher told the son of a common-woman that threw stones among a multitude SECT XXVII APOLOGY But let it not displease you Men Brethren and Fathers if we ask whether Ulisses be no better known or who has forgot the Plots of Cromwel framed in his Closet not only to destroy many faithful Cavaliers but also to ●ut a lustre upon his Intelligence as if nothing could be done without his knowledge Even so did the then great Minister who drew some few ambitious men into this conjuration and then discovered it by a Miracle ANSWER XXVII Here he calls me Apostle and Poet full of Gravity and Fiction Then he says I would make the World believe they were drawn into this Plot by Cecil yet am so wise as not to offer to prove it but would steal it in by the example of Cromwel Again he says admitting this for true they were Traytors nevertheless in doing what they did had there been no Cecil in the World and therefore the excuse only implies they had not wit to invent it though they wanted not malice to execute it for according to my illustration as the Cavaliers whom Cromwel drew in had their Loyalty abused and were nevertheless faithful still so the Powder-Traytors whom Cecil
to the right or via juris determine the nice pretensions of each party yet this does not argue but that he would side as to action or via facti with his Prince against any person whatsoever And thus we daily see the French do who swear they cannot tell whether the Law called Salique be forged or whether in Justice the now Male-Line or the English because descended from the Heirs general ought to have the Kingdom but still they declare they will fight for their present Monarch against all Mankind This I say is the sense of the Author of the Exhortation and this I dare ingage he shall subscribe to Now concerning Philanax how poorly it is answered I believe the Minister would be ashamed to confess and yet how poorly soever he has made use of it Nay of the most contemptible and groundless follies in the whole Book I am sure the man needed not to have challenged us into the fair field of Controversie having there-in been more then Combatants ever since the breaking out of Luther Nor can there be any Argument of more generous bravery then this That though our Priests in England have been hunted from hole to hole their Papers often seized some in the midst of their works hanged no Library no Press and if to day well settled perchance forc'd on the morrow to flie yet for all these disavantages which no Protestant feels they never omitted to write things of use or to answer all sorts of Books that durst appear against our Religion or manners Fear not therefore good Minister that either Clergy or Laity will be behindhand with you in this affair and I think Dr. Pierce will tell you he found it to some purpose from both Nor shall you Sir whilst I live be ready again as soon as you please want an humble Servant to shew you your many willful errors and mistakes THE POSTSCRIPT My Lords and Gentlemen YOu have now had a short view of the malice of the Answerer and of our condition nor have I troubled you with points of Divinity it being out of my Road and more particulary belonging to them who are called to be Guides and make it their Profession to studie Controversie The search into History and Annals of Nations is the fit employement of men of Quality for by it having a view of all that is past we presently find what profits your Country and how good men by false representations may pass for abominable even in the thoughts of sober people In this sort who have ever suffered more then we for often the best of our fellow-Subjects having drawn in with their first milk an ill opinion of our manners have continued in the same sentiment till by long experience they plainly found the contrary How opposite is Popery noised to the Grandeur of Kings and yet we see That Kings were never greater than then What exclamations are there to this day against us for our stirs in the beginning of Reformation though it is evident it proceeded not from precepts of Faith but from a natural impulse to oppose Novelties Nay the efforts of our Ancestors for the Royal House of Scotland are laid to our charge as High-Treason but the putting up of Iane Gray for the Protestāt Interest was justice even by the preaching of Dr. Ridley And moreover though but thirteen Papists were drawn into the powder Treason by the dexterity of our Enemies yet we all even the Children of many of the great Catholiques that were to have been destroyed by the Traytors are still held guilty of this Original sin After our proneness to Rebellion in which how little we are faulty and how much others have been let the World judge there 's no Principle possesses the imagination of Englishmen so fully as that we delight in Blood and that persecuting of men is a part of our Doctrine What cries therefore have been against they days of Queen Mary as if her cruelty were unparallell'd when as I have made it appear that more Catholiques have died by Protestants then of them by us and that since the exclusion of the Pope there has been a greater quantity of Blood iudicially spilt amongst us then from the Conversion of England to the Reign of Henry the Eighth The Massacre of France is prov'd you see to have beē no effect of Religiō but an indirect endeavour to suppress Rebelliō Nor are we in England abominating the fact more guilty of the Irish Cruelties then is the Protestant Faith for what was done at Amboyna For my own part I not only detest Blood but find all Catholicks do for if in many Countries where the Prince and people as I shewed you before are Catholicks the Protestants have not only open Churches but also publick employments and in no place this is granted by the Reformed to Papists then must it needs follow that we are much kinder to you then you to us even in the matters of Religion Besides this Catholicks are so tender that the Inquisition it self is permitted in no Kingdom where Heresie is numerous nor ought we to be blamed if in a Country wholly obedient to the Church we strive to keep out all other Sects and opinions This cannot be jniustice because to all Mankind we grant the same liberty Who is it that morally blames the Moors of Affrick being of one Profession for keeping out even the Gospel it self Or who is it that says the Swedes ar inhumane because none except L●therans shall live among them God alone is to judge hereafter of mens neglecting means In England therefore where all fell not from Popery there is not the same just motive for punishment and certainly it is severity in the highest degree to prosecute us with fire and sword as if we were an upstart people that brought in a strange Religion not finding it here before Ethelbert the first English King that profest Christianity and converted also by a Monk never persecuted his Pagan Subjects because their Religion was in possession and yet no consideration is thought fit for Papists though our most fundamental Laws have establisht this Faith and the maintenance of it sworn unto since the Conquest by at least twenty of our Monarchs Catholicks consider Sectaries as Magistrates do Rebels for where they are but very few they may perchāce all suffer according to the establishtt Laws of a Natiō but if they grow numerous pity causes us now to punish nobody with death but thē prayers thē preaching then Books c. are the fittest Arms to destroy thē This makes us severe in Spain and Italy and this merciful in Frāce Germany c. yet here in our Country there are Sanguinarie Laws against Lay-men and our Priests have been handled with more seuerity then Iames Naylor or any of his Disciples What advātage will Persecutiō bring but to make us glory that we suffer for Christ nor has it ever yet lessned our nomber No