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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09658 Aggeus and Abdias prophetes the one corrected, the other newly added, and both at large declared. Pilkington, James, 1520?-1576. 1562 (1562) STC 19927; ESTC S105053 233,877 506

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afterwarde when the Saxons diuided this Realme into .7 kingdoms droue out all or most and best of the Englishmen ruled as long Or when Williā Conquerour subdued all too him selfe at his pleasure and ye shall finde that thesame wickednes raigned then that was now like to haue made vs slaues too the Pope and straungers The rulers were ambicious dissemblers the bishops lordly and vnpreachinge Prelates the people couetous Gods woorde vnknowen and in no degree of men was there any truthe Thus for oure sinfull disobeyinge of God not defendinge hys true religion haue we ben geuē in to the handes of all countries rounde about 〈◊〉 to the Romains and Normains from the South to the Saxons from the Easte too the Danes and Scots frome the Northe What daunger was of late frō the West he that woulde not see shoulde haue felt if God had not holpen in tyme. And leaste they shoulde thinke these plages to be layde on them for some other causes the Prophete tels theym in gods name here what was the cause of al these sorowes and shoulde prouoke also these other whiche folowe to be poured on thē if they did not amende Because this my house saieth God lies waste vnbuilded not regarded of you and ye runne euerye one into his owne house sekinge his own pleasure and profit God wil not suffer his honour to be geuen to anye other or anye other no not oure selues too be preferred before him The Lawier in the gospel askinge oure maister Christe whiche was the firste and greatest commaundement when he hearde this aunswer thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy heart with all thy minde with all thy soule with all thy strength he did alowe it and saide that was the chiefest in dede shall we Christen men thinke other things to be preferred before gods will or our own desires to be more loued and more earnestly fulfilled then gods Naye marke what great plages fel on any countrye we shal see and finde this to be true in all ages that forgettinge gods true religion hath pulled Gods anger alwaies most greuously vpon the people What causes the Iewes at this daye too be driuen oute of their countrye their Citie and Temple vtterly destroyed and they thē selues abhorred of all men but denying Christe to be their sauiour and not receiuinge hys gospel nor buyldinge his house What causes most part of those people to wh●● sainct Paul wrote his Epistles which w● haue to this daye and many other countries to among whom the other Apostles preached to be geuen vp nowe intoo the Turkes Heathens hādes but that they fell from their faith which they first receiued by the Apostles preaching forsake● their christē religion What caused those greuous plages in Egipte but that Pharao would not let the people worship God as Moyses sent from God did will hym What caused Nabuchodonozor of a mightye kynge to be made a vyle beaste ▪ eate hay as Oxen doe but that he woulde not know God and his owne wickednes set vp Idols and kylde them whiche woulde not worship them What caused the chyldren of Israel to haue suche welth for the most part vnder Dauid Salomon Iosaphat Ezechias Iosias which wer good kinges restored religion other tymes to be plaged vnder Ieroboā Athalia Acha● Manasses other wicked kings of whom it is so oft written of euery king in Israel that thei walked in the waye of Ieroboam maintaining Idolatry Nothinge surely but the good kings defended Gods true religion set foorth his woorde buylded his house God blessed thē therefore the other pulled it doune set vp Idolles persecuted his Prophetes burned or hyd vp his scripturs holy woorde folowinge their owne fantasies the teachinges of the false Prophetes and preachers God plaged them therfore And if ye marke the history of the Pope and Mahomet ye shall finde that at the sametime that the Pope in the West part of the world began to get authoritie ouer Kinges and countries too set abrode hys superstition and the people receyued it forsaking Gods religion Mahomet then began in the East parte too growe in authoritie and conquere Countries and hath euermore soo done since that tyme because the people fell from true religion and the more that Countries haue fallen to folowinge of supersticion and forsakinge Christe hys woorde and religion the stronger waxed the Turke and Pope as Goddes plagues too punishe vs and ●e lyke too doe euery daye more more vntyll they be driuen out of Gods church and Christes woord religion and Sacramentes be restored to their simplicitie as Christe did ordeyne them Whan Gregory the firste Pope of that name had denied Ihon archebishop of Cōstantinople striuing with him afore the Emperour Mauritius that Constantinople shoulde be the chiefe churche and that the Bishoppe there shoulde be the chiefest Bishop in authoritie aboue al other Bisshops and sayde that wosoeuer desired the blasphemous name or authoritie was the forerunner of Antichrist Phocas the next Emperour folowing graunted by muche sute Boniface the thirde about the yeare of our Lord. 607. that the bishop of Rome shoulde be the chiefest bishop of all other and therefore is he the blasphemous forerunner of Antichrist as Gregory said full well It was a worthy graunte of suche a wicked Emperour to set vp a Bishop like him selfe Phocas murthered his lord and maister Maurice the Emperoure killed his wyfe and chyldren in his owne sighte ▪ and made him selfe Emperoure Afterwarde he made Boniface the Pope head Bishop ouer all and in Rome the chiefe Thus oure holy father gat his suprimaci by a wicked Emperour not from Peter as he sais but one thefe set vp an other Peter Act. iii sais gold and siluer I haue none but the Pope sais as the Deuil said to Christ whan he tempted him shewed him all the kingdomes and riches of the earth All these are mine I geue thē to whome I lust I wil geue thee thē if thou will fal doune and worshippe me So sais the Pope but he lies as his father the deuill did This thinge once graunted the .xii. yeare of Heraclius the nexte Emperoure after Phocas Machomet the greate Prophete of the Turks inuaded Christēdom the yeare of the Lorde 623. Honorius beinge Pope and almost droue the Emperour out of his Empire made him glad with money to bye peace vnhonorably And since the time the Turke hath growen bygger and bygger in the East countries subduing al to him self but the Emperour weaker and weaker the Pope hath taken from hym mooste parte of hys Empire and rules in the West partes is Emperoure in dede the other hauinge onely the name of an Emperour The religion and authoritie of Machomet the Turkes greate prophete and the Popes religion or rather superstition suprimaci began thus in one age within xvi
