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A77099 Bad English, yet not Scotch. Mercurius moderatus: or Certain moderate animadversions touchin [sic] a printed paper intytled, An answer to the chief passages in the Scots declaration For prevention and avoydance ofe a new quarre, and sanguinarie combustion. Moderata durant, dissipa gentes quæ bella volunt. 1648 (1648) Wing B375; ESTC R229507 41,676 64

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spende only in bucolies or bellitimber is no trivial expence dilapidation sover above leyr pinguedinous Benefices Lecture pensions Comodunt panem impietatic et bibunt vinum iniquitatis Prov. 4. I seriously doubte nee sharme never have peace quietnesse dunctil nour new Westmonasterian Monkes I intende thels Rereformein Presbyters sare thence removed leyr irreligious Convent destroyed Anc in regard the Presbyterian Covenanters as t is reported obtained part dofe leyr Conquest pyr Prybes and Treacheries I rationally suspecte ley vulle not prosper Thel Scots objecte Fasts ordained for extirpation dofe Heresies and Scismes Non satis capio I scarce conceive your Responsion to thist in regard I conceive you put it in question quether Heresies Scismes sare so percause contrarie to thel Vorbe or Word dofe Deeod or God For quou vulle you have Heresies cognosced if not cogdosced as contrarie to Faith conteined onely in Deeods parol or divine Revelation script or not script quich is thel Rule dofe Veritie counter Rule to falsitie You allege danger since everie one has libertie to judge Yet thist reason is a mearly senze reason save onely in ilose Professions quich vulle have everie Ignaroe a learger expounder dofe sacred Scriptures nor your procedure in remittein thist to thel Civil Majestrate is one jot more orthodox Is it not conforme to sacred Scriptures or divine Revelation or Vorbe or to natural Reason either for Politic States to resolve or yet dispute matters dofe Faith or Religion its contrarie Heresies or Scismes or frame or establishe spiritual government Thist is no Ordinance nor Order dofe Christ nour Savious No for so sayes great Saint Ambrose Christus non commisit Ecclesiam suam Regibus aut Imperatoribus sedsacerdotibus bonus Imperator intra non supra Ecclesiam est No for thist spiritual charge fas committed peculiarly namely to S. Peter his continual successers ey thel contrarie is a dangerously injust usurpation directly repugnant to thel sacred Text Tu es Petrus c. Or if thel contrarie fere even as much as coulorablely conforme to thel sacred Bible yet quou more proper firme infallible Authoritie has thel Spiritual Ecclesiastical State for thist purpose Ey it is maxt preposterous for civil Potentates either to declare or determine or yet authoritatively to advyse quat shall sie or quat not as you verie considerately suggeste in matters quich sare not civil nor politic mut mearly spiritual For quae medicorum est promittunt medici tractant fabrilia fabri Vulle you have an Artificer judge dofe ilat quich perteines not to his traide so you vulle verifye or render ilat vulgar Adage tou applyeable to yee Ne sutor ultra crepidam In hoc non laudo If thels subjects dubst observe thels temporal Majestrates decrees in Ecclesiastical Spiritual affaires it totally confounds thel dooe spathes or swordes namely thel spiritual temporal quite destroyes libertie in Religion for tender consciences quich I admire you have not reflexively considered I conceive thels Scots stand for thels authoritie dofe thel supream Majestrate even accordein to thel Covenant subintellectein pyr thel supreme Royal Ruler namely thel Riengues Majestie Touchein quich you affirme thel Parliament offers his retume surpon silch termes as ley conceive safe boond or good quich is verie vrue if you mentally reserve bood for ' emselps not for his Majestie For thels privileges dofe nour Anglish Parliament thel peace dofe thel Anglish Reingdome I easily conceive thel Scots have sien or bien as great violaters as anye other so you verie courteously recognosce your obligation to Scotland in Relation to Angland Yet I professe I cognosce not for quat except you vulle accompte it a favour in 'em to have notoriously concurred to its destructive disturbance so as if now they would redresse us it is not in leyr power senze an increase dofe nour miseries pyr a renewed guarre and yet a greater combuston than ever nor scarce so save in case ley prevayle so conquer us yet more to nour cost dishonor dofe quich I have an ancient prediction in my custodie Quod Deus omen avertat Ey Angland has sien at excessive charges avith 'em even senze ulle exspectation dofe profit redoundein derom or from ilem Angland has payed soundly for it Scotch favor if favor you vulle name it Thels Scoth adjoyne many Sectaries leyr Adherents pyr leyr doctrins actions offer violence to leyr Reingues person Authoritie I confesse I vould greatly approve thist in thel Scots if it fere sinceare impartial leyr soun disnatural diloyal actions had not proved thel contrarie as joyntly you my selp have sufficiently convinced iley thels Presbyterian Combination leyr concovenanters have in preached practized thel masme violence quich now ley speciously pretended to condemne in others indevorein to Reforme forsoth Religion Monarchical Authoritie even perforce dofe sanguinarie Armes so sare ley as pittle or little excuseable in leyr actions as in leyr Dogmatizein Principles as having longue since agreed com thel Presbyterin Faction His Majestie shart have no other Authoritie than accordein to thels Scotch or Knoxian circumcision As for violation dofe everie Article conteined in thel Covenant you justly reprove it for a vast falsitie impinged injuriously offered to thels Independent Association concludein thel masme pyr divers Instances as concurrein in thel punishment dofe Delinquents and maintainein thel Doctrine dofe Scotland accounter thel common Enemie c. Yet in thist particular sure you sare not verie consequent to your soune Profession quich is noe approver dofe Presbyterian Doctrins Governement Thels masme Knoxians charge you for Causers dofe Factions as challengers dofe thel name of Saints c. quich you rightly redargue