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A57999 The history of the Turks Beginning with the year 1679. Being a full relation of the last troubles in Hungary, with the sieges of Vienna, and Buda, and all the several battles both by sea and land, between the Christians, and the Turks, until the end of the year 1698, and 1699. In which the peace between the Turks, and the confederate Christian princes and states, was happily concluded at Carlowitz in Hungary, by the mediation of His Majesty of Great Britain, and the States General of the United Provinces. With the effigies of the emperors and others of note, engraven at large upon copper, which completes the sixth and last edition of the Turks. In two vol. in folio. By Sir Paul Rycaut, kt. eighteen years consul at Smyrna, now his Majesty's resident at Hamburg, and fellow of the Royal Society. Rycaut, Paul, Sir, 1628-1700.; White, Robert, 1645-1703, 1700 (1700) Wing R2408; ESTC R216646 1,015,219 685

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they adventur'd to fall into the Head quarters of Colonel Colalto near Zatmar where they cut three Companies to pieces and took some Prisoners And in the Month of June a party of them consisting of 4000 encountring with the Regiment of Colonel Smith near Kalo gave them a total Defeat killing 300 upon the place In the Month of July two Parties of the Malecontents one of 1500 and another of 600 pillaged and burnt all the places and Villages near Zatmar and Caschau and defeated a Croatian Regiment under the Command of Count Palfi with a Detachment from the two foregoing Garrisons Another party of them burnt two Villages in the Upper Hungary killed most of the Inhabitants and carried away great plunder and booty with them And being met by Count Strazoldo who was desirous to intercept them in their Retreat he was defeated by them and forced to fly with considerable loss Another party of them surprized the Castle of Balac in the Morning just at the moment when the Gates were open'd and killed and made Prisoners all the People that were in it The same party defeated Colonel Scheveling and killed many of his Hussars upon the place they took and pillaged the little Town of Newtra and intercepted all the Merchandice which was carrying to the Fair of Stoez They grow proud therewith And with such Successes as these the Malecontents being greatly puffed up and exalted they demanded a Contribution of 14000 Florins from the Inhabitants of the plain Countries and took Hostages as a security for payment thereof Nor were the Turks in the mean time idle or unactive on their side for from the Garrison of Buda they sent a very strong party to joyn with those of Newhawsel with design to take and demolish the Fort of Schella whilest the Malecontents attended the motions of the Imperialists with 8000 Men and the Transilvanians marched towards the Frontiers of their Country with 10000 but by the care and vigilance of the Emperor's Soldiers the design was prevented These misfortunes were followed by others of worse consequence for the Generals Smith and Baragotzi Smith and Baragotzi defeated were defeated by the Malecontents in divers Incounters The Towns of Oedembourg Zaltach and Dowar were plunder'd and burnt by them and so greatly they increased in their numbers that Strazoldo with 3000 Men durst not appear in the Field against them And now that the fate of War might be determined Advices of the Death of the Grand Vizier Achmet Kupriogli advices of the Death of the Grand Vizier Achmet Kupriogli were brought to Vienna by which all expectations of Peace failed For by the Answers he had made to the Malecontents who sollicited for assistance and to the Imperial Ministers who labour'd to continue a good understanding he evidenced an aversion to this War for Reasons which we have formerly declar'd And perhaps because at that time becoming Sick and Crasy his Spirits were low and his Thoughts rather inclining to Ease and Quietness than to the bustles and business of an active and raging War Kara Mustapha mad● Vizi●r resolves upon a War But now Kara Mustapha succeeding into his place a Person of that Temper which we have before described the Imperialists despair'd of a Peace and accordingly provided for a War and indeed considering the Temper of the Man and the conjuncture of the present Times being invited into Hungary and the way open'd into Germany by the Malecontents and as the Common Rumor will have it pushed on by Encouragements and Promises from the French Court but more especially by their own Fate the Dice of Fortune were cast and a War determin'd tho' contrary to the Inclinations of the Grand Seignior the Mufti and other Councellors of State ANNO 1677. War not as yet denounced and why But to carry on a War of such weight and consequence preparations were to be first made Money was to be provided which was amass'd and gather'd by such means as we have before related Forces were to be call'd from the most remote parts of the Empire and great stores of all sorts of Provisions and Ammunition were to be lodg'd in Belgrade Buda and the Frontier Garrisons all which requir'd some years to effect And in the mean time as a prelude to this devouring War the Malecontents were to be encourag'd The Pashas of Hungary Order'd to aid the Malecontents their hopes kept up and the Pashas of Hungary allow'd to succor them as occasion requir'd which they acted with so little regard to the Peace that nothing was heard over all that Kingdom but daily Slaughters Battels Plundrings Firing of Towns and all the other direful effects of War Incursions made by the Turks Accordingly to begin this Year six thousand Turks passed the Raab over the Ice near Furstemberg which gave an alarm to all the Province of Stiria About the same time another party of them belonging to the Garrison of Canisia made a Sally from thence with design to surprize the Island of Serini but being disappointed in that Enterprize they put all the Country of Croatia into a confusion and forc'd Contributions from the People by Military Executions burning and plundring all those Towns and places which refus'd to comply with the payment of such Taxes as they impos'd upon them And likewise another party from Newhawsel made Incursions to the very Gates of Freystadt These ill Successes and the fears of a more dreadful War impending moved the Imperial Councel to thoughts of Accommodation with the Malecontents on any terms whatsoever being almost droven to a necessity of making peace New Overtures made to the Malecontents In pursuance of which Resolution General Baragotzi who for his Services was lately made a Count of the Empire and one of the Lieutenant Generals of the Armies was dispatch'd to the Malecontents with new Overtures of Peace the sum of which was this That besides the Act of Oblivion and Pardon formerly offer'd the Emperor was pleas'd farther to condescend that in every County the Protestants should have two Churches allow'd them one for the Lutherans and another for the Calvinists with full Liberty to exercise the Religion they profess'd and that they should be indifferently admitted into all Offices and Places of Trust either Civil or Military together with the Roman Catholicks without any distinction whatsoever unless with respect to the ability and quality of the person This Generous Offer tho' it affected and inclin'd about 1500 of that party to abandon the interest of their Associates yet there were above 10000 others whose Spirits were exasperated and heated above the vertue and power of any lenitive Their Obstinacy whom nothing could appease nor soften but revenge tho' at the dear price of their Countries ruine and the loss of their own Lives And this Opinion was softer'd and kept up by some ill Men who perswaded the Commonalty that there was no security nor Faith in the Emperor's promises which would no
the Lords of the Privy Council so to Establish us in the Liberty of Religion to the Immortal Fame of Your Royal Government after the Example of Your Glorious Predecessors that being reliev'd We may speedily Return to our Principals and God will recompence this Imperial Royal Favour with all sort of Happines from above Deliver'd to His Sacred Majesty at Aix la Chapelle upon his going to Vienna the 24th day of April in the year 1689. Your most Sacred Majesty's most Humble and Faithful Subjects the Deputies of the Evangelicks in the Counties Cities Towns and Frontiers of Upper and Lower Hungary about the Business of their distressed Religion The First Article of the Peace of Vienna in the Year 1606. AS to the Business of Religion notwithstanding the former publick Constitutions and the last Article of the Year 1604 which was made without the Diet and the consent of the Subjects and therefore is annulled it is granted That according to his Imperial Majesty's former Resolution to which the Subjects refer themselves in their replying all and each State of the Kingdom of Hungary as well the Peers and Noblemen as the free Cities and the Privileged Towns belonging immediately to the Crown and all the Hungarian Soldiers in the Frontiers shall any where and at any time profess and exercise their Religion without any Disturbance either from His most Sacr'd Majesty or from any Person whatsoever a free exercise of Religion being hereby granted to all the said States of the Kingdom Provided always That the Roman Catholick Religion be not thereby prejudiced That the Roman Catholick Clergy Churches and Chappels remain free and unmolested and that what has been taken from them in these Troubles be restor'd The First Article made before the Coronation in the Year 1608. concerning Religion COncerning the first Article of the Treaty of Vienna it is resolv'd by the States and Orders of Hungary that the Exercises of Religion shall be left free not only to the Noblemen and to the Inhabitants of the free Cities but also to the Hungarian Soldiers in the Frontiers of the Kingdom of Hungary and to all the Farmers and Peasant that will freely accept the same nor shall any of 'em be disturbed in the free Exercise of Religion but to prevent any effect of hatr'd and dissension between Roman Catholicks and Protestants It is Order'd That each Party shall have a Superior or Surperintendant of his own Profession Although this last first Article of the Year 1608 was renew'd in 77th Article of the Year 1618 inserted in the General Constitutions of the Kingdom by Order of the Emperor Ferdinand the Second in the Year 1622 restor'd to his Force by the 22d Article of the Year 1625 by the 33d Article of the Year 1630 and by the 29th Article of the Year 1635 confirm'd in the 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 and 14th Articles of the new Treaty of Peace made with George Ragoczy Prince of Transilvania in the Year 1648 Ratifyed both in the aforenamed Articles of 1649 and in the 10th Article of the Year 1649 and in the 18th Article of the Year 1655 made at Rakoczia and lastly confirm'd again and inserted in the Constitutions of the Kingdom by Order of Leopold the present Emperor in the Year 1659 yet notwithstanding all these the said Article remains without Force and the Exercise of the Protestant Religion is wholly exterminated against the Articles and the publick Constitutions of the Kingdom as well as against the Sacred Imperial Letters Patent And yet all this contributed little towards a Peace for the Results of this Diet concerned none but the good and quiet Men and such as were zealous for the Settlement and Peace of their Country Whilest Tekeli and others of that Spirit whose Minds were possess'd with virulent Malice and Ambition were plotting and contriving the means to set up their own Authority and give themselves into the Hands of the Turks rather than to the Power of their Sovereign Prince of whose natural Clemency thô they were well assur'd yet they suspected and fear'd his Councils which being chiefly influenced and directed by Jesuits and the Spirit of the Clergy could never be reconciled in any tollerable manner to the Protestant profession Tekeli besieges Kalo Thus whilest things were Negotiating in the Diet Tekeli besieg'd Kalo which surrendr'd at discretion with little or no resistance and Prince Apafi joyning with some Parties of the Malecontents laid Seige to Zatmar with an Army composed of Transilvanians Moldavians Turks and Malecontents of Hungary all which acted in four separate Bodies being well provided with Cannon and all sorts of Ammunition and Provisions so soon as Apafi had form'd his Siege he put forth a Manifest or Declaration which he caused to be privately stolen into the Town and there dispers'd signifying that out of Christian piety and compassion to the miserable state of that Kingdom Apafi's Declaration he had left his Country and Dwelling with no other intent than only to cause their Churches to be restor'd to them with a free Liberty of Conscience and Exercise of Religion and that their Estates which had been confiscated for the sake of their Religion and defence of their Rights and Privileges might be again restor'd to them To which he added many Solemn Protestations that he had no other end nor intention than the welfare and happiness of the Kingdom Farther also he said that he had a power sufficient for this Enterprise being well seconded by the Grand Seignior and acted by his Commission and that the Succession to the Principality was promised unto his Son to whom besides the Forces with him he had left a Guard of 20.000 Men. Having made thus much known to the Inhabitants of Zatmar he vigorously proceeded in the Siege Apafi invests Zatmar having received a Recruit of 8000 Men from the Pasha of Buda being a Detachment from 40.000 which were Encamp'd before the place whereof he was Governour And thô with these Forces the Town of Zatmar was taken yet Serini who Commanded the place retiring into the Castle or Citadel he so well defended the same that Apafi was forc'd to raise the Siege and march away burning several Towns The Siege raised and taking a Thousand Prisoners in his Retreat The raising of this Siege was variously interpreted and so ill taken by the Turks that Complaints were made thereof against Apafi at the Port. But it was no time now to make alterations or disturbances in Transilvania Towards the end of this year the Emperor being desirous to Crown the Empress at Oedembourg sent a Convoy of 500 Hussars 100 Heyduks The Empress Crowned Queen of Hungary and 500 Cuirassiers to fetch the Crown of St. Stephen from the Castle of Presburg where it is always lodg'd which being brought thither the Empress was Crown'd Queen of Hungary with great Solemnity And that this Ceremony might be performed with the more order and security a Cessation
