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A33316 The history of the glorious life, reign, and death of the illustrious Queen Elizabeth containing an account by what means the Reformation was promoted and established, and what obstructions it met with, the assistance she gave to all Protestants abroad, the several attempts of the papists upon her life, the excommunications of Rome, Bishop Jewel's challenge to the papists, the several victories she gained, and more particularly that in 1588 ... / by S. Clark ; illustrated with pictures of some considerable matters, curiously ingraven in copper plates. Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1682 (1682) Wing C4523; ESTC R13609 73,724 210

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have procured he was to have marryed her and thereupon have demanded as well England as Scotland in Right of his Wife But this Plot and all the Contrivances to bring it about being discovered by the Prince of Orange to Queen Elizabeth she thereupon entred into a Defensive League with the States of the Low Countries After which some Forces were sent over thither with whom flocked several Volunteers of Quality Casimir the Elector Palatine's Son came likewise thither with an Army of German Horse and Foot at the Queen's Charges These Forces were unexpectedly attacqued by Don John at the Head of a great and experienc'd Army assisted by the Prince of Parma and other the best Commanders of the Spanish Monarchy and though they had expected a certain Victory yet after an obstinate Fight they were compelled to retreat but rallying again they thought to have surprized the English and Scottish Volunteers but were again repulsed by them and the English and Scots were so fiery in this Engagement that casting away their Garments by reason of the hot Weather they fought in their Shirts which they made fast about them Before this Action Don John had sent to Queen Elizabeth to complain of disobedience in the States The Spaniard himself having done the same and likewise the French-man of his Hugonot Subjects Thus sate this Queen as an Heroical Princess and Umpire between the Spaniards the French and the States insomuch that it was true what one hath Written that France and Spain were the Scales in the ballance of Europe and England the Beam to turn them either way For whom she assisted did ever play the Master Now though Embassadours come from the Queen of England the Emperour and the French King into the Low Countries with Proposals of Peace yet their Negotiation proved to no purpose for that Don John refused to admit the Protestant Religion and the Prince of Orange refused to return into Holland But shortly after Don John Dyed in the flower of his Age some say of the Pestilence others of grief both for his being out of favour with the Spanish King and for that his Ambition had been disappointed first of the Kingdom of Tunis and afterwards of that of England In Scotland began again new Commotions for the People having conceived a great Aversion against the Lord Morton the Regent the Nobility unanimously resolved to transfer the Administration of the Government upon the King though then but Twelve years old appointing him a Council of twelve of the Principal Lords three of whom were to attend him a Month by course Hereupon the King sent an Ambassador to Queen Elisabeth who was dismissed with satisfaction in most of the Points he came about but the Lord Morton not being able to brook the Disgrace of being put from the Regency taketh the Administration of all Affairs to himself which so provoked the Nobility of that Kingdom that they raised a great Army and were ready to fight him and his Forces when through the Intercession of Sir Robert Bowes the English Ambassador things were accommodated for the present And now the King of Spain and the Pope conspire the utter Ruine as they imagined of Queen Elizabeth having taken all the necessary Measures for an Invasion of England and Ireland But Don Sebastian King of Portugal being to Head this Enterprize was killed in the memorable Battel wherein three Kings were slain in Africa whereupon the King of Spain's Thoughts and Forces were wholly taken up how to secure the Kingdom of Portugal to himself In the mean time the Duke of Alanzon renews his Suit to the Queen sending over several French Lords to sollicit in his behalf and amongst the rest one Simier who had the Reputation of a great Courtier and one who understood the Art of Love better than any one Person of his time and indeed he seemed to have made such Advances in his Negotiation as made several of the other Pretenders jealous and caused the Earl of Leicester to report that this French-man crept into the Queens Affections by Love Potions and unlawful Arts for which and other Speeches and his being married to the Earl of Essex his Widow he was confined to the Castle of Greenwich and had it not been for the Earl of Sussex though his greatest Adversary he had been committed to the Tower But this course so provoked the Earl of Leicester and there were such suspicions of a Design of murdering Simier that the Queen put out a Proclamation commanding that no Person should offer Injury to the Ambassador or any of his Servants Yet it happening at that time that the Queen going in her Barge with Simier and some English Noblemen to Greenwich a young Fellow shooting off a Musket shot one of the Rowers in the Barge through the Arm with a Bullet for which he was immediately carried to the Gallows yet upon Solemn Protestation that he did it unwillingly and with no ill intent he was let go and pardoned And notwithstanding all that was suggested to the Queen yet she was so far from suspecting her Subjects that she frequently said She would not believe any thing against them which a Mother would not believe against her Children Within a few days after which Accident the Duke of Alanzon himself came incognito into England and unexpected by the Queen with whom having had some private Conferences he returned back to France and within a Month or two after his Departure the Queen appointed Commissioners to treat with Simier concerning the Articles of the Marriage The King of Spain having constituted the Prince of Parma Governour of the Low Countries Qu. Elizabeth supplyeth the States with a great Sum of Money for which William Davison brought into England the ancient pretious Habiliments of the Family of Burgundy and their costly Vessels laid to Pawn by Matthew of Austria and the States And about this time Sir William Drury succeeded in the Deputiship of Ireland to Sir Henry Sidney who had been eleven years Deputy of Ireland at several times And Casimir Son to the Elector Palatine of the Rhine came into England and after he had been magnificentl● entertained he was made Knight of the Garter and dismissed with a yearly Pension And the Queen having procured of the Grand Seignieur a full Liberty for her Subjects to-trade in all the Territories of Turkey a Company of Turkey Merchants was first set up about that time who carried on a great and most advantagious Trade in the several Parts of his vast Dominions Hereupon followed the Death of Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper of the Great Seal in whose place succeeded Sir Thomas Bromley with the Title of Lord Chancellor of England And now broke out new Rebellions in Ireland the Natives thereof being thereunto stirred up by the Pope and his Adherents During which Sir William Drury dying Arthur Lord Gray was made Deputy in his stead And now the Pope having bestowed the Kingdom of Ireland upon the King of Spain for
Religion to be established in the Kingdom by authority of Parliament and those Acts to be repealed that had been made against the See of Rome in the time of Henry the 8th and Edward the sixth yet there being no Issue to be expected from the Queen seeing she was fourty Years old Weak and Infirm they stood in fear of the Lady Elizabeth who had gained the hearts of all the Nation by her Loyal and Prudent Conduct being the Admiration of her Age both for her Beauty and the Qualities of her Mind and was so indefatigable in Study that before she had attained to the Age of Seventeen Years she had acquired to Perfection both Greek Latin and other ancient Languages and French Italian and other Modern Tongues and had likewise gained all other Accomplishments that are necessary to the composing a Perfect Princess Thus being looked upon as a Miracle of Learning and Prudence as well by Foreigners as the English the Papists were sensible how much it was their Interest to remove out of the way a Princess who seemed threatning the Fall of their Superstitions here in England they used all their Arts to dispose Queen Mary to take away her Life which the Queen refused to do notwithstanding they would have perswaded her that she was obliged to do every thing though never so unjust that was requisite and necessary for the promoting and settling the Catholick Religion And Sir Thomas Wyat Sir Peter Carew and others having stirred up some Commotions the Papists most maliciously set Rumours on Foot that the Lady Elizabeth did countenance and was privy to those Tumults and that she was to be marryed to the Earl of Devonshire Hereupon they caused her to be put into Prison and notwithstanding they would have forced several of the Tumultuaries by Torture to have declared her Accessory to their Rising yet the Rack was not able to make them wrong her Innocence and such as had seemingly accused her in hopes of Advantage cleared her at the time of their Execution But the Papists having got that Princess into Prison they were so far from putting an End to their Persecutions notwithstanding her Innocence that they used her with all the Barbarity imaginable Insomuch that the French and Danish Kings thought it convenient to comfort her by making her great Offers Promises of doing all that lay in their Power in her Behalf But this did but the more inflame the Rage of her Popish Enemies who were resolved to take away her Life either by accusing her of High Treason or of Heresie Hereupon they forced her to hear Divine Service after their Superstitious manner and to go likewise to Confession yet Cardinal Pool Bonner and others of the Bishops were not satisfied with this severe and cruel Treatment but declared that it was requisite she should dye for the Security of the Catholick Religion insomuch that this harsh Usage moved the Spamard himself to pitty and King Philip Queen Mary's Husband interceeded in her Favour and admiring her extraordinary Virtues would have marryed her to his Son Charles or as others say designed her for himself maugre the different Principles of Religion And for this Reason he broke off the Proposals that were made for the marrying her to Emanuel Philibert Duke of Savoy However he was not able to gain her for his Son finding that the People of England would never permit that the next Heir of the Crown should be sent out of the Kingdom In the mean time Queen Mary's Hatred daily increasing against her Sister Elizabeth this Lady's Ruine must have been certain had not it pleased God to divert the thoughts of it by the War that Queen Mary declared against France in favour of her Husband Philip. During this War and the Scots Excursions