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A86686 Manus testium movens: or, A Presbyteriall glosse upon many of those obscure prophetick texts in Canticles, Isay, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Habakkuk, Zachary, Matthew, Romans, and the Revelations: which point at the great day of the vvitnesses rising; Antichrists ruine, and the Jews conversion, neare about this time. VVherein Dr. Homes, with the rest of the independent antichristian time-servers are clearly confuted, and out of their own writings condemned: and against them proved, that the present usurpers in England are that antichristian party who have slain the witnesses, and shall reign but three yeers and an half, which time is almost at an end. To this book must be joyned Lingua testium, being its proper preface. / Written by Testis-mundus Catholicus Scotanglo-Britanicus. Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687. 1651 (1651) Wing H328; Thomason E632_23; ESTC R206463 110,211 129

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upholding Rome by slaying the witnesses for otherwise Rome by the witnesses had been shaken I have not 〈◊〉 enough to vindicate this 17. Chapter from the false glosses put upon it it shall be the work of a longer day only I hint this by the way that this Beast is he that was that is as Junius saith in the Caesarian head and is not that is in the same Family 't is not but yet is that is in the same Government for the likeness and for the kind it is the same Governnest and the qualities of the Beast are such this very Beast Daniel describes after the self-same manner Dan. 11. 36. 37. 38. And the King shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnifie himself above every God and shall speak marvelous things against the God of Gods and shall prosper until the indignation be accomplished for that that is determined shall be done Neither shall he regard the God of his Fathers nor the desire of women nor regard any God for he shall magnifie himself above all But in his estate he shall honour the God of forces and a God whom his Fathers knew not shall he honour with gold and silver and precious stones and pleasant things This King Hierome conceives is Antichrist this King as Cothi●s on Rev. 1. 3. calls him the eighth there mentioned in Rev. 17. because he is the last great enemy of the Church which by slaying the witnesses bears up Rome which stands tottering in the 7. head the Pontificality so he is called by Hierom Dan. 7. 8. the eleventh King because he is the last u●start usurper which erects a new Government amongst the ten European Kingdoms formerly belonging to the Roman Empire so that by the Fathers confession this King must not arise until the end of the Roman Monarchy now 't is concluded by all learned men that the Roman Monarchy is now near its end and what little horn that is which is now started up and hath pulled down tres Reges Christum purè profitentes for so Viega saith he must do I give all this world leave to judge that are sound in the principles of this present Religion it is well known that only England Scotland and Ireland were the three Kingdoms in the world that of late professed the principles of the Protestant Religion purely and that is to profess Christ purely Ireland might justly whiles it was subjected to the English be called one of the three Kingdoms purely professing the Gospel though since it may justly be called Egypt for that bloudy cruelty to the true Church now who it is that hath usurped these three by distroying the lawful King of the three Kingdoms every Child can tell Observe but Bright m●ns Comment upon this Text he calls this King Antichrist Hi●r●m calls him Antichrist and so do many of the Fathers indeed Brightman applies it to the Pope but I see no reason for it I do not deny but that the Popedom● is that state under which the Church shall be afflicted 1260 years but it is questionable whether the Popedom be the Antichrist exclusively I do acknowledge that it is that Antichristian state out of which Antichrist shall arise but I hu●bly conceive yet not I alone but all the Fathers that the man Antichrist is he that slayes the witnesses I do not deny but that the Pontifick state since it got the Key of independency is that man of sin spoken of 2 Thes 2. 4. who opposeth himself to all that is called God The likeness of the expression here in Daniel and this made Brightman conclude that it was the Pope but it is no wonder if the Holy Ghost use like expressions to set forth the Beast of the earth which all the Fathers and most of the Papists call Antichrist because there is a neer relation betwixt the Pope and him the Pope made the Keys of the bottomles pit and this Beast of the earth Rev. 11. 