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A58640 The laws and acts of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign Charles the Second ... holden at Edinburgh the first of January, 1661 by a noble Lord, John, Earl of Middleton ... with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / extracted and collected from the records of Parliament by Sir Archibald Primerose.; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Primrose, Archibald, Sir, 1616-1679. 1661 (1661) Wing S1271; ESTC R30550 109,236 124

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pretexts made for the same did meet and conveen without any lawfull Warrand or Authority And therefore the Kings MAjESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament doth Declare the same with all that was done therein void and null and Rescinds and Annuls all Acts or Deeds whatsomever ratifying and approving the same VII Act concerning the League and Covenant and discharging the renewing thereof without His MAjESTIES warrand and approbation FOrasmuch as the power of Armes and entering into and making of Leagues and Bonds is an undoubted priviledge of the Crown and a proper part of the Royal Prerogative of the Kings of this Kingdom and that in recognisance of His MAjESTIES just Right the Estates of Parliament of this His most ancient Kingdom of Scotland have Declared it high Treason to the Subjects thereof of whatsoever number less or more upon any pretext whatsoever to rise or continue in Armes or to enter into Leagues and Bonds with Forraigners or among themselves without His MAjESTIES special Warrand and Approbation had and obtained thereto and have Rescinded and Annulled all Acts of Parliament Conventions of Estates or other Deeds whatsoever contrary to or inconsistent with the same And whereas during these troubles there have occurred diverse things in the making and pursuance of Leagues and Bonds which may be occasion of jealousie in and betwixt His MAjESTIES Dominions of Scotland England and Ireland Therefore and for preventing of all scruples mistakes or jealousies that may hereafter arise upon these grounds The King's MAjESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Doth hereby Declare That there is no Obligation upon this Kingdom by Covenant Treaties or otherwise to endeavour by Armes a Reformation of Religion in the Kingdom of England or to meddle with the publick Government and Administration of that Kingdom And the King's MAjESTY with advice and consent foresaid doth Declare That the League and Covenant and all Treaties following thereupon and Acts or Deeds that do or may relate thereto are not obligatory nor do infer any obligation upon this Kingdom or the Subjects thereof to meddle or interpose by Armes or any seditious way in any thing concerning the Religion and Government of the Churches of England and Ireland or in what may concern the Administration of His MAjESTIES Government there And further His MAjESTY with advice and consent of His Estates doth hereby Discharge and Inhibite all His MAjESTIES Subjects within this Kingdom that none of them presume upon any pretext of any Authority whatsoever to require the renewing or swearing of the said League and Covenant or of any other Covenants or publick Oaths concerning the Government of the Church or Kingdom without His MAjESTIES special Warrand and Approbation And that none of His MAjESTIES Subjects offer to renew and swear the same without His MAjESTIES Warrand as said is as they will be answerable at their highest peril VIII Act against Papists Priests and Jesuits OUr Soveraign Lord considering that the publick contempt of and disobedience to lawful Authority though covered with the most specious pretexts is alwayes accompanied with great confusions and provocations to the dishonour of GOD and ruine of the People And that thereby occasion is offered to wicked and ill affected persons of all sorts upon one pretence or other to subvert Religion and pervert the Duty and Allegiance of the Subjects Whereof there be too sad evidence by the increase of Popery and the number of Jesuits Priests and Papists which have of late and do now abound in this Kingdom in far greater numbers then ever they did under the Government of His MAjESTIES Royal Father and Grand-Father of blessed memory And His MAjESTY being desirous to trace these His Royal Ancestors in a due and vigorous prosecution of these many excellent Laws made by them against the Saying of Mess and the stay and resset of Jesuits Seminary and Mess Priests and Trafficking Papists within this Kingdom Doth therefore with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament command and charge all and sundry Jesuits Priests and Trafficking Papists that none of them presume hereafter to Say Mess within this Kingdom And that within a moneth after the publication hereof they remove forth of the Kingdom under the pain of death And sicklike His MAjESTY with advice and consent foresaid doth command charge and inhibite all His MAjESTIES Subjects of what quality or degree soever that none of them presume to hear Mess resset supply entertain furnish meat or drink nor keep intelligence nor correspondence with any Priests Jesuits or Trafficking Papists under the pains contained in the Laws and Acts of Parliament made in that behalf And to the end that this Act may receive the more exact obedience and prosecution His MAjESTY with advice and consent foresaid doth hereby command all Sheriffs of Shires and their Deputes all Magistrates of Burghs and other publick Ministers of the Laws to make exact enquiry and search in their several bounds and jurisdictions and to apprehend all such Jesuits Priests and Trafficking Papists as they shall finde within the same after the last day of March next to come and to commit them to the next sure Prison there to remain till they receive due punishment according to the Laws And also that with all possible diligence they send in to the Parliament or in case of their not Sitting to His MAjESTIES Privy-Council the List of such persons within their bounds as are known or suspected to be Papists that course may be taken with them conform to the Laws of the Kingdom And hereof the Sheriffs and Magistrates and their Deputes are to take special notice as they will be answerable at their highest peril Likeas His MAjESTY considering how dangerous it is that Children be educat by persons popishly affected do therefore conform to former Acts of Parliament