into England Calice and several other considerable Places being lost and the Queen finding her self neglected laid all these things so to heart and having lain languishing under a Tympany and six Months Fever which then raged over all the Land she departed this Life on the 17th of November 1558. having reigned five Years and four Months During her Reign there are said to have perished by the Flames five Bishops twenty one Divines eight Gentlemen eighty four Artificers one hundred Husbandmen Servants and Labourers twenty six Wives twenty Widows nine Virgins two Boyes and two Infants the one springing out of the Mothers Womb as she was at the Stake and most inhumanely flung into the Fire in the very Birth Besides several others that were whippe● to death perished in Prisons and others that were condemned for their Faith and lay ready for Execution if they had not been delivered by the seasonable Death of Queen Mary and the auspicious Entrance of Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth the onely Child then living of King Henry the Eighth succeeded her Sister in the Throne on the 17th of November 1558. And a Parliament having been convened some time before Queen Mary's Death after her Dissolution had been for some hours concealed the News thereof was carried to the Lords then sitting in the House of Peers who after a short Debate amongst themselves sent a Message to the Speaker of the House of Commons desiring him and all the Members of that House to come immediately to them And they being come Heath Arch-bishop of York and Lord Chancellor of England signified unto them that the Lord had been pleased to take to his Mercy the late Queen Mary that by Right of Succession the Crown did belong to the Princess Elizabeth and that therefore they were desired to concurr in the proclaiming the new Queen with all possible Expedition which being unanimously agreed to by the House of Commons she was incontinently proclaimed Queen of England France and Ireland Defendress of the Faith in the Palace-yard o● Westminster in the presence of the Lords and Commons and presently after in Cheap-side in the presence of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Principal Citizens with great Acclamations and extraordinary joy of the People It was not long before some of the Lords brought her the News of her Sisters Death with the General acknowledgment of her just Title to the Crown Whereupon she prepared to remove from Hatfield where she had been under Consinement and set forward with a splen● did and Royal Train for London being met all along upon the way by the Nobles Bishops and crowds of others to a● whom she made so affable a Reception as confirmed the general Opinion of h● benign Disposition The first-Publick Testimony she gave of her Discretion after her coming 〈…〉 the Crown being then twenty five 〈…〉 old was the Choice she made of a Council picking out such of Queen Mary's Council as were well known to be able men and such as were firm Pursuers of the True Interests of the Nation adding such others as might moderate and temper them for the Protestant Religion She likewise caused new Commissions and Instructions to be sent to the several Ambassadors as resided
in the Courts of the various Princes and States but more particularly her Minister at the Court of Spain was ordered to represent unto that King how sensible she was of the Humanities she had received from him in the time of her Persecution and Troubles Instructions were likewise dispatched to Sir Edw. Harne the English Agent at the Court of Rome to acquaint the Pope with Queen Mary's Death and her succeeding upon the Throne with a desire that they might mutually receive all good Offices from one another But the Pope's Answer was in the usual rigorous Stile of that Court That the Kingdom of England was held in Fee of the Apostolick See that she could not succed being illegitimate that he could not contradict the Declaration of Clement the Seventh and Paul the Third that it was a great Boldness to assume the Name and Government of it without him yet being desirous to shew a fatherly Affection if she will renounce her Pretensions and refer her self wholly to his free Dispositions he will do whatsoever may be done with the Honour of the Apostolick See But the Queen having made him this Complement did not think of having any Answer nor was she much concerned when she had In the mean time King Philip having had notice of Queen Mary his Wife's Death he caused his Ambassador the Count of Feria to propose a Match between Queen Elizabeth and himself promising to procure a Dispensation from the Court of Rome These offers put the Queen into great perplexity as thinking it but an ill return to reject a Prince who had done her such Kindnesses during her Troubles And the French King was no less concerned fearing lest this Kingdom being again united to the Spaniard his Dominions must at length have buckled under so great a Power Wherefore he used all his Endeavours to put a Stop to the Dispensation at the Court of Rome and to all the other Places that might be made towards this Match elsewhere But he might have spared himself these Troubles for Queen Elizabeth never designed to enter into any such Marriage well knowing she would thereby have acknowledged her self to have been born in unlawful Wedlock and likewise considering that the Marriage of a Woman with her deceased Sister's Husband is prohibited by Sacred Authority as well as the Marriage of a man with his Brother's Widow and therefore unlawful notwithstanding the Pope's Dispensation wherefore she putteth off King Philip by degrees and with all the Civility and Circumstance imaginable Now many who were imprisoned upon the Account of Religion were set at Liberty at which time a merry Gentleman of the Court petitioned her in Favour of the Evangelists who had been so long imprisoned in a Latin Translation that they might be set at Liberty and walk abroad as formerly in the English Tongue To whom she immediately replyed in this manner That he should first endeavour to know the Minds of the Prisoners who possibly desired no such Liberty as was demanded Now the Queen being extreamly desirous of promoting the Protestant Religion she consulted with her most trusty Counsellors how that Religion might be established and the Popish abolished causing all Dangers to be well poised that might arise on this occasion and the Means and Expedients that might be used for the preventing and avoiding them Hereupon she put into the Principal Courts of Judicature and Offices of Trust such Persons as were well known to be of the Protestant Religion or inclined to it and did the same in the Commission of the Peace in every County The Dangers that might be expected from abroad were either from the Bishop of Rome by his Excommunication and exposing the Kingdom to any Invasion or from the French King who in such a Juncture might have broke off the Treaty of Peace at Cambray and make War upon the English in Favour of the Queen of Scots not only as Enemies but likewise as they are pleased to call the Protestants as Hereticks and might have procured Scotland to have done the same being at that time at his Devotion or from the Irish a People extreamly bigotted to Popery and always very ready to break out into a Rebellion Now as for the Thunder-bolts of Rome they were looked upon as things not at all to be dreaded but was resolved that in case the French made any offers of a Peace they were to be accepted if they did not then offers were to be made to them by reason that such a Peace would also comprehend Scotland but however to stick close to and give all manner of Aid and Countenance to those of the Reformed Religion both in France and Scotland that the Garrisons in Ireland and upon the Borders of Scotland should be better manned and fortified and that the Treaties with the House of Burgundy should be confirmed and friendship continued with the Spaniard And now having provided against all Mischances that might happen from abroad she proceeded to do all that might conduce towards the advancement and setling of the Protestant Religion at home by ordering that none should be chosen into any Colledges of both Universities but Protestants and that all Roman Catholick Presidents Heads and Masters should be put out and removed both from thence and all other Schools of the Land and for the curbing the rash zeal of both Parties she caused two Proclamations to be published by one of which it was commanded That no man of what Perswasion soever he was in Points of Religion should be suffered from thence forward to preach in publick but only such as should be licensed by her Authority and that all such as were so licensed or appointed should forbear preaching upon any Point which was matter of Controversie and might conduce rather towards the exasperating than the calming of mens Passions Which Proclamation was observed with all the care and strictness imaginable By the other Proclamation it was ordered That no Man of what Quality or Degree soever should presume to alter any thing in the state of Religion or innovate in any of the Rites and Ceremonies thereunto belonging but that all such Rites and Ceremonies should be observed in all Parish Churches of the Kingdom as were then used and retained in her Majesties Chappel until ●ome further Order should be taken in it Only it was permitted and withal required That the Litany the Lords Prayer the Creed and the Ten Commandments should be said in the English Tongue and the Epistle and the Gospel at the time of the High Mass should be said in English which was accordingly performed in all the Churches of the Kingdom She likewise ordered the Divine who officiated in her Chappel not to make any Elevation of the Sacrament for the abolishing the Popish Superstitious manner of adoring it which she could not endure should be done in her Sight as being wholly contrary to her Judgment and Conscience And then she proceeded to the reviewing and correcting of the former Liturgy
