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A00796 A treatise of faith wherin is briefely, and planly [sic] shewed, a direct way, by which every man may resolue, and settle his minde, in all doubtes, questions, or controuersies, concerning matters of faith. Fisher, John, 1569-1641. 1605 (1605) STC 10915.5; ESTC S2122 65,176 166

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A TREATISE OF FAITH WHERIN IS BRIEFELY AND PLANLY SHEWED A DIRECT WAY BY WHICH EVERY man may resolue and settle his minde in all doubtes questions or controuersies concerning matters of Faith Isa. 30. Haec est via ambulate in ea This is the way walke in it A. D. Permissu Superiorum 1605. A TABLE OR BRIEFE Summary of the whole Treatise Cap. 1. THat faith is absolutely necessary to saluation Cap. 2. That this faith is but one Cap. 3. That this one faith must be infallible Cap. 4. That this one infallible faith must be entire Cap. 5. That Almighty God hath prouided some sufficient meanes whereby all sorts of mē may at all times learne this one infallible and entire faith Cap. 6. What conditions or properties are requisite in this rule or meanes prouided by almighty God Cap. 7. That Scripture alone cannot bee this rule or meanes Cap. 8. That no naturall witte of man or humane learning either by interpreting Scripture or otherwise can bee this rule of faith Cap. 9. That priuate spirit cannot be this rule Cap. 10. That the doctrine or teaching of the true Church of Christ is the rule or meanes wherby al men must learne the true faith Cap. 11. That this true Church of Christ of which wee must learne the true faith is alwaies to continue without interruption vntill the worldes end Cap. 12. That this same Church must alwaies be visible Cap. 13. How we should discerne or know which company of men is this true visible Church of which wee must learne true faith Cap. 14. That those Notes or markes which heretikes assigne To wit true doctrine of faith and right vse of Sacramēts be not sufficient Cap. 15. That these foure Vna Sancta Catholica Apostolica One Holy Catholique Apostolique be good markes whereby men may discerne which is the true Church Cap. 16. That these foure markes agree only to the Romane Church That is to say 〈◊〉 that company of men which agree●● in professiō of faith with the Church of Rome § 1. That the Romane Church onely● One § 2. That the Romane Church onely is Holy § 3. That the Romane Church is onely Catholique § 4. That the Romane Church is onelie Apostolique Cap. 17. The conclusion of the whole discourse Viz. That the Romane Church is the onely true Church of Christ of which all men must learne the one infallible entire faith which is necessary to saluation And that the Protestants Congregation cannot be this true Church THE PREFACE BEing moued by some friendes to conferre with one of indifferent good iudgement and of no ill disposition of nature though very earnest in that religiō which he did professe I was desirous to doe my best endeuours to let him plainly see that the Catholique Romaine faith was the onely right For which purpose I did chose to let passe disputes about particular pointes and in generall to shewe First that it is necessary to admitte an infallible authority in the true Catholique church by reason whereof euery one is to learne of it onely which is the true faith of Christ. Secondly that those onely which professe the Romaine faith are the true Catholique church The which hauinge proued I did consequently conclude that the faith beleife which the authoritie of the Romaine church doth commend vnto vs ought without doubt to be holden for the true faith Vpon which pointes when he had heard my discourse he desired me for his better remembrance to sette downe in writtinge what I had said The which I had first thought to haue done briefely and to haue imparted it onely to him but by some other friēdes it was wished that I should hādle the matter more at large they intēdinge as it seemed that it might not onely doe good to him but to others also that should haue need of it aswell as he Of which sorte of men standinge in this need as I could not consideringe their miserable case but take great pittie so I was easily moued especially at my friendes request to be willinge to doe my endeuour which might be for their reliefe succour and to take any course which might turne to their helpe and profit Now of all other courses which haue beene and might be vndertaken that which in my speach I did choose as most expedient for him with whome I did conferre seemed best also for me to prosequute in this my writinge for the benefit of him and others and this for foure reasons First because it is very briefe compendious and consequētly such as euery one might haue leisure and should