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A91975 The serpents subtilty discovered, or a true relation of what passed in the cathedrall church of Rochester, between divers ministers and Richard Coppin, to prevent credulity to the false representation of the said discourse published by the said R. Coppin from Maidstone goale. / By Walter Rosewell minister of Chatham in Kent. Rosewell, Walter. 1656 (1656) Wing R1943; Thomason E882_9 18,741 28

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examination of severall witnesses upon Oath Coppin was found guilty of so many intolerable Blasphemies and Heresies publiquely avouched by him that his Mittimus was made and he was that day sent away unto Maidstone Gaole where he still continues prisoner it was expected he should have been brought to his Triall the last Assises but it seems it was not thought fit to proceed so farre against him what will at last be done against him I know not only this I verily beleeve that Prophesie of Enoch recorded by Jude will in due time take hold of him Jude v. 14 15. for my part I bless God his madness is so farre manifested though not to all yet to many that I hope he shall henceforth prevail no further in this place and truly if I were presently to quit my station not only in these parts but in this world it would be some content unto me that before my departure God made me an occasion at least of restraining and hindering such a pestilent emissary of hell from displaying a banner for the devil in Rechester Cathedrall especially considering the course is taken to prevent either him or any other from doing the like for time to come yet thus much I can freely profess to all the world that when I first undertook to appear against Coppin and all along in what I did or said I never so much as dreamt the issue would be what it proved nor had I intentionally the least hand in informing or ingaging the Major Generall against him what was done in that kinde was done by others I know not whom without my perswasion or privity yet I confess when it was done I could not but approve of it I conceive the Major Generall did both himself and the State some honour in taking the course he did with him and though I was not bound to witness against him at the Assises yet being desired by two Justices of the Peace I was there resolving had he been brought to his Triall and my testimony required I would have been ready to give it in on the behalf of my King and Saviour against such a black-mouth'd foul enemy of his Person Crown and Dignity as this Richard Coppin proclaimed himself to be concerning whom my judgement upon serious examination and experience is this That he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 self-condemned in his damnable Doctrines speaking lies in hypocrisie having his conscience seared with a hot iron being a Jesuited Familist tutor'd by Jesuites prompted by the devil who hath hypocrisie confidence impudence Atheism and malice against truth enough to make him a sworn brother of the Ignatian fraternity only he seems to want for Learning whereof most of that society have but too much though many have nothing so much as they pretend to yet Coppin seems to be as well learnt in the black Art of equivocating and lying as some of them in perverting and wresting Scripture he is nulli secundus inferiour to none of them 't is great pity but he and his elder brother Joseph Salmon should be sent for a present to their holy Father the Pope of Rome that so his holiness may bestow his fatherly benediction upon them for their good service they have done him in undermining the very Foundations of the Protestant Religion and perswading Protestants to beleeve that there is no Antichrist in the world but what is to be found in the most zealous Protestant Ministers nor any other Whore of Babylon but the Reformed and Reforming Protestant Churches of England and consequently the Pope of Rome is not Antichrist the great Antichrist nor the Church of Rome the Whore of Babylon the Strumpet of Antichrist that the holy Scriptures are a leaden Lesbian rule a nose of Wax a meer Cypher which may be made to signifie any thing according as his Holiness who is the supream Enthusiast shall please by his spirit of infallibility to interpret them These with a world of such like opinions have been so bravely propagated by those Jesuited Apostates from and adversaries to the truth when Jesuites were at a loss and could scarce tell how to play their game any longer in their own shapes that truly these by blows of theirs deserve to be created not fratres but patres Ignatianae societatis and to be sent forth tanquam legatos è latere to propagate the Faith of Rome whose Faith is Faction whose Religion is Rebellion they are true Babel builders Church and State Levellers mortall enemies to an Orthodox Learned Godly Protestant Ministry and no better friends to a Consciencious Religious Righteous Protestant Magistracy they are Fidei simul Legis nostra ludibrium Ecclesiae Reipublicae incendium Religionis Reformationis Anglicanae opprobrium from them with Popish Priests and Jesuites their Confederates and Councellours together with all their false Doctrines Heresies Blasphemies and bloudy Cruelties Good Lord deliver us FINIS
