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A13295 A reply to a pretended Christian plea for the anti-Chistian [sic] Church of Rome: published by Mr. Francis Iohnson a⁰. 1617 Wherin the weakness of the sayd plea is manifested, and arguments alleaged for the Church of Rome, and baptisme therein, are refuted; by Henry Ainsworth. Anno 1618. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1620 (1620) STC 236; ESTC S122155 171,683 191

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Popes faith religion and worship there are like priests like people Now if the Bishop of that parish be Antichrist the son of perdition as th'Apostle telleth us 2 Thes. 2. 3. then his parishoners which have no other faith or religion then he are also the children of damnation 2 Thes. 2. 12. and so can not be judged to be Christs true church and in the state of grace sealed of God with his covenant unto salvation In the Lateran Church of Rome where Antichrist is parish priest the people are grosse idolaters hereticks worshipers of Divils and of him that sitteth as God in the Temple of God ascribing unto him that Holyness divine power and jurisdiction which he doeth blasphemously challenge and mine opposite could not shew one man of that parish that differeth at all from the religion of their priest how is it then possible that he should be Antichrist and they true Christians he under wrath they under the covenant of grace he the very Temple of the Divil and they the true Temple of God For shal not the same religion and faith which justifieth them justifieth him also when it is found in him as well as in them Wherfore eyther the man of syn himself must be a sainct among those saincts or they togither with him must be as the holy Ghost calleth them an habitation of Divils Revel 18. 2. To conclude then seing there is no true visible church of Gods institution but a particular congregation any other general or catholik visible church of Rome being but the Popes own wicked fiction and seing Antichrists parish church can no more be Christs then Antichrist himself it can not without injury to the Apostle and to the proportion of faith and to other scriptures and to reason it self be gathered that the church of Rome is at this day Gods true Temple or Christs true Church Albeit for that there was once a true Chrrstian church in Rome and these Antichristians now profess to be the successors of the same and pretend one faith religion worship and reteine some doctrines and ordinances of Christ still which they synfully profane they are therfore sayd to be the Temple of God as before I have shewed Moreover there can no church be called the true Temple of God but in respect of Christ the chief corner stone and foundation of the building for he is called the living Stone and his people are living stones built up a spiritual house in him and so grow up to an holy Temple in the Lord 1 Pet. 2. 4. 5 Eph. 2. 20. 21. If therfore Antichrist sitteth in the true Temple of God he sitteth first in Christ the head and secondarily in his body and people but Antichrist is no otherweise in Christ then in a feighned profession of him whom in deed he denyeth 1 Joh. 2. 22. therfore he is not in the Temple of God but in respect of his profession of Christianitie and of the Christian societie in his people both which are false and deceitfull after the working of Satan in all deceivablenes of unrighteousnes 2 Thes. 2. 9. 10. Now it followeth that I defend my former writings against which he excepteth as for the reproches which he layeth upon my self and his trifling exceptions against words and phrases I will omitt as fruitless Wheras in scanning the Apostles words I noted mine opposites omission of Antichrists sitting as God in the Temple of God which words as God doe give light to the true meaning he excepteth how he could alleage that one Greek copie wanteth those words so doth the Syriakas Mr. Beza observeth also the Latine I answer if one copie want them and many or all other have them it is no wisdom to leave the many follow one without apparant reason For the Syriak he was deceived for it hath those words plainly though the copie which Tremellius used wanted them through the copiers default as Mr. Iunius sheweth in his notes upon the Syriak version on 2. Thes. 2. 4. As for the Latine it omitteth sundry other good things in other places and is no warrant for us to follow Obj. The question was not about the manner of Antichrists sitting in the Temple of God whether he should sit as God therin or no. Therfore I needed not alleadge these words Answ. But the question was about th'Apostles meaning in that place and therfore his words which help to manifest his meaning should have been alleaged Obj. Jt is knowen to be usual in all writers sometimes not to mention somtimes not to insist at all upon such words as perte●ne not to the matter in hand c. Answ. Yet I though I first used the whole phrase of the Temple of God am taxed for that I doe not after alwayes repeat all the words But to let pass such things this speech sitteth as God perteyneth much to the matter in hand for if the people which he wil have to be the Temple of God doe so acknowledge and honour the Man of syn for God as he there sitteth shewing himself that he is God then may we as well doubt whether they be the people of the true God as whether the man of syn be the true God But whatsoever honour divine power the man of syn challengeth to himself the ●ame doe the people of Rome the Temple of God give unto him in word and deed So the words are needfull and perteine to the matter in hand For by the worshiping of that Beast the false church is distinguished from the true church which refuseth to worship him Rev. 13. 8. 16. 17. 14. 1. 4. 9. 10. 11. 12. 20. 4. 2 Thes. 2. 10. 11. 12. Obj. Of Antichrists sitting th' Apostle saith that he sitteth as God but of the seat where he sitteth he sayth expresly in the Temple of God and sayth not as in the Temple of God as the answer here would import which therfore is merely shifting and full of deceyt Answ. So the Prophet sayth expresly in the house of their God Amos. 2. 8. and sayth not as in the house of their God though he speaketh of an idolatrous temple which Ieroboam pretended to be Gods and the Apostle sayth expressly there be gods many and lords many 1. Cor. 8. 5. and sayth not as gods or as lords when yet he meaneth the false gods and idols of the heathen And the scripture expressly sayth the woman saw Samuel and Saul perceived that it was Samuel and then sayd Samuel because of the words of Samuel 1. Sam. 28. 12. 14. 16. 20. and sayth not one as or like to Samuel though it was but the divil in the likenes of Samuel Paul sayth expressly that Satan is transfigured into an Angel of light 2. Cor. 11. 14. and sayth not a● into an Angel though in the very next words he sayth that his ministers are transfigured as the ministers of righteousnes v. 15. Which terme of transfiguring is sometime used for a
true change as in Phil. 3. 21. he sayth Christ shal transfigure our vile body that it may be conformed to his glorious body yet in the former place he useth the word but for a counterfeyt change And that the people which worship Antichrist as God are called the Temple of God for name shew and pretence I have before manifested Obj. He doth abuse the scripture c. as if Pauls words were not plaine to such as will understand that Antichrist exalteth himself above all that is called god so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God and therfore is not the true God but the man of syn c. Answ. Some may think by Pauls words that Antichrist should openly profess himself to be God and above all Gods yet the Pope who is the head of Antichrist professeth himself to be the servant of the servants of God to be but the minister of Christ and Paul teacheth the same when he calleth his working the mystery or hidden secret of iniquity 2 Thes. 2. 7. Even so some may think by the Temple of God is meant the true church of God the people that in Christ are builded-togither for an habitation of God through the Spirit and that Christ dwelleth in their harts by ●aith Eph. 2. 21. 22. 3. 17 yet the Papists who are Antichristians doe beleeve that man of syn that exalteth himself above all that is called God to be a most holy man and Christian bishop they are of his saith worship and religion trusting in his pardons for remission of their synns c and therfore are no better Christians then he but children of perdition with him and are by Paul in the very same place counted among them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved therfore God hath sent them strong delusion that they should beleeve a lye that they all might be damned who beleeve not the trueth but have pleasure in unrighteousnes 2 Thes 2. 10. 11. 12. Who now except they be blinded with affection can think that Paul calleth such people the Temple of God otherweise then in respect of their profession of Christianitie and boasting that they are the onely good Christians when they are in deed the sworne servants of Antichrist and synagogue of Satan as Rev. 3. 9. Object Difference is to be put between the man of syn that sitteth between the temple wherin he sitteth he sitteth as God yet the temple wherin he sitteth is the Temple of God Answ. There is in deed such a difference as is between the pastor and the flock understanding by the Temple of God the church of Rome at this day such a difference as is between the seducer and the seduced both adjudged to destruction 2 Thes. 2. 10. 11. 12. Rev. 14. 9. 10. 11. Other differences if men feigne that the pastors or hierarchie are the man of syn sonns of perdition and the idolatrous people which be of one faith and religion with them are men of God and in his covenant of grace it is farr from the trueth Object See the like in the cases that fell out at Jerusalem and the Temple there when Baals idol of indignation was set at the entrie of the house of God Ezek. 8. 3. 5. and when Antiochus Epiphanes and his officers profaned the sanctuarie and citie of Jerusalem and set the image of Iupiter Olympius in the Temple and seat of God Dan. 11. 31. 36. who would not now put difference between the idols and persons aforesayd on the one hand and between the Temple and citie of God wherin they were set and which they polluted on the other Answ. The examples are farr unlike first Rome is not Ierusalem but Babylon Rev. 17. Secondly the Temple and holy things in Ierusalem being made of senseless stones and matter they could not be polluted with syn in themselves as the living stones of Christs house the people now may soon be and turned into a synagogue of Satan as the christian churches in the Apostles dayes are now long since turned to be Turks and Papists Doth not the Law plainly teach us this for in the yerely cleansing of the Sanctuarie it was because of the uncleannesses of the sonns of Jsrael and because of their trespasses in all their synns Levit. 16. 16. and for no uncleannes or syn in it self Thirdly the example of Antiochus is fit but wrong applied for he speaketh onely of Antiochus and his officers wheras both he his officers and his people the common souldjers were they that defiled the sanctuarie of God as it is sayd in the storie Antiochus went up against Jsrael Jerusalem with a great multitude and entred proudly into the Sanctuary c. 1 Maccab. 1. 20. 21. So in applying this he would have the Pope and his officers the hierarchie to be the man of syn as Antiochus and his officers the multitude of papists at Rome he wil not have to be as in deed they should be counted answerable to Antiochus soldjers but they must be the Temple of God answerable to the Temple of Ierusalem a most unjust resemblance For the Temple then was a mere patient and suffred that abuse at Antiochus hands so the thing answerable hereto should be if he would have made a fit comparison the Christians Gods true Temple which suffer for the truthes sake at the Antichristians hands such as are opposed to the worshipers of the beast and those that receive his mark of whom it is written Here is the patience of the saincts here are they that keep the cōmandements of God and the faith of Jesus Revel 14. 9. 12. and againe I saw the soules of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshiped the beast nor his image c Rev. 20. 4. And such I never doubted but they were the true Temple of God but I deny that the church of Rome at this day is such a people or such a Temple they are the marked soldjers of Antiochus the Pope and honour him as God in the temple of God their pretended christian church with high impietie Or at least they are like the Apostate Iewes which turned to Antiochus religion and became heathens with worse impietie 1 Maccab. 1. 13. 14. 15. 43. 52. Of this sort is his next allegation where to make his reader merry he likeneth me to the old man of Athens which would compell the Iewes to call their Temple by the name of Iupiter Olympius because Iupiters image was set up in it 2 Mac. 6. 1. 2 so I would have the church of Rome called Antichrists church c. I answer if the church the people of Rome were now mere patients amongst whom Antichrist cometh in by violence they not consenting unto him any more then Gods temple did to Iupiters image it should be foolishnes in me to call it Antichrists church Or to put the
their God and the Chaldee paraphrast as ancient as the Apostles age expoundeth the house of their idols they contradict not one another seing the same thing may be Gods in shew and the divils in deed and trueth for even Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light 2 Cor. 11. 14. Obj. When the Apostle describeth the mysterie of Antichrists iniquitie would he teach the church that the place of his sitting is the Temple of God if he meant that it were in deed the synagogue of Satan and the temple of Antichrist For that Antichrist should sit in the temple of Antichrist and synagogue of Satan what mysterie is there in it All the world would easily perceive that these agreed very well and most fitly togither But for Antichrist to sit in Gods temple and Christs church this is in deed a mysterie Answ. The mysterie of iniquitie began in the true church but continued not therein alwayes for when it was discerned the church eyther cast it out or soon degenerated into a synagogue of Satan if it accepted Antichrist for God as the Church of Rome doth at this day Which I further manifest thus 1. The Apostle sayth As ye have heard that Antichrist shal come even now are there many Antichrists c. They went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us Who is a lyer but he that denyeth that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist that denyeth the Father and the Son Whosoever denyeth the Son the same hath not the Father 1. Joh. 2. 18. 19. 22. 23. This scripture teacheth us first that all hereticks departing from the faith of Christ are generally Antichrists though they reteyn the name of Christians still as did the hereticks in th'Apostles time 2. That such are gone out from the church and are in deed none of it though they pretend to be the true church as all hereticks have doen. 3. That both teachers and people departed from the faith and church of Christ are comprehended under the name of Antichrists and not the Bishops onely 4. That whosoever is Antichrist especially the great Antichrist he denyeth the Son Christ and consequently God the Father Now let us apply these things to the Bishop and hierarchie of Rome whome mine opposite granteth to be the great Antichrist If the Pope and his hierarchie be Antichrist then are they none of the Apostolik church but gone out of the same but they are Antichrist by my opposites owne confession Therfore they are none of th'Apostolik church The Pope and his hierarchie are both in and of the church of Rome the heads teachers and principall members of it of the same faith religion and worship but they are not in or of the Apostolik christian church as before is proved therfore the church of Rome is not an apostolik Christian church If the church of Rome denyeth both the Father and the Son then is it Antichrist as the Apostle sayth and so no true Christian church But the church of Rome denyeth both the Father and the Son therfore it is no true Christian church If the Pope his hierarchie deny both the Father and the Son then the church of Rome also denyeth them for they beleeve as the Pope and hierarchie beleeveth have one and the same religion with their preists But the Pope and his hierarchie deny both the Father and the Son otherweise they are not the Antichrist as mine opposite sayth they are therefore the Church of Rome also denyeth both the Father and the Son Now seing it is thus how is it possible that it should cōtinue the true Church of Christ otherweise then by lying pretext and ostentation And this is the mysterie of inquitie if men could comprehend it that the Bishops and people of Rome being at first Christs true church departed by degrees from the faith worship of God til they came joyntly to beleeve lyes and to worship creatures idols and divils Rev. ● 30. and became a Beast or Antichristian kingdome yet with two hornes like the Lamb Christ Rev. 13. blaspheming Gods Tabernacle them that dwel in heaven that is the true church they pretend themselves to be the onely true church of Christ and that all other are hereticks they pretend succession even from th Apostles dayes without change of religion and so they sit in the temple of God or for the Temple as if they none but they were the Temple and church of God the Pope being the head of this sinfull corporation of this Beast or kingdome and exalting himself above God Christ whiles yet he calleth himself Christs vicar and the Servant of the servants of God and by strong delusion keepeth his people in beleef of lyes that togither with him they all might be damned who beleeve not the trueth but have pleasure in unrighteousnes as the Apostle sayth 2. Thes. 2. 12. Now where he objecteth what mysterie is there in it that Antichrist should sit in the temple of Antichrist I answer it is a great mysterie in that it is doen by him and his under the name and shew of Christianitie and as the Apostle sayth after the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders and with all deceivablenes of unrighteousnes 2. Thes. 9. 10. And where he further sayth but for Antichrist to sit in Christs church this is in deed a mysterie I answer it is in deed a contrarietie and impossibilitie not a mysterie for no man can serve two masters Mat. 6. 24. of whom a man is overcome of the same is he brought in bondage 2. Pet. 2. 19. to whom men yeild themselves servants to obey his servants they are to whom they obey Rom. 6. 16. Now the church of Rome yeilding unto and obeying Antichrist cannot be the servants of Christ if th' Apostles doctrine be true And after mine opposites manner of reasoning an other man might say seing Christianitie is the mystirie of godlines 1. Tim. 3. 16. as Antichristianitie is the mysterie of iniquitie 2. Thes. 2. 7. Christ must sit in the Temple of Satan as Antichrist sitteth in the temple of God for for Christ to sit in the Temple church of Christ what mysterie is there in it but for Christ to sit in Satans temple and Antichrists church this is in deed a mysterie Were not this think we good reasoning to put darknes for light and light for darknes Christ into Antichrists place and Antichrist into Christs for to finde out a mysterie But they that have their eyes opened to read the mysterie that is not onely in the Pope but on the forehead of the whore of Babylon his church will soon espie this fraud though others are bewitched with her painted face For as Satan can transforme himself into an Angel of light and his ministers