7. comes out of the bottomlespit the Pope is the 7. head of Rome and this is of the seven he doth all that the Pope did before him the Pope rose by lying cheating forswearing rebelling against his Soveraign deposing of him and sitting in his seat tolerating blasphemies and setting up Hereticks upon design yet professing much holiness and Saint-ship and so doth the Beast of the earth he treads in the path of Roman policy doing the same things in the presence or with the good liking of the Pope The Pope set up a strange Government in Rome and so doth this Beast of the earth in the Kingdoms that he threw down his usurpation is set out by his magnifying himself above all Gods that is Magistrates the strange Government he shall set up is the God Mauzzim that is the Government of force the sword-Government such a Government as his Fathers never heard of he shall honour it with gold and silver that is he shall make his Officers rich and his packt party he shall make them rule over many his word shall give them power to write as the Popes did volumus et mandamus we enact and be it enacted and the next thing they shall do is to divide the Land for gain yes that 's it We have a large cōment upon this Text already written in large Characters upon the Kingdoms burthened back so that by this you see how the Holy Ghost agrees both in Daniel and Revel in the describing of this Beast by his Government In Revel 13. he sets up a Government of his own forcing by his sword and in Daniel he sets up the God Mauzzim which is the Government of force If any should doubt whether the Beast in the Revelations and this in Daniel which we have so often quoted be one and the same I prove it thus if Daniel agree with the Revelation and the Revelation with Daniel in the identity of time of action of rule and ruine of the Beast then most probable that Daniels little horn and Johns Beast of the earth are one and the same but the time of the Beast in both is one and the same for that in Daniel riseth in the end of the Roman Monarchy and that in Rev. 7. riseth when the witnesses have finished their Testimony that is at or near the end of the 1260 years raign of the Beast of the Sea Rev. 13. after which immediately John saw the Beast of the earth arise and her actions are the same in Dan. and Revel for in Dan. 25. he wears out the Saints of the most high and thinks to change times and Lawes and Rev. 1● 7. he shall make warre with the witnesses overcome them and slay them and in Rev. 13. 10. 11. when he that led captivity is to go into captivity then the faith and patience of the Saint is tryed then their two suffering graces shall be eminently exercised and then v. 11. shall the other Beast the Beast rising out of the earth appear this Beast is he
commerce or trade with them they shall be at as great distance in Opinion Judgment and practice as the Covenant is at a distance from the Engagement or the Engagement from the Covenant Covenanters cannot pass to the Engagers without perjury and the Engagers cannot pass to Covenanters without forfeiting their allegeance to their acknowledged Masters This I conceive is the Valley that shall be made towards the East and West which must needs be Eastward and Westward when the Mount is divided and half removes towards the North the other towards the South The Fathers many of them mis-interpreting this text by giving a bare literal explication of the words differ therefore in the application some apply this text to Titus and his Army's Exploits upon Mount Olivet Others faign that 't was then when God with his Angels fought for the Maccabees on that Mount against Antioches Others think that 't was then fulfilled when Constantine fought against the Arrians at which time on this hill the sign of the cross appeared Hence it may be Theodoretus and Hierom conceive that this hill was divided into four parts like a cross but these have but fabulous grounds for their opinion Zanche Vatable Lycanus and many others say 't was divided but into two parts but I humbly conceive that in a literal sense Mount Olivet was never divided into two Therefore the text is not to be understood literally but figuratively and parabolically under these tearms and Expositions setting forth some eminent place in the world which is eminent for holiness and unity in Doctrine and Government but unexpectedly rent and miserably divided into two grand parties which shall be at so great and vast a distance in opinion and practice as 't is impossible to reconcile them one to the other the one shall swear to maintain King Lords and Commons and the other shall swear to suppress King and Lords the one shall swear to maintain true Religion in Doctrine Discipline and Worship and the other shall practice the destruction of Religion in Doctrine Discipline and Worship by a toleration of all Religions and supporting Popery by taking away all Oaths offensive to Popish Tenents and all Statutes offensive to their persons and estates and striving to destroy sound stedfast principled Protestants by imposing Oaths upon them against