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A40646 Abel redevivus, or, The dead yet speaking by T. Fuller and other eminent divines. Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. 1652 (1652) Wing F2401; ESTC R16561 403,400 634

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to Gotha to teach and govern the Thuringian Churches where he lived with his Collegues twenty yeeres in much peace and concord of which himselfe saith Cucurrimus certavimus laboravimus pugnavimus vicimus viximus semper convinctissime c. In the tumult of the Boores he tooke much pains to pacifie their mindes and to keepe them quiet Yea he so quieted with an Oration some that were pulling downe some Noble mens houses that they went away in peace that yeere also he married a wife by whom through Gods blessing he had a numerous posterity He accompanied the Elector of Saxonie in many of his journyes into the Low-Countries and other places where he preached the Gospel sincerely though sometimes to the hazard of his life About this time Henry the eighth King of England fell out with the Pope for not divorcing of him from his wife Katharine of Spain sister to Charles the fifth by reason of whose greatnesse the Pope durst not doe it whereupon the King of England sent over to the Germane Princes especially to the Duke of Saxonie to confederate against the Pope and to joyn with them in an agreement about Religion upon which occasion Myconius was sent over into England partly about matters of Religion but especially about a match between Henry the eighth and Anne of Cleve but coming thither he discovered the Kings hypocrisie about Religion not onely by the six Articles about that time established but also by his imprisoning of Latimer and cutting off the Lord Cromwell'● head and burning of Master Barnes c. and by his seizing upon all the Abby-lands whereupon he left England and being come home he was called by Henry of Saxonie to visit and reforme the Churches of Misnia together with Luther Ionas Cruciger c. Which fell out upon this occasion George Duke of Saxonie lying on his death-bed sent to his brother Henry all his owne sons being dead before desiring him that succeeding him he should innovate nothing in Religion and withall promised him golden mountains by his Ambassadors if he would assent thereto to whom Henry answered This Embassie of yours is just like the Divels dealing with Christ when he promised him all the world if he would fall downe and worship him but for my owne part I am resolved not to depart from the Truth which God hath revealed unto me but before the returne of the Ambassadour Duke George was dead whereupon this Henry nothwithstanding all the oppositions of the Papists made this Reformation in the Churches which worke being finished Myconius visited all the Churches in Thuringia and with the help of Melancthon and some othe● he provided them Pastors and Schoolmasters and procured stipends to be setled upon them for their maintenance Anno Christi 1541. he fell into a Consumption whereof he wrote to Luther That he was sicke not to death but to life which interpretation of the text pleased Luther excellently well unto whom he wrote back I pray Christ our Lord our salvation our health c. that I may live to see thee and some others of our Colleagues to die and goe to heaven and to leave me here amongst the Divels alone I pray God that I may first lay down thi● drie exhausted and unprofitable tabernacle farewell and God forbid that I should heare of thy death whi●st I live Sed te superstitem faciat mihi Deus h●c peto volo fiat voluntas mea Amen quia haec voluntas gloriam nominis Dei crete non meam voluptatem nec copiam quaerit A while after Myconius recovered according to this prayer though his disease seemed to be desperate out-lived it six yeers even till after Luthers death whereupon Iustus Ionas speaking of Luther saith of him Iste vir potuit quod voluit That man could have of God what he pleased A little before Myconius his death he wrote an excellent Epistle to Ioan. Fredericke Elector of Saxonie wherein he praiseth God for raising up three successively in that Family viz. Fredericke Iohn and Iohn Fredericke to undertake the patronage of Lu●her c. He was a man of singular piety of solid learning of a dextrous judgement of a burning zeal and of an admirable candor and gravity He died of a relapse into his former disease Anno Christi 1546. and of his Age 55. Myconius was a man that lov'd to pry Into the bosome of Divinity His heart was alwayes flexively inclind To what was good he had a golden minde That would not bend to drosse but still aspire To heaven and faith gave wings to his desire He was belov'd of all that lov'd Gods name The trumpet of his voyce would still proclaime The word of God to those that would indure To have their wounds be brought unto a cure By whose examples we may learne to thrive In grace His present worth is still alive The life and Death of John Diazius Who dyed Anno Christi 1546. IOhn Diazius was borne in Spaine brought up at Schoole afterwards he went to Paris to study the Arts where he continued thirteen