xv ii● Reg. xiiii i Reg. xvii Naum. iii. To be rebuked of vnthākefulnes is the greatest grefe to a louing heart Mich. vi Esay i. Iere. viii Excuses of our negligēce be vayne i. Esdra iiii i. Chro. xxiii Luke xiiii God acceptes and requires the seruice of the simplest All things to saluation are geuen indifferētly to the poore ryche The rulers ministers are to be blamed if the people offende thorowe theyr negligence For as brethren they must agre to promot Gods glorye Exod. iiii Num. xxv Ezechiel iii. xxxiii i. Reg. iiii i. Timo. iii. Ezech. xxxiiii To admit an vnable minister is too be partaker of the euill that he doeth i. Timo. v. Roma i. Math. v. An vnlearned minister is not to be suffered in the ministery Wee are lyke the Iewes in longe negligence i. Esdre ii Ester iii. The Text. Gods house is to be bylt before our own Math. vi Vsury vnlawfull Nemi v. All sinne is forbidden a lyke if it lette Gods house Dronkards Esay v. Sluggards Amos. vi Prollers Esaye v Ambitious i. Timo. vi Marchaunts Vnthrifts God allowes the ryche nothinge more to misuse thā the poore Ephe. iiii ▪ Luke xiii No excuse is alowed in not byldinge Gods house i Esdre iiii Daniel vi Actes iiii God is rather to be obeyed then man Luke xiiii Math. v. Luke xvii Princes maye haue houses to their degre so they build Gods house firste ii Reg. vii Psal. cxxxii Vaine excuses in not byldinge Gods house be not alowed Fearfull Prouer. xxii Prouer. xxvi Slouthfull Worldlings Prec xi Prec xi The Gospel is neuer without enemies Iames. iiii Math. vi ii Timo. iiii i. Cor. xv Roma xv i. Cor iii HoWe far the weake is too be born with all Math. xv i. Cor. vii i. Cor. viii Gala. v. All sorts haue woorke in Gods house to doe Exod. xxxv i. Timo. iiii Roma xiii He that thinkes lowlest of himselfe is metest afore God to build Iudg. vi i. Reg. ix Amos. vii Luke i Euery man think this to be spoken to hym selfe The worthynes of the place maketh the faut greater being neglected iii. Reg. viii Cods house The Text. i. Ihon. ii Sīne maketh vs withoute feling of God and his plages Pro. xvi Deut. xxxiii The cause of Gods plage is diligently to be searched Psal. xxiiii Our labour is in vain except God blesse vs. Kauntus Psal. lxxv Psal. xxxvii No desire cā be ruled but by grace keping it vnder Ouidius i Cor. x. Eate not so that it make the vnlusty to serue God Luke xvi A ●hinne dyet with the fear of God is better than feastinge Daniel .i If God blesse them and thy meat it skyls not howe course it bee if no the best can not fede thee Exod. vii Ihon. ii To fede oure bodies is as great a miracle as anye Norishing● The cōmons of Gods workes makes them to seme no miracles which of thē selues be wōderfull i. Reg. xix Si●●●●aining in a man wil le●● nothing that he hāthe do him good Costly apparell and aboue their d●grees Exod. xvi Deuter. xxix English apparell Math. ● Iames. v. ●ail gotten gooddes neuer thriue· Proue xi Toby i● Toby iiii ▪ Iere. vi Euill gotten gooddes waste● that whiche is trulye come by The Text. Targ. dwel in it with glorye An example for prechers i. Esdras iii. iii Reg. v. The Heathē be called too bee membres of Christes churche The painfull labor must be borne without respect Necessarye church goods are not to be 〈◊〉 awaye Goddes house generallye is the whole church or euery particuler person i. Cor● x●● Actes vii Ihon. iiii ● Timo. ij God is worshipped in spirite all places Ihon. ii●i ii Macha v. Commō places of prayer are to be appoynted Heb. x. i. Cor. xiii● ▪ Actes xvii Marke v Luke vii Burials out of church or the yarde Hebru ix Bishops blessings make nor places more holy nor god too heare vs soner there then els where The vse of churches Goddes house generall perticular i. Timo. iii. Hebru i. Cor. vi i. Pet. ii Edifiynge The spirituall house of God Ephe. ii This house nedes continual repayringe helpe of al degrees Psal. cxxvii Psal. xix All offenders must be corrected indiffirently Ezech. xvii● Deut i. Exod. xxiii Math. v. We are lyke to trees ii Cor. iii. Roma x Iohn vi Heliodorus ii Macha iii. God is much delited in the buildinge of his house Alexander Exod. xxxiiii Luke ii Actes viii i. Corin. iiii Math. xviii Most happines is to haue God delited 〈◊〉 vs though we suffer death for it Math. x. i. King ii Math. ● The Text. The euyl bee rather moued with threate t●●nges Beholde No strengthe can put away the plage of God God● house False religiō is the cōmon cause of plages Romaines Saxons Normannes Mat. xxii False religion hath caused al Countries to be plaged Exo. viii ix.x Daniel iiii Mahomet the Pope began their authoritie at one tyme. Gregory He that desires to be aboue all Bisshops is Antichrist The Bishop of Rome is graunted to be aboue al other bishops Carnall foole the Popes ▪ churche Actes vii Math. xi No religion is to be had but that whiche Christe taught Exod xxv Esdras vi Psal. xix xii The Pope thinks his lawes better then Christes Papists differ among them selues in opiniōs of holiest thinges Christ is only scholemaister of his scolers the Papists agre not in themselues Mat. xvii Deu. xviii Actes iii i. corinth i Frauncis Dominic Apoc. xiii Iohn xviii Saluacion onely by Christ. Englande repent Al build their owne houses rather then gods Phillip i Psal. cxix The praise is gods Actes iii The Text. It is profitable to repeat one thing oft Phili. iii. Al good thinges from heauen i. Cor. iiii Iames. i. False religion wil not let the heauens raine nor the earth be fruitfull iij. king ▪ xvii Iames v. Deut. xxviii The diuersity of plages vnder the gospel and poperye Amos. viii Esay xlv Choreb drougth Chereb sworde Moria Sion ▪ No place so holy as to defend the wicked Ieremy vii i King iiii i. Mach. i Math. xxiiii God threatēs that we may auoyde them Gods threatninges haue in them a condicion euer Ionas iij Ieremy xviii God geues warning before he plages Amos. iii ii Peter ii Gene. xix Calling As sone as God cals all thinges obey Psal. cxlviii Gen. i. ●say v. Pro●● The horrible●e● of thys synne not to build gods bouse is procured by the plages Through sin no creature would willingly serue man Psal. viii The disobediēce of creatures shoulde remember vs ●f our fal and gods anger toward sinne Roma vii Gods maiestie is declared in his creatures and saints do not rule them Iob. i. Act. xiii Psa. cxlvii Psal. cxlv and ciiii Isch. Aenosch Adam ▪ None is excused from building gods house Homo Ier. xxii Gen. xviii It is profitable to remember wherof we be Osee. v. The Text. Angel Math. iii Roma x. Law Gospel Rom.