their consciences and by taking away their priviledge of the Law from them so laying them open to all manner of misery By this you may see I am strongly induced to believe that the Mount of Olives is England and Scotland formerly united under one King and Religion and under one solemn League and Covenant That part of the mountain divided to the North I conceive is Scotland That part to the South I conceive according to its situation from Scotland is England betwixt these there shall be a great Gulf a Gulf betwixt their principles so deep and wide that all the World shall take notice of it If any man should doubt of Scotland being part of the Mountain of Holiness in regard of the base reproaches of late cast upon them I 'le desire that man to read Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs opinion of Scotland in a speech made at Guildhall London Octob. 6. 1643. Scotland saith he is a Kingdom beloved and honoured of God by whom God will do great things in the latter Age of the World 't is a Philadelphia 't is more deeply ingaged to God then any Nation in the World by Covenant 't is the most reformed Nation under Heaven 't is the greatest Enemy to Antichrist in the World and the most successefull with whom God hath most eminently appeared they are exceeding wise exceeding just and full of Christian love This was Mr. Jeremiah Burrough's opinion of the Kingdom of Scotland and if he say it I hope honest Independents if there be any will believe it V. 5. And ye shall flee into the Valley of the Mountain for the valley of the Mountain shall reach unto Azal yea ye shall flee like as ye fled from the Earth-quake in the dayes of Uzziah King of Judah and the Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee This time shall be a time of great terrour Hunc terrorem dominus praedicit Luke 21. saith Oecolampadius where mens hearts shall fail then for fear of the commotions which in this age shall come and ye shall flee into my Mountains So Hierom reades it For the Valley of the Mountain shall reach unto Azal Many of the ancient Interpreters read Azal as a proper name and so pass it by So doth Pagnine Aquila Vatible and the Chaldee but Soman renders Azal usque adproximum to some place neer at hand Others as Tygurine and Arrias Montanus conceive 't is meant some secure place where God did hide his Church from Antiochus his fury but Hierom and Lyranus expound it thus That ye may flee into the Valley which lieth betwixt Moriah and Mount Zion that was a secure place for it was betwixt the City wall and the Temple But others more neer the Hebrew text interpret Azal usque ad separatum so Deodat speaking of Azal saith it signifies a separation So that the plain sense of the text seems to be this Ye shall flee into the Valley of my Mountains that is Yea that are the sealed ones of the Lamb that refuse to worship the Beast or his Image or receive his mark that is subscribe his Ingagement Ye shall flee into the Valley of my Mountains that is that place or Nation which keeps my Covenant and observes my statutes to do them there God will dwell where his Laws are observed and his Ordinances maintained in purity but that Nation onely in the World this day is Scotland and the reason why God will have them to fly to his Mountains is in the next words For the Valley of the Mountain shall reach unto Azal that is The breach betwixt the two Kingdoms shall reach unto a separation It shall separate true Subjects from Traytors sincere Professors of Religion from Apostates and Hypocrites Covenant-keepers from Covenant-breakers Sheep from Goats Thus the breach betwixt the Kingdoms shall make a separation in Persons in Prayers in Sermons in every thing there shall be a separation In Cant. 2. 27. the Church prayes thus Return my well-beloved and be like a Roe or a young Hart upon the Mountains of Bether this word Bether seems to match Azal for Bether signifies a separation or division Now on a Mountain of Separation the Church Praies Christ to appear it seems to me a prayer made for this day for verse 4. 'T is when the Jews that are obscured shall be converted and ver 15. when Herericks shall spoil the Church then in such a straight the Church prayes that on the Mountains of Bether that is In the divided distracted Kingdoms he would appear for the Churches deliverance it shall be a time of flying a time of hot persecution but the onely place for safety for the Saints
