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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A96344 For the sacred lavv of the land. By Francis Whyte. White, Francis, d. 1657. 1652 (1652) Wing W1765; Thomason E1330_2; ESTC R209102 136,470 313

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are to doe even law and execution of right d 20 E. 3. c. 1. The supreme of these Benches after this alteration dealt in pleas criminall called placita Coronae in the books e 4 Inst 71 Stamp Pleas of the crown examined and corrected errors misdemeanors and offences against the peace granted the Habeas corpus and upon return of the cause relieved prisoners held pleas by Bill for debt detinue covenant promise of all personall actions of ejectione firmae and the like against any in the custody of the Marshall or any Officer of the Court who may implead others in those actions of all trespasses with force and armes of Repleviu● Quare im●●dit c. of Assise of Novel disseisin These Justices are the soveraign Justices of Oyer and Terminer of Gaole delivery and conservators of the peace c f 4 Inst c. 7. This Bench may grant prohibitions to all other Courts to keep them in their bounds The Chancery as before supplies the wants and relieves against the rigour of the Law in its extraordinary ju●isdiction The Ordinary held pleas of s●ire facias to repeale the Kings Letters patents of Petitions monstrance of right Traverses of offices of partitions there of scire fac upon recognizances there Writs of Audita querela and scire fac ' in the nature of it to avoid executions there endowment might be there by the Writ de dote assignands upon offices found execution upon the Statute staple or recognisance in nature of it upon the 23 of Hen. the 8. Personal actions might be brought there by or against an Officer or minister of the Court it is the officina justitiae hence all Writs issue it grants the Habeas Corpus out of Term g Ibid. c. 8. In the Court of Common pleas or commune bench all real actions are determined and all common pleas mixt and personal Besides the Stationary Courts at Westminster there were the Justices in Eyre the sitinerant Justices Charles the bald in the yeere 853. divided France into twelve parts and over every of the parts placed men famous for Religion and Law who yeerly travelling their own Divisions took cognisance of wrongs done betwixt party and party and of the publique offences according to justice By which pattern King Hen. the 2. of England in the yeer 1176. divided this Kingdom into six parts over every of which he appointed three Justices yeerly to goe their Circuits h Hoved. 548. M. VVestm l. 2.39 though I know not why this institution is made more ancient by others These were followed by the Justices of Assize since in being by whom they are swallowed up their circuits are twice the yeere and at certaine times having the power of Gaol-delivery added with the authority of the Justices of Nisi prius annexed also the inquiry and determinations of many things else given by latter Statutes and by another Commission of Oyer and terminer the power to deale with Treasons Murders Felonies and all misdemeanours whatsoever they have one other Commission of the peace in the Counties of their circuits by vertue of all which together they sit More perhaps cannot be devised for the ease of the people Thus is justice brought to their own dores the same thing with a fixed standing Court and as it may chance more safe The lesse the Judge is known in the Countrey the lesse is the danger of siding or biassing I speak not this as if I had more feares then other men or were for any of the new jealousies these are the feares of severall of our Parliaments There is aprohibition in two Statutes That no man of the Law shall be from henceforth Justice of Assises or of the common deliverance of Gaoles in his own Countrey i 8 R. 2. c. 2. 13 H. 4. c. 2. and a third Statute of confirmation is more full it sayes That whereas it is enacted that no man learned in the Lawes of this Realm should c. be Justice of Assise in the Country where he dwelleth since divers men learned in the Lawes c. have by their means and policy and for their own commodity c. obtained to be Justices of Assises in the Countries and Counties where they were born or were inhabiting whereby some jealousies of their affection and favour to their kinsmen alliance and friends c. hath been conceived and had c. enacted c. that no Justice c. use nor exercise c. as before k 33 H. 8. c. 24. Upon such like reason is there another Statute enacting to this purpose that no Lord or other in the Countrey sit upon the Bench with the Justices of Assise l 10 R. 2. And as nothing humane I might say divine too fathered somewhere as high as upon Lycurgus his Apollo or the whispers of a Numa and his Eugeria where Gods might be fancied to descend for the production and caelestiall wisdom to flow into it never so excellently contrived can please all men so perhaps whatsoever production shall or can be it may have if not its mischiefes and inconveniences yet some failings incident to the imperfections of man in it selfe and by corruptions from without their grace and flourish may be but short nothing is so incertain in the taking as new Lawes much must be ventured much committed to fortune and if according to the Saxon form which is shewn is not yet extinguishd and what is lost in jurisdiction or rather in use in the lower Courts is supplyed as is shewn too by a way if not better yet equal to it standing Courts were every where and what is more daily open at the Countreymans doore This would not perhaps so much ease the honest just man ever upon the defensive who ever sues but for his peace and the quiet preservation of his own right as it would multiply vexatious prosecutions some the greater number and the worst men composed of malice and contention would be incouraged by it to molest others the trouble and expence being so little and the way to imbroyle so ready and neere there would be nothing but complaints the Law and its remedies would quickly he abused they would be as great a plague as some men who onely say so would have them imagined to be actions would fly thick and swarm so fast one yeere would bring forth Volumes more swelling then all the Annals now read and if every man might be the patron of his own Cause often his in justice nothing would be wanting to make the confusion periect all decency and respect would be forgotten for which nothing would be had but prodigious noise and rude tumults Farther those who now are kept off by the conscientiousnesse of the knowing Lawyer who has made a discovery into the injustice of the cause and oftentimes restreines the heady client to run on would presently be at the shock fall into the danger of a trial which being blinded with their own fury their malice onely