¶ Aggeus and Abdias Prophetes the one corrected the other newly added and both at large declared The earnest loue that I beare to thy house hath eaten me Psal. lxix Ioan. ii Phinees hath tourned awaye my anger because he was moued with loue of me Num. xxv Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres 1562. ¶ A Preface to al that loue the earnest promotinge of Gods glorye in his Churche by true religion ALthoughe the commen vsage of dedicating bookes is to require the defense of some woorthye personage of learnynge or authoritye for the thing that it is written yet the maiestie of the matter in thys boke is such that it rather defendes than sekes defence and thexample of the Prophet whych wrytes it not to one but manye suffers me not to sende it to any one sorte of menne particularly but generallye to all that should vnfeinedly promote the encrease of Gods glory bicause all degrees of men do owe a dutye to the buildinge of this gods house And if anye offence be taken as God knowes none is purposelye giuen the defence of manye is greater than of a fewe and that authoritye or credite which one manne alone can not bring to passe al iointly together shal more easely obtaine The Prophet is sent from God to the Prince the highe Priest and the people so I speake to the rulers the ministers and comminalty The cheef intent of his Prophecie is to stirre all to the spedye buildinge of Gods house whiche they had so long neglected my labour is to bring some of euery sort for al is not possible to an earnest fortheringe of gods true religion of late most mercifullye restored vnto vs which not long agoe most cruellye was persecuted of manye yet hated and of euery man almost now to coldlye folowed and practised But if this Prophecy were read and depelye considered with such a hungry desire of gods glorye as the Prophete spake and wrote it and I for my parte and pore abilitie haue declared it I doute not but the good should be stirred by gods spirit more earnestly to seke gods glory the froward shuld be afrayed of gods plague ashamed stubbernely to striue against the trueth cōtinually The state of religion in these our miserable dayes is much like to the troublesom time that this Prophet liued in God graunt that after many greuous stormes it may take like roote in vs as it did than in them After the long captiuity of gods people in Babilon god gaue them gracyous king Cyrus which set them at liberty and sent them home to builde Goddes house So after our longe Romish slauerye God raysed vs vp good kynges which restored vs gods booke that long had bin buried and loused vs from the bondage of straunge gods forreyn powers cruell hipocrites and wicked Idols And as after that short fredome vnder good Cirus ensued the crueltye of Hamman for negligently handling gods buildinge And not long after milde Ester came blouddy Antiochus for their falling from god So for our talking gospel and not worthely walking nor folowing it vnder our gracyous late Iosias crept out a swarm of Romish waspes stinging to death all that would not worship their Gods nor beleue their doctrine God for his mercies sake graūt that now for our vnthankful coldnes in gods cause vnder our myld Ester burst not out again bloudy Antiochus with his whelpes iustly to auenge our cold slacknes in gods religion and insensible dulnes Gods word is neuer offered and geuen in vaine or to vse at our pleasure but it workes eyther saluacion in them that here beleue and folowe it or els condemnacion in them that proudely despise it sturdely rebell or forgetfully do heare and vnthankfullye receyue his mercies Therefore as after a storme folowes a calme and after winter comes sommer so nowe where God hath geuen a breathing time lest our weakenes had not bene able to haue borne hys heauy displeasure anye longer let vs earnestlye applye our worke whan we haue time for the nyghte wyll come whan no man shall be able to worke If this be true as it is most true in deede that euerye dede of our sauiour Christ is our instruction also that what thynges soeuer are wrytten they be writtē for our learning as S. Paul teacheth let vs cal to remēbraunce what zele earnest loue our sauiour Christ especially shewed in building his fathers house and restoringe the true vnderstanding of the scriptures frō the supersticious gloses of the Scribes Pharises and also what a feruent desire of promoting gods glory our fathers haue shewed afore vs that we may be good scolers of our schoolemaister Christe Iesus and obedient childrē walking in the steppes of our fathers Oure Lorde and sauyour christ comming into the temple and finding it full of biers sellers and chaungers was greeued to see Gods house so misused gate a whippe and droue them al out saiyng My house is a house of praier but ye haue made it a denne of theues so surely al Christians whiche vnfeynedly● beare the name of christ and zelously loue the building of his house woulde gladlye see sinne punyshed and lamente that the whip of Gods disciplyne is not shaken in gods house to the driuing out and confusion of all gredy theues which if they can not get in at the dore by lawfull meanes wil climbe in at the wyndowe and for a litle money wil sel the bodyes and soules of Christes sheepe and make gods house the Popes market place But as she that had so much worke to doe that she could● not tell where to begin sate her downe left al vndone so I say worldly wise men see so many thinges out of order in Gods house and so little hope of redresse that they can not tell which to correct or amēd first and therefore let the whippe lye stil and euery man to do what him lust sin to be vnpunished And not onely this euil reignes but the worlde is come to such a dissolute liberty and negligēt forgetting of god that men sleping in sinne nede not so much a whip to driue anye out of the Churche so fewe come there but they nede a great sorte of whips to driue some fewe thitherwarde For come into a Church on the Sabboth day and ye shall see but few though there be a sermon but the alehouse is euer full Wel worth the Papistes therfore in their kind for they be earnest zelous and painful in their doinges they will build their kingdom more in one yeare with fire and fagot than the colde gospellers will do in seuen A popishe summoner spy or promoter will driue mo to the church with a worde to heare a latin masse than seuen Preachers will brynge in a wekes preaching to heare a godly Sermon If this be not true remember the late dayes of popery and see who durst offend him that weere a shauen crowne Who loked so high
