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A19595 The declaration of Mr. Patrik Crawfurd his returne from poperie to the true religion, which is according to the Word of God, in holie Scripture Crawfurd, Patrick. 1627 (1627) STC 6032; ESTC S117118 36,279 66

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parts and by the space of foure yeares what by trauells what by conference what by studying in the Colledges of Jesuites made my selfe as able as I could to defend Poperie and oppose true Religion and when I returned home did what I could to pervert others and to confirme them that were seduced and convoyed Jesuits oftentimes where their purpose was to further their designes sometimes beeing disaguised with them for feare of discouerie to the hurt of many Souls the Lord forgiue mee for whose cause I doe write this my declaration if possiblie it comming to their handes might bee a meane to cause them considder their wayes and repent and forsake their Idols and turne to seeke the Lord Jesus who will teach all them James 1. 5 John 14 16. the true way who seekes the same by prayer of God through Christ alone and so the woundes might bee healed in Gods mercie which I helped to giue these Souls in my blind zeale the recouerie againe of whose Souls without any detriment to their bodilie estate worldly is and shall bee euer my desire only the Lord giue them Repentance and make my Repentance dayly more fruitfull that J may bee as truelie zealous for the trueth as euer I was blinde forward against the same CHAP 2. The Iustice of God giuing those ouer to beleeue lyes who will not learne the trueth TO show then the whole matter from the beginning to the glory of God and edification of all who pleases to peruse these presentes without prejudice J was brought vp in the Colledge of Glasgow and did passe my course vnder learned godly Masters who did their diligence to instruct both me and others in human Learning and Religion as time wold suffer but I in my youthlinesse did not lay Religion to heart and therfore was justly punished thereafter for within halfe an yeere after I ended my course in the Colledge I was infected with the errours of Poperie so iust a thing it is with God to punishe the neglect of trueth with giuing ouer to errour that they may belieue lyes who will not take paines to vnderstand the trueth for an Papist of my acquaintance who had beene out of the Countrie a Scholler sharpe enough began to deale with mee and put mee in question and doubt concerning the Religion professed in Scotland so much the more easilie as I vnderstood it not at that time Then when J should haue sought satisfaction of my doubts at those who vnderstood the trueth before J had giuen any more eare to him that seduced mee J lent my eare still and gaue credite to all that hee spake without examination according to the Scriptures so dangerous a matter is it to admit any grounds of Religion without trying them by the rule of Gods Word whether they bee divine or not and so he possessed mee what by himselfe what by Books what by conference with Priests and others of these erroneous positions following First that the Romane Church was the mother Church only true Catholicke and Apostolicke 2. That the Scriptures did not containe all things needfull for Saluation but was an vnperfect rule of Religion 3. And that traditions must bee ioyned therewith which were of equall authoritie with the Scripture 4. That the Scripture was obscure and dangerous to be read by laickes 5. That to the Church of Rome belonged to giue the sense of it and that their exposition was as good as Scripture 6. That the Church of Rome was iudge of all contraversies of Religion 7. That the Church of Rome could not erre 8. That Saint Peter was Pope of Rome 9. And that all the Popes since were his lawfull successours Christs Vicars heads of the Church and had authoritie aboue the Scriptures and that he bare the Keyes of Heauen and could not erre in doctrine and no Saluation without the Roman Church for any Soule and such like Those grounds I drunke in supposing them all to bee true wherevpon my minde was casten open to belieue euery thing which they commanded mee to belieue and whatsoeuer the Church did belieue without any further examination So J was receiued amongst Papists and admitted to their Masse heere at home Then beeing desirous to haue further insight in the Romish Religion J went ouer to France and stayed there a season conversing with Jesuits in their Colledges Therafter J went to Rome to the head spring of that Religion and stayed there some eight Monthes but was forced to leaue it through sicknesse and retiering to West-Flanders J stayed in a seminarie and studied in a Colledge of Jesuites some two yeares all which time I remained obedient to all their injunctions giuen vnto mee and albeit many things