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A35255 The wars in England, Scotland and Ireland, or, An impartial account of all the battels, sieges, and other remarkable transactions, revolutions and accidents, which have happened from the beginning of the reign of King Charles I, in 1625, to His Majesties happy restauration, 1660 illustrated with pictures of some considerable matters curiously ingraven on copper plates. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1681 (1681) Wing C7357; ESTC R8819 122,635 215

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Protestation to maintain with Life Power and Estate the True Reformed Protestant Religion expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England against all Popery and Popish Innovations Which was ordered to be printed and published through the Kingdom May 5. The Lords acquainted the Commons That they thought it the safest course to lay by the Bill of Attainder because it brought in the King for Judge And the next day they debated the several Articles of his Impeachment and voted the Earl guilty of High Treason upon Two of them that is the 15th For Levying of moneys in Ireland by force in a Warlike manner And the 16th For Imposing an Oath upon the Subjects of Ireland The Commons had now finished a Bill For the Continuance of the Parliament which having passed the Lords was tendred to the King to be signed together with the Bill of Attainder His Majesty answered That on Monday following he would satisfie them and on the Sunday before the King spent the whole day in consulting about the Earl of Strafford with the Judges and Bishops The Judges told him That in point of Law according to the Oath made by Sir H. Vane of the Earls advice to raise Horse to awe this Nation he was guilty of Treason In the evening the Five Bishops viz. of Armagh London Durham Lincoln and Carlisle were called in to the King to satisfie his Conscience about it who all agreed That the King might shew mercy without any scruple and that he could not condemn the Earl if he did not think him Guilty This was to matter of Fact but as to matter of Law He was to rest in the Opinion of the Judges Monday May 10. The King gives Commission to several Lords to pass Two Bills one the Bill of Attainder against the Earl of Strafford The other For Continuing the Parliament during the pleasure of both Houses Which last Act was occasioned for satisfying the Scots who required Vast Sums of Money and for disbanding both the Armies whereby great Taxes were laid upon the People by Act of Parliament which could not possibly be levied in a short time and therefore there needed a present Supply from the City of London who as it was alledged would not part with their money least a Dissolution of the Parliament should happen before payment upon which Account the King was pressed to pass this Act. The same day the Bill was passed against the Earl of Strafford the King sent Sir Dudley Carlton Secretary of State to acquaint the Earl with what was done and the motives thereto whereat the Earl was greatly astonisht but the next day the King being troubled writes a Letter with his own hand to the House of Lords and sent it by the Prince of Wales telling them That whereas Justice had been satisfied in his Condemnation an intermixture of mercy would not now be unseasonable and therefore he desired them that if it might be done without any discontent to the People the Earl might be permitted to fulfil the Natural Course of his Life in close Imprisonment sequestred from all Publick Affairs provided he never attempted to make an Escape however he thought it a work of Charity to repreive him till Saturday But nothing could be obtained in favour of him but that the Lords said Their Intention was to be suitors to His Majesty to shew favour to his innocent Children and that whatever provision himself had made for them it might be confirmed Some Designs were said to have been laid for his Escape however May 12 1641 the Earl of Strafford was conveyed from the Tower by a Guard consisting of the Trained Bands Marshals men Sheriffs Officers and Warders of the Tower Before him went his Gentleman-Usher bare headed and he himself followed accompanied with the Archbishop of Armagh and others As he went along he passed by Arch-bishop Lauds Lodging and spying him at the Window he called to him for his Prayers and his Blessing but the Bishop at the sight of him was so surpriz'd that for some time he could not recollect himself and being reprehended by his Friends of an undecent Pusillanimity He Replyed That he doubted not but when that bitter Cup should come to his turn he should taste it with a most Christian Courage The Earl being come to the Scaffold upon Tower-hill addrest himself to the Arch-bishop of Armagh to this Effect That he was come to pay the la●● Debt he owed to Sin with a good hope of rising agai● to Righteousness That he dyed willingly forgave al● and submitted to Justice He professed himself guiltless as to the matter for which he dyed He wished a●● prosperity to the King and People and acquitted him from the guilt of his death as having acted therei● no otherwise then as constrained He advised his Adversaries to repent of their Violent Proceedings again●● him and telling them that he thought it a strange wa● to write in Blood the beginning of Reformation and Settlement of the Kingdom However he wished that hi● Blood might rest and not cry against them He declared He died in the Faith of the Church of England for whose happiness he prayed and concluded his Speech with intreating the Spectators to pray for him After which he kneeled down to Prayer and rising up again took his last leave of his Brother Sir George Wentworth and all his Friends sending his Love to his Wife and his Blessing to his Children with a most strict Injunction to His Onely Son Never to meddle with the Patrimony of the Church And the● giving the sign to the Executioner his head wa● severed from his body at the first stroke This was the end of that Great and Able Minister of State who is reported when he heard the King had consented to the Bill of Attainder to have lift up his Eyes to Heaven and clapping his hand upon his heart to have cried out perhaps in immitation of Cardinal Woolseys Complaint Put not your Trust in Princes nor in the Sons of Men for in them is no Salvation And indeed it seemed very hard that he shou'd be made guilty of High Treason by a Bill framed on purpose without former President and to which His Majesties Consent was in a manner extorted and which he afterward bewailed with great remorse of Conscience though it is said the King was not so much convinced by any thing said to him but the chief Motive was a Letter from the Earl wherein he thus concluded Sir To set your Majesty's Conscience at Liberty I do most humbly beseech you for the Preventing of such mischiefs as may happen by your refusal to pass the Bill by this means to remove praised be God I cannot say this accursed but this Unfortunate Thing forth of the way towards that blessed Agreement which God I trust shall forever establish between You and Your Subjects My consent herein shall more acquit you to God then all the world can do beside To a willing man there is no injury
