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A56163 The first and second part of the signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians (as also of some idolatrous pagans) tovvards their kings, both before and under the law, and Gospel especially in this our island. Expressed in and by their private and publike private loyal supplications, prayers, intercession, thanksgiving, votes, acclamations, salutations, epistles, addresses, benedictions, options of long life, health, wealth, safety, victory, peace, prosperity, all temporal, spiritual, eternal blessings, felicities to their kings persons, families, queens, children, realms, armies, officers, chearfull subjections and dutifull obedience to them: whethe [sic] good, or bad, Christians, or pagans, orthodox, or heterodox, protectors, or persecutors of them. With the true reasons thereof from Scripture and policy. Evidenced by varieties of presidents, testimonies and authorities in al ages, ... Whereunto the several forms, ceremonies, prayers, collects, benedictions and consecrations, used at the coronations of Christian emperors, kings, queens (more particularly in England and Scotland, not formerly published) and of the Mahometan and Ægyptian kings, are annexed. By; Signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians, towards their kings. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1660 (1660) Wing P3955; ESTC R217939 286,462 453

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Per me Reges regnant Principes imperant in manu sua corda sunt Regum rogamus et obsecramus ut eam in suo sancto proposito confirmet ejusque devotionem multiplicet ac praeclaris pro sancta fide gestis ita illustret ac toti Orbi terrarum conspicuam reddat ut judicium quod de ipsa fecimus eam tam insigni titulo decorantes à nemine falsum aut vanum judicari possit Demum mortatis bujus vitae finito curriculo sempiternae illius gloriae consortem atque participem reddat The 2 is William Wraghton an acute Protestant Writer who in his Epistles to King Henry the 8th before his two Books intituled The Hunting of the Romish Fox printed at Basyl 1543. And his Reseuing of the Romish Fox against Stephen Gardner printed 1545. Wisheth him prosperity both of Body and Soul closing his last Epistle to him with this Prayer God grant you health both of Body and Soul victory over your Enemies and Grace to do in this our matter of Religion as shall be most to the Glory of God and the profit of the Common-wealth Amen And he closeth his last Treatise with this Prayer God save the King The third is our learned Protestant Divine Thomas Beacon who in his Path-way unto Prayer dedicated to the Lady Anne Grey ch 55. hath this Godly exhortation to all private Christians Let u●… flee to God at all times with h●…mble Obsecrations and hearty Requests Let our Prayers be continual Let us in all our Prayers seek the glory of God the advancement of his most blessed word and the health of our own Souls Let us pray for the preservation of the Kings most excellent Majesty H. 8. and for the prosp●…rous successe of his ●…ntirely-beloved Son Edward our Prince that most Angel-like Impe. Let us pray for all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal specially for those that have the regiment of the Publick-weal under the Kings Graces Highness Let us pray for the Ministers of Gods Word that they may freely speak the truth of Christs Gospel as it becommeth them Let us pray for all men universally chiefly for the Inhabitants of this Realm of England That they may all bear a faithfull heart both towards God and our King Upon the Reformation of Religion and abolishing of Popish Missals Psalters Howers 〈◊〉 and Portuasses by King Edward the sixth in his Parliament 2 3 Edw. 6. ch 10. the King by advice of his Convocation and Parliament commanded A Book of Common-prayer and Administration of the Sacraments in the English Tongue to be used in all Churches and Chapels throughout the Realm by the Statutes of 2 E. 6 c. 1. 5 6 E. 6. c. 1. Wherein there was not only a Prayer for the King in the Letany but in a special Collect agreeing in substance with those in our later Books of Common-Prayer hereafter cited In this pious Kings reign the Bishops and Ministers in their Epistles and Dedications to him and in their Prayers before after their Sermons usually prayed most heartily and particularly for his long life religious and prosperous reign and spiritual temporal and eternal felicity And John Bale Bishop of Ossery in his Image of both Churches or Paraphrase upon St. Johns Revelation printed 1550. in the Iast page thereof exhorts all Gods meek-spirited Servants in their daily Prayer afore all other to remember that most worthy Minister of God King Edward the sixth which hath so sore wounded the Beast that he may throw all his Superstition into the bottomlesse lake again from whence they have comen to the comfort of his People Our learned Thomas Beacon in his Preface to The Flower of Godly Prayers dedicated to Anne Dutchesse of Somerset as he doth exceedingly blesse God for the extraordinary