people of 〈…〉 it is not yet time too buylde gods 〈◊〉 And so because the rebuke is general 〈◊〉 all sortes younge and olde 〈…〉 learned and vnlearned they maye 〈◊〉 stande that it is their duties to build go●● house what manner of men so euer they be What a comforte is this for the poor vnlearned man whan he heareth that 〈◊〉 refses not but requires takes in good woorthe that litle seruice whiche he 〈◊〉 and willes him to builde his house 〈◊〉 wel● as the ●yche that he should not 〈◊〉 god loues not poore men nor 〈◊〉 are not able to serue him but he loue 〈◊〉 onelye the ●yths and learned and they mu●●● serue hym Nor agayne he most not thinke I maye doe what I will God cares not for me no● he hath no worke for me to doe in his house It is in buyldinge Gods spirituall house as it is here with vs in oure buyldinges In buyldinges there bee maister Masons and Carpēters which do deuise the worke drawe out the facion of it set their men on woorke there bee also some that fell trees cary stones bringe morter and make cleane the place c. So in buyldinge gods house there be riche learned there be poore and meaner learned but the lowest and meanest of al as he is the creature of God and made not him selfe soo god hath some woorke for him to doe and requires his seruice If he be not a ruler or a preacher yet he hath wyfe and chyldren whome he must se liue in the feare of god and that god wil require of his hand and though he be not maried but both lame blind yet he hath a body and soule which Christe dyed for and they be the house of God and temple of the holy Ghost which we should buylde and of that thou shalte make accoumpt He that hath receyued greater giftes hath a greater charge and more worke shall be looked for of him but if he haue no more but life in him and be not able to styrre any part of him neither hande nor foote yet god will looke that hys mynde shal be continually occupied 〈◊〉 prayer for him selfe and others that he 〈◊〉 no dronkard glutton c. and thynke no● but this is the hyghest seruice that the 〈◊〉 man liuing can do to god Such a louin●e god is our god euen to the poorest man l●uing that he geues him as wel as the ryc●● all thinges indifferently whiche shoulde bring hym to heauen as baptisme fayth ▪ hoope and charitie repentaunce prayer fasting auoyding whoredom theft murther anger c. all are as cōmon as eas●● to come by or rather more easy for the poore then the ryche He disdaynes not but thākefully takes the poorest seruice that 〈◊〉 least creature he hath can do so that he 〈◊〉 it diligently and willingly wil reward that litle so done as liberallye as he doeth the greater He that hath receyued muche shall make a counte of muche and he that hath but litle yet shall make a counte 〈◊〉 that litle But this is marueylous that where all sortes of the people were in faulte 〈◊〉 Prophet is sent by commission from god ▪ namely to Zerubabel the chiefe ruler i● the common wealth and to Iosua the hye Priest as though they had onely synned or they coulde or shoulde remedye thys matter What reason seemes this that when many do offende a few shal be rebuked when all the people be negligent the chiefe rulers both in Ciuil matters of the comō wealth and the chiefe Prieste highest in matters of religion are blamed This is the hye wisedom of god the mans wyt can not attayne vnto and there is greate reason if it be wel considered why it shoulde be so God our heauenly father knowinge the crookednes of mans heart how readye we be all to euil hath appoīted rulers in the comon wealthe too minister iustice punish sinne defend the right cause mē to do their dueties And in his churche he hath placed Preachers to teache his lawe to pul downe superstitiō Idolatry too styrre vp the slouthful negligēt to serue and fear him If either the one or bothe of these rulers be negligēt in their office the people which be alwais readi to seke their owne ease pleasurs fal frō god but god wil punish the ruler for their negligēce that neither they did their duties thē selfs nor see the people doe theirs and thei shal be gilty of the sins of the people and partakers of their wickednes because it was done through their negligence in not punishing and seing the people do their duties bothe to god and man Speake to Zerubabell y● sōne of Salathiel ruler of Iehuda and to Iosua Whan God gathered his church 〈◊〉 ▪ he appointed Moyses and Aaron two ●●●thren to be the chief rulers of the people the one in religion and the other in Ciuil matters to teach vs that these two kin●● of rulers be lawful and necessary in a common wealth that they should loue sticke together like brethren ▪ that the one with the woorde and the other with the sworde shoulde ioyntely buylde gods house pull downe Antichrist the Pope and set vp the kingdome of Christ. When the chyldren of Israel had committed idolatry in Baal Peor and fallen to adultry with the wo●men of Moab Moyses in the name of god commau●des all the Rulers of the people to be hanged on gallowes againste the Sunne be●cause they did not their dueties in keping the people from such mischiefe To the preachers saieth Ezechiel thou sonne of man I haue made thee a watche manne to the house of Israel thou shalt heare woordes of my mouth and shew them from me If I saye to the wicked thou wicked thou shalt dye the death thou wilt not speak to him that he maye kepe him frome hys wickednes the wicked shal dye in his wickednes but I wil require his bloudde of thy handes but if he wil not leaue hys wickednes when thou tel best him he shall dye in his wickednes ▪ and thou hast saued thine owne soule because thou hast done thy duety in warning him By these punishementes we maye se that it is neyther the duety of Ciuyll rulers by what name so euer they be called to be negligēt in their duety or to set in an euill deputy for them to gather vp the profites that they may go hawke or hunte game or keepe whores for god that gaue theym that authoritiye will loke ▪ for a count for it of them nor that it is lawfull for Bishop Deane ▪ Archedeacon ▪ Prebendarie or Parson to set in a parish priest to make cōiured water serue the people in a straunge tunge which neither he nor they vnderstande for by these meanes the people be not amended Hely hauing complayntes made to him of the vnhappines of his chyldren fell and brake his necke because he would
grace strength● and boldnes to offer oure bodies to deathe withoute feare for the buildinge of Gods house rather then to see it lye waste troden vnder fete What greater comfort cā any Christians haue than in geuing their bodies to death for the buildinge of thys house whan he hears God saye that he is delited in their so doīg that he wil shew his glorie in them What greater promocion can a mā come to than to be one such instrumēt wherin God wil be delited and shew his glorie Death of the body is greuous to the flesh but death of the soule is a thousand times more fearful too a good man the one is a litle painfull for a tyme the other hath grefe without ende Therfore Christ saieth feare not them whiche kyll the bodye and can not hurt the soule but fear him which can cast bothe bodye soule into hel fire Suche an earnest loue shoulde we haue to the buildinge of Gods house bothe the hearers teachers bothe to build be builded by al meanes possible because he is so well delighted in it that we should feare neither losse of goods nor yet death of body no nor displeasur of mā so that we maye please God haue hym delighted in our doynges To please man is but a smal thinge but to please God is the greatest good thinge that can be he the honours me saieth God I wil glorifi him and he that cōfesseth me before men I wil confesse him before my father and he that is ashamed of me I will bee ashamed of hym and he that denies me before men I wil denie hym before my father in heauē verse 9 Ye haue looked for muche beholde it is but litle ye haue brought it into the house and I haue blowē on it And why so sayeth the Lord of hostes ▪ because thys is my hous● whiche lieth waste and 〈◊〉 runne euery one to his ow●● house ¶ The chiefest reasons too perswade 〈◊〉 euill man to leaue any wicked wayes 〈◊〉 to set before him and often to put hym 〈◊〉 remembraūce howe God hath ben angry● with hym when he did such thinges and punished him as long as he laye in suche forgettinge of his Lorde God and also to threaten him with greater plagues if he do continue in them styll Bothe these kyndes of counsayle doeth the Prophete here vse to sturre them vp to buylding of this house of God He bothe sundry 〈◊〉 cals to their remembraunce the great p●●●ges whiche they suffered ofte and longe afore tyme for not buyldinge Gods house and also biddes them not thinke