yeers but it pleased God that whilest he read over the holy Scriptures and some of Luthers bookes and other Protestant Divines he began to see and abominate the errours of Popery and therefore to further himselfe in the knowledge and study of the Truth he went to Geneva where he spake with Calvin and was very dear unto him From thence he went to Argentine where Martin Bucer observed his learning piety and diligence in his studie obtained of the Senate that he should be joyned with him to goe to the Disputation at Ratisb●ne and when he came thither he went to Peter Malvinda a Spaniard the Popes Agent in Germanie who when he knew that he cam● in the company with Bucer and the other Protestant Divines he was much a●tonished and admired how he was so much changed from that which he knew him to be at Paris and withall he fretted exceedingly that they had gotten a Spaniard amongst them presuming that they would triumph more in him then in many Germans whereupon he left no meanes untried to draw him backe againe to the Church of Rome sometimes making large proffers and promises to him other-sometimes threatning severe punishments and mixing both with earnest entreaties but when by no meanes he could prevaile to divert him from the Truth he sent for his brother Alphonsus Diazius one of the Popes Lawyers from Rome who hearing that his Brother was turned Protestant came speedily into Germanie bringing a notorious cut-throat with him resolving either to divert or destroy him when he came to Ratisbone Diazius was departed to Neoberg about the Printing of Bucers Booke which Alphonsus hearing of followed him thither where after long debating of matters of Religion between the two Brothers Alphonsus seeing the heart of his Brother Iohn to be so constantly planted ●n th● sure rocke of Gods Truth that neither Preferments could allure him nor threats terrifie him
these distraction● of the Church but these contentions ceased and were taken away by the death of Luther yet there followed an happy consent and agreement betwixt Calvin and the Church of Geneva of the one ●ide and the Tigurines on the other concerning the Sacrament wherein Calvin seemed to adhaere unto the opinion of Luther in the judgement of the Tigurine Ministers Wherefore that he might free himselfe from this suspition taking Farellus with him he came unto Tigurum where a forme of agreement was written by Calvin and Bullinger and approved of by the Churches of R●etia and Helvetio and afterwards published for the generall good of the Church and by this means God so disposing the Churches were not onely united firmely amongst themselves but also many were confirmed and strengthned in the knowledge of the truth And this agreement set such an edge on the teeth of their Adversaries that they began more bitterly to inveigh against the truth of Christ and still labouring to propagate the truth he wrote severall Decades unto Edward the sixt King of England And because a free and unmolested Preaching of the Gospell was granted unto the English he sent frequent letters unto the Nobility Bishops and Pastors of the Church exhorting them unto a perseverance in the worke begun and that with all purity and constancy During which act of his a Legate came from the Pope with Authority to command the Helvetian Prelates to be present at the Councill of Trent Who was answered by Bullinger that Concilium Tridentinum institutum esse ad opprimendam veritatem that that Councill was ordained for the suppressing of the truth and withall he denied Helvetios Evangelicos Papae obedientiam ullam debire that they owed not any obedience unto the Pope at all whose yoak they had now cast off c. Not long after there was a dissention in the Church of Geneva concerning Gods Election the Author whereof was Hieronimus Bolsecus a Professor of Physick who openly opposed the doctrine of Calvin exhorting the people not to suffer themselves to be seduced and led away by him affirming Bullinger and many other learned Divines to be of the same opinion with himselfe wherefore it seemed good unto the Senate and unto the bretheren of the Church of Geneva to send unto Bullinger for his opinion concerning that point who in expresse words returned this answer that he which did teach that Gods eternall Election did depend on foreseen Faith did malitiously abuse the doctrine of the Church of Tigurum About this tim● Edward the sixt dyed in England whose eldest sister coming to the Crown changed that forme of Religion established by her brother and subjected the whole Kingdome againe to the Pope of Rome sharply persecuting those who were knowne to make profession of the true faith wherefore many Noble and learned men were inforced to flye some into Germany many into Switzerland building themselves a Colledge at Tigurum being greatly assisted by Bullinger who then ratified that covenant of friendship which he had formerly promised in the dayes of Henry the eight In the yeere 1561. the Councell of Trent was begun againe by Pius the fourth then Pope but the States and Protestant Princes of Germany refused to be present and likewise the English together