zeal and piety of King Edward the 6th in delivering his Realm from Antichristian Tyranny and Popery reforming the Church propagating true religion and in giving us this most worthy Prince to be our King So he hath this particular Prayer for the King to be used by all private Christians daily in their respective Families and Closets with zeal and devotion Almighty God King of Kings and Lord of Lords which by thy divine ordinance hast appointed Temporal Rulers to govern thy People according to equity and justice and to live among them as a loving Father among his natural Children unto the advancement of the good and punishment of the evil we most humbly beseech thee favourably to behold Edward thy Servant our King and Governour and to breath into his heart through thy holy Spirit that Wisdom that is ever about the Throne of thy Majesty whereby he may be provoked moved and stirred to love fear and serve thee to seek thy glory to banish Idolatry Superstition and Hypocrisy out of this his Realm and unfeignedly to avance thy holy and pure Religion among us his Subjects unto the example of other forein Nations O Lord defend him from his enemies send him long and prosperous life among us and give him grace not only in his own Person godly and justly to rule but also to appoint such Magistrates under him as may be likewise affected both toward thy holy Word and toward the Common-we●…l that his Subjects living under his Dominion in all godlinesse peace and wealth may passe the time of this our short pilgrimage in thy fear and service unto the glory of thy blessed name which alone is worthy all honour for ever and ever Amen Next after this follow●… one Prayer for the Kings Council And after that a Prayer for the common peace and quietnesse of all Realms very seasonable for our times And in his Pomaunder of Prayer he hath this Prayer of Subjects or Commons As it is thy godly appointment O Lord God That some should bear rule in the world to see thy Glory set forth and the common peace kept so is it thy pleasure again that some should be Subjects and Inferiours to others in their vocation although before thee there is no respect of Persons And for as much as it is thy good will to appoint me in the number of Subjects I beseech thee to give me a faithfull and an obedient heart unto the High Powers that there may be found in me no Disobedience no Unfaithfullnesse no Treason no Falsehood no Dissimulation no Insurrection no Commotion no Conspiracy nor any kind of Rebellion in Word or Deed against the Civil Magistrates But all Faithfulnesse Quietnesse Subjection Humility and whatsoever else becommeth a Subject That I living here in all lowlynesse of mind may at the last day through thy favour be lifted up into everlasting Glory wh●…re ●…hou with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest very God for ever Amen These were the Godly Loyal fervent daily publick and private Prayers of Protestant Ministers and Subjects for King Edward the 6th in that Age. Queen Mary a Popish Prince
the duty and practice of all loyal and saithfull Subjects of all estates and degrees with all po●…sible publike joyes unspeakable general rejoycings acclamations applauses affectionate desires by other means to proclaim acknowledge and Crown their lawfull hereditary Kings after the decease of their Ancestors and to make all possible demonstrations of their cordial loyalty love zeal and affection to them both in and out of Parliment being obliged thereunto both by the Laws of God and Man 5. That this Act of Parliament and the Oathes of Supremacy and Allegiance do both in point of Law Loyalty Justice Conscience oblige the whole English Nation their heirs and posterities for ever to be true faithfull loyal and obedient to King James his heirs and poste●…itie for ever and so to our present King till the last drop of their blood be spent as to their undoubted lawfull and hereditary Kings and Soveraigns 6. That a numerous hopefull royal Progeny likely to continue and perpetuate the hereditarie succession of the Crown in the true Regal line is an extraordinarie blessing and happinesse to the Kingdom for which they are all bound both in and out of Parliament to render all humble thanks and praises unto God To this I shall subjoyn the Statute of 3 Iaco●…i ch 1. entituled An Act for a publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God every year on the fifth day of November FOrasmuch as Almightie God hath in all ages shewed his power and mercy in the miraculous and gracious deliverance of his Church and in the protection of religious Kings and States And that no Nation of the earth hath been blessed with greater benefits than this Kingdom now enjoyeth having the true and free profession of the Gospel under our most gracious Soveraign Lord King Iames the most great learned and religious King that ever reigned therein enriched with a most hopefull and plentifull Progeny proceeding out of his Royal loyns promising continuance of this happinesse and profession to all posterity the which many malignant and devillish Papists Iesuites and