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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05289 Speculum belli sacri: Or The looking-glasse of the holy war wherein is discovered: the evill of war. The good of warr. The guide of war. In the last of these I give a scantling of the Christian tackticks, from the levying of the souldier, to the founding of the retrait; together with a modell of the carryage, both of conquerour and conquered. I haue applyed the generall rules warranted by the Word, to the particular necessity of our present times. Leighton, Alexander, 1568-1649. 1624 (1624) STC 15432; ESTC S108433 252,360 338

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a broken title This I was forced to cleer as briefly as I could that the right of King Frederick might be the clearer which being laid in the ballance of equity with the former pretended right shall shew it selfe of a just weight which the other vvants First the place was orderly quitted of all lavvfull challenge Secōdly he vvas called vvithout seeking or intruding Thirdly he had an orderly unanimous and plenarie election all vvhich as I haue shevved vvere vvanting in the former Neither did ever the said king infringe any of their liberties This being as you see his undoubted right stood it eyther vvith equitie or pietie not to maintaine it Compare his right and maintenance of the same vvith the examples quoted of the Campani the Romanes and out of them you shall see as from the minor to the maior that his cause action is as just as may be First the Campani vvere a free people to make choyse at their pleasure of their Head and Governor so vvere the Bohemians and ever haue been since their first being Witnes all the Histories of Bohemia Hungaria Polonia the Annalls of Cilecia and the examples monuments of the Bohemians Aeneas Silvius in hist Bohem. To the vvhich I may add for the better cleering of the point that Embassye of Charles the seventh of France to the Bohemians after the death of Ladislaus to vvhom he had contracted his daughter vvherein he requested them eyther to chuse one of his sons for their King or such a one on vvhom he might bestovv his daughter Secondly they vvere unjustly invaded by a mightie people the Samnites so did the Bohemians suffer much from the hovvse of Austria and no litle by the present Emperour Thirdly they sought aide from the Romanes vvho would not but on just ground undertake the vvarre and therefore they became their subiects and so they vndertooke it so the Bohemians made suit to the Prince Elector in their feare of cruell dealing that he vvould become their King and take the maintenance of their iust cause which he did and that lawfully not undertaking any thing for them directly or indirectly before he vvas their King Compare these together In Nevio licet quod in Gais non licet and except that we wil say that it is lavvful in Nevius which is not lawful in Gaius or a heathen Senate may doe for their subiects vvhat a Christian King may not doe for his I see not whye the one in him is not as lawful or more lawful then the other was in them But to conclude this point If his successe of possession had seconded his right of election a great many of our English Imperialists other drowsy Sybarits would never haue torne his title nor exclaimed on his practise as they now doe To them for the present I will say no more but to iudge actions by events right of titles by present possession is in these evill dangerous dayes rather to approve of tyrannous intruders both in church commō wealth then of the true owners As for the latter point of the ground namely truth of religion the defence whereof he undertooke It is the trueth and none but it against which the gates of hell the dragon beast and false Prophet the croaking frogges and all the drunken Princes of the earth with the cup of the whore doe what they can shall never be able to prevayle As hitherto then appeareth the equitie of the warre on the Kings part The iniquitie of our onemies war so likewise from the want of this ground is laid open to the view the iniquitie of all the warres vndertaken by the enemies of God against his people as the warres of Gog and Magog and of the heathen Emperours made vpon Gods inheritance What ground had the great red Dragon for making warre against the woman and to stand before her to devour the man child when it was brought forth Rev. 12.3.4 As for the greatnes of this persecution by the Roman Emperours and for the bloudy crueltie of it it may justly be called a wonder so not vnfitlie may it so be called because there was no cause given them by those whom they persecuted but rather by their quiet and holy behaviour they deserved to live in peace So the Psalmist speaketh of the rage of the wicked against Christ his Church Psal 2.2 Why doe the people tumulteously rage Where David marveileth at the tumulteous hurling together of the wicked as if they would devoure the godly as they would indeed What ground had the scarlet whore to bathe her leprous carkasse in the bloud of the Saints Where observe likewise Rev. 17.6 that it is called a great wonder What equitie was there that the Popes unholinesse under a pretence of the inlargement of Peters patrimony took armes against Kings and Emperours as Iulius the second against Lewes the tvvelfth of France Yea he gave battel on Easter day against the French at Ravenna Innocent the second against Roger king of Cicilie What ground of stirring up one Prince against another giving of Kingdoms from hand to hand the French against the English as Lewis against King Iohn by Innocent the third the English against the French as Rich of England an Vrbanist made war at the Popes command upon the King of France a Clementine Paul the third sent Cardinall Poole to forraigne Princes to stir them up against Henry the eight giving him his people as a prey to their enemies So how like is the Pope to the devill his father in being prodigal of Kingdomes which are none of his to deale Doe wee ever reade as a fryer Minorite said well that Peter did so Vpon what ground doe they incite subiects to take armes against their soveraigne Kings and Princes as Pius quintus Sixtus quintus the one by his Bull the other by his Declaration excited the subiects of England to take armes against their soveraigne Queene Elizabeth yea to lay hands on her and punish her What just cause had Philip the 2 of Spaine to undertake by force of Armes against law and covenant the establishing of the bloudy Inquisition in the Low countries The best ground I can find was Duke de Alva his hart-burne against the people and Cardinall Granvils spleene against the Gospell What account in conscience could the Duke and Red-cap giue to counsell the King to conquer England whereto he had no right at all and to suppresse religion in all other places For the effecting of this Chiapin Vitelli Duke de Alva his Chiefe Captaine was sent with some faigned message to the Queene but indeed his errand was to try the Papists for immediatly after his departure out of England the Earles rebelled in the North. And for fuell for this fire Duke de Alva had ready in Zealand 10 Regiments to be imbarkt for England but God quenched our fire quickly and found him enough to doe at home for all