the Law yet no where in it I think once naming our most reverend Judge Litleton He cals the Laws in just and the Lawyers or interpreters of them ignorant speaking of those of the time of William the 1. upon a supposition that the most of the Lawes were Normanne He and his book are said to be of great account by Dr. Cowel in as much esteem with the students of the Common law as Justinians Justitutes are with the Civilians saies the famous Clarencieux The Lord Coke sayes This is as absolute a booke and as free from errour as ever was writ of humane learning y Pres upon Littlet r. 2.67 r. 10. Epist according to the Judgement of a Court before Litletons word wil passe every where ipse dixit carries things as Master Fulbec Litleton is not the name of a Lawyer but of the Law it selfe more then can be said of any Civilian one or other Dr. Cowel blames his Civilians much that shey were not onely guests and strangers but infants in their own Commonwealth that the most know as little of our Law as the common people and I cannot imagine how by a sight of Litleton Hotoman should know much it is not unreasonable notwithstanding all his learning to suppose with Littleton alone he did not understand Litsleton it would be taken as justly it might either for foolishnesse or malice indeed the greatest possible for the highest impudence if any man so much a stranger to the terms and Language at the first sight meerly by guesse should as slightly condemne the Pandects full of contradictions and needing exposition and amendment as is before shewn out of the Civilians themselves whereas Littleton is as fundamentall as any Law can be and every sentence of his is a principle Nor can any man but wonder at the expression of malice and study to calumniate the book through by which we may see how it is understood being onely a bare collection of special cases under their titles or heads authentick and binding because it is made and composed partly of the customes of the ages before partly of the judgements of Courts and of the Statute lawes without any controversie with any man without any reflexion upon any other law upon any mans person or works saving that once he saies he had heard say There was one Judge Richel who setled an estate intaile with perpetuall remainders with that clause of perpetuities since used but against law that upon alienation of the eldest sonne c. his estate should cease c. meerly ayming at the publike good which makes me thinke here must either be a great mistake in the sense or of the book it selfe Litleton then was not Litleton now The uneven ruggednesse of the French wil not suffer any man to be eloquent Laws as Cicero ought to be be deare unto us and to be prised not for the words but for the publike profit and the wisdome of the Lawgiver Yet is not the stile of Litleton rude but plain as the best French then was plain enough neither neat nor quick as will appeare by the Lord of Argentons stile noted before who lived in our Judges age and writ then most befitting a Judge and the gravity of the subject To the absurdity of the writing part of the invective charged in the slander which is true as is shewn from testimonies of the side of the old glosses I wil reply but this it should have shewn how and where otherwise this is a generall charge which has nothing in it but the malignancy of an enemy from whose rash and unjust censure the happy memory of our Judge may justly appeale to those who know him It is a childish impotency of the mind out of vainglory to calumniate illustrious personages farre enough either from honesty or discretion The haughtinesse of Pompey to raigne alone is with the most nor is it fair to bequarrel and hate all other Nations because they drink not the Loire or Rosne or submit not to I know not what universality as if Alexanders world were returned again not to be ruled but by one Sun What concludes here and makes up the aggravation is extended farther by others and made a cavil it is no more against the Laws That our Laws want method Method never yet so much as a pretence to abolish laws How easily the Pandects may be matched for method I shall demonstrate by the order of the Common law of England After the Curiate laws of Romulus those of Numa concerning Religion the laws of the other Kings all taken into the books of Papyrius and therefore called the Civil Papyrian Laws the twelve Tables followed then the Flavian Helian and Hortensian the Honorary Law of the Praetor the lawes of the people called Plebiscita the decrees of the Senate called Senatusconsulta the law of the Magistrates and customes the laws of the Princes frō the law Royall the opinions of innumerable Lawyers many of which are recited by the second Law of the original of the Law their volumes were huge saies the Emperour z Proaem Instit 5. There were as the glosse three hundred thousand Verses Laws or answers two thousand books and many other Laws so confused so infinitely extended they were not to be shut up in the capaciousnesse of humane nature Out of all these were the Pandects composed and digested which are wel digested but as is said the Code and the Authenticks are not How much more easily might the Common law be ranged into an exact method may quickly be found not being composed of any such bulk not drawn out of any thousands of such answers and books inclosed in a dozen or two of small volumes exceeded in the quantity by the present Imperial lawes hundreds of times over the foundations of it as of all just and civil Lawes are the lawes of God of nature and reason and of Nations as Dr. Cowel Our Statutes and Customes are derived as all just laws else and consentaneous to reason from the Law of nature and of Nations a Inst jur Angl. 25. And again The lawes of England as others over the Christian world are far enough off from the civil Imperial law yet are they tempered seasoned with the equity of it b Praef. ad Inst In his Epistle dedicatory before the Institutions They are not far enough off * v. Chap. 2.50 here as very probably some of these Imperial lawes might come from Rome to the Saxons with their Religion There he speaks thus After I bad spent some yeeres in the comparison of these lawes viz. the Common and Imperial laws I found the same foundations in them both the same definitions and divisions of things rules plainly consentaneous neer the same constitutiom the difference onely being in the Ideome and method Our Common law is nothing but a mixture of the Roman and Feudal laws and in his Epistle to the Reader before his Interpreter he sayes He has in