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A87629 A remonstrance of divers remarkeable passages concerning the church and kingdome of Ireland, recommended by letters from the Right Honourable the Lords Justices, and Counsell of Ireland, and presented by Henry Jones Doctor in Divinity, and agent for the ministers of the Gospel in that kingdom, to the Honourable House of Commons in England Jones, Henry, 1605-1682. 1642 (1642) Wing J943; Thomason E141_30; ESTC R202619 59,114 90

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any longer for they would govern it themselves S And that their Religion should flourish in despight of King or State T In all which having broken thorow the due bounds of their Allegiance their vain and ambitious thoughts rove without knowing any limits It will not now content them to settle anew and mold again this Kingdom to their own Modell by calling of Parliaments making Laws and appointing their own Governours V Thus discourse they of the modestest sort but they will with the assistance of Spain and France set footing in England and after that in Scotland W where all things being setled to their desires the whole Forces of Ireland in way of retribution and acknowledgement of gratitude are intended for the King of Spain against the Hollanders X Unto which their disloyalty to theirs and our most gracious Soveraign they have added expressions of unheard of hatred to His Brittish Subjects of this Kingdom banishment or slavery are the greatest favours that would be afforded them But their generall profession is for a generall extirpation even to the last and least drop of English blood Y Which that it may be drayned to the full such of the English as cannot prescribe a settlement in this Kingdom for two hundred yeers are to be cut off and that notwithstanding they be of the Romish Sect It being to that end provided That such as do revolt to their part should for the present be accepted of yet so disposed as being drawn into the List of their Army they should be set upon the most dangerous Enterprises so either to be made away or to serve their own turns of them And what the Sword cannot for the present effect an Inquisition like that in Spain for finding out the Jewish and Moorish blood shall in time thorowly accomplish Z As for the future their Covenant is That no English should ever set footing again in Ireland A Even the very Language must be forgotten none being to speak English under a penalty B But that which exceeds all Not an English Beast or any of that breed must be left in the Kingdom C And as we finde the hearts of these men in their tongues so in their actions doing what they professe and being in both beyond all measure profane and heathenish in their impious words and behaviours towards God and the holy Scriptures Religion and the places of Gods publike Worship Blaspheming our God bidding his servants whom they had first T V stripped naked to go to their God and let him give them clothes D Breaking into Churches burning Pulpits Pues and all belonging thereunto with extreme violence and expression of hatred to our Religion and triumphing also in their impiety E Professing That not one Protestant should be left in the Kingdome F Dragging some Professors thorow the streets by the hair of the head into the Church where stripping whipping and cruelly using them they added these taunting words If you come tomorrow you shall hear the like Sermon G How have our sacred Books of holy Scriptures been used Gods Book hath been O horrible cast into and tumbled in the Kennell thence taken up and dashed in the faces of some Professors with these words I know you love a good lesson this is an excellent one come to morrow you shall have as good H They have torn it in pieces I kicked it up and down K treading it under foot with leaping thereon they causing a Bag-pipe to play the while L laying also the leaves in the kennell leaping and trampling thereupon saying A plague on it This Book hath bred alltne quarrell hoping within three weeks all the Bibles in Ireland should be so used or worse and that none should be left in the Kingdom M and while two Bibles were in burning saying that it was hell-fire that was burning N wishing they had all the Bibles of Christendome that they might use them so But what Pen can set forth what Tongue expresse whose Eye can reade Ear hear or heart without melting consider the cruelties more than barbarous dayly exercised upon us by those inhumane blood-sucking Tygers Stripping quite naked Men Women and children even children sucking upon the Brest O whereby multitudes of all sorts in the extremitie of that cold season of Frost and Snow have perished Women being dragged up and down naked P Women in child bed thence drawn out and cast into prison Q One delivered of a childe while she was hanging R One ripped up and two children taken away and all cast unto and eaten by swine S One other stabbed in the breast her childe sucking T An Infant cruelly murthered whom they found sucking his dead mother slain by them the day before V A childe of 14 years of age taken from his mother in her sight cast into a Bog-pit and held under water while he was drown'd W The forcing 40 or 50 Protestants to renounce their profession and then cutting all their throats * What should we speak of their murthers X their hanging half-hanging and that oft times reiterated they delighting in the tortures of the miserable Z Hence some being left wounded in vain crying out that they might be dispatched A This being purposely done that these wretches might languish in their miserie their tormentors affirming that their Priests commanded them so to do B What should we speake of those 30 or 40 burnt in one House and 50 in another C the denying of buriall to the dead D whereby Christians have been eaten by Dogs and Dogs tearing Children out of the wombe the bloudy beholders relating such things with boasting and great rejoycing E And to make perfect the measure of their cruelty Two were said to be buried alive F and others that had been long buried digged up they saying that the Churches could not be Consecrated while Hereticks bodies or bones lay therein G The cruell usage of those 48 poore prisoners in the Gaole of Monaghan H Of those in the County of Armagh after drowned in the River of the Ban to the number of 80 I or 100. K or 196 L as it is diversly reported those 45 drowned together M And those 179 burnt in one house x All these we refer to the reading of the severall depositions concerning them hereunto annexed But how can that be forgotten or where shall it be beleeved which we hear to have been done in the Church of Newtown in the County of Fermanagh where a childe of Thomas Strettons was boyled alive in a Caldron A thing which as one bare reports we durst not so neither can we now with confidence enough present it to that your honourable Assembly nor can we averre it for true otherwise then as by concurring examinations we finde them solemnly deposed whereunto we desire to