had taken upon him the Command of the Fleet for which Reasons the King was resolv'd to punish Hotham Indeed the E. of W. had been by the Parl. commended to the King as the fittest man for Admiral the E. of N. being then sick but he was rejected by the King who conferr'd that place upon Sir John Pennington Yet afterwards the Parl. conceiving it necessary to get the Fleet into their hands they found means notwithstanding the Oppositions of Sir J. Pennington and his Adherents to make the E. of W. Admiral after which a Ship laden with Arms and Ammunition from Holland for the King being ignorant of the matter fell in among the Fleet and was by the E. of W. sent to the Parliament The Parliament now thought fit to Arm and therefore resolve that an Army shall be raised for Defence as they term it of King and Parliament and the Earl of Essex to be Capt. General and the E. of Bedford to command the Horse the E. of Holland Sir John Holland and Sir Will. Stapleton were ordered to carry a Petition to the King then at Beverly the effect whereof was To pray him to disband all his Forces to recal his Commissions of Array dismiss his Guard and return to the Parliament All which the King refused The Parliament next consider of raising Money and so declare for Loan upon the Publick Faith to promote which the endeavours of the Ministers were very serviceable whereby in a short time a very considerable quantity of Money Plate and Ammunition were brought in The King was likewise furnished with Money from the Queen upon the pawned Jewels and some Contributions from divers Lords and Gentlemen and the University of Oxford The King goes from Beverly to Leicester and there Proclaims the Earl of Stamford Traitor for removing the County Magazine from the Town to his own House at Bradgate Aug. 1. the King comes back to Yorkshire and raises a Regiment under the E. of Cumberland which he called Prince Charles his Regiment The Parliament on the other side declare the Commissioners of Array to be Traitors and disturbers of the State and Peace of the Kingdom and Lievtenants of ●everal Counties were constituted by Parliament The King likewise deals with their Commanders as ●hey did with his and Proclaimed General Essex with all his Collonels and Officers who should not ●nstantly lay down their Arms to be Rebels and Trai●ors and the Marquess of Hartford and his Forces ●●re ordered to march against him The King then ●ummons in the Countrey on the North side of Trent ●nd 20 miles Southward and publisheth his Grand Declaration concerning all transactions between himself and the Parliament August 22. 1642. The King comes to Nottingham ●nd there erects his Standard to which some numbers resorted but far short of what was expected And three days after the King sends a Message to the Parliament to propose a Treaty the Messengers were ●he Earls of Southampton and Dorset Sir John Culpeper Chancellor of the Exchequer and Sir William Vdall none of which were suffered to sit in the House to deliver their Errand therefore it was sent in by the Usher of the Black Rod to which the Parliament Answered That untill His Majesty shall recall his Proclamations and Declarations of Treason against the E. of Essex and them and their Adherents And unless the Kings Standard set up in pursuance thereof be taken down they cannot by the fundamental Priviledges of Parliament give his Majesty another answer The King replyes that he never intended to declare the Parliament Traitors or set up his Standard against them but if they resolve to Treat either Party shall revoke their Declarations against all Persons as Traitors and the same day to take down his Standard To this they answer That the Differences could no● any ways be concluded unless he would forsake hi● evil Councellors and return to his Parliament And accordingly Sept. 6. they Order and Declare tha● the Arms which they have or shall take up for th● Parliament Religion Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom shall not be laid down untill the King withdraw his Protection from such persons as are or shall be Voted Delinquents and shall leave them to Justice that so their Estates may discharge the Debts and Loan Moneys of the Common-wealth The War being now begun the new raised Souldiers committed many Outrages upon the Countrey People which both King and Parliament upon Complaint endeavoured to rectifie The King himself was now Generalissimo over his own his Captain General was first the Marquess of Hartford and afterward the E. of Lindsey and the E. of Essex for the Parliamentarians The Kings Forces received the first repulse at Hull by Sir John Hotham and Sir John Meldrum and the King takes up his Quarters at Shrewsbury Portsmouth was next surrendred to the Parliament and presently after Sir John Byron takes Worcester for the King In September the two Prince Palatines Rupert and Maurice arrived in England who were presently entertained and put into Command by the King who having now got together a potent Army he made a solemn Protestation to them of his candid Intentions and sincere meaning to defend the Protestant Religion the Laws and Liberties of the Subject and Priviledges of Parliament according to the former protestation at York Sept. 9. the Earl of Essex in great State attended on by the Parliament set forth out of London toward St. Albans and from thence to Northampton where all his Forces met amounting to near fourteen thousand men having with him the Parliaments Petition which he was to present to the King the effect of which was That his Loyall Subjects the Lords and Commons in Parliament cannot without tenderness of Compassion behold the pressing Calamities of England and Ireland by the Practices of a prevailing Party with his Majesty to alter true Religion and the Ancient Government of this Kingdom introducing Superstition into the Churches and Confusion in the State Exciting encouraging and fostering the Rebellion in Ireland and as there so here begin the like Massacres by drawing on a War against the Parliament leading his Person against them as if by Conquest to establish an unlimited Power over the People seeking to bring over the Rebels of Ireland to joyn with them And all these evil Councellors are Defended and protected against the Justice of the Parliament who have for their just Defence of Religion the Kings Crown and Dignity the Laws Liberties and Power of Parliaments taken up Arms and Authorized the E. of Essex to be their Captain General against these Rebels and Traytors And pray the King to withdraw his Person and leave them to be supprest by his Power and to return to his Parliament and that they will receive him with Honour and yeild him Obedience secure his Person and establish him and his People with all the Blessings of a Glorious and Happy Reign This Petition was never delivered though Essex sent twice to the King for
That if he had the least Thoughts of disagreeing with the happiness of this Kingdom he would not advise with such Councellors as they were And so the upper Schools were assigned to the Lords and the Convocation House to the Commons In this Parliament besides the Prince D. of York L. Keeper Littleton Treasurer Cottington D. of Richmond and Marquess of Hartford there were 19 Earls and as many Lords and 117 Knights and Gentlemen and afterwards 5 Lords and 23 Gentlemen more came to them The first thing they fell upon was to consider of means for effecting a Peace to which end a Letter was written to the E. of Essex and subsigned by all their hands who returned no answer but sent it to the Parliament at Westminster Jan. 16. 