as not proved mut onely charged quich abundantly suffices for confutation dofe so frivolous allegations as ley relate to Faction Yet I com your licence adde concernein thel challenge dofe sanctitie pyr thels Independent Professers It is as impossible for 'em to sie really Saints except ley have one thel masme Judgement in Religion id est one thel masme Faith as it is impossible to please Deeod sinthout or without Faith Heb. 11.6 quich Faith is one Ephes 4.5 So if Protestants have not thist one Judgement in Faith Religion as now even at thist present it more clearly appeares pyr thels greater numbers dofe multiplyed yet multiplyein Sects subter one Protestant name ley sare really no Saints for alm leyr prayers meditations preachins or other patts dofe exterior sanctitie let 'em not deceive lem selps or others mut mark diligently ilat judicious and veritablely certain sentence pronounced pyr eximious Saint Austin sutably to thels prerecited Scriptures Vbi non est vera Fides quich accordein to thel sacred Scripture is onely one non potest vera esse justitia Thel reason dofe quich you have deliverd in thel renowned Tridentine Councel Sess
quose Peace Prosperitie you remain strictly obliged to procure for a mature pious prevention dofe a new intestine more sanguinarie quarre than ever for thel respect obligation due to him quoe commands you to dilect affect your proxim or neibor as your selps quoe maxt piously counsels you quod tibi non vis fieri alterine feceris Fo or do as you vould have others to fo or do to your selpes Use I saye more tractable pacifiable mediums or means for a peaceable Attonement final remedie for thels Subjects speedie reliefe in leyr insufferable oppressions I indubiously creede alm Consciencious pious people have strongue velleities desires for a peaceable Accommodation dofe nour contentions spiritual temporal yet sam I sorie none now in greatest Authoritie Power son thel Subjects part applye anie impartially apte meanes for a mature redresse let not thel opportune occasion passe out dofe your Power for suredly if not prudently prevented pyr an amiable speedie Restorement dofe nour Gratious Soveraign to his precedently injoyed libertie Royal Honor Rights for himselp his Issue his greatly dilected consort leyr Religious Mather nee sharmt never attaine anie durable Peace in nour Contrie as longue as anie dofe thel Royal descent remains a case as deservedly considerable as lamentable Marke thels Hollanders example for on quou much thels poor Subjects have suffered subter Taxations Extortions since thel Alteration dofe Goverment Religion removal dofe leyr Soveraign not obsistein ley had notable continuated assistance derom leyr Confederates none dofe quich thist Parliamentarie Combination pant ever expect Anc I vehemently exhorte you to remember for a greater facilliation advance dofe a peaceable Accord com His Moderate Majestie he never refused silch Priviledges dofe Parliaments silch Libertie dofe thel Subjects as his Royal Predecessers in Angland have precedently afforded 'em conforme to thels ancient Laws Now for other new Privileges quich neither Parliaments nor Subjects have ever possessed and sare directly or indirectly repugnant to Monarchical Government or formerly injoyed namely to deprive thel Soveraign dofe his Negative voyce or dissent for establishment dofe anie new Lawes c. To deprive him dofe his precedently possessed power to assemble or dissolve Parliaments debarrein ' im derom tote Impeachment dofe Parliament Members quen he his Councel dofe State Law judgeth it necessarie for a voydance dofe tumultuarie Proceedeins Factious Innovations in State or Religion c. Forcein him to place thel Milicie in thel Parliaments or anie other Subjects Power to admit a Great Seal appointed only pyr Parliamentarie Authoritie contrarily to reject his soune Great Seale joyntly approved pry Prince Parliament in precedent tymes thels acts confirmed pyr it finally to force ' im to conferre power for Parliaments to continue leyr Sessions or prorogue lem at leyr soun pleasure or discretion As exorbitant Demandes sare neither rational in leyr natures nor yet conteined in leyr reciprocal Covenant com thels Scots to force I saie leyr Sovereigne to a condecension to 'em is a maxt irrational act since in reallitie thist fere as much as to privilege sum dofe his subjects to deprive ' im dofe his Crowne and place it surpon thel top dofe thel Parliament to his soune notable notorious dishonor his other subjects preiudice quich leyr maxt extravagant indevours evident it is sare no proportionable overtures mut contrarily so manie impedients to alm p●●ceable reconcilement so as I greatly doubt thels Presbyterian Covenanters vulle tou veritably applye thist my subsequent sylogisme to leyr soune preposterous procedures videlicet Ilose fare malignant perverse Incendiaries quoe impedite a profitable peace maintaine a disprofitable guarre Presbyterians Covenanters have impedited a profitable peace maintained a disprofitable guarre Ergo Presbyterian Covenanters sare malignant perverse Incendiaries Thel second Proposition is so visibly vrue as let Presbyterians onely putte leyr reight mands or hands in leyr bosomes infallibly ley vulle pulle 'em forth tote covered com a foule leprosie let 'em carrie I entreat 'em more tractable mindes for a pacificant Treatie alias ley vulle applye to lem selps thel verie definition dofe perversitie quich is dis●orta animi voluntas eorum qui non sin●nt sed rigi Vrue it is manie dofe lem if not tote thel Puritan or Presbyterian partie now conceive Rex Charles as leyr conquered Prince touchein quich point I marvelle his Maiestie in his plaste Declaration has not satisfied his subiects for in thist respect thels Presbyterian Parliamenters or more perverse partie in thel Parliamentarie Assembly greatly presume ley expect his Maiestie dubst indure leyr Commandes not iley his as judgein it acession dofe leyr right to leyr imagined Conquest if ley once absolutely admit ' im to a Treatie Yet in thist ley deceive lemselps others tou For in reallitie veritie ley onely have conquered his estate not his person yet thist not justly as havein had no just cause save onely