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A09061 An ansvvere to the fifth part of Reportes lately set forth by Syr Edvvard Cooke Knight, the Kinges Attorney generall Concerning the ancient & moderne municipall lawes of England, vvhich do apperteyne to spirituall power & iurisdiction. By occasion vvherof, & of the principall question set dovvne in the sequent page, there is laid forth an euident, plaine, & perspicuous demonstration of the continuance of Catholicke religion in England, from our first Kings christened, vnto these dayes. By a Catholicke deuyne. Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. 1606 (1606) STC 19352; ESTC S114058 393,956 513

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well by the words of the Statute which are these VVhere the Kings most excellent Maiesty is by gods law supreme head immediatly vnder him of his whole Church of England intending the conseruation of the same Church in a true sincere and vniforme doctrine of Christs religion calling also to his blessed and most gratious remembrance the innumerable commodities which ensue of concord and vnity in religion c. hath therfore commaunded this his most high Court of Parlament to be summoned as also a Synod of all the Archbishops Bishops and other learned men to bee assembled c. for a full and persect resolution of certaine Articles proposed which are the former six his Maiesty also most gratiously vouchsafing in his owne Princly person to descend and come into his said high Courte and Councell and there like a Prince of most high prudence and no lesse learning opened and declared manie thinges of high learning great knowledge touching the said Articles matters questions whervpon after great and longe deliberate disputation and consultation had and made it was finally resolued as before c. 17. Thus you see how maturely this matter was done and resolued by the new head of the English Church and his Counsell which resolution not withstanding I presume M. Attorney and those of his religion will not well allow à parte rei though for his authoritie they may not denie it according to their owne grounds in that he did contradict therin the Popes and so in this respect they seem to bee but in pittifull plight for that neither the one nor the other head serueth well their turnes And with this wee shall leaue King Henry the 8. who in all the rest of his raigne which as hath byn said was but the third parte after his spirituall headship of that he had raigned before in acknowledgment of the Popes Supremacie his Decrees Ordinances and actions though they were inconstant variable yet were they all except this only controuersie of the Popes authoritie against Protestants and their religion as appeareth both by his solemne condemning and burning of Iohn Lambert for denying the Reall presence the next yeare after this Statute was made as also of Anne Ascue and others vpon the last yeare of his life for the same heresie and of manie others for other Protestant-opinions so as I doe not see how M. Attorney can much glorie in this first headshipp of his Church of England especially that being true which Bishop Gardiner preached and protested publikely at Pauls Grosse in Queen Maries time that K. Henry dealt with him a little before his death for reconcyling himself to the Pope by restoring to him his authority againe if with his honour it might bee brought to passe but before this could bee treated he died and thereby was frustrated of his good purpose therin The answere to certaine Instances of M. Attorney out of this raigne of K. Henry the eight §. II. 18. And this might suffice for King Henries raigne but only that M. Attorney vpon the recitall of certeyne of the said Kings Statutes made by himself for his owne spirituall Supremacy which I hold not needfull for me to stand to answere he moueth a doubt and answereth the same in such sorte as is worthy of consideration His doubt is that for so much as K. Henry was now declared head of the Church and all Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction taken from the Pope in England and in English affaires what shal become of the Canons or Canon law togeather with the Constitutions and Ecclesiasticall Ordinances depending of the Church of Rome wherby the spirituall Courts of England were wont to bee gouerned you shall heare his answere in his owne words The Attorney If it bee demaunded saith hee what Canons Constitutions Ordinances and Synodals Prouinciall are still in force within this Realme I answere that it is resolued and enacted by authoritie of Parlament that such as haue been allowed by generall consent and custome within the Realme and are not contrariant or repugnant to the Laws Statutes and Customes of this Realme nor to the damage or hurte of the Kings prerogatiue Royall are still in force within this Realme as the Kings Ecclesiasticall laws of the same Now as Consent and Custome hath allowed those Canons so no doubt by generall consent of the whole Kealme anie of the same maie bee corrected enlarged explained or abrogated For example there is a decree that all Clerkes that haue receiued anie manner of Orders greater or smaller should bee exempt pro causis criminalibus before the temporall Iudges This decree had neuer anie force within England First for that it was neuer approued and allowed of by generall consent within the Realme Secondly it was against the laws of the Realme as it doth appeare by infinite presidents Thirdly it was against the prerogatiue and soueraigntie of the King that any subiect within this Realme should not bee subiect to the laws of this Realme The Catholicke Deuine 19. Heere you see two points touched in this answere First the resolution it self and then the confirmation therof by a speciall example The resolution is very ambiguous doubtfull and vncertaine if you consider it For he saith that such Canonicall laws are to bee still in force as were allowed by generall consent not contrariant to the laws statutes and customes of this Realme nor importe anie dammage to the Kings prerogatiue Royall And what are these thinke you And how vncertaine a rule is this prescribed for laws whereby matters of conscience must be determined Who may not say in his owne case or others this Canon or Constitution though it be of neuer so auncient Councels or Decrees of the Church for of such consisteth the Canon-law was neuer allowed by generall consent of England this is contrariant to some Statute or Custome this importeth dammage to the Kings prerogatiue Royall and so indeed by establishing this new headship the whole body of Ecclesiasticall regimēt was ouerthrowne though M. Attorney to salue the matter saith that the said Canonicall lawes should remaine still in force with the restrictiōs aforesaid as the Kings Ecclesiasticall lawes which is as much to say as that these Canon-lawes that were made by generall Councels Nationall or Prouinciall Synods and by the Popes of Rome themselues shall not remaine as their lawes but as the Kings lawes for that he retaineth them of which poore refuge I haue spoken often before how weake and idle it is 20. But now for his particular example chosen out to proue that the generall Canonicall lawes of the whole Church receiued throughout Christendome may be corrected and enlarged explaned abrogated by a particular Countrey which is contrary to the common Maxime that no law can be abrogated but by the same authority by which it was made and allowed or greater I cannot but maruaile that he would insist vpō the exemption of Clerks from secular
now that this authority was no new thing or to vse his words not a Statute introductorie of a new but declaratorie of an old and that the same was conforme to the auncient laws of England acknowledged and practised by all her auncestors Kings of the same and that the difference of her sex as they had qualified the matter and couched their words did hinder nothing at all the acceptance of this authority shee was content to lett it passe admitt therof for the time though I haue beene most credibly informed by such as I cannot but beleiue therein considering also her forsaid sharpenes and pregnancie of witt that vpon diuers occasions especially for some yeares after the beginning of her raigne she would in a certaine manner of pleasantnes iest thereat herself saying Looke what a head of the Church they haue made mee 37. And to the end that no man may imagine that these things some other which heer I am to touch of the good dispositiō this deceased Princesse had of her self towards Catholicke religion at the beginning of her raigne and for diuers yeares after if she might haue been permitted to her owne inclination are fayned I doe affirme vpon my conscience in the sight of him that is author of all truth and seuere reuenger of all false-hood that nothing hereof is inuented or framed by mee but sincerely related vpon the vndoubted testimonies of such as reported the same out of their owne knowledge As for example that not longe before the death of Q. Marie a cōmission being giuen to certaine of the priuie Counsell to goe and examine the said Ladie Elizabeth at her howse of Hat-field not far from London when other matters had been debated shee taking occasion to talke with one of them a part in a window said vnto him with great vehemencie of spirit and affliction of mynd as it seemed laying her hand vpon his Oh Syr and is it not possible that the Queen my sister will once bee persuaded that I am a good Catholicke Yes Madame quoth the Counsellor if your Grace bee so indeed God will moue her Maiestie to beleiue it Wherevpon the said Ladie both sware and protested vnto him that she did as sincerely beleiue the Roman Catholicke religion as anie Princesse could doe in the world in proofe thereof alleadged the order of her familie which was to heare masse euery daie and the most of them two one for the dead and the other for the liuing And this hath the said Counsellour oftentimes related vnto mee and others hee being a man of great grauity truth and sinceritie in his speeches 38. And cōforme to this I haue seen a letter written in Spanish from the said howse of Hat-field vnto K. Philip then in Flaunders by the Count of Fer●● afterward Duke and then Embassadour for the said King in England which letter was written vpon the 16. daie of Nouember in the yeare 1558. when Queen Marie being now extreme sicke and annealed out of all hope of life he went to visit the said Princesse Elizabeth from his Maister and relateth all the conference and speach he had with her and her answers to diuers points concerning her future gouernment with his opinion of the same both in matters of 〈◊〉 and religion concerning the latter wherof though hee discouered in her a great feeling and discontentment of certaine proceedings against her in her sisters time and therevpon did fore●●some troubles like to ensue to some of them that had been in ●●fe gouernment and namely to Cardinall Poole if he had liued 〈◊〉 wrtieth he that for the Principall points of Catholicke faith ●●en in controuersie he was persuaded she would make no great ●●teration and in particular he affirmeth that she protested vnto vnto him very sincerely that she beleiued the reall presence in the Sacrament after the words of consecration pronounced by the Priest 39. Which relation of this noble man is much consirmed by that which was written to the said Queene herself some six or seauen yeares after by Doctor Harding in his dedicatory epistle before the confutation of the English Apologie of the Church of England vpon the yeare 1565. wherin he commendeth her liking of her more sober preachers both allwayes heertofore saith he and specially on Good-friday last openly by words of thanks declared when one of a more temperate nature then the rest in his sermon before your maiesty confessed the Reall Presence So he And that this opinion and affection staied and perseuered with her euen vnto her old age by her owne confession I haue for witnes another Worshipfull knight yet aliue who vpon the truth of his conscience hath often protested vnto me that hauing occasion to walke talke with her and to discourse somewhat largely of forraine matters for that he was newly come frō beyond the seas in her garden at