with the Helvetian Cities during the continuance of which Councell Bullinger laboured to extirpate the haeresies newly crept into th● Church viz. That of Brentius affirming of the Ubiquity of the humaine nature untill such time as a mercilesse pestilence invaded the City of Tigurum ceazing upon Bullinger himselfe insomuch that he dispaired of his life and therefore called the Ministers of Tigurum unto him and took his leave of them with a grave admonition but it pleased God to restore him again unto his former health and he became an instrument of much good after in the Church about this time or immediately after began that War which was called Sacrum and the Prince of Condey suspecting some treason intended against his Excellency sent an Embassador unto the Switzers in generall and unto Bullinger in particular to intreat some ●de and succours from them but the Embassadour of the King coming thither at the same time there was no answer given unto the Embassador of the Prince of Condey who after a private manner departed from Tigurum forthwith there arose cruell Warres in France great was the number of Pastors and godly persons who fled som to Geneva some to Berne and most of them being in extreame want and poverty Bullinger caused publick collections to be made for them in the Churches whereby they received unexpected reliefe and so he continued being carefull for the members of the Church that their doctrine might be pure and uncorrupted untill it pleased God to vi●it him with his last sicknesse which indeed was the longest it continuing for the space of four whole monthes in which time he endured the sharpest paines with an admirable patience yeelding no signe or token of any indignation or displeasure the greater paines he suffered the ferventer were his prayers unto God whensoever he found some eas● he would enter into some good discourse either with his family or with such strangers as came to visit him to whom he would often say si deo visum fuerit mea opera ●lterius in ecclesiae ministerio uti ipse vires sufficiae libens illi parebo sui 〈◊〉 voluerit quod opto hac vita c. It seemeth good unto Almighty God to account me worthy to exercise a Pastorall office in his Church yet longer let him give me strength and I will willingly obey him but if he will call me out of this life which is the thing that I desire I am also ready to obey his will for nothing can be more welcome unto me then to leave this wretched and sinfull world and to goe unto my Saviour Christ. His paines still increasing he caused the Pastors and Professors of the City to come unto him unto whom he delivered a large Oration where in the first place he kindly thanked them for that their love in comming unto him afterwards he opened unto them that faith in which and for which he was ready to lay downe his life in the thi●● place he freely and from his heart forgave all his Enem●es then he exhorted them constantly to continue in that doctrine which they had together Professed with him and withall he wished them to take heed of the vulgar vice of the Germaine Nation because they who were subject unto that sin could by no meanes doe good in the Church of God such good things as proceed from them will be contemned of the people he exhorted them also unto a concord and unity amongst themselves to love one another and to defend one another because they should be sure enough to find many opposers and enemies who would desire nothing more then their ruine and in the last place he advised them to have a reverend respect
which came downe from above namely from the two Springs of Ior and Dan stood still and the rest failed and were cut off running into the the Sea of the Plaine otherwise called the DEAD SEA so that betwixt both the river of Iordan was dryed up into a faire passage over it I feare whilst the streame of a new supply from the two Fountaines of Learning and Religion in this Kingdome is much disturbed and partly obstructed in these tumultuous times and whilst the present Generation of eminent Divines maketh haste to their graves able Ministers will almost be drayned dry in the Kingdome The rather because as the arrow mortally wounded Ahab betwixt the joynts of his Armour so in the interstitium betwixt two Disciplines and give me leave to tearme Discipline the Armour of the Church Episcopacy put off and another Government not as yet close buckled on Prophanenesse and Licenciousnesse have given a great grievous wound to the Church of God for the speedy cure whereof joyn thy Prayers with his who is Thy servont in any Christian office THO. FULLER Walth Abbey THE TABLE A page Amsdorsius 246 Andreas 387. Andrewes 440. Abbat 538. B Berengarius 1. Bilney 121. Bu●re 153. Bradford 179. Bugenhagius 280. Brentius 292. Bullenger 329. Boquine 347. Bucolizer 364. Babington 455. Beza 465. Bale 502. Benedictus 520. Bolton 586. C Colet 97. Caralostadius 113. Capito 135. Cruciger 144. Cranmer 223. Calvin 266. C●emnisius 307. Chytraeus 417. Cowper 558. D Diazeus 142. Deering 341. Danaeus 408. Drusius 533. E Erasmus 57. Erpenius 582. F Frith 118. Farellus 286. Fox 377. Fagius 146. G George Prince of Anhalt 164. Grindall 350. Gilpin 352. Gulterus 372. Gerardus 511. Grynaeus 535. H Husse ●2 Hooper 172. Hesperius 264. Humfried 386. Hemingius 413. Heerbrand 415. Holland 500. Hedio 163. I Ierom of Prague 21. Iustas Ionas 165. Iohn a Lasco 243. Iewell 301. Illiricus 343. Iunius 441. K Knox. 319. L Luther 31. Leo Iudae 136. Latimer 217. M Myconius 138. Melancthon 234. Marlorat 245. Musculus 248. N Nowell 422. O Oecolampadius 109. Olevian 373. P Peter Martyr 205. Philpot. 