many of Our good Subjects Brittish and Protestants who have been seperated from their setled habitations and scattered in most lamentable manner and many others have beene deprived of their Lands Rents goods and Chattles And forasmuch as it is needfull to take due examination concerning the same Know ye that We reposing especiall trust and confidence in your fidelities care and provident circumspection have nominated and appointed you to be Our Commissioners and do hereby give unto you or any two or more of you full power and authority from time to time to call before you and examine upon oath which We hereby authorise you or any two or more of you to administer on the holy Evangelists As well all such persons as have been so Robbed and spoiled or deprived of their Lands Rents goods or Chattles as all the witnesses that can give testimony therein what Robberies and spoiles have been committed on them or any other to their knowledge since the two and twentieth of October last or shall hereafter be committed on them or any of them what Lands Rents goods or Chattles whereof any person or persons were or shall be so robbed spoiled or deprived to what valew by whom such robberies or spoiles were committed what their names are and where they now or last dwelt that committted those robberies or spoiles on what day or night the said robberies or spoiles committed or to be committed were done what Traiterous or disloyall words speeches or actions were then or at any other time uttered or committed by those robbers or any of them and what unfitting words or speeches concerning the present Rebellion or by occasion thereof were spoken at any time by any person or persons whatsoever what violence or other lewd actions were then performed by the said Robbers or any of them and how often what numbers of persons have been murthered by the Rebels or perished afterwards in the way to Dublin or other places whither they fled or retired for refuge either by way of defence or otherwise What person or persons Clergimen or other Protestants have become Papists since the said two and twentieth day fled or retired for refuge either by way of defence or otherwise What person or persons Clergimen or other Protestants have become Papists since the said two and twentieth day of October last and all other circumstances and things touching or concerning the said particulars and every of them either before the three and twentieth of October or since And for the better performance of this service all Incumbents Curats Parish-Clerks and Sextons of Churches in this Kingdome are hereby required to give in to you Our said Commissioners to the best of their knowledge the names and numbers of the poore so spoyled who have beene buried in their respective Parishes and hereafter in and about Dublin they are to give in weekly Bills under the hands of the Ministers or Church-wardens of such Parishes of such of the said persons as shall be so buried in the said Parishes And you our said Commissioners or any two or more of you as aforesaid are to reduce to writing all the Examinations which you or any two or more of you shall take as aforesaid and the same to return to our Iustices and Councell of this Our Realm of Ireland under the hands and Seals of you or any two or more of you as aforesaid Witnesse Our right trusty and wel-beloved Councellors Sir William Parsons Knight and Baronet and Sir John Borlase Knight Our Iustices of Our Realme of Ireland At Dublin the eighteenth Day of January in the Seventeenth yeare of Our Reigne Carleton Examinations taken before us His Majesties Commissioners thereunto appointed by vertue of a Commission to us or any two or more of us directed under the great Seal of Ireland Dated the 23th day of December in the 17th yeare of his Majesties Reigne And by vertue of one other Commission directed as aforesaid bearing Date the 18th day of January in the yeare aforesaid The examination of John Day of Drumleiff in the County of Cavan Weaver THis Examinate duely sworne deposeth inter alia That the Rebells bad him open the doors of his House otherwise they would fire his House and they said that they had a Commission from the Queene and from beyond the Seas for what they did And that they would not suffer an English-man to stay in the land Jur. 8. Feb. 1641. John Day William Aldrich William Hitchcock The examination of Lucy Spell of Drogheda in the County of Lowth THis Examinate duly sworn deposeth inter alia That at Ballendary where she was prisoner three weeks and lodged in John Parsimers house during which imprisonment she saw one time John Malon a Fryar who taketh upon him the title of Chaplain to the Catholike Army in Ireland together with Michael Murffy Garret Newgent of Drogheda Marchant John Griffin and Patrick Griffin of the same Merchants Roger Belin of the same Merchant with others in their company and heard them in their conference say we will shortly have the Prince of England here in Ireland and make him Vice-Roy and we will tutor him and bring him up in the Catholike Religion and the King himselfe shall live in Scotland and before Easter day next we shall have an Army out of Spain and then we will go all into England and with the helpe of the Catholikes there all whose names the said Fryar said that he had we will put all the Puritans and Protestants to the sword The marke of the said Lucy Jur. 5. Feb. 1641. William Aldrich William Hitchcock John Sterne Henry Brereton The examination of John Biggar of Miltown in the County of Dublin Clerke THis Examinate being duely sworn deposeth inter alia That these words were spoken by the Rebells especially by their Leader For the third of December Edmond Eustace of Ballymore-Eustace that they did give us but our owne Law For whereas there was an Act made by the Councell of England in the abs●nce and without the consent or knowledge of the King for the expelling banishing and putting away the Papists out of England and seizing of their goods which when they had there effected would have brought the like over hither for extirpation of the Irish Nation that are Papists These considerations for the defence of the Religion the Queens person and by the Kings license moved them to take Arms having the Scots for a president they have also vowed not to leave an English-man in Ireland The Kingdome they will have in their own hands Lawes of their own and a Deputy of their own without molestation or interruption of any other Nation This night at the Widdowes house of one Lawrence Purcell I met with one George Staples who for late years had taught the Children of the chiefe of the Gentry in our parts Having beene formerly acquainted with him he began to examine me what course I intended to take I told him I could not tell untill I
came to Dublin and therefore I desired to have his counsell and advise He began after this manner You intend to go to ublin saith he if you do you must go speedily for within two dayes the Irish Army will be before Dublin so that you cannot passe if you should get so much favour as to passe yet when you come to Dublin you will not be admitted to come within the Gates and in the Suburbs there are sixe or seven score dying daily for want of food so that there will be no abiding place for you If you intend to go for England the least childe you have will not be carried under twenty shillings and you saith he have not one penny if you should finde so much friendship as to passe gratis there are such a multitude of people that are gone out of this Kingdom that England being but a small Island and Populous of it selfe is not able to receive you if you should be received there can be no long continuing place for you for the Papists are striving in England as well as here the Queene being fled into France for some abuses offered her own Person her Servants and Chaplains which indignities the King of France intending to revenge hath leavied an Army of 40000 men to invade England and the Cardinall in Flanders hath leavied the like number to the like end and purpose therefore it will be no purpose to go thither Lord Mr Staples said I what shall I do then If you stay here you must do as they do and turn to Masse yet they will not