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A04923 The appellation of Iohn Knoxe from the cruell and most iniust sentence pronounced against him by the false bishoppes and clergie of Scotland, with his supplication and exhortation to the nobilitie, estates, and co[m]munaltie of the same realme. Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585. An admonition to England and Scotland.; Kethe, William, d. 1608? 1558 (1558) STC 15063; ESTC S106719 70,824 162

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to be a trueth infallible to wit That the soule is greater and more pretious then is the bodie then shall we easely espye how vnworthie of auctoritie be those that this day debarre theyre subiectes from the hearing of Gods worde and by fier and sworde compell them to feede vpon the verie poison of theyre soules the damnable doctrine of Antichrist And therefore in this poīt I say I can not cease to admonish your honours diligently to take heede ouer your charge which is greater then the most parte of men suppose It is not ynough that you abstaine from violēte wrong and oppression which vngodlie men exercise against theyr subiectes but ye are further boūde to witt that ye rule aboue them for theyre welth Which ye can not do if that ye either by negligence not prouiding true pastors or yet by your maintainance of such as be rauening wolues suffer theyre soules to sterue and perishe for lack of the true foode which is Christes Euangill syncerely preached It wil not excuse you in his presence who will require accompte of euerie talent committed to your charge to say that ye supposed that the charge of the soules had bene committed to your Byshoppes No no my Lordes so ye can not escape Gods iudgement For if your Byshoppes be proued to be no Byshoppes but deceauable theues and rauenyng wolues which I offer my selfe to proue by Gods word by law and coūcils yea by the iudgement of all the godly learned frō the primatiue Church to this day then shall your permission and defence of them be reputed before God a participation with theyr thefte and murther For thus accused the Prophete Esaie the Princes of Ierusalem Thy prīces saieth he ar apostatats that is obstinat refusers of God and they ar companions of theues This greuous accusation was laid against them albeit that they ruled in that citie which sometyme was called holy where then were the temple rites and ordonances of God because that not onlie they were wicked them selues but chefely because they maintained wiked men theyr Preestes ād fals ꝓphetes in honours and auctoritie yf they did not escape this accusatiō of the holie Ghost ī that age looke ye neither to escape the accusation nor the iudgemēt which is pronoūced against the maītainers of whicked men to with that the one and the other shall drinck the cuppe of Gods wrathe and vengance togither and lest ye should deceaue your selues esteming your Byshoppes to be vertuous and godlie this do I affirme and offer my selfe to proue the same that more wicked men then be the hole rabble of your clergie were neuer from the begynning vniuersally knowen in any age yea Sodome and Gomorra may be iustified in theyre respect For they permitted iust Lot to dwell amongest them without any violēce done to his bodie which that pestilent generation of your shauensort doth not but moste cruelly persecute by fier and sworde the true membres of Christes bodie for no other cause but for the true seruice ād honoring of God And therefore I fear not to affirme that which God shall one day iustifie That by your offices ye be bound not only to represse theyr tyrānie but also to punishe them as theues and murtherers as idolators and blasphemers of God ād in their roumes ye are boūde to place true preachers of Christs Euāgile for the instruction comfort and saluation of your subiectes aboue whome els shall neuer the holy Ghost acknolledge that you rule in iustice for their proffit Yf yee pretēd to possesse the kingdome with Christ Iesus yee may not take exāple neither by the ignorāt multitude of Princes neither by the vngodly aud cruell rulers of the earth of whome sōme passe theyre tyme in slouth insolētie and ryote without respect had to goddes honour or to the saluatiō of theyre brethrē and other moste cruelly oppresse with proude Nīrod such as be subiect to them But your pattern and example must be the practise of those whome God hath approued by the testimonie of his worde as after shalbe declared Of the premisses it is euident that to lawfull powers is geuen the sworde for punyshement of malefactors for maintenance of innocents and for the profitt and vtilitie of theyr subiects Now let vs consider whether the reformation of religion fallen in decay and punyshement of false teachers do appertaine to the ciuile Magistrate and nobilitie of any realme I am not ignorant that