thereupon It was not Gods people in Babylon that killed those witnesses Rev. 11. but it was Babylon that killed those witnesses Gods people therin Because Gods people killed not those witnesses but the Beast in his catholik citie or church therfore thinks he that citie of the beast is not his church a fayre conclusion Obj. Note here that by the great citie is meant not onely the citie it self but the whole jurisdiction authority and dominion therof how farr soever extended Answ. It is a good note and worth the marking for the great citie being the church of Rome as before is proved it followeth that the extents of that church reach further then the materiall walls of Rome even to all nations that are of the Popes religion and therfore to bound it within the Lateran parish of Rome is to restreyn that which God sheweth to be more large It were a happy day if the Popes unruly power were limited within the Lateran parish and his jurisdiction reached no further But he must have a larger scope to range in yet a while and weak warriers are they against him that plead for his whorish church of Rome that it is the true church of Christ and under his covenant of grace It is the thing that the Pope would most gladly have proved and I am well assured Babylon wil not fall til it be otherweise battered Obj. Where yet observe further that the church of Rome being fallen into deep apostasie and having the man of syn sitting ther in as God who hath that citie for his throne the things that are spoken of this citie are also applied to the apostate estate of that church of Rome and the other churches that are under the jurisdiction of the prelacie of that Sea whersoever and of whatsoever people kinred tongue or nation they be c. But shall wee therfore conclude that by the Temple of God 2 Thes. 2. 4. may not be understood the church of God Answ. How glorious is the trueth that forceth those to yeild that fight against it His former reasons that by the Citie in Rev. ●1 8. the church was not meant he now frustrateth himself But still he cleaveth to his first plea The temple of God 1 Thes. 2. is the church of God I may answer hereto as God by Ieremy did to the Iewes Trust not in lying words saying The temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord are these Ier. 7. 4. Our dispute is in what sense Paul calleth it the Temple of God whether as the true temple builded by Solomon or as the false temple builded in Samaria by the Apostate Israelites which the Prophet calleth the house of their God Amos 2. 8. as the Apostle calleth this the Temple of God Now faine he would have this Romish temple of apostate Papists to be the true temple of God and that they notwithstanding their deep apostasie are Gods true church under his covenant which I deny and have before disproved and Paul in the very same place counteth them among those that perish for beleeving lyes which shal be damned for not beleeving the trueth 2 Thes. 2. 10. 11. 12. and Christ teacheth that being worshipers of the beast their names are not written in the book of l●fe Rev. 13. 8. 17. 8. but they shal be tormented in fyre and brimstone for ever Revel 14. 9. 10. 11. and that the whorish church Babylon the great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth which is drunken with the blood of the Saincts and of the martyrs of Jesus shal be destroyed for ever Rev. 17. 5. 6. 18. 21. And who now that have not their right eye blinded wil not rather say it is the Samaritans Temple then Solomons though in pretence and colour the Temple of God And seing every true church now is a particular congregation in one place but the church of Rome is a new found catholik church spred over many nations under one head Bishop the Pope it can not possibly be Christs true church having neyther the constitution faith worship ministerie order or ordinances of Christ but of his enemie Antichrist Wheras I formerly wrote Neyther is that if they meane a particular church answerable to the Temple in Israel which was not for one synagogue but for the whole nation of the Iewes and for the Gentiles that came to the faith through the world To this he sayth How greatly forgets he himself and how presently seing but a line before he sayd the Temple figured not onely the catholik or universal church Ephe 2. 21. but also every particular church by proportion 1 Corint 3. 16. 17. And may we not then apply it to that wherof it was a figure c. Answ. No for mine opposite granteth that the Temple was primarily a figure Christ but so to apply it in this place 2 Thes. 2. himself thinketh not fit I deny not but some where it may and ought to be so applyed but considering that the Temple of God wherin Antichrist now sitteth is a catholik church spred over many nations as was prophesied Rev. 11. 8. 9. I think the applying of Pauls words in 2 Thes. 2. to a particular church is neyther fitting to the type nor to the prophesie nor to the accomplishment of it which we see at this day The priests in Israel figured Christ chiefly secondarily Christians Rev. 1. 6. But to apply those things which Paul speaketh of the Priests in Heb. 10. 11. 12. to us Christians were not onely unfitting but heretical Obj. The Candlesticks and Lamps were set in the Temple of God and the church of Rome was a golden Candlestick as well as the rest of the primitive churches and this man himself sayth definitely the true churches were many of them apostate when John wrote whom yet notwithstanding Christ acknowledgeth to be golden candlesticks In any of which of Antichrist had sit as in the church of Rome I suppose this man would not deny but his sitting then should have been in the Temple of God whether it were considered as a particular candlestick it self or a branch of the great general candlestick c. Answ. 1. If the Candlesticks were churches in the Temple the church then the Temple in such respect is the catholick church for one particular church is not in an other 2. I grant that the church of Rome was a golden candlestick in th'Apostles time and I think mine opposite would not deny but then also the Bishop of Rome was a starr in Christs right hand But now the Bishop is a starr fallen from heaven and acknowledged to be Antichrist why then may not the church be fallen with him as Paul forewarned Rom. 11. 22. and the candlestick removed from it as wel as from Ephesus Rev. 2. 5. except Rome have a privilege above all other cities because it crucified Christ. 3. I grant also that
syn there also spoken of mine opposer in the second proposition of his argument fore-set downe sayth But the Pope of Rome with his hierarchie is by their own graunt the man of syn of whom the Apostle here speaketh Other proof of this position he giveth none but sayth I grant it which in his understanding I have not granted For he so divideth the Pope and hierarchie which are Bishops Priests and Deacons from the church of Rome as he maketh the one Antichrist and Man of syn the other Christians and men of grace which how it can be when both parties are of one and the same faith worship religion it passeth my slender capacitie For if the Bishops priests and deacons have one faith religion with the people as it is knowen they have and the people have the true Christian faith and religion though corrupted yet so as they are still under the covenant of grace and sealed of God therin by baptisme how should not the same faith give life to the priests or hierarchie as it doeth to the people And then though the hierarchie be Antichrist the Man of syn the son of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped 2 Thes. 2. 3. yet they shall also be true Christians men of God and children of salvation Now to prove it to be my graunt he sendeth his reader to 30. pages of my book at once that if he myss it in one he may suppose it is in an other for not one man of many wil read over so many leaves for such a purpose onely Well howsoever I wil not make nice to call the Pope and his hierarchie the Man of syn yea or the Pope alone the man of syn because he is the head of that sinfull corporation and the highest exalted for almightynes holynes yet doe I not exclude the people from this body and give it to the Pope and hierarchie onely as mine opposite would intimate Nay the reader shall finde there the contrary most expressly for in pag. 76. I wrote thus The Antichristian synagogue is by the holy Ghost called a Beast Rev. 13. 11. which signifieth a kingdome Dan. 7. 23. it is named also a great citie Rev. 11. 8. which noteth the largenes of that politie and kingdom Jt cometh up out of the earth Rev. 13. 11. as being of this world which Christs kingdom that cometh down from heaven Rev. 21. 2. is not and therfore it is called a Man of syn 2 Thes. 2. 3. and a great whore Rev. 17. 1. whose head is Abaddon or a Apollyon Rev. 9. 11. the destroyer of others and himself the son of perdition 2 Thes. 2. 3. and they that folow him are the children of damnation 2 Thes. 2. 12. Againe in pag. 83. I doe not onely shew mine but mine opposers owne judgment heretofore saying She speaking of the church of Rome being in this forlorne estate she is but a lump of syn a man of syn 2 Thes 2. 3. a child of perdition The Beast is not one person but a kingdom Rev. 13. 11. Dan. 7. 23. and Mr. Iohnson himself hath acknowledged more then once that the man of syn is the false church and religion of Antichrist compared to the body of a man and consisting of all the partes togither Treat of the Minist against Mr. Hilders p. 7. Apolog. p. 109. How faithfully now myne opposite hath dealt with me to make it seem my graunt that the Pope and hierarchie apart from the church of Rome is the Man of syn all may see As for his own former confession he passeth it over without approving or disproving what himself hath written This point is of weight to give light to our controversie for if the whole church Pope priests and people be altogither a man of syn son of perdition then can not any of sound judgment think they are a true Christian church or under the covenant of Gods grace To shew this therfore first the scriptures sundry times speaketh of a whole state or company both governours and people as of one person man woman or child as in Hos 1. 4. 6. 9. the three children Iezreel Lo-ruhamah and Lo-ammi signified the three estates of the congregation of Israel then shortly to follow So in Rev. 12. 1. a woman signifieth the church of Christ in Rev. 17. an other woman signifieth the church of Antichrist even as in Prov. 9. 1. 13. the same churches are set forth like two women Wisdom and the Foolish woman In Rev. 12. 5. the Man child which the woman brought forth meaneth a company of valiant Christians as further appeareth by comparing Esai 66. 7. 8. where the Woman that travelleth is called Sion and the man child in vers 7. are called Sions children in vers 8. Secondly as Christ and Antichrist have their several churches so these ech of them are called a man as in Ephes. 2. 15. Christ is there sayd to make in himself of twaine that is of two peoples Iewes and Gentiles one new man where the whole church togither with Christ their head is called a new man Accordingly Antichrist the Pope togither with his whole church is called the man of syn And as in the new man the true Christian church Christ the head hath in all things the preheminence so in the man of syn the Antichristian church the Pope Christs pretended vicar hath in all things the preeminence exalted for power pretended holynes As the new man the Christian church is to be esteemed in the state of salvation though some secret hypocrites and reprobates closely creep in among them here on earth so the man of syn the Antichristian church is to be estemed in the state of damnation though some of Gods elect and hidden ones are in the same Rev. 18. 4. And this man of syn the Pope and his church sitteth in the Temple of God the profession of Christ whom the Temple chiefly figured and of Christian religion and worship even as this beast or kingdome hath two hornes like the Lamb Christ Rev. 13. 11. that so under the shew of Christianitie after the effectual working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders 2 Thes. 2. 9. Rev. 13. 13. 14. he may deceive them that dwell on the earth and draw them into the lake of fyre Thus much of the Man of syn sitting in the Temple of God 2 Thes. 2. Other scriptures he alleageth to confirme his cause as Manasses defiling Gods house 2 King 21. the Chaldeans defiling the Temple Psalm 79. the king of Babylons sitting on the mount of the congregation Esai 14. The prophets visions of the Temple polluted Ezek 8. And the prophesie of Antiochus Dan. 11. In all which places I acknowledge the true Temple of God to be understood But his error in applying this to his purpose I have before manifested For that Temple was not the people but an outward ordinance of God
and people so doth the Antichristian of Antichrist his ministers and people This Beast hath seven heads and ten hornes Rev. 17. 3. the ten hornes are sayd to be ten Kings v. ●2 as in Dan. 7. 24. the ten hornes out of that kingdom are ten kings these kings are none of the hierarchy wherefore the whole body of this beast conteineth more then the Pope and his hierarchy The Lamb against whom the Beast with his hornes fighteth Rev. 17. 14. Mr. Iunius expoundeth to be Christ and his Church why may not we by like reason expound the Beast to bee Antichrist and his Church Finally the Beast sayth Mr. Iunius * himselfe is the Romane Empire made long agoe of civill Ecclesiastical the chief head whereof hee maketh the Pope to be● And the Beast of Rome sayth he of a civil Empire is made an ecclesiastical Hierarchie The Whore he expoundeth to be the spiritual Babylon which is Rome so then by mine opposites plea neither did Mr. Iunius say neither ever entred into his thought that the ecclesiastical Roman Empire since the Pope was head of it or the hierarchy was ever married unto Christ. As for the Whore the Church which rideth this Beast he calleth it the False-Christian Church over which Antichrist ruleth and Antichrists Church which title mine opposite will not beare at my hand and that Antichristian Church which the Angel biddeth cast out and measure it not in Rev. 11. 12. Mr. Iunius explaineth thus As if he should say it belongeth nothing to thee to judge those which are without 1. Cor. 5. 12. which be innumerable look unto those of the houshold onely or unto the house of the living God Notwithstanding all this Mr. Iohnson would needs measure it for the true Church House and Temple of God so well doe Mr. Iunius and he accord together To a testimony which I alleaged out of D. Fulk concerning the miserable blindnesse of people in Popery of which mine opposite sayth he might have been better aduised hee to requi●e me as he thinketh alleageth a speech of Mr. Broughtons who sayth Millions of millions of Romes clients are saved Brought on Rev. 13. 18. p. 203. Answ. Would he be content that Mr. Broughton should decide our controversie touching the Church of Rome Thus then sayth that author in the same book The Popes clients are the taile of the great Dragon Thence from Rome was the Rebellion to arise Man of syn Apollyon c. to set up or depose states and to have a people of his own frame and to burne the true Temple of God The Popes power driveth the Church not to be seen for certaine hundreds of yeares The Pope wresteth al that is spoken of the true Church into protection for his synagogue of Satan Rome passeth al the enemies of the Church in cruelty and idolatry Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezar were never so hardened The prophane Caesars did not so strictly hinder all use of Religion Rome hath farr passed the old Babel in idolatry The Pope followeth al heathen superstition in name staffe apparel of Caesars and Temples setting but a face of Christianity upon them All their doctrine is such that their Temples Masse and dayly profession in al things is from the unclean spirit and their whole policie is a lye The Beast which is ascended out of Abyssos that is al his eorporations millions of millions alpapists goe from their Abyssos of black ignorance unto Abyssos Luk. 8. whither the Divils shal come in their time to be tormented for ever ever These sundry the like cōmendations doth the author alleaged give of the church of Rome which mine opposite pleadeth for and taking hold of a phrase wresteth it for his purpose from the mans meaning who seemeth not to speak of the popish church but of the ancient Christian for these are there Mr. Broughtons words And for Julius the captaine who was so careful for S. Paul that for his sake the li●e of the prisoners were spared Act. 27. God would not record this but to save millions of millions of Romes clients for S. Paul but for the unthankeful to S. Paul and forgers that Peter was at Rome who never came neere it he stil reserved Pilats holiness that Popes selfe-murder should be the reward Was not here a testimony well alleaged So in other places of his book he quoteth Mr. Brightman and others whose writings directly cross that which he pleadeth for in many things as they that read the authors may see and anone I will set downe their sayings No marvell then if hee wrest my words as where next he sayth that that which the Apostle speaketh of the Man of sin and of them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth c. 2. Thess. 2. 9. J apply for exclusion from pardon and certain condemnation to the whole Church of Rome and so to all the members thereof and that for all ages that either have been are or shal be ever since the Man of syn was seated there Answ. I sayd no more but thus God if it were granted that he is the husband of this whore hath promised her no pardon but delivered her to Satan to be seduced deluded damned 2. Thes. 2. 9. 11. 12. I speak not here of those in Rome that have withstood her whoordoms which have been many nor of those to whom at last God hath given repentance unto life which I hope are moe nor of other his elect but of the whore in generall whose damnation is shewed in Rev. 17. and 18. yea th'Apostle speaketh more particularly That they all might be damned who beleeve not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness Behold how hee sayth they all which some evill minded man might urge against the Apostle as mine opposite doth against me But wise men know that the promises of life to the true Church pertain not to the reprobates that are in it so the threatnings of death to the false Church take not hold on Gods elect which are therein Object Jf this harlot the Church of Rome was never Christs spouse otherwise then all the world was by our first parents Adam and Noe how then hath she broken the covenant of wedlock if she never were in it how can she be called a whore in respect of Christ any more then the heathens that never knew God in Christ How can she be sayd to be in Apostasie c. Answ. Of the state of the Gentiles I have spoken before and proved them to have been all in the covenant of grace in Christ from Gen. 9. 9. c. But they generally fell from God to idolatry which is whoredom and apostasie and were in time rejected of God who renewed his covenant with one small nation of the Iewes and yet saved his elect among the Gentiles also So the Christian Churches planted by the Apostles soon fell from
stil continued eyther in synceritie or apostasie or that the Lord put the ministers out of his covenant or that they have left off to baptise in Christs name Yet he now excludeth the ministers from being Christs he makes them Antichrist the Beast the Man of sin the son of perdition c. and is offended that I should speak of their mariage with Christ. And Mr. Iunius maketh them accidents ulcers and no members of the body as we have seen 2. Neither can he shew that the churches of the Gentiles ceased to be after their first planting Gen. 9. but continued still either in sincerity or apostasie even till the Apostles time and sacrificed still unto God and in his name Let him shew when old Babylon was divorced from God and it wil as soon appeare that this new Babylon is divorced also Object The Papists plead that Rome standeth not where it did on the seven hills and the Pope sits on the other side the river on the hil Uatic●ne c. Jn like sort is the answer for the church of Rome and the changes in religion and state c. Answ. Is this a fit comparison the change of place and the change of religion If it be then as a man going from England to India is the same man still so if hee goe from the religion in England to the religion of the Indians which is Paganisme he is of the same religion that he was still Or to keep neerer the poynt in hand the Bishop of Rome at this day notwithstanding al changes of his faith and state since the Apostles time is a true Christian Bishop still then he is not Antichrist the Man of syn spoken of in 2. Thess. 2. as mine opposite sayth he is Object Many of those people that made the invasions became Christians themselves and so the Church was increased Not to speak how the very catalogue of the Bishops of the Church of Rome giveth evidence against him Or wil he say that though there were Bishops of that Church yet there was not a church whereof they were Bishops Answ. So many of the Babylonians Cuthims c. that invaded Israel were taught the manner of the God of Israel and feared the Lord and had Priests of Israel which sacrificed for them 2 King 17. ●4 25. 27. 32. 33. But what sayth the Scripture Every one that is joyned to Babylon shal fall by the sword their children also shal be dashed to peeces c. Esa. 13. 15. 16. And God will cut off from Babylon name and remnant son and nephew Esa. 14. 22. The catalogue of Bishops if it will doe him any pleasure serveth for the Pope the Man of syn the great Antichrist to prove him a true Christian Bishop successor of Peter whom they falsely put the first in their catalogue Now he will not have the Hierarchy to be the church no● of the Church but accidents ulcers gangrenes and I know not how vile but the people the church that turned from paganisme to the Pope or fell with him from Christianity to popery they are the Temple of God the Church of Christ in the covenant of grace How great partialitie is this in men to magnifie the people for their faith and religion and to despise the Bishops and ministers that are the chiefe teachers and maintainers of the same faith religion making them accidents hang-bies scabs ulcers gangrenes and all that bad is So his questions of the time when the Church ceased are answered with the like when the ministery ceased Let the yeare be named when the true Christian ministery was abolished out of the church of Rome and Antichrist the Man of syn come in the place I will answer in the same year the people that were fallen with him to the same idolatries heresies and to worship him as God in the Temple of God ceased to bee the true Christian Church and became a synagogue of Antichrist Object His esteeming of the state of the church of Rome in apostasie to be but as the state of the Is●●●elites Edomites and as Adonisedek with his Amorites and Jebusites in Jerusalem is disproved and contradicted by himselfe when he maketh them like Jsrael and Iudah in their apostasie Animadv p. 84. Answ. It is not contradicted by my selfe neither can it be disproved by any For my selfe my words in the place which hee quoteth are these She the Church of Rome fell into apostasie soon after Pauls time for then the mystery of iniquity did work many Antichrists were gone out whiles the Apostles lived For which their apostasie like Jsraels when they would not repent as Christ threatned some that were new fallen into such sins the candlestick the Church was removed the Church of Rome as Paul forewarned for unbelief was cut off among others and for a punishment of their apostasie God delivered the East Churches into the hands of Mahomet and the West Churches into the hands of that false horned Beast Antichrist even as Israel and Judah of old for their like syns were delivered into the hands of the Assyrians and Babylonians By which I shew that as the Christians that fell to Mahometisme ceased to be Gods true Churches so they likewise that fell to Antichristianisme He could not deny the first nor disprove the latter for Paul sayth of the Antichristians God shal send them strong delusion that they should beleeve a lie that they all might be damned c. ● Thess. 2. 11. 12. For the Ismaelites and Edomites they were Abrahams naturall seed so can no man prove the Church of Rome at this day or any one in it to be the naturall seed of the Christians of Rome in Pauls time The Ismaelites and Edomites were fallen from Abrahams faith the Church of Rome at this day is much more fallen from the Apostles faith taught to the church of Rome by him Whosoever will bring them both to the triall it will soon appeare but this triall mine opposite every where shunneth Melchisedek was king of Ierusalem in Abrahams time Gen. 14. and then none doubteth but there was a true church Adonisedek was king of Ierusalem in Iosuahs time Ios. 10. both kings both of the same citie by name the one King of justice the other Lord of justice as pretending to be the successor of Melchisedek and not more departed from his faith then the Pope is from Pauls Obj. Mr. Junius knew that there dwel Jewes in Rome who are not of the Church and that the natural posterity of the Saints may become Jewes Turkes Pagans and sayth the church may at length cease to be a church when God ceaseth to call it back and takes away the evidence of their holy mariage that is the holy Scripture out of the hand of the adulteresse Answ. So Mr. Iunius knew that there dwelt Gentiles in Israel who were not of the Church Deut. 14. 2● But it is well that neither dwelling in the place nor being of