occurred in my trauells which perplexed my minde making me doubt of the course I was entered into yet I smothred all downe by the weight of these groundes which J had laid downe in the beginning and namelie of this that the Church of Rome could not erre CHAP. 3. The power of Delusion I Obserued their Church-men of greatest account and Wisedome among them to lay heauie burthens and grieuous to bee borne vpon others but they themselues tooke litle paines in the businesse They professed for the most parte voluntarie pouertie one by one but the yearely Rents and common Purse whereof euery man was furnished as he had to doe was verie rich I saw some of their Orders liue by begging and Almes who would shortly haue forsaken the craft if there had beene any danger in that course either of hunger or cold more than they pleased to take vpon themselues and make show of Yet I thought their Church coulde not erre They professed to bee so retired from the Worlde as they could thinke of nothing but Heauen and yet tooke the most wittie courses that could bee to vnderstand all mens effaires designes and disposition and then made use of them all as best serued their owne ends They professed humilitie but laboured in effect to bee in honour and estimation by all and were as impatient to bee despysed as any man their speciall paines beeing imployed to bring moe and moe vnder their subiection vnder pretence of making them religious Yet J thought still their Church could not erre I saw the Pope who calls himselfe Peters successour and his Cardinals busked in the greatest riches and worldly honour that can bee in the Earth and in the meane time casting the glory of the Apostles the preaching of the Gospell at their heeles as vnbeseeming their Grandour When the Pope came abroad hee was carried in a gorgeous Chaire vpon foure mens shoulders and all men as he went by kneeled direct to the ground in effect adored him as one invested with Christs power and preheminence in the earth and owner of Christs honour in the World as his Legat and Lieutenant and so I honoured him amongs others my selfe And yet I thought all well for this presumption that the Church could not erre I saw the Church
absolute obedience to the superiors of that order renuncing both my will and iudgment as their Father Ignatius His Epistle to his Brethren in Lusitania calls it and to follow al their injunctions without asking question to goe or to stay to do or to suffer whatsoeuer they thought good to enjoyne mee for the Catholick cause and good of the Roman Church This oath J saye I could not get digested For therby J should haue bene bound if they had thought it fit to enjoyne mee for the advancement of the Catholick cause to haue beene an instrument of all the mischiefe that they could devise against my natiue Countrie and vnder colour of relieving soules to doe what any hath done or attempted in that blind obedience Skarring therefore at this oath I came home and yet forced my self still to keep the former grounds of Religion whereby I was made obstinat in errour and vntoward to be dealt with by any who wold haue studied to reclaime me Yet it pleased God at last to force in his own truth vpon my conscience that I began to smell sundrie of their errours and specially of the sacrifice of the Masse and transubstantiation that I began to examine these groundes of the Roman Religiō which I had drunk in the beginning if they could beare me out before God or not wherein finding my selfe miserablie mistaken and so long by that meanes abused freelie and of my own accord not beeing dealt with by any J addressed my selfe for conference with the Ministerie of Edinburgh Falkirke and Glasgow who all louingly and learnedly gaue mee solution to all my doubts and furthered this worke of God in helping home a forlorne Sonne to his Fathers house againe Now for all the particular reasons why I call their masse and transubstantiation an errour and the grounds of their Religion vnwarandable and why J haue renunced their particular errours builded thereon it were not convenient to set them all down here partly because it wold accresse to a volume partly because in substance they are the same that are learnedlie set down by these who handles the contrauersies against the Church of Rome Only J will content my selfe to shew some few things of many First concerning their Religion in generall Next concerning their masse adding therto compendiously in the third place some few things of their common absurdities maintained by them CHAP. 5. The Scriptures alledged imperfection the Pope of Romes perfection who can not erre as is alledged because hee sits in the Chaire of Saint Peter are the two rotten Pillars whereon all these errours are builded THis Romish Religion is a mysterie it makes show to hold the common groundes of Christianitie but by