which Banner he leads his troops of Traitors and squadrons of blasphemers and Hereticks how shall all these be overthrown at one set battell about this yeer 1651. since t is impossible all these three Enemies shall be at the battell in person The Question is somewhat hard to be determined positively yet this is clear from the Scripture that this great battell Revel 19. 19 20. is that battell that shall be fought by the Witnesses after they are risen from their slain condition and this battell is fought against the Beast that slays the Witnesses that is the Beast of the Earth that little Horn in Dan. 7. 26 27. and Dan. 11. 4 5. and against the Beast of the bottomlesse pit and his company which makes merry Rev. 11. 10. for the destruction of the Witnesses now how can it be said that when this Beast and his party are overcome that then the Beast and the false Prophet and the Dragon are over-come A. 1. To this we answer in two words 1. They may virtually and potentially all three fall when one fals so the whole hosts of the Philistines fell when Goliah fell 2. Then when this Beast of the Earth fals all the three begin to fall and from that day never rise more their chief plots and devices shall be discovered and broken and their villanie shall be discovered to the whole world which shall make the ten Horns to hate the Whore and burn her with fire Or who can tell but that at this battell the cheif strength of the Pope the grand Hereticks who are the devils Esquires and the cheif and grand Traitors against the Laws and Religion of England may be all in that battell overcome Or thus at three Kings in one person by the Beast of the earth were overthrown so the three grand enemies of the Church in that one person of the Beast of the earth may be overthrown And to me it is very probable in Revel 17. where John saw Rome in that year when she was to go to destruction in v 3. He saw the last Beast that did bear up Rome and uphold her in her pomp the Beasts is called v 8. the Beast that cometh out of the bottomlesse pit to let us know that that Beast which slaies the Witnesses bears up Rome when she is going to damnation this Beast v 3. is called the Beast bearing up Rome because he slays the Witnesses that would have pulled down Rome he is called therefore a scarlet coloured Beast because of his bloody cruelty against the true Church and then he is said to have seven Heads and ten Horns because he supports that City Rome with seven Heads and ten Horns Popery by the Covenanteers had long ●ince been in the dust but that he broke the Covenanteers and their Reformation by his bloody treason and his blasphemous troops So then as this Beast is said to bear up Rome though he be far distant from Rome by his slaying Romes enemies so Rome may be said to fall and the Pope may be said to fall and the Devil who is said to be the father of Hereticks and blasphemers may be said to fall when he that hath supported them fals And in this sence at this battell when this Beast is overthrown the Beast and that false Prophet and the Dragon may be said to fall and be sure of it when the Witnesses have got their victories over this Beast down goeth Popery and blasphemie and heresie so that though in the downfall of this Beast of the earth it cannot be said that the Pope and the Devil shall personally and universally in their power be overthrown yet it may truly be said that virtually they are overcome it may well and truly be said that the Pope and the Devil are overcome when this Beast is overcome because the Beast is the support of Popery by which Romes pomp is supported and the support of Hereticks and blasphemers by whom the Devils kingdom is upheld hath he not caused those to fall who went about to overthrow Rome and hath he not granted a toleration to all Hereticks to lord it over the orthodox Christians Who is so blinde as doth not see that he doth support this day the state pomp and Religion of Rome and of the Divels kingdom there Satans throne is where the Witnesses are slain Rev. 2. 13. In a word it may truly be said when the Beast of the earth is overthrown that then the Popes cause and interest and the Devills interest will with him be overthrown in these three kingdoms for who is it but he that hinders the Covenant-reformation and if he shall by the Covenanteers as I do undoubtedly believe he will when his three years and a halfs Raign is up be overcome be assured that the rising Witnesses prosecuting the ends of the Covenant will be the ruine of the Popes and the devils Kingdom in England Indeed the Tenor of the Covenant is nothing else but to establish the Witnesses and throw down Popery and Heresie that is the Pope and the Devils kingdom Shall I yet go a little further I am confident that when this Beast of the earth is overcome his cursed Hellish conspiracies with the Court of Rome and the Court of Spaine to overthrow the Kings of Europe that acknowledg not the Popes supremacie will be made so apparent that all the Kings in Europe especially France and Portugall and these thre Kingdoms England Scotland and Ireland will both abominate and utterly reject the Romish Court as a den of abominable Theeves and Murtherers And I trust utterly forsake that accursed Religion which can change it self into any shape and pretend any interest on purpose to overthrow kingdoms and murther Kings Now put all these together consider but from the time of the Popes rising when he got to be the head of Rome to be independent which as on all hands is concluded was about the yeer 390. and consider but the time of the Beasts of the earth who riseth out of Independency and slaies the Witnesses in the yeer 1647. consider how cleerly the holy Ghost holds out the Beast in his rising in his government in his time of duration and in the manner and place of his ruine compare but Scripture with Scripture compare Dan. 7. and 11. and Matth. 