and his adherents the Protestants were upon the point of complaining to his Majesty had they not been stopt by the Declaration that was made that they voluntarily subscribed to the Articles of the Pacification of Vienna which they called the Foundation of the Kingdom So that this Edict of Lintz was ratify'd and inserted in the Articles of the year 1647 with this Clause Notwithstanding the opposition of the Clergy and other Seculars which shall have no force or vigour for the future Besides the Subscription of the Pacification of Vienna made by all the States both Ecclesiastick and Civil runs thus We underwritten do with common consent in the name of all the States and Orders of the Kingdom of Hungary and the places annex'd to it promise freely and voluntarily c. The third Argument was That if the Lutherans and Calvinists must be tolerated then those only must be tolerated which are of the Confession of Ausbourg and the Confession of the Swisses But both one and the other had abandon'd those Confessions and they instanced in several Articles from which they had deviated But this last seems only a frivolous shift and shews the Resolution the Clergy had taken to oppress the Protestants and indeed this they had always done when they thought themselves the stronger and notwithstanding that this Liberty was often confirm'd as particularly in the Treaties with Botskai Bethlem and Prince Ragotski yet the Roman Catholick Lords and Gentlemen and especially the Arch-Bishops and Bishops persecuted them with Fire and Sword massacr'd them in their Churches and used all manner of Cruelties towards them as far as their Power and Authority could reach so that there remain'd scarce any place of Rest or Security for the Protestants but in the free Cities and those too quickly after were involved in the same misfortune For Nadasti Serini Frangipani and other Catholick Lords taking part with Prince Ragotski against the Emperor in the year 1670. the Austrian Troops entr'd Hungary and carried all before them and with them Troops of Bishops Arch-Bishops and Jesuits whose Actions out-did the Fury of the Soldiers and took this opportunity of dispoiling the Protestants of their Goods Churches Ministers and constrain'd a great part of the People to change their Religion The Protestant Lords were tax'd at immense Sums Soldiers quarter'd upon them and by these means several forc'd to turn Catholicks In short all Upper and Lower Hungary with all the Free Towns fell into the Hands of the Catholicks whose Severities and Cruelties as they found nothing to oppose them so they suffer'd nothing to escape them And this miserable Kingdom labour'd at once under the Licence and Rapine of the German Soldiers and the Rage and Fury of the Jesuitical Converters The Protestants were hang'd up at their Church Gates and several of their Towns burnt One John Backi a Minister was burnt a live at Comarin and the Widow of Laurent le Sur who was of the same Profession had her Head cut off in the same Town And multitudes of both Sexes and all Ages and Conditions were banish'd To Authorize these Cruelties at least to give them a fair gloss they constituted a Chamber of Justices at Poson compos'd of Ecclesiasticks and Seculars all sworn Enemies to the Protestants where it was first order'd That the most considerable Persons should be cited to appear and clear themselves of the Crime of Rebellion laid to their charge They began with those of the Nobility which they thought the easiest to be wrought upon They which made their appearance were thrown into Prison without being judicially heard condemn'd to great Fines and were each minute solicited to change their Religion A Declaration was presented to those whom they found most firm and constant whereby they were required that to satisfy his Imperial Majesty of their Loyalty and Obedience they should no longer protect their Ministers and should promise not to hinder the Priests from saying Mass in their Churches or performing other Ecclesiastical Functions till they were enlightn'd from above saw their Errors and were converted to the Catholick Church But the greatest Storm fell upon the Ministers at whom they chiefly aim'd and that they might get rid of them the better they establish'd three Courts of Judicature One at Tirnavia for those of Poson and two at Poson for the rest of Hungary Nor were they all cited for fear of making too much noise but a few and those of the Ausbourg Confession to try what success they were like to expect from the Prosecution of the rest And because they chiefly design'd to ruin the Protestant Religion under pretence of Rebellion they presented those that appear'd these following Articles to sign 1st That all the Ministers of both Confessions School-Masters Readers Students c. to escape the Punishments which they had incurred for their Rebellion should promise under their Hands to renounce all their Functions both publick and private and pass the rest of their Lives peaceably and quietly upon pain of Death if they disobey'd Or 2ly That they should be banish'd for ever with promise never to return to their Country or to any of the Hereditary Lands or other dependencies on the Empire nor yet to go over to their Enemies Or 3ly That they should change their Religion which his Majesty chiefly wish'd and design'd and which would be most agreeable both to him and to the Courts of Justice The 25th of September 1673. Some Ministers to the number of 32 or 33 appear'd and being threatned to be sentenc'd to die if they sign'd not the foregoing Articles some consented others chose to be banish'd and one chang'd his Religion This lucky beginning encourag'd them to proceed and finding fear to be the strongest motive to work upon them they cited all the Ministers Regents School-Masters c. of Hungary to appear before them which caused a strange consternation amongst them and produced very different effects some of them the Nobility would not suffer to appear others fled some again abandoned themselves to the care of Providence made their appearance at Poson to justifie their Innocence from these horrible Calumnies with which they were blackn'd to testifie their obedience and submission to the Magistrate and to satisfie their Churches who earnestly begg'd of them not to forsake them in that calamitous Condition There were 250 Ministers that appear'd and by their Tryals two long to repeat it appears That their Religion was the chief Crime and tho' other things were laid to their Charge yet all was but pretence they used all means to intimidate them and to shake that great constancy which they shew'd for their Religion they sentenced them to death imprisoned them threatned them with the Gallies and employ'd all the pernicious arts of torment and vexation that a persecuting spirit could contrive to shake or surprize the Frailty of Man dragged them into their Churches forced them upon their Knees to adore the Host and their Images let loose the fury of
Resolution were known to the great prejudice of a Spiritual Exercise which suffers no delay and to the diminishing of the Right granted to the Protestants by the Articles and confirm'd by Your Majesty's Favour Therefore they do wholly Rely on the Articles and Your Majesty's Grant and Humbly beg that not only convenient and fit places within the Walls of the said City be appointed to them for the Building of Churches and Schools and Erecting Parishes but also that they may have a Free Exercise of Religion together with the common and indifferent use of Bells and Burials according to the aforesaid 26th Article of Sopron and as they had formerly The Grievances of the Imperial and Free Protestant Cities Veterozolium Breznobania and Libethbania ALL the Protestants of the same Imperial and Free Cities set forth their most lamentable Case in respect of Religion that whereas they should not be hinder'd to enjoy at least in private the free Exercise of Religion granted by the Articles of Sopron to all and every where in the Kingdom without excepting any part of it and less the fourth State which comprehends all the Imperial and Free Cities of the Kingdom belonging properly to the Crown through His Imperial Majesty's Favour according to the clear and evident explication of the 1st Article made before the Coronation in the year 1608. and confirm'd in the 25th Article of Sopron but rather by virtue of the following 26th Article of Sopron which speaks in general of the Cities and by way of instance names only two of each sort viz. of the Mountain Cities and of the Free Cities His Majesty's High Commissioners appointed in the year 1688. should also have appointed them commodious and convenient places for the building of new Churches and Schools and erecting Parishes yet they have obtain'd nothing On the contrary the Ministers have been turn'd at and expell'd by the High Commissioners and the Protestants have been most severely forbidden by the same to exercise their Religion in private or to go to any Neighbouring place where their Religion is Exercised Moreover against the express grant of the 11th and 12th Article in the year 1647. maugre the Protestants and by force the said High Commissioners have assign'd and appropriated all the proper Revenues of Schools and Churches to the Catholick Curates which they have brought in and have very few Followers in the Cities of Veterozolium and Breznobania and but one in Libethbania In fine the said High Commissioners did by all means and do still compell without distinction all the Protestant Inhabitants and Citizens especially the Trades and Handy-craft-men to Ceremonies contrary to their Religion therefore the said Protestants humbly beg the same Liberty of Religion as is granted in the Articles and enjoy'd in other Cities since these in no wise deserve a worse case and that there may be assign'd them convenient places for the building of new Churches and Schools and erecting Parishes The Grievances of the Free and Imperial Cities St. George Bazinga Tyrnaw Szakoliza Kussegh and Rust THese Free and Imperial Cities do also lament and set forth their desolate Case and great Unhappiness in respect of Religion that whereas according to the genuine Sense of the Articles of Sopron made in the behalf of Religion its free Exercise is granted to everyone and every where in the Kingdom they should not be hinder'd to enjoy at least in private the said free Exercise of Religion but by Virtue of the 26th Article of Sopron which speaks in general of the Cities Places should have been appointed them for the Building of Churches and Schools and Erecting Parishes yet they have obtain'd none of the premisses but on the contrary have been forbidden to exercise any way their Religion their Ministers have been expell'd and forbidden to come any more into the said Cities it is prohibited under the forest punishment to frequent the places where there is Exercise of Religion to go thither to have Children Baptiz'd or to receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and to send for Protestant Ministers to Sick and Dying Persons in a word the whole Exercise of the Protestant Religion is forbidden against the sense of the aforesaid Articles and the Protestants are compell'd to Ceremonies contrary to their Religion therefore they humbly beg that they may enjoy the same Benefit as is granted in the Articles and have places appointed them for the Building of Churches and Schools and Erecting Parishes as well as the other Cities since that Privilege is equally granted to all and therefore the case of some ought not to be worse than that of others The Grievances of the Free and Imperial Cities Trenschin and Modra THese two Free and Imperial Cities complain with a great deal of Sorrow that by Virtue of the 26th Article of Sopron the Lords Commissioners did indeed assign to them places for the Building of Churches and Schools and erecting Parishes and grant them the free Exercise of their Religion but with such Limitation and Restraint as take away many things essentially requisite and necessary for the said exercise of Religion and are directly contrary to the genuine intention of the Articles as First The Lords Commissioners did lessen the Number of the Protestant Ministers and forbid others to be put in their room after their Death Secondly They did forbid all the Protestants to whom a free Exercise of Religion is granted by Virtue of that General Clause of the 25th Article to every one and every where in the Kingdom to frequent the Neighbouring Churches and perform in them any duty of Religion Thirdly They did forbid the Ministers to Visit the Estrangers were they never so Sick Fourthly They did Order that the Handy-craft-men and common sort of People should be compell'd under severe punishment to Ceremonies contrary to their way viz. To walk with the Catholicks in Procession and carry processional Trophies Fifthly They did forbid the Protestant Ministers to go and Administer Baptism or perform other Ceremonies in the Neighbouring Towns Sixthly They did appoint that there should be no petty Schools but such where Children could Learn only to Read and to Write The Grievances of the Counties of Vpper Hungary Semlin Abavivar Unghwar Saraz Tornaw c. and of all the Protestant Noblemen and Gentlemen living in the Mountain Towns of the Principality of Tokai THe same Protestants are forc'd to Represent to Your Most Sacred Majesty that although in the following words of the 26th Article of Sopron but in other Counties as in those of Salawar Vesprim Saraz Moramoruss Abavivar Sellia Semlin Ugoza Bodrogh Tornaw Komarra Barzod Sachsag Novigrad Zolnock Hewecz Pesth Pelicz and Soldth united Chege Unghwar and Zatmar since the Protestants are in possession of almost all the Churches there the same Churches are left for the use of the actual Possessors of them And in the following Clause of the said Article Finally the Churches which are actually possessed by those of the Helvetian Confession and of that