not be much weary to reade it Secondly because it standinge onely vpon few but most certaine conclusions and groundes is free from many cauils of the captions which more ample discourses are subiect vnto Thirdly because the matter handled in it is not very high nor hard but common easy plaine and such as may be vnderstoode of any who hauing but a reasonable witte or vnderstanding will carefully reade it as the importance of the matter requireth with iudgment deliberation which is chiefe with praier to God and a resolute good will to follow that which he shall finde to be right Fourthly because these few plaine pointes which are here sett downe include all other and whosoeuer shall by the help of Gods grace and the force of these or other reasons yeeld assent to the pointes proued in this discourse must by cōsequence without farther disputing or difficultie yeeld to all particular pointes which the aforesaid church commēdeth for pointes of faith and wil be moued to settle himselfe in the stedfast belefe of all For if he once admitte that there 〈…〉 Church or company of mē on earth infallibly taught by the holy gost what is the true faith in all pointes and that this church is by Gods appointemēt to teach all men in al matters of faith which is the infallible trueth and further that this Church which is thus taught and must teach vs is no other but that visible company which professeth the Romaine faith then he shall not neede to straine his wittes in studying or to wast wordes in wrangling about particuler pointes of controuersies or to vse any such trouble some and vncertaine meanes to finde out the trueth but may easely and most certainely be instructed in all by onely enquiring and finding out which all sortes of men may easely doe what is generally holden by the Church for truth in all particuler pointes whereof they doubt Of which pointes also If they be desirous they may haue sufficient authoritie and reason yeelded by the learned of the same Church though they should not so desire reason to be yeelded that without reason be giuen they would not beleeue at all or as grounding their faith vppon the reason giuen sith Christian beleife ought onely to be grounded vpō the authority of God speakinge by the mouth of the church who ought to be beleeued in all matters without giuing
to do according to the doctrine of the Prelates of the Catholike Church yea although it should happen that their liues were not laudable but bad For although our Sauiour in this place doth only in expresse wordes make mention of the chaire of Moses in which the Priests of the old Law did sit yet he is to be vnderstood to speake also of the chaire of S. Peter his owne Vicegerent in which the Priestes of the new Law doe succeed And this à f●rtiori because we haue greater reason to thinke that our Sauiour intēded in his doctrine to giue rules to the Priests and people of his new Law which was presently to begin and to continue till the worldes end then only to giue documents to those of the old Law considering he knew that it should so shortly cease Wherefore the ancient fathers do vnderstand that place to bee meant of the Priestes of the new Law and namely S. Augustine who saith thus In illum ordinem Episcoporum qui ducitur ab ipso petro ad Anastasium qui nunc in eadem Cathedra sedet etiamsi quisquam traditor per illatempora subreps●sset nihil praeiudicaret Ecclesie innocentibus Christianis quibus prouidens Dominus ait de praepositis malis quae dicunt facite quae faciunt facere nolite Into that order of Bishoppes which is deriued from S. Peter himself vnto Anastasius who now sitteth vpō the same chair although some traytor had crept in in those times he should nothing hurt the Church and the innocent Christians for whome our Lord prouiding saith of euill Prelates what they say do what they do do not The threates we may gather First out of S. Luke when our Sauiour faith Qui vos spernit me spernit Hee that despiseth you despiseth me Signifying that look what sinne it were not to heare but to despise our Sauiour Christ himselfe that wee should account it the same to despise not to giue eare and credit to the Catholike Church Insinuating therby that the like punishment is to be expected for the saide contempte Secondly in S. Mathew the same our Sauiour expressely saith Si Ecclesiam non audierit sit tibi sicut Ethnicus publicanus If he wil not heare the Church let him be to thee like an Ethnicke and a Publican Finally in S. Marke after hee had giuen charge cōmission to preach the Gospell to euery creature hee pronounceth this threate to those that will not beleeue saying Qui non crediderit condemnabitur hee that will not beleeue shall be condemned Thus you see our Sauiour Christ hath promised to his Church the