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A88437 The civil wars of France, during the bloody reign of Charls the Ninth: wherein is shewed, the sad and bloody murthers of many thousand Protestants, dying the streets and rivers with their blood for thirty daies together, whose innocent blood cries to God for vengeance. And may stand as a beacon tired to warn, and a land-mark to pilot all Protestant princes and states to a more secure harbour than peace with Papists. / Faithfully collected out of the most antient and modern authors, by a true Protestant, and friend to the Common-wealth of England. London, William, fl. 1658. 1655 (1655) Wing L2851; Thomason E1696_1; ESTC R209434 160,389 298

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to the King of Navar the King crowned the Princes of the Bloud and Duke of Guise contends at the Coronation about precedency the King gives it to the Duke of Guise the Constable forsakes the Protestants and cleaves to the Duke of Guise the Queen Mother for her own advantage joyns with the King of Navar and gives some liberty to the Protestants which so enrages the Catholick party as presently all former Edicts in behalf of the Protestants were broken by a contrary Edict that no Religion should be suffered in the Kingdom but the Romish the King and Queen Mother subscribes thereunto the Protestants at their request have a Conference granted they meet and confer in a hot Dispute but agree not the Catholicks murder many Protestants in Paris the eight Parliaments of France assembles the Duke of Guise disapproved of it and so in a fury departs the Court and goes for Spain the Protestants deluded by the Queen Mother gives her a List of all their Forces the King of Navar turns Catholick the eight Parliaments meet and with the consent of the King and Queen Mother do decree a free and publick Toleration of the Protestant Religion but speedily a sad and cruel Massacre the Duke of Guise furiously assaults the Protestants at a Sermon and murders two hundred of them the Protestants complain to the Prince of Conde of breach of Covenant and Edict the Duke of Guise seises on the King and carries him to Paris the Queen Mother writes to the Prince of Conde for aid against the Duke of Guises Attempt the Prince in his journey to Court suddenly retires to Orleance and possesses it the first Civil War begins The death of King Francis and Reign of King Charls FRancis second King of that name dying the fourteenth of December 1560. made entrance for the Reign of Charls the ninth and as the first died of a Feaver so the last reigned in a Frensie the legitimate off-spring of his Predecessours disease whose short Reign was thought too much lengthened by the train of all sorts of bloudy cruelties which filled this poor distracted Nation of France whose wicked Reign was also attended with the sable clouds of Flagellum Dei which swept both Field and City The beginning of his wicked Reign had a bloudy ending to the poor Kingdom and himself for the bodies of the murthered Protestants was a Prey to the Birds of the Air and Beasts of the Fields the whole Nation wearing the Pensive Weeds of a Ruinous Distraction for through the Lords just Judgments on the Nation they suffer nothing less than all Roberies Rapes and all sorts of Cruelties with horrid Massacres for the space of twelve years And as the Prologue of his Reign was Perjury and Treachery so was the Epilogue Bloudy to himself and poor Nation especially to the poor innocent Protestants A Parliament sits and the Government committed to the Queen Mother during the Kings minority A Parliament being called they begin the 23. of December Now at this time in the Court of France was Katherine de Medices Pope Clements Brothers Daughter and this Kings Mother who being born in Florence a City of Italy had conferr'd upon her the Government of this Kingdom in the Kings minority for it is well known that according to the Laws of this Nation neither the Administration nor Inheritance thereof can justly be cast on the shoulders of a Woman and yet against this Law and through the negligence of the King of Navar the said Queen Mother was joyned with him in the Office of Protectorship the confirmation of her Regency being allowed of by the Chancellour was afterwards confirmed by the Speakers Now in this Assembly of Parliament one John Quintin a Doctor of the Common Law at Paris for the Clergy pleads that none of the Religion Reformed for so they called the Protestants should any more be tolerated or suffered and desired that the Laws in that case provided might be put in speedy execution but the day following that brave Commander and good Christian Gasper de Coligni the Admiral of the Protestants complained to the Queen Mother against the said Quintin who presently excuses himself and in his second Speech moderates his Plea to the Admirals content The Parliament a little enlarges the Protestants privileges Now the Estates proceeds in their consultations making themselves and the beginning of this year somewhat happy by some moderation in matters of Religion whereby the reproachfull names of Papist and Hugenot was forbidden upon pain of Death which name Hugenot they fixed in disdain and derision to the Protestants and was derived from a Gate-house in Tours called St. Hughs Gate where they met in Assemblies Many good and necessary Laws were then published but with more confusiom than advantage for Laws though good and many yet through want of a due execution by the Magistrates power makes the good intent thereof to be perverted and turned into an indirect Channel giving the people cause to slight such wholesom Laws and grow bad under a good Government Great contentions and private animosities arose between the Princes of the Bloud that is the Prince of Conde and King of Navar who were Protestants and Francis Duke of Guise who was descended of the House of Lorain and now Grand Master of the Kings House who being a strong Catholick was no less a bitter Enemy to the poor Protestants the Queen Mother in her affections did secretly incline to the Duke of Guise yet to secure her own interest and power in the Kings minority carried fair to both The Princes of the Bloud being Protestants in discontent absent from Court but the King of Navar and Prince of Conde with the Constable seeing themselves justled out of that power and favour in Court which as due they did expect and also foreseeing the event which must necessarily ensure having onely the pacings of the Duke of Guise they absent from Court with all their Attendants resolving to right their wrong on the Queen Mothers Regency and the Guisans usurpation of their unlimited power Now the Queen Mother by her subtil and natural insight to secret affairs judged so at their Discontent that she politickly cast her Cards that both might have a good hand yet deald her self the Trumps checking their power that they might not check hers The King of Navar by the Queens policy jointly governs with her To which purpose she makes a new Agreement with the Navarois concluding him in the Government that taking the Title and Power of Regency to her self he should be called and but called Lieutenant General to his Majesty All this but in Paper and Ink composed of a double intent but those that can break Oaths witnessed by God and all the World how soon can they swallow and digest the breach of such Paper-promises like that good Actor in Smyrna that cried O Terram yet pointing to the Heaven and O Coelum yet pointing to the earth