and places of Residence of Noblemen or in the Oratories and Chappels belonging to them but with this admirable Limitation That if any Noble-Man will have the Divine Service done in his House he shall employ no other Minister than one of the two left in the County and that only for themselves and their Family All the Payments whatsoever except those which belong to the two Schools appointed in each County are adjudg'd to the Catholick Curates and are generally wrested by the same with the help of the Soldiers The Peasants are absolutely forbidden to Exercise their Religion in the use of Baptism Marriage Confirmation Burials and of the Lord's Supper as also to frequent the places appointed by the Articles for the Divine Service and are compelled with all possible violence to Ceremonies contrary to their way Moreover in many Towns of the County of Turocz as in Bella Zatureza and Pribocz there were Churches Built at the Charges of the Protestants whose Members had not reconciled themselves to the Church of Rome before the Article was made yet without any regard to the Exception contain'd in the beginning of the 26th Article all those Churches have been seized upon and the use of Bells and Burials is granted no more to the Protestants unless they ask and pay the Catholick Curates for it In the County of Sachsag the Protestants should freely and peaceably have enjoyed all the Churches which were in their Possession when the Article was made and were left for their use by the same Article yet the Illustrious Wolffgang Earl of Kohary Supreme Earl of the said County by Deputation as he has declar'd of the Illustrious George Earl of Erdedy with the assistance of the Vicount of the same County has seized the same Churches except a very small one which stands in a most despicable Village called Drieno and has not been Built by the Protestants Commanding withal all the Protestant Ministers to go out of their respective Parishes and places of abode under pain of Emprisonment and forbidding all Persons of quality to entertain them any way even privately altho' the Protestants of this County had been establish'd and confirm'd in the free use of all the Churches which were in their Possession when the Article was made The most Humble and Lawful Demands of the aforesaid Counties are these SInce His most Sacred Majesty both by the Confirmation of the 25th and 26th Articles of the Diet of Sopron made in 21st Article of the Diet of Presburg in the year 1687 and by the Resolution declar'd to the Deputies of the said Counties in their Audience has engaged his Royal Word not only to observe the aforesaid Articles in all their Points and Clauses but also to cause the others to observe the same therefore the Protestants of the aforesaid Counties Humbly beg that according to the most simple and evident Sense of the same Articles they may be Redressed Re-establish'd Restor'd and by an express Decree confirm'd in the following particulars That according to the intention of the the 25th Article of the Diet of Sopron all their Ministers and Rectors may live freely among them and perform the Duties of their Profession without any Limitation since the same Article Grants thus much restoring both the Ministers and School-Masters even those which were Banish'd annulling their Deeds of Reversion That as many Churches and Chappels whose Members are not reconciled to the Church of Rome and have been Built by the Protestants as stand in the said Counties be restor'd to us to Exercise our Religion in them according to the intent of the aforesaid 26th Article That according to the intention of the so often mention'd 26th Article the Protestants of the said Counties be discharg'd from paying any thing to the Catholick Curats and oblig'd only to entertain their own Ministers Lastly That any Protestant of whatsoever State and Condition not excluding the Peasants according to these words of the 25th Article to every one and every where may freely Exercise his Religion without being compelled to contrary Ceremonies and that neither of the Parties presume to disturb any way the other under the pain mention'd in the said Article Besides the foregoing Demands wherein the County of Sachsag joyns with the other Counties by a particular Right granted in the Articles the same County of Sachsag requires that all the seized Churches be restor'd to the Protestants which were in their Possession when the Article was made The Grievance of the City of Gyongyos THis City complains that whereas according to the express Grant of the 26th Article of the Diet of Sopron in these words But in other Counties viz. in those of Salavar Vesprim c. and Geves in which this City stands since the Protetestants are actually in Possession of almost all the Churches there c. Item Finally the Churches which are actually possessed by those of the Helvetian Confession and of that of Ausbourg shall be still for their use c. It should have been left in the actual Possession and use of all the Protestant Churches Parishes and Schools which were quietly possessed by the Protestants before and after the Diet of Sopron to the Date underwritten yet to the great Contempt of His Imperial Majesty's and of the Article's Grant and to the great prejudice of the Protestants Right by Order and Commission of the most Reverend Archbishop of Gran and of the Right Honourable George Earl of Erdody not only the Churches but also the Schools and Parishes with all their Appurtenances consisting in Eleven Vineyards Five Mills One Butcher's Stall and a House which had all been given by Protestants in their Wills or Purchased with the Protestants Money were seized by force on the 21st of May in the year 1688 last past by the Honourable Jean Almassy of Heves and Francis Setuitter of Pesth Judges of the same Counties moreover the Protestant Ministers and School-masters were Banish'd the Free Exercise of Religion even in private Houses is forbidden as well as the use of Bells and Burials in proper places the Protestants being strictly Commanded to Bury their Dead in remote High-ways and Commons where all the Filth of the Towns is carried Therefore they lawfully Demand a full Restitution of all that has been taken from them and an exact Execution of the aforesaid Article The Grievance of the City of Moramoruss THe Protestant Citizens and Inhabitants together with the Militia of Moramoruss complain that altho' by Vertue of the 26th Article of Sopron wherein the same City of Moramoruss is expresly named they had obtain'd the liberty of exercising publickly their Religion and of having Churches Parishes and Schools and have quietly enjoyed the same without giving any offence to the Catholicks until the fatal breaking out of the Wars in the year 1683 and the unexpected Burning of the Town which occasion'd an interruption of the said Exercise of Religion the Ministers and their Parishioners having been forced to disperse themselves up
and down yet since the Troubles are appeased they desire in vain to reassume their publick exercise of Religion and to call back their Ministers being hinder'd from the same by the Earl of Hoffkirchen Governour of this Territory who every day growing severer forbids with greater Threats the total Exercise of the Protestant Religion Nay three Months ago the Roman Catholicks did Proclaim with the Beat of Drums that no Protestant should presume to go out of the Territory of Moramoruss to any Neighbouring to perform the Duties of his Religion nor Exercise it in his private House under pain of Imprisonment and of other severe Punishments Therefore they Humbly beg That this their Grievance may be redressed and they re-established in the Privilege granted by the Article It may be added to the foregoing Grievances that one Samuel Bizkey a Protestant Minister of a place of Lower Hungary called Hedes notwithstanding the Protection granted to him by the Council of War has been Plunder'd twice of all the means of Life Clothes Books and Furniture by some Emissaries of the Archbishop of Gran and at last on the 22d of the last Month of March was taken and carried to Presburg into the Prisons of the Archbishop where he has nothing allowed him but dry Bread and dirty Water Likewise the Protestant Minister of Tottfalu in Upper Hungary has been taken by a Jesuit called Father Ravasz residing at Naghybania and carried in Fetters into the Prisons of Zatmar where he is still detain'd and most barbarously used The XXI Article of the Diet of Presburg in the year 1687 in the business of Religion the 25th and 26th Articles of the year 1681 are renew'd with the inserted Decleration ALthough they of the Helvetian Confession and of that of Ausbourg by their protesting against the 25th and 26th Articles of the late Diet of Sopron have unworthily abused the same and thereby forfeited ipso facto the benefits granted in them nevertheless since His most Sacred Majesty tending the Union and the general quiet of the Kingdom through his great Favour and Clemency has most Graciously resolved that the said Articles shall yet be in force the States have Order'd That the same shall be lookt upon as renewed and reinforced notwithstanding the opposition of the Catholick Clergy and other secular Persons and that as far as they have hitherto been infringed through Abuses introduced by the one or the other party they shall forthwith be put in Execution To these Agrievances the Emperor returned a very Gracious Answer and made several Proposals tending to a Peace And First He offer'd a General Pardon unto all even to Tekeli himself provided he would personally appear to make his Submission Secondly That every Person should be restor'd to his Lands and Goods confiscated again restor'd Thirdly That free exercise of Religion should be allowed but the manner how and the Regulation thereof should be determined at a General Diet which was judged of absolute necessity for the repose and quiet of Hungary Fourthly That all the vacant Offices Governours and Balliages of that Kingdom should be indifferently conferr'd upon Hungarian Gentlemen who were capable by their Natural parts and Abilities to Merit and Discharge such Preferments And Lastly That his Imperial Majesty would vacate the Office of Vice-King and return to the ancient constitution of a Palatine whose Election should be free according to the usage of former times The Plague which still Raged in Austria and Hungary prevented the proceedings of this Treaty which might have taken effect some time before How the Treaty was broken off and answer'd all the Demands of the Malecontents but now so much Blood had been drawn in all Parts and Corners of that unhappy Kingdom that it was past the Art of Man to stanch the Bleeding And besides Tekeli and his Malecontents were so nearly adjoyn'd and engaged in secret Leagues and Alliances with the Turk that it was almost impossible to destricate and disentangle themselves from the invitations they had made and from the Assurances and Pledges they had given to the Turks Howsoever the Emperor not to leave any means unattempted until all was become desperate dispatched Count Esterhasi into Hungary in quality of his Plenipotentiary to put those Overtures into Execution which had been fram'd and debated in the Emperor's Council But whilst these things were in agitation they received another Impediment by a discovery made of a Correspondence which several Principal Officers held with the Maleconts upon which Filek and two other Councellors and Mannagers of the Revenue of Hungary were Arrested and accused of having moved and promoted an Insurrection in divers Counties Towards the end of this year when the Armies were drawn into their Winter quarters new Treaties were set on foot The Baron de Kaunitz the Emperor's Resident at Constantinople labour'd to continue Kaunitz Treats with the Grand Seignior and renew the Truce but the Grand Vizier would not agree thereunto on any other Terms than that it might be allowable for the Grand Seignior to afford aid and assistance to the Malecontents But this was to cure a Soar with a greater Evil and what was inconsistent with Reason to make a Peace and yet to continue a War When the Emperor believed all Accomodation with the Malecontents impossible at least far distant Behold on a suddain and much unexpected the Counts Tekeli Tekeli and others offer Conditions Pestrozzi and Wessellino in despight of their Engagements to the Turks offer'd to make Terms by themselves and to abandon their People and their Cause in case they assented not thereunto The Conditions were to have all their Churches restor'd with their Goods and Estates which had been Confiscated To which the Emperor readily assenting there never appear'd at any time a greater probability and likelyhood of an Agreement than upon this overture But whereas to establish and confirm such an Accomodation it was necessary to convene a Diet which by reason of the present Contagion could not be done a Cessation of Arms was in the mean time concluded But whilst in order thereunto a Conference was held at Tokai Count Caprara unluckily march'd out of his Quarters with a considerable force towards that place Is again broken upon which the Malecontens were so Allarum'd that they Sallied out of their Winter quarters in great numbers leaving the Treaty imperfect and the Cessation of Arms broken and violated ANNO 1681. Notwithstanding the unlucky Accidents which had happen'd to hinder and disappoint the Progress of the aforesaid Treaties Yet at the beginning of this year new overtures were made to the Malecontents by the Bishop Sebestini And tho' some of the most considerable Persons of the Hungarian party refused to hearken to any Offers which the Emperor should make them yet Tekeli and others Tekeli and other chiefs send Deputies to Lintz formerly the most averse to all Accommodation did now at least in a seeming manner favour the Methods which