all the French Forces should immediately depart out of Scotland except sixty men only to b● left in Dunbar and as many in the Fo 〈…〉 of Nachkeeth that they should be transported for their greater Security in English Bottoms that all matters of Religio 〈…〉 should be referred to the following Parliament that an Act of Oblivion should be passed for the Indemnity of all who ha 〈…〉 borne Arms on either side that a general Bond of Love and Amit● should b● made betwixt the Lords and their 〈…〉 r●nts of both Religions And 〈…〉 amongst many other Particulars That n 〈…〉 ther the Queen of Scots nor the French King should from thence forward 〈…〉 the Titles and Arms of England 〈…〉 Articles being signed for both Kin 〈…〉 the French 〈…〉 Scotland 〈…〉 English Army being returned home was thereupon disbanded Shortly after which the Earls of Morton and Glencarn were sent by the Congregation to pay their most 〈…〉 mble Thanks and Acknowledgments to ●er Majesty for her ready and successful Assistance and to implore the Continuation of her Favour and Protection in case they should be invaded by the French or any other Enemies Whereof having received gracious Assurances and being 〈…〉 obly entertained and bountifully rewarded with Gifts and Presents they returned with such Joy and Satisfaction to ●he Congregation that for these Reasons and for the further engaging her Protection they obliged themselves by their Subscription to embrace the Liturgy with all the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England which for a time remained the only Form of Worship retained in the Kirke of Scotland After which they caused a Parliament to be called in Pursuance of the Articles of the Pacification from which no Person w 〈…〉 ed who had any Right of Suff 〈…〉 ose Authority three Acts pa 〈…〉 g wholly to the promoting and establishing of the Reformation The first was for the abolishing the Pope's Jurisdiction and Authority within that Realm the second For the annulling all Statutes made in former Times for maintenance of Idolatry and Superstition and the third for the Punishments of the Sayers and Hearers of Mass. And now let us return to England where the Earl of Arrain being recommended by the Protestants of Scotland for a Husband to Queen Elizabeth by that means to have united the two Crowns this Match was handsomly rejected by her and with great Commendation of the Person The like Address was made by the King of Denmark in Favour of Adolph Duke of Holstein a Prince who had gained great Honours by the Wars and who came himself over for that purpose but was dismissed by the Queen with the Honour of the Garter and a yearly Pension whereby she bound him for ever to her Interests At home Sir William Pickering the Earl of Arundel and Robert Dudley the Duke of Northumberland's younger S 〈…〉 statter'd themselves with the hopes 〈…〉 taining unto the Honour of being her Husband In the mean time the Lord Vicount Montacute the Queens Ambassador in Spain represents to that King the Necessity of the Scotish War endeavours to free the Scots from all Aspersions of Rebellion proving though a zealous Catholick that the Religion that was now introduced into England was wholly consonant to the Sacred Scriptures and the four first General Councils and demanded that the League of Burgundy might be renewed Whereto that King replyed That the confirming of the League was in no wise necessary bemoaneth the Change of Religion in England is troubled at the Expedition into Scotland sendeth back the Order of the Garter and taketh unkindly some Repulses in things of small Moment and though he gave some necessary Cautions as to Clauses to be inserted in the Treaty of Edenborough and for a while opposed the French Practi●● at Rome who endeavoured to pro●●●rt Queen Elizabeth to be excommunicated yet his Ministers incensing him 〈…〉 more and more against the Engl 〈…〉 Affronts were offered to the Queens Ambassador at his Court and he is likewise said to have then endeavoured to perswade the new elected Pope to thunder out his Bulls of Excommunication against her Majesty But the Court of Rome being sensible how little she valued those empty Crackers instead of complying with the Spaniard sent to her the Abbot Vincentio Papalia with secret Instructions and fawning Letters whereof you have here an Abstract To our most dear Daughter Elizabeth Queen of England OUR most dear Daughter in Christ greeting and Apostolical Benediction How greatly We do desire according as our Pastoral Office requireth to take care of your Salvation and to provide as well for your Honour as the Establishment of your Kingdom both God the Searcher of our Hearts knoweth and you your self may understand by the Instructions which we have given to this Our beloved Son Vincentio Papalia Abbot of St. Saviour a man known unto you and of Us well approved to be by him imparted unto You. We do therefore most Dear Daughter exhort and admonish your Highness again That rejecting bad Councellors ●●● love not you but themselves and serve their own De●●●s You would take the Fear of God to counsel and acknowledging the time of your Visitation o●ey Our Fatherly Admonitions and wholsome Advices and promise to your self all things concerning Us which you shall desire of Us not onely for the Salvation of your Soul but also for the establishing and confirming of your Royal Dignity according to the Authority Place and Function committed to Us by God who if you return into the Boso● of the Church as We wish and hope you will are ready to receive you with the same Love Honour and Rejoycing wherewith that Father in the Gospel received his Son who returned unto him although our Joy shall be so much the greater than his in that he rejoyced for the Salvation of one onely Son but You drawing with you all the people of England shall not only by your own Salvation but also by the Salvation of the whole Nation replenish Us and all our Brethren in General whom God willing you should hear shortly to be congregated in an Oecumenical and General Council for abolishing of Heresies and the whole Church with joy and gladness Yea you shall also glad Heaven it self and purchase ●y somemorable a Fact admirable Glory to your Name and much more renowned than that Crown you wear But of this matter the same Vincentio shall treat with you more at large and shall declare unto you our Fatherly affection whom we pray your Highness that you will graciously receive diligently hear and give the same Credit to his Speech which you would do to Our Self Given at Rome at Saint Peters c. The 1.5 day of May 1560. In our first year Notwithstanding all this Cajoslery Queen Elizabeth kept firm to her Motto viz. Always the same insomuch that the Pope was deceived in his hopes The proposals that the Pope is said to have designed to have made by this Abbot were That he would
Authority of Parliament To which Propositions the Queen of Scots replyed with a Proviso referring the fuller Answer to the Bishop of Ross her Ambassadour in England and to some other Delegates who afterwards granting some of the Propositions and rejecting others the Treaty came to nothing and things remained in the same state as they were in before Onely Queen Elizabeth as Head of all Britain by her Authority prorogued the Parliament of Scotland Whilst things were in this posture the Pope supplied the English Rebells and Fugitives with Monies and Philip of Spain contracted a Marriage with Anne of Austria Daughter to the Emperour Maximilian his own Neece by his Sister and she being to go by Sea from Zealand into Spain Queen Elizabeth to shew the Love and Respect she had for the House of Austria sent Sir Charles Howard with the Navy Royal to Convoy her through the British Sea And now Queen Elizabeth having compleated the Twelfth year of her Reign which some Wizzards had flattered the Papists that it would be her last the People out of their great Affection and Loyalty to her Majesty celebrated the 17th of November with all the Pomp Joy and Thanksgiving imaginable which was not only continued upon that day during her Life but even to this very day In Ireland a new Rebellion was contrived by the Earl of Thoumond and his Adherents which was disappointed when it was just ready to break out merely by the Earl's Suspicions of his being discovered whereupon he fled into France and confessing his Crimes and showing himself very penitent to the Queen's Ambassador there this Minister procured him his pardon and the Restitution of his Estate Soon after which Queen Elizabeth made a very magnificent Entry into the City of London for to go see the new Burse which Sir Thomas Gresham had newly built and in a solemn manner nam'd it the Royal Exchange with Sound of Trumpets and by the Voice of an Herald Shortly after which she created Sir William Cecyl Baron of Burghley There was at this time in England Delegates from the King of Scots of whom Queen Elizabeth having demanded that they should explain the Reasons they had for deposing their Queen whereupon they exhibited so insolent a Writing that the Queen could not read it without Indignation and told them That she did not see that they had any just Cause to treat their Queen after that manner and therefore desired they would immediately think of some means to allay the Dissentions of that Kingdom Hereupon several Propositions were again made them for the setting the Queen of Scots at Liberty which being rejected by the Scottish Delegates and Norfolk beginning a new his Practices in favour of that Queen and she her self corresponding and caballing with the Enemies of the Crown of England whereto they were both excited by Ridolpho the Pope's Agent that Queen had many of her Servants taken from her and she her self put under a stricter Confinement and a watching Eye was kept over the Duke to whom the Pope had promised great Assistance both of Money and Men in case he would raise a Rebellion assuring him That the King of Spain would aid him with four thousand Horse and six thousand Foot and that he had already deposited a hundred thousand Crowns and that he would be at all the Charge of the War But whilst these things were acting in England the Queen of Scots Party was very much oppressed in Scotland several of her principal Adherents being put to Death and their strongest Holds taken in In France was the Marriage now solemnized between Charles the Ninth the French King and Elizabeth of Austria Daughter to the Emperour Maximilian to Congratulate which the Lord Buckhurst was sent into France by Queen Elizabeth and was there received with all the Honours and Pomp imaginable and possibly the more in respect of a Motion that the French Court designed to make in favour of a Match between the Duke of Anjou and the Queen of England After the Lord Buckhurst had performed his Commission he returned home with great Presents and with one Cavalcantio a Florentine who had attended him in his Embassy This Cavalcantio being a prudent Person was entrusted by the Queen Mother of France to make a motion of this Match to Queen Elizabeth Which he accordingly performed and the Queen seemed to listen favourably to the Proposal for by this Match there should be added to the Kingdom of England the Dukedoms of Anjou Bourbon Avern and possibly the Kingdom of France it self Whereupon a Treaty was held in which the French proposed three Articles one concerning the Coronation of the Duke another concerning the joint Administration of the Kingdom a third concerning a toleration of his Religion whereto it was replyed that the two first Articles might in some sort be composed but hardly the third for though a contrary Religion might be tolerated between Subjects of the same Kingdom yet between a Wife and her Husband it seemed very incongruous and inconvenient however the matter was brought at length to this Conclusion that if the Duke would afford his presence with the Queen at Divine Service and not refuse to hear and learn the Doctrine of the Church of England he should not be compelled to use the English Rites but at his pleasure use the Roman not being expressly against the Word of God But they could not accommodate these Niceties insomuch that the Treaty was quite broak off after it had continued almost a Year But during these Occurrences it happened at Kinnaston in Herefordshire the ground was seen to open and certain Rocks with a piece of Ground removed and went forwards four days together carrying along great Trees and Sheep-Coats some with sixty Sheep in them and overthrew Rimnalstone Chappel the Depth of the whole where it first broke out is thirty Foot and the bredth of the Breach sixteen Yards also High-ways were removed near an hundred Yards with Trees and Hedg-rows and the like And now the Papists were plotting and contriving new Attempts against the Queen but they were all frustrated by the goodness of God and the Prudence of the Queen and the Loyalty and Zeal of her Ministers and Protestant Subjects Amongst others of those Devillish Instruments of Popery was the Bishop of Ross the Queen of Scots Ambassador who made it his whole Business to excite and stir up People to Rebellion He had laid several Plots for seizing Queen Elizabeth and freeing the Queen of Scots but they all failed him in the Execution But notwithstanding that Bishop had received so many checks for these Practices of his yet he continuing them to that degree as not only to pervert the Subjects from their Loyalty but even to Designs against the Queen's Life the Privy Council after mature Deliberation in the Business notwithstanding his Character thought fit he should be sent and kept close Prisoner in the Tower which was accordingly done as likewise with the Duke of Norfolk