her deedes everts them The first principles of the Romish errours doe resolue vpon these two the imperfection of the Scripture and the peerelesse prerogatiue of the Church of Rome As for the imperfection of the Scripture they alledge that it does not containe all things necessarie for Salvation but place must bee left for traditions that is vnwriten doctrinall poynts and ancient customes long vsed in the Church as also for Ecclesiasticall constitutions and determinations or definitive sentences in matters controverted all which they alledge must haue equall authoritie in mens mindes with the Scriptures Next they alledge that these points necessarie to Saluation which are set down in Scripture are not cleare and plaine in the Scripture but that the Scripture is obscure and doubtsome and therefore is neither necessarie nor expedient that it should bee translated that it is a dangerous thing for laicks to read it wherein to any that will looke narrowlie vpon the matter they bewray a secreet feare if they bee hemde in into the rule of the Scriptures they cannot iustifie with any colour the abundance of their errours Thirdly evidently they show that the reading of the Scriptures by laicks shuld breed moe doubts about their Religion than they could bee able to solve and giue them such insight in this Religion that these whom they keepe now in the chaines of darknesse and blinde beliefe causing them to doe and suffer and beleeue what they please could not but break the yock if they grew acquainted with the Scripture Fourthlie they bewray the Spirit of Antichrist who thus vnder faire pretences sclander Christ Jesus who hauing taken vpon him as the great Prophet and Doctour of his Church to reveale the whole Counsell of God concerning mens Saluation and caused set it downe in Scripture yet hath come short of his purpose as their doctrine importes and neither hath set downe all things needfull nor these clearly which are set downe but obscurely ambiguously and dangerously that it is not safe for common People to read the same and so by these meanes they breed a misregard of the Scripture of Christ in mens hearts and skarres Christs sheepe as long as they can from hearing what the Spirit of Christ sayeth to his Churches As for the peerelesse prerogatiue of the Church of Rome the first is that she cannot erre If wee aske how this can bee since they cannot name six men liuing of the Romish Religion of whom they either dare or wil avow but they may erre and are subject thereto nor three nor two They will answere that yet there is one who is head of all the rest of that Religiō the Pope who cannot erre all the rest of the Church-men of that profession being gathered together without him or without his minde sent by his Legat or Nuncio to them they grant they may erre only he cannot erre So then in stead of the Church of Rome we haue the Pope whose councill of Cardinals they will ioyne with him for lusters cause but the infallibilitie of doctrine they place in none but the Pope only By vertue of this prerogatiue of the Pope they ascribe great things to the Church of Rome vnder this pretence all her traditions are Apostolicke albeit they bee not in Scripture because they are come down as is alledged through the Apostolicke channell of the Popes infallibilitie Vnder this pretence all her customes and obseruations are Catholicke and Apostolicke and all her Ecclesiasticke constitutions and definitive sentences in matters contraverted are of diuine authoritie as they alledge and doe oblige men to beliefe obedience no lesse than the Scripture Yea vnder this pretence the Scripture hath no authoritie in respect of these who beleeue it wherfore it shuld persuade them or be credited more than the fables of Esope but as much as the Church of Rome allowes vpon it Vnder this pretence when other Churches doechallenge the Roman Church for any fault or errour shee takes vpon her to bee judge in all controuersies betwixt her selfe and others The Greeke Church for example in Asia challenges her of vsurpation aboue other Churches shee will be iudge challenges her of defection from Apostolicke doctrine shee will bee iudge challenges her of not doing as shee ought to doe or
