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A13141 A Sum or a brief collection of holy signes, sacrifices and sacraments, euen since the beginning of the worlde and the true originall of the sacrifice of the masse / translated out of French into Englishe by N. Lynge. Ling, Nicholas, fl. 1563. 1563 (1563) STC 23433; ESTC S123835 72,836 196

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bread is it of any more value than his inuention to chase away deuills with water salted coniured And as touching his coniured water ordeyned by him we wyll shewe hereafter that the original thereof came from Neuma Pompilius the great coniurer and Romaine Idolater But as for the mingling of the water with wyne that shoulde séeme to be taught by the religion of the ancient Idolaters which were wont in celebrating their sacrifices in one chalyce to consecrate the water with the bread specially in the feast dedicated to the Sunne which the Persians did worship called of them Mythros Iustin in his apologie And in the feast also of Nephalies water was vsed for the sacrifice According to this comparison Iustin martyr maketh relation of the custome obserued amonge the Idolators Christians for the bread wyne water cōsecrated By the one that is to say by the Idolatours in the name of theyr Idolles by the Christians in the name of theyr trewe God Alwayes this first corruption in the vsage of the holye sacrament by the minglynge of water with wyne beyonde the commaundement ordinannce of God Inno. lib. 4. cap. 5. did not continue without controuersie For the Greekes were of a contrarye opinion that it was not necessarye to mixe water with wyne and that they would not followe the corruption of Alexander Amarcanus was of the same aduice that Alexander was saying that it was necessarye to mingle it with water The subtill Sophiste Scot doeth affirme absolutelye that it is not necesssarye the water to bee myngled wyth the Wyne because sayeth he it cannot be chaunged and transsubstanciated into bloode yf fyrste it be not chaunged into Wyne Other moore ingenious woulde rather interpretate the institution of Alexander saying the Wyne to be conuerted into blood but as for the water it was transsubstantiated into the water whiche came out of the syde of Iesus Christ S. Augustine in his boke of the relikes chapter 26. 64. This first corruption of Alexander did geue occation of many other to succede for some inuented greater brueyngs to mingle it with blood drawen out of yonge infants to mixt with the bread of tholy supper of Iesus Christ as the Cataphriges which began a kynde of transubstantion of wyne into blood really corporally Epipha lib. 2. Tom. 1. heres 49. Some other adioyned therevnto chease called Artotirites that is to say chease bread Others also abusing this sacrament in steed of wyne tooke water vnder pretence of moore greater abstinence Other ordeyned to temper the bread with wyne which the Massalians doe yet holde in their missall sacrificers For another more detestable corruption of the holy sacrament some bishops of Rome haue forbiddē their Massalian sacrificers to minister vnto the christen people which they call laye the body of Iesus Christ vnder both kinds but only vnder the holy signe of bread and not of wine the which they kept for the Priestes Massalians sacrificers Math. 29. Marc. 14. Luc. 22. 1. Cor. 11. Is not this corruption directly against the holy gospell institution of the supper of Iesus Christ which hath ordeyned and commaunded all faythfull to eate his bodye drynke his blood When he toke the cuppe vsed he not these proper termes drynke al of this wyne in memory remembrance of my bloode shed Hath he vsed anye other tearmes for eating of hys bodye by the figure of bread than he hath done for drynkyng of hys bloode by the sygne of wyne If one should compare herewith the holy signe ordeyned of god in the church of the Israelites a figure of the cōmunion of the body of Iesus christ which was the pascal lambe the fleshe whereof was commaunded to be eaten of all persons wythout exception for as muche as they were circumcised Was there euer anye difference in the eatyng of the pascall Lambe and celebratyng of the Passeouer of the Iewes amonge the Leuites of the stocke of the Priests and the other common people For another detestable corruption the Massalians haue instituted by theyr missall Idolatries to sacrifice and offer the body and blood of Iesus Christ in reiterating by that meanes the sacrifice of Iesus Christ perfectly ended and can not be done againe for that it was not after the order of Aaron but after the order of Melchisedech 1. Cor. 11. an