221. Pellican 229. Parker 328 and 523. Perkins 431. Polanus 499. Piscator 564. Pareus 577. R Rogers 167. Ridley 191. Ram●● 325. Roll●●k 410. Reynolds 477. S Saunders 169. Strigelius 290. Simlerus 344. Sohinus 384. Sadeel 397. Sands 452. Scaliger 498. Scultetus 584. T Tindall 126. Taylor 176. Tremelius 346. Tossanus 424. Trelca●ius 464. V Vrbanius Regius 130. Vergerius 288. Viretus 299. Vrsin 361. W Wicklief 8. Wigandus 367. Whitaker 401. Whitgift 457. Willet 565. Whatley 592. Z Zuinglius 85 Zegedine 314. Zanchius 390. BERENGARIVS The Life and Death of Berengarius WE read Acts 27.20 when Saint Paul was tossed with the Tempest that neither Sunne nor Starres for many dayes appeared This may passe for the dolefull Embleme of the dismall darkenesse in the depth of Popery wherein Berengarius lived the subject of our ensuing discourse and before whom from the expiring of the Primative Age till his entrance into the Church little considerable light of knowledge shined amongst many Errours and much ignorance 2 We have not been idle in seeking but unsuccesfull in the finding the date of Berengarius birth and can likewise give no account of his Parentage and extraction Herein he was not unlike the River Nilus unknown and obscure for its Fountaine but famous and renowned for his Streames and his birth may seeme to be eclips●d by the resplendant lustre of his life And Towres in France seated on the river Loyer was his native City wherein he was borne about t●e ye●r of our Lord 1020. as by proportion of Cronologie may probably be collected And it is observable that as the City of Towres gave the first being to Berengarius so ● Gate of that City called Saint Hues gate in at and neere which they used to meet gave the denomination to the Hu●anites or modern French Protestants which in the point of Transubstantiation s●cceed to the opinion of Berengarius or rather to the truth of the doctrine it selfe 3 Here we must not omit that some have m●intained that this Berengarius came over with William the Conquerour into England and by his bounty received the Castle of a Camb. Brittan in Northhampton Barnewell in Northamptonshire for his possession But the mistake ariseth by confounding him with another Berengarius his namesake surnamed Le M●igne or the Monke which also added countenance to their first error though indeed he was a Martiall man and no Ecclesiasticall person on whom the King conferred that Castle Thus though we should have ●eene right glad to have had this worthy Schollar our Country●man though not by birth yet by habitation accounting it Englands honour that he was infeofted with faire demeynes therein yet because all is grounded upon an Errour no counterfeit credit nor false favours shall be assumed by us on others mistakes 4 Having profited in the Schoole above his equals under Fulbertus his Master the World began to take notice of his abilities and at last he was preferred to be Archdeacon of A●giers a man of a bold spirit and daring resolution as God alwayes suits men for the worke they undertake We may observe in B●ttels that they set those who are best arm'd ●o charge in the first ranke and order them to follow who are not so compleatly weaponed God in like manner in his wisdome appointed that suc● Confessours of the Truth who were to make the firs● Breach into the Armies of Antichrist should be accoutred Cappa●pae with undaunted courages such as this Berengarius and Luther were though men of meeker mindes and milder dispositions may afterwards be well used in the same service 5 For his life and conversation it was so blamelesse that therein he starved the malice of all his adversaries the long teeth of whose spight could finde nothing to feede upon He is reported not to have suffered any woman to come in his sight not because he was a hater of their sex but because he was to deale with dangerous adversaries he would warily cut off all occasions of suspition and in some cases we may say that over-much warīnesse is but even measure and caution if it be not too much will be too little 6 The maine matter wherein he dissented from the current of the Roman Church and is honoured for a Champion of the Truth was in the point of Transubstantiation an Errour which crept one of the last into the Church and was the first that was most vigorously opposed It took the rise from some extravagant expressions of Damascene and Theophilact who endeavouring to shew the reality of Christs presence in the Sacrament scattered such florishing language to that purpose flowers though they cannot feede may sometimes infect that though well intending yet ill interpreted gave occasion to their unskilfull R●●ders who more minded the words then the matter from such Rhetoricall premises to conclude a Dogmaticall point
