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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A52371 No popery, or, A catechism against popery wherein the heretical doctrins, idolatrous worship, and superstitious practices of the Roman Church are briefly yet plainly refuted, and the Protestant principles proved by testimonies of Holy Scripture, and evidence of reason / by a minister of the Gospell. Minister of the Gospell. 1682 (1682) Wing N1187; ESTC R19866 57,846 152

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119. l. 1. r. offers ibid. l. 5. r. many p. 122. l. 11. r. Gratulatory A CATECHISM AGAINST POPERY SECT I. Of the Scripture Quest WHat Religion are you of Answ Of the Reformed Christian Religion Q. Why call you your Religion the Christian Religion A. To distinguish it from the Religion of the Jews Turks and Pagans Q. Why call you it the Reformed Religion A. To distinguish it from the Religion of the Church of Rome Q. Why are you not of the Romish Religion A. Because in and by that Religion none can be Saved Q. Why so A. Because the Roman Church hath perverted the Doctrine of the Gospel and established Idolatry and hath taken Antichrist for her head Q. Vpon what is the true Christian Religion Founded A. Upon the Word of God Q. What mean you by the Word of God A. The Holy Scripture contained in the Old and new Testament written by the Prophets Evangelists and Apostles which St. Paul calls Scripture divinely inspired 2 Tim. 3.16 And St. Peter 2d Epist 1.21 speaking of the Scripture says Prophesies came not by the will of men but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost Q. Why call you the Scripture the Bible that is the Book or Writing A. Because it is the Book and Writing which ought to be most highly esteemed by us and wherein we may be instructed of the Will of God for our Salvation Q. How divide you the Scripture A. Into two Parts the Old and New Testament Q. What doth the Old Testament contain A. The five Books of Moses the Prophets and the Psalms Luke 24.44 Q. Why take you not in Tobit Susanna Judith and others which we call Apocripha A. Because the Jews to whom the Oracles of God were committed Rom. 3.2 never acknowledged these Books Jesus Christ nor his Apostles never cited them neither were they read in the Synagogue it is not reasonable then that these Books which were not received as Sacred and Canonical by the Jewish Church which then only was the Church of God should be received as such by the Christian Church Besides in these Books are found many Fables which are not agreeable to the Spirit of God who is Truth and Wisdom Q. What doth the New Testament contain A. The four Evangelists the Acts the Epistles of St. Paul of James of Peter of John of Jude the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Revelations Q. Why hath it pleased God that his Word should be put in Writing A. That men might not alter or change it and make their own imagination and inventions pass for Divine Inspirations and the Word of God Q. But why do you found your Religion on the Word of God A. That we may have solid and firm Comfort in Life and Death Rom. 15.4 Q. Wherein consists your Comfort in Life and Death A. In that Jesus Christ hath redeemed us from the power of the Devil so that living and dying we are his SECT II. How the Scripture may be known to be Divine Q. HOw know you the Scripture to be the word of God A. Three ways 1. By the Testimony of Believers under the Old and New Testament 2. By the Scripture it self for as the Sun makes it self to be seen by its own Light and the Fire makes it self to be felt by its Heat so the Scripture makes it self known to be Divine by the Majesty of its Stile and fullfilling of its Prophesies the excellency of its Doctrine and its efficacie to persuade and comfort Consciences as David Psalm 19.7 The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple 3. By the Testimony of the Spirit of God such as Jesus Christ gave to the Consciences of the Disciples going to Emaus Did not our heart burn within us said they one to another while he talked with us by the way and opened to us the Scripture Luke 24.32 Q. How doth the Sprrit testifie the Scripture to be the Word of God A. Not by extraordinary Revelations as Prophesies were formerly made known to the Prophets which themselves often understood not but by Hearing and Meditating upon the Scripture instructing comforting and sanctifying the Heart he maketh known by these Divine effects to them that read and hearken thereunto with Humility Attention and Reverence that the Doctrine which is contained therein is truly Divine Q. Doth the Testimony of the Church give Authority to the Scripture A. No for seeing it is God that speaketh in the Scriptures its evident he cannot take his Authority from men John 5.34 I receive not testimony from man Q. Is then the Testimony that the Church gives to the Scripture unprofitable A. No for by it men are first brought to inquire after the Scripture and to read it and the Universal consent of the Church obliges them to an advantagious opinion of the Divinity of the Scripture which makes it be read with more Fear and Reverence Q. What is the difference between the testimony of the Church and that of the Scripture it self accompanied with the testimony of the Spirit of God A. The Testimony of the Church being only a Testimony from men can produce only an human Faith or an Opinion but the Testimony of the Scripture it self being the Testimony of God produces a Divine Faith The Testimony of the Church is like that which John Baptist gave to Jesus Christ John 5.33 and that of the Samaritan John 4. for as that woman brought those of Sychar to Jesus Christ so the Church brings us to the Word of God but the Scriptures Testimony of it self is like that of Christ himself by his Works which testifyed of him that the Father had sent him John 5.36 so that Believers knowing the Divinity of the Scripture by the reading of it may say as these of Sychar to the woman Now we believe not because of thy saying for we have heard him our selves The Testimony of the Church is only a simple Testimony but that of the Scripture is with Authority and from the Soveraign Judg. SECT III. Of the Authority of the Scripture Q. HAth God established in the Church a Soveraign Judg with full power to decide matters of Faith without Appeal A. None but the Word contained in the Holy Scriptures and it is by this Jesus Christ hath told us that men shall be judged at the last day John 12.48 He that rejecteth me hath one that judgeth him the word that I have spoken the same shall judg him at the last day And St. Paul Rom. 2.16 says That God will judg the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to his Gospel and Believers never acknowledged any other judg of their Controversies about matters of Faith but the Word of God by it the Priests determined about things difficult Deut. 17.9.11 By it Ezechias and Josaphat reformed the Church and re-established the pure service of God 2 Chron. 31. and 17.7.9 By the Scriptures Jesus Christ