trust you sayd he fearing least if the King of England should ever be able to bring an Army into this Country the turn-coat English should joyne with them and cut the Irish throats in a night as the English once did the Danes in England Therefore whosoever of the English should turn to the Romish Church they would also compell to take Armes and place them in the Front and eminent place of danger that so they might fall And for hereafter when they had gotten the Kingdome into their own hands which they make no question but to have in a short time having all the Forts Castles and strong-holds in Ireland in their own hands already but the Castle of Dublin and Drogheda and these two places they would not for many thousand pounds have gotten for reasons known unto themselves but when they have once obtained them and the Kingdome those English that have not fallen by the sword the holy Church hath so ordered it that they shall be cut off by the Inquisition so that they will not leave an English-man alive whose Ancestors hav● not been here for 200 years with many other like words Jur. 29. Jan. 1641. John Biggar John Sterne William Aldrich William Hitchcock The examination of John Mountgomery late of Clounish in the County of Monaghan Gent. THis Examinate duely sworn e deposeth inter alia That in their journey and Marching within the County of Monaghan the Rebells murthered of his knowledge at the least fourescore Protestants and committed a number of other wicked barbarous and notorious Robberies and actions and by their owne relation robb'd stripped naked kill'd and drowned 45 of the Scots at one time and that the same Robbers also murthered Mr Blyth and Master Mathew two constant Protestant Preachers within the County of Tiron and murthered one Master Fullerton Parson of Loughall in the County of Armagh and neere fourescore more English more of Protestants by drowning and throwing them all over the Bridge of Portdown in the said County into the River Bann And further saith that the Rebells aforesaid or some of them confessed unto him and so he was told also by divers Scottish-men that they the same Rebells when they came to Armagh Monaghan and Dungannon set all the prisoners at liberty and that they broke open and defaced the Church of Armagh and burned the pewes pulpit and the best things in the said Church And this Deponent whilest he was with the same Rebells saw them to pull in peeces kick up and down deface and spoyl all the Protestant Bibles and other protestant books that they found in any place where they came neither this Deponent nor any other protestant prisoner nor other durst so much do as to save or looke upon any of them in their sight nor would they willingly suffer any one to speak the English tongue And further it was pretended that it was agreed in the Parliament House of England thet the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland should be sent for to Dublin unde colour of passing Patents of their Lands and there should be imprisoned untill such time as they should either go to the Protestant Church or should be put to death And if they should go to the Church yet not to be released untill they had given security that their followers should go to the Church also otherwise to bring them in to be censured And further saith That when the Rebells of the County of Monaghan had surprized or had command of all that County some of them said that they would be governed by the Roman Law and some by the English Law which they knew better And said further That when they had taken Dublin and Drogheda Derry and Knockfergus which they did not doubt but to conquer before Candlemas then next they would have a Parliament and would settle a Government but would have no Protestants amongst them but that they would suffer English or Scottish to be Deputies Lords Justices or Judges so that one of the Irish Nation might be joyned with them and so that all should go to Masse And the same Rebells publikely and generally also said That they made no account but to keep Ireland for ever in regard they had of their own Souldiers two hundred thousand fighting men besides labourers and they expected from the King of Spain according to his promise fifteen thousand souldiers and Arms and money fit for them and from the King of France some Ayd because the Queen of England his sister was so deprived of liberty of religion And the same Rebells also further said in this Deponents hearing That in all forraigne parts it was agreed and resolved that all Protestants or others that would not go to Masse should be put to the Sword And this Deponent further saith That he did hear Neale mac Kenny Baron of Trough neer Glaslock a notorious Captain of the Rebells say That the King had sent directions from Scotland that Sir Pbelomy Roe ô Neale Knight should be Generall of all His Majesties Forces in Ireland against the English and that he the said Neale mac Kenny should be Governour of the three Counties of Tyrone Armagh and Monaghan And that therefore he the said Neale mac Kenny and the rest of the Irish Forces would after their conquest of Ireland go into England and there by the assistance of the English papists also conquer the same And that from thence they
and some expert souldiers for the present with arms and ammunition of all which they expect a speedy supply out of Flanders their own Regiments there exercised being to be sent over and some shipping from Spain allotted for service That this Kingdom being setled there are thirty thousand men to be sent into England to joyn with the French and Spanish forces and the service in England performed joyntly to fall upon Scotland for reducing both Kingdoms to the obedience of the pope which being finished they have ingaged themselves to the King of Spain for assisting him against the Hollanders And for drawing their followers to some head and for giving the fairer glosse to their foul Rebellion it is to be admired what strange and unlikely rumours of their own devising they cast abroad sometimes that many sail of Spaniards are landed now at one port then at another That Drogheda was taken at such a day and hour with all the circumstances at large and Letters to that purpose dated from Drogheda by the Rebels that besieged it That Dublin was taken And being infinitely ambitious of gaining the Earl of Ormond to their part for the greater countenance to their cause giving out that he was their own which was so long beleeved by the said followers until that noble Earl giving daily those honorable Testimonies to the contrary and they finding it to their cost though with the hazard of his own person further then his place might well allow they are now otherwise satisfied and place him in the rank of their mortall enemies together with that terrour to them Sir Charls Coot and others And thus have I laid down all that I have heard to me related omitting what I finde others more largely to insist upon All which their treacherous vain and ayry projects God disappoint As for my own private sufferings by the present rebellion I refer them to another Schedule this being so far taken up Deposed before us March 3. 