VVhitehall not aboue fiue or six yeres before her death relating vnto her among other things the iudgment and speaches of other Princes concerning her excellent partes of learning wisedome bewty affability variety of languages and the like but especially the speaches of certaine great Ladies to this effect vpon viewing of her picture the said knight seeing her to take much contentment therein and to demaund still greedily what more was said of her he thought good asking first pardon to ad the exception that was made by the said Ladies to wit how great pitty it was that so rare a Princesse should be stained with heresie wherat her Grace being much moued as it seemeth answered And doe they hold me for an heretick God knoweth what I am if they would let me alone and so auouched vnto him in particular that she beleiued the Reall presence in the Sacrament with other like protestations to that effect 40. And sundry yeares before this againe there being sent into England from France one Monsieur Lansacke of the French King Counsell that was Steward in like manner of the Queen-mothers houshould as before hath byn mētioned he was wont to recount testifie after his returne with great asseueration that hauing had confident speach with the Queen of England about matters of religion she told him plainely that which before we touched about her spirituall Supremacy to wit that she knew well inough that it belonged not to her but to S. Peter and his Successours but that the people and Parlament had layed it vpon her and would needs haue her to take and beare it Adding moreouer her Catholicke opinion about other points in controuersie also and namely about Praying to Saints affirming that euery day she prayed herself to our Blessed Lady And so far forth had she persuaded this to be true to this French Counsellour as he did not only beleiue it and reporte it againe with great confidence but was wont to be angry also with such as should seeme to make doubt of the truth therof among whome for
OF THE CONTROVERSY Discussed throughout this vvorks WHat is in the 〈…〉 in the 〈◊〉 yeare of 〈…〉 there is giuen 〈…〉 power and 〈…〉 as by any 〈…〉 hath 〈…〉 may lavvfully bee 〈…〉 did assigne 〈…〉 great Seale of England 〈…〉 diction whatsoeuer vvhich ●● any manner ●pirituall 〈…〉 Authority or Iurisdiction can or may lavvfully be vsed to correct and 〈◊〉 errors heresies schismes abuses c. The question is Whether this authority and spirituall 〈…〉 to the ancient lawes of England in former times 〈…〉 were a Statute not introductory 〈…〉 lavv 〈…〉 only of an old so as if the said Act had neuer 〈◊〉 made yet the 〈…〉 that authority and might haue giuen it to others as 〈…〉 holdeth the affirmatiue part and the Catholicke 〈…〉 TO THE RIGHT VVORSHIPFVLL SYR EDVVARD COOKE KNIGHT His Maiesties Attorney generall SYR I had no sooner taken a sight of your last Booke entituled The fifth Part of Reportes vvhich vvas some number of monethes after the publication therof in England but there entred vvith the reading a certaine appetite of ansvvering the same and this vpon different motiues as vvell in regarde of your person and place abilitie and other circumstances depending theron as also of the subiect and argument it selfe vvhich yovv handled and manner held in handling therof to ●he greatest preiudice vvrong and disgrace of Catholickes and Catholicke religion that you could deuise And first in your person and place I considered your facultie and profession of the common lavves of our Realme your long standing and speciall preferment therin your experience and iudgemēt gathered thereby your estimation and credit in the Common-vvealth and your authority honour and riches ensuing thervpon all vvhich drevv me to the greater consideration of your Booke but principally your said profession of our Common temporall Municipall lawes vvhich science aboue all other next to Diuinitie it selfe doth confirme and conuince vnto the vnderstanding of an English-man the truth of the Catholicke Roman religion For so much as from our very first Christian Kings Queenes vvhich must nedes be the origen and beginning of all Christian common lavves in England vnto the raigne of King Henry the eight for the space of more then nyne hundred yeares all our Princes and people being of one and the selfe same Catholicke Roman religiō their lavves must needes be presumed to haue byn conforme to their sense and iudgment in that behalfe and our lavvyers to the lavves so as novv to see an English temporall lavvyer to come forth and impugne the said Catholicke religion by the antiquity of his Common-lavves throughout the tymes and raignes of the said Kings in fauour of Protestāts Lutheranes Caluinistes or other professors not knovvne in those dayes is as great a nouelty and vvonder as to see a Philosopher brought vp in Aristotles schole to impugne Aristotle by Aristotles learning in fauour of Petrus Ramus or any other such nevv aduersary or lately borne Antagonist Or as to behold an ancient Phisitian trayned vp in Galens tents to fight against Galen and Galenistes out of their ovvne bul-vvarkes or fortresses yea and this in ayde of Paracelsians or any other fresh crevv of Alchimian doctors vvhatsoeuer 3. This first consideration then of your person place and profession did inuyte me strongly to come and see vvhat you said in this behalfe but no lesse did the argumēt or subiect of your booke togeather vvith your māner of treating the same of vvhich tvvo points I shall speake seuerally for that they haue seuerall ponderations all in my opinion both important rare and singular For vvhat more important matter can be thought of among Christiās then to treat of Spirituall Power Ecclesiasticall Authority being the kinges bench of Christ on earth the table of his scepter the tribunall of his dominion iurisdiction vvhereof dependeth the vvhole direction of soules the remission of our sinnes the efficacy of his Sacraments the lavvfulnes of all priesthoode and ministery the gouernment of the vvhole Church and finally the vigour frute effect of all Christian religion This is the importance of your argument M. Attorney and consider I pray you vvhether it standeth vs not much in hand to be attentiue vvhat you say and hovv substantially you pleade in this matter 4. And as for the other tvvo circumstances of rarenes and singularity vvhere may they more be seene then in this so vveighty a case conteyning the vvhole povver of the sonne of God both in heauen and earth for so much as belongeth to remission of sinnes and gouernement of his earthly inheritance vvhich is heere handled and ouer-ruled by a temporall lavvyer and by him giuen to a temporall Lady and Queene and this not only by force of a temporall Statute made in Parlamēt to that effect the first yeare of her raigne vvhereby Ecclesiasticall Supremacy vvas ascribed vnto her but by the very vigour of her temporall crovvne it self vvithout any such Statute and by vertue of the ancient pretended Common-lavves of our Realme vvhich Common-lavves being made receaued introduced and established by Catholicke Kings and Queenes as hath byn said maketh the matter so strange and rare the vvonder admiration so great as neuer paradox perhaps in the vvorld seemed more rare singular in the eyes of Philosophers then this in the iudgement of learned Deuines And vvho then vvould not be allured vvith this singular nouelty to search somvvhat after the depth of so nevv deuised a mystery 5. After this ensueth as considerable your methode manner of handling this subiect vvhich to me seemeth nothing vulgar and consequently to you and 〈…〉 particularit●es 〈…〉 ‑ cero That yo● 〈…〉 uersies and 〈…〉 forth All that 〈…〉 gr●●e rep●●●●● 〈…〉 your side 〈…〉 vse your 〈…〉 the truth for 〈…〉 modesty and 〈…〉 7. All th●●●●hin 〈…〉 encourage 〈…〉 reuievv o● 〈…〉 hope to my 〈…〉 modesty and 〈…〉 so much comm 〈…〉 ued and inten●●● 〈…〉 cleere face 〈…〉 in your 〈…〉 you vvill doe 〈…〉 ‑ cile cedes 〈…〉 your self ●● the 〈…〉 animo dig●●●●● 〈…〉 se sua spo●te 〈…〉 in deed to confess●● 〈…〉 fortitude but 〈…〉 ner goeth grea● 〈…〉 soules neuer-dying 〈…〉 ●e accompted our highest interest for that the ●uestion novv in hand betvveene you and me ●ōcerneth the same most neerly as in the sequent ●reface vvill more largelie appeare ● Novv only I am to say promise also on my ●ehalfe that I meane to proceed in the prosecu●ion of this vvorke according to your foresaid ●rescriptions of truth temperance modesty and vr●anity and this both in center and circumference ●s neere as I can and if necessity at anie time or ●pon anie occasion shall enforce me to be more earnest it shall be rather in the matter it self then against the man I meane your self vvhose person and place I shall alvvaies haue in devv regard though I may not omit to tell you that in some partes of your booke especially tovvardes the end
other place De torrente in via bibit propterea exaltauit caput and infinite other throughout all the nevv and old testament spoken literallie of Christ and yet by allusion applied to good men as the ancient Fathers doe testifie in their vvorkes applying to the members oftentimes that vvhich belongeth principallie to the head so as herein M. Attorneyes haires needed not to stand vpon end nor trouble themselues or their maister neither vvas it nedefull that M. Attorney should praie for M Garnet to repent himself of this blasphemie vvhich vvas none at all before he dyed God graunt Syr Edward Cooke be in state to make so cleere and easy an accompt at his departure from this vvorld as the other vvas vvhich hardlie maie be hoped considering their great difference of life functions except God vvorke a miracle or that solifidian iustification doe enter for smoothing of all vvhich maketh all men equall and equallie saincts 42. But to dravve to an end one of your last triumphant speeches touching all Iesuits vvas that they vvere Doctors of foure different doctrines the one of dissimulation the second of deposing Princes the third of disposing of Kingdomes the last of deterring Princes with feare of excommunications and of all foure you discoursed vvith great resolution and peremptorie determination vvel assuring your self that none in that place should haue meanes to ansvvere you though there vvanted not manie vvho out of their discretions did note vvhere and hovv you might haue byn ansvvered vvith no small aduantage as perhaps you may be hereafter more at large vpon some other occasion 43. Novv onlie I thought good to put you in mind that these and other your discourses founded commonlie vpon diuisions and little concerning the prisoner or matter in hand vvere noted and borne avvaie and this among the rest vvas obserued that you vvere more fertile in setting dovvne diuisions then fruitfull aftervvard in prosecuting the same yet in the last parte of this four-fold partition about terrifying Princes with excommunications you flovving novv vvith full sea tovvardes the end of your accusations men saie that you insulted greatlie ouer Catholicke religion brought forth a booke of your ovvne compyling to vvit your Reportes pretending to shevv out of the same that our English Kings in former ages were nothing afrighted with the idle menaces of Papall excommunications that one was condemned of high treason for bringing in a Bull against a subiect without the Kings licence that the King was neuer reputed subiect to any Pope in Ecclesiasticall matters but that himself was absolute how the Popes Legates were often times stayed at Calles vntill the King had giuen them licence to come into England vvith manie other such points partlie true partlie false partlie impertinent to the matter partlie prouing de facto and not de iure partlie misalleadged partly miscōstred but altogeather misapplyed to the disgrace of that religion for vvhose seruice al your lavves in those times ages vvere instituted and honoured yet you protested in that vaunting vaine of yours that you were exceeding glad to see your moderne religion in this point so agreable to the ancient lawes of the Realme which lawes quoth you if they were exactly looked into would restraine our Romish Catholickes for growing any further as you hoped they would be 44. But Sir hovv little ground of truth or substance all this hath in it hovv contrary effectes the devv cōsideration of