euerlasting sacrificer who hath left no successor Also the holy apostle when he admonished the Corinthiās reuerently to celebrate the supper of Iesus Christ dyd he commaunde them to sacrifice No but to communicate and eate together the body and blood of Iesus Christ The beginning of the holy supper was not to kyll offer and ordeyne a sacrifice to offer to God But onelye to eate and drynke at the holy feast prepared for vs by Iesus Christ the euerlasting sacrifice and euerlasting sacrificer whiche hath reserued vnto him selfe onely this eternall priesthode And yet neuerthelesse hath lefte his holye institution a banquet ordeined for vs of bread wine representing hys body and blood After the corruptions abouesayde Sathan the diligent Babilonicall buylder imployed al his forces strengthes to buyld an inuincible fortresse of Idolatrie to the end to fight against vtterly throw downe the kingdome of Iesus Christ when he did enterprise the buildyng of the Masse to be brought in in the place of the holy sacrament of the supper as we will briefly and so clearely declare that the moste hard hearted Pharisies made olde in their auncient Idolatries shall acknowledge by the veritie of histories their errours and abhominable heresies Before the painting out of this Maze of error whereinto the Massalians are plunged I haue thought it necessarye briefly to discouer the auncient religion of the Romaines the reigne of the occidental empire of the emperors which haue exercised both the temporal office the dignitie of the great bishops supertendents of the religiō church of Rom. All other as well as I shall confesse that the Romaine religion all together for the moste part to haue bene instituted by Neuma Pompilius the seconde kyng of the Romains Titenile lib. 1 Decad. 1. Funestral in his boke of magistrats of Rome about 700 yeres before the incarnation of Iesus Christ Then were instituted the bishops whiche afterwarde were broughte to a certayne number vnto foure than the nūber was augmented to eyght and by Sylla to fyftene In the colledge of bishoppes there was one chiefe bishoppe which was chosen by the other lesse bishoppes of the same order and dignitie lyke as the lytle byshoppes purple Cardinals haue practised the election of the great Romain bishoppe of their estate order and dignitie This Pompilian religion hath bene so well obserued by the Romaines from the father to the sonne that it hath bene impossible to destroye and plucke vp the same but hath continued to this daye as euerye one may easly perceiue by this litle collectiō To confirme this
poynt there is none that can be ignoraunt which lusteth to read the Romaine histories that before the incarnation of Iesus Christ there was not one King Consul Dictator or Romaine Emperour instructed in the law of God But all were Idolaters Infidels folowing the religion of Neuma Pompilius the coniurer And that more is after the incarnation of Iesus Christ for the space of 300 yeres or there abouts there was no Emperour Euseb in hys boke of the church historye the yeres of Christ 34. 68. 94. 112. 113. 167 202 238 254 257 276 292. nor Romain councell which would change his religion to embrace the lawe of Iesus Christ But contrariwise they haue laboured with toothe and nayle to exercise all kynde of crueltie agaynst the churche of Iesus Christ as the ecclesiasticall histories do largely declare painting out great persecutions vnder the great Romain bishops to wit Claud. Tiber. Nero Claud. Domitian Nero Fla. Domitian Traian Elie Hadrian Antonian Phisopher Septime Seuere Iul. Maximus Max. Quin. Traian Dece Licime Valerian Valere Aurelian Diocletian Al which were emperours and gouerned the empire romain religion for 300 yeres after the incarnation of Iesus Christ and in their moneyes sepultures monumēts tytles and autentique letters did holde the name of great bishops high priests as diligently is gathered in a booke of the antiquities of Rome wherein be described the Images moneyes monumentes of the auncient Emperours of Rome In the booke intituled the discourse of the religion of the auncient Romains by Wylliam de Choul bay lye of Daulphine which were all called great bishops by these tytles Iul. Ces Pontif. max. Tiber. Nero Pontif. max. Claud. Nero. pontif max. Vaspasianus Ces pontif max. Traianus Impera Pontif. max. Marc. Aurel. Antonn August Pontif. Heliogabalus summus sacerdos Aug. Adrianus Imper. Pontif. max. Galerius Maximinianus Pontif. max. Tit. Ces Pontif. max. Commod Impe. pontif max. Flauius Constantius Aug. Pontif. max. Which being than Emperous great bishoppes would suffer none other head in the religion Romain