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A10197 A quench-coale. Or A briefe disquisition and inquirie, in vvhat place of the church or chancell the Lords-table ought to be situated, especially vvhen the Sacrament is administered? VVherein is evidently proved, that the Lords-table ought to be placed in the midst of the church, chancell, or quire north and south, not altar-wise, with one side against the wall: that it neither is nor ought to be stiled an altar; that Christians have no other altar but Christ alone, who hath abolished all other altars, which are either heathenish, Jewish, or popish, and not tollerable among Christians. All the pretences, authorities, arguments of Mr. Richard Shelford, Edmond Reeve, Dr. John Pocklington, and a late Coale from the altar, to the contrary in defence of altars, calling the Lords-table an altar, or placing it altarwise, are here likewise fully answered and proved to be vaine or forged. By a well-wisher to the truth of God, and the Church of England. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1637 (1637) STC 20474; ESTC S101532 299,489 452

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all to make Puritans odious to your Majesty being the only men that keep both your Crowne and Religion safe J shall therefore humblie beseech your Majesty when ever you heare any Legends or Declamations against Puritans hereafter to consider from what kinde of Persons they proceed and to put them that utter them to make proofe of what they say or else to brand them with an hot-iron in the cheekes or forehead with an S for slaunderers And then you will never heare any more fables of Puritans with which your Royall eares are now so oft abused by the Iesuite Contzens Disciples VVho gives this as one chiefe rule how to usher Popery into any Christian State to slaunder and disgrace the Puritans and zelots to make them odious both to Prince and people and then Popery will breake in without any opposition or noyse at all 2. Secondly By this perverting of this Prayer the chiefe Odium against Iesuites Priests and Papists the chiefe Authour● of this horrid treason is mittigated and taken off that so they may take roote among us againe to the ruine both of Church State and without Gods speciall protection of your Sacred Majesty to whom they will ever be treacherous as they have alwayes been to all Christian Princes and Republikes that would not be their slaves and Vassals to yeild universall obedience to them in what ever they should commaund 3. Thirdly By this Metamorphosis of whose Religion is Rebellion whose Faith is Faction c. into Those workers of iniquity who turne Religion into Rebellion and Faith into Faction The Romish Religion is acquitted and purged from that damnable treasonable Rebellious factious Doctrine of the lawfulness of deposing and murthering Christian Kings and Princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or enemies to the Roman Church and Faith Of which the first prayer the Statute of 3. Iacobi c. 4. in the forme of the Oath of Supremacy the Homilies and Writers of our Church and among others Dr. John White in his Defence of the way to the true Church c. 6. c. 10. Sect. 5 6. 7. 8. and Dr. Richard Crakanthrop in his Treatise of the Popes Temporall Monarchie c. 1. and 11. Which Authours chapters I shall humblie desire your Majesty and all that love either your safety or Religion seriously to read over at their best leisure and then let them love Popery Priestes and Iesuites if they can or dare prove them deeply guilty both in point● of Theory and Practise And if all these fayle yet their obstinate refusall of the Oath of Supremacy which only enjoynes them to renounce this Doctrine of King-killing proves them deeply guilty of it and can your Majesty trust such neare about you who will by no meanes sweare they will not murther nor deprive you Now for any thus farre to gratify Traytours and Rebels as to acquit them from that very Doctrine which makes them such even then when they are quilty of it must needs be a danegrous if not a Trayterous Act perillous to your Majesty and the whole Realme 4. Fourthly This Alteration extenuates the greatnes and execrable odiousnes of that horrid Treason both in respect of the Actors and that desperate Doctrine which moved them to committ it And to mince or extenuate such an unparalleld treason as this so execrable to all the world Is nothing else but to turne Traytour and become guilty of the same treason or of another as bad as it Yea it is to be feared that those who wil be so perfidious as after thus many Yeares to goe about to extenuate and lessen such a Treason have a minde to turne Traytours themselves atleast wise to favour Treason and Traytours and have treasonable hearts within them 5. Fiftly This corruption is a large step to the abolishing of the memory of this never to be forgotten Treason and of that solemne Holy-day on the 5. of November instituted by Act of Parliament for this very end that our unfained thankfulnes for our happy deliverance from this Hellish designe might NEVER BE FORGOTTEN but be had in A PERPETUALL REMEMBRANCE that ALL AGES TO COME may yeeld prayses to the Divine Majesty and have in memory THIS IOYFULL DAY OF DELIVERANCE they are the words of the Act. For when such a treason begins once to be blanched slighted and the solemne gratulatory Prayers instituted for its remembrance thus miserablie to be corrupted the next step can be no other but the abrogating both of the Booke itselfe and the solemnity kept in remembrance of the treason And then when this is effected the next newes we shall heare of from Rome will be the deniall of the Fact that there was ever any such treason plotted though sundrie Histories specifie it As they have long since published in print that Henry Garnet the Iesuite and Arch-plotter of it had no hand therein And that there was never any Pope Ione though above 20 ancient Popish Writers record there was such a one and shee a Pope a strumpet a most say an English woman 6. Sixtly It is apparant that this alteration was made only to gratify the Priests the Jesuites Pap●sts and men Trayterously affected Since all loyall Subjects and true-bred English spirits cannot but abhor it Therefore who-ever were the Authours or occasions of it be they either Arch Prelates Bishops Priests or other for J cannot yet certainly discover the parties neither have I any sufficient meanes or Commission to doe it it being a thing worthy your Majesties owne Royall Discoverie as the Powder-plot itselfe was your Fathers KING JAMES his owne ever-blessed detection if it be not Arch-Traytours and Rebels yet J dare proclaime them no friends to your Majesty nor yet to the Church or State of England or to the Religion we professe but enemies to them all and friends to none but Rome whose iustruments they were in this particular 3. The third corruption and forgery is in the very Articles of Religion of the Church of England at first compiled in King Edward the 6. his raigne Anno 1552. Revised and re-established Anno 1562. in Queen Elizabeths dayes after that Anno 1571. confirmed by Act of Parliament 13. Eliz. c. 12. and printed both in Latine and English the same yeare by the Queens Authority The 20 Article in all these ancient Editions and all others in Queen Elizabeths raigne as likewise in the Articles of Ireland taken verbatim out of the English printed at Dublin Anno 1615. and twice reprinted at London An. 1628. 1629. Artic. 75. of the Authority of the Church runs thus It is not Lawfull for the Church to ordaine any thing that is contrary to Gods Words c. But the Bishops to advance their owne usurped Authority gaine some colour to arregate to themselves a power of prescribing new rites and Ceremonies have forged a New Article of Religion and added it unto this without either your Majesties or
of her Commissioners in causes Eclesiasticall or of the Metropolitane of this Realme ordaine or publish such further Ceremonies or Rites as may be most for the advancement of Gods glory the edyfying of his Church and the due reverence of Christs Holy mysteries and Sacraments A power not personal sayth the Coale to the Queen only when shee was alone but such as was to be continued also unto her Successors So that in case the Common-prayer Booke had determined positively that the Table shoule be placed at all times in the vale of the Church or Chauncel which is not determined of or that the Ordinary by his owne oppointment could not have otherwise appointe which yet is not so the Kings most excellent Majesteye on information of the irreverent usage of the holy Table by all sorts of people as it hath been accustomed in these later dayes in sitting on it in time of Sermon otherwise prophanely abusing it in taking Accounts making Rates such like businesses may by the last clause of the side for the due reverence of Christs holy mysteries Sacraments with the advise Counsel of the Metropolitane comaund it to be placed where the Altar stood to be railed about for the greater decency To this I answer first That a possead Esse non valet consequentia The Kingh by virtue of this Act by the advise of the Metropolitanne may commaund the Table to be placed where the Altar stood there rayled in Ergo it ought there to be placed railed in before or without the Kings Commaund is no good Argument yea the contrary holds good The Table ought not so to beplaced or railed in but by his Magesteyes expresse Commaund that by some publike Act and writing under his great Seale as is evident by Queen Elizabeths Injunctions the Booke of Orders Anno 1561. the Booke of Advertissements Anno 1565 with the Statute of 25. H 8. ● 19. the King being to Cammand nothing of this nature to all his Subjects but by matter of Record under his great Seale as all his Proclamations writs doe testify But his Majesteye hath yet given noe such expresse commaund by any publike Act or writing under his great Seale Therfore it ought not to be done 2. This branch of the Statute takes away all power from the Metropolitane Prelates Ordinaries to ordaine or publish any new Rites or Ceremonies what soever o● to alter any formerly prescribed or established vesting this power only in the Queens Majesteyes her Commissioners Metrapolitane being only to advise her in cause she require their advise but not to doe any thing them selves in their owne names either with or with our the Queenes advise they being as some say in a Premunire if they doe it by the State of 25. H. 8. c. 19. compared with 27. H. 8. c. 15. 