appoint that children under popish Parents Tutors or Curators shall be taken from them and committed to the education of some well affected and religious friend at the sight and by order of His MAjESTIES Privy-Council And Ordains publication hereof to be made at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh and other places needfull IX Act approving the Engagement 1648. and annulling the pretended Parliaments and Committees kept thereafter FOrasmuch as in the year one thousand six hundred fourty and eight the Estates of Parliament of this Kingdom and His MAjESTIES good Subjects therein from the sense of their duty to Almighty GOD and the King's MAjESTY did chearfully undertake and concur in an Engagement for relief of His late MAJESTY of glorious memory from His imprisonment and for His restitution to the Royal Government of His Kingdoms And the Estates of Parliament now conveened by His MAjESTIES special Authority taking that Engagement to their consideration do find it to have been an Honourable Just Necessary and Seasonable Discharge of that indispensible Duty whereunto this Kingdom and the Subjects thereof are by the Law of God by the Law of Nature and
loss shame and dishonour to their native Countrey and have justly forfeited and favour they might have pretended to from His Majesties former concessions And forasmuch as now it hath pleased Almighty GOD by the power of His own right hand so miraculously to restore the Kings Majesty to the Government of His Kingdoms and to the exercise of His Royal Power and Soveraignty over the same The Estates of Parliament do conceive themselves oblieged in discharge of their duty and conscience to GOD and the Kings Majesty to imploy all their power and interest for vindicating His Majesties Authority from all these violent invasions that have been made upon it and so far as is possible to remove out of the way every thing that may retain any remembrance of these things which have been so injurious to His Majesty and His Authority so prejudicial and dishonourable to the Kingdom and destructive to all just and true interests within the same And considering that besides the unlawfulness of the publict Actings during these troubles most of the Acts in all and every of the Meetings of these pretended Parliaments do highly incroach upon and are destructive of that Soveraign Power Authority Prerogative and Right of Government which by the Law of GOD and the ancient Laws and Constitutions of this Kingdom doth reside in and belong unto the Kings Majesty and do reflect much upon the honour loyalty and reputation of this Kingdom or are expired and serve only as testimonion of dissloyalty and repraoch upon the Kingdom and are unfit to be any longer upon Record Therefore the Kings Majesty and Estates of Parliament do hereby Rescind and Annull the pretended Parliaments kept in the years one thousand six hundred and fourty one thousand six hundred and fourty one one thousand six hundred and fourty four one thousand six hundred and fourty five one thousand six hundred and fourty six one thousand six hundred and fourty seven and one thousand six hundred and fourty eight and all Acts and Deeds past and done in them and Declares the same to be henceforth void and null And His Majesty being unwilling to take any advantage of the failings of His Subjects during those unhappy times is resolved not to retain any remembrance thereof but that the same shall be held in everlasting oblivion and that all difference and animofities being forgotten His good Subjects may in a happy union under His Royal Government enjoy that happiness and peace which His Majesty intends and really wisheth unto them as unto Himself Doth therefore by advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament grant His full Assurance and Indempnity to all persons that acted in or by vertue of the said pretended Parliaments and other Meetings flowing from the same to be unquestioned in their Lives or Fortunes for any Deed or Deeds done by them in their said usurpation or by vertue of any pretended Authority derived therefrom excepting alwayes such as shall be excepted in a general Act of Indempnity to be past by His Majesty in this Parliament And it is hereby Declared That all Acts Rights and Securities past in any of the pretended Meetings above-written or by vertue thereof in favours of any particular persons for their civil and private interests shall stand good and valid unto them untill the same be taken into further consideration and be determined in this or the next Session of this Parliament XVI Act concerning Religion and Church Government OUr Soveraign Lord being truly sensible of the mercies of Almighty GOD towards Him in His preservation in the times of greatest trouble and danger and in His miraculous Restitution to His just Right and Government of His Kingdoms And being desirous to improve these Mercies to the glory of GOD and honour of His great Name Doth with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Declare That it is His full and firm resolution to maintain the true reformed Protestant Religion in it's purity of Doctrine and Worship as it was established within this Kingdom during the Reigns of His Royal Father and Grand-father of blessed memory And that His Majesty will be carefull to promote the power of Godlinesse to encourage the exercises of Religion both publict and private and to suppresse all prophanesse and disorderly walking And for that end will give all due countenance and protection to the Ministers of the Gospel they containing themselves within the Bounds and Limits of their Ministerial Calling and behaving themselves with that submission and obedience to His Majesties Authority and Commands that is suitable to the Allegiance and Duty of good Subjects And as to the Government of the Church His Majesty will make it His care to setle and secure the same in such a frame as shall be most agreeable to the word of GOD most suitable to Monarchicall Government and most complying with the publict peace and quiet of the Kingdom And in the mean time His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid Doth allow the present Administration by Sessions Presbyteries and Synods they keeping within bounds and behaving themselves as said is and that notwithstanding of the preceeding Act rescissory of all pretended Parliaments since the year one thousand six hundred and thirty eight XVII Act for a Solemn Anniversary Thanksgiving for His