continuall presence of himselfe and of his holy Spirit to teach that cōpany all truth Wherof followeth that it is infallibly taught al truth Moreouer hee hath giuen charge and commission to that Church to teach vs and hath warranted and commanded vs in all pointes to heare and do according to the saying of this Church which proueth that it appertaineth to this Church to instruct vs in all pointes of faith and that we ought to learne of it in all matters of religion what is the fallible truth consequently that the doctrine of this Church is the rule of faith Worthily therefore doth S. Paule call this Church columnam firmamentum veritatis The pillar and ground of truth Worthily also saith S Austen Scripturarum à nobis tenetur veritas cum id facimus quod vniuersae placet Ecclesiae quam earundem scripturarum commendat authoritas vt quoniam scriptura sancta fallere non potest quisquis falli ●etuit huius obscuritate questionis ecclesiam de illa consulat quam sine vlla ambiguitate scriptura sancta demonstrat The truth of the Scriptures is holden of vs when wee doe that which pleaseth the vniuersall or whole Church the which is commended by the authority of the Scriptures themselues that because the holy Scripture cannot deceiue whosoeuer feareth to bee deceiued with the obscurity of this question let him require the iudgement of the church which without any ambiguity the holy Scripture doth demonstrate by which wordes hee sheweth plainely that the sentence of the Church is of infallible and vndoubted truth that the way not to bee deceiued in an obscure question is to aske and follow the iudgement of the Church Wherefore worthily also do we all say Credo Ecclesiam Catholicā I beleeue the Catholike Church worthily also may I conclude that neither Scripture alone nor naturall witte and learning nor priuate spirit nor any other thing but onely the teaching of the true Church of Christ is that ordinarie meanes which Almighty God hath prouided whereby all men may learne that one infallible entire faith which I proued to be necessary to saluation CHAP. XI That the Church whose doctrine must bee to vs the rule of faith must alwaies continue without interruption from Christ his time till the worldes end COnsidering what had bene proued in the former Chapter about the infallible authorite of the doctrine of the true Church I hope no Christian will denie but that so longe as this Church doth continew we haue of it a sure pillar and a firme foundation whereupon we may safely build our beleefe For either a mā must denie that euer our Sauior did make any such promise gaue such charge and commission left any such warrant sett forth such a commaundement or thundred out any such threates as before is rehearsed which were to denie the scriptures which scriptures are generally receiued by all Christians no otherwise thē as they are the vndoubted worde of God or els he must wrest the interpretation thereof both from that which the wordes of themselues naturally yeeld also from the common sense and vnderstanding either of al or the most learned and almost of the vnlearned also of the whole Christian world or els he shal be forced to confesse that which not I but S. Paule hath saied ecclesia est columna firmamentum veritatis the Church is the pillar and ground of trueth Onely it may perchaunce seeme to some of those that doe at this day oppose themselues against the authoritie of the Church that this was true for S. Paules time and perhaps for some 3.4.5 or 6. hundred yeares after but not to be presumed vpon in latter times and namely when Luther began his reformation as they tearme it or now a dayes Against these men I set downe this assertion The true Church of Christ which the forenamed testimonies of Scripture do commend was and is to continew without interruption till the worldes end This I proue First out of the very wordes of those promises which I cited out of S. Mathew S. Iohn For how can Christ our Sauiour or his holy Spirit be with his Church in such sort as there is promised to witt till the worldes end and for euer and especially as is saied in S. Matthew omnibus diebus