that all their sorowe was at an ende but more greater scourges was hanging ouer their heads if they would not buylde his house earnestly and if they ceased not to sinne God woulde not cease to punish them and if they continued styll not regardinge the buyldinge of his house God woulde continue still encreasinge his curses on thē Ye haue ben gredy desiringe muche sayth the prophet ye haue scraped and scratched together all ye could laye your handes on ye haue spent your money and wroughte youre selues weary thinkinge to enriche your selues by suche meanes but beholde and marke it well and it is come but too litle Where the scripture vses to saye beholde there it tels some notable straunge thinge as this is here that their laboure wasted awaye vnprofitably they coulde not tel how That waye wherby all other waxe wealthy hathe done you no good those meanes whiche God vses to woorke by in other and blesse them in you it hath not gone forwardes accordinge to youre expectation and lokinge for yea and that whiche is most merueilous youre corne other fruites hath not onely not encreased in the fielde but whē it hath ben brought into the barnes it hath consumed there you coulde not tell how A man woulde thinke his corne were sure inoughe when it is in the barne for whilest it is in the fielde it is subiect to many daungers as blassinge myldews frost byting thunder beating layde with a raine or shakē with the wind stolē or eaten with beastes c. but euen in youre varnes saieth God I haue blowen on it It is as easye for me saieth God to waste it in the house as in the field For if I but blow on it it is not able to stande in my sight And as afore he saide their money fell out of the purse botome so now in their houses their fruites were not sure No locke vp in stoone houses if ye will it is as easy for God too consume it there as to blow a blast with hys mouth yea nothing shal withstande hym whatsoeuer ye deuise but he will take it frō you ye shal not haue your pleasure by displeasing God nor any thing shall prosper with you vntil ye build him his house that is to say maintain his pure religiō defend his honour forsake your vain pleasures refrain your gredy coueteousnes The defēding of true religion with a good godly life is nowe the true buyldinge of Gods house nowe commaunded vnto vs and that man Citie or countrye whiche doeth not build this house so hath shall haue the like plages fall on theym vntyll they ernestly build this house of the Lords For as a kinge is stablished in his kingedome whan his godly lawes are taughte kepte and that realme is strongly buylded and blessed of God wher good order is maintained so is Gods church cōgregatiō wel surely builded where gods word religion is purely taught sin punished vertue embraced God can no more suffer his lawes to be contēned or his honor geuen to Idols thā kings can suffer their kingdoms to be betraied to their enemies For as in the hole history of the Iewes cōmon welth in the boke of the Iudges and the kings while the people liued in the fear of the Lord kept his religion geuen thē from God thei were defended by god from all enemies round about thē were thei neuer so many so stronge But when they would worship God either as thei lust thē selues or not at al or els as he did not appoint them thā they were geuen into the hand of the Philistins Ammonites Chaldees Egiptians c. somtime for the space of .40 yeares sometime .18 sometime 70. and whan they were least three years So shall all they that buylde not or pull doune Gods true religiō set vp the Popes taughte by manne and not of God lykewise be punished or worse eyther wyth hunger pestilence swoorde or blynde ignoraunce not knowynge God and bee geuen vp too theyr owne lustes without remorse of conscyence or anye feare of God whyche is the greatest plague that can be Marke oute of oure owne Chronicles what was the estate of th●● oure Realme when we were made Tributaries to the Romayns by Iulius Ceasar and so continued .400 yeares more Or
all the Enemies of God his woorde people Religion to leaue their wickednes and to comforte the good manfully too beare their madnes and patiently to loke for Gods goodnes LIke as in Aggeus my endeuor and purpose was that those that feare the Lorde shoulde be sturred vp to an earnest buyldinge of Gods house louinge of his woorde and maintaininge of true religion so in this shorte Prophete my trauall and meaninge is that the wicked vnderstanding how vainly they stryue with all their witte power policie against the poore simple innocent crucified Christ Iesus the almighti sonne of the liuing God the wisedome and power of God his father might cease their raginge madnes and not onelye that but also howe they shal be ouerthrowen in their owne deuises that they imagine against true Christians the misticall members of his body and churche or againste hys woord and religion as all their fathers haue bene frome the beginninge whose steppes they folow in hating and persecuting gods people Their stomackes be stout theyr pollices great their might is stronge their wittes are wile yea all the worlde is on their side yet in the ende they shall serue dastards ignorant helples witles and misers for as the wise man sais ther is no wisedom politie nor counsell againste the Lorde The more wisdom subtiltie strengthe or power that a man hais the more he hais it to hys owne destruction if he haue it not and vse it too the glory of God and comfort of hys people For as wylde beastes the more fearce and cruel that they be the more it harmes them and causes men to hunt and seke wais how too destroy them so the more that the wicked set vp thē selfes against the Lorde and oppresse hys people the readyer i● God to help and deliuer his and ouerthrowe the other Can they finde any rebels againste God hys woorde and people from the beginninge too thys day that hais preuailed agaynst the Lorde and hys chosen folke If there be none as it is mooste true none to be how can they loke to be the firste Why maye not true Christians boldely saye with Dauid than Why do the Heathen freate and fume and the people imagine vain thinges againste the Lorde and his anointed saying ▪ let vs brust in sunder their bondes and cast their yoke awaye frō vs. But it folowes he that dwels in the heauens will mocke them and the Lord will laughe them too scorne In the twoo first sinnes of Adam and soo orderly in al ages to these dayes it appeares how the wicked continually malice persecute the good but to the burt of theym selues and the prayse of the godly Cain killed his brother Abel thought he should haue ben blameles but Abels innocent bloude and suche like cried vengeance on Cain hys folowers from that daye to this and the righteous God reuenges it dayly and at length wil cōdemne the obstinate vtterly C ham mocked hys father Noe and hys seede the Canaanites persecuted Gods people the Iewes that came of Sem his brother therefore his posteritie was accursed of God to the worlds ende The proude Giants with their captain Nimrod buylding the tower of Babell to get them selues a name in earth were ouerthrowen in their owne deuise by God from heauē Carnal Ismael sought to destroy the promysed Isaac but in vain Bloudy Edō or Esau whom thys Prophete describes sought the deathe of his brother Iacob but the God of Abraham their father saued them Ioseph was solde into Egipt by hys brether and by the false accusinge of his maysties was wrongefully prysoned yet hee that sittes on hygh looked doune to the lowe dungeon of the pryson and raised Ioseph to be ruler and sauer of the lande The Egiptians oppressed Gods people for a tyme