Satan of old tyme for mentainance of his darknes hath obtained of the blynd world two chefe points Former he hath persuaded to Princes rulers and magistrates that the feeding of Christes flock appertaineth nothing to theyre charge but that it is reiected vpon the Byshoppes and estate ecclesiasticall and secondarelie that the reformation of religion be it neuer so corrupt and the punishement of such as be sworne souldiers in theyre king dome are exempted from all ciuile power and are reserued to them selues and to theyre own cognition But that no offender can iustly be exempted from punyshement and that the ordering and reformation of religion with the instruction of subiects doth especially appertaine to the ciuile Magistrate shall goddes perfect ordenaunce his plaine worde and the factes and examples of those that of God are highly praised moste euidently declare When God did establish his Law statutes and ceremonies in the middest of Israel he did not exempt the matters of religion from the power of Moses but as he gaue hym charge ouer the ciuile politie so he put in his mouth and in his hand That is he fyrst reuealed to hym and thereafter commaunded to put in practise whatsoeuer was to be taught or done in matters of religiō Nothing did God reueale particularely to Aaron but altogither was he commaunded to depend from the mouth of Moses Yea nothing was he permitted to do to hym self or to his children either in his or theyr inauguration and sanctification to the preesthode but all was committed to the care of Moses and therefore were these wordes so frequētly repeted to Moses Thou shalt seperate Aaron and his sonnes from the middest of the people of Israel that they may execute the office of the Preesthode thou shalt make vnto them garments thou shalt annoynte them thou shalt wash thē thou shalt fill theyr handes with the sacrifice And so furth of euerie rite and ceremonie that was to be done vnto thē especiall commaundement was geuen vnto Moses that he should do it Now if Aarō and his sonnes were so subiect to Moses that they did nothing but at his commaundement who dar be so bold as to affirme that the ciuile Magistrate hath nothing to do in matters of religiō For seing that thē God did so straytly require that euen those who did beare the figure of Christ should receaue from the ciuile power as it were theyre sanctification and entrāce to theyr office and seing also that Moses was so far
preferred to Aaron that the one commaunded and the other did obey who dar esteme that the ciuile power is now becomed so prophane in Gods eyes that it is sequestred from all intromission with the matters of religion The holie ghost in diuers places declarethe the contrarie For one of the chefe praecepts commaunded to the king when that he should be placed in his throne was to write the example of the boke of the Lordes law that it should be with hym that he might read in it all the daies of his life that he might learn to fear the Lord his God and to kepe all the wordes of his law and his statutes to do them This praecept requireth not onlye that the king should hym selfe fear God kepe his Law and statutes but that also he as the chefe ruler should prouide that goddes true religion should be kept inuiolated of the people and flock which by God was committed to his charge And this did not onlie Dauid and Salomon perfectly vnderstād but also somme godlie kinges in Iuda after the apostasie and idolatrie that infected Israel by the meanes of Ieroboam did practise theyre vnderstanding and execute theyre power in somme notable reformations For Asa and Iosaphat kinges in Iuda fynding the religion altogither corrupt did applie theyre hearts saieth the holie ghost to serue the Lord and to walk in his waies and thereafter doth witnes that Asa remoued from honours his mother somme say grādmother because shee had committed and laboured to mentaine horrible idolatrie And Iosaphat did not only refuse strange goddes hym selfe but also distroying the chefe monuments of idolatrie did send furth the. Leuites to instruct the people whereof it is playne that the one and the other did vnderstand suche reformations to appertaine to theire dueties But the factes of Ezechias and of Iosias do more clerely proue the power and duetie of the ciuile Magistrate in the reformation of religion Before the reign of Ezechias so corrupt was the religion that the dores of the house of the Lord were shut vpp the lampes were extinguished no sacrifice was orderly made but in the first yeare of his reigne the first moneth of the same did the king open the dores of the temple bring in the Preestes and Leuites and assembling them togither did speak vnto them as folloeth Hear me o yce Leuites and be sanctified now and sanctifie also the house of the Lord God of your fathers and carie furth from the sanctuarie all filthynes