sayd a litle before that the church of Rome is fallen into most sinfull and deep defection and apostasie and so is a notorious harlot and idolatr●ss Wherefore his distinction here between the apostasie the church of Rome making the one Antichrist the other Gods temple under his covenant of grace neyther accordeth with the scriptures nor with his own assertion Next this where he sayth that by the Temple of God in Israel was figured the church of God among Christians it is graunted But withall let it be noted that himself can not deney but the Temple and tabernacle in Israel was not the church and congregation of Gods people properly but a sacramental signe of Gods dwelling with them which I before confirmed by these scriptures Exod 25. 8. 2. Chron. 6. 2. Ezek. 37. 26. 27. Rev. 21. 3. Secondly he himself affirmeth that the temple at Ierusalem did primarily figure out Christ and secondarily the church both the catholik or universal and particular churches likeweise particular Christians and in several respects both their bodies and their soules and consciences Vpon which graunts of his it foloweth that there is no necessarie consequence of this his proposition Jf the Pope of Rome with his hierarchie be the man of syn spoken of in 2. Thes. 2. then is the church of Rome the Temple of God there spoken of for he understanding by the church the people as in 1. Cor. 3. 16. 17. 2. Cor. 6. 16. Eph. 2 21. and yet granting that the Temple in Israel was not the people all may see the weaknes and insufficiencie of this inference that because the Pope of Rome sitteth as God in the Temple of God therfore the people of the church of Rome are that Temple of God there spoken of consequently Gods true church For why now may we not as well if not much better say that by the Temple of God is understood the doctrine and profession of Christ the true Temple or as in my former † book I shewed thus As the Temple was an outward signe of Gods presence with his people and of his inward dwelling in their harts * by saith and by his spirit unto their salvation so Antichrists temple is an outward shew of his presence with that seduced people in whose harts † he dwelleth by Popish faith and by his spirit of errour carying them to damnation But as Antichrist shal not professedly deny the true God or Christ though in deed he falsly * sheweth himself that he is God so shal h● not professedly deny the Temple or church of God but falsly vaunt his adulterous synagogue to be the same Vnto this exposition mine opposite hath given no answer and it being according to the scriptures trueth of the thing in controversie I leave it to the prudent reader whether the outward shew and profession of Christ and Christian religion be not the first thing here intended of th'Apostle by the Temple of God And this is further confirmed by Rev. 11. 1. Where the Temple Altar and Worshipers are three distinct things and the people are the worshipers there spoken of neyther the Temple nor the Altar of which place we shal treat anone Then wheras he granteth that the Temple in Ierusalem did primarily figure out Christ how is it that he wholly neglecteth the primarie thing figured and insisteth upon the secondary the church or people of Rome Seing it is knowen how the Pope pretendeth him self to be Christs vicar and deputie on earth and to be the servant and worshiper of Christ in heaven and may we think that th'Apostle in warning them of the mysterie of iniquitie would not imply the chief point of the mysterie that Antichrist should in pretence sit for Christ and in his sted as his vicar generall on earth Thus to sit in the Temple or for the Temple of God may well be understood that Antichrist should sit for Christ a pretended friend but in deed an adverse foe Now for that which the Temple secondarily figured namely the church catholik and also particular and so mens consciences he wavereth in his application He sayth this terme the church of Rome is taken eyther particularly which he applieth to the Laterane church in Rome the Popes parish church or more generally for all other such Christian churches as are come under the Popes jurisdiction c. This later I hold to be most proper here for what needed there such warning to the Thessalonians other christian churches through the world if a Bishop of the Lateran parish a corner in Rome had exalted himself above God therin onely and had not usurped also a pretended Christian power over all And the complement of the prophesie is an evident exposition of it for who knoweth not that the Pope scorneth to be Bishop of the Lateran parish onely it is a jurisdiction over the catholik church throughout the earth which he chalengeth And now what proof bringeth mine opposite that the church of Rome as God constituted it is taken generally for other Christian churches under the Popes jurisdiction None at all neyther can he bring any jote of Gods word for the same Againe what proof maketh he that the catholik Romane church wherin the Pope sitteth is the true church of God None but this J suppose these men themselves being better advised wil not deny them to be the churches and Temple of God But he should have shewed if it had been possible for him that the Romane church is by divine institution the catholik or universal church which because I assure my self it can never be doen I conclude that this Romane catholik church is a fiction of the Popes braine and a meere idol like himself and is no otherweise the Temple of God then the Pope is Christs universal vicar namely in lying words and vaine ostentation And so the maine ground for the Temple of God wherin Antichrist sitteth to be the true church of Christ is overthrowne As for the Popes Laterane parish I both deny it to be Christs true church and that it onely is the Temple of God wherin Antichrist should sit His proof of the former is this Jf we understand it of a particular church as the Apostle wrote his epistle to the church of the Romans how shall we soundly deny it eyther to be the Temple of God or Antichrist to be set therin Thus have we suppositions and questions in sted of proofes To his demand I answer it is the Temple of God in pretence not in trueth even as the Pope is a bishop of Christ in pretence but in deed is Antichrist the man of syn as mine opposite granteth The church that was in Rome in Pauls time wil no more justifie the Popes synagogue there now then the Christian ministers which were then in that church Rom. 12. wil justifie the Antichristian prelates that there reigne at this day Secondly the Laterane parish at Rome is of the
set among his people wheras in his understanding the Temple of God wherin Antichrist sitteth is the people 2. That Temple was not infected with syn but the syn rested in the persons that worshiped in it or came into it as I shewed before from Levit. 16. 16. Wheras the church of Rome is so infected with Antichrists syn as mine opposite confesseth it to be in most synfull and deep apostasie and so to be a notorious harlot and idolatress which all the people of God ought to forsake 3. That temple merely suffred that misusage at the hands of synners Iewes and Gentiles even as Christ the true Temple in his humanitie true Christians his members have suffred at the hands of the Romans of old heathens and now Antichristians But to make that temple a type of this malignant church which togither with her head the Pope persecuteth Christ and his saincts and worshipeth creatures idols and Divils is altogither amyss For so we might conclude thus As the Temple of God though it were defiled with the apostasie idolatrie of the Iewes and of the Gentiles with how great abomination soever yet continued Gods holy Temple still and could not by any impietie become the Temple of Antichrist or of Satan so the church of Rome though it should be defiled with apostasie idolatrie prophanenesse atheisme eyther of Antichrist or of Iewes Turks or Pagans if it should beleeve and receive the religion of Maomet or of Iulian the Apostata yet should it continue the true church and people of God and under his covenant of grace Behold what favour the church of Rome hath found above all churches under heaven that if she receive Iudaisme or Paganisme if she worship the Beast the Dragon or Divil himself by open profession yet the abideth the church of God for if Antiochus who set up Iupiter Olympius image in the Temple had set up also the professed worship of the Divil yet the Temple should have been Gods holy temple notwithstanding and so by proportion the church of Rome must be if this comparison of mine opposites be true By such doctrine the whole gospel of Christ is overthrowne For faith and sanctimonie of life are the summe of all the gospell and both of them are destroyed For though Rome be apostate and departed from the faith as Paul foretold 1 Tim. 4. 1. though she beleeve in a wafer cake and worship it for her God and maker though she beleeve to have forgivenes of synns by the abominable massing sacrifice of her priests by the pardons and indulgences of her popes and to merit salvation in heaven by wicked works which she doeth being taught by the Man of syn though she have many thousands of new Gods and new Christs even so many as there be Angels and saincts in heaven and moe too though she be as filthy in life as Sodom as idolatrous malignant against Gods people as were Egypt and Babylon unto which the holy Ghost hath compared her Rev 11. 8. 14. 8. yet so long as she wil say to Christ but as the Divil sayd Thou art Christ the son of God Luke 4. 41. that is so long as she reteyneth the profession of Christianitie she is the Temple of God the church of Christ and under the covenant of salvation But he that justifieth the wicked is an abomination to the Lord Prov. 16. 15. and woe unto them that say concerning evil it is good Esa. 5. 20. Can not men put difference between Gods ordinances given unto a people the people themselves that injoy use or abuse those ordinances The Temple was an ordinance given unto Israel as were the altars and sacrifices therin so God gave unto all the world by Noe commandements for altars and sacrifices Gen. 8. 20. unto Abraham he commanded circumcision unto Christians baptisme the Supper of Christ c. All Gods ordinances continue in themselves holy till God doe abrogate them though men that abuse them fall to be most unholy and without God in the world So the sacrifices of sheep and Oxen were in themselves Gods holy ordinances howsoever abused by the Iewes in Ierusalem by the Israelites in Samaria and by the heathens in their severall lands so circumcision though profaned by the Sichemites Gen. 34. so baptisme and the Lords supper though turned by Antichrist into abominable idols remayned and doe remaine in themselves Gods holy ordinances though men have abused them to their damnation so the Sun moon and starrs continued Gods good creatures though men made idols of them to themselves To reason therfore from the creatures and ordinances unto men which abuse them and to gather because the creature or ordinance abideth good in it self therfore the person that abuseth it abideth good also or to wrest a type as mine opposite doeth from a creature or ordinance of old to a most synfull people now and make them alike holy is an high abuse of Gods ordinances and a taking of his name in vaine Of the Temple in Rev. 11. MIne opposite proceedeth to speak of the Temple and court in Rev. 11. 1. 2. and to apply it to his present cause That which he first speaketh of the word Temple diversly used and meaning not onely the house but the Court yard or Courts I graunt unto him How to apply it he sheweth himself uncertaine whether more generally to the Christian church or more specially to the church of Rome Yet every way sayth he it wil folow that the state of the sayd church of Rome and Christians is to be esteemed according to the estate of the Temple at Ierusalem and particularly with reference to the court and holy citie given to the gentiles and therfore is to be accounted the church and citie of God as the other were his court and citie though polluted c. This I deny the church or people of Rome at this day is not answerable to the Temple or court or city of Ierusalem in holynes but to the gentiles in profanenes And I have before manifested his great abuse of that proportion from the Temple polluted yet continuing the Lords and holy in it self to the people apostate and fallen from the Lord from his faith and worship to the faith and worship of Antichrist In sted of proofs he offreth things to be considered The first wherof I leave as not perteyning to our controversie though it may seem not agreable that the most holy place should be omitted as figuring heaven seeing in the 19. verse when the Temple was opened the Ark of Gods testament was seen in it and the Ark was set in the most holy place 2 Chron. 5. 7. It is true that that place figured heaven Heb. 9. 24. but it might also figure other things on earth as the Temple it self figured both Christ and the Church as we have formerly heard His second consideration is whether by the temple of God here may not be understood the holy place and figuratively
answereth Not Rome but the Church and not this Church but that which then was neerer the Apostles times which cleaved to the truth and simplicitie of Christ. The disputer would deceive ex elenchi ignoratione Into the same fall acie doth mine opposite often run in his dispute against me and is therefore reproved by Mr. Iunius himselfe To the objection of Gods calling in the Church of Rome barely affirmed without proof I shewed from 2. Thes. 2. that the man of syn sitteth there calling all to worship him c. and from Rev. 18. 4. that God calleth out of her such as shal bee saved And from Rev. 9. that their Bishops the ordinary meanes of calling are fallen from heaven and have the key of the bottomless pit c. which Mr. Iunius himselfe hath applied to the popish hierarchie Mine opposite replieth that I had not what to answer but boldly deny that God is there calling as in his Church c. In sted of disproving hee falleth to his wonted questioning how then there can be salvation to any in that church c. Answ. It is a wearines to answer his often demands Salvation by sundry meanes cometh to Gods elect in all false churches and in the world How came Rahab to faith among the Canaanites Heb. 11. 31. Iam. 2. 25. and other Gods chosen among the heathens It is one thing for God to call by extraordinarie means another thing for him to call as in his church by his ordinary ministerie which is the thing that I deny in Rome and they prove it not there The distinction between the papacie and the church of Rome that is the pastors and the flock of that church is of no weight to prove the difference pretended unlesse they were of divers faiths and religions But when the priests teach lies idolatries and heresies and the people beleeve worship and obey them as they doe in Rome they both perish together as the scriptures witnes 2. Thess. 2. Rev. 14. 9. 10. 11. Touching the order or rank of Apostates to omit his trifling about his own translation of the word he sayth Mr. Junius speaks this not of the whole Church but onely of the papal hierarchie Be it so but what proof is brought for that he sayth It is knowen to all that have understanding of their estate that the church and people of Rome are apostate from the faith and service of Christ as are their priests and hierarchie What shall I need to bring proofes Mr. Iohnson himselfe here confesseth and prayeth all to take knowledge of it that the Church of Rome is fallen into most sinful and deep defection and Apostasie and so is a notorious harlot and idolatress If Mr. Iunius say otherweise and will have the Apostasie to be in the Hierarchie onely not in the church let them first agree between themselves before they trouble others with their contrary pleas Or let a third be umpier beeween them Mr. Cartwright who in his second Replie to D. Whitgift pag. 245. sayth J would gladly learn where the Lord hath willed us so to cast away the use of our iudgement that when men make open profession that they are members of the Pope which is Antichrist yet we must account of them as of members of Christ. Or how this is to iudge wisely Ioh. 7. 14. Wheras Mr. Iunius made the papacie or papal hierarchie to be an accident growing to the Church apoyson in the church a pestilence a dropsie a gangrene in the body I shewed these inconveniences upon their own grant If the hierarchie be no part of the body but an accident a poyson a gangrene c. what shal we think of al the actions of that hierarchy their ministration of sacramēts making of ministers whole church administration They cānot possibly be the actions of the body of the church neither of Christ c. And now what is become of their true baptisme and ordination of ministers And how doth God cal in that Church as before they reasoned c. Here mine opposite chargeth me with trifling and cavilling c. as if similitudes should hold in all things Answ. A similitude must hold in some things and in that for which it is alleaged else it is vaine to prove the hierarchie none of the Church this instance is brought the pestilence dropsie gangrene is none of the body but an accident To disprove this I shew that such accidents can doe no natural functions of the body but the hierarchie doe the naturall functions of the body of the church of Rome in teaching ministring the sacraments c. therefore they are not accidents but true members yea the chiefe of that Church Object The Apostate Jewes are compared to brass and iron Jer. 6. 28. Ezek. 22. 18. Shal we now conclude against Iudah to make a nullity of all the actions ministration and Churches estate Answ. It is a living body that doth actions and not mettall if a similie bee given of a living body and of a gangrene or scab that consumes the life of that body all in reason will see that the body doth actions the scab or gangrene doth none But in a similitude from metall there is no reason to speak of actions But thus the whole company is compared to a lump of metall the godly are as pure silver Psal. 66. 10. the wicked are as dross Psalm 119. 119. the fire of Gods word and tribulation trieth them 1. Pet. 1 6. 7. The Finer reserveth the pure metall but consumeth or casteth away the drosse thus God threatneth to doe with the Iewes Ezek. 22. 18. 22. Here to bring in actions of a living body is quite from the purpose but in the other similie not Here I would say of drosse can be no vessell for the Finer or of brass yron and reprobate silver the Lord maketh no choyce for vessels in his sanctuary Of like sort are his other wrested similitudes of trees corne seed c. all which must bee fitted to their proper natures But vvhat answer giveth he to the poynt it self First he breaketh out into his charitable termes saying Could any Anabaptist write more Anabaptistically then thus c. And after sundry reproches he replieth in Mr. Iunius name and to my question Can a scab or gangrene perform any action of a natural body or member hee giveth no answer but asketh againe Can a body that hath a scab or gangrene performe no actions of a natural body I answer yes it can And vvhat now will it help his cause For though the body can doe the naturall actions of it yet it is not possible for the scab or gangrene to doe them Either therefore the Pope and his hierarchie must be other then accidents gangrenes poyson dropsie c. in the church of Rome as in deed they are the chiefe members of that Whore or else they can performe no ecclesiasticall action As for his usuall refuge when all other faile the