praedicabunt nisi mittantur How shall they beleeue him whom they haue not heard how shall they heare without a preacher how shall they preach vnlesse they be sent Therefore the true Church which only hath preachers truely sent of God must first be found out that by it we may heare and know which is the true faith Therefore of the two the true Church is rather a marke whereby we may know the true preaching and consequently the true doctrine of faith then contrary that as heretiques say the doctrine should be a marke whereby all men must know which is the true Church Thirdly true faith is included in the true Church and as it were enclosed in her belly as S. Austen saith vpon those words of the Psalme Errauerunt ab vtero ●●quu●i sunt falsa In ventre ecclesiae saith he veritas manet quisquis ab hoc ventre separatus fuerit necesse est vt falsa loquatur Truth remaineth in the belly of the Church whosoeuer is seperated to wit by difference in doctrine frō this belly of the Church must needs speake false Therfore like as if a man had golde in his belly we must first find the man before we can come to see the golde it selfe so we must first by other markes find out the true Church which hath the gold of true faith hidden in her belly before we come to see the gold of true faith it selfe Sith especially we cannot see it vnlesse shee open her mouth and deliuer it vnto vs that we cannot being spiritually blind certainely know it to be true not counterfeite but by giuing credit to her testimony of it According as the same S. Austen saith Euangelio non crederem nisi me ecclesiae authoritas commoueret I should not beleeue the Gospell it selfe vnlesse I were moued by the authority of the Church For if we had not the testimony of the Church how should we haue bin infallibly sure that there were any Gospel at all or how should wee haue knowne that those bookes which beare title of the Gospell according to S. Mathew Marke Luke and Iohn Are true Canonicall Scripture rather then those bookes which are writen in the name of Nicodemus and S. Thomas bearing the same title or inscription of Gospell Fourthly if the true doctrine of faith in all particuler pointes must bee fore knowne as a marke whereby to know the true Church then contrary to that which hath bin proued the authority of the Church should not be a necessarie meanes whereby men must come to the knowledge of the true faith For if before wee come to know which is the true Church we must by other meanes haue knowne which is the true faith what neede then is there for getting true faith already had to seeke or bring in the authority of the same Church Fiftly If before we giue absolute and vndoubted credit to the true Church we must examine and iudge whether euery particuler point of doctrine which it holdeth be the truth with authority to accept that only which we like or which seemeth in our conceipt right and conformable to Scripture to reiect whatsoeuer wee mislike or which in our priuate iudgement seemeth not so right and cōformable then we make our selues examiners and Iudges ouer the Church consequently we preferre our liking or disliking our iudgement and censure of the interpretation sense of Scripture before the iudgement and censure of the Church of God But it is absurd both in reason and religion to preferre the iudgment of any priuate man be he neuer so witty and learned or neuer so strongly perswaded in his owne mind that he is taught by the Spirit before the iudgement definitiue sentence of the Church of God the which is a company of men many of which both are alwaies haue bin vertuous wise and learned which is chiefe is such a company as according to the absolute and infallible promises of our Sauiour hath vndoubtedly the holy Spirit among them guiding them and teaching them all truth and not permitting them to erre as before hath beene proued But you may perhaps say that in Scripture we are willed not to beleeue euery spirit but to try spirits whether they bee of God or no and that therefore we must examine and try the spirit of the Church by looking into euery particuler point of doctrine which it teacheth I answere That in that place of Scripture it is not meant that it belongeth to euery particuler man to try all spirits but in generall the Scripture giueth the Church warning not to accept euery one that boasteth himselfe to haue the Spirit and willeth that they should trie those spirits not that euery simple or priuate man should take vpon him to trie them but that those of the Church to whom the office of trying spirits doth appertaine to wit the Doctors and Pastors which almighty God hath put in his Church of purpose Vt non circumfera●ur omni vento doctrinae that we may not be caried away with euery wind of doctrine and Vt non simus paruuli fluctuantes that we may not be litle ones wauering with euery blast of those that boast themselues to be singulerly taught by the Spirit So that this trying of spirits is only meant of those spirits of which men may well doubt whether they be of God or no thē also this trial belōgeth to the Pastors of the Church But when it is certaine that the spirit is of God we neither need nor ought doubtfully to examine or presūptuously to iudge of it but submitting obediently the iudgement of our owne sense and reason wee must beleeue the teaching of it in euery point Now it is most certaine that the Spirit of the true