church then them selues beynge alwayes enemies of Iesus Christ For when the Apostles did preach Christ to be the soueraine priest great and euerlasting sacrificer without any successour after the order of Melchisedech the tyrauntes of Rome and theyr Lieutenaunts dyd take an occasion to condempne Iesus Christ fearing that the authoritie of the Emperours and great Romaine bishoppes should be deminished With what furour were they inraged for the space of 300 yeres agaynst the Christians Christs religion In the Catalogg of Emperours in the ende of the historie of Nicephors the yere of Christ 410. to defend their auncient religion of Pompilius what answer was geuen to Theodose thmperour by the senate senators of Rome when it was put forth vnto them to chaung their religion and to receiue the religion of Iesus Christ Thei shewed that thei had possessed their Pomlian religion more then 1000 yeres and that all chaunging of religions were the destructions of common welthes Wherefore consisting in their olde Romaine religion they remained without receyuing of the lawe of Iesus Christ By these histories it is easie to be resolued that for the space of 400 yeres and more the bishops of Rome whiche called themselues Christians could neuer obteyne of the Senate Romaine Senatours to receyue the holye ghospell muche lesse could they conuert the Romaine Idolaters causing them to forsake their inueterate Idolatry For the bishops of Rome were to much occupied in restoring the Iudaycall Pagans ceremonies for the destinction of meates In the canon reueled by clement bishop of rome 21 22 62 95. ordinance not to fast Sondaye and Thursday to set an order for table clothes veales vessels of golde and siluer sersors and tapestrye and other ornaments of the aulters whiche consumed with age were ordeyned to be burned and the ashes to be put into the founte Other were merueylously occupyed to restore the Iudaycall ceremonies of sweete bread trauayled their spirites greatly to corrupt the true vsage of the holy sacramentes instituted of god Alexander the firste of that name bishop of Rome in the yere of Christ 110. by mingling of water with wyne bruwing of salte with the water to make it purged and coniured to dryue awaye deuils Other also did trauell to institute Corporasses of fyue linnen to laye vp the consecrated hostes Xistus bishop of Rome in the yere of Christ 121. to ordeyne also albes other vestiments of the priestes for their sacrifices of whyte colour without spot Siluester bishop of Rome Some did torment theyr braynes to inuent the feasts of dedication consecration with coniuring with salt to dryue awaye deuills Higinus bishop of Rome in the yere of christ 140. And some other to inuent oyles and creames to corrupt the holy sacrament of baptisme Moreouer during the reygne of these tyrants Emperours Fabian bishop of Rome in the yere of christ 240. great bishops the bishops of Rome desiring to make their names continue for euer did dreame in their spirites to buylde temples not vnto the honour of God Pius bishop of Rome in the yere of christ 144. but in the name of their he she saincts canonized by them at their pleasure Other did occupye them selues to ordeyne that the consecrated bread and wyne falling vppon the ground should be left to the sacrificer and the rest remaining shoulde be bourned with fyer and the ashes should be layed vp among the reliques Other did trauaile to sette an order amonge chalises Zepherin bishop of Rome in the yere of Christ 200. Calixtus bishop of Rome in the yere of christ 220. Eutich bishop of Rome in the yere of christ 282. whether they shoulde be of glasse or of wood And by other were instituted solempne ceremonies foure tymes a yere to bring Christians to the bondage of distinction of dayes Some were occupied merueylouflye to ordeyne the offering and consecration of fables to celebrate funerals in purple garmentes after the maner of the vestment called Trabea the which the Idolators did vse in triumphes celebrated in the honour of their Gods The red robes of Cardinalles And the lyke purple garment is vsed of the Cardynalles to this daye Others were occupyed to inuent a confirmation for yonge chyldren Siluester bishop of Rome in the yere of Christ 314. and that the Bishoppes onely shoulde consecrate the creame To honour also the Bishop of Hostiense by whose hands the Bishop of Rome muste be consecrated with a cloke called Pallium And to inuent an infinite nūber of other vnnecessary ceremonies contrarye to the libertie of the ghospel geuen vnto vs by Iesus Christ Howe was it than possible that the first Bishoppes of Rome shoulde drawe the princes and Senators Romaynes vnto the lawe of the Ghospell durynge 300 or 400 yeres after the incarnation of Iesus Christ seyng they did not labour but to corrupt the