he wrong me as if I made the church of Rome damned and dead for ever that is as if there could be no mercie shewed to the papists for repentance and turning to the Lord. They are onely the reprobate multitude which are damned and dead for ever Many of that church yea even of the hierarchie whom my opposite holdeth to bee the Man of syn the son of perdition being dead in their sins God hath in mercie revived and raised with Christ as he did in the churches of the Gentiles Eph. 2 1● Coloss. 2. 〈◊〉 But such as are not raised from the death of Antichrist and quickned by Christ they perish for ever And wee speake of that Church now remaining in her synfull death unto which so continuing no salvation is promised but assured destruction threatned 2. Thes. 2. Rev. 14. 9. 10. 11. Thus we see how notwithstanding all his turning and winding and backing his errour with learned mens names these Gentiles the church of Antichrist and worshipers of the Man of syn are by the sentence of God dead in sins as were the Gentiles before Christ gave them life That such of them as the Lord shall in mercie raise up out of the grave of poperie shall escape the second death the rest doe remain under Gods wrath dead in syn and shall die in torment In the end to that which I shewed of that whores death otherweise and of her burning with fire Rev. 18. 7. 8 and of the joy which the heavenly multitude shal have at her destruction Rev. 18. 20. 1● 1. 2. 3. mine opposite seemeth to assent referring it to the Citie resembled as he sayth by Babylon and Babylons destruction that was of old Rev. 18. with Ier. 50. 51. Thus the truth hath wrung out at last an acknowledgement from him as the feare and light of his conscience made him acknowledge at the first For he began with the Church of Rome thus acknowledging it to be fallen into most sinful and deep defection and apostasie and so to be a notorious harlot and idolatres This notorious harlot the holy Ghost calleth Babylon the great the mother of horlots and abominations of the earth Rev. 17. 5. which is meant of the Citie Rome v. 18. but of an ecclesiastical state such as is in that citie at this day And that Babylon or church it is whole destruction is threatned in Rev. 18. and for which there shall bee ioy and singing Alleluiah for that God hath judged the great wh●re which did corrupt the earth with her fornication and shed the bloud of his servants Rev. 1● 1. 2. 3. c. For the destruction of this great whore which in deed is no other then the Church of Rome mine opposite sayth with me they shal be so farr from mourning at her funeral as they shal rejoyce with the heavenly multitude and sing Hallelujah when the Lord hath given Sodoms judgement on her and they see her smoke rise up for evermore Rev. 19. 1. 2. 3. Of his own mouth now let him be judged with what truth equity conscience he hath pleaded for the church of Rome to bee the Temple of God the church of God in his covenant of grace and to have his baptisme the seale of his covenant even in that adulterous and most sinfull estate wherin she standeth at this day under her Pastor Antichrist whom she honoureth and worshipeth beleeving his lies serving his idols and trusting to merit heaven by the wicked works which that Man of syn hath taught her But that God for a reward of his popish errour in advancing the Ministers above the church and the pastor above his fellow ministers gave him over to this second errour who would have thought that a man of understanding would so bitterly have inveighted against me for denying her to be Christs true Church and that he would for defense of such a notorius harlot have forsaken and written against his own former good testimony which hee witnessed against her Gods counsels are unsearchable and let all that feare him heare what the Spirit sayth unto us Hearken unto me now therefore ôye children and attend to the words of my mouth Let not thine heart decline to her wayes goe not astray in her paths For shee hath east downe many wounded yea many strong men have been slain by her Her house is the way to hell going down to the chambers of death Prov. 7. 24 27. Of other Writers TO his citations of Polanus Keckerman c. I answered That diverse men were mistaken in judging of that rotten Church of Rome which would help these our opposites nothing who have seen and acknowledged better and now goe back And I instanced sundry others contrary minded as Mr. Carwright Mr. Perkins D. Fulk D. Willet Mr. Bale all our country men who deny the church of Rome to be the true Church of Christ. Mine opposite replieth that I say in particular of Polanus that he was mistaken and in this for that he sayd that Antichrist must sit in the Temple of God not Jewish or at Jerusalem but Christian c. wherein as his manner is he drepraveth both my words and meaning For I never dreamt that Antichrist should sit in the Iewish Temple at Ierusalem but in the Christian Church falsly so called as Mr. Iunius nameth it in Annot. on Rev. 11. But Polanus pleadeth otherwise for the church of Rome as mine opposite hath set down his words Chr. plea. p. 212. And in that I iudge he was mistaken and not I onely but many moe with me men of greater learning and before me though mine opposite leaveth it with this reproch That all in my judgement are mistaken hereabout but my selfe and my followers And presently after to that which I alleaged from Mr. Cartwright Perkins c. he wisheth they had written more advisedly and more soundly And why even for his former often refuted reasons of the Temple of God and Baptisme in that church wherein he doth but beg the question and answereth not them For I named to him Mr. Perkins reasons that the Papists doctrine doth rase the very foundation of Religion and his 4. arguments in a treatise for that purpose Now to these he answereth not one word But the Temple of God the Temple of God and Antichrist must sit in the Temple of God and Martyres out of the Church of Rome and where else had they their baptisme these are his common bucklers To which I have answered before And now that the Reader may further see how not I onely but many before me even such as he nameth in his book for him as D. Whitakers Mr. Broughton Mr. Brightman and others are direct against him I will set down their testimonies What Mr. Bale Mr. Cartwright D. Fulk M. Perkins and D. Willet have written I have shewed heretofore and them hee regardeth not Whereas Bellarmine would conclude from the protestants graunt that the church of Rome
A REPLY TO A PRETENDED CHRISTIAN PLEA FOR THE ANTICHISTIAN CHVRCH OF ROME published by Mr. Francis Iohnson ao. 1617. Wherin the weakness of the sayd Plea is manifested and arguments alleaged for the Church of Rome and Baptisme therein are refuted By Henry Ainsworth Anno 1618. We would have healed Babylon but she is not healed forsake her and let us goe every one into his owne countrie for her judgment reacheth unto heaven and is lifted up even to the skies Ier. 51. 9. Printed in the yere 1620. The Preface TWo things good Reader have been heretofore controverted between Mr. Iohnson and mee the one concerning the Power of the Christian church which he would have installed in the Ministerie thereof the other concerning the Antichristian church of Rome with the ministerie and baptisme thereof which he hath pleaded to be true though corrupted I have proved to be false and deceytfull These things have passed publikly through mine Opposites occasion in Mr Richard Cliftons Advertisement and my Animadversion therto The former of these two points Mr. Iohnson hath left vnanswered so the prudent may judge of the strife by that which we both have sayd the latter he hath sought to mainteyne by a colourable Plea for the Romane church cheifly underpropped by two reasons 1. because Antichrist should sit in the Temple of God 2. and because Apostate Israel the figure of this Antichristian church was the church of God as he pretendeth These with his other like reasons I have laboured to refell in this treatise folowing His order of handling them I have altered beginning with the Church of Rome then with the Baptisme of that church for so I judge the trueth of the controversie wil soonest appeare His often longsome repetitions I seek to abridge as being fruitlesse wearisome to the Readers his bold and bitter taunts I passe over being not willing to answer any man and least of all the dead to such things As also his marching us among the Anabaptists for our more disgrace his dissembling of his own former judgment and accord with us in the things now controverted imputing them to us and others when himself hath formerly spoken and written for the things which he now would pull down but hath not taken away his owne grounds Onely wheras in his preface he intimateth sundry manifest untruthes published in the Animadversion but nameth none I signifie in a good conscience that to my knowledge ● published not any one untrueth but rather spared him then pressed things in extremitie That which I suppose he aimeth at I set downe from the report of honest faithfull witnesses of whome some are now at rest in the Lord who would not as I am perswaded willingly have related any thing but the trueth Finally as in all other my labours so in these controversies following I indevour to find out manifest the way and wil of God by the light of his word to the glorie of his name and comfort of those that love the trueth in sinceritie A REPLY TO A PRETENDED Christian Plea for the Antichristian Church of Rome WEe are taught of God that they which forsake the Law praise the wicked but such as keep the Law will contend with them Wherfore though my desire hath been to leave off contention with all men to labour to build up Sion in peace yet being provoked by name my writings against the Man of syn that Son of perdition being publickly traduced I held it my dutie to mainteyne the warre which I began to wage against the Beast whom The Lord will consume with the spirit of his mouth and will abolish with the brightnes of his coming The state of this controversie is whether notwithstanding the infinite idolatries and other abominations now of a long time with strong hand practised by the church of Rome it be to be reputed the true church of Christ and the Sacraments especially Baptisme to be esteemed the true signes and seals of the covenant of grace from God to them in their present estate I deny it mine opposite hath colourably pleaded for it inveighed much against me in his last book called A Christian Plea ao. 1617. Wherin though in many things he deserved sharp blame yet having ended his life with his work and not being now to answer for himself or make use of that which is written I will omitt the just reproofs which might through Gods mercie have been a benefit unto him and will address my self to remove the stumbling blocks out of others way and to cleare the trueth which is darkned with the cloud of error The Lord which hath taken this counsel against Babylon that the least of the flock shal draw them out and that he will surely make their habitation desolate with them inable me with his grace to ●ight the good fight of ●aith and to declare in Sion the vengeance of the LORD our God the vengeance of his Temple Of the church of ●ome BEcause the true Church is that people to whom perteyneth the adoption of sonns and the glorie and the covenants the giving of the Law and the service of God and the promises it is requisite that we first hādle the state of Antichrists church so shall we the better discerne of the ministerie seales of the covenant and other ordinances of God which the man of syn abuseth whether they be true or false unto them in that their synfull abuse In my former answer I layd downe these grounds The Antichristian synagogue is by the Holy Ghost called a Beast Rev. 13. 11. which signifieth a Kingdome Dan. 7. 23. it is named also a great Citie Rev. 11. 8. which noteth the largenes of tha tpolitie kingdome It cometh up out of the earth Rev. 13. 11. as being of this world which Christs kingdome that cometh downe from heavē Rev. 21. 2. is not and therefore is called a man of syn 2 Thes. 2. 3. and a great whore Rev. 17. 1. whose head is Abaddon or Apollyon Revel 9. 11. the Destroyer of others and himself the son of perdition 2 Thes. 2. 3. and they that follow him are the children of damnation 2 Thes. 2. 12. This wicked generation warreth against the Lamb Christ and against the Saincts Rev. 17. 14. 6. and 13. 7. blasphemeth Gods name and Tabernacle and them that dwel in heaven Rev. 13. 6. that is the true church whose conversation is heavenly Phil. 3. 20. Yet doe they all this mischief under shew of Christian religion and therefore this Beast hath hornes like the Lamb Christ Rev. 13. 11. this whore is arayed with purple scarlet guilded with gold precious stones and pearles Rev. 17. 4. as if she were the Queen and spouse of Christ Psal. 45. 9. 13. Ezek. 16. ●0 13. Song 7. 5. she hath Peace-offrings and Vowes Prov. 7. 14. as if she were devout in Gods service Psal. 66. 13. bread and waters Prov. 9. 16. 17. as ready
to refresh the wearie soules Her doctrines sweet and amiable lyes spoken in hypocrisie Prov. 5. 3. 1 Tim. 4. 2. but yet confirmed with signes and miracles as if they came from heaven 2 Thes. 2. 9. Rev. 13. 13. 14. her power efficacie great prevailing over the many and the mightie the Kings and Princes of the world deceiving all nations with her inchantments Prov. 7. 21. 26. Rev. 17. 2 18. 23. and if it were possible Gods very elect Math. 24. 24. Her continuance and outward prosperitie is long Rev. 13. 5. 18. 7. 20. 2. 4. her end miserable Rev. 18. 19. 21. 19. 20. 21. consumed with the spirit of the Lords mouth and abolished with the brightnes of his coming 2 Thes. 2. 8. And for her destruction the heavens shall rejoyce and sing praises to God Rev. 18. 20. 19. 1. 2. The accomplishment of these prophesies I there shewed to be in the Church of Rome at this day confirmed by her own canons and doctors that set forth her profession and practise These grounds remayne yet unanswered by mine opposite being such as I assure my self neither could he neither can any soundly refute Now let us see how farr he yeildeth and how he opposeth First he prayeth all to take knowledge that his minde and desire in himselfe is to plead against the present estate of that church and not for it acknowledging it to be fallen into most synful and deep defection and apostasie and so to be a notorious harlot and idolatress which all the people of God ought to forsake and to witnes the trueth there against even vnto death How well this his acknowledgement agreeth with his plea in the residue of his book shall appeare in the discussing of the reasons after folowing But what sayth he to the description of Antichrists church which I before shewed from the scriptures He sayth I speak of the church and Synagogue of Antichrist of the Beast of the great Citie of the man of Syn of the great whore of Abaddon or Apollyon the son of perdition c. wheras I should treat of the Temple of God wherof Paul speaketh 2 Thes. 2. Hereupon he chargeth me to keep what I could from the point of the question in hand and therefore also to confound things that differ I answer that the the question was by this mine opposites former graunt about the church of Rome whether it were the church of God or no. Now when at first I shew from the scriptures what maner of Church that Romane church is in Gods account how could he charge me to keep from the point of the question 2ly the place of th'Apostle being alleaged by mine opposite for a proof that the church wherein Antichrist sitteth is the Church of God I come immediately after to scan that scripture and yet he challengeth me for keeping from the point wheras all men of judgement may see it was needful to know what God foretold of that church throughout the scriptures that so we might understand in what sense Antichrist is sayd to sit in the Temple of God 2 Thes. 2. For seing the Temple of God is a figurative phrase taken from the shadowes of the Law it is not wisedome in us to expound a parabolical speech contrary to the plaine scriptures grounds of Christian religion but we must understand it according to them Wherefore there being no other answer made to the description aforesayd it standeth in force to prove that the church of Rome is not the true Church of Christ. So for the accomplishment of the prophesies wheras I shewed from the Papists own writings of their church how fitly it agreeth with Antichrists synagogue foretold of by God mine opposite answereth I tell them of a Church such as Bellarmine and others describe one part wherof lives on earth an other under the earth and a third part in heaven c. Wheras our question is of the Temple of God wherof Paul speaketh 2. Thes. 2. 4. and of the court and holy citie wherof Iohn speaketh Rev. 11. 2. Thus neyther the Prophesies of God nor the complement of them shewed by the men themselves whom the prophesies concerne may be brought to clear the controversie but mine opposite will insist upon dark and figurative speeches that men may be the more easily deluded For how shall we prove against Papists that the Pope is Antichrist if we may not alleage the Popes owne doctrines and practises which are contrary to Christ Yea how shall we judge of any church but by their owne Confessions published and comparing them with the scripures Wherefore the profession of Papists concerning their church is a strong argument wherby they may be discovered to be none of Christs even the Cretian lyars testimonie against themselves is true as the Apostle noteth Tit. 1. 12. 13. An Answer to the arguments brought for the church of Rome MIne opposite pleadeth thus 1. First J take an argument from the baptisme had in the churches aforesayd the Apostate churches of Christians thus The Baptisme had in the church of Rome is the Lords baptisme the signe and seale of his covenant the ordinance of God had in that church from the Apostles times before Antichrist there arose Rom. 6. 2. 3. and so is true baptisme which is from heaven and not of men that one baptisme which perteyneth to the bodie of Christ Eph. 4. 4. 5. which the Lord hath given to his church and not man c. Therfore the church of Rome is the church of God and under his covenant c. Answ. Here let it first be observed whether mine opposite pleadeth against the present estate of that church as before he pretended For if they be under Gods covenant have it sealed unto them from heaven by that one true baptisme then are they in the state of grace and of salvation which is the very thing that all Papists at this day doe plead for Concerning his Argument I deny that the baptisme had in all Apostate churches of Christians and particularly in the church of Rome is the Lords true baptisme or the signe and seale of his covenant of grace unto them Here mine opposite referreth me to an other place of his book for proof of the trueth of their Baptisme wherto I will make answer anone in their place And now that my denyal may not be so bare as is his assertion here I will insist upon the two scriptures which he citeth and disprove their baptisme In Rom. 6. 2. 3. 4. the Apostle sayth How shall we that are dead to syn live any longer therin Know ye not that so many of us as are baptised into Christ Iesus were baptised into his death Therfore we are buried with him by baptisme into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glorie of the Father even so we also should walk ●n n●wnes of life Here first the