1641. Hen. Jones Roger Puttock John Sterne Iohn Watson William Aldrich William Hitchcock The Examination of Edmund Welsh of Moylerstown in the Kings County THis Examinate duely sworn deposeth inter alia That Piers Fitz-Gerald of Ballisonan in the said County taking his Peternell ready cocked presented the same to this Deponents brest saying when this Deponent offered to draw his sword that it was in vain for him to strive against so many and so disarmed him and took from him his sword and dagger with eight Guns with certain Powder and Lead alleadging that there was an Excommunion from the chief of their Church against any of his Religion that would not do the like and if he had not done so and that soon some of his neighbours would have had his head and that they would never ask any Quarter nor accept of any pardon And these trayterous words were then and there spoken and these hostile and outragious acts committed as aforesaid all which this Deponent upon oath averreth Edmund Welsh Iur. 22 Ian. 1641. VVilliam Aldrich Iohn Sterne The Examination of John Edgworth Esquire high Sheriff of the County of Longford THis examinate duely sworn deposeth inter alia That he sending abroad to know what the meaning of this Insurrection was word was brought him by one Thomas Stafford once a servant to this examinate that he heard there was a Commission come from his Majesty to the Irish by which they had power to destroy the English in this Kingdom and in so doing to revenge the wrong done to his Majesty by the Puritans of England who had not onely taken away his prerogative but had also deposed him and put up the Palsgrave in his stead this examinate discoursing further with the said Stafford asked him if there were not a great meeting of Friers and priests about the the third or fourth of October last being Saint Francis day at the Monastery of Multefarnam in the County of VVestmeath to which the said Stafford answered There was and being further asked by this Examinate what was the meeting for he answered he did not know onely thus much That some of the Friers told him that this was a yeer of Iubilee and that there was a plenary Indulgence or Bull as he termed it from the Pope for all the sins committed and all that should be committed this yeer of Iubilee Iohn Edgworth Deposed before us Febr. 23. 1641. Hen. Iones VVilliam Aldrich The Examination of John Brooks of Ballyheys in the County of Cavan Yeoman THis Examinate duely sworn deposeth inter alia That by some of the Rebells this Deponent and other English Protestants were threatned to be presently murthered unlesse they would presently be gone And if they went to Dublin they should finde small relief there if for England as little there for England was in the same case And further said That they had long paid Rents to the English but they would make them pay it back again further alleadging That what they did they had authority for the same from the King or words to that eff●ct Iohn C Brooks his mark Jur. 5 Ian. 1641. Roger Puttock Iohn VVatson The Examination of Grace Lovett wife to Fran. Lovett of Ballew-hillan in the County of Fermanagh THis Examinate duely sworn deposeth inter alia That Patrick mac Collomac Donnell Edmond mac Donnell and the rest of their company the 25. day of October last entred into severall parcells of Land and outed this Deponent and her children as also took away the Lease Writings Will and Escripts that this Deponent had that concerned the estate of the severall parcells of Land And further deposeth That she heard one of the Company of Captain Rory Magwire who as this Deponent heard was a Friar say That it was well that this Deponent was come into their Company to save her life for if she should go for Dublin it would be as bad And if she went for England it would be worse for said he we have the Kings broad Seal for what we do And for the reason of our rising it is because the Puritans preferred a Petition against us and could not let us enjoy our Religion quietly for we stand for our lives And if we should not have done this we had all lost our lives upon one day or words to that effect And further this deponent saith That she this deponent her husband and four children were all stript naked by the said Rebels belonging to the said Captain Rory the said 25. day of October last at Newtown alias Castlecool Grace ● Lovets Mark Deposed before us Jan. 5. 1641. Hen. Jones Hen. Brereton The examination of Elizabeth Coats of Drumully in the County of Fermanagh Widdow THis examinate duely sworne deposeth inter alia That she heard some of the Rebellious company say and ask the English Protestants that were there robbed what they intended to do or whether to go saving unto them if they went for Dublin that was taken by the Lord
A REMONSTRANCE OF Divers Remarkeable Passages concerning the Church and Kingdome OF IRELAND Recommended By Letters from the Right Honourable the Lords Justices and Counsell of Jreland And Presented By HENRY JONES Doctor in Divinity and Agent for the Ministers of the Gospel in that Kingdom TO The Honourable House of Commons IN ENGLAND London Printed for Godfrey Emerson and William Bladen and are to be sold at the signe of the Swan in Little-Brittain 1642 To our very assured loving Friend Master Lenthall Esquire Speaker of the Honourable the Commons House of Parliament in the Kingdom of ENGLAND THere hath been presented unto us a Remonstrance of the deplorable estate of this Church of Ireland and the lamentable Condition of the Clergy therein occasioned by the present Rebellion The Remonstrants desiring our Letters in the Representing of the same to the honourable House of Commons in England unto whose grave and wise consideration they do apply themselves We shall not need to say much in a matter so much speaking it self and the experience we have of the true sence they have of this distracted State gives us great assurance that they will take to heart this our miserable Church and Gods servants therein reduced unto unexpressable extremities both Church and State being now involved in one common calamity The bearer hereof Henry Jones Doctor in Divinity is intrusted by the Clergy to negotiate in their behalf and we have intreated him to solicite the cause of the poor robbed English expressed in our Letters to you of the fourth of this moneth We therefore do crave leave to recommend him in this imployment to that Honourable House he being a Person who is able to say much in this businesse having been some while a Prisoner in the hands of the Rebels and observed much of their proceedings and being intrusted with others as a Commissioner to take the examinations out of which the Remonstrance now to be by him offered to that Honourable House is extracted As for himself he hath suffered much in his private fortunes by these troubles and in respect of his Abilities and Learning and Painfulnesse in his Ministry he deserveth favour and encouragement Besides we have found him very diligent and forward in attending all occasions for promoting the publike services here by timely and important intelligence given to us of Occurences during his imprisonment with the Rebels and since especially in his information made to us of the approaches of the enemy to Drogheda when we could not conceive they would rise to that boldnesse by which information amongst others we had the opportunity of sending thither the present Garrison without whom it might have been in danger of surprising And so we remain from His Majesties Castle of Dublin the seventh day of March 1641. Your very assured loving Friends W. Parsons Jo. Borlace R. Dillon Ad. Loftus J. Temple Cha. Coote Tho. Ratherham Fran. Willoughby Rob. Meredith To the Honorable Assembly of the Knights Citizens and Burgesses in the Commons House of Parliament in the Kingdom of ENGLAND The undernamed in the behalf of themselves and their brethren the poore dispoiled and distressed Ministers of the Gospel in Ireland with the Widdowes and Orphans of such Humbly represent their lamentable Condition Shewing THat by the instigation of Popih Priests