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A09662 The burnynge of Paules church in London in the yeare of oure Lord 1561. and the iiii. day of Iune by lyghtnynge, at three of the clocke, at after noone, which continued terrible and helplesse vnto nyght Pilkington, James, 1520?-1576. 1563 (1563) STC 19931; ESTC S114665 123,832 280

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The burnynge of Paules church in London in the yeare of oure Lord 1561. and the iiii day of Iune by lyghtnynge at three of the clocke at after noone which continued terrible and helplesse vnto nyght VVERE THESE GREATER SINners than the rest No I saye vnto you except ye repent ye shall all lykewyse peryshe Luc. 13. ¶ Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres dwellynge at the west ende of Powles at the Sygne of the Hedge-hog AN ADDICION VVITH AN APpologie to the causes of brinnynge of Paules Church the which causes were vttred at Paules Crosse by the reuerend Bysshop of Duresme the. viii of ●une 1561. ALthough almighty God be pacyente mercifull and longe sufferinge wyllinge all sinners to repent their wickednes to rise from sinne and come to his mercye yet if sinners wil not amend after monition and warninge hadde at the last God strikes sodainly and sore as appeares in the Scripture by Sodom and Gomorra vpon the whyche Cytyes God rayned fire and bremstone wherewith the fyue Cities were destroyed miserably Also Pharao and the Egiptians that wold not be moued by the wordes of Moises and Aaron nor wyth the tenne plages at last were sodainlye drowned in the Sea Also Chore Dathan and Abiron with a greate number of people that woulde not obey the ministration of Aaron and the Priestes appoynted by God but went from them seking a newe waye to serue God part of them were sodenlye swallowed vp of the earth and part brent sodainlye with fire from heauen in the tabernacle After when the people of Hierusalem would not heare the true Prophets of god but would beleue false liyng Prophetes so declined from the steps of Dauid Ezechias and Iosias which walked in the feare of god ▪ bicause they forsoke their fathers steps and fell to Idolatrye the Temple was brent the Citie destroyed and the people taken Captiues to Babilon Also our sauiour Christ for the tender ▪ loue he had to mankind came into this world by his do●trine he gathered xij Apostles Disciples a great multitude of people in one vnity of faith sanctified them his church by his precious bloud sheding committing the rule and gouernment of his Churche to the Byshops after his Ascencion he sende the holye Ghost in Hierusalem in lykenes of firie tongues amonge the Apostles and streight waye they preached as the holy Ghost taught them and there in Hierusalem Saint Peter conuerted a great multitude to the faith which faith at Hierusalem was first taught declared vpon by a counsel of the Apostles and Seniors there Saint Iames being Bishop and afterwarde the same faith was taught in all landes as the Prophet Dauid sayes In omnem terram exiu●t sonus eorum The faith of Christes Church hath bene from time to time establyshed by generall councels the whiche faith what Countrye so euer hath forsaken it hath bene miserably scourged and plaged as about fourtie yeares after the Assention of our Sauiour Christ bicause the Iues would not abide in that religion that was decreed by the Apostles and walke in their steps miserably Hierusalem was plaged with fire pestilence famine battell and murther Also in all other Countries as wel with the Grekes as other partes of the world when the people haue declyned from the feare of God forsakinge the steppes of blessed fathers miserably they haue bene plaged And in Englande where the faith of Christe and true religion was planted about the yeare of oure Lord. Cixxxij by Elutherius Pope sending Legates to Lucius then Kinge of Englande whiche conuerted this Realme to the fayth and establysshed true religion in Englande whiche continued CC. yeares but when the people dyd declyne from the feare of God and the steps of God and blessed fathers they came to greate calamitye and misery by the scourge of God Cadwaliader last kinge of the Britans did confesse by the hand of God with pestilence and famine they were dryuen out of this lande After that againe this land beinge inhabyted wyth Saxons beynge pamius Saint Gregorye Pope of Rome aboute the yeare of our Lorde God D. xcv sent Saint Augustine and other Monkes wyth hym into Englande Ethelbert being king and then Saint Augustine and his company by their doctrine and vertuous liuinge planted the faith and so establyshed a true religion in England the which faith and religion euer when the people haue declyned from it they haue felde great calamities as wel by the hande of God as by the conquest of the Danes and after by the Normans and sith the conquest from time to time God hath plaged this Realme for Synne and infidelitye And nowe whether the people of this Realme be declyned from the steps of Saint Augustine and other blessed fathers and Saintes which had Masse and seuen Sacramentes in the Church and God was honoured night and daye in the Church with deuine seruyce I thinke there is no man so simple but he may easely perceiue except malice haue blynded his heart As in Saint Paules Church in London by the decrees of blessed fathers euery night at midnight they had Mattines all the fore noone Masses in the Church with other deuine seruice and contynuall prayer and in the steple Antimes and prayers were hadde certayne tymes but consider howe farre nowe contrarye the Churche hais bene vsed and it is no maruaile yf God haue sende downe fire to brinne parte of the Churche as a signe of his wrath And where a reuerende Byshop at Paules crosse did exhort the people to to take the brinninge of Paules to be a warninge of a greater plage to folowe to the Citye of London if amendment of life be not had in all estates it was well said but we muste adde Accidentem ad deum opportet credere the Scripture sais he that will come to God muste first beleue Saint Paule sais without faith it is impossible to please God and the Prophet Hieremi saith by the sprite of God speakinge State super vias interrogate de semitis antiquis que sit bona ambulate in ea inuenietis refrigerium animabus vestris that is stand vppon the wayes of blessed fathers and consider and aske of the olde pathes and highe wayes which is the good way and walke therin and ye shal finde refreshing to youre soules First searche whether the faith and religion nowe vsed was taught with the blessed fathers in Chrystes Church in times past ye shal proue by no recorde of authoritie or Chronicle that this maner of seruice now vsed in the Churche was euer hard tell of afore Luthers time which is not xl yeares old Therefore it is to be reiected and put awaye as a newe fangled doctrine and scismaticall therefore come backe againe into the old fathers steppes as well in faith and religion as godlye conuersation and liuinge or a greater plage is at hande Also where the said Preacher did recite certain abuses of the said Church as talking biyng and
these iii. must nedes folowe ▪ eyther that one masse only is good th● rest noughte or the reste good and tha● nought or els as I am sure he will saye●●oth are good If bothe be good tha● there may be diuers sortes of theym I there may be two diuers sortes and bot● good why may there not be a thirde or fourth as good Why than maye not th● order now apointed in English be goo● to On good friday there is neyther Epistle nor Gospel Gloria in exelsis n● Crede Sanctus nor Agnus Canon n● priuity crossing toying nor blowynge nor their woordes of consecration pa● ●or Ite missa est not so much as Dominus v●bis cuna but streight after confiteor he leapes post haist ouer all to the Pater noster Surely if this be good one daye it maye be vsed oftner and this agrees best with that that Gregory sais Thap●stles consecrated onelye wyth the Lordes prayer and therefore it seemes that if anye of their masses shoulde be good that thys goes nexte to the best and simpliest sort without all curiositie If they may doe all perfectlye this daye without their canon than their canon priuitie is not of so great force as they make it to be For sure if this be well on this day it maye be well on other dayes to for God is no chaungelynge nor he commaundes not one sort of