God Bellarm. de Iustific l. 1. c. 8. Such a faith appeareth to have been in the Divils as it is written And Divils also came out of many crying out and saying Thou art Christ the son of God Luke 4. 41. But that God giveth some in that church a sounder faith and saveth them of the riches of his grace I never denyed or doubted of Object 2. Of this minde concerning them J have been a long time see Answ. to Mr. Jak p. 13. 47. c. Answ. But then and there this distinction was rightly put of some particular men considered a part from their constitution that is from their church estate now that church and all other Apostate churches professing Christs name are generally pleaded for to be in the state of grace having the one true baptisme c. which is to justifie the open wicked and count Christs enemies blessed Object 3. Some of them dye Martyrs in defense of the Christian faith acknowledging Iesus to be the Christ the son of God against Turks c. Answ. If it be in defense of the Christian faith it is well but if acknowledging Iesus to be the Christ they dye also in defense of the Antichristian faith professed by that church and for the idolatrie of the same which is hatefull to the very Turks then I say with th'Apostle they may give their body to be burned and it profit them nothing Neyther doubt I but some of the Iewes have dyed and will dye in defense of the God of Israel as they now profess him from Moses and the Prophets rather then yeeld to the heathens But the extraordinary mercie of God to some in Antichrists church justifieth no more the estate of that Synagogue of Satan then his like extraordinary mercie to some of the heathens of whom we shall speak anone wil justifie the heathens synagogues to be Gods true churches As for Martyrs our owne English acts and monuments and other doe shew that many have given their lives for this that the church of Rome is not the true church of Christ. Now by mine opposites plea they died not herein for the trueth but for errour what Martyrs them were they Obj. 4. Many Jndians Pagans Jewes are by them converted and brought to the profession of Christian religion among whom I doubt not but the Lord hath and saveth his even by that knowledge and faith of Christ which by their preaching among them they are brought unto c. Answ. That many of all nations are converted or perverted unto Antichristianitie by the Papists there is no doubt for experience sheweth it and so it is prophesied that by Babylons sorceries all nations should be deceived Reve. 18. 23. So the heathens of Babylon Cuth Hamath c. were converted by a Samaritan Priest and taught to feare the Lord the God of Israel that they feared the Lord and served their own Gods also they feared not the Lord neyther did they after their statutes or after their ordinances 2 King 17. 28. 29. 30. 33. 34. If that misceline rable were Gods true church so are these popish proselytes if they were not as I never heard any affirme they were neyther are these And what have our learned men of England answered to this old popish argument J deny sayth Dr. Fulk that ever the popish church converted any to the true faith Answer to a counterf Catholik art 1. Yea what say the Papists themselves of this point Hierom Benzo in Histor. Indiarum sayth that all the religion the Indians have is to make the signe of the cross to heare a Latine mass and to perform such like ceremonies Ioseph a Costa a Iesuite in his book De procuranda Judaorum salute telleth us that the Spanyards have baptised many against their wills He sayth they are like the Samaritans that worshiped God and idols both togither they make sayth he a feighned shew of Christianitie they serve not God in deed neyther beleeve they unto righteousnes And are not these converts now a goodly plea for mine opposite to alledge for proof of a true Christian church But he procedeth Yea and who can say but that whersoever the name of Christ is preached and called upon the Lord saveth some c. seing that Christ is the way the trueth and the life and whosoever beleeveth in him shall not perish Ioh. 3. 16. 17. c. Answ. Where Christ is truely preached and beleeved no Christian wil say but the Lord saveth some but where Christ is falsly preached and beleeved in after Antichrists idolatrous manner none can truly say that they are a true Christian Church As for Gods saving some by the doctrine there preached it is a thing not for us to dispute of we are commanded to leave secret things unto God and to hold us unto things revealed Deut. 29. 2● God who brought light out of darknes can cause the trueth to shine into the harts of his elect by the corrupt preaching of the Papists and so I doubt not but he doeth yet is this no justification of the popish church any more then the true preaching of the gospel which is unto the reprobates the savour of death unto death is a condemnation of the Christian Church and true doctrine of the same Object 5. But Out of the Church there is no salvation which J suppose themselves wil not deny And that which is more the Lords constitutions cease not to be his holy ordinances though the people that injoy them should have no benefit therof to salvation Answ. Here we have suppositions in sted of proof His assertion I deny though he supposed the contrary for out of the true visible Church wherof we dispute there may be salvation Many that are not of any true Church yea are persecutors of it and excommunicates out of it may repent and beleeve in Christ even at their last houre and at their death and so be saved though they neyther have time place or means to be joyned to any true visible church on earth If he speak not of a particular visible church but of the Vniversal church which is invisible and comprehendeth all Gods elect he swerveth from the question and deceiveth by aequivocation for we treat of the visible church of Rome whether it be Christs true church or no. As for the Vniversal church which is all over the earth and from the beginning of the world to the end therof and conteyneth Gods elect onely out of it in deed there is no salvation But what is this to the purpose For so a man might reason thus In the church there are no reprobates there is no damnation for Christ giveth all his sheep eternal life and they shal never perish Ioh. 10. 28. But the Popish synagogue is by mine oposites plea the church even the true church of Christ. Therfore in it there are no reprobates there is no damnation Here I doubt not mine opposite would distinguish between the
example more fitly if a Iew had been forced by Antiochus violently to kyss or bow the knee to Iupiters image when he resisted and testified against it none could justly call him an idolater or one of Iupiters people But if an other Iew had revolted to Antiochus religion and beleeved in his Iupiter and honoured him with hart profession and action he now might justly be called the servant of Iupiter or one of his people as the Moabites are called the people of Chemosh Numb 21. 29. So the church of Rome now fallen from true Christianity and beleeving worshiping obeying Antichrist the Popes holynes are and may justly be called his church or else Antichrist hath no temple church or people in the world Object Observe here and throughout his treatise how still he calleth that the Temple church and bodie of Antichrist which Paul expressly and purposely calleth the Temple of God And so therin note stil his sh●f●s and his errours c. Answ. Loe still an urging of the bare letter as doe the Papists This is my body to prove their transubstantiation that there is no bread left but Christs very body really and properly I have I trust without shifting or errour proved the present church of Rome to be Antichrists temple church and bodie if the Pope be Antichrist And seing his mysterie of iniquitie is contrary to Christs mysterie of godlynes and Christ hath a mystical temple which is his church and bodie Eph. 2. 21. 5. 23. I would gladly know what temple church and body Antichrist hath if the church of Rome be not the same Againe he speaketh too largely that J stil so call it throughout my treatise for I have other weise written though it liked him not thus Gods true temple and tabernacle is in mount Sion in heaven Rev. 14. 1. 17. where God sitteth on a throne Rev. 16. 17. 7. 15. and dwelleth among his people where is the Ark of his covenant Rev. 11. 19. and from thence lightnings voices thondrings earthquake and h●yle come forth against th● Antichristians his enemies and vials of his wrath powred out upon the throne of the beast Rev. 16. 1. 2. 10. and on men that have his mark On the contrary the Beast which is the kingdome of Antichrist ascendeth from beneath out of the bottomless pit Rev. 17. 8. and blasphemeth this heavenly tabernacle Rev. 13. 6. and sitteth in Babylon Rev. 16. 19. upon the Dragons throne Rev. 13. 2. and fighteth against the Lamb and against the saincts Rev. 19. 19. treading under foot the holy citie Rev. 11. 2. and casting downe the place of Christs sanctuarie Dan. 8. 11. When th' Apostle therfore telleth us that Antichrist sitteth as God in the Temple of God it is to be understood of their invading and destroying of Gods church and people as the heathens of old deal● with Jerusalem and dwellers therin Psal. 79. Dan. 8 11. 13. 11. 36. Ier. 22. 12. 13. Law 2. 7. 9. Secondly of their own vaine ostentation whiles they wil have it called the Christian catholik church and the Pope the head of the same Ezek. 28. 2. 6. Esa. 14. 13. 14. 2 Thes. 2. 9 10 Rev. 13. 11. 14. 17. 4. 2 Cor. 11. 13. 14. 15. Thus I grant that the Temple which Antichrist invadeth destroyeth is Gods true Temple but that wherin the Beast sitteth as God which he trimmeth upholdeth and boasteth of as he doeth the church of Rome at this day is the synagogue of Satan But he procedeth Object As for the ancient Doctor whom here he citeth let us hear himself speak His words are these That which is the Temple of any idolor Divil the Apostle would not call the Temple of God Wherupon some will have in this place not the Prince himself but after a manner his whole bodie th●● is the multitude of men perteyning unto him togither with himself under the Prince understood to be Antichrist And more rightly also they think it to be sayd in Latine 〈◊〉 in the Greek that he sitteth not in the Temple of God but for the Temple of God which is the church As we say he sitteth for a friend that is as a friend Augustine de Civic D●● l. 20. c. 19. Where note how farr differing Augustine is from this man that citeth him c. Answ. There is not so great difference as mine opposite would pretend First I cited not Augustine for his own judgment but for others whom he speaketh of touching the translation of the Text in the Temple of God or for the Temple Secondly he setteth down Augustines words maymed both at head and foot For Augustine beginneth thus But in what temple of God he shal sit as God is uncertaine whether in that ruine of the Temple which was built by King Solomon or in the church For that which is the temple of any idol or divil the Apostle would not call the temple of God c. Now the ruine of Solomons temple cannot at this day be called Gods temple otherweise then because it was the Temple of God of old hath now no more holynes in deed trueth thē any other place in the world And thus I have granted that the church of Rome may be called the church of God in respect that there was a church there in Pauls time wheras now it hath no more true holynes then the synagogue of Satan So we see how for advantage mine opposite baulked Augustines first words In the end he breaketh off in the midst of a period for Augustine sayth sitteth for a friend that is as a friend or if any other thing is wont to be understood by this kind of speech So he defineth not certainly of this place but leaves it doubtfull and presently after confesseth his ignorance For what is this sayth Augustine For the mysterie of iniquitie doth already work onely he who now holdeth let him hold till he be taken out of the way J confess my self to be utterly ignorant what he meaneth Thus we need not strive about Augustines words here and I grant that the Apostle would not have called it the Temple of God unless eyther it were so in deed and trueth or had been so in times past or did pretend to be so still And I think all wil likewise grant that the holy Ghost would not have called the witches spirit at endor Samuel unless eyther it had been Samuel in deed as the Papists doe contend or some thing in pretence and shew like Samuel Neyther would the prophet have sayd to the King of Tyrus Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God a proselyte in the church of Israel unless eyther himself or some of his predecessors had been there in times past Neyther would Amos have called the Israelites idol temple the house of their God unless eyther it were so in deed or in pretense which phrase when the Greek translateth according to the letter the house of
the true churches apostate in Rev. 2. 3. were still golden candlesticks though some of them rustie but I would have it likewise graunted me that there were other churches but copper candlesticks though they pretended to be golden namely such Antichristian haeretical synagogues as of whom it might be sayd They went out from us but they were not of us 1. Joh. 2. 18. 19. And if those petty Antichrists were no golden candlesticks much less can the great Antichrist with his synagogue be a golden candlestick for he farr exceedeth them in idolatrie heresie and impietie That Antichrist could sit in any true church then as he sitteth now in the church of Rome namely as God and so to be beleeved with his lyes worshiped and obeyed I utterly deny for that church that so doeth departeth from Christ the foundation and denyeth both the Father and the Son 1 Ioh. 2. 22. 23. and whether it be a particular church or a more general it skilleth not universalitie in worshiping the Beast causeth but universalitie of damnation Rev. 13. 16. 17. 14 9. 10. 11. Obj. Wheras he would be taught how that whorish company that worship the Beast and Dragon can be the true catholik church and spouse of Christ though that which J noted before be sufficient for the point in hand yet let him first remember how but a litle before he told us the catholik church of the now Romish religion as themselves describe it hath one part therof on earth an other under the earth a third part in heaven and now here he speaketh onely of such as are on earth and those also such as worship the Dragon and beast Rev. 13. 4. wheras the catholik church in deed conteyneth all churches people of God from the beginning of the world c. Answ. By this then it appeareth that the church of Rome lyeth apparantly when she calleth her self the catholik church and therfore is not the true church or Temple of God But I would be taught in deed how that whorish company here on earth which worship the Beast can be the true church eyther universall or particular Here first he asketh whither I think there was no other churches of Christians catholik or particular wherin Antichrist sate since th'apostasie of the man of syn but such as worshiped the Dragon and the beast And who then were the Tabernacle and those that dwelt in heaven whom the beast blasphemed and the saintes with whom he made warr 42. monethes Rev. 13. 5. 6. 7. and of what church they were c. Answ. He seemeth to use the word sit in two senses 1. for oppressing blaspheming killing the Saincts that resisted Antichrist and 2. for quiet governing and having in subjection the wicked that beleeve and obey him with such aequivocations his writings are too full Such churches or persons as resisted the beast and whom he blasphemed and killed they were of God and of them there is no question But the other sort given over of God to beleeve lyes and to worship the man of syn as God like as he sheweth him self that he is God they are not the true church of God catholik or particular and of such is the present church of Rome now i● question As for the Saincts that dwell in heaven whom Antichrist blasphemeth they are where he is no● in the true church out of which he is gone both he and his and therfore doth he persecute them The scripture by him cite● Rev. 13. 6. yieldeth a strong argument against his purpose thus The true Tabernacle church and heavenly people are blasphemed and warred against by Antichrist The church of Rome now is not blasphemed and warred against by Antichrist but blessed commended mainteyned Therfore the church of Rome now is not the true tabernacle church or heavenly people Obj. Jerusalem came to be a h●●l●t old in adulteries and the Jewes to be a synfull nation laden with iniquitie c. sonns of the sorceress the seed of ●he adulterer and the wh●re a rebellious people c transgressing after all the abominations of the heathens and polluting the house of the Lord c. yet they were stil notwithstanding the citie people and temple of the Lord. Esai 1. 3. 3. 12. with Ier. 50. 28. 51. 11 35. 36. 45. 50. 51. Answ. One findeth a dead and stinking carkess of a man and to prove it a living man he sayth Such an one was so and so diseased he had the burn●ng ague the palsie dropsie the gangrene the plague yet was he a living man therfore this is likewise Such is the mould of mine opposites argument For the Papists the worshipers of the Beast are sayd of God to be dead men Rev. 20. 4. ● not partakers of the first resurrection that is dead in syn not revived by Christ now to prove them alive examples of other persons and peoples of Israel are alleaged who because they were great synners but not dead in syn therfore these dead men under Antichrist must be living also He hath been answered that the Iewes whiles they continued Gods Church though greatly corrupted are not fit resemblances of Antichrists church which the holy Ghost calleth no where Iudea but Babylon Rev. 17. Wheras I sayd The very word Temple speaking of that wherin Antichrist sitteth as God leadeth us to understand Antichrists church to be but a counterfeit shewing this reason that the Temple in Israel was not the church or people properly but a sacramentall signe of Gods dwelling with his people 2 Chron. 6. 2. and of his inward dwelling in their harts by faith Eph. 3. 17. 2. 22. so Antichrists temple is an outward shew of his presence with that seduced people in whose harts he dwelleth by popish faith and by his spirit of error carying them to damnation c. Rev. 13. 4. 14. 16. 14. 1 Tim. 4. 1. 2 Thes. 2. 10. 11. He answereth Then when th'Apostle sayth to the church of Corinth ye are the Temple of God 1 Cor. 3 16. his meaning should be according to this glose ye are a counterfeit church And when Christ sayd Destroy this Temple Joh. ● 19. speaking of his bodie the word Temple should lead us to understand Christs body to be but a counterfeyt Would any man of good understanding and affection have made such inferences upon my words Doth not the very word God when it is spoken of Baal and of images made with mens hands lead us to understand them to be but counterfeyt gods or would any adversary if I had so spoken of Baal and the word God which is applied unto him by the Prophet 1 King 18. 27. have wrested my reason against the true God But sundry such abuses I beare and forbeare to reply unto because my opposite cannot now heare his reproof and to other men it would be fruitless Hetherto of th'Apostles phrase the Temple of God Now touching the Man of
faithfull Christians and more inward church of God invisible to men but seen and preserved of God c. And by the Altar and worshipers be figuratively noted the spirituall worship and mediation of Christ with faithfull Christians and worshipers made Priests unto God who wholly and onely rely vpon Christ c. Answ. Seing here are three distinct things the Temple the Altar and the worshipers it seemeth unfit to confound the first with the last the worshipers here are the faithful Christians which serve God in his Temple as Rev 7. 15. and upon his Altar To make the Temple to signify faithful Christians here when the worshipers are the faithful Christians here themselves it ●itteth not the vision Rather as the Temple figured Christ in his humanitie Joh. 2. 19. 21. God manifested in the flesh in whom God dwelt in whom all doe serve the Lord and as the golden altar of incense figured his mediation the brazen altar for sacrifice figured his oblation of himself for his Church so here the measuring of the Temple Altar and worshipers signifieth the restauration of Christian religion from the Apostasie of Antichrist the Temple of God signifieth Christ truely professed for his person or doctrine of true Christianitie constitution of the Church therein the Altar is the true doctrine of his oblation and mediation for us and the worshipers are the faithfull Christians that worship God in the true profession of Christ and of his mediation and sacrifice as in the true Temple and altar of God contrary to the heresies and abominations of Antichrist His third and fourth considerations are by the Court without the Temple to be noted in figure the visible church Christians By the holy citie Jerusalem to be noted in figure oyther the visible church and outward state of Christians more generally or such as are truly godly and Gods holy church more particularly By the Gentiles to understand hethens and rebellious Jewes that is profane and wicked Christians the Antichristian hierarchi● and Locusts Rev 9. c. Answ. This is faultie three wayes first in confounding persons and other things as one secondly in shuffling true Christians and Antichristians as one bodie thirdly in restreyning the gentiles or heathens spoken of in Revel 11. 2. to the Pope and his hierarchie onely 1. The thing here shewed in vision was after the manner of Ierusalem and the Temple of old there the Temple was not the people neyther were the courts the people neyther the citie when it was distinct from the citizens but they were holy places and signes appointed of God for the people to worship him in by them 2. True visible Christians which he sayth are the court and citie and Antichristians or as he would have it the Pope and his hierarchie whom the Lord calleth Gentiles or heathen he would have mixed togither as one body and church the Antichristian heathens to be the Bishops and pastors and the visible Christians to be the flock and this for the space of 1260. yeres as himself numbreth the 42. moneths a day for a yere Which is contrary to the whole scope of this book of the Revelation which sheweth the true Christians to be such as are marked and sealed of God Revel 7. 3. c. having his name in their foreheads virgines and folowers of the Lamb Rev. 14. 1. 4. such as worship not the Beast or his image neyther receive his mark on forehead or hand Rev. 20 4. whereas by his exposition the true visible Christians are those that worship the beast as the church of Rome doeth and have doen these many yeres 3. That the gentiles should be onely the Pope and hierarchie agreeth neyther with trueth nor type for whether he respect the rebellious Iewes or faithless Gentiles it can never be shewed at any time that they were onely Priests and Levices or Kings captaines and officers that trode down Ierusalem or dwelt in the court without the Temple but people with priests and soldjers with captaines that strange it is from whence he should gather this interpretation And though many of all sorts have expounded this book yet never read I of any one neyther doeth he cite any one man that ever was of his minde so to interpret these things but it was his owne singular conceyt As for the key which should open the dore to the understanding of this vision namely the commandement to measure the Temple c. with the reed vers 1. this he omitteth But with that wil I begin After that God for the idolatries and other synns of the Iewes had delivered the holy citie Ierusalem and the Temple therin into the hands of the Gentiles the Babylonians who first robbed the temple and caried away all the chief men into captivitie from Jerusalem to Babylon and afterward for further synns broke up the Citie burnt the Lords house and the Kings house and all the houses of Jerusalem and brake down the walls of Jerusalem round about and caried away the rest of the people that were left in the citie the Lord pit●ying the desolation of his church began to restore and reedisie the same calling his people to repentance and unto Zacharie his Prophet by visions signified that he would returne to Jerusalem with mercies and his house should be built in it and shewed him a man with a measuring line in his hand to measure the breadth and length of Ierusalem signifying the reedifying of the same and therupon called his people out of Babylon He foretold him also of the Branch Christ that should build the Temple of the Lord. And unto Ezekiel then in captivity he likeweise shewed in a vision a man like brass with a line and a measuring reed wherwith he measured the breadth and heighth of the building which Christ should erect and this in all the parts therof as gates chambers windowes posts courts tables and also the temple posts dores walles likewise the utter court with all things concerning the same The end of which vision was to signifie that in that place he would dwell in the midst of the sonns of Israel as before he had by the signe of Solomons Temple and he willed the Prophet that if the house of Israel were ashamed of all the evils that they had doen he should shew them the forme of the house and the fashion therof c. and all the ordinances therof and all the formes therof and all the lawes therof and let them measure the patterne Accordingly when God had set his Temple or Tabernacle among Christians as is described in Rev. 4. by the similitude of Moses Tabernacle and for the synns of the people who began to revolt from the faith and to imbrace Antichrist even whiles the Apostles lived and after their decease fell more and more from Christ as by the opening of the seales Rev 6. and by the sounding of the Trompets Rev