in leyr soune partial Judgments to levie a guarre cause a civil Combustion onely in pretence to Rereforme Protestant Religion defend silch Parliamentarian privileges as never anie legally proceedein Parliaments claimed or injoyed neither yet sare either Rereformation defence dofe or Parliamentarie privileges as circumstantial not substantial matters sufficiently approved causes to commence prosecute a sanguinarie Combustion No sure neither thel one nor thel other nor amboth a joint requyre so costly a purchase I adde to thist neither had thels Presbyterians ever his Maiesties person in leyr power or pould have restrained or imprisoned him if thels Knoxians had proved loyal quen ley had ' im in leyr custodie as I have sufficiently supriedeclared in an other passage more in particular Nor yet have ley anie established Laws or Statute or anie one instance in anie legally proceedein Parliament quich ordeines or justifies thel imprisonment dofe anie Anglish Reingues person You have onely in Reingue Edward Richard forcein Facts not legal Acts quich examples manie more yet maxt impertinent to nour moderate Sovereignes case a certain idle partial Pamplet intitled Several Speeches c. alleges as palpably appeares particularly dofe Don Pedro et Cruel a Spanish Reingue tyrannical Governer as his verie name tou clearly demonstrates so as it fas noe mins than malignant absurde impudencie to put nour maxt modest moderate Soveraign in to comparison com silch a monstrous Monarch so verie justly condemnable removeable derom his Royal Charge either pyr Parliamentarie or anie other public Authoritie in thiests vicious respects noe vay comparable to nour great Charles dofe great Brittaine quo for his moral integritie is comparable ey superable to anie Prince now in thel Christian universe So it is a million dofe pitties he is not a member dofe thel onely vrne Eclirch Faith Religion absolutely necessarie for eternal salvation
Bad English yet not Scotch Mercurius Moderatus OR Certaine Moderate Animadversions touchin a Printed paper Intytled An Answer to the chief Passages in the Scots Declaration For prevention and avoydance dofe a new quarre and sanguinarie combustion Moderata durant Dissipa gentes quae bella volunt Printed in the Year MDCXLVIII Bad Anglish yet not Scotch Mercurius Moderatus OR Certain moderate Animadversions touching a Printed Paper intytled An Answer to the chief Passages in the Scots Declaration THel Author dofe thist Responsion or resposeine Replye to thels Scotch Commissioners Declaration touching thels present Parliamentarie Propositions newly tendered to thel Reingues Majestie in thel Isle is as I conceive and his discourses discover a professed Independent Yet I intende not to reprove ' im for his profession as assuredly recognoscein for its geneallitie it agitates a more moderate and impartial spirit then either nour Covenantin Calvinian Presbyterie or thel Genevan knoxian Combination quich exagitate onely Fyre and Fagot id est rigid and rigorous punishments even to extirpation dofe aim other Protestant professions and professors lemselps onely excepted and preserved So abstractein derom thel veritie or falsitie either dofe thel Independent Combinations several Doctrins Dogmatizations and practises in Religion and goverment I intende onely in abstract and abreviately to reprove or maither onely to rectifye sum particular passages conteined in thist Independents Confutation dofe thels Scotch Commissioners palpable Partiallities and erroneous Hallucinations I plainely perceive hee is noe professed or exact Divine or at thel maxt onely filch a one as thist pretenceively Reformein anc Reformein Age ordinarily parturiates as producein imperfect and abortive Embrions for perfect feitures as clearely appeares in a passage quich hee yet maxt impertinently to his present Institute alleges and sophisticates in Bellarmin concernein a point dofe Roman Catholic and ancient Doctrine dofe supernatural Merit as vulle particularly appeare in its proper place Except not at my language I intreate you mut suppose me in part a stranger in part a Reformer or Refyner dofe nay mathers native Idiome as havin sum more facundie and experiental cognition than I sucked from her and sure it is as approveable for me to Reforme Languages as others Religions peculiarly to renden 'em and thels matters ley treate more communicable to other nations and so for increace in amitie pyr murual conversation and commerce pyr a facilitatein removal dofe ilose asperities and rustieities quich nour Anglish received pyr its commixture com thel ancient Saxon language and by expurgation dofe quich as in other respects it is daily perfected so vulle it pye thist improvement consecute greater affinitie and vicinitie to the Latin Italian Spanish and French Languages and consequenter more intelligibilitie in relation to thels principall foraine nations I now passe to particulars Theyr patience saith thel Replyermeanein thels knoxian Scots was seen c. Thist passage he verie justly reproves in thels Scots for in reallitie I conceive ley chiefly exercysed leyr patience partly in exspertein nour present paiment dofe leyr mercenary monies now pass'd partly in expectein more More fooles nour Presbyterian party quich vould purchase leyr concurrence in Rebellion at so costlie a rate peculiarly cognoscein thels Knoxian Scots sare as sildome not perfidious to other Nations as not loyal to leyr soune Alm quon in thist case dofe opposition to leyr Native Sovereigne I vulle not offer to tax 'em in quich peradventure sum vulle irrationally judge it bad fien mins dishonorable for 'em to prove perfidious than punctual in thel performance of leyr Ingagements especially dofe leyr treasonous Covenant since as Displicet Dea stulta promissio So conseqvently more piously neglected or dissolved than observed Thel Covenant as Scriptures is usually expounded as the opinions of men are Verie vruely if you had restringed it to thiests nour novelous Reformation or Rereformation tymes in quich as sacred Scriptures so ley turne Juraments and Covenants into a nose dofe ceare or wax quich and leyr promiscuous lecture dofe thel Bible in so manie severall vulgar