Majesties Restauration to the Royal Government of His Kingdoms THe Estates of Parliament of the Kingdom of Scotland taking to their consideration the sad Condition Slavery and Bondage this ancient Kingdom hath groaned under during these twenty three years Troubles In which under the specious pretences of Reformation a publick Rebellion hath been by the treachery of some and mis-perswasion of others violently carried on against Sacred Authority to the ruine and destruction so far as was possible of Religion the Kings Majesty and His Royal Government the Laws Liberties and Property of the People and all the publick and private Interests of the Kingdom So that Religion it self which holds the right of Kings to be Sacred hath been prostitute for the warrand of all these treasonable invasions made upon the Royal Authority and disloyal limitations put upon the Alleagiance of the Subjects And hath it not also been pretended unto for the warrand of all those vile and bloody Murthers which in high contempt of Almighty GOD and of His Majesties Authority and Laws were under colour of Justice committed upon His Majesties good Subjects meerly for the discharge of their Duty to GOD and Loyalty to the King Hath not that Royal Government under whose Protection this Nation hath to the envy of the World been so famous for many ages been of late trode under foot and new Governments and Governours established and kept up without His Majesties Authority and against His expresse Commands Hath not Law which is the Birth-right and Inheritance of the Subject and the Security of their lives and fortunes been laid in the dust and new and unjust Edicts and Orders past and published for subjecting both life and fortune
and what else was dear unto any of His Majesties good Subjects to the Cruel and Ambitious Lusts of some usurping Rulers Hath not Religion and Loyalty been the only objects of their Rapine and Cruelty And hath not their new and arbitrary Exactions and Burdens upon the People exceeded in one moneth what ever had been formerly in many years paid to any of the Kings of this Kingdom And when the best of men and the most Excellent of the Kings of the earth had in an unusual way of confidence rendred His Person to the Trust and Loyalty of His Native Subjects was not the security of Religion pretended unto by some who then governed in Church and State for the ground of that base and never enough to be abhorred transaction in leaving such a Prince their Native and Dread Soveraign to the will of these who were in open Rebellion and for the time had their swords in their hands against Him And that when by these and many such like undutifull carriages the Kings Majesty was removed from His Kingdoms the foundations of this ancient and well constitute Government was overturned the Liberties and Property of the people inverted And this Kingdom exposed to be Captives and Slaves to Strangers and nothing left unto them but the sad meditation of their increasing miseries and the bitter remembrance of their by-past disloyalties Yet even then it pleased Almighty GOD to compassionat their low condition and by the power of His own Right-hand most miraculously to restore the Kings most Sacred Majesty to the Royal Government of His Kingdoms And thereby to redeem this Kingdom from its former Slavery and Bondage and to restore it to its ancient and just Priviledges and Freedom And the Kings Majesty acknowledging with all humility and thankfulness the Goodness Wisdom and Power of GOD in this Signal Act of His mercy to Him and His people Doth with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Statute and Ordain That in all time coming there be a Solemn yearly Commemoration of the same And for that end the twenty ninth day of May which day GOD Almighty hath specially honoured and rendred auspicious to this Kingdom both by His Majesties Royal Birth and by His blessed Restauration to His Government be for ever set a part as a Holy day unto the LORD and that in all the Churches of the Kingdom it be imploied in publick Prayers Preaching Thanksgiving and Praises to GOD for so transcendent Mercies And that all Trade Merchandize Work Handy-labour and other ordinary imploiments be forborn and the remaining part of the day spent in such lawfull divertisements as are suteable to so Solemn an occasion And it is hereby recommended to all Ministers of the Gospel and to all Sheriffs Justices of Peace and other publick Ministers in the several Counties and to all Magistrates within Burghs to be carefull that for this present year and in all time coming the twenty ninth day of May be accordingly kept and observed within their several Jurisdictions And for the speedier and more full intimation hereof to all His Majesties Subjects It is Appointed thir Presents be printed and published at all the Mercat Crosses of the Royal Burroughs XVIII Act for the due Observation of the Sabbath-day THe Kings Majesty considering how much it concerns the honour of GOD that the Sabbath-day be duly observed and all abuses thereof restrained And that notwithstanding of several Acts of Parliament made in that behalf particularly the third Act of the sixth Parliament of King James the sixth of blessed memory the said day hath been much prophaned by Salmond-fishing going of Salt-pans Milnes and Killes hiring of Shearers and using of Merchandize on that day and otherwayes Therefore our Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Ratifies and Approves all former Acts of Parliament made for observation of the Sabbath-day and against the breakers thereof And by these presents Inhibits and Discharges all Salmond-fishing going of Salt-pans Milnes or Killes all hiring of Sheaters carrying of Loads keeping of Mercats or using any sorts of Merchandize on the said day and all other prophanation thereof whatsoever under the pains and penalties following viz. The sum of twenty pounds Scots for the going of ilk Salt-pan Miln or Kill on the said day to be paid by the Heritors and Postessors thereof and the sum of ten pounds for ilk Shearer and Fisher of Salmond on the said day the one halt thereof to be paid by the Hirers and Conducers and the other half by the persons hired and the said sum of ten pounds for every other prophanation of the said Day And which Fines and Penalties are to be uplifted and disposed of in manner contained in the Act and Instructions anent the Justices of Peace and if the party Offender be not able to pay the penalties foresaid