tacit Toleration granted the Protestants which doubtless was as real as his malice to their persons for the sad event will too soon and surely demonstrate so that now the discords of these great men seemed to be enveloped in a good satisfaction of their present conditions all discontent seeming to be vanished and laid aside in the Grave of obscure forgetfulness The King of France crowned Now is thought the fittest time to confirm the Kings authority by crowning him though in his minority which was ordered to be done according to the usual Ceremonies accustomed to all the Kings of France in their Coronation to which end and purpose the King journeys to Rheims and there by the Cardinal of Lorain was solemnly crowned and conducted to the City of Paris The King at the Coronation gives the right of precedency from the Princes of the Bloud to the Duke of Guise Now at this time of Coronation the Princes of the Bloud and Duke of Guise contend about precedency but it was ordered by the King though against order that the Duke of Guise should precede all the rest which accordingly was performed the Duke of Guise hereupon like Tinder to the Spark took fire of Ambition flying high with an exasperated spirit to the Princes Admiral and principal of the Protestants and to make his power greater and to ingraft himself more firmly to wrestle with opposition and to strenghthen his malicious resolution The Constable turns Catholick he and the Constable strikes a League together for the preservation of the Catholick Religion and to endeavour the utter extirpation of the Religion Reformed But the Queen Mother hearing of their intended intended purposes presently Aprehended her own danger by the Guisans growing greatness and what tall Cedars they would grow if this confederacy took root according to their desires she also considered that the Princes of Lorain were unsatisfied with her late proceedings in behalf of the Protestants and would Assist and endevor a conjunction with the Guisans faction to deprive her of her Government A thing she only desired peacable to enjoy shee Therefore to preserve her own Interest enters into a firm union with the King of Navar the better to ballance the Guisans power and secure her self so that in this juncture of time shee was well pleased that the King of Navar and his party should have some power which she resolves should stand her instead against the Duke of Guise and his Adherents Which indeed fitly served for her own ends It was therefore commended to all the Parliaments by new edicts and Decrees No further to molest any of the Religion and to restore the goods houses and possessions of those that only for the cause of Religion were deprived of them The Parliament in Paris with the assistance of King and Q. Mother dashes in pieces all former Edicts for Toleration and passes an Edict that no Religion should be suffered but the Romish and that all the Protestants should be expelled the Kingdom This gave an ill gust to the Guisans palat who being enraged with malice set on foot all their power in a strong opposition of the Government whereupon the Cardinall of Lorain took occasion at the Councell table the King and Queen Being present to speak against those of the Religion and against the Tolleration and Edicts lately passed in their behalfs whereupon it was resolved with consent of the Councill to summon A Parlament to meet at Paris which accordingly appeared at the day appointed the thirteenth of July and then and there in a full appearance of Palament they shewed to the King their dislike of the Edict passed the 28. of January Beseeching his Majesty to force his subjects to An open profession of the Catholik Appostolik and Romish Religion upon such pains as should he adjudged of in Councill Which Councill brought forth an hellish bratt from the bosoms of their wicked desires for now contrary to all former edicts they pass an edict That all Protestant Ministers should be expelled the Kingdome no religion to he professed but the Romish all Protestant Assemblies forbidden in all places in the Kingdome And thus was the poor Protestants banished their habitations and condemned to seek refreshment and abode else where and to this edict did the King and Queen Mother subscribe whereupon the cheif of the Protestants were very much greived in regard they knew themselves free from any guilt that might challenge such hard measure from the King and Court of France to such faithfull allegiance concluding it must needs proceed from some inveterate malice or deep design Therefore The Protestants desire conference and had it granted The Prince of Conde and Admirall being not able to hinder this edict presently flies to the Queens promise which she had assuredly given them but now as assuredly broke so that no redress could be found there Whereupon they demand of the King liberty for a conference between the Ministers of the Protestants and the Kings Prelats To examine the Articles of their Doctrins before the Kings presence being not without hopes by this moderate way to Interpose that if possible some liberty might be granted At first it was not allowed of but afrer second considerations it was thought meet to answer their desires and give a hearing The Pope hearing of this meeting for a conference and doubting some liberty might thereby follow to be granted to the Protestants and disadvantage of his Authority presently speeds away the Cardinal of Ferrara his Legat to the Court of France withall giving in command that the cause might be referred to the Councell of Trent which by him was published The Protestant Ministers that were banished by reason of this late edict and settled their a bodes in Geneva now had safe conduct allowed them for there security in their journy to Poissy five leagues from Paris being the place apointed for the conference Them that were at this meeting for the Protestants were Theodora Beza Theodora Beza Peter Martir and others with the K. Court and Prelats meet at Poissy but break up and no good done Peter Martir a Florintin John Virell Augustin Virnmelio Marlorat and other Ministers to the Number of twelve with twenty-two Deputies from the Protestant churches On the Romish side came besides the King and Court the Cardinalls of Lorain Tournon Armagnac Bourbon Guise and Chastillon together with the Bishops and Prelats many Doctors of Sorbon also with many others sent for from most Cities and Universities in the Kingdom This meeting began the nineth day of September in the year 1561. the Relation being at large Recorded I leave the reader to peruse at his liberty But this conference proved not such a salve for the sad distractions of the kingdom as was expected for the Catholicks resolved to continue in force the late edict against the Protestants so that they were in many places forced to stand upon their own guards against the violent attempts of