Friers and Jesuites with other fire-brands and Incendiaries of the State partly such of them as have been resident here in this Kingdom of Ireland before partly flocking in from Forraign parts of late in multitudes more then ordinary and chiefly by such of them as resorted hither out of the Kingdom of England And out of that ancient and known hatred the Church of Rome heareth to the reformed Religion As also by reason of the surfet of that freedome and indulgence which through Gods forbearance for our tryall they of the Popish faction have hitherto enjoyed in this Kingdom There hath been beyond all paralell of former ages a most bloudy and Antichristian combination and plot hatched by well-nigh the whole Romish sect by way of combination from parts forraign with those at home against this our Church and State thereby intending the utter extirpation of the reformed Religion and the professors of it In the room thereof setting up that idoll of the Masse with all the abominations of that whore of Babylon This also ayming at the pulling down and defacing the present state and government of this Kingdom under his Sacred Majesty theirs and our undoubted Soveraign and introducing another form of rule ordered and moderated by themselves without dependance on his Highnesse or the Kingdom of England whence have proceeded such depredations of of the goods and such cruelties exercised on the persons and lives of the loyall Subject such wasting and defacing of all Minuments of civility with such prophanation of holy places and Religion that by the most barbarous and heathenish Nations the like could not in any age be found to be perpetrated All which doth daily appear unto us your Suppliants appointed to enquire upon oath of the premisses and other particulars depending thereupon by vertue of a Commission to us directed under the great Seal of this Kingdom of Ireland bearing Date the three and twentieth day of December in the seventeenth year of his Majesties Reign and by one other Commission further enlarged concerning the premisses Dated the eighteenth of January in the year aforesaid Copies whereof together with the Copies of such and so much of the Depositions as answer to the particulars of this our Remonstrance we have hereunto annexed that both the validity of our proceedings and the truth of this our sayd Remonstrance may the better appear Vpon view of all which it doth very evidently appear that in the present most dangerous designe against this Kingdom the Popish faction therein hath been confederate with forraign States If we may rely upon the report made therof by the conspirators themselves and their adherents here whereof the following examinations are full IT being confessed that they had their Commission for what they did from beyond the Seas A That from Spain they did expect an Army before Easter next consisting if of none others yet of the Irish Regiments and Commanders serving in Flanders and else where under that King together with a great quantity of Powder Ammunition and Arms for a great number of men to be raised in Ireland This Kingdome as they make up their estimate being able to make up the body of an Army of two hundred thousand or more B From France also they looke for ayd C Being in all this further encouraged by Bulls from Rome some of these Rebels requiring to the Popes use and in his name the yeelding up of such places of strength as they had beleaguered D In all which respects and in allusion to that League in France they terming themselves the Catholike Army E and the ground of their war the Catholike cause And to this purpose hath
this present year 1641. been among them proclaimed a year of Jubilce and Pardons before hand granted of all sins of what sort soever that shall be therein committed tending to this great work F Excommunications also thundred against any that shall refuse to joyn therein G It doth secondly appear that they had their correspondents in England for raising the like Rebellion there this not being a report made to us from one part but confirmed from all places of this Kingdome whence the passage hath not beene stopped by the present obstructions H That thirdly they reported themselves to have had the like partie in Scotland that the Scots joyned with them I and were their friends K That the like troubles were to be raised in Scotland L That the Scots were joyned with them in Covenant not to leave a drop of English bloud in England as they the Irish Rebels would do the like in Ireland For which they pretended a writing signed with the hands of the prime Nobility of Scotland M And that the Tower of London the Castle of Edenborough and the Castle of Dublin were to be surprised all upon one day N As for that part of that cursed Faction within this Kingdom of Ireland the Actors therein acknowledge it to be a plot of many years some say two O some eight P some 14 or 17 years Q A plot wherein all the Popish Nobilitie and men of quality were interessed R and by Sir Phelim ô Neale that Arch-Rebell it is professed that what he did was by the consent of the Parliament of Ireland S thereby intending the Popish members therof Notwithstanding all which that this appeareth to have been a long-laid conspiracie yet these Traytors for giving some colour to their Rebellion pretend as if the occasion moving them thereunto were new unexpected and pressing so that with the safety of their lives and duty which they owed God and their Country they could not do lesse then they have done falsly pretending that there was a plot layd in this Kingdome grounded on a pretended Act passed in the Parliament of England for the cutting off of all the Nobilitie and others the Papists in Ireland T and all this to be done in one day V and that to be on the 23 or 24th of November now last past for preventing whereof they laid say they this their counterplot a full moneth before viz. on the 23 of October W For effecting which their wicked and devillish design the sayd Conspirators and Traitors have entred into a most accursed Covenant and bound themselves by an oath of confederation the same being subscribed by the hands of the chiefest Rebels and certaine men being appointed to administer the same to all such as shall either offer themselves or be pressed to serve as Souldiers in that cause others also being sent abroad and in chief the Popish Primate Reily X who hath compassed far and neer to draw into this conspiracy such as had not before been there withall acquainted As also to satisfie any scruples if any were that did or might retard any from entring thereinto the Popish Clergie being observed for the most forward advisers and putters on of the people in this way For whereas many of the Rebels seemed no give eare to a Proclamation of grace Dated the first of November 1641. they were forbidden by their Priests assuring them it would be their undoing Y Hence it is that these Rebels are so hardned in their course of wickednesse that they professe against accepting of any quarter and that they will not accept of any but a generall Pardon A Others again disclaiming any Pardon casting out words to the dishonout of his Sacred Majesty as if his Royall word and Seale were not to be relyed upon B And yet for making the more plausible introduction into their said wicked Rebellion the Conspirators aforesaid have traiterously and impudently averred and proclaimed that their authoritie therein is derived by Commission from his Highnesse Sometimes at distance making offer to shew a large Patent or Commission with a broad Scale giving out that in that their power did appear C Others taking