seems to be hidden or to be vanished from the Earth as when she was Captive in Egypt and in Babylon shut up in the Family of Abraham and when many days passed in Israel without the True God and without a Teachin Priest and without the Law 2. Chron. 15.3 and when Idolatry was publickly introduced into the Kingdom of Juda and into the Temple of Jerusalem Q. But the Christian Church having received more authentick promises for extention and splendor it is not likely to be invisible and that City set on a Hill cannot be hidden Matth. 5.14 A. It is true that by the calling of the Gentiles the Christian Church is more extended than that of the Jews was and there shall always be a Visible Christian Church in the World but it is not necessary to a particular Churches being pure that it be Splendent and Visible The seven thousand men that had not bowed their Knee to Baal were the true Church though they appeared not in Israel and since the Church of Jerusalem ceased not to be the True Church when Revelation 12. she was forced to fly into the Wilderness to shun the persecution of the Jews and Rev. 12. Wings are given to the Church that she might fly and hide her self in the Wilderness And Chap. 13. there is spoken of a time wherein all the Earth should Worship the Beast Jesus Christ says Luke 18.8 When he shall come he shall find no Faith in the Earth and they of the Church of Rome themselves say that Antichrist will make the Sacrifice of the Mass to cease for three years and a half Q. May not perpetual duration be a mark of the true Church A. No because perpetual duration is a thing not known but hoped for and there is no particular Church hath received any promise from God to endure for ever Q. But some will say we wonder not that you reject those precedent marks seeing it is two hundred years agoe only since you appeared in the World so that you cannot show your Succession nor where you were before Calvin and Luther A. We do not boast of our Succession but of our Truth yet we prove sufficiently that our Religion is not new but the first and most antient in making appear that we have the same Religion that Christ and his Apostles had and being truth it self by consequent it could not be interrupted Truth being Eternal and immutable and there must needs therefore always have been some Church in the World that hath made profession thereof for the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against the Church Those then that ask us where our Religion was before Luther and Calvin we will ask them where theirs was in the time of Christ and his Apostles both of us begin the History of our Religion at that time Q. May not multitude be a good mark of the True Church A. No more than the rest for it agrees better-with a false than with a True Church Jesus Christ commands us to enter in at the strait gate for broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at Matth. 7.13 and Luke 12.32 he calls his Church the little flock and Exodus 23.2 we are forbidden to follow a multitude to do evil in short multitude cannot be a good mark of the True Church since Pagans and Mahumetans are more in number than the Christians and amongst the Christian Churches the Hereticks are commonly more numerous than the Orthodox as Christian Catholicks were fewer than the Arians Q. What think you of Miracles A. That we have reason to suspect that Mark since Jesus Christ hath foretold us Matth. 24.24 That false Christs and false Prophets shall arise shewing great signs and wonders and St. Paul foretels us 2 Thess 2.9 That the son of perdition will come with signs and lying wonders Q. How know you that the Miracles of the Roman Church are lying wonders A. First Because they give Authority to lies as Worshiping of Images and Praying to Saints Secondly Because often they are not done in the Name of God and Jesus Christ as the Miracles of Jesus Christ and his Apostles but in the name of some Images or Saint Thirdly Because they are feigned inventions and contrivances to deceive the simple and credulous and to keep them in their Superstition therefore they do them not in publick before those they call Hereticks to Convert them but secretly without Witnesses Q. Hath the True Church no Miracles A. Yes Those of Jesus Christ and his Apostles which having sufficiently comfirmed the Doctrine declared to us we have no need of new Miracles to give Authority thereto an Evil and Adulterous Generation seeketh after a sign Matth. 12.39 16.4 Signs are not for them that believe but for them that believe not 1 Cor. 14.22 Q. May the titles of Catholick and Holy be marks of the True Church A. No Because names are not essential properties and an Heretical Church may as well assume these Titles as the True one besides the Title of Catholick or Universal can be no mark of any particular Church Q. What think you of Vnion A. That it is not an absolute mark of the Church for it is found in false and Heretical Churches which are well United but Union in Faith and Conformity to the Word of God is a true mark of a Church but if destitute of Truth it is only a conspiracy against God Q. What judgment make you of Holiness A. That is the only right mark of the True Church provided that Holyness in Doctrine be understood as well as in manners SECT IX Of our Separation from the Roman Church Quest WHy have you separated from the Church of Rome A. Because our Conscience would not suffer us to partake of her Errors and Superstitions since we find not in her the only mark of the True Church which is Conformity to the Word of God nor the pure Administration of the Sacraments Q. But ought not Christian Charity and the love of peace make us bear with their errors St. Paul tells us that Charity beareth all things 1 Cor. 13.7 and should the infirmities and faults of our brethren make us separate from them and break the Vnion of the Church by a Schism A. We must bear with our Neighbours faults but we must not consent to them now we cannot continue in Communion with an Heretical Church but we must consent to their Errors 2 Cor. 6.14 What Fellowship hath Righteousness with Unrighteousness and what Communion hath Light with Darkness and what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols And it were not just that to please our Neighbours we should defile our selves with their Superstition St. Paul recommends Truth to us as well as Charity and Ephes 4.3 he would have us to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace Q. But may not our separation be justly accused of Schesm A. No For it is not absolutely Separation which makes