Seminary Priests much envying and fearing Conspired most horribly when the Kings most Excellent Majesty the Queen the Prince and all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons should have been assembled in the Upper House of Parliament upon the fifth day of November in the year of our Lord 1605. suddenlie to have blown up the said whole House with Gunpowder An invention so inhuman barbarous and cruel as the like was never before heard of and was as some of the principal Conspirators thereof confesse purposely devised and con●…luded to be done in the said House that where the sundry necessarie and Religious Laws for preservation of the Church aud State were made which they falsly and slanderously term cruel Laws enacted against them and their Religion both place and persons should be all destroyed and blown up at once which would have turned to the utter ruine of this whole Kingdom had it not pleased Almighty God by inspiring the Kings most Excellent Majestie with a Divine spirit to interpret some dark ph●…ses of a Letter shewed to his Majestie above and beyond all ordinarie construction thereby miraculously discovering this hidden Treason not many hours before the appointed time for the execution thereof Therefore the Kings most Excellent Majestie the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and all his Majesties FaithfuIl and loving Subjects do most justly acknowledge this great and infinite Blessing to have proceeded merely from God his Great Mercy and to his most holy Name do ascribe all the Honour 〈◊〉 and Praise And to the end this unfeigned Thankfulnesse may never be forgotten but be had in perpetual Remembrance that all Ages to come may yield praise to his Divine Majesty for the same and have in memorie THIS IOYFULL DAY OF DELIUERANCE Be it therefore enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majestie the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authoritie of the same That all and singular Ministers in everie Cathedral and Parish-church or other usual place of Common prayer within this Realm of E●…gland and the Dominions of the same shall alwaies upon the fifth day of November say Morning Prayer and give unto Almighty God thanks for this most happy Deliverance And that all and everie person and persons inhabiting within this Realm of England and the Dominions of the same shall alwaies upon that day diligentlie and faithfullie resort to the Parish Church or Chapel accustomed or to some usual Church or Chapel where the said Morning prayer preaching or other service of God shall be used and then and there to abide orderlie and soberlie during the time of the said prayers preaching or other service of God there to be used and ministred And because all and everie person may be put in mind of this Dutie and be the better prepared to the said ●…oly service Be it enacted by Authoritie aforesaid That every Minister shall give warning to his Parishioners publikelie in the Church at morning prayer the Sunday before everie such fifth day of November for the due observation of the said day And that after morning Prayer or preaching upon the said fifth day of November they read publicklie distinctlie and plainlie this present Act. Upon this occasion there was a special Book of Prayers and Thanksgivings complied by the Bishops and Clergy prescribed by Authority to be annually read in all Churches and Chapels on the 5th of November wherein amongst others there were four remarkable prayers and thanksgivings relating to the King Queen Prince all the Royal posterity Nobility and Magistrates which I shall here insert I. ALmighty God who hast in all Ages shewed thy power and mercy in the miraculous and gracious deliverances of thy Church and in the protection of righteous and religious Kings and States professing thy Holy and Eternal Truth against the wicked conspi●…acies and malicious practises of all the enemies thereof We yield unto thee from the very ground of our hearts all po●…le praise and thanks for the wonderfull and mighty Deliverance of our gracious Sovaraign King L●…mes the Queen the Prince and all the Royal branches with the Nobility Clergy and Commons of this Realm assembled together in Parliament by ●…opish treachery appointed as sheep to the slaughter and that in most barbarous and savage manner no age yielding example of the like cruelty intended toward●… the Lords anointed and his people Can this thy goodness O Lord be forgotten worthy to be written in a pillar of Marble that we may ever remember to praise thee for the same as the fact is worthy a lasting monument that all posteritie may learn to detest it From this unnatural conspiracy not our merit but thy mercy not our foresight but thy providence hath delivered us not our love to thee but thy love to thy anointed servant and thy poor Church with whom thou hast promised to be present to the end of the world And therefore not unto