England should be agreed upon and Delegates nominated to that purpose During these Transactions new Rebellions broke forth in Ireland the Mutineers calling into their aid the Hebridian Scots who together with the Irish were utterly defeated by the English above three thousand of them being all except fourscore killed upon the Place Which Victory was famous and advantageous both for the present and future times for hereby the name of the Mac-Williams in Connaught was utterly extinct and the insolent Attempts of the Scottish Islanders absolutely crushed About this time the States of the Low Countries being brought very low and unable to secure themselves any longer against the ruine that was threatned them by the vast power of the Spaniards they implored Queen Elizabeth's Protection and offered her the sovereignty of their Provinces which for the present after much debate in her Council she refused but was willing to supply them with four Thousand Souldiers in case the Town of Sluce with the Ordnance belonging to it were delivered to her for caution But afterwards upon their farther representations of the sad condition they were reduced to and commiserating the doleful estate of so great a Branch of the reformed Religion she at last resolves to take them into her Protection promising to supply them with five Thousand Foot and a Thousand Horse under a sufficient General and paying them during the War upon condition that they should by way of Pledge deliver to her Flushing the Fort of Ramekin and the Brill And her Majesty immediately caused to be put forth a large Declaration in justification of ●his her Conduct And thereupon that the War might not be brought to her own Doors by the King of Spain she sent Sir Francis Drake Admiral of her Fleet and Christopher Carlile General of her Land Forces into America with a Fleet of Twenty one ships wherein were two Thousand three Hundred Volunteers and Saylors for to make a Division thereby who after they had taken and plundered several places in those parts of the World and lost seven hundred of their men most of whom dyed of the Calenture they returned home with a Booty valued at six Thousand Pounds sterling and two hundred and forty of the Enemies great Brass and Iron Guns and with Tobacco being the first time it was brought into England During these Transactions in America John Davies with two ships set forth at the Charges of the Citizens of London first discovered and found a passage by the Northern parts of America to the East Indies About this time the Earl of Leicester was sent by the Queen as General of her Forces into Holland being accompanied by the Earl of Essex and several Persons of Quality with a choice Band of five hundred Gentlemen The Earl of Leicester's Reception was attended with all the Pomp and Magnificence imaginable And at his Arrival at the Hague the chief Government and absolute Authority over the confederated Provinces was committed to him by Instrument in Writing by the States General with the Title of Governour and Captain General of Holland Zeland the United and the confederated Provinces Which he accepted of and also the Title of excellency All which severely displeased the Queen and she made both him and the States sensible of her anger by her Letters to them desiring the latter to devest Leicester of that absolute Authority they had devolved upon him The States let the Queen know how much they were grieved for having incurred her displeasure by having devolved that Authority upon the Earl without her Previty and desire her to be pacifyed considering the necessity they were in so do Upon these Letters and those of Leicester's that were Written with all the Submission Respect and Repentance imaginable the Queen was reconciled and satisfyed But Leicester's Arbitrary way of Government imposing new Customes upon Merchandizes and introducing Martial Laws quickly raised an Aversion to him in the People His first Warlike Exploit was the undertaking to Relieve Grave a Town in Brabant then besieged by the Prince of Parma but notwithstanding all the great Efforts of the English the Town was at length taken through the Cowardice of the Governour who was thereupon executed After which the Prince of Parma laid Siege unto Venlo in Guelderland where one Roger Williams a Welchman performed great Service yet the Spaniards took that Town also while the Earl of Leicester was beating the Spaniard out of the Betou a River Island lying between the Rhine and the Waul and near the Tolhuis built a strong Sconce After which the Lord Willoughby Governour of Bergen-op-zoom cut off the Enemies Convoys and took away their Provisions And Sir Philip Sidney with Maurice the Prince of Orange's Son took in Axill a Town in Flanders and Doesburgh was likewise besieged and taken by the Earl of Leicester But in a Rencounter before Zutphen was the renowned Sir Philip Sidney slain being the greatest Ornament of the Age he lived in he was honoured with an Epitaph by the King of Scotland and both Universities celebrated his Memory with Elegies and his Funerals were solemniz'd with great Ceremony in St. Paul's Church in London The Earl of Leicester laid siege to Zutphen but the Winter Season being far advanced he was forced to quit the farther Prosecution of it leaving it only blocked up and returned to the Hague where the States entertained him with Complaints of his Conduct and the ill Circumstances he had thereby brought them into whereupon he took away the Jurisdiction of the States Council and Presidents of the Provinces and then returned into England About this time was concluded the League of strict Amity between the Queen of England and the King of Scotland being chiefly designed for the maintenance of the Reformed Religion Shortly after the Conclusion of which League was discovered a new dangerous Conspiracy against the Queen one John Savage having been perswaded by some Popish Priests that it was a meritorious Work to take away the Lives of excommunicated Princes Hereupon was a Combination made of English Catholicks and Correspondence held with the Queen of Scots the Pope the Guises the Spaniard and the other Enemies of the Queen and the Protestant Religion but was first discovered by one of the Plotters themselves and confessed by the rest both before and at their Executions whereupon long Debates and Consultations were held what was to be done with the Queen of Scots and at length those Voices prevailed that were for the bringing her to her Tryal insomuch that the Queen was perswaded to sign a Patent for the constituting the Arch-bishop of Canterbury the principal Officers of the Crown the chief Nobility of the Kingdom and the Privy Counsel her Commissioners to hear and try that Queens Cause But the Queen of Scots for some time refused to plead as being an absolute Princess and therefore exempted from any Jurisdiction But at length consenting she was charged with having been privy to all the fore-mentioned Conspiracies consenting
THE HISTORY OF THE GLORIOUS Life Reign and Death Of the ILLUSTRIOUS Queen ELIZABETH CONTAINING An Account by what means the Reformation was promoted and established and what Obstructions it met with the Assistance she gave to all Protestants abroad the several Attempts of the Papists upon her Life the Excommunications of Rome Bishop Jewel's Challenge to the Papists the several Victories she gained and more particularly that in 1588 with all the other Remarkable Occurrences of that time By S. CLARK Illustrated with Pictures of some considerable matters curiously ingraven in Copper Plates London Printed for Henry Rodes next door to the Bear Tavern near Bride Lane in Fleet-street 1682. TO THE READER Reader I Here present thee with the Glorious Life and Reign of the ever Renowned Queen Elizabeth a Piece as full of various Occurrences and Transactions as can well be comprehended in so small a Volume Thou hast here an Account of the many Persecutions she suffered both under the Reign of her Father and that of her Sister from her Mortal Enemies the Blood-thirsty Papists and how after that it had pleased God to shield her from all their Execrable Designs and Attempts Being placed upon the Throne of her Ancestors she introduced the Reformed Religion regulating it according to the Word of God the General Consent of the Fathers the Practice of the Primitive Times and the Example of such Churches as were freest from Superstition and Idolatry Here is likewise a Relation of the several Commotions in England Scotland and Ireland and by what means raised and suppressed Thou art here also entertained with a Faithful Narrative of the Supplies she gave to those of the Reformed Religion abroad and the Courses she took to defend and promote Protestantism in the Dominions of her Neighbours The whole Affair of the Queen of Scots is herein couched the several Conspiracies of the Papists against her Life during her Reign inserted and the utter Defeat of the so called Invincible Armado in Eighty Eight represented with all her other Victories both over the French and Spaniard and an Account of the Veneration and Respect that the Great Turk himself and the most barbarous Princes of that time had for this Illustrious Queen with all the other material Circumstances of her Victorious Life and Reign wherein if thou meetest with that Satisfaction I desire thee I shall think my Endeavours well bestowed S. CLARK THE HISTORY OF THE Life and Glorious Reign OF Queen ELIZABETH ELizabeth the youngest Daughter of King Henry the Eighth was born at Greenwich on the 7th day of September 1533. Her Mother being Queen Anne Bollen the Eldest Daughter of Thomas Bollen Earl of Wiltshire and of Elizabeth his Wife one of the Daughters of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk and Earl Marshal of England Now Anne Bollen in her tender years attending on Mary the French Queen to the Court of France was after that Queens return placed in the Retinue of the Dutchess of Alanzon where she got in perfection both the French Language and Air. She so abounded in all the Gifts of Nature that she became the most celebrated