a stop to all Proceedings that the Assembly was upon dissolving and Prince Swartzemburg became so tired and wearied with the many unprofitable and fruitless endeavours that he deliver'd up his Commission to Count Capeliers Superintendant of the Council of War to preside in his Place And so restless were the Soldiers and difficult to be restrain'd from breaking out into Acts of Hostility that during the Cessation of Arms a Party of the Malecontents fell upon a Regiment of the Imperialists and cut them in pieces Howsoever the Diet still continued and the Emperor at length with the Advice of his two Favourites Count Esterhasi made Palatine pitch'd upon Count Esterhasi to bear the Office of Palatine in Hungary to whom having administer'd the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity he return'd back again to Newstadt The next day following the Diet receiv'd a Letter Signed by Count Tekeli and six others signifying their Resolutions to accept the Pardon and submit to the Emperor Provided that they might have a free exercise of their Religion granted their Churches and Estates which were confiscated restor'd and the Money which they had engaged to pay the Turk supply'd and paid for them by the Emperor A new Proposition made by Tekeli And that for performance of the Articles some means and expedients should be found out for a satisfactory Security This Letter was immediately dispatched to the Emperor who with his Council considering thereupon absolutely rejected the new Article relating to the Turks to whom it was resolved to make no payments of Money Of which answer Tekeli being inform'd he dispatch'd a Message immediately unto Count Caprara giving him to understand that he was no longer able to contain his Soldiery within the Rules and Laws of the Truce and so without farther delay seized upon two Passes between Cassovia and Tokai And to put Matters yet more backwards the Deputies who represented the Malecontents at the Diet made a Petition to the Emperor requesting him that he would be graciously pleas'd to remove out of his Councils and Offices of Trusts all such as have had any hand or been instrumental in promoting those Troubles and Civil dissentions which had now near the space of Twenty years infested and oppress'd that unhappy Kingdom But to this Demand the Emperor made no other answer Than that he would consider it By these motions and steps in the Diet towards a Peace the Turks conceiv'd a Jealousy that Tekeli was disposed and inclined to an Accommodation with the Emperor To prevent which a Pasha was order'd to discourse and tamper with him The Turks jealous of Tekeli and offer him the Principality of Transilvania after the Death of Apafi And entertaining also frequent Conferences with him and other Leaders of the Malecontents the Pasha so mannaged his Discourse with them by declaring the many advantages they would receive by covering and shrouding themselves under protection of the Grand Seignior Their offers to him that he prevailed upon them to make an offer of Eighty thousand Crowns in case the Grand Seignior would promise to assist them with a Puissant and Royal Army The Emperor upon notice of this private and perfidious Treaty with the Turk was highly incensed and commanded that neither Tekeli Tekeli forbid the Diet. nor any of those who were concern'd in this Conference should be admitted as Members into the Diet And giving it now for granted that a War would ensue with the Turk the Marquis of Baden was ordered to Fortify Raab and Count Staremberg to finish the Fortifications of Vienna from the Arsenal of which place great quantities of Granadoes Bombs Powder with Arms and heavy Cannon were transported down the Danube to supply that Important Fortress of Raab Notwithstanding all which the Deputies continued to labour in the Diet and to examin the Aggrievances of the Malecontents and the Palatine Esterhasi made frequent Journies between Oedemburg and Newstadt to render an Account of all Passages and Transactions to the Emperor And that a conclusion might be put to all matters in question the Archbishop of Vienna went to the Diet to agree certain differences arisen between the Clergy and the Laity of Hungary touching the Title to some Lands and Demesnes which was still depending in a Law Suit between them Acts made at the Diet. After this Point was agreed the whole Result of the Diet was drawn up in Writing and sent to Tekeli the Substance whereof was this That all the Churches which the Protestants had Built at their own charge and expence should be restor'd with free License to Erect and Build more in any part of the Kidgdom and therein to exercise their Religion and publickly to Preach That a considerable Sum of Mony should be paid to the Turks for once and no more but not by way of Tribute Provided that the Truce made in the year 1664 be again renewed for twenty years longer under the same Articles and Conditions And farther several expedients and means were agreed for raising Monies for payment of the Troops and defraying the charges of the Kingdom during these times of trouble To confirm all which Tekeli was desired to appear at the Diet notwithstanding the late Prohibition and to concur with the other Deputies by Signing these Articles Tekeli called to the Diet. And lest he should make the insecurity of his Person an excuse for his Non-appearance the Son of Count Esterhasi the Palatine was offer'd for a Hostage These Proposals were carried to Tekeli by the Secretary to the Palatine who return'd from him in the Month of July unto the Diet still Sitting at Oedemburg with an answer to this effect That Tekeli would not be satisfied with less than an entire restitution of all the Churches That one single Sum of what value soever would not content the Turks Tekeli's answer who requir'd an Annual Tribute of 40.000 Rix Dollars without which they refused to restore to the Malecontents their Wives and Children which they had given in Hostage And moreover this Messenger gave them to understand that Tekeli absolutely refused to appear at the Diet and that He and his Party were not satisfied with the Election of Esterhasi to be Palatine This answer was the cause of much Debate and Division in the Diet and their Minds and Councils were farther disturbed upon the News that the Forces of the Malecontents being joyn'd with a considerable Body both of Turks and Transilvanians were become 15.000 strong that the Pasha of Waradin kept so close a Correspendence with the Malecontents that it was more than probable that their interest and alliances were so firmly united that neither Party was at liberty to make Terms or Articles of Peace without the Assent or Concurrence of the other The truth of which soon appear'd for Tekeli not long afterwards marched near the Confines of Belgrade Tekeli joins with the Turks where he joyned with a Body of 20.000 Turks and thereby gave evident
Demonstrations of his Resolution to maintain the War and that his former proposals and steps towards Peace were all false and feigned with design to Amuse the Minds of the Emperor and the Diet. The Turks had not as yet declar'd a War for their Forces and Troops from the remote parts of Asia were not in a readiness nor on their March till which time the Emperor was to be amused with Treaties and the appearance of that great Body of Turks near Belgrade was with pretension only to restore Tekeli to the Possession of his Lands Houses and Estate of which he had been unjustly deprived by the Emperor and his Favourites The Emperor finding it now absolutely necessary to conclude an Accommodation with the Malecontents amongst whom new difficulties daily arose returned in Person from Newstadt to the Diet at Oedemburg where the Malecontents thought it reasonable that the Tribute which they had engaged to pay unto the Turks should be charged and levied on the Estates of those who had been the causes of the Troubles and Confusions in that Kingdom This motion had so little ground and was so unlikely to succeed that it put all things backwards and induced the Emperor to limit the Session of the Diet to the 16th of August hoping within that time to agree on all Points with such who continued constant in their Loyalty and Allegiance to him and for particular Aggrievances they were to be composed by a Select Committee appointed for that purpose But all this while most of the Protestants refused to come to the Diet by reason that the Points about Religion were post-poned by the endeavours of the Archbishop of Strigonium which they in the first place and before all other Matters desir'd to have decided This Point being laid aside the Diet fell to debate on the Proposition sent by Tekeli relating to a Tribute demanded by the Turks and as an expedient and by way of Equivalent for that it was proposed to resign into the Hands of the Turks three Counties viz. Kalo Zatmar and Liptpow to which the Turks seemed with some reason to claim a Title in regard that no longer than since the year 1660 they had been disjoyn'd from the Principality of Transilvania But an end was soon put to this Controversie for both the Hungarians themselves were unwilling to have a Peace purchased from the Turk at the price of their Country by dismembring three Counties from that Kingdom at the mentioning only of which the People were so enraged that fearing lest the Emperor should privately conclude some Article with the Turk in reference thereunto they would not be satisfied until he had permitted them to joyn one of their Confidents with Caprara the Emperor 's Resident at Constantinople who might be privy to all the Treaties and Negotiations with the Turk nor would the Turks accept thereof in satisfaction for renewing the Truce but raised new and greater Demands as they found the Emperor inclinable to yield and condescend The Turks raise their Demands For now the Grand Vizier required to have Leopolstadt demolish'd on pretence that it had been Built and Fortified contrary to the Articles of the late Treaty And declar'd likewise the Grand Seignior's resolution to give aid and assistance to the Malecontents until such time as he had put them into a capacity of paying the Annual Tribute for which they were engaged New difficulties were every day started at the Diet so that the Emperor was desirous to dissolve it so soon as was possible but yet he thought not fit to do it abruptly or to break it up in discontent but that something might be done in matters of Religion The Emperor Grants several matters on which the Protestants most insisted In order unto which it was agreed to grant them a hundred Churches with Money to build others in places most convenient That all Cities and Towns should enjoy a free exercise of their Religion And that all Hungarian Soldiers in the Frontier Garrisons should do the like That all Churches which since the year 1670 had been in the Possession of either Party should so remain That Lutherans and Calvinists might build Churches in any Town or City where they were wanting and Lords and Gentlemen might build Chappels or Oratories in any of their Houses or Castles That in case any Points of Difference should arise relating to Religion or the Matters preceeding they were not to be decided by the Sword but by the Sentence of the King of Hungary And that all People of what Perswasion soever might live amicably no Person was to Revile the other on account of his or their Religion or to utter injurious or unhansome Terms thereof These particulars with some additional Regulations being at last agreed in the Diet and sign'd by the Emperor The next great work was in what manner the Malecontents might be restor'd to their Estates and to their Goods which had been confiscated And how the German Troops Aggrievances considered and stranger Soldiers might with safety and ease be removed out of their Garrisons and all parts of Hungary which next to the business of Religion was the greatest concernment of the Diet. The next Aggrievance was the Chamber of the Kingdom which Office contrary to the will and approbation of the Deputies of the States was executed by the Bishop of Newstadt whom they consider'd as the Chief Author and Fomenter of all the Troubles of that Kingdom But herein the Emperor was not willing as yet to gratify the Diet. Nor could the Deputies agree amongst themselves of the manner how to make those things practicable which they in the most erarnest manner desir'd And such were the Divisions amongst them that what the Seculars agreed upon in the Morning was disturbed and undone by the Clergy in the Afternoon which the Emperor well considering and how Men of such different interests perplex all Councils was pleased to dismiss the Archbishop of Strigonium and the Bishop of Newstadt as also the Count Capliers a great stickler for the Rights of the Church from their attendance on the Diet so that the Imperial Commissioners were reduced to three Persons namely the Prince of Swartzemburg the Count of Nostiz and Oker the Chancellour And farther The Emperor satisfies the Malecontents to satisfy the Malecontents in their pretensions the Bishop of Newstadt was put by his Office of Vice-President of the Chamber of Hungary and the same was conferr'd on Count Erdedi a Person much more acceptable to the People This gracious Clemency and Compliance of the Emperor was so satisfactory to the Protestants that they wholly submitted that point about the confiscated Goods to the favour and benign inclinations of his Imperial Majesty who not to abuse that confidence which his Subjects reposed in him did freely and of his own accord give order that the Goods and Estates of the Counts Serini Nadasti and Frangipani with those of several other Lords that had been confiscated for High Treason