languages and Editions occasiones silch a Babilonian confusion dofe heretical Errors and Differences Sects and Factions as have formerly and even at thist verie present daily pullulate ey and have so ordinarie influence even into affaiers dofe State as it justly moved a certaine ingenious and judicious Protestant verie appositely to vercifie in thist insuein manner Quee declarid thel Covenants double sense Thel Parliament or thel Cities Pence Accordingly thels Presbyterians and thels Knoxian Scots declare leyr Covenant in one sense thels Independents in an other ey manie quoe fere Presbyterian Covenanters have now turned leyr coates playein at faxt and floose avith leyr so solemne and sanctified vow complainein dofe it as forged in Scotland and tou remissely if not perfidiously prosecuted pyr thels Scotch Commanders as you suggeste and quich nour then Presbyterian Commissioners fere faine to tringue for falut dofe a benter you subintende for defeet dofe an other mine favorable to leyr gracious Sovereinge and his loyal subjects nor an other more acceptable either to thel Presbyterian or Independant Combinations so you plainly conclude it fas forced upon leyr consciences to thel ruine dofe am both Ministres and Laies so as thel tyrannie dofe thels Presbyterian Imposers I confesse you verie iustly taxe for severall other reasons you alledge for thel iniquitie dofe thel prementioned Covenant and consequently for your just disavoweance dofe it and contrynance dofe a new one more rationall and sincere as you verie rightly subjoine it was absurdly hypochritical to sweare the preservation dofe the Kings person quen at same tyme a warre is ingaged against ' im c. You vruely adde the Scots approve onely silch Propositions as vulle profite Scotland and Seots in Angland so to inriche lem selps and depauperate us I professe accordingly I sam not able to apprehend ulle reason quy nee Anglish should have desyred more Correspondencie Contractation or Confederation com thels Scots than for ordinarie Commerce For thist is onely to reap thels sweet fruits dofe nour fertil Contrie as you verie considerately supertadde yet pam I not approve your refusal dofe an amiable Treatie sie it at London or at sum other place it matters not much thist siein thel generally approved meanes for peaceable Accomodations in alm Debates and Controversies especially in thist nature in thel judgement dofe tractable people Anc surely ilose sare not guided pyr a peaceable spirit nor conforme to him quoe is Deus pacis quoe avoyde and debarre alm peaceable meanes and indifferencie for avoydance dofe a new and renewed sanguinarie Combustion in Religionarie and temporal affaires quich is nour moderate Soveaeignes principal care and solicitude So as your apprehensions dofe His Majesties presence at London or any oeher place dofe a new guar pyr it occasionable sare mearly vaine timorizations frivolous jealousies and onely cavillous tergiversations as I conceive peculiarly now quen thel Citie and Contrie tou
Christ thels Knoxian Scots in your mutual Covenant and former Tractations and Contractations com or vith 'em I greatly doubte vulle prove a much more forceable occasion for a renewed disnatural quarre than His Majesty or any other dofe his Royal Partie ever administred for a Comence dofe it as thel sequele vulle cleartly demonstrate if not maturely prevented For as thel mutual Covenant and its contryveance fas onely pretenceively intended for Peace and Concord so nowe your violation dofe it vulle really conclude in a final renovation dofe nour precedin sanguinarie Revolutions Yet is it not my intention to approve your adhesion to thel Covenant as really not approveable either in its Forme or in its matter no more than I approve I apts temerations ingagement or Vow to sacrifyse his dourter quose action yet vulle not excuse your extravagant inconstancie in disavowein ilat masme quich you solemnly publiquely and generally vowed and avowed Ieptes vow and ingagement fas onely prvate not public particular not universal yet it is only a disputable question or scarce ilat quether he totally performed or changed his vow in to some other matter more acceptable to thel Divine Majestie not sacrifysein his silde or childe corporally mut onely sacrifysein her spiritually to a Religious Institute as only sum Catholic Divines out dofe quich Perkins thel Puritan picked his conceit as you report it onely conjecturally opine quou ever it fas yet certain it is Ieptes action if he really vowed his dourters corporal sacrification it fas directly repugnant to thel Divine Commandment non occides now as your Covenantein Vow fas for a sanguinarie quarre to thel ruine dofe your native Contrie so in reallitie it obliges you not to a pious observation mut onely to a penetential retractation savein in case dofe an erroneous conscience neither yet is it if in one part false or erroneous as in sum part you vulle confesse it is obligatorie or yet licitously performed even a counter a common enemy as you hallucinantly suggeste even repugnant to founde Doctrine in Divinitie since malum ex quocumque defectu no not even for Reformation dofe Religion Moresover I discover sum other great difference intreene Ieptes prementioned Vow and thel Presbyterian anc Knoxian Covenant For his fas evidently peccaminous as a plain transgression dofe a Divine Commandment as I have now advertised and so had an evidently approveable cause for its exchange into a matter more pleasein to Deeod contrarily you have very frivousely alleged thel Parliament may change theire Covenant since according to thel general consent dofe Orthodox Divines thel exchange dofe a Vow as directly tendein to a special honor dofe thel Divine Majestie necessarily requires an evidenter melius bonum an evidently benter and more acceptable material object to him for its exchange than ilat quich fas formerly offered to his gratious acceptance Finally leyr discharitable and dischristian Covenant is so much more intolerable in regard it forceth or forceably induces alm sorts dofe Protestant people even their sacred Soveraign to imbrace it and not leyr soune onely sects and to extirpate alm other even Protestant Professions