35. H. 8. c 16. 3. 4. Ed● 6 c. 11. his Majesteyes and the Bishops owne resolution in the Declaration before the 39 Articles of Religion reprinted by his Majesteyes speciall Commaund London 1628. By what right or power then I pray with what great affront to his Majesteyes Prerogrative Royall can or doe our Arch-Bishops Bishops Arch-Deacons Ordinaries officials in their severall visitations take upon them to prescribe new rites Ceremonies of their owne devising to print pubblish them in their owne names without any Commission from his Majesteyes in their visitation Articles to injoyne Ministers Church-wardens Sidemen to submit unto them suspending questioning excommunicating them in case they refuse to doe it when as them selves for making they for submitting to any such Rites Ceremonies or Constitutions are ipso facto excommunicated by the 12. Canon made in Convocation Anno 1603 By what right or authority doe they now set up Altars insteed of Tables order give in charge in printed Articles that Communion Tables shal be changed removed sett Altarwise against the East end of the the Chauncel there rayled in that the Ministers shall bow cring unto them administer the Sacrament yea read the 2. service as they call it at the Table even when there is no Sacrament that all the Communicants shall come up to receive that all men shall stand up at Gloria Patri the Gosple Athanasius the Nicene Creed bow at every naming of Iesus Woemen to be Churched with vayles not without things no wayes prescribed by the Booke of Comon prayer or Commaunded by his Mayestey under the great Seale suspending silencing depriving excommunicating Ministers and vexing his Mayesteyes subjects severall wayes for not submitting to these their Novell Articles Injunctions being all Derogatorie to his Majesteyes Ecclesiasticall Prerogative contrary to this objected clause of the Statute and to the first clause thereof which enacts That no manner of Parson vicar or other Minister what soever shall wilfully or obstinately standing in the same use or by open fact deed or thenreatning compell cause procure or maintaine any person vicar or other Minister in any Cathedrall or parrish Church or Chapple to use ANY OTHER RITE CEREMONY ORDER FORME OR MANNER of celebrating the Lords Supper Mattens Evening song Administration of the Sacraments then is mentioned and sett forth in the Booke of Common Prayer and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England under the penalties therein expressed which Booke neither prescribes nor mentions all or any of these Nouell Rites Ceremonies The Coalier therfore might well have f●●o ne this objection which fals so heavy upon him these Prelates which set him no worke to blow a brode his Coale from the Altar to kindle a combustion in our Church 3. I answer that this clause is meerly personall to the Queen because she and her Commissioners only is named in it not her Heires Successors their Commissioners that for two reasons First for the Parleament then knew her syncerity love to Religion and her desire to aduance it of which she had given good Testimonie all King Edward the 6. time but especially in Queen Maries dayes therfore they would trust her with such a power But they then knew not neither could they divine who might chance to be her Heyre or Successor to the Crowne nor what they might prove in point of Religion Therfore they would not adventure to intrust them with such an authority who might peraduenture overturne the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church with the due use reverence of Christe holy misteries Sacraments formerly setled by this Act the Booke of Common prayer by vertue or coulor of this clause without a Parliament but limited it only to the Queen 2. Because the Booke of Common Prayer administration of the Sacrament other Rites Ceremonies of the Church of England being then but newly corrected published there might there upon as comonly it fals out upon all Alterations grow some questions doubts inconveniences about it or
A QUENCH-COALE OR A briefe Disquisition and Inquirie in what place of the Church or Chancell the Lords-Table ought to be situated especially when the Sacrament is administred VVherein is evidently proved that the Lords-Table ought to be placed in the MIDST of the Church Chancell or Quire North and South not Altar-wise with one side against the wall That it neither is nor ought to be stiled an Altar That Christians have no other Altar but Christ alone who hath abolished all other Altars which are either Heathenish Iewish or Popish and not tollerable among Christians All the Pretences Authorities Arguments of Mr. Richard Shelford Edmond Reeve Dr. Iohn Pocklington and A late Coale from the Altar to the contrary in defence of Altars calling the Lords-Table an Altar or placing it Altar-wise are here likewise fully answered and proved to be vaine or forged By a well-wisher to the truth of God and the Church of England Hebr. 7. 12. 13. For the Priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change also of the Law For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to an other Tribe of which no man gave attendance at the Altar Augustinus de verbis Domini secundum Joannem Serm. 42. Christus quotidie pascit Mensa ipsius est illa in MEDIO constituta Printed in the yeare 1637. To the High and Mightie Prince CHARLES By the Grace of God King of Great Brittaine France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. MOST DREAD SOVERAIGNE THE bleeding and almost desperate Condition of the long established Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England of late yeares not only secretly undermined by Popish Priests and Jesuites but openly oppugned affronted by some English Priestes and Prelates in divers Visitation-Articles Sermons and printed Bookes licenced for the Presse to the intollerable contempt of your Majesties late pious Declarations Hath made me so presumptuous as not only to compile but likewise to recommend this unpolished Quench-Coale to your Royall Personage Wherein like a plain-dealing English-man I have according to my poore ability not only defended the established Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England in the particulars now oppugned against those treacherous rebellious Sonnes of hers who have professedly both in their Sermons practises and printed Bookes oppugned them out of her owne Records and Writers which I have principally made use of but likewise discovered and layd open without flattery or partiallity their desperate practises aymes plots and intentions to suppresse and roote out our syncere Religion and usher in Popery by degrees Together with the method and progresse they have made and prosecuted in this their pernicious designe The reasons inducing me to dedicate this rude incompt Discourse which I had neither time nor opportunity to polish to your Sacred Majesty were these 1. First to acqu●int your Highnes with the severall dangers wherewith the Religion Doctrine and Discipline by Law establishest in the Church of England are now surrounded and those open affronts and oppositions made of late yeares against it Of which I presume your Majesty who commonly see with other mens eyes and heare with other mens eares as most Princes are forced to doe have not beene yet so fully acquainted as your faithfull Subjects could desire especially by your Prelates 2. Secondly to informe your Majesty how grosly some of your Prelates and Chaplaines have abused your Highnes and your Subjects eares and eyes both in the Pulpit the Counsell-Chamber and in printed Bookes in the point of Altars and their situation of Communion-Tables Altarwise against the East wall of the Quire Which Altars Situs of Lords-Tables they have peremptorily affirmed to be consonant to the practise of approred Antiquity Yea to the Statutes Doctrine Canons and Discipline of the Church of England When as it is most apparant That the primitive Church laand Christians had no Altars but Tables only for aboue 260 teyeares after Christ And that then and ever since till now of late both their Tables and Altars were alwayes placed in the MIDST of their Quires or Churches As J have here plentrifully manifested And that they neither bowed to nor towards their Altars as these new Doctours falsely dogmatize 3. Thirdly To present unto your Majesty the many dangerous Innovations and backslidings to Popery that have crept into our Church of late and now are publikely justifyed in print