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A62474 The histories of the gunpowder-treason and the massacre at Paris together with a discourse concerning the original of the Powder-Plot; proving it not to be the contrivance of Cecill, as is affirmed by the Papists, but that both the Jesuits and the Pope himself were privy to it. As also a relation of several conspiracies against Queen Elizabeth. Thou, Jacques-Auguste de, 1553-1617. 1676 (1676) Wing T1074A; ESTC R215716 233,877 303

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concerning the deposing of the King and thrusting him into a Monastery and setting up Guise in his place c. which being taken with David in his journey and published by the Protestants were not believed at first till the same being also sent to the King of Spain the French Ambassador there happened to get a copy of them and sent them to his Master as Thuanus relates from his own mouth The King therefore returns them a wary answer such as though not altogether denying their demand yet gave them no great satisfaction But though they failed in this attempt to unking the King with his own consent yet they resolved though without or contrary to his consent not only to moderate the last articles of Peace but to break them utterly and again with more force than ever to begin the War against the Protestants whereby they brought the King to this necessity that he must either plainly and openly break his faith given to the Protestants which he had done before only by connivance or engage with them in a more dangerous War against the Leaguers And divers disswaded him from breach of his Faith among the rest William Lantgrave of Hesse Thu. l. 63. besides the reason he gave him in mind of that late and memorable example of Ladislaus 4. King of Hungary who having sworn a Truce with the great Turk Amurath 2. being perswaded by the Pope and Cardinals out of a vain hope that they could absolve him from the obligation of it perfidiously broke it Whereupon in the first encounter the Turk lifting up his eyes to Heaven and calling to Christ to behold and punish the perfidious dealing where-with his followers had dishonoured him he was himself slain with 30000 of his men on the other side the French Theologists did openly both in Sermons and printed Books contend that the Prince is not obliged to keep Faith with the Hereticks alledging to that purpose the Decree of the Council of Constance and therefore War is to be undertaken to extirpate them And by the advice of the Bishop of Lymoges and Morvillier sometime Bishop of Orleans the King determined since he could not by open resistance hinder the designs and progress of the League which already had taken too deep root to make himself Head and Protector of it and draw that authority to himself which he saw they endeavoured to settle upon the Head of the League both within and without the Kingdom which accordingly he did causing it to be read published and sworn in open assembly and with high protestations declared that he would spend his last breath to reduce all his people to a unity in Religion and an entire obedience to the Roman Church which done he without much difficulty prevailed with Navar and the Protestants to yield to some restraints of the publick exercise of their Religion And thus by a new Edict of Pacification were things in * For in the midst of peace nothing but the persecution of heresie was daily threatened Da. p. 479. some sort quieted for some time 52. But after the death of Alancon the King's youngest Brother who died without issue and not without suspition of poison in the flower of his age being about thirty wherein we may take notice by the way of the Divine Vengeance by degrees extirpating that Family which so wickedly sought the extirpation of the Protestants the King having no issue nor like to have any Busbeq ep 5. notwithstanding all his visits and supplications at the Monuments of Saints and Religious places whereby the Crown was likely to descend to the King of Navar a Protestant Prince who was next heir to it the Leaguers presently begin new troubles Thu. l. 80. the Preachers from the Pulpits fill their hearers minds with fears and jealousies meetings are every where held Souldiers secretly listed and Officers appointed and the more to enrage the people while the Preachers fill their ears with the noise of approaching dangers Thu. l. 81. dreadful and horrid representations of most terrible persecutions which the Catholicks are said to suffer in England are presented to their view both in printed Books and also in Cuts and Pictures which are set up in publick places and persons appointed to relate the sad stories of them and tell the people that thus it will be also in France if the King of Navar be admitted to the Kingdom and therefore to secure themselves of a Catholick King they resolve to set up the Cardinal Bourbon for head of the League at present and to succeed the King in case he should die without issue And the better to strengthen themselves they renew their League with the Spaniard Da. p. 526. and having suddenly raised a considerable Army contrary to the King 's express prohibition by his Edict Da. p. 535. they begin to make themselves Masters of many Cities and Fortresses some by secret practices some by open force of Arms Da. p. 550. driving out the King's Governors and Officers and in short time through the fury of the people and great