communicatinge his supper to daye and another to morow but alwaies suche a one which agrees with his word Their commen aunswere solution is knowen but it wil not serue they must prouide better stucte or els theyr doings be foolysh But to make an ende of this great controuersye for thauncientye of their masse ye shall heare it determined by a miracle from heauen Whan there were diuers sortes of masses as they be called vsed in latin in diuers places as at Millane and euery where almost generally there was vsed Saint Ambrose order of Communion which there continues to this daye and Gregories order was vsed also in other places the Pope to determine the matter woulde trie whether should be alowed through his Dominion For Gregories was not vsed at all in Fraunce and it was thought shame that Ambroses order being but a Bishop should be preferred to the Popes Therfore he tooke eyther of their masse bookes as they terme them in an Euening ●aid them on the Altar locked the Churche dodres and desired god to declare by some miracle whether boke should be vsed generally of all sortes In the morninge Gregories booke leaues were found scattred al y ● Church ouer and Ambroses lay stil the doores be●nge fast locked all night as he sais but wise men may doubt This miracle maister Pope like a wise expounder of dreames sais that as the leaues were forne and blowen abrode all the Churche ouer so should Gregories booke b● vsed through out the world For this was done by God as well their greate God Bell did eate vppe all the meat● that was set afore him al night as Daniell writes But that a man may no● be wiser than Mounser Pope I woul● int●rprete this greate miracle thus That God was angry with Gregories boke and therefore rent it in pieces and scattered it abrode the other as good lay sound vntouched and at the least so to be preferred This was done by pope Adrian the first more than vii C. lxxvii yeares after Christ and thus long their holy masse was in controuersy afore it was determined Than it lackes much of M. D. as they vntruly and proudlye crake These thinges are not writen by any new menne or heretikes as it pleases theym to terme theym but by their own catholicke fathers Durandus and Nauclerus Yea Polychronic lib. vii ca x. writes that the white obseruāt munkes vse by their profession Sainct Ambrose order and not Gregories euen at these dayes wherefore their masse is not generall I woulde they did make ●n en●● of liynge that we myght ●ake an ende of reprou●nge theym and ●oth ioyne together in worshipping the ●uing God only and beleuing his holy ●ord afore al other Saint Austin in ● lyke controuersye of religion betwixt ●m y ● Maniches praies thus O great ●nd almighty god god of al goodnes ●hom we ought to thinke beleue that ●ou art inuiolable incorr●ptible and ●●mutable O triple vnity which al the ●●urch does worshippe I hauing expe●ence of thy mercye to warde me praye ●ee humblye that thou w●●te not suffer theym to dyffer from mee in thy religion and worshippe of thee with whom syns I was a childe I haue had a most speciall agrement in felowship of menne Amen God graunte vs all this to pray and diligentlye endeuoure our selues to seke this vnity of religion in worshipping the liuinge God onelye as he hais taught vs in his holy word and no other waies for his sonnes sake our lord and christ So be it In Englande where the faith of Chryste and true religion was planted aboute the yeare of our lorde C. lxxxii Elutherius Pope sendinge Legates to Lucius than kinge of Englande which conuerted this Realme to the faith and establyshed true religion in Englande whiche continued ▪ CC yeares As the rest of al their doctrine is founded on the Pope so is this This is their subtility to make men belcue that England hais euer receyued y ● christian fait● religion frō Rome therfore we mu● fetch it from thence still which are bot● most vntrue If nothing els would this one saying proues him to be vnlearned that thus sais Gildas our country man in his history sayes that Britane receiued the Gospel in the tyme of Tiberius the Emperour vnder whom Christ suffred Does not Tertulian who lyued ● the same time of this Pope write in h● booke against the Iewes thus Thapostles are declared in Dauids Psal. to be the Preachers of Christ. Their sounde he sais went oute in all the earth and their woordes vnto the roastes of the earth In whom els haue all people beleued but in christ which is now comen Whom haue other people beleued the Parthians the Medes the Persians they that dwell in Mesopotania Iurie Cappadocia Pontus Asia Phrigia Pamphilia Egipt and the parts of Libia about Cyrene the straungers of R ▪ y ● Iewes Proselites men of Crete Arabia and other people as now the diuerse sortes of the Getes and manye coastes of the Murrians al the boūders of Spaine diuerse nations of Fraunce and the places of the Britanes whiche the Romaines coulde neuer attaine to nowe are subiect to Christ and the places of Sarmatia of the Danes the Germanes the S●ithians and of many other hid people and prouinces manye Iles vnknowen to vs ▪ and whiche now we can not recken In all which places reanes the name of Christ which is now comen Thus ferre Tertullian Marke in how many countries he sais the name of Christe reaned it was so
communion and not for euery diuersitye of triflinge ceremonies as he defines it here Whether be Priests in schisme that haue subscribed to the religion nowe vsed in Englande IN subcribinge to this religion now vsed in Englande they haue both refused the power autority which was geuen to them by the Byshoppe when they were made Priestes that is to saye power and autoritye to consecrate and offer and to celebrate Masse for the quicke and the deade and also they haue refused their canonicall obedience solemplye promised to the Byshoppes with a kysse And where the Byshopprs of this Realme with the Clergye assembled at time of parliament would agree to no part of this religion in wytnesse whereof the Byshoppes be in prison and put from al their liuinges and a great number of the Clergie haue lost all their liuynges some be in prison some banished from their friendes both the Bishops al the clergy that hais lost their lyuynges are al readye to suffer death afore they will consent to anye part of this religion But all they whiche haue subscribed haue forsaken the Byshoppes their true Pastors and Capitaynes obeying and followinge wolues and Apostates in wytnesse whereof they haue subscribed their names so separatinge them selues from the Byshoppes and clergye they must nedes be in schisme The. iiii aunswere UUHere he lays to the priestes charge that in subscribynge to thys religion they haue refused hoth the power that was giuen to them to offer sacrifice and celebrate masse for the quicke and dead also their canonicall obedience promised to the Byshops by a Iudas kisse bycause the olde Bisshoppes in parliament did not agree to it he does the Priests more honour than he knowes of or thinkes wel bestowed If he would cal to remembrance thaunswere that the piller of their Church stout Steuen makes in his booke de vera obedientia to the like reason where he was charged with fallynge from the Pope and breaking that othe and vow of subiection which he made vnto him when he was first made Byshoppe he might better defende the priestes of oure time than accuse them In oure baptis we all make a solemne vow to God our Lord that him onely we will serue and beleue his worde all vowes folowinge which are contrarye to that not onelye maye and ought to be broken but it is wicked to kepe theim for we must serue god onelye as he hais taught vs in his holye word But the scripture condemnes all suche sacrificing now for sinne saue onelye that sacrifice whiche Iesus Christ offered ones for the sinnes of the hole world and biddes vs also obey our kinge as chiefe and highest gouernour therefore the Priestes forsakinge these later wicked vowes and powers which are contrarye to Gods worde and their solemne profession made in baptis as Steuen did wel than though he flatterd afterward and turned to his old vomit are more worthyto be praised thā these obstinate prelates which now misusing the gentilnes of the Prince deny with mouth that which they know in consciens to be true yet charge the Priestes with it although they subscribed to the same things themselfes vnder that good king Edw. because both they