our English lavves may must needes vvorke in the mindes of al discreet men tovvardes the setling of a stable iudgement and firme persuasion in fauour of Catholicke religion in that the said lavves proceeded al from Catholicke Princes though alvvaies I except such as doe frame their iudgement to the current of the present time doe subordinate their vnderstanding to their vvealth and honours this I saie shal aftervvardes be so euidentlie declared in this Answere of ours throughout the vvhole booke as no mā I suppose vvith any indifferēcy or probability of reasō shal be able to deny or cōtradict the same 45. And in particular the Reader shall see refuted the seuerall members by you heere set dovvne as namelie hovv great and harty reuerence and respect our Catholicke Kings did euer beare vnto Ecclesiasticall Censures not onlie of the Pope as supreme but of their ovvne home-Bishopps also and that no King in all that ranke for almost a thousand yeares did euer hold himself absolute in Ecclesiasticall povver vntill King Henry the eight and that it cannot be true vvhich heere elsvvhere you so much bragg of bring forth vpon euery occasion as the archer that had but one arrovv in his quiuer that vvould fly hovv that in the raigne of King Edward the first it was treason by the common-law for a subiect to bring in and publish a Bull from Rome against a subiect without the Kings licence vvhich is your first obiection in that Kings life and ansvvered by me after in the eleuenth Chapter of this booke 46. And as for the obiection of the Popes Legats or Nuntij detained somtimes by the Kings order at Calles from entering the Realme vntill some difference betvvene Popes and Kings vvere accorded though it be so vveake a thing as deserueth no ansvvere yet haue I ansvvered the same vpon diuers occasions and shevved amongst other that by this argument if it vvere good King Philip and Queene Mary might be said not to haue acknovvledged the Pope his spirituall authoritie for that they deteined in Calles the messenger of Paulus Quartus vvhen he brought the Cardinalls hat and Legacy of England for Friar Peto in preiudice of Cardinall Poole vvhich the said Princes vvould not suffer to be put in execution vntill they had better informed the said Pope vpon vvhich information their intercession the controuersie ceased 47. Much other matter I doe vvillinglie pretermit M. Attorney vvhich you vttered that daie in contempt derogation of that religion vvherby all your progenitors yea all the Peeres and Princes of our Realme in precedent ages thought themselues both happie and honourable and if they had imagined that in future times an Attorney vvould haue stept vp to raile and reuile that religion calling it rotten and contemptible them all blind and deceaued people vvhat an opinion thinke you vvould they haue fore-stallen of you and hovv base and odious a conceit vvould they haue preconceaued against you especiallie if they had seene you as others did that stood neere so caried avvaie vvith hereticall humour as to vvander and range and runne from your matter in your pleading to seeke occasion of insolent tauntes against them in such sort as your vvhole subiect by your ovvne confession being of treason the most of your inuectiue speach vvas against their religion 48. For vvhich cause I thought my self bound to saie somevvhat in this behalfe principallie to that vvhich is proper to the argument of your late booke of Reportes heere
office for that saith Florentius from the time he was made Archbishop which was no lesse then two years it was not permitted vnto him either to hold any Synod or to correct the vices which were sprung vp through England Wherevnto Malmesbury and Edmerus that 〈◊〉 with him doe add that the King would not suffer him to goe to Rome to take his pall of the Pope as all Archbishops of Canterbury were accustomed to doe and the other greatly vrged to haue licence But after a long combat which he had had with the King diuers other Bishops that followed the Kings fauour in a Synod at London vpō the third weeke in lent Anno Domini 1095. and eight yeare of King VVilliam his raigne the said Archbishop being extreamly baited by the King his followers stood constant in his appeale to Rome 4. Which thing Rufus perceiuing saith Malmesbury he sent secretly certaine messengers to Rome to intreat the Pope which then was Vrban the second to send the Pall of Canterbury vnto the King to be giuen to whom he would Whervnto though the Pope would not yeeld yet he sent back with his messengers for Legate the Bishop of Albanum named VValta with the said Pall who shewed vnto the King so many reasons why the Pope could not yeeld to his demaund and intreated him so forceably to be content that he might giue the said Pall from the Pope to Anselme with accustomed ceremonyes in the Church of Canterbury as at length he obteyned the same and made them freinds 5. But this frendship lasted not longe for that the very next yeare after the King continued his old manner of oppressing the Church S. Anselme went vnto him to VVinchester and there first by intercessors desired the King that he might haue licence to goe to Rome to conferr diuers difficultyes of his with Vrban the Pope The King answered that he would not giue him licence for that he knew him to haue no such great sinnes that it was needfull for him to goe to Rome for absolution nor yet to be lesse learned then Pope Vrban whose counsaile direction he would aske Whervpon the Archbishop entring the Kings chamber sate downe by his side saith the Story and disputed the matter with him affirming him to deny Christ himself that denyed recourse vnto his Vicar vpon earth And thervpon he concluded that this licence could not be denyed him by a Christian King and consequently he would goe The King said he should carry out nothing with him The Archbishop answered he would goe naked and bare-foote Which firme resolution the King perceiuing to be in him vsed by messengers vnto him diuers intreatyes saith VValsingham and offered large promises of fauours if he would stay But the other would not but departed the Realme though he were searched and rifled by the Kings Officers at the port 6. By all which story it most euidently appeareth that albeit this young disorderly and passionate King were as well in this as in other matters headstronge and violent in pursuing his appetites desires as well in Ecclesiasticall as Temporall affaires yet did he neuer deny the Popes spirituall iurisdiction in England but rather acknowledged the same in sending to Rome to intreat that the pall might be sent to him as also in going about to diuert S. Anselms recourse thither But alas there passed not many years but God punished seuerely these greiuous sinnes against his Church For as both the foresaid Malmesbury Edmerus that liued with him doe write S. Anselms going to Rome frō thence with Pope Vrban to a Councell of Bishops gathered togeather at Bary in Apulia wherin among other things all lay-men were excommunicated that presumed to giue Ecclesiasticall Inuestitures as also those that receiued them at lay-mens hands which was thought principally to haue byn done in respect of King VVilliam he returned againe some years after into France and there passing his banishment with great quietnes of mind he being one day with S. Hugh Abbot of Cluniaecke famous in those dayes for holines the said Abbot told him in the hearing of diuers others that the night before he had seen King VVilliam called before God and receiued the sorrowfull sentence of damnation wherat all the hearers marueyling the next newes they heard from England was that the said King was strangely slaine by an erring arrow of his familiar seruant Tyrrell while he hunted in the New-forrest and that being stroken he fell downe dead without speaking any one word And the same authors doe recount diuers other the like presages and prognostications that happened as well to the King himself as to other friends of his in England portending this euent but neglected by him 7. And this shall suffice for King VVilliam Rufus who raigned thirteen years And though he was naught to all kind of men saith Malmesbury and pernicious in his actions as well to secular as Clergy men yet had he no other iudgement in matters of religion then his father or auncestors nor euer was he noted of any least difference therin Nor doth Maister Attorney bring any instance at all out of this Kings Raigne and therfore shall wee passe to his younger brother that ensued him in the Kingdome OF KING HENRY THE FIRST VVhich was the third King after the Conquest §. I. 8. This was the third sonne of VVilliam the great surnamed the Conquerour who finding the commodity by absence of his eldest brother Robert Duke of Normandy tooke the Kingdome of England vpon him hauing gained by faire promises the good-wills of all or most of the Realme and so was crowned by Maurice Bishop of London for that S. Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury was yet in exile as before vnder Rufus you haue heard 9. What the said Henry did sweare and promise and what he began euen from the very day of his Coronation to put in practice Florentius that then liued declareth in these words Consecrationis suae die Sanctam Dei Ecclesiam c. From the very day of his consecration he set free the holy Church of God which in his brothers dayes had byn sold and let to farme he tooke away all euill customes and remoued all vniust exactions wherby the Kingdome had byn wrongfully oppressed before commaunded that peace and freedome should be holden throughout the whole Realme He restored the law of S. Edward to all men in common with those additions or corrections which his Father had added thervnto c. So Florentius And what his Fathers additions were and how greatly in fauour of the Church and of Ecclesiasticall power authority and libertyes you haue heard before in his life and lawes Wherby we may easily ghesse with what mind and iudgement this man entered vnto his crowne 10. And albeit in this point he neuer altered yet there passed not two years of his gouernment but partely vpon Kingly appetite to haue power in all things and
heat and resolution to goe through therin by his power and authority with the Pope yet when he saw the said Pope to mislike his proceedings and to stand constant against him he amayned and and humbled himself presently and this in respect of his conscience and feare of God as himself caused to be written by his Bishops to the said Pope Alexander For there is extant in Houeden a large epistle of all the Bishops Suffragans of Canterbury that were subiects to Thomas the Archbishop written vnto Pope Alexander in the Kings name of his prompt obedience towards him and the Sea of Rome in all things saying Ad vestra quidem mandata non itatus intumuit non elatus obedire contempsit verum gratias agens paterna correctioni Ecclesia se statim submisit examini when the King receiued your commaundements he did not swell with anger nor proudly contemned to obey but giuing thankes for your Fatherly correction did presently submit himself to the examination of the Church And againe Ipse diuini reuerentia timoris 〈◊〉 Maiestatempreferens sed vt filius obediens se iudicio sistere legitimaeque parere sententiae seque legibus alligatum Prinscipem praesto est in omnibus exhibere He for reuerence and respect of the fear of God did not prefer the maiesty of his Kingly State but as an obedient sonne is ready in all things to stand to iudgement and to obey lawfull sentence acknowledging himself though he be a Prince to be bound to the lawes of the Church 11. This then was his disposition of mind in this behalfe which he presently shewed in fact by sending a most honorable Embassage to the Pope to wit the Archbishop of Yorke Bishops of VVinchester London Chichester and Excester with the Earles Arundell the Gundauell de Sancto Valerico and many others both gentlemen and Clarks And as Houeden affirmeth Appellauit pro se regno suo ad Praesentiam Summi Pontificis He appealed for himself and for his kingdome to the Pre●ence of the Pope desiring that two Legats might be sent into England to iudge of the cause between him the Archbishop And soone after when the Archbishop vpon pacification made was returned and