yea enjoyned by some of your potent Prelates and enforced on your poore Subjects especially godly Ministers under paine of suspension excommunication deprivation yea fining imprisonment and utter ruine in your High Commissions at first erected to suppresse all Poperie Innovations Errours and Episcopall enchroachments upon your Eeclesiasticall Prerogative but now used as the chiefe Instruments to countenance and set them up in professed opposition and rebellion against your Majesties Lawes Proclamations and two late pious Declarations to all your loning Subjects VVherein your Majesty to the unspeakeable joy of all your true-hearted people calling God to record before whom you stand hath made this solemne Protestation That you will never give way to the authorizing of any thing whereby ANY INNOVATION may steale or creep into the Church but preserve that unity of Doctrine Discipline established in the Time of Queen Elizabeth whereby the Church of England hath stood florished ever since That you doe professe to maintaine the true Religiō Doctrine established in the Church of England without ADMITTING OR CONNIVING AT ANY BACKSLIDING TO POPERY OR SCHISME That you will not INDVRE ANY VARYING OR DEPARTING JN THE LEAST DEGREE from the se●●d Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England now established And that you will esteeme those subordinate Officers and Ministers that shal be but negligent in seeing this your Declaration executed much more then those who apparantly oppugne it as culpable both to God and your Majesty And will expect that hereafter they give you a better account Yet notwithstanding both these your royall Declarations Some of your Prelates who were both privies and parties to them with others of your Clergie have since their publication not only suffered many Jnnovations to creep and steale into our Church admitted and connived at many backslidings to Poperie and Romish Schisme and permitted nay licensed in print many varyings and departings in the highest degree from the setled established Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England But likewise been the chiefe Authours and fomenters yea the open Abbettours and Commaunders of them both in the Pulpit High Commission their Visitation-Articles Synodes and in printed Bookes Especially in setting up justifying writing and preaching for Images Crucifixes Altars Priests Sacrifices of the Altar bowing to Altars to Communion-Tables and rayling them in Altarwise with other particulars else-where specified in this Discourse In which we have lately backslided not only towards Popery but quite Apostatized to it as the Priestes the Papists glory and cracke in every place justifying in
some late printed Bookes The Church of Rome to be a true Church and never to have erred in any fundamentall points no not in the worst times And publikely maintaining the Pope or Papacy not to be A●tichrist and Antichrist yet not to be come in open affront to our Homilies Articles Authorised Writers of all sorts and the professed position of all the Reformed Churches of the world So much doe some of your Prelates and Priests now dote upon the Whore of Rome and her abominations Yea such hath been the monstruous unparalled presumption of these undutifull persidious Innovatours since these Declarations published by your Majesty that they have dared to purge corrupt sophisticate and Innovate the publike Records and Monuments of the Church of England ratified by sundrie Acts of Parliament without your Majesties privity To such an hight of insolency are they growen I shall instance only in 3. particulars worthy your Majesties yea the whole Kingdomes consideration and the severest Censures that your Royall Justice can inflict First they have purged corrupted the Booke of Common-Prayer in two severall places the first whereof so neerely concernes your Majesty your Royall Confort and Princely Issue that J should be no lesse then an Arch-Traytor to you all should I not discover but conceale it In the ancient Common-prayer-Bookes there was this Collect prescribed for the Queen Prince and Royall Issue O God who art the Father of thine Elect and of their seed we humblie beseeth thee to blesse our most gracious Queen c. These busy Innovatours to testify their loyalty and duty to your Majesty your Queen and Royall Issue have presumed to expung you all out of the Catalogue of Gods Elect and to ranke you all in the number of Reprobates and Castawayes with one dash Blotting this clause who art the Farher of thine Elect and of their seed quite out of this Collect in all the late Common-prayer-Bookes VVhereby they have done as much as in them lies not only to deprive your Majesty and your Princely Jssue of that temporall Crowne of Soveraignty over these your Realmes to which you are Elected by God but also to rob both your Majesty your Noble Queen your Royall Issue your most Illustrious Sister and her Princely Progenie of that eternall Crowne of glory likewise to which both Charity and Loyalty enjoyne us to believe you are Elected through Gods free grace and everlasting decree Elect in the Collect being taken in both these sences VVhether these pragmaticall Refiners of this prayer deserve not a Tiburne-Tippet at the least for this bold attempt I humbly submit to your Royall Majesty 2. The second alteration they have made in the Booke of Common-prayer is in the Epistle for Palme-Sunday small in appearance but great in consequence All the Common Prayer-Bookes before the yeare of our Lord 1629. as likewise Tyndals Couerdales Thomas Mathewes and the Bishops Bibles used in our Churches till Anno 1612. read that text of Phil. 2. 10. according to the original the Fathers all Latine Writers and Translations but two of late to witt the Beza and Castalio who render it Ad nomen not IN nomine as all others doe in this maner That IN the name of Iesus every knee should bow c. But these Innovatours to Jdolize the name Iesus and usher in the Ceremony of Capping and bowing to it thereby to make way for bowing to Images Altars Adoration of the Eucharist and other Romish Innovations in the yeare of our Lord 1629. the very next yeare after your Majesties Declarations turned this IN into AT the Name as one Prelate did the like before in the New Translation of the Bible for the same purpose contrary to the originall the sence and scope of the place the Fathers all former Common-prayer-Bookes the very rules of our English Dialect There being no such phrase in the whole Bible nor in any English Author that ever I yet read as AT the name except only in this mistranslated corrupted text But only IN the name AT the name being pure nonsence As appeares by turning IN into AT in all the texts of Scripture where this phrase IN the name is used As Math. 28. 19. Baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost Iohn 16. 23. Whatsoever yee shall aske the Father IN my name he will give it you Acts 3. 6. IN the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth stand up and walke Acts 9. 27. 2. 9. He preached boldly at Damascus IN the name of Iesus And Acts 16. 8. 1. Cor. 5. 4. Ephes. 5. 2. 2. Thes. 5. 20. 2. Thes. 3. 6. In all which if we convert IN into AT and read them AT the name it makes both the English and text Nonsence and so it doth in this very text Phil. 2. 10. As some have manifested at large in particular Treatises of this Subject and Ceremonies of bowing at the name of Iesus when it is pronounced brought in by Popes with indulgences for idolatrous ends and not knowne not used in the Primitive Church for above 1200 yeares after Christ What ever some have written or preached to the contrary to abuse your Majesty and Subjects with their Fables Who they were that originally caused these two alterations and Corruptions of the Common-prayer-Booke to omit the changing of Minister into Priest in some places I cannot certainly informe your Majesty But if common same and circumstances may be credited● they were some of your greatest Prelates this day living One of the chiefe instruments imployed in this good service who can discover the parties that sett him about this worke Then a Chaplaine to a great Bishop now to your Majesty was Dr. Iohn Cosens as I was long since informed by your Majesties Printer Mr. Norton upon the first discovery and inquirie after this abuse A fit instrument for such a purpose Who but the yeare before was accused in Parliament for dangerous words against your Majesty and the Reformers of our Religion To witt That your Majesty was no more Supreame Head of the Church of England next and immediately under Christ then the Boy that rubbed his horse heeles That the Reformers of our Church when they tooke away the Masse tooke away all Religion and the whole service of God They called it a Reformation but it was indeed a Deformation That the Masse was a good thing and a good word As also for setting up Images an Altar and no lesse then 220 Tapers 16 Torches on Candlemas-day in the Cathedral Church of Durham coutrary to the established Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England All which particulars were substantially proved against him both in the Parliament-house and at the Assises at Durham where he was found guilty upon an Indictment Yet in stead of punishments answerable to these his offences some whereof would have been capitall in other men he hath been so