him that he would with all carefull speed powerfully to provide for their common safety assuring him that she would imprint his willing care into the Kings minde that he should never be a loser by it The Prince of Conde possesses Orleans The Prince of Conde being on his journey to Court news was brought him in the way how things were carried That they had taken the King and brought him to Paris Then presently the Admiral advances towards him and overtaking him they make a stand and there consulted what to do whereupon seeing their own danger the Duke speedily hasted to Orleans and possessed it And this was the beginning of the first Civil War CHAP. II. The Contents THe Prince of Conde publishes a Manifesto laying down the Reasons of taking Arms. Burges and Orleans are the Potestants refuge The King declares against the Prince The Armies meet but engage not The Prince and Admiral dispose of their Armies into Garisons The Kings Army takes and sacks some Towns takes Burges on conditions The Queen Mother unmasks her self causing the Protestants to be proclamed Rebels The Prince and Admiral delivers up Roan Diep and Haverdegrace to Queen Elizabeth of England The Kings Army besieges Roan where the King of Navar is slain and the City stormed and sacked for three days together with cruel murdring De Andelot joynswith the Admiral The Prince of Conde and Admiral advances to the City of Paris The Kings Army advances for defence of the City The Protestants march toward Normandy to receive Queen Elizabeths supplies The Kings Army follows them they joyn Battel where both Generals are taken Prisoners The Admiral with his Army marches to Normandy The Duke of Guise with the Kings Army besieges Orleans the Duke slain before it The Admiral returns from Normandy and enters Orleans A Treaty is begun and Peace concluded at Orleans with free liberty for Religion which is publickly proclamed THe Divisions thus increasing made way to erect a Theatre for a sad Tragedy for the Prince of Conde published a Manifesto and sent Letters also to the King Parliament of Paris Protestant Princes of Germany and to all other Christian Princes The Prince of Conde prints a Manifesto of the grounds of his proceedings The Reasons laid down by the Prince of Conde for his taking Arms. were these The defence of the famous Edict of Toleration which was made by the King being the high Road to Peace if duly observed which could not but be kept without horrible breach of faith and assured ruine of the French Nation in regard there were so many of the Nobility and Gentry of the Nation that were Protestants and daily came in to the Religion And those of Noble birth that were in power dignity or otherwise above others thought it not meet to suffer the cruel punishments and Massacres daily inflicted on some and threatned to others since God had given them power to help themselves And further it was declared that the Duke of Guise a new-come Foreiner translated from the Forests of Lorain should usurp such power in France such dominion and command as the Princes of the Bloud must lose their proper interests to be his slaves and vassals against all the Laws of the Nation further declaring That if the King should cause an observation of the Edict for Religion already signed and that Arms might be laid down on the Kings part they were ready to do the like and would speedily lay down their Arms To this he added the Queen Mothers singular care as it was reported and as indeed she did outwardly shew for preservation of peace and pulling down the powerful rage of the Guisans which indeed she so dissembled that on the very account hereof it is certain above twenty thousand Catholiks joyned themselves to the Protestants in defence of their cause Burges Orleans proves a Sanctuary and hiding place in time of Gods These flames being begun could not so easily be extinguished mauy cruelties being committed on the bodies of the poor Protestants without mercy such as will no question draw out tears from the eies of serious Christians being such sad examples of crueltie as cant be believed should have proceeded from any that had known that ever Christianity had been in the world nothing being drunk more eagerly then the blood of the poor Saints Yet in this callamity God provided a place of refuge for such as he pleased in mercy to preserve from their cruelty For Bourges and Orleans being kept by the Protestants The King declares against the prince of Conde did greatly administer comfort to many distressed Christians that fled theither Hereupon the King at Paris declares against the Edict and the Prince of Conde The Queen Mother now arms those she privately huggs in the bosom of ther affections The Prince of Conde desires to lay all private interests aside for preservation of the Publick efusion of blood But the King of Navar the Duke of Guise the Constable and Marshall of St. Andre by an Edict banishes the Protestants out of Paris and sudenly advances towards the Prince of Conde with twelve thousand foot and three thousand horse They find the Prince strong enough to encounter them contrary to ther expectations and De Andelot and Boucart strongly urged to engage the Kings Army the Queen with subtilty and treacherous pollicie beguils the Protestants But the Queen Mother abuses them with her subtile treachery telling them the hopes of agreement was too near for them to undo all by a too hasty ingagement in so much that she fed them with hopes till the Catholick Army increased in strength both with French and forein forces Thus the Queen having delayed and protracted all hopes of Issue by battle the Prince of Conde maintains his Army about two months in such peace to the Country as was not in the least found to be outragious by spoyling or robbing such was the Christian and carefull discipline of the Prince and Admiral of the Protestant Army which in France was the greater wonder because whoring robbing and blaspheming was the usual attendants and constant harbingers to the Catholick camp which could not be avoyded because the King could not keep to so strickt a discipline as the Prince of Conde and Admiral The Prince and Admiral disperse the Armie into several Provinces The Prince of Conde and Admiral wisely prudently like valliant carefull Commanders take all waies to use their present power for future advantages and ensuing Storms so they send out to several Provinces men of approved fidelity to the Protestant cause which proved next to Gods blessing a great help to their success in possessing many strong holds in sundry parts of France as Roan Deip Angiers Blois Vendosme Tours Poictiers Ragency Maus Angoulesme Chalon upon Soan Maskon and the most part of Daulphin The Kings Army secures what they had and falls upon several Towns taking and miserably sacking them which