within a few moneths after wikedly slaine in his owne Church of Canterbury the same Pope Alexander taking vpon him as lawfull Iudge to examine punish the fact vpon the person of K. Henry himself sent two Cardinall-Legats for that purpose into Normandy named Graetianus Viuianus as Houeden at large setteth downe the history Wherof K. Henry being aduertised that was present then in those partes beyond the Seas and fearing the euent Ad Praesentiam Summi Pontifi●● appellauit appealed againe as once he had done before to the presence of the Pope himself from his said Legats Wherby we see that he graunted acknowledged the Popes authority ouer him in that matter And the same writer addeth in the same place that the said King fearing also notwithstanding his appeale the seuerity of the Sea Apostolicke in this case passed ouer presently into England giuing straite order and commaundment that no man should be permitted to enter with any Bull or Bre●● of the Pope of what sorte soeuer except first he gaue caution security that he would thereby bring no hurte or greiuaunce to the King or Kingdome 12. But after this againe to omit many other things and iu●d●dicall Acts which passed in this affaire set downe by the said Houeden and other authors of that time two other Cardinall-●●gats Theodinus and Albertus were finally directed from the said Pope Alexander into Normandy to giue the last sentence vpon the matter Vnto whome K. Henry being then in Ireland and cited to appeere came purposely to present himself in person which notably signifieth his obedience And there by his oath he purged himself swearing first that his intention was neuer to procure the said Archbishops death and secondly promising diuers things by the same oath to be performed in satisfaction of his fault in hauing giuen some occasion therof by angry words against the same Archbishop Thomas All which is set downe in the said Author vnder this title recorded likewise by Peter Blesensis Purgatio Henrici Regis pro morte Beati Thomae The purgation or satisfaction of K. Henry for the death of S. Thomas therevpon ensueth Charta absolutionis Domini Regis The charter of absolution of our Lord the King by the said Legats in the Popes name 13. And amongst other six or seauen points whervnto the King sware at this time one is set downe in these words He sware also that he would neither let nor permit to be letted any Appellations to be made in his Kingdome to the Bishop of Rome in Ecclesiasticall causes with this condition that if any that doe appeale be suspected to the King they should giue security that they would not seeke or procure any hurte to him or his Kingdome And so was that controuersie ended and the lawes abolished which the King would haue established against the liberty of the Church Wherby we se cleerly what persuasion K. Henry had of the Popes supreame authority in Ecclesiasticall affaires and his loyall obedience thervnto which is so much the more to be esteemed if we consider the circumstances of the tyme wherin he exhibited the same which was such as he might easily haue declined himself if he would from the force of Pope Alexander his authority that pressed him so much by adhering to some one of his enemyes the Antipopes that by faction of a few were chosen set vp against him three or foure one after another naming themselues Victor the 4. Calixtus the 3. and Pascalis the 3. and held out against him for more then 17. years togeather by the power and peruersity of Fredericus Barba-rossa the first Emperour of that name who often also allured K. Henry to be partaker of his Schisme but he refused followinge heerin his Catholicke auncestors VVilliam the Conquerour that stood constantly with the true Popes of his tyme Alexander the 2. and Gregory the 7. against those that by sedition of Henry the 4. Emperour were set vp against them to wit Cadolus calling himself Honorius the 2. and Gilbertus that was named Clement the 2. K. Henry also the first obaied the true Popes of his tyme Paschalis the 2. G●lasius the 2. Calixtus the 2. Honorius the 2. Innocentius the 2. against six schismaticall intruders calling themselues Clement the 3. Syluester the 3. Gregory the 8. Celestinus the 2. Anacletus the 2. Victor the 4. all set vp maintained by the German Emperours Henry the 4. and fifth and by Lotharius the 2. after them But our Kings of England obayed allwayes their true and lawfull Pastors of Gods Church and were highly commended for it And now K. Henry the 2. followed their vertues wisedome religion and magnanimity in that behalfe and found no doubt his
the memorie of Queen Mar●e without mentioning her at all so could I haue done also but that my purpose is to passe through the raignes of all our Princes without ouerpassing of anie And it maie serue also to our purpose to consider therby the broken and interrupted succession of this new headshipp in the Father sonne and daughters For as the Father by his Act had contradicted all his auncestors Kings of England before him from the beginning of their Conuersion vnto his daies so his sonne though succeeding him in the participation of that act yet contradicted him in all the rest that hee decreed touching matters of religion by vertue of that headshipp after him then came th' elder daughter who cōtradicted them both and restored all to the auncient state againe wherin it had cōtinued throughout the race of al her auncestors progenitors of England and Spaine for a thousand yeares and more So as heer M. Attorneys prescription can bee verie small for so much as his whole thrid therof was broken and cut of by Q. Marie and consequently he must begin againe with Q. Elizabeths raigne as the fountaine of all his deduction 32. And for so much as Queen Marie hauing as a deuout obedient and Catholicke Princesse returned al things belonging to religion to their auncient state and cōdition wherin her Father found them and her Grand-father left them shee repealed and mortified all such Statutes of innouations and new deuises as shee found to haue been made vpō anie occasion or fansie what soeuer during the time of her said Father and brother reducing her self in obsequium fidei to the humble obedience of that only faith which had been held and practised in Christs vniuersall Church and namely also in England from the beginning vnto her said Fathers daies punishing likewise diuers of the heads and authors of those new innouations and alterations that had been made and mamely and aboue others the chiefe author and instrument of all Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterburie who entring Catholikly as was thought into that dignity was the first Archbishop that euer failed or dissented in his faith frō the rest or from the obedience and subordination to the Sea Apostolicke and so by gods iudgmēt came to bee a stange example of a miserable end to bee burned publikly for his heresies and for that in particular against which his noble and learned predecessours Lanfrancus Anselmus and other Archbishops of Canterburie had foughten most famously aboue other learned men when it first sprang vp in Berengarius the first author and inuentor therof in the daies of VVilliam the Conquerour I meane the deniall of the Reall presence in the blessed Sacrament which of all other heresies was most hatefull vnto him for whose sake Cranmer first of all declined to schisme and heresie I meane King Henry the eight yea and to himself also for a tyme after the others death as may appeare by the foresaid first Statute made cheifly by his authority in the first yeare of King Edwards raigne in fauour of the said Reall presence against the Sacramentaryes 33. All which being so euery man may behold what ground or certainty there was in those dayes or is now for men to leave the Catholicke knowne religion and cast the saluation of their soules vpon such alterations as these were For that after Queen Mary who had restored all to the auncient state as hath byn said came her younger sister Queen Elizabeth a Lady of some fiue and twenty yeares of age who by little and little altered all againe agreeing in all points neither with the one nor with the other neither with them that had made the former alterations but brought in a new and distinct forme and fashion of beleiuing worshipping God peculiar to it self in diuers points and differing from all in some Of which innouation by the said younger sister against the elder they being the only two Queens that euer haue raigned in their owne right within our land since the beginning of Christianity we shall now passe to speake a few words and so end this whole discourse of our English Princes and their religion Of the raigne of Queen Elizabeth who was the three and twentith Princesse after the Conquest and last of King Henryes race §. v. 34. This Lady being the daughter of King Henry and Queene Anne Bullen comming to raigne after the foresaid Queen Mary her sister was persuaded to resume and take to her self that supreme spirituall power and iurisdiction which Queen Mary her elder sister had refused and caused to be restored to the place and persons from whom it was taken by her Father and brother And I say she was persuaded therevnto for that it is the opinion of many men that knew her and conuersed with her both before and after her entrance to the Crowne that she had neither great desire to take it at the beginning nor opinion that she might doe it but only that she was told it was necessary to her present state at that time in regard of diuers Popes sentences past against her legitimation the lawfullnes of her Parents marriage and the pretense of the Queen of France and Scotland at that tyme vpon 〈◊〉 supposed desect to the Crowne of England as due to her ●●ough the others illegitimation 35. For remedy of all which it was made a matter necessary that she should take the said authority Ecclesiasticall from the Pope and Sea of Rome and place it in her self especially when by negociation of some that desired the change it was brought about that the Parlamēt should offer it vnto her vnder this plausi●● Title of An Act for restoring to the Crowne the ancient iurisdictiō of the 〈◊〉 Ecclesiasticall and spirituall and the act it self so cunningly and ●●●ertly penned as before hath byn said as throughout the same ●●re is not found so much as once mentioned or named The head of the Church which euery-where is iterated vrged in the Statutes that gaue the same power to her Father and brother but in steed therof commeth in the deuise before mentioned of Supreme Gouernesse with authority to visit reforme correct errors heresies c●●ses c. And al this for sweetning the matter as a man may say to this Lady at the beginning who besides the other reason of Caluins mislike reprehension therof before mentioned in King Henry the eight had little opinion or appetite of the matter in those dayes not being ignorant for that she was of excellent wit how strange a thing it would seeme in the world to haue one of her sex Supreme in sacred and Ecclesiasticall matters i● ijt ●ua sunt ad Deum to vse S. Pauls words in this case that is to say in those things that are to be handled with God for men or between God and man 36. But being tolde by some in good sadnes at that time and M. Attorney offereth to stand to it