he meaneth all monumēts and vesselles of idolatrie for our fathers haue transgressed and haue committed wickednes in thee eyes of the eternall our God they haue left hym and haue turned theyre faces from the tabernacle of the Lord ▪ and therefore is the wrath of the Lord cōmed vpon Iuda and Ierusalem Behold our fathers haue fallen by the sworde our sonnes daughters ād wifes are led in captiuitie but now haue I purposed in my heart to make a couenante with the Lord God of Israel that he may turne the wrath of his furie from vs. And therefore my sonnes he swetely exhorteth be not faint for the Lord hath chosen you to stand in his presence and to serue hym Such as be not more then blynd clerely may perceaue that the king dothe aknolledge that it appertained to his charge to reforme the religion to appoint the Leuites to theyre charges and to admonish thē of theyre duetie and office which thing he more euidently declareth writing his lettres to all Israel to Ephrtaim an Manasses and sent the same by the handes of messingers hauing this tenour You sonnes of Israel return to the Lord God of Abraham Isaac ād Israel and he shall return to the residue that resteth from the handes of Assur Be not as your fathers and as your brethren were who haue trāsgressed against the Lord God of theyre fathers who hath made them desolate as you see Holde not your heart therefore but giue your hand vnto the Lord return vnto his sanctuarie serue hym and he shall shew mercie vnto you to your sonnes and doughters that be in bondage for he is pitifull and easie to be intreated Thus far did Ezechias by lettres and messingers prouoke the people declined from God to repentance not only in Iuda where he reigned laufull king but also in Israel subiect then to an other king And albeit that by somme wicked men his messingers were mocked yet as they lacked not theyre iust punishmēt for within sixe yeares after Samaria was destroyed and Israel led captiue by Salmanazar so did not the zelous king Ezechias desist to prosecute his duetie in restoring the religion to Gods perfecte ordenance remouing all abominations The same is to be red of Iosias who did not only restore the religion but did further distroy all monumentes of idolatrie which of lōg tyme had remained For it is written of him that after that the boke of the law was found and that he had asked counsil at the prophetesse Hulda he sente ād gathered all the elders of iuda and Ierusalem and standing in the temple of the Lord he made a conuenant that all the people frō the great to the small should walk after the Lord should obserue his law statutes and testimonies with all theyre heart and all theyre soule and that they should ratifie and confirme what soeuer was written in the boke of God He further cōmaunded Helkias the hic preest and the preestes of the inferiour order that they should carie furth of the temple of the Lord all the vessels that were made to Baal which he burnt and did carie theire pouder to Bethel He did further distroy all monuments of idolatrie yea euen those that had remained frō the dayes of Salomō He did burn them stampe them to powder whereof one part he scattered in the broke Kidron and the other vpon the sepulcres and graues of the idolaters whose bones he did burn vpō the altars where before they made sacrifice not only in Iuda but also in Bethel where Ieroboam had erected his idolatrie yea he further proceded and did kyll the preestes of the hie places who were idolaters and had deceaued the people he did kyll them I say and did burn theyre bones vpon theyre owne altars and so returned to Ierusalem This reformatiō made Iosias and for the same obtained this testimonie of the holie Ghost that neither before hym neither after hym was there any suche kīg who returned to God with his hole soule and with all his strengthe according to all the law of Moses Of which histories it is euident that the reformation of religion in all points togither with the punishement of false teachers doth appertaine to the power of the ciuile Magistrate For what God required of them his iustice must require of others hauing the like charge and auctoritie what he did approue in them he can not but approue in all others who with like zeale and