visible Church is of God as out of holie Scripture hath bin most euidently proued And therefore our only care should be to seeke out those markes by which all men may know which particuler cōpany of mē is the true Church of Christ whose doctrine we neither need nor lawfully may examine and try in doubtfull manner but must obediently and vndoubtfully in all points beleeue as the only assured and infallible truth CHAP. XV. That these foure properties Vna Sancta Catholica Apostolica that is to saie One Holy Catholique Apostolique are good markes by which men may know which is the true Church SITH our Sauiour Christ hath thought good to plant a visible Church vpon earth which he would haue to continue vntill the worlds end for this speciall in●ent and purpose that all men in all ages by meanes of it may learne the doctrine of the true faith the true worship of God the right vse of the Sacraments the holesome lawes of good life and generally all good thinges that appertaine to the glorie of God and the saluatiō of our soules wee haue not any reason to doubte but that the same our Sauiour for the exceeding loue which of his part
〈◊〉 nor place And first for time it is e●●dent because true doctrine was first ●●eached and beleeued as the good seede ●as first sowen in the fielde afterward 〈◊〉 cockle that is false doctrine was ouer ●●wed S. Paule did for three yeares space ●●ith the Ephesians the true doctrine of ●●ith and had cōuersed among them like 〈◊〉 lambe seruiens Domino cum omni humilita●● seruing our Lord with all humility but ●fter his departure he saide he knew that ●●●enous wolues would enter in among ●●em not sparing the flocke and that euē 〈◊〉 of their owne companie there would 〈◊〉 viri loquentes peruersa vt abducant disci●●is post se men speaking peruerse things ●●at they may leade away disciples after ●●emselues And as this happened at ●●●esus so doubtles in all other places ●here there hath beene any alteration of Christian doctrine first the true faith was ●anted by some Apostle or Apostolique ●an and afterward the contrarie was ●●ought in by some speaking peruerse things therby leading away disciples after thēselues So that it is certaine that no Heresie is so ancient as the true faith neither is any one of them of so long continuance for the time to come as S. Paule signifieth when hauing described Heretiques of the latter daies he addeth Sed vltra non proficient insipientia enim eorum manifesta erit omnibus but they shall prosper no further for their follie shal be manifest to all The same doth S. Austen aptly expresse expounding those wordes of the Psalme Ad nihilum deuenient tanquam aqua decurrens Non vos terreant sratres saieth he quidam fluuij qui dicuntur torrentes hyemalibus aquis implentur nolite timere post paululum transit decurrit aqua ad tempus perstrepit mo● cessabit diu stare non possunt Multae Haerese iam emortuae sunt c. My brethren let not certaine floodes called landebrookes terrifie you they are filled with winter waters feare them not after a while the water doth passe runne downe for a time it maketh a noise but it will cease by and by those floodes can not stand long Many Heresies are now alreadie dead c. Now if we will haue respect of place it is certaine that no Heresie is by processe of time to spread it selfe absolutely ouer the whole world as I haue proued that the true Church shall doe and the reason hereof may bee assigned because as Saint Austen saieth diu stare non possunt they can not continue so long as were needefull to gett them so vniuersally spred ouer the whole world especially considering that as S. Paule saieth when they haue continued a while Insipientia earum manifesta fit omnibus their folishenes is made manifest to all and so no meruaile si vltra non proficiant if they prosper not nor make no further progresse Neither ordinarily in any one age is Heresie so vniuersall in place as the true Catholique religiō but for the most part it is contained in one or two coūtries as it were in a corner of the world So that of heretiques we may well say as S. Austen doth that they are those which say Ecce hic est Christus ecce illic Beholde Christ is here beholde he is there that is to say the true doctrine of Christ is only truely preached in this countrie or that country of which kind of people our Sauiour giueth vs warning and biddeth vs saying nolite credere beleeue them not We may well say also of these as the same S. Austen doth Quaecunque congregatio cuiuslibet Haeresis in angulis sedet concubina est non matrona Whatsoeuer congregation of what Heresie soeuer sitteth in corners that is to say is but in few prouinces in the rest of the Christian world either is not at all or at least is not manifestly knowen to be is a concubine not a matrone