read predecessors Pag. 117. lin 12. for religions read Religious Pag. 118. lin 14. for men desires read mens desires Pag. 122. lin 33. for quetting read quietting Pag. 129. lin 11. for endevving read endowing Pag. 152. lin 12. for Tyrus read Cyrus Pag. 168. lin 31. ovvne his vvords read his owne words Pag. 177. lin 25. for bad read had Pag. 191. lin vlt. in some copyes for hape read haue Pag. 208. lin 39. for s●ruiued read suruiued Pag. 209. lin 10. for hir read his Pag. 225. lin 20. for the read she Pag. 229. lin 26. for aginst read against Pag. 254. lin 36. hath said adde hath byn said Pag. 270. lin 26. for my read any Pag. 275. lin 10. for pecular read peculiar Ibid. lin 22. for thera●ut read therabout Pag. 278. lin 35. for began read begun In the Margentes Pag. 17. for controsies read controuersies Pag. 85. for lavvoy read lawes Pag. 146. for had read bad Pag. 383. for Castus read Calixtus Pag. 180. for 25. read 35. Pag. 132. for hauing read raigning It may please thee gentle Reader of thy curtesy to pardon these and other like faultes if any shal be found and consider vvith thy selfe the difficultyes we haue in vsing the help of straungers herin A TABLE OF THE PARTICVLAR MATTERS CONTEYNED IN THIS BOOKE A. ABbyes Monasteryes founded in England by Religious Catholicke Princes Cap. 6. à num 37. vsque ad num 49. Abbey of Euesham priuiledged from Rome cap. 6. num 42. Abbey of S. Albans founded by K. Offa. cap. 6. num 43. The priuiledges and exemptions of the same ibid. Abbey of Glastensbury priuiledged by Pope Iohn the thirtenth cap. 6. num 45. Abbey of VVestminster priuiledged at the petition of K. Edward the Confessor cap 6. num 47. 48. Abbot of VValtham punished why cap. 12 num 29. 32. Absurdityes of Statute-decrees in Parlament about spirituall power giuen to secular Princes cap. 3. n. 21. 22. 23. 24. Absurdity of a womans Supremacy in spirituall matters cap. 4. num 27. Absolution of K. Henry the second by the Popes Legates cap. 9. nu 12 13. S. Adelmus Bishop of Sherborne his voyage to Rome cap. 6. num 40. His booke of Virginity ibid. n. 42. Adelnulph King of England his confirmation of Peter-Pence to Rome cap 6. num 71. Agreement betweene the Pope and K. of England about Prouisions of Ecclesiasticall dignityes in England cap. 12. num 12. 39. S. Ambrose his iudgement of spirituall power cap. 2. n 25. 26. His combattes and conflictes with the Emperour and Empresse about Church-affayres ibid. n. 27.28 29. Ancient-Fathers directions how to find out truth cap. 1 n. 17. 18. Their freedome of speach to Emperours cap. 4. n. 4. 5. 6. S. Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury his commendations cap. 8. num 2. His pall brought from Rome by the Popes Legat. ibid. num 4. His plaine dealing with K. VVilliam Rufus ibid. num 5. His reconciliation with K Henry the first ibid. num 11. Appellations to Rome about Controuersies that fell out in England cap. 6. n. 49. 50. deinceps Appeale of K. Henry the second to the Pope about the controuersie of the death of S. Thomas of Canterbury cap. 9. n. 11. Appeales from K. Richard the first to the Pope cap. 9. num 23. Appeale of Richard Archbishop of Canterbury to Rome against K. Henry the third cap. 10. num 17. Archbishop of Canterbury accused to the Pope by K. Edward the first cap. 11. num 16. Archbishop of Canterbury depriued of spirituall Iurisdiction by Q. Elizabeth cap. 11. num 30. Archbishop of Yorke put to death by commaundement of King Henry the fourth cap. 15. num 23. Arguments of K. Henry the 8. against Luther for the Popes Supremacy cap. 15. num 5. 6.7 deinceps Assertions of Protestants and the foundation therof Prefac num 7. S. Athanasius his seuere reprehension of the Emperour Constantius cap. 4. num 8. M. Attorney his imagined ignorance cap. 1. num 12. His condemnation of controuersy-wryters ibid. num 26.27.28 29. His time of study in law ibid. n. 34. His absurd propositions and arguments refuted cap. 3. per totum deinceps per totum librum His arguments and shiftes returned vpon himselfe cap. 4. num 9 12. His new deuise to make Ecclesiasticall lawes the Kinges lawes ibid. num 13. 14. M. Attorney challenged cap. 6. n. 28. Iniuryes offered by him to many in this his booke cap. 16. per totum His false charge of Catholickes ibid. num 2. His iniurious and slanderous calumniations ibid. num 10. His manifest notorious vntruthes ibid. num 11. His Idaea Plaetonica of ancient comon-lawes ibid. num 13. His false information of his Maiesty that now is ibid. num 15. 16. His promise not performeable ibid. num 34. S. Augustines seuere sentence against heretickes and heresies cap. 16. n. 29. S. Augustine of Canterbury his successors by appointment from Rome cap. 6. num 20. Authority spirituall temporall the difference therof cap. 2. n. 4. 5. Authority Episcopall greater then Imperiall cap. 2. num 25. Authority spirituall giuen vnto Q Elizabeth by Parlament cap. 3. num 3. The absurdityes and inconueniences therof ensuing ibid. num 4. 5. Authority of Bishops Courtes from whence it is deriued cap. 13. num 17. Authority of English Prelates when England was Catholike cap. 14. n. 17. B. Bastardy a let or hinderance to Priesthood cap. 14. num 19. S. Benedict of Northumberland his voyage to Rome for priuiledges of his monastery cap. 6. num 39. Benefices collated by lay-men cap. 7. num 26. 29. S. Bertulph his monastery priuiledged from Rome cap. 6. num 39. Bigamy cap. 11. num 30. 31. A statute therof by K. Edward the first ibidem Doubts therabout raised in England ibid. num 31. 32. Bishops made in Englād by the Popes authority cap. 6. num 21. 22. Bishops lands seased into the Kinges handes and why cap. 11. num 28. Bishops how they might be punished for not admitting the Kinges iust presentation cap. 11. num 29. Bishop of Hereford taken from the barre of secular Court by Ecclesiasticall authority cap. 11. num 46. Bishops and Prelates of England sent to the Councell of Constance in Germany cap. 13. num 6. Bishops how they may be called the Kinges spirituall Iudges cap. 13. n. 8. Bishops Courtes from vvhence they haue their authority cap. 13. num 17. Bishops hovv farre they may be commaunded by the King cap. 13. num 18. Birth-right of lavves c. ● n. 18.22 23. Birth-right of Englishmen is Catholicke Religion cap. 1. num 26. Bodyes to the King and soules to the Priest cap. 4. num 5. Booke of K. Henry the 8. against Luther in defence of the seauen Sacraments cap. 15. num 3.4 5. Breach of King Iohn vvith the Sea Apostolicke and occasion therof cap. 9. num 57. Breach of K. Henry the 8. with
Attorneyes cō●onlie are presumed to haue vvho must speake ●o the purpose hovvsoeuer it be to the truth And ●● it vvell appeared in that arraignment vvherof ●e novv treat but intend to proceed no further ●●erein for that the prisoner himself ansvvered this point sufficientlie at the barre as also to the Lordes before in the tovver and a more large discourse maie be made therof hereafter if neede shall require 19. As for your other article about the Antiquity and continuance of your Church a man maie easily see that you sought an occasion to bring it in by making an obiection on the behalfe of Iesuitts against the same and thereby to shevv your skill in ansvvering They hold their religion saie you to be the old Religion where ours is the new confyned to England where on the contrary side their Religion is vniuersall and embraced in the greatest part of this Christian worlde And thus for the maintenance of their rotten Religion doe they seeke to disgrace and blemish our Ghospell But good syr if your ghospell be that of the foure Euangelistes novv receaued vve pretend that it is as much our ghospell as yours and more also for that you receaued it from vs and vpon our Churches credit and for that you call rotten Religion if euer it vvere Religion then neuer can it rott except you put no difference betvvene apples and religion But let vs heare hovv you vvill ansvvere this obiection in your ovvne vvordes as they came set dovvne vnto me from your ovvne mouth 20. But to this saie you I will answere that if our Ghospell be as ancient as Luther it is more ancient then the Iesuitts are though not I trovv then Iesuitts religion albeit it be not conteyned in these narrow limitts of place nor bands of time which they feignedly imagine hauing byn euer since the time of Christ and his Apostles For we doe not deny but that Rome was the mother-Church and had thirty two virginall martyrs of her Popes a-row so continued til in succeeding ages it brought in a masse of errors and idle ceremonyes But you will aske perhaps where our Church lurked before Luthers coming for some hundreds of yeares But I say it makes no great matter where it was so that I ●m certaine it was for as a wedge of gold if it be dissol●ed and mixed with a masse of brasse tinne and other metalls doth not loose his nature but remaineth gold still although we cannot determine in what part of the masse it is conteined but the touch-stone will fynde it out so though our Church hath euer byn since Christes time in the vvorld yet being mixed and couered vvith innoua●ons and errours vve cannot tell in vvhat part it vvas And I dare say that it is novv more extended then theirs ● for vve haue all England all Scotland all Germany al Denmarke a great part of France al Poland some part of Italie These are your vvordes if the Relators haue byn exact in setting them dovvne as they saie they haue byn And then is there ●o maruaile though you impugne so much the doctrine of scrupulous reseruation of true sense in ambiguous speeches vvhereas so manifestlie you ouer-lash in all those periods vvhich heere you haue layed before vs. 21. But to the matter it self about the Antiquity Continuance Succession Visibility and Assurance of the Church vvhereas you graunt that the Roman Church vvas the true mother-Church from the beginning and had two and thirty virginall martyrs for so you call them for her Popes one after the other vvithout interposition of anie one Bishop that vvas not martyr for more then the space of three hundred yeares you graunt vs so much in this assertion if it be vvel considered as it vvill be hard for you to take it from vs againe aftervvard in your sequent negation vvhich I shal shevv you brieflie by tvvo conuincing Arguments the one Theologicall the other Morall 22. The first is that if the Church of Rome vvas the true mother-Church of Christ and Christian religion for so great a space as you assigne then no doubt vvere all the predictions and promises of Prophets for the greatnes eminency honour certeyntie florishing perpetuitie of the said Christian Church fulfilled in her Christes peculier promises in like manner that he would be vvith her to the end of the vvorld that the holy ghost should lead her into all truth that hell-gates vvhich properlie signify errours and heresies should neuer preuaile against her that she should be the piller and foundation of truth all men bound to obey and beleeue her vvas ●eant also performed in this Roman-Church for three hundred yeares and more and promised ●● be performed to the end of the vvorld vvherof ●●sueth that either God is not able to performe what he promiseth for of his vvill there can be no doubt seing he hath promised or else it cannot vvithout impiety be conceaued and much ●●se beleeued that this Roman-mother-Church so ●●anted in the beginning by Christ and his Apo●●es bloud and so vvatered for three hundred yeares togeather by the bloud of all her Bishops ●● spread ouer the vvorld as S. Paul of his ovvne time testifyeth that her faith religion vvas and aftervvard all Ecclesiasticall histories vvithin the time prescribed after doe declare that all other Churches commonly at least-vvise of the vvest-world vvere her daughters by foundation our ●reat-Britany among the rest it is impossible I say to imagine vvith piety hovv this Queene of the vvorld hovv this florishing Church hovv this golden vvedge to vse your ovvne similitude should so be dissolued mingled vvith brasse tinne copper other such contemptible mettalls vvhich you cal Errours innouations as that her Religion should become rotten according to your phrase her self in steed of being the true kingdome inheritāce spouse of Christ become his enemy his aduersary an aduovvtresse and the verie povver of Sathan himself against him as you M. Attorney doe make her 23 Hovv I praie you can this be thought by vvhat reason or probability maie it be imagined vvhen hovv by vvhat meanes might this metamorphosis be made The very next age after the forsaid Martyr-Popesliued S. Augustine vvho reciting the said Popes and their Successors vnto his daie● called them all holy vvithout distinction and by their lineal succession in the said Church of Rome did persuade himself to haue demonstrated the truth of all Catholicke Religion as vvell in Africa vvhere he vvas as throughout the vvhole vvorld against all heretickes 24. And after him againe liued in the same Sea as Bishops thereof S. Leo and S. Gregory both of them surnamed Great in respect of their great sanctitie great learning and famous acts and vvith them and after them concurred and suceeeded in other Christian Churches of the vvorld as Fathers and Doctors S. Maximus S. Prosper Vincentius Lyrinensis S. Gregory of Tovvers S. Fulgentius S.