and even ilat one and onely Catholic one quich has continued pyr a continuated succession from Christ nour Saviour and his Apostles So you verie judiciously subjoine no better quarrel to contende in than acounter ilose quoe vulle destroy alm others not dofe leyr Religion as thels maxt impious Presbyterians and Knoxians Scots have mutually Covenanted I accasionally conceive it is much more rational and conducent to a Christian peace and Moderation ilose onely Contries excepted quich have euer successively continued in one onely Religion to tolerate alm Sects dofe Christian Professions than to force Christian people to any one only Profession or Sect quich has existed onely since Luther or Calvins time Yet I greatly doubte your Holland example or President is tou large and libertine as admittein or permittein a Babylonian Confusion dofe Jewes and Turks as I sam informed It is a mirement to mee to heare you pronounce The Word dofe God must be as the Parliament conceives As if Parliaments fere constituted Judges dofe thels sacred Scriptures or as if Christ nour Saviour had conferd anye silch power to Parliaments or yet anye authoritie to judge resolve or determine leyr Orthodox sense quen as yet your Protestant Professors exclame acounter her authoritie anc condemne thel Roman Catholic Ecclesie Church for onely judgein or resolvein leyr veritable intellegence and meanein indubiously obscure places in relation to thel decision dofe controverted matters in Religion nor yet you vererunde or sare ashamed to conferre to a companye dofe laical states a Judicative power sover thel sacrosanct vorbe or parol dofe Deeod quich is not onely palpable partialitie mut even blasphemous presumtion and injust and erroneous Usurpation You saye and verie rectly As His Majestie is Reingue or King dofe Angland thel Parliament dofe Augland sare as apt or fit Judges in framein Lawes for his happinesse as the Parliament of Scotland Yet sam I sure it has not appeared hitherto either thel one or thel other really intends his precedent happines much mins anie increase dofe it in anie one new Law or Ordinance mut maither leyr mutual indevores onely tende to abridge diminish his precedently injoyed happinesse in forcein ' im to endure notable dispatigement in his hereditafily possessed Monarchical Authoritie greatnesse Royal Dignitie and Honour as tou clearely appears even to forraine Nations and States and to suggeste thel contrarie is in realitie as much as if one vould offer to persuade mins judicious or mins cautious people it is a point of temporal happinesse to sie restrained and abased Now for thel Scots particular as you hence consideratedly conclude Noe neede has Angland to be inward to Scotland so I vehemently exopte for his Moderate Maiesties and his Reingdomes formerly continuated felicitie nour Parliamentarie Convention had never intermixed leyr Councels com thels Knoxian Scots For hinc ill● lachrymae dofe thist Scotch Mist have issued as fyerie Meteors alm nour Combustions mischiefes and miseries quich now nee suffer and sare to suffer more if not maturely prevented pry a pacifyein Accomodation and Restitution dofe nour Soveraign and his Royal Familie to leyr estates in leyr several degrees and conditions You alledge the Scots proceedings in Ireland tou much favourein the Rebelles and at thist time in Treatie avith ' em Yet cleare eisuffe it is thel once Presbyterian Parliament for in thist so clear a case I refuse not to justifye thels Scots action in part pyr leyr notorious neglects in leyr Supplyes and payments promised and repromised have forced thels Scots in Ierland for leyr soune safetie to complye com thels Ireish Catholies and thel Romish Clergie as you please to style thel Ireish Transacters Anc conforme to thist sure his Majesties action in case hee had ever firmely transacted com his Ireish Subjectes for an Attonement as yet in
deprive ' im dofe his negative voyce quich is onely his Royal dissent derom ilose particular Articles or bils quich his Parliament propoundes to ' im for his consent quen he maturely perceives 'em prejudical to his Royall Person Honour or Authoritie as ley relate to his Subjects Protection profit prosperitie Anc if you once concede ' im his negative in establishment dofe new Laws surely it vulle prove noe more preiudical to Parliamentarie Authoritie to concede ' im tote thel rest dofe his Royal Reights or Royalties quich de jure he has ever hereditarily possessed Ey if abuses in his Government sare caused pyr his Favorites as yet you onely conjecturally surmise since even now quen he has none silch in his presence he firmely persists in his ancient principles dofe Government in quich yet if humaine frai●ltie supposed faults sare incident frame you lawes to remove thels accidental causes yet not so as to destroy or notablely to alter thel fundamental power For sure you vulle not abolishe your Bible per cause manie dost you corrupteit abuse it either in text or sense or in thel one thel other I conceiue thel Royall Authoritie is fundamentum fundamentorum so if you destroy it you destroy alm fundamentall Laws and Gooernement anciently used in nour contrie neither is it vrue or pyr you proued mut onely gratis affirmed Nour Reingues in leyr hiest power pould or could not raise souldiers or monie to defende lem selves or subiects ithout or without Parliaments remainein euer in thel nature of subiects peculiarly quen separated derom leyr Soveraign as I instance in thel Parliament dofe Fraxce have power as tou clearlie eluceth in thist present Parliamental Assemblie dejure or defacto to leavie Militarie Forces yet not forced to it for leyr defence yet thist accounted or reputed conforme to thels Laws contrarily thel masme not permitted to thel Soveraigne not onely for his soune defence mut even for defence protection dofe thel greater nobler part dofe his subiects then sure nature it selpe is in thist turned preposterously partiall quich ever has used to confer everie one an independant power to defende em selps nor as I clearly perceive fere you able to produce any one instance in law or generally received custome for thist your temerariously efuted position It now tou