Disturbances and compose the Disorders of that Kingdom And indeed he so well behaved himself together with the Sovereign Council over which he presided that Justice took its course the Poor were relieved from the Oppression of their unmerciful Lords and a stop given to the proceedings of those wickednesses The good Government of the Vice-King which in the Licentious times of War had passed without punishment All orders of Men began now to yield due obedience to their Superiours Innocence was protected and Offences punished the Soldiers lived under the good Discipline of their Officers and the Citizens in good Correspondence with the Soldiers Many wholsome Laws were made for the benefit of the People and for their Security from the violence of the Army especially in their Marches And above all the Vice-King endeavoured to reconcile the affections of the Malecontents by his gentleness and moderation towards them The Clergy disturb the quiet of the Country But what the Civil Magistrates acted in order to a composure and setlement was disturbed and over-thrown by the Ecclesiastical Courts whose business being to extirpate Heresie as they called it thy proceeded by methods agreeable thereunto which were to take away their Churches Seize and Imprison their Pastors and Teachers and prosecute the People with the severity of their Courts The which Persecutions so exasperated the Spirits of the Protestants against the Emperor and his Government that the Fire of War which had for some time been cover'd with Embers was ready to break out into a more violent Flame than before A War breaks out For now the Protestants were encouraged by an Alliance they had made with the Transilvanians and by the Protection which the Turk had promised to give them within his Dominions notwithstanding the assurances formerly made to the Emperor by the Vizier to the contrary The Transilvanians pretended a quarrel for recovery of the Counties of Zatmar and Zambolich belonging to their Principality which the Prince Ragotski had without right yielded to the Emperor The Turks declared themselves offended by the daily Hostilities committed by the Imperialists who pursuing the Malecontents within their Dominions did not abstain from those Violences which are usually practised in an Enemies Country and by such Actions as these both Nations were ready to break forth into an open Rupture With these hopes and encouragements the Malecontents betook themselves again to their Arms under the Command of Erdedi Petrozzi Succhai Kende Zepeti and several other Lords and Persons of power and interest in their Country The time appear'd favourable and advantageous to their enterprise for the Walls of most of the Towns were then beaten down and the old Works slighted with design to Rebuild and make them stronger according to the new way and manner of Fortifications The time chosen for the War Provisions were also wanting in most of the Garrisons and the German as well as the Hungarian Troops were in Mutiny for want of pay And this was the time which the Malecontents chose to put themselves in Arms and renew the War At the beginning whereof being 12000 strong they gain'd the Passage of Teyllas Colonel Soyer defeated and advanced as far as Cassovia which they blocked up and Defeated five Troops of Dragoons under the Command of Lieutenant Colonel de Soyer and by the advantage of a dark and a rainy Night cut them to pieces the Lieutenant Colonel only with some few of his Soldiers making an escape into Cassovia After this Success they proceeded to Esperies and took it without much loss by the Cowardice of the Officer which Commanded it and in divers other Skirmishes worsted the Imperialists The Emperor having received advices of this new Insurrection The Imperialists revenge themselves immediately dis-speed-General Kops with an Army of 10.000 Men into Hungary to which were 4 or 5000 Men more joyned under the Command of Count Esterhasi and Valentine Balassi composed almost all of Horse and of Men true and loyal to the Emperor's interest Such an Army as this could not remain long without Action both Parties desiring to come to an Engagement which soon afterwards happened at the Passage of Branitza where Colonel Smith and Count Palfi who led the Van-guard charged the Malecontents who defended some narrow Passes with so much valour that they killed a 1000 of them on the place besides many others who were wounded and taken Prisoners with the loss only of 15 or 16 Soldiers After this Defeat the Malecontents marched by the way of Serentz about two Leagues distant from Tokai and invested Zatmar but a Sally being made out of the Town by Lieutenant Colonel Staremberg who Commanded there in Chief they were forced to raise their Siege with the loss of several Colours and many Prisoners Likewise General Kops and Spankau pursued them so closely at the Heels that with great loss and difficulty they were enforced to pass the Theyss Divers places at the same time surrender'd as the Castle of Meges and the Town of Nagibania the which places were dismantled and their Walls thrown down And as the Imperialists were towards the end of the year returning to their Winter quarters they met a party of 500 Horse belonging to the Malecontented party of which they killed 300 on the place and took divers Prisoners one of which was the Son of Succhai one of the Chief Leaders of the Rebel party Thus whil'st it went ill in all places with the Malecontents the Popish Clergy took courage to assert their right to divers Churches and Chapels The Roman Clergy seize on the Protestant Churches which they pretended to belong unto them and to those of their Religion and by force of Arms took possession of them which they held until such time as that the Protestant party became strong enough to eject them and executed this design without much opposition in all the Counties of Nitria Trenschin Turoz Stranian Lippovia and in several Towns and Villages of the Mountains where they set up and exercised the Popish Religion with all the Rites and Ceremonies to the great Scandal and Displeasure of the Hungarians Particularly in the Month of June at a Town called Senetz the Curate of the Parish was zealous to celebrate in a publick and solemn manner the Festival of Corpus Christi A Bloody Outrage committed and to carry the Sacrament in Procession Which Feast happening to be on a day when a Fair was held at that Town which brought a great concourse of People thither the Priest fearing some affront from the Multitude desired the Governour of Branitz to afford him a Serjeant and 12 Soldiers to accompany the Sacrament and defend it from the violence and prophaneness of the Hereticks Which being granted as the Priest was carrying the Sacrament in Procession he was assaulted by the People and killed by them together with the 12 Soldiers which were sent for his Guard So soon as Count Staremberg had news of this
said Inhabitants shall any wise be disturbed for the future in the free Exercise of their Religion on the severe punishment that is expresly set down in the 26th Article of the Diet of Sopron Notwithstanding which when the said Protestants of Cassovia and Epperies would have freely us'd and enjoy'd their Right Establish'd by His Majesty's Warrant and continu'd their way of Worship as also the Instruction of their Youth within the said Cities and their Walls as places provided by the above-mention'd Articles and formerly us'd and allow'd they were not only not admitted but severely prohibited and hindred by the Magistrates and Clergy of these Cities nay sent away and Banish'd till this time to the fore-specified places in no wise convenient for them as if they were Strangers and wholly incapable of the Common Liberties of the Kingdom Wherefore in this Point also Relying on the Gracious Resolution of His most Sacred Majesty and the Articles he has been pleased to make with us We do most Humbly implore a lawful Restitution and firm Establishment of the free exercise of our Religion in its former State according to the said Article 1st Anno 1608 viz. within the Walls of the said Cities We also submissively beg that till we have a convenient opportunity of Building and Erecting new Churches Schools and Parishes which by reason of our great Poverty and the vast Taxes and Contributions to the present War we are not able now to perform it be graciously granted to us that we may anew freely enjoy the said exercise of Religion in certain private and convenient places and have Schools for the Instruction of Youth Thirdly Though the indifferent and common life of Bells and Burials was every where permitted as well to the Protestants as Catholicks by these express words of the 26th Article of the Diet of Sopron The free use of Bells and Burials is left to the Catholicks of those places as well as to those of the Helvetian Confession and of that of Ausbourg Which nevertheless the Catholick Magistracy and Clergy of Cassovia and Epperies have fully deny'd and do still deny the said free use of Bells and Burials to the Protestant Inhabitants of the said Cities forbidding them with most severe Threats to perform the usual Ceremonies of Burials within the Walls of the said Cities notwithstanding the gracious resolution of His most Sacred Majesty made to the illustrious States of the Kingdom in the Diet of Sopron December the 10th Anno 1681. So that we earnestly desire the common use of Bells and Burials for the Protestants as well within as without the City Walls free from any molestation or disturbance conformable to the Pious Grant of His most Sacred Majesty Fourthly It is evident also that by Vertue of the general Clause inserted in the end of the so often mention'd 26th Article in these words Provided always That the Laws of the Kingdom confirm'd by the Royal Charter be not hereby prejudiced The standing Laws of the Kingdom concerning the Ecclesiastical Revenues of those of the Helvetian Confession and of that of Ausbourg were left in force and consequently any Arbitrary proceedings forbidden especially such as against the instinct of Nature tend to the enriching of some Persons to the Damage and Wrong of others Nevertheless the Roman Catholick Magistrate and the Clergy of Cassovia and Epperies by their own Authority and by Force have taken and appropriated to themselves all the pious Legacies and Gifts left by Will through the pious zeal of the Protestants for the use of Protestant Churches and Schools viz. in Cassovia four Houses standing within the Wall of the said City one of which the Magistrate has sold and alienated to the illustrious Michael Domeczki a Garden and certain Plow Lands lying in the Territory of the same City as also a Vineyard formerly called Varghaszóló lying in the Territory of Tokai And in Epperies certain Vineyards likewise lying in several Territories of Upper Hungary together with their Revenues actually retaining the same for their own use and for the most part turning them into prophane uses against the 11th and 14th Articles of the year 1647 to the great injury and damage of the Protestants Wherefore in this Case also the Protestants appealing to the aforesaid Laws and Constitution of the Kingdom do lawfully require that all the pious Legacies and Church Lands violently taken away and retain'd from them who are the right Owners be restor'd together with their Revenues according to that Rule of Common Justice Render to every one his own Fifthly It is certain likewise that for the paying of the Protestant Ministers and of the Catholick Curates it was evidently enough provided not only by the often mentioned 26th Article in these words Nevertheless the Catholicks shall not be obliged to pay any thing to the Ministers of the Protestants nor the Protestants to the Curates of the Catholicks But also by the 11th Article of the year 1647 in these words Let no Protestant be obliged to pay any thing to the Catholick Curates nor the Catholick to the Protestant Ministers Nay in the following 12th Article of the said year 1647 are contained these words Concerning any use whatever of the Ministerial Functions but where the Protestants have no Parishes let them pay the Ministers that they employ as the Catholicks are to pay their Catholick Curates and where hitherto the Protestants did pay nothing to the Catholick Curates they shall not be obliged hereafter to pay any under any pretence whatsoever nor the Catholicks to the Protestant Minsters Which words together with these of the same 12th Article concerning the Revenues of Schools but in any place whatsoever the Catholick Curates and the Protestant Ministers shall receive the Revenues of Schools from their respective Followers only Establish this positive Law and Constitution that the Protestants pay the Protestants and the Catholicks the Catholicks Notwithstanding this the Protestants are forced maugre themselves to pay the Catholick Curates whilst not only a Weekly allowance together with other perquisites is constantly paid to the Catholick Curates by the Magistrate out of the publick Purse wherein the Protestants put most being three for one Catholick but also the Revenues of Schools are adjudged and paid to the same Catholick Curates and with the greatest injustice deny'd to the Protestant Ministers and School-Masters Therefore they demand with all Submission and Justice that the Protestant Ministers and School-masters be allow'd out of the publick Purse a Salary equal with that of the Catholick Curates or that neither of the Parties be paid out of that Fond but each by their respective Followers according to the intention of the before mention'd Articles Sixthly Every body knows that by Vertue of the 25th Article not only a free return and stay in the Kingdom is granted to the Banisht Ministers and School-masters but also a free exercise of their Religion and Profession and by Vertue of the following 26th Article it is Order'd That amongst