vse of the holye sacraments and to restore the Iudaicall ceremonies and Idolatries of the Heathen the auncient Romaines But here might one obiect one Philip which some vaūt to haue bene cōuerted to holy baptisme the maners of whome were so wicked that they gaue occation to the most credible authours to describe him vnworthy the name of a christian One might bringe in Constantyn the great Chronicle of Iohn Baptist which caused the coūsel of Nice to assemble but his residēce was in Grecia being called the emperour of the East And yet wolde he neuer receiue the signe of Baptisme Histo tripart lib. 3. cap. 12. to be regenerate by the blood of Iesus Christ vntyll he was lxv yeres olde at what tyme he was baptised by a bishop of Nicomede Arian named Eusebe the same Constantine being at point of death Siluer than the bishoppe of Rome muste not crake that he cōuerted this Emperour to the fayth For this same Siluester woulde not assist the assemble of the counsell holden at Nice in the yere of Iesus Christ 327. Howe soeuer it be it is conuenient to haue recourse always to the veritie of Histories wherein is recited the answere of the Senate and Senators of Rome to the Emperour Theodoze more then 60 yeres after the death of the sayde Constantine the great Which was that they woulde not receyue the lawe of Iesus Christ but obserue theyr auncient lawe Pompilian to auoyde the ruine of theyr common wealthe whiche mighte come by the chaungyng of religion Whereby may be well gathered that than the lawe of god was not receyued nor approued at Rome by the Senate and Senators It resteth that presently we come nearer to the tyme folowyng After the decease of Theodoze the Romaine Empyre of the West began so to bowe that in short tyme it was quyte put out by Wandeloys and Alayns Paul Emil. lib 1. the yere of christ 412. 154. which were the chief that sacked Rome burnt the most part of it and rauished the proper doughter of the Emperour Theodore whome they married to Ataulphe king of the Gothes Blond lib. 2. Decad. 1. A lytle whyle after succeded the Hunnes Then Attilia kyng of the Gothes which vsurped Italy About this tyme the Romaine Empyre of the Weste was spoyled of all Germany Acia Sarmatia Procop. lib. 3. of the warre of the Wandales in the yere of christ 486. and all the Prouinces tributaries vnto Danube Spaygne also Aquitania Gascoygne Bourgoyne al the Gaules did reuolt frō the romain tyrany Then succeded the Ostrogots with their king Valemir Theodemer Theodoricke other Heathen and Infidels The yere of christ 550. 554 The Visigothes also all vsurpers successiuely of Italy Afterward raigned Totilas whiche forced robbed and burned Rome Paul Emil. lib 1. the yere of christ 568. and all Sicile In the ende the Lomberds conducted by their kyngs Alboin did raygne which vsurped Italye These barbarous nations Idolators and Infidels did serue as whippes ordeyned of God to punishe the Idolaters of Rome committed by them whiche had knowledge of the holye Ghospell And yet tourned back from the true worshipping of god Violating and corrupting the holy sacraments by the inuentions of men To punishe also the infidelitie and obstinatie of the Emperours and Senatours of Rome which first of all caused theyr Lieutenaunts and officers appoynted in Iudea to crucifie Christ and his holy Apostles to persecute the Christians and always to resist the lawe of the Ghospell to mayntayne theyr religion Pompilian Thus we maye conclude that during the space of 400 yeres the Romain churche of Emperours and Senatours hath euer bene contrarye and enemies to the lawe of Iesus Christ Than afterward the occidentall Empyre being ouerthrowen Rome and all Italye was ruled and gouerned 300 yeres or there aboute by Kynges Prynces and Dukes Idolators and Infidels namely by the Wandales by the Gothes by the Hunnes by the Ostrogothes by the Visigothes and by the Lumbards in such sorte that duryng the space of 700 yeres or there aboute after the incarnation of Iesus Christ there was no Emperour King nor prince of Rome which woulde embrace the law of Iesus Christ The which gladly and shortly I haue declared to the ende that the reader thynke it not straunge that I haue here shewed the sacrifice of the Masse to haue taken hys beginning of the auncient religion instituted by Neuma Pompilius moore then 700 yeres before the incarnation of Christ And so afterwarde also the same sacrifice hath bene continued by the Idolatrous Romains inueterate hardened so in