upon them to read some forged writing to that purpose D All which they stick not publikely in Market-places to proclaim E falsly also reporting that his Highnesse was among them in the North of Ireland riding up and down disguised and with glasse eyes desiring not to be discovered Others againe pretending their Commission to be from the Queens Highnesse and professing themselves her Souldiers and that what they did was under the hands of the best of the Nobility of England which yet in favour of the English they did not say they execute to the full G All which they falsly reported to the end that thereby they might distract the mindes and discourage the hearts of the true Subject and that therein they might gain more upon such as they desire to draw into their party or if any should for a time stand aloose as Newters to win a better opinion with them then to be accounted Traytors or their enterprise a Rebellion Whereas it is apparant that Allegiance or Obedience to his Majesty is not the thing they ayme at the contrary being plainly confessed and professed by themselves now that they are entred as far as they can into their diabolicall practise and that their confederates are for the most part declared and drawn unto an head For some of them to the making way for their Trayterous intentions F have given out That the King was dead and that the young King was gone to Masse G That they would have the Prince in Ireland whom they would make their Vice-Roy tutoring him in the Romish religion And that the King should live in Scotland H sometimes That the Duke of York should live with them But others more fully unvizard themselves professing That they would have a King of their own and him Crowned within a fortnight I That they had him already K And that it was from their new King that they had their Commission so much spoken of L Declaring also their new King according to their severall fancies Some being for the Earl of Tyron M others for Sir Phelim ô Neal N If perhaps these two be not intended for one and the same thus we finde the said Sir Phelim honoured with the style of His Majesty O Others yet being rather for the Lord Maguire P there being some that said they had a consecrated Crown for the best deserver * But of His sacred Majesty how contemptuously do they speak Let your King say they fetch you out again Q These being their words to some of His Majesties Subjects oppressed by them We care not for the King of England say others R a third That neither King nor Queen shall govern Ireland
to Sir George Radcliffe Newgent was sent for and committed to the Castle of Dublin and remained in long durance but after was dismissed 4. Hereunto was added a fourth about the same time near the Naas about 12 miles from Dublin where a popish Priest newly arrived out of Flanders did make his addresse to the then Lord Deputy and informed his Lordship of an intercourse of Letters between the Earl of Tirone with others in Flanders and the popish Primate of Armagh Rely concerning an Invasion within a short time intended upon Ireland the said Priest offering so his person might be secured to direct such as should be thereunto appointed to the place where the said Letters were in the custodie of the said Rely Rely was thereupon sent for together with the popish Vicar generall of Armagh as I remember it both were committed to the said Castle of Dublin but soon after released and the Informer dismissed with x. l. and a suit of clothes or some such reward 5. Hereunto may this be further added another not so plain as the former That about the same time the Lord Baron of Dunsany did ride disguised throughout all the parts of Mounster pretending to satisfie his curiosity in the knowledge of places and persons He not being discovered untill his return at the Birr where having offerd himself to be bound for one in his company he writ himself in his own stile being loth to leave under his hand a testimony of his disguised person and assumed name Hereunto may be added a motion made by the Recusant party in the Parliament of Ireland for hindring the sending away of certain Colonels with their forces raised in the Kingdom and pretended to be for service in foreign parts many wondring it should proceed from them but therein considering these their former practises their intentions may be discovered to be far different from what others conceived thereof who assented thereunto The imploying of so many thousands abroad being a great weakning of the forces they purposed for this their soon after following Rebellion To descend now from the antecedents of this treason to the falling in thereupon and lastly to the consequents what therby hath been intended supposing it to succeed and that it attained the desired effect which by them was not doubted of And first for the entrance thereinto Howsoever that the ground-work were long since laid yet would they not have it so to seeme But new occasion must be found as the sole cause of their breaking out this being intended for the satisfying the mindes of such of their own as have not hitherto bin acquainted with the depth mystery of this Iniquity that they might not stand amazed at the suddennesse of the undertaking or stand off from joyning with them the worst part of their designes it being an apparent Rebellion The fittest means for this must have bin by casting aspersions on the present Governmēt which if long tolerated would prove extremely dangerous not onely to their Religion but their lives and posterity For effecting hereof reports were cast out that in the Parliament of England the cutting off of all the Papists in Ireland of what degree soever was concluded upon the execution of that Resolution being committed to the Counsell in Ireland The Lords said they had laid down a day for this work being the 23 of Nov. then next following and now last past or thereabouts For the better more secure and more secret managing of this pretended plot such of the popish Nobility and Gentry of both Houses as appeared in Parliament at Dublin should be secured And for the drawing together of the rest amongst other pretences this alledged to be one That his Majesties rents were purposely omitted and not called upon in Easter-Term with that earnestnesse as formerly and that such as made default should be summoned to appear in Michaelmas-Term at Dublin and there surprised such of them as were in the Country wanting the heads being easily cut off They say that this pretended plot was I know not how discovered to them So that for the safety of their lives and profession they were inforced to stand upon their guard and to counter-work that day of the 23 of Nov. laid for their destruction by their declaring themselves in arms on the 23 of Octob. a moneth before The serious part of this Discourse was related to me by a Friar intimate in their Counsel and by a priest a popish Vicar generall therby to give me satisfaction and to justifie their proceedings whose names I do for the present forbear in respect of his Majesties service By others also it was informed That this plot was mainly intended in that Session of Parliament next after the Earl of Straffords beheading and the manner concluded upon in the popish private meetings which were then observed to be frequent and by some suspected might prove dangerous and that for discovery of what provision of armes and amunition our store of Dublin afforded it being by some suspected that most was sent before to Carrickfergus one of the popish faction in the house of Commons put one of the Protestant members to move that some of the Earle of Straffords men