Protestants in France during this Civil War they are so sad they need no comment An unparralled murther but indeed that which follows is not to be paralleld for perfidious treachery Breach of the faith of a King and Court and for hellish and unheard-of cruelties sad murthers in cold blood upon Lords Gentlemen poor Ladies Rivers swimming with bodies and died with blood Indeed the most sad Tragedie that ever was yet acted upon the theatre of the world by Turks Heathens or Christians CHAP. IV. The Contents THE King and Queen Mother lay siege to Haver de grace which surrendered on Henourable tearms The King is declared out of his minority and swears to observe the Edict of Pacification but keeps not his oath nor promise The Council of Trent meet a League is made between the King of France and King of Spain called the Holy League the Cardinal of Lorain posts to Rome to desire the Pope to cause the French to observe the decrees of the Council of Trent Great heart-burnings arise The Protestants dayly complain to the King of their injuries desiring him to keep to his covenant but to no purpose The King and Queen Mother in progress rides through the Nation and secretly confer with the Popes Messenger and the King of Spain They come to Lyons and forbid the exercise of the Protestant Religion Many Protestants cruelly and inhumanly murthered by the Catholicks in several places The King and Queen Mother treacherously leavie six thousand Switzers to destroy the Protestants Letters are intercepted which discover a bloody plot against the Prince of Conde the Admiral and all the Protestants The Prince Admiral and Principal Protestants seize on Troys Lyons and Tholouse The King and Queen Mother forced to ret reat to Paris Th●● beginning of the second war the King sends an Herauld to the Prince of Conde and Admiral Their answer The Principal of both Parties treat but to no purpose The Prince and Admirals answer to their Demands The Protestants never embrace a more sure ruin then a peace with the King The Armies meet and engage the success The Prince of Conde and Admiral march to join with Prince Casimir who had raised twelve thousand men for their aid The Duke of Lorrain made General of the Kings Army Prince Casimirs Noble Declaration in defence of the Protestants The Prince of Conde's Gallant speech to the Army A gallaut Resolution in a free Contribution through the Princes Army Prince of Conde and Admiral join with Prince Casimirs Army The Prince of Conde besieges Chartres The Queen Mothers treachery and speech a peace concluded but full of Treason Guile and hypocrisie The Protestants no sooner dismiss their Armies and deliver up their Garrisons but are speedily filled with Souldiers of the Kings A bloody Cabinet Council erected by the King They plot to cut off the Protestants but are discovered The Kings Army suddenly begirts the chief of the Protestants but they escape with their families to Rochel The Queen of Navar comes to Rochel with horse and foot Cardinall Castillon flies to England disguised The Prince of Conde and Admiral publish a manifesto to all Christian Princes the Queen of Navar declares for the Protestants A bloody Edict is published by the King that none should profess any other Religion but the Romish the King of France strangely declares to all the world That he meant not what he said WE concluded the latter part of the second chapter with a Peace concluded at Orleans whereupon was publickly proclamed a free liberty for the Protestants according to the Edict of Pacification Now the King and Queen Mother endeavour to reduce Haverdegrace to their obedience which the Protestant party had delivered up to the Queen of England as aforesaid The Kings Army besieges Haverdegrace To which purpose they lay siege the Town holds out a good while till at last being sore streightned and no hopes left of relief they come to conditions of surrenders but before Hostages were delivered and English Fleet of sixty brave Ships appears under sayl fleering directly to the Port but the Earl of VVarwick like a true hearted Englishman scorning to dishonour his Nation with such perfidious treachery as most of the French acted he sends word to the Admiral of the Fleet Honourably surrendred that the Town was to be surrendred that day being the seventeenth day of July and so performed his Contract to his great Honour I cannot compare this noble act to any but that brave Roman Consuls who being taken by the Carthaginians in Africa had liberty given to return to Rome to effect the release of some Prisoners and in them his own in exchange promising to return prisoner if he could not Now when he came to the Senate he perswades them not ●o accept of the conditions and so according to his promise returned and was miserably tormented to death Oh that it might be said so of our Charls the Ninth that he had but been regardful of his Oaths and covenants then had not we been partakers of such a sad spectacle of cruelty by reading this bloody Tragedie The Catholicks now after this peace at Orleans feared the greatest visible power rested in the Prince of Conde So the Queen Mother treads in her old paths of deceit intending by her cunning subtilty to cut off all pretences of right to the Government by the Princes of the blood The King declared out of his minority and swears in the presence of God to olserve the Edict of Pacification to which purpose she causes the King now but fourteen years old to be declared King and past his Minority She carries his Majestie to Roan and there the fifteenth day of December 1563. they went Solemnly with all the Lords of the Court and Officers of the Crown to the Parliament Where in the presence of the Counsellours he received the usual Ceremonies used in France at the Coronation the Parliament publishing the Declaration of his Majority the King there publickly protested and swore in the presence of Almighty God That be would for ever after duly observe the Edict of Pacification threatning all opposers for such was his express will and pleasure Thus all things seem in a peaceable way one would now think so much blood expences of treasure and a consumption of his subjects would weary any nation and make any King rejoice For a peace is the more sweetned by the effects of a Civil war already felt for two extreams illustrate each other The peace not kept But alas this peace succeeds not the hopefull expectation of his peaceable subjects in many places it was not observed The Council of Trent meets The King of Spain and France make a league and call it the Holy league And now assembles that Council known by the name of the Council of Trent who meet for the maintainance of the Catholick Religion Now the Cardinal of Lorrain being an active Agent to forward any design