their Pompilian religion that thei would neuer put away the same But to the ende that nothing in the Romayne histories be kept close which might obscure the clearenes of the veritie during the tyranye vsurping of the nations aforesayd In the yere of christ 572. in Italy was erected a lytle Lordship at Rauenna whiche continued about 183 yeres Plantin Blond Volatteran vntyll it was rauished by a bishop which inuested him selfe and encroiched into the chayre of S. Peter by the meanes of a donation and dimission practised by Pepin in the yere 758 in recompence of a tyranny exercised by Zacharie Grec bishop of Rome Paul Emul 2. Blond lib. 10. who spoyled the true inheritours of the crown of Fraunce namely Chilperic or Childeric whome he shut vp in a Cloyster to make the kingdome to fall to the said Pipin the sonne of Charles Martell bastarde This donation of Pipin thus geuen to the great Romaine bishop was the first originall of the greatnes of the Popes of Rome who do holde vnto this daye the Lordship of Rauenna 800 yeres beyng past with a great number of townes a long the Sea Hadriatick Blond lib. 1. Paul Emul 2. committed vnto them by Pepin contrary to the expresse commaundements of Constantin than raignynge Emperour of the East in Grecia Whyles this lytle lordship was continued at Rauenna The yere of christ 588. longe tyme before the donation of Pepin the bishoppe of that place seing that there were no more Emperours of Rome which was gouerned and kepte vnder by barbarous people and Infidels lift vp his hornes in such sorte that he preferred hymselfe to be bishop of Rome Sabellie made himselfe the head of the Church and also hymselfe and his successours bishops of Rauenna so long as the Lorship hath continued This was the first litle Antichrist which would take vpon him a tyrannye in the churche to folowe the earthly tyrannye of his Lordshippe Afterwarde there rose vp another greater Antichrist in Constantinoble In the yere of christ 600. Blond lib. 1. named Iohn bishop of that place Who seing the occidentall Empyre of Rome ouerthrowen Greg. lib. 4. of his epistles cap. 26. and the other of Constantinople highly exalted he would also folowe the tyrrannye of the worlde and styrre vp a spirituall rule in the churche of Iesus Christ He caused
himselfe to be declared by a counsell holden at hys pleasure bishop Ecumenique the yere of christ 604. that is to saye generall and head of the whole churche Plantin Sabellie But soone after the great Bishops of Rome gaue such order that by treason the Emperour Maurice in Constantinople was cruelly slaine he his wife and familie by wicked Phocas who to recompence this detestable murder committed by the aduise of the Churche of Rome alwayes contrarye to Iesus Christ the yere of christ 612. he declared Boniface the thyrde of that name the generall head of the churche of God takyng vppon hym the authoritie of Iesus Christ the great and euerlastyng high Priest the onely spouse and head of his church Who can better describe an Antichrist than he that doth enterprise a tyrranny in the churche of God a poligamie in the churche the spouse of Iesus Christ attributynge to hymselfe that power Marc. 26. whiche Iesus Christ hath reserued to himselfe to be perpetuall with his churche by the vertue of hys holy spirite to conducte and gouerne the same Maye not he rightlye be called Antichriste whyche doeth enforce hym selfe directlye to goe agaynste the holye Ghospell of Iesus Christ who commaunded hys apostles when he sent them to preache hys worde that they shoulde not institute a Monarchie in the churche as the Prynces Kings Math. 23. Luc. 11. Marc. 2. and tyrraunts of the earth That none amonges them shoulde enterprise to call hym selfe the head or greater then other but all as brethren were humble beynge assured to haue one head and one heauenlye father which wyll tarye with them and assist them for euer to inspire and conduct them to his holy wyll Is not he of good right Antichrist which wyll haue himself called the successour of Iesus Christ in the great bishoprick and in the high priesthode by him exercised The which dignitie he hath reserued to himself abiding a high soueraigne priest for euermore who hath left no successour in his dignitie as Aaron did his successors in the dignities of the high priests of the Iewes But is after the order of Melchidech a king and high priest without any successour in his dignitie Wherefore then O Antichrists of Rome haue you taken vppon you the dignitie of the highest bishoppes as the heads of the church of God and vsurped also the authoritie of Iesus Christ causing your selues to be called