from the States of Germany And as he liv'd so honour'd he did dye ALEXANDER NOWELL The Life and Death of Alexander Nowel ALexander Nowel was born in the County of Lancaster Anno Christi 1511. of an ancient aud worshipfull family and at thirteen years old was sent to Oxford and admitted a member of Brasennose Colledge where he studyed thirteen yeares and grew very famous both for Religion and learning In Queen Maries dayes he amongst others left the Kingdome that he might enjoy his conscience and returning when Queen Elizabeth of blessed memory came to the Crown she made him Dean of Pauls where he was a frequent and faithfull Preacher By his writings he defended the truth against some English Popish Ren●gado's for thirty years together he Preached the first and last Sermons in Lent before the Queen wherein he dealt plainly and faithfully with her He was a great benefactor to Brasennose Colledge where he had his first education He was the enlarger of Pauls School made the threefold Catechism which was much used long after He was very charitable to the poor especially to poor Scholars A great comforter of afflicted consciences he lived til he was ninety years old and yet neither the eyes of his minde nor body waxed dim And dyed peaceably in the Lord Anno Christi 1601. on the thirteenth of February and lyes buryed in the Famous Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls in London with this Epitaph upon his Tombe Quam spciōsa vestigia Evangelizantium pacem With some verses also ann●xed this being the las● of them Sicoritur floret demoriturque Deo His Works set forth are as followeth 1 Against Thomas Dormam an English Papist in two books in quarto English 2 Another Booke against Dorman and Sanders of Transubstantiation in quarto English 3 His greater Catichisme in Latine in qu●rto 4 Hi● less● Catechisme in Latine in Octavo 5 The same in Latine Greeke and Hebrew As grave as godly Nowel Dean of Pauls Most justly for a Crown of honour cals Amongst other worthyes for his piety His learning wisedome and humanity A famous Preatcher in the halcyon-dayes Of Queen Elizabeth of endlesse praise To Pauls-School and to Braz'nnose Colledge he A Benefactor great was known to be For 's three-fold Catechisme worthily Much honour'd and for his great Charity Who at the age of Ninety years in peace And full of love and honour did decease The Life and Death of Daniel Tossanus who dyed Anno Christi 1602. DAniel Tossanus was born at Moumbelgard in Wertemburge Anno Christi 1541. his Parents carefully brought him up in learning and at fourteen years old sent him to the Univers●ity of Basil and after two years study there he commenced Batchelor of Arts from thence he went to Tubing was there maintained to his studyes for two year● more by Prince Christopher at the end whereof he commenced Master of Arts and then was sent for back by his father to Moun●pelier where he Preached for a while and then went to Paris to learn the French Tongue and proceed in his other studyes Anno Christi 1560. he went thence to Aurelia where he read Hebrew publickly there he was first made Deacon and two years after Minister which place he undertooke there rather then in his owne Country partly because of the great want of Pastors in the French Churches as also because he agreed with them in his judgement about the manner of Christs presence in the Sacrament he also marryed a wife Anno Christi 1565. Whilst he was there the civill Wars brake out between the Papists and Protestants and Francis Duke of Guise besieging the City of Aurelia where Mounseur de Andelot brother to the Admirall of France commanded in chie●e Tossan continued there all the time of the siege and took extraordinary pains in instructing exhorting and encowraging both Citizens and Souldiers and when the City was in great danger to be lost one Poltrot who had devoted his life for his Countries safety went out and flew the Duke of Guise under the Wall 's whereupon the siege was raised and the Church there preserved almost miraculously from ruine An. Christi 1567. there brake out a second civill War at which time the Papists in Aurelia conspired together to destroy all the Protestants so that they were every hour in danger of being butchered when it pleased God to send Mounser Novie with a small party of Souldiers who entring into the City and joyning w●th the Protestants drove out some of the Papists and disarmed the rest but after that famous battell at Saint Danis wherein so many of both ●ides were slain and wounded Peace was againe concluded though the Papists quickly brake it and a great company of Souldiers entring into Aurelia they began to breath forth threatenings against the Church of Christ especially against the Mi●isters of it hereupon Tossan was in great danger i●somuch that when he went into the Church to Preach he knew not whether he should come out alive that which most troubled him was the fear that he had of his wife and two small children besides he never went to the