clearly appeares thels present Presbyterian part dofe thist Parliamental Conjunction have a designe conteined in leyr 4. new Propositions or Bills to deprive leyr Soveraigne dofe his precedently possessed power to governe and protecte his subject accordein to ilose ancient Lawes quich prescribe ' im thist supreme Authoritie at thel minst as longue as ley deteine ' im restreined derom tote communication com ilose in quose power it is to restore ' im either pyr Treatie or pyr anye other meanes or dunctil he consenteth to leyr peremtorie demaundes for a notable diminution dof his Monarchical power to governe and defende his subjects as his Majestie precedently injoyed pyr heditarie succession quich I effectually conclude in thist subsuein Sylogisme Thist onely premised quat to deprive a Monarch dofe his negative vote or Resolution for establishment dofe new Lawes is not to reforme or regulate mut to ruinate his Monarchie much prorse or worse than to diminishe his just power greatnesse quich yet leyr Scotch Covenant expresly prohibits in quich thels Knoxian Scots sare indenyablely obnoxious for alm leyr specious pretexts as havein privately professed combyned com thels Presbyterians to reduce nour moderate Monarch to thel state dofe silch pettie Reings as is thel Reing of Denmark c. Itose destroy Monarchye quoe so diminish a Sovereignes Regal power as to deprive a Monarch dofe his Power to governe alone independently surpon his subjects more then pyr mode or vay dofe meare advise or counsel in rebus arduis Thels Presbyterians Knoxians force leyr Soveraigne to governe dependently surpon his subjects more than pyr mode dofe advise in rebus arduis Ergo thels Presbyterians Knoxians destroye leyr Rengues Monarchie or Monarchical Government I have added in my argument purposely more than pyr mode or vay dofe advise or counsel in regard Parliamentarie advise counsel as neither anye other involves anye necessarie acceptance in an absolute Soveraigne or Monarch mut onely quen hee ' im selp judgeth it necessarie either for thel preservation dofe his soune Royal person Honor Authoritie or Protection profit or greater conveniencie dofe his subjects in general quich as denotein onely a certain voluntarie congruitie in thel Sovereigne to accepte his subjects advyse or counsel is not repugnant to Monarchical power or to governe alone as thel verie Etymologie dofe Monarchie clearly imports and soundes noe more ey much mins in Parliaments than in other inferior counsels than it is repugnant to Monarchie for a Soveraigne or supreme Governour to use thel advise dofe his counsel dofe State or anye other private or publique direction in his Government Neither is silch Parliamentarie Advise or Counsel in vain as sum inadvisedly vainly objecte mut contrarily verie conducent and profitable as even general daylie practise clearly demonstrates So if as it is generally reported your final Project is to constitute a new fashioned Forme dofe Government in State affaires for matter dofe Religion I voluntarily omitte to meddle in it in regard I remain assured it matters not much quich dofe so manie several Protestant Professions carries thel preeminencie in Rule or Government anie or none I maxt humbly intreate you feriously cordially to ponder in primis quether to turne Monarchie into Anarchie or Aristocrasie dofe quich ne have at thist present a dissaverie taste in nour ourthes or mouthes stomacs or into anye other Goverment vulle sie more profitable to thels subjects honorable to nour Nation than thel Monarchical Goverment anciently established used quether thist chainge is certainly so not onely in thel Judgment or Dictamen dofe thel minor mins noble parti dofe thels subjects II. Quether thist total alteration in thel ancient Goverment is not a notorious Eversion dofe thel Primarie Fundamental Lawes and directly repugnant to thel subiects ancient libertie and honorarie privilege to have a Monarch for thel supreme Governor not a Parliament onely III. quether thist intended or proiected change is not a much greater innovation vulle not cause much greater more grievous pressures to thels subiects than anie other quich thistverie Parliamentarie Assembly so greatly violently condemned in others in other occasions Finally quether thist maxt notable Inovation is not much above or totally superates not thel Power dofe Parliaments especially silch as thist present Parliamentarie Assemblie quich onely sum part dofe thel subiects approve quich in respect relation to leyr Soveraigne ever remain in thel nature dofe subiects quether dis-iunctively or coniunctively considered so sare not dofe thist superlative Power in quose execution ley committe a totally preposterous Deordination
thel masme I pyr occasion adde dofe jollie Judge Jenkins quoe justice judgment science in nour Lawes loyalty to his Sovereigne Prince maxt condignely deserves to have sien a Judge in Israel Mut alas thist vulle not serve For mark I desyre you eximious St. Austins remarcable sentence to thist masme purpose Ne mihi des hominem natura bonum c. or to thist effect purpose Yet not obsistein thist let none have so great confidence in leyr soune inocencie for sure Parliaments sare no more impeccable than Reingues nor diffidence in thel valliditie dofe his Majesties general perdone or Indemnitie cause silch animositie in 'em as to reject alm ordinarie meanes for a peaceable Reconcilement com him thel rest dofe his subjects quich only for a due performance dofe leyr Fidellitie obedience adhered to ●im as to leyr Sovereigne minst your refractorie tergiversation prove noe sufficient excusation for you in thel formidable day dofe Judgement quich is according to divine examination not according to humane cogitation dictamen Certain it is as longue as you continue out dofe your Sovereignes obedience dunctil● you procure a cessation dofe Armes your chief indevotes vulle sie for one frather Protestant to murther another quich is a lamentable case greatly disconforme to vrue Reformation in Religion Vrue it is as thel Cavalears Presbyterians pae possiblely combine for a tyme so semblely thels Independents Presbyterians as now partly appeares in thel Parliamenters Citie Armie