but the Lord of hostes drouned Fharao and hys companye for their crueltye againste them the frowarde people murmuringe often againste their captain Moyses some were swalowed vp with earth quick some burned with fire The Philistians and seuen nations rounde aboute Gods flocke kepte continual warre against them yet they coulde neuer deuoure them but were deuoured at the length Saul and hys flatterers banisshed and pursued poore Dauid whome his God of a shepeherde made a kynge mauger all his foes The ten tribes of Israel with their kyngs were enemies to Iuda Beniamin euermore yet though they were the strōger mo in number thei were soner rooted oute The Chaldes Assirians Persiās Grecians and Romaines the mightiest princes on the earth oft subdued the Iewes forsakinge theyr God but the Lorde their olde sauiour euer restored them agayne when they fought him vnto thei vtterly refused Christ their sauiour The Iewes crucified Christ Iesus oure Lorde thrust hym to the heart with a speare buried hym and layed a heauy stoone on hym thinkinge he should neuer ryse agayne a conqueror but in vain was all theyr spite and their labor lost Themperour many yeares cruellye tormented all that beleued in the Lord fondly thinkinge to haue by that meane● ouerthrowen them The Pope in processe of time conquered almoste al princes except the Gretians vnto of late the Lord opening the eyes of some brake hys snares and deliuered hys folke Mōkes and Ereres by mans traditions woulde haue ouerwhelmed true religion Papistes of late haue banisshed burned and persecuted many godly men so cruelly as no history speakes of the like thys thousande yeare willing to haue feared all frome euer acknowledging their Lord Christe Many Heretikes haue laboured to haue defaced Goddes truthe but al is in vain God his name bee praysed therefore hais ouerthrowen them in their highest ruffe laughed them to scorne and raised vppe that whiche they would most gladly haue vtterly oppressed ▪ For as death and the graue could not preuaile against Christ our head no more shall it against his bodye and members As Nimrod therefore Pharao Ieroboam Nebucadnezar Darius Alexander with all their kyngdoms and partakers be now vainquished and subdued by the Turke the Sophi and the Souldan priester Iohn other Heathen princes their coūtries made wast straūgers possesse them their religion altered frō euill to wors their cytyes townes and temples as the Prophetes did tell afore are made dennes of wilde beastes owles other filthy byrds so sence christ that which Emperors māfullly cōquered the pope by subtiltie deuoured made him selfe a prince of princes but now by the power of Gods woorde preached he is made a laughing stocke to al thos● whose eyes the Lord hais opened to see his abominations and all realmes that afore feared hym ▪ now God visiting hys people fal from hym For as the woodbinde leaning to a tree climbes vp spreades it selfe ouer all the branches vnto it haue ouergrowen and kylled the hole tree as a strōg ●eady streame vndermining great hygh bankes at length makes all to tumble intoo the water and wasshes it awaye so
the Pope first seeking aid at princes hands finding fauor ouerwhelmed thē all at length as the woode bind and vndermining them as the heady waters hais throwen thē doune these many yeares vnto it pleased God to opē the eyes of some few to consider their estate and seke for remedy No kingdom people nor religion that withstode god and his truthe can be found but it hais ben ouerthrowen Babylon the first wurst continued longest yet it had an ende by the Persians The Persians Greciās and Romains can not altogether compare in tyme with Babilon yet thei be vainquisshed away Poperi hais troubled gods churche a long tyme but nowe throughe godde● mercy it melts away like snowe afore the sunne But Christ saieth our religion and people professing the same without all kynde of Popish superstition haue ben from the beginninge continued in all ages from time to time and at these dayes the Lords name be praised therefore hole countries do abhorre his abhominations In the middes of all mischief whan euerye kynde of fleshe had so defiled him self that god of iustice drowned the hole world except eight persons yet was there found kept vndefiled and calling vppon the liuinge god with true faythe holye Seth Enos Enoch Noe c. In Idolatrous Chaldae was faithfull Abraham Sarai Nahor and Lot c. In superstitions Egipt liued innocently Iacob and hys sonnes Moises Aaron c In the wildernes wandred in gods feare Iosue Caleb Phines Eleazar c whan the number of gods people encreased in the tyme of the Iudges and kings there were so many godly men found amonge the people beside men of power as Gedeō Iephthe Dauid Iosaphat Ezechias Iosias that thei can not be numbred Against Iesabel stode vp Elias Eliseus Abdias c. In the captiuitie were Esdras Daniel Aggeus Nehemias with many moe Against Haman and Holophernes stode Ester Mardocheus Iudith and Alier What valiāt warriors the Machabees were against bloudy Antiochus the auncient father Eleazar the manly mother of the vii brether soo cruellye murthered the history declares From Christes time to consider gods stout souldiors it is harder to tell where to beginne than where to make an ende The Apostles and Martirs so cruelly tormēted be so many and so wel knowen that they nede not to be rehersed What stormes than can the Pope deuise with his clergy to oppresse deface and ouerthrow god his woorde religion or people Can thei be more cruel thā Nero Diocletian Domitian Can rhei passe Iesabel Nebucadnezar Antiochus or suche like beastlye tormentors In the spite of all the mightie persecutours God blessed his Surely their mischeuous malice bloude thirsty tyranny passe all these in madnes and yet if they could passe them selues in cruelty all is vain He is stronger that is with vs than any can be against vs. The deuil is cruel in his mēbers but the louing Lord forsakes not his Let not the wicked thā triūphe nor gods peple be disamaied God our father for loue will trie his people what they will beare for his sake but of mercy he will not lay to heauy loodes on vs nor forsake vs the Lord of strength and power will shew hys glory in our weakenes that by his mightie hande suche weake bodyes may be strengthened to suffer that that passes reason The oftner that the goldsmith tries his gold in the fyre beates knockes it with hys hammer the finer is the gold the more that god tries our faith in the fornace of tēptation the more he loues vs and the more we glorifie hym The stormy winter cā not ouerwhelm the fruites of Sommer Weedes be many yet the corne is not deuoured wylde beastes be cruel yet god defends the shiftles sheepe Many fishes be raueners yet the yong fish encreases the Hawkes be gredy yet shifts the littell byrds Dogs hunte folow the chase most gredily ▪ yet escapes safeli the fearfull hare Sommer is raging hoate yet the leaues make a comfortable colde shadow the wind● blowe boustously yet stand faste the low busshes whan the great ookes are ouerthrowen the waues of the sea are rough hudge yet safelye slips away the slyding shippe the rage of fyre is swaged with water the heady streames are kepte in with bankes Vnruly people are brideled by lawes hote burning feuers are coled by medecines ▪ Thus euer against an extremite God hais prepared a remedy that fearfull man shuld not mistrust gods carefull prouidence that he takes for hym How should proud Popery than thinke too conquere all by might and cruelty that god defendes so fatherly and why should gods people be afraid at euery storme he that smites heales and he that