1643. The Scots Army entred England by the way of Newcastle being 18000 Foot and 2000 Horse under Gen. Levens For assisting the Parliament in pursuance of the Solemn League and Covenant and declaring the Justness of their Cause which they profess to be Reformation of Religion Honour of the King and Peace of the Kingdoms and that the main end of their coming is to rescue the King from his pernicious Counsellors The Parliament caresse the Scots Army and impower them to assess for themselves the Twentieth part of all Malignants Estates as they called them in the North besides what other Counties were assessed for them But the E. of Newcastle is marching to give them rougher entertainment and the L. Fairfax sent his Son Sir Thomas against him Sir John M●ldrum with 700 men besieged Newarks and is blockt up by Prince Rupert whereupon they parleyed and upon Articles were suffered to march away leaving their Match Bullet Powder Cannon and all other Fire-Arms behind them In the mean time Matters are preparing for Scotland by James Marquss of Montro's who had formerly sided with the Covenanters but now the King understanding he had really forsaken them gives him a Commission to be General Governor of Scotland and orders him Forces to go into the heart of that Kingdom for a diversion to the Scots In the year 1644. the Twentieth of his Majesties Reign Sir Will. Waller defeats the L. Hoptons Forces and takes Winchester and Oliver Cromwell was made Governor of Ely Beudly is surprized by Coll. Fox for the Parliament and the Garrisons of Selby and Heintough are taken by the L. Fairfax and his Son Prince Rupert raiseth the siege at Latham House The King at this time in the presence of the Peers at Oxford received the Sacrament at Christs Church at the hands of Bishop Vsher where he used these solemn Protestations My Lords I espy here many resolved Protestants who declare to the world the Resolution I do now make I have to the utmost of my power prepared my Soul to become a worthy Receiver and may I so receive comfort by the Blessed Sacrament as I do intend the establishment of the True Reformed Protestant Religion as it stood in its beauty in the happy days of Q. Elizabeth without any connivance at Popery I bless God that in the midst of these Publick Distractions I have still Liberty to communicate and may this Sacrament be my damnation if my heart do not joyn with my lips in this Protestation The Parliament at Westminster Voted it Treason for any Member or Member of either House to desert them and to go to the King and they never to be received again The King marcheth out of Oxford and i● followed by Essex and Waller he defeats Waller at Cropredy-Bridge and Essex is blockt up by the Kings Forces in Cornwall and July 4th the King sends several Letters to the Parliament about a Treaty of Peace Sept. 12. the Parliament at Oxford Assemble again but falling into Factions and Divisions the King in March following Dissolves them The Earl of Newcastle was besieged in York about two months to whose relief Prince Rupert advanceth Northward with a great Power of Horse and Foot upon whose approach to the City the Beseigers drew off and those within sally out upon their Rear the E. of Newcastle being thus relieved joyns with P. Rupert resolving to follow the Parliamentarians and give them battle which accordingly they did upon a Plain called Marston-Moor where about 9000 men were slain for the Royalists having near routed the Parliaments Army pursued the Chace so far that the Victory was snatcht out of their hands and the Parliament obtained an entire Victory after 3 hours Fight resolutely maintained on both sides After which York was delivered up to the Parliament and they soon became Masters of all the North and Levens the Scotch General takes Newcastle After this Battel which was the greatest both for the fierceness of it and for the number of Souldiers on both sides P. Rupert goes into Lancashire but the E. of Neweastle lately made Marquess with his two Sons and his brother Sir Charles Cavendish General King the Lord Falconbridge the Lord Widdrington the Earl of Cranworth the Bishop of London-derry Sir Edward Widdrington Coll. Carnaby Col. Basset Col. Mouson Sir William Vavasor Sir Francis Mackworth with about eighty other persons upon some discontent refused to engage any further in the Kings Cause and went over to Hamburgh New Levies are now made by the Parliament and 〈◊〉 Attempts were made by the Parliamentarians upon Dennington Castle but in vain The Queen go●ng from Oxford to Exeter was there delivered of a daughter June 16 1644. who was called Henrietta Maria and afterward went from thence to Penden●is Castle in Cornwall where she embarqued for France and did not return again to England till His present Majesties Happy Restoration in 1660. Banbury Castle is relieved by Sir William Compton having been besieged about 11 weeks by the Par●iamens Forces Coll. Myn is defeated by Massy near Glocester and himself slain and about 170 Officers and Souldiers taken Prisoners Prince Rupert sending 500 Horse and Foot to fortifie Beachly in order to his going to Ashferry they are routed by Massey who soon after takes Monmouth Town Newberry seemed to be a Place destined for Martial exploits for October 27. another great Battel was fought there between the Kings party and the Parliaments under Essex Waller and Manchester wherein the Royalists were worsted and between 4 and 5000 men slain on both sides Novemb. 19. Monmouth is retaken by the Kings Forces December 23. Sir Alexander Carew was beheaded for endeavouring to deliver up the Island of Plymouth to the Kings Forces Two Principal Irish Rebels the L. Macguire and Mac-mahon had been sent from Ireland and imprisoned in the Tower from whence they made their escape but being retaken and Tryed were found guilty of High Treason and were both Drawn Hang'd and Quartered at Tyburn though Macguire pleaded his Priviledge to the Lords as a Peer of Ireland Archbishop Laud having been accused by th● Parliament in 1640. as the framer of the Canons 〈◊〉 Convocation and other Delinquencies and th● Scots joyning him and the
much the more acceptable especially since his Majesty required but the Sum which few men would deny a Friend and has a mind resolved to expose all his Earthly Fortune for Preservation of the General The Sum which His Majesty requires by these presents is which His Majesty promiseth in the Name of himself his Heirs and Successors to repay to them or their Assigns within Eighteen Months after the payment thereof to the Collector The Person whom his Majesty hath appointed is to whose hands his Majesty doth require them to send it within Twelve days after they have received this Privy Seal which together with the Collectors Acquittance shall be sufficient Warrant to the Officers of Receipt for their payment thereof at the time limited And the Collectors of the Loan were ordered to pay the Sums received into the Exchequer and to return the Names of such as went about to delay or excuse the Payment of the Sums required And now about the beginning of October the Fleet set to Sea the Lord Cecill second Son to the Earl of Exeter commanding the Land Forces and the Earl of Essex being Vice Admiral at Sea but they were surprized by so violent a Storm that the greatest part of the Navy which in all made up Fourscore Ships some being Dutch were dissipated and scattered for seven days together and an excellent Ship with an 170 Passengers in her were all cast away and lost the Design was to have furprized Cadiz in Spain to burn the Ships in the Harbour and to have taken the Spanish Plate Fleet which was daily expected from the Indies but by reason of the Plague amongst them and some other miscarriages of the Commanders the business was wholly disappointed and the Fleet returned home but four days before the Plate Fleet came Upon the Second of February was the Coronation at which the King did not pass through the City in State from the Tower as was usual but went by Water from Whitehall to Westminster for fear of the danger of a Concourse of People the Pestilence which raged the year before not being quite ceased The Bishop of Lincoln as Dean of Westminster should have performed the chief part of the Ceremony but being under displeasure Dr. Laud then Bishop of St. Davids supplied his place Divers considerable Forces had been raised both for Sea and Land for the better Discipline of whom 150 old Souldiers were sent for from the Netherlands