Christs spouse ought to do shee will be iudge yea shee will giue the sense of the Scripture and the exposition of it as shal best serue to iustifie her owne cause and if any man shall take a sentence of Scripture otherwise than shee allowes them than that sentence so taken shall not bee accounted Scripture These and other such like consequences they draw and deduce from this one fountaine That the Church of Rome can not erre Aske againe of them why cannot your Pope erre seeing he is a sinfull man as well as others as they will not deny and they least of all who are best acquaint with the Popes priuate conuersation seeing it is possible that the Cardinalls who are subiect to errour especially when their head is dead and a new Pope not yet created seeing they may erre in choosing an vnfit man for so great a charge what warrand can they show to giue assurance that such a Pope cannot erre They answere at last albeit they shift possibliea while becaus Saint Peter was head of the whole Catholick Church in his time hauing supreme authoritie and the fulnesse of pastorall power in doctrine and gouernment ouer the rest of the Apostles and all the Churches of the Worlde Saint Peter so qualified say they was Bishop of Rome and there is his Chaire and the Popes are his only lawfull successours inuested lawfully by God in the same Apostolicke authoritie ouer all the sheepe of Christ and all that may bee sheepe in the World and is as infalliblie assisted by the holy Spirit as euer the Apostle Saint Peter was after the descending of the holy Ghost vpon him in the Pentecost This is the key-stone of their whole building this is the Pillar of whole Popedome if this stand the better for them if this fall all goes to the ground and all that is builded thereon for if either they faile in prouing Saint Peters supremacie or his Romish Episcopacie or the Popes lawfullsuccession in Apostolick authoritie and other priuiledges then the Popes infallibilitie and the Roman Churches certaintie with all their traditions customes constitutions and all the rest of that worke of theirs builded thereon shall hurle to the ground together CHAP. 6. No Papist in the Earth can shew one cleare testimonie of Scripture to make good that ever Saint Peter was at Rome or Bishop of Rome or that the Pope is his speciall successour in his Apostolicke office TO examine then these grounds that therby some taste may be giuen briefly of that Cup which Rome propynes to the World and the Princes therof to drinke that they may fall in loue with her J will say nothing to the Apostolicke authoritie of the Lords deare servant Saint Peter nor to his personall prerogatiue in age in time of following Christ in zeale and painfulnesse in his calling Yet let me vindicate him a litle from that iniurie which his pretended successours doe him who father the basphemous titles of their Antichristian vsurpation and tyrannie ouer Gods Church vpon him For this peerelesse power above the whole Apostles headship of the Church which they alledge is a thing which without blasphemie cannot bee ascribed to any mortall man because Christ in his holy Scripture claims this for his owne royall prerogatiue to bee head of his Church and to haue the Church his body and not anothers To bee the husband of his Church and to haue the Church his spouse and not anothers for these belongs to the Sauiour of the Church who is Christ only and not another and therefore these three styles are Ephes 5. 23. joyned together and ascribed to him And this supremacie of Peter ouer the Apostles is a forgerie only of these who would haue some scugge for their vsurpation Math. 28. 19. Matth. 23. 8. 9. Marke 9. 33 34. Luk. 22. 26. 1. Pet. 5. 3. 4. for Christ gaue all his Apostles equall Cōmission equalled them as brethren and discharged any of them to take any maioririe or supremacie one ouer another And when in their infirmitie they strove for it Christ rebuked them and the night before hee suffered discharged the same absolutly among them Next Peter himselfe disclaimes this supremacie and ascribes it only to Iesus Christ and discharges all Dominion and Lordship ouer the Lords inheritance And the Apostle Paul testifies the trueth of this for magnifying his Apostleship he avows he was nothing inferior 2 Corin. 11. 5. Gal. 1. 1. 16. 17. 18. 1. Cor. 3. 21. 22. to the chiefest Apostles And declares that hee receaued his Apostleship from Christ immediatlie and exercised it sundrie yeares before he saw Peter and dischargeth all to glorie in men whether Paul or Cephas that is Peter or Apollos or any other But because this is not the maine matter let vs come to that wherevpon all stands How proue they that Peter was at Rome or Bishop there or that God hath tied his Spirit to whosoeuer should bee Bishop of Rome after him So weightie a matter as the Popes standing or falling so maine an Article of Roman Catholick Faith the only Pillar of the Romish Religion the ground of the remission of so many sinnes of sauing or damning so many Soules hath neede of expresse direct and ample warrand from the divine Scripture or else of need force the weight of Roman Religion is builded upon the sand and hath no warrand from God Let them but show vs one testimonie out of all the holy Scripture that Saint Peter was properly Bishop of Rome and next let them show any testimonie out of the same Scripture that the Popes of Rome are priuiledged from erring more than other men and are indued with as infallible assistance of the