church estate was dissolved their Temple and holy citie burned when Babylon and Bels temple in it flourished and was garnished with the holy vessels stollen out of Gods temple The Lord had swallowed up all the habitations of Jakob swallowed up Jsrael and all her pallaces destroyed his places of assemblie caused the solemne feasts and Sabbathes to be forgotten in Sion cast off his Altar abhorred his sanctuarie Mount Sion was desolate and the foxes walked upon it But was Babylon which thus abused Gods people and burned his Temple Gods church If not how should the Church of Rome which now is Babylon the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth which is drunken with the blood of the Saincts how should she be Gods church people or Temple 3. Had not that people also polluted the Temple of the Lord and fallen into notorious idolatrie c. for which they were given by the Lord into the hands of the Babylonians and were they not stil the Lords church and people c. Answ. They were some of them as before is shewed And so Christians having polluted Gods temple of Christianitie and fallen into idolatries and heresies were given over of the Lord some into the hands of the Turk as Israel into the hands of Assur some into the hands of the Pope as Iudah into Babel And such Israelites as embraced the religiō of the Assyrians Babylonians ceased to be Gods people actually til they repented others that resisted evil and kept the trueth as Daniel and his brethren were Gods holy people So all in Rome and Turkie that abide in the truth refusing their abominations are Gods holy people the rest that have received Maometisme and Antichristianisme are not Gods people actually albeit many of them are Gods elect and shal so be manifested when they come out from them But mine opposite changeth the state of the question turning it from Babylon it self to Israel Gods people in Babylon and so from the Church of Rome now Babylon to the faithful witnesses of Christ therin of whom none make doubt 4. Js there not difference to be put between the people of God in Babylon and Babylon it self c. Answ. Yes which whiles it is not held unto we are dallied with The controversie is about the church of Rome it self which is Babylon the reasons given are for Gods people open or secret in that Babylon Who seeth not the deceyt For God hath had his people in Rome not onely when it was Antichristian but when it was heathen and multitudes have been killed for Christ therin in both estates This justifieth not but condemneth Rome the murderer of the Saincts Obj. To make this matter yet more plaine observe Zach. 2. 6. 7. Ho ho come forth c. Deliver thyself ô Sion that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon This plainly sheweth that Sion is in Babylon not mount Sion it self c. but the people of God that perteyned to Sion among whom when God set his Temple he sayd withall I wil dwell in the midst of you shewing that the Temple was a token of his presence among them a band of the holy and mutual conjunction that was between God and them whether they were bound to come for to worship God and to bring their sacrifices Answ. In deed this maketh the matter more plaine For 1. here he grāteth the Temple to have been a token of Gods presence among his people but when so I applied it in expounding 2. Thes. 2. he resisted me and would have it there to be the people the church 2. This temple the token of Gods presence and band of his communion with his people God had forsaken For his people synning in it by their idols Ezek. 8. God in wrath sent destroyers upon them Ezek. 9 But before destruction he marked his people on the forehead that cried out for all the abominations Which being doen he slayed to destruction all others not marked both old and yong and began at his sanctuarie Then scattred he coales of fyre over the citie removed his glorie the signe of his presence out of his Temple and from the middest of the citie to signifie his departure from amongst them Then came the king of Babylon Gods servant to execute his wrath and performed the vision in burning both Temple and citie and carying the people thence into Babylon So Moses prophesie was fulfylled Levit. 26. 31. 36. Then both such godly ones as had not been polluted with the abominations in Ierusalem and had been marked of God for his such synners also as by their afflictions were brought to repentance and confessed their iniquitie and the iniquitie of their fathers and had their uncircumcised harts humbled and turned unto him with all their hart and with all their soule he mercifully respected them remembred his covenant towards them The rest perished in their synns being given over in just judgment whiles they were in that dispersion to serve other goods wood and stone though yet by his prophets God warned them not to doe it Ier. 10. So the Lord set the signe of his gracious presence in the Christian church Rev. 4. but they soon defiled it by their idolatries heresies for which they were chastised Rev. 6. Wherfore God in justice ready to bring further plagues marketh and sealeth on the foreheads such as were his Rev. 7. then his judgments came forth in greater measure Rev. 8. by a beast or kingdom whose chief seat should be in Babylon that is Rome he suffered the Saincts to be overcome and gave him power over all kinreds and tongues and nations that such as had not their names written in the book of life should worship him and be damned for ever In which Babylon or Popish church the Lord hath notwithstanding his open witnesses that withstand their abominations unto the death and many moe of his elect whom he calleth out in his time from that whorish church and these are the people of God that perteyn to mount Sion and wil no more justifie the state of the church of Rome at this day then Gods lost sheep of Israel justified Babylon of old Obj. Note here 1. That the people of God pollute his temple become apostates and idolaters and are captived in Babylon Answ. But note withall that they have their temple of God and holy citie consumed with fyre and are caried out of their holy land into an other synfull nation as before is shewed 2. That thus now Sion is in Babylon and consequently the Temple of God so to speak the people of G. the church of G. is in Babylon Ans. So to speak But the speech is unproper and God no where speaketh so The visible Temple was burnt and they had none with them in Babylon but Bels temple none of the Lords The lost sheep the people of God perteyning to mount
Sion as whileere he sayd were in Babylon And for his figurative applying of the Temple here to the people or church it is amyss it should be applyed to God himself For so the Lord sayth by the Prophet though I have scattred them among the countries yet wil J be to them as a little Sanctuarie in the countries where they shal come Ezek. 11. 16. So the Lord not the people was the Sanctuarie or temple in Babylon 3. Stil they are acknowledged of God to be Sion his people c though in Babylon Answ. So I alwayes and stil acknowledge God to have his people in Babylon the church of Rome But it should be proved if it were possible that Babylon is Sion or the church of Rome to be the church of God 4. The Lord calleth them from thence by diverse prophets c. 5. Being so called they did not all come togither at once c. Answ. These things are true and so for the Lords calling of his people out of Babylon now But it is not yet concluded not ever wil be soundly that the Babylonians are Gods people except the elect which belong to mount Sion though-actually in Babylon Obj. There wil be of Gods people yet called from thence even then when this Babylon the citie of Rome shal be burnt with fyre and cast down never to rise any more Rev. 18. 4. 8. c. Answ. This conclusion is partly true and partly implieth error It is true that there shal be of Gods people called out of Babylon til she be utterly cast down But the errour implied is that he maketh Babylon the citie not the church of Rome and seemeth also to restreyn it to the citie properly and to the burning of the material citie and houses therof Wheras this Babylon is the great Whore who though her cheif ●ear is in Rome yet her ecclesta●●ical jurisdiction reacheth over peoples and kinreds and tongues and nations And when the tenth part of that citie fell it is not meant of the tenth part of the houses in Rome but of people in that catholik church And when God calleth his people out of Babylon it is not meant out of Rome onely or Italic but Spaine also and all other places where Poperie reigneth Neyther is it meant in regard of civil politie as if the subjects in Italie Spaine and other lands might not remaine in those comon wealthes still but they are called out from the heresies idolatries and extravagant jurisdiction of the Romish church So the civil bondage of the Iewes in the old Babylon typed the spiritual bondage of Gods people in this new Babylon the church of Rome and out of it are men called not out of the civil state or material place For who will deny but Christian churches may dwel in Spaine Italie yea and Rome it self if the magistrates wil suffer them and yet not disobey this precept Come out of her my people It is a doctrine of grace and necessarie unto salvation to come out of the church estate of this Romish Babylon but to understand it of the Cōmon wealths estate and to call men out of it were a doctrine of rebellion contrarie to Rom. 13. 1. 1. Pet. 2. 13. 14. Wheras I concluded Gods covenant of grace is not therefore with her at all for she is appointed to damnation 2 Thes. 2. 8. 12. Rev. 18. 8. 21. but the elect that obey Gods voice calling them out of her them hee will receive into covenant he will be a father unto them and they shal be his sonns daughters as he hath promised 2. Cor. 6. 17. 18. He replyeth As if they were not already under the covenant of God being his people or as if they could be the Lords people and yet not be under his covenant The Jewes knew better when they were in Babylon and therevpon prayed as in Esai 63. 17. 18. 19. 64. 7. 8. 9. Returne to the tribes of thine inheritance c we are thine c. O Lord thou art our father c. Answ. The people of God in Rome being his elect are under his covenant in regard of his electiō which was before the world began but until they be called come out they appear not unto men to be under the visible covenant of Gods church whereof Paul speaketh in the place alleaged 2 Cor. 6. That the godly Iewes in Babylon figured Gods elect I before shewed from Rom. 11. 4. 5. 7. and mine opposite gainsayeth it not That God calleth the elect his people even before they know or obey his voice was shewed him also heretofore when God sayd to Paul of heathenish Corinth J have much people in this citie Act. 18. 10. yet Paul knew not who they were till after they beleeved by his preaching So Christ sayd Other sheep J have which are not of this fold Ioh. 10. 16. speaking of the elect gentiles whiles yet they were not sheep actually before men but wild beasts of the wood His comparison from Esai 63. if it be referred to the Martyrs which the church of Rome hath imprisoned killed banished for the trueth is fit and I acknowledge them visibly under Gods covenant But referred to them that are one with the church of Rome in her faith and religion it is very unfitt For those people of God in Babylon were in civil bondage but in freedome of spirit and not servants to syn such were Daniel Ananias and other saints But these of the Romish church religion are in spiritual bondage to Antichrist and so partakers of his synns and in state of death by mans judgement till they obey their calling and come forth though God knoweth them before to be his people by election of grace By this which hath been sayd the wise may discerne what weight there is in Rev. 18. to prove Babylon the present church of Rome to be the church of God because out of her God calleth his people And let all men take notice of the mayn ground of his errour that he would have Babylon now to be the civil state or material citie when in deed it is the ecclesiastical or church For God calleth not peoples out of their civil states it is a doctrine of rebellion so to interpret it and contrary to Rom. 13 but from their synfull ecclesiastical estate All civil states though governed by Popish yea or heathenish magistrates are sanctified to Gods people Act. 25. 10. 11. Rom. 13. 1. 2. c. 1 Pet. 2. 13. 14. 17. they may lawfully continew under them have the use and benefit of them they are all of God and none of them from the bottomless pit or of the Divil as is the Beast the Empire of Antichrist Rev. 17. 8. from which God calleth all his people Of comparing the church of Rome with Israel MIne opposite laboured to strengthen his former reason frō Rev. 18. by saying And so Jsrael is often called the Lords people in the
even in this his last book where he dealeth against the Anabaptists For in his Chr. plea p. 27. 28. he sayth Circumcision once received in the apostasie of Israel was not repeated againe at their returning to the Lord and leaving of their idolatrous wayes c and quoteth among other scriptures 2 Chron. 30 ch and Ezr. 6. 19. 20. 21. Of which the one speaketh of them that returned in Ezekiahs dayes whiles the Israelites were in the land the other of them that had been dispersed among the heathens and returned So I where I treat of Baptisme handle those estates indistinctly which is made a great matter against me by him that doeth the same thing himself against others But now I wil speak of them a part The Israelites that rent themselves from Iudah I take to be a false church and so continued whiles they dwelt in the land After they were dispersed and were no church The first I shew thus The twelve tribes by Gods institution were all one church both in Moses time when they had the Tabernacle among them and encamped all round about it in the order set of God Num. 2. and after in the land of Canaan whiles the Tabernacle stood when the Temple was built by Solomon both which were signes of Gods presence and dwelling with his church And to keep them in this unitie he commanded all the men of Israel to come joyntly togither from all parts of the land three times every yere to worship him and keep their solemne feasts in that one place which he should choose and at all other times to offer their sacrifices there and in no other place and thither onely to bring their first fruits their commanded and their voluntarie oblations Exod. 23. 14. 17. 19. Deut. 12. 5. 6. 7. Who so did otherweise blood was imputed unto that man and he should be cut off from among his people to keep the people from offring their sacrifices unto Divils Levit. 17. 3. 4. 7. Now when the ten tribes revolted and made Ieroboam king then Israel forgat his maker and builded Temples Hos. 8. 14. For Ieroboam took counsel and made two calves of gold and sayd unto them Jt is too much for you to goe up to Jerusalem Behold thy gods ô Jsrael which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt and he set the one in Bethel and the other he put in Dan and this thing became a syn And he made an house of hye places and made priests of the lowest of the people which were not of the sonns of Levi. And he offred on the Altar which he had made in Bethel 1 King 12. 28. 33. And having cast off the Lords Priests Levites Ieroboam ordeyned him priests for the hie places and for the Divils and for the calves which he had made but such of all the tribes of Israel as set their harts to seek the Lord God of Jsrael went to Jerusalem to sacrifice unto the Lord God of their fathers 2 Chron. 11. 14. 15. 16. Thus of one daughter of Sion one ●hurch there became two women or daughters the one to weet Jerusalem the tribe of Iudah the Lord named Aholibah that is My Tabernacle in her the other Samaria the ten tribes he named Aholah that is her own tabernacle So Israel was without the true God and without a teaching Preist and without Law 2 Chron. 15. 3. and the Lord was not with Jsrael 2 Chron. 25. 7. but at their first falling away he threatned by his Prophets that because Ieroboam had made himself other gods and molten images and cast the Lord behind his back Ieroboams house should be cut off and taken away a● dung and the Lord would smite Israel and root them up out of that good land which he gave to their fathers and would s●arter them beyond the river 1 King 14. 9. 15. Yet for to shew his patience towards his people whom he had chosen for his above all peoples of the earth and for to save his elect among them and to make the rest the more inexcusable he forbare them many yeres and by all the Prophets and all the Seers sayd unto them Turne ye from your evil wayes and keep my commandements my statutes yet they would not heare but hardned their necks and beleeved not in the Lord their God but rejected his statutes and his Covenant that he made with their fathers and folowed vanitie and became vaine and went after the heathen that were round about them and left all the commandements of the Lord their God therfore the Lord was very angrie with Jsrael and removed them out of his sight 2 King 17. 13. 18. From these and other the like testimonies against this people I gather that from the time they departed from the Lord from his Temple altars and holy signes of his presence with his people in Christ from his Priests and the lawfull sacrifices at Ierusalem which were figures of Christ and from the communion of their brethren the Iewes which remayned the church of Christ and made a new Temple altar priesthood and church of humane and synfull institution that this their church Temple preisthood and worship were false For that is trueth which agreeth with the will and word of God all humane devices in religion are lyes and vanities If it be ●ayd the Lord himself rent the kingdom from Solomons son and gave it to Ieroboam 1 King 11. 29. 31. and therfore this second church was also of divine institution I answer though God divided the kingdom yet he divided not the church there might have been twelve kings over the twelve tribes as there were of old twelve princes Numb 1. 5. 16. and yet they should have been one Church The kingdom or Civil state is an ordinance immediately under God Rom. 13. the church or ecclesiastical state is an ordinance immediately under Christ the mediator and he is the head of the bodie the church Colos. 1. 18. The civil state is above the ecclesiastical as God is the head of Christ therfore the Church is to be subject to the Magistrate the higher power the minister of God though he be an heathen Rom. 13. 1. c. 1 Pet. 2. 13. 14. for the civil state is not taken away by difference of religion error heresie or any apostasie from Christ but the ecclesiastical state is by such things dissolved the Candlestick the church may be removed and of a Church of Christ become a Synagogue of Satan 1 Joh. 2. 18. 19. Rev. 2. 5. 9. In their civil state the Israelites were to be subject unto Nebuchadnezar an heathen when he conquered them Ier. 27. 6. 8. 12. but for their ecclesiastical estate they might never submitt to Nebuchadnezars church or priests nor offer to God upon any of his altars So to Ieroboam as king they might be subject without dissolving their communion in the mysteries of Christ set in the Temple altars priests