had cast out some threatning words against the Parliament in revenge of his Lord which could not be conceived to end in lesse than a blowing up of the whole Houses of Parliament the store lying under them whereupon a Committee of both Houses many of them prime Papists were appointed to make search in all the corners in the Store amongst these the Lord Mac Guire was one who was observed without occasion to be liberall in disposing of money to some of the Officers of the Store in a way more than was ordinary with him The last Session of Parliament being prorogued and the time drawing nigh for putting their designe in execution there was a great meeting appointed of the heads of the Romish Clergie and other Lay-men of their faction said to bee at the Abbey of Mullifarvan in the Countie of Westmeath where is a Convent of Franciscans thereof openly and peaceably possessed for many yeares last past the day of their meeting being also on their Saint Francis day about the beginning of October last but the time and place I cannot confidently affirm yet howsoever the severall opinions and discussions are as follow like as I have received it from the said Fryer a Franciscan and present there being a Guardian of that Order where among many other things there debated the question was what course should bee taken with the English and all others that were found in the whole Kingdom to be Protestants The Councell was therein divided 1. Some were for their banishment without attempting on their lives for this was given the Instance of the King of Spaines expelling out of Granado and other parts of his Dominions the Moores to the number of many hundreth of thousands all of them being dismissed with their lives wives and
children with some part of their goods if not the most part that this his way of proceeding redounded much to the honour of Spaine whereas the slaughter of many innocents would have laid an everlasting blemish of cruelty on that State that the like usage of the English their neighbours and to whom many there present owed if no more yet their education would gaine much to the cause both in England and other parts That their goods and estates seized upon would bee sufficient without medling with their persons that if the contrary course were taken and their blood spilt beside the curse it would draw from heaven upon their cause It might withall incense and provoke the neighbour Kingdome of England and that iustly taking a more severe revenge on them and theirs even to extirpation if it had the upper hand 2 On the otherside was urged a contrary proceeding to the utter cutting off all the English Protestants where to the instance of the dismissed Moores it was answered that that was the sole Act of the King and Queene of Spaine contrary to the advise of their Councell which howsoever it might gaine that Prince a name of metcy yet therein the event shewed him to be most unmercifull not onely to his owne but to all Christendome beside That this was evident in the great and excessive charge that Spaine hath beene since that time put unto by these Moores and their posterity to this day All Christendome also hath and doth still groane under the miseries it doth suffer by the piracies of Algiers Sally and the like Dennes of theeves That all this might have beene prevented in one houre by a generall Massacre applying that it was no lesse dangerous to expell the English That these Robbers and banished men might againe returne with swords in their hands who by their hard usage in spoiling might bee exasperated and by the hope of recovering their former estates would bee incensed farre more than strangers that were sent against them Being neither in their persons injured nor grieved in their estate that therefore a generall Massacre were the safest and readiest way from freeing the Kingdome of any such feares 3. In which diversity of opinions howsoever the first prevailed with some for which the Franciscans saith this Frier one of their Guardians did stand yet others inclined to the second some again leaning to a middle way neither to dismisse nor kill And according to this do we finde the event and course of their proceedings In some places they are generally put to the sword or to other miserable ends some restrain their persons in durance knowing it to be in their hands to dispatch them at their pleasures In the mean time they being reserved either for profit by their ransome or for exchange of prisoners or gaining their own pardons by the lives of their prisoners if time would serve or by their death if the worst did happen to satisfie their fury The third sort at the first altogether dismissed their prisoners but first having spoiled them of their goods and after of their raiment exposing the miserable wretches to cold and famine whereby many have perished by deaths worse then sword or halter Hitherto of their Counsells and the effects of them Now for their intentions all being reduced which God forbid into their power and thereof do they as by some Law give such peremptory conclusions that it may well be wondred the thoughts of men professing themselves wise should be so vain and herein I do still follow mine Informer First their loyalty to his Majestie shall be still reserved Thus say they of the modest sort But both his Revenues and Government must be reduced to certain bounds His Rents none other then the ancient reservations before the plantation and the Customes so ordered as to them shall be thought fitting Secondly for the Government such as would be esteemed loyall would have it committed to the hands of two Lords Iustices one of the ancient Irish race the other of the ancient British inhabitants in the Kingdom Provided that they be of the Romish profession Thirdly that a Parliament be forthwith called consisting of whom they shall think fit to be admitted wherein their own religious men shall be ass stants Fourthly Poinings Act must be repealed and Ireland declared to be a Kingdom independant on England and without any reference unto it in any case what soever Fiftly all Acts prejudiciall to the Romish Religion shal be abolished and it to be enacted That there be none other profession in the Kingdom but the Romish Sixtly that onely the ancient Nobility of the Kingdom shall stand and of them such as shall refuse to conform to the Romish Religion to be removed and others put in their room howsoever the present Earl of Kildare must be put out and another put in his place Seventhly all plantation lands to be re-called and the ancient prepriators to be re-invested in their former estates with the limitations in their Covenant expressed That they had not formerly sold their interests an valuable considerations Eightly that the respective Counties of the Kingdom be subdivided and certain bounds or Baronies assigned to the chief Septs and others of the Nobility who are to be answerable for the Government therof And that a standing Army may be still in being the respective Governours being to keep a certain nūber of men to be ready at all risings out as they term it They also being to build and maintain certain fortresses in places most convenient within their precincts And that these Governours be of absolute power onely responsible to the Parliament Lastly for maintaining a correspondencie with other Nations and for securing the coasts That also they may be rendred considerable unto others a Navie of a certain number of Ships is to be maintained That to this end five houses are to be appointed one in each province accounting Meth for one of them That to these houses shall be allotted an annuall pension of certain thousands of pounds to be made up of part of the lands appropriate to Abbeys And a further contribution to be raised in the respective provinces to that end That these houses are to be assigned to a certain Order of Knights answerable to that of Malta who are to be sea-men And to maintain this Fleet that all prizes are to be apportioned some part for a common bank the rest to be divided to which purpose the felling of woods serviceable for this use is to be forbidden The House for this purpose to be assigned to the province of Leinstor is Kilmainham or rather Howth the Lord of Howith being otherwise to be accommodated provided be joyn with them that place being esteemed most convenient in respect of situation which they have small grounds to hope for For effecting of all which they cast up the accounts of the forces of this Kingdom That it is able to make up readily two hundreth thousand able men wanting onely Commanders