sends trouble gyues strength Let vs therfore pluck vp our stomackes and pray with s. Augustine D● quod iubes iube quod vis Lord giue me strēgth to do and beare that that thou commaundes and commaunde what thou will It is wonderfull to consider the folishnes of the wicked which in politie wold seme so wise The higher that a man climmes the nerer and more daungerous is hys fall the greater weighte that is cast on the soner it breakes the faster a mā runnes ▪ the sooner he is wery the forther that the bowe is drawen the sooner it flies in peeces The heauier that the cart is loden the slower it goes the hooter that the fyre is the lesse whyle it continues The more greuous that the disease is the shorter it is Tyrannes raygne not long wylde beastes the crueller they be the more thei be hunted and killed In summe No violent thinge can longe endure Yet foolish Papistes thinke wyth cruelty to wishe their will to raygne like lordes of the lande and stablish their kingdom on earth and to bring it so to passe that not onely menne dare not or will not withstande them but willingly beleue folow doe and practise whatsoeuer they commaunde them they can not be so ignorant to not knowe these thinges and wilfully to wishe againste knowledge and conscience muste nedes be a great madnes Gods woord Christian faith and religion is of that nature that the more it is persecuted the more it thriues the more it is hated the more good men loue it the faster that thei be puld from it the more they runne vnto it Let theym therefore consider howe God hais wrought in other kyngdoms ouerthrowing thē all that set vp them selues against him ▪ and howe yet he works in the naturall course of thinges to teache vs by them his like working for vs spirituall thinges and let theym looke for no lesse a● ouerthrowe at gods hande in his appointed time If these things can not perswade them to stai their rage I woulde thei would cōsider to whom thei make them selues seruaunts that thei mighte be ashamed to serue so vile a maister They geue place to the deuill for all cruelti is of him they b●●ome his instruments whereby he workes hys feates they be his slaues
man will see his house pulled doune ouer his head but he will restore it A good burgmaister and ruler of a citie will prouide necessaries for his that he hais rule ouer therfore seinge our God hays taken all these names and offices on him doubt not but he will doe his part for vs if wee doe not runne from him He settes not deputies to doe his office nor is not wery of well doinge He beares not the name of these offices and refuses the labor as men doe but he sais by Salomon My delite is to be with the chyldren of men and by Dauid he neither slumbers nor slepes that watches Israel verse 17 But in the hyll Syon shal be eschaping and there shall be holines and the house of Iacob shall possesse the enheritaunce of them which possessed hys verse 18 And the house of Iacob shall be fire the house of Ioseph the flame and the house of Esau for stuble shal burne them and shall deuoure thē and there shal be no remnant of the house of Esau for the Lorde hays spoken it verse 19 They shall possesse the south parte of the hyll Esau the playne countrie of the Philistines and they shall possesse the countre of Ephraim and the coūtrie of Samaria Bēiamin shall possesse Galaad verse 20 And the captiuite of this hoste of the chyldrē of Israel those whiche be the Cananites vnto Zarphat and the captiuitie of Ierusalem whiche be in Sepharad shall possesse the cytyes of the South verse 21 And there shall come sauiours in to the hyll Syon to iudge the hyl Esau and the kyngdome shall be the Lords ¶ Marke here the diuerse ende of the good and bad the persecuted and the persecutor the true Christian and the hypocrite the gospeller and the papiste The wicked florishes for a time but his ende is euerlastinge damnation the manne of God lokinge for an other kyngdome than on the earth is content to beare the crosse here vnder hope of that which is to come The stocke of Esau hays hitherto triumphed againste Iacob Goddes people but now whan his wickednes is ripe the Lord rewarde him accordinge to his desertes The hyll Esau afore reioiced in his strōg holdes wealthy countrie and the leages made with al neighbors round about thē but now in the hill Sion shall be safe esscapinge whan Edom shal haue no place to flee vnto In Sion that is Ierusalem and Goddes elect beloued people shall be holines the true worshipping of God the hole sanctuarie and temple where Gods holy name shall be called vpon where as Esau in the meane time is defiled with Idolatrie and geuen vp to the handes of the gentils Yea and furthermore Iacob shal possesse the lande of them that possessed his And although God haue promised to godlines not onely in the worlde to come but in this life also great blessings as appeares by Iob Abraham Isaac Iacob Dauid Iosias Ezechias Iosaphat whiche were of greate ryches yet this place doe I not thinke to be so vnderstand that Iacob should euer possesse the landes of Esau although the scriptur says that Dauid Iacob ouercame the Edomites But I think rather vnder this outward kingdom to be prophetied that the kyngdom of Christ as the Prophetes vse by worldlye prosperite to declare the spiritual felicite by the preachinge of the Gospell shoulde be enlarged in those coūtries which were now enemies to God and his people and so the spirituall seede of Iacob the Christians shoulde by preachinge conferre and possesse Esau his lande and the gentyls whiche so sore hated and persecuted them afore This is the nature of Goddes people to be good to the● which hate them and to winne them all to God which haue done them moste displeasures and this is the nature of God to cal thē which be hys vtter enemies soften their stony hearts to make theym meete houses for the holy ghoste to dwel in in the middest of their raging persecution to smite them doune as he did Saul raise them vp make thē Paules of wolues sheepe of haters louers of the truthe Thus shall Esau be destroied whan his Idolatrie superstitiō false goddes such wickednes shall be taken awaye and Iacob shall possesse him whan he shal turne him too the true worshipping of the liuing god forsaking their Idols superstitions and folow true religion What can be counted a greater conquest than to conquere the deuil make all people subiect to Christ. After rebukinge their sinne threatening them iuste punishment for thesame now folowes cōfort as euer after the lawe preached folowes the gospel after correction comes grace pardō Siō is the church congregation of Christe faithfull men beleuing in him so that whosoeuer flees thither shal be safe whosoeuer is not vnder his winges in the nūber of christen people shal perishe in the dai of his wrath As all liuing creatures which were not in the Arke with Noe did perishe with the waters so al that be not of goddes houshold shal be cast into outward darknes This other promise that God makes here vntoo the faithfull seede of Iacob that hays hys faith is most notable confortable In the hyl Sion the church of Christ there shal be the holy one as 70. reade or holines as other or the sanctuarye as summe holy place to worship God in purely It skilles not muche whiche we reade for the sens● is al one the meaning is that the churche and faithful people of Christ shal not wāt the true religion knowledge of god For the church of Christ is the spouse of Christ and his mistical bodye and if mortal men loue their wyues bodies so derelye that they wil not forsake them or leaue theim comfortles muche lesse will Christe oure sauiour not forsake vs after that he hays redemed vs seing he bought vs and loue vs so derely beinge hys ennemies Thys is than the greatest token of goddes loue to hys people whanne he gyues them hys true religion and therefore mooste earnestly too bee enbraced of vs And thys is the blessinge taken frome Esau and geuen to Iacob If we reade the holy one he is Christe whiche promised to bee with vs to the ende of the worlde he is made to vs of God oure father righteousnes holines wisedom and redemption because that who soeuer is holy receyues it of him and none is holy that hais it not of him though he haue bulles calues pardons reliques holy water holye asshes holy palmes holy crosse yea and all the holines that is in Rome if he haue not the spirite of Christe I am sure they will not saye they sell the holy Ghoste whan they sell pardons for that were symony therfore thei bye no holines in them If we reade holines than it is an vpright lyfe true faith with pure worshipping of God This is the wil of God says sainct