visitation of the Ecclesiasticall estate and persons and for their reformation order and correction of the same and of all manner of errors heresies c. is given to the Queene with full power and authoritie to assigne nominate and authorize others also to exercise and execute vnder her highnes all and all manner of Iurisdiction priuiledges and preheminences in anie wise touching or concerning anie spirituall or Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction and to visit reforme redresse order correct and amend c. 19. Which words may seem by their often naming of visitation and visiting that they meant onlie to make the Queene a visitrix ouer the Cleargie which importeth much limitation of supreme power and yet on the other side they giue her all Iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall that euer hath been heertofore or may be exercised by anie Ecclesiasticall authoritie or person and that both she and her substitutes haue all and all manner of Iurisdiction priuiledges and preheminences concerning spirituall affaires as you haue heard So as on the one side they seeme to restraine and limitt not calling her head of the Church as before in the stile of K. Henrie and K. Edward was accustomed but rather a supreme Visitrix as by these words appeereth And on the otherside they giuing her all and all manner of Iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall that by anie power or person Ecclesiasticall hath euer heertofore been vsed or may be vsed including no doubt therin both the Pope and all other Bishops or Archbishops that euer haue exercised Iurisdiction in England they make her spirituall head of the Church in the highest degree giuing her the thinge without the name and dazeling the eyes of the ordinarie Reader with these multitude of words subtilie couched togeather And why so thinke yon I shall breefly disclose the mysterie of this matter 20. When K. Henry the eight had taken the Title of Supreame head of the Church vpon him as also the gouernours of K. Edward had giuen the same vnto him being but yet a child of 9. years old the Protestants of other Countries which were glad to se England brake more and more from the Pope whome they feared yet not willing insteed therof to put themselues wholie vnder temporall Princes but rather to rest at their owne libertie of chosing congregations and presbyteryes to gouerne began to mislike with this English stile of Supreame head as well the Lutheranes as appeereth by diuers of their writings as also the Zuinglians and much more afterward the Caluinists whereupon Iohn Caluin their head and founder in his Commentary vpon Amos the Prophet inueigheth bitterlie against the said Title and authoritie of supreame head taken first by King Henry and saith it was Tyrannicall and impious And the same assertion he held during his life as after by occasion more particularlie shall be shewed And the whole body of Caluinists throughout other Countryes are of the same opinion and faith though in England they be vpon this point deuided into Protestants and Puritans as all men know 21. This then being the State of thinges when Q. Elizabeth began her Raigne those that were neerest about her and most preuailed in Counsell inclining to haue a change in Religion that therby also other changes of dignities offices and liuings might insue and desiring to reduce all to the new Queens disposition but yet finding great difficultie and resistance in many of the Caluinists to giue the accustomed Title of headship in respect of Iohn Caluins reprobation therof they deuised a new forme and featute of words wherby couertly to giue the substance without the name that is to saie the whole spirituall power iurisdiction of supreame head vnder the name of Visitrix or supreame gouernesse as in the Oath of the same Statute is set downe where euery man vnder forfiture of all his lands and liuings and life also in the third time is bound to sweare and professe that he beleiueth in his cōscience that the said Qneene is supreame gouernesse in all causes Ecclesiastical in this sense and that there is no other Spirituall power or Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction ouer soules in England but this of the Qneene or such as commeth from her And this was also the high iniquitie of this tragicall Comedye among other that the whole Realme being almost all Catholike and of a contrarie beleife at that time was forced to sweare within thirtie daies after the said Act to this fantasticall deuise of giuing supreame authoritie Spirituall to a woman wherof by naturall diuine and humane law she is not capable as in the next chapter shall bee proued being a deuise of some few in a corner first and then procured by negociation to passe in Parlament or els to incurre the daunger of the foresaid penalties that is to saie either sacrilegiouslie to forsweare themselues against their consciences or to vndoe themselues and theirs in wordlie affaires a hard and miserable choise 22. But now to the point it self what reall and substantiall difference thinke you can their be imagined between the spirituall Authortie of Head-ship giuen vnto K. Henry the 8. by the Statute of the 26. yeare of his reigne and this of visitrix or supreame gouernesse giuen to Q. Elizabeth in the first of her reigne Was not the self-same power and Iurisdiction ment to be giuen And if there bee no difference in the thing it self why doe they fly the word in this which they vsed in that and why doe they vse such large circumloquutions of visiting ordering redressing and the like For as for K. Henries statute it beareth this Title An act concerning the Kings highnes to be supreame head of the Church of England c. And in the statute it self it is said Be it enacted by the Authoritie of this present Parlament that the King our soueraigne Lord his heirs and successors shall be taken accepted and reputed the onlie supreame head on earth of the Church of England called Anglicana Ecclesia And the same Title was 9. or 10. years after giuen in like manner to K. Edward the sixt by the same Authoritie of Parlament if in this Case it had anie authoritie anecting also therunto all Iurisdiction spirituall whatsoeuer as it appeereth by a certaine declaration therof made in the Statute of the first year of the said King It saith thus That for so much as all authoritie of iurisdiction spirituall and temporall is deriued and deducted from the Kings Maiestie as supreame head of these Churches and Realmes of England and Ireland and so iustlie acknowledged by the Cleargie therof and that all Courts Ecclesiasticall within these said two Realmes be kept by no other power and authority either forreine or within the Realme but by the Authoritie of his most excelent Maiesty Be it therfore enacted that all sommons and citations and other processes Ecclesiasticall in all causes of Bastardy Bygamye and such like called Ecclesiasticall shall be made in the name of our King c. And that in
proued For that he that giueth a power to an other is presupposed to haue it first in himself for that no man can giue that which himself hath not so as if Q. Elizabeth did giue any spirituall Iurisdiction to her Bishops to teach preach make Ministers absolute loose sinnes and the like who otherwise could haue no such authoritie at all she might no doubt haue exercised the same in her owne person as in all temporall Iurisdiction we see that whatsoeuer power the King giueth to any Gouernour Iudge or Magistrate to exercise in his name he may exercise the same also him self if he wil. And the same holdeth in the Pope for any spirituall Iurisdiction or function that he committeth to any Bishop Priest or Clerk whatsoeuer 42. A third reason is taken ab inconueniente to wit from this inconuenience that if a Queene could be spirituall head of the Church and should marry without making hir husband King she should be his spirituall head also to loose and bind his sinnes and to exercise Ecclesiasticall Censures of Iurisdiction Suspension or Excommunication against him at her pleasure and he for his part should be bound in conscience vnder payne of sinne to heare and follow her doctrine if at any time she list to preach vnto him or to prescribe what he must beleeue or not beleeue in matters of faith which besides that it should be contrary to that we haue alleadged before out of S. Paul and Christ his Institution for the subiection of women in these causes it would be very absurd and ridiculous also as you see and vnworthie of the excellent gouerment of Christ his Church instituted and framed by the highest wisdome of almighty God 43. Wherfore lastly to shutt vp this matter after all these proofes alleadged we shall adioyne one only more which howsoeuer it be esteemed of vs yet ought it to be of singular great moment with M. Attorney and this is the vniuersall agreement of all Protestants both of Caluin Luthers sect commonly throughout the world except only in England And as for Caluinists the matter is cleere if we respect France Germany Holland Zeland Scotland and other places who all agree in this point following therin their first Author Iohn Caluin who not only in the place by me alleadged vpō Amos the prophet but in diuers other places also of his workes doth earnestly impugne not only this Ecclesiasticall power of a woman but of any temporall Magistrate whatsoeuer affirming further in a certayne epistle of his to his freind Myconius that those who defend the same are prophane spirits and mad-men and that the Lord with the breath of his mouth shall destroy them and that both he and his would encounter and fight against them with a valiant and inuincible Zeale c. Of the same opinion and spirit was Theodore Beza the cheife scholer and successour of Caluin in his chayre of Geneua as appeareth by his writings and another chiefe scoller and companion of them both named Viretus in his dialogue intituled Of white Diuells calling them false Christians and dissembled diuells that defend this false position of Princes Ecclesiasticall Supremacy though they couer them selues saith he with the cloake of the Ghospell and then setteth he downe foure or fiue arguments to proue the position to be false which I pretermitt to recite in this place for breuities sake remitting the Reader to the booke it self for that it is exstant in English And I doe passe ouer the writings of many other principall men of that profession both in England and abroad who in this point are no lesse opposite and earnest against M. Attorney that we and are knowne in England by the name of Puritanes or precise Caluinists who being the farre greater parte if we respect all Countreyes about vs must needs in this point be confessed to haue more reason the thing being affirmed so earnestly as you haue heard by Caluin himself than the other of that sect who for pleasing of tēporall princes are accused by them to hold the contrary For that if Iohn Caluin be to be followed in all the rest as they confesse why not also in this And if the holy-ghost fayled him in this so important a point as comprehendeth the whole gouerment of their Church and the lawfull or vnlawfull vocation and function of their whole Ministerie what certaintie can they haue in any other thinge or point of his doctrine 44. But now not only those of the Caluinian sect but others