Beauty of that Court and returned to her own Countrey with all those Advantages that the French Breeding can add to an English Beauty Whereupon being admitted amongst the Queen's Maids of Honour at the Age of two and twenty years King Henry being thirty eight years old and overcome with the Excellency of her Charms and the gracefulness of her Behaviour endeavoured to make her his Wife in hopes of Issue Male. Now some time before this Ladie 's return from France King Henry being after seventeen years Marriage something disgusted with the Bigottry Reservedness and Spanish Gravity of Queen Katharine he became very susceptible of the Doubts and Scruples that were insinuated by the Ministers of the French King concerning the lawfulness of his Marriage with Queen Katharine his Brother Arthur's Wife The like being started by those of the Emperour concerning the Legitimation of the Lady Mary and all these fomented by Cardinal Wolsey who being disappointed of the Popedom and the Archbishoprick of Toledo both which the Emperour had flattered his hopes with He resolved to promote a Divorce for the better effecting his Revenge on the Emperour and the Measures he had taken with France by proposing a Match between Henry and that King's Sister and concluding a League with the French when they were at the lowest Ebb of Fortune In consideration of which the English remitted unto them a Debt of 500000 Crowns partly accruing by some former Contracts and partly for the payment of the Forfeiture incurred by Charles the Emperour with which the French King had charged himself by the Capitulations Hereupon the King maketh it his Request to the Pope that he would send Delegates into England to hear and examine this Business To which end the Pope appointed the Cardinals Campeius and Wolsey But the Pope did privily deliver a Bull to Campeius wherein seeming to be favourable to the King's Request he granted all things in case it should happen that the Marriage contracted with Queen Katharine were declared Null and no Marriage But this Bull was either to be concealed or published according to the Success of the Emperour's Affairs in Italy Now were Questions every where started and handled Whether it were allowed of by God's Law for the Brother to take to Wife the Brother's Widow and if this were forbidden by the Law of God whether it might not be made Lawful by the Pope's Dispensation But when several of the Universities of Christendom as likewise many of the Learned men of that Age had asserted such a Marriage to be repugnant to the Sacred Laws of both Testaments notwithstanding the Pope's Dispensation the King became daily more charmed with Anne Bollen which being discovered by Wolsey it not only cooled his Zeal in promoting the Divorce but made him endeavour and procure of the Bishop of Rome not to confirm the Judgments of the Universities by reason that Anne Bollen being extremely addicted to the Doctrine of the Protestants had conceived a great Aversion against him for his Pride and Ambition Whereupon the Pope notwithstanding the Supplications of the Prelates Nobility and Clergy of England for the confirming by his Apostolical Authority what the two Universities of this Land that of Paris and several others as well as divers Just and Learned men had affirmed to be true and were ready to maintain and defend as well by Word as Writing I say notwithstanding such manifold Assertions the Cause being prolonged and delayed both at Rome and in England without Consideration had to the King 's having defended the Apostolick See by his Sword Pen Word and Authority the King grows exasperated at the Court of Rome and resolves to make way through all Obstacles which might stand betwixt Him and the accomplishment of his Desires wherefore he first sends back Campeius an Alien born then caused Wolsey to be Indicted and
which she committed to the Care of several learned moderate and judicious Divines and Gentlemen but she only acquainted four of the Members of her Privy Council with this Project About this time the Funeral of the Deceased Queen was solemnized with very great state in the Abby of Westminster and the like Ceremony was performed within a few days after for the Death of that Great Emperour Charles the 5th who having two Years before resigned the Empire to his Brother and all his other vast Dominions to his Son abandoned all the Grandeurs of this World and retired into a Monastery where he wholly devoted himself to God and his Service But notwithstanding the State of these Solemnities was extraordinary in it's kind yet was it far short of the Splendour and Majesty that attended her Coronation And as a Preparation thereunto she restored some to their former and raised others to new Honours Having performed which she was Conducted with extraordinary Pomp and Triumph from the Tower through the City of London to Westminster with incredible Joy and Acclamations and behaving her self with so Graceful Modest and yet Majestick an Air that as it caused Tears of Joy to fall from some so it inspired the Hearts of all with Prayers and Thanksgivings but nothing charmed them more than her accepting of an English Bible richly Bound which was presented to her from one of the Pageants by a Child representing Truth At the sight whereof she kiss'd both her hands and with both her hands she receiv'd the Book and then laid it to her Bosom intimating that it should be the nearest of all things to her heart being fuller of acknowledgment to the City for that Excellent Present than for all the rest she had received from them that day in ●uch Abundance and promised to be diligent in the reading of it By which and sundry other such like Pious Acts she perfectly gained the Affections of all the Spectators and by their means the Hearts of all her other Subjects The next day after this Cavalcade she was Crowned at Westminster by the Bishop of Carlile all the other Bishops refusing to perform that Office as fearing the Pope's Displeasure and the Fall or at least some Alteration of the Catholick Religion in this Kingdom which they were resolved not to Conform themselves to Her Devotion was so great that every Morning as soon as she was up she spent some time in Prayer and besides at the appointed hours she went constantly to her private Chappel In Lent she was Clo●thed in Black after the antient manner hearing constantly an● attentively the Sermons though she many times said That she had rather tal● with God devoutly by Prayer than hea● others speak eloquently of his Divine Majesty As touching the Cross the Blesse● Virgin and the Saints she had no contemptible Opinion nor ever spoke otherwise of them than with Reverence no● would allow others to speak irreverently o● them And by the Parliament it was unanimously enacted That the Lady Elizabeth was by the Law of God the Common Law of England and the Statutes of the Realm the most Certain Lawful and Undoubted Queen of England but however without repealing the Statute where in her Father had Excluded her from th● Succession or without making any Act 〈…〉 the Validity of her Mothers Marriage o● which her Title principally depended For which Sir Nicholas Bacon then Lo 〈…〉 Keeper was condemned of Impruden● and Neglect on whose Judgment the Queen wholly depended in matters 〈…〉 Law seeing it had been objected by som● against Queen Mary and for that reaso● her Ministers had been careful to have it repealed in what concerned her self But Bacon not only knew the old Law Maxime That the Crown takes away all the defects and stops in blood and that from the time the Queen did assume the Crown the Fountain was cleared and all Attainders and corruption of blood discharged And besides he possibly thought it more prudent that the Queen Mother's Marriage should pass as a thing unquestionable and no ways subject to dispute than to ground it upon the inconstancy of Acts and Statutes There pass'd also an Act for the restoring to the Crown the Tenths and first Fruits first setled upon it in the time of King Henry the Eighth and afterwards remitted by Queen Mary There likewise passed an Act for the Dissolution of all those Monasteries Convents and Religious Orders as had been Founded and Established by the late Queen In the passing of these Acts there was little Opposition but when they came to debate of the Act of Supremacy it seemed to several a thing both strange and contrary to Nature and Policy that a Woman should be declared Supream Head on Earth of the Church of England whereupon an Expedient was found out to satisfie their Cavils and remove all Obstructions by putting in Governour instead of Head the Act being couched in these Terms That whatsoever Jurisdictions Priviledges and Spiritual Preheminences had been heretofore in use by any Ecclesiastical Authority whatsoever to visit Ecclesiastical men and correct all manner of Errors Heresies Schisms Abuses and Enormities should be for ever annexed to the Imperial Crown of England That the Queen and her Successors might by their Letters Patents substitute certain men to exercise that Authority Provided that they should define nothing to be Heresie but those things which were long before defined to be Heresies out of the Sacred Canonical Scriptures or the first four Oecumenical Councils or other Councils by the true and proper sence of the Holy Scriptures or should thereafter be so defined by Authority of Parliament with Assent of the Clergy of England assembled in a Synod that all and every Ecclesiastical Persons Magistrates Receivers of Pensions out of the Exchequer such a● were to receive Degrees in the Universities Wards that were to sue their Liveries and to be invested in their Livings and such as were to be admitted into the Number of the Queens Servants c. should be obliged by Oath to acknowledge the Queens Majesty to be the only and Supream Governour of her Kingdoms in all Matters and Causes as well Spiritual as Temporal all Forreign Princes and Potentates being wholly excluded from taking Cognisance of Causes within her Dominions This Act was stifly opposed by nine Bishops and only two Temporal Lords who were the Earl of Shrewsbury and Anthony Brown Vicount Montacute who had been sent in the time of Queen Mary to tender Obedience to the Apostolick See But were joyfully and unanimously assented to by the far major part of the House of Commons the Papists complaining that the Votes had been surprised and that the Duke of Norfolk the Earl of Arundel and Cecil had by cunning procured Voices in favour of those Acts. Now Men differing so much in points of Religion it was ordered by Proclamation that no man should speak unreverently of the Sacrament and both kinds were allowed to be administred But notwithstanding that a