the Parliaments privity or consent and cu●ningly obtruded it on the Church of England Making this Article now to run thus The Church hath power to decree Rues and Ceremonies and Authority in Controversies of Faith And yet so farre runnes the Bishops forgery and addition it is not Lawfull for the Church to ordaine any thing that is contrary to Gods Word written c. Which whole first clause to yet Is no part of the Article but a meere forgery and imposture of the Bishops Whose glosse is as pernicious as the text or woise For by Church they understand nothing else but Bishops Making the sence of this forgery to be this The Church that is the Bishops in their Visitations Consistories and High Commissions as they now de facto expound it witnes their late new Visitation Articles Rites and Ceremonies which they would hence justify and Authorize and likewise the Cleargie in their Conuocation without the King and Parliaments consent have both power to decree Rites and Ceremonies and Authority in matters of Faith An exposition Doctrine quite contrary to the Statutes of 25. H. 8. 6. 19. 1. Eliz. c. 2. 13. Eliz. c. 12. and all Acts concerning Religion Heresie Bishops and the like yea directly repugnant to your Majesties Declaration before the 39. Articles And quite opposite to the Scriptures and all ancient VVriters who never tooke the word Church for Bishops or Cleargie-men only but for the whole Congregation and as well as much for the common-people as the Bishops and Ministers as the 19. Article next preceeding it and our Writers plentifully witnes This forgery how ill soever glossed is thrust into both the late Editions of the Articles Anno 1628. published by your Majesties speciall commaund and made a part of the 20 Article notwithstanding your Majesty in your Declaration before both these Editions Expressely prohibited The least difference from the Articles of the Church of England allowed and authorized heretofore in Queen Elizabeths dayes or any varying and departing from them in the least degree in which it is not to be found Nor yet in the Articles of Ireland n. 75. taken verbatim out of this 20. Article printed in London the very same yeare or in the Addition of those Articles An. 1629. a yeare after these two last impressions If the Bishops here reply that they found it added in Rogers his Exposition on the Articles printed some yeares before J answer that Coppy was not the Authorized Authenticke Originall by which they should be directed but a bastard Coppy with which your Majesty would not have your poore Subjects cheated or deluded Your Majesty therefore prohibiting any the least difference from the Articles allowed and authorized heretofore in Queen Elizabeths dayes by Parliament Prohibited them to insert this forged addition If they reply that they were ignorant of the Originall true Coppyes and knew not this to be a forgery I answer that this is very improbable that so many great Bishops should be altogether ignorant which were the true genuine Articles of our Church who had read subscribed and given them in charge to others so often But admit it true yet ignorance in this case is no plea at all for any man much lesse for Bishops And if they are so ignorant of the very Articles of our Church J hope your Majesty and others will thinke them very unmeet to be Bishops in our Church and trust lesse to their pretended knowledge judgement and learning in future times giving little credit to any thing they doe or say without examination of it since they are so really or affectedly ignorant of the very Articles of our Church in the which they pretend most skill But if they knew the very Originall Coppyes Articles as no doubt they did and that this clause was not in them but a meere late forgery most fraudelently and corruptly added to them Then they were accessaries wilfull consenters to this forgery to delude both your Majesty and the whole Church of England with it Yea protessed rebels against your Majesties Declaration before these two impressions made by their owne advice prohibiting the least difference from the sayd true Articles and Originals And so are they guilty of forgery treachery and contumacy against your Majesty in the highest degree If a man forge but a private Wil or Deed to cosen any private man of any Inheritance Lease or personal estate he shal be severely punished in the Star-chāber fined pyllored if not loose his eares beside What punishments then doe they deserve who have thus corrupted the Commō-prayer-Booke the Prayers for the Gunpowder-treason and the Articles of Religion all ratified by Parliament so matters of Records to corrupt or rase Records or forge deeds the second time is felony and to forge a new Article of Religion to deceive your Majesty your whole Kingdom and that not only for the present but for all future ages Certainly hanging is to good for them Should a poore Puritane doe but halfe as much the Bishops would have drawen hanged and quartered him long ere this especially if the thing were derogatory to their Hierarchie and Epis. copall Iurisdiction But Bishops and their Agents thinke they may doe any thing in these dayes without check or censure Yet I hope your Majesty will not let them goe scot-free for these their forgeries corruptiōs If not all done by their Commaund and privity yet doubtles by their connivance negligence and subsequent consents And is it not now high time for your Majesty to looke to these persidious Innovatours and to repose no trust in them any longer since they are lately growen so powerfull so insolent as thus to sophisticate to pervert these very Originall Records of the the Church of England to which they have subscribed and to forge new Articles of Religion to cheat your Majesty the whole Church of England with for feare they proceed to further forgeries of an higher nature VVee know that the Bishops of Rome have forged a Donation from Constantine and others with which they have deluded and troubled all the world thrust the Roman Emperours frō their Throne Territories and usurped a temporall Monarchie over all the world VVe know that the Bishops of England in King Richard the 2. and Henry the 4. his dayes forged two bloody Acts of Parliament against the true Professours of the Gospell to which the Commons never consented though they foisted their assents into them upon which tyrannous forged Acts most of our Martyrs were butchered thousāds of godly Christiās loyall Subjects imprisoned martyred ruinated and stript of all their goods or else abjured by blood-sucking tyrannous Prelates Whether they may not in time proceed to the like attempts if not severely punished for those fore-past forgeries and corruptions of our Churches Parliamentary Records I humblie submit to your Majesties and all wise-mens considerations Ambition tyranny pride malice being boundles when
they have once overswolm'd the bankes of due moderation or growen impudent and unrulie especially in Bishops Having thus represented to your Majesties Royall view these 3 grand forgeries and corruptions give me leave I humblie beseech your Highnes to adde to these two other late Jmpostures obtruded on the Church of England 1. The first by Dr. then Mr. Iohn Cosens and his confederates Who Anno 1628. the same yeare your Majesties Declarations were published sett forth a Booke intiteled A collection of private Devotions or the Howers of Prayer Wherein was much Popish Trash and Doctrine comprized and at least 20 several points of Popery maintained to countenance all which in the Title and Epistle of this Booke he writes That these Devotions of his were after this maner published by Queen Elizabeth and were heretofore published among us by her High and Sacred Authority to witt in the Preces of Horary sett forth by her Royall Authority Anno 1573. VVhen as there is no Analogie at all either in matter forme or method between these Devotions of his and those devout Prayers of her Majesty nor any of his points of Popery in them as hath been proved by two particular Answers to his Devotions in print Yet these Devotions of his were never yet suppressed but publikely sold among us approved by a Bishops license and now reprinted to abuse your Majesties poore Subjects encourage Papists and scandalize that ever-blessed pious Queen as the Authour and Patronesse of his grosse Popery An abuse not tollerable in a Christian State 2. The second is as bad or worse Anno 1631. One Iohn Ailward not long before a Popish Priest published a Booke intiteled An Historicall Narration of the judgement of some most learned Bishops concerning Gods Election Affirming the Errours of the Arminians to be the Iudgement and Doctrine of the Church of England and of the Martyrs and Reformers of it both in King Edwards and Queen Elizabeths dayes This Booke though written in professed opposition to your Majesties Declaration before the 39. Articles to Suppresse Arminianisme yet now made the only iustrument to advance it and suppresse the truth was licensed by Mr. Martyn then Chaplaine to the Bishop of London now Arch-Bishop of Canterbury The whole Booke except some 3. or 4. leaves containing nothing else but a Coppy ef an Answer to a Letter wherein the Answerer purged himselfe and others from Pelagian Errours c. This Master-peece forsooth is pretended to be sett out by the Bishops and Reformers of our Church in the inception of Queen Elizabeths raigne by publike Authority and the Doctrine then taught and professed When this new Booke was printed no Coppies must come abrode as the Stationer then affirmed before the Bishop of London had presented it to your Majesty and gained your Royall approbation thereof Not