by whose Industry they were brought into some good order against the meeting of the next Parliament which was summoned to sit Feb. 6. And being met accordingly the House of Commons chose Sir Henage Finch for their Speaker The first business they insisted upon was the rendring thanks to the King for his gracious Answer to their late Petition concerning Religion then they debated of the Publick Grievances viz. The miscarrying of the Fleet at Cadiz the evil Councellors about the King misimploying the Kings Revenue an Account of the Subsidies and three Fifteens granted in the 21 Year of King James And in the Committee of Grievances these four particulars were insisted on 1. The state of the King in the constant Revenue of the Crown and how much it had been diminished by Gifts of Lands Grants of Pensions Fruitless Embassies the Privy Purse and other ways 2. The Condition of the Subject in his Freedom about laying new impositions multiplying Monopolies Leuying of Customs without Act of Parliament and wasting the Treasure 3. The Cause of the Nations good success in former times whereby it was feared Victorious and Renowned abroad which they judged was occasioned by the Wisdom and Gravity of Counsel who ordered nothing but by publick Debate whereby there arose a readiness in the People to Assist their Soveraign in Purse and Person 4. The present Condition of the Kingdom wherein was represented the loss of its wonted Reputation through the ill success at Algier in the Palatinate in Count Manfields Expedition and at Cadiz and this was imputed to the want of such Counsels as were formerly used since for fear of not succeeding men were now afraid of venturing either there Persons or Purses There was likewise a Committe concerning Religion and the growth of Popery wherein Mr. Richard Montagues two Books before mentioned were again questioned and Articles drawn up against him charging him with several Passages for encouraging Popery and drawing his Majesties Subjects from the true Religion Established into Error and Superstition with other passages dishonourable to the late King and full of injurious and railing Language against other Persons as likewise that he endeavoured to raise Factions in the Kingdom by casting the scandalous Name of Puritan upon such of his Majesties Subjects as conformed themselves to the Doctrine of the Church of England upon which the House of Commons ordered that he should be brought to Exemplary Punishment and to have his Books burnt nor do we find that he ever made any Defence or Answer to those Articles that were brought against him It is affirmed that a while before the sitting of the Parliament Dr. Laud understanding from the D. of Buckingham that the King intended to leave Mr. Montague to a Tryal was heard to utter these words Iseem to see a Cloud arising and threatning the Church of England God in his Mercy dissipate it After this the Commons questioned several persons who were of the Council of War upon the Affairs of the Palatinate concerning the management of that business complaint was likewise made in the House of the Scotch and Irish Nobility for claiming precedency of the Peers of England of which redress was promised but a while after the Lord Martrevers Eldest Son and Heir to the Earl of Arundel Married the Daughter of the late Duke of Lenox contrary to the Kings Mind who intended her for the Lord Lorn Son and Heir of the Earl of Argile whereupon the Earl of Arundel was committed to the Tower which upon the Peers Petitioned to the King alledging That no Peer sitting in the Parliament is to be imprisoned without Order from the House of Lords unless for Felony Treason or denying to give security for the Peace Upon this there arose a Dispute which lasted for the space of two Months and then the Earl was set at Liberty In which time the House of Commons were very busie in searching the Signet Office for the Original of a Letter under the Signet written to the Mayor of York for reprieving divers Jesuites Priests and other Popish Recusants This was reported by Mr. Pim Chairman to the Committee for Religion but their proceedings therein were interrupted by a Meffage from the King sent by Sr. Richard Weston Chancellor of the Exchequer demanding a supply for the English and Irish Forces This was so highly resented that Mr. Clement Cook one of the Members openly Protested That it was better to die by a Forreign Enemy than to be destroyed at home And Dr. Turner another of the House seconded him with
the Popes Nuncio's that came after him did likewise and had formerly offered a Cardinals Cap to the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Popes Name In the year 1640 and the Sixteenth of the King a Parliament was called at Westminster April 13. in which the Earl of Strafford was highly honoured for his good service in Ireland in obtaining four Subsidies to maintain Ten thousand Foot and Fifteen hundred Horse And that England might follow this Example the King tells the Parliament that if they would supply him so as to suppress the Insolencies of the Scots he would acquit his claim to Shipmoney and giue satisfaction to their just Demands By which Proposals the Parliament were sensible of the Kings Necessities and therefore required satisfaction 1. For clearing the Property of the Subject 2. For establishing the True Religion 3. For Priviledges of Parliament But whilst they were debating whether the Grievances of the People or the Kings Supply should be first considered and Matters were in an hopeful posture Secretary Vane either accidentally or on purpose overthrew all at once by declaring that the King required Twelve Subsidies whereas he at that time only desired Six which so much inraged the House and made things so ill that by the Advice of the Junto the Parliament was dissolved having only sate Twenty two days however the Privy Councel likewise advised their Dissolving being assured the heats in the House of Commons were so great that they intended that very day to have voted against the War with Scotland whereby the King would have been in a worse condition than before their sitting About the same time a Convocation of Bishops sate with Commission to make such Canons as they judged for the peace of the Church and amongst other things they imposed an Oath called c. Et cetera as an Anticovenant against the Scots which because it occasioned much difference may not be unfitly inserted I A. B. Do swear that I do approve the Doctrine and Discipline or Government established in the Church of England as containing all things necessary to Salvation and that I will not endeavour by my self or any other directly or indirectly to bring in any Popish Doctrine contrary to that so established nor will I ever give my consent to alter the Government of this Church by Archbishops Deans and Arch Deacons c. Et cetera and so forth as it stands now established and as by right it ought to stand nor yet ever to subject it to the Usurpations and Superstitions of the See of Rome And all these things do I plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear according to the plain and common sense or understanding of the same words without any Equivocation mental Evasion or secret Reservation whatsoever And this I do heartily willingly and truly upon the faith of a Christian So help me God in Jesus Christ This Oath was imposed upon all Ministers and gave great Offence This was the chief business of this Convocation which ended May 26 1640. Arch Bishop Laud by his earnest proceedings against Nonconformists and such as were called Puritans and by his strict enjoyning of Ceremonies especially reviving old Ceremonies which had not been lately observed procured much hatred to himself from the People particularly the Londiners who had a