knew it to be true see the rod than more sharplie shaken than it is now And thoughe he crake in their name that thei wil rather die than agre to any part of this religion which they them selues vsed ministred taught receyued afore I doubt not but yf they were apposed as they opposed other they would as sone eate the fagot as fele it burne them Thapostle sais by one offeringe he hais made perfecte all theym that be sanctified If one offeringe ones made haue made all perfect than cursed be they that wil correct or amend Christes death as though it were not perfect to saue all without their often sacrificinge We must obey God rather than man as S. Luke teaches therfore that vnlawfull obedience promised to the Pope and his Prelates contrary to their due allegians to their Prince commaunded in the Scripture not only may but ought with safe conscience to be broken At the preaching of christ oure Lorde and hys Apostles manye forsaked the tradycyons of the elders and Pharises receiuyng and beleuinge the Gospell of christ Iesus and forsakyng the Iewishe ceremonies and were not counted forsakers of God and his worde no more are they surely to be reckened Apostates that forsake the popes draffe the clogge of all good consciences and cleaue to the simplicitye of Gods trueth taught in the scripture And where he crakes muche that they haue lost their lyuinges and be in pryson or bannyshed let the worlde iudge whether they euer liued more merilye quietlye fared better laye easelier had had more plenty of al thinges then they haue nowe They are farre short from such handlyng as they delt wyth other Some they hongerd to death some they beat in prison some they cast on dunghils being so murthered at their hands some they burned after they had bene long bursed but euery one was so miserablye handled that christian eares and hartes abhorre to thinke or heare of it and yet like shameles beasts they blush not nor repente but wishe and looke to be murthering again They are as pale in prison as a butchers bolle they are as leane as a fat hogge they lye at ease vnto their bones ach with rising early they fare of y e best they take no thought but looke for a day and thinke long vnto they maye embrue their handes in bloude againe and make all officers to be their hangmen and the stoutest to be afraide of a priestes cappe as they did afore They prouided so well for theymselues in their somer that they nede not to sterue in this gentill winter the world is so much their frende that they can lacke nothinge they woulde fayne be counted to suffer for religion if anye manne would beleue it The poore protestaunt which hais his libertye lyues in more miserye nede det reproche and contempt than these the Popes prisoners who he sais haue lost al. It is better in the world to be the Popes prysoner than Christs Preacher God amend all Whether be Priestes in schisme that minister the Communion and other sacramentes accordinge to the booke of commen prayer now set forth THis maner of ministration of sacraments set forth in the booke of commen prayers was neuer allowed nor agreed vppon by the vniuersall churche of Christe in anye generall counsell or sacrate synod no riot by the clergye of Englande at the laste Perliament but onelye it was agreed vppon by the laitie whiche haue nothynge adoe wyth spirituall matters or causes of religion but ought to stande to the decrees iudgement and determinacion of the clergye in causes of fayth and religion For so it was vsed in Thapostles time as appeares in the actes of the Apostles As when the Apostles toke then order to make
vii deacons whē they put away the ceremonies of the old lawe Such decrees as the Apostles and clergye made at Ierusal without anye counsell of the laitie Saint Paule and other of the Apostles taught all Countries and Nations to obey and obserue and sith the Apostles time the clergye hais euer decreed matters of religion and fayth Nor it can not be proued that euer the laite in anye countrie or Nation afore the last parliament did presume to set forth a religion against the whole consent of the clergye Therefore this manner of ministration of sacramentes nowe vsed beinge against the consent and determinacyon of Christes Church which ought to be ruled and gouerned by Byshops it must nedes be schismaticall and they that vse this maner of ministration muste nedes be in schisme The blessed martir Saint Ciprian does declare what daunger they doe stand in that do vse this maner of ministration against the order of christes churche sayinge these wordes They be ennemies of the altar and rebelles against the sacrifice of christ contemninge the Bishoppes and forsakinge the Priestes of God they are bolde to sette vp an other Alter with vnlawfull voyces to make an other maner of prayer to prophane with false sacrifices the veritie of the blessed sacrament of the Alter nor they wyll not knowe theym that fare about to doe againste the ordinance of God For their bold rashnes by the punishment of god they shalbe punyshed as he punished Chore Dathan and Abiron which woulde offer vp Sacrifice againste the consente of Moyses and Aaron some were swalowed vp of the earth and the rest brent with fire to the terrible example of all others Hitherto be Saint Cyprians wordes Also almightye God by his holye Prophete Malachi does crye oute vpon suche Priestes as minister against the ordinaunce of Christes churche sayinge they dispise his name in offeringe vp poluted bread The Prophet Osee does call the sacrifyce of suche Priestes breade of mourninge and all that eate thereof shalbe defiled sayes the Prophet Almightye God does complaine by his Prophet Ezechiel sayinge the Priestes haue condemned my lawe and haue polluted my Sanctuarye woe bee vnto you that goo● from the truth sayes our lorde by Esai Our lord sayes by his Prophete except suche Priestes will amende quicklye and geue glorye to his name they shall be brought into great necessitye and pouerty and he wyll curse their blessinges and bicause they haue made voyde the pact of Leui they shall be in contempt in all people The. v. aunswere UUhat if this order of ministringe and commen prayer was not agreed on by the vniuersall churche in generall councell Is it not good therefore Than is neyther their latin Portuis nor Missall and masse booke good for the generall churche neuer alowed them as I declared afore It is free for all countries to differ in outwarde order of prayer and ceremonies so that they agree in substaunce of doctrine with the scripture But the laite he sais hais nothinge ado with spirituall matters and religion and alledges Thactes of Apostles how wil he proue that none of the elders there were of the laite nor none of the multitude in the choisinge of the Deacons vnto it be wel proued it maye well be doubted on As in other things so in this he shewes him self how learned he is whan the lawe of God was neglect in the dayes of Saul Dauid commyng to be king and moued with loue of religion cals all the nobility and worshippe of the Realme together thirty thousande and also the leuites and Priestes to knowe their mindes whither they woulde bringe home the arke of God and restore the religion decaied or no and they aunswered al yea what a great parliament was this and full of the laite to determine for receyuynge of religion Iosaphat Ezechias and Iosias good kinges sent their visiters abroade throughe the Realme ioyninge in commission from the king noble menne of the laite to go in visitacion with the Leuites Legenda sanctorū telles howe king Dswi cald a synode at Whithy for takinge awaye that diuersitye of kepinge Easter which was here in the Realme whan some kepte it in the ful mone what daye of the weke so euer it fell on other onely on the sonday folowinge Wherein appeares thautoritye that the king iustly clames to him selfe in religion euen in that blinde age whan he cals the learned men together to dispute on it heares what they can saye and concludes so the matter himselfe that all other didde folowe his sentence Ioan Gerson and Panormitanus as I alleged afore no new protestantes but auncient catholicks and both being present in the last counsels at Constance and Basil said they woulde rather beleue a pore simple learned lay man that bringes and alleges the holy scripture than all the whole counsell hauinge no scripture for theym Gods trueth is not bound to miters