Conference was appointed to be held at Westminster between the Papists and Protestants 1. Concerning Common Prayer and administration of the Sacraments in the Vulgar Tongue 2. Concerning the Authority of the Church in constituting and abrogating Ceremonies to edification and 3. Concerning the Sacrifice of the Mass and Persons were chosen on both sides for to dispute upon these Points yet all fell to nothing not being able to agree upon the Method they were to hold in their Disputations the Papists not daring to dispute upon Points that had never been controverted in their Church without having first consulted the Pope but pretended and complained of the hard usage they had met with from the Lord Keeper Bacon in not giving them time sufficient to consider upon the Points in Question they looking upon him as their bitter Enemy And some of the Popish Bishops were so fiery and so extravagant in their Expressions as to declare that the Queen and all others that had occasioned the overthrow of the Superstitions of the Church of Ro●●e ought to suffer Excommunication and for this their impertinent Zeal were clap● into Prison But the more Prudent thought it more fit that this Censure should be left to the Pope lest as they were Subjects such Declarations in them might prove to be Rebellion In the mean time the Pope being made perfectly well acquainted with all these passages and being netled to the quick by so great a loss as he suffered by this change he ordered Sir Edward Carne who had been Ambassadour at the Court of Rome for King Henry the Eighth for Queen Mary and now for Queen Elizabeth not to act any longer as such And to use his own words By Vigour of a Commandment given by word of Mouth by the Oracle of the most Holy Lord the Pope in vertue of his most Holy Obedience and under pain of his greater Excommunication and loss of all his Goods and Lands not to depart the City but should take upon him the Government of the English Hospital Which was likewise done lest Sr. Edward should acquaint the Queen with the secret Practises of the French against her and was willingly submitted to by him out of h 〈…〉 fervent Zeal to Popery for either by th● Pope's Instigation or the Sollicitation 〈…〉 the French King or the Dauphin's Ambition who had married the Queen 〈…〉 Scots that Queen took upon her the stil 〈…〉 and Title of Queen of England quartering the Arms thereof in her Plate an● in all other things as she had Occasion● which she did as Cousin and next He 〈…〉 to the late Queen by which means sh● imputed Bastardy to the Queen then l 〈…〉 ving which Extravagance was afterwards the loss of that unfortunate Lady 〈…〉 Head As Queen Elizabeth was somethin● startled at these Proceedings so it move● her to pursue the Reformation she ha● begun with the more Eagerness T● which end she set out by Advice of h 〈…〉 Council a Body of Injunctions bein 〈…〉 much the same with those that ha● been published in the beginning of t 〈…〉 Reign of King Edward but better fut 〈…〉 to the Temper of that Juncture 〈…〉 containing the severe Course taken 〈…〉 bout Ministers Marriages the Posture 〈…〉 the Communion Table the form 〈…〉 Prayers in the Congregation and the use of singing and of Reverences in Divine Worship to be kept in Churches By the Injunctions she made way to her Visitation which was performed by Commissioners in their several Circuits and regulated by a Book of Articles printed and published for that purpose By Vertue of which Articles the Commissioners removed all carved Images out of the Church which had been formerly abused to Superstition defacing likewise all such Pictures Paintings and other Monuments as were made for the Representation of feigned Miracles and this they did with so much Order Moderation and Decency that the Papists themselves could not find Fault with and without commiting the least Sacriledge by appropriating to their own use any of the Plate or other Utensils that had been restored and bestowed upon the Church in the late Queens Time Inquiry was in like manner made into the Life and Doctrine of Ministers their Diligence in their respective Cures the Decency of their Apparel the Respect that was borne them by their Parishoners the Reverent Behaviour of all manner of Persons during Divine Service Inquiry was also made into all sorts of Crimes as frequenting of Taverns and other publick Houses by the Clergy Adultery Fornication Drunkenness amongst the Laity with several other things that have since been practised in the Visitations of particular Bishops an Oath of Supremacy was likewise offered to most of the Popish Bishops and others of the Clergy which they had most of them sworn to in the time of Henry the Eighth and such as refused it were displaced and others substituted in their places And this was the Course and Method that was taken for the abolishing the Superstitions of Rome and the introducing and setling the true Reformed Religion in this Kingdom which was done with that ease and with so little Commotion and Disturbance as put all Christendom into Admiration to see that Gradually Maturely and yet in a short time this change had been brought to pass For after Popery had continued a full Month after Queen Maries Decease in the same estate as formerly on the Twenty seventh of December the Epistles Gospels the Lords Prayer Ten Commandments the Creed and the Litany were allowed to be used in English On the Twenty second of March the Parliament being then Assembled a Law of Edward the Sixth's was renewed whereby both kinds were permitted to be administred in the Lords Supper On the Twenty fourth of June by Authority of an Act the Sacrifice of the Mass was abolished and the Liturgy in the English Tongue Established in July the Oath of Supremacy was ministred to the Bishops and others And in August Images were removed out of the Churches broken or burnt Thus was our Church purified from the Filth and Idolatries of Popery and the Crown of England rendred more Independent than any other of Christendom who had rendred and continued themselves Slaves by submitting themselves to the Yoke of Rome and infinite Sums of Money were continued at home that used to be Exhausted hence by the See of Rome by Popish Artifice and Trifles for first Fruits Pardons Dispensations and other such like trash of Popery During these religious Transactions and while that Ecclesiastical Affairs were thus setling the Ministers of England and Spain at the Treaty of Peace at Cambray did contend hard for the Restitution of Calice all which was however to no purpose though they offered in Lieu thereof to remit three Millions of Crowns that were due from the French The Spaniard at that time holding firm to the English both for that the English had lost it in his Quarrels and that he was sensible according to all Appearances that it would be more
Religion in Scotland being weary of the French insolency and oppression and no longer able to endure the Idolatries and Impositions of the Church of Rome proceeded of their own Authority to a change in Religion and being influenced by the greatest Men in the Kingdom and stirr'd up by Knox in his Sermons they fell upon destroying all Altars and Images in several Places demolishing of some Religious Houses and burning of others And being countenanced and seconded by the Nobility they seize upon Perth and other places and assuming to themselves the Name of the Congregation they managed their own Affairs apart from the rest of the Kingdom and began to stand upon such high Terms as to pass an Act for the depriving the Queen Regent of all Place and Power in the publick Government Whereupon the Queen Regent to provide for her own security having already received some Forces out of France though not sufficient she desires and is assisted with farther Supplies Hereupon the Heads of the Congregation dispatch Melvin and Maitland Lord Secretary to the Queen of England making Complaints that since the Queen of Scots had been married to the Dauphin the Government of the Kingdom was changed all Places laid waste by Foreign Souldiers the highest Offices of the Kingdom were bestowed upon French-men the Castles and all other fortified Places put into their hands and the purer Money of the Realm was embased for their gain and that by these and such other like Contrivances the French made way for their seizing on the Crown of Scotland in case it happened otherwise than well with their Queen and therefore they implore her Succours and Assistance for the expulsion of that People who might otherwise be destructive and of ill Consequence to both Realms Whereupon this Affair being taken into consideration some were of Opinion that it was not safe for the Queen to condescend and comply with their desires but others were for the Queens granting them Succours considering that the French were making such extraordinary Preparations both in France and Germany of Men and Ammunition for to be transported into Scotland as were not only sufficient to subdue that Kingdom to their Wills but seemed to threaten an Invasion of England through that Door by their Contracting Alliances with other States and the French King's taking upon him the Title of England and therefore that the Queen was obliged both out of Piety and Prudence to give such assistance to the Scots as might hinder the French from taking possession of that Kingdom Hereupon great Preparations were made for this Expedition the Duke of Norfolk was appointed Lieutenant General in the Northern parts towards Scotland the Earl of Sussex who had been Deputy of Ireland in the late Queens time was sent back thither with Instructions for the preventing any Change in that Kingdom and the Queens Commissioners being met with those of the Scots at Berwick it was concluded and a League made to this Effect That whereas the French go against all right and reason to subdue Scotland and unite it to the Scepter of France the Queen of England shall take the Duke of Chastel-heraut Heir apparent to the Crown of Scotland and the Scotish Nobility and People unto her Protection as long as the French King hath Mary Queen of Scots in marriage and a year after She shall send an Army by Sea and Land with all Warlike provision to expel and exclude the French out of Scotland She shall not enter into Peace with the French but with condition that Scotland may enjoy her Ancient Liberty The Forts and Strong Holds recovered by the Aid of the English from the French shall forthwith be razed or else delivered into the hands of the Duke of Norfolk at his choice The English shall fortifie no Places in Scotland but by the Consent of the Duke of Chastel-heralt and the Nobility of Scotland The Confederates shall aid the English all they can they shall hold for Enemies all whosoever shall be Enemies to the English They shall not suffer the Kingdom of Scotland to be united to France by any other means than as they are now conjoyned by Marriage If England be invaded by the French on this side the Rivor Tine the Scots shall send two thousand Horse and a thousand Foot under the Queen of England's Pay But if it be invaded beyond the Tine they shall joyn with the English to assist them with all the Power they can make and that at their own Charges the space of thirty dayes as they use to do for the Defence of Scotland The Earl of Argyle Justicer General of Scotland shall do his best that the North part of Ireland be reduced into order upon certain Conditions on which the Lieutenant of Ireland and he shall agree Finally it is prescribed what both of them shall perform in case Mac Conel or other Hebridians shall attempt any thing in Scotland or Ireland For Confirmation of these Articles before such time as the English Army enter into Scotland Hostages shall be sent into England to be changed every Sixth or Fourth Month at the Choice of the Scots during the