24 Mark 13. Luke 21. Rev. 11. the 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Chapters and Zach. 14. together with severall other Texts in Ezek and Isiah I say compare the severall texts as we have set them one with another and compare with these texts the occurrences of these three yeers last past in England Scotland and Ireland and from all it may be concluded I would fain say positively probably that immediately after 1650. is ended when the Beast of the earth hath ●aged a Prophetick day that is one year in Scotland then comes the ruine of the Church her enemies for then the Church of Romes time of keeping the Witnesses in Sackcloath is expired and the three years and an half of the great Independent Beast that shall slay the Witnesses is expired then he and his Poliarchy of Senators who Raign as Kings must go to their eternall graves and then the Witnesses must rise and take possession of their seats from which they were thrown and the Covenanted-reformation by them must be carried on to the utter destruction of the Pope and his faction and the binding of the devil and utter casting of him out of the Church with his faction All which the Lord of his infinite mercy through Jesus Christ for his elect sake both of Jews and Gentiles unconverted and alreadie converted hasten Even so come Lord Jesus Come quickly Amen FINIS
before him but the third Kingdom he shall never subdue to his obedience he may wear the Crosse and the Harp in his Miter but he shall never wear the Lion for in that Kingdom he shall come to his ruine as anon we shall shew I now passe on to make a further description of this Beast as the Holy ghost sets him forth we shall proceed v. 12. And he did all that the first Beast could do before him and he caused the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed I think the Text may be better translated into English I am sure nearer to the Greek Copy and he did all the power of the first Beast in his presence so reads Pagnine Montanus Biblia Fanensis Sixtus Quin●us Lyra. This verse sets forth the manner how he got to his greatness which is described by his acting and the end of his acting in the end you have the manner of his acting in the other the effect of ●is acting in the Text there are two first Beasts and both distinct and different from each other though few interpreters have discerned it the former first Beast he makes his example or pattern by which he proceeds and acts the latter first Be●st he makes the pattern of his end Observe how the Holy Ghost differeth these the first Beast is that which acted immediately before him and that must necessarily be the Beast of the Sea for that Beast is immediately before him in the same 13. Chapter verse 21. This is none other but the Pope now he doth all that the first Beast could do in the sight of him that is in the presence or sight or with the approbation of the Pope he exerciseth his power Now what power hath the Pope surely none at all but what 's usurped the Pope is called the first Beast in regard of this last Beast of the earth he is called the first because he is the first great enemy of the Church within the Church the Heathen Emperors were Rulers over the Church but they were without the Church but the Pope is the great tyrant of the Church within the Church now professing Christ he was the first that drove the witnesses into the Wilderness and made them wear Sack cloth now the last Beast that slayes the witnesses which is the Beast we are here treating of is he that gets up into his power by exercising the power of the first Beast that is the Pope now it is well known that the Popes exercise no power but what is usurped they got their power by their dissembling and pretending Saintship and advancing the interest of the Gospel and all the Saints they got it by lying perjury Covenant-breaking rebelling against their leige Master the Emperors by throwing them down they got into their Thrones which to this day they possess now all this usurped power doth this Beast of the earth exercise in the sight of the Pope in conspecta ejus adest Antichristo adjuvante et mandante saith Viega that is Antichrist the Pope helping and commanding him to dethrone his soveraign Lord the King to sleight the Counsel of the godly Ministery and persecute them for such power the Pope exerciseth to pretend godliness and Saint-ship and to write and speak in the eares of all the world