and Coronations of their Kings Princes yea to pray for their Persons Kingdoms Posterities Felicity Stability Tranquillity Perpetuity and for their speedy comming restitution when forcibly driven from their Kingdoms by Enemies or Rebels And if any malicious Pharisees Priests Scribes or ●…rayterous Antimonarchists shall be sore displeased with them for these th●…ir Prayers Prayses Rejoycings Thanksgivings and rebuke them for the same King Jesus his own Answere to the Pharisees Priests and Scribes forecited may for ever stop their mouths and reclaim them ●…rom such disloyal ●…reasonable rebukes And so much the rather because these premi●… Presidents both before and under the L●…w and Gospel app●…ved prescribed by God and practised by his Servants were the ground of this Gospel exhortation and injunction which not only approve●… and prescribes but commends the same to all Christians under the Gospel in these observable words 1 Tim. 2. 1 2 3. I exhort therefore that first of all Supplications Prayers Intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for Kings in the first place as Supreme 1 Pet. 2. 13 14. and for all that are in Authority under and after them that we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour who will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth I shall a little insist on this Gospel Text as most punctual full pertinent to my purpose the rather because in August 1659. in the University of Cambridge it self a Minister of the Gospel the Son of a Parliament man was by the Maior of the town whose wife is a Quaker apprehended by a company of Souldiers and kept Prisoner for a time only for praying in general for all Christian Kings Princes and Governors according to this Text when George Whitehead and George Fex two Quakers blasphemously railed and disputed against Jesus Christ the two other Persons the blessed Trinity and the word of God an whole hour together in the Maiors presence and sundry others without check or punishment such are the atheistical antimonarchical times wherein we live In this text consider 1. The Pen-man of it by divine inspiration S. Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ specially delegated by him to the Gentiles uncircumcision to open their eies to turn them from darkness to light and from ●…he power of Satan unto God And to bear Christs name before the Gentiles and Kings Acts 9. 15. c. 26. 1●… 17 18. Gal. 2. 2 7 8 9. Eph. 3. 1 to 12. Acts 13. 46 47. c. 15. 7. c. 18. 6. c 21●… 19 20. c. 22 21. c. 28. 28. Rom 11. 13. c. 15. 15 to 25. Col. 1. 27 28. 2 Tim. 1. 11. c. 4. 17. Therefore these Duties are specially recommended and prescribed to them 2ly The person to whom this Epistle and exhortation was principally particularly directed even Timothy his dearly beloved Son and Fellow●… Minister in preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles then residing at Ephesus 1 Tim. 1 3. a City and Church of the Gentiles where he exercised his Ministry and was to perform these Duties publickly in his own person as a Minister to excite all others thereunto Therefore these Duties of making publick Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings for Kings both in publick and private do principally belong and are carefully to be performed by all Ministers and Preachers of the Gospel to and amongst the Gentiles 3ly The manner of pressing these Duties the Apostle doth most earnestly and zealously urge their performance as the words I exhort or earnestly desire import Exhortings being the most passionate pathetical fervent pressing of men to duties Lu. 3. 18. Act. 11. 23. c. 13. 15. c. 2. 40. c. 15. 32. c. 20. 2. Rom. 12. 8. 1 Thes. 2. 11 12. c. 4. ●… c. 5. 14. 2 Thes. 3. 12. 1 Tim. 4. 13. c. 6. 2. 2 Tim. 4. 2. Tit. 1. 9. c. 2. 6 15. Heb. 3. 13. c. 12. 5. c. 13. 22. 1 Pet. 5. 1. Jude 3. 4ly The grounds of his enforcing these Duties so earnestly implyed in the word therefore relating to the close of the precedent Chapter v. 18 19 20. This charge I commit unto thee Son Timothy according to the Prophecies that we●… before on thee that thou by them mightest war a good warfare holding Faith and a good Conscience which he could not do or perform unless he discharged these Duties he thus exhorted him to being a part of his spiritual good warfare and both a means and evidence of his holding Faith and a good Conscience and his neglect or contempt of them a ready way to make shipwrack of them as Hymeneus and Alexander had done whom he had dilivered to Satan Antimonarchical and Antimagistratical Ministers or Christians will soon turn Apostates and Blasphemers yea put away and make shipwrack of their Faith and good Conscience towards God when they became disloyal and rebellious to their Kings and give over Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings for them as we have found by late sad experiments 5ly The primacy and excellency of these Duties before all others expressed in the clause I exhort therefore that first of all that is in the first place before and above all other Duties parts of Ministry or Christianity they are carefully conscienciously cordially to be performed without the least omission or neglect 6ly The variety of the Duties set forth by these various expressions That Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings all in the plural number be made for Kings Which pluralities imply 1. A universality of their several kinds to wit That all sorts of Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings whatsoever ought to be made for them 2ly A multiplicity of each of them not a single Supplication Prayer Intercession Thanksgiving and no more but many and manifold Supplications Prayers and Thanksgivings 3ly A frequency fervency constancy perpetuity in the performance of them both in publick and private all our lives long without ceasing or flagging as the marginal Scriptures evidence 4ly An universality in respect of persons and places thus expressed in the verse following I will therefore that men pray every where lifting up holy hands 5ly An universality of things Mercies Blessings c. for which Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings ought at any time ordinarily or extraordinarily publickly or privately to be made to God in behalf of Kings 6ly Supplications for the pardon and remission of all their sins errors miscariages frailties iniquities whatsoever for converting diverting or keeping them from all evil and destructive waies errors counsels designs undertakings whatsoever dishonourable to God scandalous to Religion hurtfull to the Church fatal to their Kingdoms People Royal persons families and posteritie and for removing all inflicted threatned or feared judgements evils from their Persons Families Kingdoms Relations Prayers for all sorts of corporal temporal spiritual eternal Blessings Mercies which they at any time
the 8th father of the high and mightie Princesse offamous memorie Elizabeth late Queen of England In confideration whereof albeit we your Majesties l●…yal and faithfull Subjects of all Estates and Degrees with all possible publike Joy and Acclamation by open Proclamations within few houres after the decease of our late Soveraign Queen acknowledging thereby with one full voice of tongue and heart that your Majesty was our only lawfull and rightfull Leige Lord and Soveraign and by our unspeakable and general rejoycing and applause at your Majesties most happy inauguration and Coronation by the affectionate desire of infinite numbers of us of all degrees to see your Royal Person and by all possible outward means have indeavoured to make demonstration of our inward love zeal and devotion to your most excellent Maj●…stie our undoubted rightfull Leige Soveraign Lord and King yet as we cannot do it too often or enough so can there be no means or way so fit both to sacrifice our unfeined and heartie thanks to Almighty God for blessing us with a Soveraign ador●…ed with the rarest gifts of mind and body in such admirable peace and quietnesse and upon the knees of our hearts to agnize our most constant faith obedience and loyalty to your Majestie and your Royal Progenie as in this high Court of Parliament where all the whole body of the Realm and every particular Member thereof either in Person or Representation upon their own free Elections are by the Laws of this Realm deemed to be personally present To the present acknowledgment whereof to your Majestie we are the more deeply bounden and obliged as well in regard of the extraordinarie care and pains which with so great wisdom knowledge experience and dexteritie your Majestie since the Imperial Crown of this Realm descended to you have taken for the continuance and establishment of the blessed peace both of the Church of England in the true and fincere Religion and of the Common-wealth by due and speedy administration of justice as in respect of the gracious care and inward aff●…ction which it pleased you on the first day of this Parliament so lively to expresse by your own words so full of high wisdom learning and virtue and so repleate with Royal and thankfull acceptation of all our faithfull and constant endeavours which is and ever will be to our inestimable consolation and comfort We therefore your most humble and loyal Subjects the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled do from the bottom of our hearts yield to the divine Majestie all humble thanks and prayses not only for the said unspeakable and inestimable benefits and blessings above mentioned but also that he hath further enriched your Highnesse with a most Royal Progenie of Most rare and excellent gifts and forwardnesse and in his goodnesse is like to increase the happy number of them And in most humble and lowly manner do beseech your most Excellent Majestie that as a memorial to all posterities amongst the Records of your high Court of Parliament for ever to endure of our Loyalty Obedience and harty and humble Affection it may be published and declared in this high Court of Parliament and enacted by authority of the same That we being bounden thereunto both by the Laws of God and Man do recognize and acknowledge and thereby expresse our unspeakable Ioyes That immediately upon the dissolution and decease of Elizabeth late Queen of England the Imperial Crown of the Realm of England and of all the Kingdoms Dominions and Rights