particular disgust against him for his severity upon Mr. Burton Pryn and Bastwick insomuch that upon May 9 1640 a Paper was fixed upon the Royal Exchange inciting the Apprentices to rise and sack his House at Lambeth the Monday after which they were the more inclined to do because it was reported that he was the chief instigator of the King to dissolve the last Parliament but the Arch Bishop had notice of their Design and provided accordingly however upon Monday at midnight about Five Hundred of them beset his House and endeovoured to enter but were repulsed and forced to depart having in some measure vented their Spleen in words and breaking his Glass-Windows The next day many of them were apprehended and imprisoned but three days after they were forcibly rescued from thence by their Companions who broke open the Prison doors for which one of the Ring-leaders was drawn hanged and quartered and his head and quarters set upon London-Bridge The King grew daily more offended against the Scots and calls a Select Juncto to consult about them where the Earl of Strafford delivered his mind in such Terms as were afterward made use of to his distruction War against them was resolved on and Money was to be procured one way or other the City of London was invited to lend but refused and pleaded poverty being distasted i● seems at some proceedings in the Star Chamber about their Plantation of London Derry in Ireland which was judged to be forfeited for some alledged misdemeanors and the Undertakers fined yet the Citizens were willing to offer a large Sum for the building a Magnificent Pallace for the King in St James's Park which took no effect The Gentry contributed indifferent freely so that with their Assistance the Royal Army was compleated the King himself being Generalissimo the Earl of Northumberland General and the Earl of Strafford Leiutenant General Northumberland falls sick and therefore the King takes the Command upon himself and sends away part of the Army Horse and Foot under the Lord Conway into the North. July 20th 1640. the Queen was delivered of a Son who was Ch●istened Henry afterward Created Duke of Glocester In the mean time the L. Conway had but ill Success for having drawn about 1200 Horse and 3000 Foot to secure the Passes upon the Rive● Tyne the Scotch Army under their General Lesly advanced thither better provided then before and August 27 Lesly desired leave of the L. Conway for his whole Army to pass to the King with their Petition which was denied whereupon about 300 Scotch Horse attempted to pass the River but were beaten back by the English Musquetiers who were placed under a Breast-work Lesly comes on with his Horse and charges Commissary General Wilmot who maintained the ground very stoutly till overborn with multitude and Canon they were put to a disorderly Retreat both Horse and Foot upon which the L. Conway hastes to the King with the unwelcome News Sir Jacob Astly Governor of Newcastle finding himself unable to de●end the place deserts it sinking the great Guns ●n the River whereby Newcastle and Durham came ●n a short time into the hands of the Scots And now Strafford comes up with whom the King retreats ●o York and stays there while Strafford who was ●ow sole Commander charges the whole miscar●iage upon Conway who as stoutly denies it The King had formerly declared the Scots to be Rebels and Traytors by Proclamation and commanded that publick Prayers should be put up against them in all Churches but at this time he is contented to treat with them and to that end he receives a Petition from them complaining of their Grievances To which he answers by
Hart which intimated That his only Motive to this Fact was the late Remonstrance of the Commons against the Duke and that he could not sacrifice his Life in a nobler Cause than by delivering his Countrey from so great an Enemy Felton was afterwards Condemned and Hanged at Tybourn and his Body hanged upon a Gibbet at Portsmouth There was observation made of divers Passages presaging the Dukes Death as that his Picture fell down in the high Commission Chamber at Lambeth That the Lady Davis reputed a Prophetess had foretold in June that the Dukes fatal time would not come till August and lastly that Mr. Towerson of the Customhouse was charged by a Phantasm or Ghost resembling the Dukes Father to tell him That if he changed not his courses he should shortly become a great Fairing to the City of London which was afterwards judg'd to be accomplished by his death which happened the day before the Fair that is August 23. 1628. However the Fleet set Sail under the Command of the Earl of Lindsey and came to the Bar of Rochel Haven where there was a wonderful Barracado contrived by Cardinal Richlieu of Fourteen Hundred Yards cross the Channel however the Earl adventured in passing the Forts and Outworks but the Wind changing drove the Ships upon each other which unhappy Accident made the Rochellers despair of Relief and occasioned the present surrender of the Town after which the Earl of Lindsey brought the Fleet safe home again The Parliament was to have met in October but by reason of some ill news during this Expedition they were again Adjourned to January 20th in which time the Merchants refusing to pay Custom had their goods seized Complaint whereof being made to the Parliament the King summons the two Houses to the Banquetting House at White-hall and requires them to pass the promised Bill of Tunnage and Poundage for ending all differences since it was too precious a Jewel of the Crown to be so lightly forgone But the Commons being forward enough to take all occasions to put of the Kings Requests Answered That Gods Cause was to be preferr'd before the Kings and they would therefore in the first place consult concerning Religion and thereupon appointed one Committee for Religion and another for Civil Matters in the last wherof there was a complaint that the Petition of Right had been Printed with the Kings first Answer only and not with the last which was judged Satisfactory Another complaint was likewise made about the Customs and Mr. Rolls a Member of the House affirmed That it was reported some of the Officers of the Custom-house should say Though all the Parliament were in you we would take your Goods Mr. Richard Chambers was likewise imprisoned for saying at the Council Table That such great Customs and Impositions were required of the Merchants in England as were in no other Place and that they were more screwed up than under the Turk After which a Form of Submission being sent him from the Star Chamber to subscribe his name there to he instead of owning it as a fault underwrit these words All the abovesaid Contents I Richard Chambers do utterly abhor and detest as most unjust and false and never to death will acknowledge any par● thereof and quoted divers Scriptures against Oppression and Injustice As to the Printing the Petition of Right the Printer was questioned and for the other the Farmer● of the Customs were challenged to Answer it bu● the King excused them as Acting by his Command yet this not being clear to the Parliament they would have proceeded against them as Delinquents whereupon the King sent them Word That in honour he could not nor would give way there to Which so increased the Parliament that they Adjourned themselves for some days and the● meeting again the King Adjourned them further till March 1. upon which Sir John Eliot stood up and accused the Lord Trea surer Weston as an Enemy to the English Trade and designing to transfer it to Forreigners which Speech caused a further Adjournment to March 10. The Commons inraged hereat blamed their Speaker for admitting the Message and ordered Sir John Eliot to read their Remonstrance the Speaker and Clerk refusing to do