converse of the Clergy in favour of the League became so formidable to the King that he was forced to a new agreement with them against the Protestants Da. p. 557. to banish their Preachers confiscate their estates and with all speed denounce a War against them wherein such men should be made Commanders as the League should confide in and a great deal more partly against the Protestants and partly to strengthen their own party Da. p. 598. This agreement was made by the King only to comply with his present necessity and not with any intention to perform it For being now out of hope of issue himself he resolved to further Navar 's right and to unite himself with him as his lawful Successor and make him partaker in matters of Government to which end he held secret correspondence with him Da. p. 600. But the Leaguers force him to go on with the War and upon the score of his treaty with Navar raise great clamors and calumnies against him that the cause of Religion is betrayed the Protestants openly favoured the course of the War interrupted and that the King shews openly that his mind is averse to the Catholick party and that he desires by all means to cherish and maintain heresy Da. p. 606. And now the minds of the people are more than ever inflamed against his person and proceedings which were publickly inveighed against in the Pulpits and particularly slandered in private meetings Thu. l. 86. but especially by the Priests at the secret confessions of the people whom they refused to absolve unless they would enter into the League and for the more secret carrying on of the business intrusted in this new Doctrine that as well the Penitent who shall reveal what he hears from his Confessor as the Confessor who reveals what the Penitent confesseth doth incur the guilt of mortal sin
openly embrace the Protestant Profession and live and die in it His son Henry 4. of France was bred up from his childhood in the Reformed Religion and when he was grown up * 1569. professed himself Head of that party and so continued till his † Thu. l. 45. 1572. unhappy Marriage with a Popish Lady Margaret Sister to Charles 9. then King of France which though for its warrant it had the specious colour and pretence of confirming the Pacification and begetting and establishing a better accord between the two parties by so near an alliance between the two Heads of them yet proved as it was intended by the others a snare to the destruction of the chief persons and of great numbers of the rest of his own party and to himself not only unsuccesful in respect of his wife and that not so much through her sterility as her inconstancy and unfaithfulness to his bed but also a snare whereby after he had seen the lives of his best friends and of great numbers of innocent people of his own Religion most barbarously and inhumanely taken away he was himself forced for the saving of his own life to change his Religion in shew and appearance at least But this being by constraint Thu. l. 96. and only in appearance for Religion as was well perceived by Henr. 3. after he had received his deaths-wound which is planted in mens minds by God cannot be commanded or forced by men year 1576 Upon the first opportunity he returned again to the open profession of that Religion which in the mean time he retained in his heart and constantly professed and maintained the same till after the descent of the Crown of France to him This happened very seasonable for him in many respects being then not a child or youth unexperienced in the World year 1589 but of mature age about 35. and firm judgment well experienced in affairs both Military and Civil of State and Government being then reconciled to and in perfect amity with the deceased King who upon his death-bed acknowledged him for his lawful Successor Thu. l 69. recommended the Kingdom to him and exhorted the Lords there present to acknowledg him for their lawful Sovereign notwithstanding his Religion and obey him accordingly being then not in Bearn or the remoter parts of the Kingdom with small or no forces but before the chief City of it in the head of a great Army under his command many of those in the Army who disliked his Religion yet being by the consideration of his undoubted right the recommendation of the deceased King and their own fresh experience of his virtue since his coming to the Army reconciled to his person acknowledging his sovereignty and submitting to his obedience now not as General but as their lawful and undoubted Prince This was 20 years after he had first professed himself Head of the Protestants 13 years after he had again returned to the profession of that Religion wherein he had been bred and educated when he had been all this while preserved notwithstanding all the power of France against him and had withstood all the tentations which after the death of Alancon whereby he became next heir to the Crown of France could invite him to change his Religion and when after all opposition he was as it were led by the hand to the possession of the Kingdom Yet was he not so entirely possessed of it but that there was still matter and occasion left him to make him sensible of that Providence which having preserved him all this while had at last raised him to the Throne and to exercise his dependance upon the same for the future for his entire possession of the Kingdom He was like David after many and long trials advanced to the Throne but yet like him not presently put into the full possession of the Kingdom For the Leaguers who thought his being an Heretick as they reputed him was a sufficient disability to his right to the Crown thought the same a sufficient warrant for them to keep him from it and to continue the rebellion against him which they had begun against his predecessor Thu. l. 98. Foul. 8. c. 7. And to remove or prevent all scruple of Conscience in that respect the Colledge of Sorbon gave them their solemn resolution May 7. 