most blessed and most reuerend fathers and Popes hauynge instituted a colledge of lytle purple bishoppes to chose the great bishoppe but onely to the end to renewe the auncient romaine religion of Neuma Pompilius the first authour of your pontificall dignities Aboute the same tyme that Phocas the cruell murtherer dyd erect an Antichrist in the romaine churche Mahomet was rysen in the church of Arabia instructed by the Monke Sergius aboute the yere 620 for this apostate heretyke seyng the lawe of God altogether corrupted by the traditions of men and the holye Ghospell contemned sectes and diuers heresies sowed as well by the Iewes Pharises Esseens Saduces Masbutheans Gallileans Seeke the church histories Hemerobaptists and Samaritans as also by the Christians Simoniaques Nicolaites Cerinthiens Memandriens and Ebronites Valentinians Cardonians Marcionistes Montanistes Cataphryges Tatians Eueratites Seuerians Artemonistes Porpherians Helchesaites Nouatians Sabellians Chiliastes Paulianistes Manicheans Automousiastes Arians Eunonians Macedoniās Euuomiotheophroniens Euuomidentichiens Aetians Donatistes Luciferiens Patripassians or Theopathites Photiniens Marcellians Paulosamosetans Apolinaristes Iouinianistes Pelagians Acariens Olimpiens Quaternitaries Monothelites And other heritikes hauing corrupted the true vsage of the holy Sacramētes ordayned of god Seyng also specially the Messalien secte to prosper in their ceremonies taken partly out of the Iudaicall laws partly out of the heathen Idolatry he inuented the great Alcoran decree Wherin he set manye Chapters and articles called Azoares whiche are as lawes and rules of the Machomette religion Thys preface and bryefe discourse of the romayne History me thought necessary to recite before I would beginne to discribe the originall of the sacryfice of the Masse Alwayes to brynge the reader to vnderstand the veritye of the fact How the Empyre of Rome hathe bene gouerned vntyll the decaye thereof aboute the yere of Christ foure hundred and tenne and howe the barbarous Idolatours dyd vsurpe the same for the space of three hundred yeres howe also the Antichristes did ryse and in the ende the Empyre of Rome was transferred to the Almaynes whiche kéepe it to this day fyue hundred yeres being passed OF THE Masse TO begynne this our litle treatise of the Masse first of all it is conuenient to interprete thys terme Masse The originall of the terme of the Masse of the auncient Romaynes called Missa Some haue honored this Missal sacrifice to haue taken his beginning of the Hebrues bringing in the place of Daniell speaking of Maozin Daniell 11. as if they woulde signifie the Masse by Maozin But this terme is verye straunge from Missa or Masse And there is other Hebrewe wordes which are more nearer to witte Messa whiche is as much to saye as conculcation or treading down whereof mencion is made in the historie of the Kynges of Israell Another terme also is founde 4. Kings 11. Missa very conformable vnto this common tearme Masse namely Messall that is to saye Ios 19. Messall hell or graue But I am well assured that the high priests of Rome wyll not take the originall of their sacrifice of the Masse from the Hebrues acknowledgynge their Masse and Messall to be a conculcation graue or hell Messal Hell Further to speake the trueth the Authour of the romaine religion Neuma Pompilius neuer thought of the Hebreus when he first instituted the Masse Much lesse terme this Missa or Masse can haue hys originall of the Greekes seyng they haue no sacrifice of that name not withstandyng that some haue made some reason to bryng in this terme of Greke Myzein that is to saye in Englishe to whysper or hyde in secrete As if the Messalian sacrificers had receyued of the auncient Gréekes Idolatours to keepe secrete the chiefe and principall wordes of their Masses to the ende they shoulde not be vnderstand of thassistance but haue obserued to murmour blowe betwene their téeth the Canons other speciall wordes which neyther they vnderstode them selues nor other whiche behelde them Neuertheles neither the Hebrue termes nor Greeke vocables in no wise can be appropriated to the Missall sacrifice Wherefore it behoueth to haue recourse to the trewe originall of the terme Missa or Masse taken of the auncient Latyns the Romaines Masse taken of the auncient Latins Romains whiche were accustomed to vse these termes Missus Missa Missilis and Missio As we saye in Englishe a messenger a message and missiues for letters sent For when the auncient Idolaters Romaines woulde geue leaue vnto the assistaunce at their Sacrifices celebrated to goe home they caused to