belongiug to the same did by inherent Birthright and lawfull and undoubted Successien descend and come to your most Excellent M●…jestie as being Lineally Iustly and Lawfully next and sole Heir of the Blood Royal of this Realm as is aforesaid And that by the goodnesse of God Almighty and lawfull Right of descent under one Imperial Crown your Majestie is of the Realms and Kingdoms of England Scotland France and Ireland the most Potent and migh●…y King and by Gods goodnesse more able to protect and govern us your loving Subjects in all Peace and Plentie than any of your noble Progenitors And thereunto we most humbly and faithfully do submit and oblige our selves our heirs and posterities for ever until the last drop of our Bloods be spent And do beseech your Majestie to accept the same as the first fruits in this high Court of Parliament of our Loyalty and faith to your Majestie and your Royal Progenie and posterity for ever Which if your Majestie shall be pleased as an argument of your gracious acceptation to adorn with your Majesties Royal Assent without which it can neither be complete and perfect nor remain to all posteritie according to our most humble desire as a memorial of your Princely and tender affection towards us we shall adde this also to the rest of your Majesties unspeakable and inestimable benefits In which Act there are these particulars very seasonable and observable in respect of the present posture of our publike affairs 1. That the happy union and conjunction of our divided Kingdoms formenly torn and wasted with long and miserable dissentions and bloody civil wars between Competitors for the Crown and the King and Subjects is a great and unspeakable benefit and blessing to the Kingdom and Nation bestowed on them by God himself 2. That the re-uniting not only of the two but three mighty famous and antient Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland under one Imperial Crown and Heredirary King is a far more inestimable and unspeakable blessing to all 3. Kingdoms and Nations 3. That there is no Interregnum in Law in the Realm and Crown of England but that immediately upon the decease of the King thereof the Imperial Crown of the Realm of England and of all the Kingdoms Dominions and Rights belonging to the same do by inherent bi●…thright and lawfull and undoubted Succession Lineally Justly and lawfully descend to the next heir of the blood Royal before he be publikely crowned King As this Act in direct Terms declares and all the Judges of England unanimously adjudged in the case of Watson and Cleark 2. Popish Priests who held King James no lawfull King before he was Crowned and thereupon conspired to imprison him in the Tower c. for which they were both condemned and executed as Traytors Hill 1. Jacobi as had been oft adjudged before in the first 7. years of King H. 6. and in the cases of Queen Jane the Dukes of Northumberland and Suffolk the Lord Rochford Sir John Gates Sir Thomas Palmer and others condemned in levying War against her and executed 1 Mariae for Treason against Qu. Mary before she was Crowned to deprive her of the Crown which both the Peers and Judges of the Realm and the Parliament of 1 Mariae ch 16. adjudged Treason within 25 E. 3. against the mistaken Doctrine of Mr. Thomas Scot and some temporizing Lawyers of late years 4. That it is
us not unto us Lord but to thy Name be ascribed all honour and glorie in all Churches of the Saints throughout all generations for thou Lord hast discovered the sn●…s of death thou hast broken them and we are delivere d be thou still our mighty Protector and scatter our cruel Enemies which delight in blood infatuate their Counsel and root out their Babylonish and Antichristian sect which say of Ierusalem down with it even to the ground And to that end strengthen the hands of our gracious King the Nobles and Magistrates of the Land with Iudgement and Iustice to cut off ●…hese Workers of Iniquity whose Religion is Rebellion whose Faith is Faction whose Practise is murthering of Souls and Bodies and to root them out of the confines and limits of this Kingdom that they may never prevail against us and triumph in the ruine of thy Chu●…h and give us grace by true and serious repen●…ance to avert these and the like Judgements from us This Lord we earnestlie crave at thy mercifull hands togethe●… with the countenance of thy powerfull protection over our bread Soveraign the whole Church and these Realms and the speedie confusion of our implacable Enemies and that for thy dear Sons sake our onlie mediator and advocate II. ALmighty God and heavenly Father which of thy everlasting providence and tender mercy towards us hast prevented the extreme malice and mischievous imagination of our ensmies revealing and con●…nding their horrible and devilish enterprise plotted against our Soveraign Lord the King his Royal House and the whole S●…ate of this Realm for the subversion thereof together with the truth of thy Gospel and pure Religion amongst us and for the reducing of Popish Superstition and tyranny into this Church and land we most humbly