aid of his great Wisdom and therefore was impatient of his delay The Admiral at last is now perswaded and resolved to go to Paris he comes and no sooner arrived but was very honourably and affectionately embraced with a courteous and joyful shew of welcome and so was speedily conducted to the King who under fair pretences of friendly ends with a mouth full of courtesy with well pleased words and a worse tuned heart with courteous expressions baited with Treason he calls the Admiral Father protesting That in all his life he had not enjoyed a day adorned with more variety of content thad this day was The Kings unheard of and devilish dissimulation wherein he assures himself than his real desires of peace and the success thereof shall for the time to come shelter under one Pent-house and lodge under the roof of a sweet tranquillity and that he hopes a period will be put to all his troubles not questioning but all as well as himself were no less glad in this expectation hoping that times to come would reap the future as the times now the present benefit of this blessed day wherein he wished and as much hoped that all former acts of civil dissentions should new be put in one grave of oblivion in remembrance of the sad war past and Commemoration of this Sunshine day present Now what a wonderful thing it is to consider that the King should so perfectly dissemble with one that had so often brought the power of his Crown and Kingdom to so many doubtful hazards as to call him Father and to make the World think his treachery to be sincerity The Queen Mother and her Sons with the rest of the great Courtiers received him with greater demonstrations of joy and love than the Admiral expected The King allows the Admirall 50. of his Friends to guard him The King also allowed him fifty Gentlemen to be about him in Paris armed for the greater security and guard of his person Now the King Queen Mother and Admiral falls on consultation about the Wars of the Low Countreys But however the King was in jest with the King of Spain yet the Count Lodowick of Nassaw was in good earnest who with a resolution according to his Manly spirit he enters the Frontiers of the Low Countries The Count of Nassaw enters the Low Countries and takes in Montz taking with him as Partners and assistants three French Gentlemen Saucourt La Nove and Genlis men of great esteem and account with the Admiral besides many Gentlemen that they gathered to go along in the Expedition which the Admiral hearing advised the Count not to be too rash well assuring him that such strength as was requisite would take forty days to gather but the Count as banished men are being enflamed with the sight and desire of his own Country and desirous not to depend too much on the Kings changeable mind suddenly resolved and as speedily attempted to take in Valentiennes but finding a repulse speedily hasted to Montz and though strong by nature and Art yet took it which comming to the ears of the Court of France and the whole nation did the more confirm the Protestants that the Kings mind was real Now Genlis being from the Count to Paris related the whole progress of the War to the King desiring leave to raise certain bands of footmen and Horsemen to strengthen Montz which being quickly granted he as speedily raised four thousand foot and four hundred horse but in his Martch was set upon by the Duke of Alva and quite overthrown which was wrought by the treacherous advice of the Duke of Guise The treachery of the Duke of Guise by private intelligence to the Duke of Alva● of all that was done which thing was very ill resented by the very Catholicks themselves because many of the Romish religion were flain in the business The King of France is afraid that his war in jest might make the King of Spain war in earnest These things troubled the King very much for fear his counsels might be disclosed to the King of Spain and so might occasion some quarrel to the breaking forth of a War yet he gave order to the Admiral to assist the Prince of Orange in Germany with as many horse and foot as he thought fit which was done and because moneys might be had for their pay the King called for the Treasurer and commanded him to deliver the Admiral so much money as he should desire commanding him that the receipt should not express the cause Great dissimulation by the K. but should run thus Paid such a Sum to the Admiral by the Kings Commandement which is for certain uses the King commands should not be written to which the King subscribes with his own hand the King wrote a Letter also to Monducet to use his best endravour for the release of those taken under the conduct of Genlis by the Duke of Alva To the full effecting of their desire A League with Q. Elizabeth of England and the first Article was the observation of the Edict but it proves a deep plot against the Protestants and ties the hands of the English from all assistance in their greatest need and extremity it was thought convenient to enter into League with Queen Elizabeth of England which the King committed to the Admiral which he did so diligently and industriously handle that by his elaborate pains in a speedy time By faith given by Embassadours sent and by Oaths it was confirmed concerning a further procuring of other Leagues as might most stand for the Low Country War and of those Leagues by the Admirals care the principal Condition was That the Liberty of Religion should be continued according to the Edict and that the King should most solemnly observe and keep his most sacred Oath and Promise so strictly made for Liberty to the Protestants according to the Edict of Pacification And now The Religious Q. of Navar poisoned by the K. Apothecary a sad presage of further treachery Courteous Reader I must give thee a sad Tast of what follows like one of Jobs Messengers for the Queen of Navar being all this while at Court thinking of a joyful Mariage of her hopeful Son it pleased God to permit a sudden sickness and as sudden a death in the fourty third year of her age who being on too good grounds suspected to be poisoned was therefore opened by Physic●ans but they would find no figures of poyson but by more narrow search in earnest and by the advice of one A. P. it was found That her brain was poisoned with an invenomed smell of a pair of perfumed Gloves ordered by one Renat an Italian and the Kings Apothecary who kept a shop on St. Michaels bridge in Paris neer to the Palace And it is well known that the same Renat some certain years ago gave a pair of poisoned Pomander Gloves to Lewis Prince of Conde which the Prince