would go into Scotland and by the like assistance subdue that Kingdom and settle their religion in all places And further saith That he this Deponent was in the County of Armagh credibly informed by some cots and the same was confessed and confirmed to be true by some of the Irish That one ● Mr Keoon neer Cregance in the said County and his Souldiers did take a Scottish-man and a woman and tortured them by hanging them up in a Rope to confesse their moneys but still before they were dead let them down again And saith further That o●e Bryan mac Erowny a Ring-leader of Rebells in the County of Fermanagh and his souldiers killed one Ensigne Lloyd and Robert Workman both of the same County Gentlemen and four of their servants one of which they having wounded but not to death they buried quick And this Deponent was credibly informed That the daughter in law of one Ford in the Parish of Clonnish and County of Monaghan being delivered of a childe in the Hills the Rebells who had formerly killed her husband and his father killed her also and two of her children and suffered their dogs to eat up and devour her said new born childe which they found with her in that place And saith further That Cole mac Bryan mac Mabon the Colonell and his souldiers did kill and murther at Mellifant at the Lord Moores house 18 of the said Lord Moors servants and would not suffer the greater part of them to be buried but to lie upon the ground and be devoured by Dogs Crows and revenous Creatures And this Deponent had and hath seen and observed the like to be done by the Rebells since this Rebellion began within the County of Monaghan to divers other Protestants that they had murthered Jur. 26 Jan. 1641. John Mountgomery Iohn Sterne William Hitchcocke Roger Puttocke VVilliam Aldrich Hen. Brereton The Examination of Patrick ô Bryan of the Parish of Galoon in the County of Fermanagh THis Examinate duely sworn deposeth inter alia That Donagh mac Guye of the County aforesaid said That it was against his will that this was begun but seeing he had put to his hand he would not give out for if I should come in I should be used like Tyron who was persecuted notwithstanding his many pardons Con oge mac con mac Hugh mac Mabon of Aghneholagh and County of Monaghan said That the King knew of this Rebellion and that it was as hot in England and Scotland as here at the same time And he further said That all the Nobles of this Kingdom which were papists had a hand in this plot as well as my Lord Maguire and Hugh oge mac Mahon and that they expected Ayd out of Spain by one Owen Roe ô Neal viz. 10000 men and Arms for as many Item the said Deponent further saith That he heard Colonell Plunckett say That he knew of this plot eight yeers ago but within these three yeers he hath been more fully acquainted with it the cause of this Deponents knowledge is that he was sent with a Letter unto the said Colonell Plunckett from Mr. Nicholas VVilloughby and heard the same from the said Plunckett as aforesaid Patrick ô Bryan Deposed before us Ion. 29. 1641. Henry Iones Iohn Sierne The Deposition of Henry Jones Doctor in Divinity and Dean of Kilmore I Henry Iones Doctor in Divinity in obedience to His Majesties Commission requiring an Accompt of the losses of His loyall subjects wherein they suffered by the present Rebellion in Ireland Requiring also a declaration of what trayterous words projects or actions were done said or plotted by the actors or abettors in that Rebellion Do make and give in this following report of the premisses to the best of my knowledge As for the present Rebellion howsoever the first breaking out of this fire into a flame began first on the 28 of Octob. 1641 yet was it smoking as may well be conjectured for many yeers before God having given us many and apparant grounds for the discovery of it had they been duely considered or fully prosecuted to a discovery of which kinde we finde these following four particulars 1. The first That about three or four yeers since amongst many Books brought into Limrick from forraign parts and seized upon by the Reverend Bishop of that Sea as prohibited being thereunto authoriz●d by the State One had a written addition to the first part which was printed the Manuscript containing a discourse of the Friars of the Augustine Order sometimes seated in the Town of Armagh in Vlster But by reason of the times and that Present resident as that writing imported in the City of Limrick in Munster That while it flourished at Armagh it was protected and largely provided for by the then Earl of Tyrone Since whose expulsion out of Ireland that Convent was also decayed and driven to those distresses it did for the present undergo but that within three yeers this is as I remember the time limited Ireland should finde that he had a sonne inheriting his fathers vertues who should restore that Kingdom to its former Liberty and that Convent to its first lustre or words to that effect This was related unto me by that zealous and learned Prelate Doctor VVebb now Bishop of Limrick who saw and read the said passage purposing as his Lordship told me to send that book to the Lord President of Munster to be taken into further consideration 2 Hereunto was added a second passage about the same time at Limrick aforesaid where a Popish Priest gave out that within three years there should not be a Protestant in Ireland or words to that purpose with some other materiall circumstances which I do not now remember yet all so concurring with the former or the first with this for which preceded I know not Both being about one time that it was thought fitting to be considered of the sayd Priest being sent unto the Lords at Dublin and he committed to the Castle 3 The third did agree with the two former and fell out about the same time in the County of VVestmeath in the Province of Limster where VValter Newgent of Rathaspeck in the said County eldest Son to VValter Newgent Esquier a man of great fortunes upbraiding an Irish Protestant who was the Parish Clerk of Rathaspeck aforesaid with his Religion and both speaking Latine the said Newgent uttered these words Infratres annos venient tempus potentia in Hibernia quandò tu longè likely meaning diu pendebis in cruce propter diabolicam vestram Religionem The party to which this was spoken feared the power of the man durst not speak of it only in private Yet being called upon and examined juridically upon oath he deposed these words And being demanded whether the words were in Hiberniam or Hibernia the first importing an Invasion the other an Insurrection at home He deposed the latter having time given him to consider of it These Examinates were sent