synceritie do interprise to purge the Lordes temple and sanctuarie what God required of them it is before declared to wit that most diligently they should obserue his Law statutes and ceremonies And how acceptable were theyre factes to God doth he him selfe witnesse For to somme he gaue most notable victories without the hande of man and in theyre most desperat daungers did declare his especiall fauours towerdes them by signes supernaturall to other he so established the kingdome that theyre ennemies were compelled to stoupe vnder theyre feete And the names of all he hath regestred not only in the boke of life but also in the blessed remembrance of all posterities sence theyre daies which also shall continue till the commyng of the Lord Iesus who shall rewarde with the crowne of immortalitie not only thē but also such as vnfaynedly studie to do the will and to promote the glorie of his heuenlie father in the middest of this corrupted generation In cōsideration whereof ought you my Lordes all delay set apart to prouide for the reformation of religion in your dominions and boundes which now is so corrupt that no part of Christes institution remaineth in the original puritie and therefore of necessitie it is that spedely ye prouide for reformatione or els ye declare your selues not only voyde of loue to werdes your subiectes but also to liue without care of your owne saluation yea without all feare and true reuerence of God Two thinges perchance may moue you to esteme these histories before briuely tuched to appertaine nothing to you Fyrst because you are no Iewes but Gentiles and secondarely because you are no kinges but nobiles in your realm But be not deceaued For neither of both can excuse you in goddes presence from doing your duetie for it is a thing more then certein that whatso euer God required of the ciuile Magistrate in Israel or Iuda concernyng the obseruation of true religion during the tyme of the Law the same doth he require of lawfull Magistrates professing Christ Iesus in the tyme of the Gospell as the holie Ghost hath taught vs by the mouth of Dauid saying Psal. 2. Be learned you that iudge the earth kysse the sonne lest that the Lord waxe angrie ād that yee perish from the way This admonition did not extend to the iudges vnder the law only but doth also include all such as be promoted to honours in the tyme of the Gospell when Christ Iesus doth reigne ād feight in his spirituall kyngdome whose ennemies in that psalme be fyrst most sharply taxed theyr furie expressed and vanitie mocked then are kings and iudges who think them selues free from all law and obediēce commaunded to repent theyre former blynd rage and iudges are charged to be learned and last are all cōmaunded to serue the eternall in feare to reioyce before hym in tremblyng to kysse the sonne that is to geue vnto hym most humble obedience whereof it is euident that the rulers Magistrats and iudges now in Christes kingdome are no lesse bound to obediēce vnto God thē were those vnder the Law And how is it possible that any shall be obediēt who dispise his religion in which standeth the chefe glorie that man can geue to God and is a seruice which God especially requireth of kings and rulers Which thing saint Augustine plainely did note writing to one Bonifacius a man of warr according to the same argument and purpose which I labour to persuade your Honours For after that he hath in that his epistle declared the difference betwixt the heresie of the Donatists and Arrians and hath somwhat spoken of theyr crueltie he sheweth the way how theyr furie should and oght to be repressed and that it is lawfull for the iniustly afflicted to seke support and defence at godlie Magistrates For thus he writeth Either must the veritie be kept close or els must theyr crueltie be susteaned But if the veritie should be concealed not only should none be saued nor delyuered by suchsilēce but also shoulde many be lost through theyr decept But if by preaching of the veritie theyr furie should be prouoked more to rage and by that meanes yet somme were delyuered and made stronge yet should feare hinder many weaklīgs to folowe the veritie if theyr rage be not stayed In these fyrst wordes Augustine sheweth three reasons why the afflicted Church in those daies called for the help of the Emperour and of godlie Magistrates against the furie of the persecuters The fyrst The veritie must be spoken or ells mankind shall perish in errour The second the veritie being plainlie spoken prouoketh the aduersaries to rage And because that sōme did alledge that rather we oght to suffer all iniurie then to seke support by man he addeth the third reason to witt that many weakones be not able to suffer persecution and death for the truethes sake to whome not the lesse respect oght to be had that they may be won from errour and so be brought to grater strength O that the rulers of this age should ponder and wey the reasons of this godly writer and prouid the remedie which he requyreth in these wordes foloīg Now when the Church was thus afflicted yf any think that rather they should haue sustayned all calamitie then that the helpe of God should haue bene asked by Christian Emperours he doth not well aduert that of such negligence no good cōptes or reason could be geuen For where such as would that no iust lawes should be made against theyre impietie alledge that the Apostles soght no such thīges of the kinges of the earth they do not