long after this it flies abrode ouer all the Realme to the great amazement and disturbance of many of your Subjects One of them comming to that learned Knights hands Sir Humphry Lynde better read in Fathers and Popish Authours then English Antiquities he was so much stumbled and greiued at it that he presently repaired with it to a Gentlemans study of his acquaintance Telling him there was a new Booke freshly published which proued the Martyrs and Reformers of our Church to be professed Arminians and that this was the Doctrine publikely taught and printed by Authority in the beginning of Queen Elizabeths-raigne Saying withall it would doe infinite harme and desiring him to take some paines to answer it The Gentleman no sooner turned ever two or three leaves of the Booke but he presently discovered the grand Imposture Informing the Knight that this Coppy of a Letter c. was written by one Champenies whom Iohn Venon Divinity Lecturer of Paules in the first yeare of Queen Elizabeth expresly affirmed to be then a ranke Papist and a Pelagian and that in answer to this Verons Lectu● es of Predestination then publikely preached at Paules dedicated to Queen Elizabeth and printed by Authority in the second yeare of her Highnes raigne He likewise acquainted him that this Coppy of his Letter was printed about the third yeare of her Dominion without any Authours or Printers name thereto or place where or yeare when it was printed or any intimation at all that it was ever licensed All which were plaine evidences that it was printed in a corner without any license at all And whereas sayd he you desire a speedy Answer to it if you will give me but a paire of gloves I will show you two Answers to it already in print above ●0 yeares since by publike Authority and one of the first printed Coppies of this Letter to boote To which the Knight replied J am sure you doe but jest with me No sayd the other I am in good earnest wil you give me or wager a paire of gloves hereupon That answered he I will doe with all my heart Then sayd the Gentleman reach me hither those three Bookes he pointed to He did so The first was a Coppy of the Letter without name of Authour Printer date of time or place Which compared with that in this new Booke proved the same verbatim Now sayd the Gentleman you have seen the Originall I will shew you the Authour of it which he did in Verons Apology f. 37. and likewise two severall Answers in print The first by Iohn Veron himselfe fore-named intitled An Apologie in Defence of the Doctrine of Predestination Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth and imprinted at London by Iohn Tisdale in the fourth yeare of her Raigne Wherein this whole Letter is fully answered The second by that famous Learned Man and exile for Religion in Queen Maries dayes Robert Crowly In his Apologie of those English Preachers and Writers which Cerberus the three-headed Dogg of Hell chargeth with false Doctrine under the name of Predestination Seen and allowed according to Her Majesties Injunctions and printed at London by Henry Denham Anno 1566. Wherein this whole Letter is at large recited in severall Sections and then answered Verbatim This Booke being nothing else but a particular professed Answer to it by publike Authority As directly contrary to the truth and Doctrine of the Church of England then taught and established When the Gentleman had shewed him these two printed ancient Answers to this new Booke He likewise turned to some passages in Bishop Latymer which answered and cleared his words cited in this Booke from any such sence as it would fasten on them And to answer the Passage in it out of Bishop Hoopers Preface before his Exposition on the ten Commaundements He shewed him first the Confession and Protestation of the Bishops Faith dedicated to King Edward the 6. and the whole Parliament and printed at London Cum Privilegio Anno 1550. Secondly A briefe and cleare Confession of the Christian Faith containing 100 Articles London 1584. Thirdly An Exposition upon certaine Psalmes London 1510. Jn all
which this godly Martyr did professedly in expr●●e tearmes oppugne all the Arminian points now controverted and those this new Booke would fasten on him by over straining some of his words VVhich done Now said the Gentleman I have shewed you many full old Answers to your New Booke and proved it to be a meere lie and forgery from the beginning to the end yea the most grosse and greatest Imposture affront and impudent abuse that ever was put upon the Church of England VVherefore Sir● since you are acquainted at London-House and Lambeth I pray informe the Bishop and Arch-Bishop what you have seen and desire them to take some speedy course to rectify this most foule abuse He did so Yet the Booke was not called in in a weekes space or more VVhich the Gentleman perceiving went to Lambeth with his Bookes shewed the Arch-Bishop that then was what he had shewed the Knight Desiring his Grace that the Church of England might not have such an impudent strange Imposture thrust upon her VVhere upon he thanked the Gentleman Protesting he had shewed him that he never saw nor heard off before Desiring him to leave his Bookes with him for a weeke after which he would safely restore them VVhereupon these Bookes after they were halfe sold and dispersed over the Kingdome were only called in but not burned nor any publike Act made against them to discover the practise and Imposture Only the Gentleman was at the cost to send some of these old Bookes in answer of this new Pamphlet to the University Library at Oxford and to Cambridge acquainting some of his Friends there with this Decoy But now of late this Booke flies abrode into all parts is publikely sold in all Stationers shops and thousands of your Subjects ignorant of the fraud are meerely cheated and seduced by it the Licenser if not the Authour being since aduanced and the discouerer of this egregious Jmposture detestable both to God man most despitefully rewarded and miserablie traduced for his paines O tempora O mores that men should suffer for their good service in this kinde Now J humblie referre to your Majesties most serious consideration whether all these particular Corruptions Forgeries and Jmpostures the vndoubted verity whereor is soone discouered by the Bookes themselves which w●● attest them doe not crie aloud to your Majesty for speedy redresse and proclaime the authours of them though never so great or powerfull unworthy of your Majesties grace unmeet to be trusted or credited by your Highnes any more for those who are thus treacherous and unfaithfull to their Religion and Mother Church how can they be loyall or trustie to your Majesty and worthy of the highest Censures your Royall Iustice can inflict upon them Your Majesty hath called God to witnes in A Declaration to all your loving Subjects who dare credit you without an Oath That it is and alw●yes hath been your hearts desire to be found worthy of that Title which you account the most glorious in all your Crowne DEFENDER OF THE FAITH And how can you better accomplish this desire of your heart or make yourselfe worthy of this most glorious Motto then by rectifying all these most grosse abuses and Jmpost●res By rooting out all Innovations and back sl●dings unto Popery now crept into our Church by reducing all your Subjects to the unanimous profession of the long established Doctrine of the Church of England And by taking vengeance upon all the grand Authours and Executioners of the fore-mentioned Forgeries Impostures Innovations which dishonour your Royall Majesty greive all your Faithfull Subjects betray and scandalize our Religion make us a very derision prey and scorne to our Romish Aduersaries and draw downe the very plagues and vengeance of our offended God upon us whose judgements now call for a speedy redresse of these things at your Majesties hands whom they have most intollerablie and undutifully dishonoured For whereas your Roy all Majesty out of the piety and syncerity of your upright heart hath in your fore-specified Declarations most seriously protested in the very presence of God himselfe your perfect detestation of all Innovations in ` Doctrine or Discipline and backsl●dings unto Pope●y professing and proclaiming that you will by no meanes tolerate or indure them much lesse then favour or enjoyne them Yet since these disloyall Novellers their Clients and Agents forgetting their duty both to God and your Majesty feare not to give out in private speeches and to intimite as much in print that your Majesty doth not only connive at but likewise underhand either countenance or commaund by Letter or Word of mouth all these their Innovations and Apostacies towards Rome with their putting downe of Lectures and preaching of their late silencing excommunicating and persecuting godly Ministers in sundrie Diocesses for not yeelding to these Jnnovations or not reading the late Declaration for Sports in proper person in their Churches which they humblie conceive not to be your Majesties and which requires no such thing that it should be read much lesse by Ministers themselves in proper person and gives no man Authority in case they read it not to suspend or silence them for it to the Jnnocent peoples prejudice only whose soules are starved and murthered by this meanes and that they doe nothing at all but what they are enjoyned by your Majesties Royall Instructions Endeavouring by these false Rumors to make your Subjects believe had they such a miraculous Faith as