then to be exemplarly punished in his body according to the merit of his fault XIX Act against Swearing and Excessive Drinking OUr Soveraign Lord being desirous that all His Subjects within this Kingdom may live a quiet and peaceable life under His Government in all godlinesse and honesty and in order thereto having resolved to curb and suppresse all sort of sin and wickednesse and especially these abominable and so much abounding sins of Drunkennesse and all manner of Cursing and Swearing Therefore our said Soveraign Lord Ratifies and Approves all Acts of Parliament made in former times against the said crimes or either of them And further Declares That each person who shall Blaspheme Swear or Curse and whosoever shall Drink into excess shall be lyable in the pains following according to the quality of the offenders viz. Each Nobleman in twenty pounds Scots each Barron in twenty Merks each Gentleman Heritor or Burgess in ten merks each Yeoman in fourty shillings each Servant in twenty shillings toties quoties each Minister in the fifth part of his years Stipend and that the saids Fines and Penalties be uplifted and disposed upon in manner contained in the Act and Instructions anent the Justices of Peace And if the partie Offender be not able to pay the penalties foresaid then to be exemplarly punished in his body according to the merit of his fault XX. Act against Cursing and Beating of Parents OUr Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament considering how great and atrocious a crime it is for Children to beat or curse their Parents And how the Law of GOD hath pronounced just sentence of death against such as shall either of these wayes injure either of their Parents Therefore His Majesty with advice of His said Estates Doth hereby Statute and Ordain That whosoever Son or Daughter above the age of sixteen years not being distracted shall Beat or Curse either their Father or Mother shall be put to Death without mercy and such as are within the age of sixteen years and past the age of pupillarity to be punished at the arbitrement of the Judge according to
been or upon any pretext whatsoever may be or seem contrair to or inconsistent with His MAJESTIES just Power and Prerogative above-mentioned and Declares the same to have been unlawfull and to be void and null in all time coming And to the end that this Act and Acknowledgement which the Estates of Parliament from the sense of their humble duty and certain knowledge have hereby made may receive the more exact obedience in time coming It is by His MAJESTY with advice foresaid Statute and Ordained that the punctual observance thereof be specially regarded by all His MAJESTIES Subjects and that none of them upon any pretext whatsoever offer to call in question impugne or do any deed to the contrair hereof under the pain of Treason IIII. Act asserting His Majesties Royal Prerogative in the making of Leagues and the conventions of the Subjects THe Estates of Parliament considering that the maintenance of His MAjESTIES Authority and Royal Prerogative in and concerning the making of Leagues and the conventions of the Subjects is not only a necessary duty of the people but of singular advantage to their happiness and peace And that their Predecessors wisely foreseing the good and benefit thereof and the prejudices and miseries that inevitably did accompany the neglect of the same did therefore by many several Acts and Laws assert the Kings Prerogative and Authority therein and particularly by the hundred and thirty one Act of the eight Parliament of King James the sixth it is Statute and Ordained That none of his Highness Subjects of whatsoever quality state or function presume to convocat conveen or assemble themselves for holding of Councils Conventions or Assemblies to treat consult and determine in any matter of State Civil or Ecclesiastick except in the ordinary Judgements without His MAJESTIES special command or express licence had and obtained thereto under the pains made against such as unlawfully convocats the Kings Leidges And by the twelfth Act of the tenth Parliament holden the tenth of December one thousand five hundred and eighty five It is by His MAJESTY with advice of His three Estates Statute and Ordained that no Leagues nor Bonds be made among His Subjects of any degree upon whatsoever colour or pretence without His Highness or His Successors privitie and consent had and obtained thereunto under the pain to be holden and execute as movers of Sedition to the breach of the Peace And now finding that the due observance of these Laws might have contribute much to the preventing of these confusions and troubles which in these late times have almost ruined both the Kings MAJESTY and all His loyal Subjects Therefore His MAJESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament doth revive renew ratifie and approve these Acts above-mentioned and Ordain the same to be punctually obeyed in all time coming conform to the tenor thereof and under the pains therein contained And Declares that any explanation or glosse that during these late troubles hath been put upon these Acts as that they are not to be extended against any Leagues Councils Conventions Assemblies or Meetings made holden or kept by the Subjects for preservation of the Kings MAJESTY the Religion Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom or for the publick good either of Kirk or Kingdom are false and disloyal and contrair to the true and genuine meaning of these Acts And therefore His MAJESTY with advice foresaid doth Discharge and for ever Annull the same and all Acts and Practices that have been in pursuance thereof V. Act asserting His Majesties Royal Prerogative in the Militia and in making Peace and War c. THe Estates of Parliament considering the great happiness that this Kingdom hath for many ages enjoyed under the princely Government of their Royal Kings who by the special blessing of Almighty GOD have reigned over them in so long and an unparallel'd series of Royal descents and the obligation thereby lying upon them in conscience honour and gratitude to owne and assert the Royal Prerogatives of the Imperial Crown of this Kingdom which the Kings MAJESTY holds from GOD Almighty alone An to vindicat the same from these invasions which by the malice or specious pretexts of ill affected persons and the confusions and disorders of the late times have been made upon it Do therefore Declare That the power of Armes and making of