them all in a most cruel manner For thirty days nothing but killing of poor innocent Protestants The Copy of the Kings letters laying the fault of the Admirals death and the murthers on the D. of Guise yet the same day sends Letters to command it to be done and caused all the murthers to be done by his comand both in Paris and all over France The King in Parliament opens his design and acknowledges all to be done by his own command The Kings Speech in Parliament The true Copy of the K. Declaration printed at Paris The President of Parlament congratulates the King for his bloody success The Advocate advises the King to cease the murthers and to colour his crueltits with the name of Justice A Parliament is called and Proclamation is made that all murthers should cease Many gòes to view the body of the Admiral hanging on the common Gallowes The King and Queen Mother goes also but his body over night was secretly taken away and buried so they lost their journey Judges pickt out to condemn the innocent with the pretence of Justice The Admiral dishonoured by a man of straw and Libels printed The King sends to surprize the Admiralls wife but she was fled to Geneva The Admiral a little described Brave Caviagnes and Briquemault tortured to confess themselvs and the Admiral Traytors they shew much Christianity the Judges refuse to sit in judgement against them new Iudges are chosen they are condemned and led to the Gallows their Speech they are hanged in sight of King Q. Mother Prince and Nobles with many thousand Spectators The Man of Straw for the Admiral hanged with them Some Letters collected according to the Original which gives much light to the History and discovers how Queen Elizabeth of England resented the Murther with the General pitty and Dislike of the whole English Court. These cruelties spotted the French Nation with a great Odium among Forein Princes The Duke of Guise his Letter to his Wife intercepted and the Plot discovered The King notwithstanding his former Edicts granted and Oaths to keep his Promises does now proclaim that none should exercise any Religion on pain of Death but the Romish A form of Abjuration sent to those that would come in and forsake the Protestant Religion and when they did they were murthered contrary to the Kings proclamation A true Copy of the Remembrances of the King to all his Lieutenants and Governours of his Provinces with a Copy also for Abjuration NOw when all was murthered that could very well be laid hands on and the King understanding that divers Protestants had in many parts of the Kingdom fled and left their Habitations for security of their Lives He acts the second and worst part of his Devilish Treachery and cruelty for after many sweet baits of inticing and alluring promises for them to come in he at last published Letters and sent Messengers Wherein he shewed The great grief it was to him that so much blood should be spilt in the Nation contrary to his will promising to punish the Actors of such horrid villainies with as much crueltie as Justice could inflict and they deserve And that if the Admiral and his Associates deserved the death inflicted for their treasonable practices yet was it no reason so many innocents should bear part of this punishment that had no hand in the Plot. Now many poor Protestants that had left all and fled into the woods being encouraged by these inticing and fair pretexts returned home especially they that had fled from Diep Roan and Tholouse now we shall see the King like a Thorny Bush to the poor sheep that in a storm they run to shelter and instead thereof are intangled and their wool pull'd off their backs But oh wretched Tyrant and worse King whose furious and bloody mind like an impetuous Whirlewind or Hiricane could not be kept in bounds but ere two daies past he imprisons them all and appoints base fellowes to murther them with cruel Torments And thus for thirty daies together was nothing but horrible slaughter throughout the Kingdom of France insomuch that there were about a hundred thousand little Babes Widdowes and children wel-born that fatherless and Motherless lived long in wandering and beggary And truly that reverend and faithful Servant of Christ did not miss the Mark of the Kings treachery and perfidious dealing when he made this Anagram on his name CHARLES VALOIS Anagram Chasseur desloyall i. e. Perfidious Hunter or Persecutor In this calamity many that would have saved their lives among their own friends could not have the favour nay their own parents refused them others betrayed by their friends and yet it pleased God to move the hearts of some of their Enemies by their high detesting these cruelties and villainies insomuch as they hazarded their own lives to save some of the Protestants Was ever such unheard of cruelties permitted and commanded by any Christian King and Court with such delight of shedding Protestant blood We may say of the French nation as the case here stood as the poor Indian said of the Spaniards The story stands recorded thus A Prince of the Indians being so far wrought upon as to receive baptism at the hands of a Fryer he first questioned whether the souls of such as were baptized went Answer was returned To Heaven then saies he whether must they go too that are not baptized They answer To Hell but he further demanded To which of these two places the Spaniards went Answer is returned To heaven then said the Indian Let me go to Hell if the Spaniards go to Heaven for I cannot believe heaven to be a good place that is a reward for such bloody Butchers and Masters of such unheard of cruelties May we not say so of this sad Massacre of France but I leave the application to the judicial reader The King now fearing the Dishonour of falsehood treachery and perjury and that it might not fix any reproachful blot or stain on the Kings name This King at the same time that he sends Letters through France giving in command to cut off and destroy the Protestants the same King with the same hand and at the same time sends Letters to the Governours of his Provinces wherein he lets the world know that the late mischief in Paris had to his great sorrow hapned by means of the Duke of Guise who having raised the people they tumultuously broke through the Guard which he had appointed for the Admirals safety and with great Fury killed the Admiral and his Friends and that he with the Queen Mother and Brethren were through the danger of a furious multitude forced to retreat for safety to the Lour all which he said was against his mind and will and therefore he desired the Edict of Pacification to be kept inviolable The like Letters he writ to England Switzerland and Germany which because they bear one tenure and pen'd after one manner I have to avoid prolixity
