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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17869 A particular declaration or testimony, of the vndutifull and traiterous affection borne against her Maiestie by Edmond Campion Iesuite, and other condemned priestes witnessed by their owne confessions: in reproofe of those slanderous bookes & libels deliuered out to the contrary by such as are malitiously affected towards her Maiestie and the state. Published by authoritie. Campion, Edmund, Saint, 1540-1581. 1582 (1582) STC 4536; ESTC S107506 10,643 30

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penè desperatam patriae suae valetudinem non nisi acerbissima aliqua medicina restitus posse animaduerteret noluit committere vt haec sententia summi pastoris ciues ac proximos suos lateret That is to say For he led with the loue and zeale of the Catholique faith when he saw that the in a maner desperate health of his countrey could not be restored but by some most bitter medicine would not suffer that this sentence of the soueraigne pastors should bee hidden from his countreymen and neighbours And after the further report of his facte thus Cum vero de hac re diligentissimè quaereretur Iohannes Feltonus tandem appraehensus dignum se Iesu Christi Primatus ab eo instituti testem exhibuit But when most diligent inquirie was made thereof Iohn Felton being at length apprehended shewed himselfe a worthy witnesse of Iesus Christ and of the Supremacie by him ordeined Vnder this Title Illustre Martyrium Iohannis Storaei Angli c. The noble Martyredome of Iohn Storie Englishman c. Anno autem Domini 1571. 25. die mensis Maij productus in iudicium perduellionis reus peragitur veluti qui coniurationem cum certis viris apud Belgas in ciuitate Antuerpiensi contra Elizabetham iniuisset religionemque schismaticam quae iam in Anglia regnat in Catholicam commutare tentasset Facta vero pro se dicendi potestate fori tantum exceptionem proposuit negans iudices ipsos vllam in se potestatem habere qui iam non Anglicanae principi sed potius regi catholico subiectus esset That is to say In the yere of our Lord 1571. The twentie fiue day of the moneth of May being brought to the barre hee was araigned of hie treason as he y t had conspired with certaine men in the lowe countrey in the citie of Antuerpe against Elizabeth and had attempted to change the schismaticall religion which now reigneth in England into y e Catholique religion Being permitted to speake for himselfe hee onely pleaded to the iurisdiction of the court denying that the Iudges themselues had any power ouer him which was now no subiect to the English Queene but rather to the King Catholique And after further discourse of the speach of Doctour Storie and of his condemnation hee addeth thus Storaeus autem biduo pòst cum ad vxorem Louanii agentem scriberet deque huius sententiae iniustitia quereretur significauit perfacile sibi fuisse si apud alios iudices actum esset id quod de coniuratione contra Elizabetham facta obiiciebatur confutare Cuius rei testes citabat illos ipsos quibuscum Antuerpiae hac de re egisse dicebatur Verum quia hoc quod probe sciret nescire non posset integrum sibi non fuisse aliter causam dicere quam dixisset Intellexit vero probe se scire praetensam Angliae Reginam per declaratoriam summi Pontificis sententiam ob haeresim manifestam omni iure Regni Dominioque priuatam esse ac propterea magistratum nullum ab illa creatum eique adhaerentem a se agnosci posse ne forte ipse etiam eodem Anathemate innodaretur That is to say Storie two dayes after writing to his wife who then remayned at Louaine and complaining of the vniustice of this sentence he aduertised her that he could easely if the matter had bene tryed before other Iudges confute what was obiected against him touching the conspiracie made against Elizabeth whereof he alleadged for witnesses those with whome he was sayd to haue dealt at Antuerpe about this matter but because he could not be ignorant of that which hee well knew he could not otherwise pleade then he had pleaded His meaning was that he well knewe y t the pretensed Queene of England by the declaratorie sentence of the Pope was for manifest heresie depriued from all right of the kingdome and from Dominion that therfore no magistrate created by her and adhering to her could be acknowledged by him least him selfe also should be bounde with the same curse And in the ende In ipsis ergo Calendis Iunii tantus dei martyr iniectus crati ad locum supplicii trahitur Therefore the first day of Iune so great a martyr of God was throwen vpon a hardell and drawen to the place of execution And so concludeth with the report of his execution The first of August 1581. EDmond Campion being demāded whether he woulde acknowledge the publishing of these thinges before recited by Saunders Bristowe Allen to be wicked in y e whole or in any part whether he doeth at this present acknowledge her Maiestie to be a true and lawfull Queene or a pretensed Queene and depriued and in possession of her Crowne onely de facto He answereth to the first that he medleth neither to nor fro and wil not further answere but requireth that they may answere To the second he saith that this question dependeth vpon the fact of Pius quintus whereof he is not to iudge and therefore refuseth further to answere Edmond Campion This was thus answered and subscribed by Edmond Campion the day and yere aboue written in the presence of vs. Owyn Hopton Robert Beale Jo. Hammond Thomas Norton Short extracts out of Briant and Sherwins confessions Alexander Briant HEe is content to affirme that the Queene is his Soueraigne Lady but he will not affirme that shee so is lawfully ought so to be and to be obeyed by him as her subiect if the Pope declare or command the contrarie And he saith that that question is too high and daungerous for him to answere The 6. of May 1581. before Owen Hopton Knight Iohn Hammond Thomas Norton Whether the Pope haue authoritie to withdraw from obedience to her Maiesty he knoweth not The 7. of May 1581. Alexander Briant Ralphe Sherwins examination BEing asked whether the Popes bull of depriuation of the Queene were a lawful sentence or no he refuseth to answere Being asked whether y e Queene be his lawful Soueraigne and so ought to continue notwithstanding any sentence that the Pope can giue he doth not answere Being againe asked whether the Queene be his Soueraigne notwithstanding any sentence that the Pope can giue he prayeth to bee asked no such question as may touch his life The 12. of Nouember 1580. Ralphe Sherwin Articles ministred to the Iesuites and Seminarie priestes which are in the Tower and were condemned with their answeres to the same 13. Maii. 1582. WHether the Bull of Pius quintus against the Queenes Maiestie be a lawfull sentence and ought to be obeyed by the subiects of England 2 Whether the Queenes Maiestie be a lawfull Queene and ought to be obeyed by the subiects of England not withstanding the Bul of Pius quintus or any other Bul or sentence that the Pope hath pronounced or may pronounce against her Maiestie 3 Whether the Pope haue or had power to authorize the Earles of Northumberlande and Westmerland and other