Peace and War or Treaties and Leagues with Forraign Princes or Estates doth properly reside in the Kings MAJESTY His Heirs and Successors and that it was and is their undoubted Right and theirs alone to have the power of raising in Armes the Subjects of this Kingdom and of the commanding ordering and disbanding or otherwise disposing thereof and of all Strengths Forts or Garrisons within the same as they shall think fit the Subjects alwayes being free of the Provisions and Maintenance of these Forts and Armies unless the same be concluded in Parliament or Convention of Estates Likeas the Kings MAJESTY with advice and consent foresaid doth hereby Declare That it is and shall be high Treason to the Subjects of this Kingdom or any number of them more or less upon any ground or pretext whatsoever to rise or continue in Armes to maintain any Forts Strengths or Garrisons to make Peace or War or to make any Treaties or Leagues with Forraign Princes or Estates or among themselves without His MAJESTIES special Authority and Approbation first interponed thereto And doth discharge all His MAJESTIES Subjects to offer upon any pretext whatsoever to attempt the doing of any of these things hereafter under the said pain of Treason And in further detestation of such unlawfull and unwarratnable practices the Kings MAJESTY with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament doth hereby Rescind and Annull all Acts Statutes Ordinances or Deeds past or done in any Parliaments Conventions or other Meetings whatsoever or any otherwise in so far as they are or may be contrair to or inconsistent with this present Act and Declares the same dispensing with the generality and holding all the particulars as verbatim herein inserted to be void and of no force nor effect in time coming VI. Act annulling the pretended Convention of Estates kept in the year 1643. FOrasmuch as the power of calling of Parliaments or Conventions of the Estates of this Kingdom hath alwayes been and is an undoubted priviledge of the Crown and doth soly reside in the Kings MAJESTY And that notwithstanding thereof among the many other invasions which during these late times have been made upon the Royal Prerogative a pretended Meeting and Convention of the Estates was called and kept at Edinburgh in June one thousand six hundred fourty three without any warrand from the Kings MAjESTY And the Estates of Parliament now conveened by His MAjESTIES speciall Authority having taken into their consideration the indiction reasons and grounds of the calling of the said Convention do find that the said pretended Convention of Estates notwithstanding of all the specious
consent foresaid Ratifies and Approves in all the Heads Clauses and Articles thereof under the pain of five pounds to be paid by the Couper for each insufficient Barrel and escheat of the said Barrel and that the same be well pinned in the pickle before the packing and thereafter the said Barrels to be well tighted and double-girthed before the transporting thereof to Forraign Natitions And that no Barrel be sooner made and blown but the Coupers Birn be set thereon on the tapone-staff thereof in testimony of the sufficiency of the Tree and that every Couper be answerable and liable in paiment of such losse as happen to be laid on the Fish at the Mercat if it be found to be in the default of the Couper by the insufficiency of the Tree or packing or any other means in the Coupers default and that they keep right gage both in the length of the staves the bilge-girth the widenesse of the head and deepness of the chine the Barrel being made marked and thrice gene in the packing shall be marked with the Marking-iron under a very particular Merchant mark as use is And that no Burgh or any other trading with Salmond shall presume to counterfeit the Mark or Birn of an other trade under the pain of confiscation of the Salmond by and attour the punishment of the Parties counterfeiters at the pleasure of the Judge ordinar the one half of the said pain to pertain to His Majesty and the other half to the Burgh so wronged and ordains the the Magistrates within Burgh to put this Act to execution XXXIV Act against Clandestine and unlawfull Marriages OUr Soveraign Lord and the Estates of this present Parliament considering how necessary it is that no Marriage be celebrate but according to the lawdable order and constitution of this Kirk and by such persons as are by the Authority of this Kirk warranted to celebrate the same And that notwithstanding hereof sundry either out of disaffection to the Religion presently professed in this Kingdom or being desirous to eschew the Censures of this Kirk or to satisfie their promise of Marriage formerly made to others or to decline the concurrence and consent of their Parents or others having interest or out of some other unlawfull pretext do procure themselves to be Married and are Married either in a Clandestine way contrary to the established order of the Kirk or by Jesuits Priests Deposed or Suspended Ministers or any other not authorized by this Kirk Therefore His Majesty with advice of His saids Estates Statutes and Ordains That whatsoever person or persons shall hereafter Marry or procure themselves to be Married in a Clandestine and inorderly way or by Jesuits Priests or any other not authorized by this Kirk that they shall be imprisoned for three moneths and beside their said imprisonment shall pay Each Nobleman one thousand pounds Scots each Barron and landed Gentleman one thousand merks each Gentleman and Burgess five hundred pounds each other person one hundred merks and that they shall remain in prison ay and while they make payment of these respective penalties above-mentioned which are hereby ordained to be applyed to Pious uses within the several Paroches where the saids persons dwels And that the Celebrator of such Marriages be banished the Kingdom never to return therein under the pain of Death Likeas His Majesty with advice foresaid Prohibites and Discharges all men and women having both their ordinar residence within this Kingdom to get Marriage to themselves with others within the Kingdom of England or Ireland without Proclamation of Banns here in Scotland and against the Order and Constitution of this Church or Kingdom under the pains following viz. For each Nobleman so Married one thousand pounds for each landed Gentleman one thousand merks for each Burgesse five hundred pounds and for each other Substantious person