Byshops and Priestes alone but lay menne may haue and oft haue better the true vnderstandinge of it than those that looke highest in the clergye and therfore they are to be beleued and hearde aswell as the Priestes Did not king Dauid no Priest set in order the leuites howe they shoulde resort in course to serue in y e tabernacle made the Psalmes appointed theym howe where and whan they shoulde be songe Ezechias and Iosias pulled downe the brasen serpent and other Images Did not Prescilia and Aquila teache Apollo the misteries of the scripture By these I trust it appeares that lay menne may doe some thing in religion If these may not serue looke the statutes of Queene Marie how she takes away one religion and bringes in an other and there is no more done now howe blynde be they in their owne causes and partiall to them selfes But it was neuer hard of he sais that the laite in any countrie presumed to set forth a religion agaynste the hole consent of the clergye afore the last parliament O proude bragge was all the clergy of the realme conteyned in a few horned popyshe Byshoppes Was there no Clergye in the vniuersitie nor other partes of the Realme beside those fewe Byshops did not manye in the vniuersitye and abrode in the Realme vse thys seruyce openlye and commenly in their churches afore it was receyued or enacted by parliament Bicause the rulers the Scribes and all the Priestes Act. iiii ▪ forbade Thappostles in their Parliament and counsel that they shoulde not preache Christ anye more were not the Apostles therfore of the clergye or was not their doctrine good because it was condēned in that wicked counsell Was there not a disputacion for religion appointed by the Quenes maiestie wherein youre Clergye was afraide to vtter their foolyshnes in defendinge their supersticion least they hadde taken more shame in aunsweringe than they did in holdinge their peace whiche well they coulde not I thinke the vniuersities with so manye places of the Realme recayuing
religion and these other disputinge for it maye be counted to be some part of the Clergy of the Realme and so it was not receyued wythout consent of the Clergye But these were not of the Parlyamente What than Is religion to be determined no where but in parliament he is wonte to saye and did afore In vniuersities and counsels To make a religion as he termes it no manne hais autoritye for that belonges to God alone but to restore pure religion which hais bene defaced by supersticion Princes in their Countries ought to doe thoughe their prelates be against it Did not king Ioas cōmaund the Priestes to restore the Temple and first ordeyned the poores mans chist in the Churche Did not Nabuchodo and Darius make proclamation through al their countries without and against the consent of their priestes that all people shoulde worship Daniels God though there was not a perfect order than sette forth by theym to doe it in yet it was much for heathen Princes to do so and it teaches christen Princes howe to doe in the like case But as Ioas Iosaphat Ezechias and Iosias dyd not make a newe religion but restore that whiche afore was defaced and hadde long lien buried so oure Parliament did not set forth a newe religion but restore that which was godly begonne vnder good kinge Edw. confirmed by the Parlyament and the clergy than but sodenlye by violens troden vnder fete by bloudy papistes a littell after yet all this satisfies not them for nothinge can be concluded as a lawe by Parliament saye they without consent of the clergy there present but this hauinge not their consent can not be counted a lawe as they thinke ▪ I had rather leaue this to be answered by the lawers than otherwise bicause it is a mere temporall case to dispute on and concernes theyr profession yet that the worlde maye see that some thing may be said in it we graunt him not this to be true that no lawe at all can be made without consent of the byshops Loke your olde statutes of parliment whan byshoppes were highest afore Edward iii. and ye shall read that they passed by the consent of the Lordes temporall and commens without anye mention of the Lordes spirituall which statutes many of them stand in strength at this day Than it may wel be gathered that the consent of the clergy was not alwayes so necessary as they thinke it If it be so strong a reason as he thinkes it to be to haue consent of the Bysshoppes I will proue by the same reason that it is as necessarye to haue Abbots of the Parliament For they were present of olde time and their consent was required as well as the Bishops and but of late yeares they were put of the parliament and it is not longe sins the conuocation house was seperat from the parliament to The lawers Iudges and Iustices put in practise and execute these lawes therfore their doinges may be a sufficient reason to lead the vnlearned what opinion they haue of these statutes for religion except Iustice Rascal first executing them and after running awaye may condemne the rest whiche I trust he may not I thinke they wold not execute theym except they had the strength and nature of lawes If they doe contrarye to their knowledge and opinion they canne not be able to aunswere their doinges But I thinke no wyse menne are of this oppinion onely these corner crepers that dare not shew their face and woulde deceyue the people go about thus to deface al good and godly order that displeases them In the dayes of blessed kinge Edw. they hadde the like fond opinion that a king could not make lawes in his minoritie vnto he come to full age But this and that was onely to hynder relygion and to make the people disobeye their Prince Yet God hais and I trust wil confound all such wicked deuises Ciprians wordes are not trulye alledged and if they were what doe they make against vs Howe could Ciprian write against our order whiche he neuer knewe beinge founde of so late yeres as they say And he does not meane them that differed in outward order of prayer but that swarued from the substance veritye taught in the scriptures In ceremonies he him selfe differd from other countries and euery countrye almost from others as I declared afore and the Byshops whiche he speakes of are as like our popish Prelates as Will Fletcher and the swete rode The Prophetes words may all be tourned against him and his so wiselye he applyes them whether be they in schisme that minister no sacrameut but onely in stede of diuine seruyce read chapters and Psalmes c. afore the people TO read afore the people in stede of diuine seruyce Psalmes and Chapters or other such like beinge not appointed by the vniuersall consent of the Church of God but against the decrees of the churche must nedes be schismaticall and they in schisme that doe it For as the. ii sonnes of Aaron were striken with sodaine death because they offered vppe straunge fire which was not appointed to theym by Moises and Aaron euen so doe they offende that will in stede of Mattins and Euensong and other diuyne seruice appointed by the Church read psalmes and Chapters and such like not apointed by the Catholycke Byshops lawfully consecrated For our sauiour sayes in the Gospell he that will not heare and obey the church that is to saye the Byshoppes take him as an infidel● And Saint Clement does saye in an Epistle that he writes to S. Iames by the iudgement of God they shal suffer euerlasting torment in the fire of h●il that neglect the decrees of the Churche Therefore the holye Martir Saint Ciprian does saye he that hais not den̄ied his handes wyth these wycked sacramentes hais polluted his conscience otherwise let him not comfort him selfe that he nedes to do no penaunce for he hais broken hys professyon and canonicall obedience that he made to the Byshops when he was made Priest Also this decree was made in the canons of the Apostles Si quis c●er●cus aut laicus synagogam Iud●o●um au● conuenticulum he●eticorum ingressus fuerit vt preces cum illis co●●ungat● deponatur that is If anye of the clergy or laite shall enter into the synagoge of the Iewes or the companye of the heretickes to saye prayers with him let him be deposed The. vi aunswere THe cuckoe hais but one song and that is vnpleasant no more hais this cokewolde maker but one foolyshe false principle to grounde his sayinges on that is the Romishe Churche I sayd afore and no man is able to improue it that the vniuersall Churche neuer made any one order of seruice to be vsed through the hole worlde but euery country hais and may haue diuers without affending so they agree in one substaunce of true doctrine He knowes no church but Ro. and yet ●o neuer decreed anye one