sitteth as God in the Temple of God carrying them to destruction Whereas to prove the Temple of God 2. Thes. 2. which he expoundeth the Church of Rome to be the true Church he alleaged Zach. 6. 12. 13. Eph. 2. 11. c. 2. Cor. 6. 16. Rev. 11. 19. I shewed how he misapplied the Scriptures he repeateth his former answers which I have formerly resuted And now he addeth But to put him from his shifts let him tel us plainly when Paul sayth The Temple of God hath not agreement with Idols 2. Cor. 6. 16. if yet there be idols set in the Temple of God as was in the time of Manasseh and Antiochus whether now it ceased to be the Temple of God or not The Scripture sheweth it is the Temple of God notwithstanding 2. King 21. 7. Ier. 50. 28. Ezek 8. 5. 10. 16. Dan. 11. 31. 38. Answ. I tell them plainly that that Temple of God which the prophets speak of had no agreement with idols though the wicked set up idols in it by force But the Church of Rome which these call the Temple of God hath agreement with idols if images of silver and gold wood and stone a wheaten god in the Masse and the man of syn which sitteth as God be idols For these idols the Church of Rome worshipeth and serveth most synfully but the Temple of God which the Prophets speake of never worshiped the Idols set up in it nor had accord with them But this is a shift of shifts and a notorious sophisme in mine opposite to reason from the materiall Temple of God then which onely suffered that abuse to the spirituall Temple the Church or people now which are voluntary agents worshipers of Idols By which false argumentation he might even as well conclude that if the Papists should turn flat Pagans of Antiochus religion and serve his idols and be of his faith yet they should continue the true Church and people of God notwithstanding because the Temple then continued Gods true Temple notwithstanding all that Antiochus did thereto The next point touching their baptisme I will anone treat of in particular For his objection of salvation now had in the Church of Rome c. it was his second main argument for that Church which I have before answered he after his manner repeateth againe and againe the same things so lengthening his work I referr the reader to that answer I gave before Other things whereby I convinced his doctrine to beat the path for all licentiousnes contrary to the plaine Scriptures which shew that he that committeth sin is of the Divil and we know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not c. 1. Ioh. 3. 8. 5. 18. whereas if that he plead for be true men may be as prophane as Esau filthy in life as Sodom idolatrous and sinfull as the Aegyptians and Babylonians and yet if they wil call themselves Christians and be outwardly baptized c. they shal be justified as Gods true Church they and their seed in his covenant of grace c. which is to strengthen the hands of the wicked that he should not returne from his wickednes by promising him life Ezek 13. 22. These and other like things he passeth over without word of answer It is ynough for him to cry the Temple of God the Temple of God and to insist upon phrases which may diversly be understood Whereas the sound plea should be from the doctrines of faith and sanctification of life according by which the Apostles teach us to discern true Christians from false And who that seeketh after the truth would not rather insist upon these main grounds taught by our Saviour and his Apostles Verily I judge this pleading for Rome to be an exceeding great sin because it by consequence overthroweth both faith and holines seeing misbeleevers and most synfull idolaters as ever were on earth are justified to be Gods true Church notwithstanding and in his covenant of grace contrary to the whole Testament of Christ. It is to make a wide gate and broad way into heaven and will make men secure in all syn if they that serve the Man of syn himselfe worship his idols beleeve in his heresies and walk in his wicked works which hope to merit salvation by them in heaven may be sayd to be true Christians and in the state of grace Of the state of the Heathen WHereas I sayd J held it presumption for any to limit God by how smal meanes or measure of faith and knowledge he will save a man Who dares den but God had many elect among the heathens after he had separated Jsrael from them Yea God expresly sayd when he made Israel his peculiar people that yet all the earth was his Exod. 19 5. which are the words of the covenant generally Wherefore we leave Gods secret counsels to himself as he willeth us Deut. 29. 29. and doe consider onely the visible state of Churches by the rules of Gods law and promises To this mine opposite sayth What is it that he meaneth hereby Jf by the covenant he mean the covenant of grace for salvation whereof we treat and think that all people of the world in all ages and places of the earth are under it what differeth this from the opinion of the Anabaptists and Armintans touching general redemption Jf he speak not of the covenant of grace which is for salvation all may perceive he speakes not to the point in hand Answ. My meaning is plaine that God had his elect among the heathens as he bath in the Church of Rome and he could not but see what I intended By the covenant generally with all nations I mean the same that himself alleaged whileare from Ke●kerman of the Church largely taken which he explaineth the company of all those which professe Christian religion or the name of Christ in what manner soever And thus sayth he are all heretikes schismatikes and Arians Papists Anabaptists and such like referred to the Christian Churches So if he understood himselfe he might understand me when I spake of the covenant generally For such large Churches as he describeth I hold all nations to be when God made his speciall covenant with Israel Noe was a Christian and had the covenant of grace in Christ to him and to his seed as absolutely as any Christian Church in the Apostles dayes though the mystery of the Gospel was not then so clearly revealed * as it was afterward by the Apostles But for the substance of the covenant namely Christ and faith in him with obedience it was given to Adam and his seed to Noe and his seed Heb. 13. 8. 11. 1. 2 3. 4. 7. c. And this covenant of grace in Christ confirmed by sacrifices as to us now by the sacraments Which sacrifices all nations kept the first thousand yeers after Noe which was till after Moses death as well as the large Christian
or false-Christian churches kept the sacraments Yea let any shew that any of the heathens I except not the very Canaanites turned the sacrifices into such abominable idolatry as the Church of Rome hath turned the sacraments And for other synns Antichristians are not behinde them How freely did Abraham Isaac and Jakob live and publickly worship God by altars and sacrifices in the midst of the Caananites Hittites c. Gen. 12. 7. 26. 25. 35. 6. ● whereas if they had so doen according to the true worship of the Gospel in the Church of Rome now these many hundred yeares they had been burned for heretickes as innumerable of Abrahams faith have been How religiously did the King of Gerar carry himselfe towards Abrahams wife Gen. 20. in comparison of the outragious adulteries and fornications by the chiefe of the Church of Rome as all histories testifie Yea God himself appeared unto that King and appointed Abraham to pray for him Gen. 20. 3. 7. How honourably did the Hittites intreat Abraham acknowledging him a Prince of God and offred him all kindnes Gen. 23. 5. 6. c. yet other nations were better then they Gen. 24. 3. 4. 27. 46. Look upon Balaam the soothsayer of Mesopotamia even in Moses time and see how he consulted with Jehovah his God by altars and sacrifices of Burnt-offrings such as were used in Israel Num. 22. 8. 9. 18. 23. 1. 2. 3. c. and it will plainly appeare the heathens had not more degenerated from the religion worship learned from Noe then the Church of Rome hath from that which Paul taught there Yea there was a better Church in the land of Vz in all likelihood then the Church of Israel was in Aegypt when they polluted themselves with the idols thereof Ezek. 20. 6. 7. 8. For in Vz land Iob was governour a most godly man as was upon the earth and a Priest unto the most high God Iob. 1. 1. 5. 8. 42. 8. 9. holding firme the faith of Christ his redeemer and of the resurrection to life Iob. 19. 25. 26. 27. and free from idolatry Iob. 31. 26. 27. 28. And what knowledge and religion was then among the Temanites Shuhites Naamathites and Buzites the friends of Iob that came to visit him doe shew Iob. 2. 11. c. and 32. 2. c. and notwithstanding their errour in their disputation they obtained pardon of God in Christ Iob. 42. 7. 9. And who can tell when the golden Candlestickes of Christian churches were removed from those other peoples Though soon even too soon there was a generall apostasie among the nations after Noe as among the nations after the Apostles times But among which of them was there a such a Man of Syn reigning at any time as hath now reigned in the Church of Rome these many hundred yeares Wherefore they measure not things by the golden reed which cast off those Churches of the nations as wholly prophane and fallen from grace and yet justifie this notorious harlot the church of Rome to be still in the covenant of grace whose impieties are not inferiour to any of those nations in Moses time but rather aboue them for her sins have reached up to heaven Rev. 18. 5. And wheras those nations had not the word of God written but as they learned it by voyce of men which might more easily be corrupted and forgotten the church of Rome having the written word hath despised it not suffered their children to read or heare it lest forsooth it should make them heretickes that for a man to have Gods booke it was as much as his life was worth so the miserable people for contempt of Gods holy Law have been justly given over into Aegyptian darknes and into most abominable idolatries and heresies which have drowned men in perdition Now that which mine opposite objecteth of the opinion of the Anabaptists c. as I reject it for a great errour so his supposition whereby he would feoff it upon me is injurious If I think that all people of the world in all ages and places of the earth are under the covenant of grace c. whereas I spake but of the nations in Moses time which were not so farr fallen from God as they were afterward and now much more Againe himselfe pleadeth for the church of Rome at this day to bee in the covenant of grace yet I hope he would not say that all in that church are redeemed otherwise then many reprobates are redeemed except he should think there are no reprobates And if the Man of Syn which himselfe expoundeth the Pope and his Hierarchie be redeemed which are the chief members of that Church we must needs acknowledge a very generall redemption So where he chargeth me with abuse of Ezek. 16. 8. thou be●amest mine and asketh me Is this now the case and estate of all the earth with the Lord I answer no it was not then much lesse is it now For I sayd that then God made Israel his peculiar people Exod. 19. 5. though generally he sayd all the earth was his But because the earth corrupted their wayes before him as they did before the ●loud Gen. 6. 11. 12. therefore God separated to himselfe a peculiar people to be his inheritance And so I think mine opposite himselfe would confesse though all that professe Christianitie be Gods Churches in his account yet the Christian reformed churches are Christs peculiar Churches though all Christendom bee his in a large sense Yet he ceaseth not to object that the heavens are the Lords Deut. 10. 14. and every beast of the forrest is his c. Psa. 50. 10. 11. 12. shal we therefore think sayth he that the beasts are the wife and Church of God ●s Ezekiel speaketh of the Jewes c. Answ. None but beasts would so think The comparison in Exod. 19. 5. is not between men and beasts but between men and men And such men as had all within lesse then a thousand years been Gods wife and church and in his covenant of grace But most of them on their parts fallen from it to idolatry as Israel also had Ezek. 20. 7. 8. and as the church of Rome and other churches within a thousand yeares after the Apostles have doen. The heathens then were not more fallen from God then the church of Rome is mine opposite pleadeth for Rome because they were a church 15 hundred yeeres before and Antichrist still sitteth in the Temple of God I answer him the heathens in Moses time were all the church nine or ten hundred yeares before and are still called Gods people Exod. 19. 5. He replieth with the instance of Wild-beasts c. If I should so have turnd my back upon an argument what out-cries would he have made after me When David exhorteth all the earth to sing unto the Lord Psal. 66. 1. 100. 1. speaketh he to the beasts When Moses sayth All the earth was of one language Gen
of 40. yeeres in the wildernes were uncircumcised till Iosuahs reigne Jos. 5. 2. 6. yet with them in that estate Moses renewed the covenant to bee the Lords people and that hee would bee their God as he had sworn to their fathers Deut. 29. 10. 13. And whereas mine opposite boldly affirmeth that all the writers in the world prove no such matter viz. touching Gods ordinances given to the heathens the sonns of Noe for signes of salvation it will appeare otherweise even by the greatest enemies of the heathēs the Iewes themselves Who though they gloried in circumcision and the Lawes given by Moses yet thus they write Jt is lawful for an heathen to offer burnt offrings unto God in every place and he himselfe may offer in an high place which he hath builded But it is not lawful for an Jsraelite to help him c. for behold we are forbidden to offer without the Sanctuarie Levit. 17. And it is lawful to teach them and to learn them how they should offer to the name of the blessed God Maimony in Misn. treat of Offring sacrifices chap. 19. s. 16. Thus by the Hebrewes testimony the Gentiles might lawfully use sacrificing in their own lands on their altars c. and the Iewes might instruct them to doe it aright though they themselves might not doe it with them being restreyned of God And as for the state of grace and salvation with God they also say Whosoever receiveth the seven commandements given to the sonns of Noe of which I have spoken elsewhere and whereof circumcision was none and doth them he is of the saincts of the nations of the world and he hath a portion in the world to come that is in eternall life if he receive them and doe them because the holy blessed God hath commanded them c. Maimony in Misn. treat of Kings chapt 8. s. 11. Thus mine opposite needed not to have made it so strange what I wrote of the state of the Gentiles nor have called it an idle flourish had he duly weighed their estate as Gods word and humane writers bear witnes of it But this indeed is admirable sayth he that he should account the heathens superstitions to bee Gods ordinances and yet esteem the circumcision and other ordinances of God had in Israel to be lying and deceitful signes c. Besides in all his bead-roule of Writers there is no mention at all of circumcision whereabout our question is c. Answ. 1. I called both the one and the other the ordinances of God in respect of their divine institution The other nations that fell from God and the Israelites that fell from God I count them all abusers of Gods ordinances which were not in their use of them true signes and seales of eternall life unto them but false and deceitfull Thus I match them alike without respect of persons as I am taught by the Apostle Rom. 2. 9. 10. 11. 12. The heathens superstitions if he mean things of their own devising I never esteemed Gods ordinances at all no nor Romes superstitions at this day 2 That circumcision is not in the bead-roule as he calleth it hee need not marvell seeing it was not commanded the heathens as before I have shewed It seemeth hee had a speciall fansie to circumcision above all other Gods ordinances otherwise why might not he think that it might be prophaned as much as any other There was no more holines in it then in the sacrifices And the Apostle sayth Jf thou be a breaker of the Law thy circumcision is made uncircumcision Rom. 2. 25. what then will it availe that Israel had circumcision when they broke the Law yea were without the true God and without Law 2. Chron. 15. 3. and sacrificed to Divils Deut. 32. 17. 2. Chron. 11. 15. Finally here he seeketh for circumcision where it was not to be found but within three le●es after in my book I instanced some among the nations circumcised even by his owne confession and there he hath passed it over without answer as if he had not seen it Such intreatie and worse I bear at his hand with patience Let me here adde the testimony of a learned man Mr. Calvin in his Sermon against idolatrie upon Psal. 16. 4. hath these words There are diverse which at this day use another starting hole for confessing that it is a detestable thing to mingle themselves with the idolatries of the Paynims they wil not that this extend it self to the superstitions of the papacie as though all the impieties of the Paynims had not been the corruptions of the true service of God From whence I pray you drew the Paynims all their ceremonies but from the holy Fathers The mischief was that they corrupted that which was wel instituted of God And yet al the abominations that were in the world had this goodly cloke of the name of God and of Religion but this made them not therefore justifiable neither might the faithful communicate with them Of Mr. Iunius iudgement for the church of Rome IN my brief answer to the things which mine opposite alleged from Mr. Iunius whose treatise they have printed the second time he taxeth me for omitting many clauses in that work But I then and still doe hold it ynough to take away the mayn grounds which being doen the other of lesser moment will be also found insufficient I shewed by the scriptures the Church of Rome now to bee an other and not that church which was in Pauls time therefore no just proportion to be between them In sted of disproving that which I shewed he after his manner asketh a question Whether J think these the Man of syn with his worshipers come in the place of the ancient true Church be the Temple of God the people of God under the covenant of God having the baptisme of God c. or whether there be no such there at all though corrupted and abused Answ. I have often told him and proved by Gods word that this present church of Rome is not Gods true Temple or people under his covenant having his baptisme but a false church arisen since vainly pretending the church covenant and baptisme of Christ. Seeing Gods word moveth them not let it be lawfull for me to oppose mans authority to mans D. Whitakers answering Bellarmine sayth This church succeedeth the Apostles indeed but as a den of theeves doth the house of God and as an harlot doth the faithful citie Jt reteineth the chests and coffers wherein of old the tresure was as Chrysostom elsewhere writeth but hath lost the treasure it selfe Jt is no more Bethel the house of God but Bethaven that is the house of vanitie or lies Yea Mr. Iunius himself hath thus well written of it The Church of Christ is sayd to fight against the Pseudo-christian or falsely called christian church over the which Antichrist ruleth Also when Bellarmine citeth Tertullian marveilously praising Rome Iunius
6. 28. 29. 30. Ezek. 13. 14. ch And againe As if there were no difference to bee put between the Temple of God and that lawlesse one 2. Thes. 2. 4. 8. nor between the people of God and Babylon Rev. 18. 4. 8. c. Answ. I deny not all calling of God in her as he accuseth me to it I have before answered His comparison I deny In Iudah were the Lords prophets and priests in Rome none but the hierarchie which they say is the Man of syn no members but ulcers in the body Let them shew me a Ieremie or Zephanie now in Rome or a lawfull ministery of God therein as was in Iudah till the captivity reckned by the holy Ghost 1. Chron. 6. 3. 15. Let them shew me a company that abstaineth from and crieth out against their abominations in Rome as was in Iudah and Ierusalem Ezek. 9. 4. or a basket of good figgs which God acknowledged for his people Ier. 24. 2. 5. 6. Finally they still plead for Rome by the name of Ierusalem when the holy Ghost calleth it Babylon Rev. 17. 18. chap. Such calling as was out of Babylon I grant unto them As for the Temple of God I have before answered their plea from the same They pleaded the publick record of holy mariage the scripture and the ministerie c. I answered the scripture sheweth no such mariage but doth defie her as an harlot Rev. 17. 1. Where is the record that Christ was ever maried to the Beast that came up from the bottomless pit Rev. 17. 8. If her having the book of holy scripture in an unknown tongue wickedly abused to maintain her whoredomes and abhominations and subjected to the interpretation of her Lord God the Pope bee a record of that holy mariage the Iewes which have Moses and the Prophets read and expounded in their mother tongue have better records c. Mine opposite sayth The Scripture sheweth record of the mariage of that church Rom. 1. 7. 8. 7. 4. 16. 19. Answ. It is denyed for this is not that church but an other harlot arisen since falsly boasting to be the same 2. That church consisted of officers and people all joyntly maried to Christ Rom. 12. if this record will serve now for the people of Rome it will serve also for the Bishop and ministerie of Rome the hierarchie which they confesse to be the Man of syn 2. Thes. 2. the great Antichrist so then the Scripture sheweth belike that Christ and Antichrist have been maried together And seeing the mariage of Christ with his Church is by faith Hos. 2. ●0 and the Pope hath still the same faith that the people hath his mariage standeth as well as theirs 3. The Scripture sheweth like mariage with the churches of Ephesus Philippi Thessalonica and many other which have revolted to Mahomet as Rome hath to the Man of syn so then we must account those Churches still maried unto Christ by the same record But they will deny those churches to continue the mariage so doe I this Besides if he had considered the scripture Rev. 19 7. 8. he might have seen a new mariage between Christ and his Church which needed not have been if the former mariage had continued undissolved as he supposeth Object Neither is it any thing that he sayth God doth defie her as an harlot Rev. 17. 1. For besides that he putteth no difference between Babylon and the Church or Temple of God what wil he say to Jsrael yea to Judah also and Ierusalem thinks he not that God defied them also as harlots Ier. 3. 8. 11. with Esai 1. 21. c. yet the scripture shewes record of ●hew mariage with God Exod. 19. 4. 5. 6. Ezek. 16. 8. c. Answ. What difference hee would make between the Whore of Babylon Rev. 17. and the Church of Rome whom himselfe proclaimeth to be a notorious harlot and idolatress I cannot comprehend Some that are dazeled may think one thing to be two or three I find in Rev. 17. but one notorious harlot Babylon if they grant that she was never maried to Christ it is all that I desire That Israel the twelve tribes was maried to Christ and after ten of them became an harlot and was divorced I grant and so her adulterous sister Iudah afterward The same I acknowledge for the churches of Rome Corinth Ephesus c. But since they were divorced from Christ and maried to Mahomet and Antichrist there remaineth no more record of their former mariage ill they returne again to the Lord out of Babylon unto Ierusalem the holy citie which is prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband Rev. 21. 2. Of my next words mine opposite maketh a wonderment But it exceedeth all sayth he that he blusheth not to aske where is the record that Christ was ever maried to the beast that came up from the bottomless pit Rev. 17. 8. To the beast That Christ was ever maried to the Beast Did Mr. Junius ever say so Or thinks he that ever it entred into his thought Did not Mr. Junius speak expresly of the Church Wil this man never learne to put difference between the Beast and the Church between the Man of syn and the Temple of God c. Answ. It seemeth that his wonder made him to forget himselfe Sayd he not even now it was evident that Mr. Iunius in one respect acknowledged the Hierarchy to be an order or estate of apostasie in the Church and in another respect he esteemed the ministery of Gods holy things to be there So then though the Hierarchy onely be the Beast as mine opposite thinketh and though in respect of the Apostasie it is not maried to Christ yet in respect as it is Gods ministerie though corrupted it is maried to Christ. But behold how their doctrines are admirable to themselves The ministers of the Church of Rome are of the same religion faith and holines with the people the people hee will have to bee still maried to Christ but the ministers in no weise he cannot endure to heare of it especially when it cometh under the scripture names of the Man of syn or the Beast And where he asketh if I wil never learn to put difference between the Beast and the Church c. I doe put difference though not so great as he would have me for the Beast and the whore that rideth him Rev. 17. though they differ yet are they so neerly conjoyned that if one be maried to Christ the other is also But why doth he not teach from the scriptures what the Beast signifieth I have learned from the Prophet Daniel that a Beast meaneth a Kingdom Dan. 7. 23. and a kingdom by light of reason consisteth of King and subjects of governours and people and Mr. Iunius himselfe telleth us so saying A kingdom is a multitude of men gathered under one King As the Christian kingdom therefore consisteth of Christ his ministers