the imperial and free Cities of Upper Hungary Cassovia and Epperies shall be appointed and establish'd places for the publick and free exercise of the Protestant Religion and that hereafter no Subject shall be disturb'd in the free exercise of his Religion under the pain expressed in the 8th Article of the 6th Decree of Uladislaus Nevertheless the Magistrate of Epperies on the very Festival Day of St. Bartholomew the Apostle in the Year 1688 last past dar'd deprive the Protestant Church of Epperies establish'd by the Articles of their Ministers and with great dishonour expel all the Protestant Ministers of the three Nations out of the said City and its Territory without letting them know any cause of so injust an usage or shewing them any Warrant of His most Sacred Majesty for it protending only an unheard of Title of Lord of the Manor which cannot be admitted among Civilians since they enjoy equaly with the Magistrate the common civil Liberty nor amongst Clergy Men who enjoy a special Liberty nor can it in any wise be taken by Magistrate whose Office is but for a year to the great diminishing of His most Sacred Majesty's Authority and the Contempt of the before mentioned Articles Wherefore they humbly beg that the innocent and unjustly Banish'd Protestant Ministers of Epperies be restor'd and may perform as before their Ecclesiastical Duties and that both the Protestant Ministers of Cassovia and those of Epperies employ'd either in Preaching or in Teaching Schools present or to come being always presented by the right Patrons may live quietly and safely in their own or hir'd dwelling places which they have or shall have within the Walls of the said Cities Seventhly No body that knows the Law will deny but in the beginning of the aforesaid 41st Article of the Diet of Sopron where the Common Liberties and Privileges of the imperial and free Cities are confirm'd and besides the there mention'd Laws and Articles of the Kingdom made in several places are renewed it is expresly ordain'd That the same Laws and Articles be strictly observed both by the Chambers and the Officers of the Army and by any other person whatsoever so that they viz. the same imperial and free Cities be no way disturbed by any one in their free right to chuse a Civil Magistrate nor in any other Privilege Nevertheless the modern Magistrate of the said Cities against the Prohibition contain'd in the 83th Article of the Illustrious Chamber of Scepusium in the year 1647 out of meer private hatred against our Religion was pleased to take upon him such a Power as to degrade and turn out of their publick Dignities and Civil Employments all the Senators of Cassovia and Epperies and several other Protestant Officers well deserving and qualified for publick Offices and Civil Dignities against the evident Constitution of the aforesaid Article and of those that are cited in it but especially of the 13th before the Coronation in the year 1608 of the 44th in the year 1609 and of the 12th in the year 1649 to the most evident prejudice of the Common Liberties and Civil Privileges and to the considerable oppression of the Protestant Citizens and in the room of the said Senators and Protestant Officers the said Magistrate has put Catholick Citizens either less fit or wholly unacquainted with the Affairs of the said Cities and more minding their private concerns to the damnifying and even undoing of the said Cities Wherefore we require with the deepest Humility First That the free right of chusing the Civil Magistrate and other Officers which hitherto has been so disturbed and wholly taken away from the Protestants against the positive Laws of the Kingdom made in the Illustrious Chamber of Scepusium belonging properly and only to the Sworn Citizens of the same Cities and as well to the Protestants as to the Catholicks be restor'd and maintain'd in its former State and in no wise any more disturbed by any one under the pain mention'd in the renewed and aforesaid Articles Secondly That in order to maintain a civil mutual Union and put out any Fewel of Division and Hatred a free Election be made of the same Magistrate and other Officers out of the well deserving and well qualified Sworn Citizens without any difference of the Catholick and Protestant Religion and that the Employments and any Civil Dignities whatsoever be indifferently and equally conferr'd and bestowed so that the Catholicks and Protestants promote mutually one another to publick civil Honours according to the intention of the aforesaid 13th Article of the year 1608 before the Coronation and of the 44th of the year 1609. Thirdly That in order to observe a just equality of Turns and procure the publick good of the Cities it be graciously granted that the Offices of Judge and Tribune be by Turns and promiscuously exercised for a year according to the intention of the aforesaid Articles and of the 12th in the year 1649. All the Protestant Citizens and Inhabitants of the three Nations of the Free and Imperial Cities Cassovia and Epperies The Grievance of the Protestants of the Free and Imperial City of Carpona IT is not without a great deal of Grief that all the Noblemen and Gentlemen all the Auxiliary Forces and hired Soldiers of both sorts and all the Protestant Inhabitants and Citizens of Carpona think it their Duty to Represent to Your most Sacred Majesty that altho' according to Your most Sacred Majesty's Resolution inserted in the 26th Article of the Diet of Sopron Anno 1681. Among the places of the Kingdom which were to be appointed for the Building of new Churches and Schools and Erecting Parishes for the conveniency of those of the Helvetian Confession and of that of Ausbourg the same City of Carpona is particularly named and established to be one of the places where the free exercise of Religion should entirely and quietly be enjoyed as it may be seen in these words In the Division before the Mountains at Leva Carpona and Tulekin Nevertheless Your Majesty's High Commissioners appointed in the year 1688 last past in the Mountain Cities being come to that of Carpona whereas according to the intention of the aforesaid Article and of Your Majesty's Gracious Resolution and Declaration contain'd in it instead of the convenient Churches and Schools and Parishes which were from the Protestants of the Confession of Ausbourg they should have appointed other convenient and fit places and left the Protestants in the quiet Possession of them according to the intention of the 19th Article in the year 1647 did on the contrary turn the Protestant Ministers and School-masters out of their Offices and with severe Threats forbid both all the Protestant Noblemen and Gentlemen all the Soldiers of the Garison as well as all the Inhabitants and Citizens to continue the Exercise of Religion which had been enjoy'd in the same place from time out of Memory and was confirm'd by the Articles as we have already said till Your Majesty's further
and every where in the Kingdom not excepting the free Cities Towns and Villages which make the fourth State since they are expresly comprehended in the aforesaid Article made before the Coronation in the Year 1608. II. A free Return in the Kingdom and a free exercise of Religion is granted also to all the Ministers and School-masters that are either Banish'd or Kept out of their Employments by reason of certain Deeds of Reversion the same Deeds being hereby made void and of no effect From thence it follows evidently that the Ministers and Schoolmasters are to be restor'd from their Exile to their respective Professions and may live freely in any City Town or Village of the Kingdom performing the Duties of their Religion and Profession and that no more Deeds of Reversion can be requir'd from them since such Deeds are condemned in the Article III. And no Hungarian Subject shall be disturbed any way hereafter in the free Exercise of his Religion These words no Hungarian Subject exclude undoubtedly any Exception the meaning plainly is that no Ecclesiastical or Civil Person no Nobleman no Citizen nor Peasant ought to be disturbed in the free exercise of Religion and no Body will deny but that an exercise of Religion can in no sense be term'd free unless there be Ministers that officiate in it IV. None of the Helvetian Confession and of that of Ausburg shall be compelled to any ceremony contrary to his Religion The generality of these words confirms the foregoing i. e. that no Nobleman nor Gentleman no Citizen nor Peasant ought to be compelled Proceedings of the King's Commissioners contrary in every particular to the Articles of Sopron AGainst the opposite first Article The King 's high Commissioners or other private Persons employ'd by them have forbidden such a free exercise of Religion as could consist in the Service of God through Preaching Singing Praying Administring the Sacraments blessing Marriages making Burials and using other wonted Ceremonies which were perform'd by Ecclesiastical Ministers in many free Royal Cities and Mountain Towns namely in St. George Bazinium Tyrnaw Zakoliza Schemnizium Veterozolium Carpen Libeten Breznow Bakaw Bela Vibania Kusseghin and Rust whereby it appears That in those places the said Commissioners have supprest the whole exercise of Religion against the opposite Article for where there is no Liberty for the above mention'd Acts of Religion there can be no exercise of Religion at all They have likewise depriv'd the Inhabitants of all the Towns and Villages in the Counties of the free exercise of their Religion by Virtue of that Clause inserted for the destroying of our Religion and of the Gospel too provided that the Privileges of the Lords of Manors be not hereby prejudiced against the Confirmation of the Article made in the Year 1608. Against the II. The said Commissioners have Licensed but two Ministers in each County and but one or two in some Free Cities all over the Kingdom Banishing all the rest out of the Counties some within a Fortnight and others within Three days as in the Counties of Lypeze of Orowa of Owar of Sachsag of Zolnock and in others or requiring strict Deeds of Reversion from the same if they would continue in the said Counties They have also appointed that there should be no petty Schools but such where Children could learn only to Read and to Write But what kind of Liberty it is that hath been granted to our Ministers to profess their Religion appears 1st By the Recorded Banishment of a great many of them out of the Counties 2ly By the Case of the Ministers in Eperies that have been turn'd out by a Roman Catholick Magistrate under pretence that it was Your Majesty's Pleasure and Command altho' that Town be particularly named in the Articles 3ly By the violence that the Official has done to the Ministers and School-masters that liv'd but miserably in the Dominion of Tokai in Upper Hungary intimating to them under pain of Death and the Forfeiture of all their Goods to go out of the said County or by most strict Deeds of Reversion to renounce for ever under the same penalty to perform any Ecclesiastical Duty in the said County 4ly By the Confinement of several Ministers who are kept Prisoners in the Fort of Ledniche by Order of his Eminence the Cardinal of Kolocza and can obtain their Liberty on no other Condition but that of subscribing pernicious Deeds of Reversion Against the III. Here our Sighs interrupt our Complaints nor can we find words to express how variously and miserably our Ministers and we have been and are still disturbed every where either by the said Commissioners or by other private Persons As for instance in short not to repeat the abovemention'd Counties and many Towns of the County of Semlyn in the aforesaid Dominion of Tokai and their Ministers the above-mention'd City of Epperies in Upper Hungary and in the Lower all the Cities besides Presburg Sopron Modra Cremnicz and Neozolium with their Evangelical Ministers As also the Minister of Hodossia in the Isle of Shut who had all the means of Life Clothes Books and Furniture taken from him by the Secretary of the Archbishop of Gran and by the Soldiers which he brought along with him which is the Fate of a great many others that lead a most miserable Life in perpetual Changes owing their Liberty to a Special Providence of God or having obtain'd it after they had paid great Fines or made pernicious Deeds of Reversion Against the IV. The said Commissioners have Order'd that the Evangelicks should be made to bring their Processional Trophies and to Walk in Processions that the Evangelick Peasant should every where be forc'd to frequent Catholick Churches and that in all the Free Cities where there is no publick exercise of our Religion the Evangelick should be obliged to Ministerial Offices contrary to their way Against the V. The said Commissioners having no regard to the Assignation appointed in the opposite Article have seiz'd upon all the Churches and Chappels in the Counties of Lypcze of Arva of Turocz of Zolnock and of Sachsag although the Churches of Pribocz Bella and Zathuriza in the County of Turocz have been Built by the Evangelick who were never reconciled to the Catholick Church there are likewise Chappels in Kiratilehota Potornia Vicbicz c. in the County of Lypcze that were Built by the Evangelicks and the Lords of those Manors nevertheless they are severely forbidden to make any use of them either Ecclesiastical or Civil being sent to two very remote inconvenient and dangerous places where they have only liberty to Build such Churches as cannot contain the Congregation by several Thousands The XXVI ARTICLE V. MOreover the Churches that have been Built by those of the Helvetian Confession and of that of Ausbourg and whose Members are not yet reconciled to the Catholick Church shall be assign'd to them by certain Commissioners Hereupon we require that those Chappels and Churches be deliver'd and