prayse and magnifie thy glorious name for thine infinite gracious goodnesse in this our marvellous Deliverance we confesse it was and is thy mercy thy mercy alone most mercifull Father that we are not cons●…med that their snare is broken and our Soul is escaped For our sins cryed to Heaven against us and our iniquities justly called for judgement upon us but thy great mercy towards us hath exalted it self above judgement not to deal with us after our sins to give us over as we deserved to be a prey to our enemies but taking our correction into thine own hands to deliver us from their blood-thirsty malice and preserve from death and destruction our King and Stat●… with thy Gospel and true Religion amongst us Good Lord give us true repent●…nce and unfeigned conversion unto thee to prevent further judgements increase us more and more in lively Faith and fruitfull love in all obedience that thou mayest continue thy loving favour with the light of thy Gospol to us and our Posterity for evermore Make us now and alwaies truely thankfull in heart word and deed for all thy gracious mercies and this our special deliverance Protect and defend our Soveraign Lord the King with the Queen and all the Royal Progeny from all treasons and conspiracies preserve them in thy faith fear and love under the shadow of thy wings against all evil and wickednesse prosper their reign with long happinesse on earth and everlasting glory following in the Kingdom of Heaven Bless the whole State and Realm with grace and peace that with one heart and mouth we may praise thee in thy Church and alwaies sing joyfully that thy mercifull kindness is ever more and more towards us and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever through Jesus Christ o●…r only Saviour and Redeemer Amen III. ETernal God and our most mighty Protector we thy people of this Land confesse our selves above all the Nations of the earth infinitely bound unto thy heavenly Majesty for thy many unspeakable benefits conferred and hea●…ed upon us especially for planting thy Gospel among us and placing over us a most gracious King a faithfull Professor and Defendor of the same both which exasperate the enemies of true Religion and enrage their thoughts to the invention of most dreadfull designs all which notwithstanding it hath pleased thee bitherto either to prevent or overthrow at this time principally thou hast most strangely discovered an horrible and cruel plot and device for the massacring as well of thy d●…ar Servant and our dread Soveraign as of the chief States assembled in thy fear for the continuance of thy truth and good of this Realm We humbly present ourselves at thy feet admiring thy might and wisedom and acknowledging thy grace and favour in preserving them and the whole Realm by their safety beseeching thee for thy Son Iesus Christ his sake to continue still thy care over us and to shield our gracious King under the shadow of thy wings that no mischievous attempt may come near nor the Sons of wickednesse may hurt him but that under him we may still enioy this his peaceable Government with the profession of the Gospel of thy Son Iesus Christ to whom with thee and the holy Ghost c. IV. O God infinit in power and of endless mercy we give thee all possible thanks since it hath pleased thee so miraculously to discover and defeat the mischievous plots of thine and our Enemies thou hast delivered our dread Soveraign from the snares of the Fowler and his Nobles from the fire of the fury of the wicked he shall rejoyce in thy Salvation and we his People shall tryumph in this thy wonderfull Deliverance thy Gospel shall prosper and thine Adversaries shall be confounded And multiply good Lord we beseech thee thy great goodnesse towards our gracious King and his Kingdoms from this time forth through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen After this Deliverance from this horrid Powder-plot there were these 2. forms of Prayers used in the Commons House by the Speak●…rs during the Parliaments session very seasonable for our times wherein they expressed their Loyalty and Devotion to the King and his Royal Progeny A Prayer used by the Speaker of the Commons House of Parliament I. O GOD most great and glorious which dwellest in the Heavens over all yet humblest thy self to behold the things that are done upon the earth we the people and sheep of thy pasture assembled by thy providence to the performance of this high service whereupon the honour of thy name the beauty of thy Church amongst us the glory of the King and wealth of our State doth depend knowing that without thee we can do nothing do at this time with fear and reverence in the beginning of our consultations first look up unto thee from whom wisedom and happie successe doth come praying thee to look down upon us who first look up unto thee from whom wisdom and happie successe doth come praying thee to look down from Heaven upon us with the eye of thy mercy to draw near unto us with the presence of thy grace to prepare us all with counsel and understanding and to be President and Director of