holy Spirit as Peter They will produce to vs their owne flatterers and old storie writers who both in those maters and others disagree among themselves But who are these that the Soules of so many thousands should bee grounded vpon their worde to speake nothing of the fables that is found in them and of the small respect that the Church of Rome carries to them when they seeme to make any thing against them Therefore I say againe let them produce divine warrand out of the Scripture or els let me be iustified who after the tryall of their falshood and deceat haue departed from them as seducers who when J followed their grounds to the vttermost could giue mee no warrand for the grounds whereon all their Religion stands but such as are taken from behind the Bible from lying mens words and forged histories supposititous treatises of the fauorites of Rome helpers vp of their monstruous head the Pope aboue the Church either let them proue these prime Pillars of their Religion or else let all Catholickes who in their heart would faine bee at Christ forsake their seducers as J haue done vpon iust grounds But becaus it is impossible for thē to proue S. Peter proper Bishop of Rome from Scripture far lesse that all
THE DECLARATION OF Mr. PATRIK CRAWFVRD HIS RETVRNE FROM POPERIE TO THE TRVE Religion which is according to the Word of GOD in holie Scripture Psal 40. verse 2. He hath brought me vp out of an horrible pit out of the myrie clay c. EDINBVRGH Printed by Iohn Wr cittoun Anno Dom. 1627. To the right Honourable the right Reverend and worshipfull THE LORD PROVEST BAILYIES MINISTERS AND remanent Counsellours of EDINBVRGH all encrease of grace heere and glorie heereafter BEeing obliged in conscience for the glorie of God and edification of his People to publish this my declaration of my returning to the true Religion these reasons amongst others moued mee to dedicate the same vnto you honourable and Christian People and to you their reuerend Pastours First because my sinne in revolting from this Religion in my youthlynesse is so grieuous howsoeuer the Lord hath showne mercie to me knowing that I did it in ignorance that it becomes mee as publickly as I can to declare my Repentance and this I haue thought the readiest meane for that purpose Next because I haue done wrong to my natiue Countrie and the Church in Scotland so farre as I was able in the matter of Religion and speciallie I haue done my uttermost endeuour to haue weakned the hands of sundrie professing the doctrine of the said Church and drawne them to the Romish Religion wherewith for the time of that my ignorance I was in conceite And now beeing sensible of my errour in some measure the shortest course which I could see to repaire this wrong was that so to you some sort of satisfaction might bee giuen and by you who are the most eminent and conspicuous and large Church in this Land others who from all partes resort vnto you might receiue the satisfaction in like manner Thirdly because your Pastours beene the speciall Instruments of GOD of my satisfaction in such scruples and doubtes of Religion as I had and propounded to them before I could renounce the groundlesse Religion of poperie and the men who mette mee when I was seeking home as a forlorne Sonne to my Fathers house againe as iustly I may now call my selfe You I say right reverend were the men that mette mee and mecklie poynted out the way and went along with mee convoying mee on my way in whose dealing with mee I might haue seene my heauenly Fathers readinesse to meete and embrace mee sometimes I grant I haue spoken of you as others of the Romish Religion doe of you and of all faithfull and learned Ministers only for the Religions cause But then I knew you not Now I haue found that you haue both learning and Loue and if you and others of your Calling were knowne as I know you I put no question many should bee nothing ashamed but glad at their heart to forsake the puddle of humane Doctrine and take them to the fountaine of the diuine Scriptures Now then seeing you are Pastours to me and I by this meanes as one of your Flock if so it may please your flocke and you to account of such a wandering sheepe as I haue beene To whom could I offer this testimonie of my Repentance rather than to you Honourable and Christian People and to you their vigilant and reuerend Pastours whose Christian disposition makes mee to hope that this my offer shall bee accepted in good part Yours in Christ Mr. Patrik Crawfurd GENTILI CHARISSIMO Patricio Crafordio à Cassilton ex Synagoga Romanâ ad Ecclesiae Evangelicae societatem reduci 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 QVod Latii illecebras scorti evitâris astum Apoc. 17. ibid. 19. 9. ibid. 18. 4. ibid. 21. 