also of the Lutheranes doe laugh at our English Protestants for holding this position of M. Attorney about Queene Elizabeths Spirituall and Ecclesiasticall Supremacie wherin not to weary the Reader which enumeration of many witnesses I shall alleadg only one for all but yet such a one as may well stand for all For that he is the most eminent and principall man of them all to vvitt Mart●nus Keronitius an ancient publike Reader of diuinity among the Lutherane Sect in Saxony that hath written many volumes for defence of the said sect in our dayes 45. This man then being consulted and demaunded his opinion by the Prince Elector of Brandeburg what was to be done in certaine points concerning those of the Caluinian sect he answereth him in a large epistle extant in print allowing first and greatly praysing the Princes iudgment Quod consultum non esse iudicat vt cum Caluinistis Generalis Synodus habeatur That his Highnes thought it not expedient to hold any generall Synode with the Caluinists as they desired for composing of Controuersyes betweene Lutherans and them 46. Secondly he addeth his owne iudgment vnto that of the Prince Elector about punishing the said Caluinists within his State affirming Non expedire vt punitionis officium contrae Caluinistas intereà temporis penitus quiescat It was not expedient that the office of punishing Caluinists should cease in the meane space vntill the said generall Synode were held as they demaunded 47. Thirdly and lastly hauing resolued these two points he passeth ouer to giue his iudgment in like manner to the said Elector about the Religion held in England and of Q. Elizabeth her self and her title of supremacy saying first that no good thing in Religion was further to be expected from her that she had vsed hardly the Protestants of Germany that she saw and felt no● a third sect risen vp in her Realme of Puritanes that hated both her and the other Caluinians that followed her who were enimies in like manner to Lutherans So he And then passing yet further he scoffeth merily that she being a woman had taken vpon her to make Ecclesiasticall lawes Et quòd faemineo à saeculis inaudito fastu se Papissam caput Ecclesia fecit That with a womanly pride neuer heard of in former ages she had made herself a She-pope head of the Church Thus Kemnitius And marke that he saith à saeculu inaudito
Catholike that were repugnant or contrary to the Canonicall lawes of the vniuersall Church and Sea of Rome in those ages wherof againe ensueth that M. Attorney that telleth vs so often of the ancient and most ancient Cōmon-lawes of England cannot presume to haue any law for him and his assertion within this compasse of 466. yeres before the Conquest for that those that should make or leaue vnto vs these lawes were all of a contrary iudgement and religion vnto him in the very point which he treateth of spiritual Iurisdiction As for example 63. There raigned in Kent in the first age of our primitiue Church successiuely these Kings to witt Ethelbert Eadbald Ircombert Egbert Lotharius Edrycus and VVithredus and their Archbishops of Canterbury by whome they gouerned themselues in spirituall matters were Augustine Laurence Mellitus Iustus Homrius Deusdedit Theodorus and Britwaldus And in London Mellitus Ceddus VVyna Erkenwald VValdherus and Ingualdus And in the sea of Rochester Iustus Romanus Paulinus Thamarus Damianus Putta Q●●chelmus Germundus and Tobias All these kings with all these Bishops were of one and the self same religion and of one iudgement and sense in Ecclesiasticall matters and so were all the rest of the Christian Kings togeather with their Bishopps in other Kingdomes of the land And the like I might shew throughout all the other foure ages that ensue after this first before the Conquest And how then is it possible that these Princes with these Bishops and Counsaylours and with their people conforme to them in the same religion should make or admit lawes contrary to the common sense of the Catholike vniuersall Church in those daies concerning Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction And this is a demonstration which morally conuinceth and cannot by any reasonable man be denyed Whervnto I may adioyne that if they had made any such law cōtrary to the common sense of the generall Church in Church-matters they would haue byn noted and reprehended for it or at leastwise some memory would haue byn left therof by historiographers tradition register or some other monument which is not found nor euer will be And this shal be sufficient for this demonstration wherby occasion is giuen to the ingenious reader to prosecute the same and discourse further of himself and to consider how metaphysicall an imagination that of M. Attorney is of auncient lawes made in the ayre and no where extant contrary to the sense and iudgement both of Prince and people in those tymes The seuenth Demonstration 64. An other Demonstration not much vnlike vnto this may be taken from the view of externall Kingdomes in this tyme before our English Conquest to wit what they taught what they beleeued and what they practized in this point concerning Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction whether they deriued it or acknowledged the same in or from their temporall Kings or from their Bishops and Sea Apostolike of Rome For if they did the later then is it most certaine that all the Kings Kingdomes and people of England did the like for that otherwise they should haue byn noted and taxed as hath byn said for some discrepance diuision disagreement sedition schisme or singularity in this behalfe which is not read of Nor can M. Attorney or any Attorney else whomesoeuer he can take vnto him for his helpe in this matter euer shew me any one word of auncient testimony for proofe therof and thervpon may we confidently conclude that there was neuer any such thing 65. But now what was the doctrine vse and practise of all the rest of Christendome besides concerning Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction deriued from the Sea Apostolike of Rome as the head fountaine therof throughout all this tyme wherof we speake before our Conquest it shall be inough to cast our eyes only vpon the vniuersality of all writers in those dayes whose volumes are full of narrations apperteyning to this effect as namely of Bishops made throughout all Kingdomes by ordinaunce and authority of the Bishop of Rome Of Churches Abbyes Monasteryes Hospitalls confirmed and priuiledged by the said authority Of Kings and Emperours also annoynted by them and their authority for the spirituall temporall good of Christendome And in this very tyme wherof we talke happened the mutation of the Kingdome of France from Chilpericus to Pipinus and Charles his sonne and of the Roman Empire from the Grecians vnto the said Charles of the said Empire from the French to the Germanes by the authority of the Pope of Rome and infinite other publike testimonyes of supreme spirituall iurisdiction exercised 〈◊〉 where by that Sea with the approbation of all the worlde And no one example can be alleadged of any such power or iurisdiction pretended or exercised by any Prince temporall whatsoeuer throughout all the Christian world in this tyme by vs prescribed 66. And for so much as by this argument we presume that our English Kings and Princes ran vnitedly in all points of religion with others abroade for that they were neuer noted of any difference or opposition as hath byn said it followeth by good deduction and inference that no such Common-law as M. Attorney imagineth could haue place among them deriuing spirituall and Ecclesiastical iurisdiction from the right of Princes temporall Crownes and excluding that of the Sea Apostolike For in case that any such law had byn made it would haue byn extant either by writing or tradition and if it had byn Common as often here it is called it would haue byn knowne by some one at least besides M. Attorney for that community importeth participation with many how then could there be any such Common-lawes in those dayes which no man knew no man recorded no man euer thought or dreamed of as by all circumstances of those tymes and men and state of things may be presumed And if any such thing had byn deuised in those dayes it must needs haue byn reiected and impugned as singular schismaticall or hereticall for that it would haue byn contrary and contradictory to the common sense iudgement whole current of that time And let this suffice for this consideration The eight Demonstration 67. The eight Demonstration in this matter may be the extraordinary deuotion of our auncient Kings before the Conquest towardes the Sea of Rome in making their Kingdomes tributary thervnto euen in temporall things also which is a signe that they meant not to deny vnto that Sea her spirituall iurisdiction which from the beginning had byn exercised by the same in our countrey seeing voluntarily likewise they gaue her tēporall iurisdiction in gathering and axacting this tribute of euery house throughout the Realme which beginning from K. Inas as all our Authors doe agree aboue 900. yeres gone hath byn continued euer since vnder the name of Peter-pence for that they were first giuen to S. Peter and to his Successours the Bishops of Rome vntill the later part of K. Henry the eight his raigne euen in the
bestowing of Ecclesiasticall benefices 〈◊〉 inuiolate and that such as are Patrons of benefices may present fit men of your nation when they shall fall void c. 23. But yet the next yeare after the King calling a generall Parlament at London and the former greiuances not seeming to be sufficiently remedied by the said recourse to the Councell answers and promises of the Pope the same complaints were renewed againe with greater exasperation then before and the said greiuances put downe in writing All which being considered and weighed by the Parlament Vnanimiter consenser●●t omnes saith Mathew Paris vt adhuc ob reuerentiam Sedi● Apostolicae Domino Papae humiliter deuotè tam per Epistolas quam per solennes Nunci●s supplicarent vt tam intollerabilia grauamina iugum subtraheret importabile The whole Parlament did agree that yet once more for reuerence of the Sea Apostolike humble and deuout supplication should be made to the Pope both by their letters and solemne messengers that he would take from them the intollerable greiuances and importable yoke which by the foresaid abuses they felt to ly vpon them And so presently were written letters seuerally to be sent by the said messengers Frist by the Archbishops and Bishops Secondly by the Abbots Priors religious men Thirdly by the Earls Barons and communitie of the Parlament Fourthly by the King himself who wrote not only to the Pope as the rest did but a seueral letter also to the Cardinals to further the suite which letters are set downe by Mathew Paris at length and are to long for this place 24 Yet one thing I cannot omit that wheras the King wrote most deuoutly humbly both to the Pope Cardinals saying that he did make recourse in these complaints of his nobility and subiects to the Church of Rome Vt filius ad matrem quem suis lactavit vberibus as a sonne to his mother whome she hath nourished with her teates of mylke The said Barons though oftentimes repeating the words implorantes humiliter ac deuotè we beseeching you humbly and