to credit this impossibilitie that your Majesty is the Originall Authority and under-hand enconrager of all these their execrable practises Ceremonies Novelties proceedings and backsliding Of purpose to draw all the Odium of them on your Highnes and thereby as much as in them lyeth to alienate your Subjects hearts and affections from your Majesty Which intollerable unpardonable scandal were it as true as it is false Yet it were their duty to forbeare such speeches or cast ●uch scruples into your Subjects mindes But since they are most n●torious falsehoods and disloyall Iesuiticall practises in the highest degree making your Highnes no better then a notorious Hypocrite or dissembler both towards God and Man as themselves are though all the world will be your Compurgatours to acquit your Highnes from any the least suspition of such dissimulation Your Majesty is now obliged both in point of honour and Iustice to aveng yourselfe of such undutifull Slaunderers and Detractors from your Sacred Fame and by a speedy redresse of all their Innovations Superstitions Ceremonies and Abuses to proclaime to all the world that they are none of yours but their owne spurious issues and that your words and Actions both in publike and private are ever consonant uniforme and the same in every respect without the least shadow of alteration much lesse of doubling either with God or Man If your Majesty now demaund of me who they are who have been the chiefe Authours and instruments of these grosse
abuses forgeries Innovations I answer that although it may prove dangeroos to me to nominate them in particular before your Majesty shall commaund me so to doe by reason of their over-swaying power Yet for your Majesti●s satisfaction herein who can judge of the Catt by her Claw I shall give your Highnes a Register of the names of some of the chiefe under-instruments by which you may easily discrie the heades and Grandes of this disloyall crew One of the first and chiefe instruments your Majesty in your Royall Declaration and Proclamation hath pointed out and nominated to my hands To witt Richard Mountague then Bachi●er of Divinity since that time punished with the fatt Bishopricke of Chichester for his notorious Schismes and Innovations whose Booke intituled Apello Caesarem published in the yeare 1625. as the words of your Highnes determine did open the way to those Schismes and Divisions which have since ensued in our Church For remedie and redresse whereof and for Satisfaction of the consciences of your good people your Majesty did not only by publike Proclamation call in that Booke of his which ministred matter of offence but to prevent the like danger for hereafter reprinted the Articles of Religion established in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory a plaine resolution that your Majesty intended to establish only the originall Coppy of the Articles confirmed in Parliament by Queen Elizabeth in which there is no such forgery or addition to the 20 Article as is before discovered not any other corrupted Coppy since and by a Declaration before those Articles did tie and restraine all opinions to the sence of those Articles that nothing might be left for private fancies and Innovations Yet notwithstanding this your Rayall care this Booke of his because not burn'd and the Authour rewarded advanced to be a governour in our Church before any publike recantation of his Errours is bought and sold And he not only in a new Latine Booke but likewise in a Court-Sermon at White Hall in Lent last in your Majesties Sacred presense forgetfull both of his duty and your Highnes Declaration hath presumed to plead not only for a Limbus Patrum bowing to Altars and rayling in Lords-Tables Altarwise but likewise for Altars Priests and unbloody Sacrifices offred upon Altars toe in professed defiance to this your Declaration For which some of your Majesties Courtiers who heard his Sermon then openly protested that he deserued to be hanged up in White Hall gate it were a goodly signe the signe of such a Bishops skin and Rochet thus exalted and that they wondred how the Arch-Bishops could sit by and heare such a Sermon and not commaund him out of the Pulpit So insolent is this first grand Agent growen because not punished but preferred for his first offences The next chiefe F●ctor is Dr. Iohn Cosens whom I have formerly nominated a man likewise much honoured enriched aduanced euen to your Majesties service and the next in some mens voyce to be recommended to a Bishopricke if your Majesty reserve not the disposition of Bishoprickes to your selfe but suffer others to have a finger in their disposall and all for the good Seruice he hath done the Church of Rome the affronts he hath offred to the Church of England and using such reproachfull words against your Majesties Supremacy for which another happily might have had his head and quarters aduanced as high as London bridge ere this in Leiw of all ●ther preferments The happy successe of these two leading Instruments hath since encouraged many others to the like attempts as Dr. Lawrence Mr. Robert Shelford Priest Mr. Edmond Reeue Dr. Iohn Pocklington Dr. Peter● Heylin the Authour as most conclude of A Coale from the Altar Chownaeus and others in late printed Bookes and Sermons in hope of like preferments to broach many Arminian and Popish Doctrines Ceremonies Innovations cōtrary to the established Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England and in high contempt of your Majesties Declarations Which Bookes were licensed by William Bray and William Harwood Chaplaines to the Arch Bishop of Canterbury that now is by Samuel Baker and Mr. Weekes Chaplains to the now Bishop of London and by Dr. Beale late Vice-Chancellour of the University of Cambridge Yea one of them denying your Majesties Supremacy in causes Ecclesiastia●all and affirming the Church of Rome to be a true Church and not have erred in fundamentals even in the worst times dedicated to the present Arch-Bishop of Canterbury was licēsed by his Chaplaine William Harwood yea justified publikely by the Arch-Bishop in the High Commission in the Censure of Dr. Bastwicke Quid facient Domini audent cum talia Servi When the Chaplains dare license such Doctrines Bookes and Novelties by their Lords Authority it is much to be feared that their Lords themselves dare doe as much or more then this amounts to If your Majesty will but inquire of these new Authours and Licensers who are the men that cherish and countenance them By whose Privity and Authority they have presumed to attempt the writing and Licensing of such Bookes you may easily by these Rivulets trace out the Fountaines from whence all these Enormities Corruptions Forgeries and Innovations flow And if you shall vouchsafe with all to cast your Royall eye upon the Remonstrance touching the encrease of Popery Arminianisme and the decay of Religion presented to your Majesty by the Commons house the last Parliament it is a thousand to one but you will soone discover the very parties not only by guesse but by name Besides if your Majestie will once more cast your prying eye upon the late Visitation Articles of Bishop Wren Bishop Peirce Bishop Monntague and other your Prelates and Arch-Deacons visiting in their owne names and by their owne Authority Or cause a diligent inquiry to be made in all places where Altars Images Crucifixes bowing to Altars Tapers rayling Communion-Tables Altar-wise reading Second-Service at the Altar Consecrations of Altars Churches Chappels are introduced urged and many godly conformable Ministers excommunicated silenced suspended persecuted for not submitting to these with other such Innovations and New-Doctrines By whose Authority and commaund these things are done and inforced Or by what Authority some Schollers Ministers and Lecturers have been refused to be admitted to holy Orders Benefices and Lectures for not subscribing to certaine New-Doctrines Ceremonies underhand propounded to them And with all take this into your Royall consideration that in three late printed Treatises Arch-Bishops Bishops and Cathedrall Churches are made the Originall Patternes by which all other Persons and Churches must be regulated in these very Innovations Your Majesty without any further helpe or character may infalliblie discover both the roots the fountaines and Seminaries from whence all the premises issue More particular light then this is neither yet safe for me to give nor necessary for your Majesty to require