five hundred merks for an Yeoman one hundred pounds for each person of inferior quality one hundred merks the one half of the which penalties shall belong to the Kings Majesty the other to the Paroch or Paroches where the Married parties did reside and Ordains His Majesties Advocat and the Procurator for the Kirk to pursue before the civil Judge the Parties Contraveeners of this Act or either part thereof for payment of the penalties respective above-mentioned and in case of the poor condition of any man Married in manner foresaid Ordains him to be punished with Stocks and Irons which pains corporal and pecunial shall no wayes be prejudicial to or derogat from the Order and Censures of the Kirks to be inflicted against the Delinquents XXXV Act concerning the Election and Charges of the Commissioners from Shires to the Parliament THe Kings Majesty considering That divers debates have formerly occurred concerning the persons who ought and should have vote in the election of Commissioners from the several Shires of this Kingdom to Parliament and who are capable to be Commissioners to Parliaments and that it is necessar for the good of His service that the same be cleared for the future Doth therefore with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Statute Enact and Declare That beside all Heritors who hold a fourty shillings Land of the Kings Majesty in capite that also all Heritors Liferenters and Wodsetters holding of the King and others who held their Lands formerly of the Bishops or Abbots and now hold of the King and whose yearly Rent doth amount to ten chalders of victual or one thousand pounds all Few Duties being deducted shall be and are capable to vote in the election of Commissioners of Parliaments and to be elected Commissioners to Parliaments excepting alwayes from this Act all Noblemen and their Vassals And it being just that those who shall be chosen and accordingly shall attend His Majesties and the Kingdoms service in Parliaments have allowance for their charges His Majesty doth therefore with advice foresaid Modifie and Appoint five pounds Scots of daily allowance to every Commissioner from any Shire including the first and last dayes of the Parliament together with eight dayes for their coming and as much for their return from the furthest Shires of Caithness and Sutherland and proportionably at nearer distances and that the whole Free-holders Heritors and Liferenters holding of the King and Prince shall according to the proportion of their Lands and Rents lying within the Shire be lyable and oblieged in the payment of the said allowance excepting Noblemen and their Vassals For payment of which all execution of Horning Poynding and Quartering is to passe as for raising of the Excise and that according as the time and dayes of the Parliament shall be attested under the Clerk of Registers hand And because at this time some Commissioners of Shires have been put to extraordinary expences in providing of Footmantles for the riding of the Parliament It is hereby Statute That the Commissioners shall be relieved of the prices thereof to be given in under their hands and that
enjoy their Lands in all time thereafter free of any such burthen of Marriage Providing alwayes Likeas it is hereby Provided and Declared that if the foresaids Vassals whose holding shall be changed as said is and who shall compone for the renunciation of the Marriage contained in their Few-infeftments or their Heirs or Successors in the saids Lands which once held Ward or Few cum maritagio shall alienate and dispone the saids Lands to any other persons then and in that case the Aliener or His Heirs shall no longer have the benefit of this present Act but that notwithstanding of this present Act if they hold Lands Ward of any other Superior that their Superior shall enjoy all the benefit of his Superiority as if this present Act had never been made And such-like for the greater furtherance of His Majesties Lieges in the way of the changing of the tenours of the said Ward-holdings or renuncing of the Marriage contained in their saids Few-infeftments Our Soveraign Lord with advice and consent foresaid Ordains Signaturs to be past to the Lieges by the Exchequer on the recommendation of the saids Commissioners of the Ward-lands in their favours upon the Lieges their Resignation for new Infeftments to be granted to them bearing the new manner of Few-holding or bearing the renunciation of the said Marriage contained in their old Few-infeftments as shall be Ordained by the saids Commissoners of the Ward-lands LIX Act anent the Exchequer THe Kings Majesty considering that some doubts and debates may arise concerning the meaning of the eighteenth Act of the Parliament holden by His Majesties Royal Father of blessed memory in the year one thousand six hundred and thirty three Anent the deciding and judging in Causes concerning His Majesties Property Doth for explanation thereof with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Find Declare Statute and Ordain that the validity and invalidity of Infeftments of His Majesties Property or of any other Infeftments may not be discussed nor decided in Exchequer neither by way of Exception Action nor Reply but that the discussing and decision thereof is only proper to the Lords of Session Reserving alwayes to the Exchequer to judge in all other businesses concerning His Majesties Rents and Casualities as they might have done before the year one thousand six hundred and thirty three LX. Act concerning Docqueting of Signaturs THe Kings Majesty with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Doth Ratifie and Renew the twentieth Act of the tenth Parliament of King James the sixth of blessed memory and accordingly Statutes and Ordains That no Signaturs Writs Letters or Warrands shall be presented to be signed by His Majesty but by His ordinary Officers to whose charge the same properly belongs And that His Majesty may the better know what passeth under His Hand and upon what grounds he signs the same It is appointed That any of His Majesties Officers who shall present any Signature Writ Letter or Warrand to be signed by His Majesty shall cause Registrate the Docquet of the same in a Register and then send the just double thereof under their hands to His Majesties Secretary who is to give His Majesty timous notice of any prior Deed differing or contrary to the same that His Majesty may give His further Orders concerning the same LXI Commission for Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Teinds OUr Soveraign Lord considering the great care His Royall Father and Grand-father of ever blessed memory had at all times of the Reformed Religion within this Kingdom and of the Maintenance and Provision of the Ministry and Churches thereof Concerning which and for the publick good of the Nation His Majesties Royall Father did emit a Declaration immediatly after His succession to the Crown and concerning diverse other particulars relating to Teinds and Superiorities of Kirk-lands in order whereunto diverse Acts and Ordinances of Parliament and of Commissions were from time to time made during the Reign of His ever Glorious Father And yet by the unhappy Troubles of the time His Royall purpose hath not got a finall accomplishment so that diverse Churches are as yet unprovided with sufficient Maintenance many Teinds unvalued and diverse other particulars are as yet unperfected And His Majesty being desirous to prosecute this good Work for the universall good of the People and namely for the incouragement of the Ministers of the Gospel His Majesty with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament Doth Ratifie and Approve the nineteenth Act of the Parliament holden at Edinburgh by His Royall Father in Anno one thousand six hundred and thirty three Intituled Commission for Valuation of Teinds c. in the whole Heads Clauses and Contents thereof except in so far as there hath been any derogation made thereto by Acts and Commissions made and granted by His Majesty since the date of the said Act or granted by pretended Parliaments since and which are Ratified or Salved or to be Reserved by this present Parliament And His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid Doth give full Power and Commission to the Persons aftermentioned viz. John Earl of Middletoun His Majesties Commissioner William Earl of Glencairn Lord High Chancellor John Earl of Craufurd and Lindsay Lord Thesaurer John Earl of Rothes President of His Majesties Privy Council William Duke of Hammiltoun James Marquess of Montrose John Earl of Lauderdail His Majesties Secretary William Earl of Marishall John Earl of Atholl George Earl of Linlithgow James Earl of Home James Earl of Tullibardin William Earl of Roxburgh John Earl of Haddingtoun James Earl of Annandale William Earl of Dumfries John Earl of Tweddal James Earl of Calendar John Earl of Dundee David Viscount of Stormount John Lord Sinclair David Lord Cardros John Lord Belhaven _____ Lord Halkertoun William Lord Cochran William Lord Bellenden Sir John Gilmor of Craigmiller President of the Session Sir Archibald Primerose of Chester Knight and Barronet Clerk of His Majesties Council Registers and Rolls Sir John Fletcher His Majesties Advocat Sir Robert Murray Justice Clerk Sir James Lockhart of Lee Sir George Mackenȝie of Tarbet Sir James Foullis of Colingtoun Sir Archibald Stirline of Carden Sir James Dalrymple of Stair Sir John Scougal of Whitekirk Senators of the Colledge of Justice Alexander Bruce of Kincairn Sir John Urquhart of Cromartie Sir Robert Fletcher of Salton Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie Sir Robert Innes of that Ilk James Crighton of St. Leonards Sir George Kinnaird of Rossie Sir Gilbert Ramsay of Balmayn John Murray of Polmais William Scot of Ardrose Sir James Dundas of Arnestoun Sir John Foullis of Ravilstoun Richard Murray of Broughton Sir Robert Hepburn of Keith Mr. Robert Preston of that ilk Sir Andrew Ramsay Sir Robert Murray Sir Archibald Sydserf Sir William Thomson and John Miln Burgesses of Edinburgh Sir Alexander Wedderburn and Alexander Wedderburn of Dundee Mr. John Paterson of Perth John Bell of Glasgow William Cuningham of Air Andrew Glen of Linlithgow Duncan Nairn of Stirline
all the free Profits and Rents which he shall have or uplift out of the saids Lands shall be restricted to six per cent yearly of free money and the Wodsetter shall be countable to the Debitor or others having right from him for the superplus and that without prejudice of the Wodsetters real Right and Infeftment ay and while the Lands be redeemed and the principall Sum whereupon the same is redeemable shall be satisfied It is alwayes provided that where any Creditor hath had losse by his possession of the Wodset-lands and others since the date of his Wodset So that he hath not received as much free Rent as communibus annis hath extended to the Annualrent allowed by Law for the time all charges and burdens being deduced in that case it is provided that the Wodsetter shall be first satisfied of what he wants before he quit his possession of the said Wodset-lands or be holden to accept Security for his Annualrents And it is Declared that in the account of the Wodsetter's by-gone losse there shall be allowed what he hath disbursed upon reparation and building of Tennents houses Milnes and for the advantage of the ground and generally all other expence which the Wodsetter was put to and what losse he sustained in reference to the said Wodset-lands Rights and Securities thereof any manner of way and what he hath lost by Quarterings Cesse waste Land depauperated Tennents or by Tennents who were or are not able to pay unlesse the ground should be casten waste And because the Wodsetters probation of his saids losse may be difficile he not conceiving that there should be necessity for any such count or that there should be any alteration made in the right and possession of his proper Wodset Therefore His Majesty with advice foresaid doth allow the Lords of Session to take such reasonable probation as in equity they shall think fit And if there be any deficiency to take the Wodsetters Oath in supplement and where the Wodsetter is in natural possession of the Wodset-lands by dwelling thereon or labouring the same with his own Plough and Goods or otherwayes having the same plenished with his saids Goods in that case he shall not be holden to remove from his said possession but at the ordinary tearm of removing and that he be lawfully warned fourty dayes before and after sufficient Security shall be made to him in manner above specified before the said warning And His Majesty having granted so much favour benefit and indulgence to Debitors as the like cannot be shown to have been granted at any time in this Kingdom doth Declare Statute and Ordain That the Laws and Practick of the Kingdom concerning Debts and paiment thereof and diligence and execution for the same and