Congregation but some threw stones others shot bullets at him● and their rage grew so great that they burned down the barn wherein the Church used to meet together and every day he heard of one or other of their Members that were slain so that he was compelled severall times to change hi● lodging yet one day the Souldiers caught him and pretended that they would carry him out of the City but intended to have Murthed him whereupon hi● wife great with childe ran to the Governor and with much importunity prevailed that her husband might stay in the City and the third civill War braking out the Popish Souldiers in Aurelia were so enraged that they burned all the places where the Church used to meet and barbarously slew above eighty of the faithfull servants of Christ in them yet it pleased God miraculously to preserve the Ministers in that great dang●r and Tossan by the help of some of the faithfull was conveyed privately away out of the Ci●y in the night but whilst he fought to hide himselfe in a wood he fell into an ambush and was taken and was carryed to Prisoner into ● Castle not far of from Aurelia which sad newes coming to his wife she left no meanes untryed for his delivery and a● last for a great sum of mony she procured his release whereupon he went to Argim●nt and hi● wife putting her self into the habit of a ma●d-servant went towards Argimont after him where Renata the daughter of Lewis the twelf●h of France and Dowager of Ferrara lived in a very strong Castle and was a great ●●iend to the Protestants entertaining many that fled to her for succour b●t as his wife was going thitherward after him she wa● take● by some Souldiers and carryed back to the Governour of Aurelia but it pleased God to stir up his owne wife ●nd daughters
Ministeriall function and also to joyn with Calvin in the reading of the Divinity Lecture Where he was also againe advanced to be head Master of a Free-schoole which was set up by the perswasion of Calvin for the future benefit of the same City Notice being taken in France of his Confession of the Christian Faith which without question wrought deepe impression in the hearts of many he was intreated by Letters sent from some Peeres of France that he would be pleased to visit Anthony King of Navarre then residing in Aquitaine and to confer with him concerning matters of importance but especially concerning such things which might be of force to beget true knowledge in the ground● of Christian Religion for there was some hopes that if he could be brought thereunto that the Church of God would not be so cruelly inhumanely dealt withall within the Kingdome of France Which enterprize God giving a blessing thereunto wanted not its fortunate and happy successe though not in the dayes of A●thony yet in the dayes of Charles the ninth for he not onely entring into a consideration of the truth of the Doctrin● of the Church of Rome but also into the truth of the Doctrine of the reformed Church and with many of his Nobles adhered unto the same and fo●thwith s●nt both Embassadours and Letters to the Senate of Geneva to intrea● the presence of reverend Beza concerning the d●sciding of those Controversies which were at that time on foot betwix● the Papists and the Reformed Churches This request was with great joy condiscended unto by the Senate of Geneva who sent Beza with many prayers for the advancem●nt of Gods glory Peter Martyr was also called from Tigurum by the Mother Queen who with all speed came to Paris Great was the conflict which Beza had at that time in the ●resence of the King with Cardinall Lotharingus concerning the Reall Presence ● wherein he confuted the erronious opinion of the Cardinall affirming that the vi●ible signes were touched with the hands eaten and drunken with the mouth but that the thing signified viz. th● Body and Blood of Christ was offered and received by Faith Which judgement of his the Cardinall approved of at the last as he himselfe testified unto the Queene and was also embraced by her selfe The conference being ended with happy successe to the glory of God and furtherance of his truth Martyr returned to Tigurum and Beza intended to goe unto Geneva but he was hindred by the Authority of the Queen who plainly told him that seeing he was a French man he might be the Author of much good unto his own Nation Beza being thus detained contrary to his expectation spent not the time unprofitably but betook himselfe unto the preaching of the Word sometimes in the Pallace of the King of Navarre sometimes in the house of the Prince Cordaeus and sometimes in the suburbes of the City of Paris for then it was by publick Proclamation decreed that the use of the reformed Religion should be tolerated in the suburbes without any Molestation but they enjoyed not that benefit long by reason of a conspiracy performed by Guisius and other wicked persons for the utter extinguishing of the truth who urging the King with the example of Balderinus that Religion was but a thing indifferent and that he might condemne and renounce the day after that which he approved and allowed the day before they received this answer