like a Saint and yet act in the sight of all the world like a Devil herein he follows the steps of his predecessors the Popes the Pope by independency gets his usurped greatness and this Beast by independency gets to his usurped greatness he makes the Popes former devilish stratagems which exalted them engins to exalt himself And he causeth the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed here is his end 't is to subject the people of the earth to the first Beast whose de●dly wound was healed in verse 3. The Caesarian head was wounded the Pope healed this wound as to the recovering of the Roman pomp and State Now Caesar was the first Beast in respect of the Popes who succeeded the Emperor and the Pope is also the first in relation to the Beast of the earth who succeeds him and in relation to the precedent matter which altogether treated of the first Beast that should rise within the Church to make the Antichrist which were Popes now these words whose deadly wound was healed clearly distinguish this Beast from the Popes for they were never since their rising wounded with a deadly wound but 't is known that the Goths and Vandalls gave a deadly wound to the Caesarian Government in Rome which was made up and healed by the Popes So that the Government that this Beast of the earth sets up and makes people submit unto 't is the Government of Caesars now in a word the Government of Caezar was by the power of his sword he against the votes of the Senat of Rome advanceth with his Army to Rome pulls down all the grave and honest-hearted Senators and only sets up his own packt party in the Senate which being done by his Conquests he enlargeth their territories and they inlarge his honour at last he makes himself sole Emperor and they his Subjects to act and vote what he commanded them thence Rome became that seat of the Beast having ten horns for so Alcazer seems to understand ten horns to be Polyarchiam Senatorum so another saith of the Senate of Rome tot erant reges quot Senatores and possibly the ten horns crowned under the Pope may be meant the Conclave those infulati mystae those crowned Cardinals who make up the Government to drive the wi●nesses into the Wildernes as this last beast and his ten horns that is his packt party of Senators who give one vote with the Beast Rev. 17. in the slaying of the witnesses this gives us a clear insight into that hard Text Rev. 17. 8. of the Beast that was and is not and yet is this Text clears it that he is the eight because he is one distinct from the Pope and yet he is of the seven because he doth what he doth in the sight of the Pope with his good likeing The Pope all men know maketh the 7. head of Rome distinct from the other Governments and this eight Beast is one of the seven because he beats up the woman with seven h●ads and ten horns Rev. 17. 7. had not the beast of the earth slain the witnesses the witnesses would have destroyed the woman they had resolved to saw off three of her horns England Scotland and Ireland but when the witnesses were agreed to root out Popery and to establish the Pro●estant Religion then up starts the Beast of the earth this Beast here men●ioned and s●ayes the witnesses therefore John in his vision Rev. 17. 2. when the Angel comes to shew him the damnation of the whore saw this Beast that bears the woman well may he have the title of
matter to the text there we may see Christs coming to repay vengeance to the Enemies in the Islands that the West may fear God and this shall be done ver 19. when the Enemy comes in like a floud and how it shall be done the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standart against him this is absolutely prophesied of that time when the fulness of the Gentiles is come in that is when the time of Antichrists Raign is accomplished I am not ignorant how far I am from the common interpretations of this text but I am confident upon Scripture-grounds I come neerer the mind of the Holy Ghost then they that say by the fulness of the Gentiles is meant the glorious time of the full coming in of the Gentiles to the Gospel Blindness is hapned in part to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in here is the measure of the time of the Jews rejection from the Gospel so long as till the fulness of the Gentiles be come in If by fulness of the Gentiles be meant their full conversion then the Jews shall not be converted until the full conversion of the Gentiles be accomplished but this is contrary to the Apostles words in the same Chapter for ver 12. Now saith he if the fall of them be the riches of the world and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fulness So that by this text it is clear that the rising of the Jews shall be the bringing in of a far greater number of Gentiles to the Gospel then their fall could do and therefore 't is that the Prophet saith In this day people shall flock in to the Gospel as the Doves to the windows and ten women shall take hold of the skirt of a Jew and go after him that is embrace his Religion being a Christian And hence it is that at the sounding of the seventh Trumpet a voice is heard crying aloud That all the Kingdomes in the world are become the Lords because of the great conversion of Soules throughout the world that shall be when the Jews begin to come in to Christ So that the fulness of the Gentiles in that place cannot mean any other then as Luke 21. 