Marriage betwixt the French King and the Queen of Scots and a year after the Duke of Chastel-herault and the Confederate Earls and Parliamentary Barons shall ratifie these Articles by their hands and Seals within twenty days And withal for as much as the Queen of England undertaketh these things in no other respect than in regard of Amity and Neighbourhood to defend the Scots from the Yoke of servitude they shall make Declaration that they will yield Obedience to the Queen of Scots and the King her Husband in all things which shall not make for the taking away of their ancient Liberty In Consequence of this Agreement and of the publick Declarations of the French of their design to invade England an Army of six thousand Foot and three thousand Horse were sent into Scotland under the Command of the Lord Gray an expert Captain and some ships being sent to block up the Frieth of Edenborough they dispersed and put to flight some French Men of War that hovered upon that Coast. About the time that the English Army entred Scotland the French made Proposals and Promises of restoring Calice in case the Queen would recall her Forces Which she absolutely refused saying That she looked upon Calice as a poor Fisher Town in comparison of the safety and security of all Brittain Now the French seeing that the English had blocked up the Town of Leith by Sea and Land i● such ●●●● as that there was no possibility of relieving it and finding themselves 〈◊〉 able to maintain their projects against 〈…〉 English Courages and Power the Fr 〈…〉 King proposeth a Peace and to that 〈…〉 sendeth Embassadours to Edenborough 〈…〉 confer and treat with C●cyl and Nicho 〈…〉 W●tton Dea● of Canterbury and York 〈…〉 were sent thither as Commissioners 〈…〉 Queen Elizabeth who came at length to this Conclusion That
the Prince of Conde and his Party being bound not to come to any Terms of Peace with their Enemies without the Privity and Approbation of the Queen and that for the Security of the Moneys and Forces that her Majesty should supply them with they should put into her hands the Town and Port of New Haven or Havre de Grace to be garrisoned by English Souldiers and commanded by any Person of Quality her Majesty should authorize Presently after the Conclusion of this Agreement she caused a Manifest to be published in which she declared how that having preferred the Peace of Christendom before her particular Interests she had relinquished her Claim to the Town of Calais for the term of eight years when as all other Princes were restored to their lost Estates by that Treaty that for the same Reasons she had preserved the Scots from being made Vassals to the French without retaining any part of that Kingdom in her own Possession after the Service was performed that with the like sence of Commiseration she had taken notice how much the Queen Mother of France and the young King were awed and shackled by the Guisian Faction who in their Name and under the Pretext of their Authority endeavoured to extirpate the Professors of the Reformed Religion In pursuance of which Design those bloody minded Papists had in less than five Months time caused above an hundred thousand French Hugonots to be massacred and butchered that with the like Injustice and Violence they treated such of her Majesties Subjects as traded into the Ports of that Kingdom causing their Goods and Merchandize to be seized themselves imprisoned and barbarously murdered and for no other Crime than that they were Protestants and therefore in consideration of what 's aforesaid Her Majesty thought her self obliged to endeavour the rescuing the French King and his Mother out of the hands of so dangerous a Faction by aiding such of the French Subjects as preferred the Service of their Sovereign and the good of their Countrey before all other respects whatsoever for preserving the Reformed Religion from an Universal Destruction and the maintaining her own Subjects and Dominions in Peace and Safety She not only published this Manifesto to acquaint the whole World with the reasons of her taking up Arms on this Occasion but she also commanded her Ambassadour to give a more particular Account of it to the King of Spain whom she looked upon as the Principal Patron of the Guisian League She likewise caused her Ministers and Agents with the Princes of Germany to sollicit them to aid and assist their Brother Protestants And then she her self fell to supplying the Hugonots with all things necessary to a War sending them Ships Arms and Men both for the scowring the Seas and securing the Land The Forces she sent amounting to 6000 Men under the Command of the Lord Ambrose Dudley the Eldest Son then living of the late Duke of Northunberland The Papists apprehending that the Queen by these Courses would lay the axe to the Root of their Religion laid a Conspiracy against her Life for which the Countess of Lenox Grand daughter to Henry the Seventh by his eldest daughter Margaret Queen of Scotland was confined with the Earl her Husband to her House and Arthur Pole Grand-child of Margaret Countess of Salisbury by Geofry her third Son the younger Brother unto Reginald Pole the late Cardinal Legate was Apprehended and Arraigned as also his Brother in Law Geofry Fortescue and were condemned to die but confessing the Conspiracy and being of the Blood Royal they were reprieved by the Queen The Lady Katherine Grey Daughter to the Duke of Suffolk and Grand Daughter to another Sister of King Henry the Eighth was sent to the Tower with her Husband the Earl of Hertford for marrying without the Queens Consent and were detained there several Years and their Marriage declared by the Archbishop of Canterbury to be an undue and unlawful Carnal Copulation with her and that for such their Excess both he and she to be punished About the same time was Published an Elegant and Acute Discourse called The Apology of the Church of England written Originally in Latin by the truly Learned Bishop Jewel and Translated immediately into English Dutch Italian Spanish French and Greek and was highly approved of by all Pious Learned and Judicious Men. Now the Practices of the Papists and the danger the Queen and State were in by their means obliged the Queen to call a Parliament which being Assembled at Westminster the first Act that passed was for assurance of the Queens Royal Power over all Estates and Subjects within our Dominions And Enacted that the Oath of Supremacy should be Administred unto all Persons for the better discovery of such as were Popishly affected several of that Party having lately busy'd themselves by inquiring into the length and shortness of her Majesties Life by Conjurations and other Diabolical Arts and thereupon had caused some dark and doubtful Prophecies to be spread abroad for which reason there passed two other Statutes for suppressing the like dangerous Practices by which her Majesties Person might be endangered the People stirred up to Rebellion or the Peace disturbed By which and other Acts for the strengthning of the Navy and the continual breeding of a Seminary of expert Mariners the Queen was so well provided and secured against the Machinations and Conspiracies of the Pope and his Adherents as to lie under no apprehensions of their bloody rage and malice During this Session of Parliament it was declared by the Bishops and Clergy then Assembled in their Convocation To be a thing plainly repugnant to the Word of God and the Custom of the Primitive Church to have publick Prayer in the Church or to Administer the Sacraments in a Tongue not understood by the People To confirm which Declaration it was Enacted That the Bishops of Hereford St. Davids Bangor Llandaff and St. Asaph should take care amongst them for Translating the whole Bible with the Common Prayer Book into the Welch or Brittish Tongue on pain of forfeiting Forty Pound apiece in default thereof And to encourage them thereunto it was ordered that one Book of either sort being so Translated and Imprinted should be provided and brought to euery Cathedral or Parish Church as also for all Parish Churches and Chappels of ease where the said Tongue is commonly used the Minister to pay one half the Price and the Parishioners the other Care was likewise taken for the Translating the Book of Homilies being looked upon as a necessary part of the publick Liturgy by reason of the Rubrick at the end of the Nicene Creed This Parliament likewise congratulated her Majesty for the happiness of the Times for Religion Reformed Peace restored England with Scotland freed from the Foreign Enemy Mony refined the Navy strengthned Warlike Ammunition provided both for Sea and Land and for the Laudable Enterprize in France for the securing of England and
then brooding between the two Crowns being dead he was succeeded by Don Diego Gusman de Sylva who being a wise Man and sensible how damageable the Courses his Predecessors had taken were to both Parties he endeavoured to heal up the Breaches and by his mediation procured the Commerce to be restored and all that had been Decreed and Proclaimed on both sides to be suspended The most remarkable Action which attended the Queen's return from Cambridge was the preferring Sir Robet Dudley to the Titles of Lord Denbigh and Earl of Leicester she having before made him Knight of the Garter Master of the Horse and Lord Chancellour of the University of Oxford and these Honours were conferred upon him for the better qualifying him to be Husband to the Queen of Scots And now Leicester for the better screwing himself into that Queens favour immediately accused to Queen Elizabeth the Lord Keeper Bacon who was looked upon as an Enemy to the Queen of Scots and an Opposer of her Title to the Succession In the mean time the Queen of Scots knowing her Title to be disputed in England and being grown jealous of the Practices of the Earl of Murray her Bastard Brother and others at home she thought it her interest to recall the Earl of Lenox to his Native Countrey from whence he had been driven in the time of King Henry by whose great Power and Influence she hoped to ballance the Authority of the Mutineers This Lord being of Royal Extraction King Henry to engage him the more in his Interests had given him in Marriage the Lady Margaret Douglas Daughter of Queen Margaret his Eldest Sister by Archibald Dowglas Earl of Angus lier second Husband of which Marriage amongst others was the Lord Darnly Now Lenox being returned into Scotland after twenty Years Abode in England he sends for the Lord Darnley to that Court Where being arrived and being a Person Graceful Lovely and of a Gentile Carriage and not yet full Twenty Years old he quickly insinuated himself into that Queens Affections She fancied she had now met with a Man who was pleasing to her Heart and conducible to her Interests for that both their Pretensions being joyned together her Title to the Crown of England would be the better secured Now Queen Elizabeth having got some notice of this Design of the Scottish Queen she advised her to think of some other Match saying that this would have so incensed the Parliament that she was forced to Prorogue them least they should have acted something against her Title to the Succession Wherefore she again recommended unto her the Earl of Leicester