sellinge feightinge and brawlinge although these be verye euill and worthie much rebuke yet there be worse abuses as blaspheming God in lyinge Sermons polluting the Temple with Schismaticall seruice destroying and pullyng downe holye aulters that were set vp by good blessed men there the sacryfice of the blessed Masse ministred according to the order of Christes catholycke Church Yea where the alter stode of the holy Ghost the new Bishops haue made a place to set their tales vpon and there sit in the iudgement of such as be Catholycke and liue in the feare of God Some they depriue from their liuinges some they commit to prison excepte they will forsake the Catholicke faith and embrase a faith and religion that hais no foundacion layde by generall Counseil nor blessed fathers in times past but inuented by Heretikes that do not agree one with another nor them selfes Thus the Bysshops that now be haue abused the Churche and polluted it as the Prophete Hiere sais they haue put offendicles in the house of God and polluted it Also the said Preacher in his Sermon at Paules Crosse didde declare the vertue of obedience to be muche decayed in these oure dayes but he leaues out who they be that cause disobedience For there is none more disobedient then the new Bisshops and Preachers now a dayes which disobey the vniuersall Church of Christ the which Churche whosoeuer will not obey our Sauiour in the Gospel commaundes vs to take them as infidels As where the vniuersall Churche of Christ commaundes Masse and seuen Sacramentes as necessary for our saluation they call it abhomination wyth their blasphemous mouthes where the Church commaundes to fast they commaunde to eate where the Churche commaundes continuall prayer of the Clergie they call it supersticion and blind ignoraunce where the Church commaundes the Clergie to liue in chastity they commaund and exhort the Clergie to mariage where the Churche and all lawes ciuill and canon yea the lawes of this Realme do prohibit mariage of Priestes they alow mariage of priestes obeying no law but folow their owne carnal lust Yea where the Quene hais geuen streyght commaundement to abstayne from flesh in Lent and other dayes commaunded by the Church these new Preachers and Protestantes haue eaten flesh openly to the great sclaunder of other so they obey neither the Quene nor the churche so that almighty God complaines by his Prophete Esai tota die blasphematur nomen meum with these menne God is continually blasphemed wo be to you sais Esai that call good euill and euill good putting darkenes light and light darkenes as by Ezechiell sais almighty God the Priestes haue contemned my law and haue polluted my Sanctuarie Also O see the Prophete does saye the bread that they doe offer is full of mourning ▪ and all that cat ther of shalbe defiled We maye see how they contemne all that blessed fathers holye Martirs and Saintes haue decreed they disobey all that haue bene vertuous and good in Christes catholick church As now of late they haue inuented a new way to make Byshops Priestes and a mannor of seruice and ministracion that Saint Augustine neuer knew Saint Edmund Lanfranc Saint Anselme nor neuer one Byshop of Canturburie sauinge onelye Crammer who forsoke his profession as Apostata so that they muste nedes condemne al the Byshops in Canturbury but Crammer and he that now is al the Bishops in yorke sauinge Holgate and he that nowe is although Saint wil●●●d Saint willyam haue bene taken for saintes and were bishops in yorke In Cou●ntree and Lichfelde Saint Chad was Bisshop and many blessed Bishoppes And he that is Bishop now can find not any one that was made as he is nor of his religion Therefore he muste proue al Byshoppes of Lichfelde were deceyued walked in biyndnes and ignoraunce or els he that now is must needs be deceiued and be in blindnes In Duresine haue bene manye good fathers but he that is now Bishop can not find any one Predecessor in that see that was of hys religyon and made Byshop after such fort as he was so that he that now is must take in hand to condemne all the Byshops afore him that they were in ignoraunce and blindnes or els they will come to his condemnation at the daye of iudgement And this in all Bishoprickes in England some can find one and some none that euer was of their religion What arrogancy maye be thought in those men that will take in hand to contemne so many blessed fathers all to be in blindnesse But nowe they saye they haue founde a lyght and reforme religyon according to the primitiue Church Then seing they reforme religion so well as they saye it were meete as they forsake all the religion that their predecessors vsed as Masse Mattins ministracion of sacraments that they should also forsake houses ●arkes landes and reuenues that their predecessors had and go from place to place for Gods sake and preach and th●n were some liklyhode of reformation or els it may be called rather a deformation then a reformation In Christes Church hais euer bene a succession of Bishops from the Apostles time to this day in euery see And Tertullian saies if in any see there be a Byshop that walkes not in his fathers steps he is to be counted a bastard and no true inheritor in Chrystes Churche Saint Cypryan does say they that be made Byshops out of the order of the Church and not by tradition and ordinance of the Apostles coming by succession from time to time are not Byshops by the will of god ●ut theues and murtherers comming to kill the flocke of Christ with heresie and lies And where the saide Preacher does affirme greater matters then the brinning of Paules to haue chaunced in time of supersticion and ignoraunce as the Church of Paules was ●rent in the first yeare of Steuen and the Steple of Paules set on fire by lyghtninge in the tyme of kinge Henrie the vi they that count that to be the time of supersticion and ignoraunce when God was serued deuoutly night and day the people liued in the feare of god euery one in his vocation without reasoning contencion of matters of religion but referred all suche thinges to learned men in generall counsailes and vniuersities there to be disputed then was the commaundementes of God and vertue expressed in liuinge now all is in talke and nothinge in liuinge then was prayer now is prating then was vertue and now is vice then was buildinge vp of Churches houses of religion and hospitals where prayer was had night and day hospitalitye kept and the poore relieued now is pulling downe and destroying such houses where God should be serued hospitalitie kept and the poore releiued by meanes wherof Gods glory is destroyed and the commen welth impouerished then was plenty of all thinges now is scarcenesse of all thinges therfore Operibus credite the frute will shew
commenly and well beleued and howe amonge theym he reckens the wildest places of the Britaines to be of the nūber and these were chrystened in hys time who liued in the same Pope Elutherius time Than it was not Pope Elutherius that first sende the christian faith hither but they had receyued the Gospell afore he was borne does not some Chronicles tell that Ioseph of Arimathia came hither preached here no doubt eyther he or some Apostle or scholer of theirs hadde preached Christ here and he was receyued and beleued afore this Pope was borne Beda writes that in his time almost a thousand yeare after Christ here in Britaine Ester was kept in the full moone what daye in the weeke so euer it fell on and not on the sonday after as we do now Wherfore it appeares that these Preachers came from the Easte parte of the world where it was so vsed rather than from Ro. whiche condemned that vse Parauenture Elutherius helpt to encrease it and sende some Preachers hyther but that he was the firste can not be proued yet woulde to God the ● woulde folowe that Gospell religion Lawes and Counsell that Elutherius gaue kynge Lucius But letts it 〈◊〉 graunted theym that Elutherius establyshed relygion in Englande will 〈◊〉 make any thinge for their purpose red● the Popes Epystle to the Kynge and than iudge There is greate controuersye what time thys kynge lyued as appeares in Fabians table