damned he might suspect himself to be that man 5. That all the good works that men do can do them no good 6. That all the evil works men do can do them no harm 7. That the Scripture speaks only of a spirituall resurrection and there shall be no resurrection of the bodies of men 8. That Jesus Christ is all the three Persons in the Trinity the Father Son and holy Ghost and that all the three Persons are but so many manifestations of God 9. That the everlasting Torments of hell shall have an end 10. That hell is within men before they beleeve and that there is no such hell as is commonly beleeved to be a place of torment to any after this life 11. That the doctrine which affirms no redemption out of hell is false That there is redemption out of hell 12. That there is no eternall judgement to come wherein Jesus Christ appearing in a visible way shall judge the world 13. That the Doctrine of Vniversall Salvation is the most effectuall Doctrine to promote sanctification These devillish doctrines which yet were not one half of what he had vented being read in his hearing he did not could not deny one of them but spent many words to justifie the third and the last of them adding severall more at this time this among the rest That Jesus Christ himself was that one Leper of ten who being made whole returned to give God thanks quoting many Scriptures but allegorizing and wresting all against the truth insomuch that I could not but declare my judgement that if St Paul were present he would bespeak him as once he did Elymas Act. 13.10 11. and that with like success causing him to grope his way out of the Church and because I knew we had a very ingenuous Gentleman living near who had been stumbled by Jesuites not to acquiess in the sufficiency of Scripture to determine all Controversies of Religion supposing this Gentleman might be present and that the horrible wresting of Scripture by this wretch might be no small offence both to him and others furnishing the Jesuites with some advantages to insinuate the necessity of some other Judge besides the holy Ghost speaking in sacred Scripture to decide Controversies in Religion therefore I desired any Jesuites whatsoever that might be present or their friends to take notice that there were hundreds of godly learned Ministers in England whose Books I was not worthy to bear after them and yet I should not doubt in the strength of Christ to encounter any Jesuite of them all in maintaining that great point of Doctrine That the holy Ghost speaking in Scripture is the supream Judge to determine all Controversies of Religion adding other things to the same effect taking notice of the wiles of Jesuites who being beaten out of the field themselves by their Learned Antagonists did now seek to baffle us out of our Religion by a company of ignorant impudent praters that take upon them to be Preachers of the Word of God and whereas Coppin had again and again suggested that we Ministers did envy the knowledge of the people desiring to keep them in ignorance I profest I heartily wisht that all men knew as much of God in Christ as my self provided I knew no less then I did and if I knew any way more effectuall then other to improve the knowledge of others I should readily take it In fine I desired those that had given any countenance to this blasphemer to be humbled for what they had done and do so no more promising both by Preaching and Catechizing to endeavour that all sorts even children might be Antidoted against his errours and Coppin having pretended that the right hand of God signified the Gospel and favour of God under which all mankinde should at last be brought I alledged and paraphrased on that place Psal 21.8 9. with speciall reflection on Coppin and his errours but Coppin was resolved let me say what I could of him or his opinions he would say something after me though nothing to the purpose but only that like the Authour of the golden Legend he might shew himself to be a man Plumbei cordis ferrei oris I might adde aeneae Frontis When I had ended and was resolved to speak no more Coppin declaring himself against all water Baptism since the death of John Baptist as having neither precept nor example in Scripture Gammon he stands up and would fain have been saying something but Mr Robinson I well remember told him he was a very fit man to incounter Coppin for he had good lungs and his tongue was well hanged but now the time was spent and they could stay no longer When I saw Coppin would never end I took my leave of the Assembly with that of St Paul Grace be with all that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity Eph. 6.24 and so I went out What Gammon said afterwards I know not I easily beleeve what Coppin prints of him may be the truth of what he spake for being a great dipper I know him to be dipt over head and ears in many dangerous errours and therefore no wonder if his bolt be so suddenly shot against those earnall Priests as he cals them whose weapons are too spirituall for him with his carnall opinions and practices as will appear I doubt not in due time These severall publique Discourses with Coppin being over and he having now openly discovered himself before multitudes of sufficient witnesses to be such a notorious blasphemer and monstrous imposter notice being given to Major Generall Kelsey of him he was pleased to direct his Warrant to Captain Smith December 19. requiring him to take Coppin into his custody c whereupon Captain Smith December 22 apprehended him and accepted security for his true imprisonment but the next day being Lords day he set a Guard of Souldiers in the Cathedrall with Order to hinder Coppin from preaching there in case he should attempt it though he and his security were engaged to the contrary yet so eager was this prater to be still spitting forth and spreading his poysonous opinions and so confident he should have found a party of Souldiers and others that would have tumulted and mutined for him rather then suffer an interruption of his deluding Sermons that when he saw he could not be permitted to preach in the Cathedrall which he endeavoured he then attempted a publique prating first on a Tombstone in the Church-yard and after that on a joyn'd stool in the Common where he wanted not for Auditors to flock about him but Captain Smith in pursuance of his Order soon silenc't him in both places and dispers't his followers confining him to his quarters causing him to keep himself private there and to be forth coming when he should be called before the Major Generall the next day being Moonday Decemb. 24. Generall Kelsey came to the Crown in Rochester accompanied with two or three Justices of the Peace where upon