assign'd to us whose Members are not yet reconciled to the Catholick Church of which sort many would be found in the Counties of Lypcze of Owar c. VI. It is order'd also according to his Majesty's Gracious Resolution that in other places the same Commissioners assign places to build Churches and Schools and erect Parishes for the conveniency of those of the Helvetian Confession and of that of Ausbourg Hereupon we require that instead of the inconvenient and undec●nt places which are assigned out of Cassovia and Esperies in Upper Hungary others be appointed within the Walls as also in all the Free and Royal Cities where there is convenient and large espaces since thus much is signifi'd by the words which will be set down lower Fig. 9. VII But in other Counties as in those of Salawar of Vesprim of Saraz of Moramoruss of Abavivar of Sellia of Semlyn of Ugoza of Bodrogh of Tornaw of Komorra of Barzod of Sachsag of Novigrad of Zolnock of Hewecz of Pesth Pelicz and Soldth united of Unghwar of Chege and of Zatmar since the Evangelicks are actually in possession of almost all the Churches there the same Churches are left for the use of the actual possessors of them Hereupon we require that the Evangelicks may recover and undisturbedly possess all the Churches which were possessed by them in the aforesaid Counties when the Article was made and which for the most part are now taken from them against the said Article VIII The same is granted in the Frontier Towns of the Kingdom viz. to those of Zentgrod in the division near Canisa of Tyhany Vasony Papa Vesprim Raab and Comorra in the division of Raab of Leva Carpen and Tuletin in the division before the Mountains and of Putnock Onod Zendro Tokai Calo and Zatmar in the division of Upper Hungary By vertue of this Grant the Evangelicks that live in Maromaruss Carpen Tokai and in any other abovemention'd Frontier Town ought to enjoy the same free exercise of Religion and use the same Churches as they did in those Towns when the Article was made IX Furthermore in all the free and Mountain Towns as in Trenschinmodra Cremnicz Novizolium and in all the Cities of Upper Hungary places shall be assign'd likewise for Churches Schools and Parishes What more direct and clear can be concluded from these words but that in the free Cities such as are Cassovia Epperies Leuschovia Bartpha Cibinium Kesmurkim Nagybania Presburg Tyrnaw Zakoliza Bazinium Modra St. George Kussegh Rust and in the Mountain Towns such as are Novizolium Veterozolium Carpen Schemninizium Cremniczium Libeten Breznow Baka Bela Vibania c. for the modifying of which two of each sort viz. of the free Cities and of the Mountain Towns are brought as instances with a certain distinction or specification used before convenient places for Churches Parishes and Schools must be assigned not out of the Walls which were to restrain the Article but in the very middle of the Cities and Towns according to the genuine and literal meaning of the words of the aforesaid Article X. Finally the Churches which are actually possessed by those of the Helvetian Confession and of that of Ausburg shall be still for their use as before together with the Parishes and Schools and their Revenues that they may live in peace and quiet but the same free use of Bells and Burials is left to the Catholicks in those parts as to them This confirms evidently the above written seventh Point and signifieth that the Churches which the Evangelicks were actually possessed of should remain for their use together with the Revenues Parishes and Schools the Bells and Burials remaining common for the use of both Parties XI Nevertheless the Catholicks shall not be obliged to pay any thing to the Ministers of the Evangelicks nor the Evangelicks to the Curates of the Catholicks according to the meaning of the 11th Article Ann. 1647. This cannot be clearer nor better Commented upon than by the confirmed 11th Article which runs thus The Evangelicks shall not be obliged to pay any thing to the Catholick Curates nor the Catholicks to the Evangelick Ministers And by the following 12th Article yet more plainly in these words But where the Evangelicks have no Parishes let them pay the Ministers that they employ as the Catholicks are to pay their Catholick Curates and where hitherto the Evangelicks did pay nothing to the Catholick Curates they shall not be obliged hereafter to pay under any pretence whatsoever Nor the Catholicks to the Evangelick Ministers Add to this the words of the aforesaid 12th Article in the year 1647 concerning the Revenues and Pensions of the Schools But in any place whatsoever the Catholick Curates and the Evangelick Ministers shall receive the Revenues of Schools and Pensions from their respective followers by which most evident constitution of the Articles the Evangelicks are freed and discharged from paying any thing to the Catholick Curates and to this positive Law we desire to adhere XII All the Peers and Noblemen that live in the Kingdom have Liberty to Build and Endow Oratories and Chappels according to their respective profession of Religion in their usual places of Residence Hereupon we require that Noblemen may have Oratories and Chappels according to their respective professions of Religion in their usual dwelling places as the same was practised in many Counties after the taking of our Churches XIII Hereafter no Churches Schools and Parishes shall be seized nor Exercise hinder'd on either side under the pain expressed in the 8th Article of the 6th Decree of Uladislaus Against the VI. No Convenient places for Churches Parishes and Chappels have been assign'd in any free Royal Town of Upper Hungary but here the Commissioners there the Officials of the Chamber and elsewhere private Persons as in Cassovia and Epperies have appointed places for Churches Parishes and Schools which are at a great distance in the Fields out of Desert and Desolate Suburbs and which are for any Common use of the Three Nations which rendreth them so inconvenient and nasty that to dedicate Churches to the most Holy God in such places were a most detestable Crime for any sort of Christians Against the VII In many Counties as also in that of Sachsag which is one of the aforenam'd the Kings Commissioners have caused all the Churches to be taken from the Evangelicks and their Ministers to be turn'd out by the Vicount of that County the Officials have done the like in the Counties of Abavivivar of Semlyn of Ugoza and in all the Towns of the Dominion of Tokai as we have already mention'd and some private Persons have presum'd to seize upon the Church belonging to those of the Helvetian Confession and of that of Ausbourg in the Town of Gyongyos which Gyongyos maketh the most considerable part of the County of Hewecz to put out their Ministers and even forbid the Evangelicks to exercise any way their Religion in that place The like has been done in the Town
of Jaszbreny and the Frontiers of Legrad although the abovemention'd Counties be named in the Article whereby the Evangelicks are left in the Possession of all those Churches which they had in the said Counties when the Article was made Against the VIII In the Town of Maromaruss and in the places round about it private Men have forbidden the whole exercise of Religion charging with Beat of Drums all the Evangelicks to go and exercise their Religion out of that Frontier under pain of Imprisonment and other severe Punishments After the same manner the King's Commissioners in Carpen and the Deputies in Tokai have forbidden the exercise of Religion and seiz'd upon the Churches although both these places be particularly named in the Articles Against the IX The said Commissioners or their Deputies have appointed places for Churches Schools and Parishes out of Trenschin Modra Cremnicz and Novizolium and none at all in the rest of the Towns of Lower Hungary now why should the Case of some be worse than that of others since all have the same Priviledge of Liberty in Upper Hungary They have likewise appointed some places for Churches Schools and Parishes not in but out of the Cities against the true meaning of the opposite part of the Article which most evidently declareth that those places must be appointed within and not without the Walls of the Cities or else they could not be such as are appointed Fig. 6. i. e. convenient and fit to be consecrated for the publiek service of God Against the X. In many Counties and particularly in that of Sachsag and the Town of Gyongyos the King's Commissioners have taken such Churches together with their Appendages as were possessed by the Evangelicks when the Article was made which we have hinted in the foregoing fifth Grievance Moreover in the aforesaid Town of Gyongyos mny private Persons have taken all the Ecclesiastical Revenues and Pious Legacies from the Evangelicks forbidding them withal to Bury their Dead in the usual places which has made many keep Corps in Cellars a long time rather than Bury them in Carfax and Cross-ways as they were appointed The Commissioners have also deprived the Evangelicks of the use of the Bells almost every where the Officials have done the like in the County of Semlin and particularly in these Towns of the aforesaid Dominion of Tokai Thalia Mod Zantho Kerethur Tarezal Liszka Benny Tolezva Patak Veyelly Borzi and Tokai seizing upon all the Churches Schools and Parishes which at the time of and after the Treaty were possessed by the Evangelicks and left to the same by the said Article together with the Revenues that have been given to them by the Evangelicks forbidding with most severe threatnings the free exercise of our Religion even in private Houses and hindering the Evangelicks from the common use of Burials and Bells though made at their own care and charge Likewise the Magistrates and Clergy Men of the Town of Cassovia and Epperies have taken by force all the pious Legacies left to our Churches and forbidden absolutely the common use of Bells and Burials Threatning with the most severe Punishments those that would make publick Burials within the Walls with the usual Singing and decent Ceremonies Against the XI Every where in the Counties the Commissioners have adjudged all the Payments to the Catholick Curates and Ordered in the Cities that they should be paid out of the common Purse wherein the Chatholicks could contribute but little they being but few in number in comparison of the Evangelicks thus they have forced us maugre our selves to be at extraordinary Charges out of our own States for the maintaining of our Ministers and School-masters not only against the right intention of the aforesaid Articles but also against the plain Sense of the Holy Scripture which allows a Salary for such as Labour and even nothing to Eat for such as Labour not After the like manner the Official of the abovementioned Dominion of Tokai in Upper Hungary do all their endeavours to make both Noble and Ignoble Evangelicks pay without distinction the Chatholick Curates Against the XII In many Counties viz. in that of Lypcz of Turocz of Zolnock of Arva c. the said Commissioners have suppressed and forbidden under pain of Military Execution the exercise of Religion which is granted to Noblemen in their places of Residence and which they had enjoy'd long since the Churches were seized accordingly in the County of Lypcze the Clergy Men have caused some such Noblemen's Houses to be assaulted and plunder'd by the Garrison of Likavia and in the County of Trenschin the Noble Family of Nosdrovisky which did keep a Minister for the Exercise of Religion in its place of Residence has been much damnified also by the Soldiers of Mersia's Regiment and the Ministers put into the Prison of the Fort of Ledniche where he is kept to this day likewise the Noblemen of Hodossia of the places round about in the Isle of Shut have been deprived of the free exercise of Religion in their places of Residence and the Ministers that lived there then have been Plunder'd of all their Goods which Injustice the Evangelick Noblemen of Lower Hungary do also complain of Would to God that this Conclusion were observed and the Punishment hinted in the Article inflicted upon the Opposers thereof then we might promise our selves to enjoy quietly and undisturbedly the free exercise of our Religion and then the fewel of Divisions would be extinguished and taken away for fear of being Punish'd which that it may be done is our Hearty Prayer and Desire Now having lay'd before Your Sacred Majesty the Articles of Sopron and the Abuses committed in the executing of them it is as clear as the Sun that we require nothing but what is granted in them We humbly beseech Your most Sacr'd Majesty through Christ's Precious Death and Glorious Resurrection that having known and laid up in Your Royal Heart our lawful Requests Your Sacred Majesty suffer no longer the same to be hinder'd by any Person whatsoever but rather since after so long time they have been Reported before Your most Sacred Majesty and before Your Privy Council together with some Treatises of the appointed Commission Nay being inform'd that a certain Point of the said Treatises that doth not concern us has been examin'd by the Lords of the Privy Council it makes us fear lest something else be taken into consideration whereby an Answer to our Requests may be occasion'd and we yet longer detain'd here under the inconveniency of Doubt of Delay and of continuance of the vast Charges we have already been at according to Your most Sacred Majesty's Gracious Consent given to the most High Prince President of the Court and intimated to us by his Highness to dispatch first the Business of Religion that Your Sacred Majesty be graciously pleased to appoint and commit our Requests which so narrowly concern the Salvation of our Souls to be consider'd again and determin'd by