and therefore a frowarde manne myght doubt whether anye suche thinge were or not but I will not deale so preciselye wyth him In the yeare from Christes passion Clxix the Lorde Elutherius Pope wrote thus to Kynge Lucius Kinge of Britaine for the correction of the kinge and his nobles of the Realme of Britaine Ye requyred of vs the Romane lawes and the Emperours to be sent ouer to you the whiche ye woulde practyse and put in vre within your Realme The Romane lawes and the Emperoures we maye euer reproue but the lawe of God we maye not Ye haue receyued of late throughe Goddes mercye in the Realme of Brytaine the lawe and sayth of Chryste ye haue wyth you in the Realme bothe the partes of the Scryptures oute of theym by Goddes grace wyth the Counsell of youre Realme take ye a lawe and by that lawe throughe Goddes sufferance rule youre Kyngedome of Brytaine For ye ●ee Goddes Uycarre in youre kingdome accordinge to the sayinge of the Psalme c. O God geue thy iudgement to the king and thy righteousnes to the kinges sonne He saide not the iudgement and righteousnes of Themperour but thy iudgement and iustice that is to saye of God The kynges sonnes be the christian people and folke of the Reame which be vnder your gouernement and liue and contine we in peace within your kingdom as the gospell sais Like as the henne gathers her chickins vnder her winges so does the kyng his people The people and folke of the Realme of Britaine be youres whome if they be deuyded ye ought to gather to concord and peace to cal them to the fayth and lawe of christe and to the holye churche to cherish and maintaine them to rule and gouerne them and to defend them alwais from theym that wold doe them wrong from malicious men and enemies c. A king hais his name of ruling and not of hauinge a Realme Thou shalt be a kyng while thou rulest well but if thou do not the name of a king shall not remaine with thee and thou shalt loose it which god forbid Thalmighty God graunt you so to rule the Rea●me of Britaine that ye may raigne with him for euer whose vicar ye be in the Realme thus far the Epistle Marke I praye you what thys good Pope grauntes and whether he be of this peuishe Proctours opinion or of his holye Byshops that he crakes so much on First he wils him not to take the Romaines lawes to rule his realme by for they maye euer be reproued but to make lawes accordinge to the scripture which neuer can iustlye be gaine said and by them to rule Further he cals the kinge Gods vicar twise in this letter thirdlye he sais the kinge ought to call the people to the faith of christ How can Papistes than be disobedient to kings whan they see the Pope graūt so much to kinges the Pope calles the king gods vicar and our Papistes deny it and say the Pope is Gods vicar The Pope biddes rule by the Scripture and refuses his owne lawes but oure holye Byshoppes saye Scriptures make herretikes and will be subiect to no lawes but the Romaines Lastly he charges kinges to bring the people to the faith but oure spiritualitye saye kinges haue nothing adoe in Ecclesiastical matters nor religion They sticke much on auncientie and the Popes autority and yet those godly thinges which godly auncient Popes haue sayde and decreed they can not abyde because it takes a waye their autority and pride Platina and Polychronicon wryte that this Pope decreed that no manne shoulde refuse anye meate that manne eates yf thys Pope say true why haue we than commaunded vppon paine of deadlye sinne by Papists so many supersticious kinds of fastinges forbearing meates at certayn times If they be not supersticious because they wolde bind the conscience with them and make it sinne to breake theim let theym proue it by the Scripture to be godly If they be catholickes that beleue and folowe the Pope why are we called heretikes in beleuing and teachynge that whyche the Pope hais written yf they wil be called the Popes darlynges why doe they denye the Popes writynges If true religion was stablyshed here by this Pope why than does this scauinger sweepe the stretes wyth contrarye doctrine to this Pope and with false lyes If they would haue vs beleue and honoure the Pope they must first beginne theyw selfes Who will thinke that he geues good counsell would haue men to folow him which will be y e first y ● wil do teach contrary to his own sayings these holy Byshops of oures honoure their Pope in sufferinge for him that neuer will thanke theym and saye they woulde haue all to doe the same yet they themselfes are the firste that teache and dooe contrary to this Pope and many other of the eldest forte in all suche thinges as please them and so they wyll correct hym rather than folowe the auncienst and best of theym After that againe this lande beynge inhabited wyth Saxons beynge panims Saint Gregorye Pope of Rome aboute the yeare of oure Lorde God Dxcv. sent Saint Austin and his company who by their doctryne and vertuous liuing planted the fayth and so established a true religion in Englande the whych sayth and religion euer whan the people haue declined from it they haue felt great calamities as well by the hand of God as by the conquest of the Danes and after by the Normannes and sythe the conquest from time
on the mariage in Cana Galilea writes thꝰ Thou repro●●s mariage that they be a let to godlynes but wilt thou know that it hurtes not to haue wyfe and children Had not Moyses wife and children was not Helias a virgin Moses brought Manna from heauen and Helias fire god spake to Moyses and was conuersaunt with Helias Did not Moyses make Duales to come and Helias shut vppe heauen from raine with a word Did not Moyses deuide the sea and brought through the people Was not Helias taken into heauen in a firie charet Did virginitye hurte the one or was wife and children a hindraunce to the other hais thou marked Helias in his charet in the aer and Moyses goynge on foote in the sea Marke Peter also a piller of the church that he had a wife for it is written that Iesus wente into Peters mother in lawe beinge sicke touched her and the feuer left her Where there is a mother in lawe there must nedes be a wife and daughter in lawe Sees thou not than that Peter had a wife blame not mariage than c. thus ferre Chrisostome I coulde shew you like examples of maried ministers at these daies whiche are not hindered in their duty doing therby nor in any part of godlynes but rather forthered in that houshold cares be taken from them therby and in sikenes they better cherished These be inough for them that wil be perswaded or more will not serue It is not hard to bringe diuerse moe autorities out ot the Popes distinc xxviii and xxxi to proue this withall but he that is father of all filthines is not worthye to beare witnes in so honest a matter In Moises law where euery one should marie with in his owne tribe the priestes had thys priuilege that they might marye wyth the kinges stocke but oure menne abhore Priestes mariage lest they should get gentilwomen and so possibly might enherite their landes God was not so wise to foresee these thinges as we be and that which Gods wisdome thought good and commendable we with oure polities thinke hurtfull and vnprofitable God make vs wise in him For the foolyshe writhinge and rackynge of the scriptures folowinge because they be so vnaptlye applied that a blind manne maye sce them I will not stande to set out his folye for they conteyne no matter of weight against vs. They haue inuented a newe waye to make Bishoppes and Priestes and a maner of seruice and ministracion that Saint Austin neuer knewe Saint Edmond Lanfranc S. Anselme no● neuer one Bishop of Cantorb sauing only Crammer who for soke his professyon as Apostata so that they must n●●es condemne all the Bishoppes in Cantor but Crāmer and he that now is all the Byshoppes of yorke sauy●● Holgate and he that nowe is althoughe Saint Wilfride S. Willyam haue bene taken for Saintes and were Byshoppes in yorke In Couentre and Lichfyelde S. Chad was Byshop and many blessed Byshops and he that now to Bishop can fynde not anye one that euer was made as he is nor of his religion Therefore he must proue all Bi●shops 〈◊〉 Lichf●loe were deceyued walked in blindnes and ignoraunce or els he that nowe is must nedes be deceyued and be in blyndnes In Duresiue haut bene many good fathers but he that now is Bishop can not fynde any one predecessour in that see that