it which was to this purpose That the House had considered of the Bill for Tunnage and Poundage but being overprest with other business and that of it self so perplext as would require much leisure to discharge could not at that time finish it this present Session moving hastily to an end and least his Majesty should hereafter as he had done heretofore encline to Evil Spirits or to be abused to believe that might justly receive the Subsidies of Tonnage and Poundage which they humbly declare to be against the Fundamental Law of the Nation and contrary to the Kings late Answer to the Petition of Right therefore they crave that his Majesty would for the future forbear such Taxes and not take it ill if his Subjects refuse what is demanded by Arbitrary and unwarrantable Power A Report was likewise made from the Committee of Pardons by Oliver Cromwell a fatal name afterward that Dr. Neal Bishop of Winchester was cheifly Instrumental in procuring the Kings hand to the Pardons of Dr. Sybthorp Dr. Maynwaring Mr. Cousens and Mr. Montague and that he had likewise preferr'd Dr. Maynwaring to a rich Living though censured by the former Parliament and disabled from holding any Ecclesiastical Dignity and also that he was a Countenancer not only of Arminianism but flat Popery The Commons having prepared their Remonstrance about the Bill of Tonnage and Poundage they required their Speaker to put it to the Vote whether it should be presented to the King or not but the Speaker refused it and accordingly to the Kings order would have gone away but Mr. Hollis would not suffer him to stir till himself had read the Protestation of the House consisting of 3 Heads 1. Whoever shall bring in any Innovation of Religion or by favour seek to introduce Popery or Arminianism or other Opinions disagreeing from the True and Orthodox Church shall be reputed a Capital Enemy to this Kingdom and Common-wealth 2. Whosoever shall Counsel or Advise the taking or levying the Subsidies of Tonnage and Poundage not being granted by Parliament or shall be an Actor or Instrument therein shall be likewise reputed a Capital Enemy to the Commonwealth 3. If any man shall yield voluntarily or pay the same not being granted by Parliament he shall be reputed a Betrayer of the Liberties of England and an Enemy to the Commonwealth These Articles were entertained with the general Approbation of the Members but were much disliked by the King who immediately sent for the Serjeant of the Mace out of the House of Commons but Sir Miles Hobart took the Key from him and locking the door would not suffer him to go forth at which the King being very much offended he sends the Usher of the Black Rod to dissolve them who
his Secretary of Scotland that he expects their particular demands which he receives in three days all tending to require a Parliament to be called in England without which there could be no satisfactory redress for them they had likewise before their March into England published a Declaration called The Intentions of the Army viz. Not to lay down Arms till the Reformed Religion were setled in both Nations upon sure grounds and the Causes and Abbettors of their present Troubles that is Arch-Bishop Laud and the Earl of Strafford were brought to publick Justice in Parliament At the same time Twelve English Peers that is the Earls of Bedford Hartford Essex Warwick Mulgrave Bristol Bullingbrook Say and Seal Mandevil Howard Brook and Paget drew up a Petition which they delivered to the King for the sitting of the Parliament After which divers others were presented to the same purpose from the City of London and several other parts of the Kingdom all centring in this that nothing could relieve the Pressures of the Kingdom but a Parliament To this the King condescends in part giving hope likewise of further satisfaction ere long and 〈◊〉 the present Summons the Lords to appear at Yor● Sep. 24. which they did and upon the first day o● their meeting it was agreed That a Parliame●● should be called to meet November 3 following an● then for the relief of the North sorely suffering under Leslies Army the Bishoprick of Durham bein● then taxed 360 l. and Northumberland 300 l. a day it was resolved that a Treaty should be set on Foo● and that Sixteen English Lords should meet with as many Scots and York was proposed for the plac● of Treaty which the Scotch Commissioners refused as not judging it safe by reason of the presence o● the Earl of Strafford who hath proclaimed them Traytors in Ireland and was now chief Commander of the Kings Army and a Capital Enemy to their Nation and against whom they had matter of high Complaint therefore it was concluded to be held at Rippon where among other things it was agreed that the Scotch Army should be maintained by the English till the Treaty was ended and peace secured that there should be a safe Convoy for all Letters between the Scots and the Parliament of England The first of these Articles seemed unreasonable and dishonourable to the English Nation and the Earl of Strafford was so offended thereat that he desired leave of the King to give them Battel and was willing as he writ to Arch-Bishop Laud to undertake upon the Peril of his Head with his Army of English Grashoppers to beat those Sons of Anak home again for so much Superlour were the Scots then accounted to the English as to matter of Souldiers but October 16. the English Commanders whether through Fear Favour or out of a Political Maxim not to fight against the Scots condescended to Articles of Agreement which were afterward signed by the King himself This Treaty of Rippon was but previous to another of higher Importance at London for a general concluding and making up all differences between the King and his Subjects of Scotland during which Treaty James Earl of Montross made several Applications to the King and by Letters offered his service to him testifying his disslike of the Scot●ish Proceedings but these his Letters were said to have been secretly taken out of the Kings Pockets and conveyed to the Covenanters by the means of Hamilton who understanding Montross his design used all means to render him odious to the People and so unserviceable to the King And now the time approached for the sitting of the Parliament who accordingly met November 3. 1640 which was looked upon by Arch-Bishop Laud as a fatal day for Summoning of Parliaments in reference to Church matters the Parliament in King Henry the Eighths time which pulled down Abbies and Monasteries being likewise Assembled upon November 3. Whereupon he advised the King for lucks sake to put off their meeting for 2 or 3 dayes but the King not minding any such Observations did not regard it To give some Account of the temper of those times it may not be amiss to repeat the words of a Person of Honour who was then a Member of the House of Commons and hath lately published some Passages concerning that Parliament Never Parliament saith he was assembled when the People were in an higher discontent then at this time such a general Diffidence there was as they thought themselves sure of nothing the increase of Ceremonies made them fear the approach of a Religion hateful to them the la●● business of Ship-money together with some Imp●sitions without the consent of Parliament cause● them to apprehend the loss of Property in the Estates and they had little hope of Redress 〈◊〉 Parliaments because his then Majesty had bee● so unhappy as to be put upon a sudden Dissolutio● of all Parliaments formerly by him called The● wanted not Persons ill disposed and seditious 〈◊〉 trumpet these things in the ears of the generalty whereby they incensed them so far as there●● they found means to raise a Power against the●● Soveraign Mr. William Lenthal was Chosen Speaker of th● House of Commons and the King in a Speech t●●● them that the Scottish Troubles were the Cause o● their present Meeting and therefore requires the● to consider of the most expedient means for ca●●ing them out and then promises that he will hea●tily and clearly concurr with them for the satisfying their just Grievances After which he ga●● them an Account of his want of Money for th● Maintaining of his Army and how dishonourabl● it would be to the English Nation if his Arm● should be disbanded before the Scots were put ou● of the Kingdom and desired them to consider o● the Oppression of the Northern Countreys during th●… Treaty It was ill resented by many that the King should call the Scots Rebels whereupon he took occasion to tell them that he must needs call them Rebels as long as they have an Army which did invade England The Commons then Voted down all Monopolies and all such Members as had any benefit by them were expelled out of the House Complain● was made in the House of Lords against Sir William Beecher one of the Clerks of the Council for violating their Priviledges in searching the Earl of Warwicks and the Lord Brooks Studies Cabinets and Pockets upon the dissolving the last Parliament upon which he was committed Prisoner to the Fleet though he pleaded the Command of the Secretary of State for his so doing The Earl of Strafford is Impeached of High Treason by the Commons in the House of Lords whereupon he is sequestred from the House and likewise his Friend Sir George Ratcliff is sent for out of Ireland by a Serjeant at Arms In the mean time the Bishop of Lincoln who was Prisoner in the Tower is released and likewise Mr. Pryn and Mr. Burton who are brought in great Triumph to London and
and for the first offence in refusing to forfeit all their Goods for the second their Estates and for the third their Lives And besides this they presented them with the hopes of Liberty That the English Yoke should be stricken off That they should have a King of their own Nation and that then all the Goods and Estates of the English should be divided amongst them With these Motives of Spoil and Liberty which were strengthned by the former of Religion the Rebellion increased The Rebels in Ulster commanded by Sir Phelim O Neal assisted by his Brother the Brother of the Lord Mac Guire Philip O Reley and several others had possessed most of the strong places in that Province and many other which they could not take by force nor treachery were delivered to them by the English upon Articles which they afterwards like true or rather false Papists most perfidiously broke Butchering and Massacring the poor English without pity or compassion to Age or Sex though they still spared the Scotch Plantations in Ulster because of their Numbers and likewise for fear of the Scotch Army so easily to be transported to the North parts of Ireland But now their General Sir Phelim O Neal one of the Race of the late Bloody Earl of Tyrone a pretended Protestant till some time before having got together a vast number of the Natives fell upon them and destroyed their Houses and Goods and though they did not exercise that Cruelty on their Bodies yet they stript them and drove them Naked to the Scotish Shore from thence he marched into other parts and took Dundalk incamping at Arde near Tredagh The King finding his stay to be longer than he thought left the whole business of Ireland to the Parliament who declared a speedy and vigorous Assistance and Voted Fifty thousand Pound for a present Supply By which time the Lords of the Council of Ireland had Armed as many as were able and given Commissions for raising several Regiments of whom the Earl of Ormond was made Lieutenant General and a Regiment was sent from England under Sir Simon Harcourt about which time the King returned out of Scotland and was Entertained and Feasted at London and from thence Conducted to White-Hall after which the King Treated several Chief Citizens at Hampton Court where divers of the Aldermen had the honour of Knighthood December 2. The King Summons both Houses together and tells them That he had staid in Scotland longer than he expected yet not fruitlesly for he had given full satisfaction to that Nation but cannot chuse but take notice of and wonder at the unexpected Distractions he finds at home and then commends to them the State of Ireland next he publishes a Proclamation for Obedience to the Laws in force concerning Religion and the performance of Divine Service without Innovation or Abolishing of Rites and Ceremonies January 20 His Majesty makes another Speech to them and Conjures them by all that is dear to him or them to hasten the business of Ireland After which the Commons ordered a Select Committee to draw up a Petition and Remonstrance to the King the Petition was thus Most Gracious Soveraign your Majesties most humble and faithful Subjects the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled do with joy acknowledge the Favour of God in your safe return into England where the dangers and distempers of the State have caused them to desire your Presence and Authority to your Parliament for preventing of imminent Ruin and Destruction to your Kingdoms of England and Scotland fomented by a malignant party for alteration of Religion and Government the increase of Popery by the Practice of Jesuites and other Engineers and Factors of Rome corrupting the Bishops and Privy Council they being the cause of the late Scottish War and the Irish Rebellion Now for prevention they pray That your Majesty would concur with your Parliament to deprive the Bishops of their Votes To take away Oppression in Religion Church Government and Discipline To purge your Councils of such as are promoters of these Corruptions and not alienate any Escheated Lands in Ireland by reason of the Rebellion and these being granted we will make you happy This was followed by a large Remonstrance containing all the Miscarriages and Misfortunes which they termed Pressures since the beginning of his Majesties Reign As 1. The root and ground of these dangers 2. Their Maturity and Ripeness 3. The effectual means used for their Extirpation and the progress therein made 4. Th● Obstructions and Oppositions interrupting 5. Th● best means for removing these Obstacles and fo● accomplishing the Parliaments good Intentions for restoring this Nation to its Ancient Renown The Actors and Promoters of these Evils wer● described to be 1. The Jesuited Papists 2. Th● Bishops and corrupted Clergy 3. Intereste● Counsellors and Courtiers The root of the mi●chief was the Malignant Party whose Practice● were branched into four particulars 1. To foment differences and discontents between th● King and People about Prerogative and Priviledge for their own Advantages 2. To suppress th● purity and power of Religion 3. To Unite and Conjoyn Papists Arminians and Libertines and out of them all to compose a Body sufficient to carry on their Designs And 4. To disaffect the King to the Parliament by Slanders and by putting him upon other ways of Supply than by Parliament and that the Intentions of these Malignants were to subvert the Fundamental Laws and Principles of Government They then charge this Malignant Party more particularly as chiefly occasioning the Dissolution of three several Parliaments without Relief of Grievances The Imprisoning and Fining several of the Members raising great Sums of Money by Loan Privy Seals and Excise and blasting The Petition of Right The succesless Attempts upon France and Spain and Peace made with the Spaniard without consent of Parliament The loss of Rochel occasioned by lending part of our Fleet to the French King deserting the cause of the Palatinate charging the Kingdom with Billeting Souldiers and the Design of bringing in German Horse to inslave this Nation to Arbitrary Contributions Lastly they reflect upon Scandalous Declarations published against the Parliament upon Injustice Oppression Violence Illegal Inlargements of Forrests Coat and Conduct Money Corrupt Councils and Designs Projects Monopolies Illegal Proceedings in Courts of Judicature and Council Table charging the Bishops likewise with many Enormities particularly for contributing to raise an Army for constraining the Scots to conform to their Superstitious Ceremonies concluding with what they have done for the Reformation of these Abuses To their Petition the King returned this Answer That he knows not any Wicked or Malignant Persons whom he doth either countenance or imploy That he would concur with his People in a Parliamentary way against all Popish Designs but would not consent to deprive the Bishops of their Votes in Parliament That he judged the power of the Clergy sufficiently moderated by taking away the High Commission Court and