Paul your holines As they haue but one God so they will worshippe him onely and as he hais taught them and not after the deuise of man thei will also studie for a holy life as God commaundes Be ye holy for I am holy And if we reade a holy place or sanctuari to worshippe God in it is true also for in all persecutions in the spite of the Pope and all Antichrist there hays ben in all ages and shal be for God so sayinge can not lye true professors of God althoughe the moste parte of the worlde was blinded So Christe cōforts his sayinge feare not thou litel flocke Thus in Christes churche in spite of their foes shall euer be Christ the heade knit to the bodye necessarely and as he is holy so shal he make them holy that heng vpon him so gouerne them by his spirite that they shall euer folow a holy kinde of lyfe fleinge mischiefe and vnclennes and so shal thei haue also his sanctuari and holy place where to resort to worship their God here is worde and call vpō him Abrahā Isaac Iacob Dauid in their wādrings called vppon their God taughte their chyldren too feare the Lorde made their sacrifices and God reueled him self to them againe and neuer forsaked them In the captiuite of Babylon thoughe not in the temple yet they coulde by the water bankes singe psalmes on their instrumentes Whanne Christ was crucified the disciples kepte them together in a chamber praying and loking for the cominge of the holy Ghoste after whan persecution beganne some went to other countries some from house to house teachinge prayinge communicatinge and dealinge to the poore Paule sayes at Philippes by the water side thei were wonte too praye and in the middes blindnes of all Poperi hayes there euer ben some good men teachinge true doctrine and openinge their blasphemies for this can not be false that Christ promised his churche When the spirite whic● is the comforter shal come he shall leade you into all truthe I will be with you vnto the ende of the worlde he that is of God heareth the woordes of God you heare not for because ye are not of God And my shepe heare my voice a straunger they doe not folow Therefore let all that be vnder the crosse and persecution se thei assemble together to praise God openly confesse him if it be possible or at the leste as muche as they maye folowing the example of the faithfull christians in the beginninge whiche in spite of their foes coulde not be holden from assembling together with prayers and songes afore the daye was lighte nor lette any papiste reioyce againste goddes scatered and persecuted flocke for this is the state and condition of goddes people and preachinge the gospell that they shal not want a crosse yet God will performe this promise that in Sion the holy one Christe will be with them to gouerne them in holines of lyfe purenes of religion and an earnest fayth trustinge in God and will geue theym a place to call vpon hym in that his might mercy grace to his people may appeare to the worlde in the sight of his enemies Whan Abraham and Iacob fledde into Egipte the Egiptiās learned God which afore neuer heard of him in the captiuite of Babylon the Caldees Assyrians Babylonions Medes and Parsians with al other people amonge whome the Iewes were scatered lerned God of them Whā persecution beganne in Ierusalem after Christes Ascension the disciples scatered by persecution went and preached Christ to the Heathen whiche afore heard not of him In Englande after Wiclefs death whan persecution arose some died for the trueth constantly some fledde into Boemia and broughte the gospell thyther where it continues to this day although bothe Emperoure and Pope with al their mighte many sharp battels and bloudde sheddinge woulde haue rooted it oute What great assaulte the poore Waldeses haue suffered at diuers French kings handes goinge aboute to haue destroied them for their religion beinge a fewe in number and yet coulde neuer deface thē this .360 yeares it is piteous to heare Thus is this euer true that in Sion the true church of Christ shal be the holy one Christ sanctifieng all that beleue in him there shal be holines in faithe religion maners to the prayse of God there shal be also a sanctuari and holy place with assēbles in spite of their foes and persecutiō does not hurt but rather increase and further true religion thoughe not in the greater yet in the better parte of men For who soeuer the holy ghoste does enflame with an earnest zele to his religion they canne not kepe it within them they canne not abide to see their God and his woord blasphemed thei will braste oute and declare their faith and saye the earnest loue towardes thy house hais eaten me as oure Sauioure Christe did whan he see the tēple his fathers house so misused and hys religion contemned he gate whippes and droue them out Ieremie sayes the worde of God was to hym as a burninge fyre in his hearte and closed within his boones that he was not able too keepe it within him but woulde brust out This victory is sette oute more at large in the nexte verses folowinge where hee sayes the house of Iacob shal be fyre the house of Ioseph the flame and the house of Esau the stable c. Here is no description of horse haines gunnes any greate hoste or such other worldly things where in princes doe conquire and triumphe As the house of Iacob is spirituall and the kyngdome of Christe so be the weapons souldiers and victorie The swords where with thei faught were as the apostle sais the woorde of god which is sharper than any twooedged swoord and per●es more the soule conqueres the affections pulles doune hygh stōmackes deper than the swoorde can the bodye The gunnes were the Apostles words as Iames and Ioan were called the sonnes of thunder because with suche great power thei thundered terribly preached and feared carnall mindes more than the thūder does and threw doune sinne more than any gunnes coulde the walles Whan Peter at two sermons conuerted 5000. and Paul filled all countries frome Ierusalem to Illyzicum with the gospell what Emperour is able to bee compared of suche men of warre Whan Charles the .5 Emperour beganne to raygne Luter and Zuinglius began thesame time to preache and whither he hays throwen doune stopped and hindered the gospell more with al the help that his gostly and superstitious prelates coulde gyue than they with their scholers haue set it foorth and shewed the wickednes of Popery defaced his pompe let them selues iudge The Pope with his partakers haue had strength power politie wit wisedome armure gunnes horses harnes men and money and whatsoeuer they could deuise these other haue foughten with preachīg writing and giuing