God and in time were rejected of God some given over to Mohometisme some to poperie Yet God hath preserved his litle Church fled into the wildernesse Rev. 12. and saved his elect also in false Churches I compare these not with the Gentiles at this day but with the Gentiles before Christs comming whiles sacrificing was lawfull as I am taught of God Rev. 11. and 17. and 18. with the old Babylonians Aegyptians In those times Tyrus was an harlot Esa. 23. 16. Niniveh was an harlot Nahum 3. 4. and so other nations then by like equitie were harlots and Rome likewise at this day Who knoweth not that a woman which is divorced from her husband as Israel was from God for whordome and followeth that trade still may still be called a harlot I deny not but in a large kind of speech Rome at this day may be sayd to have been once maried to Christ in respect of the Christian church that once was there but so all the Gentiles were in respect of the covenant with Noe. Neither doubt I to say that the Iewes even now do goe a whoring from their God for Moses and the prophets so speake of them yet actually there is now no covenant between God and them The out-cries which he maketh unto the Anabaptists to hearken and to the Reformed Churches to hang downe their heads c. I omit as the gall of bitternes which ran too fast out of his pen. To prove them the same Church which was in Pauls time hee citeth Moses prophesies of Israel Deut. 32. which were the same people their seed wheras he should rather have looked on 2. King 17. 24. 34. and compared these with the men of Babylon Cuthah c. that came and possessed the Lords land and received some part of Israels religion with their owne old idolatrie for so I shewed the present estate of this Popish church And the example of other churches that were in Corinth Ephesus looked upon at this day will confirme it About my answer for the godly fathers of the Iewes and wicked fathers of these Antichristians which the holy Ghost maketh to be Gentiles Sodomites Egyptians c. Rev. 11. 2. 8. 18. he sayth If J mean this of the citie of Rome J speak not to the point if of the church of Rome then he objecteth Ezek. 16. 3. thy father was an Amorite c. Answ. His distinction between the citie and church of Rome serveth him in no sted It was true in Pauls time when the citie was heathen and a Christian church in it But now the city is Christian Rome the Empire is an ecclesiastical empire as I shewed before from Mr. Iunius own grant The Amorites were not those fathers for whose sake the Iewes are loved but Abraham Isaak and lakob out of whose loynes the Iewes naturally came But this church of Rome now is not the child of that primitive church eyther in nature or in grace In place she succedeth them and so the Mahometists in place succeed other Christian churches planted by th Apostles And in pretence she is the same Christian church but as Satan in pretence is an Angel of light But the strangers sayth he that came to Jsrael in times of sinceritie or of apostasie were of the church of Jsrael as well as the Iewes though not of the same natural posteritie 2 Chron. 15. 9. 30. 25. 5. 6. 7. Lev. 16. 29. Num. 9. 14. Answ. But the strangers that wasted Israel and dwelt by force in their land though they were taught how they should fear the Lord by a Priest yet were not that church of whom Moses wrote 2 King 17. 24. 27. 28. So the Gothes Vandals Saracens c which overcame Italie Spaine c and dwelt there though the priest of Rome taught them his religion are not the ancient church of whom Paul wrote Besides he hath streyned things too farr for diverse Christians are at this day apostate and become Iewes can we say of them as Paul doth of the natural Iewes As touching the election they are beloved for the Fathers Rom. 11. 28. I understand that speech of the Iewish nation in generall not of particulars which perish through unbeleef as also of the natural Iewes who refused the gospel for the time and stil doe and not to concerne their proselytes which they beget to their apostasie For there is a special regard to the Iewes because they were natural branches though now broken off as th'Apostle sheweth Rom. 11. 21 24. Obj. The many changes of the Romane state and troubles by the Gothes Uandals c these specially concerne the Romane state touching the citie Empire c wheras our question is onely of the church of Rome Answ. As the state of the Empire is changed yet in some respect is the same for the Beast was and is not and yet is Rev. 17. 18. so is the church and ministerie therof it was and is not and yet is A man may speak to the Bishop of Rome now as Ezekiel did to the heathen king of Tyre Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God c. Ezek. 28. 13. to weet in his predecessor Huram which had been a proselyte in the church of Israel 2 Chron. 2. as the Hebrewes R. D. Kimchi Sol. Iarchi upon Ezek. 28. and some Christian writers doe expound it So I may say to the Pope Thou hast been a Christian Bishop a starr in Christs right hand because such was the Bishop of Rome in Paules time But mine opposite himself holdeth the Pope and his hierarchie now to be the Man of syn the son of perdition and thought it most strange in me that I should ask when ever Christ was maried to that Beast Now it is as strange that hee pleadeth for the whore of Babylon the Antichristian church He would exclude the hierarchie or ministerie because of their apostasie I also for the same doe exclude the church for the preists and people of Rome are of one faith and religion if the one be cut off from Christ so is the other It can not be denyed but they all have the mark of the Beast upon them for to take Mr. Iunius own exposition The marke of the beast sayth he is their Chrisme by which in their sacrament of Confirmation they ●oke servile unto themselves the persons and doings of men c. and as for the signe left by Christ of which Chap. 7. 3. and the holy sacrament of Baptisme they make void c. Obj. He cannot shew that ever the church of Rome ceased to be since it was first planted but it hath continued stil eyther in sinceritie or apostasie even to this day Nor can he shew that the Lord hath yet put them out of his covenant or given thm a bill of divorse or that they have lest off to baptise in his name Answ. Neyther can he shew that the Ministerie ever ceased in that church but hath
the naturall posterity is any sure proofe that a people continueth a church We must then have some other proof namely continuance in the faith of Christ which the church of Rome doth not but is revolted to Antichrist and his infidelity Where he maketh Gods ceasing to cal it back a signe of the churches ceasing first it is barely sayd without proofe Secondly it is obscure what calling back he meaneth For take the thousand yeare after Christ and see what calling back had Rome Was it by her owne ministery or hierarchy They were the Man of syn the ulcers of the church they called her further from God but not back from syn Extraordinary prophets at that time I think there wil scarce be found any but grant that there were doth not God so call back the Iewes and Turks at this day Doe not some turn to Christianity and perswade others to turne Doe not some suffer death among the Turkes for the truth Doe not some write bookes now to the Iewes in their own tongue to call them back unto God yet are not the Iewes therefore the church God called back the Gentiles from their apostasie by the Apostles preaching Mark 16. 15. and before he sent Ionah to the Ninivites yea Iudah and Israel he scattered among the heathens who called them back from idolatry as Daniel did Nebuchadnezar and Belshazzar And the Gentiles seated neere Canaan had alwayes as much meanes to be called to the Lords mountaine by the Israelites trading with them as the church of Rome hath at this day Besides the prophets that God raised up among the very Gentiles to call them from Idols unto God as Sibylla whose prophesies were famous among the heathen Greeks and Romans But for taking the Scriptures out of the adulteresses hand if ever church had it Rome hath had it For the Scriptures were in a manner buried kept in the closets of the hierarchy the people might not have them in their mother tongue nor read them on pain of death Were the Scriptures ever so taken out of the Iewes hand Nay they all have them read and study them more then many Christians And now that Bibles are printed and so common how is it possible the Scriptures should bee taken out of any heretikes hands otherwise then they have been from Rome When God gave Israel the bill of divorce did he take the Scriptures out of her hand If not as in deed hee did not then is not this a true rule that an adulterous church is never divorced nor ceaseth to be Christs church till the Scriptures be taken out of her hands Mr. Iunius elsewhere hath written better when speaking of some apostate churches of Christians as Marcionists Ualentinians and others of whom Hierom sayth They were not the Church of Christ but the Synagogue of Antichrist he readily granteth it because they denied the fundamental Articles of the doctrine of faith The like he granteth to Irenaeus assertion because sayth he he spake of heretikes and schismatikes which reteyned not the truth in the foundation thereof Now let us compare this with the former Did God cease to call back those heretikes and schismatikes Were there not many learned Doctors that disputed and wrote against them by whose meanes God still called them to repentance Or did God take the Scriptures out of those heretikes hands when they from them and by them pleaded for their heresies Thus the rule which Mr. Iunius hath given us for the church of Rome agreeth not with himself And if those heretical churches were not Christian but Antichristian synagogues then is the church of Rome much more which worshipeth the greatest Antichrist the man of syn and denyeth the foundation of Christian religion beleeving as the Pope beleeveth who either denyeth the Father and the Son or els he is not the Antichrist 1. Ioh. 2. 22. And that the Apostle meaneth not onely of open and direct denyall but of indirect and denying in deed when by word he professeth Christ Mr. Iunius himselfe D. Whitakers Mr. Brightman and others that have answered Bellarmines 14. chap. de Rom. Pontif. l. 3. doe soundly prove Now as the Pope denyeth Christ so doth the Whore of Babylon the Romish church holding the same heresies and idolatries that if the Pope bee Antichrist then is the church of Rome an Antichristian synagogue and not the true church of Christ. By this also mine opposites insultation against me as if I wrote errors and contradictions unreconcileable touching apostate churches is taken away For as I never denyed but some apostate churches continued true churches till the candlestick was removed for their impenitencie so neither could he nor can any truely deny but some apostate churches are mere synagogues of Satan as those Antichrists mentioned 1. Ioh. 2. 19. those heretical churches whō Mr. Iunius himself denieth to be true Christian churches because they reteyned not the foundation And such by necessarie consequence is the church of Rome at this day But it it is a needlesse and wearisome labour to follow mine opposite in his tautologies and repetitions of the same things againe and againe to inlarge his work besides his manifold reproches I sayd of this Romane church It is not the woman fled into the wilderness Rev. 12. 14. but another woman or citie reigning over the King 's of the earth Rev. 17. 1. 18. c. What then sayth he difference is to be put between the inward parts of the Temple and the outward the parts measured and the parts unmeasured between Gods Temple Altar and worshipers therein Rev. 11. 1. and the court of the Temple given to the Gentiles and the holy citie trode downe by them 42. moneths v. 2. If it be not one of these shall it therefore be none of them Jf it be not the inward part of the Temple wil it f●llow it is not the outward c. Answ. He should have sayd though she be not the company of worshipers of God whom he measureth yet may she be the company of Gentiles that tread downe Gods courts and city whom he casteth out as unmeasured But he leaveth the comparison of persons and runneth to things Gods ordinances which she abuseth Of that Scripture Rev. 11. we have spoken before Of these two women in Rev. 12. and 17. the Scriptures are so plaine that none of good understanding can mistake the one for the other or as this man doth make the one a part of the other as if both put together should make one Temple one woman one Church When the one persecuted flieth from the Serpent or dragon the other in the Dragons throne persecuteth reigneth triumpheth abusing and treading under foot Gods ordinances which belong to the persecuted woman as the Babylonians abused the vessels of Gods sanctuary burned and trode down the holy citie the place of the womans assembly His question When was the time that the woman fled into the wilderness is
is also true but should have this addition taught of the holy Ghost To such as keep his covenant that remember his commandements to do them Psal. 103. 17. 18. For if we deny him he also wil deny us 2. Tim. 2. 12. That God hath regard to his covenant in Apostaticall churches and estate is also true but barely by him set down without shewing how That Moses teacheth us in Levit. 26. namely that the Israelites for their apostasie and forsaking of God should be chastised and if they would not amend they should at last be scattred among the heathen and perish among them and they that are left if they confesse their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers and if their uncircumcised hearts be humbled c. then God will remember his covenant with Iakob and will not cast them away nor abhorr them to destroy them utterly to breake his covenant with them but will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors 4. The fourth of Christs dying once and our being once baptised I also grant 5. The fift that the Church of Rome was espoused to Christ and had his baptisme in the Apostles dayes is true But where he addeth that she hath ever since reteined it with other grounds of Christian religion there he goeth too farr For many grounds of Christian religion she hath forsaken as all that are not Papists will acknowledge Wherefore he addeth a qualification either for faith or order or both in whole or in part This is so large as will bring in not onely the heathens of old but all the old condemned heretickes in the Apostles dayes and after yea even the very Iewes and Turkes at this day For in part they retein the grounds of Christian religion It is a ground of Christian religion to beleeve that there is one God and that the very Divils as the Apostle sayth doe beleeve Iam. 2. 19. But not to goe so farr as I grant him that the Papists in baptisme retein Christs ordinance in whole or in part so he cannot deny but also in the Lords Supper now turned to an abominable idolatrous Masse they reteyn Christs ordinance in whole or in part and so in other their abominations The Pope himselfe the great Antichrist the son of perdition reteyneth Christian religion in part The image of God wherein he made man at the first Gen. 1. 26. remaineth in all men still in part as the Scriptures testifie Gen. 9. 6. Iam. 3. 9. Wherefore if the reteyning of things in part holdeth men still in the state of grace and salvation who then shall be damned What a wide gate is here opened into the kingdom of heaven that if men reteyn Christian religion either for faith or order or both in whole or in part they remain still in the church and covenant of grace which is quite contrary to the doctrine of Christ and of his Apostles Math. 7. 13. 14. 22. 23. 1. Cor. 6. 9. 10. Gal 5. 19. 20. 21. 6. His sixt reason from the Iesuites profession made in their Rhemes Testament c I have before answered it being in his second argument made for the church of Rome And that which he addeth of their baptising with water in the name of the Father c is of no more weight to justifie their baptisme then the like elements of bread and wine and the words of Christs institution This is my body c are to justifie the Popish Masse to be the true supper of our Lord. Of which Mass to omitt that which many others have written of the abomination of it Mr. Calvin sayth thus The Mass ●n itself is a ronouncing of the death of Jesus Christ and a sacrilege forged by Satan utterly to abolish the sacrament of the Supper 7. His seventh reason that Iewes and Pagans are turned to the popish Christian ●aith was also refured in answer to his second reason brought for the church of Rome The conclusion that there needeth no repeating of baptisme as there was none of circumcision is granted and by me never denyed 8. Likeweise his eight reason that God hath his people in the Romish Babylon Rev. 18. 4. under his covenant of grace is before answered But he should have proved if he could that Babylon itself which is the church of Rome is under the covenant of grace that I deny the holy Ghost shewing in Rev. 17. 18. ch that she is under wrath and destruction He sayth the children of that church should plead with their mother as the Prophets taught and dealt with Jsrael of old Hos 2. 2. 3. 1. 4. 1. 2. 12. c that she take away her fornications out of her sight c. It is true so they should but why doth this man diminish from the word of God For the Prophets words are Plead with your mother plead for she is not my wife neyther am J her husband let her therfore ●ut away her whordomes c Hos. 2. 2. Thus doe I plead against this mother church of Rome but my opposite blameth me and pleadeth for her she is the wife of Christ and not divorced as before we have heard Baptisme sayth he is not of her adulteries but of Christs ordinances True so is the Lords supper so is excommunication not of her adulteries but of Christs ordinances and we reteyn them from Christ. But that whorish church hath corrupted and adulterated all these and other ordinances of Christ turned them to abominable idolatries and lyes for which we also plead against her and her synfull abuse of these divine ordinances shall nor justify but the more condemne her 9. To his ninth and last reason if baptisme be renounced then also the articles of ●aith the Scriptures and translations likewise mariages dissolved c. I answer Farr be it that we should renounce any good thing whith the church of Rome abuseth any more then Paul renounced the true God whom the Athenians ignorantly worshiped Ao● 17. 23. Whatsoever is of divine institution among Papists Iewes Turks or heathens we renounce it not but their profanation and abuse of holy things we doe renounce Neither can wee justifie their estate or any holy thing in their sinfull abuse of it ● though we put difference between the things which in their ow●● nature are good and the persons which are evill Thus men ma● see how weak and without edge his reasons are to justifie the bap tisme in the church of Rome to be in their use of it the true seale of Gods covenant of grace in Christ unto them Next this he setteth himselfe to answer objections The first wherof he maketh this But the baptisme had in the Church of Rome i● not true baptisme but an idol and lying signe a detestable and cursed sacrament a fiction and not true Christian baptisme no better then when we wash our owne face with water dayly c. Answ. That it