for a Husband to which purpose she sent Commissioners to Berwick to treat with those of the Queen of Scots about a Match But this Queen had given such Instructions to her Deputies they maintained That it did not stand with the Dignity of their Queen to enter into such Measures after having refused the Offers of several great Princes of Christendom Wherefore they broke up without coming to any Conclusion And the Queen being intent upon her Marriage with the Lord Darnly it was at length consummated And of this Marriage was born James the Sixth in the Palace of Edenborough on the 19 of July in the Year 1566 Solemnly crowned King of the Scots on the same day of the Month in the Year 1567 and joyfully received to the Crown of England on the 14 of March in the Year 1602. But not only the English but the Scots themselves being displeased with this Match the Scots raised some Commotions with design to have prevented it but being over-powered were forced to take Refuge in England where by Connivance they were allowed a safe Retreat During these Transactions the great Renown and Glory of Queen Elizabeth's Reign having invited Corcille Sister to the King of Sweden and Wife to Christopher Marquess of Baden to come tho' big with Child from the farthest Places of the North to see the Lustre of her Court and observe the Wisdom of her Government after a tedious Voyage by Sea and Land she at length arrived at Dover where she was received with all possible Magnificence and Respect and entertained by the Queen all the while she stayed here with all the Tenderness Affection and Splendour imaginable Within a few days after her Arrival she fell in Labour and was delivered of a Son whom the Queen christned in her own Person by the Name of Edwardu● Fortunatus Edward in Memory of her dearly beloved Brother and Fortunatus in regard of his being born after a painful Journey Having remained here they were dismiss'd with many rich Presents and an Annual Pension from the Queen During their Entertainments here a French Ambassador came hither to be installed Knight of the Garter in the Place and Person of that King and to present the Order of St. Michael the principal Order of France to the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Leicester which were performed with the Ceremonies State and Pomp usual on such occasions In the mean time Queen Elizabeth was again sollicited to Marry by those who were fearful that the Protestant Religion in this Kingdom might be extirpated by the Pretensions and authority of the Queen of Scots should she come to the Crown and amongst other offers the Emperour Maximilian did very seasonably renew the Proposals of a Match between her Majesty and his Brother Charles About the same time there arose great Dissentions at Court between the Earls of Sussex and Leicester the former favouring this Marriage and the other opposing in regard of his own hopes and pretensions but were at length at least seemingly reconciled by the Queen About the same time came likewise into England Donald Mac Carty More a Lord of great Authority and large Territories in Ireland which were confirmed to him and his Heirs Males by the Queen who likewise conferred new Honours both upon him and his Son by making the Father Earl of Clencarn and the Son Baron of Valentia and so engaged them by Gifts and Presents that they procured great Opposers of the Innovations designed by Desmond Now Sir Nicholas Arnold being called from the Government of Ireland Sir Henry Sidney was sent in his stead as Justice of that Kingdom The English Vicegerents there being at first so termed and since Deputies or Lieutenants accoring to the pleasure of the Prince Sidney at his Arrival finding great confusion through the Discord of the Earles of Ormond and Desmond the Queen to prevent any further mischief through their Dissentions thought fit to send for the latter into England And now the Parliament being met they again move the Queen either to marry or declare her Successour which her Majesty looking upon as an Imposition she checked both Houses for what had passed in them upon this occasion and though they had offered far greater Sums than were usual upon Condition she would nominate a Successour yet she flatly refused that extraordinary offer remitting the fourth payment of
returned into Spain Of the four Galleasses of Naples but one of ninety one Gallions and great Hulks from divers Provinces only thirty three returned fifty eight being lost In short the Spaniards lost in this Expedition fourscore and one ships thirteen thousand five hundred and odd Souldiers Prisoners taken in Ireland Zeland and the Low Countries were above two Thousand insomuch that there was no Famous or Noble Family in all Spain but what lost a Son Brother or Kinsman in this Expedition During these Transactions at Sea the Queen went in Person to Tilbury to view the Army and Camp there which she did with a Leaders Truncheon in her hand and with such a Resolution that it strangely animated the Courages of them all And thus was that Invincible Armado utterly defeated that so many Countries had been so many Years preparing that had been sanctified and blessed by the Pope with all the Superstitions of the Church of Rome and though Pope Sixtus Quintus had likewise sent Cardinal Allen an English Man into the Low Countries and renewed the Bulls and Declarations of his Predecessours excommunicating the Queen dethroning her absolving her Subjects from all Allegiance and publishing his Croisado in Print as against Heathens and Infidels giving plenary Indulgences to all that should offer their Assistance For this extraordinary Victory the Queen caused publick Thansgivings to be made to God throughout all England assisting thereat her self with all Humility Acknowledgment and Ceremony imaginable Her Majesty likewise rewarded those who had signalized themselves in this Occasion Shortly after this Success dyed the great Earl of Leicester of a Fever and the Prince of Parma for the regaining again some of the Honour the Spaniards had lost in this Expedition undertook the siege of Bergen-op-zoom but that Place being garrison'd with English he was beaten from before it and forced to raise his siege About this time the Earl of Arundel was brought to his Tryal for conspiring with the Pope against the Queen and was found guilty and condemned by his Peers but reprived by the Queen In the mean time Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake undertook an Expedition into Portugal for the establishing Don Antonio a natural Son of a King of that Realm upon the Throne thereof but though they joyned with the Earl of Essex who was put to Sea without the Queen's Leave and advanced to the Gates of Lisbon yet they returned without having effected their Design About this time the Popish Princes of France entred into a new Combination for the extirpating the Reformed Religion of that Kingdom calling this their Association the holy League The Head of this League was the Duke of Guise who finding his Party much the strongest and being above measure extolled by the Catholicks of all Parties it inspired him with the Vanity of aiming at the Crown for himself which the King being sensible of caused him to be put to Death at the Assembly of Blois in the midst of all his Hopes Hereupon extraordinary Combustions and Distractions followed and at length the King himself was most impiously murdered by a Monk after which the Popish Faction proclaimed the Cardinal of Bouillon King of France but the King of Navarr being the next Heir proclaimed King at the same time by all true Subjects and supplyed with Men and Money by Queen Elizabeth he not only maintained his Cause against his Enemies but vanquished them upon all Occasions It was now that the King of Scots contracted Marriage with Ann Daughter of the King of Denmark with Queen Elizabeth's Consent and which was afterwards consummated by him in Norway In the mean time the Queen continued her Preparations against all Surprizes of her Enemies she likewise soon quashed and quieted the Commotions that were then in Ireland composed and reconciled the Differences that were amongst the States of the Low Countries took care to assist them against their Enemies restrained Pyrates and upon the Desire of the French King sent the Earl of Essex with an Army to his Assistance wherein the English performed extraordinary things and Sir Roger Williams in Honour of his Nation sent a Challenge to the Spaniards to encounter two hundred Pike-men of the English and a hundred Musqeteers with as many Spaniards in open Field for which and several other couragious Exploits the French King highly extolled him in his Letters to the Queen The King of Poland and Prince of Moldavia being under ill Circumstances with the Great Turk implored Queen Elizabeths Intercession in their behalf which she readily granted and obtained a Peace for them upon very advantagious Terms At this time Brian O Rorl an Irish Potentate was convicted at Westminster and hanged for High Treason as likewise one Hacket with his Adherents for their blasphemous Carriage and Expressions A new Proclamation came out likewise against the Papists and for the Preservation of the Church of England as established Sir John Perrot was likewise about this time tryed and condemned for Treason but reprieved by the Queen About this time the Colledge of Dublin was constituted an University and then broke out some new Troubles in Scotland through the Instigations of the Lord Bothwell for which he was proclaimed a Traytor In the mean time dyed the Prince of Parma a Person of extraordinary Accomplishments and admired by his very Enemies Just before whose Death the Earl of Essex was recalled home out of France after very great performances and having challenged the Governour of Roàn one of the most considerable Lords of France who thought it not safe to answer him In the mean while Sir Walter Rawleigh was sent into America with a considerable Fleet for the intercepting the Spanish Navy but receiving intelligence that it would not come out that Year he divided his Fleet to see what other Prizes they could get and thereupon took a great Coraque called The Mother of God the Prize being valued at above an hundred and fifty thousand Pounds sterling besides what the Officers and Souldiers had pilfred for themselves Rebells Assascinating the Queen The Spanish Invasion in 1588. The burning of Cadez by the Earl of Essex About this time was executed one Hacket for endeavouring to perswade the Earl of Derby to take upon him the Title of England in Right of Descent from a Daughter of King Henry the Seventh which the Earl refused to do and likewise dyed shortly after At this time broke out several fresh Rebellions in Ireland which were suddainly suppressed through the Queens Prudent Care and Conduct as likewise several Questions were started about the Succession some framing a Right in the Earl of Essex others in the Infanta of Spain and Books were likewise printed in favour of their Titles by the Catholick Party During these Disputes was born Henry Prince of Scotland to whom the Queen was Godmother and now the Papists renew their Attempts against the Queens Life having by a great Sum of Money perswaded one Roderick Lopez a Jew and Physician to