1590. That they who opposed him should merit much before God and Men and if they resisted so mindful were they of the Apostles Doctrine Rom. 13. to the effusion of their bloud should obtain a reward in Heaven and an immarcessible or never-fading Crown of Martyrdom And lest this should not be sufficient they institute a Procession which was made in the presence of the Pope's Legate Cardinal Bellarmine and all the Bishops who came with him from Italy wherein Rose Bishop of Senlis and the Prior of the Carthusians holding in one hand a Cross and in the other a Halberd led the Van the Fathers of the Capucins Foliacens Paulians Franciscans Dominicans Carmelites following in order all accoutred their Cowles hanging back upon their shoulders and having on instead of them Head-pieces and Coats of Male and after them the younger Monks in the same habit but armed with Muskets which they frequently and inconsiderately fired at those they met with a shot whereof one of Cardinal Cajetans domesticks was killed who being slain at so religious a shew was therefore held to be received into the blessed companies of the Confessors After this was made another Procession by the Duke of Nemours and Claud Brother to the Duke of Aumale who commanded the Infantry and the rest of the Officers of the Army who upon the great Altar of the principal Church renewed their League and Covenant and swore upon the Gospel to live and die for the cause of Religion and to defend the City against Navar. The Pope also that this Rebellion might want no authority which his infallibility could give it though there was no other scruple to his right and title but only his Religion fought against him with both swords by his Monitory against the Prelates c. who submitted to his obedience by his Legate Cardinals and other Emissaries sent to encourage the Rebels and by his forces and mony whereof in about 10 months time he wasted 5000000 of aureos Thu. l. 102. most upon the French War when there was more need of it to have relieved the poor who in the mean time died of famine at home and Clem. 8. who not long after succeeded in that Chair Thu. l. 103. said he was resolved in himself to spend all his treasures and bloud too if there was need to exclude Navar from his expected possession of the Kingdom Nor was their good son the Catholick King of Spain wanting to the promotion of so just a cause And in his own Army though many Thu. l. 97. otherwise of the Romish Religion submitted to him without any conditions or delay and
the King and after some secret conference at the Monastery of St. Vincent in the King of Spain's Territories he returned again into France year 1599 where being again apprehended he was condemned and executed At his Trial being asked how he could think of such a thing as to kill the King he answered that by the frequent Sermons from the Pulpit and daily Disputations in the School which he heard and moreover the praises of James Clemont as of a glorious Martyr who had devoted himself for the liberty of the French every where resounding not only at the Churches but in the Markets Streets and at Feasts he was easily perswaded that he should do a thing pleasing and acceptable to God who should kill the cruel Tyrant who without any right tore in pieces that most Christian Kingdom with the loss of so many souls and therefore when Malavicinus did moreover furnish him with the authority of God and the Pope to that purpose he readily undertook it being put to the rack he made no other onfession than he had done before At the same time was also executed one Nic. Anglus a Capuchin Frier of St. Michel in the Diocess of Thoul in Lorrain being convicted and condemned for the same crime The next year after Ridicone was first apprehended and while he was in prison Ledesma a Minister of the King of Spain employed one Pet. Owen a Carthusian Frier who Thu. l. 118. 1597. for his dissolute manners being censured in his Monastery had fled into Spain to suborn an emissary to murder the King Owen having treated with a Souldier in the King's Army about it to whom he had made great promises was himself the next year after apprehended and convicted both by witnesses and by his own confessions but was pardoned by the King in respect to the Carthusians being satisfied to have taken the evidence in a judicial manner whereupon he might when he pleased expostulate with the Spaniards But shortly after these things ensued the Peace with Spain at Vervins and not long after some hopes given of the restitution of the Jesuites which was at last granted as we have seen whereupon one might have thought that his enemies being all either subdued or reconciled having reconciled himself to the Church to the Pope to those of the League who remained unsubdued to the Spaniard and to the Jesuites that he should henceforward have enjoyed his Kingdom his new Religion which had brought all these blessings with it and his Misses too at least his life in safety But alas it may be feared he had forgotten to reconcile himself truly to his God which made the rest but male facta gratia que ne quicquam coit refcinditur For when a mans ways please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him But while he was thus endeavouring to engage the Jesuites to himself the Spaniard on the other side spared neither pains Thu. l. 132. 