from him That he would never put hi● foo● so far into the Sea but that he would be able to pluck it back againe when he listed and so he departed and forsooke the truth of Christ and never after sent for Beza to have any conference with him Whereupon a hot persecution entred into the bowels of France against the Protestants forty five of them being put to the sword in the same place where they were gathered together to heare the Word of God preacht whereupon Beza was sent to complaine unto the King of their inhumane cruelty but found no redresse whereupon preparation was made to defend themselves by force of Armes the Prince Condaeus desired Beza to remaine with him in so dangerous and necessary a season who although● it grieved him greatly to be absent from his flock at Geneva yet he consents unto the request of this religious Prince and remained with him preaching and exhorting Christians privately to a patient wayting of the Lords leasure The Protestants betook themselves unto Orleans to which place the enemies marching in the fields thereof was fought a terrible battle wherein Condaeus was taken prisoner and the Protestants lost the day who notwithstanding this sorrowfull accident were much comforted by those divine letters which were sent unto them by Beza and they still remaining firme in that doctrine which they had received Not long after a peace being concluded and the prisoners restored to their former liberty Beza obtained leave of the same Prince to returne unto Geneva after he had spent two and twenty monthes with great labour and manifest dangers of his life Comming to Geneva not without the great joy of the Inhabitants he went forward in his ordinary course of teaching both in the Church and Schoole continued with Master Calvin in reading the Divinity Lecture untill his death then he performed it onely himselfe appointing Calladonus Danaeus and Fayus to be the Humanity Lecturers in the same City And in this godly couse he laboriously continued untill the time that he was called unto Rupella by the generall intreaty and request of the French Churches and earnest desire of the Queen of Navarre and of other Peeres of France where the confession of the faith of the French Churches was repeated and confirmed and strenthned with the approbation of the Queen of Navarre and the Prince Condaeus and so he returned to Geneva againe and indefatigably continued his constant course of teaching and then he corrected his Annotations on the New Testament From thence he was cealld againe to Berna for the confutation of the error of Alb●rius concerning justification who taught that our righteousnesse before God was a meere pasive quality inhaerent in our selves w ch opnion with other error● of his hindring the growth of the truth of Christ were there condemned and the reading of his books forbidden by the Senate of Berne which being ended he returned unto Geneva againe and having notice of the great troubles to ensue not onely in France in generall but also in Geneva it selfe in particular he cau●ed publick prayers to be sent up unto God twice every weeke extraordinary for the turning away of his wrath and for the peace and flourishing state of the Church and so he continued preaching and praying for the advancement of the Gospell of Christ untill such time as age made him unfit for the performance of these duties Yet here by the way we may observe the great malice of the Romish Jesuites who before the payment of his debt to nature
of Eteocles and Polynices wherein both conquered one the other yet neither enjoyed the victory nor kept his prisoner for Iohn Reinolds who before was a Papist by these bickerings became a zealous Protestant and William Reinolds who before had been a zealous Protestant became a Iesuited Papist and wrote most pestilent Bookes against the Church and State and as after the death of Eteocles and Polynices when their corps were burnt the flames are said to have parted so the contention of these Brethren expired not with their death for the writings which they have left behinde them enflamed with contrary fires of zeale hold the quarrell on foot to this day Of these Bella plusquam civilia among Brethren W. A. a learned Divine thus elegantly discourseth in English and Latine Verses Bella inter geminos pl●squam civilia Fratres Traxerat ambiguas Religionis apex Ille reformandae fidei pro partibus instat Ille reformandam deneg●● esse fidem Propositus causae rationibus inter vtruomque Concurrere pares cecidere pures Quod fuit in vatis fratrem capi● alter u●rumque Quod fuit in fates perdit uterque fidem Captivi gemini sine captivan●● fuerunt Et victor victi transfugor castra petit Quod genus hoc pugnae est ubi victus gaudet uterque Et simul alteru●e● se superasse dolet Englished by the Author Between two Brethren civill warre and worse The nice point of Religion long did nurse For reformation of the Faith he plyes That Faith should be reformed this denies The reasons of each cause a part propounded Both met alike both fell alike confounded As heart would wish each one his brother takes As fate would have each one his faith