concerning proper Wodsets where the Creditor-wodsetter hath the hazard of Fruits Tennents War and others shall be observed inviolably and be of full force vigor and effect in all time coming excepting so far as the same is altered innovat and repealed by this present Act. LXIII Act Salvo jure cujuslibet OUr Soveraign Lord taking to consideration that there be many Acts of Ratification and others past and made in this Session of Parliament in favours of particular persons without calling or hearing of such as may be thereby concerned and prejudged Therefore His Majesty with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament Statutes and Ordains That all such particular Acts and Acts of Ratification past in manner foresaid shall not prejudge any third party of their lawfull rights nor of their actions and defences competent thereupon before the making of the saids particular Acts and Acts of Ratifications and that the Lords of Session and all other judges within this Kingdom shall be oblieged to judge betwixt parties according to their several rights standing in their persons before the making of the saids Acts. All which are hereby exponed and declared to have been made Salvo jure cujuslibet LXIV Act of Adjournment THe Kings Majesty Declares this Parliament current and Adjourns the same to the twelfth day of March next to come Ordaining all Members of Parliament Noblemen Commissioners of Shires and Burghs and all others having interest to attend that day and that there be no new Elections in Shires or Burghs except upon the death of any of the present Commissioners A. Primerose Cls. Reg. A TABLE of the Printed ACTS 1. ACt concerning the President and Oath of Parliament Page 3. 2. Act and Acknowledgment of His Majesties Prerogative in the choice of His Officers of State Counsellors and Judges Page 4. 3. Act asserting His Majesties Royall Prerogative in the calling and dissolving of Parliaments and making of Laws Page 5. 4. Act asserting His Majesties Royall Prerogative in the making of Leagues and the Conventions of the Subjects Page 6. 5. Act asserting His Majesties Royall Prerogative in the Militia and in making Peace and War c. Page 7. 6. Act annulling the pretended Convention of Estates kept in the year 1643. Page 8. 7. Act concerning the League and Covenant and discharging the renewing thereof without His Majesties Warrand and Approbation ibid. 8. Act against Papists Priests and Jesuits Page 9. 9. Act approving the Engagement 1648. and annulling the pretended Parliaments and Committees kept thereafter Page 11. 10. Act condemning the Transactions concerning the Kings Majesty whilst He was at Newcastle in the years 1646 and 1647. Page 15. 11. Act for taking the Oath of Allegiance and asserting the Royall Prerogative Page 17. 12. Act concerning the Judiciall Proceedings in the time of the late Usurpers Page 19. 13. Act and Offer of Fourty thousand pounds Sterling to be paid to the Kings Majesty yearly during His life-time by this Kingdom Page 21 14. Act for raising the Annuity of Fourty thousand pounds Sterling granted to His Majesty Page 22. 15. Act Rescinding and Annulling the pretended Parliaments in the years 1640 1641 c. Page 37. 16. Act concerning Religion and Church-Government Page 40. 17. Act for a Solemn Anniversary Thanksgiving for His Majesties Restauration to the Royall Government of His Kingdoms Page 41. 18. Act for the due observation of the Sabbath-day Page 42. 19. Act against Swearing and excessive Drinking Page 43. 20. Act against Cursing and Beating of Parents Page 44. 21. Act against the crime of Blasphemy ibid. 22. Act concerning the severall degrees of casuall Homicide Page 45. 23. Act Ratifying the Priviledges of the Colledge of Justice ibid. 24. Act concerning appearand Heirs their paiment of their Predecessors and their own Debts Page 46. 25. Act for Denouncing of Excommunicate Persons Page 47. 26. Act appointing the Pursuer of the Thief to have the Goods stolen from him restored Page 48. 27. Act for the Pardon of Penall Statutes ibid. 28. Act discharging the Quots of Testaments Page 49 29. Act for Poynding upon Sheriffs and Commissars Decreets ibid. 30. Act anent the Fewers and Vassals of Kirk-lands Page 50. 31. Act concerning the Registration of Comprisings Page 51. 32. Act concerning Heretable and Moveable Bonds Page 52. 33. Act for the right Packing of Salmond ibid. 34. Act against Clandestine and unlawfull Marriages Page 53. 35. Act concerning the Election and Charges of the Commissioners from Shires to the Parliament Page 55. 36. Act anent Presentation of Ministers Page 56. 37. Act concerning the Bullion Page 57. 38. Commission and Instructions to the Justices of Peace and Constables Page 65. 39. Act for the Fishings and erecting of Companies for promoving of the same Page 79 40. Act for Erecting of Manufacturies Page 83. 41. Act for Planting and Inclosing of Ground Page 85. 42. Act establishing Companies and Societies for making Linnen-cloath Stuffs c. Page 87. 43. Act discharging the Exportation of Linnen-yarn and regulating the breadth of Linnen-cloath c. Page 89. 44. Act for incouraging of Shipping and Navigation Page 90. 45. Act discharging the Exportation of Skins Hides c. Page 93. 46. Act discharging the Exportation of Woollen-yarn Worstead broken Copper and Peuter c. Page 94. 47. Act discharging Trades-men to Import Made-work ibid. 48. Act for incouraging of Soap-works Page 95. 49. Act Reducing the Annuals to Six for the Hundred ibid. 50. Act and Offer of Twelve thousand pounds Sterling to the Lords of Session Page 96. 51. Act concerning Arrestments Page 97. 52. Act concerning the disposall of Vacant Stipends ibid. 53. Act Ratifying the Act of Parliament 1633. anent the Annexation of His Majesties Property Page 98. 54. Act in favours of Laick Patrons of Provestries Prebendaries Chaplanries and Altarages Page 100. 55. Act anent Cocquets and Entries of Ships Page 102. 56. Act anent Coal-hewers ibid. 57. Act discharging the Custom of two and an half of the hundred and the Impost of four pounds on the Tun. Page 103. 58 Act in favours of those who get their Ward-holding changed by the Kings Majesty Page 104. 59. Act anent the Exchequer Page 105. 60. Act concerning Docqueting of Signaturs Page 106. 61. Commission for Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Teinds ibid. 62. Act for ordering the paiment of Debts betwixt Creditor and Debitor Page 111. 63. Act Salvo jure cujuslibet Page 118. 64. Act of Adjournment ibid. FINIS