of his life by the common-people At Monchon he was cast in prison where a Captain and many Souldiers came and told him he should be cut in peices afterwards the Judges came and commanded him to be loaden with Irons after a while the Duke of Guise being made Governour he was cruelly tortured by straining his thumbs so hard till blood issued out they then bind his hands behind his back and tying a Rope to his thumbs they hoist him up and then suddenly twitches him down five or six times tying also great stones to his toes and so let him hang till his vitals failed him almost to death at last he was put into prison and no Chyrurgion allowed to dress his wounds although the Cords had made gashes in his flesh to the bones insomuch that he underwent great pain that he could not lift his hand to his mouth but had almost lost the use of them this did this Servant of Christ endure like a true Soldier with invincible courage and patience and by the special providence of God news was brought that the Duke of Guise was dead The very next day one Bussi had order from the Constable to let him free which yet said Bussi came and told this faithful Minister of God with all acquainting him that he should be let free but it should be to the peoples rage But let us yet see another special providence A singular token of Gods care of his faithful Ones for at the same time came by the Prince of Portion with his German Horses who sent in word to the Town that if Mr. Fournier was not speedily delivered to him and from their cruelties he would not leave so much as the tokens of a foundation but raze it to ruin as a monument of their merciless deserts Which message so terrified the enemies of this Godly soul that immediately he was safely conveyed to the Prince he gathers a Congregation and yeilds his soule to God which faithfull servant of the Lord after he had resided a little space at Ver and gathered a Congregation he presently after resigned up his soule to the Lord that gave it and so put a period to the miserable attendance of this life and begun that life of glory A Treacherous and base murther of Mounseir de St. Estiene his two Brothers and 16. more all stabbed by his own Cosen Germain Mounseir de St. Estiene in his jorney from Orleans retiring himself with his two brothers and some others for Refreshment to his own house neer Reims they were not long there till the house was beset by fifteen hundred men who being forced to yield had liberty on their words to go forth to speak with the Duke of Nevers whom as they said desired to see him and going out was there basely and treacherously murthered by the Baron Ceruy his own Cosen German so were his two Bretheren also with sixteen others basely and unworthely stabbed and distroyed without the least composition Their wives they spoyled of all they had and led away prisoners The Catholicks of Nevers on the eleventh day of May The sad slaughters at Nevers 1562. summoned into the Town many Gentlemen of the Country presently shut the gates and in three daies after fell on them and Murthered them without pitty The Minister's they cast into prison one miserably perished by their cruelty another miraculously escaped presently after bloody Fayete arrives ransacks their houses rebaptize their children being filled with his desires of bloud and 50. thousand crownes returns to his house of Auvergue La Charity yielded on Conditions yet all were put to the sword contrary to Covenant The Town of La Charity being beseiged by cruel Fayete was to him yielded on honorable terms by the Governour Issertiux which Conditions were signed and sealed the tenth day of June the Grand prior entring the Town according to conditions presently snatched the capitulation out of the Governours hand and then fell to spoil and murther so that none escaped Bibles burnt and the Protestants murthered at Amiens At Amiens all Bibles Testaments and psalms were sought for and openly with much profanness were burned the Guisans murthering and killing the poor Protestants and casting their dead bodies into the River shooting some to death and hanging others Base cruelty At Abbevilly the Lord Harcourt was slain and many others one Belliart they dragged along the Streets with his face on the ground and then drowned him At Meux 400. murthered The Protestans at Meaux being the stronger partie continued the exercise of their Religion for a while but at last the Parliament at Paris gave judgement against them whereupon a company of souldiers enters the Town disarms the Citizens and unworthyly and cowardly murthered above four hundred poor Protestants and as if it were not enough as if their blood-thirstiness could not be quenched Mounseir De'Boysy enters with souldiers Virgins a Bused in the streets children dashed against the walls committs unheard-of and inhuman villanies deflouring virgins in the open streets many massacred and drowned children dashed against the walls divers papist preists murthered some with their own hands At Troys Bibles and Books of divinity were rent and torn in pieces the Protestants murthered their houses sacked eighteen men hanged like doggs Cruelties at Troys and women dragged through the streets and cast into the River The sad murther at Bar upon Sein The sad cruelties used to the Protestants at Barr upon Seine are hardly to be compared in this first civil war although in the latter part of the book I shall let the world be accquainted with such cruelties as that the most horrid murtheres yet extant come not so near them as to bear a shaddow of comparison They murther women and maydes and cut off their breasts and took out their hearts and eat them But to our purpose this Town the Papists entered and committed such outrages and cruelties especially against women as it is not fit to be related but with an utter detestation for they spared not maides nor poor infants some of their breasts they cut off open their stomacks cutts out their hearts and in a furious manner gnawed them with their teeth boasting that they had tasted of an Huguenots heart and with hellish blasphemies they ravish women and virgins A Popish father murthers his Protestant sonn A just reward There was one Mounseir Ralet a young Advocate and son to the Kings Procter who by his fathers own procurement was murthered which was a sad and prodigious thing and in January following about fifty horse of the Garrison of Antrim surprized the Town at break of day and took it in for the Protestants and with their pistols caused him to expiate the death of his son A gallant Gentleman murthered in his own house The Peasants committed horrible murthers on the poor Saints of God Monseiur de Vigney with his wife and servants