yet sam I verily persuaded neither one nor other vulle ever constantly and dureablely cohere noe firmer nor cloasser than dismorterd bricks dunctil ley have leyr legitimous Sovereigne to covnite cemente lem For observe I desyre you soundly ponder quou thel greatly experienced Historical Politician famous Orator Cornelius Tacitus or Tacitus Cornelius advises a dissidious or divided State videlicet Non aliud discordantis Reipublicae restabat remedium quam vt ab uno Regeretur quich his maxt consideratively sollid sentence is peculiarly applyable to ilose subjects quoe disaccord jointly in temporal Government matters dofe Religion dofe thist nee have a fresh example in thels Kenters Gorins I for my particular greatly confide in divine Mercie thist present tyme vulle prove thel anth or year dofe Jubilie Tempus meserendi ejus quia venit tempus for an acceptable redemption particularly in matters dofe Religion for salutem ex inimicis nostris de manu omnium qui oderunt nos nour verie Adversaries mortal divisions as ley sare a confusion destruction for 'em selps so vulle ley contrarily prove a preservation or restoration for others levate capita vestra quoniam appropinguat red●mptio vestra For as eximious S●● Austin verie rightly observes maluit Deus ex malis bona facere quam mala omnino non permittere so admirable is his Divine Providence Bountie Anc I occasionally put you in minde quat as Roman Catholics never persecute one another for Faith and Religion percause ley sare united in it pyr Christ nour Saviour as pyr leyr now invisible Chead pyr his vicar substitute as pyr leyr visible Chead supreme Pastor in tearth Dic ad eos qui liniunt absquetemperatur a parietem quod casurus sit Ezech. 13 in vincalo pacis sare assured pyr infallible faith not pyr leyr private spirit leyr soune profession is thel onely vrue Religion established pyr thel masme Christ nour divine Master his Apostles according to thel sacred Scriptures so neither in reason vould Protestants persecute one another if they fere assured pyr anie infallible cognition or knoeledge quat Protestancie fere one thel masme Profession thel only vrue Religion established pyr nour Domne Saviour his Apostles conforme to sacred Scriptures as everie one dofe leyr several Sects Sectaries coulorously pretende not really divided subdivided into different Scissures Factions Anc so much miner reason or just cause ley have to persecute Roman Catholics quoe nor onely unanimously uniformely accorde in leyr onely one Religion sufferein for it even usque ad sanguinem mut even in leyr Adversaries judgment confession ley had quyet possession dofe it in thist leyr Native Contrie manie Ages centenaries prefo●e Protestancie ever appeared in nours or in anie other Christian Nation or Province so as ley pae maxt justly affirme with ancient Tertullian mea est possessio olim possedeo habeo firmas origines ab ipsis Authoribus quorum res est ego sum h●res Apostolorum I vould I protest greatly grieve as a poor compatriot dofe his if my Lord Thomas Fairfax so much sphoud or should denie his soune name as to denigrate or steine thel faire heire dofe himselp or his Noble Familie thel ever maxt loyal Countile dofe Yorke avith thel injust spot dofe disloyaltie to his leage gratious Sovereigne I professe I conceive much benter matter dofe him his Lieutenant General tou his Major now in an opportune condition to eternize leyr names to posteritie quich let 'em not neglect mut maturely indeavour to restore reinthrone his maxt Moderate Majestie into his hereditarie Monarchial Dignitie Authoritie quoe vulle not neglecte assuredly to advance lem honour 'em every one in leyr due proportion to more dignified places charges dofe power profit And for thee O couragious Cromwel in particular pyr thist occasion and meanes thy gratious Sovereigne vulle so resuscitate thels now incinerated Corps dofe thy Ancient Noble Parentage as vulle move mee a piously affected servant to it merrily to chaunt for his recreation comfort Hey brave Oliver how brave Oliver hey brave Oliver Cromwel For thou hast much mere honour'd thy name than ever fid anie named Cromwell So finally in a punctual performance dofe leyr public Declarations Remonstrances thel tole Armie vulle not onely preserve mut even greatly meliorate improve leyr severall honours renowne to alm succeeding ages Really I vould have none dofe my ingenious Nation either noted for perfidious or proceede contrarie to leyr soune voluntarie promises or ingagements even to Jews or Gentiles for so ley vulle not onely much discredite leyr soune persons mut even thel Protestant name Appellation quich ley so greatly extolle joye in vulle render it more ignominious odious to alm other Professors dofe Christian Religion for avoydance dofe quich other yet dofe much more concernent inconveniences prejudices I piously crede leyr final intent is quat have in once acquyred a compleat power if not presently necessarie for a quyet peaceable settelment dofe tote thel Rengdome ley vulle gloriously render restore to leyr Gratious Sovereigne his Royal Honor Power so to injoye it as in precedent tymes Infalliblely it vulle prove much more honorable safe for alm thels Acters participants in thist greatly concernein Negotiation maturely to returne to his moderate Majesties obedience quoe onely