needing no further Abridgment That he was willing to concur with them for removal of any Innovations in Religion by a National Synod That he had no Counsellors nor Ministers of State whom he would not at any time expose to Trial and leave to the Law but cannot agree that any others should have the choice of them but himself That he concurs with them for not altering the Forfeited Lands in Ireland but thinks it not reasonable to resolve before the Event of War be seen and doubts not of their Loyal Endeavours for the support of his Royal State In Answer to the Remonstrance the King Issues out a Declaration to his Subjects the Sum of which was That he thought he had given sufficient satisfaction to his Peoples Fears and Jealonsies concerning Religion Liberty and Civil Interests by the Bills which he had passed this Parliament desiring that misunderstandings might be removed on either side and that the bleeding Condition of Ireland might perswade them to Unity for the relief of that unhappy Kingdom Not long after happened the Insolent Tumults of the London Apprentices who in a riotous manner went to White-hall and Westminster to the great disturbance of the King who thereupon commanded the Lord Mayor and Common Council to keep a double Watch and Guard for preventing mischief and Dec. 28. the King sends a Message to the Lords That he would raise Ten thousand Voluntiers for Ireland if the Commons would undertake to pay them On New-years day a Proclamation was published against the Irish declaring Those that were in Arms with all their Adherents and Abettors to be Rebels and Traytors Two days after the King upon Information that the L. Kimbolton and Five of the House of Commons viz. Mr. Hollis Sir Authur Haslerig Mr. Pym Mr Hamden and Mr. Stroud had correspondence with the Scots and countenanced the late City Tumults He thereupon ordered their Trunks Studies and Chambers to be Sealed up and their Person Seized the former of which was done but having timely notice they went aside upon which the Commons Voted the same day That if any Persons shall Attempt to Seize the Persons or Papers of any Parliament Men such Members shall require the Aid of the Constable to secure such Persons till further Order of the House and that it is lawful for any person to Assist the said Members and that the said Members may stand upon their Guard and make resistance according to the Protestation for defence of the Priviledges of Parliament Hereupon the King charges the L. Kimbolton and the 5 Members with several Articles and Acquaints both Houses That he did intend to prosecute them for High Treason and required that their Persons might be secured And the next day the King Attended with his Guard of Pensioners and some Hundreds of Gentlemen went to the House of Commons and the Guard staying without the King with the Palsgrave entred the House at whose entrance the Speaker rises out of the Chair and the King sitting down therein Views the House round and perceives the Birds he aimed at were flown for having warning they had withdrawn into London whereupon he tells them That he came to look for those 5 Members whom he had accused of High Treason and was resolved to have them where ever he found them and expected to have them sent to him as soon as they should come to the House but would not have them think that this Act of his was any Violation of Parliament This Act of the Kings was so highly resented by the House that the next day January 5 the Commons Voted it a Breach of Priviledge and Scandals were raised in the City that he intended Violence against the House of Commons and came thither with force to Murther several Members and used threatning Speeches against the Parliament with which the City was so possessed That unusual Guards and Watches were set as if some desperate Assault were to be made upon the City and the Houses Adjourned till the Tuesday following appointing a Committee in the mean time to sit at Guild-hall to consider of the most Effectual Means for their Security And then they publish a Declaration That whosoever shall Arrest any Member of Parliament by Warrant from the King only is Guilty of the Breach of Priviledges of Parliament and likewise that all those who attended the King when he came to demand the 5 Members were Guilty of a Traiterous Design against the King and Parliament That the Proclamation for Apprehending and Imprisoning the said Members was False Scandalous and Illegal and not of Validity enough to hinder them from attending the House and that the publishing of the several Articles of High Treason was a Breach of Priviledge wherefore they intreat his Majesty to discover the Names of those Informers and Evil Councellors declaring all such Persons to be publick Enemies to the State In the mean time the Londoners came thronging to Westminster with Petitions inveighing bitterly against some of the Peers but especially the Bishops whom they affronted as they went to the House upon which they were so affrighted that Twelve Bishops absent themselves from the House of Lords drawing up a Protestation against all Laws Orders Votes Resolutions and Determinations as in themselves null and of none effect which had passed or should pass during their forced Absence desiring their Protestation might be entred by the Clerk of the House of Peers Presently after which at a Conference between both Houses it was agreed That this Protestation of the Twelve Bishops did extend to the deep intrenching upon the fundamental Priviledges and Being of Parliaments and in a short time they were accused of High Treason seized and brought on their knees at the Lords Bar Ten of them were committed to the Tower and the other two in regard of their Age to the Black Rod. The King at this time thinking himself unsafe without a Guard accepted of the offer of some Gentlemen of the Inns of Court to be a Guard to him which instead of security was by subtil men made more prejudicial to the King by taking this occasion to raise the rage and jealousie of the City against him for at midnight there were crys made ●n the Streets of London That all People should rise ●o their Defence for the King with his Papists were coming to fire the City and cut their Throats in their Beds than which though nothing were more false yet it found the effects of truth and the People by such Allarms being terrified from sleep the impressions of those night fears lay long upon their Spirits in the day and filled them almost with madness of which the King complained to the Common Council of London But the House of Commons to obviate this upon suspicion of some design upon their persons petition the King for a Guard to be commanded by the Earl of Essex of whose fidelity to the King and State no question was ever made This Petition was denied by the