to wit it is not the spouse of Christ nor the lawfull mother of the children of God Wherefore sith there is this difference betwixt heresie and true Christian religion that as the same S. Austen saith Singulae Haereses in multis gētibus vbi Ecclesia est non inueniuntur Ecclesia autem quae vbique est etiam vbi illae sunt inuenitur Heresies are not found in many nations where the Church is but the Church which is euery where is found in those natiōs where Heresies are This difference I say being betwixt Heresie and the true religion we need not doubt but that to be Catholique or vniuersally receiued in the Christian world especially at all times is a note of the truth And that therefore the companie which professeth the faith which at all times and in a sort in all places hath bin receiued of Christians is vndoubtedly the true Church of Christ. Lastly the true Church is also Apostolique that is to say such as hath her foundation from the Apostles according to ●hat saying of the Apostle S. Paule Non estis hospites aduenae sed estis ciues sanctorum domestici Dei superaedificati supra fundamēt●m Apostolorum Prophetarum ipso summo ●●gulari lapide Christo Iesu. You are not straungers and forreiners but you are citizens of the saincts and the domesticals of God built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes Iesus Christ himselfe being the highest corner stone This we may gather out of that which is alreadie saide For if the apostles were they which were appointed by our Sauior to be vnder him the foūders of his Church which by their preaching beganne at Ierusalem and from thence by them and those that receiued auctority from them tanquam vi●is crescendo vbique diffusa est as Saint Austen speaketh like a vine by growing was spred abroad euery where being thus first planted and spred abroad was afterwards by the ministerie of lawfully succeeding pastours and doctors continued without interruption till now and shal be also so continued till the worldes end there is no doubt but that this companie descending thus lineally from the Apostles depending of them as their lawfull progenitours and being built vpon them as after Christ himselfe vpō principall foundations may well bee called Apostolique that is to saye such as deriue their pedegree from no other authour or founder latter then the Apostles themselues All this doth Tertullian briefely but pithely comprehend in this short sentēce Apostoli apud vnam-quamque ciuitatem ecclesias condiderunt ab his autem ciuitatibus seu ecclesijs ab Apostolis constitutis traducem fidei semina doctrinae caeterae exinde ecclesiae mutuatae sunt quotidie mutuantur vt ecclesiae fiant ac per hoc ipsae Apostolicae deputabuntur vt soboles Apostolicarum ecclesiarum The Apostles to wit either immediately by themselues or by meanes of others founded Churches at euery Citty from which cities or Churches being thus founded by the Apostles other
was vniuersally receiued for a veritie of the Catholique Church The which if any man will take vpon him to gainesaye let him shew and proue if he can what pointe of doctrine the Romaine Church doth denie or holde contrarie to that which by the Church was vniuersally held before As we can shew diuers pointes that the Protestants so hold or denie Let him I say shew and proue by setting downe the point of doctrine the authour the time the place what companie did oppose themselues against it and who they were that did continew as the true Church must still continew in the profession of the former faith lineally without interruption till these our daies as we cā shew and proue against them Let him also shewe what countrie there is or hath beene where Christian faith either was first planted or afterwards continued where some at least haue not holden the Romaine faith As we can shew euen at this day diuers places where there religiō is scarse heard of especially in the Indian Iaponian and China countries which were not long since first cōuerted to the Christian faith onely by those who were membres o● the Romaine Church chiefly by Iesuite● sent thither by the auctoritie of the Pope And to goe no further then our dear● countrie England Wee shall finde in th● Cronicles that it was conuerted by Au●ustine a Monke sent by S. Gregory the Pope and that it continued in that faith without knowledge of the Protestants religion which then and for diuers hūdred yeares after was neuer heard of as being then ●nhatched The like record of other countries conuerted by meanes of those onely who either were directely sent by ●he Pope or Bishop of Rome or at least communicated and agreed in profession of ●aith with him we may finde in other hi●tories Lastly let him shew some space of time in which the Romaine Church was ●ot since Christ and his Apostles time or 〈◊〉 which it was not visible and knowen As wee can shew them many hundred ●eares in which theirs was not at all Let ●im I say therfore shew proue which ●euer any yet did or can proue that euer ●he Romaine Church did either faile to be 〈◊〉 to be visible or being still visible when ●he profession of the ancient faith which 〈◊〉 receiued from the Apostles did faile in 〈◊〉 and when and by whom the profession ●f a new faith began in it As we can shew ●hen where by whome this new no ●ith of theirs began Certaine it is that once the Romaine Church had the true faith was a true Church to wit when S. Paule writ to the Romanes saying vestra fides annunciatur in vniuerso orbe your faith is renowmed in the whole world When therefore I pray you as the learned and renowned M. Campian vrgeth when I saye did Rome chaunge the beleefe and profession of faith which once it had Quo tempore quo Pontifice qua via qua vi quibus incrementis vrbem orbem religio peruasit aliena Quas voces quas turbas quae lamenta ea res progenuit Omnes orbe reliquo sopiti sunt dum Roma Roma inquam noua Sacramenta nouum sacrificium nouum religionis dogma procuderet Nullus extitit Historicus neque Latinus neque Graecus neque remotus neque citimus qui rem tantam vel obscure iaceret in commentarios At what time vnder what Pope what way with what violence or force with what augmentation or encrease did a strainge religion ouerflow the cittie and the whole world What speaches or rumours what tumults or troubles what lamentations at least did it breed was all the rest of the world a sleepe when Rome the Imperial and mother cittie whose matters for the most part are open to the view of the whole world when Rome I say did coine new Sacraments a new sacrifice a new doctrine of faith and religion Was there neuer one Historiographer neither Latin nor Greeke neither farre off nor neere who would at least obscurely cast into his commentaries such a notable matter as this is Certainely it is not possible if such a thing as this had happened but that it should haue beene resisted or at least recorded by some For suppose it were true which Protestants imagine that some points of the faith and religion which Rome professeth at this day were as contrary to that which was in it when Saint Paule commended ●he Romane faith as blacke to white darkenesse to light or so absurde as were now Iudaisme or Paganisme as one of their Historiographers accounteth it worse saying that indeede Augustine the Monke conuerted the Saxons from Paganisme but as the prouerbe saith saith hee bringing them out of Gods blessing into the warme Sunne Suppose I say this were true Then I would demaund if it were possible that any Prince in any Christian cittie and much more that the Pope in Rome the mother cittie could at this day bring in any notable obsurde rite of Iewish or Paganish religion for example to offer vp an Oxe in sacrifice or to worship a Cow as God and not only to practise it priuately in his owne Chappell but to get it publiquely practised and preached in all Churches not onely of that cittie but also in all the rest of the Christian world and that none should in Christian zeale continually oppose themselues that no Bishop should preach no Doctor write against this horrible innouation of faith and the author thereof that none should haue constancy to suffer martyrdome which Christians haue bin alwaies most ready to endure rather then to yeelde to a profession and practise so contrary to their ancient faith that there should be no true harted Christians who would speake of it or at least lament it nor no Historiographer that would so much as make obscure mention of it Could all be so a sleepe that they could not note or so cold and negligent in matters concerning their soules good as generally without any care to yeeld vnto it Noe certainely though there were no promise of Christ his owne continuall presence no assurance of the infallible assistance of his holy Spirit Yet it is not possible that such a grosse errour should arise among Christians and ouerwhelme the whole world without some resistance The Bishops and Pastors could not bee so simple or so vnmindfull of their duty but they would first note such an euident contrariety to the ancient and vniuersally receiued faith and noting it they would doubtlesse with common cōsent resist contradict and finally according to Saint Paule his rule accurse it If therefore this could not happen now nor euer heretofore was heard that any such absurd errour or heresie did or could arise without noting or resisting what reason can any man haue to say that this hath happened at Rome not being able to alledge any writter that did note the thing the person the time and what oppositiō was made and