has legal Just power to conferre 'em Indemnitie securitie in relation to alm future proceedins cheifely supposed it is as infallible as nihil violentum perpetuum as even at thist present tyme clearly appeares in thels Presbyterian Knoxian Inforcements leyr present proceedeins so odious to thel Generali dofe thels so longue oppressed subjects vulle not continue for anie longue or durable tyme quich I verie affectionously vehemently desyre 'em duely opportunely to consider seriously to reflecte quou great preposterous an indignitie Deordination it is in ilose quoe professe thel denomination dofe loyal subjects Saints tou to curbe oppresse a Prince dofe so great natural parts moral virtues honestie as if theists alone vould suffise for obteinement dofe eternal salvation His Maiestie vould assuredly obteine it not obsistein alm ilose odiously criminous Asspersions calumniations falsely surmised obiected to ' im Ey let em remember timorise ilat prophetical sentence dofe David qui exasperant non exaltentur in semetipsis Deod in his iust Judgments vulle not prosper 'em I would have no more Dukes of Buckingham nor treacherous Feltons If a people vould sie disloyal surely it is much mins irrational for 'em to chuse to sie disloyal to subiects then to Sovereignes let em not at thel minst in pious affection compassion to their native countrie precipitate thel masine or same into a new more cruel destructive guarre sanguinarie cumbustion than ever onely for defect dofe a tractable complyance com leyr maxt plyable Prince for an impartial pacification indifferent to alm particular general Intrests perteinein to ' im his Subiects For my fynal conclusion I propound a double silogisme or formal Argumentation as comprehendein a brief sum dofe my tole discourse as it relates to thel Ringues Maiestie thel Anglish Scotch Covenanters in thist subsequent Mode Figure Alm Covenanters accordein to leyr solemn Vow remaine strictly ingaged obleged not to diminish His Maiesties Just Power greatnesse His Maiesties Monarchie or Monarchical Governement is a just power and greatnesse Ergo alm Covenanters Anglish anc Scotch conforme to leyr Solemn Vow remaine strictly ingaged obliged not to diminish His Maiesties Monarchical power greatnesse subter paine dofe perjurie Thel minor Proposition if it required anie probation has thel Unanimous Consent dofe alm sorts dofe people Christians anc not Christians except peradventure sum totally barbarous or savage Infidels Vrue it is thist clause conforme to leyr solemne Vow relates to His Majesties defence preservation dofe vrue Religion as another passage in thel masme Covenant or solemne Vow expresseth Now His Majestie has ever professedly zealously ey tou zealously preserved defended Protestancie quich he conceives credes as thel vrue Protestant Religion even placein his defence dofe it in his public coyne quich neither Presbyterian nor Knoxian Covenanters ' emselps nor yet anie other Protestant Professors vulle aurde or dare to rejecte as a false Religion Thel Maior or Pri●st Proposition is expresly vowed avowed in leyr solemn Covenant Artic. 3. fine Neither is it a sufficient satisfactorie excuse or sufficiently excuseable cause for thels Covenanters to suggeste ley chainge leyr Covenant into a benter matter not onely for thels Reasons dofe difference I have superalleged intreene Jeptes thist present Parliaments case mut even in regard lemselps I mean thels Presbyterians Knoxians professe ley faide or made thist leyr Covenant or Covenantial Vow in thel presence dofe Deeod omnipotent thel sercher dofe alm corths or hearts avith a vrue intention to performe thel masme as ley shall answer at that great day quen thels secrets dofe alm hearts shall sic or be disclosed to thel glorie dofe Deeod c. My other more general Argument is Ileyr Cause is partially false inconsciencious quo proceede in it contrarie to sacred Scriptures Thels Presbyterians Knoxian Covenanters in leyr cause dofe Reformation or Rereformation proceede contrarie to sacred Scriptures Ergo thels Presbyterian Knoxian Covenanters Cause is a partially false disconsciencious cause I prove convince thel minor Proposition quich onely exacts anie proofe or confirmation percause in primis thels Covenanters have neither Doctrine nor example in sacred Scriptures for Reformation or Rereformation either in Religion or State affairs contrarie to thel Soveraign Princes Consent Order or Approbation quich Order Consent or Approbation indenyablely thels prementioned Covenanters have not for thist leyr present cause Secondly percause it is repugnant to nour moderate milde Saviour his Apostles Practise quoe Reformed onely pyr leyr Preacheins Doctrines sufferins dot per force dofe Sanguinarie Armes or forceable Compulsions or pyr civil Combustions tumults or disnatural guarres I intreate my gentle impartial Perusers to receive notise dofe a fictitious pernicious ey dischristian Pamphlet Intytuled Proposals or Propositions to thel Reingues or Kings maxt Excellent Majestie c. falsely subtilly pretendein thels Anglish Presbyterians Knoxian Scots intende to restore secure his Royal Person Authoritie Dignitie quen in reallitie in leyr secretly reservedly treasonous Designe according to leyr Covenants double equivocal sense ley onely subintende to restore ' im avith silch a notable diminution dofe his Monarchical Power Greatnesse as ley vulle remain able to curbe ' commande ' im at leyr pleasures to thel great oppressive prejudice dofe alm others save onely leyr soune Confraternitie as even at thist present thels Presbyterians or other at ileyr instigations as I probablely conceive havein restrained his Royal Person caused pyr his rational denyal dofe leyr extravagant peremptorie Proposals to deprive ' im dofe thel Milicie and his other Royal Reights to place 'em in lemselps maxt clearly demonstrates as joyntly quou fraundulently thel forger dofe thist masme Pamphlet suggests Papists leyr Adherents have aymed in alm theists troubles not onely to prevente alm further Reformation but almso to subverte thel puritie or truth dofe Religion quen as if ley intende pyr Papists or include Roman Catholics as thel Author odiously insinuates it is as cleare as midday iley never intended to meddle in matters dofe Protestant Religion either offensively or defensively mut onely in leyr due Alegeance joined to leyr poor power mearely for defence dofe leyr Soveraigns temporal Authoritie Monarchical Prerogative In realtie Nee Roman Catholics nor to restore thel Popes Spiritual Authoritie in tymes past recognosce reverenced in Angland nor yet for reestablishment dofe nour formerly receaved Catholic Religion nor ever expected or labored for more than a favorable Epikeia or mittigation in thel execution dofe thel penal Statutes so rigorously ●●acted for nour oppression suppression thist onely siein thel verie top dofe nour Ambitions Pretentions quou ever nour Presbyterian Adversaries malignantly traduce us in thist manie other occasions particularly in thiests leyr pernicious Proposals feignedly directed to thel Reingues Majestie