consider that then the tyme was other then it is now and that all thinges are done in theyr owne tyme. What Emperour then beleued in Christ that should serue hym in making lawes for godlines against impietie whill yet that saying of the ꝓphet was cōplete why hath nations raged and people haue imagined vanitie The kinges of the earth haue stand vp princes haue conuented together against the Lord and against his annoynted That which is after said in the same psalme was not yet comme to passe And now vnderstand o you kinges be learned you that iudge the earth serue the Lord ▪ in fear and reioyce to hym with tremlinge How do kings serue the Lord in fear but in punishing and by a godlie seueritie forbidding those thinges which are done against the commaundement of the Lord. For otherwise doth he serue in so far as he is man other wise in so far as he is king In so far as he is man he serueth hym by liuing faithfully but because he is also king he serueth establishing lawes that commaund the thinges that be iust and that with a conuenient rigour forbyd thinges contrarie As Ezechias serued distroying the groues the temples of idols and the places which were buylded against goddes commaundement So serued also Iosias doing the same so serued the king of Niniuites compelling
heare thy cause and decerne in the same The controuersie standith in matters of religion Thou art accused as an apostatat from the Law as a violator of the temple and transgressor of the traditiōs of theyre fathers in which matters I am ignorant and therefore desire information by those that be learned in the same religion wherof the question is And yet doest thou refuse so many godly fathers to hear thy cause and doestappeale to the Emperour preferring hym to all our iudgements of no purpose belike but to delay tyme. Thus I say it myght haue appeared that Paule did not only iniurie to the iudge and to the Preestes but also that his cause was greatly to be suspected partly for that he did refuse the iudgement of those that had moste knowledge as all men supposed of Gods will and religion and partly because he appealed to the Emperour who then was at Rome farr absent from Ierusalem a man also ignorāt of God and ennemie to all vertue But the Apostle cōsidering the nature of his ennemies and what thinges they had intended against hym euen from the fyrst day that he began freelie to speak in the name of Christ did not fear to appeale from them and from the iudge that would haue gratified them They had professed thē selues plain ennemies to Christ Iesus and to his blessed Euangill and had soght the death of Paule yea euen by factiōs and treasonable cōspiracie and therefore by no meanes would he admit them either iudges in his cause either auditours of the same as Festus required but grounding him selfe vpon strong reasons to wit that he had not offēded the Iewes neither yet the Law but that he was innocēt and therefore that no iudge oght to geue hym in the hādes of his ennemies grounding I say his appellation vpon these reasons he neither regarded the displeasure of Festus neither yet the brute of the ignorāt multitude but boldely did appeal from all cognition of them to the iudgement of the Emperour as said is By these two examples I dout not but your honours do vnderstand that lawfull it is to the seruantes of God oppressed by tyrānie to seke remedie against the same be it by appellation from theire sentēce or by imploring the helpe of ciuile Magistrates For what God hath approued in Ieremie and Paul he can condemne in none that likewise be e●●reated I might alledge some histories of the primatiue Church seruing to the same purpose as of Ambrose and Athanasius of whom the one would not be iudged but at Millan where that is doctrine was hard of all his Church and receaued and approu●d by many and the other would in no wise geue place to those coūciles where he knew that mē conspired against the trueth of God should sit in iudgement and cōsultatione But because the Scriptures of God are my only fundation and assurance in all matters of weight and importāce I haue thoght the two former testimonies sufficient aswell to proue my appellation reasonable and iust as to declare to your honours that with safe conscience ye can not refuse to admit the same Yf any thinke it arrogācie or foolishnes in me to compare my selfe with Ieremie and Paule let the same man vnderstād that as God is immutable so is the veritie of his glorious Euangill of aequall dignitie whensoeuer it is impugned be the membres suffering neuer so weak What I think touching myne owne person God shall reueale when the secrets of all hartes shall be disclosed and such as with whome I haue bene conuersant can partly witnesse what arrogācie or pryde they espie in me But touching the doctrine and cause which that adulterous ād pestilent generatiō of Antichrists