was of his relygion and made bishop after such fort as he was so that he that no we is muste take in bande to condemne all the Bisshops afore him that they were in ignorance and blindnes or they wil come to hys condemnation at the daye of indgement And this in all Bishoprickes in Englād some can find one some none that euer was of their religion What arrogancy may be thought in those men that will take in hande to condemne so many blessed fathers al to be in blindnes Here this proud Papist triumphes as thoughe nothinge coulde be said to the contrary For our churche seruice I said inough afore now marke what weight his raginge railynge wordes haue He sais Saint Edmonde Lanfranc Ansel. neuer knewe such an orderyng of Priestes and Bishopes how proues he that I thinke they dyd for they liued in that age whan religion beganne to decaye blyndnes and supersticion to crepe into the worlde and therefore coulde not be ignoraunt of suche good order as hadde bene afore them althoughe they theym selues than beganne to chaunge bring in the contrary wherof I declared part afore as mariage of priestes church seruyce c. To graunt that so manye Bisshops of Cantorb yorke Lichfield and Duresme were in blindnes he thinkes it such an inconuenience as no manne will doe it and therfore these that now be Byshops must nedes be deceyued I am not of that oppinion to thynke it a shame to graunt that Byshoppes be deceyued eyther in that age or other for there hais bene no man so holye except Christ Iesus but he hais bene deceiued and ignoraunt in manye thinges euen in religion Did not Paule rebuke Peter for dissemblynge in meates with the Iewes Only Christ hais the ful truth That is the proude principle of Popery to think that they can not be deceyued yet in that sayinge they are most fowly deceyued The Scribes and Pharases vsed the same reasons agaynst Christe oure Lorde and the false Prophetes against the true sayinge that they kepte the olde true learninge and the other brought in a new deceiued the people But in grauntinge these olde Byshops to be made after another sort than these be nowe what harme maye followe What auncienty be they of al sins the conquest and not past v. C. yeare sins Than it is but newe in comparison of of M. D. l. And if oure order agree wyth Christes doinges and his Apostles writings better thā theirs are we to blame in forsakyng them folowing Christ his Apostles or are we to be counted deuisers of a new way when we folow that which is M. ycre elder than theirs Naye surely their deuyses be new and we restore the old religion again practised and taught by Christ and his Appostles which they haue defaced wyth their newe deuysed supersticyon and Popery Whither is it more to contēne or correct these Byshoppes of Cantorb York Lichfielde and Duresme that he names rather than Christ oure Lorde Peter Paul Timothe Titꝰ c. Whether is to bee iudged elder wyser and godlyer these Byshoppes that he names which are not v. C. yeare old or Christe and his Appostles whiche be M. D. yeare old and more In the Actes of Thappostles where Matthias was chosen in stede of Iudas the traitour Where the. vii Deacons were chosen and whan Paule and Barnabas were sēt forth to preach how few ceremonies were vsed in comparison of that multitude which the Papistes vse nowe and howe much does it agree with our kind of orderinge ministers better than with theirs Whan Paule taught
surely if he be as bold asblind baierd to leade the wrong and thou be so madde to folowe hym thou shalt bee condemned as well as he If he alone might fall in the ditch thou might more boldlye folowe him but now thou art warned learn and take hede for ignoraunce will not excuse thee The Hospitalitye and almes of Abbayes is not altogether to be eyther allowed or dyspraysed The most of that which they did bestow was on the riche and not the poore in dede as halt lame blinde sicke or impotent but lither lubbers that might worke and would not In so much that it came into a commen prouerbe to call him an abbay lubber that was idle wel fed a long lewd lither loiterer that might worke and would not On these and the richer sorte was the most part of their liberalitie bestowed that I nede not to speake of any worse the smallest portion was on theim that neded most not according to their foundation Poly chro sais lib. v. ca. xxxii that Abbaies wasted their goodes in glotony and out rage lib. vii ca. vi that munks vsed haukinge būtinge disinge drinkinge and therfore vnder kinge Richard i. munks were put from Couentrye and clerkes brought in lib. vii ca. xxv Baldwin a munke and Byshoppe of Cantorb did the like with his munkes the same time ca. xxviii But whether y ● new munkes with their short coates almost wythoute all religion kepinge a shepeherde and a dog where all thys good cheare was afore be worse than the munkyshe Idolatrous Popish creatures which deuised a religion of their owne shewing their holynesse in their longe coates I leaue it to the disputacion of the learned Looke into London and see what hospitals be there founded in the Gospell time and the poore in dede releued youth godly brought vppe and the idls set to worke Poperye would some time fede the hungry but seldome correct the vnprofitable drones that sucked the honye from the labouring bees nor bring vp children in the feare of God but to fill the bellye and not to teache vertue is to encrease vice Wel worth Bridewell therfore for it is a good schole The rest of his railyng is not worthy aunsweringe for there is as muche and more vertue and kepinge Goddes commaundementes vsed nowe as was than and more though both sortes be bad ynough and the best may be amended Aske an olde Papist of the commen sort howe many commaundementes of god and what they be and he can not tell Aske a Protestauntes childe of vii yere olde that hais learned his Catechisme and he can tell his duety to God man how to liue and die what to loue and what to flee better then all their popish Priestes Is it like that he kepes gods commaundementes which knowes not what they be how manye of the people were taught than woulde learne or were moued to learne their commaundementes no fewe suche at these dayes are willinge to heare theym or learne them how much lesse to practise them What a wicked opiniō is this to think that ignorance is better than learning or that a manne shall better serue God without knowledge of god his duetye and his word rather than by knowing feling and vnderstandinge gods goodnes and mannes frailnes gods mercy and mans misery oure wretched worldlye state and Gods euerlasting blessed felicitye God giue vs grace to thinke and thanke The last reason that he lais for maintayning his supersticion declares what religion and opinion he is of Than was plenty he sais and nowe is scarsenes of all thinges whiche howe true it is let the worlde iudge Looke at the late dayes of poperye and see what dearth death and scarsenes was than and compare it with these dayes and the plentye of gods vndeserued blessing powred on so vnthankefull a people Then akecornes were good to make bread of and vnder Henry ●i they made breade offerne rootes as Polychro sais lib. viii ca. xxi now commenly the porer sort almost haue disdained with brown bread Then scholers of the vniuersitys brake by their houses went and liued abroade with their frendes being not able to continue at their study than was such dearth and scarsity as the like hais not oft bene red of than a Bishoppe of Mentz was so pursued with rattes in a time of derth that he was compelled to flee to his towre standinge in the mids of the riuer Rhene a myle from anye land yet the rats folowed him deuoured him there for his vnmercifulnes therfore is called the rats towre to thys daye this Byshop was no protestaunt UUhether the like be nowe the blinde maye see UUho feles it God giues his blessing plentifully if man coulde consider it thankfully and vse it liberally Who hais cause to complaine or where is it sene I think England had not the like plenteous time so commenlye these many yeres although this yeare corne be deare and somwhat ●ars But I put the case that there were scarsenes and dearth of all things plagues war c. UUere thys a suffycyent cause to condemne our religion No sure no worldlye thinge good or euill wil moue gods people to iudge gods truth by any other thinge than by gods holye booke Should we condemne