deride and flout us for our follies Apostasies miserable publike contradictions 7. Seventhly they open the mouthes of this Babilonish Crew and of forraigne and domesticke Papists to slaunder both our Church and Arch-Prelates as if shee and they with many other of our Prelates and Cleargie of chiefe note were now returning with the dogge to his vomit and the washed Sow to her wallowing in the mire yea to the very vomit and mire of that VVhore of Rome which we had formerly spned and cast out That this is the common Newes in most forraigne parts not only the reports of Travellers witnes but Sr. Iohn Cooke your Majesties principall Secretary of State some few yeares since in the very infancy of these Innovations and backeslidings affirmed openly in Star-chamber in the now Arch-Bishop of Canterburies case that this newes was spread as farre as the very Wals of Rome itself upon his certaine intelligence thence And therefore it was high time for your Majesty your Prelates and the State to looke more strictly to our Religion and to take away all occasions of such Rumours Since which there have been more occasions of them given then in forty yeares before So as this Rumour is generally believed abroad as a most certaine truth● and crept into some of their late printed Bookes This likewise is the common confident discourse and persuasion of most Priests and Papists at home both among themselves and in the Company of Protestants over whom they now seeme to triumph and sticke not openly to affirme and justify that both our Arch-Bishops to omit others are theirs To make this good I shall give your Majesty two late instances of which I have certaine intelligence and witnesses too if need be worthy your Royall consideration A Barkeshire Gentleman of some worth a Popish Recusant was since Easter last 1636. at a publike meeting where were divers prime Gentlemen of the Shire and 3 or 4 Iustices of Peace if not more VVhere entring into Discourse concerning some Controversies of Religion between the Papists and us with some of the Company he used these words in the hearing of them all Well Gentlemen you may talke and discourse of your Religion as long as you please but we have the Queens Majesty and the Arch Bishop of Canterbury firme on our side And so long wee shall make our partie good enough with you Some of the Company questioning him for these words He answered He would justify and make good what he sayd But was never yet for ought I heare required to doe it though intimation hath been given of these speeches to some whom they much concerne When Dr. Cosen 's the last Summer 1636. removed from the Bishopricke of Durham to his Colledge at Cambridge He gave his Friends of New-Castle a farewell Sermon in the Towne at which Sermon preached in the after-noone most of the Papists in that Towne were present Two of them the next morning meeting with two Marchants of the Towne who were Protestants they went all into a Taverne to drinke their mornings draughts The Papists demaunded of the Protestants whether they heard Dr. Cosens his Sermon One replied that he only heard of it but heard it not by reason of some busines that hindred him The other made Answer that he heard it The Papists demaund of him how he liked it He replied That it was but a plaine ordinary Sermon and that he heard nothing extraordinary in it Yea but said the Papists did you marke his garbe his cringes to the Altar and how he bowed himselfe when Iesus was named He hath the right garbe and duckes of our Priests The other answered he did not much observe his gestures Well said the Papists Dr. Cosens is a learned honest Gentleman and to tell you truely He and the Arch-Bishop of Yorke are both ours The other bade them take heed what they said Wee know well enough said they what we say we tell you againe they are both ours Whereupon one of the Protestants merrily replied If you will needs have both of them to be yours pray take them to yourselves we can spare them well enough Many words past to this purpose The Protestants complained of these speeches as scandalous to the Arch-Bishop and acquainted him there-with Whereupon the Papists were Articled against in the High Commission-Court at Durham and cited to appeare there Appearance they made but they have not yet made any full answer the busines being hushed up in a maner and layd asleepe Dr. Cosens in the meane time takes his journy towards Cambridge Most of the Gentlemen Papists in the Bishopricke to prove him theirs brought him a dayes-journy on his way and some of them as farre as Yorke Like speeches have been used by other Papists yet more privately modestly The like report they in print of Dr. Theodor Price Subdeane of West-minster that however he lived like an Atheist yet he died like a professed Papist This J confesse is not only a report but a truth He being a reported Papist long before his death Which made many wonder at the impudency of that great Prelate who knowing him intus in cute durst recommend him to your Majesty as the fittest man he in his conscience could pitch upon to make a Welsh Bishop And so earnestly to stickle for him against your Lord High Chamberlaine and his Chaplaine Dr. Griffirth Williams Especially being a man that never preached all his life but one Sermon as was reported and that in Latine penned as was bruited in Oxford long ago● by his Kinsman D. Lewes And he not long after a notorious Sodomite flying the Realme and losing his Provostship in Oxford for this very Sinne Yet now without any purgation or satisfactiō for so foule a crime is preferred not only to the Mastership of S. Crosses but likewise made your Majesties Chaplaine in Ordinary I will not say by whom and the chiefe man imployed for the now Chancellour of Oxford in his canvase for that dignity against the Earle of Pe●broke your Lord High Chamberlaine who had most voyces though not the fairest play It may be these Arch-Prelates countenancing and preferring of such persons is one maine ground of these Papists speeches VVho are worthy to be punished for them if they cannot justify and make them good And they unworthy to stay one hower in their places in case they shall not or cannot both by their Actions Doctrines c preceedings disprove them to be true as J hope their Graces wil being Fathers in God highest growen up into Christ in all things and the Eldest in Grace for which cause the word Grace is used unto Arch-Bishops as Mr. Reeve learnedly informes us But how-ever that shall fall out upon tryall yet this certainly is one fruite of these late Jnnovations and Bookes to produce such speeches in these and more mens mouthes then three or foure 8. Eightly these Bookes Innovations and Apostasies both in Doctrines Ceremonies
alwayes hath been our hearts desire to befound worthy of that title which we accompt the most glorious in all our Crowne Defender of the faith NEITHER SHALL WEE EVER GIVE WAY TO THE AUTHORIZINGE OF ANY THINGE WHERE BY ANY INNOUATION MAY STEALE OR CREEP INTO THE CHURCH but preserue the vnity of Doctrine discipline established in the time of Queen Elizabeth where by the Church of England had stood florished ever since Wee doe here professe to maintaine the true Religion Doctrine esta blished in the Church of England without admitting or conniving at ANY BACKSLIDING EITHER TO POPERY OR SCHISME Wee doe also declare that wee maintaine the ancient just Rights Liberties of our Subjects with so much constancy justice that they shall haue cause to acknowledge that under our goverment gracious protection they live in a more happy and free estate then any Subjects in the Christian world But the turning of Communion Tables into Altars so terming them the rayling of them in Altarwise so standing the forceing of the Communicants by seuerall rankes files to come vp to them there to receive kneeling at the rayle the enjoyning of Ministers to read the second service as they now Tearme it at the Table when there is no Communion to ducke to bow vnto it going to it returning from it at their ingresse to egresse from the Church all which Bishop Wren others in their late visitation Articles instructions have most strictly enjoined suspending excommunicating such Ministers Churchwardens who have refused to submitt to these otherlike Romish Nouelties are all of them direct Innouations not used nor heard of from the beginning of Queen Elizabeth raigne till of late they are contrary to the Purity of that Doctrine Discipline established in the time of Queen Elizabeth where by the Church of England hath stood florished euer since they are an apparent backsliding to Popery borrowed from the Papishs and brought in only to simbolize with them sett vp Masse and that all Popish Doctrines Rites Ceremonies againe by degres as the premises experience witnes They are contrary to the ancient and just Rights Liberties of the Subjects who ought not to have any such Nouelties thrust vpon them much lesse to be excommunicated fined suspended imprisoned thrust from their freeholds Lectures Cures but by the Law of the Land some speciall Act of parleament as the Statute of Magna Charta c. 29. The late Petition of Right 3. Garoli with other Acts therein recited expresly resolve Therefore they are all directly contrary to his Majesteyes Declarations this his most solemne Christian Protistation both to God All his Loyall Subjects Neither hath his Majestey given the least way to the Authorising of them or any of them or given any admittance or conniuance to them or given any authority or encouragement to the Metropolitane Bishops or other Ordinaries to require the like in all other Churches committed to them as the nameles Author of the Coale most impudently falsely to his Mayesteyes great dishonor reproach hath a vowed in print the Bishops their officers given out in speeches to couler ouer these all other their late Popish Innouations brought in fomented by themselves alone in affront of this his Majestoyes declaration royall pleasure signified this is print by Speciall Command to all his Loyall Subjects whose heares were not so much overjoyed at the sight of it at first as now they are overgreiued to see the Metropolitanes Bishops Ordinaries this blacke Collier in his blushlesse Coale from the Altar so insolently apparantly to thwart affront bid defiance to it by all these with other their dangerous Popish Innouations by suspending silencing excommunicating all such faithfull Ministers Lecturers Church-wardens People who out of Conscience towars God Loyalty to his Mayesteyes Lawes obedience to this