seruāts who wilbe called Byshoppes amongst you haue condened in me I neither fear nor shame to cōfesse and auow before man and Angell to be the aeternall trueth of the aeternall God And in that case I dout not to cōpare my selfe with any menbre in whome the trueth hath bene impugned sēce the begynnyng For as it was the trueth which Ieremie did preach in these wordes The Preestes haue not knowen me saieth the Lord but the pastors haue traiterously declined and fallen back from me The Prophetes haue prophesied in Baal and haue gone after those things which can not helpe My people haue left the fontaine of liuing waters and haue digged to them selues pits which can containe no water As it was a trueth that the pastors and watchmen in the daies of Isaie were becomed dōme dogs blynd ignorāt proud and auaricious And finally as it was a trueth that the Princes and the Preestes were murtherers of Christ Iesus ād cruell persecutors of his Apostles so likewyse it is a trueth and that moste infallible that those that haue condemned me the hole rable of the papisticall clergie haue declyned from the true faith haue geuen eare to deceauable spirits and to doctrine of deuils are the sterres fallen from the heauen to the earth are fontaines without water and finally are ennemies to Christ Iesus deniers of his vertue and horrible blasphemours of his death and passiō And further as that visible Churche had no crime where of iustly they could accuse either the Prophetes either the Apostles except theyr doctrine only so haue not such as seke my blood other crime to lay to my charge except that I affirm as alwais I offer to proue that the religion which now is maintained by fier and sword is no lesse contrarious to the true religion taught and established by the Apostles then is darknes to light or the Deuill to God and also that such as now do claime the title and name of the Churche ar no more the elect spouse of Christ Iesus then was the Synagoge of the Iewes the true Church of God what tyme it crucified Christ Iesꝰ damned his doctrine and persecuted his Apostles And therefore seing that my battail is against the proude and cruell hypocrites of this age as that battaill of those most excellent instrumentes was against the fals Prophetes and malignant Church of theyr ages neither ought any man think it strange that I cōpare my self with them with whome I sustaine a cōmon cause neither ought you my Lordes iudge your selues lesse addetted and bound to me calling for your support then did the Princes of Iuda think thē selues boūde to Ieremie whome for that tyme they deliue red notwithstāding the sētēce of death ꝓnoūced against him by the visible Church And thus much for the right of my appellatiō which in the bowelles of Christ Iesus I requier your honours not to esteme as a thing superfluous ād vaine but that ye admitt it ād also accept me in your ꝓtection ād defence that by you assured I may haue accesse to my natiue coūtrie which I neuer offēded to the end that freely and opēly in the presēce of the hole realme I may geue my confession of all such pointes
chose his habitation amongest them and also that best knoweth what lieth within man did prouide the remedie for the one and for the other making them equal in that behalfe who in other thinges were most vnequal Yf the poore should haue founde hym selfe greued by reason of that taxe and that asmuch was imposed vpon hym as vpon the riche yet had he no small cause of ioy that God him selfe would please to cōpare hym and to make hym equal in the mentenāce of his tabernacle to the most riche and potent in Israel Yf this equalitie was commaunded by God for mentenāce of that transitorie tabernacle which was but a shadoe of a better to cōme is not the same required of vs who now hath the veritie which is Christ Iesus who being clad with our nature is made Immanuel that is God with vs. Whose natural bodie albeit it be receaued in the heauens where he must abyde till all be complete that is forespoken by the Prophetes yet hath he promised to be presēt with vs to the ēd of the world And for that purpose and for the more assurance of his promisse he hath erected amongest vs here in earthe the signes of his owne presence with vs his spiritual tabernacle the true preaching of his worde and right administration of his sacramentes To the mentenance whereof is no lesse bounde the subiect then the prince the poore then the riche For as the price which was geuē for mannes redēption is one so requireth God of all that shalbe partakers of the benefites of the same a like duetie which is a plaine confession that by Christ Iesus alone we haue receaued what soeuer was lost in Adam Of the prince doth God require that he refuse hym selfe and that he folow Christ Iesus of the subiect he requireth the same Of the kinges and iudges it is required that they