1604. nor cost nor promises that by their emissaries they might allure to themselves the minds of those who through the late Civil Wars were alienated from him and under the specious colour of Religion might invite them to disturb the publick peace and quiet of the Kingdom laying hold on all occasions for that purpose and that they might discover his arcana secret counsels and from the knowledge of them the better order their own designs made it their main business to corrupt those who were employed by the principal Officers and Ministers of State Thus among others Nic. L'Oste whom the Secretary Villeroy employed in decyfering letters being corrupted by them with an annual pension of 1200 Crowns continually discovered all the secrets of them to the Spanish Embassador L. 128. They had before corrupted the Mareshal de Biron and some other persons of Quality which being discovered brought him to his end about two years since and now they not only again set upon the Count d'Auvergne who had been convicted of Biron's conspiracy L 132. 134. and pardoned but also the Seigneur d'Entragues and the Marquise de Vernevil his beautiful and witty daughter the King's Miss to corrupt them and that by no meaner or other agents than their Embassadors in France Jo. Taxis and his successor Batth Sunica who to introduce him at first made use of an English fugitive Th. Morgan an actor in the Conspiracies against his own Princess Queen Elizabeth L. 134. 1605. The next year this same Embassador Suniga first in person and afterwards to avoid suspition by his Secretary Brunellus treated and at last agreed with Lewis Merargues a Gentleman of Provence to betray Marseilles to the King of Spain which both Merargues and Brunellus confessed being apprehended in private conference in Merargues's Chamber and in Brunellus his hose under his garter was a paper found written in Spanish with his own hand which confirmed the same Vn memoire contenant le plan de son entreprise Perefix These things I the rather note because of use as well to confirm the truth of their like practices in England as to help to ground some conjecture on concerning the murder of this King 60. While the Spaniards are thus active to continue their old and make new friends in France it is not likely they would be unmindful of the Jesuites whom they had always found such ready instruments to serve them and in other Countries were still as well affected to the interest of Spain and the house of Austria V. l. 135. 136. though contrary to that of their own Countrey as ever Nor is it to be thought that the Jesuites would be so easily drawn off from their old Friend and Patron by those little expressions of kindness not sufficient to compensate their injuries received and besides might be doubtful whether proceeding from any real affection to them or not especially considering their subjection to the same F. General by whom the motion of their society in other Countries under their several Provincials is in a correspondent uniformity steered only 't is probable as becomes wise men they would be cautious and wary how they did hazard the loss of what they had gotten and therefore act upon pretty sure grounds yet we meet with some instances of their affection to their old friend For to say nothing of F. Cotton a prime man of the Society and the King's Confessor his consulting a supposed Daemoniack concerning the * L. 132. King's life the same Father is reported to have † P. du Moulin Answ to Philanax Ch. 5. brought and recommended to the King a certain Spaniard of whom the King a while after received from Monsieur de la Force Vice-Roy of Bearne and Navar a description with an advertisement that such a day he went from Barcelona into France with intent to kill his Majesty and shewing his letter to Cotton commanded him to bring the man again but Cotton returning a good while after told him
of England and the King of France and the other in the secret practices of the Jesuites and other Confessors and Emissaries exciting to Rebellions and to assassinate Princes 8. And here taking another of Bellarmines Notes of the true Church Ca. 13. Mat. 7.16 Gal. 5.19 22. viz. Sanctity of Life of the Authors and Propagators of the Religion and our Saviour's rule By their fruits ye shall know them together with his Apostles Catalogues of the works of the Flesh and of the fruits of the Spirit for our Principles it will not be difficult to conclude whether these men be the Authors or Propagators of the true Religion for here for their Religion that only is to be taken about which the difference is and for which they contend seeking by these means to maintain and promote it or rather of an abominable innovation and corruption of the true Religion and whether their Church be the true and faithful Church of Christ 2 Thes 2. or rather that mystery of iniquity that abomination of desolation that man of sin and son of perdition who hath set up himself in the Temple of God 9. We may here also behold the Principles from whence all these actions and practices have proceeded V. Foul. l. 1. c. 4. l. 2. c. 1. V. Foul. l. 2. c. 2. 