Saint Austin because the city where he was Byshop was besieged and wun by gods enemies Austin himself beinge within it and died a littell before the wynnynge of it ▪ Shoulde Elias and Eliseus haue forsaken Gods lawe because there was so great dearth and scarsenes in their tymes Shoulde Daniel for the Lions denne or Paul for his chaines haue forsaken their God In the dayes of Elias it rained not the space of iii. yeare and a half vnder Eliseus in the sege of Samaria women eate their Children and Doues dung was good meate Onely the worldlynges iudge by their bellye their religyon The Godles people said to Ier● We will not heare the word of God of thee for while we worshipt the mone and sterres we had plentye of all thinges but sins we harde the worde of Godde of thee we haue hadde scarsenes of all thinges This is the reason that led the Iewes and by the same is this Iewishe Papist moued to iudge of gods trueth Therefore I can not iudge him to be of another religion than those whose belye is their God Let vs praise God for our health welth and libertye that he bestowes on vs vndeserued so plenteouslye lest in not thankfullye recetuing his word murmuring against his blessinges we prouoke him to plage vs worse than afore If wealth maye moue consider what great thinges the Lord hais wrought by the Quenes maiestie than iudge Whan the Realme was in daunger to be giuen into straungers handes and none coulde tell howe to deliuer them selfes god of his vndeserued goodnes set vp the Queene ours maistres who quietlye contrarye to all mennes expectacion auoyded theym all UUhat daunger was Scotlande in
hanges ouer him Saint Ciprian sayes he seperates himselfe from Christ that does against the consent of the Byshop and clergy Saint Hiero. does saye we muste remayne in that Churche whiche is founded of the Apostles and does endure vnto thys daye by a succession of Byshoppes to whom the holye Ghoste hais appointed the rule and gouernement of this Churche sanctified by Christes bloud shedinge Nor let heretickes take anye comforte to theym selues if they can frame out of the Chapters of the scripture for their pourpose that whiche they saye seynge the deuill hais alledged some thinges of scripture for the scriptures consist not in readinge but true vnderstandinge If we will be members of Christes Churche we must continue firmely in that faith and religyon that was sent from the Apostolicall see of Ro. by S. Gregory into England which faith and religion was planted and stablyshed by Saint Angustine in thys Realme Saint Augustine stablyshed masse and vii sacramentes to be vsed in the latin tonge as G●das does witnes and such maner of deuine seruice as is nowe vsed The aunswere to the. i. question SAint Austin in the first place alledged hais no suche definition althoughe the most parte of the wordes which he puttes there are true and woulde to God he considered howe muche he speakes against him selfe here in This is that which we defende that the Churche is gathered by Christ and Thappostles first and continues not in the Papisticall but in the Apostolicall faith vnder Christ our head who rules his churche stil by his holye spirite and worde and hais not put it into the ●andes of any one only general vicar in the earth as he vntruelye sayes whereas their church is bylded not on christ but on the Popes decrees whiche Thappostles neuer knewe and were vnwritten manye yeares after the death of Thappostles and are alwayes vncertayne chaunginge euer as it pleases the Pope for his time to determine And their Church hais had at one time iii. or iiii Popes for their heades like a monster with manye heades some Countrie folowinge one Pope some another as their heade We saye also that the Papistes haue deuided theim selues from this Churche of Christe makinge them selues sinagoges and chappelles gods and religion of their owne deuysynge as Micha did contrarye to Gods worde and therefore the wrath of God hanges ouer them except they returne howe holye so euer they pretende to be Ciprians wordes are not all together so plaine as he settes theym but if they were he meanes an other sort of Priestes and Clergye than the Popes for neyther they did take than to them nor he knew no such autoritye in them as they now vsurpe vnto theim selues for he writes as sharplye and homelye vnto Cornelius than byshop of Rome as he does to any other his felow bishops Surelye who so euer deuydes him selfe from Christes ministers and people refusinge their doctrine and discipline seperates him selfe from Christ euen as he that flees from the filthy dregges of Poperye and his Chaplaines is cut of from the Pope the father of suche wickednes In Ieroms wordes we most reioyse teachinge vs to continue in that Churche which is founded by Thapostles and not Popes endures to thys daye The wordes of succession c. folowinge are his owne and not Ieroms By thys doctrine of Ierom we flee to Thapostolicall and flee from the Papisticall Churche whiche was neuer knowen of manye yeares after Thapostles And we graunt that the deuil papistes and heretickes can alledge some wordes of the scriptures and therefore we saye that the Papistes be deuilyshe Heretickes because they racke writhe the scriptures to a contrarye meaninge to their owne damnation as the deuill did For succession and gouernement of Byshops for Austins religion massinge and vii sacramentes I said inoughe afore but where he alleges Gildas as father of his lies he does him much wrōg for he hais neuer suche a word in all his writinges If he haue lette him shew it This is euer the facion of liynge Papistes to haue the names of doctours and auncient writers in their mouthes as though they were of the same opiniō that they be where in dede they be nothynge lesse and if they get a word or if that seemes to make for them they will adde a hole tale of their owne makinge as thoughe it were a piece of the same auncient mannes sayinge and by thys meanes they deceyue the simple whiche haue no learninge to iudge or haue not the bookes to trye their saiynges by as this miser goes about in these places afore Who is an hereticke HE that teaches defendes or maintaines anye erronyous oppinion agaynst the decrees iudgemente or determynatyon of Christes Catholicke Church is an hereticke Who is a schismaticke HE that is deuided or separat from the vnitye of the catholycke Church in ministration or receyuynge the sacramentes or diuine seruice is a schismaticke and in state of perdicion The aunswere to the. ii and. iii. questions HE wold gladly appeare to be wel sene in logi● if he had any If all be hereticks that defend an erronius opinion than many disputacions shall be condemned In disputing it is oft sene that of ignoraunce or for his learning sake manye defend an vntruth yet God forbid that they shoulde all be heretickes Austin says well I maye erre but I will not be an hereticke Then he is an hereticke properlye that defendes an errour obstinatelye and will not be corrected So teaches Saint Paule Flee from an hereticke after one or ii warnynges he sais not for ones teachinge or defending of it Also he is not a schismaticke that differs in small pointes or circumstaunces of ministringe the sacraments from other for than shoulde all the Greke church be in a schisme because they differ in some ceremonies from the Latin Churche and also one from another as I declared afore in the ministration of Basil Chrisost Saint Iames. c. the same may be said of the latin church to as for Ambrose order Gregores c. And because euer vnder the Catholicke churche he signifies Rome we saye that no countrie whiche vses other ceremonies than they doe is in this case a schismaticke for that their Romishe orders and ceremonies be of their owne deuisinge for the most part and not commaunded by god nor neuer were vsed generally in the vniuersall Catholicke churche as I proued afore and therfore they be free to vse or not vse as shalbe thought mete to differ in the substaunce and doctrine of sacramentes maye make a schisme or heresye but such ceremonies are free to all countries whiche maye edifie as appeared in Ansel. Epistle afore These fewe wordes are sufficient to lette him see his owne foolyshnes more might be said but I will not be so curious nor tedious to note all Saint Paule cals the Corinth schismatickes in henginge on mennes sleues for opinions in religion and for misusinge the