deuoutly vt dignemini miscricorditer exaudire that you wil vouchsafe mercifully to heare vs Yet adioyned they also this threat in the end that except they were eased of these burthens laid vpon them the Realme and their King they should be forced to put themselues as a wall for defence of the liberties of the said Kingdome which hitherto for reuerence of the Sea Apostolike they had differred to doe nor could expect any longer then the returne of their Embassadours So they 25. And by this we may se where the beginning was of those restraints which afterward in the dayes of other ensuing Kings were made against prouisions from Rome and benefices to be giuen to strangers as also against appeals in certaine cases other such like ordinances which seeme to containe some restraint of the execution of the Popes Ecclesiasticall authority in England Which did not rise as you see vpon any change of former faith or iudgement in religion or calling in question the said Popes spirituall iurisdiction ouer soules but only vpon temporall respects reasons of state and the like which concerned nothing at all faith or beleife or substance of religion And this one only consideration ouerthroweth all the poore obiections which M. Attorney hath picked out vnder the raigne of this other Kings that follow which now we shall take in hand to examine and discusse euery one as they come in their place Two instances alleadged out of the Raigne of this King Henry the third and of what weight they be §. I. 26. And first what doe you thinke M. Attorney bringeth out of this Kings raigne or can bring to ouerthrow all that we haue alleadged before in the same Kings life beleife gouernment and actions Doth he alleadge any one Law or Statute of his for that he was the father and founder of our Statute-lawes as he confesseth doth he produce any one decree wherby he declared that he thought himself to haue supreme spirituall authority or denyed or called in question that of the Sea Apostolike notwithstanding all the greiuances which before haue byn mentioned No truly no one word is alleadged therof though otherwise as I said this K. Henry made many Statutes at sundry Parlaments as for example vpon the 9. yeare of his raigne he made the famous Charter wherof we haue spoken before called Magna Charta containing 37. Chapters which may in effect be called so many different Statutes The first wherof beginneth thus VVe haue graunted to God and by this our present Charter haue confirmed for vs and for our heirs for euermore that the Church of England shall be free and shall haue all her holy rites and libertyes inuiolable So 〈◊〉 first and most ancient Statute and the cheifest liberty of the Church of England is vnderstood to haue byn their free dependance of the Sea Apostolike and their recourse therevnto without interruption or intermedling of any secular power in their Ecclesiasticall affaires 27. Besides this there was made by him in the same 9. yeare of his raigne the other notorious Charter named Charta de Foresta cōtaining 16. Chapters or braūches as also the other named Merton vpon the 20. yeare of the said Kings raigne that hath six seuerall braunches or Statutes as diuers others also made vpon the 51. year of the said Kings raigne intituled vnder diuers particular titles as Dies communes in Banco Dies communes in dote District●●● Scaeccariae Iudicium Collistrigij de compositione mensurarum and the like And finally the other booke of Statutes made vpon 52. yeare called Marle-bridge containing 16. braunches or statutes In all which no one thing is found in fauour of M. Attorney or his assertion but many for vs if we would examine the partes and clauses of euery one For that the religion of England in that tyme being perfectly Catholike and agreeing in all things with it self with other Kingdomes of the world in one manner of beliefe and acknowledgement of the dependance of Spirituall and Ecclesiasticall power from the Sea Apostolike they could not make lawes for ordering their temporall affaires but must needs enterlace many things that did testifie the conformitie and subordination therof to the spirituall And if any temporall lawyer in England at this day though of far inferiour account and place to M. Attorney would take vpon him to write a booke alleadge all the lawes both common and statute and braunches therof that doe confirme allow or strengthen the Catholike Religion from most auncient tymes wherin any memory is of our lawes he might so far ouerbeare M. Attorney both in bulke and substance and truth of his allegations as S. Augustines volumes for example doe exceed in all these points Esops fables And this will you see in parte by that which we are now first to examine in this place I meane his first obiection set downe
Pope Clement the 7. and how the same began cap. 15. num 4.5.6 7. Bulles from Rome not admitted in England except they came certified from some Prelate at home and why cap. 12. num 28. cap. 13. num 27. C. Calixtus the Pope his meeting vvith Henry the first in Normandy cap. 8. n. 14. Campian his fellow-martyrs protestations at their death cap. 16. num 12. Canon-lawes how they vvere receyued in England cap. 14. num 17. Canutus K. of England his confirmation of Peter-pence to Rome cap. 6. n. 72. Catholicke Religion the birth-right of Englishmen cap. 1. num 26. Catholickes falsely charged by M. Attorney cap. 16. num 2.3 deinceps Catholicke-Recusants from the beginning of Q. Elizabeths raigne cap. 16. num 7. Catholickes falsely accused of inconstancy cap. 16. num 18. Caudrey the Clerke his case cap. 3. per totum Causes of K. Henry the 8. his falling out and breach vvith the Sea Apostolicke cap 15. num 1.2 3. Ceadwalla K. of the VVestsaxons his pilgrimage to Rome cap. 6. num 83. His baptisme there and death ibid. Celestine Pope his letters to the Realme of England in absence of K. Richard the first cap. 9. num 33. Charters for Church-priuiledges before the Conquest and after cap. 5. num 2. 3. 4. deinceps cap. 8. num 23. The beginning of the Great-charter vnder K. Henry the third cap. 10. num 6. Church-libertyes confirmed by K. Richard the second cap. 12. num 43. S. Chrysostomes iudgement of spirituall power cap. 2. num 21.22.23 24. Ciuill warres in England vnder King Henry the third cap. 10. num 12. Clergy-men subiect to the Ciuill Magistrate in temporal affaires cap. 2. num 33. 34. But not in spirituall ibid. num 35. Clergie-mens persons exempted from secular povver cap. 2. num 26. 37. Clerkes euer exempted from temporall Iudges cap. 15. num 20. Collations of benefices by lay-men cap. 7. num 26. 29. Comparison betweene Catholick sand Sectaryes cap. 1. num 13. 14. Commodityes or discommodityes of municipall lavves cap. 1. num 20. Comon-lawes birthright cap. 1. num 22. 23. Complaintes against strangers beneficed in England cap. 10. num 21.22 23. deinceps Remedyes sought to the Pope therfore ibid. num 23. Controuersy-wryters condemned by M. Attorney and vvhy cap. 1. num 26.27 28. 29. Controuersy-writers against their conscience cap. 1. nu 32. and vvho they be ibid. num 35. Constantius the Emperour reprehended by Bishops cap. 4. num 6.7 8. Confirmation of Church libertyes in England by diuers Kinges before and after the Conquest cap. 5. num 7. deinceps Cap. 8. n. 23. Conquest of VVales by K. Edward the first cap. 11. num 9. Conuersion of diuers Kingdomes in England one after the other cap. 6. num 15. Condemnation of Protestantes doctrine by K. Henry the eight cap. 15. n. 15. 16. Conscience the cause that Catholicks follow not M. Attorneys current cap. 16. num 19. 20. Constantius the Emperour his iudgement touching such as dissembled in Religion cap. 16. num 20. Councell of Constance in Germany cap. 13. num 6. English Prelates sent thither ibid. Courtes spirituall and temporall and their difference ca 4. nu 11. deinceps Courtes spirituall superiour to temporall ca. 10. num 30. Cranmer the first hereticall Archbishop of Canterbury ca. 15. nu 32. Burnt at Oxford for his heresies ibid. Crosses erected by K. Edward the first ca. 11. num 6. Crowne of Englād not subiect to any in temporalityes ca. 12. nu 48. D. Decrees and Ordinances of Pope Formosus for the Church of England ca. 6. num 59. Decree against Bigamy ca. 11. nu 31. Decree of Pope Gregory the ninth about proceeding against hereticks ca. 13. num 14. Decrees of K. Henry the eyght his breach with the Sea Apostolicke ca. 15. num 11. 12. Despaire causeth forgetfulnes of all reason and duty and vvhy ca. 16. n. ●2 Demonstrations before the Conquest against secular Princes Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction in England cap. 6. per totum Deposition of Stigand Archbishop of Canterbury ca. 7. num 9. Difference of Courtes and vvhat it proueth ca. 4. num 11. Difference of lawes and law-makers before the Conquest ca. 6. num ● Difference of Courtes shew differēce of origen and authority ca. 11. nu 50. Directions of ancient Fathers hovv to find out Truth ca. 1. nu 17. 18. Dispensations of most importance procured alvvayes from Rome cap. 6. num ●4 35. Dissention betvveene Protestants and Puritans and vvhy Prefac n. 18. 19. Dissimulation in Religiou hovv daungerous cap. 16. num 20. Doubts raised in England concerning bygamy cap. 11. num 32. E. Ecclesiasticall lavves made to be the Kinges lavves by M. Attorney cap. 4. nu 13. 14. Ecclesiasticall vveighty matters allvvayes referred to Rome by our English Kinges cap. 6. num 19. Edgar K. of England his speach for the reformation of the Clergy cap. 6. num 87. 88. His piety and deuotion tovvards the Sea of Rome ibid. S. Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury threatneth K. Henry the third if he obayed not cap. 10. num 37. K Edward the Confessor his confirmation of Peter-pence to Rome cap. 6. num 73. K. Edward the first surnamed Long-shanke cap. 11. num 3. His deuotion ibid. num 4. His vvorkes of piety ibid. His Conquest of VVales ibid. num 9. His mutability in keeping Church-priuiledges ibid. num 11. His violent proceeding against the Clergy ibid. num 12. 13. His euer obedience to the Sea of Rome in meere spirituall things ibid. num 14. 17. His deuotion tovvards the first Pope in Auinion in France ibid. num 16. His accusation of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Pope ibid. num 16. His lawes in preiudice of the Clergy ibid. num 21. K. Edward the second his euill successe of marriage in France cap. 11. n. 41. K. Edward the third his restraints against the Clergy of England cap. 12. num 1. 2. His punishment for the violence vsed towards the Church cap. 12. nu 2.3.39 40. Motiues that induced him therto ibid. num 3. His great embassage to the Pope ib. num 7. His protestation for obedience to the Sea of Rome for himselfe and his cap. 12. num 8. His disordinate life ibid. num 41. K. Edward the fourth his raigne ouer England cap. 14. num 1.2.3 deinceps K. Edward the sixth his raigne cap. 15. num 26. His Supremacy of the Church of England declared by the Protector his vncle ibid. S. Egwyn Bishop of VVorcester his monastery of Euesham cap. 6. num 42. His voyage to Rome ibid. nu 79. Elections of Bishops 4. kinds cap. 7. num 32. Eminency of spirituall power aboue temporall cap. 2. num 19. England made tributary to Rome cap 6. num 67. cap. 9. num 62.63 64. Entrance into England denyed to the Popes Legates and vvhy cap. 14. n. 13. 15. Error vvhat it is