5 6. V. Foul. l. 2. c. 3 4. viz. 1. That the Bishops of Rome as successors of St. Peter have a supreme power and authority derived to them from Christ over all Christian Persons and Churches all Nations and Kingdoms all Princes and States 2. That by this power and authority they may lawfully absolve subjects from all duty of Obedience and oath of Fidelity to their otherwise lawful Princes and Governors and deposing them may dispose of their Kingdoms and States to whom they think fit 3. That Princes excommunicate by the Pope are no longer to be obeyed by their Subjects but to be deprived of their Kingdoms and lives 4. That to rise in Arms against such Princes excommunicate or by any means to murder and destroy them is not only lawful but moreover meritorious even in their own subjects and that to die in such an attempt is martyrdom c. And of all this we have here a more effectual evidence than only from the writings or printed Books of some private men viz. in the Bulls and Acts of the Popes themselves of Universities and Colledges of Divines the frequent Sermons of their Preachers and Instructions of Confessors and Practices of their Penitents Note It is here to be noted that besides these Practices and Principles so pernitious and destructive to the Sacred though Civil Right of Princes and States and the peace and quiet of Common wealths there are others no less pernitious and destructive to the Church and to the Salvation of particular persons which because they come not within the compass of this History we take no notice of 10. And here we may see what is the Religion of these men For though there be other points in controversy whereof many little more than meer verbal about words and expressions which are kept up only through heat of contention and might easily be agreed by sober judicious and disinteressed persons and others originally only the private opinions of some men of great authority in their times wherein the substance of Religion is no more concerned than in the speculations of Philosophers though now commonly received and adopted into Religion by the Popes and their Faction whether for secular advantage or to hold up their pretended Infallibility yet these are their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their * V. Sandys Europae speculum of their Head Assertions p. 24. in 4 to fundamental and ruling Principles for which they contend the Principles from whence all these Persecutions Wars Massacres and Murders have proceeded and the Religion quae nunc novo exemplo Martyres facit as † Vindic. Areopag c. 27. p. 124. Del Rio speaks in the case of Garnet whom he and Bellarmine will needs have to be a * To whom we may say with Optatus lib. 3. Si illos videri Martyres vultis probate illos amasse pacem in qua sunt Prima Fundamenta Martyrii aut dilexisse Deo placitam unitatem aut habuisse cum fratribus charitatem Nam omnes Christianos fratres esse probavimus Charitatem illos non habuisse manifestissime constat sine qua nullum vel nominari potest vel esse martyrium saith he to the Donatists p. 99. Martyr whether he will or not But perhaps some may say that this is not the faith or practice of all of that communion Nor do I think it is but that many are better Christians than to be imposed upon by the strength of such delusions such especially who living in such Churches as continue in that communion are not satisfied to separate from their own Church though they clearly perceive and abominate these abuses and heartily desire their reformation and many such I doubt not but there have been and still are among the most sober judicious and pious of the French even of the Clergy And though I am very willing to think charitably of many of our English Romanists yet I see not how they can be excused who separate from the Church of England which is and ought to be their own Church so long as it continues a member of the Church of Christ which an unjust excommunication by an apostate Church cannot hinder to joyn with such a Faction Nor do I see how they can be excused who refuse to take the Oath of Allegiance which I am very confident not a man of the ancient Christians would have refused and it is hard not to think that because they received not the love of the truth offered to them that for this cause God hath sent them strong delusions that they should believe a lie c. But notwithstanding that some who for the reason mentioned continue in that communion may by the mercy and grace of God escape these delusions yet it is apparent that these are the Doctrines of the Pope the Church and Court of Rome and of the Jesuites and the rest are generally so seasoned and levened with such conceits of the Pope's authority as are easily improved into these when ever occasion is offered especially if any thing of private interest intervene as is very observable in the History of France though they of all Papists are least inclined to favour the Papal Usurpations where scarce a City unless restrained by the powerful presence of some of the loyal Nobility or inhabited most by Protestants but did or was ready to revolt to the League at every occasion 11. And here again if we take for our Principles two more of Bellarmine's Notes of the true Church viz. * C. 11. Sanctity of Doctrine containing nothing false as to the Doctrine of Faith nothing unjust as to the Doctrine of Manners and † C. 9.
