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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08085 The aunswere of the Lords the Estates Generall of the Vnited Prouinces of the Lowe-Countries, to the letter of the Archduke of Austria, heere-after inserted together vvith the proposition done in the name of the sayde arch-duke to the forenamed states, by Otto Hartius, and Jeronimus Coomans, learned in the lawes : also, the extract of certaine letters, written out of the campe before Groning. United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal. 1594 (1594) STC 18451.5; ESTC S458 10,711 18

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remonstrations and others The fruit and effect of this intreaty was perfectly perceiued and seene in Brabant by the first ouer-fall of the Citty of Antwerpe named by the Spaniards in their Histories Fuere Villacos and in Hollande and Zeland with their strong and seconde besieging of the Citty of Leiden which notwithstanding through the grace of God the trustines of her Confederates and their owne goodnes were preserued from the power of the enemie Yea with such an extraordinarie terror to the Spanyards which lay before the Citty were by the mightie hand of God so daunted in their courages that they ran confusedly out of Holland and shortly after did meane to ouerthrowe the goodly Cittie of Vtricht as they and others of the Spanish nation had done the same yeere in the former Citty of Antwerpe This first deceitfull entrety of peace comming to this effect and ended the second was taken in hande at the intercession of the most high and mighty Emperour Maximilian his Highnes Father in Anno 1575. within the Citty of Breda Howe little the same entreatie was meant on the Spaniardes side towards the welfare and prosperity of the Low Countries the cléere testimonies doo bring with them and the fruites thereof was no other thing but more preparation of warres then before So that shortly after there followed the ouer-fall of the Citties of Bueren Leerdam Oudewater Schoonhouen Bommeney and the besieging of the Citty of Sirikzea whereby hath procéeded what the Spaniards and their adherents haue done with theyr robbing murthering and other horrible deedes Yea the ouer-fall of Citties on their partes haue beene in such haynous manner that no man could longer suffer or abide the same but haue proclaimed them enimies of the Low Countries Wherevpon followed the vnion and confederacy at Gaunt in Nouember Anno. 1576. betwixt the Netherlandish Prouinces and for the conseruation of the welfare of the same theyr freedoms and Lawes is well knowne to euery one howe vntruly the same vnion and confederacie was accepted on the Spanish side and what deceit and enmitie was mingled amongst it The Letters of Estoued the violation vsed by Don Iohn the expresse declaration from the Spanish Counsell brought ouer by the Baron of Selles and published in Mecklin the seuerall dealings at Louen the sending of sundry Embassadors of diuers Potentates haue giuen sufficient testimony thereof in Anno 1577. and 1588. How deceitful shameful hurtful and greeuous the issue of the entreaty of peace was begun at Cullen with such great solemnity is well knowne to euerie one Also that during the same not onely the Prouinces of Haynault and Arthois with sundrie other principall Citties were seduced to this particuler tractation but also all outward force vsed towards the Citty of Maistricht And many priuie and naughty practises put in vse in other Prouinces and amongst the people of the same to moue the same to tollerations to their vtter ruine and vndooing With what practise afterwards were the Citties of Flaunders brought to tractation and what braue prohemes were there done and what excellent end it had is manifested by the actes thereof To what intent was the intreaty of peace in Anno 1587. and 1588. What deceit and force lay hid vnderneath the same the Spanish Armada come ouer during the same intreaty and ouercome by Gods mighty hand hath made manifest To what intent afterwards in Anno 1591. was the Emperors Maiestie occasioned anew to take the affaires of the Low-Countries into his hands the Leaguers doe testifie which from time to time are sent out of the Lowe-Countries against the French King Whereby it is made more manifest that the Spaniards will and meaning is with their adherents to be alwaies in wars and Armor vsing the pretext of furthering of Romish religion But to speake the trueth for their pretended generall domination tyranny which they would establish ouer all Christendome and to rob and spoile all Kings Princes Landes Common-wealths of their due rights and prerogatiues Like as of late was practised against the Quéene of England by sending ouer that proude and mighty Armada in Anno 1588. And the tryumph before the victory openly sung and put forth in print is manifested And likewise the wars and busines in Fraunce since the same yeere namely in the beginning of the next yeere after about the translation of the Crowne of Fraunce not onely the King now present and all the Princes of the bloode but generally all French-men are so entreated of the Spaniards vnder the name of Infante because of the Spanish Counsell and suffrence by the Duke of Ferris and other Spanish Ministers neither is there any tryall but by the Parliament of Paris and others reuolted from the League by arrest of other iustifications put foorth in print is made manifest And as good regard is to be taken to the complot made in Scotland in Anno 1592. with many of the principall Lordes there That twentie thousand Spanish souldiers shold haue been sent and receiued into Scotland which in the yeare past is wonderfull come to light for which some were punished with death And it is not to be beleeued that the same was builded vpon any other foundation or otherwise dealt withall then practised with the Bishoppricks of Collen and Strasburg the Dukedomes of Gulick Cleue and Berg and the imperiall Citty of Aichen which not onely diuerse sundry intercepted letters but also the deedes thēselues do manifestlie declare Finally what agreement was there pretended with the greatest Princes of Italie howe were they busied in seeking to bring Holland and Zealand vnder them wherewith all the vnited Prouinces were also meant To the ende that therein they might make their Sedem belli fast and sure against all Christendome Yea in such sort that men would rather the Turke should be let in and a great part of Christendome then these warres men of warres prepared destenied to the destruction of the Low Countries and the people thereof And to sumne vp the matter how the Emperours Maiestie and the Princes of Germany haue been dealt withall only to the furthering of the said spanish gouernment appeareth euidentlie by the letters signed by the the King of Spaine whereof a translation is heereby inserted the originall set apart which letters do mention also the points propounded by his Highnes to wit that the meaning of the Spanish coūsell is not through his Highnes for any good meaning of Christendome much lesse to bring the Lowe Countries to rest and quietnes In that it appeareth that the Earle of Fuentes Don William of Saint Clement and Stephen di Narro al three spaniards are appointed for his principall Counsellers for matters touching the Lowe Countries that the same strangers should rule his Highnes howe the Lordes of Neitherland are to be trusted the Low Countries to be ruled and the vnited Prouinces to be brought vnder subiection The Estates do not doubt but his Highnes hath well vnderstood that through the practise