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religion_n civil_a magistrate_n matter_n 3,433 5 6.0251 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14577 A pamphlet of the offices, and duties of euerie particular sworne officer, of the citie of Excester: collected by Iohn Vowell alias Hoker, Gentleman & chamberlaine of the same Hooker, John, 1526?-1601. 1584 (1584) STC 24889; ESTC S119346 28,806 38

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Citie common welth being a free citizen borne and descended of parents who in their times sate in the cheefest seate and chaire of gouernment and was by them in my tender yeares minoritie committed and commended to the credit and gouernment of the Magistrates of this citie Wherefore as vnto deere parents I thought it my part not onelie as a foster child but rather as a naturall sonne to yeeld some remembrance of duetie vnto you And therefore taking the oportunitie of the time present and the occasion of some things otherwise offered I haue thought good by waie of a strene or new yeares gift to offer and present vnto you this litle Pamphelet Which in outward apperance is slender as the hasell nut but as by breaking the shell you shall find a kernell so if you open this booke you shall learne the things most expedient and necessarie for you to know It is the abridgment or summarie of such speciall points as be incident to euerie of your particuler officers which you ought not onelie to know and to vnderstand but also to see to be doone and exequuted You haue in an open assemblie giuen your oth and sworne by the name of the Almightie and eternall God and protested by the great Iehouah so to doo wherefore to be remisse negligent or carelesse therein you shall not onelie offend against the common wealth but most grieuouslie sinne against the diuine Maiestie whose name by your sollies is dishonored and which so great a sinne cannot of his iustice be vnpunished nor vnreuenged And for as much as the Magistrates are Gods Ministers substitutes and vicars vpon earth and from whom all power and authoritie is ordained I am here vpon some occasion to aduertise and remember you that there be two speciall things required at your hands The one is concerning God and his seruice in religion the other concerning your selues and your office in politike gouernment The latter dependeth vpon the first and cannot haue any good successe where the first is not kept and regarded for as a learned man at the common lawes saith Seeing that lawes must be obeied for God it foloweth of necessitie that he which will haue them to be obeied rightly must first learne to honor God truelie or else where this foundation faileth euen as a house builded vpon sand the other falleth It is therefore and ought to be your most cheefe and speciall care that not onelie you your selues but all and euerie such as be vnder your gouernment doo honor and serue the euerlasting God in true religion and according to his prescripts and commandements and then of consequence your politike gouernment must and shall prosper haue successe And that you are thus bounden to doo read the volumes of Moses who was Magistrate vnder God of the Israelites and he did both deliuer them lawes how they should honor the true God of Israel as also set downe punishments for the breakers thereof The like after him did Iosua and the Iudges ouer Israel and the kings ouer Iehuda as in the bookes of the Iudges and in the Chronicles of the Kings dooth appeere For all things to be well doone must take their beginning from religion as the godly diuine saith Nulla politia feliciter constitui potest nisi prima curapietatis sit Preposterous then is the iudgement of those who would haue that religion should perteine onelie to the bishops and clergie and that the ciuill Magistrate should deale onelie in matters of policie but the law of Moses and the lawe of the Gospell doth determine the contrarie and chargeth the ciuil Magistrate with both making the same to be his talent for which he must as a good Steward make his accompt If this be true as it is most true how carefull and vigilant ought the Magistrates of this citie to be that the people committed to their gouernment should not thus in the light of the Gospell walke in darkenes and liue most dissolutelie and looselie I know the Gospell is preached most sincerelie and the Sacraments ministred most purelie and yet small is the number which imbrace the same sincerelie and liue thereunto accordinglie For looke you vpon the face of this common wealth and you shall find it in as bad or worse state than was the state of the common wealth of the Israelites in the time of Ezechiel or rather woorse concerning religion For Atheistes Papistes blasphemers of Gods holie name swarme as thick as butter flies without checke or controlment The Sabboth of the Lord appointed to be kept holie and we commanded to sanctifie the same to giue our selues to the exercise of good workes to be diligent in praiers to be attentiue to the hearing of Sermons is of all other daies most licentiouslie spent in sinne and wickednes the same being counted so much the more holie as it is spent most idelie and wickedlie For be the Preachers neuer so godlie and earnest to call let all the great belles of S. Peters ring out neuer so lowd there will not be halfe so manie gained into the Church as one with a pipe and a whistle shall gaine into the streetes to see vaine and foolish spectacles For let there be a beare baiting a bull baiting an enterlude or anie such vanitie euerie man is in hast to runne headlong to it the time neuer too long to haue there fill thereof And yet if there be no such plaies or games they will rather sit idle in the streetes than be well occupied in the churches Euen as it was said merilie of a preacher that when he sawe the people to depart out of the church from the Sermon spake vnto his auditorie saieng Good people it is said there is a man in the Moone but beleeue it not for there is no such thing but if you will goo forth into the Churchyard you shall find twentie knaues in the sunne And this is most true for whensoeuer there is anie Sermon send you one out into the streetes and there shall you find the greatest number some to knocke there heeles against the stalles some to walke vp and downe the streetes some sitting at the tauerne gulping and drinking some at gaming and plaieng some piping and daunsing and finallie none well occupied This is most true the matter is apparant the fault is knowen a redresse is wished but nothing is doone which thing is much bewailed by the good and godlie It hath beene oftentimes mooued by some one man of great honor calling and authoritie it hath beene aduised and persuaded by most learned and godlie preachers and it is wished by all good and godlie men that some one good and learned preacher were appointed in this Citie who vpon the Sabboth daies might catechize the children teach the old and instruct the people whereby they might be reclaimed to God nurtered in religion and amended in life But Durus est hic sermo this is a hard saieng and who can abide it And