his royall Declaration refuse to submit vnto them which they hope his Mayestey vpon information of this their most desperate insolency exorbitant disloyalty rebellion against his Lawes Declaration will not only consider but most seuerely punish to his poore Subjects comfort releife 4. His Mayesteye to shew his further detestation against these Innouations in his Declaration before the 39. Articles of Religion reprinted by his Majesteyes commaundment London 1628. which Declaration was made vpon mature Deliberation with the advise of so many of our Bishops as might conueniently becalled together thus signifieth his royall pleasure therein That wee are supreme Gouernour of the Church of England and that if ANY DIFFERENCE ARISE about the externall Policie concerning Injunctions Canons or other Constitutions what soeuer thereto belonging THE CLERGIE IN THEIR CONVOCATION not euery Bishop or ordinary in his Dioces as the Coale order of the Councill Table oited in it which doubt lesse in this was not rightly entred or Copied and determines IS TO ORDER AND SETTLE THEM But how of their owne heades without any speciall Commission from his Minyestey Noe I warrant you having FIRST obtained LEAVE UNDER OUR BRODE SEALE SO TO DOE AND WEE APPROVING THEIR SAID ORDINANCES AND CONSTITUTIONS providing that none bemade CONTRARY TO THE LAWES AND CUSTOMES OF THE LAND That of our Prinely care that the Churchmen may doe the worke which is proper vnto them the Bishops Clergie from time to time in Convocation vpon their humble desire SHALL HAVE LICENCE UNDER OUR BRODE SEALE to deliberate of and to doe all such things as being made plaine by them ASSENTED TO BY VS shall concerne THE SETLED CONTINUANCE OF THE DOCTRINE AND DISCIPLINE of the Church of England now established FROM WHICH WE NOT ENDURE ANY VARYING OR DEPARTING IN THE LEAST DEGREE Where his Mayestey the Bishops themselves expressely determine against the Coales Doctrine Bishops Practise 1. That if any difference arise about the externall Policie concerning Injunctions Canons or other Constitutions what soever thereto belonging or the true sence and meaning of them not the Metropolitane or Ordinaries in their seuerall Iurisdictions nor yet the High Commissioners but the whole Clergie in Convocation is to order them Therefore this difference concerning Alters the situation ray ling in of Communion Tables the reading of the 2. service at them receiving at them the like which euery Bishop Arch-deacon Chancellor Surregare now takes vpon h●m perempterily to order Alter at his pleasurs 2. That the whole Clergie in Convocation can neither deliberate on nor Order or settle any thing in these or such other particulars or differences unlesse they first obtaine leave from his Mayestey vnder his brode seale so to doe He also approve their said ordinances Constitutions by his or● a●d seale Letters Parents Therefore the Metropolitane himselfe the Bishops Arch deacons other Ordinaries with their vnder-Officers can order or settle nothing in these particulars or others nor
Ceremony Since therefore this bowing is neither commaunded by Gods Law nor any Stat●te or Canon confirmed by Parliament and the Statute of 1. Eliz. c. 2. expresly prohibits all Rites and Ceremonies but such as are prescribed by Parliament in the Booke of Common-prayer as this is not the Bishoppes practise therefore or Cathedrall usage are no good arguments to perswade the practise of it Secondly God forbid that the Bishoppes practise should be the rules of mens obedience many of them living and doing things quite contrary to Christs precepts in all things Christ prohibites them both to be or called Gracious Lords Mat. 20. 25. 26. L●ke 22. 25. 26. 1 Pet. 5. 1. 23. And they desire both to be Lords and to be so stiled of all men and style themselves so too He prohibits them all civill temporall Offices Iurisdiction and Dominion they ingrosse all into their hands He would have them be content only with one sword Ephes. 6. 17. to wit of the spirit the word of God and they in despite of him will not only chalenge and possesse but use and abuse both He commaunds them to be lowly and humble Matth. 11. 29. Col. 3. 12. And they studdy nothing else but to be pround and lofty He enjoynes them to be pittifull and mercifull even as he is mercifull Col. 2. 12. 13. Ephes. 4. 31. 32. Luke 6. 36. And they shew themselves altogether pittilesse and cruell He wils them to be patient and yet who more cholericke and angrie to be meeke and gentle yet who more insolent and inhumaine To be ready to pardon and forgive And yet who so dispitefull malicious or revengfull To be holy in all maner of conversation even as he is holy And yet who so prophane or in heart in life So malignant against purity holinesse and holy men as they To be apt to teach and yet who more unfitt or unwilling to preach then they To preach the word in season and out of season and that every day Vnde necesse est in singules ut ita dicam dies sementum facere ut ipsa saltem assiduitate doctrinae sermonem auditorum animi retinere possint S. Chrysestom l. 6. de sacer Tom. 5. Col. 471. Yet they will neither doe it themselves and silence all others who desire to doe it Having made almost a famine of Gods Word throughout out the Land Amos 8. 11. He presoribes them to ●sed his flocke Acts 20. 28. Ioh. 21. 15. 16. 17. Ezech. 36. 6. to 17. Ioh. 10. 1. c. Ia. 40. 1. 2. and they starue them To seeke his wandring sheepe and they runne from and looke not after them To be Pastors to them yet who such theeves and mu●therers who not only fleece but kill sley devoure and sucke the very blood of their sheepe To comfort his people and speake comfortably to his inheritance yet who such causes of greife vexation oppression teares and anguish of heart unto them as they He commaunds them to be blamelesse yet who more ●candalous and blame-worthy Not selfewilled Yet who so violont wilfull and head strong in all their undertakings Not soone angry yet who more touchie or outragious No strikers Yet who strike more then they and that with both Swords with which they lay on like mad men almost in every place Not given to filthy lucre yet who more griping and covetous Not given to wine yet who love or follow it more then they Sober Yet who so Incivill Iust Yet who unjust oppressive or treacherous both in word and deede Temperaie Yet who more immoderate in all kind of pompe and luxurie Ruling well their owne houses Yet what houses or servants so unruly disorderly irreligious or prophane as theirs Men having a good report of all men Yet who so ill reported of as they Men holaing fast the faithfull word as they have been taught Yet who such Apostates from the truth and revolters from the established doctrine of the Church as they Men able and williug by sound doctrine both to exhort and convince the gainesayers Yet who so unwilling if not unable to doe it as many of them God forbid then that their example should be our precedents J read in our learned Bale Scriptorum Brit. Cent. 9. c. 97. p. 756. See Bishop Whites Orthodox paragr 12. p. 63. in the life of Iohn White Bishop of Winchester whom he styles Antichristi Romani terrificus Minister Principum illusor animorum carnifex duplex periurus hypocrita qui rostris unguibus in regno Angliae restituere conatur omnes Antichristi Rom●ni tyranides idololatrias faetida impia dognita universa That as he changed his religion like a Weather-cocke with the times so he had this disticke bestowed upon him for his paines by Iohn Parkhurst Candidus es recte nec candidus es Rogitas cur Nomine candidus es Moribus niger es And may wee not now say the like of some of our Candid Prelates who like the Polypus change their colour with the Climate and can shift themselves out of one colour into another at their pleasure especially Blacke White Being sometimes all white in there surplesles anon all blacke in their gownes at other times speckled black and white in their Rotchets wearing their Shirt-sleeves as a Child once ignorantly to●d a Bishop over their gowne-sleeves Those who can thus easily change their garments from white to black c. can as easily alter their religion As some of their Predic●ssours have done Bishop Pilkington in his Exposition upon Aggeus chap. 1. verse 9. tells us of some Bishops here in England in Queen Maries dayes which some beginne to magnify who in one yeares space confirmed the p●eaching of the Gospell of Christ and pure Ministring of Gods Sacramēts the same men within the same yeare with the same impudent mouthes and blasphemous tongues brought in the Pope set up Jdols banished Christ and his holy Supper appointed for all men that will to receive it together tooke way his holy Gospell Table and Sacraments and placed by their Authority the Masse for one shaveling to eate up all and blesse the people with empty Chalice and burned his Preachers to fill their bellies I cannot say that some of our Bishops have in as short a time done the like or as much as this comes to Only this I dare say of some of them Qui color Albus erat nunc est contrarius albo That they have in a short time altered their colour for the worse and like the Albanes of whom Plinic writes growne black in their old age when as they were white in their youth contrary to the custome of all other people I shall therefore deny this reason to be of force and conclude with Iohn Parkhurst verses to England Anglia furcatis nimium ne fidito mitris Dic rogo num serus sum tibi praemonitur The fift Reason The fift reason is that I find in the learned