Successes of the Imperial Arms by which they flattered themselves so far as to believe that they should now be freed from the Tyranny and oppression of the Ottoman Yoak and that as a Testimony thereof they had readily consented to afford all the succour and subsistence they were able to the maintenance of the Christian Troops during the whole Winter season But as to assign them places for Quarters within the Principality of Transilvania they instantly desired to be acquitted in regard that such a Concession would greatly offend the Port and lay them open to the Incursions and to the Fire and Sword both of the Turks and Tartars To this Message the Duke of Loraine made Answer in obliging but yet in general Terms and in the mean time the Army still advanced without farther Treaty it being well known that neither the Turkish Troops nor those of the Country were in a capacity to Dispute their Passage so that on the 11th of October the Army arrived at Salone the first Town of Transilvania where after having without many questions or complements put a Garrison of about a Hundred Men into the place Offers made they marched forward towards Clausembourg But on their way thither the Duke of Loraine was met by three Deputies from the Prince and States who repeated the same Offers which had been related by Baron Huntschin touching the Ammunition and Provisions with which they would furnish the Troops to which they added also an offer of some Money but as to assigning places for Winter-quarters it was a matter impossible and of the most dangerous consequence to them in the World since that their Country lying open and without defence would thereby be exposed to all the Hostilities which the most barbarous and cruel Enemy in the World could execute The Duke of Loraine finding that the Commission of these Deputies extended no farther than what they had declared returned them back again with Count Scherffemberg and Baron Falkenhem who were orordered to let Prince Apafi know A Message from Loraine that since he had refused to assign him Winter-quarters on fair Terms he himself should be constrained to point them out unto his Troops and continue his March into the Bowels of his Country The States of the Principality perceiving the Duke of Loraine to be in earnest and resolved to obtain his Demands were contented to grant him Quarters for a certain number but that not suffising he continued his March towards Clausembourg or Claudiopolis the chief City of that Country and the place where the States of Transilvania did usually Assemble It is situate in a very fruitful Plain upon the little River of Samos it is encompassed with very thick Walls and the Houses are very well Built Claudiopolis it is defended by an ancient Fortress the Suburbs are so large and well peopled that it seems to be another Town the Inhabitants are both Hungarians and Saxons who live in so good unity and correspondence together that both are equally capable of Offices and Places of Trust in the Government The Duke of Loraine so soon as he appeared before the Place sent to the Governour to provide Quarters in the Town for some of his Troops but he excusing it and saying that he could not do it without Orders from Prince Apafi immediately Count Caprara was sent to let him know that his Answer was not satisfactory and that Orders were given to the Infantry to prepare all things necessary for making an Attack on the Town Whereupon the Governour considering better of the matter The Conditions with Claudiopolis enter'd into a Treaty with the Duke of Loraine who condescended to grant unto the Inhabitants these following Conditions That the Inhabitants should enjoy a free Exercise of their Religion That the Magistrates and Citizens should be maintained in their Liberties and Priviledges and not be forced to pay any extraordinary Contributions That every Officer or Magistrate of the City should be exempt from giving Quarters to any Soldier in his own House That what Forage and Subsistence should be necessary for the Soldiery should be furnished in Specie and no Money exacted in lieu of the same And that the Soldiers be forbidden under severe Penalties to commit any Disorders or Abuse the People That those Citizens who were unwilling to continue their Aboad in the City but were desirous to depart might have Liberty so to do and carry with them all their Goods and Moveables According to these Conditions the Garrison of Apafi marched out at one Gate whilst Three thousand of the Imperialists enter'd in at the other with Drums beating and Colours flying and the Command of the Town was given to Count Guy de Staremberg whith a strict Charge to punish most severely all Insolences of the Soldiers the which was carefully observed not only in that City but also in all parts of Transilvania since their entrance into it The Duke of Loraine having for one day refreshed the rest of his Army in places without the Town The Duke of Loraine at Alba Julia. marched towards Turtembourg which is another important Pass in that Country in which having left a Garrison he proceeded to Weissembourg otherwise called Alba Julia so named from the Empress Julia Mother of Marcus Aurelius and entred into it without any resistance The place is situate on the side of a Hill from whence a vast Plain discovers it self it is reported to have been the ultimate Limit of the Roman Conquests on that side Prince Ragotzki erected an University there which was very flourishing and famous considering the Country Hermanstadt alias Zeben followed the Example of the aforesaid places It is the Metropolis of the whole Province of Savons Zeben situate in a Plain full of Boggs and Marshes and no Hills near to command it the Walls are very thick and flanked with very great Bastions Bestrissa and all the other considerable Towns opened in like manner their Gates so that now the whole Army being conveniently Quartered And Bestrissa surrender the Duke of Loraine entred into a Treaty with Prince Apafi and the States of Transilvania and concluded on these following Articles Articles agreed I. That the Prince of Transilvania his Children and all persons of his Houshold as also all the Nobles and in General all the People of Transilvania may have liberty according to their Will and Pleasure to go out of Hermanstadt or any other City or Town and return again as shall be most agreeable and expedient to or for their Affairs II. That the Prince and Michael Apafi his Eldest Son who is declared Successor to his Father shall both retain the same Power and Dignity with which the Sultan had invested them and that the Principality should be governed by them and the Estates according to the known Laws and Customs of that Country III. That the Four Religions allowed in Transilvania that is to say the Roman Catholicks the Lutherans the Calvinists
as well those of Budziac Bialogrod and Dobrucz as those of Crim who the last Year had joyned with the Turks under Peter Waradin came on the 10th of this Month of February and Encamped themselves in the Plains of that Town which is called the Cracovian Leopolis with intention to fix his Camp there and from thence to send out his Parties to all Places where they could Burn and Spoil make Slaves and put all to Fire and Sword and so they Ravaged every where for the space of eight Days until at length all the Countries round being alarm'd hereat I raised all the Forces that I was able and brought them together from their respective Quarters which alas was a most inconsiderable Power against so Mighty an Enemy for all that we could gather and unite did not amount to more than 3000 fighting Men. The Day following about Eight of the Clock in the Morning the Sultan Tartar drew out his Men into form of Battle and I also having my Confidence in God drew out that Handful of Men which I had with me and made a Sally out of the City to cover the Suburbs The Enemy staid not long to look on us but seeing some Polish Companies to march boldly against them they Detached a Party of Tartars to meet and engage them and to force the Outworks which were only fortified with Hedges and a kind of Wall made up with Mats and Rushes well woven together This Command was executed with such Vigour that doubtless the Place had been carried at the first Attack had not the danger wherein they were of losing their Lives and Estates and all they had made them desperate and forced them to make all the resistance that they were able and in effect they fought like Lyons receiving the Enemy so bravely that in a short time all the Fields were covered with the Dead Bodies of the Slain The Tartars made Thirteen Attacks to try their Fortune and were as often repulsed by the Christians without any great loss on their side This Fight continued four Hours until at length the Enemy observing that all their Assaults prevailed little but were very Bloody and of great loss they resolved That at the same time when they engaged us in the Front with one Party they should break in upon the Hedge with another and whatever loss or Blood it should cost to carry it by main force as it immediately proved for the Enemy having by this means got between us and the City The Tartars beaten we remained without any hopes imaginable of relief howsoever with a Courage full of resolution to overcome or die like Brave Men turning our Faces upon them to whom we had but newly turned our Backs we did not only overcome them but cut a great Number of them in pieces and after another Engagement which lasted about two Hours more drove them out of the Suburbs of the City tho' in the time of this Fight the Tartars having set Fire thereunto the Wind and Smoak and Dust did so incommode our People that they were in a manner Blinded and knew not which course to take howsoever their Invincible Courage was such as that the Enemy was put to Flight This Fight continued until Three a Clock in the Afternoon by which time they had been so beaten that they were forced to withdraw before the Evening about a League and a half from the City The Tartars withdraw and the next Day proceeded on their March and the third Day passed the Neister on their way homewards The Number of the Slain on the Christian side did not exceed above 100 and about 160 Wounded what the Enemy lost is not to be known But such Matters as these at so far a distance and between Tartars and Poles did not much affect or trouble the Ottoman Court but such as were nearer hand as Naval Fights and the Taking and Recovering of the Island of Scio being near the Royal Cities made great noise both in Europe and Asia and raised the hopes of the People to great and high Expectations of the future Fortune of this New Sultan as if he had been born to be Restorer of the decaying Condition of the Ottoman Empire We have related already the ill Success which the Venetians had had in two several Fights at Sea against the Turks Scio regained by the Turks which being unusual and of many Years not known made it matter of Wonder to all the World For after the Turks had beaten the Venetian Fleet all things were put into great Consternation at Scio so that the Venetian Commanders most shamefully abandoned the Place stealing away in the Night without giving time for some of their Troops which were abroad to guard the Island to Embark with them which gave cause to some of their Officers who thereby became Slaves to the Turks to vent out Thousands of Imprecations and Curses upon them and indeed their Case was sad but Necessity had no Law for the Venetians had now been beaten twice at Sea by the Turks who had they followed their Blow might have utterly destroyed the Venetian Fleet but the Turks being contented with this unusual Success a thing not known to them for more than a hundred Years past were contented with the Flight of the Enemy and therewith a Cession to them of the whole Island and the Turks entered triumphant thereupon without any Opposition The first Act of the Turkish Clemency was to Hang up four Men of the Latine Rite who were of the Romish Church and of the Italian Race namely Signior Pietro Giustiniani di Antonio Signior Domenico Stella who were Deputies ordained to protect that Religion Signior Francesco Draco and Giovanni Castelli di Brecci Signior Sofiati who was Vice-Consul for the English Nation in that Island fled with his Family and was well received at Tino Domenico Castelli Son of Vincenzo Castelli escaped also with whom I was well acquainted together with forty of the chief Families of the Latine Rite leaving their Possessions and Moveables behind them Antonio Rendi happened to be then at Smyrna but his Family deferring their Departure his House was Plundered and all his Estate ruined like that of his Neighbours for tho' they fled to Smyrna for refuge by this Revolution the Greeks gained a clear Victory and Ascendant over the Latines For whereas formerly there were great Animosities between those two Rites the Latines by reason of their Riches having the Pope on their side were always esteemed the Superiors and by the great Collections made for them and Legacies bequeathed they gained much more of the Hearts and Favour of the Turks than the Poverty of the Greeks was able to purchase but now a fair Opportunity happening of gaining and Confiscating all that appertained to the Latines they seized on all that belonged to them treating the Greeks more favourably The Greeks in Scio favoured by the Turks because they believed them to be the less culpable having the