whether our great Lord doth not require it of them to declare against this Romish Faction and their Unchristian or rather Antichristian and abominable scandalous principles and practices that is all National Churches and Vniversities publickly by solemn Decrees and Protestations if not by excommunication and all particular private Christians by abstaining from their communion and coming out of that Babylon that they be not partakers of her sins and receive not of her plagues 2. To those who are not of that Communion and have hitherto escaped those delusions that they beware that they be not again entangled therein For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after they have known it to turn from the holy Commandment 2. That they be careful that they do not hold the truth in unrighteousness Atrocius sub sancti nominis professione peccatur but walk worthy of their vocation c. worthy of God who hath called them to his Kingdom and Glory out of darkness into his marvellous light as children of the light and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them and as becometh the Gospel of Christ and that while they separate from the scandals of others they themselves do not administer occasion of scandal to others 3. That they who are in authority whether in Church or State be careful both by their example and authority as much as in them lieth to discourage and suppress all manner of vice and debauchery and to encourage and promote all manner of virtue and particularly piety and devotion in Religion For as vice and debauchery and even coldness and indifference in matters of Religion in any man makes him the more obnoxious to the delusions of the Papists so they well perceiving so much by experience are not without reason believed to endeavour first the debauching of the Nation that the people being thereby the better prepared and disposed to receive their impressions they may the more easily compass their design as Physitians who cannot immediately cure the present distemper of their Patient are fain many times by art to divert it into some other disease which they hope more easily to cure Nor do the Papists look upon debauchery as a more dangerous disease than that they call heresy This is such a means as is of natural efficacy to obviate and obstruct the endeavors of the Papists but of all most likely to be effectual by the blessing of God upon it whereas the neglect of it doth both naturally expose the people to their delusions and is most likely to provoke the judgment of God to give them up to be deluded by them Nor need Governors to fear that their people will prove less morigerous and governable by being more devotely affected to Religion but may well hope the contrary provided they will require nothing of them that may be thought contrary to Religion which certainly they need not Christianity containing nothing inconsistent with any solid principle of policy 4. That they be careful to walk worthy of their vocation particularly in that wherein the Apostle doth particularly instance and which he earnestly urgeth endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace and * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doing according to the truth in Charity Eph. 4.1 3 15. for it must be remembred that separation and division among Christians is like homicide generally unlawful and though the one as well as the other in certain special cases and under certain circumstances may be not only lawful but an indispensible duty which the Romanists cannot with any reason deny since it hath been the judgment and frequent indeed too frequent practice of that Church both anciently and of later ages as is apparent in their excommunications of whole Churches even all or most of the Eastern Churches and in the last age many of the Western for no other cause but the reformation of many scandalous abuses which the Church or Bishops of Rome by their Agents had transfused into them whereby they do unanswerably justify our separation from them were not themselves the authors of it for just and necessary causes yet ought not this to be done but with great caution and mature deliberation and under such conditions as these 1. That it be just and necessary for just and necessary causes 2. That it be done with Charity and with intention and desire to return to communion again as soon as the causes of the separation are removed and reformed 3. And therefore that it be done with Sobriety not widening the difference or quarrelling at such things as may be or ought to be tolerated such as being in their own nature indifferent are left to the prudent ordering and disposition of each particular National or Provincial Church so as may be best for order decency and edification Unaquaeque Provincia abundet in suo sensu c. Hier. ep 28. v. can ult Concilii Ephesin that it proceed no further than for just and necessary causes it ought lest if we measure truth as for example in this case by its distance from Rome we not only with many errors and abuses cast off some truths and useful matter of decency but also become guilty of breach of Charity while not insisting only upon what is just matter of exception we contend about that which is capable of a charitable construction That these conditions are necessary to be observed to make breach of communion between several Churches justifiable in either I think no Christian will deny And therefore as those Churches which shall contrary to these conditions make a separation from others do thereby transgress the Law of Charity and become guilty of Schism so much more do they who shall so separate from their own particular Church to which their habitation and abode doth subject them as special members and besides to their Schism and breach of Charity add also the guilt of disobedience and which ought well to be considered among us do thereby though contrary to their intention effectually cooperate with the Romish Agents in the promotion of their grand design one of whose principal methods for the subversion of the Reformed and restauration of the Popish Religion as might plainly be demonstrated is the raising and promoting of Sects Factions and Divisions among us which were there no other obligation upon us ought in reason to make us very wary how we do that which gives so great advantage to the common adversary 5. That they who are of chief authority in the Church be very cautious not to administer unnecessary occasion of separation to the weakness of their brethren which may be and frequently is done by these two means especially 1. By rigorous pressing of things in their own nature indifferent For though these things be left to the prudent ordering of each particular National or Provincial Church yet when through the weakness and scrupulosity of many they