2. In sua quo incautos retia dira trahit Quod thalamos sancti sis invitatus ad agni Dum venit in castos sponsa pudica thoros Quod Babyloniacam Domino suadente ruinam Effugis in Solymae tecta nouata redux Gratulor immensumque Dei miserantis amorem Miror inexhaustas bonitatis opes Tu quoque quod lubrico erroris de tramite caeci Conversus fratres sic stabilire paras Laudo piumque animum gratamque in pectore mentem Et cum candenti simplicitate fidem O vtinam surdis aures lumina caecis Assidue Dominus sic tribuisse velit Thomas Crafordius THE DECLARATION OF Mr. PATRIK CRAWFURD HIS RETVRNE FROM POPERIE TO THE true Religion which is according to the Word of God in holy Scripture He hath brought mee vp out of an horrible pit out of the myrie clay c. Psal 40. Ver. 7 CHAP. 1. The mercy of God to a Sinner THese sixe yeares bygone I haue beene a stranger to God and his Word and haue lyen in darknesse of Poperie neuer reading the Scriptures for the right end but only to picke out something of them for contraversie whereby I might brangle with some colour and appearance these who makes the Lords Word the only rule of their Religion euen as many moe Schollers than I doe read them still who sets themselfe to maintaine Poperie and oppugne the reformed Religion But now the Lord God who is gratious and mercifull to many that deserues wrath who is found often-times of them who seekes him not or seeks him not the right way hath opened my eyes by the power of his owne trueth and light which I in my ignorance smothred downe and keeped vnder in vnrighteousnesse and hath made mee vnderstand now that there is no Rocke whereon to rest that Soule that seeks certaintie either of Religion or of Salvation but the holy Scripture and that learned mens judgement and writings and the testimonie of the Church and publicke Preaching and conference and reading and meditation and prayer to God for the Spirit of Wisedome and grace are all but meanes to point out the Lambe of God that takes away the sinnes of the World and to finde out his will set downe in his Testament So that I may now say truelie the Lord hath brought mee out of an horrible and darke Pit where the light of the Lords Word is hid and put vnder a Bushell and out of the myrye and teugh clay of their errours which defyled mee and held mee fast wherein J found no ground to rest on but sunke deeper dayly and should haue drowned at last had not the Lord pulled mee out and set my feete vpon a Rocke and ordered my goings The summe of which worke of God as I haue declared to sundrie priuatly and now of late publickly in the Church of Irwing before my admission to the Lords Table there the 26. of August 1627. so J found my selfe oblidged to declare the same by write to all men if I could and that so much the more as I haue beene more wicked in the wrong way than many others who haue beene seduced and drawne away from the trueth as I was for J hauing drunken in the errours of Poperie as fast as I could at home went ouer to France and Italie and other
the Popes of Rome since the Apostles time were as infalliblie assisted with the holy Spirit and set vp in the same Apostolick authoritie that he had J will say something against these for such as faine would know the right to thinke vpon till they proue the same groundes out of Scripture The Scripture giues great probabilitie that Peter was not in Rome at all farre lesse to fixe his Episcopall Chaire there For first before Paul did write to the Romans Peter was not at Rome far lesse Bishop of Rome for then Paul should haue made some mention of him confirmed his doctrine commended his labour and saluted him among the first but this he doth not Secondly Christianitie would not haue beene so vncouth to the Iewes at Rome who desired to heare of it by Act 28 22. 2 Tim. 4 16. Paul as a noueltie if Peter had beene there before Paul came to bee prisoner Thirdlie when Paul was arraigned before Caesar all forsooke him Therefore Peter was not there except they will lay a second deniall of Christ vpō him Jn all his Epistles written when hee was prisoner at Rome he tels who were his helpers among whom Peter is neuer mentioned Last of all it is writen how Peter Gal. 2. 7. 8. 9. preached among the circumcision and prospered in the Gospell and Paul preached among the Gentiles and prospered Then how Peter and Paul with some others made a couenant that Paule should preach to the Gentiles and Peter to the circumcision that is that Saint Paul should exercise his Apostolicke office especially among the Gentiles and Peter his among the Jewes From hence I reason if Peter had either beene or purposed to haue beene Bishop of Rome hee would not haue made that paction that Paul should preach to the Gentiles of whom the Romanes were a part and taken himself to the Jewes for his lot But that hee did make this Paction or couenant is euident out of the place cited therefore neither was Peter Bishop of Rome nor purposed to bee Bishop of