forsakes Without captiver both are captive led And to the vanguisht camp the victor fled What war is this when conquer'd both are glad And either to have conquered other sad Iohn R●inolds might truely have said to his brother a● Caecillius sometimes spake to Octavius in that most exquisit dialogue of Minutius Faelix Vtrique vicim●● tui victor mei ego triumphator er●eres thou hast conquered me and I triumph over my fo●mer errours but William Reinolds might one the contrary side have said we are both loosers for thou hast l●st me thy brother and I have lost my mother the Church of England and the true Religion As soone as our Iohn Reinolds according to th● manner of Massie bodies after some quavering was fix'd unmoveably upon the grounds of the Protestant Religion the Statutes of the Colledge called upon him to enter into holy Orders after which he wholly addicted himselfe to the study of the holy Scriptures and because an excellent textuary and very often exercised his sweete gift in preaching a tast whereof we have in his Lectures upon Obadi●● published after his death by Master Hind● When the time drew neare that by the Founders Statutes he was upon necessity to take his degree in Divinity he was chosen out by the University to answer the Boctovers in the Act● Iuly the 13. 1579. and the same year November the third he answered for his degree in the Divinity Schooles the Theses maintained by him in the Act were these 1. The holy Scriptures teacheth the Church all things necessary to salvation 2. The Church militant upon earth is subject to error both in faith and manners 3 The Authority of the Scriptures is greater then that o● the Church The Theses propounded by him in the Divinity Sbhool 〈◊〉 th● third were these 1. The holy Catholike Church which we beleeve is the whole number of Gods elect 2. The Roman Church is neither the Catholike Church nor a sound member thereof 3. The reformed Churches in England Scotland France Germany and other Kingdom● and Common-wealths have lawfully severed themselve● from the Church of Rome The handling of these questions gave so good contentment to the whole University that his suppositions as they call them that is the Speeches he made in the explication and confirmation of these Positions were extorted from him to the Presse by the Printing whereof when he understood how he had netled all the Romanists who in diverse virilent pamphlets disparaged them and threatened by a speedy refutation to ecclipse the fame thereof he ●he better to arme himselfe against these Romish locusts with indifatigable paines in a short space read all the Greek and Latine Fathers and perused all auncient records of the Church that he could come by and grew so perfect in them● that as Livie conceiveth that if Alexander had turned his progresse Westward towards Italy as he did Eastwards towards the territories of the Persian Empire the Noble Commander of the Romans Paperius surnamend Curser or the raser would have matched him if not out stript him so if Reinolds his owne inclination or Authority had put upon him the taske of examining Caesar Baronius his Annals he would not onely every way have matched that so much admired Cardinall but in such sort have detected his Romish friends in postures and forgeries that any man whose eyes were not darkned with mist of prejudicate affection should have clearly seene that the doctrine of the reformed Churches hath as great a share in true antiquity as in auncient truth But Reinolds was drawn into the Lists with another one Iohn Heart who tooke the heart and boldnesse to challenge the learnedest of both Universities to try the Doctrine of our Church by the touchstone of Scripture and Faith c. To enco●nter him Master Reinolds is sent for by a grea● Councellour of Estate and many combats lingua calamo he had with this antagonist in all which Master Hear● gave ground and in the end quite qui●ted the field● as appeareth by a Letter wri●ten with his owne hand wh●ch I have seene sent from the Tower of London In which Letter prefixt to the Conference he hath words to this effect● I acknowledge that the Narration of the conference set forth be●weene Master Reinolds and me is true and whereas he somewhere affirme●h namely chap. 7. Sect. 7. that I should grant that it is not lawfull for the Pope to depose Princes it 〈◊〉 tr●e I said as much and am still of this judgement● that howsoever the spirituall power be more excellent and noble then the temporall yet they both are from God and neithe● dependeth of the o●her Whence I inferre this undoub●ed conclusion That their opinion who make the Pope a temporoll Lord over Kings and Princes hath no ground at all nor so much as pr●bability nor shew of reason This conference confirmed by the ●ubscription of both parties was shortly after printed by authority and it gave such satisfaction to all indifferent readers that thereby the fame of Master Reynolds was cryed up as well at the Court as the University and it pleased Queen Elizabeth after he had taken his degree of Doctor to appoint him to read an extraordinary Divinity Lecture in Oxford in which he grapled