kysse the sonne that is giue honour subiection and obedience to hym And from such reuerēce doth not God exempt the subiect that shalbe saued And this is that aequalitie which is betwixt the kinges and subiectes the most riche or noble and betwixt the poorest and men of lowest estate to wit that as the one is oblished to beleue in heart and with mouth to cōfesse the Lord Iesus to be the onlie sauiour of the world so also is the other Neither is there anie of goddes childrē who hath attained to the yeares of discretion so poore but that he hath thus much to bestow vpon the ornamentes and maintenance of their spiritual tabernacle when necessitie requireth neither yet is there anie so riche of whose hande God requireth any more For albeit that Dauid gathered greate substāce for the buylding of the temple that Salomon with earnest diligence and incredible expenses erected and finished the same that Ezechias and Iosias purged the religion which before was corrupted yet to them was God no further dettour in that respect then he was to the most simple of the faithfull posteritie of faithfull Abraham For theyr diligence zeal and workes gaue rather testimonie and confession before men what honour they did bear to God what loue to his worde and reuerēce to his religiō then that any worke proceading from them did either establishe or yet encrease goddes fauoure towardes thē who freely did loue thē in Christ his sonne before the foundation of the world was laied So that these forenamed by theyr notable workes gaue testimonie of theyr vnfained faith and the same doth the poorest that vnfeanedly and openly professeth Christ Iesus that doth embrase his gladtydinges offred that doth abhorre superstition and flie from idolatrie The poorest I say and most simple that this day in earth in the daies of this cruel persecution fermely beleueth in Christ and boldly doth confesse hym before this wicked generation is no lesse acceptable before God neither is iudged in his presence to haue done any lesse in promoting Christ his cause then is the king that by the sworde and power which he hath receaued of God wrooteth owt idolatrie and so aduanceth Christes glorie But to return to our former purpose it is no lesse required I say of the subiect to beleu● in Christ and to professe his true religion then of the prince and king And therefore I affirme that in goddes presence it shall not excuse you to alledge that ye were no chefe rulers and therefore that the care and reformation of religion did not appertaine vnto you Ye dear Brethren as before is said are the creatures of God created to his owne image and similitude to whome it is commaunded to hear the voyce of your heauenlie Father to embrase his sonne Christ Iesus to flie from all doctrine and religion which he hath not approued by his own will reuealed to vs in his moste blessed worde To which preceptes and charges if ye be founde inobedient ye shall perish in your iniquitie as rebelles and stubborn seruantes that haue no pleasure to obey the good will of their soueraigne Lord who most louingly doth call for your obedience And therefore Brethren in this behalf it is your part to be carefull and diligent For the question is not of thinges temporall which allthoghe they be endaungered yet by diligēce and processe of tyme may after be redressed but it is of the dānation of your bodies and soules and of the losse of the life euerlasting which once lost can neuer be recouered And therefore I say that it behoueth you to be careful and diligēt in this so weghtie a matter lest that ye contemnyng this occasion which God now offereth fynd not the like althoghe that after with gronyng and sobbes ye lāguyshe for the same And that ye be not ignorant of what occasion I mean in few words I shall expresse it Not only I but with me also diuers other godlie and learned men do offer vnto you our labours faithfully to instruct you in the waies of the Eternal our God and in the synceritie of Christes Euangil which this day by the pestilent generatiō of Antichrist I mean by the pope and by his most vngodlie clergie are almost hyd from the eies of men We offer to ieopard our liues for the saluation of your soules and by manifest scriptures to proue that religion which amongest you is mentained by fier and sworde to be vaine fals ād diabolical We require nothing of you but that paciently ye will heare our doctrine which is not oures but is the doctrine of saluation reuealed to the world by the onlie sonne of God ād that ye will examine our reasons by the which we offer to proue the papistical religion to be abominable before God And last we require that by your power the tyrannie of those cruel beastes I mean of preests and freers may be brideled till we haue vttered our mindes in all matters this day debateable in religion Yf these thinges in the fear of God ye