it if they say hee was Bishop before this Couenant then he forsooke his Bishopricke if they say after then hee broke his Couenant and changed his minde and did contrare to his purpose He that considers the nature of the Apostleship of a Bishoprick properly taken will see that this ground of theirs is a fiction for to make an Apostle proper Bishop of any Town is to digraduate him from his Apostolick office as far as to make the Pope of Rome Parish-priest in a landward Village Lastly it wants not a mysterie that they can not make out the supputation of these yeeres which their common opinion ascribes to Peters bishoping at Rome as likewise they can not reconcile the different opinions anent Peters immediat successors whether it was Linus Clemens or Cletus A wonder it is that the fastening of the body of popedome to Saint Peter shuld be so vncertaine but the truth is that God heereby would declare to these who are not blinded that the misterie of iniquitie lurketh vnder these and the like mists This for Peters not beeing at Rome Now that the Pope is not lawfull successour to Peter in his Apostolicke office J cleare it thus he hath neither Apostolicke office nor Apostolicke qualification nor Apostolicke calling and entrie to the office hee pretends Therefore hee cannot bee either lawfull successour to Peter or any of the Apostles in that Apostolicke charge The office of Peter and others the Apostles was to goe and teach and baptize all Nations that is in their owne proper person to goe from place to place by preaching to plant Churches and to establish them But the Popes of Rome stayes in their palaces and neither teaches nor baptizes Therefore in their office they are not their successours Secondlie Peter and others Apostles were immediatly called and entered into their office by Jesus Christ himselfe but the Popes are chosen by their owne Creaturs the Cardinals who neither haue their owne office of God nor power of God to giue such office to the Pope Thirdly Peter and other Apostles were authorised to write canonicall Scripture and were indued with the gift of miracles God testifieing to the World his extraordinar Commission giuen to them so are not the Popes qualified therefore they are not Peters successours Thus I haue showne that one of the two greatest pillars of Poperie stands vpon the sand CHAP. 7. That this rotten and falling pillar of the Popes supremacie may bee maintained they leaue no humane policie vn-attempted THe veritie of this first is cleare by the testimonie of their Popes and Cardinalls who for the most parte are of noble birth in this Worlde the second or third sonnes of Princes and great men in Italie Spaine Germanie and other partes where the Romish Religion hath place by whose Kinred friendship and Allyance the Pope and Popedome is strengthned in al places Next for every Nation among the rest for Scotland England and Ireland there are appointed Cardinals protectors as they call them at Rome men who haue Church offices honor at Rome to allure draw in by all their moyen whom they can specially such as out of curiosity in traueling do resort thither lands rents in about Rome besides their purchase which is often more than their set Rent are not deficient Then there are Cardinals sent forth from the court of Rome into all Cuntries where Popedome hath place to see to the standing of the Popes grandour that obedience be giuen to his Holinesse as they say euerywhere Under them in euerie Cuntrie where Romish Religion hath place are Primates Abbots Metropolitanes Suffraganes with many other their attendans c. vnto whom euerie-where large Rents of the Church-living and casualities and commodities doe appertaine all these by their whole strength studie to vphold the Popes grandure Vnder these againe are exceeding many ordouts of Monkes of Friers of diverse colours or habits Dominicanes or Iacobines Augustines Benedictines Franciscans Capucians Gray Friers Recollects Carthusians Carms Minims and Iesuits c. hudge number of all these of whom some liue by set Rents some goe a begging some liue on their purchase as they best may all these beside their proper motiues to advance the Sea of Rome are solemnly sworne to that effect that they shall maintaine defend and doe their vttermost for the honour welfare and grandour of their holy Father the Pope Besides these they haue all the common people tied vnto them by bands not laid vpon their bodies but vpon their Soules by their doctrine of auriculare confession whereby vnder paine of not beeing forgiuen their sinnes and eternall condemnation they make them reveale not only their secreet actuall turpitude wherevpon what abuse followes J neede not insist but also their purposes and intentions which they haue had to sinne and in speciall if they bee priuie to any thing against the Church of Rome their holy mother by