become matter of offence and scandal to them and so occasions of separation in that circumstance they cease to be indifferent and it would be no less contrary to Prudence than to Charity to impose or longer strictly to require them and is plainly contrary to both the Doctrine and the Practice of the Apostle v. Rom. 14 15. 1 Cor. 8. 9.20 21 22. 10.22 and 2 Kin. 18.4 especially in so dangerous a circumstance as this when it gives so great advantage to such an adversary who so studiously and industriously endeavors our divisions it can never be approved as any way consistent with prudence and that care of the flock which all faithful Pastors ought to have not to allow at least such indulgence and liberty in such things as is necessary to the preservation of unity in the Church 2. By scandalous coldness in Religion and worldliness in the Clergy It is certain both from reason and experience though perhaps not commonly observed that there is scarce any so universal and powerful a cause of separation and factions as this For the generality of people do rarely judge by any other rule than that of our Saviour by their fruits and are therefore very apt to judge of the truth of mens Doctrine by the virtue and piety of their lives and actions And there is a certain authority of reputation which ought always to accompany authority of Jurisdiction and is in truth the more powerful of the two to retain people in a sweet voluntary and so more perfect obedience and this being lost the other which alone holds them only in a kind of violent and forced not natural and genuine obedience is very difficult to be managed very hazardous to be cast off and is seldom of long duration Now the former which is the proper authority of the Church and Clergy for what is coercive more than bare excommunication is in truth a branch of the Civil Authority can never be retained by only abstaining from those we call scandalous sins but by the constant sincere and vigorous practice of those great virtues of Religion Humility Meekness Heavenly-mindedness contempt of the World devotion in Religion and zealous endeavors for the Salvation of Souls without which the observance of the rules only of ordinary moral virtues will be attributed rather to humane Prudence than to Religion But to see men zealous for the accidents and formalities of Religion and cold in the practice and promotion of the great essential and substantial parts and the very business of it to hear men cry up morality as if there was nothing more in Religion than that and yet in the practice even of that to come far short of the very Heathen Moralists to see men prophanely turn the sacred Profession into a kind of trade to design it and apply themselves to it no otherwise than others do to civil or secular employments as a means to get a livelihood to get wealth honour and preferment in the World and when they have and perhaps by indirect means heaped Living upon Living and Preferment upon Preferment accordingly use or rather abuse the charity of our Ancestors and the revenues of the Church in such indulgence to Pride Ostentation voluptuous or delicious living as would be scarce excusable in the religious Laity nay to vie with them in such vanities or insatiably to heap up treasures not for the necessary relief of their own Families but to raise great Families in the World even of their more remote relations that which the time hath been hath been held no less than sacriledge without any regard to such works of Charity and the promotion of Christianity as all good Christians according to their ability are obliged to These things to which might be added the general decay and neglect of the ancient discipline do more effectually weaken the proper authority of the Church and Clergy than any Ecclesiastical Canons or Civil Laws can establish it and being naucious in the sight of the people provoke the more religious to run to private meetings and sects and the rest to jealousie and suspitions of all Religion to Infidelity Irreligion and Prophaneness and so in both give great advantage to the Romanists and help forward the promotion of their labours and designs The truth whereof is confirmed by the happy success of those who take a contrary course For thanks be to God we are not without some who by their good employment not only of the revenues of their Ecclesiastical preferments but also of their private fortunes their virtuous and pious lives and their fervent sound and profitable Preaching prevail with many of the several sorts of Non-Conformists to become their auditors and reclaim them And were there some good and effectual course taken that we might have more such lights set up in the more conspicuous Candlesticks of the Church we should find that the most effectual means both to dispel the mists of Separatists and keep out the Romish Foggs from overwhelming us and to promote and establish the honour and authority of the Church and Clergy Nor would the blessing of God be wanting to the pious use of such means 6. That they the Clergy especially will take example by their adversaries and not be less studious and industrious by just and proper means to promote and propagate the true Religion in its genuine purity and simplicity than they their errors abuses and corruptions of it by indirect and evil means They compass Sea and Land to make Proselytes c. and to that end have heretofore readily encountred all difficulties and dangers though now they cannot much complain of either and spare no pains nor cost We of this Nation particularly have long since had a large harvest proposed to us and nothing wanting to encourage us to the work but our own good will and zeal for our Masters service nay like sloathful servants have been whipped to our work and both Conformists and Non Conformists have had their turns It were well if at last we would be sensible of this duty before a third party come and drive both to that which neither of themselves would willingly undertake Can we believe a Divine Providence and yet think the discovery of that other World was a casual thing or can we acknowledge a Divine Providence in that and yet believe there was no other design in it than to employ our Sea men or furnish us with Tobacco we have reason to believe that this neglect hath not been dissembled hitherto nor will escape unpunished for the future unless timely amended 7. That they will not be less vigilant and active for the preservation of their Religion and with it of their lives liberties and fortunes and all that is dear unto them than these sons of Perdition are to confound and destroy them and to that end make diligent search and enquiry into their present mysterious practices for the discovery whereof much light may be taken from