pit against the Lord and his annoynted What warrant had they even by their pretended right to undertake warre Did ever Aaron under the Law or Peter under the Gospell levie Arms for the field But this their practise is agreeable to a rule of their own so it be for the good of the Church they never look for further authority then the Popes whom they pretend to haue authority Romish Clergie no persons authorized for war over heaven Hell and Putgatorie And what may they not then doe on earth But if they be prest to shew lawfull authority for the taking up of Arms I think the best evidence they can giue is some forged transcript from the back side of Constantines donation I may vvell resemble this Antichristian vvarfare for vvant of authority unto the vvar of that false Christ that arose in the raign of Traian the Emperour vvhose name vvas Barr Chochab that is sonne of the Star falsly alluding to that place of Numbers Numb 24.17 where Christ is truely so called but for his mocking of the people and blaspheming of God he was slain in the battell and called afterward Of him mention is made in the Talmud by the deluded people Bar Coziba that is the son of falshood And such indeed are the Iesuites the very Incendiaries of unlawfull warres or if you will you may compare them in this case with that rebellious rout of the Iews vvhich called themselus zelators under colour of fighting for religion and common-wealth they choosed for their Chiefetains the grand-captains of vvickednesse they committed cruelties outrages and impieties of all sorts Insomuch that Vespasian Ioseph de bell lud lib. 4 ch 5 lib. 7. Lieftenant generall to Nero vvas sent to suppresse them vvhose termes of peace by the mouth of Iosephus from him offered they scorned by their going on so that as Iosephus Vespasian vvas forced to proceed to vvar vvhich as it continued a long time so it discovered these goodly Zealators The Iesuiteslike the Zelators vvho in their extremity set the Temple on fire and brought utter ruin upon themselus vvith the death of a million of men Iust so these Babilonish brattes pretend Religion as appeareth especially in their new Psalter or seven-fold Psalmody The gunpowder psalter vvith the hymnes vvhereof they solaced themselues in the expectation of the Cunpo●●der Iubilee but their aim indeed is the racing out of Religion the ruin of Kingdoms Psal 4. and the disposing of them at their pleasure In one of their hellish hymns they tell us that holy King Edward and gracious Queen Elizabeth were the curses of the land vvho indeed vvere great blessings they shew vvhat fire vve haue deserved and vvhat fire in effect they had provided for us praying heartily that the hearts of the labourers therein may be strengthned Another of their Hymnns is all full of triumph namely how after the year of visitation and Ioy of Iubilie Ierusalem should be built again and the second glory thereof should be greater then he first But vvhat authority had these fire-work-men in that tempestuous night as they call it to blow up a vvhole State and to dispose of our Kingdom at their pleasure A man vvould not think that they had any but from the Pope and such a devill whose name is Legion yet they point in their psalm at a Fabius and Marcellus both in one person whom they call a second Cyrus stirred up to confirm his Scepter for the good of his people Who this should be except it be the Popes eldest sonne whom the Iesuites hold to be the great Lord of the world I know not But this I am sure of that Tarquinius Furius hath more fire in his bosome and more snakes in his hands to devoure us and to set up their Cyrus then ever they had The heads of Hydra increase and such a number of Todes come out of the brains of the Pope and Serpents out of the raynes of the Iesuites that they cover the face of the earth especially of these Kingdoms But we had need to awake for if we come to the Popes disposing which the great God forbid vvithout doubt the Iesuites Cyrus should not vvant his double portion for the obtaining vvhereof Viriatus vvants not his ovvn stratagem CHAPT V. Of the Vertue of a Souldier THe second personall circumstance is vertue 2 Vertue by which I meane not barely those morall vertues wherewith the heathens were rarely gifted as Caesar Pompei c. who indeed by these make our age blush but also those cardinall or Theologicall vertues 1. Tim. 6.6 Exodus 10. 21. Non sunt verae virtutes sed umbrae called somtimes by the name of godlines and sometimes the feare of God and that because the feare of God or godlines is the fountaine and foundation of all other vertues Where this is not as one saith well the rest are not true vertues indeed but shadowes It is worth the observation that where God amongst the rest of his blessings doth promise that their war shall prosper Deut. 28.3 He first blesseth the person he must be a good man before he be a good and acceptable souldyer to God God will not accept or blesse the action at least to that partie before he blesse and accept the person but the person being accepted howsoever it fall out it is a blessing to him Such especially should be the commanders from the highest to the lowest yea as every one excelleth in eminency so he should labour to excel in true pietie and that for these reasons First 2. King 16. Reasons of vertues necesitie Tanto conspectius in se crimen habet quanto qui peccat major babe●ur a fault in the face is foule and the greater person the greater sin Secondly the sin of such is exemplarie and therefore a double sin Let Vitellius play the ryot Tiberius the drunkard will the souldiers be sober Let Sardanapalus sit down to the distaffe will his souldiers care for armes Let Nero play the Mad-man or rather the monster of men will not his souldiers be as mad and monstrons as he Let Ieroboam be an Idolator all his followers will be of that fashion Let Lewis 11 be an egregious dissembler his Courteours will be of that cut Thirdly as nothing corrupts more thē evil example so nothing is of more force to correct thē their good example When Lewis the 11 of France scorned learning all the Court Nobles thought it but foolery but Francis the 1 both being learned himself and affecting the learned every state fell to affect learning As the Romane Emperours and cōmanders were good or bad so were the souldiers better or worse As valour failed in King Iohn he began to submit to the Pope so his subjects were content to put their necks under forreigne Government but as Edward the third rose up to be the hammer of popish power to challenge maintaine his right