24. expresseth it the fulfilling the times of the Gentiles which Rev. 11. 2. is 42 Moneths and that is 1260 years the full time of Antichrists raign and so long the true Church which is Jerusalem shall be trodden under foot Cajetan well observes though few of the Romish Writers which quote him observe it that donec plenitudo gentium intret is the mystery which Paul would have the Romans not ignorant of lest they should think too well of their Church and doubtless this is the mystery which the Holy Ghost Rev. 10. 7. saith shall be finished in the dayes of the voice of the seventh Trumpet as the Prophets have declared So that we must look i● to the prophesies concerning this mystery and the seventh Trumpet as well as into the Writings of the Apostles Beda on Luke 21. 24. saith that it is the same with Rom. 11. 25. and many of the Popish Doctors agree with him which is as much as I will desire to make good my assertion The Ancients and many of the Romish Doctors conclude that Israel shall be converted to Christ about the end of the World Saith the ordinary glosse in the end of the World when Antichrists falshood shall be detected and saith Abelardus in the end of the world they shall be converted per the Witnesses So saith Remigerus Now the Witnesses rise not untill the full time of Antichrists raign be accomplished Rev. 11. Therfore when the fulness of the Gentiles shall come in that is Antichrists raign shall be accomplished Israel shall be converted Of this opinion I suppose learned Protestants are That the Romish Apostacy is the cause of the Jews Obstacy untill the destruction of which they shall continue in their blindnesse This opinion Contzenus the Jesuit cries out of as the opinion of Hereticks I conceive he cryeth most against learned Melancthon who on that text tels us of the ruine of the Gentiles Church by heresies and apostacy which apostacy being fulfilled the Jews shall be converted To this purpose he speaketh excellently and truly but mark what follows in Luk. 21. 25. After the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled then there shal be signs in the Sun and in the Moon and in the stars and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the seas and the waves roaring mens hearts failing them for the powers of heaven shal be shaken These are the vials that shal be poured out on the Churches enemies and what then ver 27. Then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud and then ver 18. When they see these things begin to come to pass let the Jews lift up their heads for their redemption draweth nigh compare Matth. 24. and Mark 13. with this text this day must be meant of the Jews conversion therefore it sets forth some Gospel-day for should it be the day of Judgment it would be the day of their Damnation therefore when the vials are poured out they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory this leads me back to the text that I have run away so long from Revel 14. 14. there immediatly the witnesses were slain John looked and behold a white cloud and on the cloud one sitting like the Son of Man having in his hand a crown there 's his glory and with a sharp sickle there is his power and then there are the Angels the Angel out of the Temple and the Angel from the Altar and they make supplication that the harvest of the earth which is ripe may be reaped by Christ who had the sharp sickle in his hand and at their supplication Christ goes to work with the Vines of the Vineyard of the Earth and cuts them down and then the bloud of the Vines of the Earth that is the power of the beast of the Earth is broken and their bloud in a great measure shed at the same time Revel 15. John saw another sign in Heaven great and marvellous this great sign is that in Matth. 24. and Mark 13. the sign is seven Angels with the seven plagues the great sign is Gods eminent wrath against the Roman Monarchy in all its power and strength for by clouds trees waves of the Sea and stars Jude 13. tells us are meant hereticks in the Church they shall be cast from heaven that is out of the Church or else by Sun Moon and Stars are meant the higher powers in a State So Jacob interprets his son Josephs dream but observe what John sees before the Vials be poured out he saw ver 2. a glassie sea mingled with fire The sea in the Temple was made of brass it was not to be seen through onely they that looked into it saw what