ancient Apostolick Creed and what-ever other rule of Faith is mentioned by Irenaeus Tertullian or any of the Ancients and were held to contain the sum of the Christian Faith are to this day generally received and believed by all the Christian World so that Christ hath still a Church upon Earth what-ever become of the Church of Rome the like may be said of the sacred Scriptures but in none of these is the least mention of any such infallible authority of the Church of Rome no nor of any such authority of the Church of Christ as the Church of Rome does pretend to Nor is there any colour or pretence of proof that that authority was ever in any one age to this day the general belief of the Christian World no nor so much as of the Church of Rome it self for 700 years I may truly say for 1100 years and more 2. That they will likewise well consider the prudence of such undertakings the Nobility and Gentry especially of these Nations who embrace the Roman Religion They have had almost an hundred years experience of the ill success and unhappy consequence of such attempts to themselves and their party whereby they have only made a rod for their own backs provoking and exasperating the severity of Laws against themselves and when the Romish Agents had lately dissolved the Government and brought all things into confusion as is not a little apparent they did when they had crept into the Court and insinuated themselves into the several Factions of the Kingdom by underhand dealings incensing them one against another what did they advance their cause by it but only involved themselves in the same publick calamity wherein they embroyled the Nation The Emissaries are men who have neither Estates nor Fortunes to lose or hazard nor wives and children to suffer with them and if their attempts prove unsuccesful can easily retire to their Colledges again beyond Sea And their motions and actions are steered by foreigners who sit far enough out of all danger and in great security expect to make their profit and advantage of us all So that both these have hopes of advantage without any or any great hazard only the more honest and well meaning Nobility and Gentry do certainly run a very great hazard without any probability if things be rightly calculated of much mending their condition at the best For did they now suffer something in their Estates according to the Laws which certainly would never much be pressed did they not continually incense the Kingdom against them by restless attempts through the instigations of the Emissaries endangering the peace and quiet of it yet is that in some measure recompenced by their freedom from the trouble and charge of divers publick employments and the rest would be dearly bought off by enslaving the Kingdom again to the Roman Usurpations and that with so much hazard both to themselves as in respect of conscience and the justice of the undertaking for there is but little of true Christianity in him who will not readily suffer a greater loss rather than venture upon an unlawful or but doubtful action so also of the prudence of it for the higher they go in their attempts there is no doubt but it will fall more heavy upon them after so many and great provocations if they miscarry therein and of that the danger is greater than can easily be foreseen and to the Kingdom in general the peace and prosperity whereof they ought to desire and endeavour upon the account both of natural duty and of interest For whatever some who do not well consider it may promise themselves those who have Estates and Fortunes here be their Religion what it will are like to have their shares of whatever publick calamity or mischief is brought upon the Nation which they who at Rome and from other foreign parts do steer the motions of the Emissaries and other sticklers here in that cause are not much concerned to consider *** 4. And lastly to those who either through weakness and inconsiderateness are scandalized at these and such like wicked practices of the Romanists or any others professing Christianity or through wilfulness and wickedness do make use thereof to confirm or encourage themselves in their affected infidelity who having first sinned themselves into despair of any good by the observance of Religion at last seek to encourage themselves against all fear of evil by the neglect of it This last sort I intended not among Christians in general and yet do here joyn them with the other sort here mentioned because what is to be said to those may be said also to these The scandal and ill use that is made of these practices is either more particular from abuse of pretended miracles and martyrdoms whereby some may be induced to doubt of the ancient Christian Miracles and Martyrs and for satisfaction in this particular I shall here for brevity sake refer them to the writings already written and extant in print some in the English Tongue of the verity of the Christian Religion or from such practices in general of men in great place in Church or State or repute for Learning as are thought inconsistent with a real belief of what they possess whence some who affect to know more than the vulgar will needs perswade themselves and others that all such are Atheists and Infidels and thereupon bring all Religion under a suspition of being nothing else but a more refined piece of policy and because I have found by experience that many have no better arguments for their affected infidelity than this and yet few of those who have written of the verity of the Christian Religion have taken any notice of it or thought it worth a particular answer I shall recommend these things to their consideration 1. That this is no argument or evidence against Religion but only a bare supposed opinion and judgment of such persons without any evident and express ground or reason for it 2. That the opinion or judgment of great Statesmen or Scholars meerly as such is of no greater authority in this particular than the judgment or opinion of other men for such men may in general well deserve that reputation which they have and yet be utterly ignorant of those Principles which are necessary to be known to ground a judgment in this case There are very rarely found any men that are well skilled in all the parts of Learning or of some one profession as for example of the Law some are good Conveyancers who are very unskilful in Bar-Practice many good Chancery-men who are no great Common Lawyers c. So in Divinity some are well skilled in Textual some in Polemical or Scholastical some in Casuistical Divinity and yet but meanly skilled in the other parts of it and this part which considers the evidences of Religion is but rarely studied by any but such as have to do with Infidels each man ordinarily applying himself especially to