and so stood ready to embrace a peace to which purpose was sent Beavois and Teligni the Admirals Son and with them Monsieur de la Chossetire the Prince of Navars Secretary and so on the eleventh day of August 1570. was a peace concluded according to the Edict of Pacification in January A peace concluded with free Liberty That every one should have free liberty of conscience to use and profess the Reformed Religion Rochel and Montauban was to be held in the Princes name for the space of two years by the Protestants The Articles of Peace were afterwards published and Regist●ed in the Parliament But alas we shall see that this Sun-shine of Peace like the poor Traveller in the sable sooner makes the Protestants cast off the cloak of their security than all the blustering storms of the Kings Warlike forces could For by embracing a peace they hug in their bosoms and nourish in their hearts their own calamities and know it not by reason it is printed and gilded with the name of peace Several Protestant princes sends Embassadours to congratulate with the King and his peoples tranquillity in the peace concluded The King olemnly gives his faith for ever to observe the Edict Not long after this peace thus concluded several Princes of Germany that had respect to the Protestant Religion among whom was the three Electors the Palsgrave the Duke of Saxony and the Marquess of Brandenburgh all sent their several Ambassadors to the French King to congratulate this happy peace and to shew their joyful resentment of the same promising that if any new commotion should arise they would assist him to the uttermost against the Contrivers and authors thereof To this Embassage the King replies by words and afterwards subscribes to a Book with his own hand giving his faith by both That he would for ever most sacredly and faithfully observe the late Edict of Pacification But alas his heart was too many leagues from his mouth his promises are no better than if written in water with ones finger being too far short of truth and intention which is sad to confider that the King should have no way to keep his faith but to break it that oaths and promises which should ty devils fast is the onely way to levell all faith and engagements For now it is to be taken notice of that wheras before the Kings age made his Authority fit only to advise and countenance now he manages affairs with his own Council and command for being now come to the years of 22. he displaies himself on the Theatre of the World in such a splendid equipage that all might see him to be of a fierce resolute nature and above all an absolute dissembler as one of the French nation very well observed and if he did not yet this History will sufficiently evidence The Armies dismissed and the Princes and Admirall go to Rochel Now this peace being thus concluded the Armies are dismissed and the Strangers retire to their own Country after which the Princes retired to Rochel for now to effect the deep and bloody plot nothing wanted but the Art of perswasion to entice the Princes Q. of Navar the Admiral and Principal Protestants Lords to come to Paris nothing more desired for their the trap was laid for their destruction and doubtless this mock-peace had never been embraced if it had pleased God to have given them an insight to the bottome of this unheard-of and unimaginable depth of Treachery and Deceit which being hatcht and brought forth in the Hellish Court of the Cabinet Council we shall too soon see the speedy and sad effects of it the Lord knows it will too soon come to the birth of their bloody hopes and cruel desires for as vengeance persues blood at the heels so a hideous storm of cruelties succeeds this peace The Peace though fully concluded of between the King and Protestants yet was not fully observed in all places according to the Edict So that the Princes and Admiral to give a reason why they stood at such a distance from his Majesty send to Court Theligny Briquemault Beauvais La Nocle and Cavannes They are no sooner come but the King welcomes them to the Court and professes that it is his Royal pleasure that the full Observation of the Edict was no less than he really intended and therefore to scatter all mists of doubt from the Princes and Admiral he desired that they would acquaint him of his real resolutions for their good The King and Cabinet Council plots the ruin of the Protestants being desirous to get the Princes Admiral to Paris and so to cut them off And now they begin their Politick Maxim Parvi sunt Arma foris nisi sit consilium domi That policy is of more force in Military affairs than valour They now to the Trade of Politick treachery the King and his Cabinet Council meets and their Result is With speed and secrecie by Serpentine Labyrinths and enfoldings to bring the principal Protestants into the Not of destructior A Wor being thought too hazardous and weak to effect therefore must the principle of Machevil take place in their judgements and practice i. e. To effect their desires though they swim through a Sea of blood For now they have hopes that their plot might take effect in regard that their private actings were now mannaged by those that were jointly concerned in the effects of their desires and hoped to have some share in eheir bloody success The King by fair carriages intends to slide into the Protestants affections and so draw them to Paris and cut them all off which was the plot laid for them To which purpose a good opinion of the Kings sincere intentions for the Protestants good must be fixed in the minds of the Princes of the blood the Queen of Navar and the Admiral so that all their foul actings might seem so fair as no tincture of suspition should enter into their thoughts he penetrates their hearts with shews of love but his own heart is filled with deceitful plots and treacherous Resolutions endeavouring so to insinuate into their good natures that he might lodge in their hearts good thoughts of his bad intents so that all carriages must be screwed up to the highest pin of affection and love as we shall shortly see conferred on them by an outward confluence of all favours that the least doubt might not have any footing to the prejudice of their bloody aims hoping by this means to have their desires and success to lodge under one roof All their plot being to get them to Paris the Theatre of this most horrid and cruel Tragedy ensuing unarmed and then by further progress to put in execution the practical part of their bloody plot so marshalling their affairs that all the Protestants shall be immediately cut off in the bloodiest war that ever was known Now the plot being laid the Gin being set they fall to